DEMOCRAT AND STA1L LOCAL DEPARTMENT. BLOOMSBURG Wednesday, August 15, 1866. " , , AKSV7X23 TOCOHSS'P0NDENTS . S. & , Of Benton. Your communication will appear next week. James. All tho colors of tho rainbow may be prodac6d by making the rays of the Bun pass through a transparent pristu of glass. A.C. ists Are- those collections of va pora which clnefiy rise from fenny moist J daces, and become more visible as the light lecreases. S?$ Sec new advertisements in to-day's paper. " i 1 t t 82?" Gold remains' steady. City papers Vraote t as being bought at 1.43 and sold at 1.49 and 1.50. . , Several Democrats from, this plxce, tartcd last "Monday morning for tho Phila delphia Convention. 1 ; . . ' J ., . m o m m m i 1 a? Peter Ent, has, at his Store, it Light iStree, several hundred gallons of pure ci der vinegar for sale. 4L . fiSU Our subscription list still increase?. Last week we added to our list a large num ber of new subscribers " . I.?.'! ftST C. C. Marr will pay the highest mar ket price in cash or trade for all kinds of Dried Fruit 4t. . Egy We print on our outside, "Columbia County's Serenade to Tliester Clymer," written some time ago, by CoL: John G. Freeze.-- - Let'every returned soldier keep his discharged The Republicans are trying to disfranchise all soldiers who cannot produce honorable discharge?. William Ikeler, of Fishingcreek, advertises, by hand-bill and through our pa per, valuable tracts of land and personal prop erty for ale. . A fine opportunity as offered to buy a farm good land and cheap. Who t will be the purchaser ? " ... - gyCntcrs. Gardner k Ilcmmings'Cir - cus'and Van Amburgh's Managerie will es lubit in this place on Thursday, the 23d inst. This combination of entertainments is the largest and most interesting institution of the kind traveling. See advertisement in another column. S& The Abolition party, of which the ' editor of the Rcpvllican is the leader in this county, arc the particular friends of the ne gro, and would extend to hira the right to vote. That party think more of the ne gro than they do of the white man. S2? The Culumhian in discussing the character, claims and capacity of the differ ent Democratic candidates for County nomination, threatens that if the best men are not nominated there will be volunteer candidate?. Will the mountain brrBg forth a mouse. Railroad .Accident. Through unoffi cial reports we learn that an accident of con siderable magnitude occurred on the P. & E. R. R. near Muncy, on Thursday latt. Several cars were completely dettro3'ed, a great inany passengers wounded,, and t-omc killed. It is reported that a land slide was the cause of it. . EST, We wish to call the attention of our Democratic friends to the fact, that 3Ir. Mauger of the " Forks Hotel," is untiring in his attention to business, always in a pleas ant humor, with a kind word to every one, and labors to make his numerous customers perfectly at home. Tryhim, and s:e wheth er he is not a model landlord. Meeting at Danville. On Thursday of next week, the 23d inst, IIiester Cly MAR will address the people of Montour County. It is the intention to have him address a mass meeting in Columbia Coun ty but not till after the County Convention has been held and our nominations made. Tite Inquirer. Attention is directed to the prospectus of the daily Phila. Inquirer, in this paper. Read it, and learn where to get a live 7K3Cj-paper. Politically we never thought much of this paper, but for new., foreign, domestic or local, there are few daily papers that surpass it. We again say, read the prospectus. During the past week we had a visit from E. S. M. IIlLL, Esq,, of the Scranton Register, and Thomas Chalfant, Esq., of Ike Danville Intelligencer. They were wel come visitors, and it wa no little pleasure for us to take them by the hand and indulge ia a social chat. They each publish a live -faper. Mr. Hill was lately elected Mayor of .th6 City of Scranton by the Democrat.', and Mr. Chalfant is the Democratic candi date in the District for Assembly. 5What has become of those Aboli tionists who bellowed about our streets du ring Lincoln's reign, trying to make every person believe that the President wxs the 44 Government?" Are they preaching the same doctrine to-day ? We rather think hot. Johnson s proclamations and vet) messages do not savor with Abolitionism sufficient for them to continue on declaring that the President is the " Government. They are now found in open opposition to tho President, hence) aocording to their own leaching, they are disloyal, ' Dare they de hy it ? the inconsistent dogs ! TnE Fruit Law; A gentleman who has suffered considerable annoyance, procures the publication of the part of a law passed in 1855,xand still in force, that all persona may be warned of the consequences of. tres passing upon hi3 premises : 44 The wilful taking and carrying away of Fruit egetables, Plant, Iruit or Orna mental Trees, Vines or Shrubs, whether at tached to the soil or not shall be deepied and the same is hereby declared a misdemeanor, and inay be prosecuted and punished assuch, under the laws of this Commonwealth, and, cr conviction thereof, in the Court of Quar ter Sessions of th proper county, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars and impria Cicd not exceeding sixty days." Abolition sheet. . It supports no measures that are Democratic save the restoration pol icy of President JOHNSON ; and upon thit ground it should have no special claims upon any party for encouragement and pat ronage ; as all the papers in the country, ex cept the most Radical Abolition sheets, stand by .the President in his restoration plan. If it was Democratic it would come out and show its colors, in full ; but it is Abolition and chooses to pursue the course it docs in order that it may raorc effectually deceive and ensnare Democrats into its sup port. Its circulation is small and not likely to be enlarged ; and some few of its patrons arc Democrats, a thing not astonishing when we consider that Democrats commonly read both sides. This democratic patronage is ma'nly the result of the labors of certain persons in our party who think that good may come of joining with this new "copper Johnson" party, while tec think that it is best to stick to the old democratic landmarks. A New Tonic and Alterative. It is gratifying ? to notice the progress which science is making a3 regards new curative substances. We have in our advertising columns a brief description of a new com bination, which is, certainly, so far as wc judge, one of great value. It is prepared by regular-manufacturing chemist of longcs tablished reputation, who have for