Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, May 09, 1866, Image 3

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Wednesday, may 9 1866..
ii r-f ' 4" . i'f - ', -" .
J. tL-Roaringereek. Your letter eonrratttlating
the Dmoctii 4s-STa,' hat' beei received, If we
tnt room we (will publish ; it: next week. Like
.many" other vhlrlrwe receive' daily.' the letter
peak'a for tlLeipeiuoc raeVof your locality; ' ''
Joan, or Centre. A far. as, we ere permitted to
Judge the people' are decidedly in favor ef Poor
Ueaetuc . . . ... -. .. ., v
.. 1. 0 'Call at oar office, and you will get the d-
IradJefoimaijoa, . ,.,.-: ;ii,,-ri J
! RosatA. Please tend m yonr teal name end we
wiifpiibUfh ,ouf article. If yoa are willing for sock
aaaVrtioa i go to the pabiic.over yenr own iifiif
tore.eil right, if o, they wi b pbUtU.:d by
' XgC Adv. of 3IeNin0h & Sliutuan, will
be Inserted in bur next issue 1 ' - ',' .... .
EiSy Wm. llonr- was elected superinten
dent ' of' Common School over'- Wm. K
Butler1, for tKe cotinty of jfontoW . .
. - JtST An every-aiy topic' . upon which all
parties agree ia,. that .-the most uncommon
tjuiigfor th'Jonlli' of Iay,:'h'as..been the
late cold weather. 1 ; .-. '
.SSF"-C6L John G-Freeze had '. purchased
and rtmcved !tb tW jrfaifcjnt wiling
formerly oVned apd. occupied by lion. L. B.
liupert, ai uns piat;e.
. .(Olr1?- : ?
tST" H.tII.'Hunjbefger has opened a to
bacco" store,, on' Iain street, three doors be
low tne American House. It is too late to
ptufiC'it Tt7 do that witi good cigars. . -
13- Tha t most; conspicuous among our
frieada and townsmen in laboring to make
home beautiful comfortable and attractive,
is nr. neighbor,: Henry IIartman,on Market
StreeC.i Would that all follow his example.
. t. In ..
" Jg5 Oa last Thursday, for the first time
this season,'' the people of Bloomsburg were
greeted la the Market by . this appearance of
fesh xadishes, rhubarb, onions, salad, aspar
agus -Hereafter (we hope it will be a
daily occurrence.- - . .'."'!"' ',
y. 3 Vfe were informed by many fanners,
Who tame . tp town last week, rthat they, as
well as their neighbors generally, were ready
to plant corn, .but hesitated on account of
thG;qQld.weatheT.';; ' ; . .... . , . . . .-,
. tgy We are credibly informed that on
Saturday,, the 5th. inst , a snow fell on the
. 2vwrt2i7' Mountain',- completely covennlg' the
ground.. Rather singular fo the 5th of May.
US-oD. X- Everhart, offers a 4 valuable
property, situate between Light Street" and
Orangevillerat private sale, or in exchange
for town property.' ' See' his advertisement
ia Another colami. . ''. j .";'t " ,
J"j3- CapL.. Israel Mummey is keeping
the "Espy Hotel'' in good-style, and is ma
king that .House, one 'of the . bept in . the
county for travelers and others to "halt ' at
.. fTh'ey db'sayYthat lie eeW aJeplendid ta
ble",ind keeps nbthing but first-class liquors
i&bis bar. '
iS?Wc are pleased to learn that the
V Good Templars" are doing a good work iiv
. theirt Association of this place. We hope
they may pe able to poait to' their efforts a3
cdntributing to, the adornment .of pociety
' and prosperity 'of bur race. . We wish them
God-speed. : - ' - " ; ; " . .
, ..... ft i , '
ESS. We notice hat.many of our cotem-,
poraries are publishing an Act changing the
mode of granting hotel and restaurant licen
s aar havin passed. the' Ijegislature and be
come' law.- This is not the fact. The bill
passed the House but not the Senate, there
fjlrc'itis not ilaw.'-; j, , : ' . - ..
;?cnrET.-Thcre-was quite a large attend
ance 'at iCourt- on Monday and Tuesday of
thiweek. Thc Commonwealth niatter is
light this Term - and' the' majority of the
' civil causes was postponed. The granting
.. of Ho'tel licenses is being done to-day, (Wed
" nesday) Tbe Grand Jurors have been dis
iaLjscd. lA- synopsia of the proceedings will
- ppeaf.moTir next.''; -' ..
' ' i.tii Bz-iStohner, .Confectioner of this
placeih43 purchased. of M.C.Sloan & Bnx,
" a eplendld light wagon, with' neat falling top
in front,- constructed fpecially for 'carrriug
tandles,jrvreet-nieats, cakesi, nnts, &c.
through the. COuntrj''.: Xzrti&y .is', an enter
rrLsing man knows how to make money in
Net exactly, MrJlIilL (";Thc Cvlum
' iuift neither claims to be a Tlepublican paper
nor is it off the 'tfue Democratic' track."
H' doc's not support - Clymxr- 7 Ilcnce it is
not Democxatio Geary's name. is not at its
inasL-head,- consequently there is nothing
kft for any one to conclude but that it: is a
- bastard institution and not on. any , track.
1 3T: Notwithstanding the beautiful t and
agreeable weather for fanners to work, up
' to goilbg to press, there appears to be a pret
ty general'turnou't' at' 'Court. From all
parts oT te county, ear Democratic friends
arecaHing 'tipfln us, and giving ns their most
earnest and cheering support. - We thank
theia for tbeir friendly encouragement, and
their coble-efforts m behalf of the Democ
racy. ' We are very glad to know, that
Axncog'tlit D'imocrats, our course in consol-ii.itL-ith!
two. Democratic. papers of this
j laco b universally approved,and our efforts
to i making the Dejiocbat & Stak a first
cliss county 'paper are duly and properly ap
rreciated. n ! . ; ' '- " '' r
. We understand that there U a great
deal 6f winingand threatening amon;certain
iadiyiduals in tbis conntVjbecause'the "Poor
II Jose BELT was not permitted to bicome a
xir containing.' a majority of, Republican
Commissiipners,' as IV was originally dratyi,
tr'i t seat to us at Ilarrbbure. We t?ok the
Dcrty,iT justr?7 our constkuentsto amend
C-' T "-. C' rit ttme and at Ihe proper
rZe, i y "tl-c'u' U'the Bill a majority of
I?jjiiocTatic"Cbailssioners.!. Without this,
it wVali have been a very fine piece .of leg-
i ' ccminx from a Democratic member
a c--tv which' tad pc.IIci for us nearly
. ' -.r;,-n!Ocraiio rzrJority. .Wouldn't
j it K it will five wore general satis-'
. " ' -- '. ;c vkr-i townships to' accept
V3j" Itias been mnarked in our hearing
that it "never cdsthetditq'f bf tbe Republican.
much cash ""to be a friend of . the Union."
But he continued bi3 abuse upon Democracts
without stint br measure during the war.
So far he was ,outspoken,fearless and free."
