Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, August 22, 1866, Image 2

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8. M. PiTTMoiLt Co.. 37 Park Row New York
are duly authorised to solicit and receive subscrip
tions and advertising for he Democrat SUr, pub
lished at Bloorasborg, Columbia county. Fa,
Who are the Theives now ?
Self-styled "loyal'- newspapers made the
" name of Floyd synonymous with "theif "
and why? ."Because, when secession was
about to be inaugurated, he took possession
of and distributed among the Southern
States a large amount of arms and warlike
munitions belonging to the Government.
What are the Disunionists now at? At
tempting to get control of the warlike prop
erty of the Government for distribution
among the New England States and other
States whose officials are known to bo favor
able to the Rump usurpation I Who are
the Floyds now? Every Rump Disunionist
who voted for the resolution to distribute
the arm3 of the Government is a theif and
a revolutionist, and the country will hold
them all responsible for the bloodshed and
anarchy which may result from the treason
able acta which they are perpetrating, and
which, sooner or later, must end in civil war.
Black Statistics.
The Press and other "loyal" journals are
publishing, with eulogistic sayings, the acts
and heroic deeds committed by "our sable
defenders" the negro soldiers. This is in
proper keeping with the tone and conduct of
all those newspapers. Whenever a question
of patriotism or veracity arises between a
white man and a negro, they always take the
side of the darkey.
According to a tabular statement publifih-
- fid, we observe that 1 1,018 negroes tfcre mus
tered into the United States service during
the war, at Camp William Perm, l'hiladel
phix Of this number 427 died of wounds,
8S6 deserted, (we had no idea that a nigger
could desert,) and the number discharged,
and the losses by disease amount in the ag-
gregate to 3,368. The published tables give
no column of those killed in battle ; but if
we are to accept the sayings of those self
constituted loyalists for truth, -we -presume
the' lalhnce all feJ at the front in bayonet
.. charges on the "rebel works." Perhaps I
Ihe Democratic Party.
Prom the time of the defeat of tho Feder
al party under Hamilton, by the Democracy,
led by Jefferson, until now, the Democratic
party has been the defender of the Constitu
tion, and the Union. Against alien and se
dition laws, anti-3Iasonry, Know-Nothing-ism,
New England treason, Abolition and
Rebellion, the United Statc3 Bank power
and its corruptions, the Democracy have bat
.... - T.fyVnn fear or faltering. That party
has, in all these trials, kept its faith, fought
the good fight, .tad will yet reap the rich re
ward of its integrity. Defeated, its death
and burial have as often been proclaimed by
those sanguine place-hunters who believe
... T1nnrl,-r tr be Rvnonomous with patriotism.
U Tf. "etniUvfva" tn Toinlce in its name and
LL the principles that name denotes. Willing
now, in this great crisis, to unite with all
good men in order to save the Constitution
and the Union, by a joint effort for 50 glo
rious an object, yet its history and it3 achieve
ments, its trials and its steadfastness to tho
true principles of our Government-the rights
and liberties of the people and the States
forbid that it should subordinate it3 organi
zation or intermit it3 name. When nation
al restoration is an assured political fact, the
J.emocratio party will ennoble that epoch
and justify the ceremonies of rejoicing by
the great and enduring principles inscribed
on its banners.
What Geasy thinks of the Solditiis.
Geary says that the "men who met at Har
risburg a few days ago as soldiers, to hold a
soldiers, State Convention were " cowards,
skulkers, shysters, and hospital bummers."
Such is the opinion, the abolition candidate
for governor has of the soldiers, who be
lieve they are better than a negro. It ill be
. comes a man whose cowardice chased him in
to a ditch, who has skulked every battle he
possibly could , and who was always found in
the rear of his command, except in case of
retreat when he would be far in advance, to
"talk of "cowards," "skulkers," &c. Geary
cfcire not come into this section and tell the
men, who went from hero as delegates, or
those that sent them, that they are "cow
ards" and "skulkers." lie would bo left
in a worse fix than he was when the man
f pit in his face in Kansas, and be scared
oree than when he hid in the ditch at Chc-
pultepec. j
who fought for the restoration of the South
ern States to the Union, how do you like the
programme adopted by Congress to keep
those States out of tho Union? How do
you like the expenditure of millions to keep
up the negro Bureau, whilst you and your
families must earn your bread by the sweat
of your face? How do you like the contin
ual, persistent and endless legislation by
Congress for the blacks, whilst not a single
enactment is made for your relief? How do
yon hie the doctrines of the Radicals, that
you fought for Negro Suffrage and the Equal
ity of the Races, instead of for the Union
- and the Constitution? If you like all this,
to to for Gen. Geary. If not, cast your bal
lot for Hieser Clymer, tho candidate of the
Union men, and the white men of Pennsyl
vania. ZZJTke President of the United States
U ready to issue a proclamation, dated Au
20th 18C6, declaring that the insurrection
which heretofore existed in the State . of
Tcxa3isatan end, and that peace, order,
tranquility and civil authority now exists in
and throughout the whole, of -tho United
States cf America. -
The National Convention.
. This body of the Representatives of all
the States and Territories, called together to
counsel for the purpose of restoring the Union
to its former condition under the Constitu
tion, met at the Wigwam erected for tho
purpose, on Tuesday, the 14th inst The
crowd was immense, notwithstanding tho in
clemency of the weather. The Convention
was organized at half past 12 o'clock, by ap
pointing Gen. John A. Dix, of New York,
temporary Chairman. Gen. Dix on taking
tho chair, delivered an able and patriotic ad
dress, which elicited the applause of the vast
concourse. After the conclusion of General
Dix's remarks, prayer was offered by Rev.
