AGRICULTUKAL, . CULTIVATION, (JT4Qr.CILUlJ).r ttnrtinf i. ; or- V:rJ, 1'iria in iaf.ef faahar-e-KCEt f v',rou: :l to-i .-tort-Jived finttuaasm lj f. . i ..; .ru. v-as ii Z sqiae cf tlicir rse'olilors hurt dfriVed from ft Crop of ap jles," they go to "rrerk, acquire the necceasary information in , reference to ' varieties, 3 "soil, preperation, and planting'ofaa orchard; fol-. loir out their in'trictions preity-'faithfull imaJeed in getting out their trees on , correct1 principles,-' and then conclude fchat their la "bors are. done, and. that ihiirt orchard will need no further nre until it comes into bear jng. TI107 prpkally ovp ife to pals,- peed it down, and" inow' i t'Tor th'reeoff jut yea'rel and -render that their trees don't ; grow more.' They, very Lively, tlauie tho nui-serymia'who fjnLlclhe'ixi; the! trqeisg r',,',thos Vhose . advice tTifolIo-sred in'Tlantii'-for; the faii ureof their orchard. " But, should-they-plant a. crop of corn, and give' "no after cul ture, they woold 'not expect a full crop.' not'apply th fame principles, ia jndins"cf tneir . orcnara :t xiorxicuj iun-is4 are ..uu e t arrreed os to the proper cnltura of an ortlmrd. Borne advocate 'its .Wni eptundes-. contiu-. tied .estivation, - friers kror seeding , it dcnTT.' ilfc Veieaia fb'mWthat there areromcgener 1J cCl .e id priniiiuJJ oT.trco cuItaxc,''iLat .might. Iq definite! settled;" so" that there need ho no confiicting theories. . "Ilrst, it may be con sidered aji-axiom, that the rbotiof all trees and plants iljuiiiJx bcsl in -ill surface soil, where Vegetable mdd -.atOundsj axid .rhero they inay be reached by , the atmosphere,, and the beat of the sun, within from threi tft ten laches of the surface, Viirjiiig.Vith the depth; and property; of the soil. ';Thi3 princi ple being established : it then follows that our' culture should be such - as tt encourage ttgrotrth' of roots should '. hot' exceed the the depth of three inches, -and consequently should not be done with the plow, but with the hoe, theculd-ra.tor, er the.harroT. The first year after planting the roots of a tree extend but a few feet from it3 base,"- beyond whlil tbasoil ciay be worked wlth: a-' plow j and hoe cropymised,-provided the fertility of .the soli RkspMigrbyiKberalnaanwrirg; The hoe can keep the ceil mellow around tne tree. .t.u .-.: -.-, . ' Theeit'year'a, greater space must be ex empt fronf the plow, 'around the trees.', As" aruhvlthiak the roots of a tree extend about twice as far from its base, asf do its branches a c f woijl j aof $ tea.rj rig them up, we must keep that distance from the tree the plrw.. After tW irsT pea-son s when fitting th . ground for crops between the trees, we 'could pass over the roc' . with tha harrow, and during thereifcaioder of the season, "as we pass through the), growing po- tatoe?, beans,', or .whatever vegetables "we may grow ia the orchaxdj wihthe cultiva t&v we could aLo pasi over 'the roots J with the pn&e.;., ; J . .. So year after year, the spaces between the trees whiehr improper to Jjlowr become less and less, untif after the lapse of twelve to fif teen ar, a'thriity - orchard with trees from 24 to 32 feet apart, will extend its roots all over, its srirf ici when the growing of other crops, afl'ltlle use of the plow fchouil cease. Then; the entire energies 'of the soil should be detotfid, to the pfcoduction of fruit but its cultivation should continue: .The weeds and grass phould bo kept down, and the sur face should be kept mellow. I know of no better implement fortius purpose, than the cultivator, 'the two-horse one of ccursi;.5 Passing over the surface repeatedly with the barrow, has. a tendency to pack it, bt tbe teeth' of the cultivator, lifting up the earth," throws it up loose and mellow. ' ' wcrse policy can be pursued with an orchard, :.than to mow it for a succession - of years. :Its, in fact robbing -the trees of their proper, aliment for the benefit of the haycrop.;-; " :' '-.?XX'-- ': We see that where the right course is pur sued with an orcbardfrom the beginning, its proper culture is tolerably clear;, but sup posing it has been in , sod for a number of years, what then as to be done ? The sod to be broken up, so much is certain but hqw ? If dona with a plow, to a depth of more thanj three inches," it will be sure to teir up a per-, fect net-work of roots all oyer the orchafiJ. ' But if the ploVcan be set to' a depth of three inches; and firmly held there, that will be the best way "ofbrcat jn;u$r jtdl Re peated h'arrowings witli a sharp- toothed har row Kight 3o it,1 but not so well as 'the plow. To sum up the end to be accomplished in the culture ofan. orchard, is to keep a clean mellow surface aboYc tbcrootiv itnd leave them to grow,' undisturbed by any implement of cultivation. American Farmer. HVRN YARDS, . 9 In tbc construction of a barri' yard", 'mary farmers seem to think that' little or no" plan-H ning and skill is -necessary.'.' Theygeneraf ly build their barns, without any regard fo" the yaxd, ia to' be on J the east, " v west,-north or south side. , : The yard, , bow-, ererj is quite as important a3 the barns arrd ehoJild. be so situated that the manure in it will not escape and run 'off, a3 . is frequently - the case, down so me - v- ' '" There are farmers who think that? a strearh of water running' directly through heir barrr yard.1?, for watering stock, is a good thini,' whereas it i3 the worsfplac6 'far'ohV'itiiat can be imagined, taking .Kef saving, of the liquid manure into ccnsidcraticrr, a? a large portion of it, must of course, find itsway into the stream, and pass off ' where, it does no ' good to any one x. . , a . . V' ' A great- desidcratura in .constructing . a barn yard, is the preeryation of the manure ? and far that purpose,' it should be excavated in a bowl-like shape","on a gentlei declination from the circumference to tHe center,' aad tL.2 bottom made tight with clay made into mortar, while applying it so that the liquids of the yard will not leash down into the'suV soil and be loC ,---?,;V'4 1 ' " Another important Cr.Tifeideratioa 'in con ttrs '"thz tcrayaxd, . tie : protectioril cf ste--': front tliO M north and west wind; and. tlie souili'side coa3enueaJy3 the test side i Lira to have it" ; . m ... Crcuin::-' r"j yes tes jttwrj for pick le. 0'4 Julis u lj xZ fchosl be. . . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ' V i J- ... 