: LOCAL DEPAXlTRlENr B L.QQM SBUROj: .Wednesday, July "10 1 ,Q 6 6. JSWa3 TO JP0HRESP0NDENT3 IiriL-,:oy Benton. Linos orr'tlie 'death 'of "Little Lizzie" will jaot be 'published un less paid, fur, Thu is a fixed end invariable rule with printers, and if departed from, we "will to p&bad.'.tfli ci-owd- our columns with this kind of reading or do injustice to our patrons. If -with this understanding you de sire them published,, pleasse notify us accord ingly. ' . r, .. Joitn S. The ne?t copper ores on earth 'are found rear Lake Superior. KstJvv-NoTinxo. op Catavisa. You are wron. The spirit of party, always arises from one or .other of these ; cau.-es ; lust of 'poweppr.sonaHambition ; envy -of rivals ; 'avarice ;or corruption j.ahdiiconunon to all forms of government.. .. - - CS?Trio 6r1nul Indian riamc of Ericr ycreeJc - was - "Kawaniahoning. ' ' Something "of a jaw-breaker.. - Iu 5"ew ,ToVk, en the 9th inst. , there "was thirtyasesirf siur-trokev twenty-seven proving fatnt - - . - ;" '," We wonder whether the' writer of the "notice of -the local pre.s," which the first number of the- Colvm b'an contained, "will construe the article we publish this week, Trorn the Normtcs-n Register, into a "left landed attack."", on Mr. BuckaLEWV SiT" The Festival of the German Re formed Church, held luU week in Snyder's Hall, was patronized very liberally. Almost "every variety of J-efreshments were offered to the public, and all se'oiuetl Interested in mak ing it a sa5cii c!- r' l": I " ' - . ITTe taVepleAitira in recommending to the pubher richer s' Patent Self-Sealing Fruit Preserving Cans as being the Lest and most convenient can offered. A. 31. Rcfert, of this place, ftdvertlTCS them for sale in this week's paper. - JKaT It ;will Ixj seen y kkin; ovr cir new advertisements, that Mr. Ely will open Lis school in East Bloomiiharg on the 30th ins ;' alsov Mr. Garrison wi3 commence his school in the basement of the Academy at the same time. They are exemplary young men, with considerable practice iu teaching nd entirely worthy of patronage. A band of Gypsies were, last week, encamped near this place, and many of our citizens were relieved of some of their small -change by engaging them to tell their for tune?. Quite a number of horse jockies, &ci', were figuring with them, but if anybody has made much off of the Gypsies we sup pose we'll hear tell of it. ESy.It 13 generally believed that ths lay ing of the .""Atlantic Cable" will soon be finished. The present attempt promises a seemingly successful result. It is rumored that, bythe first of August, we will be In instantaneous communication with London and Paris. On a Visit.- Samuel Groul, oldest son of our townsman, Jacob Groid, is on a visit to his parents, from the South, where lie has been living for the past six or seven lyears. - He looks well bears quite a South cm air. We understand that he succeeded in keeping but of the Confederate army. Henry Giger, of diis-town, has a Wge and varied assortment of Summer hats, caps, boots and shoes, all of which he will pell very cheap for -ca.h. No finer lot o hats and shoes was .ever introduced in this market. He is deserving of patronage for the interest he takes in procuring articles o: good quality, and of good. taste. Give him a call, all ye that need something in his line, See his advertisement in to-day's paper. JDs"" According to the RepuUtcan, of last week, II. W. Tracy, objects to Robert F. Clark being a candidate for Congress, be- eafise, he pays, "Claris ha3 not Vctlom enough. " Well, from the appearance o the two gentlemen, we believe Mr. Tracy has a bigger bottom than Mr. Clark, but we advise, .them to cease quarrelling about this important qualification, for, if it comes to that, we can tell them that their bottom are both too small to bo placed on a seat in Congress. J' :i ' JCSy We regret to learn that a son of Mr. Benjamin Krumm, of Montour township, whilo carrying a grass scythe, one day last week, stumbled and' fell, cutting his right hand in rather a serious manner. The cut is a fearful one but not so bad as to do any perious injury to the hand. The wound was 'dressed by Dr. Harrison, of this place. Persons handling cd;ed tools of this kind, .cannot be too careful with them. We fro- 'qtfcntlyjhear of serious accidents happening through the Careless handling of edged tools. fc3" Any person who has been a constant fcnd.. careful reader of our paper knows that weare not given to 'puffjng" individuals or their busmess ; but we cannot refrain from Eaying a. word commendatory of our friend, Stethen IL 3IILLEK, of this place. ' lie has one of the best- selected assortment of goods io dc iouna in mis scciion, and Lis salesmen, Charlie "and Ike,' arfi 'amom the 'most pleasant and acc6tofii6dafltig ; I)ry Goods of tvery: description, fancy and plain, -can be fotfnd at Ws cstabjiihmeht.' V '-".; tcj We understand that the Conserva tives of this district are making their boasts that the men, who control the Democratic party have promised them the preference if they Wiirjointhe Democracy. This may all be so. W e have no doubt, from what we feee. that a few -self-important individuals imagine that s they cirry the Democracy of thi3 District m their breeches pockets and carl transfer: It at any time, and to any sort of a renegade and black-leg that they think proper. i We believe,; however, that thejp:a p7e matrd the Democracy,- and the people will take enre 6? if, the course of a few Indi viduals to the . contrary notwithstanding. While our Democrats give all praise to the manifest re form of the Conservatives in our midit, th-ey will curse every Demwrat who shall be willing M degnde himself by stray ing frcni the true paths of Drmocrary to rrr.