Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, August 29, 1866, Image 3

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Wednesday, August 20, 1866.
E3 C- C. Marr will pay the highest mar
ket price in cash' or trade for all ktnd3 of
Dried Fruit. -4t , '
Xh:..Tk& Verxilar term of Court will
menbe jfteit JjonJay. -There will bo a large
Amount of business to be transacted. '
. Esy Peter Ent, has, at his Store, in Light
otreefc, several hundred gallons of riTRE ci-
t)XR vir.errar for sale.
. 3 If jou want cheap" goods go to C.
Marr's new store.. . '-. it . .'
. Z-zf The Juveniles , of this place emDloy
their leisure hours ia playing Base Ball. The
Vluos consist of, boys from" ten to fifteen
years of age. it "
The pay of Congre?!5racn,TX9 increas
ed by the abolition rumps, is $5,000 a year.
What do -you think of that, fanners, me
chanics and laboring men?
tSflloop Skirts, Ilopkin's "own make,"
C23 Arch Street, FhiladeJphia, advertised in
thia issue, give : xinivcrsal satisfaction. La
dies' note the factj. '
2?" The County Superintendent, Charles
O. Barkley, advertises, by hand-lill, his
Fall examinations of Teachers for Columbia
County. They are put up in the most con
spicuous places. . , -. ' . . .
J&ST Frank Leslie's Magazine for the month
of September has been received, filled to
ovef -flowing with choice reading and cmbel
. ishnicnta of. the highest order. Its fashion
plates are "rich and racy, and can't help but
please the ladies in the highest degree. Pub
lished at New York; price $3.00 per annum.
J33? It will bo noticed that Charles G.
Barkley, Esq., of Bloopisburg, has been ap
pointed Chairman of the Democratic Stand
ing Committee of this county, for the ensuing
year. . . . .
' E Some Sportsmen of this place have
been enjoying themselves, in shooting squir
rels, daring the past week. We understand
that this kind of game is quite plenty in this,
and adjoining counties. -
The Democracy of Lycoming have
nominated the following ticket: For Con
gress, lion. James Gamble, of Lycoming
County, (subject to the decision of the Con
gressional Conferees) ; for Assembly, Hon.
Charles D. Eldred, of Williamsport.
t ' . ' m s
2- Wo invite tho attention of our down
town cotemporary to the errors in his pa
per, and especially in numbers 5 and 15.
Spell Cabinet. C-a-b-i-e-n-L But we can
.not stoop to correct the numberless errors we
notice in their bogus sheet. We do notpro-
. poso to come down to their level.
. - --
We understand that Jacob Dcihl, of
, thia place, had $1540,00 taken from his Bu
reau drawer one day last week. It is sup
posed that some person well acquainted with
' the houso must have given information or
taken the money. Up to the present time,
however, no arrests have been made of par
ties supposed to have committed the rob
bery. 53" The Pennsylvania "State Agricultural
Society will open it3 annual exhibition at
Eastcn. on the 25th of September. The So
ciety are busy completing the arrangements
for a display which promises to be the great
est ever had in the State. The premiums
offered .are more liberal than those of any
- other State.
JST" A Camp Meeting, under the direc
tion of the Pastors of the Methodist Con
gregation, was held near Lime Ridge, in this
county. It continued its sessions about a
week. Quito a number of persons from
this place attended it during its continuance.
rjS? Job Printing.-?- Having combined
all the material belonging to the two printing
offices, heretofore known as the Columbia
Pnnocrat and Star of the North,vrc are now
pivparcd to do job-work, such a3 Posters,
IlaTl-billrf, Circulars, Cards, Letter-Heads,
Bill-Head?, Labels, &c, in the best styles,
and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly
attended to.
To Oca Patrons. Every reader of the
Democrat and Star has some influence,
certainly enough to get one subscriber apiece.
Let every one feel that it is obligatory upon
him to do so, and we will in a short time
give you a paper worthy of your most cordial
support. Go to work Democrats, in every lo
cality, in every neighborhood, in every town
ship and help us in the cause of right, jus
tice, humanity and Democracy.
" 2y We notice that the foundation walls
of the new Institute Building are nearly fin
ished and the whole work is being forwarded
as fast as possible, with the expectation of
getting one story ready for occupancy for
the Winter Term. The Fall Term, which
commences next Monday, Sept 3d, will hold
itd session in the old building, and the pros
pects are favorable for a full term.
fcSL-The Old Guard, for September, is
already on our table. It is well filled with
choice literary and political matter. Its ed
itorials are Bhort but to the point The
September number contains a magnificent
engraving of Gen. Sterling Price, late of the
Southern Amy. Every Democrat should
take this popular Magazine. Price, $3.00
per year. Address, Van Evrie, norton &
Co., No. 1C2 Nassau Street, New York.
27 Keep it before the people that Mcr
cur, the Abolition Congressman in this Dis
trict, voted for tho passage of a bill to extend
tho right of suffrage in the District of Co
lumbia. All tho Democrats voted against it
Keep this constantly before the peopla;
don't allow the Abolitionist' to dodge it
Torca it upon them ; they can't deny it
Mercer's vote stands against him, in favor
cf givirs the vote to the 'negro. He is one
ef tL-3 men that holds that this is not a
frhlta man's Government We should sec
that ho docs cot get the" support cf tchile
-election to Confess thli fall.'
-mm 1 tzm iSPGHW 'MOP SJWVtS B
" The Democratic Convention. wa3
largely attended much more so than any
previous Convention ever held in this county.
There was a great deal of interest felt inthe
nomination of State Senator; as the candi
dates had canvassed the county thoroughly
and worked up the minds of the people
pretty generally, during which time many
false issues were raised, in which the editors
of this paper were repeatedly dragged. The
electioneering campaign had become entirely
too warm, and we trust other campaigns,
previous to nominations, will be conducted
with far better spirit. -
XtSaT" The salaried servants of President
Johnson, in this town, have ceased all oppo
sition to the Radicals, and have opened the
columns of their organ to malign the motives
and misrepresent the character of the Dem
ocrat and Star. They are bitter and un
scrupulous in their opposition to vs, and,
while drawing their support from the public
chest, they are actively intriguing in support
of the Radical faction. Their greed for,and
disappointment in obtaining, Democratic
subscribers has made them angry. Their
patriotism is closely and sympathetically re
lated :to their pockets. Democrats are too
wise to be fooled by their shallow pretentions
in opposing Abolition-Disunion-lladicalism.
Who Wouldn't be an Editor ? If an
editor omits anything, he is lazy. If he
speaks of things as they are, people get an
gry. If he glosses over or smoothes down the
rough points, he is bribed. If he calls things
by their proper names he is unfit for the
position he occupies. If he does not furnish
his readers with jokes, he is a mulet If he
does, he is a rattlehcad. If he condemns the
wrongs, he lacks discretion. Ifhe lets wrongs
and injuries go unmentioned, he is a coward.
If he exposes a public man, he does it to
gratify spite. In short about the only thing
lie can do to please everybody is to tell people
of the large, fine and cheap stock of Fall
Goods now on hand at David Lowcnbcrg's
and A. J. Evans' Great Clothing Stores.
