AGKICULTUBAL, . TLOTVIXGFOr.TOEAT. . . r.-rr-nr3 art? in tlie habit of jUasy oi our wiv - - - tlowin- but once tor we auuve crop uu though they admit the benefit of a second pi0nrr, always, excuse tbemselvca upon a - pleaofwantof time or sonic other like excuse : th'ey do- not seem to realize that their busi r nes3i3 to Invest as much labor on the putting in of their crops as they can with profit, and that it would be much better to invest their money in this way than in bank or govern- mnyarg that can et thcir "01?n1 'into just as good order by harrowing ; tins I deny, they may pulverize the surface so that at a superficial glancelt may seem to be in as good order, but a deeper and more careful examination will show that it is full of lumps " and unbroken clods, into which the roots cannot penetrate, But granting that they . can put the ground into as fine a condition by harrowing as I can by. a secoud plowing, I would still follow the practice, for lean plow twice with less wear and tear of team3 than they will exhaust with the one plowing, be cause I plow the first time as soon as the oats 13 off, vrhih the ground id mellow and unbak ed by exposure to the sun, Daring this time they must haul out their manure. My second plowing will take no longer than their Larrowing, providing they do it properly. . There u still another important point in favor of plowing twice : practical farmer And scientific men have generally come to the ' conclusion that barnyard manure should be kept as near as possible to the surface, so "that it is covered. It. is also a fixed fact that goil for wheat or any other crop should be deeply stirred, Now wo cannot by any pos eible means attain both these results from one plowing. If deep enough to stir the soil thoroughly it will bury the manure too deep ly the soil is not stirred deep enough to sat isfy the other neccessary condition. By plowing twice I am able to accomplL-h .i Tior miVs m-c first DOtn tnese oujette, iui ---j j plowing of the usual depth and afterward a J it,- manilM Y,V O oVllllrlW flirmW- luiuuiiucr iiic uiauiuv fjj " 7 and by rolling the field once can put it into i f .1 1 'IT '.1 i T tine order lor me ami wiuiuul any uanu- inr. -Those who have tried "twice plcro'iug for wheat" and have observed its effect upon the ensuing grass crop, will seldom if ever relinquish the practice; for it always seems to insure a much better growth or set of grass, eecd which may perhaps be owing to the im proved condition of the soil with reference to pulverization. : Plowing but once will seldom kiU all the oats which springs up from -the seed shaken off in harvesting the crop, and it by growing smothers out more or less" of the wheat, al though it has eventually to succumb to cold weather and frost The second plowing de stroys all the oats, for between the two plow ings the seed of the volunteer crop has time to spring up, and often forms quite an addi tion of green manure when turned under and killed by the second plowing. I have thrown out the above ideas with re gard to the proper depth for covering ma nure in hope that some of your experienced practical correspondents will give through your columns their experience , upon this poinfor the benefit of others beside. Ger mantoicn Telegraph. pRoracnxG Trees Against .Worms. The bandage system, which we were the first to suggest some fifteen years ago, and " often referred to since, is the only effectual protection we have yet seen against the opera tions, of the worm in fruit tree-;. We repeat again that in not a single instance have we ever had a wormin our dwarf pear trees where thissystem was properly followed. It is sim ply to bandage the bottom of the tree with any kind of muslin or cloth and tie it, letting the bandage be about six inches above ground and two inches below. TIt should be applied in Febuary or as soon a3 the ground is in a fit condition to go, upon. These bandages should be removed at the end of October. As long as this i3 continued we defy -the worm. . The bug lays it3 eggs an inch or two ' above the ground early in the spring, that is as soon as the warm day3 in March will ad mit of it3 coming forth from its winterquar ters ; the eggs are soon hatched by the sun, being laid on the sun-side of the trunk, and the ygung grub finds Its way down to the soft bark beneath the soil where it gradually works its way in. The bandage prevents both the laying of the eggs and. the descent of the grub. Let doubters try it. One man will bandage twohundred treesin a day. We have no doubt it will also protect the peach tree in the same way. FENCES. Keep a sharp look-out on your fences : keep them in rood repair, and it will sate you from the trouble of running after. yourstock, should they break into your wheat or corn-Celd3. We knew a farmer who had 0 leave his men in the middle of hay making, and also to take one with him to go and drive out some horses that broke into hiswheat-field, and after considerable shout ing and running, succeeding in getting them into the road, and it was not until scveml hours were spent, that they again returned to the meadow. In this way the work of two waa lost for nearly the afternoon. Look well to your fences. ' - Stocks. Keep no stock in doors that you can help.' Let them have , their freedom as, much as possible. See your animals every day. Inspect each one's condition regularly morning'or evening yourself. Let them have some places of shelter, if turned out to grass where they can get out of the scorching rays of our summer sun. It is cruelty to animals to put them in a field entirely destitute of trees, and leave them with the mid-day sun pouring down on their backs.. Give them some kind of shelter" if only a tree to bask under. ..""' - . Loo'sTxVFTEa Your Grafts. la the sum mer many rapidly-growing grafts become so loaded with foliage as to break off during a storm and especially when covered with wa ter. Such grafts should be "shortened by clippingoff cne-halC Others , grew very slowly and fk-llr, which h frequently owing to the sprouts growing on the same stock in which th-3 graft3 arc set. Remove these aa V'T a''"";:ar' thegrifi3 m3 sec:: - WUE PERUVIAN SYRUP A ISA PROTECTED 80LUTI0N OF THE .Protoxide of .Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES AT THE BOOT OF DISEASE. BY supplying tbe Blood with its vital r&uiciFLn, o UVER SXEMKNT 1ROIV. This is the secret nf the wonderful success of ibis . remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrboei, Doil, Nervous Affections, Chills' and FeVero, Humors, Lost of Consti tutional rigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and til diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low state of tbe system Beins- Tree from Alcohol m any form, Ps energi inr effms are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, fining strength, vigor and New Lire jnte an part oi me system, aua nuuaing up in IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AP DEBILITY From the Vnerable Archdeacon Pi 'OTT. D. D. Durham Canada Eat. March 24. IHti5. "1 uiu an invelcruie Dyspeptic of more than 25 years standing." "J nave so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 have used the Pe ruvian a irup. that 1 can scarcely persuade mysel Tor the reality. People who have KSiown me are aston ished at the change. 1 am widely known and can but recoiumend to other" that which' has done so much for me " A CASE OF 27 YE.RS' STANDING CURED. From INSLEV JEWETT, No 15 Avon Place .Ho-ton 'I hav suflered. and sometimes severely, for 2i years, from dyspeptic, I commenced tasin; the Pe ruvian Syrup, and found immediate benefit from it. In the course of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my surf-noga. and have enjoyed nnia terrnpted health ever since " AN EMINENT DIVINE t'r IJllsrtJN, CAYS : "I have been using the Peruvian Syrup for gome time pat ; it gives me new Vigor. Buoyancy ofspir its. Klaslinty ot .viuscle. Thousands nave been changed by tie use of thit remedy from weak, $tc k!y, Buffering creature, to H rang. healthy: and kappp men and icomen ; and invalids cannot rtanona- oiu hesitate tit gft U 0 trial, A pamphlet of ij pact's containing certi tieat',s of cures and recommendations from some of tile most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent true loan; aiiures. ILoee that each bottlehas t'kEuvi!t strlp blown in the glass. i Oil SALE BY J. P. CR7SM'RE. Proprietor. 3t (lev St.Ncw Vork SULD BY AL.L. DltUGGI3Ts. CCIIOFULA. AU Medical Men aeree thst IODINE is the RE3T REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred dio-astrs ever discovered. The Uilficulty has beea to obtain a 1'ta Solutiok of it. Dr. 1- Anders Iodine W ater Is a Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL VENT ! I Contaiuin; a Full Grain tu each ounce ol water. A most Powerful Vitaliz'og Agent and xe.torarive. - has eured and witx care SCROFULA in ell its mani fold forms. CLCER3. CANCERS. SVPH I M 3. SALT RHEUM ; and it has been used with astonishing success in ca ses nf Rheumatism, Hvpep-iaf Consumption, Female I'omplaiirts. Heart, Liver and Kidney Dii'e ises.e. Circulars will be sent FIK to any one seniiing their adilreso. Price fl.tO a bottle, or B for $3.00 Prepared by Dr. H. ANDEUd, Physician fc Chemist B For Sulo hy J. P. DlASMORE. 3G Doy St. New Y And by all Druggists. ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WIID C I1ERIIY iiaTj been USED FO.R nearly HALF A CENTURY, w ith the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Coids, Hoarseness, Sore.Throat iLflasrjzi, Wboopicg coagb, Croup, Lver complaint, Bronchitis, Diffi culty of Breathing, AstLma, ad over y affec tion of THE TIinOAT,L(jXGS C11ES7. which carries ofl" more virtiins than any ether dis ease and which baS -s the i-ki J of tin; Physicians to a greater titent th.m any other malady, often YI KLDS TO THH RKSIbDY when all otlicrs prove ineffectual. AS A .ME!ICINC Rapid in Relief, soothing in E3oct, safu in Its Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation. free from poxiotis inKrertinrnt poisons, r minerals j'uilting skill, scirn' card medi cal kiuiwleilse ; combining all that is ralualile in the vegetable kingdom for this class of ilixt-a-e , it is INCOMPARABLE f and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con fidence of the publict SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman. N. Y- writes as follows : Wistar's Blsm or Wild Oiisrry pives universal satifartion. It seems ti curealouih by loos ning and cli-anring tha lunes.and all.iyinj irrit;ion thu removing the cause, instead of drjim up ihe cuih and leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Haicam an go d as any. if not the bst, Cough me -icine ivnh which 1 am acquainted.' Rev. Jacob Sechler,, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respected anmnj the German populutiou in this country. makes the follow ing state ment for the benefit of th ctilicted. Dear ifs Having realized in my family impor tant benefits frm the de of your valuable "prepara lion Wistars Balsam or Wild i.'herrt it nll'or.lx me pleasure to recoinmeml it to the puldic. r-"ouie eiahl years ago one of my daughter seemed to bu in a de cline am little hapes of her recovery were entertain ed I then procured a bottle of yoir exci llenl, and before sh? had takn ihe whole of the contt nt of the bottle there was a great irrpruvement in her health. I li we, in-my individual cas made frequent use ot your valuable medicine, and have always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECIILER. Trice One Dollar a lioUte. FOR SALE BY J- P. DIXSMORE. 35 Dey Street. New York EETH W FOWXE. it fUN, Proprietors,, Boston. A!(D BT ALL DBCHO.SIS. G RACES Calebrated Salvo CURES CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS. Grapp'e Celebrated Sale CURES WOUNDS.BR UI5E5, SPRAIN'S, Graces Celebrated Salve CURES EOILS, ULCERS. CANCERS. Grace's Ctlchrated I alve CUKES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAri'fcD HANDS. CHILBLAINS. Grace a Celebrated Salra HEALS OLD SORES, FRESH WOUNDS.&c. Itis prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and re daces tbe most angry-looking swellings and iuifla nations, as if by magic thus affjrdimg relief and a complete cure. OulyiS eents a box ! (Sent by mail for 35 cents.) For Sale; by J. P. DIVSMORE 36 Dey Street, New York. S. W. KOWE sc. S JN. Proprieto.