1 i ; r DEMOCRAT AHD STAR. :: LOCAL. DEPARTMENT; BLOOMSBURQ : Wednesday, June 20, 1866. ; ANSWEB3TO CORBJJSPONDENTS ' ' ' f.: C. W.' -Yours of the 14th insf. , wis re 'ceived, and is satisfactory, but the original letter could not be found. We suppose it as destroyed with some refuse paper at the tune we moved our office. Orangeville Democrat. We desire your real name before publishing your com munication. Notwikh the intent of publish ing it in connection with your letter, but to Secure us from fraud or imposition. Your statements, if correct, are worthy of some attention. ; . . Henrie, of Plymouth. You are an entire rtranger to us; we would like to accommo date you with our paper, but surely you )ught to remit the money in-advance. . George S. We are taught that the clouds fly from about a quarter of a mile to a mile high. . : EST1 Dr. Jacob Schuyler advertises Lum ber .Yard in this" issue. JJ Our readers, who address us by letter, should be careful to notice, each week, our "answers to correspondents." t2??C Phestox, merchant, of Rohrs burg, 13 bound to keep time to the music, and lead the trade. See his advertisement. Sy Read J. K. Girton'a advertisement and you will know where to go to buy goods and groceries. SF See advertisement of Ellis' Concen trated Fertilizer, sold by A. S. Kester. It is trS to make a large crop of Buckwheat, if used according to directions; 13- The Poor House Commissioners are receiving proposals for a farm for the main tenance and employment of the poor of this county. . gfSr The Supervisor of Bloom township L having the -water-course down Market Staeet widened and snuglypaved with round stone. A capital work and badly needed. rST We understand that the Town Hall, in this place, which will soon be finished, will be dedicated to service by holding a Fair ; and Festival, for the benefit of the German . Reformed Church. Our townsmen, Elisiia n. Biggs, Joint Leacock, and others,are about mak ing a contract , with parties for the paving with flag stones, of the side walks in front of their properties. Would that ever owner of property on Main Street would follow their example. " EST" A; Hartman's Grocery Store is perfectly- alive. with everything in the grocery .4ine that is Preset," Choice and Attract ive. Examine his goods and you will find that they cannot be surpassed for Style, Variety and Loicness of 'price. A span of fine brown horses belong ing to Jacob Arwinetook fright while tied to a post in this place, and broke loose and run-away, demolishing several panels of Sam uel Mellick's yard fence, breaking the wagon and so severely injuring one of the horses that it is not expected to recover. Sarsapariixa vrrrn Iodide of Lime. There is no intelligent physician in the coun try who will not approve of this medicinal combination. It associates some of the most Taluable agent3 known to modern science, and is worthy the attention of invalids wher ever it can be procured. It is advertised in our paper to-day. J The Stockholders of the "Blooms burg Literary Institute" met on last Satur day, in the Grand Jury Room, and after transacting Some business, with considerable discussion they adjourned, to meet at the same place on next Friday, at 1 o'clock P. M. The question of location is not yet de cided. " , . S Our Catawissa friend, John Gord NER, favored us on Monday last, with eight quarts of the largest, ripest and sweetest rtrawberries we ever tasted in this town. We have been in the habit of buying our strawberries of parties in Bloom sburg, but we must confess that Catawissa is ahead in this article of fruit. JST" Our readers will save themselves a great deal of money, in the course of a year, if their will be careful to natronize the basi- . ness men who advertise. We speak from experience in this town, and our friends will find it so in the end. There are tricksters in every kind of business who deceive for awhile. Read our a'dvertiaements and you will know where to go. ifear what the local editor of the Patriot and Union says of one of our young m Columbia County Democrats: Personal. We are g!a:l to notice upon bur streets Col. Wellington II. Ent, of Co lumbia County. Col. Ent is one of tho ablest young men in the State, and wa3 one of the most gallant soldiers of the late y. ar. He is v!rmly devoted to Democratic pri aci- Sles, and enthusiastic in his support of our istinguished nominee, Hiester Clymer. tLV Make your business suit to come to town on next Saturday, and you can see the great' street display of Howes' European Circus . gratis. Our office is up stairs, on Main Street, has an entire glass front, with opening doors what a magnificent opportu nity to pay the Printer and see the show. If, kfter witnessing the exhibition on the streets, you desire to pay fifty cents, and see the Cir cus, we have rid objections, but really trunk you had bettergive it to the poor Printer who furnishes you with a new paper every week. tT Dr. J, d. Harrison, of this town, has placed his colt, ".Wild Warrior," in charge of our friend Jackson Dteler, of Mt Pleasant towns-hip, for the purpose of hav ing ii used to tke various services of man. We understand that the" Doctor has lately been offered nine hundred and fifty dollars for this blooded colL Mr. Breler's" patience is well adapted to the breaking of co!t3 and we know" him to have inuch experience ia the business. Surely the Doctor hza made a irhe move in cornrarttlns tgL. We desire that all subscriptions to the Star of the North be immediately settled. . W. H. Jacob y. BST" Our friends who are taking interest in furnishing us with local news, will please accept our thanks. S?" By reference to our