Another Valuable Remedy. Some
six years since, Messrs. J. R. Nichols & Co.,
manufacturing chemists, of Boston, called
attention to a new combination of Peruvian
Bark with the Protoxide of Iron, which has
proved a remedy of great service as a restor
ative and tonic Recently the same house
have been led to prepare an alterative, or a
remedy designed to break up diseased action
and improve the quality of the blood. This
is a combination of Sarsaparilht, an extract
of the root, and Iodide of Lime, a new remc
uy oi nigii repute among pnysician?. lne
name of the combination is Sarsa par iUa
xcith Iodide nf Lime. This will be a wel
come accession to the list of remedies of a
high and reliable character, which arc placed
within the reach of the public It is for
sale by the druggist. .
BGL. It will be seen, by hand-bills, that
there is another Circus coming to Blooms-
nurg. u e nave tJie evidence, m all our
fat . i
exchanges where it.has exhibited, that it is
a one-norso concern. It has but one old
"hos.s" that is trained for the ring, and this
one has been traveling with circuses and
other "cusses" until it is now half blind
splint and spavin. Its only lady rider is
two-thirds dead with the consumption, and
said to be only able to ride about twice 'round
the ring without either standing or jumping.
It is said to have a few common, starved and
stinking old animals, and of the kind that
everybody has seen more than a dozen times.
We advise the farmers, mechanics and sons
of toil to keep away from this humbug and
save their money. It can neither gratify
your curiosity, nor edify your mind, but is a
poor, broken-down "cu-s" cf a circus.
The Ladt's Friend for September.
A charming Steel Engraving of a Mother
bending over her sleeping Chnd, adorns the
Sontciuber number of this favorite monthlv.
The large sized colored Fashion Plate is as
choice and refined as ever. The other cm-
belishmcnts are a "Summer in Calcutta,"
and enrraving.s of Bonnets, Veils, Prome
nade Suit, Ball Dress, Collar?, Duffa, Gored
Press with I'eplum Baaiue, &c. The music
of thin number, is the "Valley Farm Schot-ti.-xh."
Among the literary matter we may
mention "HowthoMary Jane Came Home,"
by Louise Chandler Moulton; "Out in Jhe
Kain," by Florence 'Percy; "A Premature
Proposal," by Sophie May; "The Disputed
Patrimony ;' "The Mermaid's Home," one
of the Farry Tales of Seieii'Mj ; "The Maltese
Cross," by Mrs. M. E. Kendall; "1W?
Day," by Tracy Towne; with Notices of
Hooks, Receipts, Descriptions of iashions,
&c. &c.
Price $2.50 a year ; 2 copies $4.00 ; 8 cop
ies (and one gratis)$16. Specimen numbers
will be sent for 15 cents.
Address Dcacon& Peterson, 310 Walnut
Street, Philadelphia.
Wanted agents $75 to tmo p er month
tor Gentlemen. anl $.15 to f:5 fur Ladii,ererr
where, to introduce the Common Sense Family Sew-ins-Machine,
improved and perfected It will hem,
fe-l. utitch. quilt, bind braid, and eniliroider beauti
fully price only t in making the elaatie lock stitch
and fully warranted for three year. We pay the
abo-ve wage, or a eomaiisMon, from which twice
that amount can be made. Addreia or cation C.
BOWER tc CO.. Office No. 255 South Fifth Street.
Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promply
wnh circular! and term.
Auguat 2'J, laui. lo. J.V, Sc. Co.
LETTERS or administration on the antate of Vary
lies, late of flugarloaf townahip, Columbia County,
duceaaed, have ben framed by the Register of said
County to GilHcrt Ilea, of the same township and
county. All persons indebted to the estate are re
quested to make payment to the administrator, and
those having claims will present them for allleinent
without delay, to
Sujarloaf, Aug. 2D, 1866. 6w.
GEO. Y. MAUGEB, Proprietor.
The above -Well-known hotel has recently under
gone radical change in its internal arrangements,
and its proprietor announces to bis former custom
and the travelling public that his accommodations
for the com rort of his guests are second to-none in
the country. Ilia table will always be fonnd sup
plied, not only with substantial food, but with all
the delicacies of the sea.en. His wine and liquors
(except that popular beverase known as 'Melomrf.')
purchased direct from the importing houses, are en
tirely pure, and free fixm all poisonous drugs. He
ia thankful for liberal patronage in lb vast, and
will continue to deacrve it in the future.
Jan 13. I860. tf.
All persons are hereby captioned against negoti
ating or purchasing erther of two certain Bonds,
given by direction of the Miool Board of Bearer
Township, payable to JOHN FRY, oraasignr, dated
AUG UST 1 1, let, one for $3nO, payable nine months
alter dato.the other for -33 cents, payable one
yar after date. Said Bond were given in mistake
for a larger aum than actually due, and will not be
paiU unrest compelled by law.
Pres't of School Board.
Aogut32, lfC6,-3t; .
ITTHEREAS, the How. William Elwsll, President
W Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gen
eral ail Delivery. Court of Quarter Sessions of the
Peace and Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court
in the 26th Judicial District, eompored of the counties
of Columbia. Sullifan and Wyoming. and the Hon. John
M'Reynolds at Stephen Baldy.Asso'ateJudges of Colum
bia county .have issued their precept-bearingdate the 7
day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixty -six, and to me directed for holding
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery.
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Plea
andlOrphan's Court, in Bloom burg, in the county of
Columbia, on the first Monday, (being the 3d day; of
September aext, ta continue one week.
Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, the Justices
of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Co.
umbiathat they be then and there in their proper per
son at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day with their
records. Inquisitions and other remembrance to do
those things wich to their offices appertain to be done.
And those that are bound by recognizance, to prosecute
against the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of
said county of Columbia to be then and there to prose
cute them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be
punctual in theii attendance. agreeably to theis-notices.
C -wn i Dated at Bloomshurg.the 1st day of Auguol
L. S. Sin the year ef our Lord one thousand eight
f --v-w ) hundred and sixty-six. and in the ninetieth
year of the Independence of the United States of
America. ( God ava tb CnsoswLTii. )
SAMUEL. SNYDfcR. Shorift.
Bloonsburg. August J. Itjoti.
Grand Jurors, Sept. Term,
BOR. BERWICK Hudson Owen,
BEAVKIt- Daniel Singley.
BtNTON Hiram F. Everett.
BLOOM Benj. f. Harlman.
UATA WISdA Walter Lashell, Benjamin Miller.
CENTRE-Samuel Bower, Jnr.kvon Knorr.
FISH INGCREEK Cyrus White, John Drescher.
John Zaner.
FRANKLIN1 Washington Tarr, Ccorge W. Fens
terinar.her. GREENWOOD Win. A. Kline, Jacob K. Berlin,
HEM LOCK John Kinllnr.
MAINE William Swisher. Daniel FisUcr,
MIKFLI V-Samuel Andrews,
MONTOUR Philip Heimb;ic,
PINE VYillinni Karschner,
ROAK IN OCR EEK Philip Cool.
SUUARL.O F Jacob H. Fritz,
SCOri Daniel Mollick.
Traverse Jurors, September Term, 1806.
