AGRICULTURAL. -: -HIGH MANDRllSC.-. ; . Will high manuring paj !- Tfcu is J qiesiioa which ia the practice "of farm jd2 ii becoming a very important on, and its decision will involve another im tcrtant' Question, viz : whether farming like ether kinds of - basinen, will give profitable emplojmeDt for increased amounts -of capital, or .wtether this amoaal ia in a measure fixed and cannot be exceeded With a prospeet ot a fair interest for the principal so invested. Or ta put the question in a more open and easily-understood form.- Can a farmer who has his farm entirely or partially paid for, obtain a tetter in terest by investing Lis earnirgs in art;fi cial mannres, than he can from Govern-, xnent or other popular loans I I can, now point out farmers who are (in addition to all the barnyard manure which they can manufacture) using from one thousand to fifteen hundred pounds of bona dust per acre, and to on in par ticular who in addition to a liberal coat of barnyard manure (such as wovld have "eatisSed most of us ) gave UW wheat a topdreseiugof twelve hund, e land seven, ty-fiye pounds of homemade s- perphojhate per acre. . ' Some of his olJ-fa.hionLd neighbors shake their heads and say Vil wou'l pay," ''can't do it loog, &o. &o. ; but he has been, carrying it on in tbe tame place for several years, and can raise cropB which surprise thosa who know what was taken eff the land . before lie came in posesaion of it, and yet he says ke does not think that he .ban reached the amount whica will give the best in terestfor the capital , invested. Ilia axiom is that he can afford to buy bis farm over agaio, and with pho.-phatc at 565 per ton put on at the rate cf twelve to thirteen hundred pounds per acre, hia old-fafhionad neighbors' aeeci to think he will not Be long bringing about th above expenditure. Hut what plays the mischief with u. old-fashioned folks U that be baa figures for all he. .doe, (and tizure won't lie " a fashionable lady to the contrary not withstanding,) and caa show ui dojbters it all io black and white. He ean.ahow that tbe abcte top-dicss-ing, put oa at a cost 843 per acre, will increase his crops aa follows : Cora) 33 bus. atflGO Oai. 20 hut. mi SO ' Wheat 15 bus. at I SO. Hay, 1 ton mta 920 00 1000 15(h) $87.50 And that in addition to the above in crease, he will, after mowing twice, be able to. stock the field ot least oae-tbird heavier than before it received the phos phate, : -- . Io addition to the above, by increas ing bis bay crop be increases Lis ability to winter stock-cattle. and fatten others on grain, and thus U continually in this ratio increasing his stock of farm-yard manure, which although valuable , I have cot counted in the above calculation. He and I are both satisfied' that the capital thus invested pays him at least twenty-five pr cent, and lasts for seven or eight years, and at the end of that lima icavca uiui & u iucici;u vaiu? iu farm-yard manure fully equal to the amount of the investment. The truth t, we look upon capital invested in this way as being so much chargeable to the land; and net as cap ital invested in a business in order to Increase future profits. In this respect (as in many other,) the English agri culturists are far ahead ofu; a renter in England will often expend one-half the first oostofthe land during the first year of hi3 lease Our American far mexuwill at once. a.-k "Why don't he buyt" My answer ii that he forms no exception to the rule that all men are governed by self-interest, and her find. it more to his interest to invest h'u mon ey in applying manure to land not bit wn than to have hia money invested in the land as owner : the land belongs to- some of the nobility who rent it to good men upon the Jorjg-Iea;e system and give themselves no farther trouble about it. : I know farmers who will read tlis ar ticle owning and carrying on goa l farms who have money invested in mortgages at four and five per cent., wh?n they might as well have it invested in thtir own farms to a much greater advantage to themselves. To show that I do DotconGae myself to theory olone, I will state that' I have land now trader a crop on which ia two years I have put two thousand pounds of bone dust and five hundred pounda of phosphate pr acre, asd next year ex pect to raise a crop, and can say that no investment ever paid me better. Cermantoini Telegraph; WORTH KNOWING. Last spring I took a email qianiity of seed corn and soaked it In a eolation of saltpetre, and to tesl it planted fire rows through the middle of a naturally moit piece with teed thus prepared. Now for the result The five rowa planted with corn soaked in the saltpetre yielded more than twenty rows planted in the usual way. The five rows were untouch ed br tha wire worm, while the re- . xaalcder of the field suffered badly from their depredations, and I should judge that not a single kernel saturated with ' the saltpetre waa touched by the worm while almost every bill in thesst of the Ipicco sobered more or lea. The worms are little kind of tqueamisbin regard to eatiz anything that comes in their way, tccce I wish to lay the fact "before the agricultural reader, and hope it will be earsiiiy ies;ea t&e commsr season, as tLe cost U coEcparitively nothiig when . put cltwo cr three aeres of v ccrn nearly ruined by these pests. Al : xzobl lands are mere or less filled with thsn, and raany farmers dare not plant . .t r .1 ii . com on IZ.3UJ, lor iae7 cay iaa wire worawill spell their crop : benca they rrUl let it lie caixnproved year afteryear. s-bsa it n;,?ht te raade to rrtduce ; T-tif-lcrcp.