Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, June 27, 1866, Image 4
u AGRICULTUEAE. FEU-NINO FRUIT TREES. , " "We 'find some excellent suggestions on the Eulject of pninin fruit trees' fcy 3. T. Elliot of Grand Ilapida, Mich. They accord ex actly with what we have said aver and over again for many years in these columns. His communication is dated May, - aftd he begins thus "The season for trimming fruit trees is approaching," and then goes on . as fol- lows j . 'v7e all remember the apple and pear trees, where we had to be ' 'boosted' ' to reach the lowest branches ; and coming out here we have imitated our fathers' follies and. fared worse than they. The? prencd in February and March, and we We known no better . Letting go all discussion of what their in terests may be and looking athome all ex perience I hope will not be lost on us and that experience, all points one way. Prune while the wood is growing if you wish the scars to heal quick and sound. Say in June. "Limbs that grow close together, and par alel, and that cross, must hare one of them removed. The formation of crotches must be avoided, or else we lose more or less of trfies by epliting down when they get to bearing. If practical, establihh a leading branch, and grow laterals at intervals. Some will need little, and other sorts much cutting," . Mr. Elliott also advises to grow heads low, with the lower branches not over two feet, if possible, from the ground. They stand the high winds better, are handsomer," and the fruit is more easily got at. If the plow can not approach the tree in consequence of this system of growing, so much the better, as a plow never ought to get near a fruit tree. All this is sound doctrine. Low-branched trees also protect their trunks against the hot ran of summer, which sometimes is very in jurious, as well as, to a certain extent, against . the freezing and thawing process of whiter. There is a marked difference between the amputated limbs of trees that have been op erated on respectively in February and J une or . July. The first often show, especially where the limbs are of any considerable size ft black stump, which never changes, except "to decay; while those of the latter readily heal over, and present a neat appearance Besides, early summer pruning insures fruit buds, while spring pruning gives us only wood. SnzLTEKixo Maxubje. Stable manure kept under shelter, and properly mixed with absorbing substances, muck, leaves, strawy litter, &a, is of much greater value than when exposed in the open yard. An analy sis made at the English AgriculturaTCollege, show3 that it contains more than double the quantity of nitrogen ized matter, and the samp . of salts, containing organic and inorsranic matter, soluble in water, while of potash and soda, the unsheltered manure retaias only ,08 percent and sheltered 2 per cent. It would pay farmers well to build manure sheds. The Manure of Fowls is-of great value to farmers. A few weeks before planting corn time, mix the manure with ashes and plaster in proportions of about four parts manure, one part ashes, and one part plaster. Let it dry and pulverize. Drop a handful in each hill, and cover slightly with earth before plant ing. ; - Build a hen house for your fowls to roost in ; one year's manure on your next crop of . corn will pay aU of the expense, and will, if properly built, with a yard attached, add very much to the increase of eggs through the win ter season. Application. The preferable way of ap plying lime, according to my experience, is on wheat stubble, as the lime gives the grass power to absorb ammonia from the atmos phere and retains that, which is disengaged by the decomposition of vegetable matter in the soil. From thirty to sixty bushels per - acre, once in six years should be applied. Thirty bushels is about equal to one ton. Good effects have resulted from its appli- cation cm wheat and corn. When thus ap plied, it may be spread before plowing, but -better afterwards, and thoroughly harrowed in. It fhould never be combined with ma nure, unless the whole is immediately plowed in. ---IrrdIcat?ons of want of lime in the soil, may J be seen in heavy crops of - straw, and light crops of gram ; and in root crop?, where they seem to run to fingers and seed. Boils. Lime is applicable to every cay toil, every peaty soil, sandy or thin soil, When applied to the latter, manure should accompany rL Lime will renew many ex hausted soils, if properly applied. The nice adaptation of manures to the pe culiar wants of every crop, is a point in farm economy too universally neglected. There should be more system and research by prac tical farmers. To double the crops on most farms, about all that is necccssary is for our agriculturists to sell off one half their land With the proceeds buy manure for the other half The larger the farm the Ie.-?s a nan grows to the 'acre Farmers should al ways plow deep ; the root will strike deej)cr into the soil and thus obtain more nourish ment, and will stand the draught much bet ter; the ground can afterwards be tilled much deeper, thus enabling the moisture from dews and fogs tor penetrate to the roots of plants in times of draught. To Preserve Egos The best method J know cf to preserve ecus.- savsa corresnon entofan exchange ; is to fill the pors of thesneu with fresh clean lard, so as to exclude all air. It is my opinion that this simple and easy method a preferable to any now in use. Some put them in-lime water, some lay them down in salt, some put them in sawdust. Bat the lime cooks them, so they have a dried appearance ; salt has a similar effect while eggs saturated! with- lard, as far as jay experience joes, open fresh and nice. LIME AND SO-FORTII. When- lime i3 prepared for agricultural purposes, it should be used immediately. If long exposed to rain and dews before being spread, it loses a great portion of its fetiliz inz power, which consists in ita decomposing vegetable matter, and neutralizing acids which a&ouni in some soil', -especially those subject toSoodiij cr stagnant water.