Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, August 22, 1866, Image 4

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"Wednesday, August 22, 1866.
ScusanEmor SuLLTVAN.-Veliave ta
ken some trouble toascertain, and canfind no
tnan of jour descriptioa. and name in this
town.. , He aliould te in jail but isnot, in this
place.-,.. -V -1 ' - - -
FaiimeiC You ask us 'VBcrc the best
nnd cheapest place to purchase goods in
Bloomsbura" is. We answer at the stores
the proprietors of which .advertise in, the
Caa"vvissian. The Germans, according
to. our understanding of ancient history, were
branch of the rreat original nation termed
7eltx& who inhabited most of the countries
in Europe south of the Baltic. .The ancient
Germans had neither temples nor idols. . The
Opcnair was the temple of the divinity, and
a. coirsecTRted grove the appropriated place
lor prayer and sacrificed 1 he -chief saenfi
ces were human victims, generally the pris
oners taken m war.
Farmer?, read Paxton & Harmon's
advertisement in this issue.
Cay-Wehave in pur possession, Campaign
tones. No. '5 and 6, by -Raven, which will
hereafter appear in their order. .
-r T t
See 'notice of McKelvy, Neal & Co.
and of "William McKelvy & Co. It is im
portant to those concerned.
3T Peter Ent, has, at his Store, in Light
Street, several hundred gallons cf rur.E ci
DER vinegar for eale. 4t.
t3T C. C. Man will pay the Highest mar
- ket ptice';.Tn:cafh - or trade for all kinds of
Pried Fruit... At..
. -
There is 8omo ganie in the Colum
bian (although we couli kill it,) too small
to shoot at. It only exhibits its greed for
contention.' -
JC Peterson's Magaiine for September
has been received full of interesting matter.
It Lb a' first-class Magazine, and enjoy;, as it
merits, a wide circulation.
JCST'The School Directors of Bloom School
District advertise in this paper for ehcen
school teachers, seven males and four females,
to whom liberal wages will be paid.
Z&" The Cainp Meeting in Jackson, dur
ing the ' last few days, has b icn largely u t
tended, passed off very orderly, and we
hope with good results.
tQ The Bloom-sburg Brass Band prac
tice frequently in Snyder's Hall, near our
office, and we are pleased -to know that they
arc now able to discourse delightful music.
rS5" Brick Pomeroy says: "If Ben Butler
gets a year in purgatory for every spoon lie
stole from the South, he'll outlive the devil,
aad fall heir to the hot sulphur springs he
is' bound for."
&zf During the war the Badcals said the
Southern States were not out of the Union
and iever should go out Now, when the
war is over, they say they are out, and shall
not come back.
32 It is with pleasure that we record
the fact that the Greenwood Seminary, at
Jlillville, is again in successful operation,
and has in its opening term, under the
charge of Prof. Walker, a very respectable
and intelligent number of students.
i . ci -
2? One of the principals of the Colum
bian, declares that he has but one more axe
to grind, then he is done, and will no longer
ak the aid nor give any countenance to
Democrats. LetDemocrats be careful about
pinning themselves fast to the faith of such
men. ' 1
JK3 Supervisor Blllmeyer is arching ti e
little stream that crosses Centre Street be
low Third- He U making a good job of it,
-and had it been done ton years ago, as it
should have been, it would have coit the
township not more than ha'f the money.
The Radicals who looked for dissen
sions and diversions in tho Philadelphia
Convention, have been disappointed. Every
thing was harmonious in that body, and
gives indications of a glorious result. The
Radicals will go to the wall in the coming fall
elections. :
' t3F The Conservative Republican Dele
' gates,, to the Philadelphia Convention, met
in their Committee Boom, after tho Conven
tion adjourned and adopted a resolution in
favor of the holding of a State Convention
in Harrisburg, on the 20th day of Septem
ber next.
' CF The Columbian of last week Fay,
that since the number of its subscribers was
given by the Rrpnblt'can as 201, it has add
ed thirty seven to its list. "Let justice
bo done though the heavens fall." Accord
ing to its own count, then, it has a circu'a
tion of 328, including the stockholders who
take from five to six copies apiece.
4 m r r
. The foundation is being laid fr the
hew Post Office building upon the lot of
Joiix B. Pursel, the late recipient of that
office. It is the intention to make a (spacious
room. The situation is good, and no one
need complain of the change.
JJ3 William Gilmorc, who keeps a tip
top Saloon in this place, has leased Sny
der's ILlLL for a period of six months. It
is a large, convenient and safe Hall, and sit
uated in a most desirable part of town. It
can be rented for concerts and other en
tertainments upon reasonable terms.
tQ- Do not fail to attend tho great Dem
ocratic meeting to-morrow, (Thursday) at
Danville. Hi ester Clymer, the next Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania, will positively be in
attendance, and, with other prominent indi
viduals, will address the people oa the great
issues of tho day.
3r On last Saturday, evening a rather
damaging occurrence took place neaa the
Pest 051ce, in this town, by a fractious
horse becoming frightened at the top of the
ugy to vfhich ho was hitched, and run
is; 'round and round, upset and broke the
'o-7 generally, and injured one person
JFST The Steam Planing Mill, erected at
this place by the Bloomsburg Lumbering
Company, is nearly ready for operations.
23 Gen. Geary has no record, military
or otherwise. The lying pamphlet that the
Abolitionists are circulating trie? hard to
make him a record.
tST A good girl is wanted to do house
work. To one who can irive satisfaction
the best of wages will be . paid. Apply
this office. tf.
CORN CROP. Since the recent rains the
corn i3 growing finely, and it may now be
considered that the crop is nearly if not al
together made. The crop will be an abun
dant one.
Qy The Democracy of Indiana are having
rousing mass-meetings in various portions of
that State. The gatherings are immense.
Hon. D. W. Voorhees is putting forth his
greatest efforts.
57 A. C. Hunt, Democrat, U elected as
mcmljer of Congress, from Colorado, by
handsome majority over his Radical oppo
nent, George M. CIiillioL
S?" The Disuniorrists of this county pur
pose holding a Convention, to make county
nominations, at the Courtllouse, in Blooms
burg, on Wednesday, the 5th day of Sep-
tcmbcrncxr. Whew! "Stand from under
The Cholera. The cool weather cf
last week had the effect to diminish the
number of cholera ca?es in New York and
Philadelphia. In Cincinnati, wherethe dis
ease broke out more recently, the mortality
was greater. . . . . .
