Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, May 16, 1866, Image 3

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" - " w " ' ' " 1 11 1 .
Wednesday, May 16, 1866.
J. V. K. Ih 1 A Frim and Germany a vast amount
ai sugar, is manufactured from beets of doaiestrc
growth... Of Ihe present crop it in supposed that 100,
009,000 poands will b exported from France l Ln
land. ' Tbe beet sugar la being mat ufac.ured in some
ur Western Ftaus, ,., .. j :..;
13tti. Light ia the transparency of the air caused
by tha ray of the tan and aeaf la the sensation
'caused by the approach or touch ( lire, pi cf a bat
14th Ctjehineal It a tiibtHricd eontisiin of dried1
-njccU, brought principally from Mexico...
T. T- Just a a it should bo-' If you would spend
mure of yeur leia lire qioment in your wife's c in
pany, ybu wpalJ navf do eanse-for'jr alous.y'.'If you
nlect ber anj do not appreciate twr ociety,. yo
si.UuIil not ronij iaialhrtt some one does. - 1
.IJSUj Wc, dceire thrall svubscriptioni. to
th bTAR of tiie Morth. be lnimediatolj
Kttl&I."' '"' V ' ""'". W. II. jACOB ,
tSJ John Savage,. of Fishingcrect, has
takr-i the ""Walnut Ilof!, "in Light Street
Columbia county. Mr." S. is a clever man
an$ oahy to. do a good business. .
SSuThe higkwind preceding' the storm
.on Sunday last blew down the steeple on the
. South WardXutheraii 'Church of Danville,
1 and pari ofthe roofoff, the North Ward
Lutheran Church or the"same' place. . .
5SJ"i-ThA.4e person, to' Whom tavern li
cense have been granted at our late Quarter
Session will bear in mind that they must
; bo taken up within fifteen days after hav
lDg been passed upon by the Court, bther-
vise they will be of no fleet.
B3- Mr.'G"eo- Reiswick has ajrain made
arrangements wjth the citizens, and business
" men pu .Main Street, for. the sprinkling of
said street from the 14th day of May till the
. Hth-cf September next 1'
.' ..! JfWe arcjuit catering into arrirupor
' tanj 5oliti7aL,jcampaign. . Let our Democratic-
friends throughout ' the county take
immediate steps to give further and more
xtended;circulation to the Democrat and
STAB'and. thereby "strengthen the cause of
Democracy and the Union. " See our terms
elsewhere. - -: ....
SShcjiff. Snyder,, of. this county, with
one assistant, 'started yesterday morning,
with'"W6 prisoners, fcr Philadelphia. Na
thaniel Perry, abojibout 17 years of,
a yoxing'jnan about 20 years of age, goes to
the Penitentiary : fos twQ years, - r , ,
"-L-'Cv, "2 i
Co.VFlR3iATios,-r-The, Senate, on
ThulaVlaitVcniSnued the appointment
. of Geh. Joseph F.-Knipc, as Post Master
of flarrisburg, Geo, Bergner,. editor of the
TeUffTdph, removed. The appointment of
Jlrinytha as Collector of the Port of New
York wl3,al confirmed on the same dav
Focxd. -In the Court IToase at thii
' place, ahandsomelyexecuted photograph of
a prettyTittle child. ' .The owner can get the
same by calling at this ofHce. The picture
repfeaents" the child .being . between three
andbuf i ears old.-- V - " ' ,
r 1 r -
e&r lveaa our new aaverusernQnts. ... ine
business' men of thi county, .know that in
order'to reach the great majority cf the pc
- pie of Columbia county, they must adverse
in the Democrat ad Star. And on the
other hand, our readers know that the men
who advertise are clever, whole-souled fel
lowsand knoWhowto put themselves on the
right, track to do a successful buaine.
S3-" 3tKo. attention of our readers is di
rected tos the" Mercantile' "Appraisement
Lidt in another cohimri. ' Should any estab
lishment, liable, to this tax, be neglected Jn
the report, or aiiy uly ustly" included, it will
be the mterest of such to- have the proper
correonTfladebetweenlKs or on the 15th.
day of June, as' directed in the police else
where, . m Z -
Tb Aboliuonist3'advocated the right of
Becckfionup toTS61, and said that the South
ern States were.not fit to be in the Union.
Now'tKey claim that they ' have got them
out and"thai"thy ; shall Jbe ;keijt' put and
therefore heir, doc&me of .1800 has becrr
brought into effect - Can anything be more
plain (han the, -record oft these dLitinion-
lSt3? .'- ' .. .... .
u . ,' : ,
DESiyia- Kev. J. Guje'r, P. Kr, told
iihis Cfengregatioli'Jast .Sunday fevening, in
ihe 3L 11 Church that, ''the Ker. A. Iart
man. of our towriwa. aDDointed,here bv
the BhQp at.tlle-laet Conference, as a Su
pernumerary Preacher ;: that , he . had not
been expeUed' nor located, but; to preach'
rbenJthjsTreiby'Ilev.i'Wilson, if able to do
o." This is"due 3Xr. II. and.hifriend.
D.OJrRfcs.rcua 13corbing !. ' "TJoys,"
get your'change ready. This Gompanjcom
priscssome of rtTieT jbest performers in the
country ; . and Dan's reputation as a show
man slinks' Far above' aU othersV ' In .con
ectioa,,J wth ,'hi3.. Circui?, , is a variety of
beasts ineTer'' heretofore. "exhibited in this
country. , j Dan and Stiekner, as clowns, arc
unequaiied ia. Itus or any other countiy. Go
and see the. jshow. . Read". advertisement in
another -column". -'
C2J" OzxXnmJbi from diSercnt parts 7 of
the county have iiionneU us, that the fierce i
and teTTiblend storm of last Sabbath af-1
teraooa' did considerable -damage, euoh a?
blowing down fences, 'fruit - and. ornamental
trees, eed&t i'a'n3 in some places shaking
houses to their very foundation. We are
plio inferrs?'! the rooC wa3. blown from two
gpan3 ofthe Railroad Bridge near Catawis
ta, and a piece -of roof offth jCatawlssa
road Bridge. ;. - -- -
ECS- To those cf pur Democratic .'friends,:
who IcL. " v" " 1 "v rcT) :us last " week, and
paid up i . jr jraL-scriptions" to the DEMO
CRAT ANj -P rxrj' re tender, our very special
thanks. .Ui seamed Lighly pleased 'with
x r paper.2E.d asdiired.-ua .tlieir hearty co
nation i; ' czlc-T,Hlr.z its' circulation and
' -2 gt-ncrally. O'ir list 13 rapidly in
- r, 50 r.-.t;, a so, that it will be, ere long,
'-rr' tLit we Live a Suam
See notico 0 Farmers, in our advertising
columns of- Concentrated F ertiliaer for 'sale
by A- S. Kester, of this places : ' t.
Wnr h the. James River like a keg
lager beer? , Because they both flow into
the Dutch Gap. ' . - '
Cu The Radicals are rapidly dying off
in this State, leaving, a huge debt and' dis
tracted country as a heritage for their,. suc-
c3ssors"in office.-" ' " . ' '-:'
B- A fire b; roke out 1q the town of Sha
mokin, 'Off -Friday1 of- last week, "burning
Btores, shopsV'offioe anr dwellings, to the
amonnt of, over $3000 upen which tlere
was very" small insurance. " Some fainilicjs
barery escaped with tiicir" hves, saving
fcareelymy of their clothing or furniture
One, Mr. Fagley suffered to the amount yf
$16,000 which was principally in itore goods,
His insurance is $8,000. '' '
'JEST It will be jioticed,in lookingover the
Court proceedings in thfe issue, that the
trial of Longenberger's Executors, et. al. Vs.
