LOCAL DEPARTMENT -&tOO M 5 BURG. Wednesday, mhy 218667 rfA?!"0-? men iave cons . SentP-' ?t party pessary in free gov ZJ' Aether or not it de . Jonx & Faxnv.-.,:- ,t. t-f Jnf l,i 1 . ""'i'iuue, iu uue iT- . ::.u!?ma' a. ceremony by a Jryto nifC" . - - 1. v - . .T V rr f-.t- -rv-ujion was fuiit about l.sn .'" Tdeie., -Its Falls were tt-?iT-fy-Jt fecf. in heicht. 350 feet. nd in cmrV40 tniles. These were drawn -ic citv iu exact Kiunres. each tide ' Eiri'fl: 25 Targe' gates ot' Eolid bras?. ', ' t.lgth. An eclipse of 'the moon is caused riy the paasage of the earth" in a right line between the sun. and moon ; this never hap 1 pens but when the moon is at the full. t-i :JE3r The. Old Guard for 3Iay has been rc- .ceivei It u an interesting number. t JCSS" We 'would direct attention to the , 11 A new advertisements in-to-day's DeaTOCR-VT Kead our putside "carefully, this ; week.lt is : nearly a!T 'original," and.spcaka jwell fji uivDenj'oflr4tie contributors of tLis county. ; ,.-.,, i, YSSDU D. W. Robbins bears the reputation . of selling the best ujmI purest liquor?, of all kinds, in this' section of country. . .c ' ft-.- t. . - .SO See Hendershot & Mason's adver tisement in another column. They are oblis--iaft'responsible ahdiiffreeable men to deal .with,, and .in accommodations, low prices, and variety,' they take the lead in this place. - We ask Our readers to peruse care fully and thoughtfully the article in to-day's paper, entitled: "Shall flie -Mountain go to 3ahomet " It is the rallying cry of the grea Democratic party and was written by one of it3 best 5ml ablest men. . : - ' i .SlNATOa Euckalew arrived at his home last Saturday morning. lie will return to Washington in a few days. Mr. Buckalew . Utrtily representing the .Union and Constitution-loving peoplo of Pennsylvania in the United States Senate . .- JCSf Let tlm business men remember that, in advertising in the Democrat and Star, they-notify nearly two thousand families of ' their whereabouts" and abilities, and invite ind induce them to come and buy. Just . think ofiif .-V ' ' . -X&m We extend a cordial invitation to all 'buy friends and patrons, who may be in attendance at Court next' week, to call and ee us at our new office, over S.' C. ShiverB .Ware Booms, .on Main Street. They will J5nd the latch-sirijig out and one or the other editors at his post, pleased to receive them. Al30n Thuraday and Friday morning Ust, thi? section was visited by 1 'Jack Frost. ' ' The fruit h-xs not been damaged to any ex tent as yet observed. Everything being dry, otherwise the result might have been disas trous to the peach, cherry and apple crop. r - Arthur's Home Magazine made it3 appearance in our sanctum a few days since, for May, looking . first-rate, and containing its usual amount of interesting reading mat ter, and embclishments. Terms, $2.00 per annum in advance. V SSf, See John R. Moycr's advertisement tathis issue. He is. an experienced drug giati" honest and obliging, and with his eu periof' 'stock an i cstablLhment, he cannot fail to satisfy all. tS?" Tlie thanks of the Junior Editor cf this Journal are due . the CohiviLim for its persoiialisni.";"We had expected something better .of it than" to allow the predestined angel to EpEt bairs. . However, it was time ly, useful, wholeseme, and at a very cheap rate." The writer has a happy faculty of looking at things, not as they are, but as he would like- to have theni. - , Mat Court. The May Term of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court of Common Pleas, and Orphans' Court of this county, wiUcommcnce on Monday next; and, as usual, attract a large number of people to town. , We shall endeavor to give a syn opsis of the proceedings in our next L-aue. This Term - will be' the most important one . of the' year,' especially to the landlords. '-' - r , The merchant who advertises his goods througlihia local paper,' inviting the publie to call and examine hisstock, is gen erally considered the "most honest arid relia bleman to' deal with.' He does not hesitate 1 to exhibit his articles, as he is confident that - they wUl bear:lose inpect!on, and rarely, if ,ever, faik to 8611, -'and cheaper goods ' than his neighbor, who has not go t in t be way of investing a small amount mprintersink., 'TCLrl'resideiit Johnson has apiointed our . townsman, Eobert F. Clark, Esq.r lleve ' nue Assessor of this (Thirteenth) District, to take the place of Dr. P. Joirx, the pres ent incumbent! Mr4 Clark's name has gone to the Senate for confirmation.;' The ap pointment of Dr. John has never been con fmeiL' whieli to many might seem strange, aa he always his, and is sustaining the radi cals in Congress, who have of late been con trolling matters pretty much their own way. The Latest Ninvs. It is. always the de " - giro cf those publithers who labor to make their journal intetesting to their readers, to endeavor to give the latest news by telegraph cr "cthenrisc.' The item that ve are about to clircnlcle was not exactly furnished ns ly t : - , Vzt -r 13 conveyed to us through r;: . 4 -3 to iaave all doubt or euspi- . c'.'x cf its tritlfulness out of. the question. TLi f:t Is itds : Peter Ent has just been "1" re-enferced at his store in Light Cir"4", vrith a hrgs-assorteent of Spring 1 ' " , rr oods selected especially for C . Cee H- advertisement. He ' : : ::l zzi &'!vErtiS in tie tQf ClIARLF.S Cr T? i titt x-o- 17 , . j 7: S -OARKLEY, Esq., 1 - . . I -"M-J ic-eiecwja county feupenntendpnt nf mon Schools for- this countyVor.' T' , - last ;;ili3 salaryaa fixed at $8QCweek . tT The heawrrp nfrS -the. bas prevented iW fron"fcTAR' lu tHs ceipts to the Dejioc111 our nexc' issue. They wi anythinsr m the mil- EST Laddo well by calling at the es- linerv Urt of Miss Lizzie Feterman, where tabJiu be found readv and willinz to assist icra in choosing from her extensive and well selected stock of goods. See her card in another column. , ."Loyalty. A fellow by the "name of Sturtevant, who represented Crawford coun ty the last session at Hanxsburg, ' declared that Sumner, Thad. Stevens and Tom Wil liams, of Pittsburg, were better and 'greater men than Washington,. Franklin and Jeffer- son7 We presume Sturtevant, considors himself Patrick Henrj'- - ' 1 " ' . . i -- , , -. Farmers Look to yora Interests. We arc requested to notice- that A3. Kes- TER, of this place,' U Agent for the Pa!e of Concentrated Fertilizer, prepared by the firm crWm. Ellis-'& Co.;. Chemists, No. ' 