Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, July 04, 1866, Image 2

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    D Hi 90 RAT ft STAR.
tmtlUU, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1865.
8. M. Pnrmsoitt. Co.. 37 Park Row New York
areduiy authorized to solicit and receive subscrip.
(ton and advertising for th IMnucrnl. f(r, pub
lished at Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa,
Read and Reflect. o
'.We desira that car readers shall, so far as
Va can aid . them, through the" columns of
tha Democrat and Stab, be fairly Informed
ia reference to the feeling of the Democrat
io part, ia regard to combinations ' with
'other parties. - 'j".r''". .,'V.', ',;..'.'.
':, We therefore invite our reader to a care
ful perusal of the article,' published in this
I3sue, entitled "Congress Shall Radicalism
Triumph," &o.,from the Lycoming Gazette,
"and, if we have been ; rightly educated in
Democracy, we must e&y, that this article is
worthy the attention and careful considera
tion of the Democratic party of this County
and District, at thi3 time. , As is stated in
that article, "the great danger surrounding
the Democratic party at present, is a dispo
titlon of some to affiliate with the fishy, and
disaffected Radicals." VYe have written ar
ticle after article, on this subject of John
o joking the Democracy ; and, inasmuch as
we hare been charged with selfishness, and
from those whom, we regret to say, we least
, thought it, such as regarding our own inter
ests solely, we deem it right and proper that
we give in our columns, from time to time,
the opinions of the Democratic press of the
' country. There appears to be such a deter
mination and unanimity to adhere strictly
and firmly to the principles of the Democ
racy at this time, as has rarely, if ever, be
fore been known. "Wq scarcely pick up an
- exchange but what contains strong articles
against merging into "my policy" or going
one step further towards it than the princi
ples of the Democratic party lead. , Even
fusion, if attempted, must be done with great
ease.- Our opponents will surely not charge
editors and political writerswith 'selfishness,
. 'fear of losing subscribers, advertising &c,
. .where there is no Johnson organ, a3 they
did us, iathe first number of the Cvlumbiant
We will see. We shall give the opinion of
.the Democratic- pre33, nevertheless, and, of
course, with our endorsement. " " '
A Question.
Does the Committee appointed to take
care of the Orphan Children of this District,
know anything concerning their present care
and treatment, at the Academy in Orange
ville, under the supervision of Prof. Walker?
The above question is asked by one who
feels a special interest in the welfare of the
pupils referred too. We have heard com
plaints from that quarter. How is it? Mon
tour American.
'.: We have also been frequency questioned
as to the Btate of this school, and we have
also been informed, by good authority, that
the children at this Academy are in a most
wretched condition!
We have letters now on file in our office,
from citizens of that place, - which would
have been published ere this, ' had we not
Been signs of immediately improving their
arrangements and mode of living. Let the
matter be attended to at once, and if the
fault 13 with those having charge of the
school, let theia be exposed and removed.
We refrain from censuring anyone too read
ily; but, from current reports we deem it
really important that some action should be
taken in the matter. Who will give the in
quiring . public a truthful and satisfactory
report ? ' '
". North'd County Convention.
The Democracy of Northumberland Coun
ty, held their nominating convention on
Monday of last week, and formed a full
. ..ticket.' .. .. V. :
" J. Wood3 Brown, Esq., of 3Iilton, was
nominated for Congress, subject to the de
cision of the Congressional Conferees.
, Charles W. Tharp, , Esq., was re-nomina-
ted for Assembly without opposition,
, Hon. D. U. Montgomery and J. Woods
Brown were appointed Senatorial Conferees,
with instructions to vote, for some candidate
who receives the nomination of their respec
tive constituents in the counties of Colom
bia or Montour, and the Conferees to deter
mine, in their discretion, to which of said
. counties the nomination belongs. '
J. R. Hilbush, Esq., was appointed Rep
resentative Delegate, and J. H,"McCormick
Senatorial Delegate, to the next State Con
vention. The latter appointment will need
the concurrence of the other counties in the
district. ' ;'. '
The resolutions adopted by, the Conven
tion were pointed and of the true Democrat
ic ring. ..' . - ' ""'"' . '. ;
Three Hundred Dollars has teen ' offered
by the proprietors of the Sunday ScJiool
Times, of Philadelphia, to the author who
will furnish the best original story for publi
cation in the columns of their : paper. As
this b more than three times the amount
-usually paid for such an effort, the proposi
tion will be likely to call out some of the best
Americas writers. In due time the readers
cf that excellent weekly journal wSl reap
the benefits cf this story," and we advise
those who desire a good and Interesting paper
fly the family, to send for r a sample copy,
which will be funushedree qa , application.
Jw The last hope ef the Disunionists is
gone. They had &treHy expected to carry
Fennsj-lvania'by disfranchising enough vo
ters to give their tkket a majority. The Su-
prtrae Court La3 spoiled that little game and
Pennsylvania rlll now repudiate them by
20,000 majority.' : ' ': 4 'i ." ? ' '
is 'estinate-i ' that "if G:cr; Ctrrtin
ehcixli call estra session cf ilhs Legisla-
tzzs, fur tha 'purr
re:.4 J Nerro Sa;
cf rat;fj;r j the pro---3
- amendment . to th
t . - j . ,
i-t.ccst tie
, ' . ...
State th
The Proposed Conrention.
The lat call for a National" Convention,
at Philadelphia, ly Conservative is an ad
mission by the Johnsou men that something
ought to be cone; yet; they da not pretend
that anything will be done. The Convention
id not a nominating one, It is not to deliber
ate on a platform of principles, it is not to
demonstrate numbers, for these reasons :
'" i3t. No national officers are to be elected
at this time. ; . '
2nd. Their platform of principles, upon
whicFclelegates are to be admitted are al
ready laid down.
"3rdrThe Hslegates are to" be elected by no"
well-defined constituencies.