Dr. Hugh W. McReynolds, et al., occupied of the week. The .counsel upon' both
sides had cnrefuHy.prepared their case, and
conducted it through all its bearings 'cooly,
deliberately, and'commendably.
' Special Election His Iorror, Judge
Elwell, decide Jin Court last week, that the
newly chosen Election Officers at our spring
Elections, are the right and proper, persons
to hold the Special Election in J unc next,
when our peoplo will be required to vote
upon tha Poor House question, in this coun
ty. We. make this announcement that
there maybe no misunderstanding as to who
-ha!l hold the coming special election. The
matter was referred to ther President J udge
of our Courts and you have his decision, as
above stated. " ' . .
, The Senior editor of this paper offers for
sale an "order" given by Grovesteen & Co.,
of New York, to the amount of one hun
dred dollars, to be applied as part pay
ment on one of their three hundred dollar
Piano Fortes, which we will dispose of
upon the most reasonable conditions. This
firm has the reputation of making the best
instruments in this country. Their instru
ments received, premiums at the World's
Fair held-iri England, the United' States
Fair at Chicago, and the Great Exhibition
in New York, a ferr yeara since. They sell
at prices ranging from $300 to 500i ; Any
person wi.-hing to purchase a first-class Pi
ano,- the most improved and" beautiful, will
do well to purchase our uordcr" on GaoVE
steen & Co., 'New York." '
TiTE.Berwick Gttzetie is out:in opposition
to the Columbia County Poor House. We
think it -is giving ball advice to its readers
when it counsels Uiein to. disapprove of the
establishin.T of a Conntv Poor House.' Ccr
tain townships, ,it is. true, have, no poor
taxes at present : but is that any evidence
that they never will have any ; . of is that
any argument against the Poor Houtse? They
may in ti very short time become burdened
with taxes for the .support, of the Poor ; as
it has been the experience in other counties
where certain Districts remained out, they
were the ones to-receive the Poor, instead of
the Districts in the. Poor House arrange
ment. ' All paupers dread work, and they
arc not going to. remain, in Districts where,
if they desire to become a town charge, they
will be obFged to workv if able," when they
can go into Districts,"and there remain till
they gain a residence, and then throw them
selves upon those Districts,. where they can
ive without doing work ; and at the same
time cost those Districts twice as much for
their maintenance. as it would cost, to keep
them in the'house'of employment and sup
port of the poor. Conyder all these things
well j Mr. j Gazette, before you give, any more
voluntary, off-hand advice.
Roarixocreek, May in J, ISOG. '
Jffssrs. Editors Democrat it Star.- 7
' This is an age of improvement,, and the
appearance ofthe Democrat &. Star, i-ince
the consolidation, has convinced the people
of this neighborhood, that you fully realize
the times in which you live. Your paper
advocates t:e true Democratic doctrine, is
free from'perepnalities and unbecoming Uui- -
guage, and surely nd man - can doubt, tor a
iHoment, that it iw thefaithfirlexjnnt of
the principlesf the great party of which it
Claims to be an huinbUi ivprentative, It.'
new dress, with the mechanical attention it
receives,. Jnakes. it -, present a beautiful an
pcarance, and wilh its original1 and scatn
mgcontents, intcference'tothe pisuijionists",
the Democracy f.this vicinity are altogeth
er satisfied. .". '". ' ' '
Of course, -the. additional, time and im
provements expended on the paper, trith a
reduction of your evbsiription price, navel
put vou to an increased expense, ana 1 nope
theD emocracy of i Columbia county will sus
tain you liberally in the efforts yon are mak
ing to publish a lirst class Democratic news
paper; Let the Democracy of this county
rejoice that their efforts m opposition to the
enemy and in behalf of Democratic , princi
ples, are thus, much more combined and ef
fectual, with one paper in Bloomsburg, than
they were -heretofore with two '; and I trust
and believe, that the support 3'ou will re
ceive from the Democracy-in future, will
prove the consolidation to have been as wise,
as it was considered necessary.. I send you
a numbcrof names, with the address, which
you may add to your subscription ILst, and
will close by saying, that it behooves us all,
in every part of the county for the achieve
ment of our principles and the oiccespof our
candidates to labor faithfully and in the same
direction, with untiring-vigilance. . ,
Yours, Democratically, .
o.e. s:
General News Items-
Beauregard has been elected President
of the New Orleans and, J ackson R. R.
Hon. Wm. H. Armstrong, Deputy
Secretiry ofthe Commonwealth, has resign
ed. , - '.'-- --.---' y "
Thc cut-worm 13 said to be. doing great
damage to corn cropa in GUes county, Tean.
Entire fields have been destroyed.
Major General Meade and-staff are in
Bosion. i The party will leave a
few days for New York.v- - - -
Secretary Seward .has ordered Fornc y's
Washington Chronicle to be discontinued at
the State Department, . , - . . f r, ;?
' General McClellan' is said" to be"' pre
paring a history of his cam paignsJ ' TA large
portion of it will be devoted to "reviews. ' ' ,
' In the United States there - are about
4,000 newspapers, whilst in the whole Uni
ted Kingdom there wa only abc- 1257a
MA BR I.E D : . i
At thermidenenf N. B.-Powler. in Light Strei-t.
n in of April 1f6ti. by Joafph- Li'ly Esq. Mr.
Roliert Welch, and Mie Mary Nelson, botta of Dry
Valley. Northumberland e 1. Ta.,
By tit- same, at l.isht. gtret! oil Saturday, 5th of
Vay lia. Mr, JameK H. Joinson, and Miaa Marga
ret A Breeco botlinf Blooinsburj.. Pa. - ,
In WafhJngton-O. C.; on thi I2tft -uTtlmo. by Rer.
J. A. VValer Gsoit.oa H.. aioo and. Lizub II, Hbt
oi, both cf Wash i-iglon. . ...
.In Fiabiogofeek .twp April 84, Martha Singv.
agfdt)3 years, . ,
At Orangvilte, April 8."G. Henry Stewart, son of
AB. and rfguee Stewart, ajed about years.,. ; ..
At Lim Riilfc. thia cosniy. on the 5th inat .Mr.
Elkec II. H(M, aed Si years, 6 montlis and 89
days. -.. s . -. , . .- ' ' .' '. '.! .
The deceased was an estimable citizen, lored and
respected by all wna enjojed his acquaintance, lie
. ied, after a l.riel ilhieau; leavinj a faiuily and
many relatives and friend if toraoorn his eatlf de
parture j-Era " '-- ' . '
In Scott to.vnhip. Colaiibia emiy. nn th 19th
inM.. Mr. Ku i tURO,.ii ie5oth year of bis age,
P he lcccaed we one f the beat men in Scott.
t-wiiMiip. a brifty, wealthy farmer, and highly I e
spectc4 by ait.J -Kds . . ...... f .
WIIEAT.pcr buahel. S 73 i UUTl F-ft- - - SO
BYK. 1 K r'.GGS ... - S5
t ORV. . ' - fll POTATOES, ' ' 1 00
BUCKWHEAT, 1 00 , f)lEU Al'PLES, 3 l
i'UH'H per lbl. J-2 1)0 I1A.MS . - , - J
CI.OVElt-KEU, b25 I BA:otf. - - H
FLAX SEEK '- 230 I HAV by the ton. 13 00
BUCK VV lit. AT Flour. 500 CHICKENS, per po'r- 50
THE Mason be. Hamlin tJabtaet Organs,; forty dif
ferent styles, adapted to sacred and sncular muaie.for
$30 lu $M)9 : each. FIFTV-ONE GOLD or SILVER
MED LA, or othT OfHt prnmiuint, awarded them.
II ustrated Ca alojues fret, Addre s, MASOM at.
IIAmLIN.'.Bostos. or MtSO.V BjOTUERS, Niw
Jan. 6, 18C0 -Sep. 9. TO.-ly.-S.M.P. '
IfflTD iiu.v k aT:is.
