4 f ) f ) A" 1 - V DEMOCRAT AND STAR. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. BLOOMSaURG : . Wednesday, AprilvlS, 1866. t ANSWERS TO COEBESFONDENTS S, W.C.of Fairmount Bp ring . Yonr tetter eon. .tainmg the money hug come to IigbL AH right. Mm Jaunt or Nescopee. Yo&r poetry is refus- ed." Try again. E. J. K. We recommend the Merchants who ad- vertis e m the ' Democrat Ac ftor. . Bead our adver- tisemenLa. ' Bcsscamxa it woold be too much ' for at to pub lish your notice in any way, excvpt as a'nadvtrtise ment.' . ... Timothy We have, on account of moving this week, had no time todevoto tot a answering of scientific questions. We will attend to them in fu ture. , ;l ' merit in this' imne. He labors in please. , A load ol dry pine wood will bp thank fully received, oo DrcrinJion.f this office S. D. W. Robbina' advertisement if 'VViId Cberrr Bn'era." Tli?y are valuable . t i t t "" Se change of Cauwissa 11 R. Time Table in this ieoe. V Ferons addrceing tn by leiier, who hav not been fatixfacioiily answered- by mai', bocld te careful to read our ''answers 10 t -' i . . t - ' Thc citijwia ol fJioonii'bur.;, and Ihe - poblic generally, are notified that it e price of Ghoccriks have been redoced at El well' tore, to It a it the late decline in 50IJ. There will be preaching at the German 'Reformed Church, in this place, on next Sabbath at 10i o'clock, A. M.and'J, 1'. M. by the Ber. L. C. Sliive, ih newly elected pastor. - " ' v . 1 1 : . Those of our nubscrern .who do not receive their paper thi week at the onal time, will pleasa. bear wt:n u, as we la bored under considerable disadvantage in get oat Ibis noraber, alter having gdne through with the much dreaded- task of moving our office. C. G. Barkley, Krq, of I31ooms.barg. is a jsaodidate for the office of County Superintendent of Commoa schools for Colombia County, and respectfully folic ita the support of the School Directors 'of the County at the Convention to be held on thc first day of May next. On last Sonday afternoon, R ev Jlr-Tus-tin, paaior of the DaptiM Church, of lhi. place, inmered two more converts. Many persons during the winter, through the et forts ot Mr. Totic,' and the eneijjy and earue.-ined of bis congreaiion, have reen led to experience religion, mot ol whom nave joined the Bjpiist Church The Bp list raee:in are very interesting. ' Tht follow ing' Jofiices Commifreioi.saTd in the hands of ihe Recorder. Jo'iah R. Frl'2, Alontgomery Cole, Wil liam Bella., .JIathias M. Appleman, John H. Heiler, William H. I'ti.ibold, ianniel Dietterich,-' Luiher' A: Ganriau, Wiltian. Rohrba'ch, Isaac K. Scb eppenheiser, An drew J. K'ine. Bail in brie thoufand dul'ars required by act of Assembly ; unless otlierwif-e pe cially ordered by Court, or a juJe in a- cation. v c naa ome oeauu 'nl ira!lir lltl VtPft. There have not been as mapy people in town we noticed on previous days. Tie cause of this no doubt, is to. le attributed ; our very'' backward priti- which has pre vented the larmers ' Irom plowing a eatly as usual. We think they are a li tie behind with their woik. But wttt a l ite mors mtldfand pleasant we.lher they will ' catch op. Wk are now snugly situated tn our new office, ft Alain street, in the second story of Shive' 'building, and are thoroughly pre pared Co do all kinds of business apertain ining to a printing office. ' Our ceW type has arrived, and is distrib uted for e,' and r.ext issue we hope our readers will be greeted with bright, legible, reading matter. - Oar sign will be ccmpic nous, oar entrance free anJ easy, and we . earnestly solicit the calls and favors of the public. Thk opposition to the Democracy daily famish a must excellent reason to some persoos for' belonging to the Democratic party. They nominate broken down Dem ocrats for ibe h'ghest offices in their gift. Therefore, dear reader, if yoa are an' office seeker, be a Democrat, and if you cannot get office from the Democracy.the Kepab licaca" will be tars lo give it to you aiter a while, just because you bare been a Dem ocrat. ; Your 'chances are just as good a Geary's. '-'' '- - i Tat cholera is aaain at onr doors, ad the people of Thdadelphia and New York are almost panic stricken on the sntject. tt raged in 1832, again in 1849, and. reap pears in 1866. Lei there te no public ex cite ment on the subject. Fear, trouble, and perplexities have always been loond to be predisposing elements of iis attack. Let al be rezuur in their naDit, temperate in eat-, ing and drinking, avoid excitement, be clestly in theirpersons and surrounding., think nothing of it and there is no danger We learn, from the Danville In'cirtgtiKer, J tht a eer'tons aociJont occurred in thai plac8 oo Monday, tbe 9:h int., by the pre tnatare discharge of a cannon, vJii!o .Sring in honor of the overthrow ot the rebel ayrhy, Capt. .George Lovi rraJ botlt. hi hands terribly hatireJ ; an) Lieat- Ivod-erick-, a'.'o, bad one haod badly injaretl, by tb unexpected discharge. Thi ia another warning, for men la be rnore catefal and eanl'too in handling soch icp!3fnnt?. on eaeh oecaion. To onr 'knowledge lliera i now a long list of im itar accidents worthy-of the attention of oar citiza.n whn take part ia soch d-'non- f 'rations cf !it. We know some;:...; cl I. T2 is u'.erary ati. and te- ?VB?8L' IN COLUMBIA COUNTY- GREEABLY to the provisions of the Act of As XX sembly, entitled an act to reduce the-Sfate debt, c. passed the 3()lh day of April. 1844, the Treas urer of the County of Columbia hereby fives notiae to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County, Koad. Scho l, Poor and State Tax. &c,. due on the following real estate situate in the County of Columbia, are paid before the day of sale, the whole or such parts of each as will pay' the Charlies and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in B'oomburg. Co of Columbia,' on tin lUli of June, I8iit, being the second Monday, and tn bo continued by adjournment from Hay to day for ar ( j rearages of taxes due said connty and the costs ac crued on each respectively. Year. Acre OWNERS. TENANTS. Dot , CtS I8G2 87 David Deatt Beaver, 5(i lc!U2Ac63 324 TMIiuttbctr " J171 JG 04 At t5 ldo2 ii 3of3C0 t.opgonberser.Fisher At Miller. " 19 20 18li2 "'50 Joseph Naus, 2 40 f2ii5 30 . Manu.tla'dyteCrisweU ' 'J "J;l Ca (14.03 372 John lc( alia 9rt 7d 24 David Nans "2 4! Jolin Koona Benton 9 HI Samuel C Kric.bnnm 2 fi2 U2&03 I8ti2 IHii'i iba 02v63 f,iiC3 1-.3 153. (.4 9i 1 lot 33 I lot 50 t 53 5(1 1 lot' 1 l..t - 00 A 1 lot J l"t 3 4 V li 14 1 3 Kli2:ibeth l.nnger x 4 30 Xiixui H tl Noblu " 2 fit l'lt.:r Sliullz "3 21 ' Ih nnuh Tyke . pQ ra"k i' t Sliullz' 3 'J-l iMinl.l Sim tz "I ro ' Peter Kradley Conyiigham 3U - Henry Kingsbury .. 