13 PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THB ; ''MZrolcii!e:oj( t : ; a new discovery in. medicine which - FTRIKE3-AT THE BOOT OFr DISEASE,' HT 1 tippivinf Jltv Blxxwith t it vttav '.rfaxeirut, rn - irvi mnt-lRON.' ' - Tliii is the Mcrat if the. vcaderful taceeaa cf thit 7 remedy,! ear og ; Dyspepdia.Liycr JOompltint,, Dropsy,,, Chronic Diarrheal, Boils, Nervous AffettfonsCbilla arid Fever?, Haraora, Loss of Consti . r. ' totlo'nal.vigoV.Diseaiea"' "' : Bladder, Female--' V-:V 3 J Xlotnplaiots,: 1 . BAD .STATK OFxxtE) j$U)QD or accompanied by DcLilitr .or a low tatc o the Befnf free from AlcjiitoJ jn any form, . encrpiz ing eflct are not followed by correvpondinK ree tion.but are permanent, iifusin-gtrengtb, Tiuor nnd New Life inte all porn of tbe ayatem, and buiiilmj up an IttON CONSTITUTION. , ' DYSPEPSIA .ANP PEBlLtTY A Froiotbe V iMfabVi-ArcliH'olt-flyOTT' ft-; D. . T Vvhha ia. Canada a , March 1(55 . '-'fio a inveterate 'Dyspeptic of more than 2J ycara' rtandinn -i s -. i .,!-.. i .- ; . , '-'I bave'ao wonderfully benefitted ia lha threarbott ck durin which 1 have used the Pe ruriau i (rup.that 1 can cr-arcrly peraaade myself of the reality. IVcple who have known me are aaton jHbrdal lUe.chaMg. , I tn widely known and can but leeomtnead -o otiH-ra that which bas done ao , A CASE OF 2T YE US"' ST.XDLVC CL'SED. 7, From iVSLEr JEVVETP; No.lS Avon Plaei-.Boston i ) r eufleretl.-and nuietrm cern:ly. for 87 -eara. from dyspeptic, I aonirnnnred tal i nf the Pe rurim yrpraint I'oand imnindiate benefit' from it. In tbe course of ta'tts or -four weeks I was entirely relieved from my t anVrine;. and have enjoyed nnin terrupted henlth ever since " ' AN EMINENT Dl VI iVE OF BOSTON, PA V3 : ' '-I have been uslnp -the 1 Peruvian yrup for gome timer pan; it nrVfm uin ww Vigor. Buoyancy ofspir its. Klatiriry of Macle." - ! Tkauamndg ases brn. thrift J by the Hit efthls rrnrdy from weak, iick!y,fvfferig creatures, tQ Mlrong.hcidthij; and turpi tctmrt; mnd imvutiit cat not -rsjuosi. bly h fit it ate to girt, tt trial, t ' Apamfthlt of 32 pa2f eoMainihy eerliflrates' of rures and recouimcnduiions from soiri of the most eminent physlcinnt . iHerpymeo, and others, will be ent rara to any aifilrj. 4 C7"So that each bottiebat Psccvin STaor blown in the glasa. , - FOR SALE UY J. 7. CrrrSMfEE. Proprietor. 3G D'y St.N'ew Vork ; ' . bOLD UY AL.L, DUUGUISTS. , . '; ,. , 'C'R'OFULA. " ' "All Medical Men erree thst lOniVR in the PEST. RF.MKUV fur Scrofula and all kindred diseases, t ver rii-ienvered. The difficulty has been to obtain a l'eac t'oLnTtoK of it. - - . r r. fl. A n de rs I o ill nc Wat c r la a Tare Bnlniio'n W r :np. VVITllOtTT A SOII Vt'NTl I .Cvalaiuiug a full Grain to eck ounce of . . ,, j water. A most Powerful Vitaliz'rg Agent and . - -.letorative. ,. . : Has cured and will earn 8CKOFULA in all itsmani , ; ,,- fld forms, i . ULCERS. CANCf Rd. eVfHU.lSi.SALT RHEUM ; and it has been used witlt astonishing success u ca fes of Uhttuumtlsm. Iy upep-iaf Ci.nsuinpiion.FeiiittU t.'oirtpiatiits. liimrt. Liver itpd Uiilnsy lMe isr.f . ' dn ii ir will be sent'rcec to any one gt-niliu; their address. '!' - -. . Pficu flO a toUie, orf' for S3.00 Prt-piiiud by Dr. 1L ANDEKd, t'bysician Sc. Chemist For Pale by . J.-F. DI.tiMORE; 3G DeV St. New I-Be And bv all Dru;zists 'y istaii;s BAtSAM ;of . .- -. -... . HAS BEEN USED. Foil NEARLY ' CI1ALF ACCENT UK Y, .. ;-.. . i - ': ., Tt ita Uie most astoki.liing success in curing . . Coughs, Ooldi'JIoarrCueS'", -SvrtTbroat Ibfiu9tix WboopiDp cough, Croup, Liver complaint, BroDcbuis-iffi- ' , , : cultj of Breatlinp:, Aetljam, v ad ever y a flee- -. j ... ,m tion of ' " THE TIIliOA T, LUNGS $- CI1ES7. -ossuftwrxoB.'' wliich rarriea ofTmore victims thnn any other dis ease and which b.-ilfl the kH1 of th' Phy'ieians to a greater extent than nr.r other mnl.ndv. oiten - YIKLflttTo'THI RKMiiliT when all otliwa wrave. tfTctaali t r t . Xs;a" .MEDICINE . Eapid in Relief, sooihinf in Effjct, safe in it Oper- ' " atioiw. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! wflfle at a preparation. free from noxinns n5reJinent potions, nr minerals rmltinjr skill, sricn mcdi knowledge ; cmibinini all is 7aln.ihle in the vegetable Itinydom for tbii class of iy(;a-e ,it is INCOMPARABLE, f 1 and is entitled, merits, and receives thl general con fidence of the public, SEYMUULl TITATCnEU, AI. D., . of Viermsn. N. V--writ- m follows": - "VVisTR-s Bttati r Wit.o EtmT givt universal SRtifai tion. It seems to cure a I tsU by !. nine and elf-anrin lh! lunf s.and allnyins jrritnliorr tbu reinovinjr the cause. iust-ad of drying up the ouzh and eviiig tli cause behind.. I consider the ttatsain as jro d as any. ifnot the btst. Cough nie.icjue with which 1 ajii aiguaiuttd. '. . Itv. Jac08 Jjeculer, of Hanover, Fa. Well known and much resperted among: the Herman populatioa in this enuntry.mskea the following itate iunt for the benefit of th afflicted,' ' Daa ia i-Baviny realized in my fWmrty Impor tant bnelit8 frmlut use of your valHabl- prf-par.i tion Wistars l;t.M or Wiu Chcrbt it atroritmc plnnirte" t recwmim-nd it to the- publie. - J'e.ina liht yrarsat""" "f fry tljiifhtersee.ner t be in a de cline ani little lip-s of Urr retovery were ntcrtitin ert' 1 then procured a bottle of yoprein Moor irnlam, and bafore she hHl tiikn the whnl of th contt on of the bottle there w a jrr"t improvpmetit in her h'-nllh.' I hvf.ih iny (ndividiinl cae Diadc frequent se of your valuable tnediv.ine,nd have always been bc-neDlted by it. ' " ' - , . - . - . , ... ; JS.COR SECIILEK. ' ; Trice One DoZer a. Motile..: ;;;.,r . r-t .;- FRALB BY i -- J..P. pTXPMORE, ?6 Dt y Strr-et. f.Vw York SET! I W VOWLE, k frUN. -Proprietors',. Eoston.' s - A,-o bt Att DRcno s-rs. ! t-r ... i ... .,,.-, - G KACES - i.- Celebrated Salvo- ? .1 T i - . Cli'HES CUTS, CUE.X3. SCALDS. Grace's Celebra'ed "Solve! , CURES WOUND9.KRUISC3. 'SPRAINS, " Grace s tVlebra'ed !SaUe - .. . . CURE3 FOILS. ULCERS. CANCERS. . Grace's -.QOratod. alve . . ! C CTRES- BALT RHEUM'. ERYSIPELAS.--' -i Gract' ?. Celebr;tfd JSalve . . CURES CHAPPBD HANDS. CBILISLAINS. prace s Celebrated Salvd ' i HEALS OLD (?0RES,FRE3M WOUNDS, te. . It is prompt in action, removes pain at onee. and re d U rB'k, ai3ry-lnkinz wellta? ani imfla tnatlous. as il by utagii; thas alfruiuig tfitf anj a complete cure. , ' " ? Ouly '25 eents a bm 1 (Sent by-maHtfr Jo cents.) Ftr Sale -by . . J. P. rI VSMORE- 3C Dey Plreet. ew York. S. W. I'OWE & son, Propricto -s.Boston, and by mU Drugfir'ts. roera. and Country stores. . . 'xuuary 85. IcHmiy, ... ... ; - rAYhocsn.c anil Ketail. THE ruhcri6eriwoitf(f ann'oonee to tTjecitiznJ of 1 Hloom?burg- an vicinity, that he U tcllinir LiaL'OKS n larje and small ipianii- iief- .