A reformed inebriate would be bapi to com muni
cate (free of charge) to as many of bia-tellow-beinKS
as mil address bim. Tery; important and asefti! in
formation, an j place in their hands a sure cure f'r
the love of Strou J Drink of asy kind. Thisinfor
ualion is freely vlTcred byjme who has narrowly es
caped a drunkard's grave. Address.
No. 0 Broad Street. New York.
March 5S, 1336. 3m.
UtiliOUS O'f YOUTH. .
A g-ni'einan who suffered for y-ara front Nervoua
Debility .Prematura Uecuy.aitd all the effects of youth
lul indiscretion, wilt, for the sake of sulT-iiug hu
inanity, send free to all who need it. the recipe and
direitiona for malting the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad ver.
dsn's experience, cau d' so by addressing -
"So. 13 Hiambera . t ', New-York,
Fel-. 23" IS06. ly. S.M.P,
1 caliica, ISIiiicfnc, Ac C'a-
1. tarrh, treated with the utmost nrces, by J.
1-AA B. i D. Ociilint anil Aurit (formerly of Ley.
d-n, llollan.l.) No. 519 Pl.Vli Stitet. I'll I l-D'A
Testiintnal. from the mo!l reiialtle souro-s ia the
City ami t.'nuutry can be ne :n at bin ortiee. The med
ical faeultr are nivileil In a-coinpiiMy tlirir. patienis.
ax he b'ts no secrets in his pi art ice I A u.'1'l FICI AL.
y. La. inserted withoaltAiit. Tiii charge lorTXam
April 23. I3CC ly
ALL MAY MAKRY HAPPILY, irn-apective of
wealthy ape. or beauty ;and the love of the op
posite in can be gamed by followinf elm pie rules.
Send a directed i n vclnpe and stunp to Maoamb L.U
tll.l.H iiEMACUE, Station D, Bible Street, New
York City.
I . man who ufl'. rc-il for rears from Nervous and
Geni al Debility,, Nightly Limsnons. and dentinal
Wenkiiesa. the result of vou'hf-il indiscretion, and
came near eniMiia hi iaj; in tiojele s misrrju," ill.
rr. tii sake of nU. iing uiai. seihi t any otr inniti-i-d,
th- simple iiu-ar,s u-el bjr him. wliirh eC..- l' l u
cure in a few weeks alter Ibc Uilnre of dumerou
medicines. Send n uirected envelope and stamp and
it will zort you iinthing Addrers.
H'lMKTKhH.MX J'JJ-th Ft. N,Y. City.
I . irlJr.aipii rnrrlon and i!5 renta.and I will send
you Kime valuaM- informal Ion that will pleaaeyou.
Adilreas maki Muuat., pji f.roau way, r. x.
May lr. Id! ly. . ....
. Touching the Bittera thi grni! frl ia clear.
Their fame A Is all the Western Hemisphere.
Known in all land, wanaeri by its ocean twain,
lieallh. hope and vigor follow In their train.
HOSTETTER'S hlTrERSthare the common fate
Of k!l things good I niportors iinilute. ,
f there beware cTiiH-reetly ueeyoor eyes
Froui bun, st In oses purctiuse. your supplies. . ..
In order to guard asaiust danieroua imnositiona.
the public are requested to tak.e eeperia- nirte of lh engraved propria Uiry ktuaiii.llirfiieh which
ln- Goverunient of the Unii.eil etats ottirimly au-llieiitir.-iic
every bottle of ll'TE.ITKR'S HlTTKIl
ri elin-hi, thrown by the ciwvermuent err lbs
proprietors ami th.- publi - for their j-inl protectioo,
l- plareil conspicuously across ih--tork and over the
ueik of eai:h bMile. and cunbct lart to atriile tht, rve
at the io..itt eusual obeerv er. Nothing tlial purports
to Im? Ilmti iter's Bittera call be genuine unless the
ta'up is iheie.
it is aliio proper to state that the Bitter are sold
exclusively in glasf. and never under any circum
stances by ike gallon or tht- barrel tniposiersa nd
iiuilators are abroad.and the omy saf- guard the pub
lic has against Itieiu is '.o t;e that lh Hitters they
buy bear tbe eagraveil label tuU i.ute l hniid u(
Alesrs . Hosteller 4- Siuita. and alaaitt above men.
tione d. . . . i - -
May IC. 1m,
L oi? '
Valnnlilt? Ileal Estate.
In nur.uance of an order ..f tha rknbiiii' IT miri nf
Columbia cutinty, I'a, om - -
iezt. at HI o'clock ia'the forenoon. John nn.Hner a-
Tliornaa tatklioue. Executors of Thomas itack-
use. late o Pine tnwnftirj, in said county, ilec'd.
eiposa to saie, oy puouc venuue, on toe premi
a certain
situate 'in Pine township. Coin mbia county.' adjoin -ig
lands of Smimim-I fcln. khnne and George Siatk-.
nuse, on too norm ; AKNii.m Tnung and Robert
K'issei. ineeasl ; txi-aiel Cr"ley and William
WeidRh:uniuer. on the south : and the Couuty Liue
on the west ; containing
strict measure, of whiib abont one hundred acres is
imp roved land ; there is erected on the premises a
one Story and a hall Dwelling House, two log Barns,
and an apple orchard; late the estate of said de
ceased, situate ia tiie. township of Piae and connty
CONDITIONS OF SALE .-Ten oer cent, of one
fourth of the purchase uinney, to be pa:d by the pur
rnaser opon the sinking down of the property ; one
luuria oi me purrnase money les ten per cent, lo
be paid upon IB confirmation of aale Mtsi. 1 he res
idue of the pan hase money in one year from confir
mation Nisi witti interest. The puriliaser to pav for
wcu auv stamps. y .
in. 1066. ' . ' ' -
Administrator's Notice. '.
TUtote of Eleazer II. Hess, tale of Centre
, tKp.fdecd. . i . ',; ' i f
fETTERS of adu.inrtratioa have . been (ranted
by lh- PrrUicr of Cojumhia co- to Cburlea II.
Mesa, of Mifflin town.hiu : All Dt rsons baviMCclaims
against the a si ate of the detedeet. are requested to
make tHem khuwn fn the atmnurtrator without de
lay ; aud those indebted to the estate will make ink
UieiljAle pay went to '
May 10, ISfiC.-Cw.
The bigb pried t-f Potatota warranta a liberal use
of th
sed along th rows or hills.' and 'covered When cul
tivatiH ; in like manner on corn, ; Prepared ' by
WILLIAM El LIS HJ Chemists, Kos.731 and
Market SUeel.rhiladeiphia. an.l fo- sale by
Hiovaiaburg. Pa.
May 18, l?3.-3ro- , r- ... - .
Inminoaa Coal.ltrSimihiRg purposes, of good
quality, for sal by
Kesert. Pa.
w an act;
To, Provide for the .Erection' of
a House. for :the employment
ann srmnui l oi luh t uui iu
the County of Columbia.
. t .
SfjCTlOJ I Be it enacted by the Senate ami House
of Representatives of the Corainonwaalth of Penn-
sylvauta in general Assembly, met, and it is hereby
enacted bv the authority ofthe same. That J. A.