The war was a benefit '-toihe editor of the
Republican, but ruinous, io tbe people generally.-
He has received a lucrative position,
furnished V tne. resultdof the war, through
which he is nicely liningliis pockets at the
expense of the ' tax-payers. ' Wasn' t the war
a glorious; thing for Shvdfy bntf.daulaging
to the poor-people! - ? -
Q.vly.Oxe P'oixAa fort'u. Democrat
axd SrAB.-f-We will send ItheiDEMOaliT
& STArf '.to- any; address for' six months'' fropi
the first of May-whrchrill run until after
tho fall elections for -one Dollar ! We trust
Our"friends,and Democratic rc!ub3 thrdughr
out thc-connty, will send us a large number
of new subscribers. Whenever an effort is
made .subscribers arc readily obtained... Who
would not '.give a dollar, for ;thb ' DEirocRAT
& Star during the next six months of tbis
exciting campaign ?- Ourpaper will contain
a large anidunt of political as well as gener
al rending mttter. f Eacb name must be ac;
compained with tha eash.,. ;, i
Oxe man, though he be President, does
not constitute the Government. We have a
Senate a congress', elected directly by .r'.tlie
people.- And these renrescntativesrin Con
junction with tho.Presidtx-:constiLUtc the
government The Presidont "only" can., act
by the advice and with, the consent of the
Senate. This is constitutional; and itwould
be well for the people to' bear v it " always in.
mind. -Iljrrisbura Tdejrctplu" -, . ;
Youdont say so I What an 'eyb opener"
this information will be to the poor deluded
creatures of the so called Union party, ;who
were taught , to believe Abraham Lincoln
was the Government, and abhorred the hasty
copperheads for arguing contrarily j This
is such a complete change of base t that "it
would be well for the people to Tear it always
iu mind." ' ' : " .- ' " .
PnRENONOLoar.- Messrs. Fowler and
Wells, 339 Broadway, have just a new and
improved Phrenological Bust, showing the
latest classification And exact location of the
Organs or tq e B rai n, dcigiTed 4b r-learner.'.
All the "newly diicoveied organs are
given. ; It is divided so as. to show each Or
gan and all the groups Social, Execu
tive, IVTELLECTU.v, and MORlVL-Iajihifi-ed.
t It is njw expensively uwd in E'irope ,
andis almost the only one in use here. There
are two sizes the largest near the ' size of
life is sold at at $2.00. The smaller,one,
whicb is not more jthan six inches highland
may be carried in the pocket, is only 1.00.
May be sent by, Express, or as freight. Ad
dress, "Fowler x We.lls, 89 Broadway,
New York. l" ".' ;,...' ' , .
. i m - ' ' " "
Color,vdp. The U..S. Senate, on Tues
day, passed the bill admitting Colorado as a
State- Earlier in the session the appropri
ate committee of the Senate reported, after
full investigation that Colorado ought not
to be admitted at present, it being an imma
ture, Territory, it being well known that it
does not contain more than twjp.t3--five or
thirty thousand people, 'while one tundrpd
thousand is the basis of representation for a
a single Representative from other States.
But the Radicals hare made its admission a
piece of parti zanship of the purest water.
They will by this movement secure two more
Radical ' members of the ' Senate. The
House will, doubtless, pass the billsoon
Wc hope the President will . veto it, and
that no new State will be admitted a long
as the old ones are excluded from represent
tation and their rigbts as States. 'v.
Union ' Business ' College
... : : '. .-I.-...
'Eighth and Spring Garden il eits.
President and Consulting Accountant.
Extriordinary Inducements I
li L'S I N ESS CO L LEG li TEtt VJ ri.
Trom" April I to (Jctcbcr i, ie66.
- . ' .' ' ' 1 - -
LIFE SCHOr.AR?HtP8. inrlurfin3 DookkiepiB, Vu
ines C.rr".pmntenrff. Forms ami Cntums. Coin
MiTrial Ariih'iielic. Buiin-si Pniiin.iiii.hi p. Uclt-tt-ing
Coanterft-it .Vlnney, & Commercial Law,
SCHOLARSHIPS, incln.lini nami fubji.-rt aTabove,
Time liiiiitcfl io trtre Mi''.h-t, r -
PeamaciiluB. three nmntb. - -. - ;-$7
Pemnanfliip c Ariihuiiic, thre months ' ; j $IU
. The mini of com and ens in tbe ummT months
Is ait aitvaiibicn nf anrh importance as eiialterh
maa.ic'ui'nt ofthl Collet 10 niaka a conii'lcraMe
reiiuciiou io the auuiiuer ruica - -
From October 1, 186$, to April 1, 167. '
. . Ati tucceeding yearr, before.
Life Scholarships - - . fXI
Hcbnlaraiiia, 3 -month, - ' ' 91A
Prnnutnch.p. 3 manih. - . $
Prninanvlup and Arnhmelie, 3 inmithf, - $li
t-rkCiiL 'ltfs to Cures. SoLo:f, no roe iat
, - . hk or MiiTa mi Tsaraaes.
in Bankin?. 'StofkfepiBr, Bookkerpini. Peaman
rhip. P n Dr.iwiug. Tbiiieraphr. Ariltiintic Me a
i-ii rni ion. Algebra. (Jrometry . ;ualtil lie.iin.-try.
Ihe CalruliM, VaTi'iatioti. Siirvryiiis. l-.neinertiiijy
GaitIiir. Mining.- Mechanical Utwinj, tun hi -rcinl
Law, G'vrni.iu, Ttleer.iilitn,. and the finatiRli
Branrhet. a', uloi'ernt pricra. '
Ku.le r-d by ihe public as tbe isost iir-!fal Ph
ineju College of the cenntry, as is evi It-ncJ t.y the
Tact, that
Four Hundred and Two Siucuis
har entered ia the " ' ','
Fiaer Srix MoNTBs'or rrs Ei:jtchc, ,r
....-- .- frincipaU of DrparimrnlJ.
C. N. KAKR. J.. - J-X. RKVNOLD3.
UE.NUY Ktl M r . r- A K. fcOUERSO-V. a. ar"c.
. ' tup (wiled ferair'able Corps of As intents.
Call or aend for a Cato!ofue. College Curreaty, an J
.. ' Pierte's Prauicai tdueaur.
OHicc-.j3 1 iVorlh Kishlli SI
... -pn.ILADEt.PHIA.
' ' TIIQMa M. PfcUCE. i
,Apr!l U, i36-2m. i.1 j v i 1 .
THE anrlemii ned will sell cheap for cash" quite
X Intel tccond beaded Priatiug itet iaJs,eoHiist -iti
of ihe following articles;
One Vahin'tdti 'Press,
(Platen, 2)1X3.-) I Lars Cooipoio Aoae, lr-tH
ne) f 4 aies. tallies, &c Jtc.
The Press does good work, and aa be Bad cheap
is bae bo use fcr it.
' - - J twy tr. f'tTFT T
- - 11,11 1 -i mjmjbB"- Beeei
raHHitnmvMKJww r
WnEAT,perWbel. 45
. 45
- 25
S 00
3 (10
v 2i
- 18
: 12 (10
FLOl'R per bbl..
:. too
. 12 WJ
6 25
9 50 V HAY by the ton.
BUCKWHEAT Flour. iVi CHICKENS, per pair. 5l
Wneat Floor pef barrel. Extra .
do do do Family
.. f9
b eti
to $10
- to . B
.. PV
do , Kve. ,..
Wheat, White, per bhsheL
6 5d
to 2.30
to 2.25
to l,Mi
. - 75
do , Bed. so . i ...
do Amber do, .........
Rye, 'do- ..-.v...
Cora Yellow, 1da...
- -White v- ...-.
Buckwheat Meal ' s' ' '
2,10 ,
, -.30
.:.5prl00 lbs
THE Mason Sc Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif
ferent stylca. adapleJ to s tored and seculnr mufie.for
H0t$.xW each, FIFTYrONE . GOLD or SILVER
MED VLSi or bthr first pn-miuins, awarded theni.
I ustrated Ca alogues free, Addre s, MASON it.
