MWCUAlANDSTAll OCAt. DUPARTMEfJl'. a - -At W B L OO M S BURG .: ; Wednesday, July 11 , 1866. ,,'AN37r!pjj.TO COEETSPONDENTS Y2yL&i;i--Ve only "postponed our ex lanation of the four divisions of time, be CQAiiQ our columns were crowded w ith matter WHich it wa - necessary to publish at that tmier'-' Inainuch,, a3 you appear to be very desirous of obtaining our opinion on the pubject, without further' delay, wo give it you as tollows : . 1. The Golden Ace Nvas known in olden tiras 3 tlie age of innocence and happi- 2. The Silver Age was understood as the go ot aegreneracy and vice. ' ' . --3. The Brazen Acre was anytime when Kin Wame wicked. " , 4: The Iron Ace was when man became wnoily corrupt.. . ... . -Ve desire that all subscriptions to tue cTAft 'oy ?iie pi orth be immediately settled ... - if w. II. Jacobt. - fiS?;Ecad the original poetry on our first page, gST" Lines from the pen of Col. Freeze Will ; appear in our next- JCS5 Attention is directed to the new ad vertisements in this issue of the Democrat AND SXAH. . SiyGold was quoted in the New York market on Monday and Tuesday last, at $1 53 i to $1 54. " It was at no time steady. , , . . . . . XSf" Onr farmers throughout the who!e county are busily engaged in harvesting. They toll; us that the wheat crop is better than it has been for several years past. 'JK&'J ohn Robison, ' of Scott to'ship, showed us a sample of his Rye, the stalks measuring seven feet and three inches in length: "Who can beat it?. - Hadn't the Postmaster of this town, bettjr t rt-place that portrait of President Johnson,' which he removed from" the wxl in hid office not long since? ? cS- E. "V. Wtnkoop & Co. will com nirnce their next term of graded school on - Third Street, July 30th. This school has been in operation for several years and has proved very successful. iCSy What battles were Gen. John W. Gearjvthe'.xVbolition candidate for Govern or, engaged in that he came off victorious or otherwise t Will our co temporary down town please gi ye us the information ? r JEST The editor of the Republican having lost the Assessorship, must drop the pro noun, tee, and exclaim, "alas, lam undone." Not having allowed his friends to share the profits of Government, he must not expect them to share the disgrace of a defeat. , e - - , . ; JJ3f W e would suggest to the editor of the- Republican that, before he issues his next paper, he insert the name of Robert F. ClaRKt in place of his own, a? Assessor of Internal Revenue of the 13th District, in that, "Directory", of County and other offi cers, prepared and published in the Repul lican. Gone Goose! DealDack! Quack! Quack! I IIow are ycu, Doctor? XSS- To such persons a3 are interested in the matter, we would announce that Mr. P. W. 'Robbing; liquor dealer of this town, is keeping up his supply of spirituous and other beverages, including the famous "Old Home stead Wild Cherry Bitters," for dyspepsia, &c. People desiring -anything of the kind will give him a call. We would remind Stokes & Co., of the Ilazlcton Sentinel, of the Fox that stole into the house of an actor, and after rumma ging among his various properties, laid hold of a highly finished mask. "A fine looking head, indeed," cried he, ''what a pity it is that It wants brains!" The mask is being discovered. The Fourth passed off very quietly in this place, until late in the evening, when we had a fine display of fire-works which presented a beautiful appearance, with this exception, that the boys from opposite sides of tho street ended the fun by firing rockets and roman candles at each other,- which of course was not very amusing nor becoming. 52fThe fence along the narrows, between Rupert and the CatawLssa bridge, is in a bad condition. Who will repair it, before some, shocking accident happens? This fence was to serve as a guard between the L. & B. R. R. and the wagon road which funs parallel with the railroad. It is nearly I all destroyed and - should be rebuilt by all ineans. - ' ' ' ; Iodide with Lime. That valuable ex- peller of humors, and purifier of bad blood, Iodide, Combined with lime, which produces healthy bone?, and these two agents further tombined with Sarsaparilla, forms a medi cine which ca'nnot fail to be of great service in all humors and all diseased conditions of the system. The "Sarsaparilla with Iodide of Lime" is advertised in our columns to-day. The Freedmen, who lately visited our lown on a begging expediti6n, .were very co"oly treated by their pretended friends of this place, the Abolitionists. Some closed Iheir doors against them, others would not leave their business to speak to them, while other? scolded and threatened td kick them rjdttf town, saying, "you have no business We!" "Why don't you stay down South, work and take Care of yourselves?" Poor darkkV went lugging their children, and lounging abort town, as we imagine, crying, "Save me from my friends!" ' Fatal Accident. On Thursday last, Mr. John Lawrence,' of Hemlock township,- met with a fatal accident while engaged icr mln- ing, near Irondrle, by tho falling of a body of -earth upo3 him, which sraothered and Crushed him to such aa extent that before he ecu! J be extricated" life was extinct. This Occident was very much unexpected, as every thing ia and about the mine, seemed secure and in good condition. lie vra3 an in Justri c:: 2 in 2 n , s ?d about forty yeun, and leaves a wLTd, asd - several children- to mourn his en- vCS?" Our patrons will find their, recrtpt3 published in this issue. Read the communication fa another Lcolunm in reference to "that letter." ,Jt exhibits the real and original design of our down town cotetnporary, and saves us the trouble of comment. ' , ' JES?" 