Mr. McDonald. The' call for the Convention
was then read, after which a committee, con
sisting of one delegate from each State and
Territory, was appointed by the Chair. The
Address to tho people of tho United States,
signed by the Democratic members of Con
gress, and the circular issued by J udgo Blair,
and Hon. A. W. Randall, were read. Senator
Doolittle, was chosen permanent President of
the Convention. The Massachusetts and
South Carolina Delegates entered the Wig
wam arm in arm, headed by Gov. Orr, of
South Carolina and Gen. Coi;r!i of Massa
chusetts, which elictitcd the most tumultu
ous applause. A declaration of principles
was read by Secretary Perrin, and an address
to the people of the United States was read
by Henry J. Raymond. On motion of Hon.
Reverdy Johnson, an official copy of the pro
ceedings wa3 ordered to be prepared and
printed, and a committee appointed to wait
upon tho President and present him with an
authentic copy. A National Union Execu
tive Committee and a Committee of finance
were also appointed. After thanking Mayor
Mc3Iicflael, the Reporters and citizens, and
giving three times three hearty cheers for
the Union, the Convention ended with the
thanks of President Doolittle to the Con
vention for their kindness and courtesy to
himself and finally introducing the Rev. Mr.
Elliot, who pronounced the parting benedic
tion. Delegates from every section of the
Union gathered to this Convention. The
Hotels overflowed and the streets were full
with strangers. Wire- pulling and discussing
policy was all done in secret and in the rooms
of the various Committees. But the talk
and hum of the corridors were open, frank
and full of earnest and hearty good nature.
Each State had its headquarters or Commit
tee rooms. While the Convention would not
have perpetrated the outrage of excluding
tho Woods and Vallandioiiam, yet the
Democratic party was too much devoted to
the high patriotic object in view to permit
the presence of those men to disturb, in the
least, the deliberations of the Convention.
The resolutions of 1798-9 are the great
truths reiterated by the Convention. The
Democratic party have the men and the plat
form to lead and control the entire move
ment, yet it was considered practicable and
proper, that the Convention be conducted by
tho men who elected President Johnson.
The views and foclings of the Democratic
party were specially represented and had a
cheerful and salutary effect in shaping the
proceedings of the Convention. The great
desire of all parties participating in the Con
vention was, that it should do well its speci
fied work, so that when the great Democrat
ic party has assembled in general Conven
tion, and will have hundreds of thousands
of a numerical majority,-that tho acts and
deliberations of this Convention may receive
its hearty response and unanimous approval.
So far as we have been ablo to understand
the actions of the Convention it has pledged
itself to the defence of the rights of the
States guaranteed by the Constitution, and
to the ancient and modern, noble and con
stitutional doctrines of the Democratic party.
And we know that we f peak the sentiment
of the Democratic rarty, when we say that
we cheerfully pledge ourselves, our liberties,
our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors
to vindicate the President in his efforts to je
stora the States to their legitimate authori
ty and representation of their people. We
ask no offices at his hands and must not be
expected to surrender any principles. The
Democrats will give this support, in conso
nance with the invariable instructions of the
leading Johnson Republicans, and the ad
vice of every Democratic champion and sen
tinel of liberty in our country, Democrats
we say, will give this support in their own
way, through their own organs and organiza
tions, in accordance with the principles and
usages of the great Democratic party which
made the Union by the Constitution, and
made our country illustrious and our people
free, and who have a majority of hundreds
of thousands in the total vote of tho country.
The principles and the 'name of the great
Democratic party arc not to be abandoned,
but to stand as an unbroken army, strength
ened by the action of those calling themselves
Johnson men, and arrayed against tests and
test oaths, other than those prescribed by
the Constitution, and against those mon-,
strous retrospective test oaths which were
never written in the English languago before
they were forced upon the country, much
less adopted by a deliberate act of the pres
ent legislative mob, called the Congress of
the United States. No, Fellow-Democrats
you are not asked by the Philadelphia
Convention, (as the Radicals would have it,)
to give up your name and organization but
to stand firm and unflincliingly to Democ
racy and its principles. But on the other
hand every IlexniUican-Johnson speaker in
the National Guard's Hall during the week
of the Convention, even the Secretary of the
Convention in alengthy and powerful speech,
earnestly with all the others, recommended
the JohnsoQ Republicans to vote for the
Democratic nominees and to support the
principles of the Democratic party which
would result in the good of the whole coun
try. Tho Convention continued its sessions
for three days.
K3- We call the attention of soldiers,
and others entitled to the same, that arrange
ments are about being consummated for the
payment of the extra bounty authorized by
the late act of Congress, and we invite ail
those who have claims to collect, to call at
tho office of the Dehockat and Stab, and
we will refer them to responsible agents who
will collect all ordinary claims for 5 per cent
More than this is an outrage uponthc Soldier.
They Stab while they say, -It is
.-well with thee, my Brother."
