DEIOCMT.& STAR. W. H. JACOBY I. R. IKELER, EDITORS. BL0OIS3URG, WEBXESD1T, Al'ff. 1, 1366. 8. M. Pbttmoill Jt Co.. 37 rark Row New York ere duly authorized to solicit and receive subscrip tions and advertising for the VuenU Ster, pub lished at Bloomsbarg, Columbia county. Fa, FOK GOVKIINOR. . nON.'lHESTERCLYMER, OI BERKS COUNTY. " Historical Facts. It is a significant fact that the Democratic party has always sustaind every incumbent of the Presidential chair who has defended tho Constitution, while the anti-Democrats have heartily opposed all such. The only Presidents ever elected by the anti Democrats were Harrison, Taylor and Lin coln. Through the pliablenessof the latter, and the treachery of his leaders, the Demo crats were humbugged into the support of a . war for the" Union and consequently gave ; him their support. But like each of the others ho died in the Presidential office, and was succeeded by a Vice President elect ed by the same party. In each case the anti-Democrats quarreled with the Vice Presidents because they would insist on i ' "i. i a. n jTi 1 ii o J - ' J each in turn, had to throw themselves for support on the Democratic party. Presi dent Johnson to-day is heart and hand in iw nir munpn nv rnp i nnsr.iriirnin an l Liu v sympathy with the straight-out Democratic party, and has fallen back upon their consti- tutional platform, while many of his pre tended admirers would have the public be lieve differently. These are significant his torical, facta. Averice. A prominent Republican declined to vote for Judge Mercur two years since, though he did not propose to vote for his opponent. Some verzealous partisan urged the mat ter strongly. No, was the reply. 44 1 em ployed Mercur to do some business for me on two occasions .and he bored two holes into me. and if you elect him to Congress he will bore holes into the Treasury." Brad ford Argus. He has already bored one hole into the Treasury, with a two-inch auger, tapping from it $2000 as additional, making his pay $5,000. The Republican party claimed to be the special advocates of retrenchment and reform when they elected him, they were going to establish economy in every depart ment, of the government, and thus exhibit to the Democracy the unnecessary, reckless equandering of money which had character ized, every Democratic administration for the past thirty years. The people can now see now wen tncy nave sept tneir word, or - . 1 M . J . j pr&cticed what they preached." The Dem ocrata were honest, and tho Republicans corrupt. It won't do to re-elect such men as Judge Mercur. Let's See. A few individuals in this town have been successful, through the aid of Democrats, in securing office, and now we want to see whether ornot, as Federal office-holder?, they will be frank and free in the support of the President's reconstruction policy. They must attend Democratic meetings, they must sup port, talk and vote for Democratic candi dates, they must cease their abuse of Demo crats, and take the field openly against the Abolition disunion party. You know Lin coln once said that, "the man who remains silent when he hears that Administration as sailed, 6hould be marked as an enemy," and ycra endorsed it. So your silence will never r do, gentlemen. You cannot deceive 44 the Government." You must display your true colon The President ia bound to havr his offices filled by his friend?. If you are not honest and sincere friends of the President you must give place to those who are. Fall .in, therefore, if you desire to retain the po sitions you now hold. Give the Democracy, , the true Union party, an open, decided and undivided support. Do you un derstand ? jjon t JLitce it. It is amusing to witness the wriggling of the Republican, of this place, to keep in countenance the followers and true believers of Abolition principles. The certainty of defeat next October has become apparent to the knowing ones and is creeping into the masses with marvelous rapidity. The Dem ocratic party is in a good state of discipline and can afford to look with great complacen cy uptfti the demoralized forces of the ene my. Some of them die hard, and judging from their meek but imploring faces and oc casional religious demeanor and patriotic sentiments, one would suppose heldirtg office was a very good thing, and difficult to part with. They must give way that better men may take their places. Tub Election m Kentucky Great Democratic Victory iO.OOO Majority. The result of the election in Kentucky equals, if not surpasses, the most sanguina ry expectations. The Democratio majority ia the State will not be far from 40,000 1 The overwhelming Democratic victory in Kentucky is but a prestige of what will oc cur in all the State elections this fall. Every where we shall see the most enormous Dem ocratic gains and the most splendid Demo cratic victories. As in Kentucky, the issue will be upon the President's policy and the restoration of the Union General Geary, the Radical disunion candidate for Governor, is openly committed in favor of negro suffrage and negro equali ty. To accomplish this, the word "white" must be stricken from the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Are the voters of the good old Common wealth ready to cast their ballots ia favor of such an issue ? Cw Peterson's 'Bank Note Detector came to us, a few days since, containing a complete list of some seventy-eight Banks, the notes of which are redeemed at par. Vie. noticed quoted, the Bank of Danville, Mauch Chunk Bank, North'd. Co. Bank, Miners' Bank, Bank of Chambersburg, lorkLounty .bans, and a host of other cacntry backs. To Our Candidates.