Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, June 20, 1866, Image 2

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a M. FrrranoiLL fc Co- 37 Park Row New York
are duly authorised to solicit and receive subscrip
tions and advertising for tbe Vtnttcrmt f Star, pub
lisbsd at Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Pa. .
The Sullivan Coal Field.
The extensive coal fields of Sullivan Co.
are likely soon to be opened up to market
The Money Creek Railroad from Halls basin
about four miles above Muney, is already
graded a distance of eight miles,and will, at
the rate the work is now progressing, be fin
ished for a distance of twelve miles by the
first of next month. II. It. Merhling Esq.,
the gentlemanly proprietor of the stage line,
is superintending the work in an able manner
and has high hopes of its early completion.
Many of the ties are already on the ground,
and the timber for the bridges oyer the en
tire line is already prepared for building.
The Road when completed, will run from
Williamsport, through Hall's basin to
Hughesville, and thence up Muncy Creek to
Laporte and Dushpre where it connects with
another road to run out by way of Towanda
to "Waverly on the line of the New York and
Erie. There is also a charter for a road to
run from Rupert, across by Hughesville to
connect with the Muney creek road which
will make Hughesville a town of some impor
tance as a railroad center. Messrs Mylert.
President of the Muncy Creek Railroad, and
Hon. George D. Jackson, are perhaps the
heaviest among.the land-holders of that re
gion, amd are laboring with great energy for
the development of the immense wealth
which lies hurried in the mountains of that
counfy. Aside from the coal, iron and cop
per, there are vast tracts which are valuable
lor bark and timber, all of which the new
road will open up to a lucrative markets "We
shall rejoice to see these works completed,
believing in addition to the benefit it will
confer upon deserving men, that it will also
greatly promote the public good. North 'd
County Democrat.
We would also inform the public, that it
ia now positively certain that a large vein of
coal has lately been discovered in the North
- western part of Columbia County, which in
addition to the iron and copper, will be reach
ed by the branch road which is intended to
run from Rupert to Williamsport, up Little
Fishingcreek via MiUviHe, Muncy and
Hughesville, at the same time forming a
connection with the Muncy Creek Railroad.
An outlet for these beds of coal, iron, and
copper as well as the vasts regions of trade
and timber b' now imperatively demanded
.and must jsoon be obtained. The route up
.LitO Fishingcreek Las, by survey, twice
been f?ovea to be natural and easy, and the
already', vast amount of business done along
:thia route, with the late important discover-
ieswhich portend great consequences ia fu
ture have caused Rail Road Companies, and
the-'people from great distances along this
rouW, to become intensely interested in the
building of this road. We hope they will
not lag in the good work until it is accom
plished. .
Breckinridge, Chief-Justice Ta
ney and the President.
Th"e Richmond Ternes, noticing the report
that Judge Underwood's jury had found
in indictment against John C. Breckin
ridge, uses the following language respect
ing him :
"We doubtlf, saying and excepting Gen
eral Lee, there is a single Confederate leader
more endeared to the hearts of the South
era people than John C. Breckinridge.
There is scarcely one whose influence for good
among them would be greater in these
. troublous times. His hfe has been devoted
to his country, and of him that great lawyer
and good man, Chief-Justice i'aney, once
said that he never knew a purer public aian.
Those qualities of heart and soul which ex
cited the admiration of, and called forth the
remark from Judge Taney, are well known
to and fipd response in Andrew J ohnson. It
is this fact which excites the apprehension
of the Radicals and renders them clamorous
for his outlawry and exile. They well know
that in John C. Breckinridge the President
would find a fast friend and firm supporter
in the wise and statesmanlike policy he is
pursuing for tkejrestCTartJon of the country. ' '
We indorse let Iry word of the above, most
cordially and heartily. The President ought
to lose, no time in extending a pardon to Mr.
Breckinridge. There is no reason why
any discrimination should be made against
him, and why he should be treated with spe
cial severity. His enemies all admit that he
was a chivalrous soldier and garflant gentle
man, and that he would be among the last
who would ever be charged with, violating or
setting at naught any of the rules that gov
. em in warfare civilized and enlightened na
tions. There ia no reason or justice in that
policy which condemns a man of Mr. Breck
inridge's talent rand higb position to- exile
in another land!, vo one is more willing to
accept ia good fiuii th results of the war,
in which he bore jkt distinguished a part on
the losing side, than' the the late Vice-President
of the United States, now in Canada.
Hi genius and his ability are . needed at
home, which, can ill afford to spare the ser
vices of see accomplished a statesman. The
angularity f the discrimination against him
i3 the mare- marked in it3 injustice that par-
dona have- been, freely extended to others,
whoweredlstinguished advocates of the right
cf State EtccssioQ ; before Breckinridge
had left school, and lial entered at all upon
the active scenes of life.. True National policy
called for their pardon, and it could,- with
still more justice and propriety, be. extend
ed to universal amnestyy
tw Our able and worthy Democratic
friends, BsATXON & Ken-edt, of the Amer
ican Volunteer, CarUs'lV, purpose pub
lishing an iUustrate&carMjypi paper, enti
tled The CArcASiAN.'t will be issued
weekly after the tth cf July, and will be de
1 voted to the interests of white-labor and the
preservation cf the white man's government.
"Each number- will be embellished with por
traits and comic wood cuts,, all for the fol
lowing liberal terms : Single copies, 50ct3.,
10 copies, to one address, $4.50 ; 20 copies,
3.00. AH clubs sent to ona address.
We Lave distributed seve? J prospectuses
in this county and we ur-e our friends to give
it a liberal support. It 13 a-- ood undertak
" 7 s-i verity cf e-cctsa Liczt.
rIas3 Convention.