57 Win l.iudeiiuiuiU 2 tt4 J V t.irk Centre 4:1 Jim V Strnlnncrer 3' I Fter Appleeate dec'J Jackson r'J H'-nry Applegate 2 77 Win fmssley Mailion Vti II Kn-toiibaiider's heirs .Vurii 44 l'uter Kuiirht oi J.ihji Cosper'a e?t Tine 23 97 I 'nl viu t.'hauiberlin J I j Annuel Eek 37 tVilliam Whipple 1 57 Miles D Sutlura ejt SiiBarlo.if . ttO l?02 02 &03 iwii i;-Z lri3 t2.3.4.5 2A.'(3 IHii3 1 ioa 3ti I lot 1 lot 33 JOHN J. STILEd, Treasurer. Trkastbkr's OrricK, ) Eluomaburg. April 11. 'CG. Tit E IS Vll li li'S K A Ij K OF UNSEATED LAiDS FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY. AGRKKABLY to the provisions of in Act of As-! aemlily entitlnii an Act ilireiting the mod,. f j s.'lling uii-eiti d lands far law and forotlier purpr- I sea, passed 111. I3tli day of March lclo, and the lur- ' tht?r "i'1'P'ements thereto parsed on the il.iy of March ISI7 and the 2.1tU March I 21. and Utli M;ri:h. 1 Ir47. tlie Tn-asurer of l ol ni.Ma dunty herely lves i notice to all persons concerned llierein, that unless I the County, Koad. e. hoid. Poor, li.mniy and Suae' Taxes lur on the following tracts of unseated lauds situate in Columbia County are paid before the tay of sale, the whole or such parts of each tract as hi") ; pay th-j taxes ami rusts rhargeiihle ther-ou. will be j sold at tin; Court llou-e in the town of B;orislnirg, ' County of Cohjinlna on the Second Monday in June 1 licit, aud to continue by adjournment from u.iv to dav for arrearngi-a of taxes due said Comity, and the cols accrued on each tract respectively, Nu.or Acsi Wakran rtES or owsERs Tivr d c BEAVtR. 3!0 riias Miller 200 Catharine oyer 125 Lew is t iler 2ii) W in Siw art 2UJ John t;ralrl"part of 409 acres KKI-MtCKEEK: $1j on jo no f 74 14 Otl lu 17 H 41 100 70 33 41 4H 23 3U I DO 5 4S IS 10 sfese 4 35 B 74 Polonion Itower sr , J .-sse Itowmaii Reuben I'.lisu Henry Di-tterich Oliver Cse Gilbert Fowltr Roney Gardcnhousc John King John IttiKinrd J icon Sitler ' Samuel 11 Smith Joseph J tatkhous John II Su't John Shaffer Joim Yixt Samuel J Healer H fit I I 34 2 nil 1 70 2 73 92 13 22 7 42 31 1 Ki 2.7 0V5 ID 87 I7'J ' 3 01 I :. 1 22 5i Slii Crt 3i f-5 21 114 Ol 111 ft 37 40 174. '2 17'. 5i l!H) 0 12 0U 3;l !' 4 427 14 4i lii 14 3 - 411 30 -1IM 4.-J 4O0 I lid 77 COXVXGIIAM. F.heuzer Uranh.uii Til onus tiarns John Young Joshua Beam X.iili mil I Itroivn IVter llauchner Robert Jordan Andrew Portner I,ewis VVal ker 7'hos l.'iiHt.in W J Grcenou?!!' Mary Ritstan-W J Gn;etio.i-h" 3U3 t of 170 i nf3M 4 oi i;u l of .jjO Thos Uusian slijicF iat Coal co I 2 lid Mary Rustan 3" l in I 136 40 120 60 llki 40 ir.5 ;i4 frf P3 50 2 2 no 15 3ii 15 3i 30 47 30 till 24 2-J ! 3-1 J'. h'istoii I'-eiuJey l'0 teoige lickhaiu 3e4 - 1'honias Itiltzh liner X-4 Kote,t Hi iztieiincr ! 3 4 William lnllon 2oO Amos w'ickeralia'ii 3 4 of l3o Paxton. K.ine 4t a-harplesa of loO Benj.imi.i Combe ti K.-st" i of I no Kenjaiiihi CiMiiilte'J Anspachjr" t.JJc.3 1 r.'t Doiiiinick Crjiio 1- t,2 1 lot John Cow en 1 lot Georje Ready 2 lots H. nry Sn .rps lot Pre.ucis Nuliler Irf3 1 lot l ter Lawler CENTRE 6 1-1 Pen-itl & BeneJUt lu tlias Reea CATAWIS3.V 57 J. S Brobst 7U Jasper A.tup FRAXKLIX. 40 Jeremiah Fjncher. SO Llijah U-ynolds & Co s FIIHXGCRtEK 140 William llurkalew Hid Alexander Cramer. 2- i J V c R J Junes 15(1 " Thomas Lciik hs A George Mack 112 Reese J Millard 3 Georg. P.-ler 34 Willi. nis Koubins 5 Amos Spade 113 At) rah ma Young 343 Paul Apple 433 Guy Bryan 434 Abraham Ileescr 1 12 i Samuel J Healer 101 ) GREEVWCOD 33 Fnmuel Mbertsoii 14 Ellis t.ves 100 JohnA Funston 50 George Reese 2 1-2 - Daniel Montgomery HEM-OC'K SO Nathaniel Campbell 30 Franklin McUrU -dee'd" JACKSON, 13 ' David Lee 31 ln.Tjari Parker Ac Co U0 Philip tc John Wasncr LQCUdT. fo ld 12 07 70 11 05 3 er! 2 41 Uo 12 2 t'O 3d 20 1 fl4 tLj II 15 11 1)7 14 07 t ifl O.S 1 OJ 2 I) 74 12 J4 52 a 37 8fi i 14 i 20 I 2H0 31 Thomas BiHin; tamuel John ton 37 07 5 s-i 3 l"2of 200 Mary Myers V 1 2ofl 0 Thomas Rustan I 2of I'm Daniel Reese I 2of2o0 Mary Unstau I 2of 210 Charlotte Ru tin '5 W 1 it 3 -' 17 e3 1c 34 IS 51 Irf 51 J Greenough" -2nf 2'M Jnn U ' vn olds -2of 2ui Wiry Myers ttTtatcpaat coej co l 54 -2of luO Thoma Rustavi " J 3J I 2of IJ0 Daniel Reese " 17 fl I-iof-.'Dd Mary ..ustan 151 l-2ol 2is Charlotte Rustan Iri 51 l-2il 20(1 J,jhu RcvuoMs " u Id 54 MIFFLIN. 22 Thomas Aten sr dee'd I 7i 175 Georg.; Xungesser 1 1 7s 147 Joshua Zimuieraian 4 3ot George Lati jere 3 LO MAIN 103 Brobst. Yetter St Schiniik 7 10 4 Wm Creay 51 5 Henry Miller's heirs 1 IM 09 Isaiah S human dee'd. 3 44 MOL'NTQLEASANT. 21 2 Daniel Montgomery 12 ORANGE. 8 Samuel Crevelinj 44 30 Jacob (iaxenbdct) bU XI Geene llei lley 1 4s". 3D Peter Melick ' . 1 0c PINE, 50 100 5 "0 411 9' 1-0 Peter Applegate , Aaron (iross Sylvester Heath J. noes Lockkrd Wu Uvrlin Thomas Rend -li George A Frick 4 ?5 8 2!1 2 4- 23 2.s 21 til- 75 ti'J 20 i i. 5 74 3 2d RORl.TGC EES.. 50 CO V)i '. )J 7 150 Peter Rauiihuer Thomas liarnes jr SCGACLOAF, Gss' Est " Alex St Joshua Iles Robert Montouiety's est 15 TO u 13 14 12 II 13 3 f3 Abraham Yon a; ' VVut Stephens 10 08 JOHN J. STILE?, Treasurer. TRSASCsm'g Orrict, P-loomsCurg April II. tG. y t" lAPPIN'G AND MINING PA- per MjMs at Mil! Grovc7 wear Bloomsbnrs, Cotumhin County, Pi.. I am. now prepnrd to fi'l all orders for Wrapping, Dry Kl.-wting and'Water ProofPaper. on shor t notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware house in Wirken-Barr'. and appointed Joseph Brown ol the firm of Brown, GrayJt Co., my a?rrt lo dispose of my paper in Lnzernc County. THOMAS TRENCn.' List of Causes for Trial at May Tern, 1866. 1 Stephen Baldy, Vs.-The Cata wigga WitTiamsport and Krie Rail Road Company. . 2 Wi'Iiam U Lance . vs Thomas Creveling. 3 Jolin U. Jacoby el al vs I.indly W Woole. 4 Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby. 5 Andrew J. Snyder vs. John Sheather. P Jacob Hog?er vs William Slanghliach nnd wife. 7 Jacob Sim in an vs The Catawi?ea Kail Boad Co. 8 Hugh W. MrKeynolds va Peter Olipbanl, ' 9 Adam Deittcrich vs Jeremiah Jacoby. 10 George Longenbtrgcrs Executors et at va Hugh W. McKeyiiods elal. I I George A uerrmg vs Peter Miller. 12 Edward lleilner vs The Locu.t Mountain Coal 4. Iron Co tt al. . . 13 Har.Kenborg for the use of 31. Chamberlin vs Si las D-. Edgar. J4 John Hinterliter vs John Jameson. 15 Jacob Rem ey vs i .'nlawissa Kail Koad Company Hi Pnvid Lanh va Ttie School District of Mount rtennunt. 