DEMOCRAT AND STAR. , X.QCAL DEPARTMENT. BLOOMSBURG : : Wednesday, June 6,1 866. E3u We desire that all subscriptions to the Stab or the Noam be immediately settled. - W. H. Jacobt. X3" Senator Buckalew arrived home on Saturday evening last, to remain a few days. XSX- Oar thanks are due Senators C. R. Buckalxw and Eoqak Cowan for public documents. rJ Our drawer contains several valuable ccanrnxmications, 'which "we mQ continue to publish as space permits. The soldiers of Cumberland, Cam bra and Perry counties have held Conven tions endorsing Johnson and Clymer. Potatoes are unusually scarce in this town consequently they have advanced to an enormous price. Iter. L. C. Shive, will preach a tem perance sermon at the German Reformed Church on next Sunday evening. tSy See advertisement of "Wool Factory'.' in this issue. Our young friend, Henry II. Sands, is reliable and accommodating, and knows how to do business. XSy Those of our readers who desire to purchase a town lot, or lots, or valuable busi ness stands, will be careful to read, in this issue, the advertisement of William Robi EON, deceased. C. B. Brockwat, Esq., and Dr. P. II. Freeze, of this place, are absent from their respective offices, on a fLshing excur 'eion, to return on or about the 13th init. sr Read communications in another column, signed "Boots for Stationery," "A Working Man," and "A Jackson Demo crat." XsrBoys spare the birds, their nest?, their eggs, and their young ones. It is now against the law to destroy them and those who do, subject themselves to the penalty. tSy We are indebted to the editor of the epificanforthefulIowingcourteou3 notice: "The only reply we have to make to our up town co temporary is, 'Answer a fool ac cording to his tolly.' " The above denotes the civility, politeness, kind treatment, and good breeding, of our down town co temporary. Does it not? In another department of this paper it will be observed that we have been au thorized to announce the names of several persons for the office of "Associate Judge," two persons for "Register and Recorder," one person for County Commissioner. iST" The late hall storm, of the 27th ult, knocked about five hundred lights out of the windows of the College buildings at Lewis burg. We learn that in that vicinity, hail fell to the size of a hen's egg, completely stripping trees and branches of leaves, and ruining the grain and garden truck. . Something New. We have known of the Sarsaparula extract being combined with iodide potassium, but never until now with iodide of lime. The superior advantages of this combination, for humors, bad blood, etc. , are palpable to all. This valuable remedy, Sarsaparilla with iodide of lime, we adver tise to-day. - . S We are glad to know that some eight thousand dollars have been subscribed for the ereetion of Seminary buildings in this place ; and that a magnificent site, of two acres of ground, has been very liberally of fered. There will be another meeting of the stockholders and trustees on next Thursday evening, and we hope our citizens will go there with a full determination to make it a success. tSy We are glad that we are to have a Town Hall in this place, and we hope that the builders will make the safety and con venience of the public their foremost consid erations. We suggest, as their enterprise is , in an especial sense, publicaswell as private, that they let their plans become known be fore they are decided upon, so as to avail themselves of suggestions from many sources which would not otherwise be accessible to them. " tT Our local elections are opening with interest, and promise a spirited campaign lively times with the people and the politi ciansonly to terminate at the October Election. The Member of the H. of R., by U3age of the District, this season goes to Montour county, and we leave its ad judication with her noble young Democracy. The questions of Congress, Senator, Associ ate Judge, etc, are already exciting consid erable interest, and we can only hope, may culminate in the choice of our best men and most earnest Democrats to office, in the County and District Com. 527 The road bridge over the Susquehan na at Harrisburg, connecting with the Cum berland shore, was partially destroyed by fire on Friday night last. The bridge is di vided by an island in or near the centre. The half on the eastern side was entirely consumed, together with the toll-house. The cost to re-build the bridge lias been estima ted at $70,000. The cause of the fire is not known. It was first discovered on the south side at the fourth gpan. C-jAt present there appears to be but little in the way of building a branch Railroad from Rupert up little Fishingcreek via Mill vl2 to connect with the Money Creek Rail road. The route is- unobjectionable and all that is needed is for the, citizens along the line to put their shoulders to the wheel. Let it, by all means, be done. Leers? Year. It i3 said by some of the cll : tir.!-aHtant3 that this is the year for tLe gcuenj appearance of the" locusts, and wc Lave so-ne evidences that their predictions are true In di rrfng a small piece of ground a few days sinee, under an old plum tree, we tr rrtLnd abest SCO cf these unwelcome tL - v TLcy have awhitish-brown appear l.C2, l :t vers extremely lively, and were to liicir exit Irora noiher E3 .June brings us warm ' and growing weather, and with the late showers, has a vivifying effect upon the grass and grain crops; : JEs?" The Poor House question was voted on yesterday, and from what we have been able to learn, nearly all the townships went aeainst it If the returns don't come in right we presume the Commissioners will veto it 2y Dr. Darrin is at the Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg,astonishing a constant throng of patient3 by the rapidity with which he re lieves them of their aches, pains and disa bilities. He remains with us until June 10, then he goes to Sunbury, at Weaver's Hotel, until June 17, at United States Hotel, Mil ton, from June 17, to 23d. We have not space this week to print the certificates of Martin Dailey, of Danville, who was troubled with a pain in his breast and sides, shortness of breath, Sec, cured with