We received a notice a few days Binco "re
questing us to attend a Mass Convention of
the Democracy of Eastern and Central Penn
sylvania to be held inthe city of Reading,
Berks County, the home of oar candidate
for Governor, Hon. Hiester Clyster, on
Wednesday, the 18th day of July, 18C6, for
the purpose of opening the Gubernatorial
campaign, and to reaffirm and endorse the
principles contained in the following platform
adopted by the Democratic State Conven
tion, held at Harrisburg, on the 5th of
March last :
Resolved, That the States, whereof .the
people were lately in rebellion, are integral
parts of the Union and are entitled to rep
resentation in Congress by men duly elected
who bear true faith to the Constitution and
law3, and in order to vindicate the maxim
that taxation without representation is tyr
anny, such representatives should be forth
with admitted.
Resolved, That the faith of the Republic
is pledged to the payment of the National
debt, and Congress should pass all laws nec
essary for that" purpose.
Resolved, That we owe obedience to the
Constitution of the United States (including
the amendment prohibiting slavery,) and
under its porvisions will accord to those
emancipated all their right3 of person and
Resolved, That each State has the exclu
sive right to regulate the qualifications of its
own electors.
Resolved, That the white race alone is en
titled to the control of the Government of
the Republic, and we are unwilling to grant
to negroes the right to vote.
Resolved, That the bold enunciation of
the principles of the Constitution and the
policy of restoration contained in the recent
annual message and Freedinen's Bureau
veto message of President Johnson, entitle
him to the confidence and support of all who
respect the Constitution and love their
Resolved, That the nation owes to the
brave men of our army and navy a debt of
gratitude for their heroic services in defence
of the Constitution and the Union ; and
that while we cherish with a tender affection
the memories of the fallen, we pledge to
their widows and orphans the nation's care
and protection.
Resolved, That we urge upon Congress
the duty of equalizing the bounties of our
soldiers and sailors.
Another Brooks and Sumner
Caning Case.
It appears that on the 11th inst., in the
Lower House of Congress, Mr. Grinnell, of
Iowa, in a speech, provoked and insulted
General Rousseau, of Kcntucky,by speaking
of General Rousseau's military services as
"all pretence of the merest mockery a mere
blowing of his own horn ;" and as "a fellow
who had a quarrel with a colored barber
again as "whining off with a woman's plea,
taking refuge underfeminine skirts," talked
of him as "assuming the airs of a Peacock"
and called him "abuttoned-up Generalstand
ing six feet in his boots," ic, &c, which
most assuredly is something more than one
could expect a Kentuckian p meekly endure.
General Rousseau, after waiting three
days for an appology, .which he had under
stood was to be sent, on last Thursday, re
plied to Mr. GrmneH's assault, by a vigorous
caning of his person outside of the House.
The opinions of the press varj' very much
on this subject, but we must confess that the
following from the New York Evening Post
meets our views on the matter.
"We did not think it right to pass over in
silence the extraordinary scene on Monday
last, in Congress, between Mr. Grinnell of
Iowa, and Mr. Rousseau of Kentucky. We
sharply rebuked Mr. Grinnel for the inde
cent and unparliamentary language he used,
and praised Mr. Rousseau for his composure
and self-possession. It seemed to us that
"he acted, under extreme provocation, like
a true gentleman ; and no bravery in battle
ever raised him higher in the esteem of re
spectable men" than the composure with
which he bore the unparliamentary and in
decent language of Mr. Grinnell."
It seems now that our praises were thrown
away upon a person who has as little regard
for the proprieties and decencies of life as
Mr. Grinnell, and whose conduct yesterday,
deliberate, because three days after the of
fence was given, is as offensive and intolera
ble as Mr. Grinnell'?. People would have
made some excuse for Mr. Rousseau if. stung
by the insulting language of Mr. Grinnell,
he had committed some indiscretion at the
time, and under the excitement of the mo
ment. JJnthesat composedly and hslencd
to his reviler on Monday, nursed his wrath
until Thursday, and after seventy-two hours,
deliberately and in cold blood committed a
gross breach of the peace, the less excusable,
as a lawmaker ought not also to be a law
breaker. On Mondny evening General Rousfcau
had gained the admiration and good will of
all respectable and honorable men. and by his
judicious conduct put Mr. Grinnel! fatally in
the wrong. Yesterday he came down to a
level with his antagoni.-t, and by a gross and
inexcusable breach of the pcaoe committed
within the bounds of the Capitol, not only
forfeited the. respect of law abiding men. but
justly incurred the loss of his seat in Con
gress, which he has dishonored by his vio
lence." Keep Your Discharges. Gov. Curtin
having signed the bill disfranchising non
reporting drafted men, and the Supreme
Court not having determined the constitu
tionality of the act of Congress of March
3, 1864, (upon which decision the validity,
of the State law restsO it is essential that
all honorably discharged soldiers should pre
serve their discharge papers, and that all
persons who were enrolled for the draft and
secured exemption for any and every cause,
should preserve the papers furnished them
by the boards of enrollment.
All those papers will have to be preserved
with scrupulous care, because it is likely,
(and proper enough too, that all persons
who were enrolled or who have been in ser
vice will be required to show their qualifica
tions as electors. It will be very annoying
and irritating, no doubt, especially to vete
rans who have served their country faithfully
during the war to be compelled to submit to
the same drawbacks and annoyances so long
endured by naturalized citizens, but there
can be no help for it if the Disunion-shoddy-Republican
bill goes into operation. The
soldiers must thank the "soldiers' friend"
and the Disunionists of the last Legislature
for all the trials and tribulations to which
thev will be subjected. Preserve the papers
and discharges.
A Nevt Assessor for this District.