-s.Boston, and by all DruESnts. Grocers, and Country stores. nuary'i7, lMtiy. LIQTTOS.S i LIQTTa.S i Whocsnle and KeJail. 'rHE subscriber would announee to the citixn- of 1 Rloomsburg and vicinitv tht .. - ., LIOUORS in lar.e and I7.' 2??? he e",n8 lies, and t diffrireut prices, at sis new store, on Main street, north sid two aoors soma oi iron street, Bloams burg His stock of Foreign and Do mestic consists of Cognac and Rochel e. Blackberry, Gin ger. Raspberry and Lavender, He has a larga ass sortment of Da a ss cs. sy. Old Rye, gray with ngj. fine Old Bourbon, old Plks Whiskey, and any quantity of coirmon. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. Lisbon, Claret, Pherry and Canpnirne Wines ; and last bnt not kpast. a quantity of good doubiB extra BRO VN STOUT; atl oi which hu sell at the lowest cash prices. Th nubile urere pectfully solicited to give his liquor a trinl. ' D. W, ROBBINS. Agent. CHARLES B. BKOCKWAY, Altonicj-at-Lair. i Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, collected. t - K11II1UK uuuer toe Internal Revenue Laws. vfZFf1'?-0 Coor weu of tfie Court Honw. mm A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Newly opposite the Ephcopal Church. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MY stock it composed of fine clothing, medium and low priced ndapted to all conditions, tsstes and wants. He hus the latest styles for the season a fin assortment of Orercoats and Centlemen's Shaw s, from low to tha very best His Uoalls are fashionable anixccll Made. In addition to my stock of rsaiy-made clothing. I have picca goods for orders. Cloths Catsiuicrcs, Sec, &c. And having one of the first class cutters. I guaran" We a fit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of HO0LE.X AXD MX EN SIiKlTS, Stockings, Neckties. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs every thins in the gentl men's line of clothing- Also, Mats, boots and Shoes, Trunks and Carpet bags. i will sell nl the lowest. Market prices Tlease give me a call before purcha-ing elucwhere. AN DliliVV J. EVANS, Blnomsburg, Nov. 15, Ii!CS. Ciatatvi!aa Hail Elonl. On and after MONDAY, April 1. leT.5. passenger trains on tbo Catawissa Uailrcad will run at the fol lowing named hours ; Nail Comb stations Mail North. Lej. H.4." a m Williamsputt Arr. b 15 p.m. " 9.17 Mancy Dep. 5 45 9 45 Watsontown 5 16 u.00 Mikon 5 ot " 10 43.' Danville " 4 2il 11.00 Rupert 4 1 0 11.10" Catuwlssa 3 50 la.ldpra Rinjiown v,35 ia."ib Summit j 5j 1 0" " Quakake 1 40 " 1-211 " E Mthuiioy June. 120 " 2.15 " Dine Tamsqua. Dine 1.10 ' 4 115 Reading ' 10 40 a m Arr 7.00 ' Philadelphia 8 00 " 10 35 ) Nw Ynrk vla- Kea'1- - fm ,, ,0 JJ i mg or Mum Chunk. C 00 No change of cars between Wiiiiamnorl and Phil adelphia. GEO. W. WEBB, tfopt, April 13, 1?36 A LCCTIUE TO YOLNG ME.. jFsri!i JL.-l piibiixhcd. in a seeled enve fl,t ri lope. Trice 6 tents. A Icrtnre on the nature, treatment tnd radical cure of Spermatorlioea. or Seminal Weaknnss fnvo'untary Cmisins. sexual D-bility and Imped imeitts to Marri tee gen-srally. Nervousness, t.'on euuiftitin. Epilepsy, and Kit-j ; and Physical Incapacity, resulting frOiii Self Abtise, cc. By Rob ert J. Culverwell, M, D.. author of th 3 'Green liook,' If.. The world renowned author. in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience, that :he awful couscquences of Sel f-Abuse may be etTct ually removed without Medicine, and without dan gerous rurrxal operations, bongles. instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter lint his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec ture wil 1 prove a boon to thousands. Sentjmder sea! to any address, in n plain envelope, on receipt ot six cents ortwopos-nge stamps. Also Pr. Cul verwelPs Marriage Guide, price S3 cent. Address, CH A!. S C. KLINE k CO.. 1'.'7 Bowery, New V oik, P. O. box 45-6. April 18, Isoti. ly Peas t Co. N-E Cor. Tenth and ClifMcut fcitreets. PUILAPELmiA. The most complete and thoroiichly appointed Busi ne or I'oiumercial College in th country The only one in the city posse-sing a Legislative "barter. and the only one in the Unitud tate- author ized to confer Degrees of Mi rit Diaplomas aw arded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by geutlemcn of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled advantages for the thojoiih theoretical and piactical education of young men lor the various du ties and employment of huin"es life. THEORY ANli Pr.AClICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAJ. BUSINESS TRAINING orizinal and pre ioiticiit'y practical g'ving Ihe stu dent in.the shortei-t lime a comp letn n-fcight into the science of accounts, arranged and published by the proprietor of this Institution rxclu-i vely for his own use. saving one-half the ordinary labor of the student and pi v 1 n," him a complete kuuwledg.j of the practice jf tke best accountants. TEE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES B.fotecpiDg.Coniotrcial Ariihmetic,PeD rnanship. 15u?inu9 CorrerpondeDce, Cornme-rcial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Commer cial Cu?t JQis, Forms, and Actual Busi rc? Pric'icp. SPE'.'IAX, Pi.tANCHE t'gebra end the Higher Ji.'athernatie. rhonofraphy. Or namcntil Penmanship, the JIH o . lietteling Counterfeit Jfo.iry.J''Pg Sur Trying, jfai igatijn and Telrgrap'iinrt. TELEUft.Ai'Hl.VG. The arrangements for T-iegrapliing are fr more ad vance of anything of the kind ever off red to the pub lie. A reffular Tele rapli Cine is connected with the Institution wrh twenty bratich offices in various parts of the ci y, where public business is tranacted, and in which the ytudeals of this Institution are per mitted to practice. No tegular office practice can be had in auv other school of instruction in t'e country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Young men are cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend 10 ach Telegraphing. PATRON' AJK. This Institution is now enjoyins tlie Iar;est pitron tronage ever beiowed upon any Commercial school in tl'e State. Over livv hundred students were in atten dance the fi- si year, anil over seven hundred during the past year. The be-t class of students may inva riably be found bcre, and all its associations are first clasn LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the most central part of the city, and its accommodations, for extent, cle zancerand convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have'ieen fitted up in the very best style with UUStNESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. STATIONARY STORE. n a Rio: lar bank of m:posiT and is.