DEMOCRAT AND STAR. LOCilL DEPAIITMENT. BLOOMS BURG Wednesday, May 23, 1866. ANSWXH3 TO COBBIISPONDENTS W. C The cliff of Dover are bill ot chalk. X H -The blrtbpla-.e of the celebrated Robert Ful ton, I twenty nilei from Lancaster. Pa. W..T- 8.- Currant take their name from Corinth la Greece, and they ' are a wild production, (rowing upon the rock of that place. O.O, M. The first Lutheran Church in America. n e retted in Allentown, in Lehigh county Pa., upon the spot where the Egyptian Church now tand. Gubernatorial No. 6, from "A Jack son Democrat," will appear in our next. SSi- Judge Jordan holds Court in Dan ville, Montour county, this week. tZ&m We desire that all subscriptions to the Star ot tiie'Nortii be immediately settled. "W.'II.'jACOBr. The time" table of the Eeading Rail road has been changed. See schedule in to-day's issue. ; Henry Glger is constantly receiving at his store, a fresh supply of groceries and provisions generally. " See advertisement. S- Attention is directed to the adver tisement in this paper, headed, "Agents for the Life and Campaigns of General (Stonewall) Jackson. . . XSfc." Messrs. Myers & Meneel, of the Bedford Gazette, are publishing a campaign paper called the Climber. We have not seen it, but expect it a spirited little sheet. Lines "by Raven" came too Tate for this week's paper. They are good, and will be found in next week's Democrat and Star. Try again. Xf&m William Snyder has purchased the property of Lewis II. Ma us, on Main Street, and intends converting the Machine Shop into store rooms. - SQ For the last four weeks the weather has been a source of complaint among the farmers, being both cold and dry. The prospects . for good crops this season a re blasted. t&' Our readers will please bear with us this week for infringing so much upon their space, on our first pagewith the balance of the Centralia Borough Ordinances, which were commencea in our last week s paper and completed in this issue. tfWTt d T .1 n- i 5ruurforemanin me ouicc nas re ceived a letter from a friend in Indiana, da ted the 12th insL , which says : "The wheat crop is almost an entire failure in Indiana this year. It all froze out . in the winter. Most of the -farmers have plowed up the ground sowed with wheat and put it in with corn. . V e are informed that two brick yards, have been prepared in the vicinity of Millville- and will soon be m operation. We arc pleased to see this enterprise manifested by the citizens of our neighboring village, and hope that tho.-e who have commenced the work may be well rewarded. On Friday night last, a very disgrace ful scene occurred in Iron Street, caused no doubt by intoxication. Jacob Foxand others became boisterous and abusive and finally en gaged in fighting with knives and stones, which ended in Fox's being knocked sense less. At last accounts he was expected to recover. : ' ' " " ... iSTCoL, Wellington II. Ent and Col. II. M. LToyt, have been appointed to repre sent the counties of Columbia and Luzerne at the reception of the flags that were pre sented by the State to the Penn-ylvania Regiments in the late war. The reception will take place in Independence Hall, Phil adelphia, on the coming 4th of July. ., S3- The owners of the "Forks Hotel," at this place, design enlarging their building eixty feet, and putting another story on the top. , The work will shortly be commenced. This will add much to the appearance of the House, besides be an improvement much needed and greatly increase the means of ac commodation to guests The present pro prietor, Mr. Mauger, is keeping a good house. - " IQ In answer to the many inquiries rel ative to fishing with nets in Big Fishing creek and its tributaries, we would state that we passed an Act through the House last winter, near the close of the session, pro hibiting the fishing with all "kinds of nets in said stream, but on account of its lateness, and the rush of bill in the Senate, it wa3 not reached, consequently did not become a law. Never within our recollection has there been so little uniformity in articles of ladies dress. A lady can don a narrow or a wide brimmed Tiat' a bonnet, shawl, coat, cape or dres3, of almost anj' shape, cut or figure, and it will be considered as one of the different stylet, and not commented upon for not following the one prevailing fashion. Certainly the ladies have a fine opportunity to please themselves in articles of drtsss. 57" During a late tour through thu coun try, we observed that the fruit trees oa every farm were heavily burdened with caterpil lars, and we would, suggest that their imme diate destruction demands the direct atten tion of every man who owns a fruit tree. "With a little attention now they can easily 'be found und destroyed, and we beg of every possessor tf & fruit tree to wage a war of ' extermination pon the pests without delay. tZJ As usual, the Abolition party con trolled the election of officers at the Agri cultural meeting held at this place last Sat urday In selecting ofScers for the ensuing year they managed to find one Democrat in the county whom they biw fit to place on the Executive Committee ; but in fixing up the Vice Presidents, four ia number, they did not take a single Democrat; and even '-efu5eI to reelect L. B. Rupert, who had oen hoUbcr the ofnee of Secretary aad per 'nneltiid tl-lljs cf c;:e ia aah!e .1 t A. i t U V 4 . Ottr readers can learn the prices of coun try produce by looking over the markets in another column. We correct them weekly and take pains to have them reliable. The rush still continues at Millers' Store. This old and well known establish ment has always had a vast amount of pa tronage, and now, more than ever, is prepared to accommodate all with every article of merchandize. Besides, the clerks, "Charlie' ' and "Ike," are loved by the young ladies, and well liked by every body else. Who wouldn't go there to trade. 25"" On last Saturday afternoon we had the pleasure of witnessing a match of the Bloomsburg Base Ball Club. The club is composed of some of our most athletic young men, who go earnestly into the con test for victory. The only ill-features of the came, wiiicn we noticed, were tnese: one man went home with his lower garments badly torn and another with his eye badly. blackened, the Iasacaused by an accidental stroke of the ball. Yesterday morning we were surprised to see the people rushing up street in unaccus tomed haste and earnestness ; and upon in- quiry as to t be cause, we were pleased to . a w learn that a fresh supply of goods and gro ceries at A. llartman s store was attracting the people and tempting them to buy. The inhabitants of the town know this fact, and the people from the country are invited to call and accommodate themselves with choice goods and large bargains. BSy We advise the peace officers of this town to be a little more strict in the perform ance of their duties and save their fines. It is rumored among