one treatment of five minutes; of Harmon Snyder s little girl cured of deafness of six years standingliv ing in Rush township, Northumberland county ; of Mrs. M. Preston, of Danville, who had been afflicted with rheumatism for the past ten years and who had to be helped up stairs. She was cured entirely with two treatments. Besides many others who have been similarly afflicted and treated with great success. We advise the afflicted to call. tt Oar readers will peruse, with interest, in this issue, the charge of Hon. Win. El well, in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Thos. J. Ingham, et ah, in reference to the Act of Congress March 3, 1805, disfranchising de serters. It will be seen that this is the second in which Judge Elwell has been requir ed to administer justice in reference to this law. And it will also be noticed, that with great propriety, impartiality, care and caution, he has placed himself, in its investigation and interpretation, firmly upon the record, a3 a wise and learned Judge. All who" have a proper respect for law, liberty, and right, wUl point with pride to this well settled, and as we think, impregnable determination of the case. His consideration of the question goes to show that he seriously attends, not only to the public confidence restored in him, but to all the requirements of the law. JteST" Who has an idea of abandoning the principles of the Democratic party and joining hands with a little clique of men throughout the State calling themselves Johnson Men ? It w all nonsense to think of such thing1. This might do for filly old women to talk about, but it will never do for Democrats to indulge any sifch thought. The Democratic party has maintained its principles too long for any one man or set of vien to undertake, with a reasonable expectation of succeeding, to sell it out at this late day. Our party is stronger and purer to-day than it has been for many years. It has become completely "boiled down" and "worked off" iitthe past few years. Any party that could live, main tain itself intactin passing safuly through such a hell a3 the Democratic party have passed through during the ra-t four years, must and can't help but triumph. Thoir princi ples are right, and will yet guide the people to the old Deniociatic landmarks, and rescue the affaire of Government from out the hands of designedly wicked and corrupt men. 3- The Editor' of tho Canfidd, Ohio, lie it ild, says: "Wheaton's Ircn Ointment. It ha3 been said that to 'get the itch is no disgrace, but it U disgraceful to keep it. ' No one need have the itch forty-eight hours if they will use 'Wheaton's Ointment,' for it is a sure cure I We saw it tried on the persons of sev eral children and adults a few weeks since, and the itching at once ceased, and in two days not an eruption was visible. It is effect ual in removing pimples, blotches, and es pecially old sores. We used the Ointment on one of our own children, and the effect was magical. The itch, which has been so prevalent about here, has not yielded to the usual remedies for this complaint, and we are glad that a remedy has been discovered that is so effectual and yet so cheap. Read the advertisement BLOOMSBFRG MARKET. WWEAT.per bushel. 3 00 BY K. " 1 33 cor v. i no BUCKWHEAT. 1 00 FLOUR per bbl. J4 IW CI.OVERF.ED, 5 50 FLAX eREf 3 00 BUCKWHEAT Flour. 500 BUTTER. EGGS POTATOES, DRIED APPLET, HAMS BACOV, -HAY by th ton. LARD, per lb. . 45 H 1 75 3 OA . 2J m 15 00 MARRIED. In Montour township, on the3Iit nit., at the resi dence of the bride' father, bjr Rev, J. R, Dhnni , At best F. Voir, to Loma R Ibwixc. At Berwick, on the 31st ult.. by Rev. W. B, Fox. Mr. John C. Rimwicx, and Miss Mattis A. Lee, both of Blnouishurg, Pa On the xTth of May, 1886. tv W. II. Reinhold. Esq. vl r Daniel Fetterroan. aud Min Elizabeth Miller, both of Locust township, Columbia co miy. In Money, on the 17th nit., by Rev. E. A. Hharettr, MrCharles Revenolt. of I imetone township, and Miia Clara Seidel. of Washmgtonville, Montour co. At Hoghesville, on the tame day, by the name. Mr. J. Kiunry Kiehel. and Miss Martba A., daughter of James Laird. Esq.. of Lycoming county, Pa. On the 24th ult , at Iota, by tbe Rev. B. P- King, Mr . A Barclay Monroe, of Liverpool. Perry co., aud Miaa C. Emma Lefictt, of lola. On the iima day. by the tame, in Bnekborn. Mr. Cyrai Gruber and Mi Rachel L. McMichael, both of the above named place. At the M. E. Parsonage, at (bit place, on tbe 3tb ull., by Rev. R. E. Wilson Nathan J. Hess f Benton, and ilary A. Bisbline, of Oranjeville. DIED. At this place on the 23rd ult Ellie Boone, daugh ter of Samuel V. and Nacey D. Boone, aged 3 years. 3 month, end 14 da V. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to marry, ad dress the ondersined, who will send you. without moer and without price, valuable inlormtma i that will enable you to marry happily. Irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This infi.rmaUon will eot yea nothing, and if you wish to marry. I will ebeerfuly ait you. All letters strictly confldential. The de sired information seat by return wail. and no reward aeaed. Address BARAH B. LAMBERT. Grecnp Kings Co., New Yoi k. June 6, 1 80S. 3.n. Administrator' Notice. Estate of George Ptil, late of Orangetoicn sliip, deceased. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Geo ffeil, late of Orange townstip. Columbia county, have been granted, by the Register of said county, to tfamuel fcverett, whi resides in OrBoteville. towng ship and county aforesaid. All persons bavin claims against the estate of the decedent are requfS tep to present teem to the administrator for settle -meat, and those indebted to the estate will mate immediate payment t F 7 . SAMUEL EVERETT, Aim'r. Orange twp. Jane Ig66. r ircn ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT mil Cere Tb Itc& la IS Conrs. Also enres SALT RHEUM. L'LCEP?. CHIL BLA1XS. and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKI X. rtee sa cents. For sale by all Drofsists- By sending 60 cents to WEISS St POTTERJIe Agents. 