724 Market Street, Philadelphia. Mr. Kester solicits the attention of the farmer to this valuables Fertilizer. He is prepared to fur nish parties with this article in large or small quantities. Call aud examine it for yourselves. EST" Those indebted to us on subscription to the Star or tue North, will please come forward and settle their indebtedness. Next week being Court,, will be a good time for all those to square up their accounts. The books are yet in the ofiice of the Dem ocrat and Star, where they will remain but a i-hort time, if those in arrears are not more prompt in fettling up. We also de mand immediate payment of our claims for advertising and job-work. We despise dun ning, but need and must have o'jt money, if it is possible to get it. W. 11. Jacoby. A Sad .Accident. Henry Trivelpiece, while, on his way home, on 24th ult., from Bloomsburg, where he had brought a load of lumber, in some way fell, or was thrown, from his empty wagon and instantly killod. Other persons, with teams, from his own neigh borhood, and also his brother, were imme diately in front and rear of him,.but did not see him fall. It is reported by those coming behind, who first found him, that his skull was broken , and his brains oozing out, and that he drew but two breaths ' afterwards. He was about 2fi years of age- served three years during the late war and had the repu tation of being a brave soldier, lie was the pride of his parents, a good .citizen, of in dustrious .habits and "was ' highly respected by all who knew him. In sympathy with those joined to him by affection, we deeply feel that we have lot a friend. Meeting of tite Incorporators of the Montour and Colorado Gold Mixing Company. This Company held a meeting, at their principal ofiice, in Philadelphia, on the 2.3d ult., f jr the purpose of electing offi cers to ecrve during the ensuing year. The officers chosen arc as follows : . President, Wm.. II. Jacoby ; Vice President, D. M Svtarr ; Treasurer, John Woodside ; Sec retary, Harrison Guambo ; General Direc tor, Wm. Blue. Directors, W. II. Jacoby, M. D. Swarr, J. M. Crossman, Wm. Blue, W. II. Tyson, II. L. Shultzbach. The General Director and Vice President are on their way to Central City, Colorado, "or the purpose of renewing operations at the mines, where they will arrive on or about the 20th inst. The property of the Company is in good condition', ' and will prove beneficial to the stockholders. The first dividend will be paid in July next, un less some unavoidable accident should hap pen the Company " . The Co.lumbln. This is the title of the disorganizes new paper, at this place, which made its first appearance on Saturday hist, bearing'date May 5th, and promises to appear every Saturday, regularly, after this date. The paper looks well, is printed upon large, bold-faced type, and in size will com pare favorably with any of our country ex changes. It is conducted by George II. Moore, Esq., of some other place besides this. In polities' we scarcely know where to find it; but it promises to "support all principles and measures of policy which look to the consolidation of the Union;" besides supply a want very much felt in this immediate neighborhood, by establishing an "Independent JournaL" ' If it means to support principles, looking toward the resto ration of the Union, it, to be consistent in all ihings, fchould "undoubtedly place at the head of its columns the name of Hon. Hi es ter Clymer for Governor. The principles avowed and maintained by Mr. Clymer, the standard bearer of the Democracy of this State in the present campaign, look to no other object than the restoration of the Union -through President Johnson's plan. Why not then eup2ort the man for Governor who supports Johnson's policy and "thus rise above the pa-sions of the past?" The Chambersburg Repository says that, a there i ''nothing n2w'' in - Presi dent John-on's late speeches "we shall not give them room in thee columni-" and again that "they, arc but one third-rate copperhead speeches." . If that paper will not let President Johnson be 'heard now, why does it find fault with the Democracy for refusing, to hear Johnson's speeches when he was .supposed to be all fr the ne gro and little or nothing fortho Union ? The rump House is opening up another spoils department nothing less than the appropriation of sixty million dollars for a Pacific railroad. The - lobbies are daily crowded with harpies awaiting in breathless anxiety the commencement of the golden (now' paper) ehower. - Several fsomebodys will hereafter build palaces like that of the Government banker Jay Cooke The Niagara ship canal bill now befo; e the Rump; is counted on as a "big ' thing" on spoils, and for nothing else. .The ends of commerce do not justify such a ditch. .. . - Centre Uounty. The Watchman Says : The grain iu some 'seetions of this couaty looks exceedingly thin, and if the harvest is not better than the fields now promise, we t-hould not be surprised if less thin a two- I fie 26th .. near Muncy. Mr. David Master was if.llville. Colombia counti, and Mi Phoebe Wil- fW,t' of Lycoming county: May love, happinea and ;?roaperity I fhpm thMUiiil lit' accompany Kn, d I i: i) In Espy on the 5th nt April, 18C6, rery auddenlv, Mary Catharine, aaughter of William (.. and Eliz abeth Girton, aged 1 year," mantha ana Sri day a. BLOOMSBURG III ARRET. WHEAT.per buehel. 2 50 HVK. , " 1 00 CORN, ' HO BUCKWHEAT, a.. 100 FLOUK per bbl. 12 OW OOVERr.EU. - 6 25 FLAX SEEII 2 5(t BUCK WHEAT Flour. 3 00 BUTTER. -KGG3 . POTATOES, -D'UEU ArTLES. IJAMd . -BACON, - - 45 2.; 1 40 3 on - 2J 1 12 00 H A V by the ton. CHICKENS, per pair. 5 FHILAD'SIJ'HIA FLOUR Jc G A IN. MARKET. . coaaecrtD wikklt roa. thi ,"deocrt hd star.' Wkeat Flour per barrel. Extra ,. ., lia .. ti- do .. Family... ilo, vKye.. ., Wheat, White, per bushel uo i Ririi. do lo . Aiubcr ln ........... Bye. do ., Ciira Yellow, do d V Uiuj' do.. . Oat ' ., . ' .h Buckwheat Meal ... to ...50 ...6 30 ....2 2D ....2.10 to $10 to to 2.30 to 'i.A3 to 1.0". .1.04 50 5 pr 100 lb SPECIAL NOTICE-. THE Muon. tc Hamlin Cabinet Organ, forty- dif ferent style, adapted to s icred and secular muiMcfor 80to5')OJ each. FIFTY-O.VE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums, awarded them. IL'ustrated Ca alogues free, Addre s, MASOV it HAMLIN, Boston,' or MSON BOTIIEttS. New York. ' , : . Jan.fi. ISCC -Sop. 0. 'C5.