- ft- -, The "receipts of the late German Re formed. Festival amounted to about $430. ,;" JBSf An exchange dubs the Johnson Re publicans ai the while Republican party. EH- We desire that all subscriptions to the oTAlt OF TllE JNORTII be "' immediately W. II. Jacoby. JCSS" A Xery respectable delegation of citr- zens started, in last evening's train, for the Democratic 31ectingin Reading to-day". Wanted At this office, a good eiaed, m telligent and industrious boy, to -loam the printing business. . JCS?" We regret to learu thafe An'jDRkw Freas, of Center township was, frr. last Sat urday, kicked in the face hy -a colt while lead ing it from the stable 'to Vatcr, breaking his jaw bone afcd fcadly mangling his cheek. Next Saturday is the day appointed I for Doctor John to deliver the book.s and accounts, belonging to the Assessor's office, over to Mr. Clark. Hope they'll have happy time. ' , . . -3?" The farmers of this county should not forget that Mr. A. S. Kester, of Blooms burg, is the General Agent for the sale of Eili i Fertilizer. It is said to be valuable ; he has a large supply on hand; - , ; S- E. W. Wynkoop Sc Co. ViH: com mence their next term of graded school on nn i ci . . T i .1 n-r-t t 't Antra crreet, omy sum; ims scnoot nas been in operation for several years and has proved very succestfiik ' ' Jim Tiane, of Kansas, died a few days ago, from the effects of a pistol shot re ceived at hi3 own hands. He shot himself in the mouth, the ball passing out through the top of his head. He was one of the worst kind of Disunioniirts. Thus, one by one, thce troublesome and dangerous men to the country, are dropping off, unlamcnted aud unsung. , BSU Tiie Montour, and Colorado Gold Mining Company received, at their office, in Philadelphia,, a fewda3"s ago, twenty-sewn h undred ounces of gold dust from their mines in Colorado. Everything is working finely, and tho net profits of this season's labor from the mines promises to exceed that of any other Company operating in the gold region. This is desirable stock. ES- Our Democratic friends will rcmcm be r that we publish Brick Pomeroy's choico articles, as well as many others from the ablest political writers in the country. There fore, sirbscribe for the Democrat and Star. Remember also, that the local news is neith er so interesting nor so important in a for eign paper as it is in your home organ. J5y Charles S. Harder has lately grad uated as a physician, and located at Rohrs burg, this county. Mr. II. is a veteran soldier, a printer by trade, and late a doctor by profession. He formerly was employed in the Star office and during his leisure hours devoted his time to the reading of medicine. Dr. J. It. Evans was his pro ceptor. - . 32f Col. Freeze has been appointed as Agent f r the New York Mutual Life Insu rance Company. It is stated to be one of the best, safest and most judiciously conduct ed Companies in existence. A number of policies are now in his hands, which the in sured arc requested to call at his office and take up. See advertisement ia another col umn of this paper. JCSS" In conversation with a young soldier the other day we were told that he intended to vote for Hiester Clymer ; that he had voted ever since he had a vote, with the Re publican party ; that he was satisfied in his own mind, that the Democratic party was the true Union friends ; and that hereafter he should cast his vote for the Democracy. We will not mention his name. 5" The editor of the Repidnlcim re ceiving his reward for aiding Lis neighbors m this place a few years ago, with his news paper in proscribing, black-mailing and point ing out prominent Democrats for duped and obedient soldiers to arrest. The other chap got a portion of his pay a'ooufe four years ago this Fall. ,:Oh! pull off the coat boys and roll up ths sleeves The day of retribution is a coming ?'.' ' Tiie Gold market, on Saturday and Mon day last, was net very active, but was more steady than it has been for sometime past. The quotations run, during the past four days, a3 follows : H.52, 41.525 to $1.63. Government bonds are being firmly held at the slight advance they reached a few days aro. Railroad and other stocks are steady. Not on the advance, but assume rather a downward tendency. - The Lancaster Daily Ej-prevt an nounces Thad. Stevens as a candidate for United States Senator. It is certain that his friends have his consent for the use of his name in this connection, and his claims will be rigorously pressed. If a Democrat cannot be elected, let us have old Thad. We, as a party, can gain much more strength and support) by having such men as Stevens to fight than we cab hy opposing men who are constantly shirking the Lsue and denying facts. Go in Thad., swim or sink! Attention, Soldiers ! In. another column of the Democrat and Star will be seen a call for a Convention of Soldiers of this county. The object of the meeting is to select delegates to the Soldiers State Convention, which will meet in Harrisburg on the 1st of Augttst next' The soldiers of this county will meet at the Court House in Bloomsburg on Saturday, the 2Sth inst Let there be a good turn-out. The object of the State Convention i3 a ood one and can but - meet the approbation ' of every sol dier when once fairly understood. The 'boys in blue" are in favor of the restora tion policy of President' Johnson' jni all measures looking towards the. re-establish ment of the Union under the Constitution. The objects of the war for which, they fought are being denied by the Radicals in and 5ut of Congress. The Soldier i3.told to-day, by the actions of Stevens, Sumner & Co., that - he did not fight for the Union, but, to the - It has been deeded in a Republican caucus to adjourn Cojresa'on of, about the 23rd inst. On the 1 1th inst, Postmaster General Dennisoii 'etrit in his resignation, which was willingly accepted by the President and on the 14th inst, he sent to the Senate the nomination of Hot;l A. W. Randall, of Wisconsin, 'as Postmaster General, in place of Dennison resigned. It is stated on reliable authority that the President will force Attorney-General Speed, Secretary Harlen and Stanton, to follow thecj:ample of Dennison at I an early day. Hq is hound to ptwity his Cabinet. Let it be dono. a? We learn that a certain assistant, con nected with the Assessor's office-, of this place, was