Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, July 11, 1866, Image 2

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- 8. M. PirrssoiiL b. Co- 37 Park flow New York
are duly authorized to solicit and rereive subscrip
tion and advertising for the Democrat Sr itar, puo-
ltH:ed at Bleomanssrg, uoiumoia. county, ra.
.. . Deny it if you Can.
The editor of the Republican constantly
fcoatts of the vmty and strength of his par
ty, and complains that we are trying to "de
ceive honest Democrats," by insisting that
from the disaffection in the ranks of the
Radicals Clymer will be elected. Hear what
he say3 in his last about the condition of his
party ; . t .
Never before was the Union party as
Ftrong as it is to-day. riot oniy has it car
ried all the recent elections, but it has extor
ted from the Copperhead organs the admis
sion tuat tne eitort to Dreait its lines nas Dcen
a ridiculous failure."
We admit that a small portion will believe
him, both in reference to the unity of his
party, and to our consistency and truthful
ness. Bat we ask him to a careful perusal
of one of the leading Republican papers.
For Instance give us your opinion of the fol
lowing from the New, York Times, of J uly
"The Union Party is nottinitcd. The
present condition of the party exhibit strons
and dancerous dissensions rather than har
mony. And in the regular arrangements of
the party no provision has been made tor
dieting tne prevalent opinion in regara 10
questions that have arisen since thelast Pres
idential election as well as since tne election
of the members now in Congress.
On the principle that that should be hidden
which is not pleasant, and that that which
we would fain not believe should be conceal
ed, perhaps, there is gross wrong in these
confessions touching the position of the Union
Party. It may perchance bo criminal to dis
turb the hosannas of those who cry peace
when there is no peace, and who write about
the party as though no difference of opinion
existed m its ranks. But weconfess our in
ability to discover either wisdom or honcstv
in this course. Disguise it as we may, the
unpleasant fact does not admit of mistake.
The Union Party is divided so divided and
distracted that its defeat will be inevitable
unless something be meanwhile done to de
termine authoritatively its course on the ques
tion of restoration, its conditions and conse
quences. Ignore the fact if you will. Gild
it and sugar-coat it if you please. But fact
it is, and la our judgment it should be met
frankly, fearlessly, and at once.
, The National Convention.
"We refused, for awhile, to endorse the
call for a National Union Convention at
Philadelphia, on the 14th of next month,
fearing that it would only prove but another
tisan interest by practicing deception upon
the masses. At present writing we feel en
tirely willing to dismiss all such suspicions
and enter hopefully into the contemplated
movement. Let them meet in council for
tho well-being of the whole land. It will
; etreegthen the Democracy it will entomb
Radicalism. No one need apprehend that
it requires the disbanding of the Democratic
party. j.o mat we would never consent it
cannot in any way bind or restrain the free
action of the Democratic party. It can only
run parallel with it. We hope, and insist,
that it shall receive its support from the
Radical party. This is the only way in which
it can benefit the country and the Democra
cy. ..We think the address, published in
this issue, from the Democratic members of
Congress, gives us a guarantee of the good
faith and honesty of the proposed Conven
tion. Still, the New York Times, persis
tently claims that it is to be held as a means
of "nationalizing the Republican party."
If it shall win support from the Radicalssuf
ficient to make it a valuable ally, the Demo
cratic party will greet it as a sister organiza
tion, or as a tributary, flowing towards, and
into, the great ocean of Democracy.
S3F We call attention of our Democratic
frieDds, and especially those who have lately
been so earnestly solicited to join thu John
Eon party, to the article published in this h
tue, entitled, "Disband the Democracy,"
from the pen of Beick PojiEitor. This is
the unanimous sentiment of the leading
spirits of the Democratic party.
We have from time to time, and shall con
tinue to give the opinion of the leading pol
itical writers and speakers of the country on
this important question. Let it be perused
and digested with care and we feel satisfied
that every Democrat will see the wisdom and
necessity, as we have all along contended, of
sticking firmly to th$ Democracy and to its
principles. -,We fee! sure that all Democrats
' will read the article and say," amen.
r7 The -London correspondent of the
New York News, in his last letter sarys :
'"One fact connected with the Continents!
war will interest your firming constituency.
The war will prevent the gathering of the
crops on the continent The price of bread
stuffs Li advancing, and will continue to ad
vance. The prospects of the harvest are
not very promising in England, and I ex
pect before the end of the year to see bread
stuffs at least 40 to 50" per cent dearer
than the present quotations This is good
news for your Western men, and it is true
tZj Wc endorse the late call for a Nation
al Convention. But it can do' no good un
less it draws its supporters from the Radical
party. I A Convention consisting mainly of
Democrats can do the Radicals no harm.
TLe outcries of the Radicals give us reason to
hope that the Convention may W impor
tant .
'tO" It has been truthfully kuJ, that the
pen has done for Gen. Geaey what the
sword never did ; i. e., it has made for him
a newspaper military reputation. He always
managed lo le close to the press a nd to have
a corps of KCtcspaper'icriters with his Regx
fiient or Brigade.
I w The Democracy, of this State were
never ia a better condition to conduct a vig
orous campaign, ncr never Lad a more pep
tlir candidate for GrOTercor. ' '
Llessage of the President;
On the 22d ult the President sent to the
Senate and ITouse of Representatives the
following message, announcing that the Con
stitutional Amendment was transmitted by
the Secretary of State to the tIiirty-six
States of the Union. "At the same time he
desires it to bo understood, that in this min
isterial duty he does not ommit himself to
the approval of the proposed amendment to
the Constitution :
To tJie Senate and House of Represent
atives. , I submit to Congress a report of the Sec
retary of State to whom was referred the
concurrent resolution of the 13th inst. res
pecting a submission of the .Legislatures of
me otaies or an additional articre to me
Constitution of the United States. It will be
seen from this report the Secretary of State
had, on the 16th inst, transmitted to the
governors of the several States certiSed cop
ies of the joint resolution passed on the 1 3th
inst, proposing an amendment to the Con
stitution. Even in ordinary times any ques
tion of amending the Constitution must be
justly regarded as of paramount importance.
mi . " a. xl - a "
mis importance ia atiue present unie en
hanced by the fact that the joint resolution
was not submitted by the two Houses for the
approval of the President and that of the
thirty-six States which Constitute the Union.