'According to all precedents, it Is right land proper that the party friends of the of ficials should receive the' honors and profits of the offices under their control, and we ad mire President Johnson's j 1 ick in bestowing the ame upon his friends. - J>" A Raspberry Festival will be held in Snyder's new Hall, by the ladies of the German Reformed Church, of this place, on Wednesday evening to continue every eve ning for the balance of the week. " JC2 We have been requested to announce that the Evangelical Congregation, of Scott, will hold a Bush Meeting, in Charles Lee's Grove, near Light Street, commencing on Saturday, the 21st inst., and to continue for several days. BS- The display of fire-works, in this place, on last Monday nitrht, was rather a weak affair. If true, as circulated, that this demonstration was to signalize the success of the Johnson faction of this town, we can only say that they have hallooed while yet in the woods. JBS?' The wheat crop in this county is said to be more than an average one, and many farmers permit their wheat to become too ripe before cutting it. Wheat, dead ripe, wastes a great deal ir gathering, and is not so good for flour as that cut while there is moisture in the stalk. JESF The Ciucasian, published at Car lisle, has beeu v received. It is a rather spirited, illustrate! campaign sheet. We should like to have seen the portrait of Hon. Hiester Clymer presented in the first num ber; especially as this is a gubernatorial campaign in which Mr. C. is our standard- bearer. We'll look for it in future numbers. Succ jss to Brattox & Kennedy-. JC It is currently reported that Gen. Geary, the Shoddy candidate for Governor, is to be withdrawn from the campaign and his place filled by a better and more compe tent person, if such person can be found in the Republican ranks. Geary and his friends are beginning to smell powder from old Democratic Berks and feel like "retreating." ES Don't forget the Grand Democratic 3Iass Convention, to be held at Reading, on Wednesday next. The Democracy of old Columbia should be represented inthisgath- enng. Dome ol the ablest men in the tate are expected to be present and will deliver speeches. It will be the grand opening of the gubernatorial campaign in the old Key stone. Let there be a good turn-out from all sections. Please Remember. Our readers wil please recollect that when thev see a star () or any other markto the end of an arti cle in a newspaper, it signifies that the edi tor ha3 not written the same and does not vouch for the truthfulness of the article Frequently exhibitions and traveling Doctors come to town who desire the insertic-H of s notice in the Democrat & Star. We in sjrt it, but the mark at the end of the arti cle indicates that we have not written the ar tide and hence do not vouch for the correct ness of its statements. Jfcf" 1 he inoit destructive fare that ever occurred in this country took place in Port land, .Maine, on the 4th and 5th inst. It is estimated that, at least two thousand build ings were burned and property destroyed to the amount of ten millions of 'dollars. Thous ands of people are houseless and in distress. The churches and many other edifices are thrown open for their relief. Cooked and uncooked victuals are being sent from all parts of the country for the use of the sufferers. ZF On last Sunday there was quite party of Frcedmen arrived in this place, as they state, from the South, to be taken care of by their friends in the North. They are a horrible looking crowd of vagabonds, all too lazy to work, but entirely willing to bf g. We insist that their real friends, the Demo crats, shall pass them along to the Abolition friends of Negro equality. Let it be distinct ly understood that it is not a charitable act to give money to this class of negro ramblers, and thus encourage sloth and vagrancy.' Ssr V e heard a soldier remark, on our streets, that tne itepuoucan candidate ht Governor, on stepping off the cars at Carlisle, the other day, among the venders of cakes, pies, nnts, &c, met some of "the boys in blue," who feigned great joy and satisfaction on seeing their old General, by shaking and jostling him about in the crowd, until finally one fellow, a little more filled with joy than his comrades, placed a custard pie square over the face of the General, whereupon the candidate for Governor made one of hi3 hasty retreats in "good order," muttering to himself that he'd see them again when he would be ''better prepared !" It would seem thatRoBT. F. Clark, after having been appointed Internal Reve nue Assessor by the President, has been unanimously confirmed by the Senate, in spite of all the opposition brought against him ihrough the influence of Congressman Mercur and Palemon John. We need no better evidence of Mercur's weakness, nor no stronger proof of the fact that Palemon John is not an ardent supporter of the pres ent administration! There was no disposi tion on the part of tne radicals or conserva tives to have the late Assessor, Palemon John, confirmed. We understand that his name never went to the Senate. Rather cool, that Mercur stock certainly has deprecia ted in this district The Johnson Republi cans have the inside track, over the Radicals, in procuring the offices, and so long as they sustain the President in all his constitution al eScrrts to bring back the seceded States into the Union, they will meet with favor at his hands, and make their influence felt by these Radicals, The Radicals are fast losing inSuence in Congress and ekewhere, '. They, as a party, are doomed to utter defeat this fJL To Our PATRONs.'