AGRICULTURAL. DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. CLvxMia I'EAcrrzs. rut into a wee porcelain or brass kettle any desired quanti ty of water, Fsreeten with pure white sugar ; wfcrm boilin;?. thowinto it either whole or stoned peaches as desired. Let these also boil to a certainty, when, with a prong or fork fill one bottle with the fruit, afterwards covering with the boiling juice. Let the bot tle be quite full, cork and seal, or rover with the lid immediately, completing one bottle at a time. As the fruit ia exhausted in the kettle moro tfhould be added, also some boil ing water from the tea kettle, and sugar as the supply of juice diminishes. Be careful to season the bottles with warm water before filling with the boiling fruit, or you will be very likely to crack many of them. It will be of no use for you to allow the fruit to re main in any bottle, however slightly flawed or cracked, R3 the contents will not keep. In such case the fruit should be returned to the kettle, brought to a boil and placed in a pcr 'fect bottle, but there Is no necessity for Clacking or injuring one in ten thousand. Do not allow yourself to be more than a few seconds in filling and completing entirely, each bottle. Care should be taken not to place a bottle after filling and while hot, near to any very cold substance for instance, on n cold plate, marble, stone shelf, table, or against the stone wall, and in no case sprin kle with cold water. 'Any one understand ing the principles of heat and cold will per ceive immediately the commonsen3o of these directions. Roasting and Fhyinq Meats. The English are acknowledged to . be the best meat cooks in the world. They never allow any water or broth in the pan where the meat is. The roat, from time to time is pasted with the drippings from the fat In frying a steak or mutton chop, the pan should be come thoroughly heated before placing the meat in it, which should have been previous ly seasoned with pepper and salt. The lat ter should not be applied till just before the cooking, as it has a tendency to harden. The steak or chop should be turned con stantly till done brown. IIikts to Ice Cream Makers. The pro portion of ice and salt should be near as pos sible two parts of ice to one of salt In packing, make one Ctyer of ice, then a layer of salt, and so on, to the desired depth. If the cream freezes but slowly and does not come to. an ice as rapidly as usual, the pro cess may be very much hastened by adding a little more salt and a few fresh pieces of ice. Before putting into the freezer the cream or milk should be as cold as possible. Tomato Catsup. Pour boiling water on the tomatoes, let them stand until you can rub off the skin, then cover them with salt. and let them stand twenty-four hours. Then strain them, and to two quarts put two ounces ofpepper, two nutmegs. Boil half an hour, then add a pint of wine. To Pickle Tomatoes. As you gather them, throw them into cold vinegar. "When you have enough, take them out, and scald uome spices iiea in a Dag, in good vinegar and pour it hot over them. To Pickle Oxiosrs. Peel, and boil in r milk and water ten minutes, drain off the milk and water, and pour scalding spiced vinegar on to them. Currant-Ice Water. j?ress the juice from ripe currants, strain it, and put a pound of sugar to each pint of juice. Put it into bottles, cork and seal it, and keep in a cool, dry place. "When wanted, mix it with ice water for a drink. Or put water with it, "a . 1 n -.- uiafi.c ery tweet, ana ireeze it. r reczing - always takes away much of the sweetness. The juices of other acid fruits can be used . in the 6ame way. Beecher's Receipt Boole. CURE FOlTsiITLXG. If a lady's horse be addicted to shying, I will give her a sure and simple cure for the same, one which I have never known to fail. Let us for instance, suppose the existence of aheap of stones on the nearside of the road. The horse sees an indistinct gray object, and prepares to shy at it, The moment he shows euch symtoms let his fair rider turn both her eyes on exactly the opposite side of the road, and look steadily away from tho offending heap, and I engage that the horse will wa'k quietly by. For many years I havp ridden horses of all tempers and disposition', some of tljcm much given to 6hying, and have never yet found this simple remedy to fail in its effect Let those who scoff at me try it. The reason ia this The human eyes has, doubtless, a great influence on all animals' and there is a strong and secret sympathy between the horse and his rider. The hor33 . sees an indistinct object, and looks doubtfully at it ; his rider becomes alarmed, imagining that the animal is going to commit sraie eccentricity ; the fear is communicated to the animal, and ho starts in terror from the ob ject which ha3 frightened him ; whereas if he finds that his rider sits unmoved and uncon ccrnsdly, he regains his confidence, he goes a "in the even tenorof his way." I believe that one-half of our horses are ruined for life by being "hit over tho head" by grooms, to cure them of shying. Fattening CATTLE.