Eleven are excluded from representation in
either House of Consress, although with the
single exception of Texas, they have been
entirely restored to all their functions as
States in Txmformity with the organic law of
. XT .
the land, and have appeared at tne nation
al Capital by Senators and Representatives
who have applied for and have been refused
admission to the vacant seats. Nor have
the sovereign people of the nation been aff
orded an opportunity of expressing their
views upon the. important question which
the amendment involves. Grave doubts
therefore may naturally and justly arise as
to whether the action of Coneress is in har
mony with the sentiments of the people, and
whether State Legislatures elected without
reference to such an issue should be called
upon by Coneress to decide respecting the
ratification of the proposed amendment.
Waiving the question as to the constitution
al validity of the proceedings of Congress
upon the joint resolution proposing the
amendment, or as to the merits of the arti
cle which it submits through the Executive
Department to the Legislatures ot thebtates,
I deem it proper to state that the steps ta
ken by the Secretary of State, as detailed in
the accompanying report, are to be consider
-1 1 . t
ea as purely ministerial, and in no sense
whatever committing the Executive to an
approval or a recommendation of the amend
ment to the State Legislatures or the peo
On the contrary, a proper application of
the letter and spirit ot the Constitution, as
well as of the interests of national order.
harmony and union, and a due deference
for an enlightened public judgement, may at
this time well suggest a doubt whether any
amendment to the Constitution ought to be
Ero posed by Congress and passed upon the
legislatures of the several States for final
decision until after the admission of such loy
al Senators and Representatives of the now
unrepresented States as have been or as may
hereatter be chosen m contormity. with the
Constitution and laws of the United States.
Andrew Johnson.
Soldiers Convention.
e have received a call for a State Con
vention of honorably discharged Officers,
Soldiers, and Seamen of Pennsylvania, to be
held at Ilarrisbtirg, on Wednesday, the 1st
day of August, 1866. This call is signed by
over two hundred officers and privates, who
endorse the movement, and who are in favor
of restoring the States lately in rebellion, to
all their constitutional relations with the
Federal Union as they stood before the war
broke out We notice that each county is
entitled to seven delegates to this Convention,
and where a county has more than one Mem
ber in the House of Representatives, such
county will be entitled to seven delegates for
each additional member. The delegates are
to be selected between this and the time of
holding the Convention, by the honorably
discharged Soldiers in the counties respec
tively. We will publish the call in our next,
entire, save the long string of namc3 appen
ded. Due notice will be given for a County
Convention to select Delegates.
The Ass-essorship.
The Devil always uses his servants for a
foot-balL He appears to be poking all his
horns at poor Doctor John, at once. In the
shape of "Disorganizers," he starts an op
position sheet and renders both abolition pa
pers non-selfsustaining. Then, beholdl he
is kicked overboard, by the "loyal" Presi
dent whom he supported, and the very radi
cal traitors in the Senate to whom he had
sold and dedicated his little soul. Then, oh
memory! how basely has he crawled through
mire and dirt ; how lon and persistently has
he lied and ealumniatea in the service of his
party and master. The ambition of the
Disorganizers'first induced them to start
Dr. John in business, that he might do for
them what they were ashamed to do them
selves. His enthusiastic zeal in their behalf,
his squalid poverty, and bis known digut
with the eternal quack-ing of the insulting
ducks of Millville. promised all that the
black heart of an abolitionist could desire.
What short-sightedness ! They forgot that
baseness, like a two-edged sword, might be
turned against them. The Doctor 4 'waxed
fat and kitted." He snapped at the hands
that fed him, and like the negro on horse
back, cheated and contemned those who
placed him there. Hence the sequel; he
must eome down. Coir.
The Fourth at New Colnmbns.
The people began to gather from the sur
rounding country. at an early hour, and
everything wore an air of cheerful nesSj
notwithstanding the indications of rain. By
10 o'clock, the Sunday Schools had arrived,
when the procession was formed at the 3L
E. Church, and marched to the Grove east
of the village.
The banners were neatly made, and bore
appropriate mottoes. The Stars and Stripes
shone more brightly than ever.
At the Grove, the Rev. Dr. Bltss, of the
Lewisburg University, opened with prayer.
The Declaration of Independence was read
by J. K. BOGART, of New Columbus, after
which Prof. Axdzrsox, of New Jersey, was
introduced as the orator of the day, and by
the time he had well commenced, a storm
cametrp, when everybody "double quicked"
to a place of shelter. As large a number as
could well be sheltered repaired to the Acad
emy, where the programme for the day was
carried through- Sunday School addresses
were made bt Prof. Fckman, the present
Principal of the School, and R. IL Pzaler,
Esq., of Bloomsburgx R. J. Bell, Esq.,
of Wilkesbarre, delivered an address on the
necessary requisites to oar prosperity and
Eerpetuity a3 a Republic. Dr. Bliss fol
iwed with a very appropriate closing speech.
Everything went off quietly, and the peo
ple started for their homes about 5 o'clock,
and I venture to pay, rejoicing that they had1
participated in celebrating the ninetieth an
niversary of cur independence.
The Fourth in Jackson.
After the ram ceiised the people met in
very respectable numbers, aft Lnnirer'a crmve.
in Jackson toWnshiiv fVlnThi:r!nmnttr t
celebrate the day in an appropriate and be
coming manner. Had the weather looked
more favorable in the forepart of the day
the number in attendance would have been
more than doubled.