PrP.slHpTlt. .TnVinann Vina nrrAiA fl A
fdrcw J. lulton, of Yorkr Assessor of Inter-
u;u xwjvenue ior tnis i,tne stn, ) lhstrict, in
- , 7 . 7 "uiviiKlj 1CU1UI-
heu.. 1 CIS IS an. excellent and MirliniVma or
fcs.urwv ja w i iu t . .li 1 1 ,1 i . iiiviiriinnur Tfi v fr
pointmen Col Fulton being a man of capac
ity and merit Let the good work go on un
til every disunionist is ousted from office
President Johnson is "still in the field," an
the Rump Congress must get out of the
Then an d Now. '
When Andrew Johnon first became Pres
ident, the Disunionitts declared that for
some wise and good purpose Providence had
removed his predecessor, and called him to
the Executive chair. Since, however, his
course has not proven to be in consonance
with their blood-thirsty, plundering antici
pations, Andrew Johnson is only President
by accident. As a nam pie of the many
speeches and sermons which were delivered
throughout the country, on the death of
Abraham Lincoln,in which the radicals mod
estly claimed exclusive proprietorship in
every Providential occurrence, we quoter a
few sentences from a sermon preached by one
Rev. Crane, in Hartfoid. It reads strange
ly in the light of subsequent events. The
Rev. gentleman said : -
" But it is possible, it is more than possi
ble, that just these qualities unfitted him for
the final settlement of this conflict. There
was danger that he would'subordinate his
executive functions to his personal sympa
thies ; that he would forget that God had
placed the sicord of retributive justice in Ms
hands to be used ; than he would feel that
the traitors had suffered enough alreadj'.and
needed no further punishment; that he would
even pardon Davis and Stephens, and Johm
son and Lee, if they should come into his
power. He was drifting in that direction,
and most of us were drifting with him.
If he was in danger of this mistake,
then his work was done, and therefore (Jod
translated hiui.havingso nobly done,to glory.
But Andrew Johnson, a man of nerve has
had his heart under the iron heel of this re
bellion. He appreciates treason". His sense
of justice is paramount, to his tender sensi
bilities. He noils a double-edged and keen
edged gword, which reaches to the souther
most point of Florida. Therefore I believe
that God raised him up to bring this rebel
lion to the consummation of just retribut'utft.
It is not private revenges that he will wreak,
but the vengeance of God, whose annointed
minister he is. And so God has given him
to the nation when the nation, needed him.
And we will lift our reverent eyes to heaven
to-day, and gazing through our tears, sav,
"Thou doest all things well." The
nation will understand ere long that the dark
Providence ot last Friday niffht was a mer
ciful Providence. Andrew Johnson is the
Joshua whom God has a ppointed to consum
mate the work which our dead Moses so no
blj' commenced."
Now it is rather a remarkable fact that in
all the "loj-al" pulpits of tha l ;n 1 there i-
to-day scarcely a -ingle pi aye:- oK'o;v.l ; in
behalf of this Jo .dru:i who wx3:oLm1 th"
nation to its 1 in J of promise. As soon a
Andrew Johnson showed to the world that
he was no blood-hound, the "lo-al'' preach
ers quit praj'ing for him. They refuse to
take anything in their sac-red hands which
has not the smell of blood on it. What a
gloriously consistent record they arc making
for themselves i
A Startling Exposure.
It will be remembered that at the trial of
the accomplices of Booth, befi jrc a military
commission at Washington, on the charge
of complicity with the tsassination of Pres
ident Lincoln, a certain James B. Merritt
was the principal witness for the Govern
ment. On his testimony Mrs. Surratt was
convicted and hanged, und on his testimony
it was shown that Jefferson Davis, C. C.
Clay,and Geo. N. Saunders were directly im
plicated in the assassination. To outsiders
the testimony of this man Merritt read
strangely at the time of the trials. His
statements did not appearreasonable. Mrs.
Surratt's daughter, after the execution of
her mother, pronounced them utterly false
from beginning to end ; and so indignant was
Clay when he lieard what this witness had
said, that he voluntarily surrendered himself
to the government authorities and a.-ked for
a trial.. Davis and Sauuders too pronounced
his testimony perjury. Indeed his entireJ
story before the illegal military court had
the appearance of manufactured testimony.
It now appears that this villaiu's evidence
was perjured from beginning to end. He
has recently been before the Committee on
the Judiciary, of the House of Representa
tives, and hisexamination thereshowed that
his testimony in the trial of the conspirators
was totally void of the truth; that he really
knew nothing connecting any persons with
transactions not recognized by the usages of
war; that his attempt, to connect Davis,
Clay, Saunders, and others with the assassi
nation of Lincoln w-as a pure fabrication.
One very remarkable fac t was elicited in his
examination wherein he admitted that the
Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stantonj had
paid him between five and six thousand dol
lars for his services as a witness before the
Military Commission which tried the conspi
rators. This was the pitiful price of his in
famy.Such is the testimony upon which Mrs.
Surratt, Harrold, Atzeroth and Payne were
hanged, and Mudd, Armld, O'Lauphlin and
Spangler, were imprisoned on the Dry Tor
tugas. Out of the mouth of this man, who
sold his soul to Stanton and the Devil for five
thousand dollars, a Republican committee
are trying to establi.h the complicity of Jef
rerson Davis with the assassination of Abra
ham Lincoln. With Stanton to sulborn
the witnesses at five thousand dollars a head
there is no telling what t hey may not be able
to prove.
This is but a specimen of the course pur
sued by this fiend Stanton to wreak his ven
geance upon his jolitical foes. All over the
country he organized his military Courts to
convict, and then bought up the perjured
witnesses who swore their victims to the scaf
fold or into prison. Exchange.
Death of Gen. Cass.
Hon. Lewis Cass, disdon the 17th inst.,
at his home in Detroit, aged nearly 84 j-ears.
The honorable career of Mr. Cass is well
known to most of our readers. We have not
room to give an extended notice of his course
through life. ,
When 2'j years old he was a member of the
Legislature of Ohio; wa? afterward appoint
cd marshal of the State by Jefferson ; served
as a colonel in the war with Great Britain,
and rose to brigadier-general iu the regular
army; was general Harrison's aid at the
battle of theThamej ; was ma I ; G,. r::or
of Michigan J y Madison, and hail a w r
ful influence in harmonizing and rf gu'a ing
our Indian relations ; wa.s made Secretary jof
War by Jackson "in 1S31 ; elected to the
United States Senate in 1845 ; resigned and
ran as the Democratic candidate for Presi
dent in 1848 ; re-elected to the Senate in
1849; appointed Secretary of State by Buch
anan, and finally returned to private life by
resignation in December, 1 SCO.