Funstau, Jacob Harris, Lewis Yetter. Jesse Hoffman,
Thomas reveling, Pr , Samuel uosari, William i.a
moo. William J. Ikeler, and John K. Gro Is, bu and
are hereby appointed commissioners, whose duty it
shall be, ora majority of them, on or before Iho first
uwyor July, Anno Domini, one tnouaanu eiini nun
drd and sixty six, to determine upon and - purchase
ruth real iBialH a they ora uinjotiiy of them shall
deem necessary, for th act ouinio lali'in. of the poor
of t 'olumhia county, and to lane a conveyance mern
for in the name and (oi the uaa of thecorporalt'n men
tioned in the fourth section of this act, and certify
their pi nceedings herein under their hands and seals
to tho-eterkof the q "Brter sessi ins of Columbia coun
ty, to be filed In his office. aDd at the next general elec
tion the qualified electors of folinnliia county shall
elect three respectable citisiin a of the sai.t cd.niyto
be directors o the poor and of the house ol empl.iy
meat for Columbia couutv lor the enduing , ear, and
the Judges of. the eloetiou of ani J county shall imme
diately oir r -erlv i.ip the return .Voin the sw.-venil t Irc
tloi iiatriot4 uu-l easting up' th.- uuuibe. of vnti-s
therein, or within three days- therealter, ei-riify un
der lUcir hands and seals the inie of persons so
elected directors, lo the ci-.-rk of the court of quarit-r
sessions l the. said county, who ah. ill file lb. s said
certificate in his offic ami forthwith give aotici In
writtug to the said ilirectors of their being elected,
and the said director .hull uieef al tbe court bouse
iu tbe said ootmty.un the first .Monday of November
next, ensuing tlieir election, and' divide IhiuOscivee
by lot iii' three r.lasses. the place of .the trst to be
vacaled at tb expiriilion ot Jbe first year, of the sec
and at the epnaiion of the second year, of the third
at tbe expiration of the third year, so that those who
shall be cliuseu after the lirstelectioj and iu the mode
above dcscriinui. may serve for three years, and ooe
third may bs choiaen annually. -- ' -
tii.CTIuM' i. That the heri(T of said county shall
within ie days after the passage of th.s act. uotil'y
the commissioners of their appointment and when
they shall wet, lorentering upon the duties assign,
ed the in, by this act. which said place of meeting shall
beiu Itloouisburg, at t'.ie Court House.
at CI'JVJf 3, .Every director elected in manner
aforesaid, ur appoiuti-d as is provided in tbe twelfth
sictionwf this act. shall within ten days (after hi is
j nMihed of such election or appointment, and b-jfore
ne enters upon wie ooiuim oi saiu uiuce. iu an
oath or atBrmatioa. before a justice of tbe peace of
aaiJ to.iuiy. to diacharge I be diti-s of diiector ol'ih 3
poor, for raid cnuii'y. truy. faithfully and impartial
ly, to the best of-bis juiigiueut and ability, aud iu
case of Ufgt. ct. or retusul. to take said oith or arlir
uiation. stitbui the time aforesaid, he shall forfeit
and pay tire sdut of ten dollars, for tbe use uf U.e
po-r of said county, which Hue shall be recovaredby
me direoturs for the lime biiug. as de' ts are or shall
be by law ircoverable. aud the directors qualified as
aforesaid are hereby authorize J to administer an oath
or affirmation in any case, hen it shall be nccenary
in relatiou to 'he dunes of tbeirothre. . ..
SECTIUJ The said directors ha!l forever hi-re-after
in name aud in fact be one body politic and
corporate in law to all iutenls and purposes what
soever, relative to the poor of Hie county of Coluui
bia, an J shall have perpetual succession, and may
aue aud bt Kued. plead and be impleaded, by the
name, style and title of direcio'a of "the poor, and of
the bouse "f employment, for ihe county of Colum
bia, and by that name shall and may receive, take
and boid any lands, tenements, anil hereditaments
not exceed in; tbe yearly value of 10 OOO UOilars. aud
any guoi's and chattel whaisoevet of Ihe gilt, alien
ation or beqi est of any peison or persons whatso
ever to pmc inse. take and bold any lands and tene
ment iihin their county in fee simple or other
wise, aud erect suitable I uilJingsfor the reception,
se and accommodation of the xr of said county ;
to pro rise all things necessary for Ihe lodging, main
tenance and employment o; said pooi ; to appoint a
treasurer annually who shall give bond -with full
and sufficient surety for the f.itn(ul discharge ot ilia
duties ef Ilia office, and at tbe expiration thereof lor
the pay incut aud delivery over to bis sureesori:i
office, of ail money, bonds, oi notes, book accounts.
ur other papers, to the ssiJ corporation belonging,
which shall Iheu be remaining hi his bands, custody
and possession, and auid cirertors shall have powei
lo employ and at pleasure remove a steward or stew
ards, matrt-n or matrons, physician or physicians.
surgeo.inr surceous. and all other atlendauts tha
may bv nvces-ary for. tbe said poor respectively ; to
bind out as apprentices so thatsurh apprenticeship
may expire if malts at or before Ihe age ol tweo'y
one years, if females at or before the age of eightetn
years, such poor children as shall come under their
uotireoras may bd- bound apprentices. Provided.
Tuat no cbild shall be bound outside of the county
of Colombia nor without the benefit of the public
s hools of the district.
SKVi'iOJVS That the said Directors, any two of
whom hall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business, -ball have power annually as soon as
the returns of tbe aunual assessments in sai.l county
as is piacticablf,to lay a rate or assessment not ex
ceeding one cent on the dollar at any tuiu jipon all
real and personal estates within tin county af ori
said, fur defraying the expi.uses of purchasi ng said
farm, ere-ting said builuingj, and maintains t!:e
pwor in ai t comity, and shall be levied upon the
basis of t:e last adjusted valuation tiuite for rv;u a
ling county rates aud levies, and having caused fair
duplicates of suka rates or assessments by them
laid to be made, which .hall besixneri by them, shall
issne their warrant lo the coll -ctor bf such tax there
in auih-irizmg and' requiring 'him to demand, rereive
end collect from every person therein named, in tha
manner and by the same process as poor taxes are
now collectable ; and the said directors sha l from
tbe tuna iif the providing bylbeni ot suitable build
ings for the accommodation of said poor exercise and
perform within the said county except so far as such
acts, duties aud powers ure herein expressly pre
scribed orJimited. . '
SECTIONS As soon as the said buildings shall
have been erected or purchased and ail necessary
aecouiuiudativus provided therein, notices shall be
sent, signed by any two of tbe directors to the over
seers of Lie several townships of the aaid county of
Columbia, requiring them forthwith to b ut the poor
of tlieir respective townships to aaid houe of eiu-
Blovment, whieli or Jer the overseers are hereby en-
j'sjned and required to comply with or otherwise to
forfeit Ine Cuaioi mi iuiuieiuuni.,s uiv, ricrpi in
caves when by sicHnes- ur any otner sufficient cause
any poor person cannot be removed, in wnica cate
the overseers shall represent the same to the near
est Justice of th.s Peace, who Uiog satisfied of the
truth thereof shall certify ih same lo the said ui
rectois, and at the same lime issue an ord-r under
his banJ and seal tu the said overseers, directing
theui to maintain such poor until su li liuio as lio
or she may be in a fituatioii lo be removed, aud
tuen convey the saiu paoro-r nnu uensrr uim or ner
to the steward or ke ptr ot" said house of employ
uieut. to-eiber with the said order, aud the tharge
and expense of such temporary relief and of such
removal sBall be paid oy in saiu uireciors at a rea
sonable allowance. ' '
SECTlOJfl The steward r manager of said poor
bue is h r'-by required yearly, on lite first Mou.lay
of January in eat li year, lo furnish s id directors a
statement f the income of said real estate as aeirly
as tbe taaie tan be dont, also f eio-rs f bis ex-;
penditures over as I above sai l! in ome, the amount
and kind of personal properly then on hand.- inclu
ding grain it cetra. the uuuibur sf poor persona ad
mitted and discharged during ihe year, with the
number then then-ni. the rn?th of time each" remain
ed, and the name, age and sex of each; the trrasu-
rer snail annually. on tha lust Monday of each year,
render to said directors a just and correct account of
bis receipts aud dishurseuierts dining the precding
year, ann Ihe said oiretlers shall annually, in the
month of January in each year, publish in two pa
pers, published in H loonsbiirg, a statement of ihe
r-ccipls, disbursements and expenditures of aaid
corporation, during ine preceding year, with a state
i.m nt of the property, real and personal, Uien held by
SfX-TlOJiT-i Tb-il the compensation of the treasu
rer, collector, steward, matron, physician, and other
officers and assistants, shall be fixed by tbe directors,
and the compensation of tbe directors shall be fixed
by the bnrd of auditors, who shall .he appointed by
the court of quarter sessions f said comty al eaca
yatly settleuirnl for the next -uceerding year. Pro
vided, That the compensation f said di ret. tors, frwoi
the passace of this art until in nr yearly si-ttle-
neni.bali br fixed by the board of auditors at the flr-t
yearly settlement ; Ihe itirei lor- lo furnish the said
auditor a correct account ofthe time and eipen-es
lost and Ineurred by them in attending to their d-nles
from which account tbe said compensation shall be
fired ami adjusted. ,
SECTIOM 9 Tbe said direrto a shall from tisne to
time receive, provide for and employ, accor.iiu to
tt true intent and meaning of this art nil such poor
and indigent persona as . sball be-entitled to relief
frniu any ofthe several town-lnps or boroughs of Ci
lumbia iounty. aad shall be soot there by an or 4 -r or
warrant for that purpose, under the bauds and seals
of any two justices of tbe peace of the said enmity,
directed to the overseers f I be poor of ih proper
township ur borough, and thn said directors are
hureby authcrized hen they shall deeiu it proper
and eonveuieul to i'o so. to prrmil any poor person
to be maintained elsewhere. Provided, The expense
ol thlr niainteuance dees not in any case exceed that
f r hicb they could be maintained al tbe poor house
uf the said county of Columbia.