Therefore we consider it useless, harmless
and un-business-like. We cannot see that
anybody is to be enlightened, or any authen
tic information gained, It will be of no in
terest to Democrats to participate, or in any
way endorse the call, for it is universally
known, that every Democrat -favors the im
mediate restoration of the Union. 'It is
eanally certain that the Southern people,
without distinction to party, favor the same.
The Democratic party of the North and the
citizens of the" South endorse the platform
of principles, which are laid down for this
convention.and always have held to the same
patriotic views, and if this Convention goes
outside of the . Democratic platform it will
go to ruin. It may live for a while as it is
living now upon a small portion of the prin
ciples of the Democratic party, but they can
not draw the Radicals; from thcr Eectional
course and cause, neither can they J ohnson-
ize the Democratic party anything short of ,
the Democratic platform. No movement out
side of this will be tolerated by Democrats
Hear what the New York World, as well as
all other good Democratic journals, has to
gay about the matter : .
" About men, nothing is doubtful but the
sentimentSjthe numbers,and the future course
of the conservative Republicans. .The pro-
Ksed convention cannot certify their num
rs, nor is it probable that it will have suf
ficent courage to declare that they will, if
necessary, act with the irreat nartv which is
uneouivocallvcommittedto the policy of the
President. . The convention will be simply a
large public meeting; but different from an or
dinary public meeting in the &ct that its num
bers will prove nothing. A local mass meet
ing proves that the sentiments which pervade
it have many adherents in that locality. But
a convention of delegates self-elected, or elec
ted nobody knows by whom, must derive its
whole importance from the personal weight
oi its members. - Jiut as they are to meet
neither to transact business, nor to define
principles, it is difficult to see what thevwill
find to do when they get together.
It is futile to say that they are wanted to
Bwell the voice of public sentiment. Ex
cepting the conservative Republicans, the
sentiments of the whole country have been
, already pronounced, and how many conser
vative Republicans there are in the Territo
ries cannot be -ascertained by this method,
even if it were of any political consequence.
The invitation addressed to the Southern
States signifies quite as little. Until there is
apolitical revolutionin the North, the South
ern States are practically in the same condi
tion as the Territories. They count for noth
ing so long as the members they elect to
Congress are excluded. The only way in
which ; the Southern States can accom
plish anything in national politics, at present,
is by concerted and unanimous action among
themselves. ; If there were any difference of
opinion (which there is not) in that section
in respect to the Constitutional Amendment,
a Southern convention for mutual consulta
tion would bo fit and seasonable. The inten
tion of the Radicals Is to create a party in
the South who will prefer to purchase admis
sion by ratifying the amendment.' As there
is no such party there yet, no concentration
is needed to defeat it. The South, by united
action,can preserve the Constitution as it is ;
which they will do on the same principle that a
creditor keeps fast hold of the notos of a sol
vent debtor, refusing to compromise what he
can legally claim and expects ultimately to
collect. In this view, the South can be of
the greatest service, and it will no doubt be
true to its own interests. But other partici
pation in national politics it can have none ;
and there is no reason why it should go into
a national convention with men who stand
with one foot on the Republican platform,
and seek advice as to whether it is expedient
to leave it..
There is no reason why Democrats should
go to this convention, for their principles are
known perfectly, and their numbers as near
ly as is possible by any other means than the
next election returns. There is no need of
the South going to the convention to prove
either their indorsement of the President's
policy, or the futility of that indorsement so
long as thev are kept in the condition of Ter
ritories. .The coming battle is to be decided
in the North, and in the North nobody's po
sition is doubtful except that of the conser
vative Republicans. If the convention they
have called shall commit them unequivocal
ly to the policy of the President, shall sepa
rate them irrevocably from the main body of
their party, and shall make them willing to
cast their votes where they will be most ef-
iecuve in aeieauug ine iiaaicais, it wui naye
accomplished some good. But we do not seo
how its action is to commit anybody bcisides
tnose wno participate in it. .
Geary's Brutality.
The Trve Democrat, a paper sailing under
false colors, and set up by two strangers in
this community, not satisfied with advoca
ting the most degraded negrocracy and dis
union principles, or fighting like the Kilken
ny cats with its kind, meanly and cowardly
tries to defame, behind their backs, men
born here. A gentleman of the highest re
spectability visited York, his native place,
last week, after an absence of 49 years. ' He
was cordiaDy received by his numerous rela
tives and old acquaintances. But as he
came from Virginia, the malignant Yankee
editors ' of this libellous" sheet makes a foul
and false- attack upon him. The . cause of
this 'attack upon Mr.. Peter Hartman was,
that.while in company with his friends, he
related as a part of Ma experience of John
W. Geary, the following incident, which is
not very creditable to the Disunion candidate
for Governor : ? r . . r . . , ,
! 'Gen. Geary, while in command in the
neighborhood of Mr. Hartman's place, in
Virginia entered upon it, took his cattle and
his sheep, destroyed his fences and burned
his barn. Mr- llartman knowing the Gen
eral, being ,- both Pennsylvaniansr and we
might almost ear, neighbors,- approached
him, and expostulated with him r "General,
how ia this? . What have-1 done?" To
which Geary insolently replied: "Ask mo
no questions, ar,V. and wantonly and wilfully
allowed the destruction and . depredation to
continue." ......
We submit to the people cf this" commu-
luty whether '"Mf, Hartman or John Wv
Gearr,j3.";mos entitled to their oonsidera
York Prasr ' "' ' ' -'-
Our Fourth of July Speech.