A German Democratic State JPaper.
It is with pleasure that we announce the
completion of arrangements to issue weekly
from this city a German Democratic State
paper. Mr. J, George Ripper, late editor
ana publisher of the Pittsburg Demolcrat,
has undertaken the arduous task? and we
hope our German friends throughout the
State will give it the proper support, both in
subscription and advertising. It will be call
ed the "Pennsyxyanische Staats Zeit-
UNO- ' The first number will be issued in
about twp weeks. Orders for subscription
or advertising left at the office of the Patri
ot and Union" will receive attention. Pa
t and Union.
The trial of Jeff. Davis has been post'
poned until December. His release is con-
. ,2 J., , jk.JJ J .
The Ten per Cent Tax.
There are so many incorrect statements
made about the tax that will be imposed on
the issues of banks organized under State
laws, paid out by banks on and after the 1st
of July, I860, that it is important for every
business man to understand the law. The
Act of Congress, of March 3d, 18G5, reads
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That
every National Banking Association, State
Bank, or State Banking. Association, shall
pay a tax of ten per cent, on the amount of
notes of any State Bank or State Banking
Association paid out by them after the 1st
day of July, 18GG.
It will be noticed that the tax is imposed
only on banks paying out other notes than
those of National Banks, or United States
legal tenders, and that in no case can the tax
be imposed on individuals, merchants, bro
kers or agents, (other than Banks) paying
them out, or using them in their business.
The circulation of the notes of State banks
among individuals, is in noway interfered
with by this Jaw. Holders, of these notes
need not be under any apprehension of any
loss by the ten per cent, tax imposed, as
Banks alone are subject to that penalty for
paying them out after the time specified in
the law, for as some of our cotomporaries re
mark, there will really be no tax at all on
State bank circulation, because no one but
banks are taxed for paying them out, and
they will not under the penalty; Private
bankers will spring up throughout the coun
try, and will buy up from brokers, the bills
of the State banks, and use them as circula
tion for the jieople, while the iState banks
will cTose up, to some extent, after providing
for the redemption of thier notes when re
turned to their redeeming agent. We think
that the effect of this will be that le:S de
posits will be made with tanks, and more
with private bankers and banking officers,
who are left free to recive and pay out State
bank notes. Shrewd bankers see this, and
already some changes have been made, or
rather, banks closed (both National and
State) and private banking offices opened in
their places ; and doubtless many more chan
ges will occur of the same kind, as very good
reasons exist, for the changes, which are,
that by closing the banks the' avoid heavy
taxes which the States areattempting toim-
Iioso on both National and State ; a.s private
ankersth"y are not liable to a tax on the
currency they pa out, but are left free to re
ceive ami pay out State bank notes ; and now
'bat the Tanking business is less profitable
t!i !-i for the punt feT years, these considera
tions have weight. Petersons Ji'kNote List.
Breakers Ahead ! " An old Republi
can" writes the following to the Pittsburg
Commercial the leading Republican paper
of that city :
"Will the Convention follow Stevens. Sum
ner, Wade, Butler and Schurz ; or the Pres
ident, Seward, Stanton, Grant and Sherman ?
If the counsels of the former are to be
adopted, and their principles incorporated
into the party creed, it will not be very im
portant who should be nominated for the.
legislature or county offices. The ticket
will be doomed to defeat from the day it
shall be made! If the teaching and advice
of the latter be received and followed, we
shall have peace, union, strength and suc
cess. '' We cannot succeed tins Pall on the Re
construction Committee's plan. We do not
deserve to succeed on such a platform. Wc
can succeed if Congress will, without delay,
admit the loyal members elected from Ten
nessee, Arkansas and other States, to seats
in that body, excluding all who have been
disloyal and traitorous. AVe cannot defend
ourselves for excluding loyal men, on any
satisfactory ground. Ect not the cum
in rj Convention repeat the insane folly of the
Harrisburg &(ate Convention."
The Ladies' Friend for July. Tlie
July No. opens with an unusually handsome
and suggestive engraving called "The Dis
tressed Bachelor." In the Fashion Plate,
tasteful and attractive as usual, is a charm
ing bridal dress. Then there is a wood cut
of many piquant faces illustratins "The Hair,
"The Pointalide Veil," "Zouave Jacket,"
and a plate consisting of seven figures of la
dies and children, showing the newest and
prettiest of the Summer Fashions. Music
"Idora Schotti.vh." Among the stories
arc "The Distressed Bachelor ; "Pauline
Beranger's Story," by Una Locke ; the con
clusion of "Sybil Ainsworth," bv Harris
Byrne; "Tlie boy and the Man," by Aunt
Alice ; and an interesting biographical sketch
ot laciame J toiand. called ortli by some re
profusely illustrated: and in the Editor's De
partment are Book Notices, Receipt--, meet
ing the wants of the season, doeri prions of
rash:ons, c.
Price 2.50 a3-ear; 2copies$4 O) ; 8copics
(and one gratis) $1C. Specimen numbers
will be tent for 15 cents.
Addro-s Deacon & Peterson, 319 AValnut
Street, Philadelphia:
Conn ecti c lt. Since the Democrats of
2S ew Haven have carried the city election,
by more than eleven hundred majority, and
have obtained a tie vote in the Common
Council, which, by the casting vote of the
Mayor,enables them to appoint a City Judge,
whose politics harmonize with the eleven
hundred majority, the Republicans have dis
covered that the law; which their friends
passed by the last legislature, giving crimp
nal jurisdiction to the Judge, is a most fla
grant violation of the Constitution ; that the
Judge appointed under this law of theirown
making, is nothing but an usurper, and all
his acts under the enlarged powers are void,
and good for nothing. And yet, the law was
made by two Republican lawyers, 3Iessrs.