A young man in a deranged state of
mind has been straying about this town bare
headed for several days. He appears to be
unable or unwilling to give his name but fays
he formerly lived in Lock Haven, Clinton
County, Pa. The Poor Overseers of Bloom
have taken him in charge.
jKiy The Difference. w hue we op
pose the negro-suffrageite, Mcrcur, at heart,
earnestly, and from principle, the ColumLim
is hired, or bought up to do its blowing, and
after all has the impertinence and malice to
charge the Democrat and Star with infi
delity. "0, shame, where is thy blush ?''
fSF We suppose that it is generally
known that a standing resolution, adopted
in full Convention, requires that Delegates
to the Democratic County Convention must
be chosen by ballot. Care jhould be ta
ken on next Saturday to adopt this mode of
selecting Delegates, so there can be no dis
pute as to their right to a seat in the Con
e7 Attention is directed to the notice
published in our paper of the delegate elec
tions to be held on Saturday next, and the
Convention on the following Monday. The
Convention will convene in the Court House,
and the delegates will meet, previous to con
vening, at the public house named in the
call for the Convention.
HfJk- Those wishing to advertise will do
well to remember that the Democrat and
Star, since the consolidation, has increased
Fcveral hundred in circulation. Unquestion
ably it lias the most extensive circulation of
any paper in this conn ty. The two subscrip
tions thrown together, with the increase,
gives it a larger circulation than any other
paper in this or adjoining counties.
tf3 Do you want another war ? Ray
mond, the distinguished editor of the New
York Time, and "Republican" member of
Congress from New York says, that it is the
design of the Radicals, if they succeed in the
coming elections to impeach the President,
with a view to inaugurate another civil war.
Who wants another bloody conflict between
American citizens ? If any such there be,
et them vote the Radical ticket, headed by
John W. Geary.
3" Will not our readers take the pains to
a.dc some one of their neighbors to subscribe
for this paper ? If each of our readers will
send us just one name, there will be more
Democratic papers to read, more to lend, and
more good resulting. We kindly ask our
readers to aid in the circulation of the Dem
ocrat and Star, to get every man to sub
scribe, who is able to pay for it, and if you
meet men who arc too poor to pay for one
lend it to him, ask him to read it to his fam
ily, to his brother tax-payers, or send us the
names of such persons and we will supply
them. Let us all work together in the good
cause of dealing blows to the Rump and
Ruin enemies of the Republic.
The Columbian would have its read
ers believe that the Democrat and Star,
endeavors to make imaginary things real.
What ma-thavc been the condition of mind,
of the individual who wrote, and thJvlitor
who inserted the following in the Colum
lian, of Bloomsburg. Here it is verbatim :
" Large numbers of Southern gentlemen,
delegates to the Philadelphia Convention,
are daily arriving here."
Why did not the writer of the above, ro
port at the same time, that the world was
being turned backwards, over and over,
throwingpavement?, wheelbarrows, hitching
posts, paloon-f-tcps, chairs, bedsteads and
lager-beer bottles in his face, while he was
struggling manfully to keep on the upper
side ?
EZ$ Progress of Chemistry and Medi
cine. Say what we may of new inventions
and improvements in the aits, those which
relate to the healing of the rick are, after
all the most important But few are free
from duease of some kind, and those con
nected with the blood, or clrcttlation, are
the most persistent and troublesome ; there
fore any discovery of aay new agents calcu
lated to restore health to the blood, ought
to be made known. By reference to the ad
vertising department cf the paper, a notice
of SarsapariHu icitli Iodide of Lime will be
found, which is entirely a new combination,
and seems to be admirably adapted to meet
the want spoken of. In in it3 composition
several elements are blended which must
prove efficient in restoring tone and vigor to
the worn Eystem, and in expelling the waste
or effete matters which are constantly accu
mulating. It will be seen that the combi
nation is for sale at this place.
sFor the Democrat and Star.
A Suggestion.
Messrs. Editors : It has long been the
custom for Candidates to canvass the coun
ty, for the purposeof presenting their claims
for the office they are seeking. We have
nothing to say against them for so do
ing. Necessity has compelled them. But
is the custom a good one ? If it is, it should
be continued ; it not, it should be done away.
One thing I believe, the Candidates and peo
ple are heartily tired of it.
1st. It subiects them to a considerable ex
penditure of time and money ; more than
some men have to spare ; and, no aouot,
prevents good and worthy men from mak
ing any effort in this direction.
2d. There is an unfairness in it ; it gives
those who have the time and means to spare,
an advantasc over those who have not As
long as the custom continues, tho men of
limited means must eijrr-retrain, altogeth
er, from making any effort, or else subject
themselves to a great deal of inconvenience ',
tion. oriie state of his health, or that of
his family, render it impracticable for him
to leave home. - -- '
3d. It sometimes jnakes bad friends
amongst themselves. It seems so hard for
some men to electioneer for themselves and
not apai .st others. They forget, that we do
not always elevate ourselves by putting down
others. Improper means are, thus, some
times ucd, tnat produces alienation of mind,
and is not forgotten for years.
4th. It places the people in an unpleas
ant position, where several men are out for
the same office ; all good friends and worth'
men ; It is difficult for the people to decide;
besides, they all wish you to pledge your
support to them ; and if you d ) not, they
are sometimes ofiended. If you don" t prom
ise the first man he is offended, and u yen
do, the second is offended. If you promise
the first, and afterwards are convinced that
the other has better claim, you do not like
to break your word to the first; jrct you
must do so, or vote contrary to your own
convictions. Now, this is a great annoyance,
from which we ask to be relieved.
Finally, it is of but little use. The prom
iacnt men are prcttv well known throughout
the country, and the people can decide in
regard to them as well without the canvass
as with it Let them announce themselves,
through the pajcrs, and there leave it ; and
if we don't decide, always, in favor of their
personal interest, wo will try to decide for
the best interest of the country. As for
those whose promise can be bought with
whiskey, they are not to be relied oa, they
will promise tha ninth man for the ninth
drink, and. perhaps, vote for the tenth man
at last. We make the above remark to call
particular attention to the subject, and would
suggest whether it would not be well to bring
it before the Convention, now sopn to meet
at Bloomsburg. In the mean time let the
people think of it Raven.
Fishingcreek, Aug. 17th, 1SCG.
Tho Montour County Democratic
Convention, on the 2()th inst, nominated
William A. Dean, Esq., for tho Senate, and
Capt. Thomas Chalfant, for Assembly.
Jesse Amracrraan and John W. Miles,
EsqrV., were appointed Congressional Con
ferees ; Peter Hughes and Jas. Curry were
nominated for Associate Judges.
