-iviOCllAT AND STAlLi Congressional c0 ; LO CAL DEPARTL1EN T . BLOOMSBURG . Wednesday, September 12, '66. E Wrwil) than bur, readers for all loclit occar- rencea in their immediate localities. If they oo mot desire ta writ n communication for the public eye. let them send us k brief statement of everything of latere at in their respective communities A list of marrta.es. deaths, accidents. rs. removals, .busi ness changes, fc-.' We . wiO put them In form. The more facta of this kind we can get the better it will auit na and our readers- Who will do it J - To Advertisers. Persons wishing advertisement Inaerted. must band ibera in early on Tuesday morn ing to insure their inaertion for that week. IS? Gold is selling at KG and 14GJ. rCT Don't forget the Democratic meetiru toext Thursday night in Snyder's IlalL ' '. . . m m , t?2- We extend onr sincere thanks tcTonr country friends for their kindness in sending is rtezn'g of local hews. ip3-L.J. Jv RoiiElNS wnTpay the highest market price for Clover and Flax seed, until ! icf A pa .. s- . s.j v A . C ua-ij, llCiU an effectual remedy against worms. EG. A Democratic Cluhast been organ- " , T 1. 1 1 l'V.,i.r.l,.iwrt . 1 T....TV. . An- 1. . r, . tlx XJLU .lii.i. U.I , 1U1 IJUUAU ivnusui)) and is now m euecesfia operation, rdeet- inga will be held every Saturday evening un til the election. W r. . ' .. tSF" WxaQng the fjruit growew of J3Ioom- burgwe. think wo are tiarht,4 when we sa', that Jlai ttSrlljcDE2iSiOTtxCcUiri the busine.iab.cabrdm.j tof the .'number of trees in'my lot-'rHcr has the- finest and fullest trees of appfes that we have seen anywhere J. J. Rodbins & Co., have opened a new And extensive lumber yard and planing mill, in Bloomsburg, to which attention is directed and for which an advertisement will ' . - - . ..... appear in our next paper. ' tSg" Jonx R. Moter, desires attention to Iu4 large and varied' assortment cf fruit cans, for putting up peaches and other fruit?, all of which are of the most approved styles and will be eold lit Igw prices. ft;.'. :t m i m m n Thanks. Mr. andMrs. Uirara J. Rccder, of Franklin township, have our thanks for a lot of their most choice pears and peaches. We never saw finer or tasted better fruit.- The peach crop, this season has not been an avcrace one in this county. Mr. Reeder's orchard looks well tress all thrifty but the frost destroyed nearly all th. fruit in it last spring. "Apples seem to be in abundance this year, in all sections. Tiie Old Leaven at Wobj The Loyal League of Philadelphia considers it an in sult to have the portrait of any Union officer. however distinguished, in its rooms, who fa vor the restoration policy of President John son, and hve,'"therefore, had several of that character removed. : That is the spirit of old Federalism revived. ' .' "Bei- The Radicals Lad a Ghaut rally in Snyder's Hall, on the evening of the 4th inst. A retired Methodist Minister, by the name of D. C. Joun, harrangued the few boys.' "We have known this disciple of the "higher law" doctrine for some time, and always suspected him one half fool and the other half fanatic. We were present during his "spouting" and are now eure of it. ' - ' The Sold lei3 and the Sailors Mov INQl In almost every country paper wo sec long listsjof soldiers' jnd sailors' names at tached to calls for the election of delegates to the Cleveland Soldiers' Convention to sus tain the President, on the 17th of Sepfcm ber. ; The New York Times, edited by IIen- ar J. Raymond, the Chairman of the Re publican National Committee, estimates that nine-tenths of the soldier- are for sustainin the President.; " 1 " Important to Printers. The Secretary of the Interior has received from a gentle- maa in New Jersey, samples of paper man ufactured from Sedge grass, a grass which grows in great abundance, upon all tide-water flats. The paper is very white and clear, and will undoubtedly prove a good substitute for ordinary writing paper made of cotton or linen rags.. It i. estimated that it can be manufactured for twenty per cent less than variety now in nsn, and this circumstance Inrto rpnrJf-r-stlift" fllnrnvRrv nf rraafc imnnr- nce to the intcro4-of the country. A, FunnBook ha?jut come to xl called '1V,r-.i--.ol f-i-rnj frniri f hfl Jrnt flit ITall It ps one of frh-e jolliest little books .we ever sa full of fury. ide-plittin pictures and capital jokes. It 13 "a" good thm to have abou'f thd'houfiebr, as -it 13 made to nicely fit in Vhe pocket, it w just what is often wantcl ta makc.a merry evening. ' It is giv en awayTatuitouly by Wanamakerit Brown the'poputr Clothiers, Oak Hallt S. E. cor. th and iurket sts.i Philadelphia, and any body can ge it by enclosing their address and a two-cent scamp lor. the postage. 5s?" The fo5pwin.I is the score of match game of BaseVBall, played between the "LiveOakV' ofjanville.and the "Pioneer," .of this plaee. The game was played on the ground of the former, on Saturday, the 1st or September; in V which the latter were beaten by 87 runs, as the annexed score will show:' . ' ' ' ' V , LIVE OAKS. Diddle, c . Vansant, p. 3?rick, ?. s. Philips, 1 b. Health, 2 b. . Harder, 3 b. Woods, L f. Reynolds, c f. Kipp, r. f- l ol nil pioneer. I ol r 12 10 13! 12 ! Mitchell, c, S Persons who wish to preserve peach at Philadelphia, on the 14th of August last, trees can do so hy placing-" a square box four . At moment the Committee, appointed ' . x i i to inform Mr. Llwell ox his nomination, or six inches hiSh, and 12 inches square fid- rctarned with tLat gentieman, who, in a few edwithsrecn walnuts orwalout hulk It is pointed and brief remarks, accepted the any 4 - a 3 1 3 1 1 1 4 0 2 1 2 0 3 ' 1 2 2 2 1 Girton, p. Edwards, s. s. WaUcr, 1 b. Penman,2 b. Buskirk, 3 Lee, L f. Rinker, c t. Montr r. f. 12 9 i INNINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1X71 OA53. 4. 14. 16. PIONEER. 1. 2. 0. 1. 13. 23. 17. 94. 1. 2. 1.. 1. 08. Iassed Bails Live Oaks, 2 : Pioneer, 7. Struck Out Live Oaks, 1 ; Pioneer, 3. ' ITy Catches Live Oaks, 7; Pioneer, 9. Put out oa Foul Balls Live Oaks, 8; Pioneer. 3. Umpire-:if. Frick, of the AlertB. B. C. of Danriile. . .. Scorers Mr. J. Revriold3, for Live Oaks, - 1 7;L. 1'jerly, for Pioneer. . "rzo of Gan-i Three hours and a half. . meeting or trier uo2Tessionai uonier- ees of the counties of Bradford, C'olmubi. Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming, composing th 13th Cnnrreatdonal District Ot iennyl- .0-ibur2 on Ihursday, the 6th inst.. the foliowing gentlemen were preeentf; Biuvdfohd.-C. S. Russell, Edward Her nek, jr. Columbia. John McReynolcL., E. R. lkeler. Montouk. John W. Miles, Jesse C, Am merman. . Sullivan. George D. Jackson, James Deegan. VyomiNa Robert R. Little, C. D. Gear hart. On motion, lion. John JfcReynold, of Columbia, was appointed Rreident, and C. S. Russell, of Bradibrd, was chosen Secre tary. On motion of John TV. Miles, of Men tour, the Hon. William Elwell, of Co lumbia, was unanimously nominated as a candidate ior Congres3. Un motion oi Ucorce 1). Jac.son, a com mittce of two v; a., appointed by the Chair. to wait upon Mr. Elwfll and inform hitn or his nomination, and request his accept . nnpfi ni Tiift s:im .',iirr .i.ir .