Foster and Harrison, then representing New
Haven, and neither they, nor their political
friends, ever intimated the slightest consti
tutional objection to it, till nowT ,
An Extra Session of the Legis
lature. D appears from the intimations had from
And -e-r. Curtin that the Legislature will be
called together soon to adopt or reject certain
amendments to the Constitution, which were
passed by two-thirds of the present Rump
Congress. These amendments carry with
them the curse of negro suffrage and negro
equality with the whites in civil and xhtical
This question the disunionists dare not al
low to go to the people. Tlie present Legis
lature therefore must act on the matter, no
difference if they -were elected at a time when
no issue of the kind was before them or ever
dreamed of.
The disunionfsts cannot afford to let the
issue come before the people this fall.-
It will be at a heavy expense to the- tax
payers if the Legislature is called together.
But what does Curtin'care for the poor peo
ple who twice ' elevated him to his present
position? Nothing. The next Legisla
ture could do the work without the addi
tion of a single cent to the regular expenses.
We will have a word more in our next-
General McOeUanleTPPetgdigraq
cent discoveries. 1 he poetry is by Maggie
C. Pyburn, Kmilv lister Leish Una Locke,
;T. T. Tutwiler, J. C: T., and others. The
Toilet Noveltiesand Work Table are as usual
The La Crosse Democrat Brick
Pomeroy's Reply to the Cin
cinnati Commercial The As
sassination of Lincoln.
We did thank God for callinc Lincoln
home. It' Lincoln is in Heaven, as Aboli
tionists say, he is better off than he was in
Washington. be.ct bv thieves. Abolitionists.
army contractors, office-seekers and gaping
listeners to his smutty jokes. As a friend of
Lincoln we thanked God for calling so great
and good a man home before he should be
come disgusted with the Annas, the Janes,
the lhaudeuses, the Jienjamins, the rreds.
the Charleses, and others of the God and
Morality party.
AVe thanked God for calling Lincoln into
the presence and company of Democrats, as
he is if in Heaven. The poor President
suffered enough from bein? with Abolition
ists on earth, and we thanked God for call
ing him beyond their reach or influence here
or hereafter.
Whatever is, is right God, who rules us
all, wanted Lincoln removed He made
Booth His aent; no one but God is to
blame for Lincoln's death. God is never to
blame : we, who are Christians, should
thank Him for everything ; we do so thank
Him ; he who docs not thank God, is no
Christian ; those who assail us are no Chris
tians. We believe the country is better off now
than when Lincoln was alive.
We believe more in statesmanship than in
nigger songs, or in humorous yarns in time
of war.
We believe Lincoln was a mere man of
putty in the hands of traitors and thieves,
known latterly .as Abolitionists.
We believe God saw that he was not use
ful, even if ornamental, and removed him to
make room for a better man.
We believe Johnson is a better man than
Lincoln if he has not been, surely the
Republican party would not have gone nut
of the Union for a candidate for 4ie Vice.
J reside nni, u tcn thni had so many nood.
pure, honorable statesmen in the North!
u e relieve me country wouiu ue oetcer
off to-day, if every Republican and Aboli
tion traitor, meddler, sycophant, apoloirist,
thiei, traitor, or tool ot traitors, were in the
bosom of Abraham.
We-believe, further, that the Abolition
party is going to the devil, literally, and wc
do not care how quick.
And we still further believe that Unck
Pomeroy has more true friends in the coun
try than Lincoln ever had that we do not
care the snap of a finger for the good or ill
opinion of all tlie Abolition editors in the
land that we shall edit this paper ju.-t as
we see fit, and do what not one of our as
sailants dare do tell the truth without fear
or favor. La Crosse Democrat.
Associate Judges.
Editors Democrat and Star : Inasmuch
as there are several candidates already in the
field, for the ofhee of Associate Judge, and
believing that the people, as yet, are not
committed to any one man, but still hesita
ting and waiting, in order to choose the best
and most deserving; we, therefore, after
much consultation with, and encouragement
by the people, ask you to introduce to the
Democracy of this count, the name of
John C. Doty, Esq., of Benton township,
as a very suitable man for that position.
He has never been an office-seeker, has al
ways been an unflinching Democrat, is emi
nently qualified for the office, and his charac
ter is unimpeachable. We are not certain
that he can be induced at this time to ak the
office, but as he is a patron and reader of your
very estimable paper, we take this means of
informing h'uu of the wishes of
Many Democrats.
Pnwii.iMPT Gnv. Pur-tin rrrrmrb
paid a hish compliment to the Court and
Jury of Schuylkill county. Benjamin Ban-
nan, publisher ot the Jhners Journal, m
that count-, was recently indicted for libel ;
the alligation in substance that Ban
nan, in his paper had made charges of gross
corruption against the judicial officers of that
county. Judge Elwell, of" this Judicial Dis
trict, was called to Schuylkill to try the case.
The jury, upon one trial, convicted the pris
oner. The compliment of Gov. Curtin con
sists in this : that he was convinced before
hand of the guilt of Bannan, and that jus
tice would be done him by a Jury of his
Peers. The Governor, therefore, prepared
a pardon before hand for his favorite Ban
nan, and after the Jury had brought in a
verdict of guilty, the pardon was produced
in open Court, and Bannan walked out, to
the admiration of himself and shoddy in
general, and to the amazement of the lovers
of justice.
An excellent exemplification of the dis
crimination of the '"model Governor." He
knew before hand that Bannan was guilty.
General News Items.
Tlie annual fair of the Pennsylvania State
Atrricull ural Society will be held at Kaston,
on, l2Gth,27th, and26tli, ofSeptcni
bcr next.
A larce mcetine: of the friends of Presi
dent John.son was held at Cumberland,
Maryland, on Saturday evening. Addresses
were delivered by Honorable Montgomery
Blair and Captain Frank. Gallagher, of Bal
timore. The Conference of the African M. E.