many years supplied some of the most beautiful chemicals used in medicine and in the arts, and therefore are worthy of confidence. At this season of the year, almost every one feels the need of some tonic and restorative, some agent capable of eradicating humors from the blood, and re-establishing the tone of the System. What can be better adapt ed to perform this office than the Sarsapa rilla and Iodide of Lime. The Sareaparilla breaks up diseased action ; the iodide act? upon the liver and kidneys, and the lime re stores the waste of bones. It must be a useful combination. JKS" It matters little or nothing to us who Mr. Clark appoints as hi deputies in the District. We hope the Columbia nites may understand this. As to our doing work for Meucur, the Abelition Congressman, the new organ can and may say in relation to that matter what it best pleases the clique that controls it. We think we understand ourselves nnd the Democracy of this county full well when we declare iri favor of no man for Congress but a straight-forward, life-long Democrat. It has been intimated by the prints down street that we will be obliged to support some man for that office who has lately drawn off from the Radical Abolition ranks, whom they choose to style as Con servative, but we would inform them that we iciU do no such tiling. No speedily con verted Abolitionist can have our vote or the support of the Democrat and Star so long as we own and control its columns. If this kind of talk is aiding the election enemy, Mercur, we can't help it. of our 25 These miserable Abolition wretches, in this place, look mighty guilty when we meet them worse than a dog after killing sheep and having been caught with wool in his teeth. They well remember their mean conduct towards v and our Democratic friends during the reign of Mr. Lincoln how they would have is mobbed, hanged, and our office destroyed, if their cowardly hearts would only have borns them through with what they would delighted in having seen done. We ask no boot of them ; we neither desire their good-will nor company. They arc too insignificantly email to counte nance, and arc not entitled to any sociability at our hands. No set of men were ever so contemptibly and indignantly treated as were Democrats during the war, for an hon est difference of opinion, by these Aboli tionists. Now, the war being over, and a different man as President, the " rope" is in other hands, ( but our party never resorted to mobbing or "roping" people for political opinion's sake) and they, fearing retaliation in some fonu, arc already cringing and fawn ing around Democrats, honing that their actions may be passed over and forgotten. By vs thry never can. scoundrels and black-hearted devil3 may expect to enjoy our malevolence and displeasure so long as we arc able to drive a quill. New Post Master, Wc understand that our townsman, John P. Pl rskl, has been appointed Post Master, at this place, vice Daniel A. Reckley, Radical Abolitionist, removed. Mr. Purs el is styled a conserva tive Republican and heartily sustains Presi dent Johnson's policy. He was an appli cant for this office when Dr. John was ap pointed, and later, when Reckley received the office, but was unsuccessful. It was held by many that Mr. Reckley was not entitled to the office, or in other words, had no claims upon the people of RIoonisburg lor any such position ; but through the influence of his friend P. John, in opposition to the plead ings of those in their ranks who now control things, he was appointed. The wishes of the older citizens and the most influential were, in this matter, totally disregarded. P. John and his Radical clique seemed determined to shape and run the political machine to suit themselves and for their own aggrandizement only. This thing continued for a time until his once party friends deemed his actions im politic and intolerable. They then proceed ed to bring him from off his "gallop" to a "halt," which thing they have most effect ually done, to the satisfaction and pleasure of a large portion of the Republican party of this county. This appointment will be hailed with delight by all the Conservatives, and will fall like a tvet blanket on the Radi cals who were so conspicuous and officious in getting the appointment for Mr. Reckley a littile over a year ago. Thus "off goes their heads off." BLC031SBCRG MARKET. WCTEAT.per bushel. 3 00 BUTTER.- 40 RYE. 1 50 EGGS - - 25 CORN, 1 10 POTATOES. - 1 00 BUCKWHEAT, 1 OO DRIED APPLES, . 3 00 FLOUR per bbl. U HO HAMS - . 22 CLOVEftSEED, 5 50 BACOV, . 10 FLAXSEED 3 00 HAY by tho ton. 1500 BUCKWHEAT Floor. 300 LARD, per lb. 25 MARRIED On the 12th inst, by the Rev. William J. Ever. Mr. William Ecker, of Danville, to Miss Chrutiann Fellman, of Milton. The Columbian pf last week tells the ap plicants for Assistant Assessor not to coun sel with the Editors of this paper. It knows that we are too honest' and fearless to conceal treachery and demagogism. It also informs its readers that Secretary McCulloch makes the appointments of Assistant Asses sor. Rut stick to him, you who asked for the appointments, we still say that Mr. Clark has the right to nominate. He might at least write a letter of recommendation to the Secretary. Or is he unwilling to do as much for you as he did for Dr. John. We give below tho following letter written by Mr. Clark to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, asking the appointment of the Doctor as Revenue Assessor of this District, and according to the date of the letter it will be seen that it was written at a time too when Mr. Clark would have had Demo crats believe that he was opposing John. See his consistency and effrontery : " Rloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa. January 10th, 18G5." " Hon. J. J. Lewis, Commissioner Liter " not Revenue : "Sir; Dr. Palemon John, of Rlooms " burg, at the instance of our friends, is an "applicant for Assessor of the 13th Con " grcssional District. If this office is con " ceded to Columbia County, as I under " staud it is, and I am sure it ought, to be, " it gives me great pleasure to say that he " ought to he appointed WITHOUT IIESITA " TION. Not only his qualification for the " office, but his service, active and vniceu " ried, in tho midst of the most disloyal, " entitle hi application to the most respect " fid consideration. I presume it is the in " tention of all the Departments, in niak " ing appointment", to consult the friends " of the administration, and if I am notmis " taken in this, it will afford you pleasure " to appoint the present applicant." Very Respect Adly, . Robt. F. Clark." I I E I) . In Jackson