- THE PERUVIAN SYRUP A 3 A PROTECTED SOLUTION Or TBS rotoxide of Iron, a new discovery In medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE. BY supplying the Blood with its vital rmiaciru, . LTVI FT IMIflT ITi ( 1 V This it the secret of the wonderful tuccese of tfiis . . remedy in earing Dyspepsia, Liver Ooraplaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrheal, Boils, Nervous Affeitions, Chills and Fever?, Domors, Loss of CoDsti lational rigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low atate of the yatem Being Tree from Alcohol in any form, ita energia ing elf- cs arc not followed by curresoonding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing strength, rigor and New L.i:c inte all parts ot toe ayatetu, and bunding ap in I RUN CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D. Dch am. Canada Eaat. March 34, 1865. "1 am in inveterate Dyspeptic of niore than S3 year' Handing." '! have ao wonderfully benefitted in the three abort week during which 1 have uaed the Pe ruvian dfrup.ihat lean acarcely perauade my self of the reality, People who havt known me are aston ished at the change. I am widely known and can but recommend to others that which baa done ao much for me " A CASE OP 87 YE RS' STANDING CURED. From INSLEY JEWETr.No.U Avon Place. Boston "I have suffered, and aometiinea severely, for 37 ycara. from dyspeptic. 1 commenced taking the Pe ruvian Syrup, and found immediate benefit from it. In the courae of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed unin terrupted health ever since." AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON, PAYS: "I have been using the Peruvian ?yrup for some; it gives me new Vigor.Buoyaucy of spir its. Elasticity of Muscle." Thousands have been changed jf Ike use oftkitreitiejf from Teak, sickly suffering creatures, to strong. healthy: mud happp men mud ic men ; mnd invalid cannot reasona bly herniate (in it m trial, A pamphlet of 32 pages containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent vhke to any address. (C78ee that each bottlehas Pcrcvin Syrup blown' in the glass. FOR SALE BY J. 1". DINSMOBE. Proprietor. 36 Dey tft.New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, gCROFUlX All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The difficulty bas been to obtain a Pcrs Solution of it. Hi. II. Anders' Iodine Water is a Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL VENT!! Containing a Full Grain to each ounce f water. A most Powerful Yitaliz;ng Agent and Restorative. n.s eared and will cure SCROFULA in all its mani fold forms. ULCERS. CAVCER9. SYPI1 1 LI3.SALT RHEUM; and it bas been used with astonishing success in ca ses of Rheumatism. Ily spep-iaf Coo sumption. Female Complaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Dise iset.fce. Circulars will be sent rasa to any one sending their address. Price $1.(0 a boUle, or 6 for $5.00 Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Physician Ac. Chemist For Pule by J. P. DI.NSMORE. 36 Dev St. New Y And by alt Druggists. W ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY PAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Colds, Uoarceness, Sore Throat Iuflusrjzt, WbonpiDg cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Brorjchitis,LiS. cult j of Breathiog, Asthma, al ever y affec- tiof? of THE TIIHOAT,LUAGS CHEST . 80S5VBSWZ0R. which carries off-more victims than any -other dis ease and which baffl -a the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIKLDd TO THIS REMEDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, safe in its Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation Jree from noxious ingredinent poisons, r minerals I'inltine skill, ncirn' medi cal knowledge; combining all that i 7aluable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of d:eae,it is INCOMPARABLE J and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con fidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y- write as follows : "YVistar's Baumx or Wild Ohkrrt give universal satifartion. It seems to curealnugh by loosening and cleanring the lunzs.and allaying irritation thus removing the cause, instead of drying np the cough and leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Balsam as go d as any. if not the best, Cough medicine with which 1 am acquainted." Rev. Jacob Sechler, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respeetad among the German population in this eoontry. makes the following state ment for the benefit of the afflicted. Data Piss Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prcpara lion Wistars Balsam or Wild Cbkrrt it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. ome eight year ago one of my daughters see.ued to be in a de cline ani little hopes of her recovery were entertain ed J then procured a bottle of your excellenr UaUam, snTefore she bad takn the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I uiy individual en-e made frequent use of your valuable uiediome.aud have always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. " Trice One Dollar a Bottle. F-R BALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York BETH VV POVVLE. it ro.V, Proprietors,, Boston. AD BT ALL DIVMd lla. Q RACES Celebrated Salve CURES CUT8.CURXS. SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES VYOUNDS.BRUISES, SPRAINS. Graces Celebrated Salve IT RES COILS. ULCERS, CANCERS. Grace's Celebrated I alve CURES 6ALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAPPED HAXD3. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve HEALS OLD SCRES.FRESII WOUNDSe. It is prompt in action, removes pain at onecTand re duces the mcit angry-looking aweltines and iuifla mation. as if by magic thus alTurdimg relief and a coiMpleie cure. Only 45 eents a boa ! (3nt by ma il for 23 cents.) For Sale by J. P. DIVSMORE 36 Dey Street, New York S. W. FOWK 6l BUN. Proprieto -s.Boston. and by all Drupgi-4s. Grocers, and Couuuy stores. ;r.uary 27, IrtU ly. LIQTJ03.S i LIQTJSsS I Wliocsale and tCclall. 