-Four months having expired since the consolidation of the Dem ocrat and Star, we will he obliged, owing to the continued high -price of printing, pa- 'per and other material, to collect from all those, of our patrons who have not as yet paid us, two dollars ani licenty-Jice cents, and from those who neglect the matter and leave their subscriptions run six months, two DOLLARS AND FIFTY CEjrTS. . Two dollars in hducchteis the lowest living figire, and when we d6 not receive our pay at the commence Inent, our patrons should not find fault with us for asking the small additional amount. JCSf We are in receipt of the first num ber of . a new, neatly printed and ably edited, G ennan paper, published in Harrisburg, Pa. , by George Ripper, Esq., called the Penn- sylvanische Staats-Zttiung-YESXSYLYKSlA State Newspaper. Like the vast majority of the new papers of the day, it takes a bold stand for Right, Truth and Justice, and with the name of our gallant standard bearer, Hon. Hiester Clymer, at its mast-head, troes into the fight for victory. Our German readers can do no better than subscribe for this new paper. It is flushed with strength success and victory arc certain to follow. J6t3y Mr. J. B. Smith, of Kingston, had his nose badly broken and was otherwise in jured, on last Saturday, by an accidental stroke of a bat while acting as Umpire for a match came of Base Ball, between the "Agiles," of Danville, and the "Continen tals," of Bloomsburg. It had been agreed, by both parties, that Mr. Smith should act as Umpire of the game; and consequently, from his kindness he came here for that purpose, He was kindly treated by the Clubs, and well attended to, by Doctors Harrison and McKelvy. All seemed to regret his misfor tune. Our experience in Base Ball plaj-ing leads us to conclude, that it is really neces sary that the services of a skillful Surgeon should be secured for every game. RECEIPTS to tiii: DEMOCRAT AND STAR, FOR JUNE, 1 ?f)C). Wm. Elwcll, $3.00 S. jNevhard, 3.00 Richard Demott, 2.00 A. J. Breinig, 5.00 J. A. Swisher, 2.00 M. Watts, 1.00 31. Wynkoop, COO T. H. Runyan, 2.00 2.00 A. B. Johnson, 1.00 G. W. Hittle, 3Iont. Cole, 4.00 Rol'K?rt Stout, 2.00 1.00 Ii. Waters, 2.00 5.00 A. Huntingdon, 1.00 B. Girton, Dr. S. Damn, J. II. Reichard, 2.00 U u. Hillorn, 1.0. Joshua Hartzel, 2.00 Sheriff inyder, 3.00 Hon. P. Ent, 3.00 Treas'rt'ol. Co.,29.10 lion. L. L. Tate, 3.00 Sta:khouse'sest 10.00 W. Robbing 2.X) S. M. Pettengill, 7.50 James Lake, 2.00 P.FenstermacherOO U. B. Kitchen, 60 L. Creasy, 2.00 Wash. Parr, 2.00 IS. It. .Jackson, 2.00 3.75 J. B. Carpenter, 2.00 Abbott & Co., H. Ilurlevman, 2.00 ir. Keller, 2.00 2 00 D. Montgomery, 2.00 1.00 A. C. Millard, 2.00 5.00 T.J.Hutchison, 4.00 Ruhr 3IcIIcnry, Joseph lse, C. Preston, F. Pfahlcr, S. Johnson, S. Hutton, A. Freas. 2.00 Capt. Price, 2.00 2.00 Win. Hartman, 2.00 2.00 G. W. Manger, 2.00 5.00 John Eckroth, 2.00 2.00 D. B. Hartinan, 2.00 Jesse Hoffman, Dr. Mcl!eyuolds,2.00 1'. Iv. llerbciii, 3.00 R. Fruit, 3.00 Peter Ent, 1.50 I.Dewirr, Sr., 2.00 E. J. Alhertson, 2.00 D. 31. Shoep, 2.00 T. Welliver, 1.00 John Gordncr, 2.00 J. S. McNinch, 3.00 H. Reese, 1.00 Sheriff Snyder, 7.25 Howe's Circus, 1 8. 00 Levi Fester, 2.00 31. Herst, 2.00 Philip P. Eyer, 2.00 RECEIPTS -V TO THE "COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT," FOR THE 3IONTII OF JUNE. Est. J.Ralston, $15.00 Geo. Fleminer, 6.00 D. Ix)wenberg, 12.00 J. F. Pafohler, 2.50 Thos. Wenner, 2. 63 N. Bredlnjnder jr. 1 . 35 Richard Demott, 1.25 1'. K. Herbein, 1.50 Est. S.Stevenson, 2.50 Daid Yeagcr, 2.50 Welliver 3Iorris 4. 00 Win. Bahme, 1.25 31. F. Reed, 2.00 Josoph Breisch, 1.25 W in. 1. Lore, 4.00 J. bhugars, Geo. P. Lore, 4.00 John Keifer, L. J. Force, 1.50 T. J. Swisher, V. A. Kline, 1.25 J. II. Wasrner, 31.31. Appleman. 2.50 T. H. Gindcs, Peter Ent, 6.00 H. McCollum, 2.00 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.00 6.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2. .50 1.50 H. W. Creasy, 12.50 J. V. Kunyan, (J. B. Kitchen, J. A. Funston, Irani Kitchen, Johua Davis, J. H. Askins, Peter Schug, Oliver Evans, James Kocher, R. Miller, John Donk, 31. Kikcndail, Wm. Hartzel, 4.1)0 S. f. .Lowrv, 1.50 J I. W. Wagner, 2.50 John Walter, 2.50 Est. Ii. Ashton, 2.50 Lewis Schuyler, 2.50 Kistler, 50 John P. Crcasr, 5.00 2.75 Adam Welliver, 2.50 3.50 B. Ammerman, 1.25 3.00 Est. V. Richart, 3.00 1.00 Jas. 31ellenry, 2.50 2.50 Judge Koons, 1.50 1.25 D. L. Chapin, 50 1.35 Col' bus Academy 2. 00 Jnn. F. Creaky, A. Beniinger, Score of Match, Between the "Agile Base Ball Club," of Danv ille, and the ki Continental, of Bloomsblrg, July 7th, 18G6. icitii !;ei AGILE. F rr CONTINENTAL. M.Lishtner c C. Ucangst 1 b. jC. Funnan, c. . E. Furman p. E. Eln-ell 3 b. IV. S. Moyer L f. C. W. Neal s. s. J.C Hunter p . Kussel s F. Miles 1. b. S.Fhillips2b. C. VorU 3 b. J. Reed 1. f. II. C. Hartman 2 b S. Butler c. f. 0. Iieidv r. f. Geo. Diehlc. f. J. W. Ever. r. f. Total, 34 Total, 27 26 INNINGS. clubs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 totals. Agile. , 4 0 6 5 6 14 80.. .34 Continental. 4 4 0 21 5 0 0 4.. .2f Stkuck Out G corge Diehl , 1 . y Fly Catches C. Fnman 2. E. Elwell 2. W. S. Moyer 2, II. C. Hartinan 2, J. W. V.yer 2, 31. C. Liehtner 2. J. C. Hunter 3. J. Reed 1, S. Butler 1. Jitouton rouL Balls J. C. Hunter 1, Wm. Russel 1, F. Miles 3, S. Butler 1, H. C. Hartman 1, G. Diehl 1, J. W. Eyer 1, C. Leidy 1, C. Furiuan 1, E. Funnan 2, E. Elwell L Left on Bases J. Reed 3. M. C. Licht- ner 1, J. C. Hunter 2, H. C. Hartman 1,E. Elwell 1, 0. Voris 1, S; Butler 1, W. S. Mover 2, C. W. Neal 1, C: Unangst 2. Ilme of Game I wo hours and twenty- five minutes. IVed On the eroiLacU of the Conti nental Cltib. Utmi: Mr. J. B. Smith, of the Kincs- ton Club, was Umpire durinar the first innine of the Continental and the firSt patt of the first intaing of the Agile: But being severely injured by a blow from the bat of one of the members of the Agile, Mr. C. B.Brotkway, was umpire for the remainder oi the match. bcoBER-slr. J; liernrnds tor the Aeile, and D. J; Wa-ller; jr.,- for t!ie Continental - If Pumpkin pies can be purchased for twenty-five cents a piece, bow much would a 2 5 4 2 3 5 4 4 1 7 5 2 3 4 2 3 4 whole one cost J5- The War in Europe is treating great deal of excitement among the people, Everybody seems to be looking with anxiety to know what is going on in the "old coun try." The latest intelligence we have for our readers is, that a great battle has been fought between the Austrian and Italian ar mies, and after a long and bloody engage ment the Italians were defeated. They suf fered heavy losses and were forced to recross the 31incio. The Austnans captured several cannon and over two thousand prisoners in this battle. It is said that both armies dis played great courage and endurance, and that the contest was only decided by the Austrians having superior numbers. A son of Victor Emmanuel and several of his Gen erals were wounded. It -is reported that preparations are still going on for further en gagements. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Columbia County Democratic Convention. TV'OTICEia hereby riven that the lmocriitie elee- ' tors in and for the ieveral bomncba and election districts of Columbia County. Will meet t their nn al places 'f lioliiinj tn? general eierliong on JAT URDAY.TUK 23TH DAY OF AUGUST, tween the hours if 3 anil 7 o'clock, in the afternoon of raid day. for the purpose of choosing HV BAI LOT two lieleicutes fro n racb Election District, to meet in County Convention, at the i,''URT HOlJi-E. in Kloomsburg. on MONDAY, THE S7TH DAY OF AUUUS I', Irtiwi, at 1 o'clock. P. M.. for the purpose of making the usual annual nominations of the Ueio cratic party of Colombia Cniiniy. . E.R, IKEI.ER. Chairman William Lamon, Daxiel Zasr. C. F Moorc, John H. IIetlir, Jacob TcBWiLtlocti Standing Cot mitt Zy Tile Drlreales will put up at tlio Forks Ho tel" wh'-re arrangements have been made for their accommodation. Bloomsburg. Ju!y II. 18f6. PHOTOGRAPHS, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST AT HESVIPSTEAD'3 BST ROOMS OVER Blooinsburg , July II. IS60. tf. A DMllN ISI'RATOKS' iN OTICK. Estate of Dr. Simon Cotner, deceased. 5 ETrER of adiniuMiralion on the estate of Or J, Simon Comer, late of Madison township. Colum bia County have b.-en cranled by the KegivlT of ai I county, to Benjamin t . Fruit and Conrad Kreitmer rnsiiiing in J Twytown, township and county afur-i said. All peisons having claims against theestate of the decedent are requested to nr. sent them fur settlement to th administrator, and those indebted to the estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned at Kreanier's lure. in Jerscylown. KEN J F. FKCll. CONRAD KUEAMER, i "" July 11, ISC6. 6w. D3IINISTRAT0R'S NOTICE. Estate of John Lawrence, deceased. T E'l TERS of administration on the estate nf John ILj Ijiwrence, late i.I Hemlock township, deceased have been granted by the Register nf Columbia coun ty, to Daniel Nev bard, who resides in Ktickhnrn. said county. All persons having claims uguinxt the es late will preieni them to the administrator tor set tlement, and those iudebted wi I make iu mediate payment to DANIEL NEYHARD, Jldrn'r. Hemlock, July 11, 1SGO. tiw. JULY'S SELECT SCHOOL, TT77 commence JULY ZOtli, 18CC. EAST BL003I SCHOOL, BLOOMSBURG, Ta, RATES OF TUITION A3 FOLLOWS : Primary Pupils. 82 50 Those stud3'ing Common Branches, 3 J Inoreadvanced Pupils, 3 50 History aud Philosophy, 4 00 Alei brn, 5 00 NOTICE No reduction In eases of protracted i'lness l ne half of the money to be paid at the ex piration n one half of the term ; rest at expiration of the term. 8. XV. ELY. Teacher, July II. 18CC.-31. OTEL & RESTAURANT KEEPERS, Look to Your Interests ! SWE 300 PER ET. HAVE capital recipes for the manufacture of Hrandy. Irish Whisker and Old Bourbon. These re ipes aie nsel by all tne leading dealers, an-l you buy from them the same artiilc you can easily make yourself. I'uytn recipes for jour own u-ieand save your money, rnce M cent racu.or 91 1 Jr tne tnrc-e. tl. A, I M.VY t,L.I. July II. I860. Gw. Allentown, Pa. vv ANTED. $27. GO PER DAY. AGENTS wanted. ladies and gentlemen in every County in the United States, to sell the Ink Powders of the American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty rents per parka:e. and wilt make ink enough to fill fifty bottl.:a of the size usually retail, ed at ten cents per botile. A smart ac-ut can se'l a grot of it a day, and clear fvii O The ink can be niade'frnm the powder in three minutes in common boiling water, it is a perfect black ink. the best in the world. It flows easily, does notcorroHe the pen particle. n ver rums up. is not injured by freezing and its color will last fjrever. Every lamity in America w ill buy it, as a oacnse will last a family for years, and ink can be made in small quantities as wanted. With earh cross we send a th'iusard circulars, with testimonials from clergymen, law- yers, teacbi rs. merchants, commercial colleges, edi tors. Sec, and the a:ent's name on the bills. Only 'ne (fThun will b4 made air'-nt for a county . The first one seeding for a gross of the powder will receive it by return express. to;eth?r ith one thu sand rirrulars and the riulir tnsell in the county h; or she di-tirnates. If others send tur trie same county, the money will be returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had b-tt r designate several counties, either of which he or she will take. Send for trade list and circulars if you dare run the risk of. waiting, ir send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, l'o.tinar-W, csh-i-rs of the banks, or the express agent' of U- city, will thai the business is honorably and square ly conducted An Ink Powder will be sent by mail so any address, tree of charge, on receipt of forty cent Addrci. writing yor name, town, county and State distinctly, AMERICAN IMC COMPANY, Manchester, N. II. THUS, VV. LANE. C Irrk for the Company and Special Agent. July II, leiiii. It. QREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SEWING MACHINES. Umpire Shuttle .llacliinc ! FAI.ESfROOM. 536 Broadway, N. Y 50 Wai-hinctnn tt eet. Boston. 1ft 1 Chei nut Street, Philadelphia. PATENTED FEB. 14, ISoO. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles if niecliaait-m, possessing many rare ar.d valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced lo be Simplicity and Perfection Combined.. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LG K or SHI TTLE 'rlTt;il. whtrh will neither RIP or HATtL, and is a ike on both sides ; performs wrfect ewing on evert d?jeriptnn f material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslm. with cnttna). linen, or silk tbrenif. from the coarsest to the finest number. Ilavin neither I'A t or COG WHEEL, and the Idast possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a Koisclcss Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive itihunany other machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age.can wr-rk it steadily, without fatigue or Injury to health Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construc tion renders i'. almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give en tire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply thenisi'lves with a superior af(?rle, o coma and examine this UNKIVALLEU M ACHINE. One half hour's instruction it sufficient to enable any person to work this machine to tbeir entire sat islaction. Agents wanted for all towns i i the United States, wberejigencies are not.. already established. Also, for Cuba. Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount , will be given. kMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MF G CO.. 53t Broad way . N. T. WHISKERS! WHISKERS.!.. Dr. ti' ti. Mowtix CarriHa. the greatest stimulator In the world, will force Whiskers o. Mo-taches o grow, on the smoothest face or chin ; neer known to rail ; sample for trial sent free to any one desirotfs or testing Its merits. Address, Itscvxs k. Co 78 nassau ion, July 4, 1816. 3ir. Q RO VESTEEN & CO. , Piano-Forte Manufacturers! 199 Broadway. New York. TUB ATTENTION of th pablic and the trade it invited to .ur Mi XV PLMLE. SEVEN OCTAVE. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which f.r volume and putity nf tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of. for.-il in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French grand action, harp pedal. iron frame, over-strung bass. etc.. and each instrument being made linger the personal supervision of Mr. J. 11. Gbovkstskh, who has a practical experience of over thirty yrars in their manufacture, is fully war ranted in f very particular. THE "GROyESTElW FIAXO-FORTE" raciived tbs highest sward of merit at the cele- bbatko World's Fair Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of ondou. Paris, Germany. Iliiladelphia, Baltimore, Boston and new York ; and also at the American Institute for dve successive years, the Gold and SiLvra Medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. liy tha introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manuTacturiiig lareely, with a stnctly cah system, are enabled to offer the e instruments at a price which will preclude ail competition . Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any first claxs Piano-forte. TEKMS Net Cash in current funds, liescrifitive circulars sent free: July II, IM36. ly. 11. &P. JJENRY GIGER, Has opened a first class BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND SAP STORE, At his old stand on Main Street Blooinsbaig. His stock is composed of the very latest and bct styles ever offered lo the citizens of Columbia IMumy. He can accommodate tne public wli!i the following kinds and price : Men's calf boots, fine, kip. (Uiuble sole, Boys child's boots. Men's (love kid-. Congress, etc Bal. Shoes. women's boys and mis'es glove kid lasting faittrs. Women's glove kid, very fine, fine goat morocco balmorals, ' men 's morocco and calf shoes common shoes. Misses' and Child's shoes. $5.0U to 9 00 3 75 to 5 75 1,75 to 4.75 2.50 to 5.75 1 yu to 3 00 1.75 to 5.75 3.25 to 5 75 2 511 to 4 DO 1.75 to 2 50 .50 to 1 51 05 to 1 00 Men's, w omen's, misses', bovs and childs slippers. 0,25 lo 1.00 II also keeps a great variety of II ATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of evry kind, nt the lowet prices, both for Cash and Country produce. ReinemtiTi the attraction is in our good'. Don't be alarmed at the cry of Inch prices, but call and see for yourselves. Uespectfuliy, HENRY GIG EH. Bloomsbarg, July II. 1866. llEAD ! AHEAD ! ! Latest and Grandest opening of the season at BOGART KREANIER'S Cheap and Extensive Dry Goods Empori um at BQHBffSVflfi, Where they will offer the newest and most desirable sty les and qualities of FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC embracing all the latest varieties and styles inthe innrkPt. In the Dry Goad-, line they ofTer the following, among many oth:r articles ao.d by theui, at 1M.MC I'll ICES, Tlain Black and Fancy Dress 8ilk,Calicoes of every description and figure, Bljck and 1'olnred Mohair Alpaccas. Real Organdy Jaconet Lawns ; 31u!li!., SI.fct.iis, Pillow Case Muslins and Linens. Ti kinrs. Checks, Cotton Pantalaon Stuff'. I.inen UriUinxs, Flannels. Cotton aud Linen Table Cloths. For the latest style ofPAKASOLS and CM BRKI.LAd. for Ladies and Children, call upon BOGART (L- KREAMER. They alto keep on hand a complete assortment of lAoiioii and liocci'ic, consisting, in part. Gloves. Hosiery of all kinds. Balmoral. I'onnet Kihbons, Bummer Hat for men. women and children. Head dresses, lace vei's. pen knives, comb of every description. pencils. pen. paper and ink ; AI?o, Sugars. 1olaa-es, 'good syrups.) alt, pepper and spices, Maekerel of goud quality, cheese. butter and erss, hams, sh lulder and sides. 'J hey a No have a full assortment of such as axes, nnils and spikes, screws, liin;e and bolts. I'alnts and Oils, Cedar Buckets aud Willow Baskets, 4c. Ac. BOGART k KREAMER, sell rheap for Cash, or Couniry Produce, which will be laki-u in ex hange fur goods. Give them a call and -x-inine their etienoive assortment for your selves before purchasing elsewhere BOUAUT KKfcAM IS It July 4. IH3G, If rpHE NEW J. JSprtii Sl, Slimmer medicine AKS AIWIUI.I.A COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, pur. PARED FOR C. W. TETTES, COSTOV. By JA3IESR. MfllOLS & CO. Man nf act tiring Chcm it.i, MANUFACTURERS OFTUE ELIXIR PERU VI AX BARK wn ii I'rotoxiclc of Iron, Which bas become so favorably known as a TO.XCJIA'D RESTORA1 IVE, By Tbysicians and Invalids in all parts of the roua try. The new preparation. "Sirsaparilla In rnrrrbina- ion with Iodide of Lime," presents one of the mot prompt alterative agr-nts. in a 'orm capable of exert ng lull action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant duses. tl is conceded that the altera tive, resolvent, or tonic etfects of Iodine are exert ed mot-t decidedly ten associated with other alter. atives. in combiHation : and the Sarsaparilla seeuik to fulfill perf.-ctly all the favorable reiuisilious. i ne nrat m.