At 2 o'clock, accord ing to previous arrange
ments, the meeting was organized by calling
JACOB EVANS, Esq., to the Chair, as
On motion, Jacob Lunger, Win. Bobbins,
Joseph Coleman, Wm. Kline, A. Manning,
Josiah Kline, were elected Vice Presidents,
John F. Derr and Thomas J. Welliver
were appointed Secretaries.
The Declaration ot Independence was
read hv John F. Derr.
Col. John G. Freie was then introduced
bv the Chair, and del ivcred a short, patriotic
address : and after three cheers were given
for the orator, the regular and volunteer
toasts were read by Rev J. J. Harvey.
When the name, of Hiester Clymer, and
those of our distinguished Senators, Buck
alew and Cowan, were mentioned, in the
toasts, the whole assembly cheered most cn-
i n.. e u 'ru e :
luusiasiiciiuy iur cwii. j.110 iuuuh 111:5 uie
the toasts:
regular toasts.
Hie day tee celebrate : Sacred to the mem
ory of the patriots and heroes of 1776.
1 he Constitution of the Lnited istatcs,
May it be trahsmittecl to all future genera
tions, the ptire charter of liberty, as when
adopted by its patriotic fathers.
1 he Union : May angels watch over, and
thblessing of God rsst upon it that peace
and prosperity may crown all our people.
Woman: Heaven s last and best m ft to
Man: Without her earth is a dreary wil
derness, with her it is a blooming paradise,
The American Haa : Max it ever prove
joy to its friends and a terror to its enemies.
7 h liiahts of Vie estates : May they never
be impaired nor destroyed by a military or
centralized despotism.
JJerfaration of Independence: An
nouncing the supremacy and equality of the
white race by our worthy ancestors; May
these sacred principles be ever venerated by
tneir descendants.
The Revolutionan Fathers: May the tree
of Liberty planted by their hands and nour
ished by their blood, le faithfully protected
by their sons and daughters.
mi . . - -r
J. he surviving heroes 0 11 : Liong may
they live to enjoy the free institutions cstal
lished by their noble sires, and defended and
maintained by their ov.-q bravery.
The Armu and Korv of the United States
May their existence' be sufficient to maintain
our rightj at home and abroad, and without
actual hostilities, preserve ua in perpetual
The freedom of Speech and of the Press
May they never more be trammeled by ty
The ITalseas Corpus-' A speedy, public
trial by jury; 3Iay these sacred rights be
secured to the people while time endures.
The surviving. Prisoners of Port Mifflin:
e welcome them among us, and cordially
invite tneiu to panicijiaie in our lesuviuus ;
3Iay their suffering in the Bastilc impel
them to an eternal hatred of their tyranni
cal persecutors, and an everlasting love of
liberty. J. F. Derr.
Conservatism: May all Conservative men
without distinction of party unite in a long
pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether, for
the preservation 01 the Constitution and the
Union. Wm. Lawton.
Hon. Iliester Cfymer: The champion of
Democracy and Democratic principles; May
he be elected the next Governor of the old
Keystone State. Peter Girton.
May the voice of Pence and Love be con
stantly heard in our m:dst and the ravages
of war no more disturb our repose.
Harriet Manning.
The President of thti United States has
endeared himself to all patriots by his firm
adherence to the principles of the Constitu
tion and the Union. C. B. McIIenry.
Hon. C. R. lluckalcw: Columbia's favor
ite son, long may he live to enjoy the confi
dence of his fellow citizans; 5lay his heart
continue to burn with patriotism, and his
tongue declare the ever-living principles of
the Constitution ; May we as Columbians
appreciate his ability as a statesman and as
a reward for his fidelity to the Constitution
Tf his country, may the time be not far dis
tant that he may be snugly seated in the
Presidential chair. J. F. Derr.
Hon. Hiester Chjmer : The noble defender
of Democracy in the State Senate, higher
honors await him. Jacob Long.
Senators Cowan, Dixon and Doolittle,
merit our warmest admiration for their in
dependent and patriotic votes on all nati nal
questions. Joel Albertson.
May the next annual return of this na
tional birth-day dawn upon the Union with
the rights and dignity of all the States unim
paired. Joha McIIenry, sen.
Hon. C. R. Buckalew, our worthy Sena
tor, higher honors await hiin.
James McIIenry.
Tlie Ladies of Jackson : May each, like
the army and navy, be well maned.
Elijah Davis.
Education, the Arts and Sciences : May
they spread their lenign influences through
out our extended borders. L. A. Garman.
May the triumph of national principles at
the coming elections pronounce an eternal
quietus upon Abolitionists and all their dis-
unmnisms. m. Planning.
The abolition tinkering doctors of the con
stitution, and the dirty driveling d. ds., may
they all be sent up above the second forks of
salt river at the fall elections, never to re
turn nor be heard of any more. W. Davis.
President Johnson : Wliile he defends the
Constitution, the Union, and the Rights of
the States, all conservative men will delight
to support and honor him; R. McIIenry.
The Memory of George Washington .' May
his faithful and patriotic warnings against
sectionali.-m, be rcmemlered by all true
friends of the Union. Calvin Derr,
In the language of the immortal Jackson,
we tav, ''the Union must and shall be pre
served." Julia Derr,
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
Leah Derr.
May Constitutional lilrty spread, that the
wilderness may bud and blossom as the rose.
Mary l'arker.
May the rights of the South soon be fully
restored, and their mourning turned into
joy, and they receive the garment of praise
tor the spirit ot heaviness.
- HJizabeth Kline.
May the freemen of Pennsylvania have an
unobstructed ballot at all future elections.
' i ' Harriet Derr.
Hon. C. R. Buckalsic : May he ever be
found battling for the rights of the people
and the principles of the Constitution.
Jackson Derr.
Senators Cowan and Buckalew: They
stand side by side on the great principles of
Constitutional liberty ; the: people will de
light to honor them. Irani Derr.
ashtnaton. Jefferson and Jackson : A
noble trio of American statesmen. Our late
troubles demonstrate the wisdom of their
counsels. Jacob Lunger.