'rnEeuberiber would annoaneeto the eitixns of he is selling x rJloomsburc and vicinity, that LIUlUKs large and small quanti ties, and at different prices, at his new store, on Main street, north sid two doors south of Iron street. Bloom s borg. His stock of Porergn and Db mestic consists of Cognac and Rochel e. Blackberry. Gia. ger, Ka spterry ad Lavendrr, He has a large ass sortnient of Old Rye, gray with ag i. floe Old Bourbon, old F Iks Whiskey, and any Quantify of coo-nrorr. He alio bas PURE HOLLAND QtN, Madeira. Lisbon. Claret, tberry and Caapagne Wines asd lant but not least, a quantity of rood doub eex-tra BROWN STOUT; all oi which hi will ell at the lowest caMi prices. The public urere pectfully solicited to give bis lihor a trial. D. IV, ROBBINS. Agent. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, - Altorney-alLaw. 7 Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, frc, collected. iaauarj 17, law A. J. EVANS' fcLOtHINQ EMPORIUM, Aea-y opposite tke Episcopal Church. CLOTHING OF ALL DfiSCRlfTIONS. MY stock is composed of fine clothing, medium and low priced ndapted to all conditions, tastes and wants. He bas the latest styles for the season a &e assortment of Overcoats and Cenllemen's Shawls, from low tothe very best His Goods are fathwnnble and well Made. In addition to my stock of ready-made clothing, I have piece goods for cuai:oin orders. Clothe, Casimere$, &c, &c. And having one of the first class cutters. I guaran te a fit in all esses and give satisfaction. Also a variety of WOOLES AXD LIXEX ShIItTS, 8tockinr, Neckties. Collars. Stocks, Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing. Also, Hsu, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Carpet bags. 1 will sell at the lowest Market prices. Please give me a call before purcha-iag elsewhere. ANDRBW J. EVANS, Bloomaburg. Nov. 15, Hits. CatavFissa Kail Road. On and after MONDAY, A pril 1. 18CJ. passenger trains on the Catawiasa Uailrcad will run at the fol lowing named hours ; Mail Poulb siatto. Mail North. Le j. P.4j a m Williamsport Arr. 6 15 p.m. " .I7 Muacy Dep. 5 45 9.46 Watitontown 5,16 1(1.04) lWilt.n " 5 01 10 43 , DanviMe 4 St) " 1I.0O" Rnpert 4 1-0 11.10" Caiav.-Ia ' " 3 50 - 13.18 p m Rinl3vn " V,35 ' H58 Summit J 55 1 0 Qnakake J 40 I SO E Mabaiioy June, 1.20 5.15 " Dine Tainaqiin. Dine " 1.10 45 Reading 10 4(1 a m Arr 7.00 Philadslpliin 8 00 10 35 Nw York vU Read-1 M snn i0 Jj 1 ing or Stanch Chunk. 6 00 No change of cars between Willi .-nuport and Phil adelphia. GEO. W. WEBB, tjspt, April 13. 1PG6 A LECTURE TO YOUNG ME. JUT publiohcd. in a sealed enve lope. Price C cents. A lecture on the nature, treatment i:nd radicnl cure of Sperinatorboea, or Seminal Wea annua Invo'untary Cuiisvions, seiual Debility and Imped iuicnts to Marri ige generally. Nervousness. Con i-uinption. Epilepy. and FiU ; Vlenlal and Physical Incapacity, resulting froiu Helf Ahiiss, fcc. By Rob ert J. Culverwcll, M, I)., author of thi 'Green Book," &-c, , . The world renowned a' this admirable Lec ture, clearly prove from his own experience, that the awful consequences of Sul f-Abue may be eff-ct-unity removed without Medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bonglcs. intrinutnts, rings.or cordials, pointing outainode f cure at once certain and etfectua , by which every sulferer, no matter hat his ci million may be, may cure himself cheaply, privati-ly and radically. This Lec ture wil I prove a boon I) thousands. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain envelope, on receipt ot six cents or two postage .rtauips. Also Dr. Cul verwell's Marriage Guide, price 35 cent. Address, Cll AS. 8. C. KLINE It CO.. -.'7 Bowery. New Yoik, P. O. box 4jr6. April 13, IS06, ly Pea tt Co. BUSINESS COLLEGE N.E: Cor. Tenth and Cbestcut Street!. PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thonmehly appointed Busi n, or ;,uiniercial College in lh country. The only one in the city pos.eing a Igiflaiive Charter. and th only one in the United States author ized to confer Decrees of Mi ill Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by geutlcmcn of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled advantages for tun thoiongh theoretical and piactical education of you up men lor the various du ties and employ mi nt of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre eminent'? practical ving the stu dent in the shortet time a romp lete ir-Msht into the science of accounts, arranged and published by the proprietor of this Institution exclu-ively for Ins own use. saving one-half the ordinary labor ofthest-ident andg;vinf him a complete knowledge of th practice of the best accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES B )oteeping,Coipmcrcial Ariibmetic,Pen manship, iiusiness CorrerpoDdeDce, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Comtuer ciai (.'u?toms, Forms, and Actual Busi nes Prctiee. SPECIAL BRANCHED tlgebrm mnd the Higher JHclhematiea, Phonography, Or namental Penmanthif.' the Art ' Detecting Counterfeit Mon.-f. F.ngineeUng ir Tcyintr, Marigalijn and Telegraphing . TCLEGRAKHI V'G. The arrangements for Ti legrapning are far more ad vance of anything of the Mnd ever ohVred to the pub lie A regular Tele raph Line i connected with the Institution wi'li twenty branch offices in various parts of the ci'y. where publie business is transacted, and in which the students of this Institution are per mitted to practice. No regular office practice can be bad in anv other school ot instruction in toe country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac. Ileal operator. Young men are cautioned agaiunt the deceptive representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend Infach Telegraphing. PATRONAGE. This Institution is now enjoying the largest pitron trounge ever betotved upon any Commercial school in tre CHate. Over fiv? huncre student were in atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred during the past yrar. The bet class of students may inva riably be found here, and all its associations are first elasn. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution in located in the roost central part of the city , and its ao oininodations. for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unatirpa.-eed. All the rooms have "men fitted up in the very nest style with BUSINESS OFFICES I'R CoUNTIVU HUCsJI. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. STATIONARY STORE, AFD A KKOrt.Alt r.ANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in the Department of Actual Business. TO YOtJIYG .TII.-V who desire the very b- tt facilities for a Practical Education for Easiness, we gnarsn tee a course of instruction no where (Ik equalled, whi'e the reputation and standing of the Institution among busintea men make its endorse inent the best passport to success and advancement. All contemplating entering any Coioinercial College, are invited to send for an I LIX'STKATKD CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE mnntalnl n ar Anmlala fiiair- ar ' a w . arit.. Mif a 9 vwiuiviu asi,'gws m n ay VI 1UC - t I Ir J;C( and full particulars of the courre of iostructioo. terms. Ice L. FAIB BASKS, A. 31 , President. T. E. MERCHANT, Supt. of Office Business. Nov. 4. lurii 12 m. LIFh IJKALTU STBEXG I'll. life :ii:altii stki;gtii. life health stkkxct1i. ITundreds and thousandf annually die premature! v when, if they would give the Great French Remedy, DC JUAN DELAMARRE'3 Celebrated iipeeific Pills, rrenarea oy u A KAIfCIEKa mt ircPOWT, iVf. .14 Klie LAm bard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Jnan Dela marre. Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord ou Lariboisiere afainri&i, th-y vioul i Dnd immediate relief, and. ik a fully restored to Health Sength It is ased in the practice of many emi nent Freeh physicians, witli uniform success. and high ly recommended as the only positive ad pedfic Kew df for all persons suflVriiut lnm General or Sexoa Debility, all derangements of the Nervous Forces Melanchely.f'perinaiorrhoca or Kerainnl t VVeakness arising from aexual Er Energy. Physical Prostration, Nervousness, Weak Spine.tLowness of Spirit. Dimness of Vision, Hysterics, Pains ia the Bark and Limbs. Impotency, 4.c No l inguage can convey an aeqaate idea of th im mediate and almost mitacu ous change it occasions to the debinuted and shattered syjtem In Ktan.ts unrivalled as an anfailiug cure of the maladies above mentioned. Buffer no m re. but use Ti t Qrtal French Anaerfy ; it wnl effect a cure here all others fail, and althouch a powerful remedy, comm. nothing hurtful to the most delicate constitution Pampblets.couuining full paiticntara and directions for using, in Englisb.French.Spanish and German, ae company each boa, and also seat fre to any address when' requested. Price One Dollar pr box; ;3ix boxes for Five Dollar Sold by all Druggists throughout the world ; or will be sent by mail, securely alenl from all odservation, by inclosing specified price to any authorized agents BEfVJXE OF CO0JTJLHFZlTi AVZr IMITJI IIOJfS. Proprietors efcldaiva Age its tor America; OSCAR Q MOSES, hy CO.. 27 Courttand St. New York. Authorised Agents for Bloomabarg. . TEA MOTKJti REAblNQ RAIL ROAD. ABltAKGbDlOT. APRIt 23d, I860. reat Trunk Lino From The North and North-West for Philadelphia. New York, G Reading, Pottsvitle.Tama4ua, 'Ashland, Lebanon. Al- tentowa, Easton. dec. .... " Trains leave Ilarrieburg Tor New York, as follows ': At 3 00,7. 40 and B.05 A. M.. and 2 00 and U 20 P M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 5.40 and 10.U0 A. M and 3 40 and 10 36 P. M. Sleeping Cars accom panying the 3.00 and 9.30 A. M. Trains, without change, Ceava Harrfsburg for Reading.Pottwille.Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 7 40 A M. and 00 and 9 SOf M, stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; lha 9.50 P.M. Train making no close connections for Poilsville nor Philadelphia. For Pottsville. Pc.iuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Wchuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road. leaAe llarrisburg at 4 15 P. M4 Returning ; Leave New-York at 9 00 A. M. 12 00 noon and 8.30 P. M. ; Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M. and 3 30 P. M ; Pottsville at 8 :0 A. M. and 2 45PM; Ashland 00 and II 15 A M. and 1 05 P.M. Tanianua at l 45 A. M. and 1 00 and 8.5.5 P. M Leave Pottsville for llarrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, at 7.00 A M, Head in pi Accommodation Tram : Leaves Reading at 6 10 A. M returning from Philadelphia at 5.0U P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 6 0 A. M. and tt 15 P. M. fur Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Co lumbia. 4cc. Us (Sundays ; Leave New York at 8.30 P M, Phila delphia &. 0 A M. and 3.15 P M. the 8.00 A. M. Tiain running only to Reading. Put Isville t 00 A M, Tamaqua730 A M , ilarrinburg 9 05 A.M and Read ing at 1.30 A. M. for llarriiburg, and 10 Si A. M. for Naw York, and 4 25 P. M. or Philadelphia. Commu'ation. Mileage, Season, Sciiool and Excur sion Tickets o and from ail point', al reduced Kates Baggage checked thr-Migli ; CO pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. McOLLS, Genual uperiktindkht. Reading, Pa. April 33, 18UG. or Spring nml Summer CSoocN. rPIlE : subscriber has just rettirnen from -the cities J with another large and select assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest fignre, and which be is determind to sell on as moilcrtte terms ag can be procured else here in Bloomsburg. His rtock comprises LAD 5 DBESS GOODS f the choicest styles and latest fashions together with a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, and Ytstings. Also, Groceries, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Hollow-ware, -Nails, Iron, lints and Caps, A.c. In short, everything usually kepi in a country 'tore. to which he invites the at temion of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in tcicbange for goods. S. II. MILLER. Bloomshurg, Nov. 22 ltf.. WYOMING lIVSURAKCtt COJIPAIVY, WILKES-BARRE. PENNA. CAPITAL AND SURJpEiTs, - - $150, A SSETS. Ptock not called in. Bills receivable, - U. S.5-'- Bonds, Temporary and call loans, ... 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock, 40.000 i'o.OOO 6,000 6,H0 50 shares First National Rank al Wilks-Rarre, 5.000 70 shares Second National Bank at Wilkes-Barre .u 40 shares VYilkes-Barre Bridge Stock, - . 2.5H0 Real Estate. ..... . 1,519 Judgment. io-j Due Irom A gents andothers, - - 7.414 Cash in hand and in Rank. .... 1.