decent people that we have, of late, land too much profanity, loud quarreling, black-guarding, and causeless fighting, on our streets to be longer tolerated. It is a disgrace that all this should be done under the very eyes of the officers of the law. Let it be remembered that the Dis- unioni.sts elect the peace officers of this town. Creditable, isn't it 8. Dan Rice's great show the wonder of the World onsiting of a circus troupe, live animals, trained horses, and a great va riety of other wondrous things too numer ous to mention is coming to Bloomsburg, cn Tuesday, the 29th inst They will exnibit ia the afternoon and evening which will af ford all, who have an extra half dollar to give to the cay showman, a fair chance to get the worth of their money. It is consid ered by all to be the largest and best enter tainment now travelling. We predict that Dan will be well patronized. See his ad vertisement. JKsr ine Jit-pubiican toid its readers a little more than the truth when it said "Dan Rice's Circus will exhibit at Berwick, on Wednesday, May 30th." Now it was posi tively known by many, and should have been known by the editor of the Republican, that Dan Rice's Circus will notexhibitatBerwick, and in justice to his readers and to Dan, he should make the proper correct! on. The peopie oi uus counry wui nor see luce s show at Berwick. The editor of the Repub lican has become so addicted to filling his journal with imaginary articles of his own manufacture, that he don't know where to stop. Try again. You over-shot the mark that time, Doctor. B3- Hon. Levi L. Tate and R II. Little, Fq., with their wives and little son, started yesterday morning on a fihing excursion to the head-waters of Big Fishinjrcreek. The uncommonly cold weather at this time may render their journey less cheerful than usual, but as they expect to be gone several days we hope they will be favored with some warm and pleasant weather, and about eight peck3 of fish, ere they return. "We don't want any body to envy our situation, as Mr. Tate and Mr. Little are our near neighbors and they both know very well that we like fresh fish. Our pans and our thanks are ready for the scaly animals, but we won't let any body know how bad we want them. No sir'ee. . The Senior editor of this paper offers for sale an "order" given by Grovesteen & Co., of New York, to the amount of ONE hun dred dollars, to be applied as part pay ment on one of their three hundred dollar Iiano Fortes, which we will dispose of upon the most reasonable conditions. This firm has the reputation of making the best instruments in this country. Their instru ments received premiums at the World's Fair held in England, the United States Fair at Chicago, and the Great Exhibition in New York, a few years since. They sell at prices ranging from $300 to $500. Any person wishing to purchase a first-class Pi ano, the most improved and beautiful, will do well to purchase our "order" on Grove bteen & Co., New York. iUEETINO OF THE AGRICULTURAL tOCI- ETT. On last Saturday afternoon, pursu ant to a call, the Agricultural Society of this county met in the Grand Jury Room. On motion, Mathias Hartman was elected Pres ident pro. tern. It was decided that the President of the Society should act without a salary, but receive the same pay per diem as a member of the Executive Committee. The salary of the Secretary was increased to SEYENTY-nvis dollars per year. The fol lowing officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President Joseph P. CONKER. Tvce Presidents. Conrad Bittenbender, Mathias Hartman, James Masters, Caleb Barton. Executive Committee. Wra. II. Shoema ker, A. P. Young, Cyrus Creveling. Secretary. F. P. Drinker. Treasurer. Elias 3IendenhalL Librarian. -B. F. Hartman. The following it a synopsis of the finan ces of the Society aa reported by the Secre tary : Amount in Treasury, May 19. IMS. H6 77 Receired fot sal ut tickets and ... rents for 13i , 2149 18 Making in alt . SS97 95 Expenses lor th tenth annual Fair. LS4 K3 Leaving a txl. in Treasury at present '' 1113 U Five hundred dollars one year, clear gain is pretty good for Columbia county. "WUI the present managers of the Fair, do as weH ? We w3 see. Woman Shot. On last Saturday a trag edy was enacted in Frederick county, Md., across the Tountain, ia lie neighborhood of Bolivar, the particulars of which, as near as we could get them, are these : Daniel Shoemaker, who is a married man with a family, has been in the habit of ma king private visits at th.3 house of a widow lady named Mrs. Schilduknecht, for the pur pose of meeting her daughter. On the night in question, Shoemaker had made an appointment to meet the girl at the usual trysting place, and after dark concealed him self in the yard, near the house, to await her arrival. In the meantime the mother had discovered the illicit intercours3 held be tween them, and that they were to meet that night. She arrayed herself in the clothing of her daughter, and at the appointed time went out to meet him. Not suspecting any deception, Shoemaker came from his con cealment, and met the mother of his victim instead of the young girl. Reproaches were hurled at the vile seducer of her daughter's reputation which so exasperated him, that he drew a revolver, and fired three shots at her, one of which took effect inflicting a se rious, if not fatal wound. The seducer and would be murderer fled immediately, but has since been arrested ttnd confined in the Frederick County prison. Odd Fellow. Bold Robbery. On Thursday night, as Mr. John Lydon, of Wilkesbarre, was pass ing along Thompson street, near German- town avenue, on his way from the North Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, he was way laid by three men, one of whom held his hands behind his back while another placed a handkerchief over his mouth by which he was prevented from giving the alarm. The third party then robbed him of his wallet containing upwards of eleven hundred dol lars. The robbers after committing the act made their escape. Age. BLOOM SCIJRG MARKET. WIIEAT.pcr bushel. 8 75 KYK. 1 25 H UTTER. -EGGS POTATOES. -DRIED APPLES, HAMS BACON. -HAY by the ton. LARD, per lb. - 43 - 1 CORN. 1 110 1 BUCKWHEAT. 1 00 3 00 FI.OI.TR per bhl. J OW . 2 OI.OVEiV-'KED. 5 30 . in 13 (H) 22 FLAX SEED . 3 00 BUCKWHEAT Flour. 300 MARRIED On the tntb I nut , by D A. Watson, Esq- Mr. Frd eriek l-rr loMiia Eleanor Welliver, bold of MjUi on township, loluuilna county. On the 'ii;h ult-, iri AIechani:sburg. Pa- by Rev. C, F. ftceer. Air. J. H. StiEver. of Danville, son nfthe officiating clergyman, anil Mm Pleasic S. Brickbead formerly or lierwick. ra. DM2D In Sugarloaf township, on the 21th nit.. Harri Alverra. infant daughter f Aarou and Mary A Yansickle, aged 6 month. 