The Suvreme Court of Pennsvlmnin.
The defender of freemen's rights.
George Derr.
After an interesting ani very pleasant
time, the proceedings closed with singing
from the stand by several 3'oung ladies and
fentlemen, and three hearty cheers for the
'resident, the Constitution and the Union.
J. F. Dxas, ) r
T, J. WnxrvER, iw
Read ! Read !!
Read the following article from the Eve
ning Iost a"RepubIican paper, edited by
William Ctjllen Bf ant, ahd until very
recently a Radical ahd a firrtt supporter of
the Rump Congress. Read what he says in
this article, entitled :
Imprudence or tne Prohibitionists.
The majority irt Congress are, uncter the
dictation of Messr Morrill snd Stevens,en
gaged in passing a tariff bill," which; by the
acknowledgement of its most determined sup
porters, sacrifices the revenue of the United
States for the sake of protecting A few weal
thy manufacturing capitalists.
The arguments used to justify this atro
cious act are so weak that they move to
laughter those who hear the speeches of Mr.
Morrill and Mr. Stevens. Mr. Morrill's
strong point is that this country is greatly
deficient in laborers, and that therefore it is
highly necessary to provide employment for
American working-men. Mr. Stevens's
strongest point is that the proposed tariff is
not nearly high enough, and is, in fact, a
free-trade measure.
We cannot doubt that the President will
veto this oppressive bill. He is too enlight
ened a statesman, and too impartial a lover
of the whole country, to give his consent to
a scheme whose effects will be, as we have
frequently shown, to cripple our foreign com
merce; to increase the present high prices
of the necessaries of life ; to retard the pro
gress of the country ; to grant monopolies
to a few manufacturing capitalists, and to se
duce the scanty laboring force of the country
from profitable into unprofitable employ
ments .
What is needed is a revenue tariff, and we
hope some members of Congress will tike
the trouble to frame a bill to that end, and
propose it In the meantime we trust the
members from southern states who can take
the oath will be admitted to their seats.
We warn the prohibitionists that they ride
too high a horse for safety. They are trying
to force a most hateful and wicked scheme
upon the country. That is bad enough ; but
they are at the same time keeping out the
representatives of the southern states. Are
they doing this in order to makesure of their
own schemes? Is it to secure the passage of
this prohibitive and destructive bill that they
refuse to admit the southern members? It
would seem so, from their highhanded course.
The country will believe it, aud they will only
ruin themselves by such a course, which
heaps injustice on injustice, and commit one
wrong in order to facilitate the committal of
another iu-t as a highwayman maims his
'victims in order the more easily to plunder
their per.-ons.
The American people will not tolerate
such legislation ; they will sweep away, at the
first opportunity, men so faithless to the
general welfare ; there are already signs to
show that the men who vote for this tariff,
especially under the aggravating circumstance
of the exclusion from debate and vote, of the
southern members, will be left in a small
minority in the next Congress.
"That Letter."
Bloomsburo, March 2, 1SGG.
Hon. Hugh McCulloch,' Secretary of the
Treasury :
Sir : I inclose you a copy of my issue
this week, I have likewise addressed a copy
to the IVesident You will - see that the
charge that I am opposing him is false.
If I am sustained by yourself and the
President; if the patronage is not taken from
us and given to those who oppose us, we
shall be able to make our vigorous Union or
ganization a unit and triumphantly sus
tain THE adjiixistration. Respectfully,
Pa lemon John,
Assessor 13th District l'enn'a.
The above letter appears in the last num
ber of the Republican. Was there eversuch
feebleness of style in a letter written with so
much care and on which such great hopes
depended. . Has the Doctor never learnt the
old maxim that "in fewer words the mind
conceives more ?" That litter ought not, to
have occupied over three lines'. Thus : The
charqe that I am opposina the President is
false. ; and whether I sluill do so or not, de
pends upon the circumstance whether Vie as-
sessorship shall be taken from me or not. l'or
choice, and improvement of style, we will
write that Utter again. 1 he principles at is
sue between the iVuZrn and Conarcss, are
all the same to Tne. I am for sale, and go
for (lie party that pays my pricc,viz : theas-
The above letter was sent to the Secreta
ry of the Treasury long after the issue be
tween the President and the Rump had been
made, up, by the veto of the Ireedman's
Bureau Bill, and the President's celebrated
speech of the twenty-second of February.
What say you Dis-union radicals, at thus be
ing exposed for sale like sheep in the sham
bles, bv the editor of the paper you swear
by ? What value is ascribed to your princi
ples, or have you none, that j-ou are willing
to Ik: thus sold out by your representative
Saint John, to whose house vou expect to
go when you die ? The Doctor does not wait
to be approached or tempted. It is said that
the Devil tempts every person : but Doctor
John tempts the Devil. The President and
Secretary being thus informed by that letter
that Doctor John is purchasable, concluded
they would buy him any time they might
want him and would lay him aside for the
present. The letter having been shown to
the Kudical senators, they concluded that as
the President could pay more than they, it
was not worth while for them to try to re
tain him : Hence their unanimous confir
mation of Mr. Clark. COM;
Anniversary Celebration.
Agreeably to arrangements, a respectable
assemblage of the citizens and children of
Bloom and Montour townships, convened in
the grove of Mr. Thomas Knorr, near the
oueduct, on the i ourth oi J uly, to celebrate
the ninetieth anniversary of national inde
pendence. The meeting was more respect
able than large, but altogether interesting.
The following was the order of organization :
Levi L. Iate, President 1 nomas Knorr,
John G. Quick, V. B. Boone, J. T. Farns-
worth, Peter Frick, S. A. Ritter, Vice Pres-
Lieut. Charles A. Knorr, John O. Bark-
ley, Secretaries.