-cl usually observed wb-;n "3ARSAPAKILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" s taken, is an increase of appetite showin? that it bas tonic proprrties of a marked character. Its al terative etlectx are inanilr-.t in its readv combina tion with the blood and tissues Pule, irrilmu women and children improve rapidly under its use, and the vital functions assume a nea'lthv condition. It is admirably adapted to a larre number ul rhrnn. ic or acute aff rtions peculiar to children It is suit ed to ih em tmtb by the mildness and efficiency of meuiciiiai eneri anil tne Dleasanl. attraclive f.irin nf he remedy. It mar Kij riven for a Ions period where conctiiutional infliences are desired, ari l no repug nance, or disincliuat on to take the syrup, encouu- i.rea. in wnite owniings. Hip-Joint Disease, and Distortions of should riven neraiit- ently, in moderate doses, until relief is obtained Li the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather, the accumulation of morbid matters in the system seems to Become manliest and very tronblesomu Las situde, Headache, Boils, Costlveness, Loss of ppe- tite. Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc.. are very common. Nothing ever devised i better adapted to exterminate ord-ive Jtf these affections Ih'an thisnew combii atiou of SARdAt'ARlLLA WITH lODlUK F LIMB. As preparation like it, of tchieh approximates la an Alterative, or Bhtod Purifier, hat ever brfore hetn plated within the rear.h ef invalids. iideea. it is an entirely mew and scientific combina tion, in no rest ed resembling auytbiuc hilhei to em ployed. Tne opinion of medical rue n concerning lUthe de cription of its chemical character. Iberapnulic val le, manner of use, eLf.. are given ia a rirculir. which can be had at the store of any and alt first- A cifl!s Lmzgists. t . r . H old in Bloomsburg. Wholesale and retail, bv Ever & Moyer, and all Druggists June n, . . YJ RAPPING AND MINING PA- f f PER. Having thoroughly overhauled fur P per Mills al Mil! Grove, near Bloomsburs. Columbia County, Pa.. I am now prepared to Oil all orders for Wrapping, Dry Blasting ana Water Proof Paper, on short notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware- bonse in Wjlkeir Harre. and appointed Joseph Brown oi the firm ol Hrown. Gray Co.. my agent to dispose oi my paper in Luzerne county. TliUM TKEKCn, Blooinsburg. Sept. 16. I8G5. ETTING. J SEALED Dronosals will be received bv the Board of School Directors of Scott townshio. at Charles 8. Fowler's office, at Espy, on SATURDAY, JULY 14TH 8o6. betw een the hours of two and four oviock.for the building of a new Two .Story Fiame School House, 2X4 feet, stories 1 1 feet each. Plan and specifications will be exhibited at the place sd ii'me of letting. rETEB LNT. JACOB TEBwILLIGER, , . Scy. , i I res t. I Brotltwp. June 27. 1868. 3t. jrEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ! Estate of William Robison, deceased, , 3 Valuable tfusincss Stands, On Main Street. Blooinsburg, adjoining the Court House and nearly opposite tne Exchange Hotel, TWO SMALL IIOtTSES AND LOTS, on Ridge Alley, ktoowa as the "Spring Lots " OJVE HOUSE AND LOT, - -on Rock Street, Also TIMBER LAND in Jay town, ship. Elk county, r ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, well timbered with White Pine and Hemlock, good farming land. Tho above property will be offered at PRIVATE SALE, until the 1st of AUGUST next, on which day, if not old, will be offerc I at ' PUBLIC SALE on the premises, near the Court House, at 10 o'clock A.M. Apply to the subscribers, or to Miss Isabella Robison, llloomsburg. Pa. AL:X. KOKloOV, Maucb Chunk. 1 . A PARDEE, Haxleton. Es ri- June G, 18(30. ts G REAT ATTRACTION AT O1 CE S3 ttflOCEKY siotti:. pHE undesigned begs leave to announce to the J. citizens of Blooinsburg and the surrounding country that he kees conslan Ily on hand at bis old stand, on the south cast corner of Main aud Iron sis., a prime lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, C?1;.V oVI" r' py'uP-Tobao. Cigars. Dried Fruit, toal Oil. tnufr, Bpices, Butter. Eogs Lard Cheese Dried Beef. Cracker.. DruJ;. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Paints of all kinds and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs. Dr Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear, foaps. Flour, Chop, Uiieensware, Glass, Put ty, Salt. Fish. Meat. Candies Buckets, Brooms, Hosiery, Books, Writing Paper, Ink, Hardware, Pocket Knives, Combs, ice. ace. Ax. He keeps in fact everything appertaining to a first class CJroccry and Variety Store He is determined nol to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the IIIGUEST MARKET PRICES. Having iul received anew Mock, the people are earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. By strict attention to busineg. be hopes not only lo ru tain his patrouaje but to increase it. He feels thank, ful for past favors, and with many years experience in ihe business, lie feels confident he caa render sat isfactiun to all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN K. GIRTON, Bl mmsburg, June 20, 18oG. p URRAH FOR CATAWISSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare wiih stringency of the Money MarK't. Look and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Juiit rail at the favorite business stand of McXinch It Shu man. and you will be met by the obliging Trrprietors or their Clerks and shown through their great variety More free of charge, f course, they will give you a fair chance to prnd your loose change, they trust much mote profitably than it can be sp,mt elsewhere. Their STOCK OP DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in all Its varieties than usual. Their Ladies Dress Goods a re of the nicest styles in Market. They bare a fine assortment of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Summer Cloths, Casinets. Cassjmers and Vesting, and numerous articles common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Queentware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. They w ith to conduct their business en the system, of "PAY AS YOU GO'' and tbey think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thnnkk for many past favors, and ak the future patronage of their fotmcr customers and the public g- uerally. McNIXCII It. S HUM AN. May 10, 1RC.6 tf. A rot ocr NEW AM) BEUTIFCI. WORK, THE riCTORIAL BOOK OF OF THE REBELLION : Ueroie, Patriotic Political Romantic Humorous &. Tragical, Splendidly IUtuiraXed with aver 300 as ForttaiU and beaut if ul Engraving. This work for genial humor, tender pathos, start ling interest, and attractive beauty, stand peerless and alono among all its competitors. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, tbe Picturesque and Dramatic lh-. Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Pathetic. The ttoll of Fame and Story. Camp, Pi ket. py, Scout. Bivouac, and siege; Startling rurprisers.Wou duiful Escapes. Famous Words and lM;eds of Wo man, and the whole Panorama of the War here thri! lingly all. I starilingly portrayed in a masterly man ner. at once historical aud roma'ir, rendering it the most ample. brilliant aud readable book that the war has called forth. Disabled ctficers and soldiers, teachers, energetic young men. anil all in want of prohlaBle employ. inent. wi.l And this the best chance tu make money ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see our terms- Address, National Publishing Co. No, 507 tfinor Street , . PUJLDELPHlJi. April 2o. 1?(6, 3m. JJL00MSBURG FANCY TRDDIING AND BOOK STGBEj Pccond dcor below Hartraan's Maiu Street. Just received a new stock of 7-F.l'M VR3, WOOLEN AND COT TOV YARNS, CORSETS, L.CE3, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN, EDGINGS, D&EsS TRIMMINGS, aud every variety of articles usually kept in a JTAIVCY STOKE. A 's Shuool Books.' Hymn Books, Bibles, Sunday. School Books, and a large li t of M JSC ELLA XE0 US B 0 OKS, Aernitnt and Memorandum Bonks. Blank Deeds. Roiids and Mortc5es. and a general and well-selecl-td assortment of Paper, Lnvvlopes, ate. A.D.WEBB. Blooinsburg, June 20. 1806, -f c AMPAIGNS OP THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. BY WILLIAM SWlfo$. The Standard History of the Grand Army. The gn ateol Work on the War. Utiivrrlly wiiored by array officer and the press. THE AU I'HOR SAYS : "1 itesign in this volume to record what tha Ar mv did and sulf.-red in ten campaigns aud two score battles." I shall have to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of this army, thai oft times wh-nthe bomLof milita ry cohesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune, to a duty self iiupoveil. . , I shall have to follow t through a checkered ex perience, in a tnle commingled of great inisfor'uncs, great follies and great glories ; but from the firsc to the last it will appear. that. kmid many bnff-ts of for tune, through "winter and rough weather." the Ar my of the Po'omae never gave op. but made a good fight and finally reached the goal." - ., HIE "ARMY A D NAYY JtiURNAL" PAYS "This is the only American' critical vfork nn the Inte war, and it is thoroughly critical atlu entirely divested of all political hue or tone." This istheouly History ofthe "GriM Army" and no one who ha borne a part in its conflicts, or is in. ierested in its grand achievements, shotild be with out it , This woH sells itself. . The people are tired of political and partisan histories, and want something from official snure-s. We have Agents clearing over $-.00 per month Send for circulars, and see our terms and proof of th rbbve assertion. Address, NATIONAL FUBLIrHIVGCO. , 0? Minor fci, Philadelphia Pa. July 4, 1368 ?t. 11(11 ! ITCH! s:ratch: sceatch ! sceatch ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT U ill ( ure TIte Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. rre 5U cents. For sale by all Druggist. By sending ( 0 cents io.WEt KS At. POTTER. Sole Agents. 17i Wash i or to ft- street, Boston, it will bo forwarded by mail. frTe hi postage, to any part of the United 8 tales. June 6, leob ly. . , AdmiiiUti atoi'S Notice. Estate of George Pfeil, late of Orange town ship', ilcceased. LETTERS of administration ,oo the estate of Geo I' fell, late of Orange township, Columbia county, have been granted, by the Register of said county, to ramuel tvereti, who resides in .Oranceville. towng ship and crun-ty aforesaid. All persons huvin rlaims aga;nst the estate of the decedent are reques ter to present tnem to the administrator for settle -menu and those indebted to tbe estate will make immediate payment to S A M UEL EVERETT. AdmT. V U!VJ'.'" JU"tE... - NEV STbVC AND; TIN SII0P. ON MAIN STREET. (NP Vn-KiA Mil l l-R fiTOlLK.) BLOOMBBul.G, PA. " i: . .a , .i XHaandargigntd has Just lit wa p. an opamea. oia new . - - jSTOTE AWDTIX SilOPv In Mil pce. where Is prepared to toaTke T1N.-WARE of all kind in bis line, andV ojapM ing With neatnes. and disputed PVSm r eonable term.. Healeo keep, h"..; f various patterns and styles. bich he will fell upon term to suit purcbasar. ,; t - . ' Give him a cal. Hei.agool mechanic, and de. .erviog Of the public paWon-ge. v - Bloomsnnrg. May 0. IBf.g. 1 f. ll ISS tIZZE PETER31AN, it M ms a ja A flKa j.i;d ol niooniburff -ftnd IVUHIU !IIUWW'".: w ' ' - the public generally, tliat shu bas Just received Iron the eastern eiwes ber . .... - , ' Spring and siimnicr . MILLINEfiY GOODS; . consisting of all articf usually foond in first else Millinery Store. Her goods are of tbe best quality and among the most handsome and cheapest in thjt market Call and examine them for yourselves- r -- Nobody should purchase elsewhere before exaraln -ing Miss Fetermau'a stock ot good. Bonnsi made to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. . Store on Mam street. 3d duor below the store ef Mendenhall ic Rupert. ,' liioomsburg, may 2, JdU6.