&4-2 IJlItllcToRS. G. M. HOLLENBACK, I.. D. SHOEM AKER. JOHN REICH A Rf). II. M. HOYT, SAMUEL WADIIAM3. O. oCI.INit, CHARLES DOKRANCE, Wm. S. ROSS, R D. LACOE CHARLE- A MINER, STEWART PIERCE, G M HARDING. G. M HOLI.EVHAI-K. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vies Pres'L K. C. SMITH, SccKATAav. r. T.ROWN. Agent, March 25, 1?65 msbiirg, Pa. OMNIBUS LINE. THE undersigned would respectfullv annonnre to the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public gen- 'ny. iniii lie is running an OMVIIil'9 LINE, be tween this lace and the dif ferent Rail Road liepot dai ly, (un-lav exceiitedl to connect with th: sev.-ral Trains goin Sinth a West on the Calawissa and Wi!Iiamprt Rail Road, and with those going North and South on the Lack. it. Bloomohurg Knad. IIisOMMBrs-C.-? sre in good condition, commo i"" and comfortable, and char; es reasonable. C7 Tersona wisbisg to meet or see thir friends depart, can ha arromraodated, npon ieasonrble charges by leaving timely notice at any of the Ho tels, JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloom sborg. April 37, 1PC4 828. HOOP SKIRTS, G2S. llopkin'g ' Own .llakc." MAjtcrAcrracD and Sold WI70LE8ALE & RETAIL, No 628 ARCH Street, Philad'a. The most complete assortment of La. lie' Mis'et and Children's HOOP SKIRTS, in this City ; gotten u-a expressly to meet the wahts of pirst olas Tradb ;emltracin; the newest and moot te-irahie Styles and Sizes of -Gore Trails " of every length from 2 J 4 to 4 yds. ronnd 20 to 5 Springs, at 2 to S5 00. Plain Skirts, all lengths, from to 3 yd, round the bottom at 91 40 to 91 15. Our line of Mioses' and Children's SKfRTS. are proverbially beyond all competition fur variety of styles and sixes -as well as tor finish and durabili ty ; varyivg from 8 lo 33 inches in length, n to 42 gp'iag at 35 cents to i SM. All Skills of "OCR UWN AKE."are Wairiktid to give Satisfaction ; but Cut kok as ,ccm, unlesstbey have, --Hop kin's Hoop s-kirt .Manufactory, No. S-iit Arch Street-" Stamped on eai.h 'l ab ! Also constantly on hand, good Skirts, Manufac tured in New York. and the Eastern States, which we sell at very nw Pricos. A lot of cheap Skirts 15 springs. 85 cents ; 20 springs. 91 0035 springs. 91 15 3'l springs, 91 25 and 40 springs SI 50. f Skirts, made to O d-r and Repaired. 0 " Terms Gash. Ohk Price Ohly 1 March 7. Ibtib. 4mos, M. WHITMOYER, ATTOKIEY - AT - IiAAV, J5L00MSBURG, Pa, Office opposite Post office, over Ilartmun'g store Back i'ay Bounty, Pensions and Gov rrnment claims promptly collected. Bloomaburg, Apr. 4. '65. Wm. c. Burner, esn. w. carprsttsr. Eitablished 1828. G. W. CARPENTER, UEXSZEY & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?. 737 Market St. one door below 8th. PrtLasELratA. DRCOS. MEDICINES", CHEMICALS, PAWTS OILS. GLASS. VARNISHES, DYE3, Ab d every other article appertaining to the business, of the best quality, and at the - lowest Market Rates. March 88. 18fr. 2Qf)A JlOiVril! Agenta wanted mnr ntirsy wamm air IS Ju WUV. ntl drfaa O. T. G ARE Y. City Building; Bedford. Maine. gygg 2)Ft. MARSHALL cATAuuii Sitrr, Tfti Snuff has thoroughly proved Itself to "be the best article known for caring the Catarrh. Cold ix Tun lli and Headache. It baa been found an. ex. cellent remedy in many eaces oT Sore Eyes, Dbap hess baa been removed by it and Hearo in has often hnen graatly improved by ita use. It is JiagraTll and agreeably, and GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF Tothe dull heavy pains cauaed by diseases of the Head. The sensation ater using it are delightful and open and purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. More than Thirty Years' Of Sale and use of Da. Marsh ail's Catarrh and Headache Bhvtt, has proved its gr ?at value for all the common diseases oft ho Head, and at this moment itstands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and i s nsed with great succeos and satisfaction eve rywhere. Ksadthe Certificates of Wholesale Dra- gists in 1854 The undersigned. naVing fo- many years been ac quainted with Dr. Marsuairi's Catarsti and Head achb aurr. ami sold it in our wholesaletrade cheer fully state. that we elleve it to be equal in every re k ect, to the rec.wnii.end ations given of for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it ia decidedly the best article we have ever known for alt common dis- anana nf tKa llnai Iturr S Pprrv. Riit.,n Barner Park, New Yoik A B Sl D Sands, Stephen Paul at Co Israel Minor ai Co " M'Kessou 4c Robbins A L Scovill fc Co M Ward, t 'lose at Co " Reed, Austin 4c Co Brown, Lamson & Co ' R-ed, Cutlur Sc. C Setli W Fowle. Wilson. Fairbank Jt Co. Hunshaw, Edmands Ic Co 11 II liar. Port I nml Me. Bush Sc. Gale, rortsaie ui all Druggists. Try It. Feb. 3, lrJOO ly. RELIEF IaNTtEN MINUTES. Brvan's Pulmonic Wafers. 0"The original Medicine estiMithed in 1P37. and first article o' the kind ever introduced under lb name of -Pulmoric Wafers, " in this or any other country; all other Pulmo nc Wafers are counterfeits The genuine can be known by the name BR VAN be ing stamped on each Wafer. These Wafers have been before the public fur nearly Thirty Years and the immense sale alia ned.not only in America b.H in foreign countries, fully attest their intrinnic w--rh. The medical properties are superior loanymher article offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial alf.-rtloiis and the quautitv contained in each box is nearly double that of the many wor.hlcss imitations advertised. liryati s Tulmonlc Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Iloarcaes. Asthma. Catarrh. Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing, pjttinj of Blood Pains in the Chest Incipient Consumption and all diseases of the lungs. Nolafl'ording 0 ily temporary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting core and are warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. -They don' I nauseate like alcoholic roinpounds, and the medical prnpe.ties ar combined in a form so agreeable and pleasant to the taste, that aoy child will readily take them One dose will always afford RELIEF IN TEX MINUTES. To Vocalists and Public Sfieakers, the Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and tin-irregular use for a few days w ill, at all times. increase the pow er and flexibility of the voiee. greally Improving its tone. co'ttpns and clenrties?. for whic h purpose th-y are regularly used by many professional vocalists The very great celebrity of this valuable remedy has intu.X'd unprincipled persons to prepare basa imita tions, which disappoint the just expectations of the purehaser, and injure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the word "BRYAN." is stamped on each Wafer, and also observe the fan simile of tli; sina tsjre of the Proprietor. "JOB MOSES" on each wrap per, to connlefeit which is fororrt. Offending nnrltp. will l Hjaatl M'ithlAIha - ' icmui uie law; Hryah s PDUtuNic Wafers arc for sale by all Drue idid JOB MOSFS. Sole Proprietor, ?7 Cortlandt St. N Y Feb. 3, lrfoG ly. TIIETgREAT ENGLISH ISEJltiDY. PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTER3 PATENT. SIR J AMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from m prencriptton if Sir J.Clarke, jtf. D.,Phy sieian Kxtraordinaon to the (Jueen. This invaluable mepiriiie i unfailing in the cure of all tnoae painiui mm uaneerous oieasei to which the female constitution is snhjuct. tt moderates all ex cess and removes all obstruct ion. Iroin whatever cause and a speedy cure may Du relied on VO M AH MUD LADIES, it is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Crivernment Stamp or blest liritain. to prevent counterfeits. CAU'I ION. The'e Pill fhonld not he taken hf Female. dnrinir the F1HST THREE MGJiTUS of Preenanrw. then are'mnre to bring on Miocariage.hxt at any other time they are safe Eveiy women knows the blom of health must fade, with the slightest irregularity ur obstruction of the menses. 1 hese 1' are truly the woman's friend ia the hour or trial, snd the only sure, positive and never tailing cure and r' gul.ilnr "I suppression of na lure from wha-ever cause So mild lnt the feeh.t ran lakcthein with perfect security vet so powerful in their eJects, that they may be safely called, a never failing Regulator. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal A ff'ctins Tains in the Back and l.iuihs, fatigues light eiertion. Pal pitation of he Hi-art. Hysterics, and White, thi-e fil's will eff ct a cure when allotbermeans have fni ed land although a powerful remedy, do not coHtun iron, calomel, autiiuuiiy. or anything buitful tothe constitution. Fu:l directions in the pamphlet around each package wnicu inuum oe ciririuiy preservei. SOLO BY .ILL DRVOOISTS. Sole General Agent for the United Slates and British Dominions JOB MOSES, 27 Cortiand St.. New York. N. B SI " and6 three cent postage stamps en closed to any authorized Agent, wiil ensure a bottle containing 50 Pills, by return mail, securely scaled iroui an oosvrvaiioa. Feb. 3, 'ttt. ly. DENTISTRY. C. II O W E R. SURSEON DBNTIST. W sT m Tt a - a T a a r . w . stJi" irui.iii on.-rsliis profess tonal services to the ladies and gentle men or Hl.iomsbiirgand vicinity. He is t'.. I-.... ... ... 1 1 ii.t laiiuni operations in the line of liis prof-.-ssion andis providi d Wlh fie l.uesl improved POHCELJllJi Tr.ETH, whirl, w II lin-erteit on gold. plat ma. sil vcr and rubber br tolookw II as the natuial tei-th Ml ieril plate and block teeth manufactured ar all 0 en ti-ns on teetharefully and properly attended t . Itr.ii'cnce and olfire a few doors above the Court II iiie. same side. Bl sp.nahnrg. June A nr.nirvil ia tin m, . illUlUGHAfllS t tllUl GGKArtlS 1 1 A NEir GALLERY A BURG. BLOOMS- THE undersigned takes pleasrue in announcing tht he bas opened a Gallery in the large Room over llartiiian'a More, in Bloomsburg. Pa., lor Pho tograplnc and Kindred Art. lie is prepared to take Pirtures of all kinds. Having procured the service of an experienced Artist from New York, he is prepared lodoall kinds of Picture takiig tf Call and see before going r Isewhere. t A. a. HEMPSTEAD. January 31. c?SG 3m. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. Us m.O0AISUURG,C0 WB kUMBlA CO., PA. T' HE subscriber, proprietor J of the above named el tensive estaMishment, is now prepared to receive orders for Ail Kinds of Machinery, for CoHeriea, P.last Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILLS, THPESH ING MACHINES. Ic. 4.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in Aist-class Foundries. His extjnsive facilities and practical workmen, war- antbiiuin receiving the largest contracts on the m ft reasonable terms. ITT" Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. IL? This establishment is Wa.ed near the Lackawa na e Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER. BILLJIYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 12. 18C3. JOHN C. YEAGER & Co., MANl FACTURERt WHOLESALE DEALER TN SSiHATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257- North Third Street. Phila'd Nov . Hf,2 LVET0KS' OFFICES. D EPINEUIL &, EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors. Xo.435 WALNUT BTREET., Phii.adlpiiia. PATENTS solicited Consultations on Engineering Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all kinds MADB and skilfully attended to. Special attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTER FERENCES. Authentic Copies of all Document from Patent Office procured. N. B- Save yours. Ives uselesc trouble and trav eling expenses. as there is no actuai need for person, al interview with us. All business with these ffl. eei can be transacted in writing. For farther in for. mation direct as above, with' stamp enclosed for Cir cular with references. April J8,ieGo.