DEiilOCBil'Tl oTA ii w. n. jacobf e. a. ikelek, fditors. LC3r3n'E5; SIT 15 186?. 8. M. PaTreiwtb tc Co.. 3? Prk Bow New fork, are dulr authorised tosolieit anil rc-eive subscript lion and advertising for lh Democrat f f Unpub lished at Bloom berg, Columbia eouty la. ! . . ...,-FOR GOtEKXOK, - nON. I1IKSTER CLYMERj or bsbks cocNir.T Our Prospects Brighten. Every day tkat passes leaves ' some trace or mark of encouragement for the success of the Democratic party, with its glorious arid time-honored principles of liberty and ' union. Never in the history of our country was there a time, at which a party, out of the official patronage and countenance of the Government, had more power, respect and strengthening; encouragement, than the Democratic party has at the present tinie.: Neverimco the unfortunate breach between Mr. Bltuana-y anch 3Ir. Douglas, have our ranks been so thoroughly united and bo forcibly strengthened,' as they are to-day. The-' dangerous threatenings 6f the Disunion party have completely ' united the Democj racy and are driving thousands of well-meaning men to our' support,. wh heretofore, in bur ranks, have been acting with the ihs . union party. "; But now all arc united upon the one common isue, and all minor consid erations are cast aside in the great struggle which must mould the whole future of our Republic.-' tu" ' " ' - " ItisTiOW Union 'or Pis-union in "earnest, and without any palpable excuse, it is un commonly plain, that the Dis-unionists of the North are threatening" our government with danger far more formidable andinju rious to our future well - being as a nation, than did the Di3-unionists of the South in thelate -rebellion. -'"When' the Southern . pedple abandoned the Democratic party and hoisted the Palmetto fiag and refused to be governed by the laws of the United State?, the Democracy ef ; the--North, - and even many' Democrats' In ' the South, " refused to follow or "va i any way .assist thepo in breaking up the government and weakening its laws ; but firmly and unflinchingly, through thick and thin, through darkness and light, through fire and blood, through tyranny and oppres sion, continued to maintain the vital princi ples upon xrhich our - laws and Governmnt are founded. Our party has always been in favor of the Union, and has always strug gled for its main tc nance Jn, the only way it can-be maintained,' by; giving to each State itsriclils under the Onnstitntinn. .tixl hv cultivating' a spirit of friendship and mutual confidence between the different sections. The position taken bythe Democratic party, that the so-called Republican party is a dis union party,-Has Deen luuy viruacated -and 13 amply sustained by the condition of affairs to-day. . The theories of the Northern Dis unidnists have been and ore now more dan gerous than wer.e' those of the South. . Had the South succeeded, they-would. have left us a government,- smaller in extent," but Just as perfect as ever. 'If the dis-vnionists of UieJortn. succeed, they mil revolutionize trie tchole UnionT and overturn our whole system of lavcij 'It 19 uponthirgreat question that the Democratic party has always stood uni tedtand upo"n which they are united to-day. The, jsbtm unites our forces and dividesthose of the enemy." We have one end in .view,' our watchword is fully understood, our pros pect is, glorious, and we have only, to march forward . in perfect harmony and achieve success. -- --- -- ' : . v : Consistent, isn't It ? For tlie Johnson party, a small, class of men: whose acts are governed by official pa tronage, to claim a victory in the election ol Genu Hawley,'. SLj Governor of Connecticut The-ia t ioncd Republican, a strictly John son .papery whichf at the present time,- get the official printing of all the. Executive De partments, in a late issuefiaya ' ' " " "' ' " "Regardless'of.ihe entreaties of usually good but then excited men, the President, icindly but firmly pursued the even tenor Of his way,- believing in thb sublime doctrines cnunciafed at'JJalrimore and embodied in the platform of great Na tional Union party which" at last triumphed in the Connecticut election. - - - - . Ilad the President desired to' accomplish the defeat -: of - G en 1 .Hawley we -prcsifme. tnere is. no wan ot sense who will - lor a mo ment deny thaC he could have done h, exer cising the" extraordinary power that he does, with the greatest pos-iible ease.: - Ve know, now, and -repeatedly asserted during the canvass that we knew then, that he desired no such result; The Connecticut election: is a triumph of the Union party a verdict of th: people "expressed through that complete organization which sp ran? into life from the peopleto do the work' or the people, for the people; -"- Let us learn wisdom from' the lesson which the Connecticut elec tion teaches." '" - f ; - ; ,' Here is an emphatic, square endorsement of the Radical's policy. Uponittheeanvass in Connecticut was fought and-won, by the loss of nearly eleven thousand votes! Just as we have predicted. 1 ;JThe President used ;L:s best judgment in remaining,' if tot an uninterested at least an unmolesting spectator,, holding himself in readiness to en--.dors? victorious party:' It 13 well known :iy his own letters,' written 'to Hr. Epglish, duribg the canvass, that hw .sympathies .werevK'ith the Democratic candidate. "Now, ia order to make his "nolicv"- ar.near mrsn- .Lltpf Tn THAV r.f. tin rillmw ftff r.f T publican party of over ten thvuxnd totes, wa bdleve the Job nsorr men will, ere' long, begin fo. think themselves penny-wise and pound-fx-ih. Of course they will neither Enri Cl-vir jior Gearrfor Governor of Lus cute, but manage, in some way, to keep letwccn,-goo.l.and- evil; 'at the "same tlzie rea ij to go with lVj eril, if it- carries. SO- Hon. J. B. Stark was elected Chief E-rrsa l-t!vr Borom of Wilkes-Barre.