The Columbian of last week, appears to
be eager to quell the conflagration which it
enkindled by attacking the principles and
customs of the Democratic party, and by an
attempt to frighten us into their service to
deceive the public. . We would respectfully
inform the Columbian that we disrelish the
turbulence, tumult and conspiracy which it
labors to inaugurate in the ranks of the De
mocracy ; things that it thinks will help its
cause wonderfully. We endeavor to publish
a Democratic paper, for the good of the
Democratic party of this county, and it is
our sacred duty to warn Democrats against
any faction which has for its mission a spirit
deceitful and dangerous. If, as is claimed
by some, its object is to divide the Radical
party, then, in God's name, why does it dart
its fire in our faces, when we say that it is a
Republican paper? If Radicals desire to
subscribe to the principles of Democratic
papers, we have two already in this county.
If its object is to defeat the Radicals at the
polls, wc assure it that every Democrat will
labor for this result. No, Democrats, this
is not the real mission of the Columbian.
We have never been spiritualists, we are not
sensationalists, we could not bo alarmists,but
we feel called upon to state "a fact, which
fact is, that in the year of our Lord, 18CG, in
Columbia County, an evil spirit, in the shape
of a newspaper, has been let loose in our
midst. The existence of this spirit (the
Columbian) imperatively demands of us a
few wor Js of description, and a few words of
warning. Alas, that wo are compelled to warn
the people of this county again?t this exist
ing evil. IU boast was, in starting, that it
would advocate and adhere to the principles
of no part j ; that it would labor to demoral
ize and distract Radicalism J yet its chief
business from its first number until now, has
been to abuse, criticise and aim its poisonous
darts at the Democrat and Star, as if wc
were the only and inveterate enemies of the
Democracy. Under a Lhtnh banner it al
ready assumes to control the hearts, to shape
the actions, anil aims to sway the destinies,
of the Democratic party.
Itttirsup "strife between brethren," it
divides a " hou-e against itself; " it causes
ceaseless and pernicious political agitation ;
it is a deceitful, fair-seeming and smooth-talking
sheet, when if so suits its purpose ; it
prates of "science" and "enlightenment,"
and not unfrequently arrogates to itself tho
title of "the Spirit of the Age." Like
Satan, it will not serve, but must rule, even
though it also rain. It is full of deception,
hatred and lust of power ; its real nature
resembles that of a crouching and blood
thirsty tiger, though it does occasionally,
for its wily end3, assume that of the mag
nanimous and lordly lion. It is deter
mined to steal the liver'- of heaven to do the
work of hell. And like the Father of all
Evil, quotes sacred doctrines to accomplish
its wicked purposes. Such Democratic
friends, is a brief, but not over wrought de
scription of the Columbian. The sooner it
drops the bird of contention and ceases its
inroads upon the Democratic party, the
better it will be for it, and the sooner we
will cease to pk-k its feathers. Let it be re
membered, that they that inflict the pen
ance must bear a full share of its burdens.
If it seeks the downfall of Radicalism, let
it cease to divide and distract the Democrat
ic party; for it thereby cripples the resources
of the party, and strikes a blow at its
general interests. In injuring a part, it dis
tresses the who'e. Wounding a member,
weakens the body. A policy that paralyzes
the energies, that offends the pride, that
disturbs the industrial sphere of a party, is
an impediment in the path of its progress,
and a drag upon its agencies of prosperity.
Let it be strictly remembered that if Demo
crats engage in this work of the Columbian
they will inflict penalties and do violence to
the foundations of the Democratic party.
They will undermine the fabric under
which they are sheltered. Let our mission
be, to remove all traces of strife ; let the
record of contention be effaced, and for the
sake of success and self-respect, let us at
least avoid a continual brooding over un
pleasant features.
Surely the Democracy of tltis county will
sustain the efforts of true friends to keep
the party united and strong. They will, most
assuredly, frown down an attempt to build
up a new faction in our midst. Only six
months ago the Democrats of this county
were burdened with, and complaining of, a
surplus of newspapers which kept up con
stant strife, bickerings and contentions in
our party, and by the unanimous approval
of tho part j' the disease wa3 successfully
combatted by the consolidation of the Dem
ocrat and Star, and we tincerely hope
and confidently anticipate, for the good of
the party, that its re-appearance will take
no serious phase. The Democrats have
once been wearied out with it. and we re
spectfully Fubmit that we have had quite
enough of it Who can doubt the decision
of the people ?
What Changed Curtin.
The fanatics and disunionists. are making
no little fuss over the fact that Governor
Ccrtix has swung round is now warmly ap
plauding Stevens and other abolition trai
tors. Curtin some two months since when
in this place was a warm friend of President
Johnson. Afthat time he expected an
appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary, to
Italy, and because he did not get that posi
tion, now turns on the President, and
like the whole pack of disappointed office
seekers, eases his disappointment by vilifying
him. So great was his anxiety for the ap
pointment, that he requested a Democratic
friend of ours to ask us to say nothing
through the Watchman, in regard to his
position as a friend of tho President, for fear
the radical papers would raise a howl about
it, and the fanatics in the Senate refuse to
confirm his appointment if made. He as
serted positively that it "was only Stevens
and that class of men who were keeping our
country divided and in trouble. These are
facts and we stand prepared to prove than.
bo the radicals can tnank JonNsoN lor hav
ing Ccrtin on their side. Had he got the
position he wanted, he would be what they
now style, a "Copper-Johnson" politician.
Such arc the principles of Andhew Cua
TlS.BeUeonte IValchman. '
Letter from Hop. W. H. Jacoby.
Bloomsburo, August 10, 18CG.