17 Jiiepli Fry vsCntharinc I.nng. William Lamon vs Peier lluyman. I 'J William l.aiiion vs John Vanpelt. ; 2i) 11 Miry P. Nusi- vs Uorotut) of ilerwick. 21 Ahraliam U. Swisher vs Hainuel ItimUy. 22 l- li Jones Jonea f Siilea C Abbott et at. 23 William Kyer vs Peter M. Beiber. 21 Greenweod To win nip vs Samuel Bogart. 25 Svlvestijf J. Faux vs Isaac White. SH fylvester J Faux, vs Isaac White. 27 J. K. Anxpnch et al vs William P. Ityon. 2 li ii.ta'n Kiiapp vsThe tchnol District of Bloom 2'. Wrisht lluahea vs I'ttcr Miller. :'.( Johi' ( Iliitlioe et ul v 1'nrviu Masters. 31 Jii allian Kniitlc vs Wriht Mushes. 32 Lewis Green v lnn-. While. 33 Mary E Green va Inaac Whi.e "it P ter Kirshncr ttal va D.iuicl Kru'ii's admin-i.-trat.rs. 35 (Solomon eyhard vs The Township of Centre. Widows' Appraisements. NOTICE OFCOXFIRMATIOX. "I he follow ing npraiseiiients of real and peroonnl I pronrrtv set anart to W idow, of d.--ili-iit liavi. I bceu filed in the tihe of the Reenter of Coiuiuliia county, under the Rule nf Court, and will be pre ! ac nt id tor absolute roll n.-uintioii, to ibe tlrplians' ' Court I" be held in I'looiiMbur". in and fir s-;i-l oun j ty. on WK.DNKVS'DA V. THK'Jih tAV OK .1. I, If.M. at 2 o'clock in the after. n of s;iid ilny. unlfss exceptions to such confirmations ;lre pre viotialy filjd. I of which all persons interested in aid tates will take notice. 1 Widow of Julio F twp., dee'd. 2 Widow t f Robert deceased. Mastellcr, late of Madison J. Lyons, lute of Pine twp. 3 Wid. w of Charles Eisenhart tat cf Cattawissa twp., dee d. 4 Widow of John Copper late cf Pine twp.. deed. 5 Widow ofRosWej Smith late of Greenwood twp. deceased. 6 Widow of Charles deceased. Ilu-'hes late of Bloom twp., d ,7.jVido,v ofJuua tV Wcss Jate of Sugarloaf twp. Widow of Henry II. Fritz tateof S;:garloaf twn deceased. 9 Widow of John Jacobv late of grott twp. dee'd. 10 Widow of Peter Delnng late of Centre tw.. dee'd it Widow of Win. B. Welliverla-.c of Mad ison twp. uec ! 12 Widow of Jacob dee'd. Johnson tate cf Orange twp.. , JOHN G. FRrZE, Register. Bloomsbnrg; pril 4, IdCO tc Kegistcr's Notices. ! ; Vf ot'ce '9 bercby givp'n fo all ?ritee3, -A.1 creditors and .th"r persons interested in the es- tates of the respective decedent and minors, that th !. lowing Aiiinimairatmn and Guar, iau arpounts have been fihul ia tin; otlce of the Register of Colum bia Co.. an. I m ill be presented for confirmation and allowance in the Orphan's Coir I, to be h:-ld in li:oni--biira. in the county nforesaid. on W eiliie.r!;,y. the 9th day of May. J-oo. at 2 o cl'.CK in the afternoon of said day. 1 First and final account of M. E. Jackson. Adm'r. of John Slielihaiuiuer, laV: of 1 narcrvek towuiiip, dccaed. 2 Second an 1 final arronnt of Wjliaii it Tlionns Edwards admr's of Willi im Edward, late ot Biiar creek township, deceased. 3 First and fina"- accouutof John Mirli a lin'r. of IUuuali Fowler, late of Hriarcieck township dee'd. 4 First and litril account of R'libeu Miller, atm'r. of Catharine Vcttcr, lato of Calawissa township uee'd- 5 First nnd parli it account of P iinea and Isaac 5 mi Hi iiuiu'rs, ox Samuel Sun'.h, lute of Mittliii twp. deed. C Second and final account ff Thomas nnd Win. Edwards, aduir'a of Aiim Margaret El wards, ate of Uriarcreek township, dee'd, - . 7 Account of Benjamin Yohe, Guardian of Jaco b Fry minor child of Aaron Fry l ite of Jtitliij twp , dee'd. H Account rf l.rjne; Heacock and Hugh Fairrnan, Executors of EdiUi Fairuiuu late of Greeuwood twp. dee'd. 9 Second and final account of Jacob Garrison, nct inii executor of Alexander Gurreuou late of Duuville Borough, deceased. 10 Second and final account of Johnson II Ikeler, Executor of Andrew lkclcr, lute of Greenwood twp. dee'd. K 11 Ascount of Stephen Raldv, Guardian of Mary E. IU -ck. r minor child of Wui, Blocker late of Hemlock twp. dee'd, 12 Account of Martha A. John and Caroline 3. De w itt. Exerx's of George Jodn late of Scott twp de ceased. 13 ccountof Amy Whifoight and vlarv Wliile nitht ailm'rs of Peter Wliiteuiglil, late of Hemlock tos llship dee'd. It Arcouit of II nca McCollum, Ex r. of William Mieep late of .Madison twp d. c'd. 15 Accii'int of Stephen Kiki'inlall Guardian of Jo., uank unuor ehila ot John Swank, late of Centre twp. llec'd. Hi First account of Jaco! ami Washinston Veaaer, ndmr's of John Yeag .r, sr. late of Locust twp. de c used. 17 'I he first and final account of J. C. Pennington adm'r of Christian l.aubjch, laHof B.-ntJn twp du ceased. 1 Account of Christian It ?ee.holtz, adm'r of Ma garet Vetter. late of Catawissa twp. dee'd. I '.' Fir-'t and final account rf Wiiliam Goodman & John l-v.m fdnir's of liauiel Levanr. late of Roar inircreik twp. dee'd. 20 Firt nnu fiaal aero-.iiit of J.hii . Funston. ad-mi'.i-tralui cf David Vandine, lute of Madison twp. ilec'd. Si Final accouutof Daniel Ernst, survivini execu tor of .Mary P, iliils. late if Madison twp, dee'd. 22 Account of Montgomery C0I2. one of the execu tors of William Cole, late of Benton twp. dee'd. 23 Account of Thomas ft. Cot! onr; of the exjeutors of William Cote late of Benton twp. dee'd. 24 Account of B F. Hartinan, Guardian of Clara Ai'pleuian iuor c .ild of Ballis Applcrrtau, late of Hemlock twp. dee'd. 25 Account of U. F. Hirtnian adm'r of James Rals ton late ol iduom twp. ih.c'd. I 2;"ccnunt 1 f B. F. riartuiari adm'r of Wm 1 late of Blu'-ni ttvp. dee'd. ivarns. 1 j 27 Account ofU. F. Ilartman, truste? alter pr.ico ed nigs 111 rai lion ol I HiIiii ll ;l rliil.' dee d 2- First an I final acco nit M" Jolm X.-yhar l an I Nathan Fleckemtein executors of Jacob Flcckeii- te ne of urauieelwp. dee'd. 2J Final aecount of Lewis Larish and Jacob Met- icK tx-jcut'ir of Andrew Lart-lr, tale of Scon twp. dre'd. 3n First account 'f Aiigusfi. Everhart exeriitoi nf the last will and testament of Jacob Everbart .ale of Orani'e twp. dee'd. 31 First arcoont f Franklin Yocum adm'lofWio. Yotllll lilt, ol li oa rinfr r. tf t ii. .t.f I rt s.i' c ..a -c ir:-K. R.-irhelderffer latt rf Blooui twp., dee'd .. .ni.i a.,... .1. .v. Aie lldLl 33 Airount of B. F. Hartinan adui'r, of Mary Mas tiler, latt of Madison twp. d.:c'd. 31 Account of B. F. llarMim adm'r witn tht wil I annexed of Jouatiian Masletlcr late of Mxdison twp. dee'd. " 35 Aceottnt of Oliver Evans i.lm'r of Jesse Williams lale of Koaringereek twp, dee'd. 3(5 Account f 'diver Evans adm'r. of Jesse Wil liams, w ho was Guardian of Benson Miller, minor child of Win. T, Miller of Roaringcreek twp., dee'd. 37 Account of Wm. H, Woo.lin. and Alexander I lioiiiison, ex'rs of tl ugh Thompson, late of Berw ick liorouih. dee'd. 3H Account of Ji hn Wenner a Im'r of Reub?n Sav age, latt of Fishingcreek twp. dee'd. .T.i Arrount orG. II. Fowler, G rtrtiin of XV, R. Smith of Mililm twp. JOHN G. FREEZE, Register, rtooiiisburg. April 4. l-"it- tc. Aolice in BHvorcc. It the Common P.'e'rf Colmhii Covn'y. Car'dmo Snyder, ) And now. to- wit : April. I l.l.