- Gennntoicu Tt frjraph. A: J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, JSearly opposite the Episcopal Church. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. T t Y stock it composed cf fine clothing, medium ill and low priced adapted to all condition!, Iiitti loiiwintt. He ha the latest styles for tbe season a fine assortment of r Crercoats aud Gentlemen's Siia.y.s, front low to (be very beat . His Goodst ai t lathwnnble and well Made." . In addition to my stock of readv-mada rinthins t have piece goods for custom orders. Cloths, Casimercs, &c, fcc. And having one of the first elaaa cutters. I enarnn" Me a fit in all easos and rive satisfaction. Also a variety of WCOLE AND LLE.Y SIiIRTS, Stocking. Neckties. Collars. Ftock. Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing. Bl .1111 .UUllH, IUUI 0U'Cl bags. i will sell at tbe lowest Market pricts. Please give me a cull before purehaing elsewhere. ninnmsburg, Nov. 15, I8C3. Terrible incitement ! IN LIGHT STREET, AT PETER EiYT'S STORE, On Account uf the IVew Arrival of l ALli &, Winter rovco ce 123 'bss s GREAT JtEDUCTlON IN PRICES HAS .just received froc Cities and Is now opening i om the Eastern at the old stand a splendid assoitirenl of tvhica will be sold cheap for CASH Oli COUNTRY PROnUCH ! His stock consists of Ladies' Drees Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS. GINGHAMS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY SILKS. SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C. IIcady-.TJiKle Clotliinsr, SATIN UTS, CSSI.MERES, COTTON A DESt KENTUCKY JEANS THREAD, &C. (3CE LIX HIS S3 QUEENSW ARE, CEDAHVVAKE, HARDWARE?. MEDICINES. DRUCS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Tn short, e'verytrrog usually kept in a country store. Thepa'ronagi of bi o'd friends, and tbe puc'ic generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest murket price pai' lorcoautry produce. PETER ENT. . Light Ptreet. Oct. 4, 1SC5. BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Street3. PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busi ness or Vouimt-rcial College io the country. Tha only one in the city po.einj a Legislative Chatter, and thnonly one in the United States author ized to confer Decree of knt Uiaplomas awarded to jtraduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by eeutlemcn of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording une-qualled-advisniazes for the lh"roiti lheoriical and mactical edi.caiion of youuz n.en lor the various du ties and employment of business life. TIIEOKV AN LI fUACJlUt. UUJlBI.MiU by a of lyniem ACTLM1. BL'SIXEFS TRAIN'IXG original and pre eniinent'y practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a romp lete insight into the science of account, arraiiji-d and publinhej by the proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his own use SdVinj one-nun iuc or'iinary luoor ni iiuurni and givini him a complete knowledge of iht practice Df the bent accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE v EMBRACES B)okee ping, Commercial A riih me tic, Pen manship, Rusinesa Correrpondence, Commercial Law,-Lecturea on Business Affairs, Coojmer ciai lu?toms, Forms, and Actual Busi rcs Pructies. SPECIAL BXAXCHE. Slgtbra and the Higher ,VAffmatje, Phonography, Cr Counterfeit ,Wry, Knrinettipg A'ur veyh;?, Wacigalijn and TeletrrnplMig . TELEGKAfUING. The arrancements for Trlepraphiae are far more ad vance of any thine of the kind ever onVred to the pub lie. A regular Tele, raph Liii3 i connected with tile lnstitntiim wi'h twenty branch olhces in various parts of the ci y, where public bJ?ines is transact and in which the tudohts of this liistitution are per mitted to practice, itu rteniar otnee practice can be bad in anv other schsol of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Young mun are cautioned ncainst tbe deceptive representations of thoe who, without any such facilities, pretend lot' ach Telegraphing. t'AlKU!VAUK. This Inttitution is now enjoying the largest nitron- tronage ever betowed upon any Commercial choo in ire State. Over Dve hundret student were in atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred during the past year. Tbe best class of students may inva riably be found here, and all its associations are first dasu. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the innei central part of the city and its accommodations, for extent, ele gance and convenience, are uonrpa.-sed. All the rooms have been fit ted up in the very teg, style with HUPINErfS Or rlCES UK CUUNTINiJ HOUSKrf. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, STATIONARY STORE, AIIO A REOCLAR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND tS.