Un taking the Chair, the lYesident made
few remarks, pertinent to the occasion ;
after which C. B. Brockway, was intro
duced to the audience, and delivered an ap
propriate address.
lhe meeting then adjourned until 2 o clock,
and the people were introduced to a most
sumptuous repast spread in the pleasant
grove, by the liherality ancr- mdnstry oi tne
ladies and gentlemen of that place, after
which, the Declaration of Independence was
read by the presiding officer.
Col. bAMUEL Knorr, was then called to
the stand and delivered an address.
Supper was then announced--with icc-
cream, nuts, candies, cate &e., m abun
dance, in which all parties took part to
general satisfaction, in a social manner; and
thus terminated the interesting exercises in
the tented grove.-
tStgned by the UJjicers.
Oregon is redeemed I The latest return 3
give the fttate to the Democrats by 4(H) ma
jority. The Legislature is Democratic, and
there is ai Democratic gam of one Congress
man, the only one elected by the State.--The
ball fa ToHmg;
BARNttX says that printers' ink is tne' best
friend he ever had.: He invested iii it large
ly by judiciona advertising, and prospered
accordingly. .
Democratic Address to the X?ed
plo of the United States.
EiclosiSc of Eleven Stales from Repreienla
. . . Uoa in Congress.
Washington July 3, 18G6
Td the People of the United States :
Dangers threaten. The Constitution, the
citadel of our liberties is directly assailed.
The future is dark; unless the people will
come to the rescue. In Ibis hour of peril the
National Union should be the watchword of
every true ni&n. As essential to National
Union, we must maintiin unimpaired the
lights, the dignity and the equality of the
States, including the right of representation
in Congress, and the exclusive nghtof each
State to control its own domestic concerns,
subject only to the Constitution of the Uni
ted Stites. After a uniform construction
of the Constitution for more than halfa cen
tury, the assumption of new and arbitrary
powers in the Federal Government is sub
versive of our system and destructive of lib
erty. A free interchange of opinion and kind
feeling between the citizens of all the States
is necessary to the perpetuity of the Union.
At present eleven States are excluded from
the National council. Forseven long months
the present Congress has persistently denied
any right of representation to the people of
these States
Laws affecting their highest and dearest
interests have been passed without their con
sent, and in disregard of the fundamental
principle of free government This denial
of representation nas been made to all the
niembers from a State, although the State,
in the language'of the President, "presents
itsejf not only jn an attitude of loyalty and
harmony, but in the persons of representa
tives whose loyalty can not bcquestioned un
der any existing Constitutional orlegal test."
The representatives of nearly one-third of
the States have not been consulted with rcf
crence to the great questions of the day.
There has been no nationality surrounding
the present Congress. There has been no
intercourse between the representatives of
the two section, producing mutual confidence
and respect
In the language of the distinguished Lieutenant-general,
"It is to be regretted that at
this time there can not bea greater comming
ling between the citizens of the two section',
and particularly of those intrusted with the
law-making power." This state of things
should be removed at once, and forever.
Therefore, to preserve the National Union,
to indicate the sufficiency of our admirable
Constitution, to guard the States from co
vert attempts to deprive them of their true
position in the Union, and to bring together
those who are unnaturally severed, and for
these great national purposes only, we cor
dially approve the call for a National Union
Convention, to be held at the city of Phila
delphia on the second Tuesday; the 14th of
August next, and indorse the principles there
in st forth.
We therefore respectfully but earnestly
urge upon our fellow-citizens in each State,
Territory and Congressional District in the
United States, in the interest of union and
in a spirit of harmony, and with a direct ref
erence to the principles contained in said
call, to act promptly in the selection of mod
erate and Conservative men to represent them
in said Convention, to the end that all the
States shall at once be restored to their prac
tical'relations to the Union, the Constitution
be maintained, and peatfe belss the whole
W. B. Niblack,
Michael C. Kerr,
Garrett Davis,
H. G rider.
Thos. K. Krcll,
Samuel J. Randall,
liewis W. Rose,
Stephen Taber,
J. M. Humphrey,
John Ilogan,
B. M. Boyer,
T. G. Bergen,
Chas. Goodvear,
Chas. II. Winfold,
A. II . Croffroth,
L. H. Rousseau,
P. Ililliss,
j. S. Trimble,
John L. Dawson,
Thos, A. Hendricks,
Anthony Thornton,
G. S. Shanklin.
James Guthrie,
J A. McDougall.
Wm. Radford,
S. S. Marshall,
Myr. St rouse,
Chas. Sitgreave,
S. F. Ancona,
K. N. Hubhell,
B. C. Bitter,
II. Harding,
A. J. Glossbrenner,
E. R. Wright,
A. J. Rocers,
H. McCulloch,
F C. IeBlond,
W. E. Fincke,
Chas. A. Eldridge,
Reverdy Johnson,
Wm. Wright,
The Disunion press are unutterably
shocked that Dan Rice, "the clown." should
"aspire to a Congressional position." Their
shock is due, evidently, to the fact that the
showman is a consistent Democrat ; a man
of ability, and sufficient honor and honesty
to live as a man and to pay his debts. We
have heard of no shocks, however, in regard
to Phineas T. Barnum, "loyal" representa
tive, who has never been able to achieve the
eminence of a decent showman.
Cu The Western members of Congress
have decided to vote in a body against the
Morrill monopolizing Tariff Bill. They are
evidently looking to the interest of theircon
WHEAT.per burhsl. 3 00
RYE. " I 50
CURV. " 1 ifl
FLOUR per bhl. 4 Ml
BUCKWHEAT Flour. 500
by the ton.
LARD, per lb.
. 25
3 00
3 00
. 2J
15 00
ji a u it 1 1; i) .
In Bloomsburg, at the residence of the
bride's father, by Rev. Thomas II. Cullen,
Mr. William F. Bopine, of Shamokin,
and Miss Carolina M. Knapp, of this
The Printers of this office acknowledge the
receipt of a "Pitcher full" of Gilmore's
best ; and all hands unite in wishing the
newly married couple a long-life of happiness
and prosperity.'