-is. by her next friend an alias Subpoenn ia nivorce Adam Wi'helin, bavu.g l;tn returned and re V-. I spondent n.-t having been Lnfiypfte Snyder. J found in Ih t County, upon mo tion of E. 11. Baldy. Attorney for Libelant. Court ernnt a rule upon Kesunndeiu t. ?1hw wny a Di vorce a vincxi-o MATRfMoiii should nl be decreed i i the above stated case, returnable to the sai i Court o( Common p'eas, on Monday. fay.7. l-'i'.ti SAM EKL SNYDER, SUeri fL Wnomsbur;. April II, Woo.-bw. IVolicc in IHToree. In the Common P!e is of Columbia Comty. Charles Wolfum i AND. w to wit: Apr. II. l?o(i, r jan aii is Supoena in divorece hav- Sarah Wolfrnm. ing been ret.irned and Respond entrot having been fodnd in the Connty, up. n mo tion of W. II. Abbot. Attorney for Libelianl. Court grant a rile upon Kesp.wident ta show cause why Divorce a vtscct-o matrimom sho ild not be decreed In t h above Mated rase, returnable tn the said Court of Common Pleas, on Monday. May 7, .., S ML" KL SNYDER, SUerifi". Cloomsburg, April 1 1 '66, 6w BLANKS ! ' BLANKS i SAMUEL KNORR, ATTOi:iEr-AT-IiAW, KLC03ISDIRG, PA. Office over Harlmnn's Store, oppoiite Pott Office Bloomsburg, April 4, ISGG. tf. Bi.oojixnt'Ko LITERARY INSTITUTE Located at B hemsbur g , Columbia county, Pa rpO spread abroad the influence of Education, and J train up youth to intel'iience, is, of coarse, the prime o'lject for which every school is establrshed. There are ninny waya in which this object is sought to he obtained." Wn deem that the moi-t proper and sue. s-fnl, however, which aims at the develop . ment of all thi natural talents of the pupil; which calls into irtive ue every faculty of the mind, and exercises ail. its powers to their utmost rapacity ; for, by to doing, the whole mind it strengthened, aud that jusleiiipoise among all the powers, which ia so essential tu complete success, is maintained. The founders of this Institution irt t ml lh.it it shall be second to none in the facilities it allords yoiing men, for acquiring a thorouh Commercial anil biiHiuess educatmn.or iu preparing for any class in College ;orinthu advantages it ailords ynuug I adles lor acquiring a Utilul and Uriiamental Education- BOARD OF INSTBUCTI0N. HF.NilV CARVER. A. M., Principal. Kcv. J. R. 1)1 HM .A. M Prof of Anc't Miss SAB AH CARVER. Preceptress. Languages. The First Term will commence April ICtli Second ,Term Monday, September 3d, L-GG EXPENSES. Tuition per term of II wekks. Common li.-ii branches Iliuher t iiH'isn, Aiuiont and Modern Eng.. Lan- p ii age a SI I'. 00 Lessons on Piano I'iiiiiling, Dr.i nui.'. Wax Frijt and Flowers. Ate ,us reasonable as in other ti.'-t cass liislilulioii. nEKEKEXCLrt. Ei.well, Rev. II V. ItecKLicr, Hon. Wm 1.. .Menokniiall, P. JoilS Wm Nsal, C. li. PaxtuM, Waller. Rev. K K. Wilson, i. W. Martha. Rev D. J r.loonuburg, April 4, Idui, 3t SPECIAL NOTICED. THE Mascn 2c Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif ferent styles, adapted to sacred and secular music. fo $-ilto9iO0 each. FIFTV-ONn GOLD or SILVER MEDtLS, or olle'r first premiums, awarded them. Illustrated Ca alogues free, Addre. s, MASON .4t HAV1LIX, Boston, or MASON BiOT!IEK3, New York. J.in. O, 13C(J Sep. 9. '05 1y. S.M.P. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their a lvan tace by re urn mail (iree of charge.) by adilres sine the undersigned. Those having f.;a s of being humbugg ed wilt oblige by 11 't noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant. THO-i. F CHAPMAN. 31 Hroadwa7 New York. Feb. 2-', laiifisaly.S M I TO E3MJ;'KAaSIS. A reformed im bi iatv would be happy to conimn ni rate (free of charge) to as many of his fellow-beings as will address biui. very important and useful iu formation, and place in their hinds a sure cure for the love of Strong Drink of any kind. This infor mation is freely oftVre.l by one who has narrowly es caped a drunkard 's grave. Address, S?ESH B. II END I'KijilN, No. a Broad Street, New York. March 2i l.-fG. 3in. 'I X ri Cos-r.Mi'TATivKS Tne advertiser having been restored to health in few weeks by a very sim ple remedy. after having sutf :rd several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption- is anxious to make known to his fellow autrerers the means of cure To nil who desire it.Iie wi!l sen 1 a copy of the pre scription used.ffreeot Charge w ith the directions for preparing and using tin: saiir.., which they will find a scrb etas for t ousuiiiption.Ahmy, Broncbitis.Colds Coughs etc. Hi') only object of the advertiser I i sending the f resciiption is to benefit the afflicted, and spre d information which h'-conrei ves to be invaluable nd he hopes every sutTcrer wi'l try bis remedy, as it will cost thsm not uing. and may prove a bjes-ing. Parties wishing the prescriptiM. fre-, by return mail, will please address Rev. EUWARD A. WILFOV, Williamsburg Kings Count v FeU. 2 l.J0C. ly. a.l. P. New-York. LMItl) I II I.NV VLII. A Clereyman. hile roi a n.isionary. discovered for the Cure of Njrvous li.iing in South America as a safe and simple remedy Weakness. E.ir!y Decay. j Diseases f the Urinary an I Seminal Or-'an. nnd the whole trail if disorders brought on by baneful I and vicious hat.its. Great nuiiitiers have been al- ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompt-id by a j desire to b iieflt the a:.Tirt'?d and iMfjrtmi.it , I will j send the recipe for preparing an I usiih; this medi I cine, in a se.i ed eu velope, to any one w ho needs it I Frih or Charge. Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Ad'ress, JOSEPH T. l.NMAV, Sttio D, Hibh. Hojst. New-York City. March 7. Idti, -3m-, j Eli 110 IIS OF YOUTH. A gent'eman who suffered for years from Nervous IKbility.Preniatur? Decay, and all the ellects of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of guM' riug liu inanity, send free to all who need it, thc recipe itnd directions for malting tbe simple remedy by which lie was cured. " Suffrer3 wishing to profit by the adver. lisci's tiperieuee, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEV, No. 13 Chambers ,t. New York, Feb, 25' ISO'', ly. S.M.P. lhe Grovesteen Fian") Forte 1 still retains its precodence a id great popularity, and after tin leroing gradual improvements f t a pe riod pf thirty years is now protio in ;eil by the musical world lo be uiij.'