BEAVKl Peter Knecht, Samuel Johnson,
- BENTON Samuel McUenry.
Hi.mjn retor niinueycr, nenry iier.
BRIARCUEEK Absxloiii lioiuboy, Eminor Dcitter
ick. CATAW1SSA Benjamin Barns.
CENTUE George K.Mcss, E in mat Aikmaa.
Philip Creav. Joseph P. Conner,
CONY NO II AM Stephen Moiiaghan. William Sny
der. Samuel Leiliy.
FK AN KLIN Daniel Zarr. Vtilliain Rohrbach.
GREEN WOO u Edward Henry, Elislia Hay man,
Samuel Boh art.
HEM LOC K Reuben Bomboy, Samuel Bruglcr,
JACKSON Frederick Wile,
LOCUST J oh u L. Hurst. Lucas Fabringer,
Mark Williams,
MADISON Henry C. Mills, John Zeislnft. -
MIFFLIN Albert C.Millard, Horace Schweppen
heiser, Jonas llaitiel. Isaac fnydcr,
SCOTT William White.
Sl'GARLOAF-Joshua Friti,
CoMMisstonsns' Orrica, j
Bloomsburg. Aug. 1, 1866. )
List of Causes Tor Trial at Septem
ber Term, 1866.
Paxton Kline vs Jane Kline,
1 Stephen Baldy.vs. Tho Cata wissa Williainsport
and Erie Rail Road Company. .
2 Wi'liam L Lance, vs Thomas L'reveling.
3 Jacob Harris va Peter Jacoby.
4 Andrew J. Snyder vs. John Sheatler.
5 Jacob Shumaii vs. Chris-tisn Wolf,
6 Jacob Shu man vs. Jacob Ha rlzel.
7 A.S.Sau! vs. Benjamin Wintersteen.
8 Samuel Henry vs. Jacob Hosier. Win. Klinrtoh tc
Gideon Holer, late doing business in the name
of Hosier at Co.
9 Jacob Sliuman vs The Catawiesa Rail Road Co.
10 George A Herriug vs Peter Miller.
11 Edward Heilner vs The Locuel Mountain Coal &
Iron Co et al.
12 J. I Har kenberg for the use of M. Chambcrlin vs
Silas D Edgar.
13 Jobu Hinterliter vs John Jameson.
14 Jacob Reinley vs t'alawiata Kail Road Company.
15 William A. vs. The Twp of Centre.
16 William Lamon vs Peter H lyinan.
17 William Lamon vs John Vaupelt.
Irt Henry F. Nus- v. Borough of Itprwick.
19 Abraham B. Swisher vs Samuel Rimby.
'JO J. F. Anspach et al vs William P. Kyon.
21 Eli Jones r-Mile C Abbott ct al
y-i John Jameson vs Joseph R James n.
2:1 Greenwood Township vs Samuel Bo; art.
94 MylveMer J. Faux vs Uaac White.
5 Sylverter J Faux, vs Isaac White.
'.ti t'hristain Knapp vaThe Schtol District of Bloon.
27 Hossler 4c Wife vs Schltisser ac Wife.
'Ji Wright Hughes vs IVtrr Miller.
'-' David Lnriili vs Mount Pleasant Towuship.
30 Sylvester J. Faux vs. Isaac White.
31 Joha O Dildiue et al v Parvin Matter.
3-1 Jorathan Knittle vs Wrieht Huches.
33 Mary E Green vs Isaac W hue
34 Mithael Casey v. Franklin Taylor, el. al,
33 Jaiues Barry vs. Bobeit G-orn-ll,
3 John Lavernsvs Barney McBrearty.
37 Peter Karshner et al va Daniel Krum's mlm'rs.
3d Solomon Ni-)ilarl vs The Township of Centre.
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditors
and other persons interested in the estates of the re
spective decedents and minors, thatthe following ad
ministration anl gnardian accounts have been filed
in the offiee of the Register of Columbia County .and
will be presented for confirmation and llo wance ia
the Orpu an1 Court, to be tit-Id iu Bloomsburg, in the
County afoiesaid. on WEDNEcI) A the 5tli day ol
September, ItfOb, al o'clock iu the al'ternoou of said
day : '
1 Account of Samuel Aehenbaeh administrator of
Joseph Hayhurst. late of Oranse township, ilec'rt.
9 Account of Samuel Ac-henbach and Jacob II, Friti
Executors ot William Fritz, !ate of Orange towu
ship deceased.
3 First account of Elida John, Txecutor cf John
Waller, late of Locust township, dee'd,
4 first aeconntof Ririiard Hess, ad'tnr. de
as, with thi will annexed, of Andrew Hess, lat ol
Sucarloaf Twp.ilet'd.
5 A count of Peler and Catharine G-jarhart, ad
ministrators of Henry Gcarhart. late of Beaver twp.
6 Account of J P. Conner, surviving Ex"r of John
Conner, late of Centre township, tiee'd.
7 Account of -amuel Conuer, one of the Executor
of Johu Conner, late of Ceulre twp , dee'd, as filed
by Siias and Linauuil Conner, ndiu:' cf Samuel
Conner, dee'd,
8 First and final account of Abiaiam Yoonr, ad
ministrator i.f James Gibson, late of Greeuwood
township due'rt.
9 Arcouul of Peter K. ITerbein Guardian of Han
nah Price, minor child of Elijah Price, dee d.
Id Account of Peter K. Ilerbcin, Guurdiau of Win.
W, Price, minor child of Elijah Trice, Uec'il.
11 Account of C. B. Brockway. administrator of Ma
thins V hitenight, late of Hemlock twp. dec'J.
1-2 Account ol Daniel Siugley and Daniel Smiley, jr.
adm'rs of J nbn Sibgloy. late of Braver twp. d. c'u.
13 Account of John Trembley, Guardian of Einan
u I Garrisou, minor child of Jacob Garrison late ot
bloom twp. dee'd.
14 Account of James N. Miller, ailni'r of Solomon
Stroup, lute ol Madison twp. dee'd.
15 Account of fcltruda Kline, adiu'r of G Lowry
Kline, late of Orange twp dee'd.
IG Account of Samuel Shultz, adm'r of Famuel
rhtiliz. late of ISentuii Twp. dee d.
17 Account of Samuel J, Millard, adiu'r ci John
Ritx. !ate of Doom Two, dee'd.
IS Account of Peter K. Heibrin and Mary Leiby
adm'rs ot Jackson George, late of Locust twp. dec'il.
I'J Account ol B F Hart man, adiu'r of Zebulou P,
Grons. late of Bloom Twp. dee'd.
'iu The second account of J ohn Appleman and Hi
ram D. Appleman, Executor of Peter Appleman,
late of Hemlock towuship, dee'd.
2 Accouut of camuel J. Millard. A rtininistraior
of Johu Rttz. deceased.
JOHN G. FREEZE, Register.
Bloomsburg, Ang. 1. itfbii.
yy 1JJOWS' APyilAlSEMj'TS.
Notice, of Confirmation.