-TE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium io the Department of Actual Business. TO YOlG J?2Er who desire the very best facilities for a Practical htiacaiion fcr Lasincss, we gnaran tee a course of Instruction no where else equHlled, while the rcputhtion and standing of the Institution among business men make its endorse ment the best passport to success and advancement. A'.l contemplating entering any Cnmruernal College, are invited to send for an I LLUSTKATED CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College and full particular of the course of instruction' terms, t c L. FA!BB.LKS A. 51., T. E. MERCHAXT.Supt.of Offica BuirBMi?1" Nov. 4, lc5 14 m. National Foundry. f BliOOMSliUKG,CO m-g&h3Sim CO., PA. CTfiE subscriber, proprietor s J "i tne anove naineiJ ev : tensive establishment, is mo tAcJ prepared to recene orders All Hindi cf Machinery,; for Colleries. Blast Furnaeea, Stationary Engines. . MILLS. THPESHIVG MACHLv ES. tk.C. 4.C. - Re is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in orst-ciasa rounones. His ext jrsiv facilities and practical workmen, war. tanthiiuin receiving the largest contracts oa tbe m t rPigonahle term. ' ... O Grain of all kinds wtll be taken in exebanp fo eastinifs. ;.:' tT This establishment is Wa.fed near tbe Lackawa- na 4 Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. . . PETER BILLMYER Blaomsburg, Sept. 12, IS63. DATID LOWESBERG, . CLOTHING S TOR E, Oa Main stree tjt wo dooriaboTelhe Amer icas Hotel. ' - . ' - Miller' s Store. " ; oy - , ; ' . . .,. , ; , . . v Spring: and Summer Gooils THE subscriber has just returned from the cities witli another Jarge aud sckect assorinieut of ? SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,- purchased at Philadelphia and Sevr' York, at the lowest figure, and which be is deteraiimd to sell on as moderate Urms as cau be ptoeured elsewhere ia Bloomsburg. , - .J' t , . t, tlis rtock comprises i, , -L'AD.ES GOODS uf the choicest styles and l.tast fasiiions together wiih a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS,. CLOTHS. and Vt stings. Also. Groceries, Hardware, Cedar VVre, liollow-ware.'ails. Iron, lists and Caps, tc. In short, everything usually kept in a country t ores, to which he invites the at tention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce ia exchange for good a. . S. IT. MILLER. Cloomsburj, Nov. 22. 1S65. READING RAIL ROAD. WI.MfU ARRASGU5JEAT. November 27, 18C5. (reat Trunk Line From The North and North-West for Philadelphia. New York. Reading, Pottsville.Tainaquu. Ashland, Lebblioa. Al- t-ntown. Eaaton. &.C. Trains leave Ilarrisburg for New V or, as follows ; At 3 IKI 7 -5 "rt i'-u5 A- an'1 1 45 and !, " M- arrtvin'e t New York nt 5.40 and It) DO A. M and 340 and 10.30 P. M. conneiling witb similar Trains on the Pennylvania Rail Road ; Sleeping Cars acco.upany in the 3.H and 9.05 A. M Train, without .-(.ante. Lrave Ilarrisburg lor Reailing,Puttrville.Tamaqiia, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 7 W A M. and 1 45 and 9 00 P IM, slop piii? nt Lebanon nnd all Way ftatinns; the 9.0. P. M. Trvln making no cloe connccrions for Pottsville nor rhiladclphia For Pottsville Sc.iuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and SuqULhauna Rail Read, leaAeiHarrisburR at 4 00 P. M. Returning ; Leave New-York at 9 10 A.M. 12 00 noon and fe.Ort P. M.'; Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M. and 3 30 P. M ; Pottsville at 8 :l A. M. and 2 45 P. M ; Ashland 6 HO and II 43 A M. and 1 15 P. SI. Tamaqua at 7 35 A. 51. and 1 40 P. M. Leave Pottsville tor Aarrirburg, via S:huylkill and Sus't'K-hsiina Rail Iload.atfi 45 A. M, Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves R-aiTinj at C 30 A. M .. rt-turniiiR from Philadelphia at 4.30 P. AK Columbia Kail R-nd Trains leave Ruadins at G 10 A. M. and 6 15 P. i. for blphrata, Litia, Lancaster, Co- '"oitfiimlnvs : Leave fw Vork at P 00 P M. Thila Helphia 3.13 P M. Pottfvilln P 00 A M, Tainaquafi OJ A M Harrisburg 9 05 A Hand Reading at 1 00 A M fwr Hnrrisburj. and 10 52 A. M. forNavv Vork. Coinmu:Ltion. Milenge, Seascr., sSciiooland Excur sion Ticket o and from all point-. reduc. d Kat-F. taccaze chtke.l l!irugh ; to pounds allowid each Passensrr. O. A. Nl Ol.L. GlNfcltAI. Cf R.STtNUiST. Rcadiag. Pa. Nw 27. 8 5. F OUTS'S noise aM Cattle Powflers. This rrcPara'in long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-spirited horses, by streoptiiening and cleansing the 1 stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of ail dis avs incident to this animal, such aa LOTG FEYEK, eLXM)EB3, YELLOW WA- rr n r- r t r . T t-.. A(. COUGHS, DIS- Qt. i !. Jt r r. rt , r r. TER.J, VOCXDEB LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ic. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a smooth and gloay skin and -v transforms t h f miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation Is lnvalnat! It increases the quantity and improves the quality or trie milk, it nas been proven by ao tual experiment to increase the quan tity of miik and cream twenty per cent, and make the . butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and inakes them thrive much faster. Ia all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers ia the Lnt)?J, Liver, tc, this article acts as a specific. liy putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated v or entirely prevented. It riven in time, a certain preventive and care for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for SL PREPARED EY S.'V. FOUTZ 13 HO., AT THEIR WHOLES UE D?.rG A'D MEDICT5E DErOT. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Md. For Sale by DmeKists and Storekeeper through out the United States. . - For sale at the Drug Store of iloonisbur; Pa. P.lnorwsbure, Jan. G. lcGo. 12mo. No3. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Courtlaadt Strce NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITT This old-established and favorite resort "of the Ru- siness Community has been recently refitted, and is complete in everytuinr that can minister to the com forts of its patrons Liidif-s and families are specially ard carefully provided for. It is centrally located in the Mu-mess pirtoi tnecity and is contiguous to tne principal tines ii sicauiouaij cars, omnibiisse ferries, tec. The table is amply supplied with all the luxuries t.t the season, and is equal to tual ot auy otner Hotel in J! country. Ample accommodations are ottered for upward of La ejects. Lo not believt tunnrrs, oackmen, and o'-bers wii may say "the Western Hotel Is lull." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprieti r THOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15.1d62. GIRTON'3 CHEAP K0CKStY STORE ALSO HATS, CAPS AND SHOES. 'TMIE undersigned has removd hi oil at and Cap Store s. up to Lvaus old stand. w lure in addition to a superior assortment of SPRfNG AND SUMMER fg Hats and Caps CONFECTI0NAK1ES, CllACKERS, Slolasscsj Sugar, Coffee, Tea3, Tobacco " Snaff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, . Better, Coal Oil, Drug, Parlor and Hand Laiops Books, Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Cedar war er Packet Knives, Combs Ac, A-c. S-c. Together with a variety of article generally kept iu Store. ' v Also A Une lot of KIDS. MORf;F.Ot3 and Lnnwan to which ha invites the at ention of Shoemakers and tna PUDIIC. JOHN K. CIRTON. RIoomsbBrg. May 13. 1L5 , . C. H5SZEY. . OCO. W. CARPEKTIK. Eitablished 1828. g. w. carpexti:r, dcxszgt & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?. , 737 Market St. one door below eth, PrtlASiLruix. DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICAL?, PAINT OILS, GLAS, VARNISUEd, UYEf, And every other article spperuinlng to the , business, of tbe beat quality, and at tbe lowest Market Rates. Karch 23, 1566, A lv:. -1 r.w! THE PHCESPX PECTORJJL Srf7ILL CURE our Cooh. Read the advef liiiement IibIom. Tho Pl.fjcnix Pec- - ' lorn!: or COiviPOUNDaVRUP OF WILD CHERRY k. NES-. 'EKA SNAKE BOOT, ' Will Cure the Diseases of the TULA'S? ' A S O S G Such ni Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asihma, litonchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Iloaraenets, Whooping ( . -" Cough, &c. . Itstimcljr usu) will prevent PULMONARY CONSUMP1ION, And even where this fearful disease is fully devel oped it will atiord more telief than auy other inedi. cinw. I. Lawrence Geu. ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania Houiie of Representiiti ves, snys : "This cough reme dy is bow extensively used, and is the highest value to the community, its curative qualities having been tested by thounnuas with the most gratifying results. It is carelully and skillfully prepared' from Wild Cherry Bark & ceneka tSuake Root by Dr. Levi Oher holtzer, a reputable pbyiician of Phoenixvilie, Pa., and is sold by ueaily alldruggiti and country store keepers. D. P.Crosby, ex-Postmaster and ex-Uurgcssof PotUr town, ccrtiues as follows : PoTTSTown.l365.Jan. 3, This certilles that I Jiavo used the Phoenix Pectoral iu iny.fumiiy .and I recommend it to the public as the very best remedy lor Cough and Colds that I ha"e ever tried. One cf my children was taken with a C'.diliccoinpaiiied with a Croupy Cough. so bad. indeed, that it could n it talk and breathe. Having heard so loui-b said about the I hoenix Pectoral, 1 procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieves the diihculiy ot breathing, and before the child had taXen oneourth of the bott'e it was entirely well. Everv family sho'd have it in their house. JJ. p. CROdUY. J. V. Smith, druggist, of New Hope, Bucks county, Pa , ia writing to Dr. Obc-rholizei, says : "A few uays s:uce 1 bought two dneu or your vtluahle couth remedy to try, and find it very good, and ait is near ly nil guiie 1 would like you to send me a gross of it. -Your medicines gives better satiolHclioii than any other 1 have in the stare. I a:n aent for some uf the niot popular couh pivparations, but yours secnn to be doing tbe uiot gno.l. Tne following i, an extract from a letter from Ilirarn Ellis, merchant, near l'oittowu. Pa. : have tried the Phoenix Pectoral, nnd find it to be tbe best cough medicine extant. It meets with a more reaiiy sale tuau any o.her that I have ever had in my store." 'i he proprietor of this medicine has so much confi dence in its curative powers- ,1'roji ibe testimony of thousands who have u'd it, that the money will be Paid r.Act to ny pu.-tliasT who is not satisfied with ts effjcis. It is fco pleasant to take that children cry for it. PriUJ llitltTY-FlVJS LENfS ; Laige Lotties USE DOLLAR. it is intended fur only one class ef dUcases, name ly, thce of the and Lung,. LJ" Prepared only by LEVI OUiiKIIOLTZER, M. D., , , ' I'hojn'uville, Pa. Sold by all Drucgist-i and Storekeeper-". JuilXSTOS-. imLI.OWAy. & COWDEV.No 23 Xorth tfixth Street, Philadelplna, and K. C. VVLLLS Sc. Co., N. 113 Franklin Street, New York. General tVliolomilo A aou nv t.. r. i.VTA and LYER St MOYER Drug sts, tlooiii..burg. and by nearly every drugsUt and intitrv ntiirjiL-..i.r. ... Cll H j .1, .iiiuiuui4 builllijr. - ti - unrest uruggitt or storekeeper does keel, this medicine, not I -t him pin you off with not " mcuiii uc. uui acnu at once to one of ue ts fur it. ng-'ii iiuarv, mv. 13')C) C:n RIOTOUS i LIQI7HS I 'hocale mid Kclnil. rllE subscriber would announee to i;ichihurl sill virinilv. llni the rilizn of be is selling .IClL'liKS iii larse and small quant