- As this great daj-of Jubilib drew near,
the question with us was, how is it tq be ob
served?; And as wij thought the observance
of this anniversary jehould never be permit
ted to pass without the most" enthusiastic
h outpouring of true-hearted American patri
otism, we, without invitation or audienoei
concluded to deliver a national address. We
thought in this wise : The birth-day of our
national existence it, at hand. The anniver
sary, of the fifty-sir "solid men," of this
continent, .lifting. Great Britain, is here-7
The recollections of the labors which brought
forth our glorious Union returns and how
shall We solemnize this memorable epoch in
the history of America? How ehall we re
new those remembrances and more firmly
impress them Upon our hearts? The thought
struck us, we will make a speech. True,
nobody asked us to make one; but, since
Lincoln's death nobody attempts to pre
vent us; hence, with the walls of our sanc
tum for an audience, and a good deal em
barrassed by their dull looks, and imaginary
inattention, we spoke as follows :
With a recognizing bow, we said: -
"Walls, Casks and Chairs: The pa
triotic heart of the Union has never been so
stirred a3 now. Ijiki a powerful man in his
strength, the Union has been struck down.
Under Democratic rule it was the admira
tion and envy of the nations of the earth.
But the Abolitionutii have destroyed it.
Four years of Abolition rule did for Amer
ica what ei.eht hundred years of blood and
slaughter did in a loss decree in the Old
They have corrupted the morala of the
people. -
1 "hey have financially ruined us as a nation.
They hw"5 declared that the people shall
not govcri themselvt s.
They huve prevented the real old-fathioned
Fourth of July celebrations.
They have discarded that noble principle
so eminently Aiucricsui, "No taxation with
out representation. "
They have murdered liberty. . "
. They have established tj ranny.
' They have trampled under foot the laws
of God.
They have assumed all the rights belong
ing to the people. .They disregard the Dec
laration of Independence, which we used
to descant on so beautifully and eloquently,
and which we used to read with much gusto,
especially those clauses that declare that
"All just governments rest upon the consent
of the jroverned," that, the people can
throw off a government and institute a new
one more in harmony with their feelings and
interests. How do these things stand, in
your opinion, now? What can we say about
these principles now? What country will
wc refer to, to give practical illustrations of
tyranny now ? What has become of the
classical allusions about the tyrants of Greece
and Rome about down-trodden Poland,
Hungary, Italy and Ireland about Nero,
Claudius, and Georga the Third. We can
now only use them as excellent principles,
but not binding upon us. We can now only
refer to tyrants with a fresh appreciation in
our Stantons, Bcvlers, McNiels and
Milroys, and our own diversion from the
sacred purposes of war cannot be equalled
by the desecrations of the Old World.
But, thank Heaven, the Democracy al
ways protested against the events which
lead to these melancholy results. They have
had no hand in sacrificing liberty; in the
hypocritical assasimttion of freedom and
in the destruction of our noble Constitution.
No, saddened and sorrow, in feeling as they
are, when those fond memories throng
around them, the Democrats can pay with a
clear conscience tha they are not guilty,
and we wncerely hope that ere another
Focrth ?hall come around we will be able to
blot out all but the recollection, and that
hereafter, as heretofore, under Democratic
administrations, the Fourth will be a prac
tical institution." 1
In this view, and in this spirit, we thanked
God tfiat we were alone in our office medi
tating on the beautis of ancient Fourth of
July celebrations ; and not out playing hyp
ocrite iu attempting to make impartial na
tional addresses. Mfy our Northern people
learn, before it shall bo too late, that the
samespirit that resisted oppression at that
early and memorable period, still animates
the American people, even if that heroic
war has been in vain, and those who were
then the oppressed have become 'the op
pressors. . Odious as was the stamp act to
the Colonies of New England, it was not so
odious or half so oppressive as the aggres
sive and burdensome policy of the Radicals
is to the American- people at the present
day. History proves that the British people
committed an error when they enforced "tax
ation without representation," and we hope
the Disunionists in this emergency will seek
to avoid the same nistake. The above is
our speech precisely as it was delivered in
our tanctum. Who objects?
Clymer Soldiers' Convention.
, Not having space Li our paper this week
for the entire proceedings of the .Soldiers'
meeting at Harrifburg, on Thursday last;
we will publish the following editorial, on
the subject, from the- Patriot and Unum,
that our readers, may get some idea of the
interest made manifest by the soldiers who
are opposed to the radical measures of Con
gress and the election of the Slwddy candi
date for Governor, Jchn W. Geary;
About oue hundred and fifty officers and
soldiers from every section and almost every
county of the State held a preliminary or in
formal toeeting at the Democratic Club
Rooms, in this city, yesterday. Among the
number present wen j Brevet Brig. Gen.
Matthews, Brig. Gen. M'Candless, Gen.
Sweitzer, Gen. Davis, Col. Linton, Col.
Witman. Col. Maish, Col. Ent, CoL Awl,
CoL Lyle, Col. Leech, Col. Owens, CoL
Owen Jones, Col. Davis of Berks, Lieut.
CoL Metzgar. Maj. K;rr, Maj. Grant Wied
man, Maj. Dorsheimer, Maj. Hammond,,
Maj. Hale, Capt. J. A Graham, CapL Case,
Capt. Richards,' Capt. Chrissrnan, Capt.
Charles Garretson. Capt M'Williams, Capt
Brockway, Capt. Woodruff, Capt Dough
erty, and many others whom we cannot now
particularize, who hav3 "done the State some
It was resolved to hold1 a Democratic Sol
diers' State Convention on the first of Au
gust next, io Harrisbnrg, to be composed of
seven delegates from ith county in the Commonwealth.-
A committee was appointed to
make the neccessary a rrangements. In an
other column will be found a detailed report
of the proceedings. ' '-
The indication are " that the Convention
will be a grand success,. The reports given
from the various sections of && State in re-
fard to the feeling of the late soldiery of the
edend armies insrela:ion to the two guber
natoitl candidates wiia most favorable to
Mr. Cljtner and a speiidy and complete res
toration of the Union upon thj basis of the
Crittenden resolution if the Congres of 1861.