- --f -o-;r exs opponent, CoL JLlirvy, . - I Columbia County Poor House. By reference to our advertisicg columns it will be seen, that wc; are publishing an Act providing for the piSxhiisiiig of; a farm and the erection of buildings for the employment and support of: the poor in the -county of Columbia. The people of this county will have an opportunity on Tuesday, the 5th day of June next, to" vote upon this matter, and decide by their ballots whether or not they will accept this Act. Each township will decide this matter for themselves. If it appears upon counting the vote polled in any township or borough, that a majority of the votes so cast Arorfbr the -Poor Ilousey the matter is then settled in the affirmative so far as that township or borough is concerned. This is a matter' that the people should consider well, view it upon all sides, and act understandingly,. and not allow prejudices or a want of information; to hav. anything whatever to do in deciding upon this im portant 'question. ' A' great deal can be said in favor of a County Poor House, while on the other hand, argument could be used against such an institution. But after all, the question resolves itself down to this: ''"Will it be cheaper and less expensive to the tax-payers of the respective townships and boroughs in the county to keep their poor in a County Poor Ilouse, erected upon a farm purchased expressly for the employment and support of the poor of our county?" For our part, we think it will. Tobe sure, if will bo the mcan3 of some town ships paying a smalitax, a year or two, that now have no poor taxes, for the payment, of the farm and buildings. This property will be taken care of and improved and will always be worth its money.-- So . there is really nothing lost in that investment. And, as to keeping paupers, they can be kept cheaper in a County-Poor Ilouse ; for the reason, that Overseers are not compelled, as they often are, to pay tico prices before they can get a family to accept their, paupers and board and clothe them. Then on the other hand, a great deal can be-saved in the em ployment of a physician, one who will be a regular attendant, when necessary, at a fixed amount per-year. Their clothing will be purchased in quantities to suit the demand, "at wholesale rates, not from slop-shops, at hiyh protective . tariff, prices. This is . no small item, when it is closely examined ; if you take in the ' amount of clothing that is now being bought for. the paupers of the whole county.. Another point, which might be argued, is this : You will find that there will notbe one-half a3 many paupers support ed by the tax-payers, when they find. that they must enter a houso cf employment, as the people are supporting to-day, in dirt, rags and idleness, at a much greater expense than there is any necessity for. ' r There are severalother points which we I will present from time to time, before the election, to proye to the people of the county that they will make a mistake - if they re fuse to come into the poor house arrange ment. We will show' how the matter will operate upon those townships that stay out; how. it has had . the effect to lessen the number of paupers in counties where Poor Houses have been provided ; that the farm "will produce a revenue to the county instead of its being a burden upon the peo ple, and that the tax levied and "collected for the purchasing of the farm and erection of the buildings will not atnount to any scri-. ous sum to any one. . The blil will not ad mit of over one per cent being paid to the, dollar. At the rate property is taxed in this county there are very few farmers that would pay over twenty dollars. - It may be neces sary that they - pay - this ' amount for two years. ': Much depends upon the kind of property purchased. These same men are paying twice this amount yearly to sup port pauper?, at present, in many parts of the county." ' " . ' ' ; Ix his great speech against negro suffrage, delivered in the Pennsylvania Senate during the past: winter, Senator Clymer made this strong point, which none of his opponents found it convenient to answer : ..... Now, Mr. Speaker,; I propose to inquire a little further as to the object of this propos ed amendment to the Constitution of the United State. We are told to-day, in lang uage glowingly eloquent, ot thenatural rights of men and of elevating ..them to a condi tion which is to be happiness and prosperity to all of them. Is there nothing selfish, nothing of a personal . or partisan character in all this ? Sir, if this- right to vote is a natural right j if every, man should have it, and if that doctrine, was ever truly and hon estly! held by those who are asking us to-day to vote for iu is it not a most astounding re flection that but . twelve short years ago a great, political party was organized in this State', and elsewhere throughout the Union, who denied this irreat natural ricrht, not to negroes, who, happened to serve God in a manner different irom themselves to men who happened to be born under another sun and in other climes ? Did you not rear a party-s-Know Nothing by name-Hhat went into power in this Commonwealth on that issue, which would, could it have retained its power, have excluded every race except the native born, and would have excluded those from the elective franchise from whose loins you yourselves have sprung ? What was your object then ? . Answer me, von Senators. Was it not that you feared if they voted they would put; you out of. power ? Now, with like hypocrisy, do you wish to get thene.gro'svotetakeepyou in and afteryou have got there ?. , Is dot that the reason rl it any high or - generous motive to do good for the country 's good by which you araac tuated? Is-jtany ether, than.ta save your Kepuphcaa prty from.; going to destructions where it should Jbavp gone kng ago T ryj , r J , Fruits of the Crvnj Ribirrs :Biii.