-att Ar- difTsentr price, at Ms (-Zl3y: i new store, on M.lin Rtreef. north miIm iT-j- f A two doors south of Inai street. P.lnim, X';i7rr.-'-" bars;.. Hia'atock of Foreign and ho-JVa'''-tntstie. '! . - . I 1,1 ' " I -jsAn.s efi;:4"" consist of C'o nac and Rochl e. Diackberry, Gin ger. Kaspherry-an a lwtvond r, iie has a large ass aortment of-- -. -. v x Old witu ai. uid Hourbon. o d Fik U'hif key, srtid ant (Junnrity of enmhon, He fdo has ! PUFtEIHOLLAND GIN, r MdHraa- Lisbom-CIaret. Sherry' and- Canparne , nntt iim ant- not leai.i a iinnti tyr f good dotlbe extra. BROiVN- sjTnt'T ; '1 of which be will tat at thit lowest enh prr.- --Th- rmbhe are ra; rpectfully olicnd togivi-himior a tiidl. .. .j .. '"IK W, RUaHlfH.-. Arent- l - YiVAlt!-We want 2erita ffrifa VPrifer h lira tn- '.LI! "jr Improved '$10 Sewing' Machines. Three new k in.l lln.. r. M . , . ... vnc( an. ,uivi;i ictu.. varrauicn nve years. Above salry or Jarze cornmisaioai patd.a The ONI.Y m,tcuin in the Uaited tuei for Jess tnan S4, whicq are fully lcoed by U owe. Wheel-, cr & vv i aon Grov-r & Hak.-r. Si n-i;r Co., nd Kacnelder. Art otbej chap Macbifies'are lnfrtng! mer.t4 Wi.aeUe or ui are liable t6 arrest. finj and linpnoriTn-nt. -Circular frie. . Address or cail pon Sbaw ic. CIar4r. Biddeford, Me., or CaUg- LI. r caihcr JK), I.u3. I y. 1 T- EV.VlV.Q C J6tU tiOiEM PODIUM;1 ftccrljf'op'-posiic the Episcopal Church". CLUIHINU OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. i.;-.S MY stock is composed of fine ciothlny, . media in and low priced-adapted t; all conditions, tastes and wants. . He has the latest atyUs for the season a fine assortment of . ..:'-:! . Orercoats aud 5fntlenen's ShatF.s, from low to the very be it ' t. - . .; -.' His Goods ait fuhhumtibje qndtbetf Made. In ddtin irt my stock of ready-mad clothing. I have piece goods for cut torn orders. And having one of ttiefl st cFasa cuttera, 1 goaran" Ue a fit in all eases and give aati.sfactio n. Also a variety. of , ,.,.. .-', ,.., , , U OOLE AXD LIAEX .SlilRTS, Btockin)r? Necktie. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing. : Also, Hats, Boots and boea. Trunks and Carpet ba?s. . !' w- J will sell at the lowest. Market prlca. Please give me a call before paruhaing elsewhere. .. ' ANDREW J. EVANS, rtlooinsburg. Nov. IS, 1(!C3. " ' Calawissa ' Klall Eloru.--On and after MONDAY. A pril 9. pnssenrer trains on tbe CaUwia Jtailroad will run ul the fol lowins named hours JUcil Houili SliTTONS Mail North. Arr. fi f5 p.m. Pep. 5 44 5.10 - - 5 1 - 4 2il i 4 t o . -" 3 50 ' tic?, H.45 am 94 7 " 8.4rt ji'.on ' ! 1 1.10 "-i S 1! pj . 12 Sd 1. ) ' ... " l.'JO " : " 5.15 Dine , . 4 s".r ..f '-- Wllliamsport '"-' Muncy ' ' ' v Wnttinutown Mi'in; Danville -Rupert ' C'atawls' v. mi Rin!tiiwn - -Finn ii it i Unaktke ' ' - K Mahntioy Jane. 1'anintina. Din Reading -." S.""5 ' I 53 J 40 J l.'-'O 1.10 ' 10 4,1a M 8 00 Jill hilniltlpliia in is S Vork via. Krad I--. . . , . i inr or Mauch Chunk. u u" No change Of cars betwtreli W iHin:iirtnort nml Piiil. adflphia. t GEO. VV. WliUa. Sopt, April IS. 1C0 r A LECTtHE Ttt roUXG MC.V. JUST rnbtished, in a sealed enve lope. Price C tents. A lecture on th nature, treatment tnd radical cure of 1 Slll'riliatf.rtinin or H r,. n I IVn.Lnn.a Invo'untary ruitstons. s:xual I)-bility and Impfd intents to 1arri ige gner tlly. Nervousness. Con rumptiim. Epilepsy, and Fits ; tentil and Physical Incapacity, r :s'iltin? from Helf Ahust. fce. I!y Rob ert J. Culvcrwcll, M. I.. author of tlu 'Green Hook, i-c. ' ' The worlA renowned author. in this arTm'mble Lec ture, clearly proves from lii. own experience, thut thcriwful consequence of -lf-Abu?e may he ctr.ct ually removed w ithoul Mfdeme. nnd without dan irerou. surgical operations, bongles. in-t niiiient, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode i f cure at once certain and elft.-ctual, by xvbich every aull'erer. no matter what his cou.lition niay be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec ture wit I prove a boon to thourands. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain envelope, on receipt oi six ec-uts nr t wo rostage Maiups. Also Dr. Cul vurwcU'a Marriage Criiiili', price i. cent--. Address, CIIArS. I C. KLlVEAcCt).. i . .li(7 Bowery, Nw V oik, i'. O. bos April 13. leWi. ly Teas too.,., , .. .. BUSINESS 0OLLEC1 N-iE. Cor. Tenih and Cbetcut Streets. S ,PUILA1ELPH1A. ,. . . w i- - ' . ' ? The most complete and thcronslily appointed Busi dm or Comiwrrial College in the country. - -The only one in the city poaesinz a Legislative f'bartcr.and the only one in l be United -'tales author ized to confer Degrees of Merit. DiapJomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor. porate sel by authority of law. Conducted hy geutlemen of libera! education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qnalled advantages for th thoiongn theoretical and piactical eitocation of young men tor tbe various du ties ami employment of Inifi life. THEORY AN LI PRACIICE COMBINED . by a of fyst'in ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre aminent'y practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a roiup lete irnnlii mtolhe science of account, arranged and published by tbe proprietor of thi Imtituiion ezclu4vely for hi own use. savin: one-half tne ordiiary labor of tins student, andgivinr him a complete knowledge of III; practice' of the heiU accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE ; ' ' ' ' " embraces ; ' ' " ; B .o"keepiog,Corjnuiercia! Ariihrnet?c,Pcrj tsanbip, IJu-'ines-s CorrerpoDdence, . Comrucrcial Lawt Lcctur,9 oo ( i Uasine! Affairs, CotnrDer 'eai (.'a-tom-i, Forun, -..... and Aetna! lji- ! , rp? Prc'ice. 1 , . ' PrnciAL nr; ANCtiF1 . " tTgibra and til liijher Jia'hmatic, Plionerriphi, Or , 9amttnl PriuiQiiskip. Ms j3 rt Vrttciing . Count .Money, F.vriuert Siir- ; xtir, Jfaciga'wn and , , Itl'grapLimg . - . , TELEUP.A r H I GV ,'..',''.' The arrangpmenls for 'I eifgrnpning are far more ad vance of anyltiins of the kintf ever otlt red to tbe pub lie A regular Tela raph Lice is connected with the lniititniioa wib twenty branch offices in various parts of the r.i'y, where public, business is transacted,, and in which Ih-; tudeHts of ibis tustitution are per muted to practice. No regular thee practice ran be had in anv other school of instruction in the couutry, without which no one can obiu a position as a prac tical operator. Youns mm are cautioned against the deceptive representations of those wbo. without any such facilities, pretend in t ai h T-legraphnig. ' PATRONAGE. This Institution is now enjoying the largest pitron tronage ever betowed upon any Commercial school in tl'e State.. Over fiva hunilre, student were in alt n dance tbe fii'st yrar, and over seven hundred during the past year. Tbe be-t elas of students may inva riably be found here, and all it j associaiiuns arc first dark. LOCATIOV AND ACCOUIIODATIONSJ I ' ' This Institution i located in tne most central pert' nf the city, ant its ac oinuuxlations. I'r . extent. jle pance and cur.rcsn-iire, are inirpas4d.i All the rooms hive 'kcii fitUid upiathe v-rv n.