3 weeks and 3 davt In Briarcreek, Columbia count. May 9th, 1806, Mr A. C, Siahl. in the U3d year f bia ace. In Washingtnnville, of Whooping Couch, April ill. C ars Jane. daughter of J. Hudson and Serena Leidy aged 3 years, ID mouth and a days. On Thursday the 17ih int.. Dr. D. K. Mellick, of Light Street, aged about 2li y:ars. Dr Mellick was a young nian of Aist class abili tie, had serred as Lieut, in the late war. and was honorably discharged at the expiration of h is term ot enlistment. lie died with the lingering and fa tal disease, consumption, and his funeral was at tended by the order of OJd Fellows, of which be was an honorable member. fEoi. SPECIAL NOTICED. THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif ferent styles, adapted to sacreJ and secular muric.for $J0to$'jO0 each. FIFTV-O.VE GOLD or SILVER MEDALri. or otliT first premiums, awarded them. Il'ustrated Ca alngues free. Addre s, MASOV Ac ITAML1.V, Borrow, or MASON B20THEES. New Yona;. Jan. 6, 1SC6 -Sep. 0. 'C5.-ly.-S. M P. TO DRUMAI!US. A reformed inebriate would be happy to comma ni cate (free r( ebarze) to as many of bis fellow-beings as will address him. very important and usefal in formation, and place iu tbeir bands as are cure for the love of St ron j Drink of toy kind. Thisinfor mat ion it freely offered by one who baa narrowly e caped a drunkard 's grave. Address, SESU B. HENDERSON. No. 9 Brnal Street, New York. March 2, 1?6. 3in EURO US OF YOUTH. A geni'eman who suffered for yars from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the eflecls of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu inanity, sand frr-e to all who need it. the recipe and directions for maaing the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tisers experience, can d so by addressing JOHN B. AJDEV. No. 13 Chambers -t , New-York, Feb, 89 IPC8. ly. 8.M.P. DC.! Ilie., IllilirinetS, & Ca tarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. l.-A A"S, M. D. Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley den. Holland.) No. 519 Pl.VE Stitel. Plill-AH'A Testimonial, from the most reiiahle .ourees in the Citv and Couulrr can be seen at his office. The med ical faculty are invited to arcc'fnpany their patients. 14 he has no secrets in his piarticc ARTIFICIAL EV Ed. inserted without vaih. No effarge lor exam ination. April 23. I8C6. ly ALL MAY MARRY IIAPriLY. irrespective of wealth, age. or benuty ; n! the lve of the op posite wx can be sained by lelloiiu Minnie rule Hend a directed envelope and sl-imp to MiDta I.U LILLE HEMAEUE, Station D, Bible SireiU New York City. TriECLORT OF MAN 13 STRENGTH. A gentle man whii uflVred for years from Nervous and Geni al Debility, Nightly Eitmsions. and Seminal Weakness, the result of youi hf il indiscretion, and rame near ending his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man. send to any one afflict ed, the simple means ued by Sim, which effected a cure in a few weeks alter the failure of numerous medicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and il will cost you nothing Address, EUtiAR 1KEMA1N. litetb EL N.Y.City. IOVELV CIRLS AND FESTIVE EOVS. send an j addressed envelope and 35 crnts.and I will send yon some valuable information that will please you. Address MARY MOOHE. M1 Broadway, N. Y. May 16. 1SG6 ly. Every young lady and gent'eman in the United States can hear something very much to their ad van tare by reftrn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the undersigned, Tboso having Tea s of bring humbugg ed wi'l oblige by nt noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant. THOM.r CHAPMAN. fc31 I roadway. New York. Fib. 23, 1866 ly.S MP 'pnEWORLD;3OpfION OF H OSTETTER'S 1 STOMACH BITTERS. Touching the Bitters this irand fart clear. Their fame Alls all tbe Western llemipher e. Known in all lands, washed by its organs twain. Health, hope and vigor follow in tbeir train. AVOID COUNTERFEITS. HOSTETTER' blTTERS to are tbe common fate Of all things good I ui potior s imitate. Of these beware discreetly ke your eyes From bom st hi uses purchase your supplies . TIJE GOVERNMENT INKORSFMtNT. In order to guard against datgeroua impositions, tbe public are requested to taks evpeeia note of the beautiful engraved proprietary saanp,tbriash which ibe Government of the United Plate s officially au thenticates every bottle of HCttTE ITER'S BITTER. ' lis shield, thrown by tbe liiovernment trver tbe loprielors and the public for ibeir joint protection, s placed conspicuously across the cork and over the neck of each bottle, and cannot fail to strike the eye of tbe most casual Dbiwv er. Nothing that purports to b listener's Bitters can lie genuine unless tbe stamp is there. It ss also proper to state that tbe Bitter am sold exclusively in glass, and never Binder any circum stances by the galloo or th barrel. Importers a nd imitators are abroad .and tbe oiiiy safeguard the pub lic has against then is to see that the Bitters they buy bear the engraved label and sou of band of Messrs. Eostcttar 4 8m ub, at 4 stamp abort men tion d. lyl3.-Ij, MM AN ACT, To Provide for the Erection of a House for the employment and stTDDOit ox the Poor in the County of Columbia SF.CTfOJf 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tbe Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in general Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted br the authority or the same, I bat j. A. Funstou, Jacob Harris, Lewis Vetier. Jesse Huffman, Thomas Creveling, Sr , Samuel Bogart, Williniu l.j mon, William J. Ikeler, and John K. Groia, b and are hereby appointed cornminsioners. wltooe duty it shall be, ora majority of them, on r before tlio first day of July, Anno Domini, one thousand eiant nun. dred and sixty six.t" determine upon and purchHse uih real estate as they ora uiajoiity ol theui shall deem necessary, for ihi acronimo latiin of the poor of I'olumbia county, and to.take a conveyance there. for in the nnme and foi the use ortne corporation men tioned in the fourth section of this act, aud certify their pioceedings herein under thci r hands and seals to tbe clerk of the quarter sessi mis nt Columbia coun ly. to be filed in bis office. and at the next general elec tion the qualified electors or Columbia county shall elect three respectable citizens of the said cojmyto ne directors or the poor and or the house ot employ. men I for Columbia county for the emuing year, and the judges of tbe election of said county shall iinnie d lately on reeeiving the returns from the several a lec tion districts and castiTig up the number of votes therein, or within three days thereafter, certify up der their bands and seals the names of persons so ejected directors, to the clerk of the court of quarter sesMonset the s:nd county, who shall hie tbe said certificate in his office, and forthwith give notice In w riting to the said directors of their being elected, and the said directors .hall meet at the courthouse iu the snid county, on tht first Monday of November next, ensuing their election, and divide themselves by lot ill's three classes, tbe place tbe first to be vacated at the expiration oi tbe first year, of the sec- and at the expiration of the second year, of the third at the expiration of the third year, so that those who shall be cli.iseu suc-r the hrFtelertioj and iu tbe mode above described, may serve for three years, and one. third may be choen annually. bKCTJujr 2. That the sheriff of said county shall within w?.. 4;iy sutler the passage of tli.s act. notify tbe commisHioners of Ibeir appointment aud when they shall meet, lor entering upon the duties assign. eU them, by this art. w liich said place of motticg shall ikiii iiiMiuiurg, at t ie Court House. JVJT j, fcvi-ry director elei.ied in manner aloressii. i, or appointed a is provided ift the tw i li'th K'tiioiiol una act. ahiill niHim ten ilay talli-r li-n lictiti.