TUE following appraisements of real and person -al
oropertr aet apart to the widows of deevdent
have been filed in Uie office of the Register of Colum
bia Connty under the Rule of Court, and will be
oresented for absolute confirmation, to the Orphans'
Court to be held in Bloomnburg, in and for said coun
ty, on Weduesday. the Sib day or September, a. w,,
1cM at two o'clock in the afternoon of said dy, un
less exception to such confirmations are previous
ly filed, of which all persona interested in taidea
tatM will take notice :
1 Widow of fceorg"! L. Johnson or Orange Twp.
2 Widow of Eleazar H. lies of Centre Township,
3 Widow of John Lawrence of Hemlock Twp.
4 Widow of Jobu Rita of Bloom Township.
5 Widow of Daniel Mordan ol Mt Pleasant Twp.
6 Widow of I). R. Melick of 8cott Township.
7 Widow of George Sander of Pine Tow nrhip.
8 Widow of Reuben Hess of Fishingeree Twp,
9 Widow of Jacob Scbweppeoheiser of Mifflin twp.
10 Wid rw of Eli Creveling of Scott Township.
11 Widow of FreeaianC. K-ellei of LoenstTwp.
12 Widow of II. Haines Fox of Locust Township.
l:t Widow of Levis W. Kulpof Main Township.
14 Widow of Samnel Remley of Scott Township.
15 Widow of ITichacI Ricneldeifer of Bloom Twp.
Ik' Widow of James Ralston of Bloom Township.
17 Widow of Jacob Rupp of Lo ent Township.
JOHN G. F REEZE, Register.
Sloomsbarg Aug.. I. 1806.
Estatef Olediah CampbcU, sen., deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that letter testamentary
oa the estate of Obediah Carapsell, senior, late of
Locust township, Columbia County, deceased, have
been r ran ted bv the Register of said county, to J. J.
Campbell, of Locust townthip. Columbia Couniy.anJ
Nicbnta Canrpbeil and Ubedian uampD.-n.ot suainu
km, Norto'd. County. All person having claim
against the estate of the decedent are requested to
preseait then for settlement, and those indebted U
the estata will malts) immediate, payment.
OT" Tba business general!) , will be attended to
by Obediah 8. Caitapbel I.
J. J. CAMPBELL, VExee'rt.
August 8,1260. 6 W,
628. HOOP SKIBTS, 623.
New Fall Styles !
Are in every respect rmT class, and embrace a
complete assortment for Ladies, Misses, and Chil
dren, of the Newest Style, every Length and Size
of Waist.
OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more univer
sally ropcLAE than any other before the public They
retain their Shape better, are lighter, more elastic,
more durable, and realy Chkafer. than any other
Hoop Skirt in the market. The springs and fasten
ings are warranted parfert. EvcaT Iadt should Tar
Thcx I They are now being extensively Sold by
Merchants, throughout the Country and at WHOLE
SALE AND RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales
No. 68 ARCH Street, belew 7th. PHILAD'A,
Ask for HOPKIN'S -own xtn," buy no other!
CAUTION. None genuine unless Stamped an
each Kid Pad Hopkm's Hoop Skirt Mannractory.
No 6i8 Arch Street. Philadelphia "
Also. Constantly on hand full line of New York
made very low prices.
August 29, loCfi, 4m. J. W.
The School Directors of Centralia Borough Colum
bia county desire to employ two teac.iers one in.ils
and on female for the winter term of school, to be
opened about the 3rd of Septemln-r next, and con
tmue ten months. Liberal sala.ies will be paid to
good teachers.
An examination will be held by the County Super
intendent at Ceniralia. for the Koroush of Contrail a
and the township of Conynehani, on Thursday Au
giiHt 30, 1866. at IU A. M at which time and place ap
plicant for the school should appear to be examin
Fec'y Centralia School Board.
Centralia. August 13, 1600. sit
The Srhool Directors of Bloom School District, Co
Inmhia County, desire to employ ELEVEN TEACH
EllS. seven and four females. Schools to open
about the 15th of October next, and contiuud live
An examination will lie held by the County Super
intendent at Blooin;hurg, on SATURDAY, the ud
day of September n.-xt, at 1(1 o'clock, A. M., nt w hich
time and place applicants for the schools should ap
pear and be cxamiued.
J. K. EDGAR, Soc'y.
Bloomsburg, August 22, I8(iC.
Centralia Saviug Fuad Association.
aiitTcle I.
The name of thia Association shall bo ''Tho Cen
tralia Savins Fund Association.
The object of this Association i s to give Its mem -bers
an opportunity of making secure dcpoit,. ac
cumulating interest speedily and by the accumulation
and proper management thereof, or by the accumula
tion and proper nianagi-mont thereof, or by loans
made, to euable them to purchase real estate, erect
buildings, pay off mortgages, and accomplish like
The members of this Association shall hs inhabi
tants of the Uifilcd States of America, of the a;;e of
tweiity-onc years and upwards.
Commencement ot operations.
This Association shall go into operation aa soon as
three hundred shares are taken.
The officers of this Association shall consist of a
P.-eeideut and fifteen directors, who iiall bo elected
by the shareholders.
Value of and Number of Shares.
The value of each share shall be two hundred dol
lars, and the number ol shales shall never exceed
twenty-flve hundred.
For every share each holder of the same hhall pay
an iniatioii fee ol one dollar, and monthly instalments
of one dollar, until the dissolution of this Associa
New Members and New iSeries.
New meiiibeis may be admitted nt uuy time until
twenty-five hundred .hares shall be issued. Tin y
shall pay one dollar iuiniion fee and the actual val
ue of the share at the time being. The directors
shall have the power lo decide whi ther n.-w series
of shares shall be issued, and when the same shall
be issued.
Each share of stock entities the lioljer tr a'loan of
two hundred do lar-1. on Hiving sutlicient tecurity.
iSid.s fur Loan.s.
All money received shall bs loaned out monthly,
in kumof two hundred Hollars, to such harehldi:rs
vt ho bid for the same l.'ie hlgiietit premium above the'
miuiuium fixed by the l'y-U.
Obligations to take Lnjin.
If at any time no bid shall be made for the moneys
to be loaned out, the members hall be bound to take
up the loans al the 1-wesl premium fixed, be;; in run 2
with that member who shall hold the laritest number
of shares uuincup-.bere i. But no one shall be com
pelled intake in a single mouth more thaa ouj luun
in this manner.
Tonally for refusing lioans.
In rasa no bids for money in the Treasury
should b made, and members refuse to take loan for
their shares or to give i-ecurity lor Uit sanm. then
the amount paid on their shares shall bo returned
without interest and after deducting the tines, cot-ti.
and proportionate losses, to those in default as afore
said, and for this violation ot tho Conrtitutiou their
name tha'l be stricken off the li-t of members.
Security for Loan.s.
For every two hundred dollars received from this
Association, whether taken voluntarily or adjudged
ta the member, according to the provisions of tin
Constitution a tree share ol 'stork of the Association
shall be assiencd, and such Kh r bhall bu given as
shall be deemed sutiitieitt by tnn-thirds rf the Di
lectors present, and afterwards on -such loan one
half ter cent interest besi des the premium eMail be
paid monthly until tlie dissolution of the Astocisliou.
l ines for Arrears.