- Notwithstanding tho flings, missiles, and threats made by those writiag for tho Oblum lian, in order to divide, distract, and in the end, defeat the Democratic party, we ven tore to say a few words to the Democratio candidates. . Quite a number of worthy gei tlemen have announced themselves as candi dates for the Democratic nomination for the various offices to be filled at the coming election. All of them, in their announce ments, pledge themselves to abide by "the decision of the Democratic County Conven tion." It 13 generally understood what the full meaning of this promise to abide by 4 'the decision of the Convention' comprehends. It involves a man t personal honor, and he is dishonored and disgraced if he violates tliat pledge. It is the essence, the very life and soul, of party organization, and must be lived up to, under all circumstances. The man who submits his name to a party Con vention, with the promise to abide by its decision, and failing to receive its nomina tion, opposes, oria lukewarm in regard to, the election of his successful competitor, is treacherous at heart and docs not deserve, in any degree, the confidenco of his fellow- men. TVe do not believe, for a moment, that any such person now seeks a nomina tion at the hands of the Democracy of Co lumbia County. If we did, we would do right in exposing him at once. But in the past wc have had some examples cf infidel ity in this regard, and it is this fact that induces us to talk in this strain. Had the office-seekers in the Democratic party always proved honorable and faithful, our majority in this county would long ago have reached two thousand votes. Let every Demo crat frown down the effort, on the part of those who shape and control the sentiments of tho Columbian, to inaugurate dissen sions and disaffection in the ranks of the Democracy. AVcre it an out-spoken and in dependent journal, and in full sympathy with the Democratic party, it would be entirely improper and injudicious for it, as it has done, to express a preference for certain Democratic candidates ; and it would be so considered by every Democrat in the county. "Were it bold, fearless, and decisive in its opposition to Democracy, we would not fear its poisonous and mercenary influences. What claim has it to Democratic sympathy and support? "Will it hoist the name and advocate the cause of the democratic nomi nees in the county? Will it place at its mat-head the name of tho gallant Hiester Clymer for Governor ? Will it, or (Joes it, labor for the good or for the success of the Democratio party, in any way, shape or fashion? We have watched its course care fully, and, we trust, impartially, and we hes itate not in faying, NO ! to all these inter rogatories. Without a doubt, the paper itscjf, will support the Democratic candidate fof Congress, no matter who he shall be, and for which it ha3 already, or is about to, re ceive its pay, viz : the Assessorship of this District, and the Post Office of this place. Nothing under tho sun but dissensions in the Democratic party, which the Columbian is now trying to incite and provoke, has kept our majority from reaching two thousand in this county. It is true, that Conventions sometimes make mistake?? but within the party there can be no appeal from their de cision. Far better for those who feel ag grieved to bide their time and appeal to sub sequent Conventions for justice, than to take the matter into their own hands and seek redress by a mode which can but prove their own political ruin. And let it be remem bered, and we urge that it should always be a point, to elect the most intelligent and up right men in the several districts as delegate? to Conventions. Such men arc not likely to do injustice to any one, or to disobey the voice of the people. As to the mode of electioneering for nominations, it should be entirely free from personalities. As but one person can receive the nomination for the office to which he aspires, candidates should remember, that if nominated, it is impor tant that they have the good will of their defeated competitors. It is not enough that they.have a right to their support, which is certainly true under all circumstances, but they should so conduct themselves in the canvass for the nomination, that such sup port will be cordial and whole-hearted. We cannot afford to have any bickerings and heart-burnings in our organization. Let the efforts put forth by the Columlinnitcs, in this direction, be frowned down aud cruhed at once ; and wc say to candidates, be men, treat each other honorably, kindly and fair ly. It is not merely success in office-getting that demand, these things at your hands. The 'welfare of the country depends upon the triumph of Democratic principles, and, therefore, requires of you such deportment as will contribute mofct to the success of the Democratic party. More Bounty. Soldiers enlisted for not less than three years who received only $100 bounty, are entitled under an act of Congress of July 28th, 1866, to $ 100 additional bounty, in case they served their term of enlistment, or were honorably discharged before the ex piration of their term of enlistment on ac count of wounds received in the line of duty. Soldiers enlisted for two years who re ceived only $50 bounty, are entitled under similar circumstances to $50 additional boun ty, and soldiers enlioted for less than two years who were honorably discharged on ac count of wounds received in the line of du ty, are entitled to $50 additional bounty. The above mentioned" bounties will be paid to the widow, minor children or pa rents of deceased Soldiers, in the order named. The bill will be found printed in full on the first page of our paper." Those having