--John Johnston writes tho Country Gentleman that he feeds his cat Ua on all the hay they will eat, with four quarts each of com meal and oil meal daily, increasing each to biz quarts on the third month, in three months I make them prime if not extra beef, I litter my yards well, and stable them no longer than it takes them to cat their meal", as they do 'better out than 'when tied up, and keep clean. Cattle bought that had been mealed, I give more. If ta- viea, giro plenty of air in front, this is im portant. It is important to have the right kind, Shorthorn and Hereford grades are best Theso may be fed at any age. If com mon cattle, get them deep at tho flanks and ide across the Ioia3, with good points gener ally ; euch may be fattened at rising four years. There are so few Ilercfords they are not worth writing about. I am feeding 300 JJIichigan wethers. The portion of the soil of France under cereal cropsfor human consumption, is about one-fourth, while that ofEn;:!ar Wated BONE MILL; pimE BONE DUST. Guaranteed by printed Certificate to ba entirely free from adulteration. "Concentrated Bone Fertilizer," a reliable quick yielding manure. Ly r arruers can ortler direct or wrougn any re sponsible dealer. B7 A liberal discount allowed Dealer A J. BKKIMO. Auju.t I.1SGQ Sin. Allentowu, fa. JJURRAII FOR tATAWISSil. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Good to compare with stringency of the Money Mar et. Look anil compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Juct rail at the favorite business stand of McN'incb 4c Shaman, gand you will be met by the obliging Proprietors or their Clerks and shown through their great variety tore free of charge, of course, they will give you a fair chance to spend your loose change, they trust much moie profitably than it can be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in all its varieties then usual. Thei; Ladies Dress Goods a re of the nicest styles n Market. They have a Due assortment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Summer Cloths, Cabinet. CasMiners and Vesting, and uunierous articles common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Queensware and Groceries, all at greatly reduceJ price. Tli y wish to conduct their business on the system, of "PAY AS YOU GO'' and they think they can a fiord to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, and ask the future patronage of their former customers and the public generally. MeNICII & StIUMAN. May 1G.13CC tf. REAT ATTRACTION AT TFTB undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizen of Bloomsburg and the surrounding country that he keeps con atari tly on hand nt his old stand, on the south cast corner of Alain and Iron sts.. a prime lot of GREEN A ND BLA CK TEA S, Coffee. Sugar, Syrups. Tobacco. Cigars. Dried Frnit. Coal Oil. Snnfr, Spice, Hotter. Kg;. 1-arJ Cheese, Dried Reef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Taints of all kind, aud paint brushes. Dye Bnitr., Dry Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear, oaps. Flour, Chop, Queens are. Glass, rut ty. Salt. Fish. Meat, Candies buckets, Broom. Hosiery. Cooks, Writing Paper,' Ink, Hardware, Torkct Knives. Comb, &c. Ice. Ate . He keeps. in fact every thing appertaining to a first class Grocery and Variety Store He is determined not to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having Just received anew Hock, the people are earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. By strjet attention to business, he hopes not only to ri tain his patronage but to increase it- He feels thank ful for past favors, and with many years experience in the business, lie feels confident he can render sat isfactioo to all who lav or him with their patronnze. JUil.N K. U1UTON, BI-omsburg. June 29, 130'G. IIEAD ! AHEAD ! ! Latest and Grandest opening of the season at BOG ART 56 KREAMER'S CJieap and um at Extensive Dnj Goods Empori- .Where they will otTcr the newest and mot desirable styles and qualities of FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, embracing all tbo latest varieties and styles In the market. In the Dry Conds line they offer the following, among many other articles sold by them, at rAIVIC PRICES, Plain Black and Fancy Dress Silks. Calicoes of every description and figure. Black and Colored Mohair Alpaccas. Real Organdy Jaconet Lawns ; Iffuslins Slice tings, riSIow Cac iT2iisIiii and Linens. Tickings. Checks, Cotton Tantaltfon Stuffs, Linen Drillings, Flannels, Cotton and Linrn Table Cloths. For the latest stvla of PA R ASOLS and UMBRELLAS', for Ladies and Chi'dren, rail upon B 0 GAR T & KREAMER. They also keep on hand a complete assortment of Nofioiis and Groceries, consisting, in part. Gloves. Hosiery of all kin-Is, Balmorals, fnnnet Ribbons, Summer Hatsfor men, women and children. Head dresses, lace vei's. pen knives, combs of every description. pencils. pen paper and ink ; A!n, Sugars. Molasses, (good syrups.) fait, pepper and spices, Maekerel of good quality, cheese, butter and esgs, hams, shoulders and sides. 1 hey also have a full assortment of such as axes, nails and spikes, scretvs, hinges and bolts. Taints and Oils, Cedar Buckets and Willow Baskets, &e. tc. BOG ART Sc KREAMER, sell cheap for Cash, or Country Produce, which will betaken in exchange for goods. Give theui a rail and examine their extensive assortment for your selves before purchasing elsewhere BOGART Sc. KREAMER. July 4. lFC8,-tf LOOMSBURCr FANCY TRIMMING hm BOOK STORE, Second dcor below Hartman's Main Street. Just received a new stock of 7.EPHT B3, WOOLEN AVD COT TON YARNS, CORSETS; LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSL1.V, EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, aud every variety of articles usually kept in a FAIVCY STOItli. A'snSciiool Rooks. Hymn Books, Bibles, Sunday School Books, and a larg lot of M ISC ELL A NEO US B 0 OA'S, Account and Memorandum Books, Blank Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages, and a general and well-selected assortment of Paper. Envelopes, &e. A. D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, June 20, 13G6, -f THE andersigned respectfully announce to the public that be keep constantly on band, at his old stand, one door below Lutz's Drug Store. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Paper Window Shades, Cnrd. Tas sels and Fixtures, for Pictures , te.. of the wry latest st) lea. and is prepared. to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. E. J. TIIORTON. Bloonwborg, April 4 J 60. tf M. WIIITMOYER, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, BLOOVSBURG, Pa. Office opposite Pol office f over Hartman's store. Back 1'ay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov rrnment claims promfAly collected. Blooinsborg. Apr. 4, 'Gti. WRAPPING AND MINING PA PER. Having thoroughly overhauled mv Pa per Mills at Mil! Grove, near Bleomaburg, Columbia County, Pa I am now prepared to fill all orders for Wrapping, Dry Blasting and Water Proof Paper, on short notice and fair prices. I have oneneJ a war. boo so in Wllken Barre. and appointed Joseph Brown of the firm of Brown, Crayfc Co., my agent to dispose of my paper in Luzerne County. T-X-f THE PERUVIAN SYRUP IS A PROTECTED BOLUTION OF THE Protoxide ot Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE. BY supplying the Blood with its vital ramcirt-, oa LIVE IT.IMIIT 1 R M V This is the secret of the wonderful success of this rciuiur in caring Dyspepsia, Liyer Ooniplaint, Dropsy Chronic Diarrbcej, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and FeTcrp, Humors, Loss of Consti tutional vigor, Diseases ' of ihe Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low itato of the system Bein Tree from Alenhnl in nu r,i-,n it- --: ing effects are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor and New Life inte all partsof the system, and buiiding up in IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D. Dux ham. Canada Eat, March 34, IHCS. '! am an inveterate Dvsnentie. of nmre than 25 years' standing." "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 have used the Pe- uviaii o r lui'.uiui i chii scarcely pcrsuaue luyHcltor the reality. People who have known me are aston ished at the rhatlfrtt I mil w,ilv knm&rn n .1 -n but recommend to others that which has done so much for me " A CASE OF 27 YE R3' STANDING CURED. From INSLET JEWET P, No-M A von Place .Cotton "I hav3 suScred. and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from dyspeptic. I commenced taking the Pe ruvian tfyrop, and found immediate benefit from it. In the course of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my surfering. and have enjoyed nuin terrupted health ever cilice " AN EMINENT Dl VI NE OF BOSTON, SA V? : I have been uitig the Peruvian rup for some time past; it gives me new Vigor.Buoyancy of spir its. Llatlirity of Muscle." Thousands have bem changed by the use of this remedy from treat, sickiy.suj, ring creatures, to lrong.kea!thij: and knpjip men and icemen ; and invalid cannot reasona bly he mate to gici it trial, A pamphlet of 'ii pages containing certificates of cutrs and recommendaiiiuis froiii"ome of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent frf.k to any address. drSce that each bottlehas Peedvim Syrup blown in the glass. FOR SALE BY J. ?. DINSMfiKE, Proprietor, 3f. f)ev St.New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. QCROFULA. AM Mediral Men agree that IODINE is the BEST REMEDY fur Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever liscovereil. i he dithcully has buen to obtain a 1'lrk SoLnnoM of it. Dr, H. A Eiders' Iodine Water Is a Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL Vt NT I 1 Containing a Full Grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. has eured and will cure SCROFULA in all itsmani- fold forms. ULCERS. CANCERS. SYPI1 1 L1S.SALT RHEUM ; a n! it has been used with astonishing success in ca ses of Utieiiinntlsiii.llygpep-jaf Consumption. Female Complaint, Heart, Liver and Kidney Ditu: ines.fce. Circulars will be sent rum to any one seuiiug their adtretf.. Price fl.t'O a bottle, or 6 for $3.00 Prepared by Dr. 11. ANDEKd, Physician &.Che.mist.J For Hale by J. P. DlNiIORE, 36 Dcy St. New Y And by all CrcggUts. yiSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CIIEKSCV HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Cold?, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Iufluenzi, Whooping cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, L'ifS culty of Breathing, Asthma, ad ever y affec tion of THE TIIROAT.LUXGS CI1ES7. which carries ofTnioro victims than any other dis ease and which bain -s the skill of tli Physicians to a greater extent than anv other malady, often YIKMlst TO TIILS REMEDY when all other prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, safe in its Oper ation, IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation. free from noxious ingrertinent poisons, or minerals ;inltin akill, medi cal knowledge ; combining all that i 7alual.e In Hie vegetable kingdom for this class ofdUea-e ,it is INCOMPARABLE f and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con-fidi-nce of the public, SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman. N. Y.. w rite as follows : "Wistar's Dalsx or Wild Oiierrt gives nnjvcrsal satisfaction. It seems to cure at nugh by loosening and el'-anring the lungs. and allaying irritation thus removing the cause, iustrad of drying up the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Halsa'in as go d as any, if not the best. Cough medicine with winch 1 am acquainted." Rev. Jacob Seciiler, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respected among the German population in this country. makes the followiug state ment for the be lie fit of the afflicted. Dearths Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prepara tion Wistabs Balsam or Wild Cii.rkt it aiionis nic pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some ei"ht years ago one of my daughter see.ncd to be in a de cline aim little hspes of her recovery were entertain ed I then procured a bottle of your excellent lial-am and before she had takn the whole of trie contents of the bottle there was a great improvement iD her health. I my individual cae made frequent use of your valuable medicine.aud have always been benefitted by iu 3 . J ACOB SECIILER. Trice One Dollar a Bottle. FOR BALE BY J. P. DINSVORE. 