Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, April 25, 1866, Image 3

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Wednesday, April 25, 1866.
Scaoflt TiACHca If you you will read our pper
refu!l you will find that there are two candidates
for County Superintendent of thi county.
. Johh T.-Yoa re greatly, mistaken. C, C.Clay,.
Urrendrred himself on learning that a reward bad
been offered for hit apprt limin, aa an accomplice
In the assassination of President Lincoln, at the
am time declaring hi innocence.
Hi MiM, or Bloom We think. .It waa more nn.
becoming ofyou In asking the favor of the young man at
tfeat time, than it waa for him to refufM it If ynu ar
rrot.lified with our answer, consult some w II Ire. I
lady. .....
7th. J. V..K. The prjnaipal deposit of Anthracite
Coat la between the Delaware and Susquehan na riv
ers in Pennsylvania. It is supposed to be inexhaust'
tlfl Nearly 600 000 tons of pig iron were made in
tfc United States, in 1850 and more than half of tt
in Pennsylvania.
9th. Zinc is procured from the lead rejiras of the
upper Mississippi and is also found in Pennsylvania
and New Jersey .
10th. According to the I sat censui. New .York, has
more population than British A merits.
- irvRead the article on our second page
entitled ."the situation." .",
KQm Tlie most enticing place to, buy Gro
ceries is at El welTs' Store.; '
BJ53V- C. II. Mori is advertises liimseiX as
a candidate for County Superintendent.
r' ' i . t i - i t.
SCi Read our whole paper every week.
We insert nothing that we .consider- value
less. ' i'-
t- Read advertisement, in this issue, of
'Anecdotes and Incidents of the Rebellion,'
. agents wanted. '
ZkJ" We arc in the habit of speaking out.
. And so was Balaam's Ass.
! ta.' We hope the boys of Bloomsburg,
whose fondness for base ball playing, has
lately become very intense, will not indulge
in the game on Sundays.
tSr The remarks of Prof. Carver to the
students of the Bloomsburg Literary Insti
tute, will be published in our next issue.
They are pointed, timely and commendable.
t$3i- The communications from ' "Benton
Democrat," "Jackson Democrat," and
"Jaeison." will aDDear in our next. Pica.' e
excuse -us for thus laying tht m over.
. 'SSL. Our young friend, Mr. William Gi'-
xnore, ia supplying our people with fresh
nhacL We know that our friends tender
him their thanks when partakins of the de
licious, fish.
SSI. The editor ot the PepuUtcan is
trembling in'his boots, for fear the President
will clip his official head off. From-present
aDneara nces. it. will not be long until he
- .
hears something "drap."
f 5?k Many of our town merchants are
about to replenish their stock of goods, with
the Spring fashions, and at reduced prices.
You can learn the time of their arrival by
reading the advertisements in the Democrat
Star. ...
Supervisor Bfllmeter has been
busily engaged, with his corps of men, for
fcast few davs. repairin? the Streets and
Alleys of our town. They look much better ;
and we must say, they were in a bail condi
tion. Peter understands the business.
13- The wicked and thoughtless boys
who are in the 'habit of shooting harmless
birds, for sport, should be informed by their
parents, or instructors, that it is not only in
human but illegal ; and that they can be
fined five dollars for every offense.
IS?" The pleasant weather which we en
joyed during last week, rapidly developed
the blossoms and flowers, assuring us that
cold and cheerless winter has taken its de
parture, and permitting us to enjoy the un
folding of a lovelv Sprine. -
. . w c. i x. , '
""IJSU' Whv is it that at A. ITartnian's
store yon can buy Groceries &c. , at such
reduced prices? - Because ho ha?-a-large
stock of all descriptions of goods which he
purchased at the very lowest figures. lie
has a fine assortment. If you want to buy
Groceries, goto A.-Hartman s store.
XSF'C. G. Barklet", Esq.,' of Blooms
burg, is a candidate for the office of County
Superintendant of Common Schools, for Co
lumbia County, and respectfully solicits the
support of the ' . School Directors of the
County, at the Convention to be held on the
first day of May next. . i
- SSr We publish, elsewhere in our col
umns, a notice of the Harrisburg Patriot
and Union r Those of our subscribers who
who are inclined to take a campaign paper
can make no better selection than the Patri
ot and Union. ' It isj in our opinion, one of
the very best edited papers in this country.
and is deserving the aid and support of the
Democratic party. . . , ,' " .'
JtSy We-congratulate the members of
the German Reformed.. Churct, .! of this
place, in the selection of their new . Tastor,
Rer. L. C: Shive. Last Sunday we enjoyed
the pleasure of hearing his arguments in
f ' V V yycrTAl fP fThTnf In 1 Vita rti.
,1YIU Vk IUC guort v vuiwv, jl . Alio Xk -
nest invocation to his hearers to assist hini
in fulfilling its requirements. He is a single
man, about 23 years' of age, an . excellent
English and German scholar inviting in his
address and a very fluent and correct speak
er. We bespeak for him aliving 'congrega
tion. ' " '' "' ' ' ' ' - ' .
3- In the election, of County Superin
tendent of Schools for the next three years,
to be held next Tuesday, the first day of
I !?t, it "should be ' remembered that the
School Directors elected this Spring can not
-i-e, except in cases where a new Director
been elected to 11 the unexpired term
V Director who has resigned or removed
" 'he district In such cases the newly
. tlirectcr Icing tiken into the board
V4 1- t to vote. In all other ca:e3 the
' ' must vote as their tenn of oce
- tin the last day of May.
The Democrat & Star office is now conve
nient and spacious. It is always open to
those. who wish to advertise, get jobbing,
read the news subscribe for our: paper, or
pay the printer... . ...
ENT will be held. NEXT TUESDAY,
School--Director in the County; AT
TEND. ; ' . . ' ..
The Columbia County Poor House
Bill passed both branches of the Legisla
ture and has been. signed by the Covernor,
We will publish the Bill entire in the Dem
ocrat and Star, in the course of a week
or two, in order that the people of thecoun
ty may have an opportunity of examining
its provision?.
2?" With an air of astonishment some
papers announce that Lieut. .General Grant
was fined, iu Washington city, a l'cw days
since for fast driving.; '"Why not?" If the
General violated the city ordinance he has
as good a right to be arrested, fined, and
made to pay, as ":ary other man." Noth
ing astonishing about that.
f The girls of this place, who arc in
the habit of parading the streets after dark,
and inviting young men from the street cor
ners, to accompany them to the depot, for a
pleasure trip, are pretty generally known
;1 shunned by all respectable people;' even
the street loungers laugh at them in their
sleeves, and scorn them at their backs. The
habit is disgraceful and should be abandoned.
The Convention of School Directors
of Col'-imbia county will be held next Tues
day, at Bloomsburg, for the purpose of tlect-
a Countj- Superintendent. No School
Director in the county thould fail to attend.
The work of that day will last for three years.
It a matter of much importance and
shoidd be so regarded by every Director in
the countj. Let there be a full attendance.
B"5L. We look for chad up the Susquehan
na river next Spring. The bill to. open the
dams on the Susquehann i and its tributaries,
so as to permit the shad to ascend to the
head waters of those stream, has become a
law. Col. James Worrall, of Harrisburg,
has been appointed Superintendent, to engi
n -er the shad up this way. He is said to be
an excellent engineer, so look out for them.
The last we have seen of the base
ball, in Bloomsburg, it was flying through
one of the larjre window-lights in Shive's
building. - It came there tf- its own accord,
of course; but we guess, from present ap
pearances, it will nottake such a flight again,
at least not very soon. But don't be fright
ened boys, greater things than that have hap
pened, which furnished us wuh an answer,
;nobodyis hurt."