.trp:.ss.'d a:i I iv.mi une'j lal'.ed in fic!l t;es,vu!'iiiie and p:irity of tone. durability and ch'-ap-neis. Our r.rw sc .te. Er.-sich action. harp p-ri.tl, ir.in frame, oyer strung buss, sevc n c tarci t"--: .oil pi aiios we are selling cheaper by from .? l i S-'ud than the same stile an t finish are sold by any other first-class makers in the country. Dealers and all in want of good pianos are invited to send for our De scriptive Catalogue, w hich contains photographs of our different stjles, together with prices No one oliould pur. hase a piano without seeing this Cata imrun. Medasl a most w itnoui. nuuiuer, nave oeen .awardod to the Grovesteen riano, and the Celebrated erM's i air, thoiiuh put in competition with others from all parts ot Europe and the C S.. it took the histhew awai d. Esub.ihed IcXi Grcvesteen Co , 4-M FROADWAY. NEW YORK. July 23. 113 . H. It- 8. & Co. l OLUT PKCCUI.n iO.X. WHEREAS, the llos. William Elwki.l, President judzc of the Court of Oyer and Ter.iiiner and Gen erat Jail"l livery. Court of Uuarter Sessions of tlie Peace and Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's (.! rt in the 2; th Judicial District, composed of the rouities of Columbia. Sullivan and Wyoiiiinn.and tbe Hon. John MTleyno.s& Stephen Baldy, Asso'ate Judges of t.'olnui iiia county .have issued their precpt.bearing..!atij tin- 7 day of May in ihe year of our Lord one thousaii A eisht hdtidred and sixtyix, and to me directed for hoi Una a Court ofOyer am"; Terminer and ;.;neral Jail delivery. General Ouatter Sessions of tlie Peace, Common Pleas I and; Orphan's Court, iu Bioomsbnrg, in tha county 'f Columbia, on Hie first Monday, 'being tae th day; of May aext, M rnnlinti? one w eek. Xotice is h-reliy given, to th.; Coroner, the Justices of the Peace an I Constables of the s.iid county of Col ucibirt that f In-v be then and there in their proper per son at 10 o'cloi k in th ; fortnoc-n of said day with tueir records, in iuiaitioii and olhvr reiiiemhraiice to do those thmL's with to their tdiices appertain to If. don,.. And thosulhat ar.: bound by iecoinz:ince, to prosecute iuain.,t the prisoners that are or may be in the. Jail of said rotiTitv of Ci tumtiia to b2 then aud there to prose- eute them as shall be jnt.v Jurors are re.ju. sted to be punctual in theii atveiidauce.agree.nbly to tln ir tu tices. --v l Dated at r.loomsbure.the 1Kb day ol April L, S. in the year of our Lord one thousand c iiitit -v-w- ) hundred and sixty-six. and in the ninetieth vear of live lmlepeiidence of the United Slates of America. ( Got histfik Comiowfalth. ) . SAMUEL tSNYDLll, Sheriff". Bloomsburg, April 11, lr)oG. : DR. J.'R. FfViVNsi Physician aad Surgeo:?, OAVING fora ed permanently on Main Street, BLOOMS BURG. Pa., v;uiU in form tbe public generally, fnat.he is'preprared to st tend to all bjsine.s failhfiilly and punctually that may be intrusted to his carer on terms commeusa rat; wilhhe times,- Zr He pays strict aitcntio-n la S tr;ery as well Applications for License. NOTCE is hereby civen, that the fol lowing named persons have made application to the Proihonotnry of Columbia county, for Tavern licenses, to be granted atthe May Term of Court : John F. Caslow John Leacock George W. Mauger L. I). Mendenhall 1 iliver A Jacoby John J. utiles Bloom Tavern tore Tavern Tavern Benton hnr, Uerwick Beaver Cultawtssa ' Mi Nor Gllehrist ( C. Slyiiinan Sc. Hon C. F. Mann Phil'p Gotshnll John Sharpless & Co Henry I Clark Jacob R Kistler, J ohn G rover, John L. Kline Reuben Wasscr s-'tepliens Sc. Uiebcr Wm Goodman Daniel T. McKiernan A W Creamer Storn Tavern . Tavern Centre Conyneham Ceutra!ia Uorougil Liquor Store Tavern H. I.'nangst Wm Edcar W. A. Kline Humphry "arker .udwia 'i'hiel Isaac ihodes Joshua Womor Invid Yeager K. i 'onnr A. K. Smith faiimel Riniby John Keller Isaac Yetter Aaron Hess Jacob Good Samuel Everett Jacob M irhajel Israe I Muininey Fisliingcreclt Greenwood orust Montour Madison Miftfi.l Maine Orange Fcott Philip U. Kele John fSavaaa " " ItS Howell JE?i;E COLEMAN Profhonotary. r.lootnsburg. April 4, lfW. 'flT TUB M'lIOOL DIKKCTOKS OF IQMI.URIACCINTY. ext EE men : In pursuance of an act of the Legislature, enacted dorme tlie session of HWi, nniendatnrr of the forty-third section ff the ! art of Mh May, IS you dre hvreby notifieil to meet I in I 'on vent ion . at the Court House, iu IlloOmsbure, I on the first Tuesday in May. A. D., lJWi, heine the j first day of the mouth. a 1 o'clock in the afternoon, nnd select, viva vo k by a n.njoriiy of the whole number of directors present, one person of liteiary ami scientific acquirements, nn.l of skill and expe rience in the art ofu-acliing, lis County Huper inteii .1 1 nt, for the three surcee.iir.g years; determine the iimciint o f compensation for the same ; and certify the resu It to the State Su eritileiulent, at llarrisburg, ns reipiired by the thirty ninth and fortieth sections of said act, C. (J. BARKLEY. County Paperiiitciioent of Co). Co, r.oonisliurg, April 4. lsiiO. 323. H00?SiUnT3, S2S. MAKtrrACTfBED anif Sold WHOLESALE & HKTAIL, No 023 AUCII Street,' Piiilad'a. The most complete assortment of La lies' Mises ami Children's lfOJi SKIRTS in this t 'i ty ; gotten u"3 expressly to meet the wam r of first oi.ass Trade ; embracing the newest and most ile-iral.le Styli's and J'izes of "Tre Trails " of every lehyth from 2 J 4 to 4 yds. round. 20 tn 50 Sprinss. at 2 to $5 no. Plain Skirts, all lenirlhs, from 24 to 3 yds. round the bottom at 1 4Jtn ? ! 15. Our line of "Miaes' and Children's PKIR'IS. nre proverTiially beyond nil competition fjr variety of styles mi l sixes -as well as 'or tinisU and duriloli ty ; var) inir from 31o 33 inches in length, i. to 42 liiH2s a' 35 cents to 2 25. All Skills of"fCll J,WN vtAKE." are Wahkated togive Satisfaction ; but Hct kone as i-rcit, unlessthey ha ve, - II op k ill's Hoop :-Wirt Manufactory, .No. 52-t Arch Srtr :ef ' Stamped on ea.-h 'lab I Also constantly on hand. 'noon Skih rs, Manufar tute.l in New York, and the Eastern ftafa, which We s"ll at very 'ow Pric.os. A lot of cheiiii Skirts 15 -prii!Cs.h5ceiits ; 20 sprins. SI 0035 springs. 51 15 Ho -1. lines, ? I 25 and 40 springs SI 50. ZT irt- made to d.T nnd Repaired. n y Terms Rash. Ons Price Oslv 1 March 7. 1-4'ili. 4mos, MANHOOD : uilUSkl HOW LOST, HOW RF.STOHF.P. Ju published, a new edition of DR. CULVER WELL'S Celebrated Essy on the Kadicai. cubk (without medicin-) of Spkrmatorriioi." or seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoteki v. ri t.