Foi every dollar of dues or interest wbii h share
holders neglect or refuse to pay, they shall pay a fite
ol teu cents for everv mouth in arrears.
Withdrawel of Members.
Members v.buse shares are not pledged can leave
this Association allej they sliail have g'ven thiily
days police, iu writing, of the same to the boar J 'l
duectors. They shall bo entitled to re payment of
the amount paid on their shares and lo six per cent,
interest on Hi- same from the tune or times the same
was paid by them. But members ho have .cct ived
luaua from this Asiociatiuu must first pay the same
back iu full.
Forfeiture of Stock.
Unincumbered shares on which no payment has
been made for six months, may be derlared forfeited
by the directors Thereupon the amount paid in ou
sucl shales sbad b- returned to the bolder ther-of,
without interest, alter deducting the fine, costs and
proportionate losses and his name ttneken from the
list of members.
Process against delinquent Debtors.
The board of directors shall, without delay, collect
by judicial process, the full amount of all loans, the
holder of which is in arrears on account of dues on
bis capilul stock, aud iuterest for a period of six
1'ayment of Cost.
All cost arising from the award of a lnan from
legal proceedings against delinquent shareholders
shall bi borue entirety ty such uiombe'k cauaiug thu
Payments in advance.
Members who shall pay their instalments or inter
est at least six months lie-fore the sama is due shall
be entitled to interest thereon for the time the same
was paid iu advance at the rate of six per cent, per
9 Dissolution of the Association.
When the capital of this Association has increased
in value to such a degiee that eah share f hall have
an actual cash value of two hundred dollars, then
this association shall determine and close.
Ta the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Common Fleas, in and for the County of
Columbia :
The petition of the undersigned Director cf the
Centralia Saving Fund Association respectfully pray
that your Honors dodirree a Charter for the incor
poration of the above Association inaicordanee with
the Constitution as above set lunli, and your petition
ers will forever pray.
E. L. Retterly, L. S: Boneb,
Jno. M. RfjjFohd, Alex. W. Rea,
Retbek Wasseb, David Camt,
J. J. Hoagland, W. James,
James Dyke, Henry Gable,
Jos. II. Dawes, William Pejfer,
Edward Sweet, M. M. L'Velle.
I7 The Petitioner presented the above to the Court
at our last May esrion. praying for tbe granting of
a charter, which instrument wa examined by the
Court and notice ordered to ba published that appli
cation for said Charter ha been made.
August 8, IBott. ft.
Of erery description lot ale at taie office.
Practical and Consulting
For the Cure of a'l Diseasrs. Author of Lector
on the Trertment and Cure of Chronic Disease.
May be Consulted a follow, free of Charge ; 18C6.
Bl-OOMSBURU. Pa.. Exchange Hotel,
Jlonday and Tuesday, September 17th and lcth.
BERWICK. Pa, Berwick House.
Wednesday, September Win.
WII.KESB ARRE, Ph., Exchange Hotel,
Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20. tfl. and S3.
TITTSTOV, T-a., Eagle Hotel.
Sunday and Monday. September 83rd and 24th.
Will Visit Each Place Owe m Thrcb Months Ro-
INVALIDS afflicted with chronic disease ef every
name and nature, will be convinced by consulting
m that they will be fairly and honorably dealt with.
They will not bo persuaded to place themselves un
der my treatment unless there is a reasonable hope
of cure.
Dr. OANSEVOORT, can he consulted at his ap
pointed places ; he is a Practical and Scientific Phy
sician, and treats all kinds of chronic diseases, which
have been called incurable, by many of the so-called
distinguished physicians of the country, riuch as
disease of the tipine. Asthma. Consumption, Bait
Rheum, Nervous Debility, Epilepy, St Vitus Dance,
Catarrh. Melancholly, Liver Complaint, Kirketts.
Bloody Urine, Headache. All diseases of Woman'
and Children. Also cases of Seminal Emissions,
which is sending thousands of poor unfortunate vic
tims to the grave yearly.
I he Dor'or does not propose to heal all the diseas
es that alllict mankind . Borne diseases are curable,
others are incurable, while at certain stages all dis
eases are curable, if treatment is commenced at the
proper tiinn. Therefore, do rot wail fur to-morrow.
'1 he present is for us to improve, to-morrow we may
never see. So beu of delays, they are always
dangerous to your interests.
Invalids who reside at loo great a distance to visit
the Doctor at hi places ol appointment, can com
municate with him by letter, and have medicines s nt
to them by Express, to any part of the United Elites
and I'anadas. without delay.
All letters nf inquiry must contain a thrcn cent
tamp to pre-pay reply. Prmcinal ffice and Labra
tory. Crainiiiarcy Park. New York. Address mo at
my.prcseiit residence, Ualh. N. Y.
Aiisust 22, 180(5. 4t
r) Y virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponas, to
i me directed, issued nut of the Court ol Common
Pleas in the County ol Columbia, will be exposed to
public sale, nt the Court lloune, in Rlooui!liirg, on
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, the follow
ing real estate to wit :
A certain tract of land situate in Locist township,
Columbia county, containing fifty six acres more or
les.; hounded on the south by lands of David Kries
her It Henry Gable, on the west by Henry Gable, on
the north by Henry Knapp, and on the east bv lands
of Abraham and David Kr lewder, whereon are erect
ed a l.o House and a Log Barn, with the nppurte
n mice
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
prop:rty of John Perry.
A certain wharf lot situate in Centre twp,. Colum
bia county, bounded on the north by lands of L. W.
Woolly, on the east by land of (Jeorse Shoemaker,
on the south by the North llranrh Canal, nti.l on the
west by lands of E. W. M. and George Low.
Slmz-mI, taken in execution aud to bu sold a 111 c
property of Richard Torby.
A lot of ground situate iu the Borough of Centra Ha.
Columbia county, containing filly f-et front and one
bu I'd red and forty feet deep, bounded on the west by
Locust Avenue, on the north by tot of K. Knittle, on
the cart by an alley, and on the south by a public
road; whereon are erect'Nl a two story frame tavern
and dwelling bouse, and a Urge stable, with the
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sol J as the
property of Peter Mower.
A certain lot of ground situate in thu township of
Mifllin, ".Miltiinville," and coun'.y of Columbia, con
taiiiMig three acres more or less, bounded on the
south by front street, on the west by lut of Charles
II. Hess, on the north by third street, and on thv
east by Fair street, whereon are erected a two lory
frame dwelling house and frame barn, with the ap
purtenances. ALSO,
Another in lot s;tuate in the township and county
aforesaid, tontaiiiing one acre and a half more or
less, bounded on the north by front street, on the
east by Fair ftreet. on the south by second street,
and on the west by lot of Phoebe Miller.
One other lot in the township and county afore
said, containing four acres more or less, bounded on
the south by lot ot Henry KedJer's heirs, on the east
by lot of C. II. lies?, on the north by fourth strict,
and on the wett by Market street.
One other lot situate in the township and county
aforesaid, containing two acres, bounded on the east
by Fair street, on the north and west by lot of Leu is
Eckroth, and on the south by grave yard lot.