In Bloomsburg, on Thursdnry evening, the
2Sth ult , by the Rev. L. C. Shrive, Mr. Os
car P. Girton, and Miss Agnes Snyder all of
this place.
The entire "craft" take this method to
tender their thanks to' the above happy
couple, for "that treat" received as part of
the matrimonial festivities. Mr G. has taken
to himself one of Columbians fair daughters,
thus shown his good sense, "Long may
they waive."
At Orangeville, on the 28th ult, by Rev.
W. C- llesseryMr. Zebulon Gregory, of Lu
zerne County, aud Miss 31. E. Wilson, of
Columbia? County,
At Asburv, on the 30th ult, by the same,
Mr. T. M, Staley, of Luzerne County, and
Miss M. C- Celetuan, of Columbia County.
In Locust township, on the 6th- of May,
1866. bv fhe Rev. Mr. Lee, GeorgeS. White-
sides, of Catawissa, to Wilamina Rarip,- of
Locust township, Fa,
AC this place, on the SJtH ult, Mrs.' Mar
garet, wife of Jamcu McDonald, aged 34
RRE8PECTIVE of wealth, or beaatjr ; aha
1 Jove of the opposite aex can be gained by follow,
ing aimpte rules. Send a directed envelope to
Judb 1J, '66. 3iu- Station I. Kittle House. N. Y.
SEND an adriresned envelops and 9S cents and I
will aendyfta some valuable informmion thai will
pleaae yoit. Addrets Mias JANB BUY A . -
June 13, '6C - 3m, Station A, 129 Spring a , N.Y.
THE Glory of Man ia Strength. A GtrttRinan who
Buffered for year from Nervnua and Genital
pebility. Nightly Emiiona,and Seminal Weakneaa,
lh". remit of youthful indiscretion, and came near
endine hit daya iu hnpeleaa misery. wi 'I. for the take
ot suffering man, aend to any one afflicted, the aim
pie ineaua uned h him. which effected a cureiu a
a few weeka. after the failure of numerous mndi.
cinea. Send a directed envelope, and it will cnatyou
nothing Addreu . JOHN II. OG1JEN.
June 13. 't;6. 3m. No. 13 Chamber at N. Y.
THE Mason fc Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif
ferent ttyles, adapted to sicrcd and secular muvie.for
$H0to9ti00 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER
MED Lri. or bthr first premiums, awarded them.
It'ustrated Ca alngues free, Addre s, MASOV U.
HAVItlx, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, Nw
Jan. 6, 1866. Sep. 9. '05. ly. 8.M.P.
A reformed inebriate would be happy to comma ni
cate (free of charge) to as many of his fellow-beings
aa will address him. very important and Useful in
formation, and place in their hands a sure cure for
the love of Strong Drink of ay kind. Th is infor
mation is freely offered by one who has narrowly es
caped a drunkard's grave. Address.
. No. 9 Broad Street, New York.
March 2, 1SG6. 3ra.
A gent'eman who suffered for yars from Nervous
Debility.Premalur? Decay .and all the e fleets of youth
ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu
inanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and
dirertiona for making the simple remedy by which lit
was cured. SdfTerera wishing to profit by the adver.
tun's experience, can do so by addressing
No. 13 Chambers it, New-York,
Feh. 28' 1866. ly. S.M.P.
Every young lady and gentleman in the United
States can bear something very much to their ad van.
tage by re urn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the
undersigned. Those having fca-s of being humbugg
ed will oblige by not noticing this card. All others
will please address their obedient servant.
31 Broadway. New York.
Tib. 2?. 1BG6 ly. SMP
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J.
1 A.V8, M. D. . Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley.
den, Holland.) No. 519 PINE Stuet. mil. AD A
Testimonials, from the moil reliable sources in the
City and Country can be seen at his office. The med
ical faculty are invited to areonipaxy their patients,
as he has no secrts in his piactice ARTIFICIAL
EYES, inserted without rAm. No charge lor exam
ination, f April 22. I8GC ly.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, ad
dress the undersigned, who will send you. without and without price, valuable inlormati"n that
will enable you to marry happily, irrespective of age,
wealth orb'siity. This inf-rinati(in will eon you
nothing and if you wish to marry, I will clierlu'ly
assist you. All letters strictly confidential. Th j de
sired information sent by return mail. and no reward
asked. Address
Grecnp lint, Kings Co., New York.
Junt C, 1806. 3.u,
of Pianos, Melodians. Gold and Silver Ware,
ia now going on at the salesroom of REED 6c I1KO..
34 Liberty Street. N. Y. These goods are sold at
WO Doi.URs EACH. Regardless or Value. Send
TWt'NTV-FIVE Cents for one numbered Notice. r
ONE DuLI.AR forSIX. The number of each No
tire corresponds with the number on some art cle of
goods, which w ill be sent on recei pt of $2 l he
money will be refunded ifthe goods do not give sat
isfaction. Agents niaHeTWKN TY-FlV E DOLLARS
PER WEEK. Send for a Circular,
Office: P. O. BOX . 5IV.
34 Liberty St. NEW YORK.
May U, Istiti: 3in.
TO CojiCMrTATtvirs The advertiser having been
restored to health in a lew weeks by a very sim
ple remedy, after having suffered several years. with a
severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Con-sumptiou-is
anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure .
To ail who desire it.he will send a copy of the pre
scription used.ffreeot Charge. with the directions lor
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
sues cure for Consumption, AklliMiy, Bronchilis.Colds
Coughs etc The onlj object of the advertiser In
ending the prcsciiption is to benefit the afflictcJ. and
spre .d information which beennceives to be invaluable
nd he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it
will cost them not lung, and may prove a lcs lug.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return
mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON,
Williamsbnrg Kings County
Fck. 2", 18C6.-ly. S.l. P. New-York.