candidate column it will be seen that the list ia still increas ing; 3?" lt Had the election been held on the poor house question," we have repeatedly heard remarked, "two or three weeks ear lier, half the townships or more would have accepted the bill." How it came that a large number of petitions, numerously signed by citizens of the different townships, were sent to the Legislature, praying for the passage of the very law they rejected at the polls, we can't understand ! Some of the very men that placed their names to the petitions were the most ardent opposcrs of the bill when it came before the people ! rST" What has become of that old life long Democrat who used to stand in the Republican office and deal out, at retail and wholesale rates, slander and abuse of the Democratic party ? He came quite , handy to the editor of that paper. Scarce an is sue of his paper appeared that did not con tain some invaluable information for his poor, deluded readers. He used to tell how the ranks of the Democracy were breaking arid falling fast to pieces, and of how much dissatisfaction existed in the party. Suppose he fixup a life-long Republican, or in other and more appropriate words, a life-long Ab olitionist, and tell his readers what sad havoc the Johnson men are making in his party, how Andrew Johnson is making them "loy al," and what their chances are for electing No Prefix Geary Governor of this State. . Gold is quoted at 170. This is not now the result of inflated currency. Govern ment is retrenching the circulation, and in proportion gold and the currency should ap proximate, but they do not ; why? It is ac counted for in the fall of government securi ties in Europe. It is said that $75,000,000 of five-twenties will be returned to this coun try from Germany this month. , This will be felt in the nominal rise in the price of gold. while the bonds will remain pretty much as now quoted, thus throwing the apparent de preciation upon the currency. While the government was in the full tide of greenback printing, government bonds kept pace with gotd, and paper depreciated. When gov ernment ceased and promised retrenchment, then gold fell and the ' circulating medium rose. Now, if the current continues, there will bea wider margin between gold and bonds, and still a wider one between gold and the currency. 27 "It is by no means a pleasant duty" for the editor of the Republican, downtown, to give up the office of Revenue Assessor. That's what's the matter. It is no difficult taak for him to abuse Andrew Johnson, for he never liked him any too well. In the first place, Mr. Johnson's past political record ii too Democratic for the Republicans to ap plaud ; and in the next place, his leniency towards southern gentlemen is something they cannot sanction. He has a mind of his own, and docs not allow corrupt men to do his thinking, which is more than could be said of hi3 predecessor, who allowed himself t be handled and shaped as the potter would hi day. This is what troubles the Black Abolitionists at this time. They cannot use the President to destroy the Government, the job they undertook while his predecessor lived, but mu-t support his "policy," other wise off goes their heads. " To oppose the President is treason" and that, too, worries them I The Senipr editor of this paper offers for sale an "order" given by Grovesteen & Co.", of New York, to the amount of one hun dred dollars, to be applied as part pay ment on one of their three hundred dollar Piano Fortes, which we will dispose of upon the most reasonable conditions. This firm has the reputation of making the best instruments in this country. Their instru ments received premiums at the World's Fair held in England, the United States Fair at Chicago, and the Great Exhibition in New York, a few years since. They sell at prices ranging from $300 to $."00. Any person wishing to purchase a first-class Pi an"), the most improved and beautiful, will do well to purchase our "order" ou Grove steen & Co., New. York. Sj-Singular Suicide. -On Monday last, near Light Street, Mr. George L. Johnson, a man well known in this count)', committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. The facts given us, by a friend from the place where it happened, are as follows : It appears that he had considerable money stolen from him at different times and places, which caused him much trouble, and at times lie seemed to suffer from a derangement of the intellect, and on last Monday his wife noticed, in his conduct, symptoms of insan ity. He told his wife that he had found a nice jKstol, and they went together up stairs to find it, but failed, and both came down stairs again. After going up stairs the third time to look for the pistol he produced it and said, "it is loaded," his wife insisting t'aat he should discharge it out of the win dow, or, let her. lie refused to comply with her request, but said he would go down and let one of the boys shoot it off. While going down the steps he pointed the pistol to his breast fired killing himself instantly. EST The march of improvement is stead ily going forward in this place : A. M. Ru pert is building an extension to his already large Tin and Stove Shop, on Main Street, below Market. Dr. Jacob ScnxrrLER is erecting an ad dition to his new brick house, on the corner of Fifth and Centre Streets. Dr. H. C. Hower is putting in an entire new glass front in his store room occupied by Henry Glger, on Slain Street This im provement will add much to the appearanee of the building, besides make the store room more pleasant. Mr. PniNXAS Welsh is bui'MIf"? a frame We see notice in the Harrisburg Patriot