Let every effort now be made to have every
county ia the State rejTesented on, the first
of -'ABsraat,. ' . '. ""' . - " ..-
Congress Shall Radicalism Tri
umph in this District T
ji We have every reason to believe that nine
tenths of the Democracy in thiB Congression
al District are determined to make a,straight
out fight with the disunionists in the pending
political canvass. Why not? If Democrat
ic principles are those of the Constitution,
why seek to add other interests thereto ? All
who sincerely desire the restoration of States,
the obliteration of- bitter feelings created by
cruel war; "and a re-union founded upon the
f)lain doctrine that characterize a free repub
ican government, will not hesitate to fall in
fine and march against the common enemies
of republican institutions under lead of a
Democrat whose record is in keeping with
the doctrines of the time-honored organiza
tion.' . No true upholder of the President's
reconstruction policy will occupy a neutral
position when the issue is narrowed down be
tween a radical disunionist and a Democrat
who supports, from principle, every political
effort tending to make one people of the di
vided interests that Stevens & Co. would al
low to eat up our substance, thereby retrench
political power that alone gains the admira
tion and respect of nations beyond the
waters. -
The salvation of our country from Aboli
tion misrule depends upon the restoration of
the Democratic party to power. "Policy
men" have been tried and found wanting,
when the real test hour came. Not a sinfjle
independent mender of Congress, elected by
the direct influence of Democrat, since the
radicals have Jicld sicay, Juis regarded the
wishes of his constituents. Will we, then, in
face of this state of things, withdraw our
claims and help place men at Washington
who will do all in their power to urereon the
juggernatorial car that has well nigh crushed
out the hic-blood ot the nation I Will we
marshal our force? and endeavor to convince
the honest and unwary that it is policy to
pursue such a line of action ? We trust that
the unfortunate experience of the past will
prove salutary in the subsequent workings
of those who tako the lead of the veteran
soldiers in the Democratic ranks. With the
Jacksonian motto, "we go where Democrat
ic principles point the way, when they cease
to lead, then cease to follow." We can urge
on the column against those marching under
the black flag, and overpower and scatter in
every direction their forces. Democrats,
wake up ! and show the proud enemy that
boasts in its strength, that there is a powr
left in the land capable of restoring the lost
ark of the covenant to its place. ,The time
fur action is note, and it behooves every friend
of wholesome legislation, to gird on his ar
mor for the contest Do not allow the cun
ning stragctic movements of the enemy to
draw you in ambush. Lost to all sense of
shame, bent alone on retaining power, the
disunionists are willing to resort to any
scheme that promises success, no matter
whether it is in keeping with correct princi
ples or not At the hobby of the arch-traitor,
Stevens, they are ready at a moment's
notice to compromise, rather than give the
friends of a restored Union the least ad
vantage. The great danger surrounding
the Democratic party at present, is a dispo
sition with some to affiliate with the "fishy"
and disaffected members of the radicals, in
hope of gaining a half-way victory. If they
could be trusted there might be some argu
ment favoring such a demand ; but they can
not. We are willing to support any man of
character, for Congress; no matter what his
political antecedents have been, provided he
endorses the principles of the Democratic
party, and is a supporter of Hiester Clymer
and the Democratic district and county tick
ets. Is this asking too much ? What favors
can the supporters of Johnson expect from a
radical Congress? Where is the man who
will say that that body favors an indepen
dent that does not crawlatthwirfect ? Nieh
men, during our troubles, have heretofore
acted with the radicals as tool.-?, in every
We feel confident that the true friends of
restoration are determined to contend for
success upon a clearly defined statement of
principles, and not trust a man who refuses
to speak out in favor of sound doctrines,and
against any infringement that a disunion
Congress would make upon the Constitution.-
Democrats, remain firm, and you will
triumph. We would rather be defeated
with our flag flying over our heads than
gain a neutral victory, over the enemy. A
triumph at the expense of principles is not
worth the effort. Lycoming (lazt tte.
His Position.
If Gov. Curtin favors "my policy,
crossly misunderstood at his home
were believed that he endorsed, "my policy"
he would not have left in Belle fonto a dozen
friends in the Republican party. We know
Mr. Curtin. . Ueis not a Johnson man. He
is in no danger of becoming a Johnson man.
While the editors of the disunion organ
may know Gov. Curtin better than we do,
yet they know as well as he that he is a
Johnson man, or that he favors the policy
of the President, in preference to that of the
negro suffrage advocates Stevens and Sum
ner. They know that some eight weeks since
when Gov. Curtin was visiting his friends in
this place that he stated positively and plain
ly tli3t he was a Johnson man. They know
that he told the associate editorof that paper
in the office of W. P. Wilson, Esq. , that it
was Stevens and Sumner and the radical fac
tion of that party, who were keping our coun
try in a stateof excitement and that if it was
not for them, we could have peace and union
any day. They know that one half of their
arty bitterly denounced him for the position
le took, while the other half justas warmly
supported him. . .
While if is of little importance who or
'what Gov. Curtin supports, as his support
has no more stability about it than has the
osition of a weather-cock, yet it is well
enough to show up the contemptible lies to
which abolitionism will resort, in order to
leave the public under the impression that
harmony and good feelings prevail within
the ranks of their party. For the assertions
we have here made, wc arc responsible, and
are prepared to prove them any day.
Dare the editors of the Press deny them ?
Democratic Watchman.
Drowned. Two young men named John
AV. Leighow, of Milton, and Samuel Rank,
of New Columbia, were drowned in the West
Branch week before last. They were out
sailing and ran upon some rocks, when the
boat filled with water. In alarm they left
the boat ; Rank not being able to swim, sank
immediately : Leighow swam some consider
able distance, but overcome with exhaustion
sank, crying out "Good bye," to his com
panion, Brown, who was the other party in
the boat, aud who reached the shore, though
in a very exhausted condition. The bodies
were not recovered till the next morning.