i and at (iiff-rent prices, at his ew store, on .Main street, mirth 1 IV wo donrs south of Iron street.Hloanm burg. His stock of Foreign and Do-. sue 12 13 A ST) II S S 2 :niU of Coenac and Rochel e. Blarkberrv, Gin- :rr, Karpberry an J Lnven J. r. He has a large ass ortuiiii if Old Ry. gray with agj. fine Old Rourbon. old P Iks v luskey, and au quantity of con-mon. He alio has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. LiLm. Claret. Sherrv and Cannseni Winrs : and last but not least. iuaiitit nrimul doubie extra riKOlv.V STOUT : a H 01 which hp will sen ai me iovet eali prices. The public ureie- rpeiuuiiy suuciiea to giv nis liquor a trim. I. Y, ROBBING . Agent. WYOMIMG Insurance Company, IVILKES-EARRE. PENNA. CAPITAL AXO liiPl.lS, - -$!50, ASiKl'j. Stock not called in, - Pills receivable. - - - . . 4d.iwu 6.1KH) U. t.5 -J'i Bonds. . ... Temporar and call loano, - 1113 sh.ires IV online Dank Stock. 6.1-0 S shares nrsl .National Kan at YVilks-Barre. 5 1100 u Miares pecona National banknt Wilkes Harre 411 sur.res HKcs-liarre bridge Slock. - - 2. 5-0 ueai bnw, ...... 1 -iii Jtiilements. ' - liuetroui Agents and others. ... 7 aij can in nana ana in Bank, .... I tU DIRECTORS. M. IIOLLEVBACK. L. D. SHOEVi AKER. II. M. IIOYT. O. OLI.1N3. VVm. S. ROSS, - t ii ARLK-i A MIXER, G M IIARDIvn JOHN RKICHARD. S VML'EL V A DM A MS, .HARLLS IIOKRAXCE. It l I. i 1 1. SaE'.YART PIERCE, G. M HOLI.EA;K, President. I. I. SIIORM Kl'n Vi. l 1 K. C SMITH, Sec Rat art. t. CROWN. Agent. March 25, 1HC5 .. . nmbiirj, Pa. LOOK-HERE. THE VERY FLATTERING SUPPORT heriiiofore sjven 10 ihe laie fiim ol JAMES 5. Mt-NINCH & CO., induces Ihe under signed io enier cpon the buiness cf . MERCHANDIZNG UPOn a fOmiVVtut llPW r.lan Tho rra.l I ----- f B1W V V- jetetn uas uet-n an n iurr to Dota DoYer anu seiier, gnu mereiore JA.TIKS S. aIIcIVSaVCII propo-es to open on the 13tli day of th frotnh of No vernber, A. D, 1865 111 1 i.t r THE MOST. COMPLETE AXD ELFGAST STOCK OF i 12 iv nos EVER OFFERED IN THIS COUNTY contisiing of every variety and qualiiy i niaplrt and fancy sord, GROCERIES, KUEENSWARE, HARD WARE. and all sons of ar.icles kept in a coan siore ; io be fold try OR IN EXCHANGE FOR ALL KINDS OF The whole bo&i:ie.s to be conducted the pvstem of oav a vou no: and at rhe on ip- or rates man any oiaer nouse. . . 1 . I I I Call ami juoge lor Your6elv. JAMES S. McNINCH November 8, 1865. American Hotel, CESTiU r STREET, Opposite old Independence Hall PHILADELPHIA. S. M. I1EULINGS, Proprietor. Wm. H. Heuli.vgs, ( Ink. May 27, ltfc5.iJm $100 se Yi:.4It! We w everv vt ken tn i fur improvd $20 Sowinr Machines. Three i kinds. . t.'nder and upoer feed V dve years. Absve salarr or larte. comtnissions paid The 0"SL7 marhinpa in tht.7nltA r.. i... than ), whieq are fully licensed by Howe. Wheel rw i son, orover utter, Binger tc. Co., a Bachclder. All other cheap Machine are Infrin md cms ana mo seuer or user are liable to arrest, nd imprisonment. Circular free. Addrass or npon Sbaw h. nark; Biddefot i, Me. Dseeniber 30, li?W.-ly. fina call BONE MILL; BONE DUST- THE IIEST &(linAiEST3IAXlTnC ! plELY ground Cones, expressly far Wheat. Rve JL Corn, liurk wheat, tlats. i'otatoes. Grass Fruit I rees, Orape Vines. Vegi-ta'i le. i.c. n. most tsoue iust nnd t ertriEers are larrely ndulterated to satisfy consumers lhat this arlicli"T strictly pure, e.irh bill of sale is accompanied with a fOHtifii'd statement tlraf each packaea of Bone Ilutt is entirely free from adulteration. . To this fact our freight ageats, car men and workinen.can at all limes tentiiy. farmers will do well to send for our circulars, giv ing full particulars of this valuahle fertilizer. As our stock is liuiiud, wi advise cur custorters to or der early. PACKED IN BAGS $ HARUELS. ZJ A Liberal Lliscouut Allowed to Dealers. A. J UlttlMO, Allentown. I'a. N, B. Persons rsadine this advertisement will do bone-tathrers a favor by bringing us to their notice, as we pay the highest price for llones. March 21. looo. j mo. HC. II O W E R, STJRCJEON DENTIST. nrSITl TtULI-V on. rslun profess ional services to the ladies and t,'-ntle men cf id.xiiiinburgand vicinity, lie is r.r-par-d to atiend to .ill the various operations in the line of liis profession and s provi.l- d W'ltit ie l:.tet improved PORCr.L.1JJ Tt'.ETJr, whir w II lj in-icrteil on fold. pl;:tina, silver and rubber br to look w II as tiie natin al tci th Mi plate and blrck teeth inanuf. ictured ar nil 0 er; tn-ns on teeth. carefully and prop-riy attemled t ur.irence and olnic a lew d ors above tne Court II ii,e. name side. HI o.nsbnr. June 0 GROCERY STO RE ON MAIN STREET, ELOOilSBURD. More FrcIi Good. Just received at llentv Giers Neu Store: MOLASSES, SUGK,S, TEAS, COFFEE. II ICE, SPICES, FISH, SALT. KAISIN, TOBAOCO, SEGA US, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Toys, FEED AXD PR0VII0.S, Toother with a great variety of notions, tc,, too nuiuorous to mention li UTTER EGGS. ME XT. and Produce esnern'lv, ta'en in eti:h-in; f r toils. The Lest uiaikrt puce will be followed. Gva hrui call. rry The bigh -et market prices paid for all kinds of HENRY GIGE!?. Plomns'jur;, J.inuary 3, 100. JYcto Slock of Clothing, Sj?ring and Sumner Goods I KVITES attention to his stotk of cheap and fa.