claims will do well by mak ing the fact known at this office, es we have made arrangements for the collection of the same, which will bo made npon the most reasonable terms and with dispatch. A letter from Berlin, savs tho Natflnvt Democrat, received by a gentleman in this city, states positively, that John Wilkes pooth who killed Lincoln, is in Berlin, play ing an engagement at one of the theaters m mac city, it adds, that he expresses much surprise that there should be so much ereMt attached in this country to the story of his death. ".The New Mercur Organ." Th organ of a little dissatisfied faction ia this place, Btyled the Columbian, has the audacity and coolness to call the Democrat AND STAR " The New Mercur Organ," sim ply because we refuse to support anybody else but a true Democrat for Congress in this District "But VOU tliatarfl rluvl -Cni, pnn.lnct,. htainfld with t.hA rmiltloau l.l.-l Corrupted and tainted with a thousand vices, You judge it straight ; a thing impossible, To compass wonders but by hcln of devils." We are bound to have nothing tn A with any of these men who were Abolition ists and our worst enemies durini? tb war. but are now claiming fo be JOHNSON" for office. If they have any notion of vot ing tor and supporting our men for offipo wo have no objections, but we do protest against any .Democrat lending his services to elevate that class of men to position. Thev are not worthy of our support as Democrats and should not receiveit Thev are wolves in sheep s clothing : and the worst kind of wolves at that This is our position towards the Abolition clan of this country, calling themselves the specia I advocates of JOHN SON and his restoration policy. They would make the people believe that they have changed their opinions, politically, in many respects, and have taken decided grounds against the Radicals : but if vou examine their organ closrfy and converse with tho men holding to it, you will discov er that this is far from being the case. If they are honest and have taken a position in opposition to the Radicals, there is but one thing left for them to do, and that is to hoist the name of Hiester Clymer, for Governor. Dare they do it ? There can be no middle ground for them to occupy in this campaign. The Educated. Certain scribblers for our weak cotcmno. rary down town, have a happy faculty of boasting of their superior education and literary character." While we detect egotism, and desire to live and learn, we never have, and hone we never shall. boa&t of our literary attainments. But this we can say: wc arc thankful for the little know! edge wc do possess, and wo gained it by our oicn efforts, with our oven means, and are. therefore, unlike those who do the dirty work of the Columbian, one of whom was educated at the expense of a certain reli gious society, which society, a.s we understand, has never yet received from him any reward, favor, or compensation. Another was forced upon the charity and crcnerof-itv of a kind friend, who took great pains in his in struction and early training, until ho found him unworthy and unavailable, when he made a servant of him, which position he occu pies at the present time. Even the Jews of Old endeavored to make restitution : com plained and labored to rid themselves of their debt, mortgage and bondage. Will not our opponents do as much ? While our ene mies scoff, we will labor. Neither our work nor education are finished. Shakesnere says: "You talk of pride: O, that you could turn your eyes towards the napes of your necks, and make but an interior survey of your good selves I O, that you could ! hat, then, Sir? by, then vou would discover a brace of unmeritinsr, proud, vio lent, testy follows (alias fools) as any in Home." Correspondence, Were wc in the habit of publi.-hinsr our business correspondence, we might fill about three commns of our paper every week, but in order to Jet our readers and our opj- nents know that we have the bj.-t kind of encouragement, and evidence that our pa per is appreciated and growing in the esti mation of our sub:-scribers, wc publish the following letter. If any one doubts the as sertion, that we have hundreds of others of a similar character, let them call and ex amine our files : Soanstown, August 2nd, ISfiG. Messrs. Jtcotnj fr Ikelcr, Sirs : Please send your paper to George Taylor, at this office. I have had your paper for some time and am greatly pleased with it since the consolidation. It is earnestly sought for here, boasted on, and diligently read bv those who get it. It gives a" variety nf local and general news, as well as scientific and literary reading. Its Democracy is pure, just as we want it. I will try to increase its circulation. If there are any arrearages on my paper send bill with next mail and I will remit the amount Your paper is a very welcome guest in this part of the State Please find enclosed $4.00 from your Demo cratic friend, JonN Simmons. Wc labor for the good of our country as well as for the good of the Democratic par ty, and can't help but those who as sist in the good cause. Who will not put their shoulder to the wheel ? ASmasiiLp.