Deaf Sir : Understanding that there is a
report in circulation through the county, to
the effect that Col. Levi L. Tate, during
the late session of the Legislature, or at any
other time, wrote a letter to me at Harris
burg, urging the passage of a law, author
izing the widening of Market Street, in the
town of Bloomsburg, at the expense of the
tax-payers of the County, I have only to say,
that the report is false in every particular
and vutlumt foundation in fact. To the
best of my knowledge, he neither wrote mo
on that or-any other subject, nor signed any
petition asking for the law in question.
Hoping these few lines may set at resf this
report, and thereby do simple justice to Mr.
Tate, I remain, as ever, your friend, and
ob't. scrv't, W. H. Jacoby.
Note. I had fondly hoped that this an
cient buff-bear, of over ten years standing,
to which I have ever been opposed, had
vamoosed, and gone to the "tombs of the
Capulets. ' But not so, for it will be seen
by the above correspondence, " Monscur
lonson" Juts come again. And if Mr. Rep
resentative Jacoby's letter will not give it
its final quietus, tho public are referred to
tho fact that near five 3'ears ago, I printed a
Card, over my proper signature, averring,as
I again declare, that that wrong shall never
be committed upon the Tax-payers, while I
live in Columbia County, whether in or out
of the Legislature. Levi L. Tate.
August 22. 1SGG.
" Consistency a Jewel."
The people of tho Philadelphia Conven
tion were called together for tho purpose of
endorsing tho principle that all " loyal"
Representatives of the people should be ad
mitted to Congress, and that all persons
who could endorse the principles contained
in the call for the Convention, and were du
ly elected delegates should be admitted to
saats in the Convention. Yet, what is call
ed the Conservative Delegation from this,
and every other State sending such Delega
tion, voted unanimously in their committee
rooms to expel the Hon. C. L. Valandicj
ham, should he claim a scat in said Conven
tion. Yet, Valandigham had been duly
and unanimously elected by a regularly ap
pointed conference of his constituents, for
the purpose of representing them in the
Convention. It was this Radical, revenge
ful and mercenary spirit which caused the
withdrawal of Valandigham and Fernan !o
Wood. Did not the Convention stultify
itself? Will not this action be recorded in
history as a lasting, dark and damning blot
upon its character ? No one disputed, to
one doubted his regular, orderly, and unani
mous appointment by his constituents, and
that he endorsed earnestly every principle
contained in the call, the following letter
containing hid withdrawal will show :
Giraud House,
Philadelphia, August 14, lst3G. j
To tlie Ciainnan of tJie National Union
Convention :
Sir : I have this day received from the
National Union Committee, through the
Hon. William S. Groesbeck, Chairman (f
the Joint Ohio Delegation to" your Conven
tion, a ticket of admission as a Delegate
from that State. The Hon. Geo. W. Cook,
Chairman of tho Democratic Delegation
from Ohio, has also communicated to me
the following resolution, this morning adopt
ed by that delegation :
" Resolved, Unanimously, by the Ohio
Democratic Delegation, that we recognize
the right of Clement L. Vallandigham,
a duly elected delegate from the Third Con
gressional District of Ohio, to hold a seat in
Convention ; that we should regard his ex
clusion from such teat as an unjust and in
fringement of the rights of the Democracy
of said district, and are ready to stand by
him in the assertion of his rights, and tie
right of his eon-titucnt ; that we endor.-e
cordially the purity and patriotism of his
motives, and hii fitness every way to sit in
said Convention ; yet, for the sake of har
mony and good feeling in the same, and in
order to secure the great ends for which it
is called, we consent to his withdrawal from
the delegation, and from a seat in the Con
vention, if, in his judgment, his duty to
his constituents shall justify such with
drawal." Yielding my own deliberate convictions
of duty and richt to the unanimous opinion
tlcsire ot menus whose wisdom and
soundness of judgment, and sincerity and
purity of motives, I may not question, to
the end that there shall be no pretext, even
from any quarter, for any controverted ques
tion or disturbing element in the Convention
to mar its harmony, or hinder in any wav
tho good results to the cause of the Consti
tution, the Union and public litV-rty, which
shall follow irom its deliberations and its
action, 1 hereby withdraw from the Ohio
Democratic delegation, and decline taking
my scat in the Convention. I am profound
ly conscious that the sanctity and the mag
nitude of the interests involved in the pres
ent political canvass in the United States,
are too immense not to demand a sacrifice
of every personal consideration in a struggle
upon the jssue of which deiends, as I sol
emnly believe, the present jeace and ulti
mately the existence of free republican gov
ernment upon this continent.
Trusting that your deliberations may be
harmonious, your proceedings full of the
spirit of wisdom and patriotism, and its re
sults crowned with a glorious and a saving
triumph in the end of the great cause in
which every sympathy of my heart is en
listed, I am, very respectfully, &c,
C. L. Vallandigham.
Soldiers' Bounties.
While Governor Fenton is doing all in his
power to prevent the restoration of the
Union, for which the soldiers fought, he is
certainly ahead of most of the " loyal"
Governors in having the claims of New
York soldiers collected free of charge. This
is a noble, manly, and generous act of Gov.
Fenton, towards the brave soldiers, and
should be followed up by every Governor in
tho United States. If Andy Curtin would
do as much for the soldiers of Pcnns3dvania
there would at last be one excuse for his con
stant boast " I am the soldier's friend."