HAMLI.V,- Bostok.' or JMSO.V. BIOTUERS, Nbw
Jan. 4, lSW.-SepT.5, M y.-S1M.Pt. .;:
' TO DIiK lU
i. Altefonncinibilate would be happy to eommuni
cate (free of charf e) to as many of his lellow.beings
s will address him. very important .and usefal in
formation, and place in their hands
the kive of Strong Drink Of any kind. Th is infor
mation is freely orlercd by one who hai narrowlyes
caped a drunkard ' grave. Address,
1 '. ; SCS5H B. iienoep.son: ;
No. 9 Broad Street, New York.!
March 2?, 1SG6. 3m.
Euuoii of Youth
A geni'einan who suSered for y-ars from Nervous
Debility, Premalurs Decay, and all the e Unci tot' youth
ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of sul-rin; hit
mnmty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and
directions for maKin the simple remedy by which he
was cured.' Sufferers wishirg to profit by the adver.
usrVa experience, cau d'i so by addressin?
. , ' . .." John b. 'jjde.Vi
... . . No. 13 Chambers -t , New-York,
FeK 23 lfiofi. Iy. S.M.P.
Dealiic, Illindiies.8, fc C:i
inrrli, treated wiib this ulmot ucce, by J
1-AA"8. i D. Oculist and Aurist (foriimrly ofl.ey
deti, Holland.) No: 5I'J PING tftuet. PIIUAD'A
Testlmnial-, from the oiol reliable t-ourens in the
City and Country enn be seen at his office. The med
ical faculty are invited In arcompuiiy tlicir pHtieni.
as to has no secrets in his plactice ARTIFICIAL
EY ES, inserted without riia. No charge lor exam
ination. April 2. 1866. ly
of Pianoa, Mslodiaps. Cold and Sier Ware.
i now going on ut the saleroom nf REED & HRO..
34 Liberty diri-i t. N V. These goods are sold at
i wo Doi.L E ACH. Reguruless of Value. Send
TWI-NTY-FIVE t.Vnn for one numbered Nntiee. or
ONE DOLLAR forIX. Tbe number of each No
Uri corn-f.piin.-ls with ih-? number on Mtme artxle of
goods, which will b sen; on recei pt of $J The,
inoiifV will n refan.lrd ifth c.hx.'s do not give sat--i-lnit'ion.
Avnt niaKe T V E V l Y-Fl V E DOLLARS
PEIi VVKl:K. Si-nd for a Cirenlar,
Oira-e-: ; P.O.BOX.5IV.
l.ii.o.ty St - NE7 YORK. "
May 9, lSOti: 3ui.
The undersigned having obtained ' immediate
relief ami cessation from txc'iiiin Pregnant by a
ve. v si uiule . aflrr luffernis the cures and
sorrows ai tkrte thildrrn duulig a marriea Ht'n of ftve
years, wisliesto luiiait tbe n.f.r uiaiion to all who
lire it: ; i i
The only object of the ondersisntfd is to vpiead
information which ah btlieves invaluable to Urte
calR ft'inale. poor and oibrrH whose circumslancs
iu life will not ailmit of b.ivm. children. n
Every H'tft and Hmbani should possess the infor
mation ae it wilt cost I he in nothing and certainly a source of great relief and hi. ppif to many.
The iiiforiiiutnin wnl bn aemto any address ir n
plarn sealed eeve lope, (free of char !,) on receipt
of one J cent sump.
-Address. 8 RAH E.CLARFIELD,
. . Box io. Wi Brook lin, M. Y.
'It Co-cmpttives .-The advertiser . having b--n
X restored to health in a tew weeks by a very sim
ple reiuedy.after havik suffered years. with a
severe tunc atfeclion', and that dread disease. Con-
sumptiou- ii anxious to make knowu to his fellow
sufferers ihe means of cure - '
To all who dc.nre it.he wi'.l send a coot of the pre
seription used ffreeot Charge with the din-ctions for
preparing and using the same, which they will On a a
seas ctec for Consumption. Atthmy, Rronchitls.Colds
Coughs itc The lonl object of the advertiser In
aendins the rresciiotion is to benefit the afflicted .and
spre id iaformation which becnaeeives to be invaluable
nd lie hopes every suff.:rer will try his remedy, as it
will cost them not bing. nud inuy prove a "les lne.
Parties wishing; ihn pn-stfiplion, free, by return
mail, will please address
. - - WiMinm-dinrg Kines County
FeU.2S, ICC6-ly. 8.M. P. New-York.
a y.AKii to i:v.Hi -..
A Clergy D t. whl.le residing in South America as
a missionary, discovered a safe aud simple remedy
for the Cere of Nervous Wexkness, Ear!y Decay.
Diseases' cf the Urinary an J Seminal Organs, and
the whole trai i of disorders brought on by baneful
and vicious habits. Great numbers have - been al
ready cured by tlii. noble remedy. Prompt.-d by a
desire to benefit the afflicted all J unfortunate. 1 will
send the recipe for prepariug mid .using this medi
rine. in a sea ed envelope, to uny one who netds it
fin orCuiRuc.1 I i
Please ricloje a post-pai l envelope, addressed to
yourself." ... ,. Address. .. ,
. ., - JOSEPH T. 1NMAV.
' Stitioj D.Bibi. Hoi jt, New-York City.
March 7-lSGo. -3iuo, ; .
' PLAN PFE. A friend relates to a s that ihe
Sunimi-r bef'.r- llie wnr at th house of a bopiinbic
timth Varo'iman plant.-r he was up on uiormng
witlrt'ie sun and was about. to veuture forth on a
morniiitf walk, w hen he was obecked by tbu planter
at ihe door.
'V on cannot pes. Sir. Too early.' ....
' Tno early ! Why, my dear Colonel, what jays
Pr- Franklin f
' Early to bed and e-.rly to rise will make a man
hestthy and wealthy and Wise.'
-Very line, ttr ; but all a lallury. Early rising and
the Inhalation, upon an empty sloma;li. of tbe morn-'
in. malaria rf Him country. rlh and South, have
bren thericnth nf tbon-ands the datli of llmuf aud.
sir. from the time nf Capt. John Sun til to ibis ..ay.
Wart lilt after b-eakfat. forti.y your stomach with
a cup of hot and lh.-n, the i x iu vapors ol
the night being exhaled by jhe sun,, we will lake a
arftrninc rtde." ' ,
- But. iny dear Colrncl. I m always fortified with
a wineglas-i nf "OS CE IT tR'S CELEBRATED
.-iii, then. sir. yu may stick to Dr. Franklin. tl"
tetter's ngent at Charston aipples me. aud 1 am
expecting a box to-day with m wagon. Those fiit-t-f
I find, are a urc protective apainst all the le
vers re-oltinx from malaria. Uiictor Fraukljn holds
K,,,d. sir. even in the swamps or South Carolina, if
fortified with Hosteller's i liters."
Apul IS, Icbii. Im.
The Annual Meeting of the Co'umbi.T County Ag
ricultural . Hbrtii-ultural and Mechaeii l Associa
tion, for Ihe Hrrticn of officer, to s rve one venr,
will be held at the- Court Houne, in Blnomsburc. oi
-aliir.laji. the 19th of May ifcnJ at o'cJock. P.M.
A full is dexired '
LB.ttOPEkTAt ' - . ' . . r - .
UI.K.Wibur. May X. 166. 6W ' ,
r7 M cniny papers pleasr copy. : ' .. . .
Came to the or mises or the subscriber, in Fish
inecreek townjhip, Columbia euinty, some time
nines, ' .'.
A Brown Heifer,
about one year old. witn whit feet, .and in thrifty
conditio. Tee owner is retueted toeme totwarJ,
prove property, pair barges an i take her away, oth
erwise site will be sold according to law,
, . Wsu. JKELER.
Fishingercek, May 2d, 1666. . :
Civil EO'iaeere and-Patient doliettors.