-57" C. B. Brockway, Esq., of this place,
requests us to announce that all veteran Vol
unteers who have not received-the Local
Bounties should at onc e call upon, or Mrite
to him if they would obtain it. AIT widow?
of soldiers of 1S1--H who have served two
months, or.more, will also fiad it to their ad
vantage to call upon him. A!.-o Goo, W.
Hite, Franklin Strauscr," Nelson Burner,
Augustus Millard, Hiram B. Lewis, and
Elizabeth, widow of Reuben Savage. '
The conclusion of Judge Black's ar
gument, in this issue, crowds out our
lal variety of reading matter; but it is
so sensible, forcible and applicable to the
people of this county, that it should e
carefully read and studied by every Dem
ocrat, in order to strengthen his k?ig estab
lished faith and doctrine, and then should
be handed to his Republican neighbor in
ofder to aid him in making an open confes
sion of his sins and transgressions.
JPS? John Rantz
one of the Fori
prisoners, from thn county, called at our
office last week, lie is enjoying excellent
health, and rejoices, exceedingly, in the en
couraging prospects of a speedy triumph of
Democracy, law, and liberty, over Abolition
tyranny, lawlessness and oppression. As
we predictc-J, he lives to-see his persecutor:
ban? their heads with sharnt! he lives to
see the highest tribunals of the land pro
nounce those acts, by which he and hundreds
others, were tried and condemned, to be
unconslitutienal. illegal, unnecessary and
uangerouii uturpations of power.
iST We thank otrr friends in different
parts of the county,' for sending us subscrib
ers, ana also, lur their numerous communi
cations of encouragement to us, and opposi
tion to the new paper-of this place. We
have great confidence in the Democracy
we know our friends and the friends of the
country we know tnat our ranks are falling
up and are flushed with success. Clymer
goes before and will lead us to victory. Did
we think, it necessary, we would puonsii
your communications ot nrmnes; out we
know of -none who doubt your faithfulness to
Democratic prineip'e While, on the Hhcr
hand, the numerous, terrible, astonishing
and violent communications, which fill the
columns of the Repuhlican, clearly .show
that, in the language of one of its Senators,
' -k "T? n rkf? .1 ( r,r - i ri Vt 13 Atntniri' r rr i r
L1AO I . kj i umt'iiu, .'.r
' a .! ," "i .1'
pieces. And in tms county it is evidently
in its death struggle.
1 caliic, iCliiif!ii'
3 tarrh. treated with the utmot
l-AAl 8,M D. t-iilist and Anrit (foriiwrly ofl.ry-
dun, Ui.lland.) No. Sl'J Pl.Vti Stitet r II II All A
Testimonial, front the most reiihl oiire'"s iolhe
C'iiy end Country can tie seen at Ui oliice Tb iund
icl faculty arr invited to arcouipaay tlieir pitint
a he baa nosccrets in hi s piacncf ARTIFICIAL
ICY ES, luaertej without fai!V. No charge lor exam
ination. April 2.. I3GC ly : . ;
THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif
ercnt stylea, adapted to sered and secular inuic.fn
9-0 to S .00 each. FIFTY-ONB GOLD or SILVLII
MED Li, or btlfr Orpt premium; awarded them.
ICustrated C alngaea free, Addre-s, MASJON ic
HAMLLV, Bcbtoh,, or M4SON BaOTHEttd, New
Yoac .
Jan. 6, 18CC Sep. 9, XS.'-ly. S.M.P.
Every ybiinj lady and g:ntleaian in the United
Stat? cats hear something very much to their advan
tage by re urn mail (Tre ofchrg.) by adiir-sRine the
undprii;ned, -Thostf having Tea's f bfing hnniba"
ed will oblige by 'nt notion this raid. All ethers
will piease address their obtlitint errant.
THUS. I". Cil AfMAV.
831 Broadway, New York.
Fib, 23, lSea-ly.SMP.
TO CossritPTATiTEa The advertiser baying been
restored to health in a few weeks by a very sim
ple remedy, after having- suffered several years.with a
severe long! affection, and that dread disease, Con-somptiou-is
anxious to make known to bis fellow
sufferers the means ofcura -
To all who desire will 'end a copy of the pre
scription used-ffreaot Charge, with the directions for
preparing and using tU: same, which they will flod a
svrb ecus for Consumption, Athmy, Cronchitis.Colds
Coughs, etc The onlj objoct of the advertiser U
sending the rresoiption is to benefit the afflicleJ.and
spre ,d inforination which heconreives to be invaluable
nd he hopes every suifcrer will try his remedy, as it
will cost them nothing, and may prove bicsiiig.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, by rulurn
mail, will please address 1 -
Williamsbnrg KingaCouiity.
Feb. 2S, 1SCS. ly. S.vl. P. Mew-York.
A Clergyman, while residing in South America as
a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy
for the Cure of Norvous Weakness, Early-Decay.
Diseases cf the Urinary and Seir.ina I Orsans, and
the rolc trai i f disorders brought on by baneful
and vicious hutiitj, Great numbers have been al
ready cured by tii uoble remedy. Prompted by a
desire to benefit the atllict;d and mifortniint", I will
send the recipe fir pri-(ariii- and using this medi
t ine. in a sea ed envcloire, toaay one who needs it
r'HSS "F L'HaROK. v
riease.incloe a post-pai l" envelops, ad dressed to
yoursL-If. ..AJTtiM,
Sttim! p. rtiBttt IIoL-se, New York City.
Marth 7. H0', -3ui', . ,
rrhe Grovesteen Pian ), Forte
JL still r t.iin preioilenee ami great popularity,
an. I aft-r undereoinz sruduiil improveiuenl f'ra pe
riod pi thirty year i.-i now proiiri in ;d by the inusii-al
world t;j hf nnitriii!wd an 1 even Hnpqual'fd ii rich
wesd, volume and purity of iomIurariilit' and chrap-liPsH-
Our new sculc, trenrh action li : r p pedaf, iron
frame, over struti; tnt- seven octavo roiuvood pi
ano we areseilins ch-anr by iroai $100 to 3-"K)
than the nami' si) ami riaih arc sold by any other
fl rst-clas makers in the country. D.'aler ami all in
want of uod pianos are invited to sen.i f. r our Da
soriptive fatn'ogne, vbih contains photograph of
our diflertnf jityles, together with prims o ono
s hould pur base a without seeing this l ata
losue Medasl almost without number, have been
awardoj to the Grovesteen i'iano, and the Celebrated
Wt-rM's . air, tlimich put in roinpelilion with oilier
tVom all parts of KurO(ji and the J S.. it took the
bic'iest awa d. -
established 1S35 Grovesteen Co ,
July 2D. tSG3 j . H. II.. S. & Co.
TO DiiiTfiiASISirS.
A rcfurinrd intbriat would be happy to commu ni
cate (free .f charge) to as many of his fclluw-beinzs
as will address dim. very important and usefil in
formation, and place in their hands asure cure fr
the love of Siron,' Dripk of any kind. Til is infor
mation is freely oil 'red by one who has narrowly es
caped a drunkard ' grave.. A.Mrs js,
scsu b. iiEr.)r:Rs;x.
No. J Broad Street, New York.
March 2S, lSiiR. 3in.
A fem'eman who sutn-red for y -ars from Nervous
Debility, I'rmuatur Decay, and all the eilucts of youth
ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of gtiif-riiig lu
niaiuty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and
tlirei tions for maltint the simple remedy by which be
was cured. Sufferer wishing to profit by the adver.
Use i's experience, can d ) so by addressing
No. 13 Chambers-1, New-York,
Feb. 23- l?fi. ly. S.M.P.
fOlIllT ruoiLiiMiio..