-Ou Friday mornin? last, about 4 o ciock, a freight train on the Lack awanna Lailroad ran into another train near Beach Haven knocking the caboose ofhe Litter into a thousand pieces. At the time the caboose contained several persons, all of whom were asleep or dozing. The concus sion mixed them up suddenly and promis cuously, and badly wounded several of the parties. Captain Wm Young, r,f this place, had Ins head severely lacerated, beside.4eing otherwise much bruised, liichard Kelly; also of tms place, had his arm badly injured and one of. his feet much torn. J. Rhodes, Conductor had a leg broken. The breaks man also had a leg broken, and a stranger, name unknown to u, was vc.y serously in jured by bcimr caught between the bumpers oi the cars. The only surprising thing is, the parties were not all killed outright The train that was injured was behind time, and the Conductor of it had neglected to send back a flagman to warn the rear train, hence the collision. Danville Intelligencer. SST Observe the fact not a Geary organ in the State denies being in favor of negro suffrage ! Geary himself does not deny the charge ! Theirwhole cry is "Our platform don't say anything about negro suffrage for that ain't an issue note." It don't mat ter what the platform says, for that can be pitched overboard, like the Chicago platform of 1860, even if directly against "negro suf fragewhich it is not. But it does matter what the Geary organs and the Geary lead ers say. Their views and utterances consti tute the platform and principles of the Geary faction, and they are aU for negro suffrage and equality. They do not and daro, not deny tho fact. The Kentucky Election. Our dispatches say that Judge Duvall, the Democratic Candidate for Clerk of the Court of Appeals, has been elected by 20, 000 majority over his opponent, Geth Hob son, a War Democrat. Thisirlorious result has been achieved by the Democracy of Ken tucky against the combined opposition of the Radicals, the War Democrats, the Con servative Republicans, and all the odds and ends of Kentucky politicians. Prentice and the Louisville Journal, Harney and the Democrat, Dr. Breckinridge and his church, Gen. Rosseau and his adherent's, all strove to defeat Judge Duvall, and through himthc old fashioned Democratic States Rights principles which he represented in the con test Their efforts were vain, and truth and justice, and the principles and the Constitu tion have signally triumphed. Well do we remember the satisfaction with which we published the resolutions of the Convention which nominated J udge Du vall, resolutions which enunciated clearly and distinctly those great principles of free gov ernment for which we have always contend ed ; which boldly and defiantly denounced tho usurpations of Congress, and earnestly sus tained the President's efforts to preserve the Constitution and save the Union. We predicted then the success which has now lcen achieved, for wc had and have undying faith in the vitality and popularity and pow er of the principles of the Constitution. Un der that standard, when bravely borne, vic tory ia always sure. No political canvass, since tho war, has been conducted with such zeal and earnest ness as have lccn displayed by both parties in uiis. insunguiMiea speakers were call ed in from the neighboring States, and im mense crowd.3 attended every meeting. Per haps nothing better attests the nature of the triumph than the fact that such well known Peace Democrats as Pendleton, Vallanding ham and Voorhocs, were among the princi ple advocates, from beyond the State, of Iu vall's election, and contributed greatly to his success. This election teaches many useful lessons which oupht to be well considered by those who arc about to attempt to organize a suc cessful opposition to the Radical party. Chief among tnese lessons is this: that tho people are ready to rally again around the fla on which shall be inscribed the principles of tho Constitution. Under that flag every one (whatever he may have been in the past whether War Democrat, Repulbicnn, or Peace Democrat,) who really desires the restoration of the South to its place in the Union, the reestablish incut of real peace, and the prosperity of tho whole country, can meet and march against tho common foe, that vile party which is trying to subvert the Government and to destroy our republican institutions. "From Orangeville." Messrs. Editors, of the Democrat and Star: We. would invite the atten tion of your readers to the gentlemanly ur banity of "Juvines," as displayed in the closing paragraph of his lato published arti cle "brora Orangeville," in the Columbia County Republican, of July Jt!i, ISOfi. The unmitigated effrontery with which he, by implication, charges the "Ladies of Or angeville" with hlandering the Orphans, is only equalled by bis audacity in inviting them to visit the "Home and see for them selves. ' ' What richt has " Juvines" to invite the "Ladiesof Orangeville" to visit the "Home" when the Proprietor of that institution h.n Torbiddcn all persons to visit the premises without a permit, or pass trom him t And, we are credibly informed, be has directed his Matron, in case persons do come to the house, to forbid them coming in, and has forbidden the Superintendant to receive calls at his private room. Jerutjs "Juvines" is not aware that the "Home' and all its employees are under a sort of Marshal law, with plenty of Senti nels on all the out-posts. Tn view of this state of things the ladies of Orangeville would respectfully decline the very flattering invitation of "Juvines" 'till such times as the Proprietor shall see fit to give them a respectful admission to the premises. That the Ladies of Oranreville have slan dered the "Orphans" is a base insination, and false as it is mean, owinr its origin, prob ably, to the very fertile and somewhat ver dant brain cf "Juvines." e would recommend for the mental health of that aspiring correspondent, that he take pmall (lose of asaf'etida on retiring at night ; we think it would.act like a charm on his nervous system, and so modify and control his erratic imagination that he would cease to publish wholesale slanders on all the ladies in town and all the ioople