-rn. supplied witb finely engraved lithographic nolo nsed as a circulating medium iutUe Urpartmeiil of Actual Haziness. TO YOUJIYG .TIK.'V who desire the very best facilities for a - rracitcal i:dnca!ion for Casfnrss, we guars n tee a course of instruction no where elst equalled, whi'e the reputation and stjnding nf rhe Institution nmon; bu'intss men make its endorse ineni the best passport to success and advancement. All contemplating e-itering any t'omin-rrial College, nr invited to send for an I tXI'STKATKD CIUCULAH AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full particulars of the course of instruction, terms, ttc. L. FAIKBAMCS, A. HI., President. T. E. MERCHANT, Supt, of Office Business. Nov. 4. 1 12 m. LI F E 11 E A LTII STii E G I II. LI FE HE A LI II- STK EXGTU. LIFE HEALTH STUEXtTIJ. Hundreds and thousands annually Cie ptrmattirely when, if they would give the Great French Remedy, DR. JUAN DELAMARRE 3 Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared by Gtiinnrxc ic Dctpokt, No 514 Rue Lorn" bard. Paris, from Ihe prescription of Dr. Juan Hela marre. Chief Phvsiciau cf the Hospital du Nord on Lariboisiere a fair trial, they Vioul 1 nnd immediate relirC and. it, a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength It is used in.the practice of many emi nent Freeh physicians, with uniform success. .-md high ly recommended as trie o ily positive ait yccijic iietae df for all persons su If-r n' Ir 011 General or S-xua Debility, ait derangements of I lie Nervous Forces Melancboly.Spermat.irrhoea or Semiiril r mision,al Weakness arising from sexual Ex Energy. Physical Prostration. Nervo'lsner . Weak Spine t L,wn.-s of o dimness 01 imn. Hysterics, rams in toe Back and Limbs, Impnteucy, tic No I inguage can convey an aeqaate idea of tbe im mediate and almost miraculous change it occasions to thedetiintatBd end shntt.rred synem in itaii.fB unrivalled as an unfailing cure ol the maladies above mentioned.) Suffer no more, bat nse The OreatTreach Renedu ; it w H effect a cure where all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurtful ta the most delicate constitution Pan.phlets.coiitaining fi paitienlars and directions for using, in English. Frersch.Spahish and German, ac company each box, and also sent free to any address when requested. Price One Dollar per box; Six boxes for Five Dollars Sold by all Druggists t iroughout ihe world ; or will be sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation, by inclosing specified price to any authorized agents BKWARR OF COUMTEAyEITS JA'Lr I MIT A 770JVX Proprietors exclusive Aifests for America, OSCAR Q MOSES. CO., 7 Cotirltmd St. New York. Authorized Agents for Bloomsburg. SC i- n f. 1 snr w n COLLEGE READING RAIL ROAD. SlMMi:it ACKAKGL31EAT. - April 23d, 18G6. reat Tmnk Lino From The North "J and North-VVest for Philadelphia. New York, Reading, Pottsville.Tamaqua. 'Ashland, Lebanon. Al lentown. Easlon. 4.C. Trains leave HarnsbitrgCor New Yora, a follows : At 3 00.7, 40 and f.OS A. M., and 2 OU and SI 20 P connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 5. 40 and lu.Ou A. M and 3 4U and 10 3j P. M. Slesping Cars accom panying the 3.00 a.nd 9.20 A. M. Trains, without change. Leave Harrisbnrg for Reading, Potteville.Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allen ins n , ami Philadelphia at 7 40 A M. and t HO and V S0HI, stop ping nt Lebanon and principal VVsy Mations; ihn 'I.JO P.M. Train making no close connect ion b for Potisville nor Philadelphia. For Potisville, Sc.iuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Rail Road. leaAe llarrisburg at 4 15 P. M. Returning ; Ieave New-York at 9 liO A. M. 12 00 noin and 8.30 P. M. ; Philadelphia at 8 t)U A. M. and 3 30 P. M ; Potisville at H :-M A. M. and 2 45 P . M ; Ashland b 00 and II 15 A M. and 1 j P, M. Tamaqua at it 45 A. JVl, and 1 00 and 8.55 P. M Leave Potisville (or llarrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road , at 7.00 A M, Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at ft 10 A. M.. returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 I'. M. Columbia Rail Trams leave li'-mlmi at G It) A. M. and t 15 P. .!. fur Ephrata. Litiz, Lancaster, Co lumbia, sec. Os Sundays ; Leave Ntw York at P 30 P M, Phila delphia 0 A M, nnd 3.15 P.M. the 8.00 A M. Tiain running only to Reading. Potisville g 00 A M, Tamaqua7 30 A M , llarrisburg 9 05 r.M and Read ing at 1.30 A. M. for llarrisburg, and 10 5i A. M. for Naw York, and 4 25 P. M lor Philadelphia. Commu'alioii, Mileage, Season, Sciiool and Excur sion Tickets To and from all points, at reduo d Kates baggage checked throu0'n ; el) pounds allow vd each Passenger. G. A. NltAlLl.S, General ?urARiN ta.nde.nt. Reading. Ta. April 23, 1SC6. OF Spriii :ieiI uts.nici-ood. ' PflF. subscriber has just returned from the cities 1 with another large nnd select assortment of SPRING AND SILMMKU (JOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest figure, and which he is determined to sell on as moderate. Ivrnu as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. His rtock comprises LAD-E3 GOODS i f the choicest styles and latest faskions together with a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, .CLOTHS, and Vt stings. Also, Groceries, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Hollow-ware, Nails, Iron, Hats and Caps, tc. In short, everything usually kepi in a country stores, to which he invites the at tention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. S. R. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Not. 22 I3B5. WYOMING I LKES-n A R R E PE.N X A. CAPITAL AM) SlPTlS, - - $150, ASSETS. tork riot called in, flills r-ceivaMe. -U. S. 5 lJoii-ls, ... Tcmiiorarv mid call loans. $.0.CD0 P) l;0 2-r,0:iti ti.Ono 103 shares Wyomiiis; Hank Stock. b.Io 5i shares Tirst National liana nt Wjlks-Rarre, S.tHXJ 70 shares Second National Hank at VVilkes-ilarre ".oo.i 4t slisres ilkes-Uarre UriJge Stock, - . 