170 Wash i nrton street, Boston, n will bo forwarded by mail, fxee of posta-e, to any part of lUs United Stales. Jane ft. Uc. ly. ' I '- -:-P'lir ' ' " " h'm TmTi ii r-'iTrTiriir -A-s--'- Notice in Partition. In tJu matter of the Estate of Fr&hriiJi Hess, late of Suffnri'oqf toicnsfit'p, Colum bia county, deceased : To Jeremiah Hes. Tbotcas n. Aa He. Am.. da Kline. Frederick Hesn, Lucy Ann Baall. Maria, 8arah ,ad Belinda Hesn.wltohaTjfdr th -IrUusrdlin Davie Lewis, Hannah Headerahot, Catharine Brisk, Sarah Lewis, Elisabeth Hess, and Mary Hess, heirs and legal representatives of Frederick Hess, deceiv ed Yon and each of you will cake notice that an induct will beheld at the late dwelling bouse of Frederick Hers, deceased, in tbe totiahip of Sugar) oaf. county of Colombia, on WEDNESDAY, TUB I1TH DAY of JULt, lrttt. between hour of o'clock; A. M , and 4 o'clock P. M of oaid dav.i'or the pu'pose of making partition of the real estate of the aaid deceased to and among his children and legal represent uives if tha same can be done witliont prejudice to or spoil ing the whole, otherwise to value and appraise tbe same according to law, al whic i time and place you am required to attend if you think pmpr. SAMUEL SNYDER, Aerf. June 6, 188.- dw. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE Mason t HamUa Cabinet Organs, forty di f fereat styles, adapted to aacred and secular musicfltr RjOtoStiOO each. FIFTY ONE COLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums, awarded them. IUustrated Ca alogues froe, Addre-a, MASOM fc. HAMLIN. Doston, or MA SOX BROTUERS, Naw Yons:. Jan.e, 18BC Sep. a. "65. Iy. 8.M.P. to" drunkards. " A reformed inebriate woald bo nappy to communi cate (free of charge) to as many of his fellow-bein:a a will address him. very important and useful iu formation, and plaee In thoir hands a sure cure ftr the love of Strong Drink of aay kind. Thi Infor mation is freely ottered by one whohaa narrowly es caped a drunkard's grave. Address, SESHB. HENDERSON. No. 9 Broad 8treet, New York. March 83, 18C. 3m . ' ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility.Premature Decay .and all the effects of youth ful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, aend free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for malting tbe atmple remedy by which h waa cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver. User's experience, can do ao by addressing JOHN B. UGDEV. No. 13 Chambers New-York. Feb. 88 18Ca. ly. S.M.P. STRANGE BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in tbe United Slates can hear something very much to their advan tage by remrn mall (free of charge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those having fee's of being humbugg ed will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please addreas their obedient servant, TH03. F CHAPMAN. 831 Broadway, New York. Fib. 23, 18f8-ly.S MP DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D.. Oculist and Anrist (formerly of Ley. den, Holland.) No. 519 P1NB Stitet. PHILAD'A Testimonials, from the moat reliable aouroea in the City and Country can be seen at bis office. Tbe med ical faculty are invited to areompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his piactice ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without pais. No charge lor cxaw iPution. f APril u 1806. ly, ACARDTO INVALIDS" A Clergyman, while res'iding in South Americans a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Norvous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases cf the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tbe whole trait of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noblo remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and uofortnnate, I will send tbe recipe for preparing and using this medi cine, in a sea'ed envelope, to any one who needs it Faaa or Chakoi. e?leaie inclose a post-paid en velope, addressed to yourself. Address. JOSEPH T. IN' MAN. St.twm D. Bibli IIousi, New-York City. Marih 7. lrt;o,-3rao, AW EXTENSIVE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION or Fianos. Melediana, 3oid and Silver Ware, is now going on at the salesroom of REED Ac HitO., 34t.ibeny Street. N.Y. These goods are sold at 'I WO DOLLAR? EACf , Reraruless of Value. Bnd TWKSTV-f IVE Cents for one numbered Notice, or ONE DOLLAR for BIX. TUe number of each No tice corresponds with the number oil renin art cle of goods, which wilt be sent on recei pt of i Tbe money will be refunded if the goods ilo not give sat itfartiun. Atnt make TKSi r Y-KI v E DOLLARS PER W EEK. Send for a Circular, Office: P. O. BOX . 51V. 34 Liberty St. NEV7 YORK. May 9, 166: 3m. TO Co!rtrTATivBs. The adeeriUer having been restored to health in a few v.eck by a very sim ple remedy .after having suffered several years, with a eveap lung affection, and that dread disease. Con-sumptiou-is anxious to make known to his fallow sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it.he w ill send a copy of the pre scription used.ffree ol Charge. with the directions for preparing and using the saino, which they will And a scan ccai for Consumption, Atbmy, Broncbitis.Calds Coughs- etc. Tbe out) objnet of the advertiser In ending the rresciiption is to benefit tbe afflicts J, and spre ,d information which hecmreives to be invaluable nd he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a les-ing. Parlies wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, YVillUmibnrg Kings County Tek. 29, 16CC. ly. 8.M. P. fcew-York. rphe Groreteen Piano Forte 1 still retains its precedence and great popularity, aul after undergoing gradual improvements for a pe riod pf thirty years. is now pronoiin Hid by tbe musical world to be unsurpassed an1 ven unequalled in rich ness,volume and purity of tone, durability and cheapness- Our new scale, Erench action. barp pedal, iron frame, over-strung bass, seven octavo rosewood pi anos we sre selling cheaper ny from 1 100 to 2o0 than the same st)le and finish are sold by any other first-class makers in the country. Dialers and ll in want of good pianos are inviMd to send for our De scriptive Catalogue, which contains photographs of our different styles, together with prices No one s hould pr haee a piano wi.hout seeing this ( eta logue Medssl almost without number, have been awardod to the Orovesteen flnno, and the Celebrated World's t air. though put in competition with others from all parts of Europe and the U tJ.. it look the bictiest awaid. f Established 1S35 Crovestsen Co., L 49 BROAD W AY, NEW YORK. July 29. 