-d of such election or appointment, and before he enters upon -.he dutien of said ottit-e, to take an out II or ulhriimtion. before a justice of Hie peaco of said county, to discharge l be duti-s or iliiector of the poor, for said coun'y. truy, faithfully and impartial ly, toihe best of his Judgment and anility, and in easeof neglect, or refusal, to take said oitti or affir mation, within the lime aforesaid, be shall forfeit and pay the sum often dollars, for the use of t.e poor of said county, which fine shall be recovured by the directors for the time being, as deMs are or shall be by law ircoverable, and the directors qualified as aforesaid are hereby authorized to administer nji oath or affirmation iu any case, when it shall be necessary in relation to 'he dutiesof theirolhee. SKCTIUJfi Tbe said directors shall f.irever h"re after in name and in fact be one boily politic and corporate in law to all intents and purpose what soever, relative to the poor of the county of Coluiu bia, anJ shall have perpetual succession, and may sue aud be sued, plead and be imnleuded. by the name, style and title of direrio-a of the poor, and of the house of employment, foriue county of t-'oluin bia. and by that name shall and may receive, take and hoid any lands, tenements, and hereditaments not exceeding the yearly value of 10 000 dollars, and any goods and chattels whatsoever of tbe gift, alien. ation or bequest of any person or persons whatso ever to purchase, taaeand hold auy lands ana lenc meiits within their county in fee simple or itlier wise, and erect suitable I uildingsfor the reception, use and accommodation or the poor of said county ; to provide all things necessary for the lodging, main tpiinn-i and eninlovnielit oi said iiooi : til annoint i treasurer annually who shall give bond with full and sufficient surety for the faithful discharge ofllie duties f his office, and at the expiration thereof lor the payment and delivery over to bis successor i:i office, of ail money, bonds, oi notes, book accounts, or other papers, to the said corporation belonging, which shall thcu be remaining in his bands, custody and possession, and said cireitors shall hive powei to employ aud at pleasure remove a steward or stew ards, matrcn or matrons, physician or physicians, surgeo.i or surreons, and all other alien dan is tlia may b nces-ary for the said poor respectively ; to bind out as apprentices so that such apprenticeship may expire if males at or before the age ol tweuty one years, if females at or before tbe age of eighteen years, such poor children as shall come uiuli r their uoticeoras maybe bound apprentices. Provided, Trat no cbild shall be bound outside of the county of Colnmlna nor without the benefit of tbe public a bonis of the district. SHCl'lOJfi That the said Directors, any two of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, thall have power anuuilly as soon as the returns of the annual assessments in said county as is practicable, to lay a rate or assessment not ex ceeding one cent on the dollar at any tiuu, upon all real and personal estates within tbi county a fori -said, for defraying the expanse of purchasi ng said farm, erecting taid builuings, and iiiaintuiug the pwor in said connty, and shall be levied upon the basis of tte last adjusted valuation made for rsguia mig couuty rates and levies, and having caused fair duplicates cf surn rates or agftCgsmeuis by them laid to be made, which fball be signed by them, shall issne their warrant to the collector of such lax there in authorizing and requiring him to demand. rereive and collect from every person therein nauied, in tbe manner and by the same process as poor taxes are now collectable end the .-aid directors aha 1 from the time of the providing iy them ol suitable build ings for the accommodation of said poor exercise aud perform within tbe said county except solar as such acts, duties and powers are herein expressly pre scribed or limited. SJCCTJO.Y6 As soon as the said buildings shall have been erected or purchased aud all necessary accommodations provided therein, notices shall be sent, signed by any two of the direc tors to the over seers of i:e several townships of the said county of Columbia, requiring them Nrthwtth to b the poor t f their respective townships l i ant hou-e of em ployment, wlucli orler the overseers are her-by eu- j-Hiied aud required to CPiuply with or otherwise to f'trleitthe cost or ail luure iu tiiiicu.tnd -, except in caes when by sickness or any otn-r sufficient cause any poor person cannot be removed, in which cake the overseers shall represent the same to the near est Justice of I he Peace, who bmng satisfied of the truth tberebf shall certify (he same to the said n ctois, and at the same time issue au order under his hand and seal to the said overseers, directing tile in to maintain such pour until su n time as he or she may be in a situation to be removed, and Uien convey tbe said pauper and deliver him orber to tbe steward or keeper ot said house ot employ ment, together with the said order, aud the charge and expense of such temporary relief and of such removal shall be paid by the said directors at a rea sonable allowance. SF.CTIO.X7 The steward or manager of said poor bnute is hereby required yearly, on the nrsi Monday of January in each year, to furnish s tJ directors a latcmeut T tbe income of said real estate as neirlv as the rame can be uone, also or excess or hu ex penditures over and above said! income, the amouut and kind of personal property then on hand, inclu ding grain el cetra. tbe number tf poor persons ad mitted and Giscnarcea during me year, with the number then therein, the length of time each remain ed, and the name, age and sex of each ; the treasu rer snail annually, on ton run Monday of each year. render to said directors a just and correct account of his receipts and disbursements duiing the preceding year, and tbe said uireclnrs shall annually, in the month of January in each ear, publish in two pa pers, published in liloou-sburg, a statement of lh ccipls. disbursements and expenditures or said corporation, during tbe preceding year, with