-snn arsit ance oi tlie same. re:vr. Jackson I Deegan were anpointod said committee. On motion of Mr. Jlorrick.the Conference I l .lil.I 1". 1 1 unanimouMv auontea me e.sniu.n ana aa , . , - .-.;-, ir 1,-1 1 ,!.- i u iiauuiuti .iiiiiii ii , n i 1J nv il nomination. On motion, it was resolved that the next Conffreiorial Conference meet at Danville, on the Thursday following the first Monday in fceptemtMir, ltoi. On motion, the proceedings were ordered to be published in all the Democratic and Conservative papers in the JJistnct. JOILN McHE 1 s OLDS, . Prest. C. S. Russell, Scc'y. Republicans, Stand Up! Why don't you laugh smile talk, say something, if it is not so. all ficrd . smart ? Graciou-.but you fellows arebu--y about now ! Johnson is your President. God gave hiia to you. You .elected him, elected him ! Oh, but you are' a wet set cf roosters! Well never mind ! We shan't hurt you! We wont mob yoa prison you hang you abuse you harrass yoa in business malign you insult you roD you and use you as 3-ou have for five years used us. You needn1 1 look scary like when you see a rope, a prison cr a gua ! - Get cut the Wide Awakes. Call out the Loyal League ! Get up some Geary Fairs! Appoint a f.w Brigadier Generals. Rai.-;e some colored troops. Turn yoar prayer meet ings into- electioneering booths. Control the telegraph. Lie to the ration. Open your motuhs guTaw when the President speaks. Be social. Don't act like wandering groups fr cm a grand funeral procession. Why you looked pleasedly good, joy struck, happy, angelic, when Lincoin died, compared to the way you look now Poor Republicans how dreadfully grief wears on you I TKADriTEVILXS ! NEGRO EQUALITY! Black ! 51 iTcUl ! I2Jnc!i ! ! ! Thad. Stevens, A. K. M'Clure, J. W. Forney, and John Williamson, are making speeches, and each one oi them declare NEGRO SUFFRAGE and PERFECT EQUALITY to be the isue. Old Thad- said : " The Kcjto is the iasue. Germans, Irishmen, and Africans, trere all t f. - ' a w via equal-. .o long as 1 live 1 icill maintain thh doctrine." MERCUR holds the parao doctrine, and i.3 now askir.-gyour votes that he may be returned to Congress to farther legislate for the U.ucli man, to the disadvantage of the "WHITE LA BORERS. M'Clure said he would never agree to the restoration of the Union, UNTIL THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE PUT THEIR NE GROES UPON A PERFECT EQUALITY WIT I THE3ISELVES. Williamson said : "A NEGRO HAS AS MUCH EIGIITTO VOTE AS AN IRISHMAN AND MORE." Now, here is the doctrine of the Radical?. itcpuuueans cannot cny this. e can prove it by a hundred witnesses. In the name of Heaven, can any decent man en dorse it? Mark Trrn DiFFruENCE. Atpresen t; the Republican approaches the Democrat with a good deal cf politeness and cornpkisancy every mark oi rcspc.t is bestowed upon those whom he thinks he can deceive to vote his ticket. Ho is a fine follow now, a good far mer, a good mechanic, an industrious labor cr, and a useful citizen and all that sort of fraise is lavished upon him, beHirse he want lis vote. But a few ver.rs aifo! when thev had a mere machine for President who would play the tyrant forthem at their bJ ding, and, an army to sustain them, how were Democrats then approached and treated? You are a coppcnipaa, a traitor, a southern s-mpa- thizer, 1 11 have you arresled, jnd imprison ed, and 3'our property confiscated. And in thousands of instances the threat was literally executed. We apprehend the , Abolition flattery will do them very little good the Democrats arc too well acquainted with their crocodile tears. DisnNonsii ed Characters. The Il lustrated Phrenological Journal for Septem ber Contains Portrait., with descriptions, of Count Lismark, of Prussia ; Archduke Al bert, of Austria; Queen Emma, cf the Sand wich Islands Joseph Sturge. of England ; Horace Verne., of France ; F. N. inborn, of Newfoundland ; Cyrus W. Field, of New 1 ork : and a Group of Native African.., with articles on Anthropology, Physiology, Psy chology, Pnenrnatelogy and Fhisiognomy, Cnaractcrs in Shnkspcare, Hamlet, Ca?ius, etc. Beaming Eve?, Impressions, Largo Noses, "Prenatal Induences, Sins of bocietv, Whom to Elect. Ouestionsfor Deriatin sr Soci eties, Phrenology, by John Neal ; "Out of Place "bv Mrs. Wvliis: lruth and lrror, "Ouack Medicines." Flagging and Flogging. Female Suffrage, Foreign (til's, etc. A rich number. 20 cents, or 2 a year. Fowler & Welle, N. Y. ... , . SS5 Fred Doudass. the well-known crab bing mulatto, was elected a delegate from the State of New York to the Disunion Convention, which met in Philadelphia on Monday Last. Horace Greelev eavs he is rejoiced at this, and declares that his friends are not only wnlm but anxious to have "lool niggers" in their conventions. We are rejoiced at it too, gentlemen ; let there be no hypocricy among your ranks. But Fred, is a proud nigger, and don't like to lower his dignity, and the Rads should be careful, or the "colored gemmen" of the Convention may secede and start a'loyal convention on their own hook. - - The A n'tn- Decency yarty"and -the Farty of Cliristianity." If want of decency is want of sense, then is Radicalism getting to be idiotic. ' We are amazed at the violence and indecency of Rad ical newspapers and speakers. Persons who feel secure in their position, and have a consciousness of security, do not go on o. A party that is going down hill, and feel3 it, is apt to swear and tear and rave. We copy from our exchanges a few specimens of Radi cal feeling and indecency. In the Newi'ork Senate, in a proposition to nav Riiitahla honors to the President. Sen ator Low refused because "the loyal men of this nation can not honor their betrayer, nor indorse "his infamous policy, which has given official sanction to massacre and assassi nation. Senator Williams said that " two young men lrom his oflice had been killed in the New Orleans riots. He held the President responsible for their murder, and that 'their blood cries to Heaven ior vengeance. Senator Goddard declared he would " not consent to do any honor to that individual, who had reached an infamous reputation.' lie was opposed to Mr. Johnson's name be ing mentioned, as "he did not desire, by the mention of that individual's name, to stir up the dangerous passions oi the outraged U nion men of the Western part of the State. They hated that man At the meeting of Radicals at Rcadinc, Pennsylvania, the President was called "the infamous traitor, made President by the pis tol shot ot likes Looth The Pittsburg Gazette calls the President this deiua.erouo'e and ruflian. Th President of a mectin? at which Sena tor Wilson spoke, designated Mr Johnson as a drunken trowser-maker. Thad. Stevens says the negroes are the equals of the Germans and Irish that come to this country. Oglcsby, Governor of Elinois, in a recent speech at Indianapolis, referred to the Dem ocratic party as "a party of d d snot nosed sons oi t) s. The Mae-a-cheek Press calls the President the drunken murderer." Thad. Stevens says Esrvptwa3 afflicted with lice, and frogs and locusts, but not with Andrew oohnson. The New York TrUmv speaks of the Dem ocratic papers as hired presses, purchas ed journalists, dumb dors 01 tree trade. political Jiars, ''paltry pettifoggers, &c. We might fill a column or two with Radi cal evidences of fpleen. all prophetic of a -v ! i i ig cause. ISo party that doe3 not feel .1 . , 1 , , mat it is uoomea ever resorts to such inde cency. jawver jaliowav, ot Uolutnims, Oruo, assures us, however, that the Radical tarty is the party 01 Christianity; and, as ho is stumping Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania for the party, and paid for it, he should be good authority. But what a singular Christianity 1 General News Items. Honduras has sijrned a trcatv of neae with Sn.iin Dean Richmond leaves 1.500. 