-s inv'e vith iscsf iksi 0fkj::;3 m ijunvriMs noii:.. TELEURA.rH OFFICE, 8 TATIUN Alt bTOUE. , AND A RKCrkAH ' R ANK OF DEl-OHl' AND ISL'E, .. s'Jpplidl with finely ciizravrd lnUngriphic no'egnsed as a circulati ng medium in the' 1fi p:rtui-nt of Actual business- ' " " --a ' ' - - i r . --' . to ... who di sire the very b st facilities for a - . rractic.l Kdacnlion for liasinfss, " wc cnarsn lee a eonrs of instruction nowhere eUt e-qu.-tllnd, whi'e the reputation and starTling of the Inslitutioa pmons lmin ss mer .tnnke its endorse iiietit the best passport to pnrcess and advancement. Ail contemplating eilerinz any Conn' rcial College, nr ioviled to send for an I Ll-t Si'HA TCIJ CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior viw of the College, and full 'particulars of the course of instruction, terms, &.C ; L. FAinD.l.K i. M , ' .. President. T. E. MERCnAXT. Supt. of Office Riirtinesa. Nov.4MJ-liiin. . ......... , : . . L I F h- HE A Li llS T i! K. Gf II. LIFE HEALTH STIiEMiTil. LIFE II EVLTH STUEA till. Hundreds and thousand annually die prematurely when, if they would give the '3real French Remedy. J "; f TZ. JUAN DEtAMARUC'3 : Celcbrattcl Specific I'ills, I .:--..-( . i .. , i- Preparsd by f!4aAKca: L. PrrKT, No .514 Rue.Lom tiard. fariv. frui tho nxe-crir li"u of lr. Jna-i (.la rnnrre, CliMf fl)ViiciaM of th Hospital d N.rd .n Larinoisiere a fainiriaL tk'-jr wnul ( na-l iain ni'-. relH-CaHd. ir. a slrt time he fully restored to cV and S'rmrrt It is used in th; practice of many nlii n nt Ftech pliyirianvih U.U'oriu ticcearid hiiti ly recommi nded a Ui only positive ad p'tijlc Kemc 4y for all pi-rsons stf.-ring tr-'m G'-neral. tr Jxua (lebilny. all deraogcnnts of the Nervous Force MelancbwIy.SperiiiMt.iribixa or eiuin il i uiirj'ionn.iil VrMkni-ss arim from sexual Ex-Lnergy. Phy-icn' rronlrttion. Nervousness. Weak Spme.t Lownr of J-plrH,. lii. nncs of Viirm. Hysterics, Pains in lh lia.kand l.luibs, Impotency, A.c Nl itigit.igr can convey an leqnate idea of the im mediate and aluinftt miraculous chango it occasions o- he enirjtrtte.t end shwtered sy .ten In ktami unrivalled as an aiifailiag cart of Uie maladies above nintiorred.l . - -j . t. . ..... Suffer no more, but ase 74 Great FrencJk Semadf ; it tvif effect a core where all otirrs fail, and altbough a powerful remedy, contains aoibiag hurtful to the niont delicate eoastit ution - . ... Pamphlets. containing full p itientnrg and directions for using, in English. French. Sa"i?3h and German, ac company each box, and also- sent tree to any address when requested. ifi '" ! " . "i" ;. ' Price One Dollar p"r 6ni"; SI bctea foV rlve: Dollars Sold by all Drugglft throasrimit the world ; or will be -Dl by mail, securely ealed from all observation, by incloKiag srHefi("d rrrire to anv mitbnrimed agents. Of COCATEtFF.lTS AXD LVtTATIOXS. Proprietors exclusive" Ageat (br Amerioa, OSCAR O JUOSM. i- CO., 7 Coarttund St. New York, -: - -AatooHxed Ants for Blooaabnrg. .---. - 4 - ---- , r-i K.rtRk Morrn. - DaaVUe, - tr. JUMT OOCAZ . Fb. li ly. ; READING RAIL ROAD. SEN 31 till AIiRAKG!M EXT. ; June 11 tli, i 80S. . (TJrcat' Trunk iLIne From The '' Nortk' JT and Nerth-YVest for Philadelphia. New York. Reading. PottsviUe.Tamaqua. Achland. Lebanon. Al lentowa. Eaalon. dec - -r : i Trams leave llarrisbnrg for New Vnra, as follows : At 3 00.8, 10 and ".0.5 A. M. .and 2.10 nnd .I5 P connecting with similar Trains on he Pennsylvania Rail Road, attrt arriving at New Vork atb.OUand 10.10 A. M and 4 10. 5 2') and 10. 4j P. .M. wirepin? Cars nc compaiiying the- 3.00 A. M, and .I5 P. M. Train, without cnaaae. ' ' ' Leave tlariisbnrg lor Reading, Pottf ville, Tamaqus, Minersville, Ashland, Pin" Grove," AlU-ntown, and Philad'-lphia at ti III A M. and 2 )0 and 4 10 I' M, stop, ping at J-banon and principal Way ftations; i he 4 10 P.M. Train making couneciions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. ' For Pott sville Pc.iuylkill It. v-n and , Auburn. ' via Kcbuylkiil and Hunqut-hauna Rail Rood leave UarrisbUfg a. 3 M P.M. Returning ; Leave New-York at 7 & 9.H0 A. V.12 00 noon and K P. M. ; Philndelphia nt 15 A. M. and 3 3d P. M. : Way fassnnger' Train leaves PhilartW pbia at 7 30 A. M. returning from Reading at ti.30 P. M. stopping of all Stations ; Fottsville at ri 45 A.M. and 2 45 P M Ashlnnd 6 l;0 and II :0 A M. and 1 05 P.M. Tamaqua at 9 45 A. M, and I 00 and tj.55 P. ., i- Leave Pottsville' for Harriburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehann 3 Rail Road, at 7.00 A M, -' Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Rcsding al CO A. M returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. Columbia Hail Koad Trains leave Reading at G 45 A. M. ti 05 Noon and tt 15 P. Jrl, for Ephrata, Lltil, Lancaster, Columbia fee. i fundajs; Leave New. Vork at POO P M, Phila delphia tV 0 A M. nnd 3.15 P M. the K00 A. M. Train running ony to Rnaditig. Pottsville t 00 A M. Tamaqua 7 30 A M . Harrishurg 9 05 A. M and Read ing at 1.33 and 7 30 A. M. fr Harrisburg. and 10 5J A. M. for New York. and 4 25 I. M tor Philadelphia ; Commu'ation Mileage. Season. Scuool and Excur sion Tickt-u o and from ell pint at r.-duc-d Unt-t liaggae checked thr-TUgli ; SO pounds allowed each Passenger. ., G. A. MMH.LS. Reading, Ta. Juno So, I8f. , or 'S'liE subscriber has j-jst rtiirnpn from the cities X with another Inrgr nnd select assortment of SPRING ANU SUMMrCR COODS, purebnsed nt Philadelphia and New Vork, at the lowest figure, and which be is defermin-d to sell on a. molcrate terms as can be procured elsewhere iu Hloomshurg. . His rtjck comprises . ' LAD.ES BESS-GOODS i.f the choicest styles and latest fashions together wuh a large anForlniiit of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, andVistings. Alio, Groceries, Hardwars, Ware, Hollow-ware, "ails. Iron, . Hats and Caps. tc. In t hort.