WHEREAS, the Hot. William Hlwell, President
judee of the Court of liver and Terminer and Gen
era! Jail DHivery, Court of Unarter Sessions of the
IVare nod CiMirt of Common l'leas and Orphan's Cmrt
in the -.NHIi Judirial District, composed of the co'i itii s
of i olituibia. Sullivan and Wyoniinir.and the lion. John
M'Roynold Sc Stephen Baldy.Asso ateJu IzcsnfColuin
hia co'inty, have issued thrir prec' !t.bearin? date th.-7
dav of,May in th-j year of our J.ord our; tlioosaril eitht
hundred au;i ix. and to me tlirecU-d fr hoi dm: a
Court ofOyer and Terminer and C.Miera! Jail delivery.
General tldarfr Sessions of the l'eaee. Common Pleas
nn!.l)rnltnna i'lillrl. in llloomhtl T1. in the roMlltV (f
I VduiAbia. on tlie first vinnrfay, , Di injllie , III uay;(.i
Mav sext. 1 1 rotitinue one week.
Notice is hereby aiven. to the Coroner, ths. Jafices
of the IVare and Constables of th2 sail county vf Col
umbia thai tiiey br? tii -u and I'ktj in their proper per
son at III o'clork in the forcnoi-n ofsai l day w ith ilieir
r"torJ. iaa'ii-iitK'in and ithcr; to do
tiiose things wich to their orSces appertain to be dom;.
And those that are hound by leeoaniiauce, to prosecute
against tin; prisoners that ar or may be in th ? Jail of
said rou':ity of Columbia to be then and there to prose
eute thfiu as shall he just. Jurors are requested to bo
pmir.tiial in theii atteudauee.aereenbly totlieir notices
t 1 Hated at liloomsbiire.tlie l'lth day of April
L. S. Jin the year rf our L'.r l on.- tlioiiand f-isht
f v-v ) hundred and sixty-six. And in thu ninetieth
year of tho independenc; of tlie United Slates of
America. ( God save ti;k Commonwealth. )
. SA.UCEL SNYDLR, Sht-riff.
Bloomsburg, April II, lrti.0.
Bl.OOM Aen'stm Masm. -BOR.
BERW ICK, Jame" Jacoby.
BRIARCKEI K-Joseph Lauion,
hKNT)V-John Ikeler.
CKNTIIK-Kbazer H. lie?-,
FiSillJCGCRfcEK Cyr'M Mcllenry.
GRKEN v fKiD Francis Koat. David Taster. .
HEMLOCK Isaac Pnrsel, Hi rum D. Apjileuian,
JACKSi N Jacob Ycuii".
I.Ot;C--T Silas Diirfson. John KMne.
MADISON Silas U ellivcr Hugh HcColIum, Jacob
L'. Weilivi-r. Richard Fruit.
M' UXTr'LLASANT Win. Kitchen,
1'IVK Knoch Fox, Abijah Girton,
SCOT1' Duuicl Snyder,. Aaron Boon, Charles Lee
Av;:i5SEjriToiis. dixy tejiiT
CI. OOM Casper Tiioiuas, Joseph Carkley, Jacob
HKVTOs-Rohr Mcllenry, George Poust,
IS K I A Ri.'lt'itK Cyrus Fry.
Cataw issa - J i'ob . layui-i!. Solomon Shuman Wm.
Cr"av. Wm. Ky r. Georce Z.irr.
:ij.'YVG"l t.vl-Joep.'i r,. Kr.ittle.Reabcn Wasstt
FR 'XKLl N- Clliiioii Jlendi nhall,
Gi.Er N W !ol l.aac 1U. .T.
II K5 LOCK b-irles ihart,
JACKSO;V- itha-1 II uiliy.
! oi Ust John - Kveland, ' Georgr? Theil, Geory; John Yemrer.
MiFFl.I.V John Snyder, Wai. F. Kidler, Thomas
MOU NTPLEASANT J"hn H. Yanderslice. Th'hs.
JvlK.S. '
M A I Jr.lin iiss. Wafhinztnn Fi.-lmr.
MOX'I'' UR Peter M. Kaliiier Win Ilollingshead.
MADISON Evan Jones, .
OR AXIS R Kline.
SCOTT-Milion Kt'nx, Pete' Etit, Eli Crevuling. '
SCGAtl.O F Joshua Brink
BloomgiiTirir. April II, lUti.
Notice iu Divorce
William H. Evans, 1 In the Comt of Common Plens
vs. of Colutnuis County.
Drlphena Evan. And now to wit : April II :
l-fiii, an ulias subpoena tn d vorce flavin?- been re
turned, and respondent not having been found in the
County, rule upon respondent to thow why -uivorce
as prayed forin the said esse, by the said
plaintiff should not b decreed in the above stated
rase . returnable to the sai l Cou rt ou the first day of
ilay Term. ISOti, '
Bloombhurg. April 11. lc.iU.
DR. J. R. i;VAXS
. riij sician and SurgeoN,
Jf AVIN( loca'fil rft"t'iily "r M-ii'
14 Strcot, HLO()MSBITir; pa., w.,r.i.l r.
form the public cenera'ly. ttit he is prcpran'd to
attend to all business faithfully and punctually
may he intrusted to bis care, on terms coiuuieiis
rate witU the times.
lie pays strict attention. toSargeryas well
as medicine
Nov.'ii. 1 B;3, ly. '
ALL JpAfliK.. .
'T HE nndersiened respectfully announces to the
I public that he deeps constantly on hind, at his
old stand, one door below lilz's Drug Store.
Oil Cloth, and Papier Window Shades, Cords, Tas
sels and Fixtures, for Pict'in-s . tc, o tfi very
latest stles and is prepared. to do all kinds of pa pi r
hangioa to order.
Plooin-bnrg. April 4 1?61. tf '
GEXTLEMtw : Id' pursuance of an set
of the l.esislature. enacted during -the session
of lSi'.U, amendatory of the forty-third section of the
act of Mh May, J54 yon are hereby notified to meet
in Convention, at the, Court bouse, in Bloomsburg.
on the first Tuesday in May. A. D . lSi.G. being the
first day of the month, at 1 o'cl.ick in the afternoon,
and select, viva, vocs by a majority rX the whole
nuhitrer of director present, one person of lileiary
and scientific acquirewents. ami of skill and expe
rience in the ait of wacuiiig. aa County Suner inten.1-
tit. for Ui three ueceejjn( .years ; determine ttit
autcuut o f nouipensaiio:! .for the sauin ; and certify
the resalt to the rlate Su ennleodeot, at liarrirburg,
as required by the thirty ninia and l'oriietti seclious
of said act, - IS. G. B AUK LEY.
. ' j,. Cotiaty Superiateodeot of Col. Co,
Bloomsburg, April 4, .
a GREEABLY to the provisions of the Act of As
J seuibly, entitled an act to reduce the State debt,
C, passed the 30lh dav of April, 1?44, the Treas
urer of the County of Columbia hereby gives notice
to all persons concerned therein, that unless the
County, Koad, Scho d, Poor and State Tax tc,.due
en the. following real estate situate in the County of
Columbia, are paid before the dav of Bale, the whole
or such parts of each as will pay the charges and
costs chareenble thereon, will be sold at the ; Conrt
House, in B'ooinburg, Co of Columbia, ottthV lllh
of June, IHGu. being the second Monday, and to be
continued by adjournment from day to day : fnr ar-rearr?'-of
taxes due said connty and the costs ac
crued on each retp3ctively. -- ;; , '
Year. Acres . owmebs. tewawts. DoliCts-
IPG2 87 David Deatt
IriU'J tt 63 324 T M liiibbel I
C4 c 15 .