lately heard singing the followig,thougli with much less gusto than he used to sing "Rally 'round the flng, boys, -attributing the words in reference to traitors, to Demo crats and Democratic soldiers ; ' Lincoln was a patriot, I gloried in his name, I took the quill, to crush free will, And laid aside the plane. But John.son is a traitor, For he will obey the laws. I must drop the pen and take the plane ur eise espouse ms cause. Painful Accident. An elderly lady by the name of Mrs. Jonas Snyder, of Bethle iKim, sortnampton Uounty, while visiting the family of Mr. Freas Brown, at this placc( wet with a painful accident, on Wednesday last, by mistaking a door leading into a eel lar-way instead of an adjoining room. In stepping into the cellar-way she fell, dislo cating the elbow and wrist joint of one her arms, besides fracturing the bone at the wrist Drs. Harrison and McKelvy were called in. She is doing as well as might be expected. It was a very painful accident but the lady bore it all with a great deal o: patience. Sarsaparilla. We have heard this & mous root spoken of as a "humor remedy' for Hianj years but we find there are, among physicians, conflicting opinions as to its effi cacy. One tiling is certain, it has stood long and severe resting, having been in use more than two hundred years.' It would have long since have been cast asidu, if it was worthless. A chemical manufacturing house, of high repute, at the "Hub," have recently conceived the happy idea of com bining it with the "iodide of lime," a new ly-discovered agent of tonic and alternative propertied This seems to bo just the com bination jieeded, as it is admirably adapted to alter or break up diseased action wherever it may be found in the system. Sarsaparilla iodine, lime, it is certainly difficult to con ceive of a more scientific blending of impor tant medicinal agents. It is a matter o wonder that something of the kind has not been proposed before ; but the progress of chemical science moves slowly as do all oth er branches of discover'. Everything must w:iit its time. Tho Sarsaparilla and Iodide ot .Lime is sold r-y the druggists. 31 A 11 1! 1 L I) . On the 3d inst. at the public house of Mr. Lourtrtght, in V nkesl-arre, by ElJer V: France, Mr. Francis Magkor, of L?h man, .Luzerne County, and Mrs, Nancy A. Frentiss, of'Bloomsburg, Columbia County At the White Haven Hotel. June 20th. 1806, by Rev. James 31. Salmon. Mr. Dan iel 1'. Leacock. and Misa Henrietta Brace, both of Wyoming, Luzerne Count'. At Town Hill, July 4th. 18G, by Rev. E. V adsworth, Mr. W.M.J. SEAWARD, of Fair mount, Luzerne County, to Miss 3Iary II 1'riest, ot Sugarloat, Columbia County. At the public house of John Ler?ott in Jola, Columbia County, on the 4th inst. bv Rev. 11. A. Stokes. .Mr. James Trivel- tiece, and 3Iiss Hannah J. Greenley, botn ot I'ine township, Columbia County. In Bioomst,urg, July 5th, 18GG. bv Rev. S. C. Swallow, Mr. Syt.vanus P. IIawley. ot Helena. Arkan.as, to .Miss Dora Woodin, of Berwick, Pa, On the 31 inst, by the Rev. J. R. Pimm. Mr. Robert Gillaspy, of Buckhorn, to Harriet HIUTON, ot lJioomsburg. At Fairmount, Luzerne county, in July Ist.n. by Rev. A. V.. Rnr.m. Mr. "Wit.t.taw S. Kase, of Benton, and Miss MahthaAl- bertton, of Sugarloaf, both of Columbia county. DIED In Light Street on the 2nd inst, James II. Pullin, aged 3 years and 6 months. f" In Bloomsburg, on the 9th inst. , Mary A. liUOBST, ageJ b years, weeks and 4 days. BLOOM SBPRG jMAKKKT. WffEAT,per bushel. 3 0 RVK. 1 50 t.XjRV, 1 it) BUCKWHEAT. - ICt) FUll'R per bh. J4 W ni)VER-KED, 5 50 FLX EED 3tH BUCKWHEAT Flour. 3 CO nUTTER. -I.GCS lOTAT0R5. -DRIED A IT J. Ed, MAMS HACO.V, . -HAY by the ton. I.ARO. per lt- 25 - 23 3 m - 2.' - lfi J5 rto 2j To the Soldiers of Columbia County: A Convention of honorably discharged Soldiers and Sailors who favor the objects of the call for a Soldiers' State Convention, at Harrisburg, Pa., will meet at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, at 2 o'clock on Sat urday the 28th of July,forthe purpose of se lecting delegates to the said State Conven tion, and for the transaction of other busi ness. Let all come who believe the true objects of the war were Peace and Union ; who believe that neither radical legislation nor rebel can non can put a State oukdde the Union ; who oppose blotting eleven utars from the 'flag which we followed through every Stata in the South ; who oppose negro suffrage or negro equality and the men who advocate radical doctrines ; who Le!ieve in President John sons restoration policy, and his vetoes, es pecially that of the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, which would squander millions on able bod ied negroes, while the land is full of needy soldiers, their widows and orphans ; in short who prefer the leadership of President John son, Grant, Sherman, Meade, and a host of others, to that of Gen. Bitler, Geary, Grecly, Thad. Stevens, and like spirits "at the oth er end of the line. " C. B. BROCKWAY. July 18, 18G6. Chairman Committee. Columbia County Democratic Convention. " ' ' V" OTICE in hereby five ttat h nemorratie elee x tor in and for the vf-verl) borough rd ela lion districts uf Columbia County, will met l their uwu at pit' n f holding ih enrai e'enionion SAT URDAY. THE 23TH DAV- t'F AUGUST, J;W. be tween the bourn f 3 tail 7 O clock, ia the afternr.nn of fairt ilny. for the purp"re of choosing BY BAL LOT two lef'tatrs fro o ra:h Election District, to rae-t in County Conrention, ' the K17RT HOtE. in Kloomsbrlrg. on MUNDAI i TIIE VTTU VY OK AU:t9 T. ltfil. at I o'clock. I'. M.. for the purpose of making the asudl anBnal norornatloba of the Demo craue party of Columbia County. " E.H, IKKI.EK. Crat44. WitUiSi Liao5, lAftEL Za. C P Mooan, . Jobm II. UsTtt, . 1 -cw Tttwiwom - SlanJinfOm-rttiit: Z7 Tne D-lecates will pm: on at the -Korka ien whrre arrangement feve ben mt fr;";r 1 Call for a State Convention ' , Of B0!0ABLt DISCUARfllD . 