-everyibing usually kepi in a country t .ires, to w hich he invites the at tention of tho public geaerally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. , . S. II. MILLER. Ploomsburg. Nov. 22 lr..3. WYOMING ; WILKLS-HARP.E. PEN NA. APITAL AXD tl'ttFLtS, - - $130, ' ASSETS. Ptock not eHe?d in, - - ' . . $50,000 P.ills receivablu, - '. - .' ; . - 40.0U0 V- c5. 5 Honds, . - - . . i!5.0iHI Teinporarv nnd call loans, ' - - . O.uou 103 shire Wtnining Bank Stork, - . C.l.-O 5ii shares First National Cant l Wilks-ltnrre. 5.0K 70 shares i-coud National linnk nt V ilkeK-Hrre 7.1 in 4fi shares W Ilkes-Uarre Uridge ftock. - . 2.50 Real Estate. - - . . - 1,519 Judgments, - v Due trom Agents and others, - 7,414 Cash ia band and in Bank, . . . . . l.tli IJllHiCToRS. O. M. HOLLENBACK. I.. D. SHOEMAKER. JflHN RC1CHARI). II. M IIOYT, BiMi;KL WA1HIAM3. Cl. iLI.Vit, rtlARLLS DORRANCE, Wit. S. ROSS, R D. I. M")E (IMKI.EM MINER, S"EVi AKT P1ERCC. G M IIARIMVr;. G. M nOLI.ENKAi'K. Prttiient. L. . SHOEMAKER. Vies Vrti l. K. C. SMITH. Seck&t art. F. BROWN. A-i-nt. March 23, 1?C3 nisbiirg. Pa. OMNIBUS LIME. THE undersigned wculil reeprctfuMy anmntre to t tie citizon of Hloom.linrr, and tho public gen erally, that he is runnins an oMMi;i;a i.ivp. hr- fZT i ween this j lace and the dif- ,'.-- s?' ht'tiiii nnao iicpnis nil- "x. -1 -' r 'St , - r- conned with the tM-v.-raf Trains going SonHi a West on the CatuwMsa and Wi!iamport Rail Koad. na I witn those going Nnith and South on the Lack. &. Illooiiiliurg Road, - - , - His 01NI HI'S-F.S are in good ronditic.n. eoinmo Cious anil coiofort hl-, end chorf es r'-af-omldn. Cr Person wihisg to meet or see th-ir frien"s depart, can h- accommodaieil, upon fnnonrblu rhtrges. by leaving timely notice f.t any of the Ho tels. . ' JACOB L. GIRTON. "' ' ' ' ' Proprietor. P.l'orn burj. Apiil 27. lf l - ; V Jt. C. HESS7.ET, oro. W. CARfEITKR. ""Established. 1828..' ,' G. ir. C,RrETER, IJE5ZE Y & CO. WHOLESALE DliUU(nsl. ' 737 Market St. one door below 8th. Pp;t.ADiLruiA. DRUGS. MFD1CINK3. CTinMrCALS.- PAINTS'. OILS. GLAS. VARNISH I 3, DYE And every oth"r article apprrtaintiig to the ' business, of th twt quality, and at the r ., .--. ., . fnwest Market Rates. March 23. ISlWi. . JOHN C. YE AGE R & Co., MAN! FACTURER t WHOLESALE DEALER IN 8k II AT -6, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNE ' S AND ! ARTIFId A L FLO WE R S, : No. 257 North Third Street riilla'd" Vnv .. ISfi-.' : r ; ' ; - j I,Vi;T!!S'. OITiTES. " D.EFINEUIL & EVANS, i . Civil t.ii5iae-3 mud Ptiit Solicitor. r' Mn-W1! VVAIAIJT S l R I LT . 1'n.t.AnaLrHi. . r3ATCVTAsolicit).1 Cnnsultation o Kngiaeering lirnnhtiiig and Skti-he .viodfls and .Mavhinery f .1'1 lcind- xinr. and t-kit-'u'l v atti-ndi-.! to Speril retention given lo FJl.:iT.D I APKS and INTCR FKRKMTS -Antbentir Copiit of all Documents from Patent flice procured - i N I. J-ave yoiir.lves UiPles trouble and trav eling expeases a- titers is oo actual u-ed for person al Interview Willi in. All bu-inf's ith th'-sc I rti ces caa bt transacted In writiau. For farther inf-r nation Hired a above, with stamp enclosed for Or -cular wuh rtlcreno-s. -, A pril It!. ly. J VV.- - : SAMUEL KNORR,' - AT TO i; ? E Y- A T- f a A V, DLOOJJSCIJIG, PA. . Office over lhTtmin',3 Sine opponie Fct Office tioomaburg, April 4, IcWi tf. CHARLES B. BKOCKWAY, '. AitorMt-y-ai-Lmv. Bounties, Bnck-pay, Tensions, c. -, .. ; : : '. O'llpclfd. ' : - ' "fecial attention paid to matttrs arriving under the InUTnnl Revenue Laws. C7- OFFICE, oaa doar west tf the Court Houac. Bloomshurg. Pa. '"rn. it. MARSHALL'S , r CATARRU ,S.CFF, . This Snnff has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catarrh Colo is ths lint and Headache. Jt has been found an ex cellent remedy in many cures of Sore Eyes, DiAr hess has been rsinoved by it and Dears in has often to-en greatly improved by it use. It is fragrant and agreenhiy, and ! LIVES 1 MM 1111 ATE R ELI HP . To the dull heavy pains caused by of the Head. The sensation a''erusing it are delightful and invigorating. 1 open and purges nut-all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. . More than Thirl y Years' Of Sale and use of Da. Marshall's Catarrh and IIkadaciie 8si tt. has proved its gr -at Viiltn- fi nl tlm coiiiiiion ilieanes of l be llead.iind at this moment itstands higher tban ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used with great success and satisfaction eve rvwhere. liiadthe Cert ficatcs of Wholesale Dm. cist in 1854 The nndcrsigned. having fo- many years been ac quainted with Dr. Marshain's CaTabrii and Head ac me Mtcrr. anil sold it in our wholeraletradc cheer fully state that wt elleve it to be eqiin in every re fcpect, to the rec mi..nd ations given of for the cure of Catarrhal A ffoi lions, and that it is decidedly the best article we have ever known for all rouimuu dis eases of the Head. .. . Hurr Ax. Perry, Boston, Reed, Au-tin Ic Co " llrown. I.amrton & Co Reed, t'utUr & C Heth VV Fowle, . " . IVilson. Fair batik it Co. !leii!haw, Kilmand & Co 11 11 Hay. Portland. Me. ) names Park. New Yoik i , . u 9nnns, Stephen Paul Itfo srncl Minor a: Co iM'Kessou &. Robbing " A 1. fcovill dc Co V5 Ward. 'Hse & Co " Uush tc Cale, Forttale bt all Drufgisls. Try It. Feb. 3, le'OG ly. RELIICF IN TEN MINUTES. Bryan's Ttilnioiiic Wafers. tfj-The orisinal Medicine fFfiMWhed in IEI7. and first article oi' iht kind ever introduci'd undi-rlh- riaine cf "PulM'-nic VVArEas.- in thi? or ny oth. r country: all otln-r Pulmo tin VVjif 'rs nee cnomrrl'.-its Thcgi uuine can be known by the name P.R VAN be' ing Ktiuped o-i each Wafer. These Wafer hivf been before the public for nearly Thirty Years and Hie immense pan ntla nd,ni t ,,n y in America in foreign eounlrie. fully ntlest thfir mtrini-ic wr'h. Th ? nie iropertie are superior to any other article offered for I he cure of Pnloion.-irv or llroiichi.-il alf -ctions and the quantity contained in each box jj nearly double that of the many worthless imitation.) advertised. Lr)an s r-I&iniiic irafrs euro Cough. Colds. Sore Throat. Honrene.AMhma. fatarrh, t'.ronrhitis. Difficult lire aiding, Sparing of lilood Pains in the Chest I in ipient Cnnxuniptinn nnd ell diseases ol the lungs. Nol.-iU'.irding o ily temporary relief, but etfi-cting a rapid and laKiiug cure and are warranted to give s.Hisf.ictioii in every inst nice.--They dn n"t nnuseate like nici holic compounds, and the medical properties are combined in a luri'n so agreeable and pleasant to IhetaMe. that a.iy child will readily take lliein One dose wil ! alwaj s afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocnlists nnd Public Hpeakers, the Waf-rs are peculiarly valu.ible ; they wi II in one day remove the must M-vere occasional hoarseness ; and their regular nee for a few days will.nt all time, nn rrae pow er and fl.;xilnl'ty ol th.