township, Columbia count', on the 22nd ult., Mrs. Delilah McIIenry, aged '20 years, U months and 22 days. In Jackson township, Columbia county, July 1M')G, Mrs. Elizabeth Kester, aged 75 years, G months and 25 da3s. In Ronton township, Columbia county, on the 1st inst., Richard Cai bin, son of Richard and Amanda Stiles, aged 3 montlis and 20 days. In the City of Ruriington, N. J., on Sat urdav. the 4th of August, ISGG, Mr. Elias Howell, brother of Mr. William Howell, of this county aged about TO years. In Rerwiek, August 7, 1SGi", Stella S., daughter of Rev. A. and (Jlara llottcnstein, aged 2 years, 1 month and 11 days. NEW AD VERTISE ME NTS. rpEACHEltlFw ANTED. The School pi re el or of Centralia Borough Colom bia county ilpsirp to employ two teacior one mnle anil one femile for the winter term of rrhonl, to be opened about the 3rd of Soptembrr next, and con tinut; ten month. Liberal nalaiies will be paid to good teacher. An lamination will be held by the Conrty Super intendent at Central!.-), fur the Rorou?h of Ccntrali a and the township of Cony rie In in, on Thursday Au gust 3W, IsCU, at 10 A. M at w inch time and place ap plicant tor the school should appear t he examin ed. K. Ij. BETTKRI.Y. Fee'y Centralis School lioard. Centralis. Aitgnt IJ, Iti. -it IMPORTANT TO DISABLED SOLDIERS. SKI 1 LORS. AND MARINES. Soldiers. Bailors, or Ma rines, who have lo"t an arm or le?, or b- on perma nent!) and totally disabled in the same, are now en tilled to a petition of FIKTKtN dollars per month ; th"e who have lust an arm and I. e. or both TWENTY dollars : those who hare lost b th arms or both eye-, .TWENTY-FIVE dollars. This art also restores the feu-tion to Soldiers employed in any civil capacity under the Cov rnment. Apply in person or bv mail to the MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY of Jtj.'Kei) E. DKVIIT A: CO., N . Ail WAI.NCT STRtET. PHILADELPHIA, Au-iut Ij, ISoO. 3t 3. M. P. T"HR BOUNTY, PENSION, INCREASE OF PEN C S1HN.-. AND AKREAKSOK PAY. PRIZE MON EY, or for th prosecution of any claim whatever against tb; National (iovernn.eiit, or that of any btute. arisisr mf of the late war, or anv pre viou one. ESPECIALLY THAT Of ISI2, nil per.-ons would do well to apply tithe MILITARY AND NAVAL At: KNNf'Y ol JOSEPH E. DEVI TT Sc. CO , No. i-S7 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. All information and advice f iven free of charge. August 15, ltftio. 3t a M P. TVOTICE TO OFFICERS. ACT OP CON'O R ES.-. i approved July Irf. 15, gives THREE MONTHS PAY PROPER to officers of volunteer service, who were in anv manner honorably discharged after April 5th, Lt.'i and who had been utfirers on March 2t. ls5. Apply immediately, in person or hy letter, to the Military and Naval A;encv, No. 47 Walnut street Philadelphia. J ISEIMI K, DiiVI I T . CO. Aii-'J-l Ij, ISiW. St. S M P. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIER. DOUBLE SHEET, FORTY COLUMNS, The Great Ntictpapcr of Philadelphia I 1HD The Best and Chctqxst Ncvcspapcr in the Cniltxl titatc. AT TWELVE CENTS PER WEES THE I'QNUIRER Furnishes the desideratum of a genuine Newspaper tthin the means tf any member of the community The l'ublish-r has spared nt-it.ier pain nor expense ly p'a-e the Isi)Cikkr in the foremost rank of the daily Momma Papers of United Ctates , and bis suc-ce-s'ul fftorts in the past are an earnest it bis in tentions at the present, and in the future. Experienced Special Correspondents are perma -nentiy stationed at Washington, Harrisburg, New YorK, lla.liiuure. Cairn, Annapolis. London, in the U. S. Navy, and at liitferent point throughout Penn sylvania. Trained Special Reporters are always sent to any part of the Continent where events of general iuter est may be transpiring. The Home Editorial and Reportorial Corps are un usually taried and efficient. The Finances and Matketsare fully and carefully reported every day. The Inquirer's Local News is always the fullest and 'he most authentic tn the City. The affairs of Pennsylvania are cai t fully chronicled in its ca.uiuns 1 he Inquirer fats sou for Special tilihhafhic dews thau any other newspaper in the State ; this in sures to its readers the ear Hi ft intelligence of a 1 1 im portant occurrences, throa;l out the world, r The Inquirer is independent in politics, naj&nal in its policy, has ever and will always maintain the integrity bl th Union as the (udamental principle iirAmeriruii f ta:esuianhjp. August li, Inoti, PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Real and Personal Property. Will be exposed io Public Sale, on the premises of the undersigned, in Fishingcreek township Colum bia county, on feiiday, Sept. 7IIj, 18C6, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following personal property to wit : 1st. A lot of land containing about Twenty Five Acres, all of which n in a hist) i-l.tte of cultivation and in with grass, situate in Fisbingrrctk township. Columbia county, arjoininf the public road leading from Benton to Blootusburg, hereon is erected a large Bride House and Fra m c Ba rn , both new, and all other necessary out buildinps. 2nd. A lot of land cont.iii'in(r 140 Acres, of wbirb, about 30 Acres are cleared, situate on the line be tween Bentou and Firhinrcreek t'-whship. whereon i erected a good Frame House and New Barn. 3rd, A lot of land adjoining No 1, containing one hundred acres, of which sixty-five acres are cleared, situate in Fishiogcreek township, whereon ia erected a large new FRAME HOUSE AND BARN. 4th. Two town lots with good buildings, contain ing; from one fourth to three acres, tosait purchasers; also, other town lots, without buildings, all lying along the public road from Benton to Bloomsburg. The following personal property will also be sold at the same time : Two Horses, One Two-Horse Wagon, one Spring Wagon, Hay and Grain of all kinds. Plows, Harrows, Harness, and many other farming implements too numerous to mention. N, B, The above property will be ottered at private sale until Friday, the 7th day of September next, on which day, if not will be offered at public Mid on the premises, Apply to the undersigned, WILLIAM IKELER . Stillwater .Colombia county. Fa. Anga:tl3. 138.-4t Ol1 ThJ : Cectralla Saving Futd Association. ARTICLE I. Name. Th name of this Association shall be 'The Ccn tralia Savinz Fund Association. ARTICLE II. Object Ths object of this Association is to give its mem bers an opportunity of making secure deposits, ae uumulatiiig interest speedily and. by the accumulation and proper management thereof, or by the accumula tion and proper manageuiont thereof, or by loans made, to enable thein tu purchase real estate, erect buildings, pay otf mortgages, and accomplish like objects. ARTICLE III. .Member The members of this Association shall b5 inhabi tants of the United H tales of America, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards. ARTICLE IV. Commencement of operation?. This Association shall go into operation us soon as three hundred shares are taken. ARTICLE V. Officers. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President aud bfleeu directors. Who shall be eleited by the shareholders. ARTICLE VI. Value of and Number of Shares. The value of each share shall be two hundred dol lars, and the number ol shaics shall ueverxxceed twenty live hundred. ARTICLE VII. Payments. For every share each holder of the same Fhal! pay an iniatioii fee. ol one dollar, and monthly iiislalmt-nis of one dollar, uutil the dissolution of tuis Associa tion. ARTICLE VIII. New Members and New Series. New members may no admitted ut ouy time until twenty-live tinudred shares shall be issued. They shall pay one dollar iniatioii lee and the actual val tie "I the share at the time being. The directors shall have the power to decide whether new series ut' snares shall be issued, and wticii tho same shall bi issued. . ARTICLE IX. Loans. Each share of stock entities the holder to a loan of two hundred do larn, on giving sullicient security. ARTICLE X. Bids for Loans. All moneys received shall b loaned out monthly, in sums of two hundred dollars, to surh hol,lera v ho bul for the same the highest premium above the minimum lixed by the Hy-l-aws. ARTICLE XI. Obligations to take Ijoans. If at any time no bid shall be made lor the moneys to be loaned out, the members shall be bound to take up the loans al the 1-twesl premium lixed, beiiinin with that member who shall hold the largest uumb.-r jf shares iimticur-.brre J. But no one shall be com pelled to take iu a single mouth more than one loan in this maimer. ARTICLE XII. Penalty for refusing Jonns. In case no bnis lor iiunit-y in the Treasury should be made, and members refuse to take loans fur tti.-ir chares or to give security lor the sain-;, then tl.e amount paid uu their shares shall be ret:ir.i d without interest and after deducting the lines, co;ls, and proportionate loses, to those in default us af re said, and fjr this violation ol thd Constitution their names shd'l be strieken the list of lueiulcrs. ARTICLE Xlii. Security for ixtans. For every two hundred dollars received from this Association, whether taken voluntarily or adjudged to the member, according to the provisions of this Constitution a tree share of stock of the Acuirialion shall bo usstyned, and sttrb other shall be eivt-u as ball be deemed sutUrienl by two-thirds of the Li rertors present, aim afterwards on such loan one half per cent interest besi des the premium hall be paid monthly until the dissolution ol the As.ocisliuu. ARTICLE XIV Pines for Arrears. Fei every dollar ol uues or interest whub share holders neglect or refuse to pay. they shall pay a Iilo of ten cents for evrrv n.onlh in arrears. ARTICLE XV. AYithdrawcl of 31embcrs. Members whose shares are not pledged can leave this Association aftej they shall have g'ven Unity days notice, in wriliu;, of the same to the board of diteclurs. They shall be entitled to re payment of the amount paid ou their shares and to six per cent, intere.-t oil tli.; same from the time or timos Hie same was 'aid by them, but members who have icceived loa:.s from this Asiucialiuu must tirsi pay the same back iu full. ARTICLE XVI. Forfeiture of Stock. Unincumbered shares on which no payment has been made for sii mouths, may be declared ford ged by the directors Thereupon the amount paid in on sue" shares sha il h returned M the holder lher-of, without interest, after deducting the hues, coBts and proportionate losses aud his name blucken fromtue list of uietAbcrs. ARTICLE XVII. Process againt delin-iitent Debtors. The board of directors shall, without delay, collect by judicial process, the full auioiiut of all loaus. the holder of nlmh is iu arrears on aicounl of dues on his capital block, and interest for a period of six uionUu, ARTICLE XVIII. Payment of Costs. All costs ariMiig hum the award i f a Inan from legal proceedings aauisi delm ifuciil shareholders shall bo borne enliriiy by such' b cautiug the same, ARTICLE XIX. Payments in advance. Members who shall pay their instalments or inter est at least six months before the samo is due i-liall be entitled to interest thereon for the time the same was paid iu advance at the rate of six per cent. per. auuuui. ARTICLE XX. Dissolution of the Association. When the capital of this Assnriitiou has increased in value to such a degiee thtit eurh share shall have an actual cash value '( two burn! red dollars, then this 3sotifllion shall determine and close. To the Hoitoridile the Jt'dgi-s nf the Court of Common 1 has, in and Jor the County vj Columbi'.t : Tl:e petition of the undersisnrd Directors rf the Cenlralia Saving Fund Association respectfully prays that your Honors do di rree a Chatter lor the incor poration of the above Association iu ai rordanee w ith the Constitution as above set lonh, and your petition ers will forever pray. E. Ii. P.KTTEKLV, L. S. Boner, Alex. W. Rea, David Camp, "Y. James, Henky Gable, William Peijer, M. :d. L'Velle. Jno. M. IJedfokd, RF.riiEN Wasser, j. j. 11 oakland, James Dyke, Jos. II. Dawes, Epwakd Sweet, try The Petitioners presented the above to the Court al our last May session, pray me for the crantn.e ol a charter, which instrument was examined by the Court and notice ordered to be published that appli cation for said Charter has been made. August B, IHHi. (u KEEP DISEASE AT BAT. Invalids, hrcken down in health and spirits by Chronic Dyspepsia, r stiffrin from the terrible ex hanstion which follows the attacks of acute disease, the testimony of thousands who have been raised as bv a miracie from a similar state of prostration, by IIOSTETTER3 bTOMACll BITTEK3. is a sure gucrantee that by the same means you too may be strengthened and restored, tut to those w ho stand in peril of epidemics, to all who, by reason of expo sure, privations, and uncongenial climate or un healthy pursuits, may at any moment be stricken down, this paragraph is most particularly and em phatically addressed. You who are thus situated, are proffered an absolute ssfeguard szainsl the dan ger that menaces you. Touw and regulate the sys t. rr with .his harmless mediciual Stimulant and Al. terative, and you will be foroarmed against the mal adies whose sefris float around you in the air un seen. IIOSTETTER'S STPM ACH BITTERS are not only a standard Tonic and