JJUCTOJV 10 That it shall be lawful for tbe aud
director or a majority of tbesa. in the case of auy
porson in their charge as a pauper, owning r pos-
a-mgany real estate or interest in real estate, to
aqiply to ihe court of'Com.uon Pleas of Columbia
cisknty. or anj other coantics in this Commonwealth
where the said property may be situated, by pen
lion, praying the said eoarl to grant them an order
to make aaie f said real estate or interest therein,
for the support and maintenance of said pauper,
and that the -aid curt if they deem it advisable niter
cisa sideriug the application shall grant an order to
sudd directors lo make aula of said real estate or in
terest therein, or any part thereof on uch term as
tue said court iha'l tbink it advisable, and the said
directors sba.l in pirsuanoe of said order offer sa'd
real estate or inter st therein - on the premises al
public txle. and sell the same at public out-cry. after
giving at least twenty days public notice of the
ti ate and place of sale, by three hand bill put up in
publ e place, and by advertisement in one newspa
per published la the county wherein said proper :y is
situated, which sale so mad.: tbe said director shall
reiarutotbe said court, and after confirmation f
tie same shall execute and deliver to ibe purchaser
a deed of conveyance for slid esbfe on the said, par
staiser' full compliance with the le'in and cxidi
tiina of aaid sale, which deed so made shall vest the
property therein escribed in thegrante as fully and
tireclua'liy a the said pauper htid.and enjoyed
the same, and that- the fruid director shall apply
tbe proceed, of sxid sale or so much as may be nee
risary lo the snppprt and maintenance of at-l pau
per. aad it any balance shall remain after hi or
her death and afnr deducing funeral expense the
slid director shall pay war - aaid balance- to lie
legal representative ..f said paeper, upon dernaad
made and socnrity bciag given, to inderoBiPy Mid
01 rector from las claim of all other parson.
frin .. ,1 u p 1- . i- ii ' '
and they are hereby enjoined an reqoiferl to meet at
tnesnld house oi employ ment. at least nen ir every
nionfh.ahd visit th apartments aad free that the poor
are eouifo tibly supported, and n ar an coiupiamt
and redres or etiuse to be redressed all grievance
that may bnppen by the neglect or misconduct of any
person or persous lu their employment or other avise.
SECTJOJfl. In case of any vacancy by death,
resignation or otherwise, of any of the said flireft
tors, the remaining directors shall fill such vacancy
by the appointm. nt ef a citizen of their county, on
dnr ih uids nennltvas is provided by the first sec
tion of this act to serve Hntil the next general elec-v
lion, when another diree orsliail be eieeicu jo nerye
as if no vacancy had happened,
SKCTJOJV13. A I claims and demands existing nt
the time of this act. being carried, into effect shall
have full force and effecta if this aci bad not pass
and when tha same may have been duly adjusted
nd seeiiled all moiiev remaining in tbe nanus f
the overseer as well as tbe uncollected taxes, li yiod
for tbe support -of- tha ador in tha several tuwnsiips,
in the county of Columbia, shall be paid over t J Hie
supervisor of the highwar of theif respective town
ship, to be by them - applied toward repair. n,r ibe
road therein.
SELTiOJir 14. As soon .a the poor of theccunty
of Columbia shall have been' removed to the h'lme of
employment of tlw said county, and the outstanding
taxes collected aud paid over as directed in section
thirteenth of tin act. the office of overseers of the
poor within t ; accepting, nwuahip shall Trom
thenceforlli be aboji.shed. . I - '
t:CTI 'Jfb. That Ihe slid director or trensur
rr or any oil-- or mora of thn tax-payer of the ic ept
iua Io a nsliips. may withnj twenty diy from the
yearly seit'umeul by tlu auditors 84 UtorisiaJ, ap
peal (ii.iil such seiiieinei:t to thi , curt of cow -non
il':as nf, Coin nl'ia county, in thj kaiiu manner and
under tUo same pruvisiuns and regitlstions that ap
peals duui uiileuienl by township auditors are now
bECTfOJf 16. That no money shall be piid by the
treasurer ex -ept upou orders drawn by the directors
and signed uy at least two of the s;ilJ directors.
SECT tJV 17 For the purpose of ascertaining the
the sense of the citizens of Columbia county, as lo
the expediency of erecting a poor house, it shsll be
the duty of each ofthe i nspeetors and judges for the
severnl townships and bjrouph at an el' clion. lo be
held on the first Tuesdsy of June, Anna Imuiini. one
thousand eight' hundred and sixtv-sit, lo receive
tickets eitner written or printed from th4 qualified
voters thereof, labelled on the outside -'poor house,"
and in tna inside lor a poor house'' or "against a
poor bouse," und if it (hall appear upon c isUn' up
the votes of th different districts, atthe Court House,
on the Frieay following the said election, that a ma
jority of Hi j qualified electors of any tuwush p or
borough are for a poor house, then the foregoing act
to tike effl-cl as tu those township and borough,
but if a majority of tbe votea in any townahipor
borough shall be againat a poor boose, then the fore
from: act to be null and void, as to the township, or
boroughs voting against such poor hoisac.
SECTOJV IU The non acceytiog township or bor
ough shnil not be entitled to Vote lur direeto of
the said house of employment, nor shall they bu en
titled to receive or ejijoy any benefits or advantages
by virtue of this a-1, nor shall thn directors be cho
sen from the sui.t non accepting township or bor
oughs, nor shall the anditcrs mentioned in the eighth
section of tins act be appointed from any such town
snips or boroughs. Provided. Tuat the director of
the said house bf employment may receive pauper
Irs. u I lio same non-accepting townships or b iro ighs
.1 any rate of eompeiisalion per wee, to be agreed
upon and settled by the said directors and uversm-rs
of t lie poor of the townships or burougb so apply-
SKCTU.V'v. All act and paits of act incon
sistent with the provisions 'of thi act or supplied
hereby are hereby repealed.
Speaker of the House of Representative.
Ppeaker of ihe Senai-e.
Approved the Eleventh day of April. Anno Ikim-
mm, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.