18J5 . H. U. ft. Jt Co. ALL MAY MARRY H ArllLY, irrespective Of LL MAY t wealth, age. or beauty ; nnd the love of the op oosite sex can be sained br tellowlng simple rule. Wend a directed envelope and st.iibp to Madams LU CILLE DEMARRE, Station D, Bible Street, New York City. THE GLORY OF" MAN 18 STRENGTH. A gentle man who suffVred for years from Nervous and Geniial Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Seminal Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, wll, for the sake of suffering man, senJ to any one afflict ed, the simple mcsbs ued by him, which effected a cure in a few weeks after thu failure ef numerous medicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and it will cost you nothing Address. EDGAR TEEMA1N, J'-fclb SuN.Y. City. LOVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE BOYS, send an addressed envelope and 21 eents.and I will send you some valaabl informatlcn that will plxsse you. Address MARY MOORE, Wl Broadway, N. V. May 10, 186ft ly. 1nE WORLD'S OPINION OF IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Touching the Bitters, this grand fact is clear. Their fume fills all tbe Wi-ntern Hemisphere, Known in all lauds, wasbod by its oceans twain, Health, hope and vigor follow in their train, AVOID COUNTERFEITS. IIOSTETTER'S BITTERS sliare tbe common fate Of all things good I tupostors imitate, nf these beware discreetly use your eyes From bom st h uses purcha ie your supplies. THE GOVERNMENT INWOR3I MENT. In order to guard agaiust dangerous impositions, the public are requested to take eepeeial ute of the beautiful engraved proprietary siamp.iomiigii woicn the Government of the United Plates officially au thenticates every bottle of IIOSTETTER'S BITTER. 'I bis shield, thrown by the Government over the pioprietors and the public for Ibeir joint protection, is placed conspicuously across the cork and over the neck of each bottle, and cannot (ail to strike tbe eye of the most casaal observer. Nothing that purports to be Hosteller's Bitters can Im genuine unless the tamp is titer. . It is also proper to state that tbe Bitter are sold exclusively in glase. and never under any circum stance by the gallon) or th barrel. Importers a sd imitators are abroad .and U only safeguard tbe pub lie has against them is to see that the Bitters they buy bear the engraved label and not of band of Messrs. Boctetter If Smith, and stamp above men tioned. May 16, lm, qOAA laariTm Agents wanted rr"Vforte tnlintf rtk'-s. Just out. Ad drees O. T. 6AREY. Vny Buildis Bedford. Maine, IMC 83. loto.-Jy. - T I3T OP DEALERS j OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, For the year thousand eiia huedred and vixty-aix, of Goods. Wares, Merchandise, Distiller. Brewer. Restaurant and Elating iowi Keeper, within the County of Columbia, lettimed sad clasei. fled in accordance with ttw awveral acts of Assem bly, avibe Appraiser of Menaauta Tax of said fAllilBL tA nil Venders. TtC)& Class. License. IX c 10 14 30 10 10 in 7 7 15 7 Blonmshnre Iron Co. Bloom O A Jacoby Jacob Jllets o Henry Giger F.y?r & M.-yer J R .Wyer do I. T Sharpies d E P Lou K VV Elwell F Bebb o J M Rupert d HCktW Uertntan do MrKelvy Nal & O do I) A Beckl-y lo Joseph SharpleS do Peter Billmeyer do A J Sloan do P John o S H JTiller II H.llunsberger o li Lowenburg a Siobner J K Ryei do SO Shive do Amo Krum do J J Rot.hius do J K Girtou do A J Evans do C C Marr do A Hartuian do R JMendenhall do Henry Kleiiu do A S lider 'o Joseph Hendershot do Lord Paxtoo do fl tV Corrcll o F I'o - do Kliuelob at Walton Briarereek John O Jacobv do J Thomas Miller do P M Trauga o Wra Frees do James JWSeesholts Berwick Bor. CbKriea D Fowler d Abraham Millt-r do siller St Hughes do J B Dorisnn do laHR Bowers do Bowman di Jackson do Jackson &. Wooden do F LShuman Beaver Emanuel Froedmaa do J J W Henry Benlou H P EveriVl do 8 Heacock do 14 14 II 14 II 13 11 14 II 14 11 H 14 II 14 13 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 II II 14 14 14 13 14 14 11 14 14 14 14 II 1.1 13 13 II II II II II IS It II II II 14 14 14 7 14 15 13 7 SO Ed Edson do 14 Cnnynghaaitwp 4 Bor of Centralis Bhuman Ac Jlfillard do n 13 7 M SO 14 7 li 50 to 7 13 50 7 11 50 7 7 7 13 15 I J 30 7 13 7 15 7 7 7 J il 7 7 7 7 7 7 A H Former oo J B Knitile Jt Gab t do Willim Suyder do D Cmn At Co do Kestr Kerr Al Co do Bedford 4c Tarry do Person Wascr do C Mendenhail 'o John S'gliiiger do Anderson It Rian do G-o Huihaa at Son Catawlasa 8 D Reinard do Win John do J.ihn Sherplese do J 8 Brubul do MeXInch dt 8human do V Rahn St Oo do Creaay John do DC et M E John do J K Sharpies . do Franklin Dolman do Hamilton Fiahcr do Jess nicks Centre U II Fowler do Fred Fry do John Watts do A Fet mcr do Jacob Snoeal'tr do Abraham Iiti'rich do ftaui'l Dirtteritb do E W M St U L Low do O II Frene do II Jt M Mcllenry Fishingcreek U M Howell do J C Runyan do Bernard A mmcr nan dn James N Jones Wai.h l arr Franklin 14 i li ii Is 5 14 I II 11 14 14 14 11 11 li 14 II II II II II II 13 II II 14 It II 14 14 11 14 14 It II 14 14 II II II 13 II 13 H 13 II 14 13 14 II II Jt 14 14 It 14 14 14 II 14 14 14 13 14 13 14 14 It 14 13 13 14 14 14 14 II 14 14 13 a 19 II 15 10 10 1J in 10 50 J M Bote C men wood I) & W Mat?rs do John Leggot C W Eves dt Co Irael Bogmt Bngart it Kn-nmt r Schuyler St Black C Preston C Nevhard do do do do do do IK-mlock do 30 Jacob Harris sj o at W 11 ehoemakcr Jacob Yengor Wasliingion Ycager Abraham Rice Mark Williams W H Price Judatt Chorington U J Camihi:l Dnnicl Usher I K Scliwi-ppanhciser Creay 4c Browu J II lietler VV A brown Jacob N PifT P Margi ruin Paxton c Harmon Conner at Brother C Kieunicr do Locust do do do do do Main (In .Vim In do 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 7 7 7 7 M 10 7 7 7 7 13 7 7 10 3d 14 13 do do do .Vuiitour lo do Muilisoil do Jtfl Ploasant do Win Krvnmer J K Sands Oeorgn Vance HI nan at Millard R W Bowman at Co A U Stewart Alex Hughes Abraham Coleman C Murtx H F Heigbard At Pro C 8 Fowler 8 A Worinan I et 1' Cr.veiing tt W Crevelmg t Co :8 Fowler Mill Peter Ent Orange do do do ln Roaringereek ocott do do do do do do 50 H W Creasy Jt Co do II Restaurants and Eenting Houses. Jnl.n Chaaman Bor. Centralis. 