Alterative throughout lhsTJnied States, bul they are accredited by the certificates of the most dietineuished citizens of the L'nion, to the people of all other lands. In Canada. Australia and the West Indies, they are gradually taking the place of all other stoin. chics, whether native or foreign, and as surely as truth is progres sive and ion overthrows doubt, they will eventually supersede every other In vigorant and Re -storative now employed in medJCiual practice. August 15. trit.U Ini. iVj'l'liAV. Came to the premises of the snbcriber, in Orange township, Columbia County, on or about the 4th of July, last, a BROWN HEIFER, with while marks on hind legs and taiL, and supposed to be about one year old. The owner or owners are requested to come forw ard and prove property, psy charges aud take her away, otherwise the will be disposed of as the law directs. JEREMIAH HEfS August f, lfW. $1.50. E STIiAY. Estrayed from the premises of the subscriber, in Hemlock town ship, Columbia County, not long since, a LKillT-RKl) BL'LU about eighteen months old : had no par ticular marks, intormation ss to his whereabouts will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. Address. 1 1IOMA3 J. VANDEPvSLlCE, Aug. 6, lSbC. 3t. Ituckhorn, Pa. ' UMBER! LUMBER! A new Lnmlter Yard in Bloomsburg, THE under signed would respectfully inform those in want of lumber that be continues to manufac ture and keeps on band good supply of building and fencing material, at his residence, a short dis lance north of the depot, which he offers for sale at reasonable rate. jaluu kuuiu.k. lllooujsburg, Jun 30, l6$. t BY virtue of sundry vrits of venditioni rrpmu, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas in the County ol Columbia, will be exposed to public .al-, at the Court House, in Bloom slurg, on MONDAY, THE 3rd DAY OF 6KPTEM BER next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, tho following-real estate to wit: A certain tract of land situate in Locust township. Columbia county, containing fifty-six acres more or less; bounded on the south by lands of David Kries her tc Henry Gable, on the west by Henry Gable, on the north by Henry Knapp, and on the east by lands of Abraham and David Kriesber, whereon are erect ed a Log House and a Log Uarn, with the appurte nance. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tho prop .Tty of John Perry. ALSO. A certain wharf lot situate in Centre twp,, Colum bia county, bounded ou the north by lands of L. W. Wooily, on theeast by land of George Shoemaker, on the south by the North Branch Canal, and on the west by lands or E. W. M. aud George Low. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Richard Torby. ALSO. A lot of ground situate in the Rorough oT Centralia. Columbia county, containing fifty f,.ct frt nn, one hundred nnd forty feel deep.' bounded on the west by Locust Avenua. on the north by lot of R. Knillle. on the cast by an alley, and ou the south by a public road; whereon are erected a two story fruuie tavern and dwelliu; house, and a large stable, with the appurtenances. Seized, tak-n in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter llower. A LS ), A certain lot ofjrronnd situate in tho tnwnsh-p of Milllm, Milllinvilie," and county of Columbia, con taining three acres more or less, bounded on the south by front street, on the west by lot of Charles II. Hess, on the north by third street, and on thu est by Fair Street, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling bouse aud frame barn, with the ap purtenances, ALSO, Another m lot situate in the township and county aforesaid, f ontaining one acre and a ha!f moro or les, bounded on the north by front street, on th east by Fair Street, on the south by second street, and ou ths west by lot of Phoebe Miller. A L-'O. One othcr'lot in the township and county afore said, containing four aires more or less, bounded on the south by lot of Henry Fedder's Iteirs, on the east by lot of C. II. Hess, on the north by fourth struct. nnd on the west by Market st reet. ALSO. One other lot situate in the township anj county aforesaid, containing two acres, bounded on th east hy Fair street, on the north and-wei-t by lot of Lewis Eckrotli, and on the soutn hy grave yard lot, ALSO. One other out lot fTi the township and count afore said, containing two acres, bounded on the east by street, on the north by lot of John Keller and others, on the west by lot of Chares WerkheUer, and on the south by lot of Charles Hess, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken In execution nn I trt ! sold as the property of Samuel B. Seibert, with notice to Ter re Tenants. ALSO, All that certain piece, or tract of land situate in Suzarlnaf township. Coluaibia county, containing one hundred acres more or less, about sixty acres of which is cleared land: bounded ni l described as fol lows to wit: on the nor'h aud east by lands of Con rad Hess, on the south by lands of Samuel leys, and on the west by lands of lienjamiii Pti rnian, whereon are erected a one storV plank dwelling house, a log stablo, with the appurtenances. Seiz.'d, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William J. He. ALSO, At the san:e time and place, by Fieri Faeif, a certain trretof land situate in Catawissa township, Columbia County, containing twenty-four acres, mot or Ies, bounded on the cast bv lands of Jai-ob DrainiieUer. en the south by lands f Solomon Freely, unit on the north aud west by lands of Gideon Amdl, weereon is erected a log house and a frame stable with the appurtenances. Si 'zed, taken in execution and to be sold as tliu property of Benjamin J. FnlK. tfAML'EL SNYDER, Shetiir. rloomsburg. Aticast H, MPORTANT TO FARMERS. GREAT IMPROVENENT IN HAND FANNING MILLS. THE pat-ntec, Mr. GEO KG E LEACH, after twelve years of experimenting in the construction i f f.ns and grain cleaaers, ha at lengih perfected a very simple det ice by vhch farmers can arrive al any perfection in the selecting of all kinds of grain lor seed I claim for this machine that it does away with all counter currents, and gives an even uniform blast, testing the grain by weight and not by size. The conviction is now well grounded in lr" minds otf the bet scientific man of the country, that thu marked depreciation of the grain crops for years buck, is owing to the degeneration of the sec-l sown, and not In the poverty of the soil, and it is aln the opinion of many that the weavil and other ricstrny ine inserts, so destructive to the crops, are proilu-.. and matiir-d within the kernel, thus rendered light er than the others, so that they are by Ibis machine entirely removed. This improvement