-Ir. 8.M.P. .to on it n i) s. A reformed inebriate would be happt tocommuni cate (free of charge) to a many of hi fellow-beings a will address biiu. very important and useful in formation, and place in their hands a sure cure for the love of Strong Drink ofuoy kind. This infor mation is freely ottered by one who has narrowly es caped a drunkard 's grave. Addre, - SE8II B. IIE:)EK3C'V. No. 9 Braid Street, New York. March 5S, isn8.an. JittKOKb UF YOUTH. A gent'eman who suffered for yars from Nervous Debility .Prematura Decay, and all the ejects of youth lul indiscretion, will, for the saka nf guff-ring hu manily, send free to all who -need it, the recipe and directions for making the sim;le remedy by which he was cured. Sufforers wishinf to profit by tha adver. iisei'a experience, can do to by addressing JOU.V B. jCDEV, No. 11 Chambers l, New-York, Feb, lafiC. ly. 3.M.P. Dca l'i: tarrh, tr reuted with the utmost success, hy J ISAACS, M. D. Ucnlistoud Aurist (formerly of Ley den, Holland. No. 519 Pl StitPt. lllll AD'A- 1 estimomalii. Irmn the moil reliable onrc'S' in the City and Country can be Keen at bis office. 1 he med ical faculty are invited to accompany tlieir patients, a he has no secrets in hi s pi an ice ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without fAiN. No charge lor exam ination. April 2". IF6G. ly T O Coit-rstrt ATivrs The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a vary sim ple remedy .after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Con- uinptiou-is anxious to make known to bis fellotv ufferersthe means f cure . To all who desire it.hu wi'.l send a copy of the pre scription used.ffreent Charge. witli the directions (or preparing and using the same, which they will find a scaa ccki for Consumption, Ahthmy, Oroncliitis.Cold j Cough etc The onI object of. the advertiser ! sending the rresciiptinn is to benefit he afflicted. and i-pre . d inrormntinn wbiru Deenneeiveato oe invaiuanie ml he hopes every suffi.-rer will try nis remedy, as it win cost mem not nine, ami may prove a ores- nic. Par:ie wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address " ' - KeV. fcUlTMU A. tVlliMM. WiHiamsbnrg KingsConniy Feb. 1SC6. ly. S.W. Vr Mew-York. - A t'A Itl) I II IMVALIUJS. A rierjya'' t, while residing in South America a a missionary, discovered a safe and pimple remedy for the lure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Disease cf the Urinary and Seminal Or.aus. and the whole trail of disorder brought on by baneful and vicious habits, Creat lumbers have been al ready on red by tis noble remedy. Prompt :d by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortnnate, twill end the recipe for preparing and using this medi- rino. in a sea ed envelope, to any one who needs it ftu orCuiini, ' riease iucloje a post-p.tid envelop?, ad dres led to yourgtlf. Ad'resi, JOSEPH T. IN MA V, 8ttiow D, OiBLk HiKjiE. New- York City. March 7- leT6.-3rno. Da. FRANKLIN AX DTH Se5lifirCAEOI.IX A PLAN 1 ER. A friend relates to as tli;.t the Summer before the war at the house of a hospitable couth Caro'inian planU-r be was up one morning with IV run and was about to vcuture forth on a morains walk, w bm he wa checked by the planter at the door. V ou cannot pa. Sir. Too early. Tooerly ! Why, my dear Colonel, what ay Dr. Franklin ? Early to bed and e-.rly to rie will make a man healthy and waalthy and wise. 'Very une. sir ; but all a fallacy. Early riglng and. the Inhalation, upon an empty gtoma.-n. of the morn ing malaria- of thu country. Ninb And Souili. have bren the death of thousand the Kath of itioirandg, sir, from the lime of Cayt. John Smith to this day. Wait-till dl'ler breakfast, fottify your stomach wnh a cup of hoi eofi..-e, aed then, the r.oi ious vapors ut tbe nicht being exhaled by the sun, we will take a morning ride. Kut, my dear Colonel, I nm always fortified with a wineglags of ll.)S TE IT EUS CELEBttATED STOMACH BITTERS'.' Ali, tft-n. sir. yen may stick to Dr. Fmnklin. Hns tetter's agnt at Char'eston supple me, and I am expecting a box tft-duy w ith niv vae"n, Tbne ifit-tt-rs, I find, are a sure protective against all the le ver resulting from malaria, Doctor Franklin hold gobd. air, even iu the swamps nr. South Carolina, if lorti Aed wnh Hostetter'a Litter." April IS, JfMiti. lm. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JSTRAY IIEIFEU. Came to the nrrmise of the subscriber, in Fish. inrercek township, Columbia cointy, ioum time ince, A llrown If citt'i", about one year old,, with white feet, and in thrifty condition. Tie owner is requested to come torwaM, prove property, pay charge and take her away, ulli-erwise-she will be sold accorling to law. Wm. JKELER. , Fisbingcrcek, May 2d, ISUR. pOLUMBU COUNTY : AGBICULTURAL SOCIETY. . The Annual Meeting of the Co'.umbi.i County Ag ricultural Hortirnltural an.l Merhan ieal Aggocia tion. for the election of olFicerg, to serve one year, will be held at the Court House, in Rloomsburir. ni Saturday, the I9tb of May le6o at 2 o'clock, P.M. A full attendar.ee i desired V ESLEY PURSELL. Prttt. L. B. -RUFERTeStc'y. Bloomsburg. May 'A IS6S. 6w ' t7 All county paper ilet.se copy . - M ISS LIZZK PETERMAN, Would announce to the" ladies o Bloombure and the publir generally, that the bat just teceived Irom tb eastern ei'ies ber Spring and Siininicr ' Ftock f. MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of alt article ugnally found in first dag Millinery btore. Her goods are of the bent quality and aaioag the nvict handsome and cheapest in tbe mkrket . CuJl aad examine them for yourselves. Nob dy gbould purchase jig-where before exauiitl - ing Miss Feterman ' stock ot goods Bonnet made to order, on the bortet notice, or repaired. - oiore on mam street, 3d door below tne store ot Wendenhall He pert. Bloomsburg. May S, lrfi.-lC - i NOTICE TO PRINTERS. fBE undTiffned Will ?U cheap for cash quite a lot ot tecond handed Printing materialsouaist lag of the following article . m One Wasliinton Press, (rnten, 25X33) I Large Composing Stone, (.good a new; ruam, t a.es. uailiea, e. ce. Tbe Press doe good wot k.