Grovesteen Pian Forte
still retains its prerodence and great popularity.
and after undergoing improvements for a pe
riod pi thirty years. is now prnno in d by the miisii-al
world to be unsurpassed au1 even nequaCed in rich
ness, volume and purity of tone. durability and cheapness-
Our new scale, trench action. harp pedal, iron
frame, over strung bass, seven o tavn rosewood pi
alios we are selling cheaper oy from $ IIW to $.'ou
than the same si? le and finish are sold by any other
first-class makers in the country. Dealers and all in
want nf good pianos are invited to sen.i for our De
scriptive Cata'og'ie, whirh contains photographs of
our different styles, together with prices No one
a hould pun hase a piano without aeeing this ( ata
iogue Medasl almost without number, have been
awjrdml to the Grovesteen I'll no, and the Celebrated
World's i air, though put in competition with others
from all parts of Europe and the U S- it took the
hichest awaid.
I Established 1835 1 Grovesteen Co ,
July 29. IS(i5 . II. II. . & Co.
ALL MAY MARRY HAPPILY, irrespective of
wealth, age, or benuty ; and the love of the op
posite sex can be gained by follow in simple rules.
Send a directed envelope and stunp to Madame I.U
ril.LE HEMARRE, Station D, Bible Slret.1, New
York City.
man who suffered for years from Ntvoiis and
Geniial Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Seminal
Weakness, the result of voulhf:il indiscretion . and
raine near eniiinr his days in hopeless misery, will,
for the sake of suffering man, semi to any one afflict
ed, the simple menu ued by him, which effected a
cure in a few weeks after the lailnre uf numerous
medicines. Eend a directed envelope and stamp and
it will cost ynu nothing Address.
4 addressed envelope and V5 cents. and I will send
you some valuable information that wifl please you.
Address MARY MOOKE, f 31 broad way, N. Y.
May in, lfi ly.
The good things of this worfil hava each' their ap
pointed mission.
Itis the sion oniOSTETTElCS STOMACH
KITTSH3 lo present and rclitv't a great va.icty ot" ail
ments. For twelve years its success as a protective and a
rtmtdtj has been without check or drawback. It is
strong negttin eridmct of this fact, that the efiVaey
of the article as a specific for dyspepsia. biliousness,
constipation, ni-rvousness, general debility, and in
termittent fevers, has never been questioned.
As profpotUice of its infallibility in such cases,
the statements o r public men nlftie names are fa
miliar as household word, have from time to time
been given t- the world.
If its reputation is not founded (n facts, then trnth
is a shadaw. and the utterances of conscientious cit
irens are of no more value than "dicers' oaths."
And what is its refutation r Let the progress of
its sales ant.wer the inquiry. Where twenty dozen
bottles of llostetter's Bitter were sold in lo55 Jite
hundred do-wn are disposed of now.
Could public opVoinn bs more significantly ex pre a
eJ than by it's utipuraHered increase ef eonsuma
tion It seems impossible.
The preparation has been imitated. Where are
the imitators I Echo answers, "Where to tne
limbo" of tnings lost on earth they are all eitner
t gone tif going. Peace be With- incut I
June so Jet)'. int.
The sob-criBer hsviag purchased the wall estab
lished stand, known as
near Rohrsborg. Columbia County, and baring put
the tttacliiriery ia first-rate repairs, is prepared to do
in the best' mariner, and upon tne shortest notice.
Those favoring aim with their castors may rely on
having their work well done.
Greenwoed, Jane S,
t ANnl b VI ESH) i'A UTAl UA IT
CrLrda at any time before the nomi
nationikre mader..;r. w 3 00
T Ij.TATr. fi fljoom. township, we are an
tnnrJred to annnsjuce wljhe candidate for the
notrrinar,. of BTATt: HE Si At OR in the I.Mh Tis
trlcl. subject to the usages of the Democratic party
of oltimbi. i County. nd respectfully solicits the
suffrage of his feilow-Demoeraia.
Bloomsburg, June. 13. 18W.
Senatorial. ,
AT.- th. e.n, o'iritition r my Pemoeratio
ft tnr'"ya the county anu tfiroiiEhoHtthecistriet
I have been induced to offer niy4eiTns a candidal
for the office of STATE SENATOR, subject lu the
usages of the Democracy of the District. -
Light Street. June ,3. 183. FTfat
A Ti V" Parnel request of many Democratic friends';
, J.. 1Z """"I'd o be a candidate for the offisd
of 8 I ATE SKIM ATOR. at the coming election s..t)4
j.-et to the decision of the Democracy of this eottrH
as well as of the District. . , ,
... , iAMESS. mcSinch;
Catawissa. June 13. lgfltl.
Assocl.-ifc Jiiflffr.
l"f " EhaVe oeeri arithnrixd to announce the name'
VV br ELIJAH G. HICKETTS. of Oranee townshlrf
fir thu .fflce of A -SO ; I tTB JU1KJW, of the Courts'
of Cold ubia County, snhji-ct tothe Osage of the nomV
inating Convention, which will be bld ia Auast
next. "
June 6. iSifi.
Associate Judge.
WE are requested to asnaunre in tit chin runs of
this paper. Hint Ex Sheriff IRAM DKRR. r(
lackson township, olumnia Couniy. r.ffr' himself
as a candidate for the ffir.e f ASS CIA l"E JUDGK.
subject to the decision of the Democratic Conaly
June (i. 1806.
Associate Jurie.
HAVING been induced through the earnest solicita
tions of my Democratic friends, in allnw my.
name to be used in connexion with the rifle of
ASSOCIATE JUDGK of Co'nmhia County. I lake
this occasion to announce tn the Dvruoeratic electors
that I will He caudidate, subject tola - decision of
the Convention. JACOB EVAN J.
Kraenwnorl. June S. IWK.
Aoci:tfe Judge
INASMUCH as it has long been conceded that wie
I of the ASSOCIATE JUDGES should rnmo fro
the south side ef the river, and Ci rough the mgenl
request of the Democracy of both sides of lh river,
I hav-- ben induced to bero.ue a randnUte f"r re
nomination, (at the ram time thanking tn heronc
racy for past fvors. l subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention
Catawissa, June 13, RfG.