may be attached to any ordinary fanning mill. It can chart" much faster and cK-nn grain lor market more perfectly than any machine extant It enables the farmer to select from hi mer chant grain. Hie soundest and bealluicl berries lor seed. f.y this means also, all grnst seeds may hi brought to the saiiij perfection f..r sowing, as the bi-sl of grains. GEOKG E LEACH. Owefo, Tioga Co., N. Y. I refer, by sperial permission, to the f lioivms; let ter of the New Yoik Stute Acrictiltural S :ci"iv : APKiL. H5. Ilos. CoMMri TONFR OF POTEST : I have examined with great care Mr. Leach's Fan. of Oweeo. Tioga County, New York It seems to me. on careful examination, it is an improve ment of vast importance to the farmers, millers, and all iu fact who use grain. Il is very simple, and will give to the tartner long needed m ans to sepa rate the grain, il gives a uniform berry, and thus a uniform plant, all rijn mug at the same time, thus a I ding a lartfe percentage lu the crop, 1 hope, on lul exa initiation, that you will think it wutihy of a p iace among the approved inventions. I am very truly vonrs, it, P. JOHNSON, Fec'y of the X. Y State Agricultural Sncii ty. The u ini.'i siirne.l, having nsed and tested Leadi's Fan in s parating aud siU-cling nnt seed frraiu fr the lat year, ure fully satisfied with the improvement, and El uily endorse the Secretary's .titer, and recom mend to the farmers generally tu nuke Use of it bo fore tho iiexl sowing : l. I. Ittoodgood, Treas. Tioi-a Co. A;- Soc. George V. Molleuback, Unu, X. V. John L Taylor, E. L. B. Cuitis, Pre'stTonii'kins Co. Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Joseph Vartz, Cutu issa. C, W. -VuKelvy. benjamin Wnener. IZoarinprreck. Col co. J icolj koslelibuudcr Franklin, Jesse .Men sell, " Ge.'ree Seoit, " ;. IL l.r wn, Maine. Daniel Vetl.-r, Joseph Conner, Centre, Moro 1 1 in Ai il'ar J, " Elias Cre.tsy, " V ast " lionn. Bloom. Havid, .Vjoutour iwp. J. D. Quick, Grt'T Uuick, " James liar ton, " Henry lltlwii, " Gilbert H. Fowler, r.rl.-.rcrotk. Wesley Kusel, lli-miock. Silas Jchiisoii. Locust twp. George I 'avenue, Mli'leasanl twp. Henry Mellick, Si-ott, John Melli. k, Jacob Gerard, Greenwood, Caleb A i plem.ui, M.'Utoar county. John Tioxweil. " Franklin Snydar. " " O" S'liis repaired by MA1ILON HAMLIN, August 8, ISoG. Catawissa . DJOURNED SALE OF VALUABLE REA L ESTA TE. In pursuance Of an order of the Oiphans' Court of Columbia county, Ta. on SATURDAY, I II B iSTII DAY QF AUGUST next, al 10 o'clock in the forenoon. John Gordm-r and Thomas Stork house. Executors of Thomas Stark house, lale of Pine township, in said county, dee'd. wi II expose t' sale, by public vendue, on the premi ses, a certain TiiACT OF AIVEJ, situate in Pine township. Columbia county, adjoin ing lands of Samuel Stnr.khouse and Georce Slack house, on the nort i ; Abraham Yrnng and Robcr K utsel. nn the cast : Ezt-kiel Crnssley ami William U enleiihaiumer. on the south ; and the County Line on the wet ; containing 317 ACRES AND IjO PERCH E3, strict measure, of hich about one hundred acres is improved Iflnd ;thereis erected on the premises a one Story and a half Dwelling House. two log 1,,-irns, and an apple orchard ; late the etate ol said de ceased, situate in the township of Pine and county cforecaid . JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. ' CONDITIONS OF SALE : Ten per cent, of one fourth of the purchase money, to be paid by the pur chaser upon the striking down of the property ; one fourth ot the purchase money less ten per cent, to be paid upon the confirmation of sale Nisi. The res idue of ibe purchase money in one year trem' confir mation Nisi with interest. The purchaser io pay for Deed and Stamps. JOHN COR DNER. ) , THUS. STACKIIOUSE. j Tine. July 25, lfWi. is. DMLNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate cf William Mann, deceacd. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Wil liam Mann, late ol Beaver township, Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said rounty, to Allen Mann, Esq., who resides in Heaver township. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them immediately for settlement, and those owitg the estate will make nayaient forthwith. ALLEN MAN N, Jtdm'r, August I. 1200. -6 vr, ' BOM mill: fPURE BONE DUST." Guaranteed by printed Certificate to be entirely free from adulteration. tl Concentrated Bone Fertilizer," a reliable quick yielding manure. ry- Farmers can order direct or through any re sponsible dealers, 7 A liberal discount allowed Dealers A J. IIKKINIG. August l.l(iG 2m. Allantown, Pa. JLDOMSBURG L1TEHABY INSTITUTE. Located at Bloomsburg, Columhia county, 1 enn a. To spread abroad the influence of Education, and train up youth to intelligence nnd moral influence. Is, of citirse.the prime object foi which every school a established. There are many ways in which tins object is sonpht to be.btnined. We deem that the most proper and successful, hnwcvei. which anus at the development of all the natural talents of the pti Pil ; which calls into active ute everv faculty of the mind, and exercises all its powers to their utmost capacity ; for by so doing, the whole mind is strengthened, and that just equipoise among all the pi wers. which is so essential to complete success ia m;.int lined. ' The founders of this Institution intend that ithaU bo second to none in the facilities it nllords youag men, tor acquiring a thorough Commercial and busi ness education, or in preparing for any class in College ; or inth advantages it affords voung Indies fur aci'iniiitf a Csclul and Ornamental Education. EOARDOF INSTRUCTION. UENRY CARVER, A. M , PRISCIfAI.. Riv. J.R L I M VI , A. M. PsorcssoR orAxcikwr LtNonines. Miss SARAH C4KVt.ll, Prkc-kptres. Miss M. ALICE CARVER. ASSISTAKT rRKetlTI'KSS AND TUAUUKR OF IXSTRUMF.N- T At. Mt's-.o. Fall Term commence September 3d, Winter term ., ... " Ill.l. will com uieiice ;i uveiHoer um, louy, EXPENSES. Tuition per term of eleven weeks Preparatory Department S 5.00 English t' -. ties ri.lKJ llvln-r English, Aiuieiit. anj Vjd- ern Lamsua'.'es Id 00 Lctisoiis on Piano li 00 Painting, Urawniir, Wax Fruit nnd Flowers &.C., as reasonable as in aay other first class ln-t iliiii'Mi. During the Fail term the Principal will pive a tnurse i f lectures o;: the theory and practice of teach ing, and thus ulf.ird an excellent opportunity for cho-jcvho tli'Mre to become first class 1 ea her.. I'ersons deirm Outlier information will please ad dress the Principal or thu Secretary of the tloard. L I', li' PERT. President .f Hoard o Trustees. FREDERICK EVER, Secretary. Ju'y ij. IrHi. f ROVESTEEN & CO. , Piano-Forto Manufacturers, 450 Broadway, New York. TDK ATTENTION of the public and the trade is invited to our N i:W SC4LL, SEVEN OCTAVE, RiiSEWO'iD PMNO FORTES, whith for voluu.e and I ii'ilv of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of fered iu tins market. They contain all the modern improvements, French Brand action, harp pedal. iron fr.iiue, over-strong bass, etc-, and each instrument being mai'e under th" personal supervision of Mr. J. II. Gr.ovKSTn:, ho has a ra tical experience of over thirty years iu their iuuhu lacture, is fully war ranted in everv pnrifr-ulnr. THE "CfiOf ESTEFJV ri.l.VJ-FORTE" PtiKivto i:it in;iiK.