-h iotiublt Clothing at his f tore, on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors ubove the American House, vthre he has jut received fro:n New Vork and Phi ladelphia, a lull assortment of ITI c ii and ISoy's Clollii::, includin g the most feliionalle, du rable and ban seme, DKESd GOUDS, consisting of ox, Sack, Frock , Gum and Oil Clctl. Coats, and Pants, rf al I sorts. rize. nnd colors. II alo has replen ished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shdwls : striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts. cravats, stocks, collars, hatidkerchiefs, gloves, sus- penuers ana lancy articles. N. K. He has constant I v on hand a larse and well selerted assortment of Cloths and Vestmfg. which he is prepared to make up to oril r. into any Kind of clothing on very sh.irt notice and in the beet of nun ncr. All his clothing is made to wear and most cf it is or home manuUcture. A N D rif every Description. Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this plac. ''all and ex amine his geueral assortment of Clothing, Yatches Jewelry, Ac. fcc liAVlD LOW EN EL" KG. Bloomsburg, April 20. IPCj. CIIALES B. BROCKWAV Attornry-al-I aw. Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, -c, collected. Pnecial attention paid tn matters arri ing und-r the Internal Revenue Laws. C7 OFFJi-R one door west of the Court House, Bloumstiurr. I'a. January 17. ff.C. PHOTOGRAPHS I PHOTCGHATHS 1 1 A NEW GALLERY IN BLOOMS BURG. THE nndcrstcned takes pleasrue in announcing tint he has opened a Gallery ia the laree.t.'rom over llartinan 's Store, in Ulnomsburg . Pa., for Pho tographic and Kindred. Art. lie ia prepared to take Pictures of all kinds. Having procured the service of an experienced Artist from New York, ha is prepared to do all kinds 'f Picture taki-ig. , jL?- Call and see before goingIsewhre A. A. HEMPSTEAD. January 31. leG6 3in. Justice oT llie Ponce, Licensed Lonveyincer, Scrivener, and Surveyor. Office Bearer Valley, Pa. Will BtMnd totikjng Acknowledgements. Write Oerids, Mortcagea, Leases, Bonds. Notes, Agree ments, &e. - Sorveying attended to With despatch, Charges moderate. . BLANKS I BLANKS ! I Of Tery detcription lot" tale at WfeJ Bisi'liS ssy FLUID EXTRACT BUCHfl A positive and EpeclSc Remedy for diseases of the ladder, Etdncrt C ravel ul Iroplual EweUlaajs. This Meilclno inereaeee the powers of digestion, anil' excites tbe absorbent lsto bcalthy cctlon.ty vtlci the watery or ca!caroo-js flcposUions, and nil nnBtttnral fn. larpements aro rcdnccd, ca well as paia and tn-'arnmasoo, and la good for tcu, vomen and children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCMU, For weatness ariolrjg from Excesses, Kabila of Dissipa tion, Early Iadlscrctlon, attecdod with tho following 6ytnptoms: ' . Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of 5!emory, Lots of Tower, DUllculty of Ereathing. Trercbilng, S'akcfiJluo-s, Tata la tho Back, riastlns cflho Cody, Eruptions of the race, Tallld Countenance. "Weak Kerves, Horror of Dlseace, Dimness of Ylblou, Hot Hands, Dryness of the Skin, Universal Latsltnde, Thete symptom. If allowed to go on (which this Medi cine Invariably removes), soon follow FATUITY, EFILEFTIC FIT3, in one of which tbe patient may expire. TTho can By they are sot frequently followed by those "direful dis eases, Many ore awaro of tbe cause of thrlrtufrcrlns, but none will confers. The records of the Insane asylums and tb.3 melancholy uOstLs by coasumptlon bear ample wIlDess to tbo truth cf the assertion". Tbe Constitution, once affected by organic trecknesi, iciulres the aid of medicine tOBtreosthen and lavlsorcto ha Bj-slem, which HLM?OLD"S EZTR..CT O? EUCniT luvariibly wC9. A trial will convince the moat sceptic Inrr.tnr affeci'.ors peculiar to r emales, the Eztsact Brciic Is nnequalcd t any other rsmedy, and for ail complaints lacldeut to the sex, or In the DECLINE 03 CIIAGE OF LITE, ITT" Bra Smrroiis aosote. P7 2To Pamily ebotild be It; Take no Dalo&tn, Mercery, or nnple&tant medlctce for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. iiLIi5GLD'3 EXT It ACT DUuii'J AKD Cares Gecret TjlEoaBCa In all their stages lltllo ezpense, little or no chaste of diet, no Inconvenience, and KO EXP05CIi. G'SE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT QUCHU For ail affections and dlceaaca of these organs, w he Iter EXISTISG HI MALE Olt FEMALE, From whatever cacM orlglnrtrcg.and no matter how long Handing. Diseases of thee a organs require Uio old of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tha Great Diuretic. And It Is certain to have the desire! t2o:t In all diseases tcr which It Is recoiumcndcd. DLOOl! UiOOBl . XlelrriboltlV DQELT CONTEXT RAT ET COSTPOCTB FLUID EXTRACT SAtlSAP ARILLA, For pnrlfylcg the Blood, removln;; ail chronlo cossiltB tlocal dUccses arising from zu i;r:pnrs stato of tho Tloo I, tnd the 02ly rellablo and cffjctncl knorrn remedy for tho euro cf Scrofula, Ecald Head, Salt r!:ca::i. Tains sa l EwclUns of the Eoncs, Llccrallona of the Throat and Len, I'.lotchcs, rt3-.;.lcs cn the race, TcUsr, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruption cf the Stln, ITOT A FL.V cf the worst disorders tliit uClct rr.cnttr.d arke from tbe corruption that accumulates in the Llood. Cf ell the dis coveries that have Dccn made to purge It oct, nono c;a ejnal In eCccJ EcLanoLD'a Comtovsu Exteact of Ssz BiTATjiiA. ItclojJiscsnnd rcnovaUMj Ibe ElticJ, lcs'-ilS tbe vigor of betlth Into tbe system, and pcrt'C8 out tbe humor which nake dlsc.