-We begin to witness ' the : fruits of the Civil Rights BiSL It has already caused, the blood of white people to be shed fn Norfolk; it has been the cause, of negroes in 'Boston filling places formerly occupied by white laborers ; it has given Massachusetts negroes the right, or rather they have impudently assumed it. to take seats beside white' ladies in railroaa cars, when plentyif Other! seati are vacant. In short, it is. continually increasing the bad feelinsr existing Kptwppn xrhits Kl-.t- ?r J ...... u . . 'luitx kb.A J'UkVIVO ill the .North, whileit is certainly not bringing them on better terms of amity and intima cy m the South. We foresee a great deal of "h m this - connection, ?ven before the Civil Risrhts BilHs nnf fntn m-afi.ol dtomi. tion. jV..K Herald. ' ' . - " . iuuritut eays : that CnnI 1! nrrw tr. Uinrr it - : 1 ; ,. ' " Aii v-uab region as low M it did n the first year of the - war. At this rate the operators do not realize- over $2 50 to $3 50 tea. - Our Thanks. We take pride in directing the special at tention of our readers to the- letter publish ed in thiaissue, from our friend in Roaring ereek. " Aid we can truly say, that since the consolidation oftho Columbia-Democrat and Star op the North, we have, from all parts of thtf county, received the most flat tering encouragement. The" dark night of intolerance appears to be departing, and the clear dawn of a promising day is brightening up ; not only for us, but for the great party tJ wBich we Jbeld'ng, ancl'foi. tho country which we love. " The friends of the country,' of freedom, and of rDemoeraey,feel that the stormy time, the clouds' of dissension and dispute, and thorns that so thickly beset our pathway have disappeared, and cherish the hopey that ere Ion.? the principles they have advocated in 'the very face of death, for nearly six long, black years, will become the ark of our countiVe safety and the bulwark of popular liberty. , Therefore, we hope our Democratic mends will continue to take some time and pains, to extend the circula tion and increase the interest felt in the Democrat and Star, as one means toward the good result so earnestly honed and lons- ed for by all true lovers of our country. bhall we continue to recieve the assurances from the people, we will ere loner, print a paper that cannot be excelled iu size, inter est and appearance by any country weekly in the State. Letter from Mr. Clymer. The follow ing explicit and manly letter of Mr. Clymer on the Railroad question contrasts strikingly with the evasive and unmeaning declarations of General Geary upon the same subject, which appeared ia our columns some weeks ago: . -1 - ' Reading, April 12, 1SGG. Gentlemen; I have just received your letter on the 9th instant asking the question whether I am or a in not in favor of making a general railroad law by the Legislature of tins commonwealth, somewhat similar to that existing in the neighboring State of Ohio? , - ' If, after the. repeated and persistent ef forts made by me during a long service in the Senifte, to secure the passage of a gen eral railroad law, my position on that ques tion is not understoxi, I fear that nothing I may now say will more fully demonstrate it ;., . I have been, am now, and will continue to be in fayor of a g eneral, free railroad sys tem for this State, Hinibr to that of the States of Ohio and New York ; believing that capital should ever be permitted, under proper restraint! for the protection of pri vate property and the rights of individuals to develop anj' and every section of this State without let or hindrance. . Until the people of this commonwealth establish thu system, many of the richest and fairest portion thereof will, for half a century to come, be deprived of those means of development and intcr-communication to which at all times they are entitled, and without which their stores of iron, of coal, of lumber, and of oil, will be useless and un profitable, not alone to their owners?, but as well also to the whole people who arc un questionably most deeply interested in their prompt development and production. Very respectfully and truly yours, Hi ester Clymer. .BaT "The Age," the only thoroughly Democratic journal, published in the city of Philadelphia, offers great inducements to the reading community generally to sub scribe for that paper. The "Daily Age" contains the latest intelligence from all parts of the World, with articles on Government, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the current questions of the day; Local Intelligence, Market Reports, Price Current, Stock Quo tations, Marine and . Commercial Intelli gence, Reports of Public Gatherings, For eign and. Domestic Correspondence ; besides special telegrams, it has all the dispatches of the Associated