1 OFFICERS, SOLDIERS AND SISAMEtf OF PENNSYLVANIA. ' ' : The floMien ConTention whirh met in Pittsburg, on the 5ihof June last, and which pledged their coin ratles'in tbii Kuu to the support of the raiftcal nieaa area of Cmigrea, in opposition to the jat and con stitutional policy of President Johnson, and wMrll promised their votes to John V . Geary, the radical candidate for Governor, misrepresented the senrt inents of the great inns ftf the officer and soldiers of Pennsylvania In order that a true ex predion of opinion iniht be had from the late defendei of the (nvernaient in the fiulri. and to counteract the injury Dtlempted to be done to the cause of the Union, it was deemed advisable by the late ollie -r and soldiers of the rVderal army iu this State to hold another t'oavemiou A preliminary nive'ine olT'tnrned fifTicirrs ai4 sol-til- rs. with ihm lijoct in riew.wn hol.len on Thr nay, tiie 2.-th of June, when it wn rsolved to hold A State Convention at ILirrUjurg, on Wednesday, the first day of August next. nt 10 o'clock. A M.. to be eompr.Hed of such honorably c!isthari-d officers, soldiers nd seamen of Pennsyl vania, as subscribe to th fallowing doctrtie. y. : 1. vv ho are in favor ir carrying Mit,i good Tailh. the joint resolirtion ,f Couriers, adopted July 2.M. IS0I. which decWedtha', ''Thl war is not proseen ted on our part many sptrix of pTreion. not f,tt any purpose ' co-iquest or suhjnjation. .ut to de fend and maintain tiie supremacy of the Cnngtiuition and topTeserve the Union, with all tliu ilisnity. equality, and rights of the several Putea I'nimpair eil " 'lllese were the condition T the bond the sol diers figneil and senled in blood with the govern ment, and a refual now to carry them oat ia a frus violation of a solemn agreement ; 2. Who are in favnr of restoring the fllrtes lately in rrbi lllon to all their conventional reUtlons with the Federal Union as ihey slot d bi fore the war broke out, acco-din to the humane anil constitutional poli cy laid down by President Johnson ; 3 -Who are in favor of leprt'scniatives from the Boa th. loynlto the constitution and the laws, being immediately received by C-ntrf ; 4. who approve President JoHPson's vetoes oTtho Friedman's Bureau and Civil Rights Bills ; 5 Who are opposed to any interference, by T7on pres. with tie r wilts of the States reserved by the Lontiliui..n. and who are opposed to the right of suffrage b. ing conferr. d upon the negro ; O And who are in .favor of the d.-ctmn of Hiester Clymer. Deui cratic candidate for Governor of Pen h sylviinia, th repreaentative of the constilutioual and coiuervative dm trine stated above. Each county wilt be entitled 10 send seven dla. gntes to the Convention ; nnd where a county has more than one mei.ib-r in tin House ir R. preaenta-tiv,-s. sucl, cortnty will be entit'ed to seven dtl-'gatt s for each additional member. TTie delegates are to be selected bv I lie honorably di hurri-d officers, sol diers and "seamen of the counties respectively. In addition to the di-letes elected.all othef- hon orably discharged 'fllcer, oldi"rs anit'seamen who sympathise v.tn the object iu view, are invited t Harrisburg Oil that occasion. " " 8 Gkm . W. XV, lAVI3, Prest. Capt. J. A CuittAM. I C. B. llROtEWT, I July 18, ISG15. See; A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN, Just PubUshed.U i!ttld Srelnpe Pritt sti eenli. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical Cure of Sperinat.rihoa. or (Seminal Weakness. In voluntary r.rnisrion. Sexual Dcbilitv, and Impedi ments to .Marriage generally. Nervousness. Con sumption. Kpiledsy. and Fts ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Ab.ise. &c Hy R.OB EUT J CliLVl-.RWELL. W. 1 Author of the Green Book." co ' Tne World-reno ned author, ia this admirable Lec ture, c early proves from his own experience 'hat the awfui ronSequenc.es i'f Self Abuse may be fi- t ually removed without medicine, and without itan geroussa gi"4' operations, bougies, instruuients, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by wnlcli every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hijn solf i heapl y. privately, inn radically. THISLUU TURK WILL I'RuVt: A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS gent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps, by addressinc C1IAS J. C. KLINE tc CO, 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office bi x, 4.c6. July 18. iet. ly TO YES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to his many friends and numerous rttt tniner that he continues the above business at his old place of business on MAIN r-TltEET, BLOOUS BLRIi. . His customers aud others can be accommodated with FANCY STOVES . A Vi ' K '4 article found in all well regulated STOVE V"""Tf AND TINWABK I STAKI.lt-HMfcNTd in the titles, and on the most reasonable term. Ky- alDUTING, for houses and b rns. will be put gi on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing done promptly and upon liberal terms. He also keeps n hand a larze supply of Milk Pans, of different sizes and prices ; besides a flue as sortment of Fisher's Patent felf-dealing Fruit Pre serving Cans. Give bim a call Jul IH IrttiO.-tf. L003ISBURG ACADEMY". A Select School in the basement of this Inrtitntmn will couimi-nce on MONDAY, JULY ZO, 1SG5, and continue eleven week. RATLS OF TUI riON. Primary Scholars. v $150 Common Eoglish Braocbes. 3,('U tiigtier. i UU o reduction for absence except In case of pro- trarted sii'Riii-ss. Pupils can enter school at any time before the mid dle uf the term. J. GARRISON, Ttntkee. Blonnisbtirg. July lf?r,6 3t. LIFE INSURANCE. f yon wih to live loni and die happy, go without delay and i:SLKEYOLK LUC in the best Company in t he world. THE MUTUAL LI FK IV.