and Union, that an informal meet ing of the "boys in blue," from every county of the State, favorable to tbe election of Hiester Clymer, will be held in Harris burg, on Thursday the 28th inst. At this meeting arrangements will bo made for the holding of a regular Clymer. Soldiers' Con vention, at such time and place ns may seem most suitable. A g3od turn-out is anticipated. We would suggest the sending of a couple of Delogates from this county. We have a good representation of Soldiers in this county and Clymer men at that. Let our Colonels, Captain Lieutenants and Ser geants, take the initiative steps in this matter, and send representatives to the in formal meeting on the 28th. The holding of a Soldiers' Convention is a good idea and should be carried out. It is to counteract the Pittsburg concern held by the Gearyites. Fairs and Festivals. The . Ladies' Fair and Festival, lately held at the Hartman Building, for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, was liberally pa tronized. Undoubtedly the Presbyterians were deserving of this generosity, as they have not, for a long time, resorted to this mode of receiving money for the support of the church. Of late these church Fairs and Festivals have become a raging epidemic in our land, keeping church members, both old and young, almost constantly employed, notin the christ-like work of redeeming fallen man, but inlnanufacfhring material for these toy-shops, which go to grace the churches and members with external gifts and baubles. We hope the pastors of the different churches of this place, will attend to this business, and not let these church Fairs and Festivals become one of those offensive subjects of intemperance. MARRIED. At the Presbyterian Church, in Blooms burg, on Wednesdav, the 13th inst., by Rev. D. J. Waller, Mr. F. E. Barber, of Towan H, Bradford County, to Miss II. Amelia Robison, of the former place. No cards. In Berwick, on the 21th of May, 1SGG. bv Rev. A. R. Ilottenstcin. 31 r. John W. Mil ler, to Miss Julia A. Hagenbuch, both of Centre township, Columbia County. At Orangeville, by Rev. Nathaniel Spear, Mr. Moses McIIenry to Miss Elizabeth Mc llenry, Loth of Fi-hingcreck. ''At the' house of D. A. Beck lev, on the T.h inst., by Rev. R. K. Wil-on. Mr. Win. II. Hunter and Miss Kate H. Beckley, all of this place. In Bloonisburg, on the 12th ult., by Rev. J. R. Dim in, Mr. John Pugh and Miss Dana Scott, both of Light Street, Columbia County. On the 2d int, by the same, Mr. Chas? Mufiley and 3Iiss Catharine Brumstetlcr, both of Light Street, this county. DlED. In Bloomsburg, on Friday morning, June 15th, 1806. Helen, youngest child of John G. & Maggie W. Freeze, aeed 3 years and 14 days. M. M. TllAUGH, ATTO tl KIT-A T-L, W, BL O OMSB UR G, Ru Will pra ctico in lha ccvrral Courts of Columbia and aijnjninc counties. Xf All Colleciioai proucptly atlea la J to. June 20. ISUo. . UMBER ! LU3IBER ! A new Lumber Yard in Bloomahurg, THE unifersifned would respectfully inform thnse in want of lumber that he contjoues to manufac ture and keeps on hand t good supply or building andfencinsm.tori.il, at l is c-Muenrr, a short dis tance north of the depot, ivbicli he nff 'rs for sal at ren onable rates. JACOB eCIICYLElJ.. Bluoniftburg, June SO, I -(6. Ii LOOMSBUKU FANCY TllIMMISG AND BOOK STORE, Second dcor below Hartruaa's Main Street. Just received a tie w stock of ZKfH V BS, WOOLEN AND COT TON YABNS, CORSETS. I. ACES, EMBKOIDESItS, MUSLIN, EDGIIIGS, DRLr-d TRIMMINGS, aud every variety of articles usually kept ia a FAX CY STO K 12. A'snScimol Books. Uyu n Books, Bibles, Sunday School Bonks, and a large It t of 31 ISC ELL A XE O US B 0 OKS, Account and Memorandum Books, Blank Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages, and a general and well-selected assort meLt of I'apt r, Envelopes, &e. A. D. WEBC. Blooini-burg, June 23. 185. -'.f G REAT ATTRACTION AT carrr ttKOCfiKY STOK12. THE undersigned Ims leave to announce to the cilizono ( It loom h 11 I K and tin surrounding country that he keeps rontlan ily on hand at his old stand, on th soulii east corner of Main and Iron sts., a pr.'uie lot of GREEN A XD BLA CK TEA S, Coff.;e. Su?ar. Syrups. Tobacco. Cigars. Dried Fruit, Coal Oil. snuff. Spices, Butter. Erss. I.ard Cheese, Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor . and Hand Lamps, faints of all kinds, aud paint brukhes. Dye fluffs. I)r tiooils. Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear. oaps, Plour, Chop, . Queensware, lass. Put ty. Salt. Fish. Meat, Candies Bickets, Brooms, Hosiery, Books, Writing Paper. Ink,. TUrdVare, rocket Knives. C'w.nbs. sic. ttc. ice. fie keeps in fact everything opperiamiug to a Crst class Grocery anil Variety Store. He is determined nol to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having jutl received anew tor.k. the peop le are earnestly invited to call and sati fy themselves. H-v strict attention to business, be hopes not only to rts lain his pa;rona?: but to i.icr ;ae iu He feels thank, ful for past favors, and with many years experience in the business, he feels confident he can reuder sat isfaction to all who fav or him wit h their pat r ounce. JOHN K tilhTOX, Bl lomsburg. June 29, lStiG. JUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Ileal Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, l'a on SATl'ttOAY.TllE 30MI OF JUNE. 1800, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. John Gordner and Thos. tackboue, Eiecutors of Thomas rlackhoiir, Lite of Pine townfbip. in said county, deceased, will ex pose to sale, by public vt-ndu ;, at the public tiodse of Jubn Leggot, in tola, a certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Tine township. Columbia county, adjoin iMjt lands 'of Ifamuel flackhnune and George Hack hvu?e ou the north, Abraham Young and Robert Rus sel on the east. Eaelnel Crotsley and Wm. Widen hammer on tbe south, and the county line on tbe west, containing 317 ACRES AND 150 PERCHES, strict measure, of which about one hundred acres it improved land ; there is erected id the premises a ore story and a half Dwelling Houfe, two Log Barns, aad an apple orchard ; late thu estate of said deceas ed, situate in the town shin o Pine and county aforesaid. JESS1I COLEMAN, Clerk. COJfDITlOjfS OF SALE : Ten per cent of one fourth of the parchase money to be paid by the pur chaser upon the strikingon of the property ; one fourth of the purchase moner less ten per cent., to be paid Wpoa the confirmation f sale Nisi. The res idue of the purchase no y ia one year f romconlir matiun Nisi with inteiest. mm ft TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF S. B. HOWE'S GREAT EUROPEAN CIRCUS ! THE MOST COVpr.RTB ET'fASTRI an establishment the Would uaslver seex. Compriine within ITS ENORMOUS COMPANY ALL THE sREiT ESO.HESTRI AN PERFORMERS OF ENGLAND tc t'oVTlNENTAL EUROPE, numbering nearly ONE HUNDRED 31 ALE & FEMALE ARTl STS The puh'ie are respertfuMy inform ed that this immense EsLab'isluiient will open in BLOOM SBURG, Saturday, June 23, '66. GRAND EXHIBITIONS ' BOTH V.I Y AA'D KrEJVA Q. A Grand Gratuitous Exhibition, con siFtinsof a GORGEOUS STREET DISPLAY AND MAGMFICKNT PAGEANT. More brilliant than ever beheld since the days of chivalry or the splendors of ihe t'i-ld of tbe Cloth of Gold, in which will appear the GRAND CHARIOT OF POLL'S. With M. V. EDGAR'S OPERA BAND followed by the MASSIVE TABLEAU CAR, COitVEYrKO A THE OPEN STREETS, and upon which will be formed a Classic Tableau VIvanL This Peri paieti- Tirture w ill he followed hv NEPTt'NK'S SF. CHARIOT. TUB CHINESE CHARIOT OF CONFU CIUS, the Massive Cages of Lions fc other chariots, carriazes aid ears of ex'i'iis'tn workmanship, drawn by the magnified.! stud of FOREIGN HORSES, m and succcedeJ by the WHOLE TROUPE OF ARTISTS IN Costume, including the MOST BEAUTIFUL LADY RIDERS IX THE WORLD I and a stud of SHETLAND POMES PRXWINGTI- u TAM vi Cll A K to t . The whole forming the most dazzling display ever seen on mis Continent. CROCKETS DEN OF WILD J- FEROCIOUS JLIOXS ! LT' T -T' -4 1 Will be exhibited at each performance MR. PIERCE, who will enter the DEN OF LIONS, and exhibit his astnnishinr mannetic power over the monarchs df the. des ert and jungle by causing them to go through a variety of thrilling evolu tions. JAMES DE MOTT, The gteat European Science and Char ter Eider CHARLES REED, The Renowned Principal Trick Rider and Suiunicrsauliidt, Mr. T. WATSON", The great Shakespearian Equestrian. THE BELMONT r.OlHERS, (Tour in nnnibef .) The Great Gymnastic. Acrobatic, and Anbalhroulic Performers LAZELLE & KING, Tha accoinp!ihed Posturers and Ac robats. LITTLE MAC. The Wonderful Man Monkey and Loinic Kider. Ainonethe BEAUTIFUL LADY RIDERS, The managers with pleasure point M'LLE JOSEPHINE, Lately the Pet of the Parisian Pub'ic. MISS LUCY WATSON, L'E-iiiestrinne Angiaise.frora the prin cipal arenas of Ensland. and late of Ast'cy's Amphitheatre, TgH MISS GRACE BELLA1R, W4 n,e Accomplished American Ft male Rider. M'LLE NATALIE BLANCHE 'r i The Australian tquei-trienne. A I SEXORA PAKEPA, -HThe Beautiful ennese. from the Cirque l. Mark. Venice- 'iM wm. hallowav, The Renowned linler. I.eaper ana ln nuuieiabl; Sumuiertault Thrower. S3 a ! Ha ! "UEKEWE ARE AGAIN !" SAM LONG, The Great American Jester and Side , . 1 JJ Ut.t 1 Ul.ll-.ini " w . . y-,) tieigiis of the union. U. W 1LLLA31H, The Great Writish r unniciis, whose jokes are as familiar to tbe Cockneys ut L.ouuon asine souun 01 ouwutiu JONXY MAC, K- Who never dares to be as funnv as he cau be, tor tear 01 aisasirous cou sequences- In addition to the.e distinguished names the Troupe comprises uiauy otoers. bes-ide-i a DOUBLE TROUPE fcVWXASTSs Whose combined talents will be brought into requisition in a irand series of Acrobatic and Gly maslic evolutions, emitted THE KEIMUIf", ARABS. The beautiful Trained Horse. 'CANARY" Will be introduced by MR. WILLIAM ORGAN. Mr: WALTER WATERMAN, Will introduce and perform hisTroupe of K'-nutifi'l a..-, l TRICK P'J.MES, v fc. r t i np ronie 01 tne oranu i ute.iuu iS will be civeh bereaiier. A 1 rpHENEW Mrin Sc Summer Jledicinc. COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PREPARED FOR G. W. PETTE3. BOSTOX. By " JAMES It. NICHOLS & CO. M i u vfactu ring Ci on isls, MANUFACTURERS OF THE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH Protoxide of Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a TOJWC jJYf RESiVRATirE. By Physicians and Invalids in all parts of the coun try. The new preparation. "Sarsaparilla In combina tion with Iodide of Lunq, presents one of the most prompt alterative agents, in a form capable of exert ing full action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded that the altera tive, resolvent, or tonic etlL-cls ut iodine are exert ed most decidedly w,.en ntisoniitcd with other alter- anves. in coinbiHution ; and the Sarsapartlla secnib to fulfill perfectly all the favorable requisitions. 1 he hrst riiect usually observed wlivjn "SARSAPAK ILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" is taken, i.