No. 435 WALNU B " BEET PB.iPELreiA.
PATESTS solicited-tSieanltatloiis on- Engiaeerlag
UraugUtiag and Sketches, Models and Machinery
of all kinds ixe aad skllfnUy -auended to. Specinl
eitenlron gives) la It EJECTED CASES and INTER
FKRKNC.. : AothoBltc Copiei of all Documents
from Patent t lBce procured. . . , j
N B. Save yourselves oel?i trouble an d trav
eling expenses as there is no aciruai need for person
al interview with us. All buiiuee with these utii
ees en be transacted ia writing. For further
nation direct as above, with stump enclosed for Cir-
AN ACT, r.
To Provide for the Erection of
n House for the employment
.nd suppoit iof Ithfi .Poor in
the'County of Columbia.''
SF.CTIOW l Be it enacted by the SmiaU and i House
of Repreentailves of the Cominocwenith of Penn
sylvania in ge-ieral Assembly .met, .and it ia hereby
enacted by tha aulhorjty of tbj-sm. fhat; J A.
Fuuslo.i. Jacob Harris, i.ewis Yi ttcr. Jeest,
Thomas t'rrveling, ?r , Sanniet linear!, Willi ta
uipu. William J. Ikeler, and John K. Cr tz, tut and
are hereby appointed commissiotiers. whtite Jury it
hulLbe. orq mpjnrity oPthirMt, or twf.ire tlio.flrst
diy of July, Anno D ini. one. thousand eicht buu-
dced and sixty ix,t determine pl and purchase
uUi r!sl estate as they or a inajoiitv of tbnu shall
deem neceMry. for the acco inmo lation of the poor
of i.oluinhia county, and to take a conveyance there
for In the name and foi the use of the corporation inn
tioned in the fourth section of this act, aud certify
their pinceediue heroin un.ler tliuir hands and Heal
to Ihe cl.-rk.of the omrter sesi ma i.f Columbia coun
ty, to be filed In htsofBee.and at the nut general elec
tion tbe lualirtcd electors of Columbia county shall
elict three respectable citizens of llie said co .myto
be direi tors ot'.tbe poor and of the house ot employ
ment fr. Col u.nfbia county tor iti.i entuing ear, and
tbe judges of tbe election of raid county shall imme
diately on rceciviu' the return from lb: severnl u lec
tlO'i 'dixtricts.ali.l casting tip th-i iiuiiilieJ- .of votes witbin three days tlierealXer, certify un
der their hands and seals the of pers.-na so
elected directors, to Ihe cl.;rk of the court of quarter
acstiousot the mid county, who sh.ill tile the said
cei,: in his ntftce. and forthwith give notice iif
writing totlie said directors of their being Vlerted,
and the said dirnctors rhall inert at the court boue
lis tbu said county, on ib firai. Jilouday -of Noseatlier
next, ensuing their election, and divide themselves
by lot in three elasses. the place f the first to b.
vacated at the expirntion ot the lirt year, of the sce
and of the second year, of the third
a! the expiration of the third year, so that those who
sIhiII be chosen after thlir-teloi'tioj and in the mode
above described, may serve for three years, aud one
third my be chosen annually. ' ,
StXTJO.Y 2. Thru lU! sheriff of said county shall
within vi.-; dnysalter the pasace of tli.s act. notify
the commiHioners of their appointment and when
they shall meet, lor entering upon, lb." duties aHstti
ed thetil, ty this act, w hich said place of meeting sbull
bein Ulooiiishnrg. at tlie Court House.
bWI JUJT 3, Every director Fleeted in matinr
aloruauid, or appointed as is provided in the twllth
section of this act. shall within ten days after lit i
notified of such election or . appointment, and before
lie enters upoii the Uotiex of said office, to take air
oatu or athruihlion. before a justice of the peace of
said couuty, to discharge Ihe duti-s of din-ctor of thj
poor, for said county, truly, faithfully and impartial
ly, to the best ff his judgment and ability, and in
case of ut'glert, or retugal. to lake said o .th ornftir
uiatairu.'wjibiii the 'lime af.iresail..lre- shall forfeit
and pay the sum of ten dollars, for the use of t..e
pocr -f .said county, wbich fine shall be recovered by
the'difevjof s for the time being, as deMs are urfliail
tie by law recoverable, and the directors qualified as
aforesaid are hereby autuorized t administer an oaili
or artinnatioii in any ruse, when it shall be ueccsalry
iu'n-lation to 'he dutraof theirolfice.
SECTIOJVi The said directors shall f.ircver here
after in name and in fact be one body politic and
corporate in law to all intent and purpose what
soever, relative to the poor of the county of Colum
bia, anJ shall have perpetual succession, and may
aue and be ucd. plead and be imoleuded, by th
name, style cud title of direrio.-s of the poor, and of
trie house "f employment, for ihiTcounty of Coiuai
bia. and by that name shall aud may receive, lake
and hoid any lands. teneui-uts, and lieredilainent
not exceeding the yearly value of 10 0UO do.lars. and
any goo's and chattels whatsoever olThe gilt, alinn
alion orbequeot f auy peison or persons whatJw
evir to put chase, take aud hold auy lands and tene
ments iiliin their county in fee simple or inlier
wise, and erect suitable I uilJings for the reception,
use and accommodation of the oor of said cojnty ;
to provide all things necessary lor the lodging. maiu
ttnanre aod cmpl.'jmeut pj said poi ; li appoi tta
trra-urer annually who snail rive bond with full
and sufficient surety for the fiitnful discharge ol'tlie
duties f his office, and at the expiration thereof ..r
the pa meiit and delivery over to his surcesiori
office, nf ail n.eii'-y. bond. -oi notes, bunk accounts,
or ollV-r papers, to Ihe .-:iid corporation belongm;;.
which uall then he -remaining in his h-indi,
aud and .said cirectors shall have pi.tvei
to employ aud at pleasure remove a tevar.l ortev
ards, matrcn or matroun, pliyiciau or phyieians.
surgeo.i or surgeons, aud nil other atV''ilant tha
may ba nvces-ury for the mi. I poor respectively ; to
bind out as appreulices so that u b apprenticeship
may expire if males ut or b. lore Uic a:e ol twenty
one ear, if females at or before Ihe age of eifrliletn
years, men poor children as shall come umh r their
noli e or as maybe bound apprentices. Provided.
Toat no child hall be bound outside of Ihe county
of Columbia nor without tbe benefit ot" Ihe public
a boots of the district. '."'
&y.Ct lO.VS That the said Directors, any two of
whom hall constitute a quoriiiu for the t ransartion
of business, -hall have power anuu-tlly as soon as
the returns of the annual assessments in said county
as is lay a rate or assessment not ex
ceeding one cent on the dollar at any t!iu , upon all
real and personal estates wiihin tin county afori -said,
for defraylug tbe expanses of purchasi ng said
farm. ere. ting aid builuiogs. and iiiaintaing tile
punr in tui'l county, and shall be levied Upon the
basis of t"- last aujusted valuation made for rgj'a
ting couuty rales and levies, ami having caused fair
duplicates of aurn rales or assessments by them
laid to be madf, which .-hall besigneri by them,sbal
issne their warrant to the coll -ct'.r nf och tnx thra
iu authorizing and requiring lnui to demand, receive
and collect from every person therein named, in the
manner and by the same process as pour 'taxes are
now collectable: and the .aid directors sh 1 from
the time nf the providing by I he in oi suitable build
ings tor tin: accommodation of said poorei"rcise and
perioral within tbe said county except so tar as such
acts, duties and powers are herein expressly pre
scribed or honied.