. The Executive Committee of the
Agricultural Society, at their meeting on
Saturday last at this place, resolved to hold
a Fair this fall, on their old ground, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, the lllh, 12th end
1 3th cf October next. The premium list will
appear m uuc season.
JCCT" Gen. Geary is intended, if elected,
to be the tool of Forney, Stevens, and the
renna. R. R. Co. He was taken up by
that party and belongs to them body and
breeches including military record !
On the K,th inst.. by the Rev. Wm. J.
Ever, Mr. Wm. Miller, to Miss Barbara
Traub, both of Franklin Township.
At the same time and place, by the same,
Mr. Augustus Traub, to Miss Catharine Ann
Brobst, both of Franklin Township.
In Montour Township, on the 20th inst..
ip, on t
A Hag
suddenly, 31 rs. oamu
cnbuch, aged
about 40 years.
In Catawissa, on the 18th int., David
Clauk, son of Jeremiah and Flora C. Shu-
lnan, aged 0 months and 10 day.
" One sweet flower has drooped and faded,
One sweet lniant s voice has bed,
One fair brow the grave has shaded,
One dear object now is dead.
But we find rcllvf in sadness,
For or.r child is happy now,
It has kne't in soul-felt gladness,
Where the blessed angels bow."
InBioomhburg en the 20th inst, Henry
B. Wells, aged 31 years, 7 months a.nd 23
The deceased was an intelligent and much
resr ected young man. He leaves no parents
lut several sisters, and a host of friends to
lament his death. His discas.c was consump
tion, which was gradually wearing away his
constitution for several years past. " Peace
be to his ashe.V The remains were inter
red in the Episcopal burying ground, on
Tuesday last, and were accompanied to their
last resting place by a large concourse of rel
atives and friends. Eds.
On Friday, the 3rd day of August, ISGfi,
at Aledo, Mercer County, Illinois, Hannah,
relief of Daniel McEwen, (whose death was
published in this paper last December, ) aged
about 75 years.
Mr. McEwen removed to Greenwood,
Columbia County, some 40 years ago, from
which place he removed to Illinois with his
family, except two daughters, who are resi
ding in this and an tuljoining count y. He
left a brother residing in Greenwood, who
died the present Fcason, leaving a widow,
several children, and many friends, in this
county. - Com.
All person knowing tbemxelTe indebted to eith
er of ibe uudcrMEned, on Hook. Nn4c or Ju.lgmcnt.
are requested to make payment without delay if tbey
woo Id aave coi.
W m. McKELVY 4c Co.
Aufut22. 1SCC tf.
All persons are hereby raationed aainrt negoti
ating of purchasing either of two certain lionrts,
e ien by direction cf the Pthool Board of Beaver
Townnhip. pavable to JOHN FRY,' or assign, dated
AUGUST 11, 18W5. one for 8300. payable mae months
after date, the other for f37ti.35 centa. payable one
yar after date. aid Bonds were fiven in mistake
for a lamer sum than actually due, and will not be
paid unless compelled by law.
Pres't of school Hoard.
August 23, 1PCG. 3U
QOQA MOIVTn I Agents wanted
t?'forx entirel j new rti'-. junt out. Ad
dress O. T. OAKEY, City Building, Bedford. Maine.
Uec. 3J, ldoa. J.
LETTEHH of administration on the estatft of
Thomas Baker, lute of Su(arloaf township, Colum
bia Count, deceased, have bien granted by the Reg
ister of said county, to Ulixabeth-Herrington, resid
ing Hi the township and county aforesaid. All per
sons having claims against the estate of the decedent
are requebted to present them to the Administratrix
for settlement, and those indebted will como forward
and make i uim! d i aB ET HHERRtNGTO'V,
Bucarloaf, Aug-23. 1806. w.
LI ME to enrich your lands and make large crps .f
train and grass. It is now extensively ued .n all
KS lo"in5 aVlcaltura. portion, of the country and
without dispute or doubt is known to be the i veiy
ba?tued. It contain, le.s moisture, is ',rve""i
form in quality, contains more agricultural value,
than any other in th market. The undersigned i n
troilnce it as a standard art icl. int.-n.ling to make it
a permanent trade. It value has been fully tested
in this county and stun Is unsurpassed by any otner
article ever introduced. Cive it a trial, you will be
Pleased beyottd measure with the results. Apply to
August 2'2. 18G6. Rupert. Pa.
The School Directors of Ccntralia Borough Colum
bia county desire to emploj two rs one mala
and onn leiimle f"r the winter term of frhool, to bo
opened about the 3rd of Sept bt.r next, and con
tinue ten months. Liberal will be paid to
good teachers.
An examination will be held by the County Super
intendent at Centralis, for tho ttorouiih of Central i a
and the township of Conyngham, on Thursday Au
gust 3D, lrtirt. at 10 A. M at which time nud place ap
plicants for tin) school should appear to be cx.-iinin-j.
Fee'y Centralis School Board.
Ccntralia. August 15, ldt6. at
The School Directors of Bloom Prh"1 Tv'strjct. Co
I'imbia County, desire to employ ELEVEN TEACH -KKS,
seven males and four I'.-iiialei. Schools to open
about the loth of October . next, and continue live
An examination will be held by the County Puper
iiitenuent at Bloomrburs, on SATURDAY, the '.'-2nd
day of September n.-xt. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. lit winch
time and place applirun'.s for the schools should ap
pear and he examined.
J. K. EDGAR, Suc'y,
Booinsbur;r, August 22, 18fit.
Ccntralia Saving Vuiul AssociatioD.
N ame.
The name of this Association shall be "'The Ccn
tralia Saving tund Asociatin.
The object of thi Association i s to give its me:u -bers
an opportunity of making uecure liepo.jn. ae
e.imiilatiii interest speedily und by the accumulation
and proper management thereof, or by Hie urctimula
tion and proper iiiaiiagiiiioiit thereof, or by I nans
made, to enable them tu purchase real eslale. erect
buildings, pay utl' mortgages, and accomplish like
The members of this Association shall be inhabi
tants of the Uuiled States of America, of tho age of
twenty-one years and upwards.
Commencement of operations.
This Annotation shall go into operation u. soon as
three hundred bhares are lak. n.
The officer of this As-sncintion shall consist of a
President and fifteen directors, who shall be elected
by the shareholder.
Value of. and Number of Share?.
The value of each share shnll be two hundred dol
lars, and the number ot shares shall never exceed
twenty hve hundred.
For every rhare each holder of the same ph.-il! pay
an inialion feeot one dollar, and monthly instalments
of one dollar, until the dissolution of this Associa
New Members and New Scric.