-tnd caa ba had cheao ' a we have no use for it. . - - JACOBY k. IKELER. Bloom burg. May 2dT. I3G6. . . BLANKS I BLANKS I f OURt PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, tho Ho. WttxtA Elwbh,, Fretldent Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer at.d Oen era! Jail Delivery, Court of Uuarter Sessiona of the Peace and Court of Common Fleas and Orphan's Court in the 2(5th Judicial District, composed of the coantiea of columbia,Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hon. John M 'Reynolds 4: Stephen Baldy.Aaso'ateJudeeB of Colum bia county.have issued their precept.bearinf date the 7 day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ixiy-MX, and to me directed for holding a Court ofOyer ami Terminer and Genera! Jail delivery, r-,.,...i i),.,rt Hiinni nf the Peace. Common fleas and.Urphan'i Court, in Bloonmburg, in the county of Columbia, on the firxt Monday, t being the 7th dayjof May lext, te continue one wee. Notice U hereby eiven, to the Coroner, the JuMicea of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Co. umbiathat they be then and there in their pnir iier son at 10 o'cl.ick in the forenoon of said day with their rvord. Inquisitions and other remembrance to do those ibinjrs wich to their offices appertain to be done. And those that ru bound by tecoinixance, to prosecute asinst the prisoners that are or may be iu the Jail of soid county of Columbia to be then and there te prose cute tlicm as shall bo just. Jurors ore requested to be punctual in theii attendaiice,n(treebly to their notices. Dated at KloomabiirK.the lllhday of April L.8. in the year of our Lord one thousand eiuht ( ) hundred and sixty-glx. and in the ninetieth yuar of the Independence of the Uitd Slates, of America. I GD sjite ma Comojwi alth. ) SAMUEL SXYUEtt. filic-ria. Bloomsburg, April II, !?". GUAM) JUilUKS-MAY TEUJi, lb6l. BI OOM Aengtus Mas n. . HtK. liERWlCK, Jaute Jacoby. ' KRIARCKEKK-Joiw pli Lauiou, BENTON-John IkeUr, . CENTRE-Klearr II. Heg. . FiSIl INUCREEK Cyrus McHenry. , liRKKN tnl-Francig K.iat David Maotera, . HEMLOCK Isnae Pnrnel, U Irani li. Apjilemau, JACKtfii.N Jacob Youug. ' I.OCUvr iUa llodsoti, John K'ine. MADISON Silas WelUver Hugh JlcCollu in. Jacob E. Weiliver, Richard Fruit. MOUNTPLEASANT Wm. Kitchen, l'IE Enoch Fox; Abijah Girton, SUGARLOAF AlinnsCole. .SCUT I' Daniel gnyder. Aaron P.oon, Charles Lee TRAVERSE JURORS, MAY TERM. BLOOM Cayp'-T Thomas, Joseph Ra'rkley, Jacob Traub .... .... rli'.NTOK Rohr McHenry. George Poust, BRIARCRKEK-Cyrus Fry. Catawnsu Jacob 'lay well. Solomon Sliuman Wm. Creagv, Win. Eyer. George Zarr. . crNY'GH VW-Joieph K. Kn ittle, Reuben Wasscr FRNKLIN-Climoii Jl.-ndcuball, GKEKNWOOD-lgaac Ueler. ' II E VI LOCK -Chirle i ihart, . JACKSON-Micbael Rciiilcy. ' 1 1: US''' John Eveland, George TbciL George Fetterman. John Yeager. MIFFLIN John Suydi-r, Win. F. Keller, Thomas Bouinan. MOUNTPLEAS.WT John II. Vanderglice.Tbo. Jones. ' M A IN John Nubs. Washington Fisher. MoVIVTJR Peier M. kahutr.VV iu UoIlinghheaJ. MADISO-Evan Jon-a. OKAMiE Hirnu R Kliim. SCOTT Miltoir K Cx. Pete- Eut, Eli Creveling. 5l'GAHH.F-Jof.hua Brink IWooiiighuri. April II. leoii. SHERIFFS SALEsT BV virtue of several irrits of venditioni eipnnag and Levari Facias, to me directed. i-bii.-iI iul ot ills Court t Com .mil Fleas ot Criumhia county, will he exposed to puhlie a, at the Co CRT HoCsE. in BIKiiiBi.iKr.on MODY, THE 7 I'll OF M AY. isoti, nt I o'clock in the afternoon 01 said day, the following real eetale to wit A cerialn trat or pieee of groand gitunte in Locust twp.. Co:uuihi3 county, cont lininc one hundred acre .more or less, bounded 011 ilm Knst by lgn!s of I'en jamin Fetterman. on the.S iuth bv other lands of th ilelendaut. on the west hy lands of Itonehart and Stewart, and on tie lnnh by Itn.U f Clark Siew nrt, whereon is erected a two story frame dw.-lling ho 11 ne and a frnie barn wiih the appurtenanees. AI.SO. one other piece of g.ound gituate in town ship and county aforesai.f. containing t iL'iily arres, more or legs, lioimded 011 the west by land- of Georce Rar.p. tin the North by oiher lands of defendant on the east by Fetterman & mall, and 011 thu South by lands of Murks and If.iwer. ALSO, one other piece of land situate in the twp., and county aforesaid containing twenty acreg more or less, bounded on th south bv land of Adam Marks, on the west by other Ian. la of defendant, on tue North by other lands of defendant and on tbe eat by lands ol Fctt.-jinan and Suia'l. with the an purteiianreg. Seized '.axen In execution and to be sold a IU" property of Daniel Kuteiibader. ALSO, A eertain lot ofland fttuatc in thr town cf Centra lia. Cohin. biu county, in flan of said town N. 3 Block bing twenty-live feci front and one hun dred and forty fett deep wherron is erected a two story frame bouje and a frame stable w uh tbe appur tenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold at tbe property of Jl lies Galluluh. ALSO, A certain tran or piece of ero'ind eituate in Locust twp.. Columbia cnuutv. containing ixty acre mure nr lets bounded on the south mid wtft by lauds of Henry Gable, on the North by lands, of Heniv Knapp on the east by land cf David Thresher, on winch arc erected aloe ho0ge and a log b irn about fifty acre of cleared land with tbe appurtenances cU'ized taken in ei-cution aud to bo sold cs the properly of John Fv'rry. , ALSO, A certain ot of gronnd gituaU in Bloomsburg Col , county, on the South westgide or wcgi street of aid !own,birinuiiig at comer oX a lot owned by Harriets IthO'U Ann Rupert and runnins thence South twenty nine d. s.east lifty feel to a post corner of a lot owned by Anthony Witman thence along the game Souih sixty one degrees west one hundred and ninety eicht lei t to Bloom alley, thence along said ail. y uortli twenty der. w est fifty leet i a pogt corner ot Harriet St. Ehoda Ann Rupert lot iheiice alon the same North (.I drg. east and one hundred and rinety eight feet to place nf N?) inninr. containins thirty perch, s strict uiei.s ire. Whereon i errrl-d a two glory f'ame dwelling bouse and frauis kitchen wiih the appu rtenances. Seiz.-d taken in eierntiun and to be sold as the property of Al orris Van Buskirk. ' ALSO. A certain tiact or piece of land situate iu Locust twp.. Columbia county. .' containing geverrt v eicbt acres, more or less, bounded and described aV fol low: On the north hy lands of Isaac K nodes. on the east bv lands of David Morris, on tbe south hy land of Joha Morris. Peter Pit tier and John Piiner'g estate, and on th wegt br land of irobert Wnlkm's whereon is erected a good dwelling housd &. barn & octbuildings with the appurtenances. Seized taken Jit execution and to be told as tbe property of Richard Morgan. S A M UE I. SN Y DE R, Sheriff. turriu ivijce, liioointourg, April 11. idiu. S A ror oc NEW AD BEUTIFCL irORK, THE PICTORIAL BOOH OF OF TUB BE3&LLI0N : Heroic, Patriotic Political Romantic Humorous & Tragical, Splindidly IUuiirmei witkttr nno jfne Ptrttaits and beautiful Engrartugs. This work for genial bmnor. tender pathoa. start ling interest, aud attractive beamy, gtand perlegs and alone an.ong all its competilorg. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Path. tic. The Roll of Fame and Story, Camp. I'l ket. Spy, Scout. Bivouac, and siege: Startling furprigers.Won deiful Escape. Famou Word and Heeds of Wo man, and the whole Panorama of the War here thri! Iingly ah. 1 gtartlinf ly portrayed in a masterly man iter, at ouee hiktoricHl and romatlc, reudering it the mogt ample, brilliant and readable book thnt the war has called forth Disabled othcers and soldiers, teachers, energetic young men, aud all in want of profitable employ, ment. will find Ibis the best chance to make money ever yet olTered. Send fir circulars and ste our terms- Address, ' National Publish in; Co. . No, 5U7 ;inor Street PUILADELPUIA. April 2J. 1SC6. 3m. J.EVY QOAL y ARD. The undersigned respectfully inform tb citizen of Klooni-biire and Colunib.". ennnty , that they ke p II the different numlwrs of stove coal and selected lump coal for s.nij'iinc purposes, on their wharf, ad joining. McKelvv, Neal fcuo t rum are ; with a good pair bunain grates on the wnarr.to weigh coal, hay and straw likewise a Dorse and wason. to deliver coal to those who desire it- As we purcbaae a large amount t.f coal, we Intend to keep a superior article. and sell at tbe very lowegt prices. - Please call aud exaoiiu fur 6urelvts before purchasing elgew here. J. W. II EN I'EhsS'iiiT. AL'GCoTOS MASON. rf HE nnicrslgncd will take, in exchange for Coal 1 and Gro-erieg, the following named arrlirlcs Wheat. Rye, Com. Oats. I'outnv, Lard. Hnrn. Flintil der, and side meat. Butter, Egg. Hay. 4.C , at ihe hiKhestcash price, at hi a Grocery htore, adjoining thelr cool yard. J. W. HE NDEEaliuT. Iiloomburg,. April !, ldob.-Jt. r"tJE subscrilicr nuer at Private Sale, a Farm sit 1 gated in Oeqpge Twp., Col. co. fa. 11 mile from Sobrsburg and 3 from Orangeviile, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIX ACRES. balance is well timbered There are on the premise commodious new buildings a . good orchard and a large you of apple and peach orchard, of six years growth, beginning to bear. r.LKAAUX 6. t. ML Lit. OrangtMwp. March S. 13G6 QCQ A "IO"TIl ! Agents wasted Vr fortt enlirtiy ne ertic'-. just out. Ad- TXSCASUIiEU'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA'COUNTY. , GREEABLY to the provisions of the Act of A. A em!ly, entitled an act to reduce the ftate debt, e passed the 3tlh day of April, 1844, the Treas urer of the L'ounty of Columbia hereby gives notice to alt peraon concerned therein, that unless the County, Itoad, 8chu d. Poor and Mate Tax cc,.due on the following real estate situate in the County of Columbia, are paid before the day ot sale. Hie w hole or such parts of each a will pay the charge and cogts chargeable thereon will be gold at the Court House, in H'oom-bur, Co of Columbia, on the llth of June. 18fni, being the second Monday, aud In be continued by adjournment from day .tilay for ar reari geg of taxea due gaid county und the cogts ac crued on each repctiveiy Year. Acre . owners. ', tehant.' DoI, Ct I8G3 87 " David Deans Beaver, SH lr it 113 324 , T M liubbell : t " $11 16 i4 & 03 .''"''' ldo3 a 3of3C0 Longenberger.Fislier Sc Miller. " 19 5 18'.2 50 Jogeph Nam, . - , 2 40 u2&U 30 ' Mann.Ba'dystCriiwell - 9 Si'J l3 64,03 37-2 John Me'.'aila . " . 9 7d IiJ '24 " David Nan ,: " ' 2 4! ii-2A.ii3 Si . Joint Kooiig ' ' Benton 9 e irt..-2 1 lot Samuel C Kiekbaura S Cri Iffri 3:1 El;xnbeth Lunger 4 3t) IHtiJ I lot James G .Noble . . . .2 Hu IH.2 50' Peter Shiiltz '- 3 21 l"..G3' t Hi.nnahTyke . . fi ltHiri 50 I z.-kiel Sliultz 3 9J I-t.3 50 Daniel Sim tz " 1 ' tlcC3 1 lot Peter Vnidley . Cooyngham J 39 loi3 1 .t llenry Kinesbury 67 (33it4 IM A Wm LiudeiiiuulU " 2 64 lca.J 1 .t J W lark - Centre 43 1 lot John Clear? . 57 3-4 V Jho PSrrohmever - ' 3 f-IV2 li Peter Ajiplevalc dee'd Jackson ( 3 t-i xa 14 Henry Appl.-gate 2 "7 lr'O-i 1 WniCrossley Madison 'Jd irttii 3 II Kostenbauder'a heir Main 44 lei3 I Peter Knight . . b9.3.4.3 100 John Corpcr est Fine S3 97 (r.'&'UJ :ti) Cal vin Clinuiburlin 1 5 Hti3 1 lot PmuerEik . 37 t3jt04 1 lot William Whipple- 1 57 Istil 33' Mile D SutlitT egt . Sugarloaf 29 JOHN J. STILES, Treasurer. TRKASi-RF.a' OrncK,' I Blonmburg. April ll.'liG. ( T 21 U 1 $ (J 2? i: U S S V lg E OF UNSEATED LAiDS - FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. AGRFFARLY to the provisions nf in Act of An gemMy entitled an Art lireiling the mode nf riling unseated hinds frr taxe and for other purpo ses, pasgeil th 13th day of March If 13, and the fur ther .pilementg thereto parg.-d on the 13th day of March lel and Ihe 5!3th March 1-1. and Uth Vlnrch. !c47, ihe Treusurer of Columbia County hereby elves notice to all pefgong concerned therein, that unless the County, Rod., S. faoid, Puor. Baunly- and Stale Taxes due on the following tracts of unseated lands situate in Columbia County are paid before tbe day of gale, tlirt. whole or gucb partg of each tract as wi 1 pay the taxes and cost chargeable tnereoit. will be sold itl the Court House in the town of Bloomsburg. County cf Columbia 011 lUe Second Monday in June next, an.l tocoiilinue bv adjournment from uay to day for arrearage of taxes due vaid County, and the cot accrued on each tract respectively. No. or Acres Warrantees or owxkk Twp d c BEAVER. 300 riiaa Miller ' f 13 no W Catharine Noyer Ju ihi 1-iS - Lewis t ilxer M 74 iil- Wm Stewart 14 (Ml 20'J John GraerT '-part of 409 acre, lu 47 f.RlARCREEK: 13 41 , . 100 70 33 41 40 3 301 100 5 ' 4"5 Id 1 10 y Af. 14 48 US 14 3 441 30 4ilo 4-J9 4O0 HID 277 2.-3 303 1 of 170 I of.VO I oflTll tof act no 34 :k-4 3-4 3 4 of 130 t of HsJ Folomon Kower r Jegse liowman Reuben Itl if la Henry Di.:iwrich Oliver Ege Gilbert Fowler " 4 35 a 74 H eo II 34 li 70 a 7.1 9i 11 -.'J 7 4i . 31 I HJ Ronry Gardcnhousc Johu King John Rninard J .cob tier Samuel 11 Smith Joseph Ptacklious John II Su t John PI aff-T John Yost Samuel J ru'er 3.05 19 87 I7J 3 04 I -a 1 -J 50 210 ff? .T M 2i 114 0- 91 Hd 37 4n 174 179 5i l'Ji 90 12 Ct 3L' 90 CONY.VGIIAM. Ebenezer Branham Thomas Harris John oung Joshua lle.im Nathaniel Brown Pt ter H.aughner Robert Jordan Andrew Portner Lewis Wal ker 7hos Must, in 'W J Greenourh" Mary Rustan ' W J Grceiioush" Thog tlusinn ntlmcrufc Coal co I -J I'm) MaryKustnn . 