-il and Phjsical Incapacity. . in pod imeiits to Marnase, tc. ; als Consu.mp rtos. Epilepsy, and Fits. m.luc"d by self-indulgence or sexual extrava gance, . Price, in a sealed envelope, only C cnnt. The celebrated author in this admir-ble essay rl. arly demou tates. fioin a thirty year's success ful pra.-lice. that tin- alarmi ng coiiseqiienci-s of ! f abuse mav be radically cured w ithout the danger oe use til internal medicine or the application r.f the kmfj pointi ns out a mode of cure al once sim ple, certain, and elf. dual, by menus of which every sutf-r'T, no matter what his condition tin be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. r This Lecture should be in iliu nanus 't every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal in a plant envelop", to any ad dr"s. post paid, on receipt of sx cents, or l-.vo posing? stamps. Address the publishers, I'll AS. J. C. KLINE t CO. 177 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4,5V-0. Varr. b 14, li-tn ly. HTMCIAIi iTICE2. I.'STtCES of the Peace and ether persons having in th-ir han Is for coiie, tion any cla.ois. ut any .1 money, cl Ilecti d tor or on arco'l t of claims ate of John F. Frank, now a-sii'iied t' Thomas Sf lleren ileen, are herel.y noliliod to make rjttleuienl and im mediate pa liiel.t, to JOHN G, FREEZE, Attorney fr Assignee, rioomsbiir?, .March 2i, icl.ti. Execiilor's .olicc. Estate cf Jnci Scfiicepprnhriscr late of Alijjl n twp. dee'd. I LETTERS te-taraentary on tlie E- j tateof Jacob Schwrppenheisrr. late cf Miffiin j tow nship have been grated by the Register and Re corder, to Abraham S h w cppeiiheise r and Iaac I Schwrppenheiser. of Mifflin towiirhip. All persons kiuiwiui: theinse Ives indebted to sai I estate are re- 1 luested to make immedia'e navmeiit. and t!iose hav- I tni: claims w ill pr sent th-m duly authenticated for settlement, r.RAH AM PIT! WEPPEXII EI3ER, ISAAC SCllWEl'l ENHEIEK. Mmch 21, l.-Lli.-bw, Executors, aV ll W SKIRT IOR 1 SCG The Great Invemion of the Age in II OOP SKIRTS. J. V BRADLEY'S New Patect DITLFX EI.LEPTIC 'or double) tl'UlN'J M-Cilil'. THIS IV VENT I' N consists cf D iflei (or two) F. liptic I'ure It- fined Steel Springs, ingeniously Braided 'I itfhtly and Firmly together. ed2e to ed-e, making the TouiMicst. most Flexible. Elastic and durab e Sprinsr ever used. They seldom bi n. I or break, like the S?iiEle Springs and conse.pieiit ly preserve tin ir perfect and heautiful shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt that ever Has or Can be made. ' 'J IIE wonderful flexibility andgreat comfort nnd j.l-a-ure to any Lady wearmirlhe D.ipiex Eiiiti' Ssirt w ill be experienced i rti-'iil arl y in all crowded As reinMies. tiperas. Carriascs, Katlr.m.l t'Hrs. Church I'm?, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skitt can be folded w hen in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a S.lk or Muslin Kress, A La. ly havine Enjoyed th? Pleasure, Comfort ami Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a singl- day will Never afler w ar.'s willini'ly dispense with th-ir use. For Chil dren. Misses and oting Ladies liny are superior to all others. THE HOOPS are covered with 2 ply double twisted thiead and will wear t ice as Ion as the Single jarit envring which is used on all Single Sfel Hoop Skirts '!'!! llnee bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel. and tw ice or do.ibli: covered to prevent the cov ering from w uriug off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, etc , elc.w hich they are constant ly subject w hen in use. All are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in "very pari, givine t. the wearer the mo-t graceful an 1 perfect shape. possible, and nre unquestionably the lishle.t. most desirable, comf.irt.ible a nd economical Skirt ever made, WESTS BRADLEY GARY. I'ROPR t STORS of the Invention, and SOLE M A Xt FAC'l Lit I US, '.'7 I II AMBLKS, and "J Sc. fl REa DE STltbE 1 S, New Y'oik. FOR SALE in ah first rtas Ptoies in this City, and throughout Ihe rmt.'d S'.ates au.l C.ianaila.Ilivana d.! Cuba. M .xieo, South America, and theWest In. lies luquite lr the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring SUirt. March 21, 1-l.d. 3m, A tC, M. VIIITMOYER, ATTOK.VEY - AT - EAW, HLOOMSBURG, Pa. " OJJi -e opposite To-f rfftce, over Ilartman a itvre Back I'ay, iounty, Pensions and Gov frnmcnt claims promptly collecltd. Biaoinsburg. Apr. 4. 'fid TO XSECKmTH. Ii- luminous, t'oai, for Smithing purposes, of good quality, for sale Ly rAXTON At HARM AN, Rupert, Pa. April 11. C6, tm. f O V E Y A X C I N G. neatly an 1 promptly done, by Montour and Colorada GOLD MIiINoGCOMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK,0- - - - $500,000. 100, 000 SliaresPar Value $5, OFFICER: Hoa. W. II. JACOBY, I'res't, Of Bloemsbiirg, Pa. D. 31. SWARH, Vicc-l'rej't. rm. II. SUisTZBACH, Sec'j. JOHN .roODSIDlTreas'r. Wm. CLn:, Geu. Director, Colorado, DIRECTORS. Hon. VV. II. Jacoby, Bloo m-biirg Pa. S. J. Hrf. arlv, DanTi Ik, Pa. J. II. Campbell, " t' K. Kiehl. Philadelphia, P. W. ILTviwvt. H. L SrLTBcn, u John WoonsiDE, " 7 his Company is oranixed under a aperinl Char, ter of the Stole ot Petinsv 'vaiua. owning one thou sand feet on the Barker lde. aud two hundred on the Iturecu 'oiinty lode, either of them within hatla mile of central City. Gi pin County, Colorad.i. The property on the Barker loda consist, of the discov ery claim, two hundred feet, and eight claims ad joining on the east of one hundred feet each, making I one thousand consecutive t.rct. I ins iouu is woraeu for three thousand feet in leneth. on every claim the ave'aee width of the vein or crevice is seven l"';et. This lode will average in ri- hness with any in I the Territory. The Bureau County lode cotisfsls of the disrovi ry claim, of one hundred feet, according to the laws of Ici.3. and No. 1, ea t from discovery. Thin lode shows a crevice, as far as worked, of fotrr feet. Th e last quarts, crushed from it ill a stamp mill, yielded one hundred and sixty dollars a cord. In connection wiiti the Barker lode, is an eighteen siaiiiu mill, with power and capacity to crush from twelve to fifteen cords a week-. The orefiomthe Barker lode can be in ined, hauled and rruslied at the mill at t he rate or forty five d dlars a cord. 