-r aivard or merit at the cclk- bhatkd World's Fair Where were cxbiliiii-dnslruments from the best makers of I ondon. Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Baltimore. H i-ton an I new York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the Goi.o and Silver Mtntu from both of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. Wv th.: iiitrodueiion of improvements we make a fe-t i 1 1 more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing largely , w ith u stnctly cali system, are enabled to oiler the-c iustruiiieuts at a price which will preclude all rnlttpetitnil . Our 'ri.e are fromglOU to $200 cheaper than any fir st rlasH I i.inu l'. it. '1'EKMS. Net Cash hi current funds. Descriptive rirculars sent free! July J I, l.-iM. ly. II. U V. JENRY (II'.iER, Hannnmrda first diss BOOT, SHOE, HAT AUD SAP jSTOBE, At h's o'd stand on Main Street lilooiiisbuig. Ilis stock is composed of the very latest and het styles ever t'tfered to the citizens of Columbia County, lie can accommodate ine public with the fallowing kind and prices : Men's calf boots, fl:ie. $5 in to 9 oil ip. double sole. Hoys chilli's boots. Men's glove kid, Congr-a, fcc, ' Ital. Shin s, women's toys and mis-es glove kid lasting J"lt-rs, Women's glove kid. very flna, " line go:ii mor ce.o balmornls, " men g morocco ai. d cait shoes, I Olllllioll fll'M'S, Misses' and Child's shoes. 3 -5 to n do 1.75 to 4.75 3 50 to a,7.J I yo to ii.uo 1.73 lo5 n.i!5 to 5 75 S 5u to 4 OU 1.75 to i 50 1 .50 to 1 50 0.J5 to 1 UU Men'. w ":ni n's, nnsses', boys and chilJs sli:-nr. O.ii to 1 00 He also keeps a creat varii-ty of II ATS, CAPS and SlUA OOOlt.S of cvety kind, nt the lowest prices, both for Cash and Country produce. Ki iiieiuliei th.: attraction is in our good. Don be ulariued at ths cry of lush puces, but call and see for yourselves. liespecttully, HENRY GIG ER Bloomsburg. July It. I-Wrt. 7 IL0VS, Al'I'llAlSEMENTrf. JTnflrr nf C tnfirmatiwi. THE fidlowinj appraisements of real and teron 1 al property set apart to the widows of decadents have been lih-.l iu he olfice of the KeKister ofColum !i:a County under the Rules of Court, and will be presented i r absolute court rination, to the Orphans' Court to he nt M In t.loomr-ourg. in an. I tor sai.l Coun ty, on Wednesday, the 5lli d;iy of September, A. W., Irtiti -at two o ciocR in the aftern oon of anl day, un it k exceptions to such confirmations are previous ly filed, of which ail persons inter) sled iu slides tales will take notice : I Widow of George L. Johnson of Orange Twp. J Widow'ol H. Hess of Centre Township. 3 Widow of John Lawrence ef lleoilock Twp. 4 Widow of John Uitr. of Bloom Township. 5 Widow of Daniel Mordan ol V.t Pleasant Twp. G Widow of D R Mi'ick of Scott Township. 7 Widow of George Sander of Tine Township. a Widow of Ktuhrn Hess of Fishing cree Twp, ". Widow of Jan b Schweppenheisefcf f Milllin twp. Id V id w of Eli Creveling of Scott Township. II Widow of F reman C. Kellei of LocustTwp. 1-2 Widow of II. Haines Fox of l.oru-t Township. i:l Widow of Lewis W. Kulpof Min Township. It Widow of Samuel Kemley of Sett Township. 15 Widow of Jlichael Richeldeifer of Bloom Twp, Hi Widow of James Ralston of t'.lonni Township. 17 Widow of JacoMtuppof Lorut Tow nship. JolIX G, FREEZE, Register. nioomsbHrg .mi?. I, i.-c.ti. List of Causes far Trial -1 Septem ber Terw, 1066. Taxton K!ine vs Jane Kline. 1 Su t hen Italdy. vs. The Cata wissa Wiiliamsport and Erie Rail Road Company. Wrliaoi L Lanco Vs Thomas Creveling. Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacohy. Andrew J. Snyder vs. John Sheatler. Jacob Shumati vs. Christisn Wolf, Jar-ot Mi. mim vs. Jacob ll.irtzel. A. S. Sau' vs. IV'iijamin Wintersleen. Samuel Hi my vs. Jacob Hosier. Win. Klinrtob At Gtd'.'on llo-l.-r, late doinij business iu lite name o Hosier at CO 0 Jacob SSmiuan vs The C.ita,vi?sa Rail Roa.I Co. 10 Geinge A lit rrmg vs Peter Miller. 11 Edward Heiluer vs The Locust Mountain Coal & Iron Co et al. 12 J. P. Ilarkenherg for the use of M. Chamberlin vs Silas U E lgar. 13 John llinu rliler vs John J uo-sin. II Jaci b fi iiilty vs t'ataw issa Kail Road Company 15 William A. vs. The Twp of Centre. Id William Lamonvs Peter llayman. 17 William l.aioon vs John Vanpelt. Jrl Henry F. Nusf vs Uoroush of Iterwirk. P. Abraham R. Swisher vs Samuel Rimby. 20 J, F. Anspaeli tt al vs William P. Kyon. 21 Eli Jones vs Miles C Abbott et al 2-J John Jameson vs Joseph R Jaiocsr-n. till Greenwoi"! Township vs Samuel Boglrt. 24 Silvester J. Faux vs IsaacWbitJ. 25 Sylvester J Faux, vs Isaac. While. 2ri t hristain Knapp vs The School District of Bloou. 27 Hosrler Ac Wife vs Schlusser Wife. 2H Wright Hughes vs Peter Miller. 2! David Lansh vs Mount Pleasant Township. 30 Sylvester J. Faux vs. Isaac White. 31 John O. Dildine et al vs Parvin Masters. 32 Joi athan Knillle -. a Wright Hughes, XI Marv E Green vs Isaac While. 34 Michael Casey vs Franklin Taylor, fct. al, 35 James Harry vs. Hobeit G-orrell, 'Mi John Iiverusvs IJarney Mc.Brearlv. 37 Peter Karshner et al vs Dauiel K rum's adtn'rs. 3d Soioujon Neyhatd vs The Township of Centre. 