Pre:a? from every part of the United States, anc the news from all parts of Europe, brought by the steamers, is in stantly telegraphed from whatever point the steamers first touch. . Terms or the Dailt. One copy, one year, $9.00; six . niontha, $4.50 ; three months, $2.50; for any less period, at the rate of one dollar per month. Payment required invariably in advance. Postage on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, if pre- PaiJ- . .. The above terms will be rigidly adhered to. Specimen copies of the. Daily will be sent gratis, on application being made at that office. The ; paper is ; published by Welsh & Robb, 430 Chestnut Street, Phil adelphia., i - ' ,TllE New York Herald, a Republican pa per, but now supporting President Johnson in his struggle 'with the Disunionists, thus foreibly epitomizes the Vetoed - Civil Rights Bill : : - ' . . - 'Shall. the negTO intermarry with our daughters, and take an equal place ia our households? The civil-riehts bill says that he shall ' ": '; : "Shall negroes intermingle with ourrefined ladies in steaming hot theatres, ball-rooms,, opera houses and railroad cars? The civil rights bill declares that they must. ' 'Shall a negro 'supercede Grant as gener-al-in-chief of the United States army? The civil rights bill says that he can do so.' 'Is a negro five times better than a white man that the formershould vote immediate ly,1 while the latter has to undergo five years probation if he brings his skill, labor and money to this country from abroad? The civil-rights bill declared that the negro is five times better. ; 'Shall the farms of the great West and the whole country he owned by negroes and white labor bo made subservient to negro proprie Wship? The civil rights bill provides for this condition of things.' ' ' ' - , - 'Are we to have negroes filling the posi tion ;of post captaia-j in the , United . States Navy?. The civil rights bill says that we are.' :. . ..-,-. 'Li this a white man's Government for white men? The civil right bill says it is not ": - - 'Are we to have negroes representing this Government as United States Ministers at the Courts of France and England? The civil rights bill says that we are? ' ' , ' - ; iShaJl negroes Bit in Congress in the Cab inet and other high stations side bv side with white men? The civil rights bill says they may. ' ' ; 'tohall our children see a netrro in the Prcs- i idential chair ? The civil rights biS provides S for such acontJgen1!y., f Court Proceedings. -Although there was a full week of Court," but few causes ;were tried. Tho 'whole of Monday -was occupied with the usual routine of Officers returns qualifying the new ones, calling and charging ther Grand Juryr going over the trial list ; and, no cause being then ready, the argument list was taken up. The first case ready was Hossler vs.' Slaubaiigh and wifeSlander, True bill. Verdict for Plaintiff, $9 1 . 97. Little, foe. Plaintiff, Jackson and Clark for Defendants..' . . . ; . . - : Com. v. Andrew Gingles Assault and Uaitery-True biH Verdict "guilty." Sen tence, Defendant pay a fine of $10.00 and cost of prosecution. Trough and Little for Commonwealth, Brockway and Freeze for Defendant. Com. vs Isaac Bird Indictment, Larceny Defendant plead guilty. Sentence, two years at hard labor in the Eastern State Pen itentiary. . Little for Com., Wirt for Defen dant Com. vs. Nathaniel Perrj' Indictment, Larceny After hearing the evidence the Defendant withdrew the plea of "not guil ty" and plead "guilty."- Sentence, to the "Ilouse of Refuge." Little and. Wirt for Com. ,. Clark for Defendant. Cam. vs. Geo. Lazarus. Indictment, ob taining money under false rrtences. Not a true bill, and J. W. Sankey, the prosecu tor, pav costs. Dr. If. W. Mclteyn'old.s vs. Peter Oliphant Action of Trespass. The pleadings rais ed the question of title to the lands, and as the same issue was pending in another case, the Plaintiffs took a nonsuit Freeze and Clark for Plaintiff, Hurley and Comly for Defendant' - Longenberger's Executors et. al. vs. Dr. II. W. McRcynolds, et. al.: Ejectment for a tract of land in Beaver Township surveyed on a warrant to Catharine Longenlxjrger. Plaintiffs claim under tax sales to Geo. A. Frick in 1820 and 1822. Defendants held the legal title from the Commonwealth of Pa. Hakes opened the case forthe Plaintiffs, and it was argued on the same side by Hakes and Nicholson. Freeze opened the case for the Defendants, and it it was argued by his colleagues, Clark and Packer. The trial occupied from- Wednesday morning until Saturday afternoon, including a night ses sion. As the case in all its aspects, was a very important one, and certain to go to the Supreme Court, every point was vigorously contested, Tind bills scaled to all rulings ad verse to the respective parties. The Court charged the jury in favor of the validity of the Tax Sales, and directed a verdict for the Plaintiffs. The charge and direction were excepted to before verdict, and writ of error immediately takenJ It is expected to be argued in June at Wilkcsbarre, the Supreme Court sitting there. Jackson, Nicholson and Hakes for Plaintiffs, Freeze, Clark and Packer for Defendants. Court adjourned to meet May 31st, at 10 o'clock, A. M. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common 1 leas now comprmng a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County Columbia. . The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for the body of the County of Columbia, report: That we have examined the Public Build ings belonging to the County and find them all in good condition, except the banister" at the steps leading up to the Sheriff's house and Jail-yard, which needs some repair; also the ceuing m the uourt ltoom needs repairing. All of . which are resiectfully submitted. HUGH McCOLLUM, Foreman. The Speakers in Congress. A Washington correspondent .of the Bos ton Post says : ' After listening to the debates on the Civil Rights Bill I confess I was disapTxinted,aud the more I saw and heard of the men who control the legislation of Congress, the more I became disgusted. Trumbull, of Illinois, the championof the Radicals against the veto, made what, in any other place, would be termed a harrangue. His voice is badly cracked and pitched in a high key, which fi nally became painfully hoarse, and showed signs of breaking down. He is earnest, but not graceful Ben. Wade and Jim Lane ranted, screamed and lcllowcd like two mad bulls, and raved like two hyenas. oolittle appeared somewhat like Webster, and com menced calmly and very gracefully, interest ing and commanding all eyes and ears, but unfortunately he drops down to a coriimon plaee style, and beeomcs wearisome. Rever dy Johnson commences in about the same style a Doolittle ends, but Reverdy John son warms up as he proceeds and gradually works himself and his audience to a high fitch of excitement, and his style becomes i ighly ornate, his language limpid, easy, flowing, charms and fascinates you untiLlike the lamented Douglas, you are enchanted by the "little giant " Cowan, of Pennsylvania, the real giant of the Senate,- in personal stature, lias a voice like a church organ, and although awkward he rivets your attention and uses very strong and original illustra tions to make his "points," anil hits the nail on the head, as the saying is. He eould be heard and seen in a crowd of a hundred thousand on Boston Common and would be listened to attentively. His style is peculiirr, being a compound of logic and classical rhet oric, with a rather dogmatic manner. Sher man, of Ohio, speaks well. Guthrie and Davis are both able and earnest debaters. Stewart, of Nevada, bids fair- for a leader. Harris and Morgan, of New York, create no sensation in debate. Wilson and Sumner, vou know all about- The latter has certain ly a very egotistical, foppish, conceited way of attracting the attention of the galleries, as if he' was a play-actor on the theatrical stage, but his "tricks" arc too apparent. As to the House of Representatives, Thad. Stevens is about the only conspicuous man. the rest of his party being mere rank and file. Jack Rogers, of New Jersey, however, makes as much noise as anvbody, and is al ways ready to pitch in and have a free light with Stevens or any other Radical. He and Stevens are the very opposite of each other in everything. Stevens is an old lame, de mure man, with a great brown wig and iras cible temper. Jack Rogers is a gay, hand some, jollv jet-black haired youth, "of per haps twenty-4ve or thirty, rather ' fast in his habits and ultra in his politics, it is said. The expulsion of Stockton, of New Jerscv, from the Senate, and Brooks, of New York, from the Ilouse, shows that -party spirit amounts to injustice sometimes, although a large number of Republicans show by their votes that they had not lost all reason, ' The hotels in Washington are abominable dirty and filthy. -If one-half the money yearly expended in the lobby of the capitol was expended in building a decent hotel there, it might do some good. The hotels at Niagara are opened, and already many gncsta have arrive. Extracts from Anton Probst's , Confession of the Murder of the Dearing Family.' The morning was? dark, raiding and cold, and Dearing went to the city ; then I made up my mind to doit that day f I calculated to kill Dearing as he came home ; I did not know whether the money was in tho house or not ; I did not know whether he had it . Me and the boy were working out on the bank I we went to work that morning about 7i or 8 o'clock, I guess ; Mr. Dearing went up to the citv before we went out ; he said he wouki be back alout 1 o'clock ; we went to work in fhe 'meadow about one hundred yards from the hay-stack : We took the horse and cart and went to ; I took with me to kill him the axe, the big axe for cutting roots out also.' We were standing under the big tree when I killed him ; it was raining a little : he sat down under the tree, and I stood above him, behind him, with the axo in my hand; he sat there and talked of something about work while I stood right behind him; I was going to kill him, and drew my hand back three or four times ; I hit him - on the left side cf the head : he did not holler ; he fell down ; I gave him . one or two more blows, and then cut his throat; he bled much (the prisoner stopped, looked down on the rosary, and ran his fingers over the small beads of the rosary) on the tree ; I lifted him up, and put him -on to the cart; he had the strap every time round, hinij to keep his coat up ; that was all in 'full view of Mr. Wiles' house ; I was not afraid of them seeing me; I looked first; then I drove the horse up, arid lifted him up, and laid him in the hay stack," and covered him up with hay, there was a little blood on the cart, I took a little hay and wiped it off; I took somo outside hay and threw it over him. , Then I went, took the axe with me, to the house and also took the horse with me; this was about 10 o'clock in the morning; I came to the house with the