-i an Increase of appetite showinc that it has tonic properties of a marked character. Its al leratrve elfects are maniTest iu its ready combina tion with the blood oci-l tissues Pule, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly under its use, and the vital functions assume a nealthv condition. It is admirably adapted to a larce number of chron ic or acute alTi ilions peculiar to children It is suit ed to them both by the mildness and efficiency of medicinal elT.:rl and the pleasant, altrarlive form of the remedy. It may be given for a Ion period where constitutional influences are deired, and no repug nance, or ilisiiiclinat on to take lite syrup, encoun tered, lu White-siwelliiiEs. llio-Joint Disease, and distortions of the Spiue.it should b; given persist ently, in moderate dotes, until reliet is obtained. Ill the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Heather, the accumulation of morbid matters in tbe system seems to become manifest and very troublesome Las situde, Ilcanache, Boils, Costiveuess, Loss of Appe tite, Pjiiis in the Joints, Indigestion, etc.. are very common. Nothing ever devised is better adapted to exterminate or drive otfthese affections than tins ne w combination of SA RS Al'ARILLA Wll'H IODIDE OF LIMB. JY0 preparation like it, or tchuk approximates to i;.c an Altera tire, or Blood Purifier, hat erer before been placed tritiiu the reach of invalids. liUeeu. ii is an entirely new and scientific combina tion, in no refjecl resembling anything hilbuilo eui- ploveu. I he opinion of medical men concerning it the de scription of its chemical character, therapeutic val ue, manner of use, etc., are given i.i a circulir. which can be had at the sl.ro of ai.y and all tirst- clats DriJKi.iU. ZD" oid in Bloonisburg. wholesale ant' retail, bv Ey. r M.-yer, and all Druggists June t, InoL. Um. Jj EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Estate of William Robison, deceased, li Valuable ii$.i.e.s Stands, On Main Street. Bloomtburg, adjoining the Court House ana nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel, TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS, on Ridge Alley, known as the "Spring i ots ONE HOUSE AND LOT. on Rock Street. Also TIMBER LAND in Jay town ship. Elk cunty. ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, well timbered with White Piue and Heailock, gojd rarimiig land . lha above property will be offered at PRIVATE SALE,' until the 1st of AUGUST next, on which day, if not sold, will be oiTere I at PUBLIC SALE on the premises, near the Court House, at lOo'clook A.M. CC7 Apply to the subscribers, or to Miss Iabell a Robison, Kloomthiirs. i'a. A Ll X. HimiHIV. Maucb Chunk. ) . A PARDEE, Hazlctun. j tx "' June G, IftiG. ts BV virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Erponat ami fieri fiuiu tome directed, issued out of the Ct urt f Common Heas of Columbia County, will be expofrd to rublic sale, at the Court House, in I looiii-hur2. on Tuesday, the -lith day of June, I.-Mi, at I o'clock. In the afternoon, the following describ ed teal estate, to wit ; A certain tract of land, situate in 3'i?arloaf town ship. Columbia County, rontamins MiVKNTY-SIX .M.'UES more or less, bounded ou the south by lands of Joshua lless. on the we-1 by lan. Is of David Kcrh er. on the north by lands of Jeremiah lless. and on the east by lands of James Roherts, whereon is erected an old log barn with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jjmes fickle in the hands of his admin istratrix Jauc tickles. A I. SO A certain farm and tract of land situate in Cat.-iwls- sa twp.. Columbia county, bounded on the Foti.h bv I units of uinirei Millard, and other lauds of J. P. Finener. on the west bv t.mdof Solomon Ilelwii. on the North by land of Benjamin lleiber and others. and on the east by land of Tench Coxe s heirs, con tainins KIGIITY-NINE A' RES. nnd cue hundred and twenty-nine perches, whereon is erected a log barn ; bbwjt sixty acres of which is improved land. A LSO One other farm and tract of land sit late partly in Cms irsa and partly in Franklin tnps.. Columbia county, bounded on the east Uy land of John t?co.t and on the ea-t bv land of John t-'coit and ljud of ary lleaco' k. en the vet by land of Mary ileacock, and l.m.l of Hiram J. Kenner. aim on the North by a public roMd and land of llir.nn J. Reader : rouiaiiilnjr JfKVEXTY SIX ACRES and one hundred and five perches hereon i tr i( d a two tturv brir.k dwell ing house a lop barn an apple aud peath orchard, and all improveu land. ALSO One other lot of land itu.He paitly in Catawin, and partly iu I rankliu tu ps.. I 'oltimbi.i county , bound ed on tii! Eolith by laud of John l!i h.-ir.ls, on the West umi N'oith by l ul l of Mary lleaiock. and on the Last by land of John S.-ott, containing FIFTEK.N ACKKS, all improved land but without buildings, Willi the appurtenances. ized. tuken in cxecuiinn and to be sold s the property of Jcremiail P. Fiueher and AbelThomas. SAMULL HN YDfcR, sheriu". May 30. IcCC ts. """MOCEIUES AND EPH. ELVTEI.L. having boupht L. Runyon's PRO VISION STORE is now prepared to fell Grocer ies at Whole sale or Retail, as Cl'cap as the Ccap- ""here" you cax fs.d SUGARS, 1KAS. COFFEKS. SYUITS. SPICES, CRACKERS, STARCH. SODA. CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT, 'A'OODEN-WARE. FLOUR FIH, BEANS. ONIONS, &c. EPH. W. ELWLLL. ISIoomsburg Eeb 14, IfOu. Iut:cu in. Kailitiuit. In the vi'itlcr of the Estate of Frederic!: H'js. late of Sugarloof township, Colum bia covtihj, deceased : T" Juremiah lies. Thomas Hess. Asa IIes. Aman-1.