-CRANCE COMPANV OF NEW YORK. ITS CASH ASSETS ARE 015.000 000. aad its annual dividend for the fiscal year of IPSJ amnants to seventy five per cent, on all participat ing premiums, being thelargest dividend ever de- Urei by any company for thi- sum length of lime. to' further iiitormutinn apply to JOHN G. FREEZE, Sffmt. July Id, I'Gti. 3m. bloomsburg. Pn. WOOL CARDING. The subscriber having purchased the well estab 'he ;d i lished stand, known as "KAMI'S FACTO II Y, near Rohrsburr. Columbia County, and having pnt tbe machinery ii first-rale repairs, i prepared to do in the best manner, and upon the shortest notira. Those favor inc bim wnn tueir castum msy rely rn having their work well doue. UClbl 11. B.11MJ3. GreepwooH. June K. QREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SE rr J NO MA CJ1 WE S. Empire Shut! le tachine ! S A l.ERtlOM-. 536 Broadway. N. Y., ' T250 Wa-hineton tt eet. Hoston, 931 Che. nut Street, Philadrlpbia, , PATENTED FEB. 14, I8o0. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles nf mechanism, pnsesing mhnv rare and valuable impri vements, having been exuuined by the most profound experts. . and pronounced I o be Simplicity nvd I ertrction Combined. It has a straight Iteeril". perpendicular nttiofl. makes the Lot K or Silt TTLE pTITCII. which will neither RI f aor RAVEL, and is a ike on both elites : performs perfect fcwing on every description cf material, from leather to the finect Nansook muslin, wi;h cotton, linen, or silk thread, fro'ii the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CA1 or COG WU EEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Lmphaticouy a iSoistlcss Machine. ft requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive t than any other machine in the market. A rirl twelve years of age can work it stesai y. without fatigue or Injury to health Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity nfConstrnc- tioo renders i". almost impossible to get out of order. and is GUARANTEED by the company to give en- ire sNtislai lion.' We respectfully Invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to com e and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. One half hour's instruction Is sufficient to enable any person to work this machine to their entire rat slaction. Agents wanted for all towns M the United States. here agedi-ies are not already etailit!i:d. Alsi, for Cuba. Mexico.' Central mt South America, to whom a liberal discount will b' given. OJP1RE SbWING MACHINE MF'fl CO.. 53b liroddway, N. Y, 1 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF. FENCING BOARDS FOR sale- The undersigned offers for sale tf tire most reasonable terms, at him place of business, in BENTON. COLUMKI A COUNTY, oae hundred thou sand, shingle and a large lot of fcrcieSr bM. f JULY'S SELECT SCHOOL, Vila commence JULY 30th, 18Ct. ' EAST BLOOM SCHOOL, . , ' i v ' - . BLOOMSBURG, Pa, t ATES OF TUITION AS FOLLOWS : rrtmary Ptiplfs ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '32S6 Tkoae studying Common Branches, More advanced PepiJs, - - , History and Philosophy, Algebra, 3 "J .3 fid 4 00 s oo NOTICE. No reduction In cases of protracted illness, tine half of the money to be paid at the ex pit etiott of one half of the term ; rest at expiration 'of the term. S. V. ELY, Teacher, July It. !8G6.-3t. ROVESTEEN & CO., Piano-Forte Manufacturers, 499 Broadway 1 w York. THK ATTENTION of the pnhlic and the trad is invited toour NEW SOt,r:, SEVEN OCTAVE, KOSEWO"D PI ANO FORTES, .whit h tir volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto ot' fored iu tins maret. They contain ail Kite modern improvements. Trench grand action, hurp peAal.il-on. frame, over-sirung bass, etc., and each iuslruincut being made uVi.leV tiie per-onal supervision of Mr. J- II. Grovkstilen, who has a piatical experience of over thirty years tn their manufacture, is fully war ranted in every particular THKGROVESTLEJf PUffO-FORTR" Reocivkd the highest award or merit at Trie ceib. Ratkd World's Fair Where Were exhibited instruments from the best makers of i melon, Paris, tJerinany. 1'hiladelpn.ia, Haltimore, Itoiiton and New York ; and also at the American I nstiute for hve successive years, the olo and Sii.vr Mepals from both of which can be seen at O'lt ware-rooiuS. Kv the introduction of improvements we make a still mors perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing la'aely, with a slticty cah ystem. are enabled to offer the e instruments atfl price which will preclado ail competition . Our price are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any first class Piano-forte. TEK.VI3 Net Cash in current funds. Descriptive circulars sent free: July II, If&i ly H. &. P. ENRY GIGER, Has opened a fnt class HOOT, SHOE, HAT AHD CAP STORE, At his o'd stand on Main Street Blooinsbuig. His stock i composed of thu very latest and be style ever offered tn ihe citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate tne public with the following kinds and Drice : Man's ciitf boots, fine. 4 a! ii. doMhle sole. $5 Oti to 9.00 J 75 to 5 75 1.75 to 4.75 2 5(1 to 5,75 1 'JO to 3 0') 1.75 to 5.75 3.25 to 5 75 Boys rliild's bofAs. M.'n's glove kid. Congress, 4lc " " Hill. Shoes, women'd boys and mises glove kid tabling gnit rs. Women's slove kid, very line, ' line goat morocco balinorsls, men s morocco and calf shoes, common shoes, f 1 I .1 f - . I I'.. 2 5H to 4 00 1.75 to 2 50 1 .50 to 50 Q.15 to 1 CO Men's, tv omen's, misses', boys and child slippers. 0,25 I o 1.1)0 He also keeps a great varitty of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS or ev ry kind, at tbe lowett prices, both for Cash and Country produce. Kemenibei the atlraction is in our goo.l. Don't be alarmed at the cry of high prices, bnt call and ace for yourselves. Respectfully, HENRY GIG ER. Bloomsburg. July II. 1H06. IIEAD ! AHEAD ! I Latest and Grandest opening of the srason at BOGART So KREAMER'S Cheap and Extensive Dry Goods Empori um nt Where they will offer th newest and mot desirable styles and qualities of FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC DRY iO(IS, embracing all the latest vdrletics and styles in the niarKi-t. Imhnrv Gnids line they offer the following, among many om?r articles som by tnein, at IMMC I'KICKS, Plain Rlntk and Fancy Dress Silks.Calicoe of every description and figure. Black and I'olored Mohuir Alpaccas. Real trganoy Jaconet Lawns ; .lluliu, Mic linss, Pillow Cane JIu si ills and Linens. Ti king. Checks. Cotton Pantaloon Stuff, l inen Drillings, Flannels. -'itton and Lmcn Table t'inihs. For the latest style of PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, for Ladies and Chi'dren, mil upon BOGART & K REAMER. They alt keep on hand a complete assortment of .ofion and iocciic. mnsis'ing, in part. Glove Hosiery of all kin-Is, Iva lisiorsis. on in-1 Kibhona, Summer liatsfor men women and children. Head dresses, lace vi's. pen- knives, comb of eV,-ry description. pencils. pen paper ant ink ; aio, Mi?nr? loi.