1Si2 i! 3f3C0 Loneenberger, Fisher &
H2 50 Joseph Nans, " 2
bSdciio 30 Maiin.ltaldy c Criswell "
i3 (.4,65 373 John Vtc' alH 98
I-iii'd 24 David Naus ' S
li2Jt(i3 94 John Koons Benton 9
trioi 1 lot Samuel C KrieVbnum 2
162 3:1 Elilabeth Lunger " 4
IHii-J 1 lot James J Noble ' 2
IH12 50 Peter Shu Hz ' ' 3
I2i.ri3 t Hannah Tyke
IiG3 50 Pzekiei tiuiiE 3
-( 3 50 liani.d Sim tz 1
t'cJScu3 1 lot Peter Uradtey Conyngliam 1
liS'.3 1 lot Henry Kiniisbury
i,:ti4 I'll A Wm LiuJeiimuili " 2
IdUi 1 lot J V t lark Centra
lot John Cleary .
' 3-4 V Jho i' ritrohuiever
lr't2 li I'eter Appleeate dee'd Jackson
Ii2 Mi3 14 Henry Appl -gato ", 2
Irtii 1 WmCrossley Madion
ir.ui : II Kostenbauder's heirs Main
Hi,3 1 I'eter Knight
h2.:. 1.5 100 John Cosper'a est Pine 23
liJ'uJ 30 ChI vin Chainberiin " 1
1.1.3 J lot Samuel Eck "
ii:ifci'.4 . 1 lot William Whipple 1
I Mi 33 Miles D-SutliiT s est Sugarloaf
JOHN i. STILES, Treasurer
Trkasi'rer's Omr.K,
c:, i
U.-tiC. I
Eloouisburg. April
GREF.ABLY to the provisions of in Act of At
f seinhly entitled Tin Act directing the mod; of
selling undented lands fcr t.nes and!lifr purpo
ses. passed the I3lh day cf March 1815, and the fur
ther supplements thereto pa? s'-d on the l31hd:iyof
Man b lcl7 ami the S.'.th March I--1. andUth Mnrch.
1-47, the Tr.-asurer of Cohimlii.T t,'ouuty hereby gives
notice t all persons concerned therein, that unless
the County, Road, S. lined. Poor, limniy and Stale
Taxes due on tlie; follow ins tracts of unseated
stiuate in Columbia County are paid before the ilay
of sale, the whole or such parts ol trach tract as w-i
pav til - taxes nn1 eosis charseald.? th r-'oii, will be
sold at th; Ci;mt l'oi:e in the town of Bloom-bur;;.
County of Columbia on ill- Second Monday 111 June
next jtol tocontiime hi a.ij juruiu.-nt fro'u u.iy to day
lor arreara?' s of t.ix s itue I (.'..(tnty an 1 the
cots accril.-U on acn tract respi:ciively.
No. or Acres Warrantees or owmkks Twr d c
.Ksl riias Miller J 15 01
2lifJ Cailiarine .'.'oyer Ju itl
I2. Lsw is t ilai'r r 74
2Htl Wm Stewart 14 00
20J Johu Gra ff '-part of 409 acres. . lu 17
s) Sidomon flower r 4 3.5
41 Jesse Itownian M 71
I Ml Reuben Blisli . u
70 Henry Di. iteritii 1 1 34
31 Oliver Er.o 2
41 Gil'.crt Fowler l.'i '.
4 1
1 .
3 73
13 21
7 42
1 ej
Roney Gardsnhous';
John King
John Rmuard
J icob r
Samuel II Smith
Joseph Stackhout
John 11 Su't
John Staffer
John Yo-t
Samuel J Healer
2.1 05
19 87
3 01
1 :'a
1 22
2H5 !a
f-5 2-1
114 Us
37 40
174 .' 2
17'J 5i
i:o ;s)
12 U
3:i yu
14 "
4 J 19
4. Ml "
F.heiiczer Branhaiu
Thomas Barns
John Young
J.i'hiia Beam
Naihiniel ftrowri
IVier Kauehner
' R ibi-rt Jordan
2-j An'lreiv Former
"lii:i Lewis Wai ker
of 173 rhos Rust.111 "W J tirecnou-h"
4 ul ?rt Mary K'.itan'V J Grrcuioih'
4 1.1 170 1 lios l.usian ! 1 lc jc r t R i Coal eo I J 1.0
iofodo Mary Huslan . 30 it
jt Johnston I'.easl-y l:!fi 4'i
ICO t.eoiee Bit kham l-'Op'l
3-1 'riioinas llilt.hcimer 1:1041)
3r4 Robert Miltzlieimer ltl5 d.-i
3-4 William S.'iunoii li'4 tH
J.i0 Amos Wickersham 9 1 5tl
3 4 of 130 l'axtou. K.ine it Sharpies. 21 oil-
4 of IWI Beiijamiii Comb- "il" 15 30
;i;fliO Beiijaunn Couiuhu J Anspach Jr" 15 3l 1 l.-t Domjnick t.'rne 3i
l-)2 1 lot John Coweii 47
" I lot fSeorse Hearty 3d
" 2 lots Henry SSi .rps
I lot t rnocn .Nuhler 21
1S63 1 lot I'eter Lawler 2J
fi I-1 D"w itt 4c Ben.viicl 2 a i
Hi Llias Kees 1'
57 J. S Brnbst 4 12
70 ' Jasper iaup 5 (i7
40 Jeremiah Fincher. 71
try Llijah Ui-yitoMs & Co 5 70
143 William Bnrkalew
-1 .it Alexander Cramer.
2-1 J V k H J J. .lies
150 Thomas Leon lis
j A Georae Mack
111 . Keise J Millard
3 George P aler
34- Willi. ins Roobins
r5 Amos Spade
1:3 Abrahaiu V"iing
313 Paul Applu
4 t3 Guy Bryan.
44 AbrhhaiTi Keeser
1 12 i Samuel J ISra'cr
101 I - '
3? S.-.niHtl Mbcrtsou-
14 Ellis Eves
I'M) John, A runston
50 G"ori:e Reese
21-2 Daniel Montgomery
50 Nathaniel Campbell
30 Franklin Mciiride "dee'd"
13 David
31 r.eii.ijnh i'arkerfc Co
ICO Philip & John Wagner
" . - . LOCUST .
5 4
14 Il7
1 07
0 is
1 112
s 0
II 52
e 37,
1 It
-1 so
Thoim BiTinglon
tramuel J hn
37 07
5 'fl)
J-i 5 4
! 3)
17 e3
Irt 54
li 54
1 51
coal co l-1 54
9 3!)
17 rl
1-t 51
is 54
1? 54
I 2of 200 Mary Myers 4,V J Greenou;!!
1 2f I'O rhouias Ku.-Kin
L-iof o. Daniel Keese
I 2if 200 Marv Kustait " "
I 2of2xi Charlotte Ku -tan
1-2 j,nn U. -vim. Ids - .
I-2of 2 10 vi ry Myers jTlcneFllt
I -2ol ( 0 Tlioiiiit- llutaii
I 2of 1!H Daniel Re-so
I-tof -.IVI Mary u.-lan
--Jol 2i0 Charlotte Kustan "
l-'Jil --'uo John li "
22 , Thomas 'Aten sr deed . .
175 e.r- Sun:. f.'T
147 Joshua .iMioierman
3U'J Georao Luti .lere
!0d Bribrt. Y ttcr ft -chmick
4 U in Creasy
5 - Henry Miller's heirs
10 ., Isaiah Miuman ilec'd
7 1
1 7
3 Hi
7 10
I i
3 44
21 2
Daniel Montgomery
Samnel Crevelmg
Ja'-ob lingenbiich eit
Gerjre Hei lley
Peter Melick
. . . . . PIE.