New members may bo admitted at any lime until
twenty-five hundred shares shall-be issued. They
shall pay one dollar inialion i'e and the actual val
ue of Hie share at the time being. The diccctors
shall have thf pow er to decide whether new series
of ebares shall be issued, and when llu suma shall
be issued.
Each share of stock entitles the holder to a loan of
twoiiuudrud do lar. on giving !u llicunt security.
Rids for Jjoans.
All moneys received sh::ll bu loaned put monthly,
ill umTf two hunlred dollars, to surh rs
vtho bid for the same t il highest premium ubvc the
inluiuiuiii lixed by thi I'y-Lavvs.
Obligations to take Lonn.
If at any tune no bid shall be made (or the mon cys
to be loaned out, the members 'hall be bound to take
up the loans at the lowest premium lixej, beginning
with thai member who phall hold tho largest number
of shares uuiucumbere j. Bui no one rhail be com
pelled to take in a single mouth more than oua loan
in this manner.
Fcnaltj' for refusing Jjoan?.
In case no bids lor money in the Trrasnry
should bo m ule, and members refuse to take loan for
their shares or to give security for the saum. then
toe amount paid on their shares shall be returned
without interest and alter deducting the tines, cots.
and proportionate losses, tothoso in default as afore
said, and far this Tiulallnn el llu Constitution their
name, kha'l be strickeu t iX the ti.-t of members.
Security i'or Loans.
For every two hundred dollar received from this
Association, whcliier taken voluntarily or adjudged
to the member, according to the provisions of this
Constitution a tree share nl stock of the Association
shall be assigned, and such oihrr shall bj riven as
clinll be detiiied sutlirient by two-thirds ff the Di
rectors present, and afterwards on such loan one
half per cent interest besides the premium shall be
paid monthly until the dissolution of the Association.
l ines lor Arrears.
Fot evciy dollar of dues or interest which share
holders neglect or refuse to pay. they shall pay a hue
of ten cents for everv inoulli arrears.
Withdrawal of Members.
Members whose share are not pledged Can leave
this Association ailej they shall have e'vtM thirty
day notice, inviriTiiig, of the same to the board of
diieclore. They shall be entitled to re payment of
the amount paid on tiicir share and to six per cent,
interest oil til - same from the time or limes the same
was paid by them. Uut members who have .eceived
loa:i from this Association must first pay the &amc
back tu full.
Forfeiture of fc'tock.
Unincumbered shares un which no payment has
been made for six months, may be declared forfeited
by the directors Thereupon the amount paid in on
such shares ha d if- retained to the folder thtr-of,
without interest, after deducting the fine, costs and
proportionate lot-sts ana bis Hume stricken ftom the
lil of meiabers.
Process against delinquent Debtors.
The board of uirettors shall. ithout delay, collect
by judicial process, li.c full amount of all loans, tho
hoider of which is in arrears on account of dues on
bis capital clock, and interest lor a period of six
Payment of Cotts.
All costs arising from Ibe award of a lean from
legal proceedings agaiusl delinquent shareholders
shall be borne entirety by such member causing the
Payments, in advance.
Members who shall pay their instalments or inter
est at least six months before the sania is due shall
be entitled to interest thereon for the time ths same
was paid in advance at the rate of six per cent, per
Dissolution of the Association.
When the capital of this Association ha. increased
in value to such a degree that each share shall have
an actual cash value ot two hundred dollars, then
this Association shall determine and close.
To the Honorolle the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas, in and for the County of
Columbia :
Tlie petition of the undersigned Directors of the
Centralis Saving Fund Association respectfully prays
that your Honors dooicree a inar.ier tor tne incor
poration of the above Association inarordance w ith
the Constitution as above set forth, and your petition
ers will forevr pray.
E. L. IJetterly, L. S. Boner,
Jno. M. Redyoud, Alex. V . Rea,
Reuben Wasser, David Cajip,
James Dyke, iie.nry uable,
Jos. II. Dawes, William I'eifer,
Edward Sweet, M. M. L V f.lle.
(C7 The Petitioners presented ibe above to the Court
at our last May session, pray ing for the framing of
charter, which instrument was examined by the
Court and notice ordered to be published that appli
cation for said Charter has been wade.
Aujuat 6. 1JC6. 4t
Practical and Consulting
For the Cure of a' I Diseasrs. Anther of Lectures
on the Trertment and Cure of Chronic Diseases.
May be Consulted as follows, free of Charge : 18CG.
BI.OOMSHCRG. Pa.. Exchange Hotel.
Monday and Tuesday, September 17th and lPth.
BERWICK, Pa, Berwick House.
Wednesday, September llHb.
WILKESBARRE, Ta., Exchange Hotel.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20, 81, and 22.
PITTSTON. Pa., EaRla Hotel.
Sunday and Mouday, September 23rd and 24th.
Will Visit Each Place Omcb w Tueeb Monms Ro-
fNVALinS afflicted with chronic disease of every
n nine nnd nature, will be convinced by consulting
ma that they will be fairly and honorably dealt with.
They will not be persuaded to place theniselvo" un
der my treatment unless there is a reasr.nable hope
of cure.
Pa. CANSEVOORT, can be consulted at his an.
pointed placet ; he is a Practical and Scientiilc Phy
sician, and treats ail kinds of chronic diseases. which
have been called incurable, by many of the so-called
distinguished physicians of the country. guch a
disease of the Spine, Asthma, Consumition, Salt
Kheum. Nervous Vitm Dnnee,
Catarrh. Melanrholly, Liver Complaint, Kiiketts.
Bloody Urine. Headache. All diseases of Woman
and Children. Also cases of Seminal Emissions,
which is sending thousands of poor unfortunate vie
tima to the grave yearly.
1 he Horror does not propose to hPa! all tho diseas
es that afflict mankind . ,ome dixease. are c urable.
others are incurable, while at certain stages all dn
eases are curable, if treatment i commenced at the
proper time. Therefore, do rot wail for to-tnorrow.
1 he present is for us to improve, to-morrow we may
never see. So beware, of delays, they are always
dangerous to vour interests.
Invalids vlio reside at too great a distanco to visit
the Koctor at his places ol appointment, can rom
mnnicale with him by lelter.and have medicines nt
to thein by Express, to any part of the Lnited stites
and t'anadas. without delay.
All letters of inquiry must contain a three cent
r:amp lo pre pay reply. Princioal olfir.e and Labra
tory. Cranimarcy Park, New York. Address me at
my present residence. Hath. N. Y.