&KCT10.V6 As soon aaYtie said buildings shall
have been erected r purrh .sed all hcc.ein.rv
accniniiiodutiuns provided therein, notices shall he
sent, sienes) by any twoof the directors t the over
seers of t:-e several townships of th'? r-aid county nf
Columbia, requiring thciu trt:iwitli tu b uij tlirf poor
of their respective low n-liips to aiu lnu-e nf eui
ployment, hiru or ler the overseers are herby en
joined and required tu cmply ith or otherwise to
forfeit tne cost f all Int. ire iu tiuu nine . except in
cases when by sickness or any other sufficient causc
any poor person cannot be removed, hi which cue
ihe overseers shall represent the same to the i.enr
est Justice of the Peace, who bmg satisfied ol tli-s
truth thereof shall certify ill..- same to the, said .li
rcctois. and al the same time issue ari order under
Ins hand mid seal l the said overseers, directing
them to maintain surh poor until su. h lime as he
or she may be in a m nation to be removed, and
then convey the said pauper and deliver him or her
to tbe steward or keeper of said bouse of employ
ment, together with the said order, and the charge
aud expense of such temporary relief and-of such
removal i.hall be paid by the said director at a rea
sonable allowance.
SKCTI0.Y7 The steward or .manager of said poor
hou.e is hereby required yearly, ou the first .Monday
of January iu eaib year, loluruish directors a
statement f the income of said real estate as ne-irly
as the same ran be done,' also of excess ( his ex
penditures over and aliive ui'li in tonic, lb aiuonftl
and kind of personal property then on hand, inclu
ding rani et cetra. the number nf poor persons ad
mitted and discharged during the year, with the
number then therein, the length ol time each reuiaju
ed. and the name, ag and sex of each; the treasu
rer snail a'nuually, on the first Monday of each year,
reader to said directors a just and correct account of
his receipts and dii-bursemerts duritis the pieceuiti
year, and the said orrectftrs shall annually, in the
mouth of January in each year, publish in two pa
pers, published ill bloou rburg, a statement f tlic
receipts. 'disbursements and expenditures of said
corporation, during the preceding year. With a suite -cent
of the properly, real and personal, men held oy
7'fO.V"' 1 b il th i compensation nf the treasu- ,
rcr, eotlect'if, st.'wnrd- matron, physician. and other
officers and ast-istaiits. shall be fixed l.y the directors,
and the compensation of the directors shall be fixed
by the board nf auditors who shall be appointed by
the court of quafwsr seius "Tsaid euinty at each
yearly settlemenl for the next ticerfding year. Pro
vided, That the compensation if , said diretlors. from
the pass re oflbis art until th first yeaily settle
ment shall be fixed by the board of auditors at the lir-t
yearly settlement ; .llw director" to furnish the said
auditors a correct account of the time and expenses
lost and incurred by them in attending to their duties
from wbich account the said compensation shall be
fixed and adjusted.
bECTIOJf 9 The aid direeto s shall from time to
time receive, provide for and employ, according to
the true intent and meaning of this act all such poor
and indlxeiil persons as snail be entitled tu relief
from nnv of the several townships or boroughs of Co
lumbia soatity. and shall be s-nt there by an ord -r or
warrant for thai purpose, under the bauds and seals
cf any two justievs of the peace of the said county,
directed to the overseers r-f the poor of the proper
township or boroueh. and lb said directors are
hereby authorized when they shaJj deem it proper
and eon veiiieut to i-'o so. to p rmilTany poor person
to bo maiutained elsewhere. Provided, The expense
ol'ihir maintenance does not in any case exceed that
for w hich vbc'y could be maintained at Ihe poor house
: f tbe said couuty of Columbia. ,
Pt.CTlO.Y 10 That it shall be lawful for the a lid
directors or a maturity of' them, in the case of any
per"a ia their charge as a pauper, owning .r possess-in"
any real estate or interest in real el;rte, to
apply to the court of Coin n on PI ens of Columbia
C '. nty, or an) other counties in this Cnmmnn wealth
where the said property may be situated, by in-ti
tion. praying ihe said court l grant - them an order
to make sate nf said real estate or interest therein,
for the support and maintenance -of said paui.-r,
and Ibatlhe a id coo it ifthey deem it advisulile slt.-r
considering I lie application shall grant an to
said directors to stake sale nf .nd real state or in
terest therein, or any part thereof ou such terms as
tue said court shall think it advisable, and Ihe said
directors ska I in p rtuance "f a.l . order orT.-r ad
real estate or ititersst rtertin on the prcimsi-t at
public sale and sell the same at public cot-ry. after
giving at least twenty days' public "mice of the
time and p-ace of sale, by three hand bills put up in
pnbl c places, and by advertisement in one newspa
per published la the county w herein said property is
situated, w hich sale so mad.; tbe said directors stall
returu to the said court, and after confirmation ef
the same shall execute and deliver lo the purchaser
a deed of conveyance for ssid estate on the said pur
chaser's full compliance with tbe terms and condi
tions of said sale, which deed so made bsll vest the
property therein t escribed iu the grantee as fully and
ifftctoally as tho said pauper held and -enjoyed
the same, and that the said director shall apply
the proceed of said sale or so much aa -may be a
esaary to the support aad maintenance of said pae
per, cud if any balance shall remain after hi or
her death and after deducting funeral expenses the
said directors shall pay over said balance to tbe
leeal representatives .f aaid pauper.' upon d em aud
Me- n . t 9" r i rAt vei o nmin .Io imn,tf
afld they ire hsreby enjoined anJ required to tnret at
the said house ol employment, at least once in every
month, and visit tbe epartments a.m, n r""
are eomfouablv supported, and htar all compl lints
and redrew or cause to be redressed H, ley
that may happen by the neglect or misconduct ol any
person or persona iu their employ meot or otherwise..
SECTlOJf I'J.- In ease of any vucanry by death,
resienaUon or otherwise, of any of the said d iro.
tor; the remaining directors shall fill such vacancy
by the appoiutm. m nf a citiaon of their county, uu
d. r the same penalty as is provided by thn first eec
tion of tbis ail lo serve until tho next general olec
hoik when anniu-r direcor shall bs elected lo airve.
as if no vacancy bad happened, .
iKCTJOJVlS. A I claims and demands existing at
Oie of UliiacL' being carried' lulu ffuct shall
have lull force and effictas if thi- act bad not pass
ed, anJ when the same msy have been duly adjusted
aud seetlled ell moneys remaining in the hanus of
lio oversee' as well as the uncollected taxes, levied
for the support of tlie poof in the several townships,
in the couuty of Columbia, shall bo paid ver to the
supervisors oMhe highways of iheir respective town
ships.' to be by them applied towards repair nj lh
roads therein. , -. -. i-
SELTIOJ' 14. Ae soon as tbe poor of the county
of Columbia shall have been removed totlie housa of
employment of the said county, and ihe outstanding
taxes collected and paid over as directed in section
thirteenth or this act. the olUce of overseers of the
poor within tie accepting, towiibbips shall from
thenceforth be abolished. ,
SKCTl-tJV 15. That the said directors or treasur
er or any on- nr more f the tax-payers of the ac. ept
iiig township, may ; within twenty days from th.
yearly settlement by tlu auditcir' a' al'orssiad, ap
peal from such settlement tnhe court of common
pleas of, Columbia county, in thi sani'J manner and
under the same provisions and regulations that ap
pmrs' bum settlements by townstlipouJitoTe are low
allowed. . .
tECTIOJC lu. That no money shall be pai J by the
treasurer ex.vpt upon orders drawu by th directors
and signed oy ul least two of the said directors- .