Peter Applegate .
Aaron Gloss
Sylvester Heath
James l.orkird
' Will Uurlin . . - .
Thomas Benfield
George A Frick
1. .
. Peter BaughHcr '-. r- '
' Thomas Barnes jr
G'oss Est " "
Alex ic icshut Hess.
Robert 3lontg-uaery's est
1 40
4 85
9 20
2 4S
23 2-J
.21 f"
75 0'J
- 42 0
2 74
3 20
15 75
14 12
II 13
3 83
10 t)d
"J -
Abraham Young
Win Stephens
JOHN J. fc JiL-fcy,
Trkascker s Urrics. I
Bloomsburg Aj-ril II. C6. J
' V V PER. naving thoroughly overhauled my Pa
per Mitls at Mil! Grov e, utar Bloomsburg, Columbia
t'ownty, Pi.. I aru now prepared to till all orders for
Wrapping, Dry Blasting ana Water Pr'iof Paper, on
short notice and fair piices. 1 have opened a ware
house in Wllkeir-Barrf, and appointed Joseph Jlrown
ot the firm of ilrown. Gray Co.. my agent to dispose
of my paper in Luzerne County. -
Bloonubura, Spt. 16, I8C5.
List of Causes for Trial ai May
, Term, 1866.
1 Stephen Baldy, vs. The Cata wissa Williamsport
and Erie Rail Road Company,
2 Widinm L Lance, vs Thomas Creveling.
3 John G. Jaeoby et al vs Lindly W Woolej.
4 Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby.
5 Andrew J. Snyder vs. John Sheather.
P Jacob Dossier vs William Slaughbnch and wife.
7 Jacob Shoman vs The Catawissa Rail Koad Co.
Hugh W. McReynolds vs Peter Oliphant.
9 Adam Delttcrieh vs Jeremiah Jacoby. '
10 George Longeribcrgers Executors ct al vs Hugh
W. McReynods et al.
I I George A i, erring vs Peter Miller.
12 Edward Heilner vs The Locust Mountain Coal & .
Iron Co et al.
13 Hackenhcrg for the use of Jl. Chaiubcrliu vs Si
la D. Edgar. .
14 John Hinterliter vs John Jameson.
15 Jacob Rem ey vs i-'alawissa Kail Road Company
10 David Larish vs The School District of Mount
17 Joseph Fry vs Catharine Long.
l- William 1. anion vs Peier ll iyuian.
19 William Lamoii vs John Vanpelt.
20 II nry V. N'usi- vs Borough of Itirrwiek.
21 Abraham R. Swisher vs Samuel Rimby.
22 Fli Jones Jones v Miles C Abbott et al.
23 William Lyer vs Peter M. Briber.
21 Greenwood Township vs Samuel Cogart.
25 Sylvester J. Faux vs Isaac White.
20 Sylvester J Faux, vs Isaac White.
27 J. F. A nspach ct al vs William P. Ryon.
2rt Ch.istan Kuapp vs The Sl-IimoI District of Bloom
2'J Wriflit ilii-hi-s vs Peter Miller.
Sill Join, tj Dililiue et al vs Parvin Masters.
31 Jul Kaittle vs Wright Hushes,
:12 Lewis C. (ireeu vs Isaae White.
33 Mary E Green vs Isaac White
3t Pet- i K. calmer clal va Daiu :l Kru n's dmiu
istrat.ii's. 35 Solomon Xeyhard vs The Township of Centre.
Widows' Appraisements.
n he follow ing appraisements of rea1 nnd personal
I property set apart to Willows of decedents have
been filed in the I'iti of the Register of C!umbiu
county, under the Rules of Court, ami will be pre
sented lor RUsn!ule confirmation, to the Orphans'
Onirt to h held in Bloomfburs. iiinml for saiil coun
lrn;ii, at 2 o'clock in the alter loon of said day. unless
exceptions to such confirmations are previously lilel.
ot which all persons interested in said estates will
take nonce.
1 Wiifow of John F. Mastcller, late of Madison
twp., dee'd.
2 Willow f Robert J. Lyons, late of Pine twp.
decease I.
3 Wio. w of Charles Eisenhart lat of Cattawissa
twp , dee d. ,
4 Widow of John Copper late cf Pine twp., deed.
5 Widow of Uoviell Smith late of Greenwood twp.
(i Willow cf Charles Iluphcs late of Bloom twp.,
7 Widow of John W, IIcss latu of Sugarloaf twp..
fi Widow of Henry II. Fritz late of S::garloa I tw p..
5) Widow of Jol.n Jacobv lite of Scott twp. ilec'd.
10 Widow of Peter D.don late of Centre t wj dee'd
11 Widow of Win. B.Welliver ll'.e of Ma lison twp.
dee'd . .
12 Widow of Jacob Johnson lute of Oraniju twp.,
JoIIX ; FRrfZE, Register.
Bloomsbiir'r, -4pril 4. IcOli to
I: cister's jVoticcs.
Tofice is hercrij civpn to al l?r it:ej,
J. rreditors anil ofh- r person interfsted in tlie es
tales of the regiicetive dece-deiit an 1 minor. IhM trtu
fodowins Aditiitiistratioii aHd Gu.irt iau account
have been filed In the oflce of the Register of Colum
bia en., ami w ill Ite presented for continuation and
allowance iu the Orphan's be held in Itlooiu--bur?.
in the county aforesai I. on Wnlni sday, the
9th day of May, 100, al 2 o'clocR in tit,; afternoon ol
said day.
1 First and final account of M. E. Jackson. Adin'r.
of John Shellhaiiimer, laic of I'riarcr.ek township,
dect ased .
2 Second and final account of William fc Thomas
Edwards admr s of William Edwards, late ol (Juar
creok township, deceas.-d.
3 First nnd ffrt' account of John Mirtz. adm'r. of
HaiiuaU Fowler, late of Kriar-.eek township dee'd.
4 First anJTi-i il account of KmiVii Miller, alm'r.
of Catharine Yetlcr, late of Catavvissd lownship
ue.:'d .
5 First and parti il account of P'linea and Isaac
Smiih auui'rk, of Samuel Smith, late of .Mi 1,1 in twp.
6 Se cond and final account rf Thomas and Wm
F.lwards, a. loir's of Ami Margaret EJwarls, ale
of Briarcreck township, dee'd.
7 Account of Benjamin Yoha, Guardian of Jacob
Fry unuor child of Aaron Fry late of Vifliut-. p.
d Account of lua .c lleacock and Hui'h Fairmni.
Executors of Edith 1'airiuaii late of Greenwood twp.
9 Second and fiaal account of li irrion, act
ini executor of Alexander G.rr. tsou late of Danville
Borough, deceased.
10 Second and final account of Johnson II Ikeler,
Executor of Andrew Ikeler, late of Greenwood tw p.
11 Account of Stephen BaMe, Guardian of Mary E
Bletit. r minor child of Win, Blvcker late of Hemlock
tw p. dee'd,
12 Account of Martha A.John an.l Caroline S. f0
witt. Exerx's id" Geor zi Johu lain of tc-tt -two de
ceased. ;!
13 Acfountnf Amsy Whiteiiiglit and Vlary White
nii'iit a-iiu'rs of 1'i. ti-r . Wliiteiught, late of Hemlock
low nsinp ilec'd.
14 Account of lln.'li McCollutn, Ex r. ol William
sheep (ate of Madison tw p dee'd.
15 .Account of Stephen Kik -n t il I Guardian of Jos,
S ank minor child ot John Swank late of Centre
twp. due'd.
