7" - LIUEi? HINTS; FOR; THE ; D AXV 0.Xht Src'ro-cf fcarijfoitftas tablfl. bouli noV'lie placed if Dot 'already dons. Usnally t&e.preseot week . m srijrai corn ought to'- be .planted,?! kimd'tti ro'ufcV of the.;ce!v;.?P Wa .. in on -the JUih at a-r.siW plant as oar "firel .crop". .4du.V Extra V.i. - it i not aa2r variety, bat it is food,.comicg soma ten cays earner . oau Stowell'a Evergreen, it ia heartily wel or.mA which U clainjei 1Q com; m inj as. ioc AiUmi; aai.ws bavc planted ibeur .aide by ilda to- test Mb is I saisorjaThen'tld Ttriety" ii tcry goodf .bat we stliT' regard. tin StowslI Bstlie Dsni ,'ox.au.i no1? jjh-. first tocalti ?U i this, ao J bairprobaEIybe among be last., MCbrn that 6aif p eat'e.t) .Vp to October, , reta'in iog all ili de!ica?cj;and flavorihoujd pot be iBcansiderattly- i abandoned Thotie waoUealraa d illy Supply bf jrreeo' corn throughout tbe seasoo. ho!d put to.-a patch'Yverj ten dajs or tvo weeks iip tn July) .; ' ' ' '," 1 'The'marrQW bean," which' we saw ad Ter'tised'by'MrV Dreer, Chestnut utrect, (bat impropeHy called the Wax bean,) is probably uptiorwiihv the? .exception of the Xim,oyicuber.'.bean. Jt iB excellent to copiV cither ta the.grecn state or as a. winter, variety, r .We say green It should "be yellow, as (tic. puds arc Jkot fit to T)ttll "tint. I "J ellVw; ftroib which" 4 it derives its, n'axa?,) whea it. is, '.tcry !' deli cate, and mach better than 'any other. It requires poles, however aiid Tthis - may be an objection, but it sboulJ not be .a bar to any one. When intended loir family . , , , r.. . . , .. ( Every furnilr should have rit little pitch of Ilerbi'V ;Tfcey are easily ob t&indd etfma cf them are perennial, JUtl require replantiDg only once' in several year's. The seed can. all. be. found, at agricultural -and' horticultural bterei The list li i is follows t '.Sweet ' Majoram Marigold Thyme, Winter and Sucumcr Savor , Coria nder I A a iseed, . Ro'aem ary , Lavender, Sweet Basil,' ' C ar way ,' Fen nel. 1 hyme VVlPtem bavory, .'fennel, Lavender and Sage are 'berenoical , the othfxa rcniire, lbs seed to.be aowaauuaj- There is a prat lush just now after the 'luden lomato, without justifica tion, vlt i no. better, than , the Cook's Favorite, and not ejual to the Fetjee. Somebody will make iaoney out of it, or rather h.u already. A iriend told bs the btber;daVthat (te obtained some,sead from aTneighbof,"of his own rafting, 'last season's itbettf' nyspeeifiqi name; et the plants aide bv si.de with the 'Tilden,' and the result was that the nameless kind raatnred earlier, , was larger, and the quality equally as good. In setting oat tomato plants early it is , an advisable plan' to protect ih'em danng'edol ibights, especially those that threaten frost, with old paper, or what is better with coni cal boxes open at tne top.. ' v As' far as we have heard, the- Straw berry plant has come through .the jery 1 seyere winter well- Oara never wore a more promising fcppssracce. Tha fruit spars in every description 6f pear. were nevarimore r.unseroa, and the trees generally look . healthy. : We thus hove reason to anticipate an abund ant pear season. V ' 'Eadp, Peas 'have been up for, two weeks. ' We ate oar first Caaliflower on the 18th - Radishes from hot-bed j, are plentiful in the market;' ditto Spioach iron tbe open ground. - Lettuce front warm out-door borders raay.be expected by the first of May sGerntantoum Tel egraph. t , .. . r , . ' SOUND HORSES. ; . First and foremost, if too wish to have sound h 3T Stt'gr t cle a n 3 i m h e d. a a d .so an d breeder3 ; be sure to breed from no other than perfectly sound animals on both aides. The animals yoa , breed from i hoald not only be sound themselves, but be from sound ancestors. Ringbones spavins, pinched feet, and m iny other troubles about horses, are qiite as trans missible to the offspring as tbe color of .the hair, 'or'any' other trait, either good oriad. " r - ..- ' "Then farmers folly comprehetd and realize the importance' of eelectirg the best animals for breeders of ill kinds of farm stock, farming' interest3 will then bare advanced a long stride ahead of what we have seen. --Maine farmer. " IIaisz 0i5cuiT.--Iieat three caps of sweet milk. with one of batter ; work it wtrrrrr intd the butter, with a teaspoon of saleratus. ;lJave ready totne yeast or Kbt sponge tbe'same as for. bread, work' this; rnr Vben the mixture is milkwarm ; jnix it well; bat not stiff, and set it: in "a "wares place to r'se. . When light mould into cakes, let'tnetn sit awhile, five min utes or so, prick the topVif each bake 'iasi'quick oten. Thege are similar fo tbot e made' from bread dough. ' Cold biscuit eaa be warmed lb taste like new. by turning 'cold water upon them to wet the erusts, then warm throogn in a mod erate uvea. . s , Usisd Salt is CooiNd Vcoxta 5tE3.l. apprehend that Hoosekeepers generally do not 'appreciate the u?e of salt in cooling vegetable? j-. I use it coo tistly; It will be found "to add greatly to taeir, tenderness and -flavor. Indeed there U, to camparison "between' yegeta-' bleaeooked in fresh water and that some what silted. "'The salt prevents the evap oration of the" Savor ol th vegetable, which is soluble -and would otherwise pass of. - St j if, V'The'V amount of salt to any given quantify.'of water each one Ecst jade for herself, though, a, rale it ehculd Cwt be so Urge as too perceptibly' to affect tha-testable, .'- 1 ' - . Is D'oaa Yriiif-wAsaTo Jirae for" a pailful o white-wash add, while blakiu'g x"P"5 ccca Iir?csd oil. and handful c ilea gilt, Good -for cot-doors also. Acotbr in-door v?3sh is : 2 lb French white, 1 cz, be it white glue Soak ., the t ! ' ii cc'd.?itert and dissolve it -heat -t:Z i - atsp carefully' to r itl.fr thin i j c... :y ; add tbia to the wUt- qiljE PERU VI AN.S RUP ' " I JL u j .is-A raoTiicrrfiD solution epjfHB Y T .FiTOtOxlrte of -liron 0 :i ; ' ' a new discovery io medicine hicb '." STRIKES AT THE ROOTOP, DISEABE BY -upplying tUe BlooU with it tital' paiMciru, THU U fh&tctv of tbe wenderful uce f this , "., .' . t'Teujely fa curing ' Dy s peps ia, L ive r Ooia pi in t,' Dropsy, t . Qhonlo Diarrfcisi, UoiU, Nerydas ioat, Ob ilia and Feverc, . ; v i 'CHuraors; Loss'of Cons ti-f, ;;: i ' lational vigor, Diseases m .,.oC.Kidnejfs'M ;.;.';' Bladder, Female - i complaints, and all diseaacs orifiaatin; in ' BAD STATE OP THE BLOOD or accompanied by DtMlity or a low atato of tbe ajraietn . f . Being Tree Tram Alcohol in any form. I'n nergix.. ing eflrct are not followeif by correponcfin r.