7 Tbos O Conner Mwird Heltley Michael Uorry Mrs Brarken I nomas Garity Harny MrBarty Stephen II or an Daniel Carrlngton Conrad Rolens John SegHnger Stephen Thomas Frederick Fox B fiohner J F Calor J W Hendershot II M Hockman William Rouch Michael SchuMey Lawrence Casey Tbomae Monroe J un Sheltds T Langtim Levi bier John U Ronysn VV m Orange Lelb Dean H J Clark J B Kletler Henry Lehman famiiel Hcitteritk William Butler Conner it Hio Mw-hacl Keller J D Bice Peter Schng Malilon Hicks I steal Muminey do 7 do do do do d do do do do do Bloom twp, do dn do Bsrwiea Bor. do Conyngbam twp. do do do do Catawissa twp. do do do do do Centre twp. do Montour tJ p. do Orange twp. Scott twp, do oo do Distilleries. I'enton Briarcreet 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 d 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 1 ft3 50 C S3 II 3 G 9 e 13 Rohr Mcllenry Reuben Miller Peter Scheg Moses Simons Scott Fishingcreek. dn Frank Edger Oil miraani van mir fee I at crieved by the above eisifiesii ncan have an opportunity of appealing by calling upon the undersigned, at his oliice, m Mainville. Pa., at any time up to the 15th dayof June, and on the aaid 13th day of June A. D. lend, at the Commissioner's OrHc ia Kloomsburg, after which no appeal will be beard. WILLIAM T. BHUMAN, Mercantile Appraiser. May 16, IS06.-41 a GENT8 WANTED FOR THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF . Gen. (Stonewall) Jackson, By Prof. R. L. Dabney, D. D of Va. The Sundard Biography o tbe immortal hero. The only edition aiithorixed by bis widow. The author a personal friend and Chief of Staff of tbe Christian iSoldier. Carefully revised and corrected by General R. B. Lee. We want an Agent in every county. Send for cirentars and see our terms. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. No 507 Minor Street, I biladelphia. Pa. May 23, ifcod. 1m N P C $1 rZfli i'fcH YAlt! We w.i.t tUUU aienin verv where lo ell our Improved 820 Sewing Machines. Three new Rinds, i;naer a iwc ...w vears. Above salary or larxe commissions paid. The ONUY macnines In tbe United States for less than $10, whieo, are fully licensed by Howe.Wheel i:r at Wi son. Grovr St Baker, Si nger St Co., and Kachelder." All other cheap Machiaes are Infrmfe loentsand the seller or user are liaWe to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or rail upon Shaw itClaik, Biddeford, Me., or Cbigigo 111. December 20, leMly. CHAS. Q. BARKLEY, Atlorncj at Larr, BL0031SBCRG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Colombia Coonty. All legal business latrurted to bis tat shall recei prompt attention). Ofte-On Main Mreet, Exchange Buildlnge. over Jdiiler's Store. Bloomsbarg. April 13, 1384. - nv a ttto t TOT X WTTtt f t Of erj dflscripuoQ iot lt ib offiftf PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Ileal Estate- ia viurMiaiice of j order of the Orphane Court of Columbia county. Pa4n SATUUDAY, TUE 9TII OP JUNE xl, at 10 o'clock In th forewoow. Job Gordner it Thomas Stackhoose, Kxecutora of Thomas Slack house, late of Pine township, in eaid county, dec d, will expose to sale, by public vendue, on the premi se, a certain TRACT OP LAND, aituateTm Pine townahio, Columbia coonty, adjoin tnc lands f 8ame Stackhouse and George Statk hose, on the north ; Abraham Young and Robert Rssel. n tne east Ksekiel Croasley and William WcidvnhauHner, on the south and the County Line 0 the west ; containing 317 ACRES AND 150 PERCHES, etrid eure, of whhh about one hundred berei ts improved land ; there Is erected on the premises ooe Story and half Dwelling, two log Barn, and an ap'e orchard ; late the estate of said de cerned, situate la th township of Pine and county aforesaid. JESSE COLEMAN. Clerk. CONDITIONS OF SALE t Ten per cent, of fourth of the purchase mny, to be paid by the pur--na-r upon the striking down of the property ; owe fourth of lb purchase mnney lcs ten per rent, t be paid upon the confirmation of sale Nisi. The res idue of the prfhaa money in oneyar from confir mation Nii with interest. The purchaser to pay for Dvd and Stamps. John cordikr, 1 E,,.. TUOS. aJTACKIIOUSK, ( bx May 18. I)R. W. II. WHITM0R, HAS been la aneeaaafal praette for n number of years, with the experience of the different ho pilals in Europe, al a member of the Analyiral Medical Inaiituut of New Yrk, rontt tuea to attend to all proivsalonal eaaes at his office No. V'Jd Filbert Street, Philadelphia, it. No patent Meoieines are Md or recommended ; the remedies administered are thor which will nut break town the constitution, but renovete the tm from all injuries it has auatained from mineral MiedMttes, and leave the lyslcut in a healthy aud perl'eetly cured condition, 3. DVSPKPSIVthal ditralng dieease and fell destroyer nf health and happinn. ndermlning the cob tituti in tnl yeaily carrying thousands to un timely graves, can most emphatically be cured, 4, Melancholy, Abberratlon. that etate ot Allna tion and weakness of the mind which render per sona Incapable l enjoying the pleasures or perform ing the duties nf life, I, RHKWst ATl,in any form or condition .r.hron ia or aeiite. warranted curable. A. El'II.KPSV, or railing sickness, all chroiilo ot alubborn caaea of 1 1: ii am: if is r as i: radicaMy renmved ; Ha t Rheum and every descrip tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases which heva baffled all previous mudtcal skill, can be cured by my treatment ; and I do say all disease, (vs CoKsoumoa) ran be cured by wenring my Medi cated Jackst. which is a protection t the lungs against all changes of weather in all climates, bav ins investigated for year the cause and character td Intermittent (fever and ague) iu ail parts .r the United States -will cure perinan. ntly nil rlirmiie or aeute cases of ague and nervous pueastte la a few Uneer Cared uilhont the kntre or D-awIng Bloods Tape Worm, that dread to the Human Family for year, ran l e removed with two or Hues doaea of ny newly discovered remedy, warranted In all caaea. Consultation In the Kugliah and Herman Languages free of chargo. Will make vlells any distance, if desired. May be addrssa by letter (conndentlkllv.) and Medicine sent with proper directions to any part ol the country. OFFICB-No. C24 Filbert St. Phila. April 4. inftfi.