A. Is, CCitl IK,
Parsuaot to ibe proriiioas of the fore
going Act of, Assembly, notice U hereby
giveu teat an electiou will be held dt tbe
usual. place of ho!. ling tbe general eke
tioos of the several townships ami lor-
oughs of Columbia County to be con
ducted by the respective election offioer?
uf the same, on Tuesday, tbe 5th da) of
Juue, A. D., 1966, between the hour of
S o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock I Al ; t j
vote upon tbe qae.tion of ''For a Poor'.' or "Against a Poor House;'
and to make return of tbe faid election
at ihe Court House, on Friday, the 8tb
day of June aforesaid, according to law.
BloomsWg, May 2, 1866.
ii 12 A WA A T 12 O
ror oca
Heroic, Patriotic Political Romantic, Ilumoroa A.
Spltndidlf lUuotroted ritkovtr 300 a Port t milt and
beautiful Er gracing .
Thi work for genial bumor. tender pathos, start
ling interest, and attractive beauty, stand peerless
and alone among all it competitors. The Valiant
and Brave Hearted, the Pictu'esqua and Uran anc
ihr Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Pat!-., lie.
The Uoll" of Fame and Story, Camp. I'i ket. Hpy,
Scout. Bivouac, andsieg:: Startling urpriss-rs W.n
Jeifui 1". scape. Famnirs Words and lierds of Wo
man, and the whole Panorama of the War here ihrl!
linely ah startlmgly portrayed in a mast -rly man
er. at once historical and roiua'ir, rendering it the
most ample, brilliant and readable buok that the war
has railed forth.
Disabled officer and soldiers, teachers, energetic
yo ung men. and all in want of profitable nipl -uienl.
wi.l find this the brsl nance to make money
ever yet offered. Send for circular and see our
term. Address, Publishing CO.
No. 507 V-i nor Street.
April 55. lStG.-3m.
iNKW c;OAt Y
The undersigned reFpeetfulIy inform Ihe citizen
of lilooitt.burg and Columbia couuty , thai lb.-y ke p
,11 the difT -rent numb-rs of stove coal anj selected co il for purpose, on their wbart; ad
joiuing McKelvv. Nenl A. Co' Furnace ; with a good
pair Uuffalo scales on th weigh coal. hay and
straw Likewise a borse and waton. to deliver coal
to lhoe who desire it. As we purchase a large
amount of coal, we lutend to keep a superior article.
atMl sell atthe very low est prices. i'leae call and
examine fur your selves before purchasing risen here.
J. W. II CN I'M.S'U) T.
'pHE undersigned will take, in exchange for Coal
I aud Cro-erie. the followiug named artirli-s :
Wheat. Kye, Corn. Oat. Potatoes. Lard, Ham. tfootil
der.and aide meat. Butler. Egg. Hay. -Vc , at the
bighestcash prices, al bis Grocery Store, adjoining
their coal yard. J. W. HE DERM10T.
liloouisburg, April 25, IdoG. 3L
THE subscriber offers at Private Sale, a Farm ait
ualed in O'arge'l'wp., Col. co. Pa. 11 mile from
Robrsburg and 3 from Orangevilla. containing
8ixty of which is cleared and well improved, the
balance is v ell timbered. There are on the premise
commodious new buildings a gid orchard tnd a
large youosr apple and peach orchard, of six yar
growth, begiuui ng to bear.(
Orange twp. March 24. I-Hio
CJJQA .flOATIII Agenta wauled
rr fnr $z entirety mem orttc''. Just out. Ad-
drrsvO. T. G ARE Y. City Building, Bedford. Maine.
I've. 83. Ieh5.- y. . - - .
'The Grovesteen Pian Forte
1 still retain its prerodence and great popularity,
aud after undergoing gradual improvement for a pe
riod pt thirty years. is now prono.m jed by the musical
world to lie unsurpassed an t even anequal'rd in rich
ire, volume and purity of tnne.durability and cheap
ness. Our nrw scale, trench action harp pedal, iron
frame, over-tning bass, seven octavo rosewood pi
anos we are selling cheaper by from 9100 to SJiuO
than the same stile and finish are sold by any other
first-class maker in the country. D.aler and all in
want of good piano are invited to send for our De
scriptive Catalogue, which contains photographs of
oar different styles, together with prices No one
hould pur base a piano without seeing thi ( ala
logue Medl almost without number, have been
awardnd to the Grovesteen Pliuo, and Ihe Celebrated
World's r air, though put in competition with others
frrnn all parts of Europe and tbe U it look the
hirhest iwnd.
f Established 1835 1 Grovesteen C.,
July 29. 18C5 . fl. li. ft. 4c. Co.
jytUGS, j5rdgs,drugs.
Pure Medicine, at John R. M oyer's Drag f Store,
eorner of Main and Market Street. A good a I sort
meat of
Medicine. Paint. Oil and Varnisb, always on
haad, and will be sold thenper than al any other
Dn g Store is tiwn.
, Prescription carefully eompouadsd at Moycr's
Drug Store. r
Ayrr and Jayne Medicine sold at Moyer' Drug
Wi hart's Tar t'ordial. Baksr' Cod , Livr Oil.
Wmslow Soothing Syrup, sa.'d al a oyer' Drag
For any reliable patent aacdicin, eall at Moyer
Drug ftor. - - . -leather
of all kind, wholesale and retail, at J, E.
sawyer ureg M&re. c:csg;a'-r. rs n p
, GREEABLY to tbe provlstoiraor the An ot
A sembly, entitled an :tet to reduce the late debt.
e. oassed the 3uth day of April, I84L the Treas
urer ofthe County ofCotombra hereby gives notice
to all person concerned lh-rein. that unle the
i ci... .i I'..,, n n .1 .vntn Tif Ace.. Gil
IsOuncy. noun, ovn --- - t
on the following real estate situate in ths f.ourrtyor
Columbia, are paid before Ihe day ornie, me i
or uch part or each a will pay ine coarse. ...
costs charaenbln thereon, will be sold at he court
House, in Btoom.burg. Co of Columbia, on n niu
of June. I8ii, being the second Monday, aud in be
continued by adjournment from day today for ar
rearages of taxes due said connty and the costs ac
crued on eactl respectively.-
Year. Acre owmu. : TMawt. Dol, Ct
I8G2 P7 ! David Deatta
IriGi & 63 324 ; T M LubbcIL
Ceaver. 50
tflTl. 18
1,4 Sl Mi .-...-..
Idu2 ' a 3of3G0 lngenberger.Flsber t
Miller. .. 1 80
132 - 50 ' Joseph Nans. . " . J
C2&C5 30 . Mann.lla'dy fc Criswell " , , u
tiJt4,(5 372 John Xc'all i . ' - 78
irHi3 24 David Naus " 2 41
o-iiii.l 91 John Koons Benton 9 9
lHi2 1 lot Samuel C Krif's-baura , ? . , 2 62
IH62 33 Elizabeth Lunger " 30
IHttt 1 lot James (1 Aioble " 2 8d
le;a 50: Peter Shulta " .. 3 '
G3v63 1 IlnnnahTyke ' " b2
1C3 50 Dzekiei Shultz " : 3 92
fi.1 50 Daniel rihu IX ' " 150
(iiiG3 1 lot Peter Krad ley . - Conyngbam J 39
Ii3 1 I, t Henry Kingsbury ' 67
(J3VC4 liO A Wm Liiidenmuth " X C4
ldt.i l..t JW Clark Centre-- 43
" ' 1 lot John Cleary 57
'" 3-4 V Jho PStrohmcyer ' " 3t
leG2 ,6. Peter Applegat dee'd -Jackson 03
C2 A.fi3 14 Henry Applegate ' 2 "7
IKOi 1 WmCrossiey .Madison. . 6
1802 .' H Kostenbauder's heirs Main 44
lBii3 1 Teter Knight '. Ml
1, 103 John Cospcr's est ' Pin 33 !I7
6-2&'ii3 30 Calvin Chauiberlia - . 1 i;5
Iii3 1 lot 8inuel Eck 37
63Jl4 1 lot William Wbippl - 1 57
lsui 33 Mile D SutlifT est Bugarloaf 29
JOHN J. STILES, Treasurer.