3:190 Johnston t'oagley :i6 4'i Gt-oige llickham I-M fJ Tliomag Hiltzheimer i:Ui 40 Kobett llihzhelmer l'v5 rd William fctlrtunon CU4 Ki Auing Wickergham 9.1 50 Paxton. Kline Sl sharpies 2-100 Keni ami I C.imbe 'tJKe st" 13 3ii Benjamin Cooiube 'J Angpach jr 15 30 i.ilti a I int D.fminii k Cr.tiu :' li-od I lot John Coweii 47 ' I lot Ceorge Ready 30 " S lots llenry Slu.rps U " I lot Francis Nulilcr V4 Itf4i3 1 lot l'tter Luwler ... , so - - CENTRE - 6 1-1 Dew itt Sc. BoneJict 2 80 10 Elias Rees Is CATAW1S3.I- - 57 ' ' J. S Brol.gis 4 12 70 Jatper Aaup 5 67 FRANKLIN. 41 Jeremiah Fincher. 7-i bO Elijah Reynold 3c Co 5 7(i . FISHINCCREEK 140 William Kurkalow 1103 1110 Alexnd.-r t'ramer. 3 e 2 J N t R J Junes 'J 44 150 Thomas Lein.is 9u I A Georee Mark ' 13 112 Reese J Millard 2 in) 3, George P.aler :ki 24 WiHi .mg Roobin r5 Amos Spade 1 54 1 1 3 Abraham Young 9 93 343 Panl Apple II 15 4 :t Guy Bryan 14 "7 4.14 Abrhbam Reeger 14 07" 1111 SauiUL-1 J tka'er ' ' 6 if IQI i GREENWOOD F.-.muel Mberlsou P 14 EMlg Kve ) 02 100 Jolin.A Funston sl 'O 50 Georire Reese "4 3 1-3 Daniel Montgomery li HEMLOCK .M) Nathaniel CanipSn ll 1152 30 Frankliu Mcllride "dcc'J" B 37 JACKSON, 1.1 ' David l?e ' 80 31 Uen.-ij.ih farkerft. Co 114 ltO , Philip tc. John Wagner . 120 LOCL'rfT . 200 Thomas Bilimgton 37 07 31 Saniiit;! John 5 8H 3i .......... . 5 09 I 9of 200 Mary Myer W J GreenougU" 18 S4 I iof li 0 Thomas Rutdan 9 3.1 1 2.f lit" Daniel Reese " " 17 r-3 I 2of-J0 Mary Kustaa 1854 I iof -2iK) Charlotte liu-tan .'' 18 51 l-2..f 2tm Jonn R -vnolds ' 4 . li 51 l--2of 0 vi ,ry Myers mxicritJc coal co 18 54 I Vol li:0 Thoma- Ructan 9 39 I Sof 190 Danitl R.; e . . ' l-Sof iOO Mary ..uslan I 'iot 200 Charlotte Rustan " 1- 2il 200 John Reynolds MIFFLIN. 2-3 Thomas Aten r dee'd 175 Georg Nungesger 147 Joshua ZnniiiPrnian 300 George Lati uere MAIN. 100 Brobst. Yetter &?chmick 4 W m Creasy 5 Henry Miller' heirs C'J '. Isaiah Shaman d.-e'd MOUNTPLEASANT. 17 til 18 51 18 54 1 54 I 7i 1 7H 14 3 liO 7 10 51 1 91 .3 44 12 44 0 I 44i I 08 4 85 9 2y 5 48 23 2rt VI lv 75 na 11 6 4 2 Cd .2 74 3 20 13 78 6 L3 . 14 12 II 13 3 63 ' 10 08 21 2 8 30 . 30 30 50 100 5 t0 HA 4JI 9 leO 50 00 Daniel Montgomery ORANGE. Pamnel Crevrling Ja.-ob Hageubuch est George Heidley Pcitr Melick PINE, Fetcr Applegate " Aaron Grog Sylvester Heath James Lockkrd Win Durlin Thopias Henfi 'ld George A Frick t. ... - r ROARINGCREEK. Feter Baughner . 1. Thomas Barnes jr SL'GARLOAF, ' Gog Est' ' Alex II Joshua He Robert Montgomery' eat 205 89 3.S0 200 47 150 Abraham Young Wm Stephen JOHN J. STILES, treasurer. TrrabCrer's Orncs. 1 - Bloomsburg April II. '66 j ': 'WKAFl'INO AND MINING PA- f T PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mill at Mill Grove, aear Bloomsburg. Columbia County, Pa.. I am now prepared to till all Order for Wrapping. Dry Blasting rno Water Proof Paper, on abort notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware bonse in Wllken Barre. and appointed JoMpb Brown jt the firm ol Krown.Grayk Co.. my agent todupcse of myjiapcr in Luiernc County Kesisier's IVolices. "VTotice is berehy given to all legatees, ' creditor and other persons interested in the e tateg of the respective decedent and minora, that the following AdiHinirtration and Giian iau 'account have been filed In the once of tbe Register of Colum bia CO.. and will be presented for confirmation and allowance in the Orphan'gCom t.to be held in Blooms burg, in the eount aforesaid, on Wednoday. the 9th day of May, 1800, ai 2 o'clock in the afternoon ol gaid day. ' ' 1 First and final account of M.-E. Ja. kaoo. Adin r. of John SI1ellha11111.tr, late of 1 riarcrvek township, dec ased. 2 serond and final account of William & Thomna Edwards admr'g of William Edwards, late ol Uiiar creek township, deceased. 3 First aud fina account of John Mart ndm'r. ol Hannah Fowler, late .f liriurc.eek towuehip dee'd. 4 First and firr.l account of R uben Miller, adin'r. of Catharine Yetitr, late of Catawisia lowusbip uee'd . 5 First and partial account of P'lineas and Isaac Smith adm'rs, of Samuel rinoib, late of Mi Ul in twp. deed. C cond and final account .f 1 ltoma nnd Wm. Edwards, a.lmr'g of Anna Margaret EJwardg, ate . Of Uriarcreek township, de'd, 7 Account of Oei.jamin Voho, Guardian of Jacob Fry minor child of Aarou Fry Ule of aii'Biu twp . dee'd. . . 8 Account of ls-.c Heaeock and Huzh Fairman, Executors of Ediih Fairmuii late of Greenwood twp. dee'd. , " 9 Second and final account of Jacob Garrison, act ing executor of Alexander Gurretaou late of Danville Borough, deceased. 10 Second and final account of Johnson II Ikeler, Executor of Andrew Ikeler, latu or Greenwood twp. dee'd. 11 Account of Stephen fialde, Guardian of Mary E. Blc-ck. r minor child of Wm, blocker lale of 11 111 lock twp. dee'd, 12 Account of Martha A. John and Caroline S. Pe will. Excrx's of Geor.'j John lute of Scott twp de-ct-aged. 13 Accountof Amsy Whitenijrht and Mary While night adm'rs of Peter Whileuight, lale of Hemlock township dee'd. 14 Account of Hugh McColIum, Ex r. of William Sheep lat of Madigoii twp. dee'd. 15 Account of Stephen Kikendall Guardian of Jog,' sw auk minor child ol Johu Swank lalu of Cuulre twp. dee'd, 10 Firgt account of Jacob and Washington Yeagnr, admr'g of Johu Yeager- sr. I:jte of Locust twp. de-c- a.-e.l. 17 '1 he firt nnd final account of J C. Pennington ailm'r of Cbrigliaii i-ajliach, lutjof Bjntou twp de ceased. 18 Account of Christian n Seesholiz, adm'r of Ma garet Wttcr, lale of Calawissa twp dee'd. 19 First and final account of Will.am Goodman & John Levan ediur's of Daniel Lsvaurr. late of Roar iugcreek I wp. dee'd. . . 20 Firt ann final account nf John A. Fungtnn. ad ministrator of David Vandine, lale of Madison twp dee'd. SI Final account o( Daniel Ernst, su: vivins rxecu tor of .Mary P, Jliila. late of .Madison twp, dee'd. 2-2 Account or Montgomery C0I3. one of the execu tors of V illiam Colo, late t.f Benton twp. dee'd. 23 Account of Thorif.is H. Co'e one of the ex . -cu tors of William Cole lute of Ueuton twp. duu'd. 24 Account of B F. Ilarlman, Guardian of Cla ra Appleman minor c .ild ofBaliig Applcuiiii, late of Hemlock twp. dee'd. 23 Accountof B. F. Hartm.in adm'r of James Rals ton late ot I'd 00111 twp. dee'd. . 