a state- M iit of the properly, real ana personal, then held bv them. CTf'A That the compensation of the treasu rer, collector, steward tualnm. physician, and tlu r officers and assistants, shall befixedby the d irec l-rs. and Ibe ri.mpeiisalion of tue tiiret tors sli ill be fixed by tbi- boar i of auditors h be appointed by the court of quarier sessions of said cjJ inly at each yearly nettleim-ot lor the next -ucceediur year. Pro vided, That the compensation -f said tiirei tors, from he passxte of ibis act until the nrl yearly settle ment hull be fixed by the board of auditors at the fifrt yearly settlement ; tbe oirei tor to furnish the said auditor a correct account of the time and expenses lost and incurred by them in attending to their duties from wbich account the said compensation shall be filed and adjusted. V The saiddirecto s shall from time to time receive, provide for and employ, according to the true intent and meaning uf this act alt such poor nd indigent persons as snail be entitled to relief from anv of the several townships or boroughs of Co lumbia f ounty. and shall be sent there by an ord -r or warrant for thai purpose, under the hands and seals of any two justices of tbe peace of the said county. reeled to the overseers or the poor or the proper township or boroueh. and tbe said directors are hereby authrrized when they snail oeem it proper and convenient to t!o so. to permit any poor person to be maintained elsewhere. Provided, The expense ol'thir maintenance does not in any case exceed that r which they could be maintained at tbe poor house cf the said county cf Columbia. RECTIO.Y 10 That it shall be lawful for the and directors or majority of them, in the case of any person in their charge as a pan per, owning or pos sessing any real estate or interest in real estate, to apply to the court of Com.non Pleas of Columbia county, or an) other counties in this Commonwealth where the said property may be situated, by pen tion, praying tbe said court to grant them an order to mase sale if said real estate or interest therein, for the support and maintenance of said pauper. and that the -aid court il they deem it advisable alter con sidering the application shall grant an order to stid directors to make sale oi raid real estate or in terest therein, or any part thereof on ucb terms as toe said court thdlt think it advisable, and ibe saia dire tors sha I iu p irsuance of said order offer sa'd rtal estate or interest tbertin on the premises at public sale and sell tbe same at public out-cry. after lying at least twenty da public notice of the lime and p'sce of sale, by three hand bills put up in pnbl e place, and by advertisement id one newspa per published in the county wherein said p roper t y ir r.uated, wbicA sale so made the said directors aball return to the sold court, and after confirmation af tbe same shall execute and deliver to the purchaser deed of conveyance for ssid estate on tbe said pur- buser's full compliance with tbe terns and condi tion of said sale, which deed so made shall vet me pr-vperly therein described ia the grantee as fully and nectnaiiy as tne said pauper held and enjoyed the same, and that tbe said directors sball apply the proceeds of said sale or so much a may be ncc- aaary to tbe support and maintenance uf said pau per, and if any balance shall remain after hi or her death and sftrr deducting funeral expenses the i if director shall pay vver said balance to the legal representatives. 4 said pauper, upon demand made and security being given, to indemnify Mid rector from the claims or all other persons. ixtojvh. A qaoraaa mf said director MU and they are hereby enjoined anl required to meet at the aid house ot employment, at least once in every month. and visit tbe apartments and see tbat the poor are eomfo-Kblv supported, and nsarau complaint and redre'S or cause to be redressed all grievance that may happen by the neglect or misconduct of any nerson or persons in their employment or otherwise. SECTIOJfXi. In case of any vacancy by death. resignation or otherwise, of any of the said direc tors, the remaining director shall fill such vacancy by the appointor nt ef a citizen of their county, un der ibe same penalty aa is provided by the first sec tion of this act to serve until the next general elec tion, when another diree orshall be elected to serve as if no vacancy had happened, bKCTOJVIX A I claims and demand existing at the time of this act, being carried , into effect shall have full force and effect as if this act bad not pass ed, ani when the same may have beersduly adjusted aud seen led all money remaining In the hands of the oversee' a well a tbe uncollected taxes, levied tor tbe support of the pool in the several townships, in the county of Columbia, sball be paid ver to the supervisors of the highway of their respective town ships, to be by them applied towards repair. ng tha roads therein. SKLTlOJf 14. A soon a the poor of the county of Columbia shall have been removed to the house of employment of the said county, and the outstanding taxes collected and paid over as directed in section thirteenth of this act. the office of overseers of the poor within tie accepting, township shall from thenceforth be abolished. SECTIOM. 15. That the said directors or treasur er or any on- or more of the tax-payer of the accpt ing townships, uiay within twenty days from the yearly settlement by the auditors as aforasiad, ap peal from such settlement to the court of common pleas of, Columbia county, in the same inannerand under the same provision and regulations that ap peals from settlement by tuwnship auJilor are uow allowed. bKCTIOM" 16. That no money shall be paid by the treasurer ex.-ept upon order drawn by the director and signed oy at least two of tbe snld directors. SEC"-OA" 17. For tbe purpose of ascertaining the the sense of the citizens of Columbia county, as to the expediency of erecting a poor house, it shall be the duty of each of the inspector and judge for the several townships and bjrouphs at an elrction. to be held on the first Tuesdsy of June, Anno luimini. ono thou-and eight hundred and sixty-six. to receive tickets eitner written or printed from tbe qualified voters thereof, labelled mi the outside "poor houso," find in the inside lor a poor house-' or "against poor bouse." and if it shall appear upon casting up the voles of thu d.lTerent districts, at the Court House, on the Frieay following the said election, that a ma jority of th : qualihed electors of any township or boron -h are for a poor house, then the foregoing act to I ik-clT ct us to th ise townships and boroughs, but if a majority of the votes in any township or borough shall be against a poor bouse, then the fore going act to be null aud void, as to the townships or borough voting against such poor house. SttiW is 1 he non oceeyting townships or bor oughs shall not be entitled to vote for