A list! st 2 J. I3T.!. 4t '
SHERII'1!'"; SilLiaS.
BY virlue of sundry writs of rtmlifioni exponas, to
me directed, issued out of the Court ot Common
Pleas in the County ot Columbia, will be expose 1 to
public sal-!, at the Court Hour", in illonms'uirg. on
at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, th- follow
ing real estate to wit:
A certain tract of Inn l pituato in I.ncast township.
Columbia county, containing fifty-six acres more or
le."s; bounded on thj south by land of David Kries
her & Henry G.iblu, on the west by Henry (jabl?. on
the north by Henry Il.-i.-if p. and on the ea-t bv'land
of Abraham and DavFl KrieKder, whereon are ereit
cd a Log Home and a Log Uarn. with the opptiile
nances. Seized, tahen in execution and to be sold as the
prop-rly of John Perry.
A certain wharf lot si male in Centre twp,, Colum
bia county, bounded on the north by lands of I.. W.
Woolly, on thts east by land of Georg.r Shoemaker,
on the south by the N'orth llranch Canal, and on the
west by lands of E. W. M. and George Low.
Soiled, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho
property of Richard Toiby.
A I. SO.
A lot nfermmd situate in the nrouah of Centra lia.
Columbia county, containing fifty feet front and one
hundred and forty foet diep. bounded on tli4 'vest by
Locust Avenue, on the north by lot of It. Knittle, on
the east by an alley, and on thu south by a public
mart; whereon art erected a two story fraui-J tavern
ami duelling huusa, and a large stabie, with the
Seized, tak-n in execution and to be sold as the
property of Peter llowtr.
A LS ).
A certain lot of ground situate in the township of
Mitllm, -Mittlinville." and county of Columbia, con
laming throe acres more or less, bounded on the
south by front street, on the west by lot of Charles
II. Hess, on the north by third street, and on th;
est by Fair Street, whereon are erected a two -lory
frame dwelling house and frains barn, with the u;j
purteiiauces. ALPO,
Another in lot situate lit the township and county
aforesaid, c ontaining one acre and a half more or
les, boon.lerl on tho north by frori street, on llni
easl by Fair Street, on the s second street,
and on the west by lot of I'hoi be Aliilcr.
A L.-O,
One other lot in the township and county af. re
said, containing four ai res more orlesg, bounded on
the south by lot ot Henry Fedder' heirs, on the ca.-t
by lol of C. II. Hess, on the north by fourth sirvtt,
and on the west by Market street.
One other lot situate in the town?hir and county
aforesaid, containing; two acres, bounded on the e:ot
by Fair street, on the north and we t by lot of Lewis
Eckrotli, and on the south bv grave yard lot.
One other out lot in the township and count afore
said, coniainiiis two arre. bounded on the east by
street, on ihn uortu by lot of John Keller and
others, on the west by lot of Charles Werkheier,
and on the south by lot of Charles Hess, with the
Seized, taken in execution and to he solj as the
property of eamuel B. Seibeit, with notice to Terre
Tenants. ALPO.
All thnt rrrt.iln piere or tract of 'and situate in
Sugarloaf tovnsliip, Columbia county, cnnt.iinin
one hundred acres more or less, about sixty acre of
which is cleared land: hnvmded an J iiesrrib.; l as Col
lows to wit: on the nor'h and enl by lands of C.n
rad Mess, on the south by lanils of H.unu I ilej-s, and
on the west by lands of ltenjamin l'terman, whereon
are erected a one storv p!ank dwelling house, a log
stable, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of William J. lies.
At the same time and place, by Fieri Fccia; a
certain trsct of land situate in Catawissa township,
Columbia County, containing twenty-four a-re,
more or lcs, bounded on the east by lauds of Jacob
Druniheller. c.n the south by lands f Solomon Freely .
ant on the north and wegt by lands of Gideon Arnilt,
weereori is erected a log hotisj and a frame stable
with the appurtenances.
5? ized. taken in txerittton and to be sold as t!i-j
property of Benjamin J. F.:k.
tfAML'EL SNYfJER. Saeriir.
rioomsburg. August c4, IffOti.
THE patentee. Vr. f! F.f RI E LEV'!!, after twelve
years of experimenting in the construction i f f lis.
anil strain cleaners, has at length perfected a Vt rv
simple rict ice by which fanners can artivo at any
perfection in the sclectn.g of all kinds of gram fur
I rlnimfor thii machine that it does awny with all
counier currents, and fives an even uniform Llat,
lciin the grain by weight and not by sizv.
The ennvirtion is now well grounded in th" minds
of the be-t scientific twin of the country, that liie
marked depreciation of the grain rrons for years
back, is owing to the degeneration of the seed sort n,
and in. l lo the poverty of the soil, and it is also the
opinion of many that the weavil and ether destroy
ing inserts, so destructive to the crops, are proc'uee-t
and matured within the kernels, thus rendered Maul
er than the others, so that they are by this machine
entirely removed .
This improvement may bi attached to any ordinary
fanning mill. It can ihatf much faster and clean
gram for market more, perfectly than any machine
extant It enables the farmer to select from his mer
chant gram, the soundest and healthiest berries lor
I'y this means also, all crnr ecds m.y be brought
to the same perfection for sowing, as the bvst of
grains. GLUHfiE LEACH.
Civit'i, Tinea Co., N. V.
I refer, by special permission, in i he f llow ing let
ter of the New York State Acrirultural Society :
APRIL, 10.
Hon. Comissiosfr or PaTvnts :
I have examined with srrnt car.' Mr, Leach's
Fan. M" Owego. Tioga County, New York. It seems
to me. on carcf'il examination, that it is n:i improve
ment of vast importance to Ibe farmers, itnlk rs, and
all in fact who use prnin. It is very snnpb;, and
will give to the farmer long needed means to sepa
rate tho grain, it give, a uniform berry, an I thus a
uniform plant, all iipemiig at the same time, thus a I
ding a large percentage to the crop. 1 hope, on c.ire
lul exa munition, that you will think it wuiihy of a
p iace among the approved inventions.
I am very truly yours,
Sec'y of the N. Y Ptate Agricultural Socii ty.
The undersigned, having used and tested Leach's
Fan in separating and selecting war seed grain for the
last year, are fully satisfied with the improvement,
and gladly endorse the Secretary's letter, and recom
mend to the farmers -generally to make use of it be
fore the next sowing :
I. I. bloodgood. Treas. Tioea Co. Ag'l Soc.
George W. Hollenback, Ow go, X. Y.
John I, Taylor,
E. L. B. Cuitis, Prc'stTor.ipkins Co. Agricultural
and Horticultural (Society.