Jersey Shore Iltrald.
Col. J. P. Litton. The Democracy of
Cambria, at their county convention on the
27th. nominated Lt Colonel John P. Linton
for the Assembly, to- succeed Hon. Cyrus. L.
Pershing. ,The Colonel's nomination (which
is equivalent to election) is not a mere rec
ompense for his defeat last Fall for Surveyor
General v through the 'ingratitude of the self
styled "soldiers' friend" but it is mainly
due to his integrity, energy of character and
ability. Mr; Pershing", who has so long and
ably represented the county, declined being
fl candidate.: For Congress the- same con
vention selected Robert L. Johnson Esq.,
a sterling" Democrat and able lawycr-subject
to the approval of the 17th district confer-cvtn.-
Patriot and Union.
National Johnson Conrention.
The National Executive Committee of the
Union Clubj'jof which Senators DoQUTTLE
and Cowan are members, has issued a call
for: the holding of a National Convention, of
the friends of President Johxson, in Phil
adelphia, on August the 14th 1866. Thcr
low Weed and Raymond are also prime
movers in this. Convention. The object is to
have at least two delegates from each Con
gressional District of all the States, two from
each Territory, two from the District of Co
lumbia, and four delegates at large from
each State. Such delegates to be chosen by
tho electors of the several States who sustain
the present Administration. - k
We sincerely hope that this JonNSON
movement may find supporters from the
Radical, Disunion party and gather sufficient
strength from thcir ranks to make them a
respectable and influential organization. We
have carefully examined the several propo
sitions of the call for the Convention, to
which all who take seats in that body are
required to agree, and find that they are all
already embodied in the platform of the
National Democratic party. Therefore, while
the Democratic party embodies in their plat
form of principles all the good qualities of
the Conservatives, besides twice as many
more, and of still greater importance, it
would be folly, if not insanity, for a single
Democrat to be found wandering from the
great ship of Democracy to the small bark
of Conservatism. But thus far, those who
are connected with the movement are from
the right source ; they arc from the Radical
party, a fountain which needs purifying and
we have only to say to those patriots who are
engaged in this good work of renovating
and cleansing the Abolition-Disunion party,
to go on and if they shall become exposed to
dangers winch they cannot withstand, by
still enlarging their platform, enlightening
their minds, and extending their sympathies,
they can retreat with perfect safety into the
ranks of the Democracy and take shelter in
her noble ship.
Taken Unawares.
The Radicals of this place express surprise
at the action of the United States Senate,
unanimously confirming the lately appointed
Revenue Assessor of this District ; knowing
that, in politics, he has always been . all
things, to all men, and of late, the ppecial
tool of Curtin and Cameron, and considering
his late travels among the Republican poli
ticians, and his frequent visits to Washing
ton city, pulling at one time at this end of
the Avenue, and another time at that, and
with Curtin and Cameron at his back insist
ing upon his confirmation, we think there Ls
nothing wonderful about it.
The truth is, Mr. Clark was the choice of
the Disunion party for Revenue Assessor at
the time Dr. John received the appointment,
and had the Doctor been as wise, as he was
greedy, he would never have allowed Con
gressman Mercur to have his objectionable
self laid upon the people of this District.
The true representatives of the Republican
part- never had any hand in tho matter of
appointment until now.
There is also another office in this town,
which the influential Republicans claim, and
have claimed ever since Lincoln's re-election.
They also contend that this latter office was
filled contrary to the wishes of the leading
Republicans of this place, through the influ
ence of Mr.- Mercur and the selfishness of
the Republican newspaper of the town.
Now, as they claim, this much abused fac
tion of Republicanism have got an organ of
their oavh ; and having gained tho confidence
of the President, and the Postmaster Gen
eral, with the aid of the United States Sen
ators of Pennsylvania, it is a foregone con
clusion that the offices shall be filled by men
the most worthy.
Can't Come Down.
From what we are able to learn from our
exchanges, from foreign countries, and from
the prophecies of persons who possess pecu
liar facilities for arriving at correct conclu
sions as to the value of agricultural products
in future, wo arc inclined to lclievc, most
decidedly, that prices will be enhanced. We
give below the opinion of Mr. W. II. Langly,
of Ohio, who has taken great pains to inves
tigate the matter. He says :
The grain crop will not exceed one-third
the average of former years, and he predicts
that we shall have the highest prices of
breadstuff and many other products of the
soil and necessaries of life, for one or two
vears, that we have seen. The cotton crop
has also suffered very severely during the
Spring and the present anticipations arc
that the produce will not be of more than a
million and a quarter of bales, or less than
one-fourth the product of the crop of
It is, therefore, evident that we shall have
no grain that we can spare for exportation,
and that our exports of cotton must be but
limited, lt Is not at all uncertain but that
of the former we may have to become im
porters, if the wants of the people are to be
fully supplied ; for there will be no old stock
to fall back upon.
It is fallacious to suppose that the' European
war will tend to any large quantity of specie
being sent to this country for investment in
our securities. Should hostilities become
general throughout Germany, it is more than
probable that many of our five-twenties,
which have been purchased by the Germans
will find their way back to the United States.
As our own people too well know, the tramp
of armies is not beneficial to the production
of the necessaries of life. Germany will
have to purchase these abroad wherewith to
feed her army and her people. She will
have to pay in gold, for foreigners will not
take her paper securities. Our own short
supply of grain will preclude us from send
ing her any; and consequently wc may
expect that she will send to us for gold in
exchange for the United States securities
which she holds. But some persons - may
ask: "Will the German people part with
those securities for the purpose of investing
the proceeds in the? obligations of their own
governments, and thus supplv them with
the specie they will need? We all know
that when a country is at war, the patriotism
of its people generally tends to such a result.
Such was the effect, both North and South,
during our late struggle, and there is no rea
son to believe that the Germans will not be
influenced by a like patriotic impulse.