-i Klitio. Krei'eticli lies; l.iiry Ann trhultit Maria. Sarah .and Helm ia ll"s.u lin hav! for tli ir Cuard lan I'avi'l Ltwis, ILuiiin'i Heudershol, Citharine Brink, Sarah Lew is, Elizabeth lless. and Mary lless. heirs and legal representatives of Frederick lless, deceas ed You and each of you will take notice that an inquest will be held at the late dwelling house of Frederick lie. s. deceased, in the tnjvnslip of Suzarloaf. county of Columbia, on WEDNESDAY, Til E I1TH DAY of JUL , IfWi. bet wef ii hours ol 9 o'clock. A, M , and 4 o'clock P. M.. of said tlav for the pu'pose of making partition ( the real estate of the said deceased to and among his children and legal represent Hives i f the same can be done without prejudice lo or spoil ing the whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law, at wbicl time and place you are required to attend if you think proper. tfAMUEL SNYDER, thcrij. June fi.lFCG.- 4w. AelEKiiiaifetia.or's Aoliuc. Estate of George Pfeil, late of Orangetovcn aliip, deceased. LETTERS of administration on the estate ofGeo I'feil, late of Orange township, Columbia county, have been granted, by the Register of said county, to Samuel Everett, who resides in Oranpeville. towng ship and coonty aforesaid. All person's havin rlaims against the estate of the decedent are reques ter to present tnem to the administrator for settle -ment, and those indebted lo tbe estate will make immediate payment to SAMUEL EVERETT, Adm'r. Orange twp. June 6. IeG6. Cw SAMUEL KNORR, ATTOS:1EY-AT-XjAW. CLC03ISBUnG, Y. Office ever Hartman Store, oppotite Post 0$c DR. W. II. WHITMORj HAS been la anccessful practice for a nnmber.or vears. with the experience of the different hos- pital m Europe, aiso uieiuii Medical Instiruteof New V rk, contijues i to attend to all professional cases at hit office No. 82a riibert Street, Philadelphia, ; 2. No patent Medicines are used or recommended ; the remedies administered are those which will not break cown the constitution, but renovate the sys tem from all injiirlea It has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the system in a healthy and perfectly cured condition, 3. DYSPEPSIA, that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, anderiniuing the con-tituti n cod yeaily carrying thousands to un timely graves, can most emphatically be cured. 4. Melancholy, Abberration. that slate ot Allna tion and weakness of the mind which renders per sons Incapable ot enjoying th$ pleasures'or perform ing the duties of life, , , . a. RHEUMATISM, in any form or condition.chron ia or acute, warranted curable. t. EPILEPSY, or falling sickness, all chronic oi stubborn cases of FEilI A IjsE DISEASE radically removed ; Sa t Rheum and every descrip tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases which have baffled all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment ; and I do say all diseases, (yes Consumption) can be cured by wearing my Medi cated Jacket, which is a protection to the lungs against all chances of weather in all climates hav ing tnvesticated for year the cause and character ol intermit'ents (fever and ague) in all parts of the United States will cure pennant ntly all chronic or acute cases of ague aud nervous piseabs in a few days. tuiicer Cured without the knife or Drawing lliooil. Tape Worm, that dread to the Human Family for years, can l.e removed with two or thjee doses of ny newly discovered remedy, wariauied in all cases. oiisul tiilion in the English and Gerninn Languages free of charge. Will make viMts any distance, if desired. Hay be address by letter (confidentially.) and vlediclne sent with proper directions to fcny part ol the country. OFFICE 'o, 923 Filbert St. Pbila. April 4. lFWir. ly. A III). The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of liioonifbii rg and Columbia county , that they keep s II the different numbers of stove1 coal an J selected lump coal for smiiliiug purposes, ou their wharf, ad joining .McKelvv, Neul it Co's Fur u are ; with a good pair liutl.ilo scales on llie wnari.to weign coal. nay ana straw likewise a horse anil wagon, to deliver coal to those who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal. We Intend to keep a superior article. ard sell at the very lowest prices. I'lcae call and examine for your selves before purchasing elsew here. j. w. iibUbiiiM. AUGUSTUS MASON. 'HE undersigned will take, in exchange for Coal S onu ro.eries, tne lonuw ing iijuicu mui ir. Wheat. Kye, Corn. Oats. Potatoes, Lard, Ham.Shnul .1 .. J . . I I...... 11. if r f mt till uer.Hiiu sine iiMiai, uuuli. a. highestcash prices, at his Grocery Store, adjoining theircosl yard. J. W. HENDERSHuT. i.iuonit-Durg, nprn , inoo. i. T I Ulill All run JUL CATA1VISSA. THIS VAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of the Money MarKet. Look and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Jiibt call at the favorite business stand of McN'mch tc Sh uman. , and you will be met by the obliging Prrpriel ors or their Clerks and shown through their great variety More free of charge. of course, they w ill i ve you a fair chance to jetid your loose change, they trust much moie profitably than it can be spent clsew here. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in all Us varieties than usml. Their Ladies Dress Goods areof the nicest styles n Market. They have a fine assortment of Hats, Caps, ItooN:w)I Shoes, Summer Cloths, CasinrU, Cassimers and Vcstings, and numerous articles common to mcll establisli Uiculs, betides, a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Queensware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce! prices. They with to conduct their but-iness ou the s stem, of "PAY AS YOU GO" and they think they ran alTord to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, and a-k the future patronage of their former customers aud the public g ncrally. McNINCIl fc SI1UMAN. May 1C, l Jr.G tf A UE.VfS WAITED ror ocr EY AM) BKUTIFCL r0RK, THE PICTORIAL HOOK OF OF THE REBELLION I Heroic, Patriotic Political Romantic. Humorous it Tracical, Splendidly J tfr sir axed irit hover 300 n rerlTcili and beautiful Engraciugs. This work fir genial humor, tender pathos, start ling interest, and attractive beauty, stand peerless and alone among all its competitors. The Valiant and llrave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender nnd I'athetic. The Itoll of Fame and Story. Camp, Pi ket, Spy, Scout. I'.ivouac, and siege: Startling Surprisers.Won- deiful Escapes. Famous Words and Deeds ofWo- mau. and the whole Panorama of the War here thri! Iini'lv ah. I startlmgly portrayed ina masterly man iter, at once historical and roma'ic: rendering it the most ample. brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, energetic vouhe men. and all in want of profitable employ meut. wi.l find this the best chance to make money ever yi t on red. tend for circulars and see our terms. Address, JntioiiaI PiitjliIiiii Co. No, 507 Minor Street PHILADELPHIA, April 25. I C6. 3m. T) HUGS, DRUGS, D11UGSJ. I'ure Medicines, ot John R. Mover's Drug Store corner ot .Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment ol fUKE HRIK-S, Me. hemes. Faints. Oils and Varnishos, always on ham; , and w i! I be sold cheaper Uian at any other Dn g Store i:i 1111. QUALITY GUARANTEED. 1'rescrit'tions caicfully compouuded at Moycr's Urns Store, Ayrrs and Jayncs Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug Store. Wi-hart's Tar Cord ill. Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Window's Soothing Syrup, sold at foyer's Drug Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drug Store. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's I'ruc Store, liluoiiitburg, l'a. May i!, lrno. if. G lULli'S ( II LAI (sKOCLlU7 AND P HO VISION STORE On Main Street. l:ioomLurg. A large and complete assortment of GROCERIFS rnm-tantly on band. Mis Mock is composed chiefly of the follow ing crudes : Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Spica, Fish, Salt, Candies, Tcyst Nations, c-j FKKn AND PKOVISIONS, consistinc of. FLOUR. CHOP. INDIAN-MEAL, HAMS, SHOULDERS. CHEESE. BUTTER. t EGGS, togi iher withagrta' many other articles, usually kept in a rim-class Grocery Store. Country produce generally will he tkken In ex change for any articles found in his Store. ZD' The Inchest market prices will be paid for all kind, of COUNTRY FURS. 11 EN R Y GIGER. Eloomf-burg, Feb. 2i, 18CG. GENTS WANTED FOli THE LIFE AND" CAMPAIGNS OP Gen. (Monexvall) Jackson, By Trof. R. L. Dabney, D. D.. of Vs. The Standard Biography ol the immortal hero. The only edition authorized by his widow. The author a personal friend and Chief or Staff of the Christian Soldier. Carefully revised and corrected by General It. E. Lee, We want an Agent in every county. Send for circulars and see our ternM. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. No 307 Minor St ret, I hiludelpnia. la. May 23. IrtiC- rin N P C -j frnia l'11 Y.4lt! We Whiit r-LOvU amenta every wlier to Sfll rijT improved $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds I nder and upper feed. Warranted five vears Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONU Y machines in the United States for less than $40, whicti are fu Py licensed by Howe.Wheel cr . Wi son, Grover . Baker. 81 nger & Co , and Bachclder. All other cheap Machines are Infringe inentsand the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or call upon Sbaw &.clatk. Biddeford, Me., or Chicago III. Dee-ember 20. 1003. ly. WRAPPING AND MINING PA-PER- Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa cer Mills at Mil! Grove, near Bloomsburg. Columbia County, Pa.. I am now prepared to fill all orders Tor Wrapping, Dry Blasting and Water Proof Paper, on short notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware house in Wllken-Barre. and appointed Jocepn Brown EW 8TO VE AND TIN SHOP. N r MAI V fTREKT. (KEABLY OPPOSITE ILLER'S STORE.) BLOOM3BLRG, FA. lindar.iined has just fllte4 up. and. open Ml new r - STOVE Aft D TI.T SHOP, in this place, where he Is prepared to make up mw TIN WARB of all kinds in his line, and do repair ing with neatness and dispr.tch. V l!?lL'ft. sonahle terms. Healso kiepi on hind 8TOYK M vaHou" patterns and styles, which he will toll upon terms to suit purchasers. , . . " Gie him a call. He ia a good mechanic, and da serving of the puB.lc Ptronae.iAcoB Bloomsburg. May 8. 13oS. Jy. - ISS LIZZE PETERMAN, urn.iiJ .nnramrn tn th'n ladies of Blodmbilrg and the public, generally, thai she has Just received Iroia, the eastern cities ber . ... Spring ana iuniiner Stock r M i LLI ISlE RY GOODS, consisting of all articH- a usually found m first clas a Millinery Stores. Her goods are of the best qoalit y and among the most handsome and cheapest intne market. Cull and examine them for yourselves. Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examfn Ing Miss Peter man's slock o goods. Bonnets laado to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Mam street. 3d door below the store M Mendenhall is. Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 2, 1806.-if. yJO ! FOR II UK SB ERG Eft' 3 TOBACCO STORE, in R LOO MS BURG, all you who .desire a euprlor article ol chewing or smoking tobacco. His cigara are made up of the finest quality ot tobacco. Ever body iu town knows where to go to get a good arti clc . He will sell at retail or wholesale to suit the purchaser, he is not particular. Shopkeepers fcftd land lore's generally would do better by purchasing of him than of the peddler and hucksters that trav el through the country. They run no risk of being chehted in what they buy. Pdlronixe regular line if you wish to get the wor.h of your money. . , E7" More on Wa!n Street, a few doors belowtb.0 "American House." . H, H. nUNSBERGER. May 9, I8C6. 