Associate Judge
WE a'e authorised to announce the name ofRICH
ARD KRL1T of Madison township, as a candidate
for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the coming ge.ieral
election, subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention, which wilt be held in August
next, and he solicits the suffrage of his Democratic!
June CO, 1566.
Associate Judge,
VVF H.n nn.,liJ in ... th.t 1 NHD T
FREA. Eqr., of Centre townshiu. wi'l be a candi
date for tli fTice r,f ASSOCIATE JUDGE, al the
ensuing general election, subject to the decision
of the Democratic Counlv Convention whiih will
I held in August uext.
June vii l-ttii.
Associate Judge.
WE have been reqirested to announce the name'
of i'ETER K HERHEIN. Esq . of locust tewn
ship. as a candidate for th office of ASO.'IATB'
JtlPGE, ofColumbia County subject to the dcio
of the Demnrralie Convention.
June 27, 1866. '
Associate Judge-
WE have been authorised to announce the name"
..f THOMAS J. HUTCHISON. Esq; of Fish-,
insereek township, as a candid tie for th office of
ASSi it; I ATE Jl. DU E. of Columbia County, sahjeet
to the decision of the Democratic Convention.
Ju le S7. 11)6.
Register and ISccorder.
HA VIVO b'ii warmly urged and encouraged by my
Democratic fri--nd tliPHighnut lh: County, tn be
a candidate for REGISTER AND RECORDER. I
hereby oftVr myscf to the Democratic voters f.r'
that position, lUhjrct to the derision of our Connty
t on vent ion in Augu t next Should it he lb pieaav
ure f the cople to give me the nomination and
election, I will perform the duties of that office with
fidelity aud to the best uf my ability. .
Centre townshi p. June 6. 1S4io.
i:cgitcr and Recorder.
1 i. fief my self tn the Democracy of Columbia Ceua.
1 ty. subject to the nominating Convention, for th
office of KtGliTfcR AND RECOKDEtt, for the a.
sums term. And I pledge myself to a careful and
prompt performance of all the duties.
June 6, 166.
lrothonotary and Clerk or
I lie Courts
WE have been authorised to announce the name
of JC3SE COLE HAN as candidate far re
nomination and election tothe office of PROTMON
bia County, subject lo the usages ef the Democratic
11 1 o Mnsburg. Jane 1 3. la66.
County Commissioner
1 hrotifh the solicitation of m Democratic friends.
I I have been induced f ofl-r mvself as a canni
date fir the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER,
subject to the decision nf the Democratic County
Convention, which will convent on the iTlh of Au
gust next.
Fug arlo.if fewnship. June 6. NBA.
Trepared by WILLIAM ELLIS at. CO., Ne.731 Mar
ket Street, Phi aelpht.
100 pounds per acre. Dim pen the Buckwheat in the
evening, let it Uy till morning, mil wel' 99 pounds
of the Fertiliser to one bushel of seed.and sow broad
cast fO ponnda to the acre.
The above Fertiliser, for sale by Wm. MeSrlde,
White Hall ;JohnJc Creasy, Catawissa ; James K .
Eyer.'Bloomsburg ; I'arvin Masters. Kenton.
A. 8. KfcSl LR, Geo. Agtnt.
June 13, 1R6 4L
GEO. W. 0IAUGER, ProprieUr.
The 'above well-known hotel has recently under
gone radii al changes in its internal arrangement,
and its proprietor announces to his former ru'loni
and th travvllinr public that his accommodation
for the romlort of his guests are second to none in
the country. His table will always be found sup
plied, not out) with substantial f.od. but with all
the deliencie of the sea-on, lli wine and liquors'
(except mat popular beverage known as 'McN$nr$.'y
purchased direct from t le importing bouses, are en
tirely pure, and free fn m all poironon drugs. He'
is thankful for a liberal patronage in the past, anuV
will continue to deserve it in the futnre.
Juno 13. 1366. tf.
Ia Shive'f Building, on Main Street.
Informs th citizen of Bloomsburg an! vicinity tail
be has opened a New
in this place, where he invites hi old friends aneT
customers to call and partake of bis refreshments.
1 1 is his intentnn to keep I he best - -
constantly on hand ; Also. Porter, SarsapariHa. Min
eral Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry and I-m-"
on Syrups , cart always be had at his Restaurant,
iu the eatfng line he present a
05? EASE
not urrraed in this place-, viz Pickled Oysl'erV.
Clams, Sardine Fish, Barbecued Chicken. Pickled
Tripe and Beef Tongue, fee, fee. lie also bis a good
article of
Cigars and Chewing Toltacca
for h-i customer. C7 Give hiin a calL
bloomsburg, June 13, 1866. .
4 new Lumber Vardin Bloomsburg,
THE undersigned would respectful! iaTerm those
in want of lumbV-r that1 h continues lo mannfac-'
lure and keeps on hand ? grind supply of building
and fencing in. teri'il. at Ms resioenct, a short dis
tance nnrtliof the depot, which he off -rs for sale af?
rer.-onattle rates. JACOB r?CHUYLER. '
Bloomsburg, June 20, 1866. - . '
TH E rtotMity" Commissioners wllTYecei 've proposals
at the house of John Zaner, in Fishiagcreek
township. Columbia coantv, between the hour of IU
A. M ., e-rrd 1 P. M.,on THURSDAY, thk 19TH DAY
r,c 1 1 t V r . u j: - -
J ohn Zaner. Said bridge lo be 60 feet between abut
men rs, width 16 feet, higbl lo fret from low wate
ma rk; the abutments to be "feet thick, and tbewin
i j 4 r iiuintc'ft, nrii mc romron oi mosaic
wall on one side each 10 feet long, and on lh ot
3 r-ei long.
Flan and specifications can he teen oaths i
place of letting. By order of the
CoxansstoKsa' Ornce.
Cleesnaharg, June ?7, I860, i