directors of the said bouse of employment, nor shall they be en titled to receive or enjoy anv benefit or advantage y virtue of this art, nor shall the directors be clto cn from the said non-accepting townships or bor oughs, nor shall tbe auditors mentioned in tbe eighth section or this act be appointed from any such town shiusor boroughs. Provided. Tnat the directors of the said house of employment may receive paupers frnm the same non-accepting townships or buro ighn t Miiy ram ol -onipeusuiioii per wees, to be agreed upon and settled by the said directors and overseers uf the poor of the township or boroughs so apply, iag. AC7OAl9. All acts and paits of art incon sistent with the provisions of this act or supplied hereby are hereby repealed. JAMES R. KELLEV, Speaker of the House of Representative. D. FLEMING. Spenkerof the Senate. Approved the Eleventh day of April. Anno Dotn- mm, one thuusand eight huudred and siity-six. A. U, ClRTIN, ELECTION NOTICE Pursuant to tbe provisions uf the fore going Act ot Assembly, notice h berebj given tbat an election will be beld at tbe usual place of boMing tbe general e'ec- tiood of tbe svverai township and bor oughs of Coluojbis County to be cod lucted by ibe re?pective election officers nf the came, on Tuesday, tbe 5th daj of June, A. D. , 1866, between the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock 1. M. ; to vote upon tbe question of ''For a Poor House" or "Against a Poor House;" and to make return of the paid election at tbe Court House, on Friday, tbe 8th day of June aforesaid, according to law. SAMUEL fcNYDER, i-henf. Bloomsburg, May 2, 18G6. KfcADING RAIL ROAD. SIMMER Al.KA3GtME.T. Apbil 3J,166G. Cl reat Trunk Lino From The North T and North-West for Phllideiphia. New York, Reading, rottsville.Tamuqua. Asblaiid. Lebanon. Al- lcntovm, Easlon. &c Trams leave Uarrirbnrg for New org, as follow s At 3 uo. 7. 40 and K.Uo A. M., aud 2 00 an l HMO P ( connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Koad. and arriving at New York at 5.40 and lull A. M and 3 40 and lil.U P. hi. Sleeping Car accom panying ine J.W aud V.m A. M. 1 rains, without change. L.ave Harrisburg for Reading. Pottsville. Tamaqus, Mincrsville, Ashlnml, I'ine drove, Allenfnwn, aid Philadelphia at 7 40 A M. and " IK) and V airM, stop. pin:; .-it l.cUauon and principal Way Mations; the 'J.M i.i. I rmn malting no close connections for Polisville nr riiiu.i.-ipuiu f or Pottsville. fciuy mill Haven aud Aulturu. via SrhuylKill and Susquehanna Uail Uond. Ieae Harrisburg at 4.15 P. MJ Returning ; Leave New-York at 9lti A. M. 13.00 noon and b.30 P. M. ; Philadelphia at a 00 A. M. and 3 3o P. M ; Pottsville at H :iO A. M. and 3 4- P M ; Ashland G 00 and II 15 A M. and I Oj P.M. Tuuia ua at ti 45 A. M. and I Oo and SZ P. I Leave Pottsville lor llarrifburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Kail Uoad.at7.uu A Al. Uraiiiiig Accommodation Train : Leave Reading at C 10 A. M returning from PUiladi-lnbia at 5.00 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at t 1J A. M. and 6 15 P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster. Co lumbia. 4cc. Os Suiidai : Leave New York at P 30 P M, Phil: - lelphia ti.' 0 A M. and 3.15 P At. the 8.00 A. M. Tiain running only to Reading. Pottsville ti 00 A Al, Taiuaqua7 30 A il , liarrisburg 9 05 A.M and Read ing at 1.30 A. M. fur liarrisburg. and lo Si A. Al. for York, aud 4 S5 P. Al. lor Philadelphia. Coinmu'ation. Aliieage, Season, ffciiool and Excur sion Tickets .u and from all point', al re due. d Katt-s ttaggage checked througu ; tO pounds allowid each Passenger. G. A. M DLLS. GK.NEKH. CCPERISTfcNDIST. Reading. Pa. April 23. 18G0. FA IS ni at PRIVATE 'fHE subscriber offers at Private Sale, a Farm sit A- unted in 0"rge Twp.. Col. co, r"a. 1 milfs from Robrsburg and 3 from Oraiigeville. rontaiuing OXtiHUNDUED AS I) SIA' ACliES. Sixty of which is cleared and well improved, the baUuceis ell timbered. There are on the premise cnuiunHlious new buildings a good orchard and a large young apple and peach orchard, of six year growth, bejiuuing lo b:ar. Orange twp. March 2. 13f0 IjUliLiC SALE Valualile ICcal In pursuance of an order uf the Orphans C ourtof Columbia county. Pa. on SATURDAY, THE 9TH OF JUNE next, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, John Gordner it Thomas rHackhouee, Executors of Thomas Stack- house, late of Pine township, in snid county, dee'd, will expose to sale, by public vendue, on tbe premi se, a certain TRACT OF LAND, situate" in Pme township. Columbia county, adjoin ing lands of Samuel Starkhnuse and George Slack- house, on the iiortn ; Ahrhaui Young and Robert Russel. vn tbe east ; Ezekiel Crossley and William Wei dr nil Milliner, on tbe south ; and the County Line ou tbe west ; containing 317 ACHES AND 150 PERCHES. strict measure, of wbiih about one hundred acres is improved land ; there is erected on the premises a one Story and a half Dwelling House, two log Hams, and an apple orchard ; late llio estate of said de ceased, situate in the township of Pine and county aforesaid. JES:E COLEMAN, Clerk. CONDITIONS OF SALE : Ten per cent, of cne fourth of the purchase money, to be paid by the pur chaser upon the striking down of the property ; one fourth of tne purchase money leai ten percent, to be paid upon tbe confirmation of sale Nisi. 'I he res idue of the purchase money in one year from confir mation nisi with interest. Tbe purchaser to pay for Deed and Stamps. JOHN GORDNKR. 1 , THUS. -STACKHOUSE. J May 16, I8C6. J o r Ainu; us. The high price tf rota toe warrants a liberal use of hf CONCENTRATED FERTILIZER, used along the row or hills, ana covered vben cul- livaiin ; in like manner on corn. Prepared by WILLIAM EI-LI3A CO CbemiMs. No.73taud 7iS, Market Street, Philadelphia, ami for sale by A. S. K.TtS. Jgent, Vloooisbarg, Pa. Msy 10. 183.3m. AKMIXISTRATOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel RtmUy. of Scott row mi kip deceased. ETTERS of Administraiion on tbeesute ot Samuel j Remley . late of Scott township. Columbia CO., deceased, have bee. I granted by Register of Colum bia county, tn tbe undersigned; all person Having claim against tbe estate of lue decedent are re. quested t present -them for settlement, and tnose indebted to the estate will make immediate payment to tbe Administrator. , JOSEPH LILLY, Adm r. ApijlSS. lS66.V-ow3 TREASURER'S SAIitf OF SAETED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY , GREEABLY to tbe provisions of the Act of A. aetubiy, entitled an act to reuuee tne fii hh c oassed the 30th day of April, 1844. the Treas urer nfihs County of Colombia hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless the fntintv. Unnrl Rehn Poor and Slate Tax. A.C.. due on the following real estate situate in the County of Columbia, are paid before the day of sale, the whole or such parts of each as will paykJtie charge and costs chargeable tnerron. win De soki si me House, in Bloomsburg. Co of Columbia, on t be I lib of June. IdOtf. being the second Monday, and In be continued by adjournment from day to day for ar rearsges of taxes due said connty and the cost C' crued on each respectively. Year. Acre owkehsi txhasts. Dol, Cl 1802 P7 Yavid Dealt Beaver, 56 I8I1-J k 63 324 T M l.ubbell 9171 lo M k. bS 18o2 a 3of360 Ingenberger,Fisher tt Miller. M 19 20 Iffi2 50 Joseph Naus, ' ' 2 40 G2fcC,5 30 Mann.hVdyat Criswell 9 ! 