-:e. It stimulates the toai'.by fiCitloDEr the body.tvcd cspcls the'dUcrdcra tbat grorv catX-ackltTin tbe blood. Euch a remedy that could t: relied on has lcnj beca eot:bt for, and cow, for tbo tri'. time tto public hare ouc on which they cm depid. Cur cpccc here uocs cot admit of certificates to show Its ci'ects. tat the trial of a single bottle will Ehow to tie sick th;t I: Lis It3 virtues surpassing anything thoy hovo ever tiken Two tabletpoonful of the Extract of EarsaparUla added to a ilnt of water Is eqtal to tha Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle Is f'-Ily cc,;i.-.l to a gallon of tbe Syrup of Sarea-i-iiil'.-, cr lbs iloccciion as uscally mads. heliiIbold's rose wash, Aa excellent Lotion for diseases arising ftora habits ot dissipation, used In connection with the Extracts Eachu a :id Earsaparllla, In such diseases aa recommended. Evl- denco of tho mo?t rcsponslblo and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions fcr use, vit hun:rttis of thouirrndi living witnesses, and up. wards cf "J0,y) nnsolleltc-t certlflcates act recoramenda. tory letters, many of wblch aro from the highest sources including cc.ltcat rhysIclaiiB, Clergymen, Statesmen, 4c. The I'rcprlctor has never resorted to their publication la tho newspapers ; he docs not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not neel to be propped up by certificates. The Science of Medicine, like the Doric Column, should stand simple, pnre, mnjestlc, having Tact for Its basis. ladat-tlou tor its pllltr, and Truth alone for Us CcpltoL JTy Extract Sarsaparllla U a LlootT Tcriicr ; icy Eltracl Ecchn Is a Diuretic, end will act ts such In all cases Doth ere prepared on purely clcnti3o principles in tacuo and ore tho meet active measures of tdthcr that can bo made. A ready t'.fd conclusive test will be a con parlson of their properties with those set forth In the fol lowing works : See Dlfpcnsatory of the felted State?. Ceo Droiessor Dtwus' valuable works on the Iracttce of Th jslc. Ece remarks mndo by the celebrated Dr. Tarsia, Tblla. Eco remarks ruJa"ry Dr. Ephkaih Mc1o ll, a cele brated Thysiclan and Keraber cf tbo Eoyul Collegeof Burgeons. Ireland, and published la the Traisactloas ct the Eicg and Qnccj'a Joarsal. See Modlco-Chlrurgical Ecvlew, published by Bxsj's Txavzes, 1 ellow of the Eoyal College of trurceons. ge most cf the late ' --ndard works oa iledlclae- FOLD BT ALL DKUOGISTS ETEB V W ULEH. Address letters for Information, In confidence, to n. T. HELIiIBOLD, Chemist; ' pnnrciPAL DEPOTS- FleLmbold'a Drug and Caemioal Warehouse So. 594 BROADWAY, KEW YOSX, and Helmbold's Medical Depot, o. 104 SOUTH TEUTH ST, PKILALELPE1A, BEWAUE OF COIINTKRFEIT3. ASK FOR HELM BOLD'8l TAKE KO OTHiJI!! . . Ij TT!a MBXtCQ ! MEXICO !! 820,000,(100 liOAJVl" REPCIiLIC OF MEXICO Twcntyyear: Coupm Bonds - in Svrru ... 50, SI00,S500anrf tr,OQ.0A . ' Interest SeYfti Per rent., Payable ia .The Cily of Kew Yarlr Trineipa' ami lut rnit Payable in GTt.D. . lit) 90(1 0K) to bo sole! at Puty Cents on tbe D .Har la U g iirrency. thus yielrfin; an inleret of Twslve pe1 eent. in Oold, or Seventeen per cent, in Currency, the preent rate of premium on gold- , The first year's iutcrejt already provided1 ' "" The most Dest'ratle Investment ever Offered: Immense tracts .f Miuirg and Agricultural lands ; i r wni in "ri ones. U.' " . 1 V0fl add taxes, irr i T aiii:nilpas enrt Kan Lui Potosi ; ancf faith i f th.. said Slate and the Gnuejar tne MJit.'g ot tht plih:ed t.overniiieni are ail nledeei fur th. these Bonds aud payment of inte eat. 1 The Security is . nipfc.- no?To.n8l!u8-Currency viu uy7Pe'wt ooif 0?ndf of $lV,o. C!,rrencJr wi" ,.bur 7 cent. Gol't? Bomifs" Curreucy "'uya7per .cent Golf or y?o?i. Currcncy w,n bay 7 v" cent' on,,; Let every lover of Itepublican Institutions buy aV least one ' Ox-vs: roi). Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by i joiix w.rocLiES ro. r and J. N.TIFFT, Financial Aeent; oflhrt Republic 'f MiSico,57. rlroadwn .Hew Vor CTy" f iibciiiiion also received by Ranks Slid, Bankers gmt-rally through jut the United States. Nov. d, 1I-C5. . MY HAPPY HOME. THE OLD 110 JJESTEA D : Wild Cherry BilteW Are perfectly pure and contain no poison or nos ious substance. They are compound od upon scien titic prinripl-s. and are adaplej to the old and the mi.s. the.-trong and the. Weak, and are destined to be found in evt-rv city, town an. I hamlet in the civilizeo world. They bpeedily euro - Jaundice, By sprpsia, all forms cf In titsesimn. Sour dlornachf Jiheuma.. tism, Sen via. and all' " ' " IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, Dropsy. Nrvoti AiT.-cti ni. Ki.hrv n;.-.... t :- er Complaints. Gc'it.-ral Probtraliou.aud iVe'r. At a Morning Appetizer no. other Tonic or Stiaiu- 11 1 in the Ullivpryi run t-nunl Ih.m V A. ....A.. la I - - --- - -u,u. - UC(- d dijtiot .( n. i.nperfTt circuiati"H of the blood, and xhiHstud vital energy they ive permanent ard irii:ipt rlii f- , . , . F.t Coii'lis and Colds they aie superior to any -hcrry Pectoral. Tln-y cloanie the stmnacb and luriff th bliHiil, ai-tirK tlirttiy upon tbf Liver, tbe ri-at ss-t of diteuse ; they boju restore it to a souud nd h-'al !h r Blul". To persons of Sideritarv habits, .Irll-ate Females' ind nuihinf iVlothfr.. mi it Hio.k uhn ruui . i... Strenslh. or a want if uibin..n lh l,i,..,. ,;n be tsuiid of imal' ulaSdc va;u". One tiiat will con. inr" yon . Manufactured and s'dj by T.iJ, SLI.VGEULAM) A.CO.. I I ? ( isarKi:-a3s XT V and sold by all Dru;gists and Mert lim. genera ly. u, iv, uutt4ii.. Airent. . , Eloorunburs, r. March 23, 1.