-is-es, ;goi,.t si rups ) rait. pepper and spices, .tlackerel f ;o I quality, cheese, buit-r and err, hams. h iuld-;r and siJ.-s. , 'J bey aim have a full assortment of siii has axes, nails and spikes, screws,' hinges arid bolts. I'alnts and Oils. Cedar Buckets and Willow Uaaket'', ic. A.C. ROGART & KREAMER, sell cheap for Cash, or Country Prodilce. vhirh will betaken in eX' hange for goods. Otve thi-niarali and examine tlieir enensivc assortment for your selves before purcbasiug els h-re BoSART k KREAMER. July 4..If6f.,-tf rpiIE NE.W Spring Sc Stimuicr Jlcjliciiie- rLUIfi EXTRAS 2? J.AI1SIAKILB.A COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PRy.PAhED FOR C. W. PETTES, BOSTO.N, By JAMES R. MCHOLS Si CO. Manufacturing CJinnistSj MANUFACTCRF.R3 OF THE EL IN J R PERUVIAN BARK WITH Protoxide of Iran, Which has become so favorably known as & WA'JCJtA'D KF.STORAT IJ'E. By Thysicians aud Invalids in all patt of the court try. The new preparation. "Sarsaparilla In combina tion with Iodide of Liuie," presents one of tPe niost prompt alterative ageiiig. in form capable of exert ing full action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is rnnceded U'St the altera tive resolvent, or tonic effects of Iodine are exert ed nioct decidedly Wi.f n associated with ether alter atives, in combination ; gull the Sarsaparilla secuik to fulfill perfectly all Ihe favorable requisitions. The first ffrct Usually observed when SAR8APAK ILLA WITH IODlDE OF LIME" is taken. Is an increase of appetite allowing that it has tonic properties of a marked character, lis al teratrve effects are uianilest in its ready combina tion with the blood and tissues Pale, tcrofulou women and children improve rapidly under its use, anil ihe vital tun. lions assume a nralthy condition. It is admirably adapted to a large number of chron ic or acute aff- ciions peculiar to children It is suit ed to them both by the mildness and efficiency of medicinal effort and the pleasant, attractive form of tne remedy. It may be given for a long period where constitutional influences are desired, and no repug nance, or (Jisincliual oii to take the sy.-up, encuun ti-red. In White-Swedtngs. Hip-Joiut Disease, and Distortions of tiie Spine.it should be given persist ently, in moderate doses, until relief is obtained In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather, . the accumulation of morbid matter fit tbe system seems to become manifest and very Ironblesorrie Las situde, Headache, Boil, Cos'ivenejs, Ijoss of Appe tite, Pains in the Joints. Indigestion, etc.. ara very common. Nothing ever devised is better adapted to exterminate or drive off these aff..-ction than this new coinhi' anon of SAR5 n AKlLI.A WITH IODIDE OF LIME preparation like it, er a-Aic appmimmte to if, as a Alterative, or Blootl Purifiir, ha tcrrb'farshten nUtred ritkin lt Tearktf intuhds. Indeed, it is an entirely rkw and sciest.fic combina tion, fn no respect reseuioliug anything bilheito em ployed. The opinion of medical men concerning it. the de scription of its ctieiuical character, therapeutic val ue. maiifer of use, etc... are given in a circiilir, which can be had at tbe store of aiy and all first classDrafgists. C7" Sold m Bloomsburg, wholesale retail, by Eyer Sc. Mnyer, and all Druggists June . IK. 6m. JEAL ESTATE rOR SALE. - . j Estate of "William Robison, deceased, & Valuable i5iiirie Stands, 'On Main Street. Bloomrburg, itrjoininj the Court House and nearly oppoBitd the Esrtange Hotel, ' TWO SMALL 110 USES AND L 0TS, el Eldge Alley, known as the ."Spriftg I tts "''. I ONE HOUSE AND UOT, on Roc Street. Also TIMBER LAnTJ In Jay town-' ship. EIX ennnty, ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, well fimcered with White Pine and Hemlock, good farming land . 'J he above property will he offers d at PRIVATE SALE, until the 1st of AUGCST ne'xl, on which day.iTncrt sold, will be offerr I at PUBLIC SALE . on the premises, neartTit Court Hob.Se, at Iu o'clock A.M. iC7 Apply to the subscribers, or to Miss Isabella Robison, liloouisburg. Pa- ALi:X. KOKISOV, Maftcb Chunk, J . A PARDEE. Harleton. " r"' June G, IriOti. ta Ci REAT ATTRACTION J AT iiioci:ii srliiti:. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizen of Klooinstiurg and the surrounding country that he keep consian ily on band nt his old stand, on the south east corner of Main and Iron sis., a prime lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Coffoe, Sugar. Syrups. Tobacco, Cigar. Dried Frtt it. Coal Oil. Snuff, Spices, Butter. F.egs. Lard Cheese, Dried Beef, Crarkers. Tlrqgs. Parlor nnd Hand Lamps. Paints of all kinds', and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs, Dry Goods. Calicoes, Cloths for boy's " wear. Soaps, Flour, Chop, fiueensw ate. Glass, Put ty, Salt. Fish. Meat. Candies Bucket, Brooms, Hosiery. Books, Writing Paper, Ink, Hardware. Pocket Knives. Combs, &c. fee. sec. He keeps in fact everything appertaining to a first class Cirocery and Variety Store. He is determined nol to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having just received anew tock. the people are earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. By strict attention tn business, he hopes hot only to re tain his patronage but to increase it. He feels thank ful for past fa vors, and with many years experience in the business, he feels confident he can render sat isfaction to all who favor him with tlieir patronage. JOHN K. UlftTON, Bloomsburg. June 