63 64,65 37-2 John Mc'-alla 915 78 laii3 24 David Nail " 2 41 u243 9i Jonn Koon Benton 9 f9 I8ii2 1 lot Samuel C Krieibaam 2 62 lrG2 33 Elizabeth Lunger " 4 30 Iriii-J 1 lot James O Noble " 2 Wl IWi-2 50 Peter Bhn Its " 3 21 0263 I Hannah Tyke 186.1 50 Ezekiel Mbulls " 3 92 103 50 Daniel riim t 1 50 62ic03 1 lot Peter Kradtey Conyngbam J 39 I813 1 lot Henry Kingsbury ' 67 C3&C4 00 A Wm Lindeumuih " S 04 18)i2 1 lot JWtlark Centre 43 1 lot John Clcary 57 3-4 Jho PStrnhmeyer " 3ll 1802 6 Peter Applegate dee'd Jackson 133 62 &.G3 14 ' Henry Applegate 3 77 1862 1 WmCrossley Madison 26 I8"2 3 II Kostenbauder's heir Main 44 18r3 1 Peter Knight 6n 100 John Cosper'a est Pine 33 97 624l'63 30 t'al vin I'hamberlin j H5 l'3 1 lot Samuel Erk 37 034.1.4 1 lot William Whipple ' 1 57 1662 33 Miles D uihfTs est Sugarloaf 29 JOHN J. STILES. Treasurer. Trkascrek's Orrica, i Bloomsburg. April II. '66. ( TXlClSURCirs SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. AGREEABLY to the provisions of in Act of As sembly entitled an Art directing the mode of oiling u n Heated land for taxes and for other purpo ses, passed the 13th day of March 1815, and the fur ther nipplements thereto passed on the 13th day of Marcn let aim tne om marcn I andutn March. Ie47, the Treasurer of Columbia County hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, tbat unless the County, Road, S. hnl. Poor. Bounty and State Taxes due on the following tract of unseated lands situate in Columbia County are paid before the day oi sale, tne whole or sucn parts ot each tract as will pay the taxes and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court Mouse in the town of Bloomsburg, County of Columbia on the Second Monday in Juae next, and to continue by adjournment from aay to day for arrearage of taxe due said County, and tbe cots accrued on each tract respectively. No. or Acre Warrantees or awhus Twp o c BEAVER. 300 Rlias Miller $15 00 200 Catharine Noyer Ju 00 liS5 Lewis Pilger 8 74 300 Wm Stewart 14 00 309 John Graeff '-part of 409 acre, 10 47 IIRI ARCREEiC: 13 41 100 70 33 4'J 4) '23 3UJ 100 5 4i 13 1 io C ..4 if1 44 If. 14 3 441 30 4!h 4.9 4o0 Hill "77 Zr-S 303 t of 170 4 of 3j?0 I oino 4 of.ido ha 34 3-4 3r4 250 3 4 of 130 1 of loo Solomon Rower sr Jesse Bowman Reuben Blisli Henry Dietterick Oliver Kge Gilbert fowler 4 35 8 74 860 II 34 5 H9 15 70 S73 Vt 13 23 7 4J 31 1 US Roney Gardonhousa John King John Rninard Jjcob Sitler Samuel H Smith Joseph Etackbou John II Su't John Sl affer John Yost Samuel J Bealer S5 05 19 87 179 3 04 1 :a 1 S3 50 X1S 98 3tl P5 34 114 0-1 91 37 40 174 53 179 56 190 90 13 t0 CONYNGHAM. Ebenser Branham ThomnH Barn John Young Jobua Beam Nathaniel Rrnwn Peter Baughner Robert Jordan Andrew Portncr lyewi Walker 7"ho.- Hustan "W J Greenougb" Mary RiiHtan 'W J Greeuoush" 39 90 Tlios hustan mfcxcrtik Coal co 12 60 Alnry Rust an 39 90 136 40 1M r?l 130 40 lh5 88 694 Hrf 93 50 33 00 15 30 15 3U 30 47 30 60 34 29 Johnston Uemley Gc-otge Kickliaui Tlioma lliltzheimer Robeit lliiizheimer William tshknnon Amos Wirkersham Paxton, Kiine t Sharpies Beiij.tini.i Combe 'G ttxst" Retijaiiiin Coombe "J Anspachlr t of HHI tiSLbj 1 mt Hominies. Crane 13 I lot John Cowen I lot George Ready 8 lots Henry Sh.-.rps I lot t'rancis Nuliler 183 1 lot Peter Lawler CENTRE 6 1-1 Hewitt tc. Benedict 10 Llias Rees CATAWISSA 57 J. S Brobsts 70 Jasper Aaup FRANKLIN. 40 Jeremiah Fincher. tO Elijah Reynolds & Co FISH I XG CREEK 140 William Buckalew Hk) Alexander Cramer. 94 J S l R J Jones 150 Thomas Lemn A George Mack 112 Reese J Millard 3 George Paler 34 Williams Roobin f5 Amos Spade 113 Abraham Young 343 Paul Apple 4X1 Guy Bryan 4'4 Abraham Reeser Wi'l Samuel J Bealer 101 GREENWOOD 33 Snmuel Mbertsou 14 Ellis Eves IO0 John,. a, Funston 50 Georee Reese 3 1-3 Uaniel Montgomery II EMI OC'K iO Nathaniel Pampbelt 30 Frankiiu AlcUride "dee'd" JACKSON. 13 David l,ee 31 Henajah Parker tc Co ICO Philip It John Wagner LOCCST . PC Id 12 67 72 5 76 11 05 3 H S 44 9l 12 5 no 30 20 1 54 9 95 II 15 14 07 14 07 6 ii 68 1 03 8 0 74 12 14 52 8 37 PC 1 14 1 20 37 07 5 Sri S 99 18 S4 9 39 17 3 15 54 1H 54 200 31 33 Thomas Billington Samuel Johu I 2of 200 Mary A'yer W J Greenough" 1 2ofli-0 Thomas Riiistan I 2of 190 Daniel Reese ' " I 2of JiiO Alary l.'ustju ' I 2 if 300 Charlotte Ru -tan ' 1-2 of 20H Jonn Reynolds Id 51 l-2of 2-.K) l .ry .Myers rnkxcriib coal co 18 54 I -2f loo Tlioma Rustan 9 39 I 2of 190 Daniel Reese -Sof iOO .Mary ..uMan l-2of 200 Charlotte Rustan " I-2H 00 Johu Reynolds " AI1FFLIV. 22 Thomas Aten sr dee'd 175 George Nungesser 147 Joshua Zimmerman 300 George Lati uere AIAIN 100 Brobst. Yetter Ic Schmick 4 VV m Creasy 17 83 lri 54 18 54 It 54 I 73 1 7 t4 3 60 7 H) 51 1 91 3 44 5 Henry Miller' heirs 69 ( Isaiah Shuman dee'd MOUNTPLEA3AXT. 21 2 Daniel Alontgomery ORANGE. Samuel Creveling Jacob Hngenbuch est Geerge Heidley Peter Alelick ' PINE. Peter Applegate Aaron Gloss Sylvester Heath James Lockstd Wm Dvrlin Thomas Henfkld George A Frick ROARINGCREEK. Peter Baughner Thomas Barnes jf SUGARLOAF. Goss Est Alex Ic Joshua Her Robert Montgomery' est 12 44 eo 46 Od 8 30 30 30 50 103 5 e-0 100 4J1 9 160 50 60 305 89 350 200 47 150 4 f?5 9 20 44 23 28 31 68 75 69 SO 06 42 68 8 74 3S6 15 76 6 13 14 12 II 13 3 63 10 08 Abraham Young Wm cHeDhens JUUM J. BI1LL7, treasurer. Tatisuata' Orrica. Bloomsburg April II. '66. WRAPPING AND MINING PA PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mill at Mill Grove, near Bloomsburg, Columhja County, Pa- t am now prepared to fill all order for Wrapping, Dry Blasting and Water Proof Paper, oa short notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware bouse in Wllken-Barre, and appointed Joseph Brown ol the firm ol Krown.Gryx Co.. my agent lodispoe f-y paper ia Laxernc County TRENCH. sW- la.1 1st tariff 4 - v i wmrv j g wrv it rww. rpo LUMBEKMEN. H W. CREASY CO., at Light Street. ssr to narehas SO.OOn Ne.ll Sawed Shingle. 94 incfiea long: lOO ODfj TYHITB FINE SCANTLING,. 16 feet long each.3 x 4. 4x4,4x5. kill; 5w.0u011-ffcS inch PlNci PLANK, all of a good quality. H VT. CUE AST fc CO. Light Bueet. May 9, I860. 4t. . T EM0VED. C. PRESTON h remoted hi Strreln Robrs burg, Columbia co.inly, from hi old stand at the corner, to hi new place of business farther north, and having received a fre,b stock of NEW GOODS. B.. i tntro n.aeH In vsll d-hPUfMir ihslll fPTC f tOt CASH. OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Give him a calk t rt n t7 a'n ikT Behrlnirg. May , 1806. 