-lf. O ! FOR IIUNSBEllGEll'3 TOHACCO STORE, in BLOOMSBURG, all you who desire nperlor article ol chewing or smoking tobacco. His cigars are made up of the finest qustlty of tobacco. Every body in town knows where to go to get a good arU do. He will sell at retail or wholesale to suit tfta purchaser, hr is not particular. Sbopkeepe i)d land loros gene rally would do better by .purchasing of him than of the peddler and hucksters thattrav-f el tbrough the country. Th"y , run., no risk of b.ejog cheated in what they boy, -Patronize regular line if you wish to get the wor Jl o( your Aioney .- - ., . H7 More on Main Street, a few door below the "American House." i . II, II. HUN3BERCER, May 9. IWo.-Sm. espy iibiEi;, Espy, Columbia Co. Ia. Tbe undersigned having become sole proprietor of this well known and conveniently IncaUd stand, respectfully informs hi friend, and the public id general, that ha has put his bnue in complete order for the accommodation of boarders, and for the recep tion and entertainment of traveller wh may feck disposed to favor it with their custom. No expense ha been spared in preparing this Hlel for the enter tain until of guest, and nothing shall be wanting, on his p-irt. to minister to their personal comfort. Tho location, a well a the building, is a good one, and all together is amply arranged to please tbe public, . ... ISRAEL ML'MEY. Erry. April tl, I8G6. tf. t t . t PRIVATE SALE. , The utideirUlghcd oft.-rs at Private Salens changa for lown property,,a TRCT OP LAND situate in Orange township, midway between Light Street ana Orarigsville, containing about, riET.V AC UES, , t: it i ill a good state or cultivation. 1 here is a good HOUii and other out-building nn tbe premises; also a stream of running water at the door. There is also a good SAW MILL with 19 feet fall water power on tbe tract Adrres John C. Albert son on the premises, or the undersigned al folk ville, Columbia county. Pa. . r, 07 uimediale possession given of tbe land and Mill. , . . , : D. L. EVER H ACT. OrangiTwp. Ma 9. 13f 6,-lf - c. 'c.irf jlrr's 1 W 3 In . VP . A Inaw upeiieu new ciurc mi iwj uiu aiano Of llar vid Stroup. on M-iin street. Blmimsburg, and will keep on baud a general assortment of I SXc& n lid sim dd a S3 as $ Such a Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Tin-ware, Hardware, Cedar aud Willow Ware, Drags, Confectionary. Glass-Ware, Tobacco. Hals at Shoes, Flour, Salt. Fish aud Meat ; all.of . r which 1 propm-e clliiig at a very low figure for cash or produce. H r Call and see. C. C. MARR, Bluomtburg, April 13, 1PGC tf. i . GUOCERIESAND EPH. ELWELL. having bought L. Runyon's PRO VISION STORE is now prepared to sell Croeer ies at Wholesale or Retail, as Cbcap a the Ceap esl. - hei:e you can eiivd SUGARS, TKAS. COFFERS. ... . .,. ... . , SYRUPS. SPICES, CRACKERSi STARCH, SODA CORNSTARCH. . DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT, 7T00 DEN-WARE, FLOUR, FISH, BEANS, ONIONS, &c. &c. , -,EPH. W. ELWELL. Bloomsbarg Eeb 14, 1866. yA1L1, J)APER. THE undersigned respectfully annnuncv - to-trie public that be keeps constantly on baud, at bra old stand, one door below litz's Drug Store. WALL PAPER. ... . Oil Cloth, and Ppper Window Shade. Cords. Ta el and Fixtures, for Picture., &.C., ol the ver) latest st) le aid is prepared. to do all kinds of paper banging to order. E. J.TIIORTON: Eloora.burg, April 4 ll?G6. If jifBW PARSES - The nndef.lgned respectfully announce that he ha refittted a shop, in Court House alley, opposite the Exch:mre Hotel, where he is prepared, to coa duct the harbering bu-im-ss In all ii branch es.-. , The art of coloring whiskers and inoustaeae i practiced by him most skillfully. He also clean, clothing, making th -m look nearly as good as new. upon tbe moxt reasonable term. Give h.m a trial. Hair Tunic of the very best quality, naed.for clean ng hair, kept conat-nlly on band, and fir sale S.C.COLLINS. Blooinsburg, April 53, IB60 If. 00,000 SU1NGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FENCING BOARDS FOR snle. The undersigned pfi-xs for stle opon the most r. aon!ie terms, at hi place of btyrmeta, in KETON. COLUMI.l ACUUN'l Y.oae hundred thou sand shingles and a large, lot ol fencing board. Of the very best quality, bulb piue and hemfork J. J. MciiiiNRV. Benton, May 9, IEGC . ........ to farmers: 3 . i - - - The high price tf rotaio-ej wifranti a liberal uee Concentrated fertilizer, used along the row or hills, and covered when cut. tivuii ir ; in like manner on -corn. Prepared bjr WILLIAM El LIS A CO. Chemists,' Kos.724ac!d Market Street , Philadelphia, and for sale by X. S. RENTER. Agent, t UJooiisburg. Pa. May 18. ftG'J.-3ni. PA IS .TI a t P R I V ATE SALE. THE subscritwr offers at Privste Sale, a Farm sit uated in Orange Twp.. Cut. eo. Pa. 11 miles front Rohrsburg and 3 from rangeville. eoniaining .. ONE HUNDREI) AND SIX ACRES, Sixty of which is. cleared and well, improved, tbe balarice is well timbered. There are on the premise commodious new building a goud : orchard, . and a large young apple and peach orchard, of six yar growth, besiuuing to bear. , ELEANOR KEELER. Orange twp. March 2 l8 . , GENTS WANTED. j. T. HEAD LETS HISTORY Oaf WASf NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It ia aduiiile.l to be the most piTcasmrio, popvLaa. and valdsbi b History of the Rebellion, which is fully at tested by i be enormous sale of 2u0 uoo voixacs. and a large portion of the country still unranvassed. We are obliged to run our presst night and day to enable ustosupply rfur Agents. - Men or chara ler and, ability, who desire a lucra tive sinploj ment wll find this a rare opportunity. The price of the work In one volume i so low, (compared with other HUtories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes For Hill particular send for circular. Addre AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 Asylum Street. , Hartford. Con bv June 37,1366. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George L. Johnson, of Orange township deceased: LETTERS of administration oa tbe estate of Geo' L. Johnson dee'd, have been granted by the Reg. ister of Columbia Cotfoty, to Samuel Bower ef Centra township : all person having claim against tbe es tate of the rtectdent,are requested tapresent them to the undersigned without delay, and all per eon in debted to make payment forthwith. " SAMUBL BOWER, Adwfr,-