One other out lot in the township and crunt afore
said, containing two acres, bounded on the east by
street, on the north by lot of John Keller and
others, on the west by lot of Chanes Werkheiser,
ami on the south by lot of Charles Hess, with the
Seized, taken in execution and to lie sold as the
property of Samuel II. Seibert, with notice to Tcrre
Tcnants. ALSO,
All that certain piece or tract of 'and situate in
Srie.irloaf township, Columbia county, contamins
one hundred acres more or less1, about sixty acres of
which is cleared land: bounded and described as fol
lows to wit: on the nnrih and cast by lands of Con
rad Hess, on tbe south by lands of famuel iles. and
on the west by lauds of lleijuuiii Ptcrman, whereon
are erected a one storv plank dwelling house, a log
stable, w ith the
Seiz.-d. taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of William J. Hess.
At the same time and place, by Fieri Faeiaf, a
certain trrrtof land situate in t.atamssa township,
Columbia Cod m v. containing tweuty-lour acres,
more or less bounded on the east by lands of Jacob
Driiuilieller. on the south by lands i f Solomon Fi-gely,
and uu the north and w si ty lauds of fjideon Ariiilt,
werreon is erected a log bouse and a frame stable
with the appurtenances.
J-nxcd, taken iu execution and to be fold as the
property .f lieiijamin J. Folk.
at.WIL'EL SNYDER, Sheriff.
Illoouisbors, August C, l.-:si.
Til K patentee, Mr.GEOUfiE LEACH, aftertwelve
years of experimenting in the construction rf fins
ami cram cleaners, has'at length perfected .a very
simple de ice by which farmers can arrive nt any
perfection iu the selecting of all kinds of grain for
1 claim for this machine thai it does nway with all
co!iuler currents, and gives an even uniform blast,
testing the ijrain by weight and not by size.
The conviction is now well grounded in lht minds
of the best scientific inun of the country, that the
marked depreciation of the grain crops for years
buck, is owing to the degeneration of the seed sown,
and m l to the poverty of the soil, and it is also the
opinion of many that Ihe weavil and other destroy
ing insects, so destructive to the crops, are produce I
aud matured within the kernels, thu rendered light
er than the others, so that thry are by this machine
entirely removed.
This improvement may be attached to any ordinary
fanning mill. It can that!" much faster and clean
zrain for market more peifectly than any machine
extant It enables the farmer lo select from his mer
chant grain, the soundest and healthiest berries lor
P.y this means also, all praM feeds may he brousht
to tho same perfection for sowing, as the b-i of
Owcgo, Tioga Co., N. Y.
1 refer, by special permission, the following let
ter of thu New York Slate Agricultural Society :
APRIL, lata.
Hos. Commissioner or Patekts :
1 have examined with great care Mr. Leach's
Fan, of Owepo, Tioga County, New York It seems
to me, on cart ful examination, that it is an improve
ment of vart importance to the farmers, millers, and
all in tact who use grain. It is very simple, and
will give to tbe farmer long needed mi nus to sepa
rate the grain, it gives a uniform berry, and thus a
uniform plant, all i opening at the same time, thus a 1
dins a large percentage to the crop, I hope, on care
ful exa uunation. thai you will think it Woithy of a
plate among the approved inventions.
lam very truly yours,
Scc'y of the N. Y Suite Agricultural Society.
Ths undersigned, having used and tested Leach's
Fan in separating and selecting enr seed grain for the
last year, are fully satisfied with the improvement,
aud gladly endorse the Secretary's letter, and recom
mend to the farmers generally to make use of it be
fore the next sowing :
D. I. Biooilgood. Treas. Tioga Co. Ag'l Eoc.
George- W, Holleniack, Uwego, N. Y.
John I, Taylor,
L. L. II. Curtis, Pre'st Tompkins Co. Agricui tural
and llorlicultuial Society.
Joseph Martz, CatawUsa.
C. W. McKelvy.
benjamin Wagner. Roaringrreek, Cof CO.
Jacob Kostenhauder franklin,
Jesse Menscb, "
George Scott, "
G. II. Brown, Mat'ne.
Daniel Yetter. "
Joseph Conner, Centre,
Mord erai Millard. "
Elias Creasy, "
Vastme Boon. Itlnom.
David Clark, Montour twp.
J.D ttuirk,
Grier UttiOc, "
James Barton. "
Henry Helwig, . "
Gilbert H. Fowler. Rnarcreek.
Wesley Rusel, Hemlock.'
r-ilas Johnson, Locust twp.
George lavenee. Ml Pleasant twp.
Henry Mellick, Scott.
John Mellirk. "
Jacob Gerard, Greenwood.
Caleb Appleman, Munlour county.
John Troxwell,
Franklin Snyder. "
XT ADD repaired by '
Auiut8,18Ctf. Catawiiiai
LETTERS of administration on the etate of
Thoma Paker. lute of Bugarloar townsmp. Colum
bia County, deceased, have bven granted by tbe Keg
is ler of said county, to Elisabeth Herriagton, resid
ing In the township and county aforesaid. All per
sona having cleims against the estate of the decedent
are requested lo present them to the Adnunietratrix
lor settlement, and thoe indebted will come forward
and make immediate payment to '
Bugarloaf, Aug. 22, 1806. 6w,
LIME toenrich jour lands and make large crap of
grain and grass. It is now extensively used in all
the leading agricultural portions of the courtry and
without dispute or doubt is known to be the very
best used. It contains leas moisture, is more uni
form in quality, Contains more agricultural value,
than aHy other in the market. The undersigned in
troduce it as a standard art icle, intending to make it
a permanent trade- Its value ha been fully tested
in this county and stun I unsurpassed by any other
article ever introduced. Give it a trial, you will be
pleased beyond measure with the results. Apply to
August 2'J. 180(5. Rupert. Pa.
Piano-Forte Manufacturers,
4S9 Broadway, New York.
THE ATTENTION of the public and the trade Is
invited to our NEW SCALK. SEVEN OCTAVE,
ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume
and purity nf tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of
fored in this market. They contain all the modern
improvements, French grand action, harp pedal, iron
frame, over-strung bass, etc., and each instrument
being made under the personal supervision of Mr.
J. II. GRovEfTEKN, who 4ias a practical experience of
over thirty years in their manufacture, is fully war
ranted in every particular.
Received tue iiiuhkst award or mkrit at tiik cele-
s.-rcn World's Fair
Where were exhibited instruments from the besfl
maker of ondon. Pans, Germany. Philadelphia.
Caltimnre, Boston and New York ; and also at the
American I nstitute for live successive years, the
Gold and Silver Medals from both of which can be
seen nt our ware-rooms.
By the introduction of improvements we make a
still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing
largely, with a stticlly ca-h system, are enabled to
offer tho-c instruments at a price winch will preclude
all competition .
Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any
fir st class Piano-forte.
TEKM3. Net Cash in current funds.
Descriptive circulars sent free: r
July II, IGG. ly. 11. at P.