horse' and cart, and had a little wood on the cart, and put the wood down in the yard; I left the horse and cart stand at tho machine house; did not un hitch the horse; I went to the 6table and laid the two axes and the hammer in the comer, right on the left corner, near the narrow door that faces the ditch; well then I would go over in the house and had a lit tle blood on my punts ; I took hay and took it off ; then I went over in the house and the children were all in the house, and the woman was out at the ditch for water. - I took the oldest boy, John is his name, and told him to go over in the stable and help me with something I had to do ; he goes; I stood inside the door, got my axe in my hand, the little axe, and then he comes in; through; the long entry firrt he comes, right on the corner; I knocked him down and he fell inside, where the little blood was ; he did not holler ; I gave him one or two of the same, and cut and chop- Sed his throat; I brought him in, hauled im in through the hole, and put a little hay on him ; then I put the axe to the same Slace at the door ; then I came out in the ouso and told the . woman to come over, there was something the matter with the lit tle horse, the colt, I could not tie it myself. I went over ; she comes in two or three minutes, alone ; I said nothing to her ; she comes in the stable ; I stood inside and struck her on the head ; she did not holler ; I gave her two or three more blows, and chopped her throat ; I took her n my shoulder and haided her in ; I had to - crawl in, first and then pull her in ; then put the axo in the same place as before, at the door. Then I go over and bring the Iwy over there ; Thomas is his name, the next oldest: I told him to come over, his mother wanted him ; he said nothingat all, and comes over right awaj' ; he came in the same place ; he walked richt in the stable ; when he comes there I killed him by striking him in the same place ; nobody did holler ; I hit him on the head when he laid down I hit him once more ; I do not know whether I mash ed his whole skuii in ; I did not examine him; I brought him in the same place with his mother ; then I left the axe in the same place. Then I went over to the huse and took Annie ; I told her her mother wanted to see her in the stable j she did not sav a word ; then I took the little baby ; I took it on my arm ; the little girl walked alongside of me-; I left the baby on the first corner as you go into the stable ; I left the little baby there playing in the hay ; then I go in the same place where I killed the others ; she looked around like for her mother, who was in the hay (smiling) I was not warm ; she did not say anything ; I knocked her down at the .first blow, and cut her throat the same as the others ; then I went back and got the little baby, and struck it on the head in the same rJace: then I hauled them in the same nlace. Then I took, the new axe and washed it off, and put it on the bench in theporch,and left the little axe in the stable, by the door on the leu side ; then 1 went over into the house, I took the horse out of the cart and put it into the stable ; then I went over in the house, and stayed there watching for him to come ; I did not search the house then. "I cuess about half-past 1 o'clock, I do not know the exact time, I saw him coming, out of the window : I looked through the win dow and saw him eomine, and went out down stairs and saw Miss Dolan in the car riage, and then I was worried : then I go out of the house and stay outside until he come; when he is come with the carriage I stepped out to the carriage and told him that the steer is sick over there in the sta ble ; I told him he looks verv bad, he had better see hhn, I would like him to go over and see him ; then he comes right away, walking over there ; he left the horse stand ing there ; Miss Dolan then went into the houe with all her clothes. " ' : . Then I went to the stable, and walked behind him: .1 took the axe behind him in my hand ; I walked behind him azd hit at him right on the head with the small axe ; he fell right on his face ; I turned him over and gave him one or two more on his head and cut his throat aud chopped his throat ; he never spoke to me or said a word;- he told me was that steer hurt very bad ; lie did not look so bad when I saw him ; I will go right over to the barn and see him ; then I put a little hay over him and left him lay ing there ; I killed hini at the place where you go up to the hay mound, where the blood is on the boards ; I put a little hay over him ; going out I put my axo in the same place, the small axe, I had the ham mer tnere. , -. And then Miss Dolan called me over there in the houses ' I said the - horse would not stay there ;' I would walk around snd put the horse out of the carriage ; 1 walked over there and said 3Ir. Dearing, wanted to see her over in the stable ; she asked me where the woman and the children are; I told her they are all in the stable ; (smiling) that is all I talked to her; she walks rieht in the stable; I took the hammer with my left hand, and she was five or six feet inside the door ; I hit her on the head once with the hammer, and she fell right down on her face; I turned her round, hit her once in die head, and took the little axe again and chopped her throat ; then I went to Mr. Dearing and took the watch and pocket book from him and nut them in my pocket; and then I went Dack to Miss Dolan to see if she had money : I looked into the pocket and took a pocket book and put it into my pocket ; after that I toolc Mr. Dealing's boots off, and laid him in the same place where you found him, and put Miss Dolan there, and covered them up with hay. LIST OF DEALKHS Ot COLUMBIA COCNTYV : Fof the yr one thousand eight bustlred and iity-iiof Gnoda. Wares, Merchandise. Ditillr, Brewer. ' Reataurant aad Eratlna; Houm Keeper a, wlihiit (ha County of Columbia, leluroed and claaai. And in arcordanee with th several arts f A-em-bly. t the Appraiser of Marcaatila Taxes of said county a follows, lo wit : - Venders. Turps. Class. Incense. n. c. - t3 -10 Blnnmahtfrg If Ob Co. () A Jaenhy Jacob Meta Henry Gifer Ey -r Sc. M yer J a Mnyer - .