Let Gov. Fcnton's example be imitated at
once, and it will put an end to the enormous
and excessive charges made by many claim
agents, to take from the poor soldier his
hard earned money. We clip the following
from the New York Evening Post :
" In addition to Major Wm. W. Post.
New York military agent at Albany, and
Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. Lee, New York
military agent at Washington, Governor
Fenton has directed Brigadier-General Chas.
W. Darling, of his staff, whoso office is at
544 Broadway, in this cirr, to receive and
forward to the agency at Washington, free
of charge, all claims for additional bounty
due New York soldiers. Information will
be furnished on application at tho above
named office, personally or by letter.
tCS- The Democratic party has always been
successful when strictly adhering to the Doc
trines of Jefferson and Jacks on. Success u
certain this Fall."
combined wrrn
GAHDMEO, imimm & CO'3
Tho Largecc Traveling Institution in
Damif.l G.vHnsF.a, Manager
African Lion. Asi.itie Lioness, Praziliian Tiger, SnoJl
Leopard, African Lionrxa and SpcUed Tiger.
BABY KI.F.PHANT, JENNY I.INn. tlip amtillePt ever
exhibited, S. A. TAPIR or HI Kl'OH" T A .M L'S of the Nw
World, Che only ma in Americn, HGUHLF. HCMHp
BACTKIANCAMFX, the f.rit evereihihited in ATnerh-a,
PA I R OK YOVNU LIONS, from thefnpeof Goed Hope,
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Tibbett Bear. Isabella Pear. Sacred A'attla from India.
Fpotted Axia Deer, from they Punka of the Hirer Ganaya,
the firrt erer exhibited in America, African Hyena. Afri
can Pelicans, African Porcupine, Grey and lied Foxea,
Ant Eater. American fallow IVer, Fsyptian Ichneumon,
rested CocUytone, Golden Pheaaant, outh American
4j wee. Silver Pheasant. Spanish Macaws. African Par.
rots. Monkeys, Apes, Pnhhoon. fcc , KocVy Mountain
Badger. Guinea Pirs, PLKK WHITE PEACOCKS, the
moat leautiful llirds ever exhibited, and the only ones
rer teen in any conntry. Prairie Wolves. Australian
Cockatills, Hosa Cockatoo. Ixiri Parontietts, Antralian
Hosellas, Java Hars, Kinj and Queen Parrots, Ued and
Yellow Crt-sted Cockatoos, and a Host of Minor AniiaaU.
Will Introduce the Performing Elephant. JENNV LIXD,
a each Entertainment, and will also enter the
Den cf Performing Animals
And (ire a
Daring and Graceful Exhibition
Of the power of Man over the
The Large and Popular Equestrian Or
ganization of
I not the least part of this Colossal Combination.
Observe the Names of the Performers.
The Bast Female Kider in the World.
Tho Parisian Equestrienne.
Mile. BAN EI R,
TLe Nonpariel, and only rival of tb
The Wizard llor.eman.
The People s Clown
Tho Vocal GriinalJi.
Champion Tumbler of America.
The Accomplished Maitre da Cirqn.
The Darin; Gymnast.
The Infantila Wonder. 2
The Skillful and Graceful Gymnaau
BOLINO, STETSEL, etc-, etc
Tfto Stud of Horses and! Pcnfes
Is tho Largest and Best Trained Collection in America
Is directed to the
Magnificently Grand Procession!
Which wiU enter Town on the Day of Exhibition, headed
ty the
And followed by the entire Stud cf I torsos and Ponies, the
elegantly docorated Cases, Tans, Carriages, &e., forming a
far eclipsing any that has yet been (riven by any traveling
establishment in America,
The Entertainments will be given tinder ax'
Capable of accommodating C000 spectators There will ba
In order to accommodate those persons who with to witness
the Menaperie and not the Circus, the doors wUI open at
1 and C 1-2, P M., '
And th CIRCUS PERFORMANCE not commence onUI
2 and 7 1-2, P. M.,
Affording such parties ample time to witness the MenajerW
and retire before the
Circus Performance Commences
Adults, 50 eta.
Children, under 10 years of ago, 25 xts.
SIIICKSIIIXNY, Wednesday, Au., 22nd.
DANVILLE, Friday, August 24th.
JW. n. GARDNER, Agent.
all may marry happily.
flRBEPPECTlVE of wealth, afm or beanty : anJ the
1 love of the opposite sex ran he gained by follow
ing simple rules. M.-nd a directed envelope tct
June 13, 'C6. 3in- Station IK Uible House. W. Y.
SEND an addressed envelope and 25 cent! and I
will eend ynu some valuable information that will
please you. Address Mm JANE BRYAN.
June 13, '6fi 3in, Station A, li'J t?pfinK t .N.Y.
THE Glory of Man is Strength. A Gentleman who
suffered for years from Nervous and Genital
Debility. Nislitly Emissions, and Seminal Weakness,
the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near
endine his days i" hopeless misery, wi II, for itie sake
of sulluring man, send to any one ntilicted, the sim
ple means used by him. which effected aeureina
a few weeks, after the failure of numerous mcdi
rines. Send a directed envelope, and it will rnstyou
nothing Address JOHN B. OGJJEN.
June 13, '(.0, 3ai. No. 13 Chambers St., N. Y.
THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif
ferent styles, adapted to stored and secular mucin., for
$r0toji000 each. FIFTV-ONB GOLD or SILVER
MEDALS, or other first premiums, awarded them.