Joseph Martz, Catawissa.
C, W. IKcKelvy.
f.enjauiiu VYagner. Roaringrrctk, Col co.
Jacob Koslcnbauder Franklin,
Jesse Meusch, "
George Scott, "
II. Brown, Maine.
Daniel Yelter,
Joseph Conner, Centre,
Mordtcai Millard. " ,
Klia. Creasy, "
Vastine Boon, Bloom.
David Claik, Montour twp.
J.D. Uuick,
Crier Uuick, "
James Barton, "
Henry lielwig, "
Gilbert IL Fowler, Brlflrcreek.
Wesley Rusel, Hemlock,
filas Johnson, Locust twp:
George Cavenee, Mt 1' feasant twp.
Henry Mcllicft, Scclt.
John Mellick,
Jacob Gerard. Greenwood, "
Caleb Appleman, Montour county.
John Troxwell.
Franklin Snyder. "
O" Mills repaired by
August 8. 1SC0. Cauwissc.
Piano-Forte Manufacturers,
490 Broadway, New York.
THE ATTENTION of the public and the trade is
invited to our NEW SCALK. SEVEN OCTAVE,
ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume
and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of.
fored in this market. They contain all the modern
improvements, French grand action, harp pedal, iron
frame, over-strung bass, etc., nnd each iustrument
being made under the personal supervision of Mr.
J. H. GRovfcBTEfcH, who has a practical experience of
over thirty years in their manufacture, i. fully war
ranted in every particular.
Received hie highest award or merit at-thk cetc-
bRated World's Fair
Where were exhibited instrument, from the best
maker, of I ondon, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Boston and New York ; nnd also at the
American Institute for live successive years, the
Cold and Silvsr Medals from both of which can be
seen at our ware-rooms.
Uy the introduction of improvement, we make a
still more perfect 1'iano-forte, and by manufacturing
largely, with a sttictly cash system, are enabledio
offer the e instruments ata price which will preclude
all competition.
Our prices are from $100 to 3200 cheaper than any
fir st class Piano-forte.
TEH MS. Net Cash in current funds.
Descriptive circulars sent free:
July 11, lfOC. ly. 11. & P.
Has opened a first class HOOT, SHOE,
At his old stand on Main Street Bloomghuig. His
stock is composed of the very latest and beat styles
ever ofl":red to tho citizens of Columb'.-iijnuuty. He
can accommodate Ine public with the following kinds
and prices :
Men's calf boots, fine, to to 9.00
kip, double sole, 3.7a to 5.75
Boys child's boots. 1,73 to 4.75
Alen's glove kid, Consrest, tc, 2. AO to 5,75
' " Bal. Shoes, I lid to 3.IJU
women's hoys and mis-es glove
kid listing git. rs, 1.73 to 5.75
Wumeu's glove kid, very fine. 3.'2o to 5 75
line goat morocco balmorMs, 2 3u to 4 Od
men's morocco and call shoes, l.3 to si .rd
common shoes, 1.5U to i 511
Misses' and Child's sho"S. -J to 1,00
Men's, w omen's, misses', boys and child.
slipper. 1.00
lio also keeps a great variety if HATS, CAPS and
of cvry kind, at the lowet prices, both f"r Cash and
Country produce.
Ki iiieinliei the ntlrartion is in our good?. Hon l
be al inoe.l at the cry of high prices, but call and see
for yourselves. Kcspec.fuMy. HENRY C I3 Ell.
Bloomsburg, July II, l.JCd.
Notice, of Confirmation.
THE followi.ig appraisement of real and permit-
I nl property set apart to the widows of decdenta
have been tiled in 'he olttee of the Register of Colum
bia County under the Kules of Court, and will b
presented f i r absolute confi i mation, to the Orphans'
Court to be held ill Blooniburg, in an I for said coun
ty, on Wednesday, the 5lh day of September, A. M
lK.U at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, un
less cAcepiiuiis to such confirmations are previous
ly tiled, of which nil persons interested lu saides
lates will take notice :
I Widow of George I. Johnson of Orange Twp.
2 Widow of Kleazar H. Hess of Centre Township.
3 Widow of John Lawrence of Hemlock Twp.
4 Widow of J' lin Uitzof Bloom Township.
5 Widow of Daniel Mordan t .Mt Pleasant Twp.
C Widow of I). K Melick of Scott Township.
7 Widow of George Sanders of Pine To tiship.
H Widow of ulieii Hess of Flsbingcreek Twp,
!) Widow of Jacob Schwcppeiiheiser of Mifflin twp.
10 Wid iw of Eli Crevelini! of Scoit Township.
II Widow of Freeman C. Keliei of Locust Twp.
12 Widow of II. Haines Fox of l.ocut 't ownship.
i: idow of Lewis W. Kulpof Main Township.
11 Widow of Samuel Rem'cy of Scott rIownrlnp.
Li Widow of Michael Ii.chcldeifer of Bloom Twp,
iti Widow rf James Unlslon of 1'. loo in Towuship.
17 Widow or Jaco'iRuppof Locu-t Township.
JOHN G, FUEEZE, ilejjistcr.
SlnotnsTisrg Aug. I, lotll.
List of Causrs fur Trial at je;leni
bcrTcrai, 1366.
Paxton Kline vs Jane Kline,
1 St piien Baldy. vs. The CM wissa Williamsport
and Erie Rail lload Company.
2 Wi'liam L Lance vs Thomas Creveling.
3 Jacob Harris vs Peter Jai ooy.
4 An !r-w J. Snyder vs. John Sheatler.
5 Jacob Sliuman vs. Christian Wolf,
G Jacoli Hmm.iu vs. Jacob Hartzel.
7 A. S. San! vs. Benjamin Winterst ;n .
b Samuel Henry Vs. Jacob Hosier, Wm. Klinetob Sc
Cideon Holler, late doing business in the name
of Hosier tL Co.
9 Jacob Shaman vs The Catawisa Rail Road Co.
In fieorge A Herring v Peter Miller.
11 Kdward Heilner vs The Locust Mountain Coal &
Iron Co et al.
12 J. I", Harkt iiberg for the use of M. Chamberlin vs
Silas H Edgar.
13 John Hinterliter vs John Jameson.
14 ja.rt-b liemlty vs t'ntawissa Rail Road Company.
13 William A. I' vs. The Twp of Centre .
Iti William Lamiiti vs Peter Hayman.
17 William l.auion vs John Vaupult.
II lienry F. N'uss vs Borough of Berwick.