'I he ore. If selected, will yunl from one-h'iil dred-and-fifty to two hundred dollars nn.l upwards, per cord. As the hropeity has all tint improvements iiec.eg- sary for the workinj; f the several lodes, the first i dividend will be paid in the ensuing July, and regu i ITTly thereafter, at frinii lour to live per cent, quar ; terly, ia coin, unless in case of unavoidable acci I dent. ! There are no snlirred officers except the Sccrc. i tar ; and the Treasurer will be required to eive nui ' pie security for the faithful performance of his trust, j '1 here is only a limited amo int of slock lor sal at the price of $5 per share, which can be obtained at ! the nthce of the Company, where Certificates will be issued and all information given Office, Ao. 2G .Merchants' Exchangr-, l'liilailtlj;liia. Marc!) M, li-CG, dr. w. ii. wnmiOR, AS been in successful practice for a number of H pital-i'i i;iirop ., al.-o a meinher of Ihe. Anaiyical Medical Institute of New V rk. ronti lues to attend ' to all professional ca-es at his office No. i'ii Filbert Street, Phil idi Ipbia. ' 2. No patent .Tjertiornes arc ued or recommended ; the rennsdies ad ninistered are tho-e which will not break rown the constitution.' but renovate the sy tem from all injuries it has sustained fr nn mineral medicines, an I leave the sycm in a beallhy and perfectly ciir'd condition, 3. UYSPEPSI V that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happine-s. undermining the ron-1 ituti in in 1 yeaily carrying thnusands to un timely craves, can mn, euipha.ically be cured. 4. Melancholy. A h her rati on. that slate ot Allna tion arid weakness of Ihe mind which renders per -Fun, incapai.le ,t enjoying the pleasures or perform iiiL' the duties of life, ! 5, RH EC vt ATI vl, in any form cr condilion.rhrnn ia or acute, warranted curable. 0, EPILEJ'SV. or falling sickness, atl chronic or stuf boru case of F i: M A I. KM S A S IS S radica'Iy removed ; ?a"t Rl.eum and every descrip tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases w hich have ha tiled all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment ; and I do say all diseases, (yes Cosl'mption; can be cured by wearing my Medi cated Jacket, which is a protection to the lungs 1 against all chnpes of weather in all eliitmtess hav ioL' investigated for year the cause and character ot intermittent' (fever and ague) in nil parts of the United States. w j II cure perman. (it I y all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous pisea.es in a few lays. C .nicer Cured without thc knife or Drawln; Blood. Tape Worm, that dread to the Ilemnn Family for years, can te removed wiih two or Muee aoses of my in w ly dii-covt red remedy, warranted in all cus.'s, l niisiillation iu the English and Gerunm Languages free of charge Will make visits any distance, if desired May headdress by letter (confidential! v.) and Metticme sent with proper directions lobny part ot lb ; count r v. OFFICE-?' o, 02i FiltwrtSt. Phili. r MEXICO ! MEXICO!- $80,000,000 LOAN KEPCBLIC OF 3ILXIC0. Twenty-near Covpm Honda in Sums o'50, 500, a til $1,000. Interest Sev n Per ( tut., Payable in Tltc fiiy of ew Yrk. Trincipa' and inf-rest Payable iu GOLD. 510. "01 lino to f- sol.' at Sixty Cents an the Dollar i i U. S Currency, thus tieiding an interest ofl'wylve p? cent, .n Gold, or .'". vent- en p-r rent, in Currency, a the present rate of preini'iiii oil gold. The first yeur's ir.lt rJ.,t already provided. The mcst .'oh aLle Inves'ment tvci Ojfetel. m Immense trarts of Mrnjrg an I Arirnltural lands ; sixty per cent of port dues, i ope-is add t'ixe, in the States o: Tnmaulip is end S.m Luis Potosi ; and the plii'lued faithn f the said State-' and the Gencjal Government ar1' nil pledg-d for the redemption of lliec Bonds and payineiilof int.; est. The Sfcurilv is Imp!?. 9 lo in l s. Currency vill buy a i per cent Gold P.oli.l Cl ' ill. 50 1 i.i C S. Currency will buy a per cent. Gold I L.i'i oi mil . 53.W iu L" . S; Currency w il 1 buy a 7 per rent Gold Bond of S.i"0. i.no in I . S. Currency w ill buy a 7 per cent. Gold l'.oi,d of g Kind. Let tvery lover of Republican Institutions buy at least cue .E HOA I). Circulars forwarded and subscripli ns receiv vl by JilHX W. -OULIES cV Co. nnd J. JJ.TIFIT. Finanrial AsHit of tin R'puli'i: f f.-xico.57. I'.raiwn ,X;w Vo k H '7 Sub-criiiiotis alsi received by B..ns aud, Bankers g.-u.-raliy turougli jut the United St.,tjs. N n v . S , 1-05. ISGG p:rs!aae:i:tia I S s G A I It i'v 41 This irreat line traverses the Northern an I North west counties of Pennsylvania to lite city of Erie, on Cuke Erie. It has lieen leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by them. TIME Of PASSENCfcR 1 RAINS AT NORTIIC M BKR L A S D. AAL LAST WARD. Erie Vail Trail. II 25 P. M Erie Express Train, 3 45 A M Lluiira Mail Train. JO 25 A jv U:YE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train. 5 00 A M Erie Express I rain. 7 14 P M Elmiru Mail 't rain, 4 35 P M Passvnzers Cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains w ithoul cuanui both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at'.Ukl P.M. ai rive atErieO. 15 A.M. Leave Erie nt 1.55 P.M. arrive at New Vork3,4o I'M. E'ecanl Sleeping Cars on all Ni-ht Trains. For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply at tlie Cor. 3i!lh and Market St. Philadelphia ', . Ami f'r Freight business of the Company's Aleuts S. ii. Kingston, Jr.. C'or.l3th and Market Sis., Phii'a. J. W. Reynolds. Eri;. Will jam 'tlrown. Asent N. C. R: R., Baltimore. II. II. Houston, G-'ii'l. Freight Act . Philadelphia, 11. W. liwiiiner. Gen'l. Ticket Act. Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER. Gen'l. Sup't. Williamsport. March 21, l-'.i. NOTLCE T0P1UNTEUS. riMIE undersirne.l will sell cheap for cash quite a L lot ot teconti handed I'miting materials, consist ing of the follow ing articles : One Wa!!iiiiston Pres, (Platen, 2."iX3r) 1 Larje Composing Stone, (.good a new) Stands, tans. Gallics, Ate. Ate. The Press doc g.evl work, a ill can b' hi I cheap as we have uo use fur it. , JACOBY At IKELER. Bloomshu';. March 14. IcGO. CHAS. G. BTARKLE Y, Attorney at Eavr. BL003ISCLUG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. VV ILL practice in the several Conrtnf Colirmbia eaie shall recei ve prompt alien lion. Office -On VI am .Mreel, liXchanse Buildings, over MY HAPPY HOME. TIIE OLD HOMESTEAD Wild Cherry Bitters Are perfectly pure and contain no poison or box loin substance. They re compounded upon scien tific principles, and are adapted to the old and the Yoiine, the Strong and the Weak, and are destined to be found in every city, town and hamlet ia the civilized world. They speedily cure Jaundice, Dyxprpaia, all form$ cf In digestion, Sour Stomach, Minima turn, Scrn'vla, and all IMPURITIES OP THE BLOOD, Dropsy, Nervous Affections. Kidney Diseases, Liv er Complaints. General Prostraliou.and Ner. vous Headache. At a Morning Appetizer no other Tonic orRtimU la nt m the universe run equal them. For disorder ed digest,n. imperfect circulation of the blood, and eshausted vital energy they give permanent ard prompt relief. e " For C,,ehs and Cotds they are strperJor to any ,Mf7o i?"1,1' ThJf l-anae the stomach and ,' .y : bc'J,d- nc""B ly upon the Liver, tbe .'