10 First account i f Jaeo'i anl ashi natnti Vearer,
l.liiir'l of Jo!i Vear r. lata ol Locust twp. de
cased. - -
17 'I he first and riuaT account of J C. renni;i"ton i
adin'r of i.a.ioaeii, latjof U: intoii t., Je
18 Account of Christiin B ."eesholtz, adin'r of Ma
!arel Y.tter, late of Cata wissa tw tlec'd.
l'J Firt and final account of WiM.aui (Sno.lm in &
John Li-van P luir's of Daniel L-vau -r. late of Ilcar-in'-'creek
tu p. det'd.
JO l ir-i aa i li ial Kcioiint of John V Funston. ad
ini' of David Vain. ine, lite of .Madison twp.
ilec'd .
' 1 Pinal account of Daniel Emt. sitr vi vin exec x -tor
of MaryP, .x'.nls. late uf Madison twp, dee'd. .
21 Account of Montgomery Cd on of tii execu
tors of Wiiiiaiti Cole, lal'.' of Benton twp. dee'd.
23 Account of Thomas II. Cu e ore; of the ex 'cutors'
of Wilham I ole lat. of l!iitoil twp . dee'd.
21 Account of B F. Hartman, ( of C!a ra
Ai'p'emau minor c .ill ofllalns Ap;leuun, late of
Hemlock twp. dee'd.
25 Account of 15. F. Hirtaian adm'r of J J nes Rals
ton late of itluoni tu-p. il.-c'J.
20 Account i f II. F. Hartman adm'r of Wm. Karns.
late of Blo'Uu twp. rfic'd.
'27 Account ofB F. Hartman, trustee ait'T praca ed
inirs hi 1'aitioli of Philip Ileb,;rliti; dee'd
2 First and fiaal accunt of J i!i t X -ylnr I anl
Xutli.ui Fli'(.k-.'iit..-in CAvcut ji 3 of Jac'b Flecken
ste.tie of Or.ince tp. dec d.
21 Filial aecmint of Lewis Larish and Jacob Mel
ill rxveutors of. Andrew l.arirh, late of Scoti t.p.
'M First ncrO'int of Aii2ii?M Everh irt exeriitot of
the la-t w ill mid tetatueut of Jaccb Everha.-t .ate of
UraiiiTL- t p. dee'd.
31 Firt account nf Franklin Yocu.u adm'l cf Wm
Yoc'Jiu late ol Koarin;creek twji. dec''.
32 Final account of B. F. Partition, adm'r f 3'khac!
R. irheldeitt. r lats of 111. . nil twp., dee'd'
33 Airouot of B. F. L'artmatt adm'r, of Sljry Mas
t iler, l:it; of Madison tw p. dee'd.
31 Account of I!. F. Ilartmiu alm'r wiln the will
annexed of J.iiutuan Mjsteller latu of MaJisou twp
35 Accoiisit 'if Olivr Evans i Itu'r of Jesse Williams
'ate of Roarineereek tttp. dee'd.
30 i count f diver Evans H.lm'r. of J.;sse Wil
liauis. ho w is G ia'diaii of iienson Jiill'-r, minor
child of Win T, Miller of Roari'it'ereek Hfy .dee'd.
37 Aecoanl of Win. H, Woo.lin. aa I Afexau ler
I hompsou. ex'rs of II u;b Tuuiuiisou, lati of Berwick
Borourh. dee'd.
3- Account of Jehu Wehner aJm'r of Rcub-n Sa v
use. late of Fif !i in cc reek twp. cee'd.
39 Account of G. II. Fowler, Gj.irliau of W, IL
Smith of Mitflia twp.
JOIIX G. FREEZE, Regist.-r.
Ploomsbiir". April 4. Is-ri - tc.
IVolice in Divorce.
Ji the Common P'emrf Columhin Coun'y
Caroline Snyder, f And now, tn wit : April. ll.lrW5.
by h-r next Iriend . an anas r-utpotnn la rivorce
Adam WilbcliD, liavicff been returned and re
vs. I fpondent not having been
Lafayette Snyder. J lound in tbi County, upon mo
tion of E. H. Baldy. Attorney for Libtllant. Court
grant a rule upon Respondent tr show why a Di
vorce a vtsrLuo matrimonii should n-l b-t decreed in
the above stated cae, returnable to the sail Court ol
Common p eas, on Mondav. May, 7, lih
Elooinsburg, April II, !i00. 6w.
lVolicc i si Divorce
In the Common Pleis of Columbia County
Charles Wolfrum i AND. now to wit: Apr. II, l-OO
j f t. n d . -i n . , n .i in ilivorerp h.iv
Sarah Wolfrum. )ine been ret irnrd and Respond
ent rot havinj been found in the Lonnty, up-m mo
tion of W. H. Abbot. Attorney for Libellant, Court
srant a rule uon ICestiondent to show cause why a
Livorc a viscclo matrimomi sho ild not. be-decreed
Inthe above Mated case, returnable tothe said Court
of Common Pleas, on Monday. iay i.
Bloomsbur. April U '00. tow ......
r'Trv i m-. f v nootl v jtirl nrntnntlv donp. I.v
LIU L 1 i 1W i; ..t r -m
C. G.BARKLEY, Attorney atLaw, 61oouisburg,
ADDlications for License,
-t A'rnr.1 : UorV,v nrivpn. that the. fol-
i I j (ju i- um".' v ' '
1 1 lowinz named persons have made application
.. "... .. ,.r ..i. ,.l..n rnnntr. for Tavern
to tne rroiiionoinrj "i . ,.
licenses, to be crant-d at the May Term of Court :
John F. Cnslow
Bloom lavern
John Leacock
Georire W. MatiST
I. D. Mendenhall
- Tavern
Benton Tavern
Kor. Berwick
Beaver "
olivor A Jacoby
John 1. Sine
Mi Her Gilchrist
f:. Shmiiuu 4. Son -?.
F. Mnnn
I'h.lin GotshaH
Jolin Sharpless & Co
I'eury I t.'lark
Jacob B Kisller,
'J avcrn
John Crover
John L. Kline
Centralia Borough
Reuben Wasser
Stephens 4c Bicbcr .
Wm Goodman '.
Daiii"! T. McKiernatl ' ' '0.,
A W Creamer
F. lin.mcKt j avcrn
Wm E.lcar Greenwood
W A. Kline
Huinphrv "arker '
fatdw is Thiol iocust
Isatic Afmiles " . .
Joshua Winner "
David Yeager "
K. Conn-r M"titour
A. K. Smith ma lison
Samui.l P.iuiby " .
. . .. .. J i.rti:
John Keller ' ,
s.iac N'etter Maiuu .
Aaron lless "
Jacob Good Oranijo
Samuel Everett "
Jacob M iehael . "
Israe 1 Mummev Scoit
l'liilin D. Keller
John Sav.-isu "
it S Howell " '
JE-5B COLEMAV Pr"thonotary.
P.loomsbUrz April 4. liWL
623, HOO? SKIRTS, G2B.
IIopKin's ' Own If-afcc."
MANcrAi.n skd mrl Solo
To 628 ARCH Street, Rhilad'a.
The roost i nmplffe nsortnint of La lies' Misses
and Children's IIOOI' SKIRTS, in this Ciiy ; eoilen
u" expressly to i:. "el the wams of r;RsT olass
Trade ; enibr.irini tlrr newest and most dc-irable
Styles and Siz-s of '-Gor Trails " of every lekirth
from 2 .1 4 lo 4 yds. roun I, 20 to 50 Simus. at 2
to $. (HI. Main Skirls, nil lenn'.hs, from 21 to 3 yds.
round the bottom al $1 41 to $1 15.