-ly. AUD. The undersigned respectfully Informs the cifiane nf Cionm-burg and Columbia county , that they kurp all the dtflVrcnt numbers of stove coal anJ selected lump coal for smithing purposes, on their wharf, ad joining MrKelvy, Neul atCn's Furnace ; with a good pair llufialo srale on Hie weigh coal. hay and straw .ike wise a borae and waeon. to deliver coal to Diode who desire it. As we purchaae a targe amount of coal, we Intent) lo keep a superior article, and si ll at the very loweat priees. l'leae call and examine fur your scives before purrhaiingeUewhn re. J. W. II fclN DEkaViO T AUGUSTUS MAON. THE undersigned will take, in exchange for Coal and Groceries, the following named article Wheat. Rye, Corn. Osta, Potatoes, Lard, Ham.Shnul der.and siilu initat, llulter, Eggs, Hay. Ac , at the hlghestcash prices, at his Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. W. HE NDERSIlOT. Jllooiu.burg, April 2.V. Hiifl. ly. pi UI111A1I VOii CATAVIA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of tha Mnney Mariet, Look and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. J not rail at the favorite bimines stand of McNincli fc diiunmn. .and you will bo met by the obliging Pr( printers or their Clerks nnd shown through their great V.iriety More free of clinrge, of course, they will glvo you a fair chaure to -pend your loose chunge. they trust much more profitably than it can be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring I much larger in all iti varieties than uul. Thl- Ladies Dress Goods areof the nicest styles In Market. They have a fine assortiueul of flats, Gnp, Iloott and Shot, Summer Cloths, t'alnctt, Caimers and Vestlngs, and numerous articles common to such eta6:ili mcuts, besides a general assortment cf ICAllDW&RE, TINWARE, Queensware and Groceries, all al greatly reduce I price. They wuh lo conduct their busiuvsaon tlio system, of "PAY AS YOU GO" and they mink they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many pnt favors, and ak the future patronage of their fotmer customers anJ the public nerally. McMXCH St 811 CM AN. Msy lit, isflo, tf. ets va.iti:d ror oct KEVF kD BKUTirrL vtobk, THE PICTOflUL BOOR OF OF Till REBILLION 1 Heroic, Patriotic Political Romantic Humorous it Tragical, fpllndid!f JUuiiriUd -!( err 300 a. rirltaltt d bnuiifui t'.ngraviugi. This work for genial bunmr. tender pathos, start ling interest, and attractive beauty, stand peerless and alone anng all its ronipeiiiors. The Valiant and Srave Heart',!, the rictureaque and lira malic the Witty and Marvelloe. the Tender and Calh-tie. The Rnll of Fame and Story, Camp. Pi bet, Ppy, Scoot, nivonac, and siege; Sisrtling uririer. Wo. detful Escape. Famous Words and Heeds ofWn oan. and the whole Panorama of the War here thrll tingly ahd starilingly portrayed In a masterly man ner. at once bistrlral and somatic, rendering il the niot ample. brilliant and readable book that the war bis railed forth Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, ennrgstie young men. and all In waul of profitable rmploy. meat, w i.l And Ihi the bet chance to make money ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see our term. Address. National I'ubli-hlng C: No, 57 Minor Street filtLjiDLL VlllA. April 23, IPto.-Srn. TVriUaS, DRUGS, DRUGS. "Pure Medicines, at John R. Mnyer's Drugstore, corner of Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment of riRK DRITifl, Medicines. Paints. Oils and Vsrnlsbo. always on haed, and will be sold cheaper Hi at any other Un t 8'ore I" ewn. QUALITY GUAKANTKKD. Presmptiong carefully compounded at Moyer s DrAyrsand Jaynes Medlcincg sold at Moyer's Drug e'w"-hrt's Tr Cordial. Baker Cod Livsr Oil. Winslow's Sotdhlng Syrup, sold at A oyer's Drug 8tFor'any reliable patent medtcinsi, call at Moyer's Drug Store. , . . . , leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's lrug Store, Bloomburg, Pa. May . irstio. tf. IlsEU S tUEAP GBOtEHf G' PROVISION STORE, On Main Street. Bloomborg. , A larce and omplete aortment of OROCF.RIctS rnnetantly on hand. His flock is composed chief! ot tue loimwiiig i ,,;.- Molasses, Cojfee, Spicet, Salt, Sugar, Teas, Rtce, Fish, Candies, Toys, Nnitont, UPPn a NT) PROVISIONS. rcmaistinr of. FLOUR. S?J'2Vi HAMS, SHOULDER. CHEME. IICTTER, B, together with a great many other articles, usually kept in a first-class Or eery tHre. Country produce geuerailT will chaece fr aay articles found la his Store. O- The highest market prkea i for kind. couVtr fur. ulJ(r QWtt . ElcojBsburg, Feb. 22. HU. OP SAETED LAWDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY flXSZ ibe 3mh day of April 1844. the TVeae nrer of the County of Columbia hereby gives notice t o all persons concerned therein, that nleea the county, noan, ocnn i, i m, . . on the following real estate eitjate in the tounty of Columbia, are paid herore toe oay or such parts of each as W costs chargeable thereon, will be sold " "?r Hooee, in B'oombur. Co of Columbia, oh the H of June, 180ft, being the second Monday, wnlinuedby ..ijoornment from day to , day I tor reareges of taxes duo eaid eoonty and the costs ac ..,ii ni Mrk reneetivelv. - - w . Year. Acreb owtieks. VvntiY. XJOt, v David Dealt T M liUbbell Beaver, id l?l 1 I8rt3 W mi it 3 32 DJul -3of3B l.ortgeno!rger,Flfter As Miller. S 44 99 W ts 4 41 P9 5 R4 4 .10 ao 31 81 3 bi lfttt So tt3o4,S 3? i,ta S4 4AxU3 92 J I lot 1(6-J 33 IHttM I lot IW2 40 4 i m1 SO lo.1 fta tJkiO I lot Iti 1 l.,t r.ttt m a im 1 1. ft I lot 3 4 lta tt G2tt 14 IA!4 I IKlil 3 IH0.1 I t.8.5.4 3 loo (WA-flJ So IKliS I lot 3&(i4 1 lot irtii XI Joseph NeU, Mann,Bady t Criawell Juno VctsIU IKivid Naue John Kos iv Kamiiel C KriUm r.litabeth Lunger James ivofele Pvter Shu It t HennahTykc I'tekiel hill iehton Imnfel eou U Pwter Bradley Henry Kineabiiry I AO J t!? Conyngham Wm Mndenmutn J W t lark John Cleary J ho P eUmhmervr IVter Appleeate dee'd Henry