3w. PRIVATE SALE. The underisigned offer at Private Bale or exchange for town property a TRCT OF LAND situate in Orange township, midway between Light Street and Orangeville, containing about. I IFTV ACRES, it is in a good state of cultivation. 1 here Is a food HOUSE and other out-building on tbe premise J als'i a stream of running water at tha door. i " ..... . n . . . . mere is also a good SAW A11LL witn l'J leei tan water power on the tract Adrress John C. Albert- son on tne premises. or the1 undersigned alron vine. Columbia county. Pa, 07 immediate possession given of tbe land and Mill. D. L. EVERUART. OrangsTwp. May 9, 18' 6, tf JEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON Al AI.V BTRKKT, (NK .tRLY OrrU3lTI5 MILLER'S STORE.) BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE undersigned has Just lilted up, and opened. hi new STOVE A?V'I TI. .HOr, in this place, where he if prepared to make op new TIN WARf. of ill kinds in his line, and do repair ing with neatness aud clisp .tcb, upon the most rea sonable terms, lie also Keeps on Hand el uvea or various pattern and styles, which he will sell upon term to suit purchaser. Give nun a call. He is a goo mecnanic, ana de serving or the pub'Ic patronage. JACOB JNKTZ. Bloomsburg, May 9. 1906. ly. M ISS LIZZE PETERMAN, Would announce to the ladie of Bloomsburg and the public generally, that she has just teceived Irotu the eastern ci'les her Spring and Summer Stock ef MILLINERY GOODS, consisting nf all article usually found in first elas Millinery Mores. Her goods are of tbe best quality and among the most handsome and cheapest in the market. Cull and examine them for yourselves. Nob idy should purchase elsewhere before examin ng Mis Petennan' stock ol good Bonnet made to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Alain street. 3d door below the store of Alendenhall tt. Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 3, 136G.-tr. JJO ! FOR IIUiSSBERGER'S TOBACCO STOICS, in BLOOMSBURG, all you who desire a superior article ol chewing or smoking tobacco. Hi cigar are made up of the finest quillty ot tobacco. Ever body in town knows wbere to go to get a good arti cle . He will sell at retail or wholesale to auit tbe purchaser, he is not particular. Shopkeeper feu land lore generally would do better by purchasing of him than of the peddler and huckster that trav el tbrough the country. They run no risk of being cheated in what they buy. Patronize regular line it you wisn to get the wor .h or your money. (E7" More on Main Street, a few door belowtha '-American House." . H. II. DUNSBERCEB. May 9. I8f6.3m. ESPY HOTEL, Espy, Columbia Co. Pa. The undersigned having become sole proprietor of this well known and conveniently located stand. respectfully informs hi friend, and the public in general, that he has put his house In complete order for the acrommodatinn of boarder, and for the recep tion and entertainment of traveller who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. No expense ha been spared in preparing this Hotel for the enter tn in men I of guest, and nothing shall be wanting, on. nis p-irt. to minister to tbeir personal comfort. The location, a well as the building, is a rood one, and all together is amply arranged to please the public. Israel Miatv. Espy. April 11, 1806. if. 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF-FENCING BOARDS FOR ale. Tbe undersigned offer for sale upon the most reasonable terms, at his place of business, in KENTON. COLUMBIA COUNTY, one hundred thou sand shingle and a large lot of fencing board, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. McrJNRX. Benton, Aly 9, Ib66. E. WI1ITEIGIIT TAMAqVJI. SCHUTLKILL CO., PJ Dialer in the latest hm proved Setting Mackina. Alachines of all kind repaired, and warranted to be a good as when new. He will alaoexebange new Machine for those worn or out of repair. He ha constantly on hand all kind of Hetnmeri, Binders. Cor.lers, Braiders, and r'elf-sewers. Also. linen aud silk thread, and needle for all kind of ewing machine. April 25, IHt.6 1m prf. MASSSE SHOP. The nndertigned respectfully announce tbat ha ha n-fittted a shop, in Court House alley, opposite the Exchange Hotel, w here he is prepared to con duct the barbering bu-intss In ail its branches. The art of coloring whiskers and moustaeae i practiced by him most skillfully. He also clean clothing, making them look nearly as good a new, upouthe most reasonable term. Give htm a trial. S. C. COLLINS. Bloomsburg. April 55. 1866 tf. C. C. ITS A. UK'S SEW BVO I have opened a new Store at the old stand of Da vid Siroup. on Main street. Bloomsburg, and will -keep on hand a general assortment of Such a Dry Goods. Notions. Groceries, Tin-ware, Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Dregs, Confectionary. Glass-Ware, Tobacco. Hat sl Shoes, Flour, Fait. Fish and Meat ; all of which I propose selling at a very low figure for cash or produce. H- Call and see. C.C. MARR. Bloomsburg, April 13, 1P66 tf. Administrator's Notice. Ettate of Elcazer IL I frits, late of Centre, twp., dec d. LETTERS of administration have been granted by the Register of Columbia co., to Charles H. lies, of Mifflin township : All persons having claim against tbe estate of the decedent, are requested to make them known to tbe administrator without de lay ; and those indebted to the estste will jnake in mediate payment to CH ARLES H. HE3a, Jldm'r. Slay 10, 18C6.-Cw. JfSTRAY HEIFER. " Came to the premises of the subscriber, in Fi sh in -creek township, Columbia eointy, some time since, A Rroirn Heifer, about one year old. with w hite feet, and In thrifty condition. Tne owner is requested to come torwarJ, prove property, pav charges and take her away, oth erwise she will be sold according to law, Wm. IKELER. Fishingcrcek, Slay 3J. ISC6. INVESTORS' OFFICES. D EPINEUIL & EVANS. , Civil Engineer and Patent Solicitor. Xo. 435 WALNUT 8TR EET-, Pbilakelmiia. PATENTS solicited Consultation on Engineering Draughting and fketches.'Sdodels and Machinery of all kinds bad and skilfully attended to. Special attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTER FERENCES. Authentic Copies of all Documents from Patent Cffice procured. N. B. Save yourselves useless trouble aa d trav eling expenses. as there is no actual need for person al Interview with us. All Offi ce s can be transacted ia writing. For further la for. nation direct as above, with stamp eaclos4 for Cir cular with relerex-u. ' April 18,1806. ly. J W. w A PER. THE undersigned respectfully announce to tha public that he keep constantly on band, at hit old stand, one door below Luis' Drug til or. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Pper Window Shade. Cord. T sels and Fixture, for Picture.. c. the very latest style, and is do all kind of paper hanging to order. E. J.TllORTON. Bloonubnrg, April 4 1866. tf ' BLANKS! BLANKS ! 1 Of every description fr &! at tbit offlct.