SEW tiA 17- For tbe purpose of ascertaining the
Ihe se use ol' the citizens of Columbia county, a to
the expediency of erecting a poor bouse, it shall be
the duty of each of Ihe inspeors audjudges lor the
several townships and at an t-lrciion, to be
held ou the tirsl l'uesdsy of June. Anno Imiiiini. one
tiioii-aoj rjjchl huiidred. and sixty-six. lo receive
tickets eilner. written or pi iule.l from till qualided
voters thereof. Iilio lod ou tli juulsidu "poor boiis-o,"
-iiul in tlu inside lor a pour house-' or-"ana nisi a
poor house, "and .f ii shall appear upon casting up
I ts'ii vol.-s of lliu d.lL-rent ilisliiets.atthe Court House,
on the i'rijay f.. Hotting the said elecion, that a ma
jotity of th i . qiiblilied electors of any towuship or
liorHikili are for a poor house, tlieu the for.-going act
to t ike etl'ct as to ih .se tnwuships and boroughs,
but f a majority of thu votes ia any township or
borough shall bo against a poor house, then the fore
going act to he null and void, as to the township. or
boroughs voting against such poor house,
SEW'J.Y Id The nnn ucceytiug townships or bor
ou'hs nolbe entitled to voteor Hi recto, s of
the said house of employment, nor shall they be en
tilled to receive or enjoy auy benefits or advantages
by virtue of i!il a. I, uor shall the' directors be tho
.n from the said lion accepting towuships or bor
oughs, uor shall ihe auditors mentioned iu the eighth
seclioiiof this act be appointed from any such towu
shipsor boroughs. Provided. Toat the directors of
the said house of employment may receive paupers
Irniti l ho same non-accepting townships or boro ighs
t any rate of compensation per wee, to be agreed
upon auu settled by the said directors and overseers
f the poor of Ihs tow uships or buioUghs soapjly
iag. , .
6KC70-VI9. All acts and paits nf acts incon
si, lent with the provisions of this act or suppli-d
hereby are hereby repealed,
Speaker of tbe House of Reptseiititives. .
Spenkerof the Senato.
Approvedlhe Elevent day of April. Anno Dohv
iuui, oue thousand eight hundred and sixly-six.
. A. G, CLBTI.Y,
Pursuant to ibe provi-ioru f the fore
going Act of AsSftnbly, notice is hereby
t; i vo ii tba-t an electiou will be bclil at the
usual place of ho! iing the - general e'.cc
lioas of, tbr; st-vtrai t- wn-bips ami bor
oub oU Columbia County to le con
.iqcttd by iba re-pective eleetiuD fficcr
if t.'ic same, on Tuesday, the 5th daj of
June, A. D., I860, baweeo the hours of
d o'clock A. M. aud 7 o'clock P. M ; to
vote upon tbe qaotion of ''For a Poor
Iloue'' or ''Agaiost a Poor House;'
and to make return of the paid election
at ihe Court House, on Friday, the 8tb
day of Jane aforesaid, according to law.
Bloomsnrg, May 2, 18C6.
ror oib
Heroic, Patriotic Politicnl Romantic, Jlumnrons i
Trasical. Splendidly Illusiroied ritkecrr 3D0 fnt Portraits aid
trout ral Engractug .
This work for genial humor, tender pathos, start
ling iuli-r"St, and attr'ictive beauty, slund peerless
and uione a . ong all its competitors. The Valiant
and Hrave Hearted, the PiclU'eq'je and Dramatic-th-;
VViity and Marvellous, the Tender and 1'allK-t.ic,
Ttie tloll" of Fame and Story. Camp. I'i ket. fpy,
Mcnut. Ilivouac. and siee.-: Starlli ig surprise rs.V.t-
d'-iful Esrancs. 1'aiiious Words and liei-ds of Wo
man, and the whole Panorama of the War here lhrl
linilr ah.l startlmgly portrayed in a masterly man
ncr. ut once historical and roma'ir, rendering it the
most ample. brilliant and readable book that the War
has called forth.
Disabled -tficf-rs and soldiers, teachers, enerrctir
vo um nn-n. and all in want of profitable -employ
ment, w i.l find this the best chance . to make money
ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see our
terms. Address,
.Visional Publish in?: Co.
No, 50? Winnr Street.
April -13. 1PCG, 3m.'
The uiidrigned respectfully informs the citizens
of r.lnomrbiirg and Columbia county , that llley kn p
stl tbe difT.-rent ii'tiul.ers of stove coal and selected
lump co-il fr s. nii iini: purpose", ou their wharf, ad
joining McKelvv. Xeal itCo's Furnace ; with a oo.
pair liuflalo scales on llie w weigh coal. hay and
straw iikewise a horse and wajon. t deliver coal
to those who desire it- As we purchase a large
amount of coal, we Imend to keep a superior article,
and sell at I he verV lowest prices. Tleae call and
examine for your Selves before purchasing elsewhere.
. , '.AUGUdTrjjJ MASOX.
rv-nE iini'ersined will take, in exchange for Ceal
I and Uro-eries. the following named articles :
Wheat. Kve. Com. Oats. Potatoes, Lard. lJam. Mim.l
d. r.'ai.d side meat, Iuit.-r. Egg.-. Hay. .c , at He
highest rush prices, ai bis Grocery St'.re. adjoining
tli. ir cal yard. J. W. IIE.N I)ERS:HT.
i;i.o.uif bur-, April 2.. lfii. 3t -
V ASS.I a I IMllVAl Ii 5 A is Is.
"HE suhscrilier ofl-.-r at Privata Pale, a Farm s t
1 tiated in O'lnge Twp., Col. co, fa. li niilesfrom
Rnhrsburg and 3 from Orange ville. containing
Sixty of which is cleared and well Improved, the
balance is Well timbered. There are on the premises
.r MUli...i n im l,,iilriiiiva a rrnr.d orchard and a
large youne apple and peach orchard, of six yars
growth, beginui ng to bear.
I.Lt..llUft ItLCLLt,
Orange twp, March 1. 1360 . .
QOA JlO.'.TUl-Agenti wanted
for sir sirsy note ortW't. just not. Ad
dress O.T. CAREY. City Puilding, Bedford. Maine.
fee. 23. e.a. ly.
'The Grovesteen Fian j Forte
' I still retains its prccodence and great popularity.
and after undergoing gradual imprnveraintii for a pe
riod pi thirty years. is now prono in .-ed by the musim
world to be unsurpassed an I even unequalled in nai
rsess.volituie 'and purity of tone. durability and cli. aj
ness. Our new scale, trench action harp pedal, irt n
frame, over-strung bass, seven oc.xavo rosewood pi
anoa we areseLliog cheaper oy from $ MM to Siifl
than the same stile' and finish are s.Hd by any other
first-class makers io the country. U. alersan.l all in
want of good pianos ar inv.te.t tn sen. i for onr De
scriptive Cata'ocue,- which contain photographs of
onr different styles, toaethec with prices No one
s liou.d pur. base a pi -no withmit sefing this 4 at a
.nK'ir Medtsl almost without number, have been
awnril'i-J to the Grovesteu Pl ino. and the Celebrated
World's i air. thn.izh put in rompetilion with others
from s!l p-irts ol Europe and the C S.. it look tlie
hicle-t d.
Established ;t15 1 Grovesteen Co ,
July 29. IcViS . H. H. 8. ac Co-
Pure Medicine, at John H. Moyer' Drag Plorp,
corner ot Mam and Market Street. A good assoit-
ment of
Medicine. Paint. Oil and Varnisbos,' always cn
hand, and will be sold cheaper than at any other
Dn g Store in lwn.
Prescription carefully compounded at Moyer 's
Drug Store. " ' .