Applegate Wm f .meleV 9 64 4) Ai t T7 W 44 Rrt S3 K7 I ( WS 3. t 7 l Cetilr w Jack sou Mailt 'on H Kotenbaiiler's heirs Peter Knight John Coeper'n eat fal vio Chamoerlln Ratnuel lck Main Pin William Whipple Miles D SuttifT et Pngatlonf JOHN J. STILE3, Treasurer TaeasfRea's Orrtrt, Illoomaburg. April 11. tie. ( OF UQSEA7E0 LAIRDS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. , nitr.RARLY to Hie provision of in Act of A a- A senibly entitled an Ar dlretling the nioH.i nf selling uneoated lanj Tor KKed the 13th day taxes and for other nnr no ddy of March 1015, and the fur- iher epplements thereto pasel on the dthdaynf Mnrch IQI? and tbe U.ilh Mamil lai. anduth Mnrrh, 1-47, the Treasurer of Columbia County hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County, Road, rVhnl, Poor. Bjunty end Htale Taxes dee on tbe following tracts of unsettled lands situate In Columbia County are paid before thn day of sale, the w hole or such parts of eitrh tract as wi t pay tha taxes and ests rhargeable tii-renn, will be sold al Ihx Court House in the town of Rlnoiiisbtirg, County of Columbia un llin Heoond Monday in June next, etui toeontinue bv adjournment from nay lo day for arrearngi a of taxes due said Oeniy. and thn cols accrued on tacli tract respectively, No. orAckxs VvakRaatxas on WNaas Twp BKAVLR. 300 Rlias Miller 'jtKI Catharine Nfoyor 5 Lewi rilgrr ilod Wiiirttewart rt - Johu t;rseff '-part of 409 arret', UKIARcRtKK: 0 0 lis on iu no H 74 14 00 IU 47 10 41 Hh) 70 33 4't 40 Ml 301 I DO 3 4H M 1 It) 14 I 4fI 4d Id 14 3 441 30 400 til) 4i id lut) '77 arj 3U.1 i of 170 rolrtiiinn Mower er Jere llownmn Reiibiui IU i di Henry llinttrrlrb tlllver Due Cill.cft Fiwtcr 4 33 r 71 M ht) I 31 9 ) IS 7(1 !i 73 na n srj 7 41 31 1 f A Rnney nnrilunlious'i John King John Kliiuard J icoli Hitt.-r Samuel 11 riliilth Joseph Ptatkliiiiis John II Suit John fl:aff-r John Yot Ha in uu I J Heater r. oa 11) R7 1 711 3 1)4 I -a I VI do 919 0" 3d M 81 II4 (M t)l lH 3 40 ITI. 27U fiti I DO IH) IK (JO CONYNGII AM. F.beneaer Brauham Thamaa liarns John Young ' Johua Beam Nathunlnl Hrown Petsr Uniiitimer Robert Jordnii Andrew i'ortner l.swi Wniker 7ho r.unlan "W J Oreennuth" of 3fU oflTO of ;o Mury Uuiliiu -W J Urcetiouith' 3!) 1)0 Thos ItUKlun Kf ksor tkA Conl CO 12 CO MaryKustan , " " 3D DO HI Joh'ivton lleasley 13(1 4l tieoige IllrXliam 1) (50 Thomns Hiltxhi'imnr 130 40 Roliett lliltxlieimer H'j William elmnnon Ct4 HH Aino VVirlnrli il W I S'.t i'axton. KliiH t flmrplraa (Ml mo 31 :4 3-4 3 4 cf 130 1 of 1(H) lie ii I ami. i t'oiube U Ileal-' 1-1 M I of I till Retijamln Coombe "J Anspachjr'' 13 30 h-.'.(!:l I tot Douilnlck Cranu 30 iM.'i I tot John Cow nil 47 ' I lot Heorce Rnady 'M " 9 lots Henry Sharps Ml I lot Francis Nuliler 94 1HC3 1 lul Piter Lawlcr VJ CENTRE 0 I-1 Hewitt tt n.neJIcl 2 M 10 Lllns Hues Id CATAWI33A- .17 J. ft Brnht 4 14 70 Jaiper Aaup A U" FRAXKLIV. 40 Jcrrmlnh Flmher. Ti ts) Llijuh Reynolds it Co i 70 riSIIIMtH'KKLK 110 William Rurlatew II 03 ItHI Alnjtn.lcr Cramer. 3 M Si J N it It J Jons 9 44 150 Thomas Lem. ne Do 4 A Ueorge Mack Id 113 Reese J Millard on 3 Oenrg-e Pokier 30 34 Willi m. Rnbblut 9tl r." Ainu l(iaile 1 54 11.1 Abr;ihaiu Young 9 PI 3CI Paul Apple II 13 4:i3 Guy Bryan 14 07 4:U Abraham Reeser " 14 07 1 IK i Puiuuel J Bca'cr i tut OREKNWOOD 33 r.muel Mliirt.eii W 14 F.llis Kves I 'J I r0 Ji1hi;a Kunsion W 30 (.eorse Reeae 74 U13 liaiiiol Montgomery id It CM 1 OCK AO Nslhaniel C'nmpbell 1 1 SI 30 r'rankliu Mcllride "ttec.'J" b jt7 JACKlOV, 13 Pavld Lee M 31 llenajah Parker A Co 114 ltd 1'Uilip et John Wiigm'f 1 CO 900 Tbnmaa Bitiiiigton 37 07 31 tramuei J. htt 5 P" 3j $ " l of 3t Msry Myers MV J Greenongh I f l 0 Thomas fciiMuO. ' " .Sf 100 Daniel Reese " " I Uoftoo Marr lusisii " " IH (4 3'i " 17 r3 " t f4 H 1 A M i t tt A. coal co li 64 ' 0 3 .. .. 17 ;i ifl.14 " ' l 54 I 9.ff aj Charlotte Rutan -i-f a) John R'-viuddS t.'jnf tsw Mtry Myers ny ' I 9,0 lt0 Daniel Reese " l-4f voo Mary Mutan " l-voi h) Charlotte Ruslati " l-5lif 800 John- Reynolds " MIFri.IV. 1 Thomas Aten er dee'd i:3 (leorge Nungcsser 147 Joshua iiniiier man 3vu tieorge Lall Mere MAIS 100 rtrnhst. Yrtter Jt fclimltk 4 Wm cresy 5 Henry Miner's heirs tJ lalah human dee d MOUNTPLKAVANT If 54 7 10 51 t til a 41 SI 9 8 3d 34 M luO 3 Wt ho 4.11 IrO 20 00 203 ft va 9SJ 47 154 Dah 1st Montgomery ORAKUB. f amoel C'revsling Jaeeb llagetibucil est Oeerge Heidley Peter Melick Peter Applegtte Aaron Ji "ylvester Heath Jnuies Lockkrd Wm Durlin Thomas BcnOeld Gvorg A Frick 1, .. ROARIN'tjCREEK. Peter Bangbner Thomas Barnes jr fSCOARLOAF, Coos' Est Ales St Joh Hes Robert Montgomery's est 12 41 40 OS 3 4- 91 vl 7S9 20 ofi 4JC-J 9 74 3 30 J3 70 s) 13 14 14 Jl 13 a 63 Abraham Younf juna . - TiunMi'iOmti, I DlwoiDSburg April ll.tVI. WRAPPING AND MINING PA PER. Having Uoioegbty e-erhask4 my Pa per Mills at Mill Orov. oear B.r, Co-ba 6oty, Pa- I now prepared vs til all ovdere for Wrapping. Dry Blasting 4 Water Proof Pap f.a Jior t Wotl aid fair p-. 1 ff iuiZZ ho l WUkea-Barre, aod appoiassd PV? It th ftraa at Hrown. Gray xaf f my P.perl. C-tAi TlWCff. tioomrteig.aWpt. I. 1S. I MEW 310 VE Tl SiF. MI ClER'S 'BTOR Ely Cf jOOM SB tTR G', FA. TSfe uhdoraigneo has jtmflueu kn 4 in this plae. where he i prepared t wake P e Wiot rek ing witn utatiin' n"a "P Y Vj iva r .enable term. He also keeps h eMB8 various patterns and styles, whtcn. bo.wih -f terms to edit purchasers. . . 01 ft hiw a call. He is f wethanie hl ming of te '"acob MBfS. - bloomsburg, May i.-!y. ISS LtZZfcJ PJSTBRMAN 1 v,..i.J luabm. Ia (he ladles ot BlOombnr n n , . .A. th"hubl)v. tentrally that she has Jdtt received Irorn tbe eastern title her M-I"b nut Miiuiuer Ftotk of MILLINERY GOODS, eooiUtlng of alt hrtlcW umiUy foohd 10 first .. Millinery Btoree. Her ds are of the best nhkhty and among the most handsome nnd eheapesl to th morket Call and examine them for vourselvo. . Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examin log Miss Peterinait 'a stock ol goods. Bonnet saad lo order, on the bortel notieek Of repaired. Btore on Mam street. 3d dub below the Horn Of Mendenhail It Rupert. ' Bloomeburg, May 9, 1864.