29, IUG. IL 1URRAIIFOR CATAWISMA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of the Money Marfet, Look and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Jitrt rail at the favorite business stand of McMinch Sc alh uman, and you will be met by the obliging I'rrtrielnrs or their Clerks and shown through their treat Variety Store free of charge, of course, they will give you a fair chance to -pend your looge change, they trust much more profitably than it can be spi-tit elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring i much larger in alt. Its varieties than usual. TUei- Ladies Dress Good areof the nicest styles in Market. They have a fine assortment of 1 1 a!, Caps, Hoots and MiOe, Summer Cloths, Cnsinets, Casjniers nnd Vestings, and numerous articles common to mch establish ment!!, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Queensware nnd Groceries, nil at greatly reduce I prices. They wiih to conduct tliei r business en the system, of "PAY AS YOU GO" and they think they can afford to sell very cheap-. They return their thankn for many prist favors, and ask the future pntronage of their former customers and the public g- nerally. McNIXCII 4c SflUMAv. May 16, ISfiG. tf. A ror oca NEW AM) BEAUTIFUL WORK, THE PICTORIAL BOOR. OF OK TIIE REBELLION : Heroic, Patriotic Political Romantic Iltiinorons Sc. Tragical, Splendidly IUustraXrd with vcr 3()0 fins Portraits and icautiful F.ngracmgM '. This work fo genial humor, tender pathos, start ling interest, and attractive beauty, stand peerless and alone among all its competitors. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Taibetie. The doll of Fame and Story. Camp. Pi ket. Spy, Scout. Bivouac, and siege; Startling urprisers. Woi. deiful Ksrapcs. Famous Words and Heeds ofVo man. and the whole Panorama of the War here thri! lingly oh. I startlingly portrayed in a masterly man tier, at once historical and romatirt, rendering it ths most airple. brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Disabled -fT:cers and soldiers. tearhrs, energutic young fnerl. and all in want of profitable employ, merit, wi.l find this behest chance to make nmury ever yet oTTcred. deud Tor circulars and see our terms. Address. national Publish in 7 Co. No, 607 Minor Street PHILADELPHIA. April 25. SiC, 3tn. JJLOOM:SBURG FANCY TRIMMING A?iD BOOK STORE, Set ond door below ILirtmau'a Main Street. Jusi received a new stock of ZK.r'HVRS. WOOLEN AND COT. TON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSL1V. EDGINGS. DRLSi TRIMMINGS. and every variety of articles usually kept in a f a:cy STOEttt. Als- Scnool Books. Hymn Rooks, Bibles, Sunday School Books, arid a large lit of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Acroint and Memorandum Books, Blank Deeds. Ronds and Mortgages, and a general and well-selected assort mcut of Paper, Euvclopes, 4te. A.D.WEBB. Bloomsburg, June 23, lSf.G. -tf (JAMPAKJNS OF TIIE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. BV WILLIAM SWINTOW The Standard History of the Grand Army. The greatest Work on the War. Universally endorsed bv army officers an! the ptess. THE AUTHOR 8 YS: I dsirn in this volume to record what thv Ar mv did and suffered in ten campaigns and two score battles" "I shall have to celebrate the unswerving Invaltv of this army, that nfttiine when the bond of milita ry cohesion failed, held it, uoshakon of fortune, to a duty self imposed," I shall have to follow it through a checkered ex perience, in a tale commingled of great misfortunes, crest follies and great glories ; but from the first to the last it will appear that. amid many buffets of for tune, through "winter and rough weather." the Ar my of ihe Potomac never gave up. but made a good fight aud finally reached tlte soal I HE -ARMY AMD NTI Jt 'URN AL PATS "This is the only American critical work on the late war, and it is thoroughly critical and entirclv invested of all political hue or tone," This is the only History oflhrf "Grard Afmt and no one who has borne a part in its conflicts, or is in- ererted In its grand achievements, should be with out it This work sells itself. The people are lircd of political and partisau histories, and want something roin official sonrc-s. We have Agents clearing over t.Od per month Send for circulars, and see our terms and proof 'Tib rhove assertion. Address, NATIONAL. FUBLIMIIVOCO. 07 Minor St, Philadelphia, Pa. . July 4. I(C6 St. f llll ! lliH ! ITCH! L S -'BATCH ! SCKATCH ! SCRATCH ! WH EATON'S OINTMENT Will ( ure The Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHIL BLAIN'S, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. ?ri-e 50 cnl. For sale bv nil Druggist. By aending 00 cents to WELKS St POTTER. bole Agents. ITU Wash ington street. Boston, it will bo forwarded Ev mail. free of portage, lo any pari of tbe Uniled Slates. June o, it?oo. ly. JjOTEL & RESTAURANT KEEPERS, Look to Your Interests ! 'SlVK 300 PER ILXT." 1 HATE capital recipes for the manufacture of Hrandy, Irish Whiskey and Old Bourbon. These rei ipe ate used by all the leading dealers, an I you buy from them the same article you can easily n'nVe TUEVV STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAi V STRKBT. (NEARLY OPPOSITfi MILLER'S tiTORB,)' BLOOMfiBuRG, FA. - . THE inda'r'liigtied Was just fitted up. nd opn'ei. his new ".'''.'''-'. - stoVe A?vjd TLvsnop, r in this oYace. w'befe he prepared to make , op W TIN WARE of all kinds la fcis line, ad Sl repair iee with neatness and dispntcb, upon tbe mosliss soiiable terms. He also- keeps on Hand STOVES of various pa Hems -and styles, wilcli lie will sell po terms to. suit purchasers. . . - : Give him a eajL rleisa 'trtoi methanlc, and de. serving of the vUbtirc patronage. -'- , ,, - J JILUU IV c 1 Mm. Til .nmckllrv. faV 9. lftfiB. IV. I6S LIZZE PETERMAN, Vnnld annonnre to the ladies of Bloomsburg and the eastern cities her . . Sirriiis: nnd Siuixner ; Stock of -" MILLINERY GOODS, i consisting of all article s Visually found in first das iiiiiunery stores, tier goods are ol tne uesi quauiy . and among the most hmidsome and cheapest intba nihrket ('all nnd examine them for yonrselv.es. - - Nobody should purchase elsewhere befor exaiuia ing Mis PeteyiViaft' stock: ot good Bonne's made " to order, on Itie shortest net ice. or repaired. . Store on Ma,n street. 