Everything, thca, points to an advance in
prices. The prospects of the future are cer
tainly gloomy,- but there is no good in shut
ting -ur eyes to them. We must prepare to
meet tfes hard times when they arrive. An
other year Will have to roB round before we
can-hope to-view a brighter picture, and to
do so then we must experience a more genial
season than has been allotted to us in the
present year.
IRRESPECTIVE of wealth, ijta or beauty : mni iti
lorerif tbe opposite .ex can ba gained by follow
log aiinpla rotea. Bend a direetnd envelope to
Juaa ll. '66.-3m. Button n. KlMe Home. H. Y.
SEND an adriremed envelope and Si eenle and I
will eeo.d yu soma valtldMe information that will
pleaie you. Adlrea Mm JANE BRYAN.
June 13. -65 -3m. Station A. 130 Spring at . tf.Y.
THE Glory of Man ii Strength. A Gsr.tlerann who
Buffered for yeara from Nervon. and Genital
Ptbillty, Nightly Emisaiona, and Seminal YVeakneea.
thn retult uf youthful indietrelion, and came Hear
endiua hia dayt in hopelea miaery.wi l. for ibe fake
of Buffering wan, aend to any one afflicted, the sim
ple meana nied by liini. winch effected acuraina
a few weeks, after the failure of numerous medi
cines. Send a directed envelope, and it will cost you
nothing Address JOHN B. OGOEN.
June 13, 't6, 3in. No. 13 Chamber s St., N. Y.
THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif
ferent styles, adapted to sacred and secular ntt?ic.for
30to $r00 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER
MEDALS, or other first premiums, awarded them.
Illustrated Ca alogues free, Addra. s, MASOV Ic
Yoac. .
Jan. 6, 180C. Sep. 9. C5. ly. S.M.P.
. A reformed inebriate would be- happy to comtnu ni
cate (free of charge) to as many of his fellow-beings
as will address him. very important and useful in
formation, and place in their hands a sure cure for
the love of Strong Drink of any kind. Th is infor
mation is freely offered by one who has narrowly es
caped a drunkard's grave. Address,
No. 9 Broad Street, New York.
March 23, 1806. Din.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility .Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth
ful indiscretion, will, for-the sake of suffering hn
inanity, send free to all who need it, thefecipe and
directions for inaaing the simple remedy by which Le
was cured. Snffurers wishing to profit by the adver.
User's experience, can do aoby addressinc
No. 13 Chambers tt., New York,
Tel.. 29' 1S66. ly. S.M.P.
Every young lady and gentleman in the United
States can hear something very much to their advan
tage by re'urn mail (free ofcharge,) by addressing lha
undersigned. Those having Tea's of being humbugg
ed will oblige by nut noticing this card. All others
will please address their obedient servant.
831 Broadway,' New York.
Fib. 2. 1866 ly.S M P
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J.
ISAACS, M. D.. Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley-
den, Holland.) No. 519 PINE Stuet. PHILAD'A
Testimonials, from the moi reliable kources in the
City and Country can be seen at hi office. The med
ical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,
as he has no secrets in his piactice ARTIFICIAL.
EYES, inserted without paik. No charge lor exam
ination. April 25. I8G6. ly.
Ladies and gentlemen, if yon wish to marry, nd
drs the undersirned, who will send you. without
mn .er and without price, valuable iulormitinn that
will enable you to marry happily, irrespective of age.
wealth orbraoty. This information will cOl ymi
nothing and if you wih to marry, I will cheerlo'ly
assirt yoii. All letters strictly confidential. Th i de
sired information seal by return mail, and no reward
asked. Address
Grecnp int, Kings Co., New York.
Janet, I6C6 3u.
or Pianos, Melodians. Gold and Silver Ware,
is now going on at the saleroom of REED t BltO..
34 Liberty Sireet . N. Y. These goods are sold at
'1 WO DOLLAR: EACH, Regardless of Value. Send
TWENTY-FIVE Cents for one numbered Notice, or
ONE DOLLAR for SIX. Tbe nu.nb. r of each No
tice corresponds with the number on eome art cle of
goods, which will bo sent on recei pt of i The
money will be refunded ifthe goods do not give sat
isfaction. Atnt make TW EN I'Y-FIvE DOL.LAK3
PER W KEK. aend for a Circular.
, Office: P.O. BOX 5W.
34 Liberty St. NEW YOXK.
May 9, IStiti: 3m.
TO Con-curTATivrs The advertiser having been
restored to health in few weeks by a very sim
ple remedy.after having suffered several years, with a
severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption-is
anxious to make known to bis fellow,
sufferers the means of cure
To all who desire wi'.l aend a copy of the pre
scription used.ffreenl Charge. with the directions (or
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
if rb curb for Consumption. Akthmy, Broncbitis.Calds
Cnu;hs etc The only object of the advertiser lu
tending the prescription is to benefit the afflicteJ, and
r pre id information which heconceives to be invaluabla
nd he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it
will cost them nothing, and may prove a Mes-ng.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return
mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON,
WiDiaunsbnrg Kin fa County.
Feb. Ss, It'Gfi. y. S. l. y. New-York.
L till ;
Grovesteen Piano Forte
retains its prcrodence and great popularity.
aud after undergoing gradual improvements for a pe
riod pf thirty years. is nowprono.m .-ed by the musical
world to be unsurpassed am even nnequalted in rich
ess. volume and purity of tone, durability and cheap
ness- Our new scale, Erencn action. barp pedal, irou
frame, over-strung bass, seven octavo rosewood pi
ano we are selling cheaper By from S IUO to $HtO
than the same sis le and finish are sold by any other
fimt-clafis makers in the country. Dealers and all in
want of pood pianos are invited to sen.t for our Pe
seriptive Catalogue, won h contains photographs of
our different styles, together with prices No one
s hould pur base a piano without seeing this ( ata
ogiie Medasl almost without number, have been
awardod to the Grovesteen I'll no. and the Celebrated
World's t air, though put in rumpciitiun with others
frn all parts of Eaiope and lire U S.. it took the
brzhest awa'd.
f Established 1835 ) Grovesteen Co ,
July 29. 1805 . II. 11. S. . Co.