-at- tiuii.but aro permanent, ii.fuiinj gtreugth, vior and cw 1.1 le into air pan ni tne aystcui, a j4 buiidioi up in IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Arebdracoa 8 OTT. 0. t. ' ' . , i .. X)cajM.Canaia Ea. Murch ti, IStS. . ) .. "Iii,an inveterate lpcptic or more than 25 year1 i-taiiilins.' . t . . "I have ao wonderfully brnefitied in the throe hortv.erka (luriiiu wtiii4i 1 have uec the fa ruvian d)cup,tliat lean scarcely prua.lo mycllor ipe reality, fewple who bvo known uie arc aston-b-d al the change. I am wiUeiy known and can but recuuiuicnd to otiwn tbat tilth ba done go tvueft for tne " . . . , . . tA CASE OF 27 YE 8" STANDING CURED. From IN3LEY JEWETI'.Ko.lS Avon Plac. Boston " ' Itnv etiflered. and sometime e verely. for 7 year, from dyspeptic, 1 commenced tatiu the Pe ruvian tfyrop, and found immediate benefit from it. In tbe course of three or four weeks I wa entirely relieved froia my turfcritig. and have enjoyed unin terrupted henlib ever since i AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON. SAY3: 1 have been using the Vruvina r) rup iur suiue time pant; it Kives uie ni?w Vigor. iluoyanty of spir its. Elasticity of MumcUv" . . ThotuanJ tune been chgci y the utt oft Mi remedy from weak, ncktyjwjfcring creaturu, la stramf.Atilkg: and kaypp me and icamentaad iuvaiU caanut reasona bly hesitate tu giet ti a trial, Apiunpbltl tf pages eontaining cerliricateV of cures and recoinuiendaiioiis from some of .the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others. Will be sent ritrs to auy address. O" See that each boitlehat Prcv:h vacr blown in the grata: FOR. SALE BY . ' .-' J. 1. DINSMORE, Proprietor. 39 Dey Ht.New Tork : SOLU UY ALE UK LiG IS I'd. gCROFULA. , ;, , : ; .,. .; All Medical Men agree that IODINE ia the BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The Jiificuity ha been ta obtain a fua Soldtioh of it. .. .. . lis. Il. Aiideiw Iodine Water Is a Pure Solntion of lodim , WITUOUT A 60L- "'l I r- C-oiiUmin j a tult Gram to each ounce of wiitr. A. most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative.' . Bi eured and will cure SCROFULA ia ail its ma ail , , fold forms. . , ULCERS, CANCERd. SYPH1LIS.SA1.T RflEUM; and it ha been used with astonishing success iu ca ses j UheuuiutUin,lvspep-iafC'ousuuiptiou. Female 1-r.niplaiuta, Heart, Liver and Kiifncv Oie ises.ke. Circulars will be sent rgaa to any one senvins ihr adnresif. t . . - . Price a I. tO a boUle. or 6 for .'Jo 00 ' ' Prepared by Dr. U. ANDEKS. Pbysician c Chemist I "T For Sale by " h P. Dl.NiiMORE, 36 Dey St.j New Y .: ; And by all Cruggi.t. ..... Yy IS TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD ( nERKY HAS BEEN USED TOB NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with tbe most aitouiihing (ucceis in curing CougLs, Cold, Hoareenesi, Sore Throat , lt.fluDii, Whoufing eoogbr Croup, . - Liver complaint, Bronchitis, L'ifS : ;, culty of Breathing, Asthma, - . . ; and every affec- : ( tion of THE TI1R OA T, L UJVGS CUES!. which carries ofl" more victims thart anv other dis ease and which baffl the ki' of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often . . YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A ..UEUICI.NE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Eff.-ct, safe in itt Oper . .. . - vaion, - . IT IS UNSURPASSED r . ' while as preparation. free from noxious ingrediaent noinuns. or minerals ;jniling skill, scirn'e.acd medi cal knowledge ; combining all that is ralnable in the vegetable kingdom for tins class ofdnnate.ii i INCOMPARABLE ! aodi entitled, met it, and receive tbe general con fidence of thu public, - - SEYMOUR THATCHER, JJ. D., nf Herman. N. Y- writp as follows :.--. "VVistak's ISals'M or Wild Oncaar give nniversal satixfartion. It seem to cureatnugb bv lixmng and clranring the !un;s,nd allaying irritation thus removnif the cause, insti-ad of drying up tbe cough and leaving th cause behind. 1 consider the Balsam as go.d as any, if not the best. Cough uie-icine with which 1 am acquainted." Rey. Jacob Seculer, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respect4 among the Germnn population in this country, make tne following state- lU'-nt lor the benent ol tn amicted. Dka irs Having realized in my familv imnor. taat be m-lit from thu ura f Tour valuable Dretiara tion W imtars Balsam or Wjlo Cherry it affords me pleasure to recoiumena it to the p unite. Some right yrarsago one f my daughter see. tied lobe in a te cliao am little hopes of her recovery Were entertain ed I then procured a bottle of ynvr exeellenr Balaam, and before she bad tutkn the wkolu of 4hi conic ut of the bottle there was a great itcbruvement in tier health. 1 bvve.in my individual eae made frequent usa of your v-luable uiedicineind have alwav been benefitted by it. . . . r J AC08 SECHLER. - Irice One Dollar a bottle. Foa SALE BY J. r. MNSMORE, 36 pey Street. New York 8ETH VV IOWL.E, Jc eON. Pruprietora. Huston. , ad at all ohl-uo sts. Q.RACES Celebrated Salvo CURES CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS. : Grace's Celebrated Salve (.USES W0UNDS.URUI3E3. SPRAINS. Grace s CcIebrated:Salve ' , i CURES BOII.S. ULCERS. CANCERS. Grace's Celebrated alve ' CURES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celt bra ted f Salve CURES CHAPPED HANDS. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salvo HEALS OLD SORES.rRESfl WOUNDS.'fce. It is prompt in action, remove pain at onec and re ducea tbe most augry-looking .welliog. and imflv maUona. as if by magic-thus afTordimg relief and a aowpiete cure. Ouly cents a box J (3nt by ma II for eenu cur caie dv P. P1VSMORB 36 Dey Street, New Torh. POVVE Jc S"JN. Pn.DTieto s.Bo J-TV ... J. W. Druggists. Grocers, and Caaatry slora. . ; ;-fary 5M Won jy. . . , Whoewalc ami Uctail. 'T-HE subscriber would annoanee t theitian of 1 Bloomsburg and vicinity, that be ia .ellinr l.lOI'llka in lirtf and am. 11 ..... . lie, and at different prices at bis new store, on Main street, north side two doors south of Iron street. BIoaws burs, ma stock or foreign and Do mestic . . . consiata of Cognac and Rocbel e. Blackberry, Gin ger. Raspberry and Lavender.' lie ha a large astt sortmentof , , V"5r TV T- eK. rr . I ' In.. - . . ui ttyt, gray with agj. fine od Boarbon. ofd F -Iks Whiskey, and any quantity Ccotrmon. He al,o has rith agj. line t)'d"8oa my quaniity oCcotrmo " PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. Lisbon. CUret. Sherry bd4 Caapagne VViiMfajandla.t but not Ica.t. a quantitv of glUd doubm extra BROiVN STOUT r1 o. whict lie will eil at the lowest eah prices. The paMt are re -ppcctiully soiicnei o gjy kit liquor a trial. D- VV, ROBBrNd; Agent. (JUAllbES U.UUCKWAy. ; Attdriivy-at-!-av, -nle3i itaefcpay, i'enaioni, : . .. . Collected!- - . : ' .v ,h:?ral at"9lion P"4 to toititri arrisiiia ' Under i li C LQXHI N OEM P O R I U M j ! AraWy oj)$itc-the-:Epi C LOT HI NQ 0 FA L DESCRI PT1 ON S. , -i: i ij-:'. I., - at .i j ' MY'tlOck is composed f tine clothing,' niediam bad tow priced adlipted -to all conditions, laates and wants.'-' He has the latest style for tbe season a fine asiortment af . ' ',r ,' OtereoaU and Gentlemen's Shaw.s, frbm low to. trie1 very best, 1 " " ' UtsGoud ait I atJitonnbU and veil Mailt, 1 th addition to my dock ' rea fr-made clothing. I have piece goods fir custoni orders, ,.,,.. ,. ,' , Clotli.. asiiiier(9j &C, Sec. And having one of the first class cntfers, I gnaran te a fit in all eases and gtv aarUfaettun-. ' Also variety of ' ' UOOLESAXDLINEX SblUrs, Stocking. Necktie". Collar. Stocks, linndk'errbief everylliing in the gentleman's line of c:tlitn. .Alio, iat, boots and Slioes. Trunk and Carpet bags. " .. 1 will sell al the lowest Market prices. Please give ma a call before puruha-ing elrewhere. - . ANDUEVV.J. EVANS, Bloomsburg. Nov. 15. 1865. .. Cat tawissa Hail Roail.Oii d after MONDAY, April 9. J8ti5. iiasnengcr trains o the Cnlawtusa Riiruad will run al the fol lowing named hour iUcil Couth Lie . P. 45 a m 9 17 ? ' 9.46 iM.eo ' 111 43," lf.00" II.IO" - 18.18 p in l5t I 0" 1.20 rriTions. Mail North. Williaumport '' Arr. li 15 p.m. Muncy Dep. 5 45 " Watson town ' 5,16 " . Mi'ton " ' 5 01 Danville '' ' 4 l Rupert 40 Calawisia 3.50 Ringtown .35 " Summit ' 155 U'ikaks 1.4() E Mahuiioy June. 1.20 i' Tamaqua. Dine J.lu Reading ' 10.43 M Philadelptiia -' 8.0U r York via. Read- - m ., or Mauch Chunk, j . m - S.15 " Dine 45 Art 7.00 - 30.35 - J;" No change of cars bctwin Willia.iMnort and Phil' adHplna. - CEO. W. VVEBli. Sapt, April 18, 1PG0 1 A LECTIRE TO YOCXG 31 EX. '' JU.T published. In a sealed enve lopi. Price G cents. A lecture ml the nature, treatment end radicnl cure of Sperniatorboeff, or Seminal Weaknnas fnvo'untary Cmision. exual Debility anil Imped imentsto v'arrl.Tse- generally. Nervusne. Con rnnifi'in, Epilepy. and Fit ; Xenial and I'bvsical Incapacity, resulting from Self Ab.t;, - lly Kob ert J. Cutverwell. M, P.. author of tU-- 'Green Book,' The world renowned autlr.in this admirable lec ture, clearly proves from hi on n experience, that the awful couscquence of &:lf-Abuse niuy be elf-ct-tinlly removed wilboat ftledivine, and without dan irerou surgical operations, bougies. iiilf um-nt. rings. y 'cordials, poiniiut; out a mode i f cure at onc certain and effectual, by which tvery sufferer, no Hiauer hat hi rutiiiitinn may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and railirally. Thi Lec ture wilt prove a boon to thou. ami.- Sent under sea! to any address, in a plnin env lvp. tin receipt ot six cent r two postage rtamps. Also lr. Cul verweli's Marriage Ouide, price .'5 cent.. Addres, , CIIAj. S C-kt IE m, ' l'.'7 Bnwrry, New Voik, P. O. bua 456. . April H. I-C." ly p,;a it C. BOslislOLlECE N- E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets. , 'PHILADELPHIA,' ' ' - i . .. ...'. The most complete and thorourhly appointed Buai ne or Cooimerciiil Cultrpe iu tb country. . The only one in the city piseing a Legislative Charter, and the only one in the United States author iied to confer llet rees of M rif linploma awarded to graduates ia tbe Commercial Course under it cor porate seal by authority of "Conducted by gentlemen f hhernl education and extensive experieDce in buie. and aflordins une qualled advmilaeeslor the thuiongh theoretical and piacliral educaiion of younc men for the various du ties anil rmploviui'iit of bai.ines life. THEORY ANt PRACJICE COMBINED 1 by a of system A TUAK BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre iiiiii. nl y practical, g-ving the stu dent in the hnrte-t time a r.uiup lele iPaighl into the science of nc-"Unt , nrraied an. I ubliIiul ly the proprietor f this'lulitution exolu-ively for hi own ue.jving OMe-haU tne onlinary labor of the student and giving hi.it a co tiplcle knowledge of tin practice jf Ike best arrouinaiils. TUE COMMERCIAL; COURSE EMr RACES B'iolteping,CorBrocrrial Ariihmetic,Pen- manship, Busine: Correrpondence, Commercial Law, Lecture on ; Busine-'s Affairs, Couimer ' -; ciai I'utnms, Forms, and Actual Buai ' res Prtctiee. , STE'-IAL BrtANClIE 4r and (A Higher Matkntatia. PkoMfrapky, Or namtntat Penman skip. Me jfrt a LittnUng I Counterfeit JVoaef. I'.wginetUwg Hur- . veyinf, A'attgMijn and Telercfltimg . . . . . TEI.EGR.l'IUG. , The arranrements for 'lM'-rmpliiii are far more ad vance of anything nf the kind ever "d-r'nl to the pub lie. ' A regular Tele raph Lin i eonuecl J with l.je lntiltiinn wi'h tweuty lirindi i llic in vart.iu parts of the ci'y. where public IfiKines i transacted, and in which tlie nuili-mi of this l'ititnii'iii are per mitted to practice. No rerulfir "rSre practice can be had in anv olher school of i:i4truciiit iu the country, without which no one can obi tin a p"ition a a pmc Ileal operator. Youna men are cautioned afainat the deceptive represeiitalioa id tlne Im, without any uch facilities, pretend ! t- ach T--fegraphiug. PATRONAGE. This Institution U now enjoying the largest pitron tronnge ever betowed up'n any Commercial school in fe blale. Over fiva hundre. students were in atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred during the paat year. The bet ela:t of student may inva riably be found here, and alt its associations are first data. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution i located ii the most central part of the ifity . and its acomtiiodations. Tor extent, ele gance and convenience, are unttrpa-sed. All tbe room have been fitted up in tfte very Dt tyte with HUSINE.-3S OFFICES OR 4JUUNTIXU HOCSliil. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. STATIONARY STORE, akd a itort. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND fSr-UE, . applied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in the I't partment of Actual Buaiue.. TO 1TO 1112 .IIJEaV wtro desire the very h. st facilities for a Praclical Kdocaiion for Dcsiness, we guar n ee a ennrff of ins'ruetion no where ele equalled, whi'e th j reputati(n and . slaudiug of the Institution among buim s men make its rinior; me nt the best passport to success and advancem-Mit. A.l conu-inplsliiig enlering any fouiunrcial College, ar invited to send for an ll.l.l'STK A I'hLl CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full parliculars of the course of instruction . tsrius. Slc - L. FAIKBA.NKS, X. :M - - - President. T. E- MERCHAXT, Supt of Offics Business. Nov.4, li5-;3m. , LIFEHEALTH STB.EXG I'll. LIFE HEALTH-STREXGTU. LIFE HEALTH STKKXCTU. Pandreds and thousand annually die prematurely when, if they would give the Great French Remedy, . .... DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celcbrattti Specific Pills, Prepared by Casuxciers t ltT"KT, No 214 Rue Loin bard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Jnait lela marre. Chief Pbviciai of the Hospital do. Nord ui Lariboisiere a fair irial. ih- y vtoul hml iinine.iiate relief, aad iu a nlmri tinie.I.e iuiy restored to Ucaltk and Strength It is used in the practice of many raii nt nt Ftecti phvvician. wiib uuitorio succesa.and high ly r-coiiinii Diled as the only noaillve ad weanc Heme- Wy fur all persons sutTeriniC If-m General or etexua V I l.k.l.i. -If A . . r . i ... c uci.iiichiciiu oiine nervous rorce Melancholy, 'peruiaiurrboea or eteminl t-uiissiua.nl Weakoess arising from sevi al Ex-Energy, fbyfica" Prostration. Nervo'ufiess, Weak Spme.tLowness f fpirit, L!imie.s of Vision. Hysterics, Pains in tbe Bark and Limbs, Ira patency, Jcc - . , . Niil.tnguagecan convey mn neonate idea of the Ira mediate and almost miracnloau change it occasions to Ibesla-birittUd end sbattared ny.ieuKlt, fact.iS t-i' t unrivalled its an unfailing cw n of the mala4js above menlioned.l Suffer no mre, bat use Ti Or eat fVtaea Remedf ; it will effect a core where all others fail, and although a powarful remedy, eoniaiss nothing hurtful iu the must deliraie coastitutioa - ( r .- Paupblet.contaiaing full psiticalars and directions forusing.Jn English. Prencu.2fiu!.ishad German, ae company each bog, aad also iat trae to any aJdrtss when ruqucsted. . , . . . , Pnce One Dollar per box: Six boxes for Five Dollars ' Sold by all Druggists throughout the world ; or will be sent bf mail, securely vealiid from all observation, by inclosing specified price l any aattrarired agents. BE.WAR.K OF COC.VTJEftFEIT'-a JU'D IMITATIONS. Proprietor exclusive Agesi.s for America, OSCAR Q JUOSES, if CO., 27 Courltand flt- New York,, i luwuoriiea Azeuis tor ciooBiourj, ' w-fio f. .rOT.F"?. ' it.it t -wSr. ,FO Ut'2'.S r .. ' This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly relnvirorate "broken-down and ' low-spirited horses, t by strengthening 1 and cleansing the : stomach and lntcs tines.' ' ' It Is , sure pre vent! re of all dis- , eas incident to this animal,' such as LTJN qv FEVEB, GLA'DEBS, YELLOW WA- TER, HEAVES, couons, pis- - TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE- ' T1TE AND VITAL ; ENERGY, kc. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives s smooth and g!os.y skin and transform -the miserable skeleton into a horse. fine-looking and spirited To keepers of Cows this preparation is Invaluable It increases the quantity and improves the quality or the milk, it has been proven by ac tual experiment to) increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the batter firm and . sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens a their hide, ana makes them thrive much Cuter. In all diseases of Swine, such tu Coughs, Ulcers la the Lungs, Liver, axe, wis article act as a specific. Uj putting from . one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 23 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for f L P EXP ABED BY S. V- irOTJT52 & BRO ' AT THEIR WHOLES 4 IE DltlO AND MEDIflVE DEPOT. So. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Hd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United States. . E7 For sale at the Drug Ptore of EYJ2K $ MOYER . Cloomsburg Pa. Bloomsburg. Jan. 6. lyG. 12nio. GlflTON'S CHEAP GKOCEUY STOKE. JLSO IS ATS, CAPS AND SHOES. rpH E undersigned has remove! histlat and Cap Store up to Evans' old stand. w hre in addition to a superior assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER 0 Hats and Caps WS? CONFECTION ARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sugar, , Coffee, Teas, Tobacco Snaff. Cigars, Spices, . Dried Fruit, ; Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Ccdarware, Ticket Knives, Combs, fc, 4c., tf-e, Together with a variety of articles generally kept in Store. Also A Mae lot of KID. MORO EOS and Linihss to which be invitee the at ention of Shoemakers ndine public. JOHN K. CIRTON. P.loomsburg. May 13. U5 OF Spring and Stiimiirr Csootls. rptl E subscriber has jnt returned from tbe cities 1 with another large and select assortmeul of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Phi ladt-Aphia and New York, at the lowest figure, aad which be is determined tu sell on at mo Icrate itrmi as can be proeured elsewhere iu liloomiiburg. His rtock comprises LAD 5 DnESS GOODS if the choicest styles and latest fashions together with a large assortment of DKY-GOOl'S, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, and Y Mitiga. ASo. Griceties, Hardware, Cedar Ware, iivll'in -ware. JVjii. Irua, n q o xs' a snosu, flats and Caps. dec. In short, everything usually kep. in a country 'tore, to w hirh he invites the at tcniion of the public generally. The hirThest price w ill be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. S. H. MILLER. Dloomsbnrg, Nov. W. 1?B5. momma Insurance Company, W1LKES-BARRE. PENNA. CAPITAL AXD SCRPLCS, - - $150, ' A SSETS. Ptock not called in, - . - . . 45(1,000 Bills receivable, . - - - . 40 (mo U. S. 5 SO Bonds, - - . . Ui'.Qtta Temporary and call loans, - . . . 6,0ou 103 share Wyoming Bank Stock, - . ti. led 5ti shares First National Bank at Wi Iks-Barre. 5.000 70 shares Second National It.ink at Wilkes Barre 7.i 46 shares VV llkes-uarre Bridge block, Real Etate. .... Judementa. -. - -Due from Agents and others, Caah in hand and in Hank. - - IlIstECTORS. 1.519 10-.' 7.414 l.tvli G. M. IIOLI.EN BACK, JOHN ItP.ICIIARU. SMtlUEL WADIIA'V'S. t'MARLKS dorrance, r n l.-M OE I. . D. SHOEMAKER, II. M IIOVT, O. H.I.IVP, W.fl. ROSS. CIMRl.E'iA MINER, O M HARDING. Si EtVART PIERCE, G. M HOI.I.EVKA 'K. President. L. ! SHOEMAKER. Vice Pre7. K. a SMITH. SccraTaEV. ' '- BROWN. Agent, March 85. I8C3 msbnr?, Pa. , HIvMLKA Ol LL, Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Coartlandt Stree NEAR BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY This old-established and favorite resort of the Du llness Community )as been recently refitted, and is complete in everything that can minister to the coin forts of its patrons Ladies and families arc specially and carefully provided for. It Ij centrally located in the bu' iness part of the ci ty and is contiguous to the principal tines cf steamboat cars, ouanibusse ferries, fcc. I ne table is amply supplied with all tbe luxuries rf the season, and is equal l that of any other hotel in h- country. Ample accommodations are ottered for upward oi It guexta. r7 Do not belie vt tanners, nackmea. and o'bers ' may say "the Wetern Hotel is full." . D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprieu r. THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. J5.14G2. WTjt. c usnszsv, - eso. w. CAkra.XTH. Eitabllshed 1828. G. W. CARPEXTERsJIEXSZEV L CO. If HOLES ALE DRUG GISTS. 737 Matcrr St. one door below 8th, PriUDELrHiA. DRUGS. WFD1CINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS OILS. GLA8, VARNISIIt.S, DYE?, And every other article appertaining to the - business. tf the best qiaiiiy, and al the lowest Market Rate. , March ga. IfUW. JOHN C. YEAGER & Co.; MANl FACTURER Sc. VYiiOLESALE DEALER IN QHAT6, CAP, STRAW GOODS, BONNE I S AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, v Aim- ;LOOrHERE. , THF. VfcR V'i' FLATTER I N(i UPPOUT hereioftir uiven 'n't the iie fiim ol JAMH1S S :Mt NlNCH & CO..iDil-icea iliw ifr der eijnei! 10 einnr upon lttt bti-iiie) of T ME RCH ANDIZMQ .- . opOn n' t-ornrhHt new pleri. 'The c?ilii .-jelein tia bft-n. an ifjury- to bota. buyer unJ aellfr, hnI iherrfu'e . . JAUEs S IWriTIiCII 'propO-ev to opn n ih 13iii -.lay of the 'r.pi.th ol Nnveniber, A. D- 1865 in rgSj .1 t57gi S,Tr THE MOST COMPLETE AND 7 --ELVG.ItST STOCK OF IVEW JMHS F.VKR OFFKUED'IN THIS COUNTY; i!MiiMiii! ol evury variety and quality ol 'Mpl nriil fancy aond, G U 0 C E R I E S , ' ( C I J K K N S A It E , H xV R D -WARE, and ail eorisi of ariides kept in a country tore ; 10 be) -old OR IN EXCHANGE FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. . The whole bnMiei. to be contluclPii on ih hysiem of pay a yon nd at ih( er ri ilian any other hou-e. Call aim juflge tor vonrpelvp JAMES S. MiNINCH. November 8, 1865. )R. MARSHALL'S CI TAR It 11 SMJFF, This SnufThii thor.iuehly proved it-lf to !. the best arii. ! known fir eirini; ih- I'titntn Cold t the lists and KDACita It h.i b"en found an ci ccIIohi ieiii'-dy in many c'icfs i f ii.ta Eve, Dkap nes iai been r-'inov-d by il a'i'l Hxako i.t ha t.ften hceti w:itly ln.prnv -l by t- UHe. it is fragrant and ncreeniiiy, and l.lVtj I.ViMEul ATE HEUr.F To the doll hi-avy puin rausi-d by dko are of the Head. The enal ion a'ler usitis it are delichtful and invigorating. It open ami purges out all obstruction, strengthen the gland, and gives a healthy actiou tu the pnrts affected. More ihan Thirty Years' Cf sali-and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Hkadacuic S.ii rr. has pr- ved ilsgr-at vulue for all the common disease of i he Head, and at thi moment itftands higher than ever before, . It i recommended by many of the best physician , and i used with great tuccess and satislaction ew rvnheie. lit ad the Ccrt'ficates of Wholesale Drag gista in 1854 ' The undersigned, having fo- many years been ac quainted with Dr. Marsuaan's Catarrh aud Hkad-ac-hb irjorr. and sold it iu our wholesaletrade cheer fully stute.that we . elleve ii to be equal in every re s ect, to the ree.iiilUcnd alion given of for the cure uf Catarrhal 'AfTot f ions, and that it is decidedly the best article we have ever known for all common i!n. ,:i,.h nl tlm 1 1 i I'urr At Perry, Bust.m, ) Barnes Park. New Yoik J A C 6c D Sands, I hJ...... 1 1 i r- Reed, Austin Sc. Co brown, Cauisou Sc. Co ' Reed, CutUr Sc. Ce Seth W Fowle, Wilson. Kairbnnk It. Co. . Ilenstiaw. dmand Sc. Co U II Uav. Portland Me. & uut al ,u i " , Israel Minor at Co - " M'hessnn Sc. Robbins A L. Scovill St Co . V Ward. I l-e ai Co " uuah Ac Gale, For Sale b all Lrujgiats. Try It Feb. 3, IdOO Jy. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. lirvan's Pulmonic Wafers. CJ-The original Medicine cstiMit tied in 1637. and first aiticle ' the kind ever introduced under th-j name of -Pci.mo,ic WarsR," in ibis or any uber country;, all other Pulino iic Wafers are rnunterfeits. The genuine can be known by tho name BRYAN be in. atauicd oi. euch Wafer. These Wafer have been before the public for nearly Thirty V ear. and the immense sale alt, ned.npt only in America but iu foreign eountrie. fully attest their mtriiii-ie w-T'h. The medical properlie are superior to any other article offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affection .and the quautitv contained in each box i nearly double that ol the many vvor' bless imitation advertised. Lrjan's Pulmonic Wafers cure Cough. Colds, Sor Throat. Hnareaes.A-thma. Catarrh, ttrnncbiti. Difficult Ureulliitig, Spilling of Blood rains in the Client In. ipient CoriKumottnn and all diseases of the lungs. Noiaflording o ily temporary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and are warranted to give satisfaction ia every instance. They don"t nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the uiedical prope.ties ar combined in a form fo agreeable and pleasant to iheia.te. that a.iy child will readily take them One dose will always airord RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocalist and Puhlic Speakers, the Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their rerular use for a few days will, at all times. increase the pow er and flux ihil-ty of the vniee. greaily Improving its tone, co'i'pa ami rlearnes. for which purpose th- y are regulaily ued bv many professional Vocal t.l The very great celebrity of this valuable remedy has iii ii.-4.-d unprincipled persons in prepare basis imita tion, which disappoint the jut cxpeetalions of the puri-naser. anu mjure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the word "BRYAN," is stamped on earn Wuf. r. and alo observe the far .imile of tlm sicaa tnre ofthe Proprietor. "JOB MOtss" on earh wrap per, to entinteieit which i vorokrt. (T-- OiTendinr parties will be dealt with to the full exleut)f the law. t' a it s 1't'i.iii'MC vv afar are Tor sale by a.l Drur gi-ts " Jim MOSfS Pole Proprietor, 57 Cortlandt St , N. Y . ran. 0,1300 jy. THE GREAT EXULISU REJIEDY. PROTECTED BY ROYAHLETTER3 PATENT. SIR J AMESCLRIv E'S Celebated Female Pills. Prepared frm a preicriplie f Sir J.Clarke. JW. D.,Pky sieian Enraordinaoi to the Queen. This invaluable tnepi-iue i unlailiiig ia the cure of an inns'? painnn anu uaiierous uiwatei to wbici the female constitution Is suliject. It moderates all ex eat anu removes ail oasiruciion.trom whatever eaus and a speedy cure may be relied on tO MA l( 11 IE) LADIES, it is rartiriilnrtr soiled. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period vt ith regularity. (Each bottle, prtre One Di.ll.ir, bears the Government Stamp of Cleat tirilaui. to prevent Counteifeit 'A. i lN. 7 PMs rkould not he taken y Females during tie FlKsr THR.F.K M KYl HSof Pregnan y. lcy are s., to bring on JHiseariage.kitt at awf uther time tkei ate tare Eveiy im. u kuu s Hi it th hlnoiu i,f hualtu uiu.t fade, with the slixtii-l irri-g j'aritv ..r li.lrurlniii of lh inense. The. Pi ar t.ul the woman's friend iu the linnr of trial, slid lh". only sure. p,xi;iv. anj never fm'mif rure and r g il.il.ir I t-'ippr- fsl.-n of i,a tiirc frem a ha ver cane So mild !.it the 'cellHt cm: t:k- in, tu with perl ct security yet so powerlu I ia their e feet, tliul ti. y u.ay be .ulVly t ailed, a Uevir failinc R. gu'aiot. In all rase of Norvmis and Spinal Aff-ctiuns Pains in llir Back aud Limbs, Katisue lislil er-rtion,Pal-p l.tHUi .f 'he licit, tlysteiir. aud While", ilie-e ril s will off ct a cure when allotbm means have fai -ed ; at.d although a puwetful remedy, do imt contain iron, calomel, untimuny. or anylluiig hujtful lathe conrtitution. Fu'l riirectiofis in tbe pamphlet around each package which should be careiully preserved. SVLD BY ALL OR fOO ISTS. Sole General Agent for the United tilaies cad British Dominion", Jn MOSSES, 27 Cortland St., New York. N. D. fl 00 and 6 three cent postage stamps en closed to tny authorised Agent, will ensure a bnulo, containing 60 Pills, by return mail, s.curcly scaled from ail observation. . - Feb. 3. tiO.-Iy. i National Foundry. 1 HE subscriber, proprietor I of the above named ex tensive establishments now prepared to receive orders for All Kinds of Ulaciiinpry, for Colleries, Wast Furnaces, Stationary Engines. - MILES. THRESHING MACHINES. fcC. &.C. He is alsn prepared to make Stoves, all sixes and iattcrn, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in fiiM-clais Foundries. His cxt.-nsive facilities and practical workmen, war- aiithiiuin recaivtn tbe largest contracts on tbe m it reagonnble terms. iTT"- Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange- fo, cating. ty This establishment is Inea.ed near tbe Laekuwa na S Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. - - PZTER BILLMYEtt. Bloomsburg, Sept, 12. 1363. TO FARMERS, PHILLIPS PUPER PHOSPHATE LI VlE.Seymo-iri' Patent Grain and Phosphate Drill, burneus Re-' volving Hay Rakes and Hand Make, for sale by I'AXTOiS . HARMON, Kuper , Pa. We rtaim for Philips Super Phosphate that it con. tains less moisture .is more uniform in quality, con tains moie agricultural value, than any other in the market, and introduce tbe article to farmers in ten eral as a rtaple and standard aiticle intending to yf.Sv''. xy x-i-: -to i ri ft mm bone mill: BONE DUST- THE BEST & I II K A PEST 31AMJRE ! 