3d dv.or below the store ot Mendetihftll tc Pupert. . .. i Bloomsburg, May S, iar6.-If. , , ,. H 0 ! FOR nUKSBEilGER'S' TOI5ACCO STORE, in RLOOMPEURG, all you who desire a superior article nt chewing or smoking tobacco. His cigars are made up of the finest quality pi tobacco. Every body in town knows where to go to get a good artl clo . He will sell at retail or u oolesale to aruit Ihe purchaser, lie is not particular. Shopkeepers and isno lores generally would oo oeiier uy purcnasmy; of liiin than of the peddler' and hucksters that trar el thmuirh Ilia rnnnlrv. Thi v tiln nn risk of beinS cheated in what thiy buy. Patron ita regular lines if you wish to get the worjt ot your money. tL7; store on Main Street, a few doors belAwth 'American House." II, H. IIU.N'SBERGE R. . May 9, I3r8.-3ra. ESPY MOTEL, " Espy, Columbia Co. Ia. The undersigned having becoth sole proprietor of thi well known and conveniently locaud standi respectfully informs bl friend, and the public in general, that lie has put hi hoe In complete order for the accommodation of boarders, and for the recep tion and entertainment of travellers who may feel disponed tn favor it with their custom. , No expense has been spared In preparing this Hete.1 lor the enter -tainmenl of guests, and nothing shall tie. panting, oil bis p-irt. to minister to their personal ..comfort. The location, nt well as the building, is a good one. and all together is amply arranged to please the public. ISRAEL MUMEYi Espy. April 11, 1806. tf. C C. Ti ll! K'S ?. zz7? rei m (i m "g ii is; ft lsj m a I have opened a new Store at the old stand nf Da vid Stroii p. on Miin streets Bloomsburg, had will keep on baud a general assortment of Such as Dry Goods, Notions. Groceries, Tin-waro, Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Drugs, Confectionary. Class-Ware, Tobacco. Hat at Shoes, I'lou'r, Knit. Fish and Meit : all of. which 1 propose selling at a very low Agere for cash or produce. Hi" Call and see. ' C.C. MAR ft. Bloomsburg, April 18, 1P60 tf. "grocehTesand EPH. ELWELL. having bought L. Runyon'-s PRO VISION STORE is now prepared to sell Grocer ies at Wholesale or Retail, as Ccap a tbeCeap est. IIEUE YOU CAIV FIiD SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEES. SYRUPS. SPICES, CRACKERS, STARCH, SODA. CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT, '.VOODEN-WARK, FLOUR. FISH, BEANS. ONIONS, kc, &c. EPH. IV. ELWELL. Blootnsburt Etb 14, leotJ. TXIAa daper. THK undersigned respect'utly announcef , tii tbe public that he keep constantly on hand, at his old stand, one door below Lutz's Drug store. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Peper Window 8hailc. Cord. Tas-" sels and Fixtures, for I'icturea., c. ot the very latest st) lea and is prepared. to do all kind of paper hanging to order. E. J.THORTON. rioom-burg, April 4 1866. tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Entate of John Lawrence, deceased. rETTERSof administration on the estate of John a Lawrence, tale of Hemlock township, deceased; have been granted bv the Register of I'oluinkia coda ty. to Daniet Ne hard, w ho resides in Rurkhnr:':, said county. All persons having cUims against the es tate w ill present them to the adaiinislrctor for set tlement, and those indebted wi l make aarnediate payment to tUMEL ftEYHARD, Aim'r. Hemlock, July II, lr-6(i. ow. rro FAft ?ii:us." " j ihe high puce oT Potatoes warrants a liberal u of the OUNCENTRATED FEP.TILIZElt. used along the rows or hills, and covered when crfl tiVailr ; in like manner on corn. Prepared br WILLIAM El LIS A t't). Chemists, Nos.74and Market direct , Philadelphia, and for sale by A. A. KE."TLR. Jtprnt, . . B'oo nsburg. Pa. May !0. IcDo-am. V RAPPING AND ; MINING PA- T PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mills at Mil! Grove, near I'.ioomsbnrg. Columbia I'oiimy, Pa.. I am now prepared to Ml all orders for Wrapping, Dry Blasting and Witor Proof Paper. o short notice and fair price. 1 have opened a ware house in Wllkeo-Karr". and appointed Joseph Krowit ol ihe firm of Hrown. Grayat t o.. my agent todisposo of my paper in Luzerne County. TUOMJT ttlENCH. Cloonishurg. iept. 16. 1W-5. LUMBER! LUMBER! -.1 new Lumber Yard in Bloomsburg, THE undersigned would respectfully inform those in want of lumb-r l lint he continues lo inanufac- -lure and keeps on liatidr good supply of building and fencing in terial, at his residence, a short dis tance north of tho depot, which he off-'re .for sale at rea onable rate. JXL)B SCHUYLER. Bloomsburg, June 20. lfCS. PHOTOGRAPHS, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST At HEMPSTEAD'S EST ROOMS OVER Elootnsburg, July 11, ISrlG. tf. GENTS WANTED. J. T. IIEADLEYS NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in niE.. It 14 admitie.i to fce the most inTearsnsn. porrt.Aa. ni valcS' a History of the RebelJinn. which is fully at tested by Ihe enormous sale of -2o0 (HM) voi.cmss. and a large portion of the country still uncanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses nigbt and day lot enable as tn supply our AgeTits. Men of chara ler and ability, who desire a Itera tive emplojmctit will find tSia i rare opportunity. The price of the work In one toltfme is o low. (compared with other Histories) as to bring it witbm the reach of all classes For lull particulars send for cireo'ar. Address. AMERICA M PUBLISHING tXJMPANT, 143 Asylum Street. Hartford. Conn. Jon 27, 1W6. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George L. Johnson, of Orange township deceased. LETTERS cf administration mi toe estate of Geo L. Johnson dee'd, have been granted by the Reg. istef of Colombia County, to Samuel Bower of Centre township ; all persons having daieas sgiMisl the rs- tste of IH decdenr Vrr n'onnfril in nnuni ih.m tn.