ALL MAY MAURY HAPPILY, irrespective of
wealth, age, or benuty ; and the l"e of the op
posite sex can be gained by fellow ine simple rules,
iend a directed envelope and sltmp to Madam l.U
CILLE PE.MARUE, Station D, liible Street, New
York City.
man who suffered for yeara from Nervous and
Oeniial Debility. Nightly Emissions, and geminal
Weakness, the result of yoethful indiscretion . and
came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will,
for the sake of suffering man, semi to any one afflict
ed, the simple means ned by him, which effected a
cure in a few weeks after the failure ef numeroaa
medicines. Send a directed envelope ad stamp and
it will cost you nothing- Address.
EDUAK TREMAIN. IiWtb f?L N, Y. City.
Lj addressed envelope and -3 cents. and 1 will send
yon some valuable information that will please vou.
Address MARY MOORE, K5I broad way, N. Y.
May 16. liC6 ly.
The good things of this world bava eah their ap
pointed mission.
Itis the im-sion of lIOSTETTEft'S STOMACH
HITTERS torejct arid rriitw a great variety of ail
ments. for twelve years its success as a prvUctm and a
remtdf ha been without check or drawback. Itis
strong ncf arte ertdene of Wis fact, that the efft-aey
of the article as a specific for dypcpia.hiliousnes.
constipation, nervousness, general debility, and in
Uriniuent fevers, has never been questioned.
As rt pttuvf of its infallibility In sacb eases,
the statements of public men wbote names are fa
miliar as household words, have from thus to time
been given t the world.
If lis reputation is not founded in fact, then truth
is a shadow, and ttre utterances ef conscientious cit
irens are of no more value than dicers' oaths."
And what Mils reputation t Lei I fee progress of
its sales answer the inn"r7- Where twenty ilosen
bottles of Hostetter's Bitters were sold in 855 r
hmndrtd dozen are disposed of now.
Could public opinion b more significantly epreas
ej lhau by its unparalleled increase of consump
tion t It seems impnssibl.
The preparation bat been imitated. Whera are
the imitators f Echo answers, "Whera T" To tha
-limbo" of things lost o earth they are all either
gone or goiag. Peace be with them I
June SO lofe6. Ian.
The anbveriber havinr purchased tha wall estab
lished stand, known as
near Rohrfburg. Columbia County. ad k-avia-x put
the machinery iu first-rats re-parrs, is prepared to do
ia the bent manner, and upon tue shortest notice.
Those favoring him with their castom ana rely on
having their work well done.
Greenwood, June 6, 1-K-S.
JCSjr Carda at any jtimti fyeZrtfztifof nimxi
natlona are mada....1....,l...,..$3 00 -
trnaloriaII" -
LEVI L.TATE, of Bloom-t-s hip, ws- area.,
thorixed to - will b a candidate for tha.
nomination of STATS SENATOR ia tbs IMh Dis
trict, subject to Mm asages or tha Dsraocrotic psrty
Of Columbia County, end raseactfally solicits tbe
suffrage of bis feilow.Demoerla.
Blootasburg, Jnna. 13. 1806.
' . Senatorial.
AT tha earn solicitation of my hamacraUo .
friends in tha county and throughout tha clstrUt,
1 bava been induced to offer myself as a candidate
for the office of 8T ATE SENATOR. sat)cct la tha
usages of the Democracy of the District.
Light Street, Jane 13, 1363. FBI EE ENT.
AT the earnest requestor many Democratic frisads.
I have aonsented to be a candidal for tha office
of STATE SENATOR, at the coming auction aub '
ject to tha decision of that Democracy of this county
as well as of the District,
Catawissa. June 13. ISOa. . - .
; Associate Judge. ;
TT'Ehav been anthorix.4 to announce tb namer
VV of ELIJAH G. HtCKTT. nfOraRre township .
fr tha fnc of A-SCK.I TK JCIKJ, of tb Court
of Colu tibia County, suhjecLtotba usage sf the nom
inating Convention, which will be hld ia August
next. .,'.'-
JuneO. 1866. -, .,.'. . . i
Associate Judge.
WE are requested to announce in the columns of
this paper, that Ex Sheriff ISAM DKKR. of
Jackson township. Columbia County, nfisrr himself
as a candidate for the rffiee uf ASSOCIATE JUDCK,
subject to the dicision of the Democratic Coaaty
Convention. '
June ti. lSCift. ;
, Associate Judge.
HA VfNG been inrfneed through the earnest solicits'
lixns of my Dcmoersrtir frisnds. ia, allow my
name to-be used in connexion with ihe office of
AS.-OCIATE JUDGiS of Colombia County, I take
this occasion to announce to the Drmosratic electors
that I will he a candidate, subject loth- decision of
the Convention. JACOB KVAKS. .
Grtenwwod. June f. I Wo.
Aociatc Judge
INASMUCH as it has long been concsded that one
of tbe ASSOCIATE JUDGE. ahoald aasue fron
the soutn side f the rivr. and through the nigenf
request of th Democracy of both aid of tbe river.
I hav- been induced to beca.o a candidate f-r re
nomination, (at the aitiut ihaakiag the Democ
racy for past favors.) subject to the decision of l her
Deiunsrslic County CoiiTutiii
CaUmista, June 13, 1366.
Associate Judge.
WE are authorixed to announce tha -name ofRlCII.
ARD KRU1T. of Madison township, aa a candidal
for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at tb coming grjsral
election, subject to tb decision of tti De in or rati
County Convention, which will h hold In August
next, and b soiiciis th suffrage of his Democratic
June 50. I9G6.