Has opened a first class HOOT, SHOE,
At his old stand on Main Street Bloomsbuig. His
slock is composed of the very latest and best style
ever otTered to the citizens of Columbia County. He
can accommodate lne public with the following kinds
and price' :
Men's calf boots, flue, $ZMl to 9.00
" kip. double sole, 3 75 to 5.75
Boys child's boots. I ."5 to 4.75
Men's clove kid. I'ongres. &.C., 2.5U to 5.75
" Hal. Ehoes. . 1 0 to 3.00
women's boys and glovo
kid lasting gaiti rs, 1.75to5.75
Women' glove kid.veiy fine. 3.2 i to 5 75
fine goat morocco bahnnrMs, 2 5M to 4 00
men' morocco and call shoes, 1.75 to 2 50
common shoes, .5hto50
Misses' and Child's shoes. 0-I to l.tiU
Men's, w omen's, misses', boy and child
slippers. 0,'i3tO 1.00
He also keeps a great variety of HATS, CAPS and
of every kind, at the lowett prices, both for Cash and
Country produce. i the attraction is in our goods. Don't
be alarmed at tho cry of high prices, but call and see
for yourselves. Respectfully,
Bloomsburg. July II. ldCG.
If you wish to live long and die happy, go without
delay and
in the best Company in the world,
ITS CASH ASSETS ARE $15,000,000.
and itsannual dividend fir tho fiscal year of 1PW
amounts to seventy-five per cent. on all participat
ing premiums, being the largest dividend ever de
clared by any company for the same length of time.
For further information apply to
JOHN G. FREEZE,' Jtgtnt.
July 19. 1?00. 3m. Bloomsburg. Pa.
Camt thj premises of the subicriber,
in Orange township. Columbia County, on
or about th Ith of July, last, a BROWN
II HI PER. with w hile marks on bind legs
and tail . aud supposed to be about one year old.
The owner or owners are requested to come forward
and prove property, pay charges and takij her away,
otherwise the will bu disposed of as the law directs.
August?, I-T.-$1.50.
A new Lumber Yard in liloomsbura,
trpilE undersigned would, respectfully inform tho-e
n J. in want of lumber that he continues lo manufac-
ure and keeps ou hand e good supply of building
nd fencing in. tor! il, at his residence, a stiorl dis
once north of the depot, which he otl'.-rs for sale at
r.Mjtiahle rates. J.VJU15 rCliU i L.xt
Bl oomsbttrg, June 20, IGG.
E-lotcof William Man n, deceased.
LETTERS of administration on the estate of W
liam Mann, 'ate ol Beaver township, Columbia cou
ly, deceased, nave Keen granieu Dy me negimer
ruin ii'u.uj, ..... .. .."...- -, -
I 'i aver tomiship. All person having claims against
the estate of the decedent are requ -sted to present
ihcm immediately for settlement, and those owir.g
the estate will make payment forthwith.
August I, I6C6 -6w,
Heal and Personal Property.
Will be expowed to Public Sale, on the premise of
tli-; undermined, in Fishiugcreek towuship Colum
bia county, on
Friday. Sept. 7l!i, 18GC,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following personal property
to w it :
lt. A lot ef land containing about Twenty Five
Acres, all of which i in a hull t-tan of cultivation
and in with grats, situate in Fit lunircr -ek township,
Columbia county, ni'joininr the public road leading
from Bunion to Bloouif burj, whereon lj erected a
Erich House and Frame Earn,
both new. and 8ll other necessary out buildings.
2nd. A lot of land containing 140 Acres, of which,
about 30 Acres are cleared, situate on the line be
tween Benton and FUhingcreck tow nship, whereon
is erected a pood Frame House and New Barn.
3rd , A lot of land ai'joining No. I, containing one
hundred acres, of w hich sixty-five acres are cleared,
situate in Fijliirgcreck towuship, whereon is erected
a lare new
4th. Two town luts with good bbildings, contain
ing from one fourth to three acres, to sail purchasers;
also, other town lots, without buildings, all lying
along the pul lie road from Benton to Bloomsburg.
The following personal FrPPcrl7 will also be sold
at thu same time :
Tico Horses, One Tico-Horse Wagon,
one fprlng Wagon, Hay and Grain of all kind.
Plows. Harrows, Harness, and many other farming
iuiuleuieiits too numerous to mention.
N, B. Tbe above property will be offered at private
sale until Friday, the 7th day of September next, on
wl. ich day, rf not sold, it will be offered at public
sale on the premises, Applv to the undersigned,
Fttll water, Columbia county, Pa.
Auu-t 15. I-G. 4t
All persons knowing themselves indebted to eith
er of ihe undersigned, on Book, Note or Judgment,
are requested to make pay ment without delay if they
w ou la sate cost.
McKELV Y. N E AL & Co.,
Wm. McKELV Y & Co.
August 22, ISM. If.
aright Rloomintf Cerena."
"Plight l!loming CrM.'
"Right Blooming Cerena."
"Wight Bloonalmg Cereae."
"figat Blooming Cerevs."
Fbaloxt'si '
A most xriuMte. delicate, and Fragrant Perfume,
distilled; from the rare and beautiful dower from
which it take it name.
Manufactured only by
FHAL.ON V SON, Kow York.
Thi Snuff ha thoroughly proved Itself to bar tho
beat article known Tor curing the CaTARan. Cold m
the Ha and Heaoach. It bj; been found in .
. i- ..a, vif flora F.ves. iJS&e
cetteni remeur iu mon; v ' -
hess ha been removed by itfd Beam ut ha often
been greatly improved ny u use.
It is fragrant and agreeably, and
Uil a,. I..'.'.
To the datll heavy pain caused by disease of the
Mead, me aensaiion ki ui" .
i . . . . n.i.aAa (lilt 1 1 ntl.1 r,l IT tl Oltfl. uici -'- - .
strengthens the glands, and give a healthy action to
toe paris anecieu .
More man Aiiiny -tears-,
Ofdalcand use of Da. Marshall' Catarrh an4
Headache SMorr, has prnwd its gr tat value for alt
the common disease of I he Head.nnd at thi moment
itstands higher than ever before. ; . - .
It is recommended by many of the bert physician
and i s used with great success and oatiafaction eve-
rvwhere. " . " i ' .
Readthe Certificates of Wholesale Drag-
... e'iat id 1854.. .... .
The underlined, having for many year been ac
quainted with Dr. -Marshasm's Catarrh and Head
ache r-xurr, and sold it in our w holesaleirad cheer
fully state. that we t ellcve it lo be equal in every re
spect, to the rec.'inn.cnd ntione given of for the euro
of Catarrhal Affections, and that it i decidedly the
best article we have ever known for all to in in ou dis
eases of tbe Head.
Hurr it Perry, Boston,
) Barnes Park, New Yotk
lAUD Stand. "
Reed, Austin Sc. Co
Drown, Lainsnu Sc. Co "
Steohen Paul Co
Reed, Cutlar St Co
Israel Minor Co -M'Kesson
Sc. Robbina
A L Scovill It Co
M Ward. Close II Co
Bush Sc Oale,
Seth W Fowle,
Wilson. Fairbank k. Co.
II taiibthnisV. F.tlntMnAm Mr ITi
U II Hay. Portland. Me.
r'orBale b all Druggist
Feb. 3, ldOti ly.
Try IL
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
tf"The original Medicine cstiblithed in 1837. and
first article of tho kind ever introduced under lh-
namu of "Pulmoric WAfKRg," in this or any.othe
country; all other Pulmonic Wafer are counterfeits.