000 worth or property. Maine furnishes 100.000 barrels of Mm hauen oil thi3 year. a - - ' Austria and Trussia have exchane-d rauncations oi peace. The Gfr.cial majority of Governor Throcl mortonr in iea., is 37,1.0. l he first train passed over the Minne sota alley Railroad on the 24th ult. The Santeebandsof Sioux Indians h.?e refused to agree to a treaty with the United tatcs. An owl, measuring 4 feet S inhe" from ip to tin of hi wing.-?, has been killed near pnngheld, id. ' " Two thieve' robbed a iewcller's store in New Orieans of$30c'0 worth of jewelry while "looking" at the "goods." The capital of Chiris-'ui. Central America. is held by revolutionist a. Efforts are being made to get up a rebellion in Panama. At Ofirdcn. burcr recently, a cow was drink ing, whfn a mud-turtle ezcd her by the noe and held it under water until the sufTto- catcd. The New Jersev Legislature will a.pm fcle on the 10th, to electa United States S ator and ratify the . Constitutional Amend ment. A youn? woman was makinrr a bed. in Charleston, S. C, on the lGlh nit., when a loaned pistol unuer tho pillow was dichar ged, killing her instantly. It is stated that it will cost $15,000,0.0 and take seventy ver.rs to make navicauie the rapids at Dps Moine., Iowa, and the peo ple there are beginning to think a canal around the rapids would be preferable. Some tinif since a gentleman removed to 'California from Sparta. UL., taking wiih him a favorite dog. The do? lately made his way back to his old home, having crossed it t ? -1 V- f c t ue piain jrem cuiiiornia on loot. u aya the Chicago lines. Eyelets, that cost but eighteen cents a thousand to manufacture, are consumed to an enormous extent in thistountrv. it beinc estimated that over $4,000,000 worth, or at leart two hundred miihons ot them, are an- nuaiJy used lor fckirts, .hoe.?, corsets, &c. A correspondent rf a foreicm ionrnal writes from Veleutin, that from daylight un til two o clock in the altemor.n the cable is usually worked with great difficulty, but alter that time it grows easier and more rap id until dark. During the night the cable works easiest and best. ThU phenomenon lias heen noticed upon land telegrajdi linen, but no sati. fact ory reason appears yet to have ueen given lor it. II A R R I K I) . At the Baptist Cliurch. in Berwick, on J huraa3', tue fth inst., bv Rev. John J. Case, Rev. W. W. Cae, of Chestnut Hill, l'hila., to Miss Mary E. Kline, of Salem, Luzerne couuty, l a. At Omngevil'e, August 30th, 1SCC, by Rev. N. Spear. 31 r. Tho. B. Applenian, of Denton, and Mi Elizabeth D. Tubbs, of 1 airmount, Luzerne county. On the 1st inst, by the same, Mr. Har mon !. Stein, and Miss Elizabeth Davis, both of Benton, Columbia county, Pa. At the resilience of the bride's father, bv Rev. A.. J. Funnan, Mr. Peter ( Jirton, of Greenwood, to Miss Harriet A. Manning, of Jackson, Columbia county, Pa. " On Thursday, September Cth, 1SC6, by Elder J. Sutton, 3Ir. baveilon Albert, on and Miss C. D. Sutliff, both of Luzerne county. DIED In Bloomsburg, on the Cth inst., Cora Alwilda, daughter of Jeremiah S. and Mary C. Rudy, aged. 1 year and 4 days. In Pine Township, September 2nd, 18G5, Dorothy Axn, wife-of Mr. Michael Reed, and daughter of George and Rebecca btack house, aged 27 years, 3 months and 22 days. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. I.ETTERSof administration on the eftate of James Padnn, late of rishirgcreek township, lulmvbii County kare keen (ranted by Vie Krr'sler of s.ul county, to Eli Bobbins and EliCabelh Padoa. both! be township and county aforesaid : All persons bav ins claims against the estate of the decedent are re- questad to make them known to the adnnistratore. and those indebted to the eitaie will make payment ' without delay. - ELI KOSB1 13, I j. ELIZABETH PADOST, ' Mmr' fishlnjcreek, Sept., 1300, Ow. . EN!KAirlIECTION " PROCLAIflATfOIV. WHEREAS by the La we of thie (Commonwealth it ia made the duty of the Sheriff of every county to five notice of the General Election , by publica tion in one or more newapapera of the county, at lrant twenty day before the election, and to enumer ate therein the otHcera to be elected and to dasifnate the plaee at which the election in to be held. Therefore. 1 HAMUEL B.VVDER, HikIi Sheriff of Columbia County. Ho hereby make known and pro claim 10 the qualified elector of Columbia County, that a General Election will be held on TUESUA V. THE 91 H DAY OF OCTOBER.. lrti(J(beinj the aerond 'funeriay in aald month.) at the aeveral diatricta within the county, to wit : bearer township, at the public home of Christian FbumiD &8on. . . , . , Kenton township, at the public house of John J. Stilea, in the town of Benton. liloom township, at the Court JHouge, in Blooms burg. Borough Berwick, at the Town Rouge, in the Bor ough, Borough Centralia, at the public houae, of Reuben Vaser. Briarcreek township, at the Public School house, near EvansviUo, Catawissa township, at the public house of Henry J. Clark, in the Town of Cauwrnsa. Centre township, at the actio. I House near Lafa yette Creasy'a. Conynphacj township, at the house of Daniel T. McKiernan. Fishingcreek township, at the public bouse former ly kept by Benjamin McHenry on the Sue Road. Franklin town. hip, at Clayton's School Home. Greenwood township, at the house of Joseph R Pauon. Hemlock town-bip, at the public bouse of John Hartuian, in the town of Buckhorn. Jackeon township, at the bouse of E.ki Cole, I.ocist township, at the public tioue of David .ea ger, in Inbtown. Mitilin town. hip, at the public house of John Kel ler, in the town ot MilUmville. Madison town-hip. at the public house of Samuel Riniby, in Jerscyluwn. Mt. Pleasant township, at the public bouse lately kept by Tiiouiaa Jones. Montour township, at the house of William Hol-lin;-heud. Mam township, at the public houe of Aaron Ileijs. Koarinprreek township, ul the I10U3; formerly oc cuf.iL-0 by George W. Dreinbach. Orange towuoiiip, at tuu public house of Jacob Michael.. fine township, at tho Centre School House, the new pla.e just tiled by votn ot tho citizens of said town-hip. ugarlouf township at tlie house of AUiias Cole. cott tuwnship at the pub ic.hujse of ! -racial Min my. in Eipy. At winch time and place the qualified electors will elect by ballot tho f.iluwiug fcute, Juuiciary, and County nfiicers, viz : One person tor Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; one person for Member of Congress ; one purcvufor Statu . mat ir ; one person for .vieiii ter 01" Asse mbly ; two pt rcous for associate Judges of tliH Courts of Columbia County ; one person ior t'rotnonolary and Clerk of the Court ; one person for Register and Becurder ; one person for Couuty Coiiiiiiisioner ; and one person for County Vuuitur. It is l'urlher directed tiiul tlie e( ction polls of the several districts slia'.l be opened between the lir.urs ol ti and Id o'clock in the forenoon, and shall coiuimu open wilhout iuterru itiou anj ai.jouriiiiiciit until 7 o'clock 111 the evening when tlie polls shall be duped. It is further directed that the meeting of the return Judges. attUe Couit House, 111 lilooimuurg, to make oul UB (iei";ra!. Klcl,0.!,.. b.e h..!'1 c suau De neiu cu ritlU.tl Tilt; lilli liAt 'r ui.iuii,,it.vi'. ..,, j.i.ih. or u:e kenrp.. iii I - - . . -r- ve I-lstnrt coiiioosed of the Counti es of Columbia and AJuutour .hall meet at the Court House, j.