-ly, W. JY ew Stock of Clothing. IBfflSISl SoWJlJSa (S3? Sirirtg ami mnmcr Goods- INVITES attention to his stork of cheap and fash ionable Clothing at his Store, on MJJ.V STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the rfmirican House, where he has Jut received from New York and Phi ladelphia, a lull assortment of ITIen and I5oy' Clothing, including the most feshionahln, durable 'and hand aeiue, SriESd GOODS, consisting of tiox, Sack, Frock Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, size, and colors. He also has replen ished his already large stock of Full and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and fan?y articles. N B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths an J Vustings. which he is prepared to make up to order, into any kind of clothing on very slurt notice and in the best of m in ner. All his clothing is mado to wear and most of it is of home mnnufacture. AND Of every Description. Fin and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this jiliire. Call and ex amine his geueral atsortinem of Clothing, Watches, lewclry, fee. 4-c DAVID LOWENBCRG. Blooms burg, April 30. JP03. FItB'SII ARRIVAL AT I'KTKR ENT'S ST0UE, IN LIGHT STREET, OF rj:il AiD SU.TMIKR CS S CE a 0 GREAT REDUCTION IX PRICES HAS just received from ibe EaterD Cities and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assoitrrent of ouc ess or cs Qa eai m cQ 0. zz t& 9 which will be sold cheap for CASH OK :UUiN I KY PRODUCE ! His stock consists of Ladies' Dress Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions, CAlilCUES.M UI.INS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY, CARPETS, sil.KS, SHAWLS, Kendv itl.idc Clothing SATINETS, tMSSlM ERES.COT TON A UES, KENTUCKY JEANSt THREAD, tC. QUEENS WAKE, CEDAR WARE, HARDWARE, M EDIC1NES,DRUGS, COOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In ehort, everytli;ng usually kept in a country store. The patronage or hi o'd friends, and the puclic gent-rany, is respertrully soiicuea. 1 ha highest market price pnii fur country produce. PETEK NT. Light Street. May 2, l?eG. Lackawanna & Cloomsburg Railioad. CST TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a 0 N AND AFTF.R NOVEMBER 27. 135. TA3- SENGER TRAINS WILL RI,N AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD P M FM A M. Leave Pcranton, 4 4'1 ri .Vi Kingston. ti.(K) 'i.5.i " Rloomslnrg. 8.V0 S 2H Arrive ot NorlhuuiHerland 9.30 1U.13 LEA V c, NORTH WARD. A M PM Leave Northtimlierland. 7.00 Stnj Danville. 7 40 S 4 Bloomsburg, f.i C 25 Arrive at tcrnton. 12 4U In 15 Trains leaving Kingston at B 30 A: M for Scranton connect with Train arriving at New YorK at 5 -HI Leaving Noitltuintie-I ind al H.IMI A M.and Kingston i 30 P. M , connect with Train arriving at New York at I U.J j r. ft . Passenger taking Train Sonth from Scranton at 5 5i1 A M via Noithumberlnod.reai u Harrisnurg t M V M. Baliiinore 5 :.0 1' .VI.. Washington 10 00 I M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at ? OOP M. II. A. FON.DA, Supt, Kingston. Nov .25. IS5. $25. THE $25. Union Busitrss Colircre HANDEL AND HAYDN II ALL, Eightix and Spring Garden St-eds. rillLADELl'IILV. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M Fresident and Consulting Accountant. Extriordinary Inducements NOVEL & PER A NEXT ARRANGEMENT OF BUSINESS COLLEGE TER VIS, From April 1 to Cctotcr I, 1865, AND SUCCEEDING YEARS. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeeping, Pu siness Correspondence. Forms and Customs. Com mercial Arithmetic. Business Penmanship, Detect ing Counterfeit Money, it Commercial Law, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, SCHOLARSHIPS, including same subjects as above. Tune limited to three months, TWENTY DOLLARS, Penmanship, three months. - $7 Penmanship At Arithmetic, three month. . $io The saving of ronl and gas in the summer months is an advantage of such impnrian.-e as enables rhe management of this College lo make a cunsiUerultle reduction in the summer rates. From October 1, ie66, to April 1, 1867, And succeeding years, as before. Life Scholarships Scholarships, 3 months, -Penmanship. 3 mouths. ... . Penmanship and Arithmetic. 3 months, rrtuiAL Tabms roa Ct.ces, Soloier. una Sosg or M;iisTr.Rs axd Ta nculrs. 13 Sill $li THK DAY AND EVENING 1NSTSUC TION FOR UOTH SEXES AND ALL AES, in Banking. Storckeepink. Bookkeeping. Penman ship. Pen Drawing. Phonography. Arithmetic, Men suration, Algebra, Geometry . Analytical Geometry, The Calculus. Navigation, Surveying. Engineering. Gauging. Mining, Mechanical Draw ing, Commercial Laua. G.riuan, Telegraphing, aud the English Branches, a, moderate prices. Endorsed by the public as the most successful Bu siness College ol the country, as is evidenced by the fact, that Four Ilnndrfd and Two Students have entered in the Fiasr Six Months or its Existence, rricripalx of Drpartmrnts. THOMAS MAY PIERCE A.M. GEORGE B. SNYDER, R. BARNES. C. N. KAKR. Jr.. J T. REYNOLDS. HENRY KEIM. A E. ROO ERSON, a. m., c.t supported by an able Curps of As istcnts. Call or send for a C.itologiie. College Currency, and Pierce's Practical I duc&tor. Oflicc-.ll IVorlli r.iIifli St I'll I LA DELPHI A. THOMAS M. PMHCE. April 19,16. 3m. Justice or llic fence, Licensed Conretancer, Scrivener, and Snrveyor. Office Bearer .Valley, Pa, Will attend to t iking Acknowledgements. Write Deria, Mortgages. La6cs, Bonds. Notes, Agree ments, Ate. Sorveying attended to with despatch. Charges moderate. TO FARMERS. PHILLIPS SUPER PHOSPHATE LI ME.Sey moors' Patent Grain and Phosphate Drill, Burnetts Re volving Hay Eakes and Hand Hake? for salo by I'AXTON II HARMON, Rupert, Pa. We clafm for Philips Super Phosphate that it eon tarns lest moisture .is more aniforin ia quality, con tains moie agricultural value, than any other in the market, and introduce the article to farmers in gen eral as a rtaple arid standard article intending to take it a rmaneat trade. PAXTON tt HARMON. April 4, 1866, 3a FOUTZ'G Hotsb anil cattle Wim , This preparation, ions; and favorably known, will thor oughly leiavtsoratei broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing tha stomach and i tea tine.. It is a tare pre ventlve of all dis eases incident A this animal, inch BJ LCNO ravtM, 6LADXS( X K L, L. O W WA TER. HEAVES,. COUOH8, DIS TEMPER, FE YERS, FOUNDER 1,(SS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL Its use Improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a smooth and arlossv akin and transforms t h a"" miserable skeleton Into 4 fine-looking and spirit . ' To Icerriers of Cnws this nms Mtf.t.1 IA 1 - , , , . It increases the quantity and improves the quality oi tne mtiic. it has been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per, cent, and make the batter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives tliam an appetite, loosens a their hide, and z makes them thrive ranch faster. In all dUeascs of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulceri la the Lnngs, LItct, Ac, tliis article acts as a specific. By patting from i one-hair a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the " will be eradicated - fmtti or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain, preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera, Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers fbr tL pbzpa&xd bt . e. jv. rouTz 5t bro., wholes (LE Dnro axd depot. No. 116 Pranklin St, Baltimore, Hd. For Sale by Drngglstt and Storckeepen Uxroughr out the United 8 talcs. Bv" For sale at the Drug Store of EYER $ MOVER, Bloomsburg Pa. Bloomsburg, Jan C. JSCfi. 