- vojee. greaiiy improving its -one. c.o puss nnd learne.. for w hich purpose th y are regularly used by many prolV-.ion.-il vocali-ts The very gr- at c-4-liri! v of tins v.ilimhle remeily has im ii -cd unprincipled persons to prepare h.i imita tion, which disappoint ihe jnt expectations of t lie purchaser, and injure the character of the geuuine medicine. See that the word "PRVAN," is stamped on each Waf.-r. nnd alo observe ihe fur simile of the signa ture of the Proprietor. "JOB .MOSb" on erh wrap per, to coiiniefeit which is roRocRT. CT?" Offending parties will be dealt with lo the full extentif the law. Ckvas's Pcmokic WaKars are for sale by ail JJru" S'sts JOB MO?rs Pole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St , N. Y Feb, 3. IHwii ly. TH E C R iiAT E(.LIsil .KETiEDF. TROTECTF-n BY ROYAI.JLETTER3 PATENT. STIIJAMESCL'RKES Celebrated Female Pills. Prtpartd frm a pre'rriptian "f Sir J.Clarke. Jil D.,Phy tiaa Kxiraordittany l the Queen. This invalUHhle inupicine is unfailing in the cure of all those nnd dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is sunject. It moderates all ex cess and removes all obstruction. from w hatever cause and a speedy cure may b relied on lO MAURI BD LADIES, it is particularly suited. If will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity, tt'arh bottle, price One Dollar, benrs the Govern mcnt Stamp of Cleat Uritain. to prevent counterfeits, fAI. I Io. TV Pill should not isim by Female durinr the FIHST TI1RF.R M'.fjrrilSof l'reenan-y, they are sure tihrxnf on Mi.ieariage.but at any uther time trey aresefe F.veiy women knows that the blown of hea'ltli tiiiiht fade, with th slightest irregularity ,.r obstruction of the menses. These Pi. Is are truly the womnn's friend ia the hour of trial, snd the only sure, positive and never failing cure and regulator ! Suppression of na tore from w ha ever cause So mild the feeble. t can takethetn with perfect security yet so powerful ia theire.fer.ts, thut tuey may bs safely calieJ, a never failing Regulator. In all rases of Nervous and Spinal Aff-ctin. Pains in the Back and Limbs. Fatigue lielit crertinn, Pal pitation of 'tie Heart, liystt-rics. and Whites. th-e Ptl s will eff ct a cure wln-n atlothermeans have fai ed ; and nllhough a powerful reine.1v, do ti..t coi-tain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fil l direction in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved Ht Lli BY ALL lil'VUdlSTS. Pole Cnrnl Aent fur the United Elates and British Kouiiuions, JR MOsr". 27 Cortland Ft.. New York. N. B t?I 00 andli three cent postage stamps en closed to any authorized Agent, will ensure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by rtturu mail, securely sealed from al observaiioa. Feb. a. '00. ly. WENTISTRY. HC. II O W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST. jrrrm nrpPH TFL'LLY offers hi profess SptlJ'i'f ional services to the ladle and gentle Ut'4rk "";n of 1:1 '"miburg.-iiid vicinity, lie is "-a i-L prepared to ai'end lo ml the varions operations in the line of prnf.aion andi providi d w in I te Imest unproved P'rt.. TKKTH; W llin w II bjinserted on gold. platin.i.mlvor and rubber br e tolm"xw. II as the natmal teeth plate and bl vk teeth manufactured ar- all 0 er; lions on teeth. cref'ly and properly attended t . H.e,i('ence and ollit a few d xirs above the Court II oise. iriiiie side . ' III x.nsburg. June fi J."fi3 NATIONAL FOUNDRY. s. ni.OO.MSUUKG.CO- y'f- T.T'nT l'r i 3 I i O'-Vi '! ''E ", proprietor JEi vj ".i R: V -y -s f- ' r' ,,)'' above named cv ii! Si F "j St tensive estaMmnment. , no,v i-lll. I- sJLiLi J:.ijt l prepared to receive orders for All Kinds of Hlachinfry, for Colerie. Hlast Furnaces, Ptationary Engines, MILL-, THPtSHING MACHINFS. fcC &C. He is also prepared to make Ptoves,- all sizes and pntierns. p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in fiit-clns Foundries His ent.-nsive facilities and practical workmen, war rant him in recviving the largest contracts on the in t reasonable term.. lT7" !rain of all kinds will be taken in cichanke for casting. X'Jf This establishment is loca.ed near-the Lackawa na Clooinsburg Railroad pot. PETER PILLMYER. itloomrburg, Sept. 12. 103. JS KW c 1UAL VAllD. Th uni!erigned repecifnll y informs the citizens of Hioom-tui rg and Columbia county , that they kef p II the ditl'ereut nnmlim of stove col an I s. lertew Inaip co il for s.nithing purpose, on their whar', ad joining iKe!vv, Nenl it Go's Furnaee ; With a good pair IIutTato scale on the w u eigh roal.liay and straw likewise a bor-e and wagiin. t d-iiver coal to those who Off i re it. As we purchase a large aiHO'int of rnal. we luiend to keep a superior article. a:d set! at the vrry lo est prices. Pleas rail and examiue fur jourselves before purchasing elsew here. J. VV. Ht-.MMiSiiirr. . ' ACCUSTU6 MAsMDN. 'rllfi nnrcrs'gncd will take, in exchange for Coal - I and Gro-eries, the following named a nicies.- Wheat. Kye, Corn. Oat. Potatoes. Lnrd. faui. boul der.snd side meat, Butler. Egg. Hay. Ac, at the highest cash prices, at his Grocerv Ptore. adjoining HiMrcnalynrrt. J. W. HE'NDERHuT. I'loouisburg. April n0. ly . RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicines, at Jchn R. Mover's Drug Ptore. corner ot Main aud Mark 1 ft reels. A good assort ment of Medicines, Paints. Oils and Varnishof, always on hactit and will be sold cheaper than at any other Urt g Store in tiwn. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded at Moyer's Drug Store. . - Ayer and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Prog Ftnr. Ws-hart's Tr Cordial. linker's Cod Liver Oil. Window's Soothing Pyrup, sold at f oyer's Drog Store. . For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drng Ptore. ; Leather of all ktnda, wholesale and retail, tt J. fc. Moyer's Orugi Store, Blootnsborr. Pa. 'SV tf. " VJVcw SidcJvof Cbtihing. Spring: atiel uniiaicr CioixSs. INVIT""P attention to his rtoik of cheap and fash ionuble Clothing at bis Ptore. on MjtJN STJtEET, JILOOMSnURG, I wo doors above the Jinurican House, where he has Jut received from New York and Phi ladelpbia, a lull assortment of ,11c ii ami ISoy's i.Jothin,?, including the most feshionable. durable and band tome, D Ltsj GOODS, consisting of ox, Suck, Frotkf (ium and Oil Cloth Coit.'s, tout Pant n, of all sorts, size, nnd colors. Ho also has replen ished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Phawls ; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, colixrs. handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and iirinles. , . N II. He has constant ly on band n large and well selected assortment of Cloths an I V.!linss. which he is pre.0M'd lo make up to order, into any kind of clothing on very sli irl notice uu J in the liest of in .n ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. A ?s D ; if every Description. Fin and Ch ;np. His Case of Jnwelrv is not surpassed in ibis place. 