Ayers and Jtyne Medicine sold at Moyer'a Drug
Store, ' ' '
Wihart' Tar Cordial. Baker's Cod Liver Oil,
Winslow' Soothing Syrop, sold at oyerl Drtg
For any reliable patent medicine, call at Moyer'g
Drug Ptore. . ..... s. - - ,-
t t-. . teO.H..In"i.t...i - I e w
Tlli.ASI!!iKlf8 SALL
a CREEABLY to, tbe provision of the Act .of A.
A aembly, entiiled an net to reduce the f t8
c. passed the :iuth day of April 1841. the TrjJ
ure; of the County of Jo.umb.a herety live notice
to all persons concerned therein. that unles tne
County" Koad. Scho d. Poor and Slate Ti i fce... i
on the following reftl estate situate in the Cmi"V
Columbia, are paid before the day ' . nd
or uch parts of each a will pay the charge and
cost, chargeable ihereon. will be .old at the Co.rt
House, in B'oom.bur. Co of Columbia
of June. I8.W. being the second Monday, aud to be
continued by adjournment from day today for ar
Jear "ge of uxe. due said connly and the cost, ac
crued on each repctively.
Year. Acrca " owmeR. ' tssat. Iol,Ct
180-J P7 Tiavid Dealt DvreTl,, "5"
ldcair.63 324 TMI.ubbell " IIW
Idu2 a 3oPC0 Longenberger.Fisher fc. ,
I), Miller. . ' " 1 9
I3H2 , 50 Joseph Nans. . V -J u
02i'30 ' Manii.Ba'dyfcCriswell ' 8W
63 64,05 372 John Vci'ail-l " '
Iflt',3 24 , David Nau "
Utf3 Ji 1 John Koons Bentoa 9 -9
l8ii2 I lot Pamnel C Kricbauiu " a 6
lfC2 3:1 Elix ibeth Lunger i - - 4 30
Irtiii 1 lot James G Noble . ," 2 80
lUfW " 50 j Peter Shult ' 1 . ': . " '3 21
o'ivC3 i ' IL.nnah Tye , ". "
HCa 5U I'x-kiel Shult ' 3 9i
1-iHS ; 50 Daniel Suu tz , I
ti21tf,3 0t Peter Urndley Conyngbam . J 3J
Ii3 1 lot Henry Kingsbury .. 07
ii3kl4 ra A Win Lindeiimulh 2 64
I Si. 2 JWIInrk - Centre 43
' 1 lot John Cleary " 57
3-4 Jho P ?trnhineyer ' . 30
?Si 6 Peter Applegate dee'd Jackson 6-J
62 A.63 14 Henry Applegate 2 77
IH6-J 1 -WmCrossley Madison V6
Mi 3 II Kosteiibauder heir Main 44
lrtr.3 1 Peler Knight ' fit)
1)2.3.4. 5 100 . John Cosper- est . Pin 23 97
6-'"t'U3 30 Calvin Chauiberlin ' 1 l'5
IHi.3 1 lot Samuel Eck . 37
C3&.04 1 lot William Whipple . 1 57
le'lii 33 Mile U SutlilT est Pugarloaf 29
JOHN J. STILES, Treasurer.
Tsi'BFR' Orrtce. f
Bloomsburg. April tl.'tiC. J
AGRF.EARLY to the provision of .in Act of As
sembly entitled an Act directing the mode of
selling unseated lands for taxes and for other purpo
ses, passed th 13th day of March 1815, and the fur
ther supplement therein passed on the I3lh day of
March 117 and the Wlh March l-il and'Jth March.
lo47. the Treasurer of Columbia County hereby rives
notice to all person concerned therein, that uuless
the County. Road, hool. Poor. Bounty and Stale
Taxes due on the following tract of unseated lands
situate in. Columbia County are paid before the day
of sale, the w hole or such part nf each tract a w I
pay the taxe and costs chargeable thereon, w ill be
sold at the Court House in the town of Bloomsburg,
t 'canty of Columbia on tbe Second Monday iu June
' next, and to eontmue bv adjournment from day to day
for arrearage of taxe due said County, and the
cots accrued on each tract respectively.
No. or Acrks WiininTin cx ow.iim Tar c
300 ' .
riia Miller $15 00
Catharine Noyer Ju 00
Lewis t-ilger 74
Wm Slew-art 14 00
Johu Craen '-part of 409 acr', . JO 47
Polomon Rower r . ' 4 35
Jesse Uowman 8 74
Reuben Klish H 80
Henry Dietterica 1 1 34
Oliver Ere i 89
Giluert fowlir 15 70
2 73
3.PI '
. Roney Rardenbouse ' 95
John King '13 22
John Rninard 7 42
JieobSitler 31
Samuel H Smith ' 1 ti
Joseph ?iackbou
John H Su t
, John PI afTer
John Yot .
Samuel J Bealer
35 05
19 B7
3 04
1 o
1 22
- 50
Tben-zer Bran ham
1'batnas Barn
John Y oung
Jo-htia Keam
NjMnniel Brown -Peter
Robert Jordan
Andrew Portlier
216 98
: 3d
H5 ii
114 01
91 eg
37 41
174 52
179 5
Lewis Wal ker
of 170 Thos liustan W J Grecnoueh" 12 CO
tof::0 Mary Uustau W J Urrenoiu'hv 39 90
i oflTU Thos l.uslan xikxcma Coal co 1 2 GO
liif:tcO .VaryRustan . 39 90
3fM Johnston Heasley 136 40
li.O i;e.,ige Kickhain I2'l Si)
S-A .. Thomas Hiltzb-nner 136 40
3e4 Robert llrtxheimer HV5 88
3.-4 William e'l-nnou 694 88
"io Amos Wickershant 93 50
3 -J f 1 3i3 Paxton. Kline sc. Sharpies 21 00
4 of ItKl Beiijaioi I Coml.e 'li Host"- 15 36
J of H O ' Renjauiin Coouibe J Anspach jr' 15 3d
r.iiLi'3 I lot Doiuinick Crane 30
l-t)2 1 lot John Cowen 47
: I lot George Ready 30
2 lot Henry thtrp liO
' lot Pranci Nuliler '24
ISC3 1 lot Peter Lawlcr - 9
6 1-1
Dewitt & Benedict
Elias Ree
CAT AW 133 A
J. S Brobsts
Jasper Aaup
Jeremiah Fincher.
Elijah Reynolds & Co
William Buckalew
Alexander Cramer.
JNkKJ Jones
Thomas LeitK-ns
George Mack
Reese J Millard
Oeoree P.aler . .
. WiUienis Ropbin
Amos Spade
Abraham Young
Paul Apple
Cuy Hryan
Abraham Reesrr
Samuel J Uea'er
F.imnel Mbertson
Ellis Eve
John, A Knnston
tJeoree Reese l
Daniel Moillgomery
Nathan!ei Campbell
Frankliu Mtllride "dee'd"
David le
I'.enajsh I'nrkerAr. Co
Philip dr. John Wagner ,
' '
2 1-2
11 05
3 bo
2 44
2 IK)
14 07
14 07
6 5d
1 02
2 10
14 52
S 37
1 14
1 30
Th'omas Bil'ington
Samuel John
37 t7
5 P8
5 uy
Id 4
9 39
irsofeOD Mary Mycr '-W J Greenough
1 2nf It 0 Thomas Rustan ' .
I iof I'.mi Daniel Reese
1 'Ji)f2u0 Mary Kustau u. '
I -S'r 2iM Charlotte Ku -tan
-J..f 2tl John Reynold
1.2of 2tNi Mry Myer ntkicrnlc
I -'iof lt'0 Thomas Rustau
I 2..f 190 Daniel Reee
I-Sofi00 Mary .ustan
l-2ol 2iK-ChHrlotte Rustan
l-2il 200 Johu Reynolds
17 s3
18 54
18 54
18 54
coal co 18 54
9 39
17 c'i
lrt 54
18 54
It? 54
I 74
1 7H
3 bO
7 10
1 91
3 44
-. ' ' " 12
1 40
1 08
4 83
2 4?