-i Ulnomsburi;, on TliEtiDAY. the loth day of October nr-xt, to taake oul tue returns for ileiuber ot a. eijblv. The Upturn Judges of the lilti J ;ii toi ial District composed of the counties of Coluiabii, Montour N'oitliuinberUud aua aiiivnn. sua II meet at tlie Court House, In Danville, on TUESUA y, me l.th tlay of October next, to make oul the returns fo tate Henator. The following ci or Assembly, reiru'atin the mode or vounginiue t. ommoiiweallti ofPennsvlva nia was passed March loth. Jfjti, and reads Ih-ia - ' -. . !(:., . I, t. .. c-viion j. u . . i j c.iiate anu House of Kepresentatives of the Coaimonucalih of Penn sylvania in General A sm-nibly'uict, anu it is hereby euacieu uy uiuiuwvui; . ,m. .aiiiu, 111.11 in.,, qtialt tiej voters of the several counties 0f tnis rnitinuin wealtii.at an gem rai. lownsuip, ooroub and special elections, aru tiereny, uereatter, authorized ami re quired to vote, iy iicbeix, printed, or written, or partly printed aim partly writtcu, severally cl.i-silie.l s loilovs : One ticket shall embrace the n .11.. 1 all iudsus of courts voted for, and to be l.ib i;cd. out side, "j'jdiriary ;" one ticket shall embrace tae names of all stale iHUCers voiej lor, anu be labelled, 'state; one ticsil .nail eiuorace me iia.iies 01 ait county o IlT.rn VOLCU IUI. I lll-l UU ill UldLQ Ul g-llir 11,,. . I. mm and members ot aseu.l, if voted tor, and members .1 co;aiess, 11 Vi.lcu lor. auu be labelled "countv oil. t.cket .hall euibracu the names of all towntiin ouiters vclea 101. iio ue iaeiiu. "towiisliio : our. HcKet stiait riiiraetf lue names 01 an boroug.1 otriecrs vole J lor, and be laocueu, 00101111 , anu each class uall be ucuo.iteil 10 scperam ballot botes. .so lion J oul it snail be lUe duty oflhf- shcri iu tuu several couulies ot litis coiinuoii wealth, to in sen luiheir elettiu" pro iauijiious.bercaftier issued Hi. Iirst secltou ul this act. NOTICE 13 HESE3Y GIVEN, That every person exceptins Justices of the Peace who elm. I hold any oftiro or appointment of profit or trust under the United Mates, or of tills Mate, or any city or Cjrporated distrirt, whether a commissioned cQcer or otherwise, a subordinate otneer nraj'iu who is or shall be employed under the kei-Utur executive or iuaiciary department ot this ntatc. or of any city or 01 any incorporated uitriri, and aio, that every n:ruiber .f Cotisress and of the State Li;ielaturc, and of the select or common council of an v city, or commissioners of any incorporated dis trict, is by law incapable ol huldin; or exerciim at tile ti inc. tlie ofijee or appoint mem of Judje, Inspector, or Clera of any election of this Common wealth, and thai uo ln-pcclor Jadfe ot other officer of such elec tion shall br-. eligibli to bo tiien voted for. It shall be the duty of Hie several Assessors re spectively to attend at the place ol Do!' in? every general, special or lowuship election during the whole time such flection is kept open, tor the pur pose 01 eivio; uiforoiation to the intipectors ana Judge, when called ai. 111 relation to the right ofany person assessed bv taeiu ta vote at such election and on auch other matters in relation t the assess meut cf vtcrs, as the said Iiihpectora or eillisr of their ruail from tunc to tioie req-nre. "No peisou shall be nerinitted to vole at anv dec tion as aforeraid. than a uhjte ciuzen of ill. age of twenty-one or more, who shall have resided iu this Stale at lean one year, und in me election district where ho etii rs to vote, ten day i.n;netiiately pre- cedine such election, and within two years paid a late cr County tax which shall have been a.ses.ed at least ten days bclof! the eiecli'iti. l-ui a cilizet of th. 1. uited Mates w ho has previously been a qual itied vcter of this late and removed therefrom hhu returned, and who shall bave resided in the election distiict and paid taxes, as aforesaid. aha'l bu entitled to uie alter residing in this stale six inouirn. Provided .That the while lreeu1.11, citizens ol the L'niled tl.itts. between tiio ase of twruiy-ono and tu.nlv-lwu vears who bave rcid.d in lite, ileclion ili-lULlteii days as al" .tr-a'.d .ball be enlilled to vole altliouu they shall not have paid tax. Given under a.y hand, it tuy oiuco, in bioo.n.our this liih day of Scpicuibt-r. iStjii. tAiML LL SXYDEll, -iieuu. September 12, 1SG5 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of M try . Miller, late of Mvlw.i Township, Cot a nil ta County, ncco. rTIIE Legatees and all I'thor parties interested in 1 the estate of Mary r. jliiler. deceased. wililiKe notice that ihe undersigned appointed by Ihi l.'r- r.hin'i court or said r.onnty. auditor, to auun au.i make distribution of the balance 111 the haniis f Pan iel Kin met. sarriviog executor of the said Mary i". Miller, deceased, w HI meet the uarlies intrresfd in thes.iid estate, at I hi crt":re i-l" the Register ol Will, iu and for Ihe county f Coin inbia, at idoomsdidrg " hur.dny the Mil e,ay of November next, when and tvhereull parties interested ran attend if th see proper and present tiieir lims or bo ueoarreu f.oul con.ing iu lrt snare 01 111- luuj .. 11. n.Ai.ux, Aucitur, Bloomsbarg. - cpten.ber 12. latiii. 4t. jmi'IIlERN CENTRAL N0I1TH AND SOUTH, Tirov;h biticeen Baltimore and Pochrster Wiihotit Chansr i tars. ON and after August tin, l"o, trains will leave as follows : NORTHWARD, F.CFFAI.O EXPRI SS leaves fallimore 10 !0. dai'v. Philadelphia 9 0'J P M. Harrisbtirj J,5 A. 1 , d liv en. g passengrrc at ISorltiuiiineriHnu. -i. ior train on i.uctawanna and iloomsbirz Rail Koaf. leaving at 7.00 A, M. arrivin; in Panv Hie 7. 10 A.M. P.loomthurg e.25 A, M. twiligston 10-lU A. X, CCran- ton U.hO noon. MAIL, leaves Baltimore S.2j A. dailv, (except Sunday. Philadelphia 10.10 A. I, Harrt-burg P. M., niliver in passengers at orthuni!