III Abraham 11. Swisher v Samuel Riiuby.
iff) J. K. Anspach et al vs William P. Ryon.
iil tli.Jones Wiles C Abbott et al
--'-.! John Jameson vs Joseph 11 Jamesf n.
ii'i Greenwood Township vs Samuel Bogart.
V4 lylverter J. Faux vs I-anc White.
i!o Sylvester J Faux, vs Isaac W hite.
Jn Mini-tain Knapp vsThe School District ofBlooir,
il Dossier tc Wife vs Srhius"-r it Wife.
Wright Hughes vs Piter Miller.
'."J David LnrUh vs Mount Pleasant Township.
HO Sylvester J. Faux vs. Isaac White.
31 J'.tm O Diidin t:t al vsfarvtn Masters.
3-2 Joi athan Knittle vs Wright Hushes,
3.1 Marv k. Green vs Isaac Whi.e
34 Muiirtel t asey vs. Franklin Taylor, rt. al,
35 James Barry vs.Roiieit Gorrell.
Ho John Lnverusvs Barney McUroarty,
IVu-i Karshner ct al vs Daniel Kruui's adm'rs.
31 Solomon Nehaid vs The Township of Centre.
T'.ie, Newspaper ff Philadelphia!
The Ufst and Chrnjnst Nacsjwpcr in the
Unit c I States.
Furnishes thii desideratum of a genuine Newrpnper
within the means .f any member of tne community
'Pile Pui.lisher li t spared neither paios nor expense
to place the Iki'irer in tne f-'reniost rank of the daily
Mmnieg Papers of lw United States , and his suc
r.C'sful i-worts in the past are an varmst ot his in
tentions nl tr.e present, ami in the future.
experience J Special Correspondent'! are perma
nently st.ilio:ied lit Washington, Harrisburg. New
York, I'a tiniore. Cairo, Annapolis. London, in the
C. S. Navy, and al uill'erent point, throujhoul l eiiu-
"Trained Special Reporters are always senttoany
pail of tile Comment where events of jo.-iitral inter
est may he ti .inspiring.
The Home Editorial and R?portoria! Corps arc un
usually aricd and etheient.
The finances and Mai kels are fully and earcfiiily
reported every day.
The lnqnin r'a Local News is always the fullest
and 'he looi-t authentic in ihefity. The affair of
Pennsylvania are cntefully chronicled in its columns
'I lie Inquirer tavs moke for Special Tri.toRApiiic
m: w.-t than any othir newspaper in the State ; this in
snres to its readers ll:e ar 'u-st inttDiei uce of all im
poitaM occurrences. 111 rout; I out t he world,
Thu Inquirer is imli pendent in politics, national
in Us policy, ha ever and w iil al wa vs ma in lam tlie
inti firity f ; thi Union as the tu Jauieiilul ri nri jile
in A;:ic tici'ii Statesmanship.
August 13,
If you wi-h to live lonj and die I'aprr. without
delay and
in the beFt Company in the world,
ITSCAS'I AS.-ETd ARE 5 13.000.000.
asid itsaiinual uivideud for the fiscal year of 1?Cj
amnituts to seventy five per relit. on all participat
ing premiums, being the largest dividend ever de
t l.ired bv any company for Cie same length of time.
For further information apply to
July 18. 12C0. 3in. blooingbui g, Px
c c.
I have opened a new 5tore at the old stand of Da
1 vid Stronp, on Main street. Bloomsburg, aad will
keep bii hand a general asurttncnt of
SvCS ir v2 Ddl si ca (H s
Such as Dry Goods. Notions. Groceries, Tin-ware,
Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Drugs.
Confectionary. Glass-Ware, Tofcaceo. Hats
Shoes, Flour, Salt. Fish and Meat : all of
which 1 propose selling ut very low figure ror
cash or produce. i na
rr- Call and see. C.C. MAUfi.
Blaomsburgi April 18, 180C tf.
ingcreek. on his acco int. as he will pay no debt, of
her contracting. f?he lea the premises cf the under
signed. her father, on or about ttw lath of j?-
Fishingcreek. Aug. l.lBf.6. 3t'
Of efcry description for eale at ibis office.
.t.,. in nil creditor
JUUCi ibiiuicuj ' ' - .- - r. .
and other persons inierested in the estates of the re
spective decedents and minors, thatthe followingad.
ministration and goardian accounts have been nieu
in the office of the Register of Columbia County.nnrl
will be presented for confirmation and allowance in
the Orph au's Court, to be held in Bloomsburg. in lhe
County aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY the5ih day of
September, 1B0C, at 2 o'clock in the afterrJoon of said
d8l Accoantof Samuel Achenbach administrator of
Josjipa Hayburst, late of Orange township, dee'd.
2 Account of Samuel Achenbach and Jacob H, rit
Executors ol William Friw, late of Orange town
sbi p deceased. ,
3 First account ofElidaJoh, Executor of John
Walter, late of Locust township, dee'd. .
4 f irst accouutof Richard lies, id nr. f bont
jt. with the will annexed, of Andrew Hess, late ot
Sugarloaf Twp. dee'd. .
5 Account of Peter and Catharine Gsarhart. ad
ministrators of Henry Goarhart, late of Beaver twp.
""J Account of J. P. Conner, surviving Ex'r of Johri
Conner, late of Centre township, dee'd.
7 Account of Samuel Conner, one of the Executors
of John Conner, late of Centre two , dee'd, as filed
by Silas nnd Jimanuel Conner, admr's cf fcSainuel
Conner, dee'd. " .
8 First and final accouiit of Abraham Young, ad
tninisirator of James Gibson, late of Greenwood
township dee'd.
9 Account of Teter K. Hcrbetn Onardlan ot Han
nah Price, minor child of Elijah Price, deed.
HI Account of Peter K. Herbein, Guardian ofVVBI.
W, Price, minor child of Llijith Price, dee'd.
II, Brockway. administrator of Ma
thias tV hitenight, late of Hemlock twp. dfe'd.
IB Account of Daniel Sincley and Oaniel Sinley, jr.
adm'rs of John Binglay, I ale of Beaver twp. dee'd.
13 Account of John Treuibley, Guardian of Eman
uel Garrison, minor child of Jacob Gurnson, late of
Bloom twp. dee'd.
14 Account of James N, Miller, ad m'r of Solomon
St roup, late ot Madison twp. dee'd.
15 Account of Kltruda Kline, adin'r of O Lowrjr
Kline, late of Orange twp. dee'd.
10 Account of Suuiuel Shu Iti, udra'r of Samuel
Shiiltz, late of Benlon Twp. dee'd.