-C6, 3in . .. aE1V skikt fok 1SCO. TLe Great iDTemlon of tbe Aye io ' H 0 OP S K I RTS, J. V EKADLF.Y NVw Patort DITPI.P.r RI.f.P.PTirt (or double) tfiil.sci tlilltl-. TIMS I VVKNTIOV rnimil. of nnnfpi fnr e.l liptic Pure Unfilled st?el Hpriiig. ngeuioly Braided iu ijr viu i iruiiy Kisetner. eiien to eUfe. makinf the Tuiii'lieht. most Hei:l,le. Llaslic and durati e Spring ever med. They sf-iduru bend or break, like the hi ii pie Sprines atid consequently preserve thir perfect nnd iicaiiuful shape more than twice as lon as any bail ie taring tikirt thvl ever Has or Cau be made. TIIR wonderful 'fT-xibtlity and treat comf irt and pla'ire to any Lady wearing th I'.ijilex Kliptii Sxirt will be experienced partienlarlv ia all rruw.ifd As' ("lublii:, Upeias, Can icts. Kuilroad Cms. Church Pews, Arm Cii:iirs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the t?kirl can be folded w beo in ue to ocnupy a small plce as easily aud com veiiicully as a S.Ik or Musliu Dress, . . A Lady having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort sad Ori-at Convenience of wearing the I'upltx Lllip.ic hteel Pprins t'kirt for a sinpl day will Never affr war.'s liliu'ly dispcnus with tlicir use. , For Chil dren. Minscs aud l otiii; Ladies they are superior to all others. ' Til E 1IOOT-3 are rovPrd with 2 ply double twintrd tluead and wjil wear twice as !n? as the Mnele jarn rovring which is used on all Dins'': tHeel Hoop Skirt. The lluee Lottoin reds on every Skirt are also tHubl Steel. and tw ice or double coveied to pr-vtnt tha cv: i rin from wearing otT the rods when dragging down stairs, ttune ti:ps. ttc , tic, which tbey are constant ly subject wh. n in me. All are uiale of the new andelrzant Corded T.ipes, nnd are the bc?t )iialitv in every part, giving . t the wearer the mo,! trartTal And perfect shape. possible, and are unquestionably tli liL-litebt. lunst desirabia, comtorl.ibL-a nJ ec.Tiomici Skirt ever made. WEST'S Hit AlLEV k LAKY. PKOPKl VTOR3 of the Invention, and Sl'LK MAXCFAC TL KKKri, Cfl AMBEIU?. and 79 tc. t-I fifcaDK STK'iETS. New York. Foil SALE in all first class t?toes m this City, and throughout the United Stales and Cjanada, Havana d C'lba. MAieo. South America, and iheWcst Indies tl Inquire lr the Duplex Elliptic (or doable) Sprni? Sirt. . - March SI. I4SG- 2ui, A t C. 1SCG. rhUadeipIiia & Krie ' 1836 KAIJ SI O -A S . ' This great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, oa lake Erie. It lias been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by thum. 11XC or rAsSCMOKa TRAINS AT SOaTHCKSEKlAHO- - LE.UE i:astvvauu. Erfe Wail Train. Erie Express Train, Lluiira Alait Train. II 55 P. M. 3 13AM IU 25 A w LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train. 5 00 A M Erie Express I rain. 7 It P M Elinira Mail Train, " 4 35 P M Passinaers Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without caiwi both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New Y'ork atiUM) P.M.airive atErie9.12 A.M. Leave Erie at 1.55 P.M. arrive at New Vork3.4o M ; Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply at the Cor. 30th and Market Sts. Philadelphia . And for Freight business of the Company's Ageals. 8. B. Kingston. Jr., Cor. 13th and Market ats., Phil a. J. IV. Reynolds, Erie. William Virown. Agent N. C. R: R., Baltimore. H. II. iloustonv Geu'l. Freiirnt Agt , fhiladelphta. II. W. Cwinner. Gcn'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia, , A. L. TYLER, Geu I. Pup t. Wiiiiamsp urt. March 21, rV.ANHOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Jus published, a new edition' of PR. CULVER; WELL'S Celebrated Essay on the Eadical ccas) (without medicine) of ?rRssToasH, or seminar Weakness. Involuntary tjemnial Lokses, Ijcr-orrscv. Vental and Physical Incapacity, luipediments to Marriage, ete. ; a8r.. Conslmf now. ErtLrrsT. and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexaal eattava ganre, , . Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, ( - The celebrated author in this adniH'sbie essay nearly demonrt.-ates. from a thirty year's success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without lha danger u,e ol internal medicine or th application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once aim. pie. certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition nv be, maw cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. XT"" This Lecture should be in ih hands of every youth and every man in the land. tcnt. under ul. in a plam envelope, to any ad drers. post paid, on receipt of six ctnts. or tw postage stamps. Addro-s th3 publishers. ' CHAS. J. C. KLINE tc OO. 12. Dowery, New rok. Post Office box 4.K6. Marc i, 14, ISttt. ly. . . 1 OMNIBUS LINE idersigned would resnectfullv nun Til 2 undersigned would respectfally aaneunet t the citii.'ns of Bloomsbarg. and the public gen- lly. that he is running - OMNIBUS LINE, be! f?T7JS "T?. erali an tnetn this lace aud the dif ferent sUil Road IX-pots dai ly, tsur.ciay excepted to" connect with tbe several Trains giBg Sooth a West on the Calawissa and Williamsport Rail Road, ass with thobe going North and Sotuu on the Lac. Bloomsburg Road, , . - . f His OMNI BUSIES are in good condition. dious and coaifortable, and charges reasOnaWe- E7 Persons wishisg to meet or see their depart, can be accommodated, upon rr0'" charges, by leaving timely notice at any f tcls, - JACOB l. uiBrav, Bloomiburg , April 27, 1S6.