-fiand 4 54 P. M.for train on Lackawanna and l;luo.iiburg kail Road, leavi.:c there at S.iM P M. arrlv i. g in T)nn ville 6 Ot) P. M. bloomsuurg C 43 r, ?J. Kin2ton . U-l V. 1. Scran ton 10.15 ; proceeding north and arriving in Williamsport at l 35 P. M. FAST LIN C, leaves llallimore , danv (.excepi un- days) 13 l P. M. Philadelphia 13 noon. Harnsburg ,10P.M. Northumberland 6 43 P.M. re.nain over night, and leave following r-.ornin; at 7-Uu, arriving in bcranion 12 M noon. EXPRES3 TRAIX, leaves Northumbetland 11.36 P.M-dai'y (except Sundays ) receiving passengers. leaving iScranton 4.40 P. M. Pntston P. SI. Kings ton 6 ou P M. Bloomsburg 8 07 P. M. arrivm in . hil a tielpl ia 7.W) A. M. Harrifbttrs 3 30 A. M. Balumor- 7 00 A M. MAIL TRAIX. leaves Northumberland l'i"A.fl daily, (sxrept Suodays) receiving passengers, leaving .-cranton mtS.MA. M. Pil'.'ton oS'll. M Kin,tou b ij ,- Bloouii-burg 07 A. M. Hanuill- 9 54 A. VI , and arriving in HairmborS 1,13 P. il . Philadelphia 3 3D P, M. Baltimore 6 0' P. M . Bv this route fright from Cuffato, buspension nri'ige, Rochester and Canandaigua or any interme diate point on New York t ential can he snipped through, when in full ear loads to any point on tne l.atkawanna and Bloomsburg Rail Koad. wimout breaking bulks Rates of frtljut and Passenger tare as low ashy any other route J, N. D.BABRY. B. S. YOUXO. Ceni SupX Ham-burg, Pa. Gea'l Pass, t gent. nan mii ir.. anu ISAAC M. 8CHEOM ERHORN'. Gen'I Western Freight Agent, Buffalo, N. , Sept-tuber, 12, 1300. . G jyU. GANSEVOORT, Practical and Consulting PHYSICIAN, ' For Ibe Cure of a' I Diseasra. Author of I.ectur on the Trertmint and Care of Chronic Diseases. May be Consulted as follows, free of Charge ; 180.. Bl OOMSI'C Rtt. Pa.. Excbanse Hotel. Monday and Tuesday, September 17 tk and I8tli. BFBWICK, a, Berwick House. Wednesday, September l'Jth. Wll.KESn ARRE. Pa.. Fxchange Hotel. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, S.pt. 20, tl, and S3. PITTSTOV. Pa., Eaale Hotel. Sunday and Monday, September -3rd and 24th. Will Visit Eacb Place Oncb ta Tbres Months Rio clarlt. SNVALIPS affiictett with chronic disease f every IS nn me and nature, will be convinced by consulting me that they will befairlv and honorably dealt with. They will not be persuaded to place themselves un der my treatment unless there is a reasonable hope of cure. Dr. fSAXSEVOORT. can be consulted at his ap pointed places ; he is a Practical and Scientific Phy sician, and trents all kinds of chronic diseases. which have been called incurable, by many of the so-called distinguished pbvsicians of the country. Such as disease of the Spine. Asthma. Consumption, Salt Kheum. Nervous liebility. Epilepsy, t Vitus Dance, Catarrh. Melancholly. I.iver Complaint, Kickctts, Bloody Crine, lieadache. All diseases of Woman and Child ren. Also cases of Seminal Emissions, which is sending thousand of poor unfortunate vic tims to the crave yearly. The llor'or does not propose to heal all the diseas es that afllict mankind . Some diseases are curable, others are incurable, while at certain states all dis eases are curable, if treatment is commence J at the proper time. Therefore, do rot wait for to-morrow. 'J he present i for us to improve, to-morrow we may never see. .0 bewtre of delays, ihey are always danzerou to your interests. Invalids who reside at too great a distance to visi t the Hoi-tor at his places ol appointment, cau com municate with him by lelter and have medicines sent to them by blxpress.to any part of tho United Stiles and i'anadas. without delay. All letters of inquiry must contain a three cent camp to .re pay reply. Principal llice and Labra tory. CramiiMrcy Park. New York. Address me at uiy.prcscnt residence, Kath. N. Y. J. 51. U AN'SEVOOCT, M. D. August 22, I3i)G. 41 PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR. THE Pennsylvania State Fair will commence at Eaton, September 'Zjth. l.tili, and continue fourdavs. Tlie premiiiiiia are the largest ever ofTered by tne Society. Embracing 44 difl'erent classes und in tlie aggrepate exceeding $-O0ti Dollars. The premiums lor rattle, horses, sheep and swine are very large. The lollowing is an abstract of them : Fur foreign imported cattle there are 5 premiums of .$50 each, and 5 of $30 each. For Durham Devon, Al.lerny and all other thorough bred value, one of $10, .of 930. 7 of SHI and $15. ar.d 4 of $. Best herd of cattle notsles than 15 owned by exhibitor , $j" ; 3nd best S-J. Best exhibition of heifers not less than six. $10. tlfst 10 yoke of oxen lrom an v county .$101. in tins clat-s for oxen, tc , there are 6 premium of 310. nid 5 of $5 for native grade cows, fee., 'J "f $. 7 of $iii. and 4 of $5. HUuSI. For imported and thoroMh breds 3 of $5il. a of $ W. 4 of SJo and 4 of $ j t of $10. TROT TI Ml HOilK. and MARLS-1 of $3)li. 1 of $3(d, I i f $ IU0. I of $73. s of $u0. 1 of 40, I of $ 10 and I of $i. Matched aud Sin.le Horses ; I of S40, 1 of $.10, I of $-'", I of $15. 7 of $10 und 5 of $5, Stallions und Mares cf all work 2of $10. X of $35, 2 of $13, 7 of $10. Jacks and Mules. 3 of $J0, 1 of $33, 3 of $30, 3 of $15. J of $10. SH LHP, Best flock, $50, 2 of 23 ; 6 of 20, 8 15. 33 of 10, J4 vary ing f rum 8 to 4, iSwinc best herd. $35, a of I 0. Irt, varying from 8 to 4. Poultry lol'$.j,3 tf 10, 2 of 5, ti of 3 and 2. Plows 13, varying from 5 to 3. Heaping and Mowihg Machines Silver Med al and 4 cf S3. Threshing Machines Fanning Mills Horse Powers Cutters Crushers A.C, 15. vary ing from '3u to $5, Cider Mills. Churns and Pumps, 13, varying from to $1, KULLEuS, CULTIVATORS, Grain drills, planters and fowerc, 17 varying from 10 to $3, Wagons, Cans, RijCings. Carriages &x,. 3 of $10, 30 varying from 5 to J, Poi table .lean Engines, VV I N'DMILLd.llorse rakes, rvths. forks, rakeg. &c., varyinj from 40 to 5. CK.Vi.RAL DISPL 4.Y of AURICL' LI C B A t IMPLEMENTS, 3 premiums of $50. -iO and 3 each Leather aud its Manuluctnres .1 of S15. H of . lb 'r 2. i;JTI ER. LUKE. E AND HONEY. 5 of $10. 0 o, 5. Fluurnrd Indian Meal. Grain and S. '! 1 cf $3o II of 3. 37 of 3. Beet .ujar. Sorghum sugar, and su-. gar machinery, 3 of $3i), 3 of 17, li of 10. VEUETA. BLhs, 1 of $J0, of a. 35 of 1. Crapes, Cider Cor. etia's and V mes, 1 of $10. rj of 5, -.3 of 2. FRUIT, Apples, pears, p'nth.s, plums, quinces, 1 of $3d. SO 15, 4 of 10, 43 varying from S lit 2, flowers and de sign s, S to $10. 73 varviig from $7 to 2 SIOVES A.iJ TlXtV ARE, I of'$lo '.'5 from 3 of 2. Mantle., glass, gas. cutlery, furniture, cc 4 ol $10, 35 from 5 to ta. Needle work. Embroidery, Knit work, .hell work, ice., embracing ivery variety of articles, luO premiums f-om $2 to . ISread. Cakes, Preserves. Jsllirs, air- tiht fruits and vegetables, aud spired Iruils, .4 preiiiiuiu. from 1 to I. Fine arts, paint ings and penmanships, ambrmypes, photographs, ic ,3 of $10. '10 from 5 to 3. ki. plays by .ile,hauics or 'Prad-Kinen. lot's ID 1 of 5 and 10 of 3. Silver Ware, pianos sewing machines, tt.. 8 silver md als. I cf $30. and 3 of 10. Es.iys best description of exhibition. $ 0, other Esy on agricultural sub jects. &.c. 9 silver cups, or $25. each. For rules governing Exhiuitors and premiums in detail. See Catalo-i ;. Arraiuemeiits will be mule with the several Rail roads hue to carry Ireijutand Passengers at reduced i ate. Competition i invited from evry section. SINGLE ADM1SS. l.iS. CENTS. A. UYD HAMILTON. Presid. nt I arti'burg, Pa, A . B. LOVGAKER. Secrelaiy, Easton, ra. S eptemer, 5, 1 .'