Tbe genuine can be known by the name BRYAN be.
ins stamped on eacn wafer. . ....
These Wafers have been before the public for nearly
Thirty Years, nnd the immense sale atta.ned.not only
in America but in foreign countries, fully attest their
intrinsic wrth. The medical properties are superior
to any other article offered for t be cure of Pulmonary
or Bronchial affections. and the quantity contained in
each box is nearly double that of the many wor'.hles
imitation advertised.
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Hoarseness, Anhm.-i
. aiarrn. i.roucnm. Dim cult breathing, Spilling rt
Blood Pain in the Chest. Incipient Consumption an
nil llicauci tflf lh, liin.. K,f H . . I
relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and art
naimoieu 10 give saiisiaction in every instance.
j ney ao noi nauseate like aicuholic compounds, and
the medical prope.tiea are combined in a form so
agreeable and pleasaul to the las te, that auy child
win reaany lane tuem. One dose will ay ways afford
To Vocalist and Public Speaker, the Wafer are
peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the
most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular
use for a few day all times. increase the pow
er and flexibility of the voiee, greatly Improving it
tone, compass and clearness, for wbicb purpose they
are regularly used by many professional vocalists.
The very great celebrity of thi valuable remedy hail
incused unprincipled persons to prepare base imita
tion, which disappoint the Just expectation of the
purehascr, and injure the character of the genuiaa '
medicine. ,
See that the word "BRYAN," is stamped on each
Wafer, and also observe the fac simile of tho signa
ture of the Proprietor. "JOB MOSEst" on each wrap
per, to connlefeit which i PdRQERv, QT Offending
parties will be dciilt with lo the full extent of the law.
Bryan's Pumomc Wafer are for sale by all Drug-
JOB MOSES. Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St , N. Y
Feb. 3. lcMio ly.
Celebrated Female Pills,
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J.Ciarke. JU. D.,Phw
sicia Eziraordmatif to tie Qssra. - ,
This invaluable mepirine is unfailing in the cure or
all those painful and dangerous diseases to which tho
female constitution is subject. It moderate all ex
cess and removes all obstruction, from whatever cause
and a rpeedv cure may be relied on
it is particularly suited. It will, ia a short lime, brine
on the monthly period with regularity.
Esxh bottle, price One Hollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Glest Britain, to prevent countetfeiu,
TXete Pill rhould not be taken, ay Female during the
FIRST THREE MOJfTUS of Pregnancy, tkef are inrt
to bring on Miscariege,bul et asy other time tkef atteaf
Every women know thalthe bloom of health most
fade, with tbe slightest irregularity ur obstruction- of
the menses. These Pills are truly the woman's friend
in the hour of trial, snd the only sure, positive and
never failing cure and regulator f Suppression of na-.
ture from whatever cause, fo anld inat the feebl
can taketheiu with perfect security. yet so powerfu
their eJects. mat luey may be safely called, a nev
failing Regulator.
In all rase of Nervous and Spinal Affections. Ia
in the Back and Limbs, Fatigues licht eyertion.Pal
pit.ilion of 'he Heart, Hysterics, and White, these
Pill will eff ret a cure when allotbermeans have fail
ed ; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain
iron, calomel, antimouy, or anything hurtful to the
Full directions in the pamphlet ground each package
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole General Agent fur the United Slates and British
JOB MOSES. 27 Cortland Ft., ?few York. -N.
H $1 00 and 6 three cent postage stamp en
closed to any authorized Agent, will ensure a bottle,
containin 50 Pills, by return mail, sscurely sealed
from ail observation.
Feb. 3. 'iHi.-iy.
Hundreds and thousands annually die premature!
when, if they would Rive the Great French Remedy.
Celebrated Specific Pills,
Prepared by Garaxciere It Iicpout, No. 214 Rua Lom
bard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Jnaq Uela
inarre. Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord cu
Lariboisicre a fair trial, they v. on 1.1 find immediate
relieC and. ib a fully restored to Health
aid Strength It is used in the practice of many emi
nent Freeh physicians, with uniform success. and high
ly recommended as tbe only positive ad petfie Heme
J? for nil persons suffering from General or tcxu.t
Kebiltty, all derangements of the Nervous Forces
Melancholy, Spermatorrhoea or Seminal t missions, al
Weakness arising from sexual Ex-tnergy. Physical
Prostratfon. Nervousness. Weak Spme.t lowness of
Spirits. Dimness of Vision, Hysterics, Pain in tho"
Back and Limbs, Impotency, Stc .
No I tnguage can convey an aeqoate idea of the im
mediate and almost miraculous change it nccasiona to
the debilitated and shattered system In stands
unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the niaUdie above
gauffer no in re. tut use The Great French kerned ; it
wil effect a cure where all others fail, and although
a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurtful to the
most delicate constitution.
Pamphlets. containin full paiticulars and direction
for using, in English. Frencu.Spahisa aud German, ac
company each box, and also seat free to any addre'
when requested. ,
Price One Hollar per box; Six boxes for Five Dollar.
Sold by all Druggists throughout tbe world ; or will
be sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation,
by inclosing specified price to any authorized agent.
Proprietors exclusive Agents for America, USCJIR 0
MOSF.S. Sf CO.. 27 Courltand fU. New York,
Authorixed Agents tot Bloomsburg.
DwitTTc , . LAY COCX:
Fu. J. IWfJ.-!.
The rrnderIged respectfully announce that be
has re futte.l a shop, in Court House alley, opposite
the Exchange Hotel, where he is prepared to con
duct the harberfng buints In all its branches.
Tbe art of coloring whiskers and moustache in
practiced by him most skillfully. He also clean
clothing, making them look nearly a good as new,
upon the most reasonable terms. Give htm a trial,
iL7 Hair Tonic of the very best quality, mad fur
cleaning hair, kept conit-utly on hand, and for salo
Bloomsburg. April 25. 186G. tf.
vTWFrx J8T published. In a sealed $nve
if3f .' lope. Price 6 cents. A lectnra nn tim
. - - -
nature, treatment and radical cure of
Spermatorhoea. or Seminal Weaknns
Involuntary Emissions, sexual Debility and Imped
iments to Marriage generally. Nervousness. Con
sumption, Epilepsy, and Fit ; Mental and Physical
lncanacity. resulting trom Pelf Abuse, fcc. Bv Rob
ert J. Culvcrwell, M, D author of ttn -Green iiook,
Tbe world renowned1 author, in this admirable Lec
ture, clearly prove from hi own experience, that
the awful consequences of felf-Abuse may be effect
unity removed without Medicine, and without dan
gerous surgical operations, bougies, instrument,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every suffere.
no m alter what his condition may be, may euro
himself cheaply, privately and radically, This Lec
ture will prove a boon to thousand. Seat under
sea' to any address, in a plain envelope, on receipt
ot six cent ortwo postage stamp. Alwi Pr. Cul
vcrweir Marrige Guide. price. S5 cent'. Address,
1'J7 Bowery. New Yoik, P. O. bo
, August 15, IStiti, I, feisitto.
r l
ik i