Tariti-ai.x's Orrtc.
Eloomxburg. April 11. '60.
GRFKAKLY to the provision of in Act of As
sembly entitled an Act directing the mode of
setting untested lands fer- taxes and for other purpo
ses. passed ihe I3tli day of March 1615, and the fur
ther Mpplements thereto parsed on the ISthdayof
M.rch IC17 and the 25lb March l2. andbth March.
1047. the Treasurer of Columbia County hereby gives
notice lo all persons concerned therein, that unless
the County. Road, S hool. Poor, Baunty and State
Taxes dnr on the following tract of unseated lands
situate in Columbia County are paid before the day
of sale, the whole or such parts of each tract as wi'l
pay the taxes and costs chargeable thereon, will be
sold al the Court House in the lown of Bloomsburg.
County of Columbia On the Second Monday in Juae
next, and toronunue bv adjournment from oay to day
for arrearagea of laxe due said Coanty. and tbe
cots accrued on each tract respectively.
No. or Ac ax Wiiiihtiu otiu Twr c
3o0 ttias'Miller 13 00
200 Catharine Noyer lu 00
125 Lewis r ilger 8 74
200 Win Stewart- 14 00
20!) ' John CraefT'-part of 409 acres'. 10 47
18 - ' Polotnon Rower ar 4 35
41 Jesse Bowman B "4
100 Reuben Ulisu 8 em
70 Henry Di-tterich 1134
33 ! Oliver Ke 2 TO
41) i Gilbert Fowltr 15 70
40 : " 73
2J Rnney Cardeobous Vi
30) John King 13 32
100 John Rniaard . 7 42
5 JacohS.tler 31
41 Samuel 11 Smith . - 1 85
H 1
Joseph ftackhaa
John II Su't
John SI affer
John Yost
Samuel J Bealer
15 05
19 B7
3 04
1 :a
1 J
F.brnxr U ran ham
Tbama Karu
John niing
Joshua Beam
N-iih unci It row n
Peter Banehuer
Roberl Jordan
Andrew Portner
218 9S
5 1
114 tt-l
,i ed
37 40
179 5i
. 11 90
Lewi Wal ker
cf 170 Tho I'rtstan v J Oreenourh" 12 60
toflirO Mary RUflan'W J Greenoui-h" 33 i
1 ol 170 Th fcustan m Icscnia Coal co 12 00
((jfaeo Mary Rustan '. 39 90
3l Johnston Keasley 136 4
00 tieoige Kiekhvn l.'dPO
3f4 Thomas Hiltxheimer I3r40
:ic4 Kobe,t llirixheimer 15 8H
3-4 William Mianuon 604 US
2M Amos Wirkersha n 93 50
3 4 of 130 Pax ton. Kline 4c Sharpie 22 ta)
J Of IW) Kenjuiuiu Cotube 'O KaiI" 15 36
I of itio Dei jauiin Cooinbe "J Anspach jr" 15 30
I.2&.C3 I let Domtnick Crne 30
l"b2 I lot John Coweo 47
" I lot t.'eorge Ready 30
" 2 lots Henry S-h.-.rps Co
" l lot Krauci Nuliser 24
1SC3 1 lot IVterLawler 29
6 1-1 Dewitt Jc BcneJict I K
10 Llias Rrea 19
57 J. 8 Brobsts 4 12
70 Jasper Aaup J 67
40 Jeremiah Finrher. 72
t?0 Llijab Heymdd aV Co 5 76
140 William Huckalew 1105
160 Altiander Cramer. 3 Bri
Si J ,V k E J Jones 2 41
150 Thomas Lemn - 9o
A George Mack 12
112 Keese J Millard 9 f0
3 George P.aler 30
34 William lloobio so
p5 Amos Spade 1 54
113 Abraham Young V 95
343 Paul Apple II IS
4:3 Guv Bryan - 14 l7
434 Abraham Reeaer 14 07
112 i Samuel J Bea'er -
38 5-imtiel Mbertsoa M
14 KMi tve J 02
100 John. A Kunstoa t '0
30 Georee Reese 74
21-2 Daniel Montgomery 12
. Nathaniel t'ampb -11 " 14 52
30 Fraukliu Mclinde "dee'd" 6 37
13 David l-ee . , Hi
31 Kennjah r-arker A, Co -'114
ICO Philip St John Wagner 1 20
S00 Thoma Ril'ingtoB ' 37 07
31 bauiiit-l J hn 5 Hi
32 IN
I "of 200 Mary Vyer -W S Greeaoogh" IS i4
1 Sof I' 0 Thia Kustan , " V 34
2..f l io Iianul Kecse ' " 17 r3
I "of -.HO Marv i-'ustsu IS 54
f 21 charlotte Uu tan IS 54
1-2 .fStw Joon Revm ld 4 18 51
l--2of 2iU .ry Myers ukicrilli coal co Id 54
I '-ot i-0 Thouia- Kuslan 9 39
I -if 1'Jtl H imel Rot-se ". " 17 81
I-Sofroa Mary utna " IS 54
l-l trial CUarlotie Rustan " ' 10 54
l-il SOU John Ri-vnoids a 4
22 Thomas Aten sr dee'd I 7 i
175 Geirg Nungesser 1 7i
147 Joshua Zimmerman ' - ' fi
Jud Cicoige Lati oere 3 00
100 Brobst. Yetter AvScbmick 7 10
4 Wm. Creasy 51
5 Henry Miller's heirs I 91
1,9 Isaiah Shuman dee'd , 3 44
212 Daniel Montgomery i ' ' 15
8 Samuel Crcvcling 44
30 ' Jamb Hagenbuch est fJO
30 George lleidley - 1 46
30 1 Peter Melick 1 OS
5 Peter Applegat : 4 85
t00 Aaron Gloss 9 SO
i Sylvester Heatli ' 2
l?0 James Lockard - ' 23 23
100 Wm Ovrltn 5,1
4JI Thoma Ben field - ,5139
99 GeorgaAFrick
ie0 1 ' - - 43 w
50 Peter Baoghner
60 Thoma Same Jr , . ? .
205 Goas'Est . W
89 Alex ax Joshua Has J
450 '' Robert Montgomery' st ' 14 12
300) ' 1113
4? . Abraham Voang f
150 Wm Stephen 10 08
JOHM J. 8TILE?, Treasurer.
TaxscatB Omca. t i
- Bloomsburg, April i
I 11. 156. J . ', , . " . ' -
per. Having thnrofsghly overhauled ny Pa
cer Mill at Mill Grove, near Bloomsburg. Columbia
Coanty, Pa I am now prepared to fill all order for
Wrapping, Dry Blasting aa Water Proof Paper, ea
hurt notice and fair price. 1 taava apaned a ware,
boose In Wllken-Barr-. aad appointed Joseph Broara
01 the "rat e Hrowo.Gray Co.. my agent tod isposa
ofay paper ia Luaatnc Coaaty f VCH
. a-w a. re I M Blsas. JSfir
rf v. s-ii i' t a v , - .--s y .
to p u rcbe 30 1W o4l Sawed P bing let, 14
long" 100 4 WHITBPINE PCAN I U VO.. I' 6 fct
long each. 3 x 4. 4 x 4, 4 x 5. lii
.ucb PINC PLANK. .11 of . fMy a CO.
Liht Street. May , 186G.-4.