17IVELY ground Bone, expressly for Wheat. Rye, X Corn. 1'iurkwheat, Oats, Potatoes. Grass Fruit Trees, Giapa Vines Vgela lea. ate, Ab mobt . Koue Oust and Fertilizers are tarsely anuneratea to sati.ry consumers that this article st rict'y pnre. e rh bill of sa'e i accompar.ied with a fdsiified statement thnf each package of Hone Du.t is entirely free from adulteration. To thi fact our freight ageats, car men and workmen. can al all times teal if y. F'iriners will do well to send for our circular. civ ins full particulars of this valuable ferliliz r. As our stork is limitud, we advise our customer to or der early. TACKED IN i7f67.Y4. HA It If ELS. K7 A Liberal Diicount Allowed t Dealers. A J HKEfNIt., Allentcwn, Pa. N, R. Persons reading thi advertisement will do bnne-gath'-rer a favor by bringing us totheir notice. a we pa v the hi chest pi ice for licnes. March il. Iiitirt 3mo. GROCERY STO RE ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. .13 ore E'rch liootU. Just received at Henry Giper's Neu Store: MULAISSES, SUGARS, TD.S, COFFEE, RICE, SPICES, FISH. SALT, RAISIN, TOBAOCO, SEGARS, CANDIL.S, NOTINNs, Toys, FEED AD PROVISIONS, Together with a great variety of notions , Ac,, '.on numerous to mention BUTT Ell, EGGS. ME XT, and Produce fenera'lv, taien in exchmg.i forsoidt. The bei-l market price will be followed. Give Ivm a call. The highest market prices paid forallkinds COUiTItY fui:s. HENRY GIG El?. BioomsLurj, January 3, ln(3o. jYciv Stuck of Clothing. Sl'riii and SKiiii.tcr Courts. I NYITRS atle Uiunto his Mock of cheap and fash ionable Holding al his store, on M.IN UTIIEET. IlLOOMSBURG, two doors above the JJm.rican House, where 1m has jut received from New York and Phi 1 idelphia, a lull asortmeul of ITlcii and .Coy's Clolhhiir, including the most fesliionahl. durable and band seme, DESS GOODS, cuusiting of Hox,Sackt Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Con.'s. and Pants, rf all sorts. ixc. and color. He loba replen ished his already large stork cf Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vests, shifts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and fanry articles. N II. lie ha constant ly on hand a larse and well selected assortment if Cloth and Veslines. which lie is pr fcarrd to make up to ord r. into any kind of clothing on very slurt notice and ia the best of in .li ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home lunuufaclure. AND "-r i a "f every Description. Fin and Cheap. Hi Case of Jcwelrv is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex amine hi geueral a.sortmeni of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, tec. ttc DAVID LOWENBURG. Bloomtburg, April 20. 1805. HKNTiSTKY. HC. II O W E R, a SU5EOn DBI.'TIST. RIl'l.l II Ll.LV ott.rshis profess ion.il services to the ladies and gentle -X P tiri-pared io nt-etid lo all thn vnriom. operations iu the line of his profession audi provid 6 win t ie liiiesl improved P'JhCr.I1 1. Tt.KTU; whirl w II l-tfin -terted ou gold.platina.sil vcr and rubber br 1 1 hufLtvi II x 1 li nadu .1 luulh lolixAwll a the natuial teeth VII icr il plate and bl-ck teeth manufactured ar 0 eri'lii'ns on teeth.rarefully and propi'rly attendee Keii'euce and oflire a fow doors above the Ct ... i ail dt .. '.-iurt 11 in-e. M.kme aiff iil xvnghiirc. June IPH.t tHUTUGtiAfllz 1 t'HU HsUliAl 7 1 ! XE1V GdLLKUY IN BUllG. BLOOMS THE undersigned takes plrasrue in annoni!rln that he has opened a Gallery in the Imre fi.ou. over Hariman's More, in l!loomsburg. Pa., for Pho tographic and Kindred Art. flc i prepared lo lake Pictures of all kinds. , Having procured the service of an experienced Artist from New York, ho is prepared lo do all kinds of Picture taki-ig iy Call and see before going tlsewher?. A. A. UE.Ml'STEAD. January 31. Jc3G-3in. Jii!icc oi Hie Ie:ue, Licensed Loneeymcer, Scrivener, and Surveyor Office Heaver Valley, P.a. Will attend toliking Acknowledgements. Write De Ml.. .Vortgsges. Leaaes. Bonds? Notes. Agree ments, fce. ftorveymg attended lo with depalth. Ch irget moderate. - . nv- lB8aSs38SE3sittafeia Mtfel3SPr A m eri can Hotel, : CHESTAUr STREET,1 Opposite old Independence Hall, PUILADELPIIIA. S. II tU LINGS, Proprietor. MEXico i arsxtcona SSO.tJOOaOOOiL.OA jf REP til L1C oK MEXIfOr" Twenty'-ucar Conp nHnd - tn Siim of 5o. si oo, 8500, a fLTipar -' (merest sev n Per Cent., PajjbU la TUe City: of 'eir', Vr.C'.a Prlncimt' nnd Int reel Payable in OX.O - 910 tmsx t OHO to ba aol.l al Sixty Ceuta iif trje D..Uar in U. 4-, Currency, tliu yielding art inture-t of Twelve par eem, in Gold, or 3event-en per cent, in Carreney, ml the present rate of iircHiimn ou gold. The first year's interest already previded. . ; The most Desirable Investment ever Offered. Immense tracts nf Minlrg and Agrlceltural taads V sixty percent of port dues, i u posts add Uses, la the Suites of Tamanlipa end San Lui Polos i ; aad the plish:cd 'ailh of the said Stale and the Geesial Government are all pledged f.tr the redemptive of7 these Bonds aud payment of intetest. -' - , The Security is Ample. $10 In U. S.Cnrrenry v ill boy a 7 pet eeat GVd1 Bond of $50. . .. S'M in C. S. Currency wilt buy a 7 per cent. Oolit tlond of $UKJ. . . . - ; - t3NJ iii U. f; Currency wit! buy a 7 per cent Gold" Bond l ai H. . , IUK) in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold' Boud of tiuou. Let every lover of Republican Institutions bay at least one . OXi: ROD. , Circulars forwarded and subscriptions receivsd by JO'IN W. f "ORLI ES Co , I and J. N.TIFPT. Financial Agent . of th? Republic -f Mexico. 57. I'.r.ia.lw, . New Yorh Subiciiption alsi received by Banks ana' Banker generully tkroughjut the United Stales. . Nov.tj, li-C5. . . MY HAPPY HUME. THE OLD HOMESTEAD : " Wild Cherry Biltcra Are perfectly pure and contain an poison or mx-' nu substance. They are compounded upoa scien tific principle, and are adapted - to the old and the ountf, the strong aud the Weak, and are destined to ie found in every city, town and batnlst ia the! civilized world.. They speedily cure Jaundice, Dysptphia, all forms' f In dtgeitutn, Sour Stomach, liheuma- i" tim. Sera' tda. and all ' : ' IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD,' Dropsy. i-rvn. AfT-cti .tis. Ki l-iey Diseasee, Liv- er Coniplaiiita. Geiw-ral Pttratioa,and Ner. twit Headache. . - - . A a Mnminv '-pp'iix r nft other fonlc or Sti ma la til in tbe universe ru equal them, i- or disder' ed divest on. imperfect circulation of the blood, aad exhausted vital ruergy ' they give permanent art prompt relief . , Fr CVhsIis nnd Colds tky are superior te any Cherry Pectoral. Th-y cleanse the ' stomach aa4 purify the blood, acting dire, tly upon the Liver, tbe great sent of disease ; they soou restore it tea seuaA and ha!thr state. . . To persons of Sedcntarv habits, delicate Females and nursing .Mother, and those .who feel a loss of strength, or a want of ambiooa. these killers will be fsund of incalculable valua. Oue tiial will tea vince you - ,i :'.. 