-.;r. . I. T "harpUss K V Li - , Bloon! " -da do do do do, do : do i do " do 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 H M - 14 14 4 13 14 13 14 14 14 -14 14 14 II 14 J4 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 14 : 14 11 14 14 It It It 14 14 14 14 14 - E V BlweU . ' J M K u pert H Ukl W Harttnaa MrKelvy Ne al k. Co D A Beckley Joseph Sharalesa Peter Billiueyer A J 8 loan r John ' 8 U Miller H H.llunsberfer I) Lowenbarg K Stohner - J K Ryei 8 CShiTe Amos Krura J J Rohhius J K Girtoa A J Kvapa C C Marr A ilartmaa E Mendenhall Henry Kleira A 8 liiler Joseph Hendersbot l.oyd Pailoa G W C'orrell F Fox Klinelobfc Walt a Jkhn G Jar.oby J Thomas Miller F M Traugh IV m Freas Jaiue . Bersbotta Charles I) Fowler Abraham Miller .Miller Iu Hujtiee J B Dod. on cHa bowers riowman Jc J action ' Jackson Jl Woode F L Sbuman Kmanuel freedmaa J J M Henry do da r v do " do da . do do do do ' Ao ., do do do do do do do do do . do do ' do do -do do do . do Briarereck do . do do do Berwick Bar. do do. ' da do do do 1 do " ' Bearer do Eenton do . do 30 i Z l 10 10 13 13 . - 15 IS SO H F KTerilt 8 Heacock Ed Ed ion Conynjham twp human Jt Millard A H Forti'er J B Knittle k. Oabla Willnu Bnyder n Cimn at Co Kes. r Kerr C Bedford 4c Tarry Person Wascr C Mendenhall John Seglma-er do 14 7 Bor of Ccntralia. do do n 14 12 14 14 12 S 14 13 14 12 u. 14 14 11 11 13 14 II 14 11 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 14 -14 14 14 It 14 14 34 14 . 14 14 . 44 14 14 II 14 13 14 13 . 12 13 . It 14 13 l It 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 13 14 14 14 14 13 13 14 14 14 14 II 14 14 13 S IS II IS 7 12 do do do do do : .do tto . do do Catawlssa do do do do do do do do do do do Centra do do do da do do do. do so 14 7 IS SO CO 7 13 SO 7 12 SO 7 7 , 7 15 15 12 SO 7 15 7 15 7 ' 7 " ' 7 10 7 ' 7 . 7 7 7 - . 7 . Anderson Sl Kian Geo Huebea So 9 U Reinard . . Wm John J 4in Sharpies J 8 Bmb.t MsMincn tc 8hamaa V Balm 4c Co Creasy fc Ihn DC 4c M B John J K thar.le Franklin Dolman Hamilton Fisher Jess nicks G II Fowler Fred Fry John Watts A Fuluier Jacob Sponster Abraham PielUrricb tlaml Diettericb E W M 4c U Li Low : II Freas 7 13 do 40 II 4c M Me Henry Flshinjcreek ; M Howell do J C Bunyan do Bernard Ammer nan do James N Jones do Wash I'arr G 8 McWillUms C Mendenhall J M Rote I) 4c W Mavt're John Isefgnt C W Evee 4c Co Israel Bognil Bngart fe Krramer Schuyler 4l Ulack C Preston C N'T hard . . Franklin do k do Greenwood do . do do do do do do -Hemlock do SO Jacob Harris M G 4c W II Shoemaker Jacob Yeager Washiuston Yeajer Abraham Rite Mark Williams W II Price Jmlah Cherinjtoo U J Campbell Daniel Fisher 1 K Schweppenheiaer Creasy 4c Brown J H Metier W A Brown do Locust do do do do do Main do Mifflin do - do do do Montour do do Madison do Mt Pleasant do Orange do do do do Jacob N Pifer P Maicerum Paxton 4c Htrmon Conner 4c Brother C Ki earner Wm K reamer J E S.i lis 10 George Vance gloan 4c Millard it VV ru.wiuaa Jt Co A It Stewart Alex Huches Abraham Coleman C Mans R F Keitharl 4c Bro C 8 Fowler 8 A Wonnan I 4tT Cr.velmg G W Crevettng 4s Co Fowler Mill Peter Enl II W Creasy at Co Koaringcreek Scott do do do do do do do Restaurants and Beating Houses. John Chapman Tbos O Conner Fdwtrd lleflley Michael Gorry Mrs Bracken Thomas Garity . Barny MrBany Stephen Horan -Daniel Carrington Cnnrad Kolene John cgUnger Stephen Thomas Frederick Fox B Klohner . J F fallow J W Hendersbot II M Hockman William Rnurh Mirbael gchnikey Lawrence Casey : Thomas Monro Sheilds T Lanrt" Levi fr.i:er John II Runyaa Win Orange Lelb Dean II J Clark J B Ki.tler - -llanry l.ohmao faiiuiel Delitrrich William Butler Conner 4c Bro Mirhael Keller -' J D Rice Peter Schag Mauloa Hicke Isreal Mummey Bor. Centralia. ' 7 do 7 do 7 do - 7 do 7 do 7 do 7 . . do .7 do 7 do 7 ' do 7 do 7 Bloom I wp, do 7 do 7 do 7 Berwic Bot. 7 .do 7 Conyngham twp. '7 do 7 do 7 do - 7 - do 7 Catawlssa twp. 7 do - 7 do 7 do 7 . . do 7 . do 7 Centre twp. 7 do 7 Wontourtrp. " . . t do . 7 Orsnge twp. ' -' '- -7 Scott twp, 7 do ,7 o - r 7 do "7 Distilleries. I'eoton S i'.riarcreek Bcott 11 Fishingcreek. 6 do, 8 Rohr McITenry I'eoton 0 $25 Reuben Miller Briarcreak ' 25 Peter Bchug Bcott 11 15 Mos"s Simons Fishingcreek. 6 25 Frank fciieer do, 8 12 ' All persons who may feet aggrieved by the above ciastin ali a can have an opportunity of appealing by calling upon the unuersigned, at his office, in Mainviile. Pa , at any time np to the iSth day of June, and on the said loth day of June A. I). I'-fi'i. at the 'nmmissionnr's Office in Wlooiuiburg, after which no appeal will be beard. WILLIAM T 81IUMAN, . Mercantile Appraiser. May 16. l8C8.