Illustrated Catalogues free, Addre 'S, MASOV 4c.
Jan.C, 1?60 Sep. 9, 'Co. ly. S.M.P.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Prematura Decay, and all the efiecti of youth
ful indiscretion will, for the sake of surTcriii; liu
inanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe ami
directions for mating the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver
tiser's experience, can do so by addressing
johm v. x;ijkv.
o. 13 Chambers ctNew-York,
Feb, 2' ISfifi. ly. S.M.P.
Every young lady anil gentleman in tho United
States can hear something very much to their advan
tage by re urn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the
undersigned, Those h iving fears of beini; humbugg
ed will oblige by not noticing this card. All others
will please address their obedient servant.
831 Broadway, New York.
Ftb. V, Ii Iy.S M P
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J.
ISAAi'S, M. D.. Oculist and Atirist (formerly ofLcy-
den, Holland,) No. 513 TING Stifrt. L'HII.AD'A
Testimonials, from the mort reliable sources in the
City and Country can be seen at his office. The med
ical faculty arc invited to areompaHy their patients.
as he has no secrets in his practice ARTIFICIAL
EYES, inserted without tain. No charge tor exam
ination. April i-. I3MJ. ly.
Ladies and gentlemen. i( you wish to niarrV, nd-
dres the undersigned, who will send you, without
mm.ey and without price, valuable information that
w ill en.ible you to marry happily . irrespective of age,
wealth or beauty. Tills information will rost yu
mulling, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerlu'ly
assist you. All letters strictly confidential. Tii-j de
sired information sent by return mail, and no reward
asked. Addres.1
Oreenp lint. Kings Co., New York.
JuncC, 18C6. 3.U,
TO ConCMrTATivi;s The advertiser having been
restored to health in a few weeks by a very sim
ple rcniedy.after having suffered several years, with a
Severn lung afTection, and that druad disease. Consumption-is
anxious to make known to bis fellow
BtitTercrs the means of cure
To all who desire it, he wi'.l send a copy of the pre
scription used. ffrecol Charge. with the directions lor
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
' cure for Consumption, Asthuiy, I'ronchitis.Culds
Coughs etc. The onl object of the advertiser In
sending the prekciiptiou is to benefit the afflicted. and
'pre id information which heennceives to be invaluable
end lie hones every sufferer will try his remedy, as it
will cost them not hing, and may prove a "les-lng.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, hy return
mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON,
Williainfbnrg Kings County.
Teb. 2, If-CC ly. S.M. I. New-York.
'Jhe Grovcsteen Piano Forte
still retains its prerodence and great popularity,
and after undergoing gradual improvement for a pe
riod pi thirty years. is nowprono in .-ed by the musical
world tn be unsurpassed an 1 even unequalled in rich
less, volume and purity of tone. durability and cheap
ness- 'iur new scale, trench action. harp pedal, iron
frame, over strung bass, seven octavo rosewood pi
anos we are selling cheaper by from 8IUO to S-'uO
than the same sljle and tinish are sold by any oilier
(irl-elasg makers in the country. Dealers and all in
want of good pianos are invited to send for our D
geriptive Cula'ocue, whirl) contains photographs of
our uilicrent styles, together with prices :o one
should pun base a pi:no without seeing this l ata
lortiK. Ivledjfl almost without number, have been
awardod to the Grovesteen I'lano, an.i the Celebrated
World' ' air, though put in competition with other
from all narls of Europe and the U it took the
liiirhefit awa'd.
I Ldlubiisliud lr.13 Grovesteen Co ,
4vj i:roadway, new yuuk.
July 'iO. ldG5 . II. II. a. 4; Co.
L ina-ii who suffered for years from Nervous and
Genital Debility, Nii'lilly Emissions, and tv'ininal
Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion, aiiil
came near em'iiie bis days in hopeless misery, w ill
for the sake of mulcting man, send to any one althct-
ed, the simple means u-ed by him, which iTVrlrd a
cure in a few Wei ks after the failure numerous
medicines. Send a directed envelope a d btauip and
It Will cost von notlun: Address.
fcUUAR TKEMA1N. 1-th SuN.Y. City.
1 i addressed envelope and ii rents, and 1 w ill send
you soinii valuable in for mat Ion that w 1 11 please you.
Address MAUY MOUttli, p3I lSroad way, N. Y
May Hi. leisi ly.
Dr. L O. Momtez' Carri!it, the greatest stimulator
in the world, will force Whiskers oi Alu-taches to
grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known t
fiil ; sample fur trial sent free to any one desirous
of testing its merits. Address, UEkVE 4c Co.,
Nassau Street New York,
July 4, Ibi 0. 3ir.
1 I.OKS, AND MARINES. Soldiers, sailors, or Ma
rines, who have lost an arm or leg. Or been perma
nently and totally disabled'ni the same, are now en.
titled to a pension of FIFTEEN dollars per month ;
tnose who have lost an arm and leg. or both legs,
TWENTY dollars : those who have lost b th arms
or both eyes, TW EVFY-FI VE dollars. This act
also restores Hie Pension to Soldiers employed in
any civil capacity under the Government. Applv in
person or bv mail to the Ml LI'I'ARY AND NAVAL
AGEXi.'Y cf J05KPII E. DKYIIT 4c CO., Nj, 4J7
August 13, IpoH. 31 S. M. P.