2.50 Estate. 1.5l'J Judgment nii Due trom Agents and others, ... 7.414 Canh in hand and in Bank. .... l.M - DIItDCTlsRS. G. M. HOt.LENRACK, JOHV REICIIARD. SAMUEL WADHAMS. CHARLES DORRANCE, R D LroB, L. D. SHOEMAKER. 11. M. FHiVT, i. LI.I!;, Wjf. S ROSS, Ha.ri.k--A MIXER, Sa'E'.VART PIERCE, M II Ah DING. G. M HOLI.EM'.At K. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vies Prs7. K. C. SMITH, Secratart. F. liROWN. Agent. March 25, 1?05 uishur?. Pa. OMNIBUS LINE. THE undersigned would re? prrtf.ill v nnnonnrc to the citizens cf Bloomsburg, and the public gen- ..uij. in rvniiing an OMNIBUS LINE, be tween this lace and tbe dif ferent Rail Road Depots dai 'y. (Sundays excepted) to connect with the several Trains goiny South a West on i the Catawissa and VilIinmsport Rail Road, and with those going North and South on the Lack. &. Bloomsburg Road. HisOWNIBUS-ES are in rood condition, commo dious and comfortable, and chari es reasonable. C7 Persons wishisg to meet or see tt-ir friends depart, can be accommodated, upon leasnnrble charges, by leaving timely notice at any of the Ho tels, JACOB L. CIRT0N, ,... Proprietor. Eloomslinrg. April 27. 1?64 S23. ri00P5KiriT8, S23. IlooKio V Ou n sialic." MAScrACTCBED and Sold WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No (128 ARCH Street, Philad'a. The most complete assortment of La lies Mises and Children's HOOP fKIRTS. in this City ; gotten u- expressly to meet the wasts of first oi.ass Trade ;einhracin the newest and most desirable Styles and Sizes of "Gore Trails of every leagth from J 4 to 4 yds. round. -JO to 5H Springs, at 2 to 55 00. Plain Skirts, all lengths, from s.'i to 3 yds round the bottom at SI 40 to SI 15. Our line of Misses'and Children's SKIRTS, are proverbially beyond all competition f ir variety of styles and sizes -as well as ior flaish nnd durabili ty ; varying from 8 to 33 inches in length. . to 42 gP'isjs at 35 centsto i 25. All Skins of "OUR OWN MAKE." are Wairastks togive Satisfaction ; out But kon as fccrt, unlcssthey have, -llnpkin's Hoop skirt Manufactory, Aio. 5iS Arch Street"' Stamped on each 'l ab I Also constantly on hand, good Skirts, Manufac tufed in New York, and the Eastern States, which wc sell at very low Prico. A lot of chCHn Skirts 15 -prings. 5 cents ; 20 springs. $1 0035 springs. tl 15 3' springs, $1 25 and 40 springs $1 50. tJT Skirts, made to O der and Repaired. ft " Tiiaas Gash. Prick Oklv I March 7. JfCb. 4inos, M. WIlITMOVEit, ATTOIW'SI - AT - LAW, BLOOMSBURG, P. OJJl're oppose Fot office, orer Iljrtmttn's slore Uuck l'ay, j'otmty, Pensio-is and Gov eminent claims promptly collected. Bloomsburg, Apr. 4, '6G. VYjf. C. HS5SZET, CEO. W. CARPENTER. EitablisLied 1823. C. TV. CARrE.VTER, IIESZE V & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?. 737 Market St. one door below th. Pn ladelphia, . DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS OILS. GLASS, VARNISHES, DYE, And every other article sppertair ing to tbe business, of tbe best quality, and at the lowest Market Bates. March 23. 18GG. g90 A iflOATH! Agents wanted tT for nix emfirdn w ri'.s, lust Q"t. A- .t - -- .li ,r-""i!-'V? V 7' m- mi-sh hi m "njjj. MARSHALL'S CATARRH SXUFP, Tbis Snnff has thoroughly proved itself to be tbe best article known for caring the CiTiitn, Cold i thb Head and IIeadachk. it has been found an ex cellent remedy in many caces of Sore Eyes, brir hkss has been removed by it and Hears ik has often been grvatly improved by its use. It is fragrant and agreeably, and GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIKF To the dull heavy pains caused by diseases cf the Head. The sensation arier udinz it are delightful and open and purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts anocted. More than Thirty Years' Of Sale and use of Da. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache S.Nt rr, has proved itsgr'at value foi all the common Diseases oi l he Head. and at this moment it stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best pbvsicians, and is used with great success nud oatislactiun eve rywhere. Readthe Cert ficates of Wholesale I)rrjf pisfs in 1854 The undersigned, having fo- many years been ac quainted with Dr. MaRshaan's Catarrh and Head ache Surrr. and sold it in our wholesaletrade cheer fully state. that we elieve it to be enu.H in every re tl ect, to the ree..iiit..nd atinns given of for the cure of Catarrhal ArTeclioiw, and that it is decidedly the best article we h;iveever known for all common dis eases ol ihe Head. Burr Sl Perry, Boston, Reed, Austin 4c Co Brown. I.amson St Co Reed, Cntlwr St Ce Setli W Fowle, " Wilson. Fairbank tc Co. Henehaw. Kdmniids St Co Rarnes Park. New A B Sc. D Sands. Yoik Stephen Paul 4c Co sru I Minor a. Co M'Keggon tc llnbbins A I. Scovill dtco V5 Ward, i lose it Co H II Hay. Portland. Me. Bush tc Gale, ForS.ile bl all DriiTixta Tor Ir Feb. 3, 1SWJ ly. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. CThe original Medicine CFt-iMit hd in 1837. and fir! article of the kind ever introduced under tin name of "Pulmonic Waeers." in this or any other country; all other Pulmo lie VVaf.;rs are counterfeits. 'Itie genuine can be known by the name BRYAN be ing stamped on each Wafer. These Wafers have been hefore the pnblic for nearly Thirty Years and the immense sale atta ned, not only in America but in foreign countries, fully attest their wr'h. The medical properties are superior to any other article offered for l he cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial auctions .and the quantity contained in each box is nearly double thai of Ihe many wor'.hless mutations advertised. Lryau s Pulmonic Wafers cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Thront. Hoarseness, Asthma. Catarrh. Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood Pains in the Che. Incipient Consumption and all iiseases of the lungs. NoiaQ'ording o ily temporary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and are warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. -They do n-t nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medical prope.ties ar combined in a form so ugrceable and pleasant to the las tu. that a.iy child will readily take them One dose will always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocalists and Public Speakers, the Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the most i-evere occasional hoarseness ; and their regular use for a few days will, at all times. increase the pow er and flexibil'ty ofthe voiee, greatly Improving its tone. co pass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many professional vocal ists The very great celebrity of Una valuable remedy has iniu.tcd unprincipled persons to prepare basa imita tions, which disappoint the jut expectations of the purehaser, and injure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the word "BRYAN," is stamped on earb Wafer, and also observe ihe fie simile nf the signa ture nf the Proprietor. "JOB MOSEV on earh wrap per, to counted it which is poroert. C7" Offending parties will be dealt with to the full extentof the la wl Bhtan's PclMI'Nic Wafers ere fur sale by ail Drue gists. JOB MOSS Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St , N. Y Feb. 3,lc;W ly. THE GREAT EXUMSU JlE.UEDi. PROTECTED EY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. STR JAM ES C L A R K E " S Celebrated Female Pills. rrepareifrom a preieriplionof sir ..Clarke. M. D.,Phy sician EziTaoniiuaof toth'. (Jueen. This invaluable ineii me is unlailin; la the cure of nil those painful and dangerous diseases to which the f.-mal'! constitution is subject. It moderates all ex cess and removes all obstruction. from whatever cause and a speedy cure may be relied on AO M AH HIED LADIES, it is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity, til l' li bottle, puce One Dollar, hears liie Government M.uop of Glcat Britain, to prevent counterfeits, l.'Alil ION. The'e rills rhouli not be taken by Females dnrin" the FIRST TintF.E MO.YTflS of Pregnancy, they are"sure tobring on Micariare,but at nry other lime they aresafe Every women kuon s that thu bloom of health iuul fade, with the slightest irregularity or obstruction of the menses. These Pi. Is are truly the woman's friend iu the hour of trinl, snd the only sure, positive and never failing cure and rt guiatnr f Suppression of na lure from wha ever cause So mild Inat the feeblest can tak. them with perfect security yet so powerful in their ejects, thai iney may be safely called, a never failing Regulator. In all cases cf Nervous and Spina! Aff-ctians. Tains in the Back and Lioibs, Fatigues I ipht crertion. Pal pitation of the lleiirt. Hysterics, aud Whites, these Pil's will eff ct a cure when allothermpnns have fai ed ; acd although a powetful remedy, do not com ain iron", calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet arounJcach package which should be raretuHv preserved. SOLD Br .ILL IWUOG1STS. Sole General Ageut for the United Stales and Driiiah Dominions, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortland St., Now York. N. B $1 00 and 6 three cent postage stamps en closed to any authorized Agent, will ensure a bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail, securely sealed from ail observation. Feb. 3, 'Oti. ly. D12NTISTKY. " HC. II O ff E R, SURGEON DBKTIST. E--rC "1 ' I. ' I t i . ,r i ' ' -w'TW ""'-is ins proiess- rv-?; ional services to the ladies and gentle men of PI nmsburgnnd vicinity. He is prepared to atiend to all the varions operations in the line of iiis profession andis provide d wiht'ie l.-uest improved PuHCF-LAIJ TKF.Tll; u hici w II l.jin-rted on ma. silver and rubber br e lo loi-'xw' II as the natuial teeth .Mi lertl plate and blcck teeth iiianufartured ar all o en ti'-ns on refully and propi-rly attended t '.'eiice and oih e a few doors above the Court I! nie. same side. Bl e.nsl)iirc. June fi lPf,3 PllUTUUKAtilS ! tUUlUOUAl liS I ! A NEW G.ILLVJtY IX BLOOMS BUHG. yHE tinderstpned tnkes pleasrue in announrin" V that be has opened a Gallery in the large Room over Hartman's More, in Bloomshurg. Pa., for P ho tograplnc and Kindred Art. no is prepared to take Pictures of all kinds. Having procured the service of an experienced Artist from New York, he is prepared to do all kinds of Picture takiig. Ri .Call aud see before going t Ise where . . . A.A.HEMPSTEAD. January 31. lSGfi-3in. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. m LUMBIA CO., VJi. 4T J a y'it nb snbscriber. nronrietor of the above named rv tensive establishment, is no prepared to receiie orders lor All Kinds of Machinery, for CoMeries, Rlast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILLS, THPESHIVG MACHIN ES, kC. &.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, p'ow-irous, and everything usually made in frst-class Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war taut him in recviyiug the largest contracts on the m -t reasonable terms. jy Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. n This establishment is 1ca.ed near the Lackawa na S, Bloomsburg Railroad D pot. PETER BILLMYER. Kloomshurg. Sept. 12, 1863. lilEbll ARKIVAL I OF NEW GOODS. Which are to be sold cheaper than ever. If you want bargains, call at in ROHRSBCRG. Coliimhia Connty. where you will find a good assortment, well selected Any article out of the usual line can he easily pro cured, as we have a buyer In the City ail the time. Coimlry Proi.'uce, f all Kinds, taken in exchange for Goods. C. TRESTOX. Eoirsburl, May 23, lSC6.-lm. JOHN C. YEAGER & Co., MAN! FACTURER t WHOLESALE DEALER IN OX HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, JYcw Stock of Clothing wmmsm inwiiiL if Suriii-aiul Summer Goods. MJ11N STREET, HLOOMSnuilG, two doors above the Jlmirican House, u Va? J9 Jl,",t received from New York and Phi ladelpbia, a lull assortment of iUi-n and I5oy i lotlun-, including the most fesbionable. durable and band some, D'tESS GOODS, consisting of llox. Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of nl I sorts, size, nnd colors. IIu also has replen ished Iiis already large stock of Fall and Winter ShawU; striped, figured and plain Vest, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and fancy articles. N P. He ha constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestings. which lie is prepared to make up to order, into any kind of clothing on very short notice and in me best of m in ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of borne innnufacture. A N D a r,f every Description, Fin-and Cheap. His Case of Jewelrv is not surpassed in this place, ('all and ex amine his geueral assortment of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, ic. dec, DAVID LOWENBUKG. Bloomsburg, April 20. I860. Fit KS II ARRIVAL AT I'ETKK ENT'S STOKE, IN LIGHT STREET, OF AiM SUJMIEII GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES HAS just received from the Eastern Cities and Is now opening at the old stand a splendid asgoitment of LL C23 ur cs ZEi si jiq. cL 0. 23 '. 3 which will be sold cheap for CASH OU UOUN I'KY PRODUCE ! His stock consists nf Ladies' Dress Goods, choicest styles aud latesl fashions, CALlCOE3,MU4l.lNS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY, CARPETS, SILKS, SHAWLS, Kcadv Made Clothing SATINETS, CSSIM E RES.COTTO N A I) ES, R E N T U CK Y JEANS, THREAD, &C. C3 tsi CE CJ 12 122 2 S QUEENS WARE, CEDAR WARE, HARDWARE, M EDICIN ES,DRUG S, COOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In short, everything usually kept in a country store. The patronare nf hi' o'd friends, and the puclic generally, is respectfully solieiied. 1 he highest market price paid lor country produce. PETER ENT. Light Ftrfcet7May2, 13Co. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railioad. ilm a e spssi CT TWO DAILY TRAINS.' -a ON AND AFT' R QVEMRRR 27, 1C5, PAS SENGER TRAINS VTll.l. ktN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOL" T II W A R D. P .M P. VI A M. Leave Srranton, 4 4) 6 Su Ksna.-ton, COO F..5 " liloomslurg. tj.-.M) S.Sd Arrive at Noithuinherland 9.5(1 10 35 LEA V t. NORTHWARD. A M PM Leave Northumberlatid. 7.U0 5 "0 Danville. 740 5 4" " P.loomsburg, 8.'J5 6 j5 Arrive at Scrniti.n. 12 41) l'i 15 Trains leavin? Kingston at S.30 A: M for Prranton connect with Train arriving at New Yor at 5 M Leaving Noi tliumhe'lind al f.Ot) A M.and Kinsston 2 M P. M , connect with Train arriving at New Vork at 10.55 P. M. Passencer taking Train Sooth from Scranton at 5 50 A M via tliiiinberhind.reai h llurrislnirsj -J :t'l P .M. lialtiniore 5 : 0 P M.. V ashitL'tn 10 00 P .M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 00 P M. II. A. FOXDA. Supt. Kingston, Nov, 25. 1SC5. $25. THE $25. Union Business College II AN'DEL AXD HAYDN II ALL, Eighth and Spr'ing Garden Streets. PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M. President and Consulting Accountant. Extraordinary Inducements I NOVEL A: PER A VENT A R R WG EMEVT OF LCSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, From April 1 toOctoter 1, 1855, AND SUCCEEDING YEARS. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, including P.opkkerpina, Tu siness Correspondence. Forms nnd Customs. Com mercial Arithmetic, lliisines Penmanship, Detect ing Counterfeit Money. St Commercial Law, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, SCHOLARSHIPS, including same subjects as above. Time limited to three months, TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, three months, - 7 Penmanship At Arithmetic, three months . $!u The saving of coal ami cas in the summer months is an advantase of such importance as enables t he management oi'this Collcxe to uiuke a considerable reduction in the summer rates. From October 1. 1365, to April 1, 167. Acd succeeding years, as before. Life Scholarships 535 Scholarships, 3 months, - $jj Penmanship. 3 mouths. ... . 5 ti Penmanlup and Arithmetic. 3 monthr, - . si 1-2 ecil 'Perms roa Cilbs, Soldiers, no ron mE Sons or Ministers and Tkicuers. DAY AND EVENLN G 1NSTSUC TION I OR ROTH SEXES AND ALL AGES, in Pankms. Store-keeping, Tlookkceping. Penman ship. Pen Drawing. Phonoiraphy. Arithmetic, ITen suration. Algebra. Geometry , Analytical Geometry, The Cairuliis. Naviaation. Surveying. Kogineering' Causing. Mining. Mocnanicnl Drawing, t ouimercial Law, Gvrman. Telecraolilnf. aud ihe English Branches, at moderate prices. Endersed by the public as the most iiccesful Bu siness College of the country, as is evideucrd by the tact, that Four Hunilrf d and Two Students have entered in the FtR.r Sis Mohths or its Existence, Principals of Drpnrtmrnls. THOMAS MAY PIERCE A.M ., GEORGE R. SVYHER. R. s BARNES. mVN Alt? .J"" 1 T KKYXOLD3. UL.NRYKLIVI. A K.ROGERSO.V. a.K..c.E rppoited by an able Corps of As istcnts. Call or send for a Catolocue. College Currency, and Pierte's Practical I ducator. fiicc-oai IVorlh Tilifh St PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS M. PLIKCE. April IS, lfdi. 3m. Justice oT flic leacc, Licensed Conveyancer, Scritrcner, and ISnrveyor. Office Reaver Valley, Pa, Will attend to liking Acknowledgements, Write De.'ds. Montages. L.-iKes, Bonds. Notes. Agree ments. See. Sorveying attended to with despatch. Ch rres moderate. TO FAnrviEnS, PHILLIPS SCPER PHOSPHATE LI l E.Seymours Patent Craia and Phosphate Drill, burnetii Re volving Hay Rakea and Hand Kake for b.iIo by PAXTON tc HARMO.V. Ruperi, Pa. We claim for Philips Paper Phosphate that it eon tains less moisture , is Diore uniform in quality, con. tains mote agricultural value, than any other in the market, and introduce the article to farmers in gen eral as 1 a rtaple and standard articl intending to in-.l'-p. it Tir.nan,.t lr,ln F? O U T Z'3 - - CILEBK1TED - , . ' Hotsb anfl Cattle Fowflers This preraratlon. I long and favorably known, will tnor ougbJy relnvlgorata broken-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing tha stomach and intes tines. It is a sure prs entivs of all di eases incident 1m ints antmal, such as Ll'SU ILYtat. ULACRS.- M. r, xj 1, v' 1 1Y A- TER, HEAVES, COUGnS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ic. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a smooth and glossy skin and transforms the miserable skeleton into a rlne-lookincr ni irnA horse. To keepers of Cows thlg orenaratlnn ! It increases the quantity and Improves the quality 01 me muic. it baa , been proven by ao tual experiment la increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the batter firm and weet In fattening; cattle, it gives them an anrjetite. loosens 3 their hide, and mac as fhom thrtvA . much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcer in Wim Tut. rr. T tvn, " " . ' 1 , &c, this article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Pfice 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for SL PHEPAB.ED BT s. foutz sc uro., AT THEIR rnoiEsn.E and medicije depot. Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggist and Storekeeper through cut tbe United States. IL7" For sale at the Drug Store of EY1ZR 4- MOYER, Bloomsburg Pa. Bloomsburg. Jan. 6. lfC6. I2mo. IEW SEHRT rOEl 18 GO. The Great Invention of the Age in' HOOP SKIRTS. J. V. BRADLEY'S Kew Patent DUPLEX ELLEPTIC (or double) SPRING r-KlRP. THIS IVVFNTIOS ronsit of Duplex (or two) E' lipticPure Refined Steel Springs. ingeniously Braided I ightly and Firmly tosethi-r, ede to edge, making; the. Toucticst, most Flexible, F.lastic and durab e Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt thai ever lias or Can be made. THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptir Skirt will be experienced particularly in atl crowded As semlilies. Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, AP111 Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the fckut can be folded w hen in oe to occupy a siiihII plce as easily aud coaveuiently as a Silk or. Muslin liress, A Lady having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and Orcat Convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Sprine Skirt for a single day will N'iver afler war.'s v timely dipente with thcir nse. FofCWl dren. Misses and Voting Ladies they are superior to- 1 1 ... i. .. . .. THE HOOPS are rovered with 2 ply double twisted tin i nl and will wear tw ire as lung as the Single yarn covrini; which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The thiee bottom rodon every Skirt are also Double Steel and tw ice or double covered to prevent the cov ering from w. aring ort the rods when dragging down si.iirs. $tne steps, etc . etc., which they are constant, ly sulij":t h-n in use. All aie made oi the new and elegsnt Corded Tip", and are tli b--t quality in every pari, giving to the wearer the mod trraceful nnd perfect shape, possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever Tuade WEST S BRADLEY St CAKY, PROPRIETORS of tbe Invention, aad SCL!i- MANL FACTURf.RS. M 4.11 AMULKS, and TO & El REibE CTRLEI'S, New- o- k, Ft;R SALE in alt first class Stores in this City, and ih'.rtiehuul the Tinted States and Caanada. Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and theWest Indies Clr" lii'j'iire for Hie Duplex Elliptic (er doable) Spring Skirt. March 21, If,r,.3miA it C. MY HAPPY HOME- THE OLD HOMESTEAD Wild Cherry Bitters Are pcrf-ctly pure and contain no poison or ox. i mi substance. Tliey are compounded upon sMeii tihcprineipies. and ars adapted to the old and the N inin;, the rtrong acd the Weak, and ae destined tobe f.mud in every city. town, and hamlet in tha civilizou wori.i. They speedily cure Jaundice, Dysptpsiat. all forms of In digestion, Hour Stomach 9 Rheumz tism, Scro'vla, an.t all IMPURITIES OF THE I3E00D, Drop.y, Nervous AfT-ctinns. Kidney Diseases Liv er Complaints. General Prostration, anl Ner vnim Headache. As a Morning Appetizer no other Tonic or Stimu lant in the universe ran equal them. For disorder ed digest on. imperfect circulation of the blood, and exhausted vital euemy they give permanent ard prompt reliuf For CouL'hs snd Colds they aie superior to any Cherry Pectoral. They cleanse the stomach and purify the bl od. acting direi tly upon the Liver, the creat sent of disease ; thev soon restore it lo a sound and healthy state. To persons of Sedcntsrv habits, delicate Female and nursing .Mothers, and those who fee 1 a loss of strength, or a ant f ambition, these bitters wil I be fsuud ot incalculable valuu. One tiial will con. inee you Manufactured and sold by T. B. S LINGER LAND &.CO-. 1 1? 4;hrystie St, N V and sold by all Druggists and Merchants genera ly. D, W, !iOKl:.S. A(tei,t. ' t. -.a , liloombur;. ra. March 3?,lc6i, ISCG Philadelphia & Erie ISG6 X Q A 35 . This great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Ttaiisylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by them. TIKI OF r&SkEKOER TRAINS AT SOITnCIIIIlAHS,- U:UE LAST Vt AUD. Erie Mail Train. Ens E.Tprem Train, II 3ft P. M. 5 40 A M Llmira Mail i ruin. 10 S6 A n LEOEUESTWARD Erie Vail Train. 4 59 A M Erie Express I rain. 6 54 p M Flmira Mail Tiaiu, 4 4 P M Passengers Cars run through on the Erie .Mail and Exprens Trains without cntsai both ways between Philadeipbia and Erie. NEW YORK CONVECTION. Iave New York at 9 03 p. m. arrive at Erie 0 30 a.m. Leave Erie at 4 45 p m arrive at Xew York 4 ID p nt Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting Passeneer busidess an. ply at the 4,'or. r-Olh end Market Sts Philadelphia' And f .r Freight buiness or the Company's Agt' S.B.Kmeston. Jr., Cor. lSth and Market Street. Philadelphia. William Brow n. Agent N. C. R. R.. Baltimore. II. II. Houston. Gen'l Freight Ast.Phjl'a. H. W. 4iwiimer. Gen l Ticket Aet. Phil'i. A. L. TYLER. Gen l. Sup't. Willanisp. rt March SI, leCti. v MANHOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. lust published, anew edition of DR. CCLVER iVtLLS Celebrated l,j on tbe radical curt (with, out medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or teminal Weak nes. Involuntary Stminal Losses, I m potency, Men tal an j Physical Incapacity, impediment to Mar riuge, etc, also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. IT?" Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly denonstratcs.rrrro a thirty year's successful practice, that the alarming consequeoces.of self abuse niBy be radically cured without t e dangerous us of internal medicine or the application oj tbs knife point tig out a mode of roreatooce simple, eertaia and effectual by means of which every sufferer, no matter vtbat his condition may be, may care himself" cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should bo in tbe kand of every yeuth and every man In the land. Sent, under; seal, in a plain envelop, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cent, or two post age stamp. Address the publishers. I V ... MTsO)