-tf. . . f TOT FOR ItUNS BERG ER'8 TOACCOSTOttI3, In KLOOMPBURd. ail yon who desire nSHp-rer article ol ehewing or smoking tbbacro. Hie tigeri art; made up of the Sheet quality ol tobaeeo, "iy body in town knows Where to go to gel a good aril rlo. He w ill sell el retail or wholesale to suit toe purchaser, he le not particular, enopaeepers un landlords gcnetaliy would do belter by purchasing; of him than of the peddler and hucksters that trav el llrough the country. They run no risk 01 eeing cheated in what they boy. Palroniae regular liheo if you wish lo gel the wor.n or your money. f7 More on Main Blrvek.a few doors below t he "American House." 4 II, U. HUSBBER8BR, May 0, IflfC-im, IJOTKL. i:I) , Columbia Co. Pit. The undersigned having heitome sole proprietor nf this Well known and conveniently locaUd stand, rvKpecirutly Inforhis hl friend, knit the publie id general, that he haa put hi hou-e in complete order f ir the Mcrominndsilnn of boarders, and for the recep tion and entertainment of travellers who may feel liopoped to favor it with Iheir euetom. Noexpeuse has been spared in preparing this Hotel for the inter -tainmeni of guest, nnd nothing shall be wanting, bit his p -rt. to ministsr to their personal eomfOrt. The location. well as the building, is n good one, and all togethet is amply arranged to pleaae the puMio Israel mumey. Kepy. April 11, teoo.-if. PRIVATE SALE. Hie undrllgned offVn kt Private gale or exchange for town property, a TRACT OF LAND situate lit Orange township, midway between Light Street and Oiangevilto, containing about, I'lFTV AtJKES, it I In a food stbte of cultivation. 1 hera le good HulJfK ami other out-bulldings on the premises also a strnnm of running water at the door. There is aleo a good RAW MILL with 10 rent fall Water power on the tract Adt'rese John O. Albert son on the premixes, or tag undersigned blPOlk ville, Columbia county. Pa. 2 7 Juiiuciliate poct'tioh given of the land and M'"' D. L. EVER 11 ART. Oratlfj Tw'li. Majr 9. H'C-tf c. miliars I have opened new P-lore at th old stand of Da vid Hiroup, 011 Main street. Bloomsburf , and Will keep on hand a fonsral assortment ef Such at Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Tin-ward, Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Drugs, Confectionary, Class-Ware, Tonacco . Hats at Phots, Flour, Call, Fish and Meat lall of wbinb I prnporu selling kt a vary low figure for -cah or produce. tr Call and aae. C. C. MAR ft. bloomaburg, April Hi, H0 tf. lSVEMOttS OFFICES. D EPINEUIL & EVAN 3, 1 1 1 atj g 1 a ? ana 111111 Duuivrsi No. 4:15 WALNUT BTREETh PHibabkLMtU. PATENTS sollcite'd-Consuttatlons on Engineering iiraughtlhg and Sketches, Models and Machinery ofall kinds haps ami skilfully attended to. Hpedal attention given to It EJKCTEt) CAfKa and lNTliU FERUMCK4. Authentic Copies of all Documeuts from Patent Ofiire procured. N. II. Save youratlves Useless trouble and trav eling expenses.a there is no actual ueed for person al Interview with u. All business with thus Ofli res can be tratiactnd in writing. For farther In for. mation direr.t as above, with stamp enclosed fur Cir cular with references. April 18, loot), ly, J W. TIIR undersigned respectfully announces to lh public that be keeps constuntty on hand, at bis old stand, one door below Lutx's tirug Store, WALL PAPER, Oil rtoth. and Paper Wiadow Shades, Cords, Tts sets and Fixtures, for Pictures., of tbe very latest styles, aad is prepared. to do all kind of paper hanging ta order. E.J.TH0RTON. Elootn.'burg. April i iPOO.-lf AdmlnUtrator'a Notice. Ettate of Eloaxer IL ffrss, late of Centre twp. f dec' d. rETTERR of administration htv been granted by Hie Srlster of Columbia co., lo Charles II. Hess, of MiOlin township : All persons haviagelaira against the etate of tbe decedent, are requested to make them known to tbe administrator without de lay t and those IndebtetL-to the estate will mak im mediate payment lo Cll 4RLE3 ti. HE3i, Aim'r. May 10. lBC0.-flw. lh undesigned rp.peflfully gflnotineei that he ha reflated a shop, in Court House alley, oppoaltd the Eichxhf Hotel, where he is preptred io coil duet the barriering bttins In all ill branches. Thwart of coloring whisker and moustache! I practiced by him most skillfully, lie also clean clothing, making them look nearly as goods new, upon the mo. 1 reasonable terms. Give him a trial. d7" HiirTohieof ihcvery best quality. ud fog clean og hair, kept constantly en hind, and for l 8. C.CULLINS. Dloomsburg, April t3, IP6u If. J 00.000 SHINGLES & A LAR0H LOT OP FENCING BOARDS f OK sale. The nle rslgnsd offer for sale bp on tad most rvaeonahle terms, at hi place of business, in IlKNTOtt, COLUMBIA COUMTY. on hundred thou sand shingle and a large lot Of fencing boards, 0 f tbe very best quality, both pine And hemlock. i. J. MallJSKRY. Heiilon, Hay 9, loOC. LUMBERMEN. tt W. CRKA8Y 4 CO, at t.lihl Itfssi. de.ire to purchase 3a Ann fni at wed lliii,gle, S4 inehe long; 100.0(0 WHlTB PINB 1CAN fLlMfl,. In feet long each. 34. 4i4, 45, it 4 x 6 5f ,000 1 l-fl k inch PIN PLANK, all of good quality, II W.CRKASY kQO, Light iireet, May 9, 180Q4L rVO FAII.T1KR. The high price rf PotxWei wf aftti t llefl i CONCENTRATED PERT1LIZEB. . used along the row of hill, ahd eovereJ wheii U llvetiHg: tn like manner eera. ile'"r' wr WILLIAM KI.LISA CO- ChemUii.e. 711 1 lit. Market Slreel . Philadelphia. nd fof sale by A. S. RENTER, -?" 1 (Hi ilf-TO, Blooiifburg'. Pi. May 10, 1e3ov , , Fahw rtti'nivA'rfi salk. THK subscriber offer at PrivaW ISale, farm 1 sit uated in OranreTwp.. Col. to. Pa, II miles from Rohrsbnrg and 3 from lVaLi"ei.78, ONE HUNDRED AND StX ACRES, Hixty of which Is cleared and well imprTf' balance is well timbered. There ire on the Jrreftrite eommodio new buildings " large young PP' d peach otehd,Of Wi yr ,r.wth. beginning to boar. tLbAl(0 kMttiiL) OtHt March 83, i860 . .. . .f t rl UK Jt ii LVAiMri HAVING located permanenijy 60 MiiH gtei.1, BLOOMSBURCr, Pi., would iJ lorn thdpnblie gene ra'ly thai be1 i prep?s.rd! W attend to all baines faithfally and puetha! f tha nwy bo intrusted to bigeare e termd ooatmehm raw with thtiadg, . ; .. G Upayrtrie .(eHo ( fottff.i4 i g SMdieino, J8oe,, mif.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers