Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, May 16, 1866, Image 1

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    JAC0S7 lKELLUv rnblishers.
Tintli; and night -qod ind our cdujiirj.h ;
'Two Dollars per Aucaaln Adrancf.
',11 ft
inT ;.: tub.
lit . . 1 I.
13 Prr.LISHFn- SVRRYVfthKfinAT'- t
r(f l i!siw.' If paid till the
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r iif ftiui'-ued MOtifali"4 arrearage
, si ! opi ioU of thr.eJiPoia.O-
nd nf ihp jt
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rT-UK?ICB-a litiire' Bloc
A l?oVm, byDaniel Dickinson.
foriwi9Ie'rmtc4 SUUSenito tolose '
Via duughteiZtW. Yirgtnia! JlurTayrioi
vt-hnm he, waa warmly attached. irSwaa
k fondxif pendirt iiy n'neinplojr'eiiiourtly
her gtvrim- Spring prove.Cemetery at
BIngbAni'ptQn',0Jii one. SualayatleniQ9a in
1 S5j,'vhil( tlle.'Sptpie
ml joined stanza.?. They1 werefeoliciied for-
diad&i'iVit'hJild hiJ consent.
They now Appear ia print for the firttua?: :
Ctn ! VriJ-mloV. wlt no tootttrii faliof
And Mkr my lowly bed witn (iJction ferine ter;
fmute by ! ini moii-, byiie ixriii suiJ auu
cfaiii : ' ' v ' " ,- ,
AmA Ibmk f the heart below Ue -irlloold and
U1L - v. . . '
Cmln the famwet'a prima, at the dote of the baay
dar. ''
VVholov tatie-will wood blrJf warble their vea-
,.. u-r lay' - . nt1 f a.y courh. .Jihlaper to Heaeen a
frayer,'" '-''-'t " '
Aad lt j)irinSf her yod layid writ borer around
Cora Wheu Aa'tumn iay are" fa:lvnv fjded and
,irre. - ," " I' "t . "'-'.! '".
Whea i.ia moaning JTotfimbet bre. 4 ai(b oer the
When tiie tea per' work i dune ana the harvrit are
ftdred U- f-r-J. 1
Aad (Miik of the reaper Ucath, who gatbera.lhe greet
'atf auiaiU ; ..'
Com when ih Winter-on rruil)ii tnicy
Qaa traveiled roual the Carta iaJiia ffoetsJ wiad
And haa btaated lite wood and; Uij ScUt in bi-Jo"'"
'liyPtt.fai.nVf alrUe ' - - '
Aad thnwn in the doting ytaran etLbita of hnraaii
f.; .:sv T.-"J ' :T,
Carat io.& badiiig, Pprinkl.wbfa . .tQr Ufrcab
'and (.17. . r- t -' '' ' '
Warn the pciaia of early flower arJ btlt r l;h u.-
deuf - .-
Aad think nft'rii Jxpiyjaly 8pnai. itt 2 arrrtj of
derail iroon . - . ""M .', '
W7lcahe ahalt rueet tofeltjer bo-cad tha uight
. um-M v-.. v.t r -. .' v-;
fpriag Orore Cemetery,-Viojliam-onJ.' June 135?.
AboiitioaUta and Abolitionism."
Mxssn3v Eprroas : I contjan'Q xaVp'roof
froaa Abolition- tccordfc vMn Gjdrruon said
in his LHtHtdrl TSe Republican party ,!
. isti are .gtriruig to accoxapiiso, viz The dhJ
olutioa'of'the Union. and the abolitipa of
jtlavery. throughout th land." '
'I pelf Qve this Government cannot endure
permanently-. half slave and half free. ;' I
have always hated elavery, lUhink, as much
as any abcJitictJ V Abraham Lincoln. -:
'Butjrouiin3wer that the Constitution
' recognizes property in slaveaT It would be
lufficient then, to reply that this Constitu
tional recognition must be void, because it i
repugnant to' the law,.of nature and -of na
tions." "Correct your oTn error, that sla
very has any Constitutional guarilnleifwhich
"may not be released, and ought not to be re
linquished." 'It . (s!.iveryj caa.bcv ..and, it
must be abolished, aad ycu imd l can and.
must do it-'V-Y. II. Sovrard, iit :diiTcrent
tunes, j-i' --
The follawfcg re?c'uticr.T were" sdaptebj
the American Anti-Slavery Society, at its
. wgulaifafeSjfQSee 2j!r;lX)bscrver,
May 25thy l'siL. '. Z. - .
Rt solved, 2TiatlpoIitrcaN Union in iny
form between a: ?!lve holding and a free com
munity necessariTv involves the Jiticr in the
gece&dcn ficoui tte .UJT' GovqrauieQt is .the
duty of eyery Abolitionist, since uo one can
take oiUce, of deposit a-vote under its Con-
etitution witJrtitt violating1, hio : .ntl-slavery j
pnnciplea, flaa renaenng xumselt an abettoi
to the slave-holder in hia sin. i- '"" ' - '
Jieaolvedy ThaJ; fcitechearor "warfare
against the slave powerhaye convinced ' o-.
that every act done ia support of the Amerr
ican UbioaMvet tha chains of the glave-V
that the only exodus of the'sla tofi-eedom.-tmless
It te ens tf t!oodmu3tvbf over the
remains cf the" present Auiericaa i Church,--and
the grave oi the present Uaioni 1
12esolved :.Tha. .the AboIitionLrta . of this
country .should make it one of th.j - primary
-objects ,,of thb agitation, to dissolve th"i;
. .American. Laioa. i ...
On the" I st "of February; "lS50,''aSento
Hale presented; two pethionst fforn. Isaac
-Jefirief and ether dtlzsna of !Perin';ykarua:"
nd John T!' TTpod ward and others, praying
that "s?a8 plan might be devised for "tht
dissolutloii of theAmencan vUnion.-"-' Tdr.
TYebster cf.-Jas'aC ; was unVparirig in' his dc"
nunciation,3 cf tic. petitions, and-suggesteu
that there should have icen'a preanible to
them, H llicsb" word:' '. "Gentlemen, ' mem-..
, hers of Cc n jrc whireaat the oimmence-
jaent 'cf the-' bssic-n yco nnd each 'of yor
took your'soliaa-cathsja'; the' presence, oi
God, and cn- the.IIoly .Evangelist?, thai.
Von would support the -Constitution-., cf tH&
'Jitcd States tigvi, therefore, wa pray yon
to Ire:
up. the
-Const! tuti
a as
mould q puTJisectPien ia the 'iighi di
rection for tHe spcciSff wort thei Abolitioa-
I Yet thid fold petitioiif that prayed for llie'f
destnjction of, the worLof our isitoers,'. te--
cciveS1 three f fetes, beinhe votes of &l$e
Abolitionists ihen in theSenate, to-rwiti---JohnvP.
Ilalv' of N. U; Wm. Hjar,
if. Yi, and SI Chase, of Ohio. See SeA
ate Journal, 1st session,' 31st Congress pago
I Oa!the 25t1J'of that ifti'nth, thesanlepV -
' - '
UtionS 'were offered in the House, by
4ell lenown faattic, J. Rl Gidding3,ot6hw
and received eht votes. .Tbis waiTn:tS5Q,
just 15 year3 agp, when ;fhesfi-'dr5UTiipjniit;"'
(nowylaimin to be the Union partywgat
t6 petition forthe ilutionol'.ojargjorioui
Un:o4 and i that Ibrief period' had . welh
riigh completely overthrown the fair -fabrks
and rich heritage.- established by our worthy
ffrege(ator3. Jorc aion. . ' vr V .-.'
'" Jesters on
t Jf .1
i GubfrnatOi ial ';
0r Uemocrat-.a.rul iViir .v-Tk,u n
long lane that? has no turn. Aniso lt ts
vrith joliticiana and political organization?;
Timei -and, things change., f , . , ,.: - j
) Peuriylvania has been mis-ruled and mis--
governed, for the last six years by Bho'dJy
Execu'rivc.-!, ajb'd it isow plainly jsippA'rent
irom tiie signs ot the times, that her injured
ciiizens miencunna aemana a return to the
faiihfil administrative poUcy of.terla'wi''
andinierests tf oug) XQ Jbf a.em
. ocrati? Governor. The political revivals
everywhere, in and out. of our own-isUte,
point cfcarly to, this result, and render1 i? soi
seit-evjdent, that he who runs majrread:
You may therefore put it down ia a fixed
fact, that on the second Tuesday of next
Octob HrEsria CLYiitn, will bd triumph
antly eltcted Governor of this great -Commonwealth,
a ; t . r
Thi astute ,' Editor, ;pf the "Blooms:
biirg Shoddy -Republican," I perceive-, by
the last few issues of that vehicle of corrup
tion has taker)' specjial pains to7 Ad vertioe.
himself as a "Radical.' Now, let it hi re
membered, that those -Radical destruction'
iiit are 'the worit set of,niea, since fhe reign
of their "tory evolutionary anfors," thajt
nave ever cursed our .-iani, am they:
need not have akea thp 'painj td ihai 'jmi-'
nutely fjoaae th'sir courss in the ninotejnth
ccnturyj: as it Lra3 woll known to- the warld
and'wiU-occupyJthe samdninh Iri history,
j as did their ancestry in the preceding cent'u-
ry,in oppositioa to American liberty. " "
This is the 'class' of miserabla political
marplots, who,no tinfortuaately'for'ih'd
public weal, are ruling and ruining ourStae
and Nation. They might he excused for
supporting Geary for. Governor, as they have
supported everjBritiih, Yankee," Anti-ina
soa and- Abolition Disunion candidate for of
fice thai has been before the country since
itd organization includiSg the cider Adams,'
Bancroft, Ritneand' the" "revolutionist Lin
coin, but they arc now - doing' worse by op
posing the restdrationofjthc Union and that
tocj updd false iSfwe. I pissent'frohi all the
heresies; of the fonatics and radicals, and be-1
lieving the issues before ths people to be'the
same in: pur Stalk Electioif and the'Restora-,
tioh of ;the later Rebellrous State?, I in'fer
that, th "trntissue" is simply this : The
Democracy iaeiA that obedience to iHe tlon
stitutioa'and thilaws istht only "corrSitfon'
which we have a right to exact df tha Soiith
erq S'ate?, and that,' having complied with
this, they are entitled to their oldljlace in
tha Unioh. The Radicals insist that' the asS
sent of thbre States to such measured as they
majr deem necessary to strengthen their par
ty power albeit they !have no authority un
der the Constitution to ask it, must b? gi-vea
before their right are restdred. This is the
issue oa which the partis are divide iiad
upon which the people. will have t)', pasi
judgmenfat the coming election, f" .V, -51y
feUow-counarmen J jqu have much to
do and much to hope lor in he coming .Gen
eral Election. Yoar Democracy must be
well-tested, or the honor of your state-will
not be vindicated. Srikle for your altars juid
your fire-sjdes, with th i sword gf Truth and
Liberty. A Jackso Dejicxhsat.4
Abolitionists and Aboitioniani.
. : Nd4.-4
' Messrs. Editors With thiutftber,!
vrillclose my quotations of. their opposition
to tbe. Constitution aridtheUnion, although
the hundredth part hay not yctbecn present
ted ifroia their Abolition recetds. Ia - 18o5,
Senafdr Ben, Wade, of Ohio, said, 'There
, :. -. i. . v y v -i 'i -' "
is no union id the oouth 1. letus hareaumon
.witHoIaveryf, ojr .lef'uij iwecp ' awAyl' thi:-
remnant.-which ivc call rjnronv:. ' I '.go . tor ' a
uniaa wnere an men are equa. or t go ior
no union at' .all andXga 'for' 'right" Tht
nex year his brother Edward, said in ' the
IIodseoTTIepresentatives, T3fTthe- ConatU
tution and the Union are to "be used for sla
very, they nrfotbecsserrejiL' Neither is it
desirable-that rthy siooli:"- Ii certairi
circumstances J Am willing,. to let the. Union
ilid3:;it" human Slavery is' to be continued;.
th'13 .Union cannot and ought not to stand.' '
r."i iinis. t. -s -n t, -s .""
In; lS5Cthis'&mff''. man turned Prophet,
,and$aid, "I can "conceive of tl thne when
this Con&itHuii )-half toA'e rml ixtketc& ; j
when TV2 shalIhaveanabsTttifi rniiitarf uie- I
when we shall have an ibsute miiitarj" uie
tatorial ovemmeut, transmitted fromt-age
In siffo. With '.'men a is1ir-afT wb'n nro rnnrf
rulers by imutary couimiaon?, or who claim I
in. neraoitary jrignt to govern ttrose over
whom they ,arepIajccit,t'l"Si6tVat'thfi
Fremont Ctnvention It IV 'Spaultftbg of
Ohid, aid,J.VIn thV ease of the altoraative'
bein rrescptedrof hntiaaanceof !a-'.
very, or a diisofoiiofof the Union L&rnor.
l'ith, anl I: eare not how quick it
'.. SaatcYriiEcr,'crvIass., ia a speech ia
Ta ieuiI' IIall," said, "'"Not : that" I-.loye thu.
h Union less, but negro, freedom more,, do,; 3.
now,' ,ift pleading 41113 great cause, in-ast tha5
negro-freedom, atrull hazards, shall lie pre-
served.'' ' God fprhf.d'x that for; fhe sake . of
the XTuiph, we shbiUdicrific? the.vry tTung
negro f reedm ) fq r . which : the - Union wai
made.':' n
r. . . . . . .r r : .... '
f I On fhe occasion' f the egroespresratrnj,'
I'.'.Lnaso a Buv-Jr pitcher, . at .Cincinnati,
Ohio, he.said arnong other things, '.'Slavery
and oppression must cease, orAinerican lib-
erty must jwriah. '' .' ' ; "I'-cmbraaj
with pleasure thisJpporturiiry of deIarjinj;
my. . disqpcroba!ione , of that clause of .th
!' Constitution! (of N. Yi) : which denies to ji
poraon or incr coiorea people tne ngnt -01
r suffrage. t" - I , : ':- ;;. n
' ' In lu3 jiibune of the ,17th ;pf January,'
1851, IIoiaca.Gretly said, "We' loathe and
"detest all laws which give or with-hold po
litical rights on acccunt of color. 'A maij
is a man fo a' that, ? and ought to liave' the
full rights of manhood, whether, .hii 'ahces
tors.'were Celts', Goths, or Hottentots, wheth
er his complexion be ebony or ivory. '
All Constitutional xcIusions, of any ' clas?,'
from' the polls, the jury box, &c, bocause of
color, are aristocratic,unjustand mlamous, V
'tbw clearly proves that Mr. Greely is op
posed' to 'thc Constitution and the Union,
The whjte: man's Government', established
by ' the Fathers." .'j.This is true of all the
loading .aboljtionists.. they are in favor of
negro suffrage, but too cowardly, deceitful
and base to avow it in their platfunuln the'
present St;it3 canSui,3. Thir object is ' to'.
deceive the people againj " as they always
have done, j ,; . ":,,: ..:. ' u.
.When thr Nebraska Bill was pending in
Congress, givihg the people the right to
vote ita free "or a slave State,, Mr. . Gr'ecly
fisUi, "Better that confusion fchould ensue
better. that discord .should reign in the na-
tioail councils better that Conffrcss should
break np in wild discord nay, ;, better that'
the Capitol itself ahbcld blaze by the' torch
of the inccndiarj'j 01 fall and bury its. in
mates beneath ita crumbling ruins,' than that
'tlii perfidy and wron.r (to give white men
the' light to make a free or slave state) bhal)
be finally accomplished"
"" ' i . ' : - - ' ' ' Jefteiisox.'
, 1 The Rump Congress. ;! 1
!Messrs. JACorrr A. Tifrrtrji ; "Whrn n
f dongrcss like this,' represcntm": only part of.
.the"' country, arrogates to itself the power
to ignore the Constitation and Suits osrn
rule's for the admissiDil of members from
other parw pf the 96 antry,: it is , manifest
that Congress, and not the people, : ch'xse
the Representative,, because unless he will
suit their withes and strengthen thsir party
the door of Congress" is closed agaiast him.
t There cant be no plainer act of revolution to
overthrow republican government than this.:
And yet, that is precisely what has been go
ing on for more than four "months of this
session.' This body of Representatives from
the northern and middle States have,' in fact,,
for the tinjo beirg, nullified i tho Contitii-1
tjon and seceded from the other : States of
r the Union ; and arcnow'f as to r the Icgiaia-
,zi-CjDrancn, carrying on a separate govern
ment to the exclusion of the other State?,
based oft this act Of secession-' They, have
what they call "arecon ;trintion committee."
Tlui committee matures plans and adopts
rules for the larger boly ; it answers all the
purposes, and more nearly resembles one of
the secession conventions of the Sou,th'than
"any thing else seen in this country since 1 Sol,
Was not President Johnson right when he
charged, m tho Senate in Februarj', 1SC1,
that the abolitionists ;bf the North "were
nuHTficrs and secessionists - They are now
demonstrating the truth of the charce,thougb
acting under another name." - -
'They want no UnioDi" if it is to be ' basec,'
'upon thConsti tution,": or controlled by th:
majority. . iThey are re volutionary Disunion
Lts ; and they intend to establish an bligar
chy upon the ruins of Rcpubliciin Govern-
ffsnti-;.?'.::'t;:;:: ':;.f 'Zy.:A
' -"Tlic ncrlhemrebcnion.orchi-unionpartj'
of the North,' at every period and under al.
it assumed name3, ha been, -'and now is
substantially the sarn'. J' Always too bu
with the sins of others to repent of its own j
.always aggressive and intolerant : always:
mo ted by a rapacious lust of power:' its vi
tal principle, bf action, its motive : power, i.
native, inbred; pblitica depravity, , To gain "
ppjitical power it assumed the garb of plit
lanthropy, she J hypocritical tears over the
Yicgro, and struck for t!ie Abolition' of sla-'
' very. ' , Itf ceaseless agitation of the slaverj
question from year to year , culminated in a
war; between the north and the ; south, the
post desolating and sanguinary; the world
eve saw.'' Taknur advantage of the wai
Lhui brought on, '.it accomplished the aboli
tion of slavery." 7, r? !,: I rt :. ' : . f.
"A"d here sir, passing by that enormous
public debt that has doomed he. white race
to; the' grinding and oppressive r slavery o
taxation for generatioqs to ' come J forget
ting' the million of brave white men ; that
have failed arid perished in 'camp and 'bat:
de-field' r.passip-g by their maimed surviyorsi
with the , multiplied- thousands. -of widows
and orphans tliat fill md 'sadden the kind;
passing by all thi?,' let ris pause and consider
Jur a' inpmciii what fib-jlitionism has tlmc-
tor the blAekrace.(;..Fyur milhon slaves, by
nature, far interior to tins .'white race inever
iccustomed to think or - provide for them'
selves' 'depending -"wholly on .their. master&'
wrJoines, tupport, and protection, a large
portion of theni agcd . and inSrm men .and
women and helpless children r, all - of theai
are suddenly robbed of food, clothing, home
and I protection "and. timed ' out naked,
homeless, and ptnaHeaa straggler for ex
istence aa best they can ivith a sBperio'r and ,
highly cultivated w hite rave- ;' . As- iUut have
been foreseen by all but blind fanatic al
. ready mayy thousands of ;tliem ihave . per-
' it-bed and died from disease, exposure, .cold, F j
1 and hunger. ; Thousands more all over the
. country -are now perishing, ' starving, -hhd
jdv-mg. Even in Washington city, the'voice
of sufieiing and hunger 'appeal.- to us ', from
all abolition tjons, where hundreds of thern
are huddled together in rags and filth, ' per
ishing arid rtarv iiig. Only a few ' days ago
Congress appropriated $2i",0K.O to save froni
.starvation, a few days, longer, the miserable,
inm.ttes of these abolition pens in that city.'
And j-ou call these 'wrcrchoa victims of your
policy Treedmcn." And the act by1 which
j-ou placed theni in this condition, you call,
."emancipation." 'But 'Viie' iron pen of
history will record it the most' monstrous1
act of cruelty that ever darkened tho-annuals
of any.' of the nations of the earth."
Yes the country begins to see now that ab
olitionism and riot the Constitution isindeel
"a covenant with death-', to the neT."
Not 'content with th-3 ruin th jy have
wrought, these pestilent agitators sicij on
the fact that slavery is abblili6 1, ah 1 luake
that the' basis of a new conSiet. Th'ay are
now everywhere striking for negro equality
warring against the laws of nature, seeking to
blot out ad distinctions, and crush down" the
white race to political and .' social equality
with the blacks; all for th-j purpose of gain
ing a new recruit of negro voters to aid
them in;. ruling and. governing the .white
people in the South and lorder State?. ( The
natural tendency' of this movement will be
to engender a bitterness of feeling and burn
ing antagonism between the whites iul
blacks that may break out in awar-jf races,
resulting in the extermination of the whole
remnant of the negro race in this country.
-But taking for their motto "Better scign ia
hell than scrve'in heaven,", these, mad rest
less spirits rush on to another conflict,, reck
less of all consequences, determined to rule
or ruin. And the country will see . after
awhile, begin to tee now, that abolitionism,
not hlaverj-, was.lhi "sum of ail villainies;",
and the poor deluded negro , will find too
late that his master was his best and kindest
friend, and the , abolitionist his worst . and.
most cruel enemy. . - '
Messrs Editors, the rebellion in the South 1
an plead in extenuation much provocation
long and patiently borne, but the- northern
rebellion can urge 110 such plea.' i Radical
ism in the North was the source and origin
of all the terrible convulsions' and MooJy
i horrors thiscountry has ever'suforsd. The -
South," with all its errors, made iio .aggres
ions On the rights of the North. It never
intermeddled with,' 'nor sought to 'control,
the domestic institutions, of the States in
the North. '. The South claimed only, to ex-ccrt-ise
that control over its own domestic
affairs it freely conceded to the North, and
which was secured n to both by a common
Constitution."' But tiie" Radicals of the
North without the hoo'cF benefiting J that
section,"and with' no "teriiptatioii save the
gratification of a fallen, -depraved, and mal
ignant spirit denounced the Constitution as
"a league with death and j a covenant , with'
hell," aad made . lawless and,, unprovoked
aggressions from year to year on the oonsti
tatiorial rights of the Soutlu : This led to the
formation of two bitter sectionil parties, one
in the North and one in the South. And as
foretold by the Father of his Country, these
sectional parties soon brought on' a horrid
conflict that reddened the laud with kindred
blood, and blasted the country with desola
tion, as if smitten by tho lightaingsofhcav
en. i i ' ' ' -;
; ; "By their fruits you shall .; know; them.'
Radicalism in the North .sowed and cultiva
ted the secyl, and the fruit was a harvest of
blood. To conceal its horrid visage, radi
calism put on the robe 'of philanthropy, and
four millions of the' black race aro robbed of
home and protection,; and doomed to exter
mination, while the whold race of free white
laborers throughout the whole country are
sold into the galling slavery of taxation, cut
off even from the, hope 'that; their children
after them will be; emancipated. - Thus ha
the sun-dial of prosperity and happiness of
this great country been set back half a cen
tury; And now, the same party, under
another name, and with the cry of liberty
'on its tongue, is earnestly striving to subvert
the foundation' of republican (government,
laboring to centralize, consolidate, and build
up a frightful Federal dyspotl.sni, ' under
whose duk and deadly shadow self-government
and all State Rights would utterly sink
and perish. ' ' ' ' . .
.' '."The people have been too long .deceived
by the hypocritical professions and fair names
assumed by the northern disunionists. ' ' They
should remember thatunderthe mask of the
best na.ncn the worst crimes have been com
mitted. In the name of liberty ami equal
ity". France was deluged in blood, while all
law and all liberty lay prostrate beneath the
iron tread of tiTanny. j And in other days,
in the outraged name of religion, martyr
ares were kindled, and mcn"of ' whom the
world wasnot .worthy" consumed at the
."take:" ' - '. V'V:"'- : " l."
' 4 'Truly the tunes are alarming. The hor
izon is full of dark and ominous clouds. Let
the true' friends of the country, of every
name, unite; with the Democratic hosts of
North; ralfy round and sustain the President
ia his patriotic and noble stand for the : lib
erty of the people j and the northefri' rel'el
iion will te crushed and sul-dued,- our lloiod
bought heritage of 'Constitutional ; liberty
wrested from ir4 deadly gtasp end tiie :Con-
stitut'joa wita tne union restorca ana pre-
'- -
Indcstut must thrive.
Viy '-;-.' of the ' ; ' j. V"
! -..i .CJv :- '- ' ' T :
1 - : ; AN ORDINANCE ' ' ' ; '.
Declaring Streets to' be. Public' Highways. .
i "Section 1. Be it ordaiiXnl ly the Tuicn
Council of the Borough of CfHtrtdcft, and
it is herdty ordaiiisd Ly the authority of the
same, That from and after tho, passage of
this ordinance,' all streets, lanes and alleys,
oiened or laid out or drawn, or marked 011
the plans or plots of said Borough of Ceii
tndia, within the limits of thebunuaric!'of
the corporation are , hereby declared to .bo
public t,treet., runes and alleys; and that all
earth,' stone?; gravel or other valuable. ma
terial therein are hereby declared to be the
property of the borough. : ' '-
1 , Sect. 2. That if any person shall take,
remove or carry away. any. sand, clay, gravel
or earth from any street, nine or alley, wilhitt
the borough,' or shall make, erect or con
struct any embankment, mound, heap or
causeway pf earth, gravel, sand, clay, ashes,
btoncs, manure or other materials, . within
any street, Line or alley of the lorough; or
sha'.l dig any pit, hole or' cavity' therein, or
cauc the same to he done, every person so
Glleuiing shall forfeit and pay, for the use
of tn j boiough. ten dollars for every such
olicuoo. . 1'iocided ahcay, That this .section
shall not prevent the street conimii-sioners
from grading, leveling, amending aud im
proving the street? and alleys under the
uirectiwii'of the Town Council, and taking
and removing sand, clay gravel and earth,
for the purpose aforesaid. v
S't"T- That when any person or pert
eons shall le about t erect or repair any
hou-e or building within this boroui, and
fchall be desirous to occupy part of any
fctreet, lane or alley, by placing a lime-house
and materials for building thereon, he, she,
or they shall apply to the Chief Burgess, or
in his absence, to the chairman of the street
committee, for a permission," and the Chief
Buries", or, in his absence, the chair
mi.n : of the street committee, as (afore
fsiid.lshall view the pL.ce where stich bufld
iiig is proioscd to bo erected or repaired
ut'oresaid. and if he thinks it necessary to
have a lime-house; and lay materials in the
street, lane 01 alley, he shall allot such part
of said street, lane or aTle', as he shall think
necesKiry and proper-to- accomodate such
applicant or applicants,' owner or o vners,
ami shall give hint, her, or them a Written
jHjrmi.oioii describing the space to be allot
ted and used tor material as afi jresaid, he,
she, or they paying Ibr such permission for
first thirty day or less, the sum of or e dol
lar, and tor every additional thirtv do vs. or
arts of thirty days the sum of two dollars ;
ana every permission sj grantea as atore
said f-hau describe particularly the number
of stories in height, and wze of the building
to be erected for which said .'!-? L
granted, find the materials of which the
same is to Ik built; and -if said building is
only repaired or altered, then said per
missioa shall ntate particiarrj the character
of Mich rej)airs or alterations; and a correct
record or cfipy of every such permission
shall bo made in a book to be provided ;fend
kept for that purpose, to be called a""Build
imr 1'eruiit Book."
S kct. 4. That it shall be the duty of the
High Constable of the borough, on - com
plaint being made to him, or upc-n bis
own knowledge of any violation of this ordi
nance, or auy other person who may be ag
grieved, forthwith to prefer a complaint to
the Burgess or any Justice of the Peace of
the said boromrh, who shall institute legal
proceedings against the alleged offender "jil
the corporate name of the borough, and on
lawful conviction of the offender th fiue
adjuged agrtin.-t him, together with , costs,
sha!l be levied and collected as sums under
one hundred dollars are levied and collected,
by a Justice of the Pesce, under die laws of
this Commonwealth.
Ss.'T. 5. The one-half of all fines col
lected by virtue of this ordinance to bo paid
to the High Constable, or uny other person
making complaint, and the other half for
the use of the borough. .
Passed, April 13th, IS.
r8 i ' J- KNITTLE,
J.SEALJ jWf,t Tuwa Con:
Attest L. S. Boxf.
Totcn Clerk.
Approved. . JAMES DYKE .
C hi f Burgess.
. II :'
Regulating the width of side-walks in the
Borough of Centralia, and for other purr
Section 1. Be' it ordained hy the Totrn
Council of the Borovgh tf Centralia, and it
i hen by onlained by tha authority of tic
same, Tlint from and after the passage of this
ordinancc,'on 'all strccts which are seventy
feet or more in width, (excepting Centre
street and Railroad Avenue,) the sidewalk
or footways on each side of such street shall
Ui fourteen loot from the lino of. the street
to the" outside of the curbstone; and -on
Centre Street and Railroad Avenue, the
sidewalks eight' feet, from the line
of tho street to the outside of the curbstone ;
on all streets which are less than seventy feet,
and not more than fifty feet in width, the
sidewalks or footways on each side sh;ill be
teii feet in width from the line of .the ttrect
to 'theout-ide of the curbstone; on all streets
which are less than fifty feet, and not more
than thirty-five feet in width, the sidewalks
or footways shall be eight feet in width,from
the line of the street to the outside of the
curbstone; and on all streets and alleys that
are less than thirty-five feet in width, ' the
sidewalks or footways on each side of the
street, shall be three feet in width, from the
line of the street to the outride of the curb
tone. , r .
Sect.1. 2.;'' No 'cellar floor, porch or steps
shall extend into the sidewalk or footway in
any. seventy foot' street for . a greater dis
tance than five feet six inches, (except Rail
road Avenue and Centre Street cellar djors,
porches or steps, shall extend jnto the side
walks only four feet;) and on any fifty foot
street, five feet ; and on. all thirty-five foot
streets, four feet ; and on all streets and al-
iej-s less than thirty-five feet' in width, two
feet from the line of the - street. ' And all
cellar doors shall be so constructed as to be
even with', or not elevated moro than three
inches above the pavement of the side-Aalk
or footway at tho outer extremity. ' , ..,..
1 Sect. 3. v The outside of the curbstone
shall be placed on the" lines mentioned for the
width of. the pavements "in, the several
streets,' and shall be at least four fixt.Ioiig,
two feet six inches' wide,' and fix. inches
thick at the top. The fronts and ends of
said stones shall . be . dressed smooth fcr a
breadth of nine inches from the .ton. .The
top must also be dressed straight and aacoth
and brought to a uniform thickness of six
inches by dressing ilie back' Of the breadth
by two and ahaif inches. ; The top of the
stone set ho that the front shall lean back
one and a half inches to the foot rise. ;
Sect. 4. The sidewalks or footways' be
tween the curbstone and line of the streets
shall be cut down or filled up sri as to cor
resjtond with the rise and fall thereof ; and
shall be paved in a good and substantial
manner; and. shall have a .rise of half an
inch to tiie foot, 'from the curbstone to the
line of tiie .street : Provid), That the front
of nuy lot not actual! V built ujon, the side
walks or footway shall not be required to
lie paved to a' greater, width than five feet
from' the curbstone, the residue of such
sidewalks or footways from the said pave
ment to the lino of the street, being lined
with gravel so as to support the pavement"
Ail provided also, That no person shall be
required to set curbstones or make gutters
in front of his or her lot, until the street in
front of the same shall have been graded to
the proper level by order of the Town Coun
cil. Sect. 5. A gutter not less than three
feet in width shall be paved outside of the
curbstone with brick or stone, supported on
the outer side by fiat stone sunk on edge into
the earth, and the bottom of said gutter to
be one. foot below the top of the curbstone
Sect. 6. All owners of real Cititc ad
joining any of the street, lane3 or alleys ox"
said borough, whose grades have been laid
out and the same adopted Ly resolution cf the
Town Council of the borough, or which may
hereafter be laid out and accepted by. the
same, shall have their curbs set, pavements
made and gutters paved, .in accordance with
the regulations-in this .ordinance-contained
which are hereby declared to be general ; and
in case owners of property or lots us aforesaid
shall neglect or' refuse for sixty days after
notice given by the Chief Burgos i of said
borough, to him, her or them, to curb,
grade and pave a sidewalk and gutter as
aforesaid, the Street Committee are hereby
authorized and required to grade, curb and
pave a sidewalk or footway "and gutter the
proper height and width in front of the lot
or lots of the person so refusing to grade,
curb and pave, as aforesaid, charging all
cots with an addition of twenty per centum
to the respective ' owners thereof;; and in
ca.-e of neglect or refusal of the said owner
or owners to pay the same on demand, the
Chief Burgess is hereby directed to proceed
at once to collect the same according to law.