'nll nnd ex amine his geueral aisortmeni of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, ic. &.c I'AVII) LOWENBURG. Bloonisburg, April 20. 1HC3. FR IJSH A EJ 11 S VA fi AT l'KTi:i! i:N I 'S ST(MM', IN LIGHT STREET, SD- -C- jn r- zi o GREAT REDUCTION .V PRICES HAS just rrcoivcjrl from Uie Ea-ttcrn Cities and i now opening at the old stand a splendid assoitn-ent of -T-TI C!D? LT Ci UO (SX I3i 'J lZ which Will be sold ch'-np for ca.sii ok i:ou,n ritY puunut'K? His stock consists of Ladies' Lres Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions. U. I.I ( JOES, M lift I.! N R. ( i I N CJIIA M S, FLANNELS, IJUSIIiKY, ("A IU'E'I'S. .Ks. MIAULS. Cradv .TSnflr Clot'iie:?, satin eTaS, cissii. E It EtS.C U 1 l ( ) N A I ) ES, IvliNT V CK Y JEANS, THREAD, ctC. . QUEENS WAKE, -CEDAU W ilE. HARD W A R E, M I) 1 ( ' I N KSJ) l U ( S, . t4't ; r Hit A t,ri''t,f CT A f BOOTS AM SHOES, MATS ( AS'S, In short, cverylh ng usually kept in a country s'ore. The pa' ron.ige of hi' o'd friend, and the puclic generally, i respertfiilly snlieir:d. 'I he highest market pttte pstii' lor country produce. PETER ENT. Li;ht Ptrert. May 2, ISOf.. Lar kaur.nna k Cloocisbur Uailioai!. t&r TWO DAILY TRAINS. "S5a ON AND AFTl R.NOVEMnr.ll 27. 18fi5. PAS SENGER Tit AINP WILL RU N Asi roLLOVVrf: LEAVE S O U T II VV A It I). P M ' FM AM. Leave Pcranton, 4) fi 5t Kinctnn, C00 fi.53 Monmsltirg. S.-'ll !J i'fl Arrive nt Northumberland $ 5t) 10. 3j LEAVc. NORTHWARD. A M PM Leave Northumberland. T.oo 5 t o ' h.iri ville. 7-40 5 40 Illoonisburg, H.-23 6 ilS Arrive at Srrniton. 12 W i t li Truing lr-avins Kingston at 8 30 A: M for Frranton connect with Trhln arriving nt New York al S -M Leaving Nuittiiimhe'l md al f.nO A ."il. ami Kingston - I' M . connect with Train arriving nt New Vork at 10.5.5 P. M Passenger taking Train Sonlh from Srranton at 5 .'ol A M via No thiiinlierl.-ind.reat h llarnoirg I i ;m P .VI. Hatlimore 5 .''0 P M.. VV Hshingtou IU OOP M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at ? txiPM. II. A. FONDA. Pnpt. Kmrston. Nov .15. l-'r,5. cpilENEW spring & SitBkiasicr ITScdiciKC' JtAUSUWRILLA COM DINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PRFPAKF.I) Ft)R C. V. PETTES. EOSTON, Ky . JA3IES R. MIT20LS L CO. mam;facti;rep.s of the ELIXIR VERUYIAX BARK with S'rotox'sc.c ol Iron, Which has become so favor-tl ly known hi a 7 0.VC .VJD HF.&T0HA1 HE. T.y Thyeicians and Invalids in all parts of the crun The new preparation, -...rsaparilla in combina tion with Iodide of Lime." presents one of the most prompt alterative agent, in a 'urm capable of exert ing lull action upon the syMem. and this in minute nnd pleasant doses. It conceded t'.nl the altera tive resolvent, or tonic effect of lo.line ar rirt cd mokl (leciiledl w uen associ-ited with other alter anves. in combiHatiou ; and Ihe SarstpariHa Seetn to perfectly all the favorable requisitions. The first tf. cl usu.iily observed nhen "IMRSAPAKILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" is taken, i an Increase of appetite showing that it has tonic properties of a miked character. Its al teratrve e tier is are manifest in its ready condona tion with the blood and tis-urs Pale, tcr'dnlous women an. I childre n improve rapidly under its use. and the vital functions arsume a in althy roniitiou. It is admirably a fapted to a larg.? nuiub-r of chn n ic or acute utf clions peculiar to children It i suit en to ihem liotti by ttie uul-in-ss a nd of meiici:ial efT-et and the plca-anl, at traciivc form of the remedy. Il lo iy be given f..r a long period where constitutional inlloeni-i's aro deired. an.l no rcptig name, or iiiin-.inat on io take tue syrup, encouti tered. In White r-'we.lnigA, Hip Joint' Disease, and liinrtiotis of the Spine, tt -ho 11 b i given persist ently, in moilerdte dobes. until relief is obtained Ia the Spring of the Ycir, and during the ntirm Weather, the arriimnlution of morbid matter in the system sccuis to become manliest and very troublesome Jt situde, (leailache, lioils, CoMiveness, Loss of App lite. Pmns in the Joints. Indigestion, etc.. are verv couuiion. rVoihmgever deviseil n better adapted lo exterminate ordrive offthese afT-ction thin tin new c-inbi. aiion of dA!i4rt'AKIl.I.A Wll il IODIDE F LI VlK. preparation it, er vhich approximates te ij at an , Altera tii e, or Biowl Purijit r, has erer before heen plared iriOiin the reach cf tsvn.'iijt. Indeed, it is an entirely jiew nnd srtv.sT.rtc conibina tion. in no respect reeuiuliug uuvtbiiig biiheitocm filoved. The opinion of medical men concerning It.theile scription of its chemical character, therapeutic val ue, manner of use, etc., are given in a rirc-il-r, which cn be had at the stre of ai.y and all Crl-da-ft Drui'girits. Cr told m Hloomhurg. whclejale and retail, by F.y.-r it M-yer. and ail Druggists June ie.4:. (JEMS W AM TED. T. II EAR LETS NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It in adniiue.t to be tbe most ivtkksstiko. ropLi.AR. nnd VALiusjT-c History of the KenellioM. which 1. fully at teted by tbe enormous sale of -JoO.ona volcmes, and a large portion of the country still uncanvased. - We are obliged to run or presses uight and day to enable ustosupply our Agents. len of chsrai ler and aiiility, who desire a lucra tive emplo) uicnt will find this a rare opportunity. The price of the work In one volume is so low. (compared with other Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes - - - For tul particulars send for circu'nr- Address AMtRtC.VN PCBLIr-HlNU COVIPANV, 14e Ay turn tHreet. Hsrtford. Coon. Jone S7. 1?CG. rJO rAUil.KK.S. The high price cf rotators warrants a liscral tise of the ; CONCENTRATED FERTILIZER. used along th rows or hills, and covered when eul tivati : in tike manner on corn. Prepared by WILLIAM El LIS A f'O- Chemmts, No. 724 and Tt, MarketStreet, Philadelphia, and for sale by - ' A.I. KE!-TER.jSc', . - Blvooisknirg, Pa. Msv II, iai.