EY, or for the prosecution of any claim whatever
against the National Government, or that of any
t-ute, arisirg cut of the late war, or any pre vious
one, ESPECIALLY THAT OF I.-I2. all person,
would do well to apply to the MILITARY AM)
information and advice given free of charge.
August i5, lcic ;;t s si r.
i approved July It, lSliti. gives THREE MONTHS
PAY PROPER to officers of volunteer service, who
were in any maimer honorably discharged after ApriT
!'th, ltio and who had been otiirers on March 3.1, Itt-j.
Apply immediately, in person or by letter, to the
Military and Naval Aeenrv. No, 4 27 Walnut street
Philadelphia. JOSEPH E. DLVHT 4t CO
Aus'iet 13, HCti. 3t. S M P.
jsjew restaurant"
In Shive's Building, oa Main Street.
Informs Ihe citizens of lilooinsburg an J viciuity thn I
hu has opened a New
in this place, where he invites his old friends and
customers to call and partake of his refreshments.
It is his intention to eep the best
LA ami B A XI) AL E.
'constantly on hand ; AIo. Porter, Sarsapanlla. Min
era I Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry and Lem
on Syrups , can always be bad at his Restaurant.
In the eating line be presents a
not surpassed in this place ; viz. Pickled Oysters
Clams, Sardines. Fish, Uarbecued Chkken, Pick led
Tripe and Beef Tongue, 4cc, 4tc. He also has a good
article of
Cifjars and CheKinfr Tobacco
for his customers. C7 Give hira a call.
rUoooisburg, June 13, Ic-titi.
Look to Your Interests !
S WE 300 PER ET.
4 HAVE capital recipes for the manu facture of
f Crandy, Irish W hisker and Old Bourbon. These
rerfpes ate used by all the leading dealers, and you
buy from them the same article you can easily make
yourself. Buy the recipes for )our own Use and save
your money. Price 0t cents each.or $1 for tho tbree,
July II, ld60.-6w. Alleutown. Pa.
Columbia County Democratic
J OTICE is herehy givn that lbs rtemorratlc elee-
tors in and for the several boromhs and rlartioa
districts uf Columbia. Conrity. will meet M tbeir Usu
al plnees f holding the general Heriisms on SAT
URDAY. TH K 85TH DAY OF AUGUST, letiti, tw.
tween the hours if 3 and 7 o'clock, in the afternoon
of raid day. for the purpose of choosing BY BAL
LOT two Delegates fro n each Election District, to
meet in CoHnty Convention, at tho irttRT HOUiR. -in
Bloomsburg. on MONDAY, THE S7TII DAY OF
AUGUST, IrHiti, at I o'clock, P. for the purpose of
making the usual annual nominations of the Demo
crhtir party of Columbia County.
0T7" Tlie Delegate election -in tr) Roroiigh of Cert
trnlia will be held at tlio House of John Chapman.
The eleriion lor tli l-jwnship, at the House of
Daniel T.McKicrnan, in GrririimtoWn.
E.K, IKEI.Krl. CidirmsM .
C. F. Moorv. Joiia H. IitlkX.
J roa Tr.RWit.LKieRi , ft an ding Cow milts.
ITT" The Delegates will pnt np at tliu "rorks Ifo.
tal" h re arrangements hurt been made for theif
accouiUiodntion. ,
Klooiiishurg. Ju'y 1 1.1 AW.
LEVI L. TATR. of Bloom townskip. we afe au
thorized to announce will b a cauriidate for thtJ
nomination of HTATB SEKA'IOR in the l5t Dis'
trict, subject ti the usages of the Democratic part
of Columbia County, nnd respectfully solicits thai
stilTYaje of his fellow-Democrats.
Uloumsburg, June, 13, lciiii.
AT the earnest solicitation of my Democrat!1
friends in the county and throughout the district,
I have been induced to olH-r inrself a a candidate
for tlio oliice of STATE LEVATOR, subject to ths
Usages of the Democracy of the District.
Light Street. June 13. Ht.1.
T tli
t I h
T the earnest request of many Demnerfctle friends.
ave consented to be a candidate for the ofjica
of STATE SENATOR, at the coming election, sub
ject to the derision of the Democracy of this county
us well as of tliu District,
Catawissa. June 13. IHfin.
"IEhave Ix-en nnlliori.d to announce the me
VV of ELIJAH G. ItlCKETTrt. of Oriwie tow iislii
for the office of A.-So I VI'K JUHGK, f the Courts
of Coin. ulna Cuuuty, snlje t tollie usage of the nom-
'atiiij Convention, which win tic ncu in Asgusi
June 6. IPfiB.
Associate Judge.
WE are requested te announce in the columns of
this paper, that Ex Hie. iff IRA M DKKR. o
larkson town-hip. I oliniuoa County. ttnr himself
a a randi'taie lor iltu inre I flMouirtiriiuuiir,,
sut'jei t to tlio decision of the Democratic Comity
June 'i. lot'if).
Associate Judge.
HAVING been Induced through the earnest solicit
lions of my Democratic, friunds, to allow mjr
name to he used in connexion witn ma omce o
AS-OCIATE JUDGE nf Columbia County, I take
this occasion to announce to the Democratic electors
that I will he a candidate, subject to tho decision
the Convention. JACOB CVANa.
Greenwood, June f, IW5.