Our line of Misses' nod Children's SKIRTS, urn
proverbially beyond all competition fir variety of
styles and siz.-s -as well aslor finish and durabili
ty ; varyii'i; from 8 lo 33 inches in length, l to 42
cm-mils at cents to J-J '.'.i. All Skill of "OCR
oWn"maKE." are Vabkm i d to cive'S.itisfactiori ;
but I'-ly monk as i-cci:. unlessthey have, --ilopkiu's
Hoop Skirt Manufactory, Ao. 52.-1 Arch Str.:i:f"
Stamped on ea, Il '1 ah I
Alsci constantly on hand.' oono Skirts, Manufae
tufed in New York .a nd the Eastern Stat'-s, which
we sell at very 'ov pneos. A l"t of chean skirts
15 - prinss. r"5 cuts ; 20 srinas. $111033 s,;riugs.
$1 15-31 piniL's, 1 25 and 40spri:irs SI 50.
i.r Skirt-, mane to O r and Bcpaired.
1' r Tkkms ;u. one Pant onlv I
March 7, HliO. 4uios.
Jl'S TICK! of the P. ace and other persons bavins
in their hands for couettioii any rUi ots. or any
inoiiev. ri li' itt d lor or ou accou. I f claim ate of
John F. Frank, .iw a-M.-oe I to Thomas S; lleren
ileen. lioreliy notiiid to make setlleiiu nl and im
mediate paviiici.l, tt
Attorney fjrAssignecs,
r!ooin-burjr. March 21, iSoO,
Ksc-culor's Xotice.
Estate cf Jic"l Scacepjtttthtiacr lute cf
AJiJl 'i tvep. uec'd.
TETTERS t-lampntary on tlie Hi
J late of J acob Schw eppenht iser. late f.f M ittiiu
tim iiship have been er.ned by the Register nd Re
corder, to AbriJiam S It w c p't n!ieiPer and Isaac
Sthw tppenhi ist r. of Mifflin tow nship. A II persons
knowing III. ipse Ives l".. t ided to sai I estate .re re
iietvd t make iiHiuedia'e iameiit. and those hav
ing claims will present thMii-duly authc-nticaleU for
Mmch 21, l-i 0 -tiw. Executors.
AT roiiSiiY - AT - I. A IV,
Offb-e rp;oHe Pot 'Jjie over Ilarluuni's store
Back Pay, ioitnty, I'tnsiotts and Gov
irnmrnt cliims pio-ntjtlit cotlcc'td.
Pjct')inhuriT-Apr. 4,
Alni,nitralor's Ioiic.
Ulafe of J iCih ll'ipp of Locut tirp , dee'd
f ft'ers of Admitiitrstion on ibr? estate
of Jacob K"pp. li.te of Locust township. Co
Itiiiihiit county, dee'd have been srauted by the Ileitis
tcr ot' Co'uniLia o.. to the undersigned.
All 1" rson, havin-j riaiuis aif imst the estate of the
dvredeuf ar ! reji-sfd lo present til'ia l tin under
signed, .villioiil il'dav. and all persoas imltb cd to
make u:iiin:ni t.rlh tvilb.
Apr 4, '("O.-Ct SX Adin'r.
r ''W V. IirS 'st S'. r k of well-nnde Tm V7 r in l h i
I Slale.Vnii'taiitle t.o h i il. Merehant s nn.l D-al
er are invited lo jiivu u a .a'l before purchasing
elsewhere, M l.LLO Y U S . 1 I II .
723 Market St, between th andrth.
A'arch 2, l-.r.,tm JC.fcC
.arkmf.. mi a & iliocrasbiirg i:aIioaf.
X Ar AFT' R NoVEMIf-.Il 27. 15. PAS
A M.
0 5 I
i -.'d
10 35
Scrant.-n, 4 4d
Kini'-ton MM
t;uoiiisl ur!. r'.-Jft
rive at Xto ih.ieii'erlainl !'.5d
Northumberland. 7.00 5.1 il
lmvil! 740 a-lii
IllootiisbiirS. P. 25 0 25
Arrive at Scranton. 12 10 lo la
Trains Icnvini Kinjtoii al 30 A: M for Srrnnt. if
connect with Irt.ui arriving at o' lurotj-.u-
tvin; XurthiimherUiid al S.imi A M. and King-ion
2 'tn P. M , e.'iinect w ilii Train airivmgat New ork
it Id 55 P. M
Passeni:i rs tnxirg Train S n'.h from Scrartori at ."i .ul
A M via No I'l l i.t.. r i. h llani-loirj I ! :dl P M .
Baltimore 5 . 'tu P M.. Washington 10 00 P .VI via l.u-
tert leach Philadelphia ;.l ('' I' M.
il. A. rUNDA. Supl.
Knigrton. Nov ,25. If.J.
Jl'.-T rublished, inn sealed enve
S7 ' ? ' g lope. Price 0 tints. A lecture on th
""Vr" ou' ure. treatment I nd radical cue of
Ti ..,-i-vF Spi rmaturho. a, or Seminal Veakunss
Invo untary Emissions, sexual D bility and Imped
l tot nts to V.arri ige Eenrrally. Xf rv.'UMi-ss on
sui.icli.n. El. I. !'. 'd Fit. I ; Venial and I'll v. ...'..!
I ii rapariiy. resultioi: from !i f A!iuse. 4.C. I I. l
ei t J. (. ulvt-r well. M. D.. author ol tin 'Green ltok,'
A-c. , ..... . . .,.''.....- ,.. r
The w orld retiow lien amnor in inis neuiu mou y
ture. l-ar!v ,rt.ves from hi' own ri nceth;:l
hcawlol toilsi silences of Sell Abuse may
iiiillv rt inoved w ulioi.t me. and v. nil dan
gerous furr ral op rMioiis, liongh s. instruments.
.. - - ..:-. 1- i.iiinonv nut a mode t I" cure al
once certain and effectual, by w Inch tvery sutl.-rei.
no matter Lit Ins contnlinn mav be, may cure
himself chei",lv, privately and radically. Tins Lec-
.. ' .. .'m si. it , ii ii iter
lure w II I prove a noon to u,..u-a.M. -
sea, to any address, in a r1:-'" envr h p-, on
ot sit rents ortwo fOsta'c slainps. Also Dr C il
erweirs Marriage Gn.d. .price cent;. Ad. tess,
CI! s. S C LLINL v o .
K7 Bowery, New oik, P. O. box 45 0.
April H. l-iif'. 'y Pea-fctx
No. 257 North Third Street. Phila'd.
Nov 23. ISIV2
OJJi- e over Ihrlman't Store, opposite Poft Office
Bloomsburg, April 4. I'M'? tf. .
Of etery de.cripiicn for rale at th'teofRce.
Montour- and'CoIoiuda
CAPITAL STOCI -- - - $500,000.
ICO, 000 Shares. Par Talce $5,
OFFICERS: ,' - .
Uoii. W. II. JACOB!, Pres't,
Of BlootnsburC. r
P. M. S1VARK, Vicc-Pres't.
irm. II. SUMZSACII, Sec'y.
.t in. BLUE, den. Director, loloradov
Hon. W. II. Jacoby. Bloo nsbur? Pa.
S. J, Break! y. Danvi le. Pa.
J II. trAitreBKLL. '-'f
R.s Ruin., Phtladelplua. P.
W. II. Tyson.
II. L Sl'LT7.BrH,
Jokn V'ooisiuk,
'.' his Company is organized under special Char
ter of inn State" ol Pennsy 'vaiiia. owning one thoil
s.uid feet on the Batker lode, and two hundred on tha
Buretu 'ounty lode, either of thein wilhin half a
mile of Cehtral City, t.i pin t.'ounty, Colorad.i. Tho .
property on the Ha-krr loda consist of the discov
ery claim, two hundred feet, and eight c.ainis ad.
joininj on the east of one hundred feet each, waking
one thousand consecutive feet. This lode is worked y
for three thousand f i t in length, on every claim
t!i ! average width of the vein or crevice is seveo
f.!ct. This lode will average in ri'hness with any in
the Territory. The Bureau County lode consists of
the disrovi ry claim i f one hundred feet, according ;
to the law s "f V' 3. mid No. 1, ea t from discovery.