'T Manufactured and old by " T. B, SLINGERLANC A.CO.: H 7 Chrystie St N-T. . and sold by all Druggists and Merchants genets, ly. ' - D. W.'hOBKINS, Agent. Bloomsburg, Pa. March 23, iecc,3m , . . 4KV SKIRT FOR 18GG. Tbe Great iDvcn'.ioo of tba Age la ' BOO P SK I R T S J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent TXTPLEX ELLXPTKI (.or aouDiej trMi.u e&iKT. . THIS INVENTION consists of Duplet (or two) K liplic Pure Kefiued Steel Sprincs. ngeiiiously Braided ' "I ightly and Firmly totelher. eilfa to edge, making the Toushcsl. most Flexible, Elastic aad durab a Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Pingle Sprines and consequently preserve their perfect and leaulifi shape more than twice as ions; as any SiuiMe Spring Skirt that ever U as or Can b made. , THE wonderful flexibility and great eonif'rt aas .lensnre to any Lady wearing the Djpiex Eliptir Skirt will be experienced partieularlv in all crowded As reiiibtice. Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars. CburcW Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt ran be folded w hen In oe to neoupy a small place as easily and coaveuiensty as a Silk or Musiiu Dress, - A Lady havinc Enjoyed lire Pleasure, Comfort aneT Crent i 'on venicnce of wearing the I'aplcx EUipua " Steel rprinz Skirt for a arable day will Never after war. willingly dispense with their use. For Chii ilren. Misses aud V vung Ladies they are superior l all others. i TH E HOOPS are covered wrlh 2 ply double twisted: thiead and m ill wear t res a long as the Single jars covring which is used ou all Single Steel Hoop Skirt. The Ihtee buflou, sods na awry ikirt ar also Double Steel. aud tc-or dootAe covered to prevent Use sjoe erins from w. ariug of the rods when dragging dowa stairs. loi.e steps etc , elc.,wbirh they are toostoos ly subj-ft wheii ta use. All are made of the new and el'gaat Corded Tap-e. and are the best fitalrtv in every past, giving In tlse wearer the nio.t graceful and perfect shape. possible, and are unquestionably tbe lightest, most desirable, comfortable a nd ..cuiiomical Skirt ever made, . WEST'S UR A DUE Y l CAUY. PROrRlETOR sf the Invention, and rtLK M ANt'FACTURKRS. 87 CUV MUCUS, and 73 at el REaDEbTRErs, Nsw Yoik. - . FOR SALE in ah first class Slo.es la this City, aad thr iihout the United States and Caanada.Havana do Cuba. Mexieo. South America, and tbeWest Indies '. ISy Inquire lor the Duplex EUiutis (or dealdsl Spring Skirt. Match SI. 1?C6. 3m, A It C. . IS66 Philadelphia & Erie IS50' 1 1 -f This great line traverses tbe Northern aad Nervh west counties of Peansylvania to the city of Erie, ou U&ke Erie. t . It has been leased bv the Pennsylvania Railroad; Company, and is operated by them. Tins or passkrosr tbair at RoRTacasBSLARa ' LEAIE I. A ST HARD. Erie Mail Train. II 2S P 11 Ens Eipre.s Train, 3 4i A it LlmiraAlail Train. ' 11 2 A a: ' LElVE WESTWARD. ' Eric Mail Train. ' 1M AW i Erie Express train. 7 14 f ag Ktmira Jlail Train. - -- " 4 3i P M Passngcrs Ckr run through on the Enc Mail and" Express Trains without cuaros both wars bctwsaB Philadelphia and Erie. ... " NEW YORK CONNECTION. - - Leave New York at 0.00 P. M.airive at Erie9. 15 A M Leave Erie at 1.55 P. M. arrive at New York 3 4a PMi Eiegaut Sleeping Cars oa all Night Train. -For information respecting Passenger business ap ply atthe -'or. Kb and Market Ste. Philadelphia ' And for Freishi business of the Company's A stats. S. M. Kingston. Jr.. Cor. 13th aud Market Sis.. PHiPa J. . Reynold, Erie. William Urown. Agent N. C. R: R., Baltimore II. II. Houston. Gen'l. Freight Agt . rhiladelnhfa 11. W. (.winner. Gea'l.Tirket Agt. I'hiUdelDhia. A. L TV I. ER. Gen I. Sup t. WilUamsnurL. March l. Its.. - rtSiii-zi'' MANHOOD: -JJi HOW L0r, HOW RESTORED-. I( J,J. 7,ljt.ii"hd. a new edition of DR: CULYKI w i.i.i. Celebrated Esjr 0.1 the aAicAt ceaa Vwitlitiil iu?.!i i,f) of SrnRsuvoRRstojA. or semiaab t i nkee-s lvo untwrv Seminal Losses, IrpotsscT Venial and Phys.ral Imapaeiiy, . mpedi.ueuts t Murrsige . tr ; a sc. Co.ascafTioa. EptLsrsv. . aa IfT. induced by s.if in Julg, nce or sexual extrava gance. , nl rrir,-in a salet envelope, only C cents. The rxlcbralcd author in thi admirable essay clearly .lemon -t.-atea. ftom a thirty year's euece. ful praetice. Hint the alarming consequences of seir abuse may be radically cured without the danger' .i-s uac cl internal medicine or the application of the kiufe-p., intn.g nnl a mode of cure at once sba pie, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mat ee.taa cur','I",fr neaply, privately, and radically. . Ls This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in tbe land. ir Sent, under n.al rn a plain envelope, to aay aeT dress, post paid, on receipt of six eents. or twsv postage stamps. Address tbe publishers. ' CIIAS. J. C.KLIN EJt CO. -; 1.. Bowery. New York, Post Office hoc Oli., ( Marc h Is, 18M. Jy. : : . I OMNI BUS LIN elE undersigned would renerifi.lla . ' 16 e' "fenof Mioomsbtwg. and the public gen erally, that he 1 running - ,; an OMNIBUS LINE, be- f -7 iwecn ibis t lace aud tbe dif ferent Rail Road Depots dal ly. iuuoays eicrpted) to' on the Catawtssa and WTilliasafMrt Rail Road, aad with those going North aad south oa xhe Lack. sc. Bloomsburg Kwad. ' His O.V1N I BUS-ES are ia good condition, ee oxoe UHlaid """fortable, and chart reasonsble. r Persona wisbisg to meet or see th-ir fr leads depart, can be accommodated, upon leasoapbht ttVC" UliVia tiaaely notice aranyoftbe Ue VV ? JACOB i. GtRTOlf," ; ''It l t j-,tjsjerm3n'0t xraae.