Aocia1c Judge
3N A?Ml?CII as it has long been conceded that !
i of the ASSOCIATE JUDGES should ronnt front
th south side of the river, and through the nigeisi
request of the Democracy of both sides or the river.
I drive been induced to become a caaaiidate rnr r-
nomination, (at the same time Ihsnkuig tn Democ
racy for past favors. 1 subject to the decisioa of that
Democratic County Convention.
Ml triifclM KAUDI.
Catawissa, June 13, 156.
Associate Judge.
WE are authorized to announce III nams ofRICIt.
AK1 KKU1T. of Madison lown.hip, as a candidate ,
for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the coming gsiieral
elec'ioii, suliject to lUe decision of tlio Deuiorratic
County Convention, which will be held in August
n-xt. and he solicits t&c suSrage of bis Dtoiocrati
June CO. l?Cfk
A.oeinfc Judge,
WEhavebeen reqnestod to stat that AVDBErY
FREA-. Esqr.. of Centre township, will be a candi
dal for t be oliice of ASSoCIATIi JUDGE, at the
ensuing general election, subject to the decision
of the Democratic County onreation wbitb will
l.ft held in August licit.
June -JO IrOti.
Associate Judge
WJ r. have been requested to annoancsi tbe name
V of PETER K IIERIIEIN. Esq., f IM-.itst town- .
ship, ns a candidate for thn office of ASSCI.1ATK
JtJWCE, of Columbia County. subject to tba doeskin
of the Democratic Convention.
June ST, lew.
Associate Judge.
WE have been authorized tohnnounee th name
of THOMAS J. HUTCHISON. Ess ; of Fisb
ini'rreek township, as a candidate for th oliice of
ASSOCIATE JUDGE, of Columbia County, subject
to the decision of the Democratic Convention.
Jute 27.
Keistcr a:id I'ccordcr.
HAVING been warmly urged and enrouraged by ray
Democratic friends throughout th I'eeinty. to be.
a candidate for REGISTER AND KECOkDKK. t
hi-nby offer myself to the Democratic voters
tU:it position, subject to the decision of our County
Convention in A omit next Should it be the pleas
ure , f the people tn give me the nomination and)
election, I will perforin the duties of that office w lib
fidelity and to the best of my ability.
Centre township. June 0, IfiiiO.
tregUter and ESccordcr.
3 offer myself to the Deinocrary of Columbia Conn.
J ty. subject to the nominating Convention, fr the
office of REGISTER AND RECORDER, forth en
suing term. And 1 pledge myself to a careful and
prompt performance of all the duties.
June fi, lfili.
rrothonotary and Clerk of
l lie Courts
U 7 E have been authorized to announce the same
of JESSE COLEMAN as a candidate for re
store inalion and election to the oil ce of PROTHON
bia County, subject to the usage of the Deinocrati
i:iuuinburg, June 13, 1Q,
County Commissioner.
cT'hrough the solicitation uf my Democratic friends
I I have been induced tt offer myself a a eandiv
date lor the omce ci luuhty COM I ISMON EE,
subject to the decision of the Democratic County
Convention, which will convene on the 27th of An
gust next.
Sugarlmif township. June ti, Ir'tO.
Comity Commissioner.
WE arc authorized to announce t:-e name of SAM
UEL R. KLINE, of sii4arlnaf township, Colum
bia county, as a candidate for the ortit-e of COUNTY
CO.M VI ISSlONLR. subject to the derision of the
Democratic County nominating Convention.
Jnlv M.
GEO. IF. iirACGER, Proprietor.
The nbove well known hotel has recently under
gone radical changes in its internal arrangement,
and its proprietor announces to his former custom
and the travel ling puhlie that his accommodations
for the comfort of his glints are second to none in
tlm country. His table will always be found sup
plied, not only with substantial fond, but with all
the delicacies of the season, 11m wine and liquors)
(except that popular beverage known as 'McHrnrf.')
jitirchascd direct fr uut'ie importing bouses, are en
tirely pure, and free fr m all pnjtonous drugs. He
is thankful for a liberal patronage in the past, and)
will continue to deserve it in the future.
Jun n. Ifr.r, tf.
Estate of Dr. Simon Cottier, deccaselS
LET TERS of administration on the estate of Dr.
Simon Cotner, late of Madison township, ColaMi
bia County have been granted by the Register of sai4
county, to ISenjamtn F. Fruit and Conrad K reamer,
rctiding in J erseytown, township and county afore -anid.
All persons ha ving claims against the estate
of the decedent arc requested to preseat them for
settlement to the administrators, and tbose indebted)
to the estate will make immediate payment to tbtf
undersigned at Kreaioer's Store, in Jersey to wm.
BENJ F. FRUIT. . i ...
July 11. ISfin. 6w.
Estate of John Laicrcnce, deceased
LETTERS of administration on the estate of lotm
Lawrence, late of Hemlock township, deceased,
have been granted by the Register of Columbia coun
ty, to Daniel Ncy hard, who resides in Kuckbora, amid
county. All persons having claims agarnst the es
tate w i.l present them to the administrator for set
tlement, and those indebted wi I Brake mmediale
payment to
Hemlock, July II, I?tki. tiw.
sT.W I II f 115 Stencil Tnn I- Xl .
necessary. The Presidents. Cash
iers, and Treasurers uf 1 Banks indorse tba cirenlar
Sent free with samples. Address the American Ptesw
til Tool Works. Springfield , Vermont.
A vgaes 1, lcb. iisn.