in two counties. .j l'stice. In behalf of the lulus of Orangeville. Democratic Meetings. Democratic State Committee ) Rooms, 828 Walnut Street, PniLAPEUuiA, August 9, 18(W3. j Hon. Hiester CI date for Governor, will speak as follows : At viientown, u ednesday, August 22. Danville, Thursday, August 23. Jiewisburg, Fryday, August 24. Johnstown. Saturday evening, August 2 . Somerset, Monday evening, August 27. Uniontown, Tuesday, August 2-. Wavnesburz (Greene Co.) Wednesdnr. An -rust 29. Washington. Thursday, August 30. Beaver, Friday, August 31. Newcastle, Saturday, September 1. Erie, Monday, September 3. Meadviikr, Tuesday, September I. Franklin, Wednesday, September 5. Clarion. Thursday, September f. Titusville, Friday Evening, September 7. W arren, Saturday, September 8. St. Marv's (Elk Counfv.) Mrm,? ivevenin"r. Septeniber 10. Emporium, (Cameron County,) Tuesday, September 11. Lock II aven, V cdncsday, September 12. By order Democratic State Committee, WILLIAM A, WALLA CE, Jacob Zieoler, Chairman. Secretary. ItS? MaTCINYi TTixtsft v nrvinriT- U'n learn that Wm. G. Hurley, Esq., of B'ooms- . c'. ivr iim Aiioiiiion proclivi ties, is making himself very officious, bytfi rectintr in what, imimnlo thr SJKriflF" r.f" M,? County shall advertise his sales. We would like to know when he became the dispenser Of the Official ratrnnnrr nf thp!( office-holders of this county? We presume tnai onenn knyueris competent to decide that matter fnr bimWr Wilt 1, An. U ? - ---- v-. I til UV V -J BencicJc Gazette Black Retc-dlican Solicitude. The excessive love of the Abolition fanatics for the negro reminds U3 of the talcs of those Italian banditti, who shed tears over the death of a favorite dog, and afterwards cut the throat of a benighted traveler. The religion and practice of the Abolitionists are about on a par with the piety of those Ital ian scoundrels ; both classes can sanction the greatest crimes, and afterwards ro tn their closets and dole outa prayer for the remiss ion of their sins. So we go. Who fought to brinsr the South hart into tho Union? The " bovs in " Who aro now fighting to keep it out ? The Inenda of tlio " boys in black." W1LLTSXH1BIT AT BLOOMSBURG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23d, 1866; ' VAN A M BURGH & CO'S MAMMOTH MENAGEEIE, AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN. COMKIXED WITH i-.)rrr err ..' GAE3HE3, KEMfcl !HSS & CO'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Tho Larsct Traveling Institution in America. Damift. Ci AH7xFn, . . m V-V; I.TST OF ANIMALS. COL. II.VLIS TRAINED ANIMALS. African I. ion, Asiatic I.inrs, Tranliian Tiprr, Sl leortr1, Atrirn Lionels and hpcued ligtr. Ti.XTXY FLKriIANT. JKNVY T.INO. thfs tmallrH rT e! S. a. TAPIR or !IIF10F TA MI'S ot th NV World. :h only on in Am-ri-. TWJUHI.K Ht'MFl) mCTKlAN C.OIEI.. th f:rt rverrxMhiicd in Ameriri. -ry r-ir-, A K ttl t " A X LION. UKAZILIAN 'A!! iK TllU.NO l.I'NS, from t)ie'arxof Oond Hofe. knk;ai. lvoi'a us. j.oyai. bengal, tkjehs. only on4 in America, and the Irir-et vr exhibited. WHITE IMMMALKH MOUNTAIN HEAR, very fin. Tibhett Hear. Isabella P'ar. Sacred ( tt' from India. -.t"t A' TVr. fr"m tlie Rank of the Hirer Canm, th lir-1 -T-r exMMied in America, African. 'yena, Afri can I elicar. African IVrciiF'nea, Cttj and Hed Eexea, Art American Fallow IVer, Kryr-tim Ichneumon, r;te.l f'ock-j't'via, Cnlden Phear.t, rnuth America l w-e. Ki'yor MieasanU, Fparrish Macawa, African Par rM. Monkey. Ape, t:.r..ror., kr , ltocky Mnnntaln Harfjer. ;tnr,.a I',..,, I'UKK WHITE PEACOCKS, the mot leant. ful Ilird ever exhihiied, anrj the only one erer rt-rn in any eTtjntry, I'rairie Wnlve. Australian Cnrkntilln, Hcy Lori Parnqiietts. Australian Hwll.n, Jiri liar, Kin and nren Parrot, Ked and Yellow C'rtstei Cockatoo, and a. Host of Minor Arifrmal. COLONEL HALL, Will introduce t' e Performing Elephant, JEN'NV LIND, at each Entertainment, and will also enter the Den of Performing Animals And giri Daring end Graceful Exhibition Of the power of Man oyer the WILD DENIZENS OF THE FOREST. The Large and Popular Equrstrian Or ganization of ram iwmi-m Ii ni't the pirt of thi Co!oial Combination. Observe tho Names cf the Performers. MISS ELIZA GARDNER-, The ISct Female Rider in the World. MADAME CAMILLA, Tho Parb-ian irijuectriennn. Mile. THEPTHORP. Mils. BAN El R, RICHARD HEMMINGS, The Nonpiriel Fquestrian, and only riyal tjf the GREAT BLONDIN. FRANK CARFENTER, The Wizard Horseman. DAN GARDNER, The People' Clvwn CHARLES MONROE. Tho Vocal Grimaldi. GEORGE BROWNE, Champion Tumbler of America. CHARLES KING, The) Accomplished Maitre du Cirque. ' JOSEPH SANDFORD, The Darin; C.jmnMt Master EDWIN GARDNER, The Infantile Wonder. Tho BAZZELL BROTHERS, The Skillful and Graceful Gymnast ALSO Messrs. COOPER. TAYLOR. BANEIR EOLINO, STETSEL, etc-, etc Tfrs Stud of Horses end Penies Is tiie Lar.-et and Cet Trained Collection in America PARTICULAR ATTENTION la directed to the Majriiificcntly Grand Procession I Which will enter Town on the Day of Exhibition, .headed by tue m&m golden: crfAEUQTv And follotred by the entire Stnl of Homos and Poniea. the Jeg-nntly decorated Case. Van, Carriagoa, fce., forming a GORGEOUS PARADE ! Far eclipcinf any that has yet been given by any traveling establishment in America. The Entrrtainment will be fiven tinder a MAMMOTH PAV1LLIOP-, Capable of accommodating COW spectator There will be ii EXHIBITIONS EACH DAY, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. In orlcr toarcnmmoilitf thfw person who wish to witna the Munarr-ri and notihs Circu, the door will open at 1 end 61-2.P M., And the CIRCUS PERFORM A NCE not commence until 2 and 7 1-2? P. M.t .Sordine, such partie amIe time to witness the Menagerie and retire before the Circus Performance Commences OXE P1UCE OF AD3IISSI0S TO BOTH SHOWS ! ADULTS, 50 cts. CniLDREX, under 10 years of age, 25 cts. WILL ALSO EXHIBIT 127 SHICKSIIINNY, Wednesday, Aug., 22nd. DANVIIiLE, Friday, August 24th. W. H. GARDNER, Agent iSt'ECIAL NOTICES. . ALL MAY MARRY HAPPILY. IRRESPECTIVE of weaU. ape or beaaty ; and the love of the opposite sex can be gained by follow ing simple rules. Bend a directed envelope to MADAME MARY PERKY. June 13, 'CG. 3m- Station Ii. f.ible House. N. Y. LOVELY GIRLS and FESTIVE BOYS. SEND an adrtresxed envelope and 95 eenta and I wm sendyiu aome valuable information that will please you. Address Miss JANE BRYA N. June 13, "60 3m, Station A. 1'2'J Fpring t , N.Y. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. rpHE Glory of Man Is Strength. A Gentleman who I suffered for years from Nervous and Genital Dehilitv. Niffhtlv Emiaions.flnH Spminnl Wan kn... th! result of youthful indiscretion, and came tiear endinp bis days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man, send to any one alllicted. the sim ple means used by him, which effected acureina a few weeks, after the failure of numerous medi cines. Send a directed envelope, and it will cost you nothing Address JOHN B. OGDEN, Juue 13, U0, 3ui. No. 13 Chamber s st., N. Y. THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif ferent styles, adapted to sacred and secular mueic.for $H0to$U00 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premium, awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MASON U HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BHOTHER3, Naw York. Jan. 6, 18C6. Sep. 9, 'C5. ly. S.M.P. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A geni'eman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth fill indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering- hu inanity, gend free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver. tiset's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. tjGDEV, No, 1.1 Chambers ft. New York, Feb, 23- lSfifl, ly. S.M.P. STRANGE BUT TRUE. Every youn lady and gentleman in tho United States can henr something very much to their advan tage by re'urn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the undernigned, Tbos-3 h.iving Tea's of being humbug?, cd will olilije by nut noticing this card. All others wilt please address their obedient servant. TIJOi.F CHAPMAN. e31 t road way. New York. Feb. 23, 1PCG ly.S M P 1 E A FN ESS, RLI X DNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D.. Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley Uen, Holland.) No. 519 PINE Stuet. PHILAD'A Testimonials, from the most reliable hources in the City and Country can be seen at hi office. The med ical faculty are invited to arcompauy their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice ' ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without nm. No charge for exam ination, f April 25. I8GU ly, LOVjND MATRIMONY. LadH'S and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, ad dress the undcrsisnor," who will send you, without uio:.ey and without price, valuable information ih;it will enable you to marry happily, irrespective of age, wealth r beauty. This information will co-it yu nothing, and if you wi-h to marry, I will cherrtu'ly assist you. All letter strictly confidential. Th.j de sired information sent by return luail.and no reward asked. Address SAR MI B. LAMBERT. Gret'np jiut, Kings Co., New York. June 6, 16CC. 3.n, AN rXTENSIVE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION of l-ianos, Melcdians, Gold and Silver Ware, is now going on at the salesroom of REED BRO., 34 Liberty Street., N. Y. These goods are sold at 'I WO Uot.LMiS EACH, Regardless of Value. Send TWKNTY-FIVE Cents for one numbered Notice, or ONE DOLLAR for SIX. The number of each No tice corresponds with the number on some art cle of goods, which will be sent on rccei pt of $-2 The money will be refunded ifthe goods do not give sat isfaction. Acvni make TW EN I Y-FIVE DOLLARS PER WF.KK. Send for a Circular, Office : P. O. BOX . 511?. 34 Liberty St. NEV7 YORK. May "J, ld06: 3m. TO Cott-cntPTATivrs The advertiser having been restored to health in a f'W weeks by a very sim ple remedy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Con sumptiou-is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it, he will senJ a copy of the pre scription used.ffrecol Charge. with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sire ctrc for Consumption, Aathaiy, Bronchitis. Colds Coughs, etc. The only object of the advertiser In sending the frcsciiption is to benefit the afflicted. and information which heconceives to be invaluable end he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them not hing, and may prove a les-ing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsbnrg King County. Feb. 25", 1SCG. ly. S.V1. P. New-York, 'The X tii he Grovesteen Piano Forte II retains its precodence and great popularity. and after undergoing itnorovements fur a pe riod pf thirty years. is now prono.injed by the musical world to be unsurpassed ao1 even unequalled in rich ness, volume and purity of tone, durability and cheapness- Our new scale, trench action. barp pedal, iron frame, over-strung bass, seven octavo rosewood pi anos we are selling cheaper b from $100 to g.'ijo than the same st) le and finish are sold by any other first-class makers in the country. Dealers and all in want of good pianos are in vited tn sen J for our De scriptive Catalogue, wbirh contains photographs of our different styles, together with prices No one s bould pun hase a piano without seeing this