12mo. MY HAPPY HOME THE OLD HOMESTEAD Wild Cherry Bitters Are perfectly pure and contain no poison or nog. ions substance. They are compounded upon scien tific principles, and are adapted to the old and the Young, the Strong aud the Weak, and ae destined to be found in cvrry city, '.own and hamlet ia the civilir.ed world. They speedily cure Jaundice, Dysptpsia, all forms cf In digestion, Hour Stomath, Rheuma tUm, Scm'tda. and all IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, Dropsy. Nervous Aff -ctions. Kidney Diseases, Liv er Complaints. General Prostration, and Ner vous Headache. Am Morning Appetizer no oiher onic or Stima laut in the universe ran equal them. Kor disorder ed digestion, imperfect circulation of the blood, aud exhausted vital energy tliey give permanent ard prompt relief Ft Cough and Cold they aie superior to any Cherry pcrtnral. They cleanse the stomach and purify the blood, acting directly upon the Liver, the great sent of disease ; they soon restore it to a sound and healthy state. To persons of Sedcntarv habits, delicate Females and ntii sing Mothers, and those who feel a loss of strength, or a want of ambition, these bitters will ho fsund of inrah ulnble value. One tilal will ton. vince you Manufactured and sold by T. It. SUXCFRLAXO fcCO.. H? Chrystie St. N. Y. and told by all Druggists and Mcirhants genera ly. D, V, fcOUUlNS, Agent. illooiiikburg. Pa. March 23. lfCn, Sm ISCG Philadelphia & Erie IS6G EL A I e - R .O A B . 4 i&l This great line traversi-a the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on L.ake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by them. Tias or rASsEHnka trains at ftoRTHrarsEKLAsD. LE.UE USTH'AKD. Erie Mail Train. 11 36 P. M. Eri Express Train, 3 41 A M Lluiira Mail Tniin. 10 28 A ur LEWE WEST1VAKD. Erie Mail Train. 4 34 A M Erie Exer.-ss 1 rain. HI f M Elmira illil Train. 4 51PM Passt ners Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without rUASsa both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONVECTION. Leave New York at 9 00 p, m. arrive at Erie 0 30 a tn. Leave Erie at 4 45 p m. arrive at New York 4 10 p lu Elegant t-leeping Cars on all Night Train. For i n format to n respecting Passenger busidfs ap ply nt the IVr.Jfutli end Market Sts Philadelphia. And fir Fri-ight business of the Company's Agfa. S.ri K n.'ston, Jr., Cor. Mill and Market Streets. Philadelphia. VVillia.ii Brimn. Agent X. C. K.R.. Baltimore. II. H. HntiiMii.tien'l Freight Agt.rhil'a. H. VV. : winner. Cen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a. A. L. TVLER.Cen'L. Sup'U Willamsp rl. March SI, I'liti. Sgj! MANHOOD: aL now lost, how restored. Just pulili sheJ. anew edition of DR. CITLVER WKLL S Celebrated Essay on the radical rarsfwith out medicine) of Spermatorrhoi-a or seminal Wenic-' ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, I m potency . Men', tal and Physical Incapacity. Impedimenta to Mar riage, etc, also. Consumption. Kpilrpsy, and Fits, induced bv sell-indulirtiice or sexual nir. f?" Price, in a sealed enx elope, onlv li rents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year's successful practiee.that the alarming cons- quences of self abuse may be radically cureii without t .e dangerous nan of internal iiie.lirtne or the application oj the knife point iig out a mode of curealonce simple, certain and t-ffi-ciual by meana of which every sufferer, no mailer what his condition ma. be, may cure hi unci f cheaply, privately and radically. O" This Lecture should b in the hands ofevery ynth and every man in the land. Sent, undi-r ai-al. in a plain ruvclopn. tn any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post cge el.iuips. Address the publishers, t'HAS J. C. KLINE tv 127 Bowery, New York, Post office b x, 404d. March 14. Va'i- ly G' IbEU'S (HEAP GUOIEUT TROVJSION STORE On Main Street. Rtoomsburg. A large ami complete assortment of GROCERIES constantly on hand. His flock ia composed chiefly of the follow ing articles : Sugar, Molasses, " Teas, Coffte, Rice, Spices, Pish, Salt, Candies, Toys, Notions, $-c.t-FEED AND PROVISIONS, consisting of. FLOUR, CHOP. INDIAN MEAL II A.MS, SHOCLDEBS, CHESE, BUTTER, at EtiGS,' together with a grea. many other articles, usua" ly kept in a first-class Gricery Slure. Country produce generally will he tafen ia tt' change f'ir any articles found in bis Store. . The highest market prices will be paid for al kinds of COUNTRY FURS. HENRY GIGEfl. Bloomsburg, Feb. 22, I36G. T0iTrER YtAR! We wani er9-,tvrv aaenis efrvwher lo r-rl onr improved 820 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. I'nder and tipper feed. Warranted live' years. Ahove salary or large commissions paid. The ON't. Y m.ici'iues in the United States fir less thkn f40, whict( are fully licensed by Howe, Wheel-' cr Sc. Wi'son, (Jrovr tt Haker, Singer ac Co., anif Bacbelder. All other cheap Machines are Infringe ments and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or ralf upon Shaw itClaik, Biddeford, fe.,or' Chicago 111. Dceember 20, Jt!03. ly. ratpTng and mining pa- PER. Having thoroughly overbaaled my Pa per Mills at Mil! Grove, aear Bluomsbarg. Columbia' County, Pa I am aow prepared to All all ortfcre M Wrapping, Dry Blasting ana Water Proof Paper, oa short notice and fair prices. I hare opened a ware hA.A In 1-,1V. . A T k. D ol the firm ol Brown, Gray Ic Co., my agent lo dispose of my paper ia Luzerne County. TBOMA TRENCH, am x - aV-'v.- rd 't"al )1