-4t J.jURRAn FOR CfVTAWlSSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with strlngMicy of the Money Martet, Look anil compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. J net rail at the favorite business stand of MeVmch 4t h uman. and you will be uiet by the obliging Prrpriet ors or their Clerks and shown tbrouh their great variety More free of cbarge, of course. I bey will give you a fair chauca to pend your loose change, they trust much mote profitably than it can be spuat elsew here. Tbvir STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is muck large in all Its varieties than usual. Their Ladies Dress Goods a re of the nicest styles n Market. Tbey have a fine assortment of lints Caps, Boots and Shoes. Summer Cloths, CasineU, Cassimers aad Vestings. and numerous articles common to such establish, meats, betides a general assortment of : HARDWARE, TINWARE, Qoeensware and Groceries, all at greatly redact t prices. They wish to conduct their basiuesson the system, of "PAY AS YOU GO" and they think they can a Cord to sell very cheap. They return their thanks foe many past favors, and ask tba future patronage of their former customers ud ike puttie gent rally. . MUf Ich 8HVMAN, Mai , . WILL UXlliniTAT BL00M8BUKG, On Tuesday, May 29.' instructive aind refined ' amusement; latei'aattnat School of' EDUCATED ANIMALS I Choice and Haro llenageritf 1.' In conjunction with a FULL aa4 r Fieri N CD CIRCUS COMPANY! - f Tun TRIPLICATE FEATURES fu imnr-l na to form TWO SiIPAKATX a4 tIV- TINCT EXHIBITIONS tinder tho bum ParUWsj--1 and lr OAK miCJi JJT ADJttlUSIOiL - . r 7- Col. DAN RICE ; SOLE WnrtTORAXDTltAtXr C trifr1e foiriarf tbeBAtiatre rstmgsn t i.ur.l:rt pelnien of tria Vrntn rrentW.n ever Intra-rinet-l to I lie .uM1e.nvag wklrfc- '.- -will l foun.l A ULlil OF SACRED CJTTLE From ninflnstaaf OSJeets f wrhlp imrnif 11 erilt,te. Leatfcr. ami Weld n the Lighert rt- m ty llelaes. Tknii U.tir- I aa-l intersatios; snlmala r tba onlv ertreo r-f Hn-l ! Imi seta sot 4 tltclr uait country. THE HcnGtcr Elophant . Tine ti e d. ih of ITattntbsJ, tb larrat KUr pliant laa xit. till ths nly real Ablatio, l.lrpi.sul ft r ! iKrtal Pt. lhk-e--nrry. lia Is kiphly e'sjeato1. un l T.l'il Is ntrMluccd 1 kl tor al trtu-r. STREET CR:VEH. - ttirnm , cmriiizi jl, roGLis ... THE IFONDEKITT. Blind Talking Ilorao .. EXCELSIOR,. JR. The nnt atnUbinr, naaMfet. and eu.pMlT rdacslrd animU ever ln a, sn I -r hs Jdr. KICKexeeriMS acBfr4aad de fre .f infltiener, wi-.nh eaae fjll It :up-ej r'ety .n k witnesses this nl xinwarr.i sary n l mncnlflceat rihibitia of the pv er f tnriiia n.la4 orrrtii l.utiactire faculties o4 thaVrtU. " I TVS FCHOOL or A" : MEMHIIHAIS! Ill 1X2 1st THE MENAGERIE , The Zooloctesl an Omltholo pVal Ivrtmerit cainprlsaa an - .. exceri'.lnirly ehir collection of th rarcet. m.t Wauunti aa4 eorimis sjxeimeT.s af Hatcrat lllt.- rmbrselitr elchtecK , s3a, In wLirh will L two ad i. UORS, TIGERS. LECPiRDJ. ... - Ac Ac - ..... ,r trttn union r.lnls from Tariona quarters vf U, glvVe. TVi ll.e exhibited ky Tnor. LAXCiWORTIlT, " tll C1I4T so yeq u.(-.ik.o a'uuiraiuj A rock of FALATIN: fTFrr; Pror- of AKA . tl AN C Vri. ; ... IMA.VVl lOHr.HAltV, a'v th-ee rt. t ii A I-UAZillAS 'iIvKK. a l,j;-J- 1 ;,.elu:rn : a -rci- ''. Uig if 4li.t -x.-ty trc m ixm!, tfih jaca , c- y: ivn" noo. A Trupa -r r!lm'nBtie . V. TH 7. i M 1011 Uccn tyiloLLV .i.LVS. ... THE CIRCUS COMPANY Llr'j is organised op.ler tlr sl direction 4 DAN EICE, " will l-e f.,t;nd t namtier Ibe most reflaed and nutoal - - " a:i:l in lb irtleai,-ii : airt.iiic wboiu ara ZSe C. Ftickfay. Jr., Mdme. Sliclnejv, Mr. Geo. Dericua. Kr. Gto. Derioo. Anil otl,ri. f rin.l Wr. Irit-KiWre bim rtii tuai tne )-ernmianres 11T t J.lnr vrlil l-e of sack a rharrteter. that while U.e n.t fasthUiN a sad axaet ! r. shall Bnil no oi-rmrttiiiifv fir eall .e ..I. (.... " - - - ' ..i.,iuii r&UA CUM1 lull ft LrlliL.' Ibontuehlr i-rMtifleft. . CSPKCIAI NOTICE.. Oidtr (f Prrtrfnartreg.' The TXnir.ITIOX CF JJKSAOFKII: and FcUol f Kitucated AniMii h. The rl etUnd I'oM.s and MnLer JnrkrTS. Ifco ;lrpliM L'noiea aud Pro In Ijnipwofthy's l'en f t'IM UeaJits-w(th a l.S'-rrcit t-n tbe w cD'leis tni Furpoart if Uts Xai ".' iua.1 v r fcti-.n, by la l:icc I.Jermusion if Tm ivtrt. ' rorfn wcleV those lo r!o not desire to w,B)esa tho ' tqurfiilin 1-rrluruisocts, wlil lia an pjMirtiialty retiring. , At the CTpl-ation ef ike irrtermlsstosi, the Fatertaln. mcnM ftba Arena will nmimi nee. In the eoarso f - tho erformaiieri, in cuUijlU.Bce with a nnlTersallj expressed ietrs - XDa.3xr nrcrj : wl!l i!in tl-o motl r. ml f..r tho. fiwst time. In mu : years, auarfcsCLOV M aud JESTER. SAM STICKNEY. Jit. the faroriia Jester ami Yors'is'. snl tba fifxt coryisv of ill i. n't It ma At tittr, will appear V) a rxacr axu rLxarixu rtciiiir.' . t3TA CEAIiD STKLET rACFAXTIf will ire ntrrneo f tho estaillsfctnent Into tha two, kt 10 A. 11. This irosiun excels ia DAZZLING XIAGMFICEXCEt anTlniair . f tbo kind stterr;.te ,n this conHnet)t and : U beled by (he icw and teaotitul GL1)KN SWAN CIIAUIOT, cntalt.lng CL60.N S NoKTH-W 1ST. F.UX fliUNUT KAMI, drawn l.v TWENTY snparn thonmebbred A ICAI'.IAN ant fUtea-e4 U . IIOMKO, the MtN9Tl K F-l.tlMI ANT. with Drom edaries C'anirls. Trick llursVs, 1'oi.isn. jjloloa, Cagea, ' lK-n Van , t. axhagus, Ac . 13" Ecnicn.Ur that DAN 1JIIC3S WlU poni-.' tirely appear la both ExhibitioanI t 1st As J.rCTl'KEHkn Lha Menarerl. , .; 2nd. At CXuV. and JLoTtK la tha Crraoa.. For rBll partleorars, seo nsafl UO ' ' AtlniitAiva, to iVn AUniitma, N cent. CVIV'ren arr.t'.er ten. year of age, SVeeBts, or ad liriaali m-to iftWsv'j-. ibalit: 1 ns -ap,,vlno aamo. vl--f:; - sfik V- Ty .-.sisrTVP -i t , A I