28 Account 1 f II. F. Hartuian adm'r of Wm. Karns. late of Blom twp. rive'd. 27 Account of B F. Ilarlinan, trustee alter proce ed ingg in Paitioii of Phiiip Ueb -rlmg dee'd 21 First and final account of Joan Neyh.trd and Nathan Fleckeuieiii executors of Jacob Flee ken gtff.ne of Urange twp. dec "d. 29 Final aecount of Lewis Larish and Jacob Mel ict executor of Andrew Lari h, late of Scott tp. ilcc'd. " . 30 First account of Aiij.iffis Everhart execiitoi of the lat will and tet-lameut of Jacob Everhart late of Oranue twp. dc-e'd. 31 First account nf Franklin Yocum adm'iofWm Yocuiu lato ol Roaringt-reek twp, dec'i. 32 Final nr. o int of B. F. Hartnun. adm'r of Michael R.;i heldcitTer latt of I'l.i.im twp., dee'd 33 Account of B. F. Hartuian ndm'r, of Marv Mu eller, late of -Ma.ligon twp. dee'd. 31 Account of B. F. Hartuian adm'r wiln the wil I annexed of Jutiatnan Mastellur lata of .MlJUon twp. dee'd. 33 Account of Oliver Evan vliu'r ol Jegse Williams lalu of Roariugeretk twp. dee'd. . 30 Account of 1 li-er Evans ndm'r. of Jesse Wil liams, who wa Gun. 'djan of u.-nson Miller, minor child of Wui.T, Miller of Roaringcreek twp., dee'd. 37 Account of Win, If, Woodin. aud Alexander Thompgnn, ex'r of 11 ugh Thompson, late Of Berwick liorouih. dee'd. 38 Account of J.-hn Wenner a-lm'r of Roub?n Sav age, late of Fikhingcruek twp. dee'd. 39 Acrount ofG. II. Fowler, GjarJiin of W, R. Smith of .Mifflia twp. JOHN G. FREEZE, Register. Bloomsburg, April 4. I8iii- tc. Widows' Appraisements. NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION. 1 lie follow ng appraisement of rea' nnd personal I property gel apart 10 Widows of decedents have baen filed In the t-'llire of the Ueg,t. r of Columbia county, under the Rule of Caurl. and will be pre sented tor abso'ute confirmation, 10 ihe Orphans' Court 10 be held in Bl.10m-.burg. in and for said coun ty, on WEDNKADAY. THE9ih DAY OF MjSY, A. D, IrUUi. at 2 o'clock in the after loon of gaid day. unlegs exceptions to gnctl confirmations gre previously filed, ot which all persons iulcregted iu gaid -estates will t ike nonce. 1 Wi.!ow of John F. Mastt-ller, lale of Madison twp., dee'd. 2 Widow cf Robert J. I.yona, late of Tine twp deceased. . 3 Wid. w of Char'cs Eiscnhart latj of Cattawissa twp., dee d. 4 Widow of John Co-per late cf Pi-ietwp., deed. 5 Widow of Cornell Smith late of G re en wood twp. deceased. 6 Widow of X'barle Hughe late of Bloom twp., deceased. 7 Widow of John W, IIcss !ate of Sugarloaf twp.. dee'd. . . ft Widow cf llenry II. Fritr late of S::gar!ui(twn deceased. 9 Widow of John Jacobv Ute of Scott twp. dee'd. 10 Widow of Peter Deiong late of Centre twi, dee'd II Widow of Wm. B. Wtliiver U'.e of Jadion twp.. d: c'd 12 WiJowof Jac-Jb Johnson lato of Oran-e twp., deed. JOHN G FRtCZE, Regijter. Bloomslm-g, jfpril 4. -"( tc List of Causes for Trial at lay Tcna, 1066. 1 Stephen Bal-ly. vs. The Cta tvissa Williatngport ami Erie Rail Road Company. 2 Wi liam I. I .ance vs Thomas t'revelin. 3 John Jacoby el al vs Lnidly W WuoU. 4 iacob Harris vs Peter Jaroby. 5 A 11 drew J. Snyder vg. John Shcath'r. f- Jacob Hostler vs William Slauglibarh and Wifo. 7 Jacob Sbuiuan vg The Catawirsn Rail Road Co " 8 Hush W. Mrlteyi odlg vi Peter Olipl.nnl. 9 Adam D cittern h ra Jeremiah Jacoby. 10 Ge-.ree l...ngenb.-rcer Executors tt al vs IIu"h W. -McKt-ytio(dM t al. I 1 George A erring vs Peter Viller. 12 Edward llrilncr vs The Locust Mountain Coal Sl Iron t 'o it al. miarkcnberg for the use of II. Cliaiul.crlin vs Si las D E Ignr. 14 John Hinterliter vs John Jameson. 15 Jacob Rem ey vs n1awig:i Hail Rond Company 10 David Larih v The School District of Mouut Tleasant. 17 Jogeph Fry vsCathsrine Long. 1 William (.anion ra Peter Hi) man. 19 William I -anion vs J dm Vaupelt. 20 llenry F. Nusi- vi Buroufh ofiterwic'v. 21 -Abraham II. Swisher vs Samii'-I Kimliy. 22 Fli Joncg Joneg .Vsjle c Abbott t-t al 2:1 William Eyer v Peter M. Iibur". 21 Greenwood Township vs Samuel Bogart. 25 Sylvei-tei J. Faux v l-aac White. 20 Sylvei-trr J Faux, vs Ua.ie While. 27 J. F. Anspach et al vs William P. Ryon ' t-ii'istaui Knapp vs I He Sch ol District of DIooiu - rigui itusnes v t' trr Miller. 3U Johk O Dildineet al vs Farvin Masters. 31 Joratban Kmitle v Wright Huehes, 32 Lewis C. Greeu va lsaar White. 33 Mary E Green vs Isaac Whi.e 31 Pet.-r K.rshner ctal vs Dauiel Kru u's admin istrat.ir. 3j Solomon Nej hard v Tbe Towngbip of Centre. A I MlNI"5TKATO K'iS N OTICK. Cytale of Andrew Sohmr-nlate Frank lin firn.. dee'd. N Toiicp is berehy '"erj, chat Jjelter of Adininiatrati..n on the estate of Andrew Solomon Ute of Frauglin tow nship. Col. co. dee d, have been grantegby Hie Resiater of Columbia c.Minty. lotheuu derrigned ; all person having claims or demands arain t the estate of the gaid decedent are requegted to present them t.t the Adiumigtratoc. reading in gaid township, without delay, and all person indebted o make payment lorthwith. r - LEWIS YETTER. Adm'r. R!oomgburg. April 4. I8i tit S. H. DE WOLF, DEALER IN READY-ITIade CLOTHIIVG, jS'o. 202 Aorth Second St , One door above Race Street, x. Vs" Clotbint made to order at tbe shortest notice. March 1W, JroS. O CKMIITU. in- luminous Cot,for Smlibing purpose, of good quality, for sale by - - PAXTON c HARMA. - " - ' " F""ert,. rs.: Dii. w. 11. whitmor; HA8 beea In eoceessfnl practice for a xtamberof year, with the experience of the diflr-jrent hos pital r in Europe, also a member of the Analytical Medical Instittite of New Yrrk. eonti i iue "'' to all professional case at hi office No. fc2d rtloerl Street, Philadelpl.ia. ' . 1 a M. nuint M,ii-inea grsi nsed or recoramenoeo : the remedies ad iiiniglcred are those which will not break cown the congtiiulion. dui reuBc r --. tern from all injuries it ha usUined from mineral medicine, nnd leave the gygtem in a bealtby and perfectly cured condition, jrti' 3. DYSPKPSI that distressing disease and Tell deitroyer of health and happme". nndeniilninf the - ......:.,... thmiaandg tO tin' cwu-ii.uu ... kiiw J L ' ' J - - - - - - w . timely graves, cm most empha ically be cured, 4, Melancholy, Abberration. that tat ot Allna- -lion and weakness of the mind which renders per ona incapable .if enjoying the pleasure or perform ing, ill'- UUll.TH "t fl.C, ... . 