2ir - iin - Latest and Grandest opening of tli. season at " - ' BOO ART &, kREAMER'S Clicap and, Extensive Dry Goods Empori- -um at where tney win uuei iik "r" ( sty lea and qualities of FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, embracing all the latest varictle and stylet inths market. . , ,. , i.,k. n,. rnAm linn thev offer the following. among many other articles sold by them, at 1MIIC rKICES, riain Dlack and Fancy Drew Pilks.Calicoes nf every description ana ngure, ime Mohair Alpaccas. Real Organdy Jaconet Lawns ; -ww . - i:l...lSnira E'l f I fW Cac itlnsliiis . and Linens. Tit kines. Checks. Coiton PantaUon Stuffs. Linen Drillings, Flannels. Cotton artd . ' Linen Table Cloths. For the lutest style of PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, for Ladies nnd Children, call upon BOG ART & KREAMER: They also keep on hand a complete assortment ir ioiious and i'occric, consisting, in part. Gloves. Hosiery or an Rinas, Italmorals, tioiniet Ribbons, Summer Hatsfor men. women and children. Head-dresses. Iace veils, pen knives, combs of every description, pencils.pen. paper and ink ; Also, Sugars. lolases, (good syrups.) salt. pepper and spices, Maekerel of good quality, cuccsu. butter and eggs, hams, shoulders aud sides. '1 hey also have a full assortment or surhasaxes, nails and spikes, screws, hinges ami bolts. Paints and Oils. Cedar Buckets and Willo isaskets, Ate. Ate. RUUART x KlilriAJlllili , , sell cheap for Cash, or Country rrotluce, which wilt betaken in exchange for goods. GiVe tliem a call and examine their extensive assortment for your selves before purchasing elsewhere UOGART ft KREAMER. July 4. lrCC,-tf . - . . IJEGISTElfS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the re spective decedents and minors, that the following nd ini nistration and guardian account have beeh filed in the olhce of the Register of Columbia Cuuity.and will be presented for confirmation and allowance in the Orphan's Court, to be held in bloomsburg, tn tho County nforeairt. otiWEDNEcDAY the 5th day of September, l?ob, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon of said day -. 1 Arcnint of Samuel Achenbaeh administrator of Joseph llayhurst. lale of Urauge town-hip, dee'd. 2 Account of Samuel Arheiibai-ta and J acob II, Frits Executors o William Frits, lata of Orange Uiwu sin p deceased. 3 Fin-t account of Elida John, rxecntor of lobn Walt-r. late of LocukI township, dee'd, 4 l-r-l Mccoanlof Kirhard Hess, ad'rrlr. de bonis no, with lists will annexed, of Andrew Hess, lain of Sugarloaf Twp. dee'd. 5 Account of Peter and Catharine Gsarhart, ad ministrators of Henry Gearhart, lale of Beaver twp. dee'd. (i Account of J. P. Conner, surviving Ex'r of John Conner, lale of Centre township, dee'd. 7 Account of Samuel Conner, one of the Executors nf John Conner, lale of Cei.tre twp , dee'd, as filed by Silas and Emanuel Conner, dint's cf Samuel Conner, dee d, H First and final account of Abraham Young, an ministrator of James Gibson, late of Greenwood towusbip dec'il. Account of Teter K. Ilerbcln Guardian of Han nah Price, minor child of Elijah Price, deed. Id Account of Peter K. Herbein, Guardian ofWni. W, Price, minor child.of Elijah Price, dee'd. 11 Account of C. B, Brock way. administrator of Ma Unas U hitenighl, late of Hemlock twp. dee'd. 12 Account of Daniel Singley and Daniel Sin;ley,Jr. adm'rs of John SiDglty, lale of Beaver twp. dee'd. 13 Account of John Trembfcy, Guardian of Eman uel Garrison, minor child of Jacob Garrison, late of Doom twp. dee'd. 14 Account of James N. Killer, adm'r of Solomon Slroup, lale ol Madison twp. dee'd. 15 Account of Eltruda Kline, adui'r of G Lowry Kline, late of Orange iwp. dee'd. Hi Account of Samuel Shults, adm'r of Samuel Shultz, late of Kenton Twp. dee'd. 17 Account nf Samuel J, Millard, adm'r of John Kits, late of Isloom Twp, dee'd. IS Account of Peter K. Herbcin and Mary Leiby adm'rs ot Jackson George, late of Locust twp .dse'd. It Account of B. F. hart man, adm'r of Zebu Ion P, Gross, late of Blooui Twp. dee'd, 20 The second account of John Applemart and HI rain l Arpleman, Executors of l'etcr Appleman. late of lleuiKck township, dee'd. - - 21 Account of Samuel J. Millard. Udministrator of John Kill, Vicceased. JOHN G. FREEZE, Register.' Eloomsburg, Ang. 1, lci. JXECUTORS NOTICE. Est itcof Obcdiah CamjtbeU, sen., deceased Notice Is btyeby given that letters testamentary on the estate or Obcdiah Campkell, senior, late of Locust township. Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, io J. J. Campbell, of Locust township. Columbia County.and Nicholas Campbell and Obediah Campb ll.of Sliaino kin, Nonh'd County. All persons having claim i ih eatnte of the decedent are re-lueslcd to present them for settlement, and those indebted the estate will make immediate payment. O" The business generally . will be attended by Obeiii.iu S. Campbell. NICHOLAS CAMPBELL. ) J. J. CAM PriELL. Exec'ra. OREDIAU S CAMPBELL, Angtlit , 1500 Cw. to t PHOTOGRAPHS, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST AT r-iT ROOMS OVER Dloorasburj, July 11, 1?6G. tf. c. c. itiAitn's m m w e m m s I have opened a new Store at the old stand of Da vid Stroup, on Main street. BloonTsburg, and will keep on baud a general assortment of Such as Dry Coods, Notions. Groceries. Tin-ware, ilurdware. Cedar and Willow Ware, Drags, Confectionary, Glass-Ware, Tobacco Hats tt Shoes. Flour, Salt. Fish and Meat ; all of which I propose s-llmg at a very low figure for cash or produce. Vf Call and seC. c. C. MARR. Uleomsburg, April 13, I'M tf. ' CARD. lV- C. W. WALKER, A. 3f.i Announces ta the people of Columbia county and vi cinity, that he has taken charge of the Greenwood Seminary at Mill ville, Columbia county. Pa., and will-re-open it, the Fall term commencing ou the 13th of AUG I.ST, IHel. A full co;r of able and experienced Teachers ia ,e " VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC taught on the Gottschalk system, a new aud improv ed plan. Drawing, Crayoning, lashde, and Oil 1 atiitmg. No pains spared to make the instruction entertain ing, thornugh and practical. i" Foi particulars end for Circular, C. W WALKER. A. M., Principal. Millvilie, Columbia Couuty, Pa. August 1. 1G 3t, JIFE INSURANCE. " If you wish to live long and die bapry, go without j ueiay aud INSURE YOUR LIFE in the best Company in the world. THE V.UTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. ITS CASH ASSETS ARE 115.000.000. a,l itiaimllnl .1iir,.leliH fr.'r the USCalVCdrOf 1863 I amounts to seventy five per cent. on all participat- 2fl , ing premiums, being the largest dividend ever de- 3 LfTj; dared by any company for the same length Cf tlnie. "J-' 223 For fuitlitr information apply to - . . . JOHN G. FREEZE, Jfpent,' TlS.Jt J U l jr io , lrxm. out. -Bi - .j 0TEl7liESIAUlU-NIliEEt'EItJi, Isooli to Your lnterosls ! SITE 300 PER (EXT, fit , v c capiiui recipev nn i'io m.Hinouieuii Hrandv. Irish Whiskev and Old Bourbon. These! recipes aie used by all the leading dealers, an I you! buy from thein the same article yod can easily makoj yourself. Kay the recipes lor your own nsn aud iavef your money. Price ott centt eacn.or ft ur tne larea U. A, COL WELL. Jnlv 11. 180G-6w. Allentowa. Pa. AUTI0N. THP n t.r.Irrnxt viveanotlea toth Dubtic to nf ctedit, board or harbor MISS JANE UENRY. of Fish I ingcreek. on bis acco tnt, as he will psy no debts OS her coutrartinz. She left t he premises of the under! .j i u ... . 1 . 1, t. lH. I . , 1 siKueu, tier lamer, vu ui iuum 0 i.iiu n uu.- ov jon.i i iicsaic Fishingcreek, Aug. I, 1306. 3t. 3r w . 4