Cata logue. Medasl almost without number, have been awardod to the Grovesteen Piano, and the Celebrated World's rair, though put in competition with others from all parts of Europe and the U it took the highest awaid. f Established HXi Grovesteen Co , 4.)a BROADWAY. NEW YORK. July 20. ISG5 . H. II. a. &. Co. ALL MAY MAURY HAPPILY, irrespective of wealth, age, or beauty ; and the love of the op posite s-x can be gained by tnllowing simple rule. Send a directed envelope and stimp toMmtxt LU MLLE DEMARUE, Station D, Bible Street, New York City. THE GLORY OF MAN 13 STRENGTH. A gentle man who suffered for years from Nervous and Genital Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Seminal Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion , and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man, send to any one afflict ed, the simple means uved by In in, which effected a cure in a few weeks after the failure of numerous medirines. Send a directed envelope ad stamp and it will cost Vou nothing Address. LUGAR I REMAIN. !th SuN.Y. City. IOVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE BOYS, send an J addressed envelope and -j cents. and 1 will send you om valuable information that will please you. Address MARY MOORE, Ml i;road way, N. Y. May Hi, leOti ly. wnisKEfrsTwnisKERS n Dr. I. O, Movtez' Cerrilit. the greatest stimulator In the world, will force Whiskers o. Mu-tarhesto crow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to f:iil ; sample for trial sent free to any one desirous 'f testing its merit. Address, Reeves & Co., 73 Nassau Street. New York, July 4, IcUti. 3m. 1 SETT PEHTOIE FOU TIIE UASDKEECIIIET. Phalon'a Fhalon') Phalott's) Phalon's Phalon'sj flight Blooming Cercan." "TVigtii Hloomins Cercaa." "Xighf ttloouiing Cereun." "Night Blooming Cere, 'iNigtat Blooming Cercna." A most exquisite, delicate, nnd Frsgeant rerfntne, disti led from the rare and beautiful 'flower from which it takes its name. Manufactured only b? IIIAY.O:V As SOX, IVsfTr York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR rilALOX'S TAKE NO OTHER. JEW RESTAURANT, In Shive'r Building, oa Main Street. WM. GILMORE, Informs the citizens of Bloomshurg and vieiaity th i t he has opened a New It S TAXI R A AT, in this place, where he invites his old friends and customers to call and partake of his refreshments. It is bis intention to keep the best LA GER BEER AND ALE, constantly on hand : A Iso, Porter, Sarsaparilla. Min -era 1 Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry ad Lem. on Syrups , can always be had at his Restauraat. In the eating line he presents sr not surpassed in this place ; viz. Pickled Oyster Clams, Sardine. Fish, Barbecued Chicken. Pickled Tripe and Beef Tongue, ate, Ac. Be also has m good article of Cigars and Chewing Totxtcco for his customers. C7" Give him a ealU Bloomshurg, Jane 13, 1866. CANDIDATES' DEPARTMENT. Columbia County , Democratic . Convention. 1 "VOTICE Is hereby given that the Pcmorratie elee L lnri" ,n,"nrt rr he several boroughs and c-lertion districts r Columbia Cnanty, will meet at their uu f.oSw" .,!.olJJi" general e tertian on SAT URDAY. TUB 83TH DAY OF ..AUGUST, IStM, be tween the hours . f 3 and 7 o'clock, in the afternoon rC?"1 ,"y'.r,f the nurP of choosing BY BAL LOT two liclncatea fro n each Election District, td meet in County Convention, at the otJURT HOUfE in Hloomsburg. on MONDAY, TIIE V7TH DALOlf AUGUST. IWiO. at 1 o'clock. P. M fo, the purpose of making tho nsual annual nomination of the Demo cratic party of Columbia County. BT7 Tno Delegate election ia the Rorongh of Ctn- ...I.. ...Ill i... V. I . ... ... . " - iiniu wm 0,1 Hum hi uic iiouseor jonn Uhspinan , The election lor the township, at tbe House of Daniel T.McKiernan, in Germantown. E. R, 1KEI.ER, Clatratca William Lamon, Dahiel Zarh. 9 C. F. MiKim, John H. (Iktli. J.cob Terwilliokbi Standing Committ. T7" The Delegates Will pnt np at the "Forks H: tsl" wh. re arrangements have been made for their accommodation, ItlOMiusburg, Jury I i. 181,0. Mrnntorial. LEVIL.TATB. of Bloom lownskip. we are au thorized to announce will be a candidate for tb4 nominatinn of STATE SENA TOR in the 15th Die: trict, subject to the usages of the Democratic party of Columbia County, and respectfully solicits the suffrage of hi fellow-Democrats. . Bloomsburg, June. 13, Iffni. , j Senatorial. AT the earnest solicitation of my Democratic friends in the county and throughont tbe district I have been induced to offer mvselfas a candidate for the office of STATE SENATOR, subject le thai usages of the Democracy of the District. , . u . PETER ENT. Light Street. June 13. Hi6- .Senatorial. . AT the earnest request of many Democratic friends'j I Imve consented to be a candiditte for the office" of STATE SENATOR, at the coming election, sub ject tothe derision of the Democracy of this couaty as well as of the Di.trict, JAMES S. McNINCn. Catawissa, June 13, I861I. Associate Jnljjc. "f'Khav been anthorizd ti announce the ii V of ELIJAH . KICKBT'l'ri. of Oranse tiwnslii f r the Kflice of A-'Sf-'I ATH JUHGU, of ihi Courts of Colu 11 hia County, snhjert tothe uige -( the nom inating Convention, which will bo held ia August next. June H. 1".6. " Associate Jiide. WE are requested tn annaunre in the column of this paper, that Ex Sheriff I RAM DKRR. ot Jackson inwiiKbip. Columbia Cimniy. rff.