S3 28
VI lv
73 69
20 15
43 68
- 74
15 76
6 13
' 14 12
II 13
3 63
10 08
o- Thofflu Atrn ar dee'J
175 George Xungesser
147 Joshua Zimmerman
300 ' George Lali acre
00 Bmbst. Yetter Ac. 3cbinick
4 Wm Creasy
5 Henry Miller heirs ''
t9 Isaiah Sliunian dee'd
212 Daniel Montgomery . '
Pamnel Creveling
Jacob Hagenbucb est
George llei-lley
Peter. Melick
Peter Applegate
Aaron Gross
Sylvester Heath
James Lockard . .
Wm Ourlio
Thomas Benueld
George A Frick
Peter Baughner
Thorns Barnes jr .
Go' Est -.
Alex ac Joshua Her "
Robert Montgomery ' est
Abraham Tones
Wm Stephen
TasAsCBia's Ornci, , t
Bloomsburg April II. '06. ) -
' flavfng thorooehly overhauled my Pa-pel-Mill
at Mil: Grove, near Bloomsbarg. Columbia
County, Pa.. I ara nclw prepared to fill kll order for
Wrapping. Dry lllasting and Water Prof Paper, on
short notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware
house in Wilken-Harre. and appointed Joseph Brown
ol the firm ol Krown, Orvi ' 'w., nT agen.tjojitjt rose.
HAS jast reeclred from the Eastern
Cities and now cpcBint at Ihe old
picauiu iviiu cin v
which will be sold cheap for s- 1 ; ' ' "
Hi .tock consi.ti of Ladie' Cre? Good, eborCtal
tyle and latest fashion. .' e
C A Is 1 C O ES , M US f.I N S I W U li A M a
FLA N NEIso, II OSI i'Ai Y, iMttrLio,
slisKs, shawls, lleudy fla4e.
a MOf a m
Clotllill?, SATINETS,. UASWiM-
R R KS. C O T TO N A I) E S. It E IN T U Utt X
queens ware, cedar .wahc
. . . . . .-, a. a a- akT ar Yb fl TT O
UAK17WAKIS, AlbLMLl c-o,unuuos
In short, everyth:nj usually kept ia a country
store. ... i . -
The patronage of hi o'd friends, and the pucUo
generally, is respectfully solicited. . t
l . . . i. . 1 l A A- .-.,..,. arna,.
t ue niiuesi uiurici uiiue ii.- li.r e .
Light Street. May 2. 136. ' ' . -
Uopkitrs ' Own Hake.' ;
MAKurACTtftiD and Bolb
No 628 ARCH Street, Pdilad'a. "t
The moat complete assortment of La lies' Miaief .
and Children's HOUf SKIRTS, in this City ; gotten
ii -o expressly to meet the wait of rtasT olam
Timi ; etnbracins the newest and most desirable
Style and Sixi of -Gore Trail " of every leagth
from a J 4 lo 4 yds. round. 20 t 56 Spring, at 8
to $5 00. Plain Skirts, all lengths, from 21 to 3 yd.
round the bottom tli llol to.
Our line of Misses' and Children' SKIRTS, ant
proverbially beyond all competition for variety Of
style and sixes a well as ior finish and durabili
ty ; varying from 8 lo 33 inches in length, to 42
gp-lag at 35 cents to i U6. All r-kiits of "OCR
OWN MAKE." are Wabsibted to give Satisfaction ;
out Birr mokb a recti, unless they have, Hopkin s
Hoop Skirl Manufactory, No. 524 Area Street"
Stamped on each 'J ab I
Also constantly on hand, oood Skirt. Manafae
tufed in New York, a ad the Eastern States, which
wc sell at very low Pricos. A lot of cheat. Skirt'
15 pring. 5 cents ( 20 sprint.- $1 00 33 spring,
$1 15-3') springs. $1 25 and 40 springs $1 50.
LT Skirts made to O d.-r and nepaire.
a Titax Gash. On Paics Ohli 1 ' '
March 7, leC6. 4mos,
Office opposite Post f'jfice, aver tlarfmant slori.
Back l ay, uounty Pensions and Gov
ernment claims promptly collected
Bloomsburg, Apr. 4, '66.
Oteocrr Ihrtmtn's Store, oppttite Pott 0jU$.
Bloomsburg, April 4. 16 . tf.
Administrator's IYotic
Estate vf Jacob Hupp oj Locust ticp , deCd.,
I ettera of Administrat'ron on tbe estate
of Jacob Rupp. late of Locust township, Co
lumbia county, dee'd have been granted by th Begi
ler of Columbia i o., to the undersigned. -
AH persona having claims against tbe estetfl or lb
decedent ar.: requested to present them to the under
signed, without delay, and all person iadeb'-td to
make pa) uicni tunnwiin.
Apr 4. 'Ce.-etiX Adm'r
Ofi lKU Yfc
li:it Yavtlt! We want
rvwher- to -"I'll
mi improved 220 Sewing Machine. Three new-
kind, t'nder and Upper feed. Warrahled five
year. Above salary or large commission paid.
The ON..Y mactiines in the Uuited States fdr less
than SI'), whicti are fully licensed by Howe, Wheel
er 4c V i-s'm, Grovr 4c Hiker. Si nger at Co and"
Kachelder. All rdher cheap Machine are Infrinte
inenissad the seller or aset are liable lo arreat. line
and imprisonment. Circular free. Address or call
upon Sbaw dr. Clatk, Bid.leJord, Me.
December 20. Jef.j ly.
EPIl ELWELL. having bodght L. Runyon'a PBO
Vt?10N STORE is now prepared to sell Grocer
ies at Whole sale or Retail, al Cheap as tbe Ceap
est. . . .
A 00 D E N W A R K .
FLOUR, ' - . . .
etc., &c."
Bloomsburg Eeb 14. IOtj. .
Every young lady and gentleman in the 'United
Slates can hear something very much to their advan
tage by return mail (free of charge.) bv addressing the
undersigned. Those t.:a-s of being humbugg
ed noticing thi card. All other
will please address their obedient servant.
31 Broadway, New York.
Feb. 23. 1866 ly. S M P
DR. J. R. KVANS, :
Physician and Surgpon,
nAVIN( iot-amd pprrnaneijily on Main
irepi, BL0OX1SBITRG. Pa., would in.
form the public genera'ly. tnat he ispreprard to
attend to all business faithfully and punctually tkat
nay be intrusted to hi care, oa term . comoiii
rale with the tiuiss,
07" He pays strict attention to Surgery ma well
as medicine, .
Nov .25. I 863.-ly.
Estate of Andrcm Solomonlate of Frank
lin twp., dee'd,
Notice is bereby given, tbat Letters of
Administration on theeftale of Andrew Solomon
late of Frauslin township. Cot. co, dee'd. have been
graatesby the Register of Columbia cmnty. to the an
dersigned ; all person having claims or demands ,
again t the estate nf the said decedent are requested
ta present them to the Administrator, residing In aaid
township, without deity, and all person indebted
o make payment forthwith.
Bloomsburg. Aptll 4, l-6 Ct
( No. 202 North Second St , ..
One door above Race Sreet.
C7" Clothing made to order at the abdrtect notice
March. Inoti. ...
TO IiriUKHTllTllS. B.
J. tumiaou Cost, lor Smitfainf purpose, of rxd
quality, for aale by "
April II. -M.--.
CclBBrLEY AtVlr -7pr-f