. S2D. HOOP 5?3T3, G2S. Nov Fail Stylos ! Are in every respect r:n?T (lass, and eni.rare a complete assortment for La.lies. Misses, and Chil dren, of Uie Newest Styles, every Length and Six.s of Waist. "i;k. SKIRTS, wherever known, arc more univer sally rori lar than any others before th? pub! ic They retain their Miape better, are lighter, more elastic, more Hu ruble, andrealy Ciik.per, thin anv oih r Hoop Skirt iu the market. The i.prings and fasten ing are warranted per.-t. Evert I. adt lioi. d T v Them! 1 hev are muv being exten.iv.ly Sold by Mfri'iiants. throughout the Country arid at WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sale. Room No.f. ARCH Ptroot. bo low 7th PHIL VD'A. Ask for Hol'KIX'S -own makk." buy nn other! CAHTIOV. on g-niiine unlena . tauipd n each Kid Pad "lioek in's Moan Skirt MannTactory. Xo 03ri Arch Slrett I'hiladelplii. Also. Constantly on hind full line of New York made -kirts.ai very low prices. TLKMS NLT CA. 11. ONE PRICE OX LY August 3J, l.Ci. liu. J. W . IISS LIZZIE PETE UM AN, if S Would announce to the ladies ol nioomaburs and tlie public g, rierally, that ho has just tcceivcd lrom the eastern cities uer prmr and Si:ia2ic Stork ef MILLINERY GOODS, roneisting of all ar'icie s usraUy found in first class Millinery Mores. II. r goods are of the bei-t quality nnJ among the most handsome and rle-apest in the market Call Mid examine them for yourselves. iNnb.tily should purch isi; .IseHhern betore cimnin ing Miss Fetenuan's stork ot goods Donne' a made toord;!r, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Ma.n street. 3d dor below te store of Vlondenhall ; Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 2. ISiio. if. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP OV M.MVSTRFET, RI.Y OPPOSITR JIlLLtli S MU-ll.) llLOOMSliUti, I'A. TIIK andirsigncd has just fitted up, and opennd, his new S'S'OYK AT. J) TIM Z10rs in this plnrf. u here he is prr part d lo make up new TIN WARf. of .11 kinds in his tine, nnil do repair ing with neatness and disp .trh, upon the most rea sonable terms. Ilealso keeps on hand STOVES ot various patterns and ttyle. , which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. (Jive h i m a call. He is a coo 4 mechanic, and dc serving of thu pub ic patronage. JACOB METZ. Eloomsbnr.. May 9, lf.S. ly. 2iy, Colt.nibia Co. Pa. 'The undersigned having become sole proprietor of 1 this well known and conveniently Hscatrfd stand, respeclfnll v informs hi friend", nnil the public in general, that h. has put hi hou-e in complete order for the accommodation of boarders, and for the recep- tion and entertainment of travi 1 era who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. ,Vo expense has been spared in preparing tins II. t. I for t!i"ent-r tain men I of guests, and nothing shall be wanting, on his p . rt. to h. mister to tbeir personal comfort. The location, as n ell as the building, is a good oue, and all togftbei ia amply arranged to please th. puhlic 1SA.1.Li .VtlMLV. Espy. April U, 16o6. tf. jXECUTORS' NOTICE. Estate of Obediah Campbell, sen., deceased. Notice is bercbv given that letters tcstimeniarv ou the estate of Obediah Campbell, senior, late of I. orust township. Colu.iibi.i County, deceased, have been granted by the II' giler of said county, to J. J. ampbell, of Lor list toMn.bip. Columbia CouMv.and Nicholas Campoell and Obe.liah Campb It. of Shaiuo kin, North'd Ctuntr All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for KClllemnt. and those indebted to the estate will make immediate payment. ITT" The business generally . will he attended to by Obediah S. Campbell. NICHOLAS CAMPBELL. J.J.CAMPBELL. SExec're. (iREDMH S. CAMPBELL, August 8. l&tifi. 6w. BLANKS I BLANKS !1 Of-every description ior eale $i tbieofi.ee. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. LETTERB of administration on the ' estate of Thomas Baker, late of Sugarloaf township, Colum bia County, deceased, have ben granted by the Reg is terof said county, to Elisabeth Herrington, resid ing In the township and county aforesaid All per son having claims agaioxt the estate of the decedent are requeued lo present them to the Administratrix lor settlement, and those indebted will 'Oiae forward and make immediate payment to ELIZABETH HERRIXGTOX. 4dastnMirtrta Sugarloaf, Aug. 31, 18S8. fr. F ALUERS! FARMERS 1 I Don't fall to nsa PHILUPS' BCPER rHOSPIIATK LI ME to enrich your lands and make large crops of grain and grass. It is now extensively used in all the leading agricultural portions or the courtry and withont dispute or doubt is known to be the very best used. It contains less moisture, is more uni form in quality. Contains mors agriroltural value, than any other in the market. The undersigned in troduce it as a standard art iele. intending to make it a permanent trade. Its value has been fully tested in this county and stands unsurpassed by any other article ever introduced. Give it a trial, you will be pleased beyond measure with the results. Apply to1 FAXTOX fc HA.RMVV August VI. 1SCS. Rupert, Pa. QROVESTEEN & EO., Piaxio-Forte Manufacturer?, 409 Broadway, New Yrk. TUB ATTENTION of the public and the trad Is invited to our N EW SO. LI., SEVEN OCTAVE. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volutte and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of fored in this market. They contain all the modern improvements. French grand ac tion, harp pedal. iron frame, over-strung bass, etc.. aid each iustruinent being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. II. Grovestceh. who has a practical riperiencenf over thirty years in their manufacture, is fully war ranted in every particular. THE 'ORUyy.HTHF.. PLIMn-FultTF." ReCEIVKD TH- BIOHCST AWARD Of MERIT AT TBS CtLt- bRatid World's Fair Where were exhibited instruments from the best mnkcrs of onrion. Paris, Cermany. I biladelphia. Haltimnre, Boston and sew York; and also at the American I nstitnte for live successive years. Ihe Gold aud Silvkr Mcdals from botu of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. iv the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a sttictly ca-h system, arc enabled to otfer the e instruments at a price which will preclude all competition . Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any Cr st class Piano forte. TERMS. Net Cash in current funds. Descriptive circulars sent free: July il, ly. H. ic P. JENRY GIGER, Has opened a first class BOOT, SBT0E, HAT km CAP ST0?.. At his old stand on Main Street Blootnshuig. His stock is composed of Ihe very latest and best styles ever offered to the citizens of Columbia Coun'y. He can accommodate the public wit. the following kinds and prices : Men's calf boots, fine, kip. double sole, Roys child's hoots. Men's glove kid. Congress, &c, " " Hal. Shoes, women's boys and misies glove kid lasting goiters. Women's glove kid, very fine, ft fine goat morocco balmornls, ' men's morocco and call shoes, common shoes, Miasea' and Child's shoes. $...r,h to !.0f) 3-75 to 5 75 1.75 to 4.75 2.50 to 5.75 1 -0 to 3.00 1.75 to 5.75 3.35 to 5 75 2.50 lo 4 Oil 1.75 to 2 50 l'.5ii to 5i 0.35 to l.bO !n' w nini n'i. misses, bovs and chitds slippers. 