3m. 12SPY HOTEL, Epy, Columbia Co. Pa. The undersigned having become sole proprietor of this well known and conveniently located stand, respectfully informs hi friend, and the public in general, that he has put his house in complete order for the accommodation of boarders, and for tbe recep tion and entertainment of travellers who ma, feel disposed to favor it with their custom. No expense has been spared in prepnring this Hotel for the enter taiiiiiienl of guests, and nothing shall be wanting, on his p-irt. to minister to their personal comfort. Tbo location, as well as the building, is a good one, and all together is amply arranged to pleiise the public. Ian A LL aUHLI. Hspy. April 11, I8G6. tf. T PRIVATE SALE. The nnderiaigned offers at Trivate Sale or exchange for town nm.ertv. TRACT OP LANiJ situate ill Orange townshjp, midway between Light Street and Oiangeville, containing about. FIFTY ACRES, it is in a good state of cultivation. , 1 here is a good IIOUsU and other out-buildings on the premises: also a stream of running water at the door. , There is also a rood SAW MILL with 19 feet fall water power on tbe tract . Adrress John C. Albert son on the premises, or the undersigned atrolk vitle; Columbia county. Pa. Zjr immediate possession given of the land aad Mill. D. L.EVERUART; OranjjTwp. M?y 3. 13'6, tf C. C. .11 A KU'S S. W B L3? O B I have opened a new Store at the old stand of Da-. v!d Siroup. on Main street. Bloomsb'tirg, and will keep on band sTgeneral assortment of Such as Dry Goods, Notions. Groceries, Tin-warei Hardware, Cedar- and willow .ware, Urags, Confectionary. Glass-Ware, Tobacco. Hals fc Shoes. Flour. Salt. Fish and Meat : all of which I propose selling at a very low figure for cash or produce, tir Call and see. C. C. MARE. Bloomsburg, April 18, lfGC tf. LWEMOllS' OFFICES. D EPINEUIL & EVANS, Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors, No, 433 WALNUT STREET., rmLABaLPHlA. - PATENTS solicited Consultations pa Engineer! n Draughting and Sketches .Models and Machinery of all kinds mads and skilfully attended to. Special, attention given to REJECTED CASES ami INTER FKRENCLA". Authentic Copies of all Documents from Patent Office procured. N. B. Save yourselves useless trouble andtrav eling expenses. a there is no actuai need for person, al interview with us. All business with these Offi ces can be transacted in writing. For further infor mation direct as above, with stamp enclosed for Cir cular with relerences. April l(j, i860, ly, J W. AX.E 13 A PER. THE Undersigned respectfully announces id ihe public that be keeps constantly on band, at bis old stand, one door below Lutf's Drug Store. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Pper Window Shades, Cords. Tas sels and Fixtures, for Pictures., cc, of the very latest styles aid is prepared. to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. E. J. TIlORTONi Eloonubtirg, April i 1860. tf Administrator's Noticd. Estate of Elcazer II. If ss, late of Centre ttrp.fdecd. IETTER3 of administration have been granted a by the Register of Columbia co., to Charles H.. Mesa, of Milflin township : All persons haviag claims against the estate of the decedent, are requested to make them known to the administrator without de lay : and those indebted to the estste will make im mediate payment to CII ARLE3 II. II E3a, Aim' r. May It. 1-0G. w. 7 Ihe tinder, igned respectfully announces that be has reflated a shop, m Court House alley, opposite the Enhance Horel. where he is preptred lo con duct the harbeflng business In all its branch es. The art of coloring whiskers and inoustacaes is practiced by him most skillfully. lie also cleans clothing, making tbem look nearly as good as new, upon the most reasonable terms. Give Him i trfftl. 7 Hair Tonic of the very best quality, usd for clean ng hair, kept const--ntly on hand, and for sals a. u. Collin a. Bloomsburg. April C5. 1P68 tf. 00,db6SIllNGLES & A LARGE: ROT OF FENCING BOARDS FOR sale. The undersigned offers for sale upon the most reasonable terms, at his place of business, in KENTON. COLUMKIACOUNTY.one hundred thou sand shingles and a larte lot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. McrlENRT; Benton, May 9, ieXV. ryo FARMKItS. Te high price of Potatoes warrants a liberal as C ON CENTRA TED FERTILIZER, used along th rows or hills, and covered when cul tivates ; in like manner on corn. Prepared by WILLIAM ELLIS CO- Chemists, Nos.734 and MarkttStreet.Thiladelphia. and for sals by A. fl. KESTER, Aftnt, Bloooisburg. Pi. May 15, i0iJ-3m. PARJI at Fill VATE SALE. TUE subscriber offers at Private Sale, a Farm sit- , listed in 0!ge Twp., Col. eo. Pa.lt miles from nr.hr.hnr and 3 from Oranseville. containing ONE UUNDUED AND SIX ACRES, Suty of which is cleared and well improved, the balance is well timbered. There are on the premises commodious new buildings a good orchard and a large young apple and peach orchard, of all yars growth, beginning to b,ar. kEELER. Orange twp. March 28, 1668 DR. J. R. EVANS, Fiijsician anrsurD, II AVING located permanently on Mala Koo.i RT.Of iMSRITKG. Pa., wonld irt- lorm trie public generally, mat he is preprarod to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, on terms toinmensa rale witk tbe times. (L7" He pays strict attentioo to Surgery as well as medicine. Nov ,25, 1 803. Iy. CHAS.Q. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBtRG, C0LC9IBI1 C0.,PAs w ILL practice in the several Courts of Columbia County. All legar Dasiness inirustea a nis