3G Dey Street. New York SETU W FOWI.E, 4c SOX. Proprietors,, Boston. ABB BT ALL DBLUO.gTS. Q RACES Celebrated Salvo CURES CUT8.BURXS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES WOUND8.RRUISE3, SPRAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES ROIL8, ULCERS, CANCER3. Grace's Celebrated f alve CURES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve IlEALS OLD SO RES, FRESH WOUNDS, fcc Itis prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and re duces the most angry-looking swellings and imfla mallons, as if by magic thus affordimg relief and a complete core.' Only 25 eents a box I (Sent by mall for 23 cents,) For Sale by J. P. DINSMORE 33 Dey Street, New York. 9. W. FOVYE S& SON. Proprieto.-a.Boston, and by all BUSINESS COLLEGE N.E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets; PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoroughly appointed Dull ness or Commercial College in the country. The only one in tho city possessing a legislative Charter, and the only one in the United States author ized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by geutlemcn of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled advantages for the thorough theoretical and practical education of young men tor the various du ties and employment of business life. THEORY ANLt PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAIN1NO original and pre eminently practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a comp lete iPtitht into the routine, detals, customs and forms of business in general , as conducted in the best regulated commer cial and financial establishments. THEORETICAL BOOKKEGPIVO Upon a new plan, wit b an original exposition of the science of accounts, arranged and published by the proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his own use. saving one-half the ordinary labor of the student andgivin; him a complete knowledge of tli; practice of the best accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES Bootee ping, Commercial Arilhmctic,Peo mansbip, Business CorrerpoDdence, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Commer ciai Cuftoms, Forms, and Actual Busi ness Practice. SPECIAL nil INCHES. Jllgcbr and the Higher Mathematics, Phonoirraphy, Or namental Penmanship, the Art o Vctec ting Counterfeit Money, Kninecting Sur veying, ftacipatijn, and Telegraphing. TELEGRAPH ISO. The arrangements for I elegrapning are far more ad vance of anything of the kind ever otli red to the pub lic. A regular Tele raph Line is connected with the Institution with twenty branch ollices in various parts of the ci'y, where public, business is transacted, and in which tilt students of this Institution arc per muted to practice. No regular office practice can be had in auv otter school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Y011112 men are cautioned azninsl the deceptive representations of those who. without any such facilities, pretend In f a oh Telegraphing. PATRONAGE. This Institution Is now enjoying the largest putron tronnge ever butowed upon any Commercial school in tre State. Over five humlres students were in atten dance the firsryear, and over seven hundred during the past year. The ben class of students may inva riably be found here, aud all its associations arc first class LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATION'S. This Institution is located in the inont central part of the city, and its ac fimmoilations. for extent, ele gance mid convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have been fit tf ,1 up in the very best style with la'SIXESS OFFICES UK C V NT I N'C HOUSK. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. STATIONARY STORE, n a Rinri.AR BANK OF DEPOSIP AND IS.UE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as u circulating medium in the Department of Actual Business. TO YGUIV .HO who desire the very best facilities for a J'raclical Ldacaiicu for Kasinrss, we gnaran lee a course of instruction no where els equalled, while the reputation and standing of the Institution anion; business men make its endorse meiit the best passport to success and advancement. All contemplating entering any Commercial College, are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CA TALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full particulars of the course of instruction, terms, &.C. L. FAI11B1SKS, .1. M., President. T. E. MERCHANT, Su?L of Offlce Business. Nov. 4, l&A 12 in. D RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Tnre Medicines, at John R, Moyer's Drug ?tore. corner of Main and Murfcet Streets. A good assort ment of PURE IHMT;S, Medicines, Paints. Oils and Vnrnisho?, always on hard, and will be sold cheaper than at any other Drig Store in nwn. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded at Moyer's Drug Store, Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug Store. Vihart'g Tar Cordial. Baker's Cod Liver Oil, VVinslow's Soothing' Syrup, sold at 'oyer's Drug Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call nt Moyer's Drug Ptore. Leather of all kinds, wholesale nnd retail, at J. R. Mover's 'Drug Store, Bloomsburg. Pa. AJay 3, lw. tf. JSTEW c IOAL The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of ftlooniburg and Columbia county , that they keep all the different numbers of stove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purposes, on their wharf, ad joining McKelvv, Nenl Ac Co's Furnace ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the weigh coat. hay and straw, .ikewisea horse and wagon, to deliver coal to thoe who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article, and se.ll at the very lowest prices. Plea.Je call and examine fur your selves before purchaFingeNewhere. J. V. IIF.NDEKSHOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. THE undersigned will take, in exchange for Coal and Groceries, the following named articles : Wheat. Kye,Corn.Oat. Potatoes, Lard, Ham, Shoul der, and side meat. Butter, Eggs, Hay. ic, at the highestcash prices, at his Grucery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. V. HENDEUiMOT. Blooms burg, April 2.1, lciiO, ly. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. LUMBIA CO., PA. 13 1 T f,E suhrriber, proprietor 5; jp--y-k J or the annve named e Sl Ik. 'J 1 1 tnive establishment, i now Br5frT t2itifc prepared to receive orders All Kinds of Machinery, for Colleries, Blast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILL:, THRESHING MACHINES. .C. &C. He is also prepared to make Sloves, nil sizes and patterns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in firt-class Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war inntliim in recviviug the largest contracts on the ni st reasonable terms. iiy ;rain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for eatinif. CI This establishment is lca.ed near the Lackawa na 4 Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER CILLMYER. Ulsomsburg, Sept. 12. 1S03. UUaNTESTKY. HC. II O W E R, SURGEON DENf 1ST. 1 1Tl KF?I"M l iUI.LV otters Ins profess ional services to the ladle' and gentle men of i'.l.iombiirgaiid vicinity. He is prepared to atiend to all the varions opjraltons in the line of iiis profession. andis provided wtlht'ie latest improved POHCKLJilJi TEETH; w hich w II he inserted on pold.platina, silver and rubber b to 1 00k w II ai the 11atu1.1l teeth Mi'iertl plate and block teelh manufnctiired arr all 0 erMi''ns on teeth .carefully and properly attended to. Ketie'ence and oCice a few d'Hirs above the Court 11 nite. same side. Bljomsburg, June 6 19C3 A. J. EVANS' ' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, bi early opposite the Episcopal Church. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. T Y stock i composed of fine clothing, medium 111 and low priced adapted to all conditions, tastes and wants. He has the latest styles for the season a fine assortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shawls, from low to the very best His Goods are fashionable and well Made. In addition to my stock of ready-made clothing, I have piece goods for custom orders, ClothsCassiiiiercs, &c, &c. And having one of the first class cutters, I gnaran tee a fit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of H OOLEN ASDLISEX SdIUTS, Stockings, Neckties. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing. Also, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Camel bags. I will sell at Ihe lewest Market prices. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS, Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 15. 1565. S9QA. IflOlVXfl I Agents wanted rr for tix entirely new articl'i. jnst out. Ad- dress O. T. GAREY.Citv lhiildinu. Itedford. Main. 4 MsYl . pill . Ml I.I. tlt'S STOliU. of Spring and Sunimrt CooiU. THE subscriber has Just returned from the cities with another large and select assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased st Philadelphia and fiew York, at the lowest figure, and which be is determined to sell on a moderate terms as can be proeured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. His rtock comprises LAD.ES DBSE5S GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions together with a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTIIS, and Vesting. Also, Groceries, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Hollow-ware, .Nails. Iron, Hats and Caps, ice. In hort. everything usually kept in a country stores, to which he invites the at tention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22. 1605. xvmmm IXSURAKCE CO Mr ANY, WILKES-BARRE. PENNA. CAPITAL AXD SUKPLIS, - $150, ASSETS. Ptock not called in, Bills receivable, - $.-n,ooo 40,0(10 'J.5.0IM) V. P. 5 -20 Bonds, Temporary nnd call loans, .... 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock, 5ii shares First National Bans; at VVilks-Barre. 6.000 6.10 5,000 70 shares Second National Bank at Wilkes-Barre.7,0iU 40 shares Wllkes-Burre Bridge Stock, - 2.580 Real Estate. - 1,519 Judgment', h-j Due from Agents and others, ... 7,41-1 Cash in hand and in Bank. .... l.eli . i)Bi:(jte:.s. G. M. HOLLENBACK, JOHN REICH ARD. SAMCEL WAHIIAMS, I'll A R LKS DORRANCE, R l. I.MOK. L. D. SHOEMAKER. H. M. IIOYT. O. :;oLLI!5, Wm. S. ROS8, CIIARLK A MINER, O M HARDING. aXEWART PIERCE, G. M H0LLEKAI:K. President.. L. H. SHOEMAKER. Vies Vres l. R. C. BMITn. Secratart. F. BROWN. Agi-nt, March 3. 1-C5 u. . msbiirg, Pa. QUE AX IMPROVEMENT IN SE JUNG MA CI1 INE S. Emiire Shuttle 3Xac3iiuc ! . SALESROOMS. 53(5 Broadway, N. Y., ?"i0 Wahincton t t.eet, liorton. 821 Che nut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEB. 14, ItfiW. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely niw principles of inechan,!m, posressing many rare and valuable improvements, having been ex uiiinod by the most profound experts, and pronounced I o Simplicity and Perfection omhined. It has a straight needle, pcrpendjrular action, makes the LOCK or SIIITTLE M'lTCll. which w ill neither RIP aor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect tewing on every description .f material, from Leather to the finest Nansordt muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest mi inner. Having neither CAM or COG Wl EEL. and the Ij.tst possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatiridhf a Knixdcss Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can -work it steadily, without fatigue or Injury to health. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construe tion renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the compauy to give en tire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this U.NK1 VALLEIJ MACHINE. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this machine to their entire sat isfaction. Agents wanted for all towns i i the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also, fur Cuba, Jlexico. Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. 1MP1RE SEWING MACHINE MF'G CO.. 53o Broadway, N. Y, s TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to his many friends and numcrons rni tomers that he continues the above bum nets ot'his old place of business on MAIN bTREET, BLOOMS BCKG. His customers, and others can be accommodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipcs.Tm ware, and every E' .r article found in all well regulated STOVE AND TINWARE f.STABLlSIIMENTS in the cities and on the most reasonable terms. C7 SPOL'TIXG, for houses and birn, will be put up on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing duun promptly and upon liberal terms. He also keeps on hand a large supply of Milk Pans, of ilifT-rrnt sizes and pricos ; b..-ides a fine as sortment of Fisher's Patent ftlf-Seatmg Fruit Pre serving Cans. Give hi ib a call July 16. lrS. if. A LECTURE XX " t t TO YOUXG MEX. Just Published, in a Sraled Enrelrpe. True stt cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cere of Spermat.rilioa, or Seminal Weakness. In voluntary K mission v. IVbiiitv. and Impedi ments to Marriage generally. Nervousness t'on sumption, Epiledsy. dnd F'ts ; Mental and I'hvsiral Incnpacity. resulting from Self Abase. i.c iiy'KOII ERT J CL' LV ER WELL. M. I Author of the 'Jreen Book." dco. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, c early proves from his own experience that the awfui consequences of Self Abuse may be effect ually removed without medicine, and w ithout dan gerous sugira operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter w hat his condition may be, may cure him Sklf heapl y. privstely. and radically. THIS LEU- 1'l-".R.lLWl,,.'lj I'KOVEAUOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps, by addressing CHAS. J, C.KLIXE & CO. 127 Bowery. New York, Poet Ottice Li x, 45cC July IS, lbtC. ly FARJIEKS. The birb nnee cf Pnt.itnea rir,,i. - i:k...i of the CONCENTRATED FERTILIZER, used along the rows or hills, and covered when cul- VJiW'fiJ.""anner on corn- frepared by -Ji'V E'LI3A 0 Clie,m., os.72tand H, Market Street, Philadelphia. and for silo by A. S. K ESTER. ,1gent. May 15. 193m. Busbars. P.. Wm. c. bcnszct, ot0. w. C4RMTER. Established 1828. G. Y. CARPENTER, DESSZGT & CO. WHOL ESA Lbl D II UU G1S Z 737 Market St. one door below 8th. Pi-h-adslf-hia. DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS. OILS. GLASS, VARNISHES, DYE", And every other article appertaining to the business, of the best quality, and at the lowest Market Rates. March 2S, 1366. 1 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OP FENCING BOARDS FOR sale. The undersigned offers for sale upon the most reasonable terms, at his place of business, in BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, one hundred thou sand shingles and a large lot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pia and hemlock. J MJt PVHV -- .v.-'j ,r 'J? .t-. te.vj f mm -jsf IXM1M1.II W JYew Stock of Clothing. I7IEIE3I2X S3$W?iRa IF Spring and Summer Goods. INVITES sttsntion to his stock of cheap and fash ionable Clothing at bis. Store, oa MJUX STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the American House, where he has Just received from Phi ladelnbia, a full assortment of New York and Men ami Hoy's Clothing, including the most feshionahle, durable and hand some, DltESd GOODS, consisting of Hox, Sack, Frock f Gum and Oil ClotL Coals, and Rants, of all sorts, size, and colors. Hn also has replen ished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Khawls ; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, haudkerchivfs, gloves, sus penders and fancy articles.' N. B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selerfeil aa,lrttntit fif iM.ttli- ait. I V - . ........ .. . w......3 .. TCDIIIIf,. vviiii.u he is prepared to make up to order, into auy kind of vi",unij uii vui iiiun uuiilc aiiu iu me vest 01 mjii ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home mnntifacture. A IN U Of every Description. Fin and Cheap. His Case of Jewelrv is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex amine his geueral assortment of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, ac. tc HAYID LOWENBURG. Bloomsburg, April M. ISC3. rit i:s YTA n xi i v a ij AT J'ETKIl EaVT'S STOKE, IN LIGHT STREET, OF SrJil -V A X S U.TS .11 KR C2!'JD CE ZID -j53 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES HAS jusl received from tlio Ea.'terD Cities and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assoitirent of jd 2 ir cs9 co, cQ D. 23 1 a which will be old cheap for CASH OK COUNTRY PRO DUO R ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods, choicest styles and latent fashions. CAMCOEivUUSUNS, GINGHAMS, FL A NNELS, UOSIE li Y, C A R P ETS , SILKS. SHAWLS, ElcajJv .TSrulc Clothing, SATIN KTS, CSSIM ERES. COTTON A DKS, KENTUCKY JEANS, TI1RI5AI), &U. QUEENS WAKE, CE0AK WAitE, II ARD WAKE, iMEI)!CINES,DKUGS, COOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In short, everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of hi o'd friends, and the puc'ic generally, is respectfully solicited. 