I? Account of Samuel J, Millard, adm'r of John,
Kitz, late of Bloom Twp, dee'd.
ltj Account of Peter K. ileibein and Mary trf5iby
adm'rs ol .Jackson Gtorgn, late of Locust twp. dee'd.
!'. Account ot it. F. Hartman, adm'r of Zebulon P.
Gros. late of Bloom Twp. dee'd,
lid The second account of John Appleman and Hi
ram 1. Appleman, Executors of Peter Appleman,
late of IIeinl"C township, dee'd.
11 Account of .aiuuei J. Millard. Administrator
of John Rttz, deceased.
JOIIX G. FREEZE, Register.
Bloomsburg, Ang. 1, leOo.
Edite of O.jedvjh QamphcUj sen., dcccaseA.
N.-rtice is hereby given that letters testamentary
ou the estate of Ohnrtiah Campbell, senior, late of
Locust township, Columbia County, deceased, havo
been crnr.ted by the Register of said county, to J. J.
Campbell, of Locust township. Columbia County, and
Nicholas Campbell and Obediah CampU-ll.of tihauio
km, North'd. Ctmnty. All persous having claim,
against the e.late of the decedent are requusted to
present them for settlement, and those indebted to
the '.-state will uiike immediate payment.
C7 The business generally, will be attended to
by Obediah S. Campbell.
J. .'. CAMPBELL, SExec'rs.
August 8, lt?l'Mi6w.
Came to the nremise. of the snheribcr,'
in Orange township, Columbia County. ou
or about the 1th of July, last, a BRoWM
ipipl-u u.iih u-hiiR marks on bind lees
and tail, and supposed to be about one year dL
I he owner or owner are requested to come forward
and prove property, pay charge, and take her away,
otherwise she will be disposed of as the law directs.
Eritrnved from thft nrrniisGP of
the suh3triber, in IJeiulocIt town
l. .. t . 1 1.:. f n s .r l.n sv
Ell 1, .(IMIIUUI VUUUt; tf "VA awus
since, a LIGHT-RED BULU about
eirhiecn months old ; had no par-
ticular marks. Information s toG
his whereabouts will be thankfully received aad
liberally rewarded. Address.
Aug. e, lfbo. 3t. Butkhorn, Pa.
A nne lumber Yard in Bloomsburg,
THE undersigned would; respectfully inform those
in want of lumber that he continues to manufac
ture and keeps on band a good supply of building
and fencing m.-tcrial. at bis resilience, a abort dia
ance north of the depot, w hich he offer, for sale at
r"r.-onat.le rate.. JACOB IfCiiUYLEJi.
Bloomsburg, June 20. 1FGC.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan. Court of
Columbia county. Pa. on
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. John Gordnerand
Thomas Stockhnuse. Executor, of Thomas Stack
house, late of Pine township, in said county, dee'd.
wi II expose to eale, by public vendue, on the premi
ses, a certain
situate in Tine townhip, Columbia county, adjoin
ine lauds of Samuel Siackhouse and George Slack
house, on the uort i", Abraham .Yrung and Rober
Kussel. on the east; t'rekiel Crossley and Williairl
Weidenhammer. on the south ; and the County Lio
on the wet; containing
strict measure, of which about one hundred acres is
improved land ; there t. creeled on the premises a
one Story and a half Dwelling House. two log Barns,
and an s(-ple orchard ; late the estate ol said de
ceased, situate in'lbe township of Pine and county
tforesaid . JESSE COLEMAN, Cler.
CONDITIONS OF SALC : Ten per rent, of ona
fourth of the purchase money, to be paid by the pur
chaser upon the striking dow u of the property ; one
fourth of the purchase money less ten per cent, to
be paid upon the confirmation of sale Nisi. The res
idue of the purchase money in one year from confir
mation Nisi with interest. The purchaser to pay for
lived and Stamp.
Pine, Ju!y Co, lt.i. ts.
Estate of William Mann, deceased.
LETTERS of ar? ministration on the estate of Wil
liam Mann, 'ate ol Beaver township, Columbia coun
ty, deceased, have been granted by tho Register of
said county, to Allen Mt.nn, Esq.. -who resides Irt
l-earer township. All persons having claims against
the estate of tho decedent are requested to present
Idem immediately for ttlement. and those onicj
the estate will make payeient forthwith.
August 1, liC6. Cw.
Heal and Personal Property.
Will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises of
the undersigned, in Fishingcreek township, Colum
bia county, on
Friday, Scut. 7t!i, 1SGG,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following personal property
to wit :
1st. A lot of land containing about Twenty Five
Acre., all of which n in a hiizh state of cultivation
and in with grass, situate in Fishingcreek, township,
Columbia county, ai'joininr the public road leading
from lie nl on to Bloonif burg, whereon Is erected a
Uriel: and Frame Barn,
both new. and all other necessary out buildings.
2nd. A lot of land containing 140 Acre, of which,
about 2D Acres are cleared, situate on the line be
tween Kenton and Fishingcreek townships, whereon
is erected a good Frame House and New Barn.
3rd, A lot of land adjoining No. I, containing ona
hundred acres, of which sixty-live acres are cleared,
situate in Fishingcreek towuship, whereon i erected
a large; new
4th. Two town lot. with good building, contain
ing from one fuutlh to three acre., to sail purchaser.;
also, other tow n lot., without buildings, all lying
along the public road from Beiitoo to Bloomsburg.
The following personal property will also be sold
at the same time :
Tico Horses, One Tico-Horse Wagon,
one Pprlng Wagon. Hay and Grain of all kinds.
Plows, Harrows, Harness, and many-other farming
implement, too numerous to mention.
N. B. The above property will be offered at pnvata
sale until Friday, the Tib day of September next, osi
which day. if not will be offered at public
sale on the premises. Apply to the undersigned,
Ftillwatcr, Columbia county. Fa.
Augu t 15, 1336.-41
4 CARD. "
l a W. WALKER, A. M.,
Announces to the people of Columbia county and vi
cinity, that he has taken charge of the Greenwood
Seminary at Mill ville, Columbia county. Pa- and will
re-open it, the Fall term commencing on the 13tbof
AUGUST, Iroti.
A full corps of able and experienced Teachers U
taught on the Gottschalk system, a new and improv
ed plan.
Drawing, Crayoning, PastiUe, and Uu
No pains spared to make the instruction entertain
ing, thorough and practical.
vf Fei particulars .end for Circular,
C.W WALKER. A. M . Principal.
i Millville. Columbia Couuty, Pa.
Augutt y6 3i.