-tni.' 0ILXBKATKO Horse ami CattlB'Powte r""" . This preparttloa,- J ntl ni favoraJrl if"Vf known, will ihar. tj onfchly relnvlgftrata f ' brokea-dewa an4 ' low-sulrlted horaas. : Iy strengthealag ' and tleanaing Ui .' atomash and iaisa- rff':- It Is A tar pra.. ? f rentlvs of all dis eases Incident est . this animal, such is LUN0 XTTB. QLXMJU1, V!.. 1 ' . . . ' i r, i, i. l y jf T1. TER IIP iTca ?-- - . - COUGHS, I)1S- CL' ' f, T fc Jl r K K , FE- V c.Kdf FOUNDER I i,t. LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, 4c. Its rise improves the i a , increases the appetite-gives a smooth ftlossy skis and transforms miserable skeleton into a flne-looklne nl mrAuJ horse. . To keepers of Cows this preparation Is lnvaluabl. It incrcues thv. quantity and improves ths quality tine mug. it baa , been proven by ao tnal experiment to Increase the quan tity of Bilk and1 cream ttrenty per cent, and snake thi bnttsr firm aad) . sweet In fattening cattle, it frlves them an appetite, loosens . tneir mac, ana . makes them thrive , much faster. In all diseases of Swine, suh as Coughs, Ulcsrl fis) tie T.tirif. XAvnr .Tr" ..... , , he.., !iis article acts a a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above d i s a s e s will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certalA preventive and cure for the Hog Choiera. Price 25 Cent3 per Paper, or 5 Papers tat CL rREPAHID BY FOUTZ & BRO., AT THUIH ' ' 4 WHOLES K IE DnrS AND MEDICIX! DEPOT, Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, HcL For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers tarsagh- cut the L'nited States. .- : ,. .- CCr" For saie al the Drug Ptore of . EYKR $ MOYER,.: Bloomsbnrg Pa.' nionmshorg, Jan. S. If65. Hmo. DR. AV. II. WHITMOR, HAS been In snrcessfnl practice for inrmbertn years, n ith the experience of the different hospital- in l-;urope, ko a inemher of the Analytical Meiiienl Institute of New Y rk. continues to attend -to all proiVosionnl cases at his o files No. U2d Filbert . Street, l'hil.'idelphis., 2. No patent Medicines are used or recommended ; -the reiii-dn? aduiintstered are t hove which will not -break rown the constitution, but renovate the t-m from all injuries il has sustained from mineral lime B i.-n.-r iiic ijpwui j u a. HC.uu . perieitlv cured condition, 3. DYr'Pl-;P?I '. that distressing, disease and fll destrover of health and lisoninex. nderolinior ths I. con tiiutimcni yenily thousands to us timely grave, can most emphatically be eared, ' . 4, Mi tanrbolv. A bnerralion. that stata ot Allsa. ' tion anil weakness of the mind which readers psr ' enjoying ths pleasures of per'sim. ing the duties of life. 5. RilF.i; any f-vrn or coadllioa.sliroa. -ia or scute, warranted curable. r. EPILKPSv. or falling sickness, allthroaisor stubborn cases of - .- . E-'SiilHAfir. DISEASES radiraMy removed ; Sa t Kbeum and every descrlp. tion of ulcerations - Piles aud scrofulous diseases wbirh have balflrd all previous medical skill, can k, cured by my treatment ; and I do say all di sense. Cye Co!t-irT:o!) ran be cored by wearing my Medi cated lackel. which ism protection to tbe lungs, against all changes of weather in all climates hav ing to vestijate.i for year- the cause and character a 1 intermittent (fever and aguej in all parts of ths I'ni'eii Slates - will care perman. nlly all chronic or ' acun; cases of agtjQ and nervous ia a fsw " .-,., luiiccr Cured v itlincl R-e knife or Drtuiag B.ootJ, Tape Worm, tint dread lo the Human Family for. year-, can I e removed with two or thjse doses of my newly discovered remedy, wsrraated ia all eases. onsullalion in the Kiigiuh and German Languages -free of charge. Will make visits any distance, rf desired. M-iy be addrcssc by letter (eonAdemiallv.) -and tieriicine sent with proper directions la any part ol the country. OFFICE Ko. S2b Filbert 8C Pa. April 4. 186fi ly. i 1SG6 rbiladelphia & Erie IS66, SL A 1 & S O t& D sn Mti'. This great line traverses the Northern and North.' wi el counties of Pennsyrvaat-a to ths city of Er re, an Uhkc trie. , Il has been leased br tire Pennsylvania Balfread Company, and is operated by them. , T1MB or FAMKNUKa TRAtKS AT HORTB0II BBS taM fA. LEA E EASTWARD. Ere Mail Trnin. Erie Etpress Train, LluiiraMail Trnin. II 38 F. M. 3 4(1 A M 10 2S A M , LElVETTESTrFARD. Trie Mail Train, 4 39 A M trie Express 1 rain. 4 P M Klmira Mail Train. .454PM Passengers Cars ran throngb on ths Ert Mail aad ' Ctprcts Trains without canal both ways betweca Philadelphia and F.rie. NEW YOBK CONNECTION.' - ' Leave New York al 6 03 p, an. arrive at Erie 9 30 a sa. Leave F.rie at 4 4.5 p. m. arrive at New York 4 IB p sa Kleg.-iot Meepingt'ars on all Night Trainee : For information reperfing Passenger busidess. ap ply nt Hie for. .soth mi l Market Sta Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agt's. P. t. K nsston. Jr.. Cor. Htb and Market Slraats. -Thilidelphia. Wtlli.i.ii rirow n. Agent N. C. R. R.. Baltiiaor. i H. II. HouMn.Geii l Freight Ajt. Phil'a. ' IL W'. Owimier. Cen'l Ticket Agt. Pbil'a. -,i---.j' A. L. TV LKIt. Gcn'I. tJup't. Willamss-rt. March 21, leGti. . - . k DR. J. IJ. KVANN, Pliysician and Surgeon, 7"JAVINi; loi-a! perirtanenily on Main' Mreel. BLOOMSBl-RG. Pa., vrnnltl in form the public cnera'lv. that he is preprared t' attend to all business faithfully and punctually that ioy be intrusted to hti care, on terms commsnsa rate with the timeg. C7" H-pays strict attention to Surgery as w"s 1 1 as llieilirine. , Nov.'J5. 1 W3.-ly. ' M. M. TRAUGH, ATT01LEY-AT-Liw, BLOOMS BURG, iW Will practicn in the-severs Courts af Colaaistsg and ai'joiuin counties. Y r All Collections promptly attended to. ' ' June t0, IrotS. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Aliornev at aLavr, DL0031SBIIJO, tOLCMDIA CO., PA. ? I'.L practice in the several Courts of Columbia tounty. All legal bnsiness intrusted to hfs caie i-liall receive prompt attention !!,ice c'" ',tin Exchange Buildings, avsr Millers btore. , Ulooimiburg. April 13. IPC4 " -- . ; Justice ofjhc I'cace, Licensed Conveyancer, Scrirtner, and Snrveyor. OJTscc Hearer Valley, P.i. Will attnd totiking Acknowledgements. Wrnr Pe -ds. Mortngi s. Leases. Ponds. Notes, Agr uient. tee. forveying attended lo with despslcb, I'll .rges moderate. and av. .wn-f 4 J 9 GROCERIES AND FPn ELf ELL. having bought L. Ranyon' FK(y. j V ISION fcTORE is now prepared to-eB Oroear' les at Whole sale or Retail, as CIc7 as tbs Csapv '"lIKRE YOU -CAN FIND SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEES. SYRUPS. SPICES, CRACKERS STARCH. SODA CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT CANNED FRUIT, ' 'YOODEN-WARE. FfX)UR.' FISH, ' ' BEANS. ONIONS, tics, te. . t '. EPH. W. ELWELL. J I r,n r. reJTr hj