1 he highest market price paM for coiiulry produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, May 2, 1?C3. Bioomsbarg Railroad. TWO DAILY TRAINS. ON AND A FT I'll NOVEMBER 2T. IWiS, PAS SLNGKR TK AINS WILLRLN AS FOLLOWS. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. P M PM Iave Srrnnton, 4 40 Kingston. ti.liO " r.loomsl urg. F.-iO Arrivo at Northumberland 9.20 LLA Vt. NORTHWARD. A M Ijnve Northumlierlaiid, 7.ou 1 . ii v 1 1 1 .-. 7-40 Blonmtburg, P.25 Arrive st fcrmion, 1-2.40 A M. ft -.'.) 10.3d P.M 5 it) ." 40 6 llr 13 Truins leaving Kingston at is 30 Ai M for Prranton connect with Train arriving at New York at leaving N'orthunibe'l-ind at H.bO A Al.ainl Kiugtton 2 Ho P. M , connect with Train aim ing at New York at IU.jj P. M. Passenger' tiking Train Sooth from Scranton nt 5 5i) A M via N ot thiiinlK-rl.ind. reach Harriburg 1-2 :J P M. Malliniore 5 M P AI., Washington 10 OOP M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia ut 'i W P M. H. A. FONDA. Supt. Kingston. Nov .25. 1SG5.. rpllL.VLW ' Spring' &. iiiuincr ITIcdicinc. 5T"?.-.tfIBHxTaAC3? COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, rREPJREM FOR C. V. PETTES, ROSTOV, By JA3ICS R. XIHIOLS & CO. 'invfnctvring Chemists, MANUFACTURERS OF THE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH I'rotoxitlc of Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a TGA'IC Jt.'D I VK. By Physicians and Invalids in all parts of the coon ry. The new preparation, '-.irsapanlla In combina tion with Iodide of Lime," presents one of the most prompt alterative agents, in a form capable of exert ing full action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded that the altera tive, resolvent, or tonic effects of Iodine, are exert ed most decidedly w.en associated with other alter atives, in combination ; and the Sarsaparilla icuuit to fulfill perfectly all the favorable requisitions. The first etTi ct usually observed w lieu "SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" is taken, is an Increase of appetite showing that it has tonic properties of a marked character. Its al teratrve effects are manifest in its ready combina tion with the blood and tissues Pale, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly under its use, and Ihe vital functions assume a healthy condition. It is admirably adapted to a large nuiuber ofrhrcn ic or acute affections peculiar to children It is suit ed to them both by the mildness a nd elliciency of metlicinal effect and the pleasaul, attractive form of the remedy. It may be given for a long period where constitutional influences are rieired, and no repug nance, or disinclinat on to take the syrup, encoun tered. In White Swellings. Hip-Joint Uiseane. and Distortions of the shoyl l b.s given persist ently, iu moderate dotes, until relief is obuiiued. Li the Spring of the Yar. and during the H'urrt Weather, the accumulation of morbid matters In the system seems to become manifest and very troublesome Las situde, Heaiiuche, Boils, Cos'iveiieu, Loss of Appe tite, Pain's in the Joints, Indigestion, etc., are very common. Nothing ever devised is belter aJa:Ueil to exterminate or drive otf these oil" clion thin this new combination of S A RS ATARI LLA Willi IODIDE OF LIME. A" preparation lile it, or tehich a;prorimatei tt an Alterative, or Blood Piti iji,nr, has ever before been placed within the reach of invalids. Indeed, it is an entirely haw and n-!tnT:rie combina tion, in no respect resembling aiijlliing hilh,i to em ployed. The opinion of medical men concerning it.the de scription of it chemical character. therapulic vat ue. manner of ue. etc.. are given in a cirriilir. which can be had at the store of any and all first class Drasgisls. O"' Hold in lilooinsburg. wholesale and retail, by Ever Sc. Myer. and all Druggists June C, lro. tun. IN V E X tMSMiFFi l ES. D EPINEUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors. No. 433 WALNUT Si KELT., rii.i-APkLFiii. PATENTS solicited Consultations on Engineering Draughting and sketches. Models and Machinery of all kinds mads and tkilfullv attended to. Hperml attention given to KKJtCTED CAtfES and INTER FERENCE. Authentic Copies of all Documents from Patent Office procured. N. B. Save yourselves useless trouble and trav eling expenses. as there is no actuai need for person al Interview with uj. All business with these ibi ces can be transacted in writinz. For further infor mation direct as above, with stamp enclosed for Cir cular with relerences. April Id. lSbti. ly, J V. SAMUEL KNORR. A T T O I : I I . V - A T -1. A W , BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over Hartman's Store, oppoiite Pott Office Bloomsburg, April 4. 1C6 tf. CHARLES D. BROCKWAY, A ttorncy-at-La w. Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, $-c, collected. Special attention paid to natttrs arming ander the Internal Revenue Laws. O- OFriCE. oae door west of the Conrt noute, Bloom sbnrg,Pa. .' jaj P O U T 2iO Horse ml Cati Poite This preparattflau Vang axtd xavarabi knova, will thor oughly retartfeiaM broksa-dswa aad low-spirited hessea, bf strng-theal4 -and Cleanslns; the tontaoh and tctsss tfes. It is ft rare ft r. Tenttve of all di eases iBeident M this animal, such I YELLOW WA TER, HEAVES. COCGH8, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS FOUNDER LOSS OP APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Jus. Iu nse improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a smooth and flossy skin and transforms t h a Ltrvo rxv&, qlsxdsx 1 -I miserable skeleton horse. Into a fine-looklns; and Spirited Ta Veeners of Caw Mils nnm-iiln. f. li vt . I , - -, .. viu lUTMUBnm It increases the qaaotity and improves the aualit oi ue mux. it bus twen proven by so tual experiment y Increase the qnai Uty of saiUt and cream twenty peal eent. and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives then an appetite, loosens imeir n i a s , ana unnktM tliam thrive) much taster. In all diseases of Saine, such as Conghs, Ulcesi Kk the Lnngs, Liver, kc, this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paicr to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a oertaia preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Con per Paper, or 5 Papers for tU PREPARED BY . S. A. .FOUTZ BBO-s AT THEIS It WHOLESALE DIU'G AXD MF.Din.B DET0T. Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, ML For Sale by Druggists aud Btorokeepars tlaocg cut the United Sutes. . ... H7" For kale at the Drug Stera of EYER 4' MOVER, Dlooasburg Pa Eloowiburg. Jaa. . lF6T,.--12mo. DR. V. II. AVIIITMOR, HAS bren in snccessful practice for a number years. Hh the experience of the different hoe-r pilal in h'urope, also a member of the Analytical Me.lirnl Institute of New Yt rk. eonti lues to attead li all profmsional cacs at his offlce No. V2i Filbsrl Street, Philadelphia. i: No patent Medicines are osed or recommended ; the remedies adminiftt'red are those which will not break cown the cont itntion. but reaovate the sys tem from all injuries it has sustained from intaeral m-ilirities. and leave the system ia a health and perfectly rured condition, 3. DYSPtPSI V Hint distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and hnppinea. umiermlaing tbe con -tituti in tnd yeaily carrying thousands ta ear timely sraves. can most emphaiically be eured, 4. Melancholy, Abberration. that state ot Alias--, tion and weakness of the aiind which renders per soul, incapable of enjoying the pleasures or perferaa ing the duties of life, , RIILUtl ATIi1,in any form cs condillea.shrasv ia or acute, wnrrantud curable. li. LP I I.KPSY, or falling sickness, all sbreaU s? stubbern cae of FKMAIjE riseasks ridically removed ; a't Rheum and every deeertp tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofalous diseases wlnrh have ImfHed all previous medical skill, can k-e cured by my treatment ; aud I do say all diseases, (yes Cottat'Mi-Tio) can be cured by wearing say Medi cated Jacket, winch is a protection ta the laags agaiiikl all changes of weather in all climatese hav ing Investigated for year the cause and cbaractsr of interiiiit:eiits (fever and ague) in all parts of tba L niieil States-will cure permanntly all cbrepis or acute cases of ajuo and nervous piseases ia a few days. tauter Cared witliont the kaife or Drawlcg Blood. Tspe Wdrm, that dread to the Human Family for years. cn le removed with two or tbjee doses of n'y newly discovered remedy, warranted ia all cases, onsnl tHtion in the English and German Langaages free of charge. Will make visits aay distance, it desired. Mny be. addresse by letter (confidentially.) and .tlediclne sent with proper directiens ta aay part ot the country. OFFICE Xo, 833 Filbert BL Phils-. April 4. ISGd ly. DR. J. R. EVANS, riijsician and Scrgeoa, AVL(i located permanently on Maisj tlrvH, BLOOMSBURG. Pa., wonld iq- form tho public generally . that he Is preprared to attend to ail business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to hfa ca-re, on terius coniipcasa rale with thr tunes. y lie pays strict attention to Surgery as well as medicine. Nov .'-'5. 1 t;3, ly. M. M. TRAUGIL ATTORiEY-AT-L.lW, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. ill ra rticn In the several Courts of Colambm ami a-'joining counties. fj" All Collections promptly attended to. June Ici6. CHAS. G. BARK LEY, AlCorney nt Iair, DL003ISCIRG, COLUMBIA CO., Tl. 7 ,I L Practlci In the several Courts of Colombia v County. All legal bnsinesa intrusted to his caie shall receive prompt attention. tilBce-Oii Maio fttreel. Exchange Buildings, was Miller's Store. lilooinaburg. April 13, ISC4. Just ice of IZic Peace, Licensed Lonceyinccr Scrircner, and SnrVeyor. M2ice Bcaicr Valley, Ta, Will sttend tot-. king Acknowledgements. Wrrta V.ortgages. Leases. Itonds. Notes. Agre ment. 4.c. Sorveying attended to w ith despatch. - I h irges moderate. UKUUEIilKS AND 17 PH. KLVTF.I.L. having bought L. Runyon'n PRC -l ISUi stuRU is now prepared to rell Grocer ies at Whole sale t,r Kerail. as Cheap as tbe Cean. est. r UV.WYs YOU VAX n.D SL'UAUS, 1 y.A COFFEES. SVRUIS.SI'ICES, CRACKER3. TAi:CH. SODA. COUN .nI aKCH. DRIED KUUir. CANNED FRUIT, .VOODLN-WARK. FLOUR FISH, LEANS. ONION'S. &c, &e. EIH. Y. KLWBLL. rnocToslmrg Etfb 14. IMfia. VA,UVU asenia evrrvwlicrst lo kJ1 eur improved Sewing Machines. Thre Kinds. I nder and upper feed. Warranted newr five notv" salary or large commissions n ihe fll.V-n.n-liinw- in Ik. !?..:. ... J paid. - . a ... nic umirii ois roe lor lessi than $1'), lirq are Tally licensed by llowe.Wheee- for less Kachelder. All other rheap Machines are Infringe menissnd the seller or user are liable to arre.t. few aadt nge- fidS an.i impriHonment. Circulars free. Address or rail apon Shaw &CU,k. B.ddefora, iU., or Chicago llV OMNIBUS LINE. '11 E undersigned would respectfullv i.nn,..b an OMMBH LINE. beZ fS! ---" lace BUD IDC all- ferenlRail Road Depots dai ly. (Sundays riitii m on the Calawia n.i tv.n. .. ee with those going Nor"th aad 8 tU iVT" Bloomsburg Road. iCB. As diouIiJn!N,BlrSf,,,e ,n o.dhioa. ,- JACOB L. GIRTON, Plorrmsburg, April 27. 1564. Proprietois HT.A VTTS I PT a mtto . "-- "iiaiiaojl Of every degcrrfulon fgf na at ltl,e cfflt m v