Church, now in ses-ion in Washington City,
excluded all rejoreers for the press except
the one representing Forney's Chronicle.
Right ; white men have no business in a nig
ger meeting.
A newspaper correspondent, who has
traveled over several hundred miles in Penn
sylvania, Delaware and Maryland, reports
that, excepting, perhaps one field in twenty
five, wheat is in a fine condition.
Forney is exercised because "Johnson
is removing the present officers of the Freed
nien's Bureau and appointing heartless mil
itary officers !" Isn't that "abusing the sol
diers?" The Florence ( Alabama) Journal reports
that while negro troop's were passing by rail
theylnihaved in a most outrageous manner,
firing guns and exhibiting other b:irbaroi-
conduct. Mrs. Oswald King, while stand
ing at her door, was hot in the hand and
The Suiibury Democrat says that it is re
ported that Col. Eli Slifer,of LewUburg, has
declared in favor of Hon. Hiester Clymer
for G overnor. We hope it may prove to be
Returns have been received from about
one-third of the maple sugar manufacturers
of Vermont showing a production of 11,970
pounds nearly 56 tons. At 15 cent per
pound, it is worth SI 0,793.
. There is news from the interior of Geor-
fda that agricultural products have been ncar
y ruined by late heavy rains. The wheat
crop is a failure on account of rust. Great
destitution prevails, and hundreds of fami
lies are destitute of food.
It is announced that the official infor
mation of the intention of tlie Emicrorof
France to withdraw his troops from Mexico
has created a profound (sensation in that
country. The Liberals are rejoicing greatly
over the matter, but the adherents of Max.
are downcast, and fear that it forebodes the
downfall of his empire. There are rumors
afloat in the city of Mexico that Max. contem
plates abdication before the entire French
contingent is withdrawn ; but upon this sub-
IRRESPECTIVE of wealth, ape or beaaty ; anil the
love of the oppo.itn iei can be gained by follow
ing simple rulea. 8tid a directed, envelope to
June. 13, 'CG. 3ui- Elation II. Hitlle Housdt N. Y.
SEND an adrlreed envelope and 25 centa and I
will gendytu amne valuable information thai will
pleace you. Adrireas Mi JANB BUY A V
June 13, "CO -3m, Station A. 129 Spring a- . N.Y.
rpHE Glory of Man is Strength. 'A Qantlcinan who
1 siitTered for yearn from Nervous and Genital
Debility. Nightly Emiaiona, and Seminal Weakness,
thu result of youthful indiscretion, and came near
endinr his days in hopeless misery. wi 'I. for the sake
of suffering man, semi to any one afflicted, the sim
ple means used by him. which effected a curein a
n few weeks, after the failure of numerous medi
cines. Svnd a directed envelope, and it will rostyou
nothing Address JOHN II. OUKEN.
June J3. 'i;6, 3in. No. 13 Chambers el., N. Y.
THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif
ferent styles, adapted to sicred and secular luuftc.for
$30 to $t.00 each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER
MED VLS. or other first premiums, awarded them.
Illustrated Ca a log ties free, Addre a, MASOV Ac.
Jan. 6, 1SGC Sep. 9. 'C5. ly. 8.M.P. .
A reformed inebriate would be happy to commu ni
cate (free of charge) to as many of his fellow-beings
as will address liiin. very important and uscfal in
formation, and place in their hands a sure cure for
the love of Strong Drink of any kind. Th is infor
mation is freely offered by one who has narrowly es
caped a drunkard's grave. Address,
No. 9 Broad Street, New York.
March 2S, 1306. 3in.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth
ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu
inanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and
directions for making the simple remedy by which l.e
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver.
User's experience, can do so by addressing
No. nrhambers tt, New York,
Feb, 28 1SG6. ly. 8.M.P.
Every young lady and gentleman in the United
States can bear something very much to their ad van
tage by re urn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the
undersigned. Those having Tea's of being humbugg
ed will oblige by nut noticing this card. All others
will please address their obedient servant,
631 Broadway, New York.
Ftb. 23. 18C6 ly.S M P
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J.
AM S,V D: Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley.
den, Holland.) No. 519 PlE Stuet. PIIILAD'A
Testimonial, from the most reliable sources in the
City and Country can be seen at his office. The med
ical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,
as be bas no secrets in his ptactice ARTIFICIAL
EVES, inserted without tais. No charge lor exam
ination. April 25. I8C6.)y,
Ladies and gentlemen. i( you wish to marry, ad
dresn the undersigned, w ho will send you. without
ino .ey and without price, valuable information th:tt
will enable you to marry happily, irrespective .of age.
wealth orb' auly. This information will co-U yeu
nothing, and if you wih to marry, I will checrlu'ly
assit you. All letters strictly confidential. Th s de
sired information sent by return mail, and no reward
asked. Address
Grecnp Jiat, Kings Co., New York.
June C, ISno 3.U,
or Fianos, Melodians, Gold and Silver Ware.
i now going on at the salesroom of REED Sc. BRO..
34 Liberty Sireet . N. V. These goods are sold at
1 WO DOLLARS EACH. Regardless of Value. Send
TWENTY-FIVE Cent for one numbered Notice, or
ONE DOLLAR for SIX, The number of each No
tice corresponds with the number u Feme art cle of
goods, winch will be fcni on recei pt of $j Tlie
money will be refunded ifthe goods do not give sat
isfaction. Airenu make TWEN I' Y-FI V DOLLARS
PER WEEK. Send for a Circular.
Office: P.O. BOX. 51V.
34 Liberty St. NV7 YORK.
May 9, ltfoo: 3m.
TO CosrMPTATivEs. The advertiser having been
restored to health in a few weeks by a very sim
ple remedy, after having suffered several years. with a
severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Con
sumption is anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure
To all who desire it.he wi'l send a copy of the pre
scription used.ffreeot Charge, with the directions lor
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
sure core for Consumption, Akthuiy, Bronchitis.Colds
Coughs etc The onl) object of the advertiser In
sending the presciiption is to benefit the afflictej.and
spre td information which heconceives to be invaluable
nd he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it
will cost them not hmg. and may prove a les-lng.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return
mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON,
W'illinintbnrg KingsCounty.