0,25 to 1.10 He also keeps a great variety of HATS, CAPS aud ST HAW GOODS of evry kind, at thclowe.t prices, both for Cash and Country produce. Kcuiuiiiiiet the attraction is in our good. Don't be alarmed at lh cry of high prices, but call and see for yourselves. lUspcclfuliy, ' HENRY GIGER. Eloomsburg. July II, lr'OO. m INSURANCE. If ynu wish lo live Ion; and die happy, go without delay and . INSURE YOUR LIFE in the best Company in the world, TUB MUTUAL LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY OP NKVV YORK. ITS CASH AS.-ETS ARK $15.000.00.. and itsannual dividend for the fiscal year of n inon l. t'i seventy five per cent, on all participat ing preiiiiuiis. hemg tne largest mvi .na ever oe- (Irfied l y any company tor the s.imu length of time For fuilh.r information applv lo JoiiN G. FREEZE. Jtget. July 18, 1-Cf). 3in. bloomsburg. Pa. JUdRER ! LUJRER ! A new Lumber Yard in PJoom-sbura. THE undersigned would" respectfully inform those A in want of lumber that he continues to manufac ture and keeps on hand . good supply of building ml fencing in ferial, at fits reMOeiire, a short dis ance imrih of the deuot, which he ..ffers for sale at ea-onabie rates. JACOB H-TiUYLEtt lil'Miiiisbwrg. Juns 2tl, lr66. DJINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William J fan n, deceased. LETTET.S of administrition on the estate of Wit liar.i Mann, ate ot Heaver township, Columbia coun- IV. deceased, have been granted by the Register of s;ii. C'.niity. to Allen !ann. Esq.. who resides in I t avi r townsliip. All persons having claims against the e-t.tle of th decedent are requ -sled to pr'senl them immediately for settlement, and those on it-g the tst.Ue will make paynient lorthwith. ALLEN AIAXN...dfa'r, August I, leCG -6w, TOTICK. All persons knowing themselvea Indebted to eith er of the undersigned, on Hook, Note or Ju Igment. are reiue(ied tomak. payment without delay if ihey wou Id bave costs. MrKELVY. NEIL A: Co Wat. MtKELVY t Co. August 23. l!C0. tf. T7 ANTED AGENT' $75 to $-ji0 TFR MoNTII V V for Cei'tlinen and $.13 to $1 j for Ladies.every where. lo introduce Ihe Common Sensu Family Sew-ing-Machiue, improveil and perfected It will hem, fe-l. titch. quilt, bind braid, and embroider beauti fu ly price only $.' making the elastic lock stitch and fully warmitled for three year. We pay Ihe ahove wages, or a tnmaiis-iou. from which twice th;it nmoiinl ran be made. Address or ral 1 on C. HoWERS .t CO., Oirice No. 235 South Fifth Mreet l'hil.idi If-liia, Pa. All letters ans wired pro.pl' with circulars and l-rm. August -J, ISo'j. lm, J, C, & Co. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - M l LETTERS or administration on tho estate of Vary Moss, late of Sugarloaf township, Columbia County, deceased, h..vn been grouted by the Register of said County to cilhert Hess. f the same township and county. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make pbynn ut to the administrator, and those having claims will present them for settlement ithout delay . to GILBERT HESS. .Um'r. Sugarloaf. Aug. 0. 1M.-tw. PHOTOGRAPHS, THE REST AND CHEAPEST AT HEMPSTEAD'S E2T R003IS OVER niooinshnri . July II. lanfi. tf. . O '. FOR UUSllERGER'S TOniCCO STOKE, in RLOOMSBURG, all you who desire a superior article ol chewing or smoking tobacco. His cigars are made up of the finest q i.llty ol tobacco. Every body in town knows w here to go to get a gool am rle. He will sell at retail or w hoeale to suit Ibe purchaser, he is hot particular. Shopkeepers kud land lors'n gene rally w ould do better by purchasing of him than of the peddler and hucksters ill it t av el t'jrough the country. They run no risk of being cheated iu what they buy. Patronize regular lines if you wish to gtthe wnr'h of your money. .'tore ou Main Street, a fw doors below the "American House:" H. H. HUXSBERGER. May 9, 3f6.-3rn. yyiLLLUI ROGERS, Respect full v annonnrra Mmeslf to the pubMres an experienced W ELL-DIGGER and WATER B.VI EL l ER. Persons oesirous to learn where water can be easiest fuund. and all w ho have wells to dig. will do well to employ the undersigned. Contracts will be taken by the foot or by the day, to auit lbs em ployer. Address. WILLIAM ROGERS. bloomsburg, Pa. July 23, ISCG.-Iy. JOTICE. NOTICE la hereby given to the Stockholders of the IJ'.ximsbur Literal V Institute. 10 at the second and third installment oa their shares are required to be paid, on or before the Ofleeath day cr esepiem.or .... . . . . . npa ot - ext. nti.biAii B.ii.ba, iicuum. etfrtembof S, 1304. - - pR. MARSHALL'S CATABBfl S"UFF,; . This Bnuffhas thoronghly proved itself lo b tb. best article known for enring the Ctxn Cow Tn IUa. and Hiad.ch.. It has been foun a an ax eellent remedy in many cacea of Sore Eyes. D Sw. has been removed by it.and B. has often fceen greatly improved by its use. It is fragrant and agreeably, and GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF To the dall heavy pains caused by diseases of tho Head. The sensation aternsing it are delightful ana Invigorating. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strengthens ihe Elands, and gives a healthy action to the parts aff.cted. . . . More than Thirty Years' Of Sale and n of Dr. MAasnxiL's Catarrh and Headache B.irrr.' has proved its gr-at value for a'l the common diseases oft be Head, and at this moment -it stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the bast physicians, and is a.ed with great success and satisfaction evo rvwhere. f Uadthe Cert ficatet of Wholesale Drog gints in 1854. The undersigned, having for many ypare been ac quainted with Dr. MsRsHAtsi's CaTabrbj and Head ache Saorr. and sold it in our wholcsalctrade ebeer--fully state. that w. t ellevc it to be equal in every re- en, to the rec imrLend ations given of for the euro of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly th best article we have ever known for all common dis eases of the Head. Hurr Ac Perrv. Boston. names Park. Itsw Yoik A R 4c D Sands, Stephen Paul a. Co Israel Minor ItC " M'Kesson Robbins M A L Scovill JtCo M Ward. Close it Co " Reed, Austin dc Co Hrown, Camaon it Co Reed, CulUr ic.C Srth W Fowie, Wilson. Fairbank 4; Co. Hcnsbaw, Edmands A. Co U H Day. Portland. Me. Dnsh 4. Gale, For Sale b all Lrutgists. Try It. Feb. 3. ItsiG-ly. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. tJ-The original Medicine est .Mi.hed In 1337. and first article of the kind ever introduced under th. name of "PctwoRic WArxas." in this or any other couutry; ail other Paln.o nc Wafers are rotinterfeits . The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN be ing stamped on each Wafer. These Wafers have been before the puhlic for nearly Thirty Years. and the immense sale alia. ned, not only in America but in foreign countries. fully attest their intrinsic wrth. The medical properties are superior toany other article offered for Ihe cure of Pulmonary or Uronchial atf :eti .us and the quantity contained in each box is nearly double thai of the many wor'.hlers imitations advertised. Erjau's P I aortic Wafers cure Coughs. Colds. Sore Throst. Hoarseness. Asthma, t.ntarrh. hrnnrhitis. Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood Pains iu the Chest. Incipient Consumption and all diseases of the lungs. Not affording o ily temporary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting eure and are warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. They dotit nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medical prope.ties arn combined in a form so agreeable and pleasant to the taste, that a:iy child will readily take them One doae will always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocalists and Public Speakers, the Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular use for a few days will,at all time. increase the pow er and flexibility of the voice, greatly improving its '.one. eon pass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many professional vocalists The very gr- at celebrity of this valuable remedy has intuced unprincipled persons to prepare base imita tions, wbicn disappoint the just expectations of tho purchaser, aud injure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the word "RR Y AN," Is stamped on each, Wafer, and also observe the far simile of tho signa ture of the Proprietor. "JOB MOSEei" on each wrap per, to counlefeil which is roaoear. C" Offending parlies will 'tfc. dealt with to the full extentof the law HaVAn's Fvlkokic Waters are for sale by ail Drug gists. JOB MOsrs. Polo Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St. N T Feb. 3,18Wi ly. THE CHEAT E(sLlsn;EE31EDY. PROTECTED BY ROYALETTEHS PATENT.. sir jamesclahke's Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J.darkt. M. D J4 fictaaExiravrdiaatfy totkt tauten " This invaluable mepicine is unfailing in the core of all tnose painful and dangerous diseases to which ths female constitution is subject. It moderates all ex cess and removes all obstruction, from whatever eaosa and a speedy cure may be relied on lO 31 AH RIED LADIES, it is particularly suited. It wilt. In a short time, brinr on the monthly period with regularity. ,Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Gieat Britain, to prevent counterfeits CAUTION. The at PiUt rkouli nmt ts taira In Ftmoiet durim tkm FlhST TURKU MOXTHSef PreSnmn, ikew are turm t brxng sa .Vncanof r.ut mt V oUrr tisis Ury are tuft Lvety women know that the bloom of health must fade, with the slightest irregularity or obstruction of the menses. These Puis are truly the woman's friend in the hour of trial, snd the ouly sure, positive and never failing cure and regulator 'f Suppression of na ture from w ha ever cause So mild luat the feeblest ran taketbPin with perfect secnrity yi an powerful in their ejects, that tcy tuay be saf.ly called, a never failing Regulator. In all cases of Vervoiis snd Spinal A ff.-ctinns Pains iu the Back and Limbs. Fatigues light ejertion.Pal pitu.n of the Heart. Hysterics, aud Whites, t'hee .its will etfrt a eure whin allothrreans have fail ed ; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to tho e. institution. Fail directions in th psmpb'et aroind each packagn which should b- carefully preserved. SiLDBYj1LLt)RVU(ilST9. Sale General Aent fur the United Suics and British Dominions, J'tR MOSF.9. 27 Cort'and St.. New York. N. B-$l 00 andS three cent postage stamps en closed to any suthorir.d Agnt. will ensure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail, securely sealed from al observation. Feb. 3, 'iii. ly. LIFE HEALTH STtlEXGTH. LLTE l!ELrilSTiEAGTlI. LIFE HEALTH ST.E.CTH. Hundreds and thousands annually die prematurely w hen, if they would give the Great French Remedy D.l. JUA.V DELAMAKKE S Cclcba-ated Sprcific Tills, Prepared by Garahciere II DrposT, No 214 Rue Lom bard. Paris, from Ibe prescription of Dr. Jnnn Dela marre. Chief Physician of the Hospjul da Nord u Laritioisiere a fair trial. thy w oul l nnd immediate reli f aad. ir. a ahnri 1 1 ,, l, r..n- . -. t . ... ... .... - -. ... . ,. , neoiia and frtnftk It is oscd in the practice of many emi nent Freeh physicians, with uniform aucceas.nnd high, ly recommended as the ouly positive ad meeifie Rem' it wt Ct. 'ill r, .S ... I f. ..... , " r . .vi...s n-u ui neiii or Si'lua Debility, all derangements of the Nervous Forces W t I -a n f li 1 w 'nnriii il...K.m. -....: a . - o. .u.m, -missions. at kveaknesa anoine from aeximl Vt -.. pi. ; . Irostrition, Nervousness, Weak Spine.tLownesa of spirits. LMiiinesa of Vi.ion. Hy.terics, Pains in tbs Back and Limbs, Iiopotency, Jte No liiiguaecan convey an ae.uat i.l r.k : . , - , . ., an. mediate aud uluiost miraculous change it occasions to thede.intnted end shattered ty.teui In fact.il stand a unrivalled as a ualailinj cure of le maladies abovo meulloneli.l Suffer no more, but use 7rat FYentk Remed it w il euert a cure wkere all olhers fail, and although powerful remedy, ronitms nothing hurtful to iho nillst lIl'lll' tH nt,af ( ..... Pamphlets. ront;iinme full paitiritlars and directions fCrUslll. in Klivllsh Hn.hi.h A m . . - ......... .,v.,...M...i ,,u uKuian. so company ea h box, and also seat free to any addreea I nee One I)oiar per box; Pil boxes for Five Dollars. SIJ h V n 1 1 f lritt;aa .. ..k.,. ! J . .ki.kts.i luiu'ig'K ui ic w una ; or wii be s-ut by mail, securely sealed from all observation, ' by inrlomg spenfl-d price to any authorised agents BKH'ARF. UF CUU.VTKUFFJTS AMD lJUlTAUOAS rrnnriptnr pirlnain Jt r.. . . r-- t . MObES. I( CO.. 27 Coorltond St. New York. ,u,v.iu.,eum iui oiwumsBurg, reb.3.iiyPanT,n,, H'zsroocit jJffiVr SASSfiB SHOP. Tho nndenigned respectfully announces that he has reftitted a shop, m Court House alley, opposite the Exchange llmcl. w here he is prepared lo con duct the barbering business In all its branches. The ait of coloring whiskers and nioustackes is practiced by him most skillfully. He also cleans clmbing, making th 'in look nearly as good as new. UBon the mo. reissonablc terms. Give bun a trial. 'r Hair Tonic cf the very best quality, used for cleaning hair, kept couaUntiy ou htnj, and for sal S.C.COLLINS. Bloomsburg. April S3, 1968. tf. MANHOOD HOW LOST, UOW RESTORED. -yr. JUST published, in a sealed enve- fJ$ lope. Price 0 ren'.s. A lecture on the "..i nature, treatment end radical eure of t,'.ai. -T gpermatorboea, or Seminal Weaknnss Invo'untary Emissions sexual D -bility and Imped, imcnts to !1arriage generally. Nervousness Con sumption. Epilepsy, and FiU ; Mental aad Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, sic. By Rob ert J. CulverweU. M. D., auUor of th. 'Green Book,' 4.C. The world renowned anthor, la this admirabla Lec ture, clearly proves from bis own experience, thai the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effect oally removed without Medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, booties, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at ' once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec ture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent under sea' lo any address in a plain envelop", on receipt ot six cents or l we postage stamps. Also Or. Cul vurwell's Marrige Guide. price U cent. Address, CHAS. 8 C. KLINE CO.. 127 Bowery. New York. F. O.box 4486. . August 13. lr6.Iy P.sfc.C.