-r hiniMlf as a candidate for the ffir.e f ASSt ICI ATE JUD;K. suMert to the decision of tho Democratic Conatr Convention. June li, lot'iii. Associate Jntlge. HAVING been induced through tbe earnest solicits li-ins of my Democratic friends. in allow my name to be used in connexion with ths office ASSOCIATE JUDGE of Columbia County, 1 take this occasion tn announce tn the Democratic elector that I will be a candidate, subject tothe eeeisiea the Convention. JACOB, EVANd. Greenwood, June 6, IPCS. Associate Juilc SN .SMUCII as it ha long been conceded that one of the ASSOCIATE JUDGES should come from the south side nf the river, and through the nigent request of the Democracy of both sides of the river, I liavi- bcn induecd In become a candidate f T re nouiinntlon. (at the same time thanking ttjf Democ racy for past favors.) subject to tbe decision of the De mocratic County Convention. aiTEriiEN BALDT. Catawissa, June 13, 1HC.0. Associate Judse. WE are authorized tn announc tbe name of RICH ARD FRUIT, of Madison township, as a candidate for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the coming go.teral election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention, which will be held in Auguft next, and he solicits the suffrage of hi Democratic friends. June 90, 1B0& Associate Jmlfrc, WE have been requestud to state that AkTDREW FREA, Eqr., of Centre township, wi'l be a candi data for the office of ASSiMJIATii JUDGE, at tbe ensuing general election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention wbirh will te hKld in August next, June -20 lrii. jlssociatc JikIc, WE have been requested to announce tks name of PETER K HERKEIN. Esq , of Loeast tow a ship, as a candidate for the office of ASSO .'IATB JCIiGE, of Columbia County, subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. June 37, JSGfi. Associate Jiidc. WE have been authorized to announce the name ..f THOMAS.'). HUTCHISON. Esq; of Fisli inccreek township, as a candidate for the olfi'-e of ASSOCI ATE JUDGE, of Columbia County, subjeet to the decision of the Democratic Couventiun. Juie 7, I"iiti. Register and Itccorder. HAVING been warmly urged and encouraged by T Democratic friends thriHigTiout too Cexinty. to be a candidate for REGISTER AND RECOKDER, I hen by off-r myself to the Democratic voters fjr that position, -uhject to the decision of our Connty Con veiition in Augu t ncxL Should it be tbe pleas ure - f the people to give me the nomination and election, I will perforin the duties of that office with fidelity and to the best of my ability. SAVUCL NETH ARD. Centre township, June 6, 1S06. E:ci?itcr and ISecorder. TO THE bEMDCRACY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY 3 offer myself tothe Democrary of Columbia Ceun j ty. subjert tn the nominating Crr v i.:ion,.for the office of REGISTER AND RECOKDER, for the en. suing term. And I pledge myself t a careful and prompt performance of all the duties. John c. freeze, June C, lecfi. I'rotlioiiotary and Clerk of the Courts UE have been authorized to announce the name of JESSE COLEMAN as a candidate for re nomination and election tothe oft ee of PROT'ION- rrARY AND CLERK OF THE COURTS, of Col am bia County, subject to the usages of the Demicralis party. Uloomtburi, June IS, lsfC. County CnmmiKsioncr. Through the solicitation of mv Democratic friends. I have been induced f offer roveelf as a rand i d ate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, sul.jcct to the deci-ion of the Democratic County Convention, which will convene on the 27th of An -gust next. vfivi rnMrnv rnt Sugarlnaf tewnship. June 6, I.-ifiH. County Coiumitsioncr. JF- re anthnrized to announce t e name of 9AM Vj ILL K. K LINE, of Pugarloaf township. Col. mi lua county, a a ram'.idale for the otfirs of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, sulject to the derision of the Deniocraiic County nominating Convention. Jotv H. tfv ORKS HOTEL Gro. W. 3IAUCKR, Troprletor. The above well known hotel has recently under gone radical changes in it internal arrangement, and its proprietor announces to hi former entin' and the travelling public that his accommodations for the comfort of his guests ate second to none in the country, his table will always be found sup. plied, not onl) with substantial hd. but with all the di'licaeie of the sea-ou. Hi wine and liquor (except that popular beverage known as McHemrj.') purchased dirert front Uie importing houses, are en tirely pure, and free fr ni all poisonous drugs Ha is thankful for a liberal patronage in the past, anil will continue to deserve it in the future. GEORGC W. M AUGER. June 13. l"fio if, D31 IN STR ATOR fe' NOTICE. Eitafe of Dr. Slnwn Cotner, deceased. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Dr. Simon Cotner, late of Madison township. Col urn-' bia County have been rranted by the Register of sai J county, to Benjamin F. Fruit and Conrad Kreamerv residing in Jerseytown, township and county afore said. All person having claims against the estate of the decedent are reque-ted to pr sent them for settlement tothe administrator, and those indebted? tothe estate will make immediate payment to tiro' undersigned at K reamer's Store, injtrseyfown. r!ENJ F. FRUIT. i . CONRAD KREAiIER,l',',"p July II. ISOC 6w. . DM IN ISTltATOK'S NOTICII Estate of John Laxcrenee, deceased. LETTERS of administration on the estate of John Lawrence, late of Hemlock township, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia court ly, to Daniel Nov hard, who resides in Buck (mm, saidr county. Alt persona baving claims against toe es tate will present them to the adaniuistrator for set--tlemenv. and those indebted wi I make mmediale payment to DANIEL NEYHARD, Jldm'r, ITemlock, July 11, ietw. few. C0 A tea- ",e T ny one wittr jSsW.llil-StencU Tools No experience necessary. The Presidents. Canh- iers, and Treasurers of 2 Banks indorse the circular. Sent free with samples. Address the American flea" cil Tool Works. gprmgHcId , Vermont. A ugust 1, W06.-3OI.