Feb. 2, leC6. ly. S.M. P. New-York,
fPhe Grovesteen PianD Forte
S r , 1 1 r . , t i rt a I a hrnrAitiiM.a trA smal nrtnu 1 a M t V -
and after undergoing gradual improvements for a pe
riod nl thirty vears. is now nrono in :ed bv the
world to he unsurpassed an I even une-malled in rich
rfens.vnlnnie nml nuritv of tolie.dnrnhilitv and rhean
ness- Our new sculc, trench action. harp pedal, iron
frame, over-strung bass, seven oc tavo rosewood pi
ami. we are Helline fhninpr tkV from ftlllll to AJllO
than the same si; le and fininb are sold by any other
first-class makers in the country. Dialer and all in
want of rnotl nianos are invited to sen. I for otir lie-
eriptive Catalogue, which contains photographs of
our different styles, together with prices No one
s iiouiu pun nase a piano wunoui seeing mis i iu
inirit. TJ1at l nltiiiwt v-itlimii mtriihr liave
awardou to the Grovesteen I'lino, and the Celebrated
Wr.-lJ' frai. thnnffh n , 1 1 ,n fi i, nft t r ft with r,t li.r.
I'rniii all parts o f Euruue and tlie CI lt took the
Hienei awa u.
Established 1A3.5 Grovesteen Co ,
July 39. I3W . ti. u. a. &. Co.
ALL MAY MAURY HAPPILY, irrespective of
wealth, ag, or benuty ; nml the love or the op
posite sex can be gained by followint simple rules.
!end a directed envelope and sttmp to Madame. I.U
t II.LE DEMARUE, Station D, Bible Street, New
York City.
man who suflYred for years from Nervous and
Geniial Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Seminal
Weakness, the result of vouthfJl indiscretion . and
came near eniliiif his days in hopeless misery, w ill,
for the sake ofsuhVung man, sentloany one a til it I
ed, the simple means u-ed by him. which effected a
cure in a few weeks after the failure of numvroua
inedtrines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and
H will coft you nothinc Aitdres.
EDGAR 1 REMAIN. K'eth St- N.Y.City
addressed envelope and -J rvnts.auil 1 w ill send
you some valuable informal Ion that will please you.
Address .11 A It V MOOKE, Nl broad way, N. Y
May IS. Itftio. ly. .
The good things of this world have each their ap
point' d mixtion.
It is the mission of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH
HIT TEIIS to j retenl and rciieee a great variety of ail
ments .
For twelve years it success as a protective and a
remedy has been Hhout chek ur drawback. It is
strong negative crxdenrt of this f.ict, that the em :ary
of thn article as a fpecifir for dyspepsia. biliousness,
constipation, ii'-rvoujness, general debilily, and in
ttrinitient fevers, his n:ver been questioned.
As proof pnnivt of its iufallibi llity In such cases,
the statements o ' public men whose names are fa
miliar as household words, have Iroin time to time
been given to the world.
If its reputation it not founded in facts, then truth
is a shadow, and the utterances of conscientious cit
izens are of no more value than -dicers' oaths."
And what is its reputation? Let the progress of
its sales antwer the inquiry. Where twenty dozjn
bottles of Hostetter's Hitter were sold ia 1655 JSrc
hundred dozen are disposed of now.
Could public opinion t more significantly e pre-s-eJ
than by its unparalleled increase of consump
tion I It seems impossible.
The preparation has been imitated. Where are
the imitators ?- Echo answer, "Where ?" To the
-limbo" of things lost on earth they are all eithor
gone or going. Peace be with-tbein-1
June SO let6. ln.
The subscriber having purchased the well estab
lished stand, known as
near Rohrrburg. Columbia County, and having put
the machinery iu first-rate repairs, is prepared to do
in the best manner, and upon the shortest notice.
Those favoring brm with their custom may re!jon
baring their wort well done.
J6ST" Cards at any time before the nomi
nationa are made..; ; n $3. 00
LETIL'TATB" of b'odnv township.' we areas
tiionsed to announce will be candidate for the
nomination of STATE SENATOR in the 15th Dis
trict, subject t the usages of.tb Democratic party
of Columbia County, nd respectfully solicits the
suffVaee of his fellow-Denincrats. .
Bloomsburg, June, 13, 1866.
AT the earnest solicitation of my Democratic
friends in the county ana throughout the district,
I have been induced to offer myself as a candidal
for the office of STATE SENATOR, subject to the
usages of the Democracy of the Diitrict.
Light Street. Jiirie 3. fBOO.
AT the earnest request of many Democratic friends.
I have consented to be a candidate for tba o files'
of STATE SENATOR, at the coming election, sub
ject to the decision of the Democracy of this county
as well as of the District,
Catawissa, June 13, 18(W.
Associate Judget
XT" E have been nhthnrizd to announce the name
V ofl-VMMH G. ItlCKETTd. of Oranre township
f ir the office of A-SOCI TG JUDGE, of the Courts
of Colu nhia County, subject to the usage of the nom
inating Convention, which will be held ia August
June 6. 18f6. '
Associate Judge.
WE are requested to annaunce in the coin ions of
this paper, that Ex Sheriff IRA M DESK, of
Tackson townnhip. Columbia County, nffer himsdlf
a a rannidate for the effice of ASSOCIATE JUDGE,
si"jrt the decision of the Democratic Connty
June li. 1606. '
Associate Judge-
HAVING been induced through the earnest solicita
tions of my Democratic friends, co allow ray
namo to be used in connexion with the office of
ASSOCIATE JUDGE of Columbia County, I take
this occasion to announce to the Democratic electors
that I will be a candidate, subject tob- decision of
the Convention. JACOB EVAN J.