C PRESTON ba rem ved hi Fu re a Robr
barsr eoimy. rom hi old stand at tb
,5l. to hi. new place of buaine fun her orlh.
corner, to m new P'"" ! r K E w cOODS.
br n'ow'p'rc "d".-' se.r ."peP tha. tv.r- fW
Robrsburg. May . 18G6. 3w.
Th underUisned offers at Privat Bale or sichang
for town properly, a TRCT OF LAND lluat
Orange township, midway between Light Stxaet a"d
Orangevilla, containing about.
ll is in a good st;.te of cultivation. 1 her it a grxm
HO CSti nd other ont building on ibe premises;
also a stream of running waterat the door. '
Tbere is also a good SAW MILL with 19 feet fall,
. :L . . . . j i.k. r Aiksri.
waver power on sue tract nui ich vmh v. ....
son on th premises, or the undersigned att-olkrill.
Columbia county. Pa. -
fcj- mmedial possessloa given OI in iaaa aaia .
Mill. . . - '
V. U. tVt-B.UAU.1.
OrangJ Twp. May 9, 18't. tC . - . . ' ;-"
ON iWAl 8i Kc.t r, f, AKtki urrvisii ia. ,j
THE undarsixned has just fl ted up, aad opnd, ',
hi new
ST0Y K A D TI . S HOP, ;
in this blare, where be is prenared 10 make on new
TIN WART, of i kinds in hi line, and do repair
ing with neatness and disp tcb, upou Ibe most rea- -,
onable terms. He also keeps on nand Hiuv ats or
varloMs patterns and styles, w.h,ica hs will sell npoa
term lo suit purchaser.
. Give him a calL He is a goi mecbani. -and de
serving of lb pub ic patronage. '
Bloomsbnrg. May 9. ISfiS. Iy.
Would announce to' the ladies of Bloom. burg and
the publie generally, that she ba Jast iscetved from
the eastern ci'ie her , . , ,
Spring anil Summer
Block af
consisting of all article usi'ally found in first clas
iniiunery More, tier good are or tne aesi quality
and amoug the most handsome and cheapest in the
market Call and examine them for yourselves.
Nob.tdy should purchase dlsewhere be for exatnia -
ing Miss Fetermaa'a stock ol roods. Bonnet aaad
to order, on the horte-t notice, or repaired.
etore on main street. 3d d.-or below ui star ot
Mendenball at Rupert.
Bloomsburg, May 2. I do. -If.
n RLOOMSBCRG. all vou who desir a superior
article of chewing or smoking tobacco. Hi cigar
are made up of the lineal qaslity of tobacco. Every
body in town know where to go to get a good aril
ere. He will cell at retail or wholesale lo suit lb is not particular. Shopkeeper nd
landlords rene rally would do better by purchasing
of hint than of tbe peddler and hucksters that trav
el tarongh the country. They run no risk of beia r
cheated in what they bay. Patrooise .regulir liata
if you wish to get ihe wor.h ol your money.
Cy- More n Main Street, a few oor below th
"American House."
Mar 9. l(W6.3ni.
Espy, Columbia Co. Pa.
The undersigned having become sole proprietor of
this well known and convenient! v located stand.
respectfully informs bi friend, and the public la
general, that he has put hi houe in complete order
for the accommodation of hoarders, aad for the recep
tion and entertainment of travellers who may fael
disposed to favor it with their cust-ira. No expense
ha been spared in preparing this Hctel for th. enter -
tainment of guest, and nothing shall be wanting, oa
his p-irt. to Miioisicr to their personal comfort. Tha
location, a well a the building, ia a good on,- aad
all together is amply arranged to please the public.
Espy, April II. I8G&. if.
al. The undersigned offer for sal npon lb
most raena!ie terms, al i.ia place of busines. ia
KENTON. COLUMI I A COUXTY. oa hundred thoa
sand shingle and a large lot of feociac board, of
the very beat quality, both piae a ad hemlock.
J. J. McttENRY.
Benton. May 9, IfOC
rjf.w-fr.. scHurtsiLL co., pa ,
Dfltr in the latett hoprovod Setciog JUmtkintm.
Machine of all kiuds repaired, aad warranted la
be as good aa when new. He will alaoexebang a w
Machines for ibos worn or out of repair.
He has constantly 011 band all kinds of Jl em mere.
Minder, t-'nrder. Braiders, and eelf-sewer. Also,
linen aud silk threads, and aeedlc for all kinds of
sewing machine.
April 25. leo6 Im pd.
Ihe nnder. igned respectfully announces that be
ha reflitled a shop, in Court House alley, opposite
the Exchange Ho'el. where he is prep -red lo coa
duct the harberlng bu-inss la all ita braaca e:
Tbe art of coloring whisker aad mousiacaes is
practiced by bim most skillfully. He also dean
clothing, making tb-m look nearly a good a new,
upou the most reasunablc tern. Giv him a trial, '
8. C.COLLIN 3.
tloorasburg. April 25. I860 If.
" C C. .TI A IK It'S .
m & it s . w a tl
f har opened a new Store at the old stand of Da
I vid Sirnup. on Main street. Bloomsburg, aad will
keep o a baud a general assortment af
Such a Dry Good. Notions. Grocer ie. Tin-war.
Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Drag.
Confectionary. Glass-War. Tobacco Hats
Shoe. Flour, Salt. Fish and Meat : all of
which I propose selling at a very low figure for
cash or produce.
qr fait aad . C C. MASK.
Cloomsburg. April IS, 1b66 tf.
Trvs Annual Meeting of the Columbia County Ag
ricultural Hortirnttnral aad Mechaaieal Associa
tion, for the electica of offieers, to s- rve one year,
will be held at the Court House, ia Bloomsburg, at
Saturday, the 19th of May IHS6 at S o'clock. P.M.
A full attendarx ia desired
L B. RUPERT.Sec'y.
Bloomsburg, May . 1866. 6w
Came to the arrmise of th subscriber, ia Fisb
ingcreek township.' Columbia aoiuty, aornt tiaaa
luce, .
A Rroirn Ifeifcr,
about one year old. with whit feet, and ia thrifty
condiboo. Tne owner 1 requested tocoan forward,
prove property, pitr ( barge and take her away. uta
crwist he will be cold acrordtng to law.
Wax. 1KELEK.
Fiahingcrcek, May 24. IE00.
JtUttt of Samuel Komlej. ef Scott rommtkip doeoaeod.
IBTTERS of Ad mini strati on on VI stat ofBanaaat
j Remley . lateof Seotr township. Columbia cow'
deceased, have bee.i granted by Eegistr of coin la
bia county, to tbe undersigned ; all persona having
claim against the Uie of iu d so dent ar r.
quisled to present Utrtn for etUrinBt. aad tltoaa
indebted to tn estata a ill make nc mediate paymaaC
to tbe Adnunuirator.
JOSEPH LI l XT, Adta'r.
Aptil. 1SC6. w $3
Civil Enjinesr aad Patent Boltaitora. -No.
433 WALNUT 81 REET.fB.waCLrHXa.-
PATEVTS ol icited Consultation aa Engineering
DraugUting aad Sketrhes.k)ol and MaJiiary '
ofall kinds msc and skilfully attended to. Special
attention givaa to KEJLCTEP CASES aad INTER
FtRKNCKS. Aothcatic Copi of ail Document
from Patent ffica procdrs-d.
N B. Save yourselves useless troot aad trav.
eling expenses. as there is no acta si need for person
al inlervirw with a. Ail bta wilh thasa Ofl.
ces caa b transacted ia writing. Toe farther inft
matioa direct aa above, with stamp nolod for Ct
calar with refareacaa. . .. - '. ,
April 18, 1866. ly, J Vv.
rtOWEYANCIKTrS. neatly dZivrtxtvUy data tr.
Ui ti?e London na3 l'i.'o. - r
a tm
t ... i .