Sect. 7. No person shall set any curb
stone, or pave or cause to be paved any gut
ters, or make or cause to be made any pave
ments in any street of which the grade has
been fixed by the Town Council, until the
grade and : place thereof shall be given by
the Borough Surveyor or a person appointed
by the Council for that purpose... 'i'La ex
pense thereof shall be borne by the property
holders in front cf, whose loo the same shall
be given, and any person who shall set or
cause to be set ary-curb.stone3, or shcJl make
or cause to be laauc any pavements, cr shall
pave or cause to be paved any gutters con
trary to the" provisions of this ordinance,
shall for every offcace forfeit and pay a pen
alty of twenty dollars : Provided, The same
be uot on thu grade hue, to be collected and
paid into tho treasury lUr the use of the bor
ough. .
Sect. 8. No person or persons shall at
tach or cause to be attached to any awning
post or railing, or suspend theretfom at a
greater distance than three feet from the
house or premises occupied by him, her or
them, any goods, meat, fish, poultry, market
ti uek, merchandise, or any article whatever,
under a penalty of two dollars for every such
often ic, to be collected for the use of the
borough, as debts of a like amount are now
by law recoverable: Provided, That in streets
in which the sidewalks are not of a greater
width than four feet, no articles as aforesaid
shall be attached or suspended as aforesaid,
at a greater distance than eighteen inches
from the or premises occupied as
aforesaid, under the. above penalty. The
Chief Burgess is hereby authorized and in
structed to keep the sidewalks and public
streets open lor iasseugers and travellers,
and any huckster or venuer of goods, refus
ing to clear the sidewalk in trout of his
stand for passengers cr causing tho sidewalks
or footways to be blocked up in exhibiting
or selling his produce or goods, shall for
each and every offence forfeit and pay the
sum of five dollars, to be collected and paid
into the treasury tor the use of the borough.
Sxt. y. All areas and steps leading be
low the level cf the pavement shall be pro
tected by railings, and all gratings over
vaults shall be securely fixed ia such a man
ner as to render the passage of the streets
safe at all times ; and if any owner of prop
erty or teuaut of such property, where the
owner theieof is a non-resident of the bor
ough, shall neglect or refuse to protect such
areas or bteps with sufficient railing, or to
cause such vault-grates to be securely fixed,
such owner or tenant shall be liable to a pen
alty of five dollars for every duy after notice
shall be given by the Chief Burge-ss, or any
member of the Town Council, that such
areas, steps, or grate-vaults are in an unsafe
or dangerous condition. 1
Sect. 10. No drain shall be. made fiem
any cesspool or privy-vault into any of the
culverts of the borough without pcrmis.ssion
first obtained from the Town Council at a
stated meeting, under a penalty of twenty
dollars for every such offense ; and no person
shall be allowed to deposit 'tan or any refuse
in any of the water-courses or public drains
in the Borough of Centralia, - under a hke
penalty of twenty dollars for every such of
fense. "
Sect. 1 1. The fines and penalties impos
ed by this ordinance shall be recovered by
suits in the name of the corporation of the
Borough of Centralia. ia accordance with
the acts of Assembly in such case made and
provided, to lie instituted by the direction
of the Chief Burgess or President of the
Town Council. .....
. Passed, April 13, I860., : i -
seal. r
, , -Pratt Town. Con.
Attest L. S. Boxer, ;
Town Clerk.
Approved. JAMES DYKE,
. . . Chief Burgess.
' "'. - .'. -III. - -
Relating to Awnings and Rails.
. Sect. I. . Be it or&iined by the Town
Council of the Bororugh of Centralia, and
it is hereby ordained by the authority of the
sume, That from and after the passage of
this ordinance, every awning rail which
hall be and remain plnced or fixed in any
imDiic street, lane or alley, of -the borough,
for the ; purpose of. fastening thereto i any
awning, shall, be at leat six toet four inches
from the lower ; side thereof the pavement
under' it ; and every . person L who shall use
such rail so placed and fixed : which si ill
not" be of the height aforesaid above tho
REIT scrils; j VOL; j NO 12;
pavement, shall forfeit: and, pay the sum of;
a ve dollars. .
! Sect. 2. That from Jand. after JhApas-
sage'of this Qrdjnajice, ail arid cypry rail, or
rails nor placed Or lixed a above mentioned,
and all chains, bars or rails between-posts
fixed or placed near the ' gutters, ia.any ,
street, lane or alley of this borough, are
hereby declared to be - common nuisances;- !
aud it shall and may be lawful foe the Chief '
Burgess, and he is hereby enjoined and re- '
quired to take down ubd remove the same
Passed, April 13, ISC.. ' -. . i'
" SEAL! 0i JV IVllTliii,
I .EAL.J Tjam
Attest L. S. Boxer, . .. -. - . ..
.' ' ' Town Clerk ' ' '.-.':-'""'
' Vhiif Burgess. ; ;
Prohibiting the throwing of Coal Ashes in";'
tl, .a. . J i . . '
iuc sueeis, ,aaa ior otner purposes, r . .
Sect.' 1. Be it ordained by the Toic
Council cf the Borough of Centralia, an$
it is hereby ordrintd ly Uie autitority 0 tAe
time, That from aad after the passage of -j
this ordinance, if any person or persons shall
cast, throw, - or lay any coal dust, coal ashes,"
or rubbish of any kiud into or iu any street,
lan, or ai?-?y of this borough that has been '
graded, cr t he water-courses therein opeaed, ' '
every persoa so offending shall forfeit and
pay lor every such oiiense a sum not less .1
than one dollar, nor more than five dollars,
to be recovered as debts of the same amount
are bylaw recoverable, and' paid into the :
treasury for the use of tne burough. . .
Sect. 2. That from aad after the . pas;
sage of thisordinairce, if any person orpersons
shall place or cause to be placed in any street, "
lane or alley mentioned in the first section of
this ordinance; any coJ or other article of''
fuel, and cause the same to remain more
than twenty-four Lours, every such, persoa ...
shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than one, ;
nor more than hve dollars;' 'but in no case '
shall any coal, wood, or any other article be .
placed within two feet. of the gutter, under:'.:
the above penalty, to be recovered ia ; the 4 ;
same manner,, and applied to the same pur-r'"
poses as directed in the first section of this
ordinance. .. . . - ''
Passed, April 13, 1866. -' - :
J. B. KNITTLE, - .
; ' l-11"! Pies' t'foum Con.
Attest L.'S. Boxra, ' - -""
Town Clark. 1
Approved . JAMES DYKE,
Chief Bur get. - .
ITcr the regulatioa of Slaughter-honses, aad " "
for the Protectioa of the Health of the 1 '
Inhabitants of the Borough of Ceatraiia.
' Section I. Be it ordained by the Town '
Council of the Borough of Cmtrulia and '
it is hereby ordained by the authority of the .
same, That from and after the passage of. "
this ordinance, no persoa shail erect or build '
any fclauhter-hou&e or other building for the i
purpose of slaughtering or killing cattlei
bheyp, or ether anhials therein, or shall use
or occupy any house or building now erected,' 's
for that purpose, unless such said house or" "-
buildiag hath hitherto, awl is at the time Jt
of the passing of this ordinance,used for such -.
purpose, as aforeaid, withia the limits cf ',
this borough, uad-r a penalty of not less '""
than five nor morenthaa fifty dollars for "''
every animal killed or slaughtered therein, ' j
to be recovered, wiih costs of suit, as debts '
of like amount arc now by law recoverable, r '.
and paid into the treasury for the use of;";
the borough. Aad if any person or persons '
who now use cr shall use or occupy any -slaughter-house
or other building, as afore-1
said, now built or erected and used for that. .
Eurposej shall keep at or near his slaughter- 'I
ouse any herbage, offal, or filth whatsoever. " ':
eveiy personi so offending shall forfeit and " "
pay a bum of not less thau five doilar3, nor
more thaa thirty dollars, to te recovered in"
the maanar,and applied to the use aforesaid
Sect. 2. That if any persoa or. persons, r
shall cast, throw, or by any carcass, carrion, 1
offal, or filth of any kind whatever, inw-
any stream of water or water-course running - j
through the borough, every person so oi-..
fending shall forl'eit a sum of not leas than . '
five nor more than fifty dollars, to be recov-l
ered in the manner and apphei to the uses'
aforesaid . .. . . ;,. ..rj
Passed, April 13, 1S66. .' ' . .
. r5ALi J. B. KNITTLE, .
- I.SZAL.J "Pre' I Town Con.
Attest L. S. Boser. 1 ''
' ' " ' -' Town, Clerk.
Approved. JAMES DYKE, ;,
Chief Burgess.'
....... yi. -. '-. -
' For the removal cf Nuisances. - ;.. .
Sect. 1. Be it cr&xined by the Totcn,
Council of the Borough of Centralia and -. ,
it is hereby ordained by tiie auiliority of iKf
same, That nuiance3 shail be removed from
the streets, lanes, and alleys of this borough
It shall be the duty of. the. High Constabla :
to give notice to each and every person throw-'.
ing, laying, placing, creatine, or leaving any - -obstruction,
obstacle or other nuisance in
any of the strccts,lanes or alleys of this Bor
ough,to remove the sr:aQ within twenty-four,
hours from the time of service of such notice; .
and any person cr. persons who shall neglect
or refuse to remove or cause to be removed, .
any such obstruction or obstructions, obsia-I
cle or obstacles, or other nuisances, for more T.
than twenty-four hours, as aforesaid, shall;'
forfeit 'and pay a sum not exceeding two )
dollars for every twenty-four hours sdeh nui
sance shall remain unremoved;..and anyj
person leaving such nuisance " as requires
immediate removalr shall, noon notice given
as above, remove the same immediately, ' or ' - z
forfeit and pay theame penalty. : And such -:
fines and forfeitures shall be recovered 'aa - .;,
sums of like amount are by htv recoverable, -j
and paid into the Treasury of the" borough. . .
Se-T. 2. 4 That all steps, porches, or eel-- 5 ';
lar-doors, or other projeHion3 from . houses
and other buildings withia this, borough, -; ,-'
which are of greater dimensions, or project- .,,?
further into or in the side-walks or foot-waya t
than is provided or allowed by the ordinance
or ordinances, in such case made 'and pro -: T
vided, shall he and tiie same .are hereby do- '
clared common nuisances ; audit sliali and
may be lawful for the Chief Burgess, and h
is hereby enjoined and required "to take
down and remove the name, or cause tho
same to be done. - , .
Passed, April 13, 1SC5.
' ' rrvr 1 J. KNTTTLEt .
1 LEALr 1 . : . Prest Town Qj -
Attest L, S. Boxer." .T r , rr ,
- .... 1 ... , '- Town Citric. '? - ' ''.
Approved . - JAMES DYKE, ' :
. ' f- , -. : Chief Bvrgeu;
TThe balajioe'of the Ordinances' will t "
published in oar nxt Eds.
'4 y