Crwenwooil, June P, IPfiG. -
Associate Judge
JN ASMUCH as it hss long been conceded that one
of the ASSOCIATE JUDGES should come from
the soutn Ride f the river, and through thn uigent
request of the Democracy of boib sides of the river,
I hav- been induced to become candidate fr re
nomination, (at the same time llianking ine Democ
racy for past favors.) subject to the decision of the
Dc uiocralic County Convention
Catawissa, June 13, 18G6.
Associate Judge-
WE are authorized toannonnce the name ofRfCff
A ED FRUIT, of Madtnon township, as a candidate
for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at tbe coming general
election, subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention, which will be nM in August
next, and he solicits the suffrage vf hie Democratic
June SO. 1366.
Associate Judge,
WE have been requested to state that ANDREW
FttEA. Eqr.. of Centre township. 'will be a eanilt
date for the office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the
ensuing general election, subject to tba decision
of the Democratic bounty louvention wnn win
Le held in August next.
June 20
Ileistcr and Recorder.
HAVING been warmly urged and encouraged by my
Democratic friends throughout thn Cojnty. to b
a candidate for REGISTER AND RECOKDER. I
hereby offrr myself to the Democratic voters fjr
that position, uhjrct to the derision of our Connty
i.onvvntion in Augu t nest Should it be tbe pleas,
ure f the people to give me thn nomination and
election, I will perform the duiies of that office with
fidelity and to tbe best of my ability.
Centre townshi p.Jnne C. 1H06.
i:egitei' and Recorder..
f offer my self to tbe Democracy of Columbia Coun.
ty, subject to the nominating Convention, for tba
office of REGISTER AND RECOKDER, for the en-
suing term. And 1 pledge myself to a careful ana
prompt performance ul ail the duties.
June fi, 18fii.
I'rothonotai'v and Clerk of
I lie Courts
WE have been authorized to announce the name
of JESSE COLE WAN as a candidate fr re-
nomination and election to the office of PROTHON-
bia County, subject to the usages cf the Democratic
Py- ...
tlojiiiour, June U. I?b0.
County Coiiriiiissioncr.
'"Through the solicitation of mv Democratic friends.
1 I have been induced ti ofT-r myxelf as a camli
date for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER.
suloect to the decision of the Democratic County
Convention, which will convene on the 27th of Au -
gust next.
Bugarlnaf township. June 0, l6u.
Which are to be told cheaper than ever. If yon
want bargains, call at
in ROIIRSBCRG, Columbia Connty, wbere you wilt
find a good assortment, well selected.
Any article nut of the usual line can be eaaily pro
cured, as we have a buyer in the City alt the time.
Country Produce, of all Kinds,
taken in exchange for Cooda. .
Ro' rsbur?, May 23, 1806. 1m.
Prepared by WILLIAM ELLIS at. CO-No. 73 Mar
k.. . I . n A ..I
100 pounds per acre. Dampen the Buckwheat in lb"
eveninr. let it Uy till morning, mil wl 20 pounds
J- .1 D .U.K. n ...... I . . I. . I I A I I .
01 mc reruii&ci i u.suci 111 icc,aua ivw pruau
cast t-0 pounds to the acre.
The above Fertilizer, for sale by Wm. MeBrldo,
White Hall ; John k. Creasy, Catawissa ; James K.
Eyer, Bloomsburg ; Parvin Masters. Benton,
A. 8. KEdl ER, Cen. Agent.
June 13. 1BGG 4L
GEQ. IF. HIACGER, Proprietor.
The above well known lintel has recently under
gone radical changes in its internal arrangement,
and its proprietor announces to-hin former eutorr'
and the travelling publie that his accommodations
for the comfort of his guests are second to none in
the country. His table will always be found sup
plied, uoloitlt with substantial f.xd, but with all
the delic.icics of the sea-ou, Hi wine aad llquorr
(except popular beveraee known as 'Melleurj ')
purchased direct from t ie importing bouses, are en
tirely purs, and free fr in all poisonous drugs. He
is thankful for a liberal patronage in the past, and
will continue to deserve it in the future.
June 13. -xf.
Io Shire'r Building, on Main Strt.
Informs the citizens of Bloomsburg and lat
he has opened a New
in this place, where he invites his old friends and1
customers to rail and partake of his refrebli menu.
It is his intention to eep the het
constantly on hand ; AIo. Porter, ftirsaparilla. Min
eral Water. Fancy Lemonades. Raspberr' and Lent-'
enSyrnps.rnn always be had at his Restaurant,
la the eating Irae he presents a
not surpassed in this place; viz. Pickled Ots1erC
Clams, Sardines Fish, Barbecued Chrt-kerc. Pjfcklii?
Tripe and Beef Tongue, Sec, Jrc. He also bis a toodf
a. -tide of
Cigars and Chewing Tobacco
for his customers. C7" Give hiiii a cll.
t'looinsburr. June 13. ltiC.-
NOTICE I hereby given that proposals jh writing'
ill be received by the Poor House t'ouimisslonerr
from this date until ten o'clock A. M., on tbe tUrd
day of June. 1266. for the sale and purchase of a suit''
able farm, for tne erection of iHiildings, under the'
provisions of tbe bill for the support and employ
inent of the Poor .f Columbia County,
The proposals muif be in' writing and most stated
specifically :
1st. The number of acres in the farm,
2nd. The kind of buildings and improvements.
3rd. The town snip and ad joiner's,
4th, The price.
Proposals may be sent to any one of the Com mis-'
si'oners ; and the parties are requeued to attend af
the Court House, in Bloomsburg. June S3, 1360 : wltenf
the proposals will ie consllered.
JOHN K.GROtZ, Blonmsbujg.
JOHN A. FUNSTON. Jersey I own,
LEWIS YETTER, Catawissa, -
KAMUEL BOG ART, Robrsburg,
THOMAS CREVELING, Sr., Espytown, .
J ES-E HOFFMAN. Willow Springs. r"'
WILLIAM J tirpfffj.