Thiii lode tdious n crevice, a- far a worknd, of four
feet. Th e last quartz, crushed from il in a stamp
mill, yielded one hundred bii I sixty dollars a cord.
lu connection with the Barker lode, is an eighteen
slamo mill, with power mid capacity to crush front
twelve to fifteen cords a week. The ore from tlm
Barker lode rati be mined, hauled and crushed at
the mill at the rate of foriy live d liars a cord.
ore. If selected, will via from oue-h'iu dred-and-fifty
l two hundred dollars and upwards, percord.
As Hie propei ty has all the i in proveinetit neens- .
ssrv for the working of the several lodes, the fif.t .
dividend M ill lie paid in the ensuing July, and rfgit
Urly then alter, at frm rour to five' per reut. quar
terly, iu coin, unless iu case of unavoidable acci
dent. Tiicro are no salaried officer" except Ibe Secre
tary ; and the Treasurer will be vquired to give am
ple security for I he faithful performance of his trnst.
there is oulv a limjted amo ml of clock lor sal at
,1 .. . . - L . 1 . 1. I... il.,ni II, .H fit
toe .iii;e hi i jier sun re, w n n il t .10 t. .w.u. -the
otliceof the Company, where Certificate will ha ,
issued and ail i .nation given
Office, So. 26 Xerthaiits' Exclinngr, '
March 5s, ICR.
1)15. W. II. WIIITMOH,
nAfc been in successful practice for a number of
years, with the ex pi rience of the different hospital-in
Euro, ! i!-o ineiiiSer of th. Analytical -vie
lii-Hl Institute of New Y rk, ronti tues to attend
1 1 all professional ca-e ul his office Xo. 2-J Filbert
Street, Pliiladelpl ia.
2. S i indent Medicines are used or recommended ;
the rem dies administered are those which will not
break rowu fie constitution.' but renovate the sy- .
I. in f.-Mi:i a 1 injuries it has sustained from mineral
iii'du iues. iind leave ihi system, in a healthy and
pi rlecily ciir-d condition.
3. DYSI'l l'Sl.that distressing di-ease and fell
destroyer nf health and happiness. Hnderiniuiiig lha
coo t Mill i oi :.ii I i rti ly currvms tlious-nids lu uu
lin.ely ri,ve. ran loo-t empha ically be cured.
4. AL lai.i holy, AblH-rrnliod. that slate ot Allna
tiou and weakness of the mini which renders per
moo, mraiMil .it enjuying the pleasure or perform'
nm the duties of hie.
5. Rll EC vt ATI ' any form cr condition, cbron
ia or acute, w ai rented curable.
i's EI'ILK1'SV. or filling sickness, all chronic or
stubborn case of
radica'ly removed ; Sa't Rbeuni and every descrip
tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases
w hich have baltleil all jirevious medical skill, can b
cured by my trt atincnt ; and I lo ny all disease.,
(y-s CossrrTios ) rani cured by wearing my Merti
cated Jacket, winch is a protection l. tha lungs
against all rhnnres of weather in a'l climates, hav
ing Investigated for year" the cause and character ol
inierinifeiits (fever and ague) in all parts of tho"
United States will cure pcrinan. ntly all chrouic or
jtciite cases of ague and nervous pi.cakos in a few
liiuccr Cured uitliout tlie knife or Drawln;
Tape' Wdrmrthat drend tothe Human Family for
years, r-au l e removed with twu or tbjee doses of
U'y new ly discovered remedy, warranted in all case.
'onsultalion in the Euslish and German Languages
free of charge. Will make visits any nistance, if
desired. May be a.ldresse by letter (confidentially.)
and .urdieinf sent w ith proper direcii'Atis to ny
part ol the country.
OFFICE ?'o, 02? Filbert St. Phil.
April 4. IHOti ly.
rpHE urdersicned will slt cheapforcash quite a
JL lot tecond handed Printing uiutertals, consist
ing of the following articles :
One Vahiii1oi. Ircs,
(Tlaten. 5liX3J)'l Lars'- Composing Stone, Cgood '
ewj Stimis. ( ares. Gallies, fee. e.
Th-! Press does g'eid work, auJ can b hid cheap
as wc have no use fur it.
Biooinshu. g M-.rch 11. !j:j0.
Attorney at Lavf,
U'IMi practice i-i the srv-ral Courts of Colombia
c.-voty. All lezal btsiiies intrusted to hi
ca ie shall recei v e prompt mi out ion.
Oili-e-iin Main direct. Exchange Buildings, over
Miller's Store,
lil ximsbiirir. April 13. Is'4
Patent Gr im and l'hos(.li.iie Drill. Burnetts Re
volving Hay Rakes and Hand Kakei- for sale by
Kuper., Pa.
Wc claim for Philips Super Phosphate that it eon
tains less moisture ,i. tnoie uniform in quality, eon
teins jno.e ni'ric.iil'aral value, than any other ia the
mark, t, ami introduce the article to farmers in cvn. a- a rt.iple and standard atticle intending to
make il a pt-nnaiieut trade. '
Ap:il4, I.J0j. 3:fl
ftn A .TSOA'TII!
Agpnfa wanted
sir rnltrr'? netr rit Just nut
dress o. T G ARE Y. City Building.
I'cc. 2.1, 1-1.5.-ly.
Bedford. Maine.
IZlutz of Andre Srl ' unontnte cf Pank
Pin tirp.. dee'd.
"VToiico i lirrey ' en , thit Letters of
dmi ni st rati i n on the rtate of ndrew Solomon Utc'd. hav been
crar.ieeliy the Uei i-.t'-r of Columbia r niiily. lo the un
dersis'ned ; all . persons liavms tlamis. or demands
.12aiii t the estate id lit-- said iieredent are rt-questod
t i oreseiit tii, 'm to the Administrator, residing in said
township. uhut delay, and all persons mdebled
o make payment forthw ith.
B'oomsbiirg. Aptil 4. 1S10 til
It IZ A S Y-Ji a tic C I.OTfll XG,
sYo. 202 Xorth Second St ,
One door above RaceSlrect,
Z5 Clothing made to order at the shortest notice.
March 2-, 1-Ot'.
J-HE subscriber off. rs at Private Sale, a Farm sit
uated iu O'ai ge'l'w p., Col. co. Pa. 1J mile front
Rourshurg and 3 from Oran Jevi.le, containing
Suty of which is cleared nnd well improved, the
balance is It timbered. There arc on the premise
commodious new buildines a good orchard and a
large youne applu and peach orchard, of six yar
grow th, beginning to bear.
Orange twp, March 2J, 1.-G6
Adminsitrator's Notice. :
JZslufe of William Ii. ff'ellivrr dee'd..
LETTERS of Admininrau'oo on the
Estate of William B. Wellivcr, late of Madison twp .
Colombia county. dee'd. b-ve been granted by th Reg
ister Cf Columbia co. to the undersigned.
All persons having claims against the estate oT the
decedent, and all persons indebted, are reqested to
present them to the Admintrator, oil Saturday, th
2?lb day of April, lOti. ( Samuel Rimbey's Hotel
Jerseytown, - .
March. 14. '00-0w$l " -
To m, CKJIITI1. Ili
luminous Coai.ror Smithing purposes, of good
quality, lor sale ty " ' -
- Rupert, Pa.
April II. c6, ?.