Associate Judge.
VR have been request. d to slat that ANDREW
FREA. Eqr., of Centre township, will ha a ad
Hai for Ibe office tf ASSOCIATE: JUDGE, at tho
ensuing general election, aabjact to tha decision
of th Democratic County Convention which will
Le held in August next,
June 2U l-to.
Associate Judge.
WE have been requested to announce tha nasae
of rtlTER K HKRHEIN. Esq . of town
ship, as a candidate for th office of WO IATB
JUDGE, ofColumbia County. subject to tha dio
of the Democratic Convention.
June 87, 1866 - " ' ' r
Associate Jud?e.
WE have been authorized to anounc ths nam
of THOMAS J. HUTCHISON. Esq ; of Fl-h-ingcreek
township, a m candidal for ths offle nf
ASSOCIATE JUDGE, ofColumbia County. sabJssC
to tbe decision of Ih Democratic Coavshliou.
June 27. IH6C
Register and Recorder.
HAVINR been warmly urged sad encouraged by my
Democratic friends throughout tbe C4iity. to be
a candidato for REGISTER AND RECORDER, f
hereby offer myself to the Democratic "voters tf
tbat position, rubjsct to the decision of our Cotiat
t.onveution in Augu t next dhould il h t)re pfcas'
nre -f the people to give me the nomiaarioer ini
election, I will perform the tlmies of that otfteewith
fidelity and to the bcsl of my abtfity.
Cerrtre tcwshp.Jim B, fffw. "
i:cgifcr and Recorder.
m offer myself to the Democracy of Columbia Cana.
I ty. subject to tha nominating Convention, fur the
office of REGISTER AND RECOn DER, forth en
suing term. And 1 pledge myself to a careful and
prompt performance of all the duties.
June 6, If-Bfl.
Prothonotary and Clerk of
the Courts
WE hare been authorixed to annunr tb nam
ofJESE COLE VI AN as a candidate fr re
nomination and election to the oBee of PKOTHO.N
bia County, subject to tb usages of lb Damerattc
Klooiusburj, Ja 13. l--ifi6.
County Commissioner.
n hroogh th solicitation of mv Denvacratit friends.
I I have been induced t- off-r myeelf as a candi
date for the office of COUNTY irOMMI-SIONCR.
nifcjert to th decision of the Democratic Coainty
Convention, which will convene on the 47lh of Aa -gust
Pugarloaf tewn.hip. June B. H6S.
j .TOR Vf AsK
Prepared by WILLIAM ELLIS fc CO, j'o.73-t Mar .
ket Street, rill a-lelphia. -
pounds per acr. Dampen tha Btsrkwheat i Ih
eveninc. It it Uy till morning, mit well SO poaads
of the Fertilizer tonne bushvl of seed, and sow broad
cast cO ponnd. to the acre.
The above Fertilizer, for sal bf Wm. MeHrlde.
White Hall ;Jnhuc Creasy, Catawissa ; James K.
Eyer, Bloomsburg ; Farvin Master. Benton.
A. 8. KtiJ I CR, Gen. Agrnt.
June 13, IMS 4U
CEO. W. MACGEft, Proprietor.'
Tbe above well-known lintel has recently under
gone radical change ia its internal arrangronl.
and its proprietor announces to his former cu.toav
and th travelling public that his accommodations
fr tbe comfort of hia guests ar second to none in
the country. His table will always be found sap
piied, not onl with substantial fod. hut with all
the delicacies of the sea-en. Hi wine ad liquors
(exrept that popular beverage known ns '.Vc JTsary.)
purchased direct from fie importing houses, are en
tirely pur, and free fn m all pntsonons rugs . He
is thankful for a liberal patronage in'th past, and
will continue to descrva it in tb future.
Jund 13.136A. If.
jijEWllITAURANT, , . .
In Shive'f Builrtfnf, ft Mai BueeL
Informs the citiaena of Bloomvburg and viciaity tjtt
he has optned a New
In this plate, where he invites his old friends ait.I
customers to call and partake of hia refreshments.
It is hi intention m Weep the best
constantly on hand ; A No. Porter. iarsapariMa. Min
eral Water. Fancy Lemonades. Raspbcrrv and lam
ent Syrups , can always be had at hia Restaurant.
Jit th eating Una he presents a
KTfcl, 03? FAT.12
not surpassed in this place ; viz. Pickled Oyster
Clams, Sardine Fish. Barbecued Chicken. I'ickls't
Trip and Beef Tongu. dee., Uc. He also h is a gooU
article of
Cigars and Chewing Tohacco
for hrs customers. O-ive hrtn er.
Blooinsburg, June 12. l&ift.
A new Lumber Yard in Bloomslurg,
THE undersigned would respectfully inform those,
in want of lumber tbat he continues to manufac
ture and keeps on hand c good supplv oPhusldin;
and fencing hi. terial, at his re side nre, a abort
lance north of the depot, which he offers for sate at
rea-onable rates. JACOB SCHUYLER..
Bbmrusburg, June 20, IMS.
TH E County Coenasi ssioners wilt recei V proposals
t the hiKise of John Zaaer, m Fibinger-ck
township. Columbia county, between th boors of JO
A. M., and 1 F. Mon M ISTH DAY
OF JCLY next, for building an opon Tmss Bridge
verHrg Fisciafr.reek, near the renOene-o of thesa-.d
John Zaaer. Said bridge tw be SO feet between abut
ments, width IS feet, hirbl IB feet from low wafer
ma rk; tbe a ia intents to b 7 feet thick, and thewing
walls on one aula acu 10 feet long, and on tha other
S 1-r.l long.
Flan and specifications can b seen on the day and
piace VI iuik, i7 orarr m in
Cot siiBstoaM'a Ovrtca, i
B1o'mb.jg, June 7, 1866. ";