.d ":.ehVv,f..:',:a"e : ,Uey oo,, u iounj and nnr-r'""f ,'d'M,tnrr ''elicate Females ?il ? ' n''"lt"'". d those who feel a loss of strength, o, a want of ambiooii. these bittera will ;i;'"ntJ":Ull',leTala"- "e trial will t7a- Manufactured and sold by T. B, BLINOFREAND tCO.. and sold by all Druggists and' Merchants gener'av' 1. W. BOBBINS, Agent. u i'-wi Rloomsburg, ra. March 2,lrCfl, 3m TO FARMERS; PHILLIPS PITER PHtiSPflATE LI VIE. Seymours Patent Gr.nn and Piiosphata Drill, UurueUs Re volving Hay RaXcs and Hand Hnket for sale by I'AJCTON Sl I1ARMO.V, Kuperw Pa. " We claim for Philips Super Phosphate that it con tain, less mm sin re .is more uniform in quality, con tains none agricultural value, than any other in the murk, i, und introduce the article to farmers iu gen eral as a (tuple and standard aiticle inteiidinj to make it a permanent trade. PAXTON & HARMON. April 4, 1?0G. S90A Agents wanted t for sir entire!; new artit'', just out. Ad dress O. T. GAREY. City Buildinft Bedford. Maine. Dec. 23, 1H;5. ly. ADMINISTBATOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Andrew Solomon late of Frank Un twp., deed. "jV'otice is hereby rjiven.that Letters of 1 1 A dininitratii n on the estate of Andrew Solomon late of Fruiinliii low nship. Col. co, dee'd, have bee g-antedhy the Recirter of Columbia e.ninty. to the un -riersiened ; all persons having claims or demands again t the estate of the aid decedent are requested l.i present them t tlie A-durinrslrator, residing in said township, without delay, and all persons indebted o make payment forthwith. LEWIS YETTER, Adm'r. Bloorntburg. Aptil 4. ItifiG (.t Atimiuistrator's Xofice. Estate of Peter Belong, lute of Centre ticp. deenxed. rET TER3 of Administration on the estate ofPeter -J Delong. lateof Centre togb)p, Columbia CO., deceased, have bee i g ranted by Register of Colum bia county, to tbe undersitrned ; all persons having claims asainst the estate of tlie decedent are re quested to present them for settlement, and those indented to tiirj estate will make immediate payment to the Adiuiuiatralor. HENRY DELONG, Adm'r. March, 7, I8GC Gwr fjj ' S. H. DE WOLF, DEALia IN REAOV-Uc CLOTIIUVG, No. 202 North Second Sl , One door above Race ?treet,v Z7" Clothing made to order at the shortest notice March 2. 1-Cii. FAIS.TInl PRIVATE SALE. rpHE subscriber off rs at Private Pale, a Farm sit I tinted in O'anne Tw p.. Col. co. Pa. li miles from Rohrsburg and 3 from raiigeville, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIX ACRES, Sixty r.f which is cleared and well improved, the balance is well timbered. There are on the preuiMtes' commodioas new buildings a good orchard and a large young apple aud peach orchard, of six yars growth, beginning to bear. ELEANOR HEELER. Orange twp. Marh ISfiO AUDITORS NOTICE. Estate of Elj ih Kline, Int e of Ben fori Tvic a ship deceased. NOTICE is hereby siven that the undersignee" ap pointed aa Auditor to distrii ute the bafnnee in the hands of Josiah Kline adminirtratnr of Elijah Kline, late of B.-ntoii township dee'd , to and among l ae creditors in the rates and proportions allowed bylaw, wj sit at the Recorder's olfiee in Blooins burg. en FKIIiAY. APKIL 2o h. at I" o'clock A.M. f r the purpose of performing the dulios of bis a p poinimeiit All persons having any claim, against said estate nre hereby notified to present the same lo the audi tor, or be foiever debarred from coming in on said """' JOHN G. FREEZE, Auditor, March 2l.l-W.4iv 2 50. Uerwick Gazette copy, aTiTi I.ISTR ATO K'S .0TI C tT. Estate o JAtx M. Yost, cf Locwl township, dcce'ise I. LETTER? of Administration on the estate of John M. Yost, lateof Locust twp., .fee d., have been granted by the Register of Columbia-county, to tie undersigned; all p rsons havina clrims a:air..t the c-tate are requested to present them for settlement, and all persons knowing themselves' indebted to make payment forthwith.' HENRY YOST. Locust twp., March 7. I?if. Adm'r. AlKiixiif rater's lYoticc Estate of J -ob Ii"pp, of Locust twp , dee'd. I etters of Administration on the etato of Jacob Rupp. late of Loctrst town.hip, Cr linnbni county, dee'd have bpen granted by the Regis ter of Columbia io.. to the undersiened. All person having claims against tbe estate of th d')celeiit ar-' requested to present them to th under signed, without delay, and all persons iudtb ed t make p.iymem fortiiwilh. SOLOMON ARTLEY. Apr 4, 'Ct.-Ct S3. Adm'r. Wit. C. HKNS7.EY, GKO. W. CARItHTIt. Established 1828. g. xr. crpe.ti:r, HEXSZEY & CO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 737 Marskt Sr. one door below 8th, Philadelphia. DRL'GS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS OILS. GLASS. V ARNISHES, DYES'. An 1 every other article appertaining loth business, of the best natality, and at the lowetl Market Kales. March 23, 1?G0. Adiniusitrator's Notice. Estate of William Ii. Welliver deed. LETTERS ol Ailmioir-tration on tie Estate of William B. Wel!iver, lale of Madison twp Columbia county .dee'd, bivc been granted by the Reg ister of Columbia co., to the undersigned. All persons having clwrns against the estate of the decedent, and all persosis indebted, are re-jested to present them tn the A dsainiratMr, mi Sat iray, the 2 -tli day of April, ltiO, a Samuel Ruubey's Ilolel ia Jerseytown, l THEODORE P. WELUVER. Adm'r. March. 14, 'oti-owfj nit WAIL 55 CHEAP FOR CASH ! TUr. largest Stock of well-made Tin Wars in the Slate. constauily on band. Merchunt and Deal ers are in v iled to give us a ra't before purchasing elsewhrre, M ELLOY tc SMI I II. 721 Market St, between 7th and rth. Philadelphia, March 23, l?Cfl,-lm JCA.C OMNI BUS LINE. THE undersigned would respeclfally anncmnce to the citizens of Blooroshurg, and Ihe public jen- an O.MXIBUS LINE, be tween tt.i l lace and me mi- ."LTjSrv: ferent It il Uoad Depot, dai- Jy contitct w ith the several Trains going South a West on the Catawtssa and William. prt Bail Road, andc w ith those ginf Worth and South on the Lack, At. Bloomsbilre Koad. HisOMXIUt'r5-E3 are in good condition. souuno dious and c.fnifortable, and cbari.es reasonable. Zy Persons wisJaisg to meet er see tbeir friends i aepari, can nti accomiiiuu iru, u(iwn munr um j charges by leaving tiuiely notice at any of the Ho ! tela. JACOB L. GIRT0N,