5. RHEUMATIsM, in nJ' form or condition.ebron-1 la or ncute. warranted curable. '' . EPlLKl'dV. or fallinc sicknea. all chronic or gtubberii caae of FJEMALK DISEASES .f.i;.ll ,.mn.A Ba't Rhmn and verv dscrlr- lion, of ulceration : Pile and scrofulou disease w hich have baffled all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment ; and -lo ny all dgeage, Cye C'osciPTiofi) can be cured by wearing my Medi caicu .lacgei. w iucn is n proieciioii k u agaiirgt all change of weather in all climate hav ing tuvesligaled for year the cause and character ot , iiiiermiltviits (fever aud axue) in all part of tbe 1 '.. 1 .... 1 k.'. .... ...ill - II .h.nni. l t acute case of ague aud nervous pi.ea.ca in a few ' us. ttincer inrcd uiinnci me kaiic or urawios ; Biood. Tape Worm, that dread to the Human Family for f vears. can i.e removeu wiiii two or uuee iuici q . my new ly discovered reineily, w arraiited in alleaae. ' I'onsiiltntion in the English and German Language , irt;e ill ciiirsc w-i .f ...anv . . . - - -- - .. .i.;....l Mw k. ..M....... hu l.itr fRonftdenliall v.V r f 1 . lAT.II ... r m. . a . O ni.lkIM I W and .Medicine sent with proper direction to any part ol Ihe country. - ....... r. - Acs " 1 1 C! , DL1I. Ut ( IOC. no, r iiiKiicb i una. - , April 4. IfCfl ly. .; Applications for License, "VTOTCE is hereby eiven, that the fol-' lowing named persons have made application to the Protlionotary of Columbia county, for Tavern licenses, to Le granted at the May Term of Court : ' John F. Caglow John Leacork Georee W. Manner L D. Mendeuhall llivor A Jacoby John J. Utiles Miller Gilchrist C. Slinman Sc. Son C. F. Maun Plnl'p Gouball John Sharpless Sc. Co Henry I Clark Jacob B Ki-tler, John Rrover John L. Kline Reuben Wasger Stephens Sc. Biebcr Wm Goodman Daniel T McKiernan A W Creamer Bloom Tavertt : - Store Tavern Tavern Bentou Kor. Berwick Beaver Cattawissa ' Flore Tavern . Tavern Centre Conyneham Centralia Borough Ld'uor Store Tavern . E. I'narggt Wm Edgar W A. Kline Humphrv "arker .udwli Tlil Isaac Jfhoiles Jnglma Womcr David Ycagcr E. Conner A. K. Smith Samuel Kiiuby John Keller . saac Yetter Aaron Hess Jacob Good Samuel Everett Jacob Michael Irae 1 Vummey Figliingcreek Greuwood ocnst Montour Madison Mifnia Maiue .. Orange Scott Philip D. Keller - - . John Savaee . R 8 Howell ' 1P.KR mi.F.M tM Pnslinnntanr. Bloomsburg. April 4. IrtOO. 623. HOOP SKIRTS, 628. Hopliin's'-Own Make." ' Makcfactcred and Solo WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No C23 ARCH Street, Philad'a, The most complete assortment of Ladies' Misses IIU V.II.OI.CU S II k'.k l I, 1 U, . M , UtKQ 11 -3 expressly to meet the wart of riasT oLxee Tmp ; embracins the newest and mogt stesirablgj ' Styles and Sixes of "Gore Trail " of every teaffth from 2 J 4 to 4 yds. round. 2n to 26 Spring, at 2 to $5 00. Plain Skirts, all lenetbs, from 2J to 3 yds. ' round the bottom at $1 40 to ti 13. Our line of Mie'and Children SKIRT?, are proverbially beyond all competition for variety of style and aizeg -as well as tor finish and durabili ty" ; varvini from S lo 33 inche in length, ri to 42 " gp-iBg'at35 cent to $2 25. All Skill of "OUR ijWN l A KE." ar Warranted to give Satisfaction ; but Per koxe a t-rcH. unless they have, -Hopk ill's Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 3irt Arch Street" Stamped on each 'l ab I Also constantly on hand, good Skirts. Manufac-. tufed in New York, and the Eastern States, which wo sell at very 'ow Pricos. A lot of cheap Skirts 15 -r-rings. t5 cents ; 20 spring. $1 OU 35 spring. $1 15-3' -piingg, $1 23 and 40gprings l 30. try Skirt, made to O d.-r and Repaired. a r Tv Rxg Gtsn. Ojib Price Oklt 1 March 7. lHiO. 4inos, M. W1I1TM0YER, ATTOKINEY - AT - jLAW, BL00MS3URG, Pa. Ofie oppmile rot rc, over Harlman't gtort., JJuck Fayt iouniy, Pensions and Gov - rmment claims promptly collected. Bloomsburg, Apr. 4. .'C6. ""SAiAIlJEL, KNORR, ATT02.XEV-AT-L.1W,' BL003I5CriJG, PA. Ofii-'corer IJirtmnn't Store, oppotiie Poft Office. Bloomaburg, April 4. Ie"C . tf. Ailiiiiii.ti'itor'$ IVoticn Estate vf J.tcob Rupp of L'Kixsl tvep , dee'd. I" cticr of Administration on the et-tta .f Jacob R"pp. late nf Locust township. Co lumbia county, dee'd have been granted by the Kegia ter nf Columbia 10., to the undersigned. A II person having, claims agaiust the estate nf the ducedent ar- requegied to preseut them to the under signed, without delay, and all person iodeb.ed to make pay men 1 forthwith. SOLOMON ABTLEY. Apr 4. 'CG.-01 3. Adm'r. CHEAP FOR CASH ! THR largest Stock of wel!-made Tin Wart in Ihe ; (state. constantly ou band- Merchant and Deal er are invited to give ue a ca'l before purchasing elsewhere, - MELLOY it SMITH. 723 Market St, between th and cub. Philadelphia. March 2. lC8,lm JCiC INoticc iu Divorce WiUiam II. Evans, 1 In tbe Court ef Common F1M v. ' J. of Columbia Couuty. Del phena Evan. And now to wit: April II; lHOii, an alias subpoena in d vorce having been re turned, and respondent not having been found is the . County, rule upon regpondeni to show why a divorce ag prayed forin ihe gaid cage, by tbe said plaintiff should not be decreed in tb above stated cage . r. turt.al.ie to the said Cou rt on ibe first day of May Term. 1,0, - . SHVUEL SNYDER. Sheriff. Rloomsburg. April 11. I'iO. . ' IVolicc ill Divorce. - Jt Ihe Common Plei of Columbia Coun'y Caroline Snyder, And now, to wit : April. I Lief, by her next friend I an alias t?ubpoenn in divorce Adam Wilhelm, J- havicg been returned and re V4. 1 tpondent not having been Lao. ret te Pnydee. J found in the County, upon mo tion of L. 11. Kaldy. Attorney for Libsllant. Court grant a rule upon Regpondent tc show why a Di vorce a viMcvLo matrimonii ghould not be decreed in the above stated ease, returnable to the sai t Court ol Common pie, on Monday. May, 7, lr6 SAMUEL oN YDER, ehenff. Eloomsburg. April II, duU.-6w. IN o lice in Divorce. In the Common Pleas of Coluuilia County. Charles Wolfmm 1 AND. now to wit: Apr. II. 1366. v an niia gu poena in divorece bav- Sarab Wolfrum. ing been returned and Respond ent rot having keen found in the Connty, npn mo tion of W. 11. Abbot, Attorney for Libeliant, Court grant a rule upon Kegpondent to show ctum why a 1'ivorce a viKiTLO matrimonii shotld not be decreed In the above stated cae. returnable tothe said Conn of Common Tleaa, on Monday. May 7. lwifi. S A M U E L S S Y D ER, Brerit Rloornsburg. April 11 b6,SW . ' - - : DR. J. R. EVANS, Physician and Scrgrcon, fTAVING located pg-rmanenlly on Main H.X .,.A RI Of 1MSRITRG Pa., wnolil in hi; .nrll that he i nrepramd ...--a .11 K...in... faithfuUv and nnctuall may be tntrnated to hi care, on term com rate wit ui times. . He pay rtnet attention to rmrgvr j rr e(ieme. -