. ,...':., . . ? ' ... . . . ' . ' . t ' Two Dollar per Annum in AdVancc. Truth and Bight God and our Country. JACGBY & IKELER; Publisher. , i BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA CO, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1866, NEW SERIES. VOL- ! NO- 8. XXX , j old sen I E$. VOL; i f V A v . ..run v.; 7 : tii A .DEMOCRAT AND STAR, is fcbcLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, IN trBLOOMdBUKO. COLUMBIA COUNTV.PA., BY J AC O BY 6c IKELER. , VBRMS. ei PO-jn advanew." If not pif till the enri oflhRyear. S rent additinnul will bo charged, , tCT" Nopnpr flipcontinueJ until all arrearage T are jaid excrpt anhe-opi'.iou of tde editor. . 1 - kITScf ADVERTISING. . - ' ! 1M l)E COTITCTS A bO. '. Hn iquarS n r,r three inertion .......... ft 50 inaertion lca Uian 13'. 50 3m. It. : . J 6 0 DOD I '.HO M.OU One" efliiare. Two aquarei, "Three J'our aquarea, Ialfoliiunv One column. 1 ,0 3 (ft Soil 4 00 6,10 8.50 10 uo 14.00 Ip'.I'O 20 00 30.011 50 00 3 CO 3,00 fi 10 10 Oo 13 OO 00 .l0 !0,"O 12 00 LjfO'l I 18 OO I . . ' , -1 . iiA III I Ms- 00 I .111 W r tr..-.,it'. and Administrator' Nolicfi. ....3l . Auditor' Notice V. 2 20 Other advertieiuetn maenea ncruiumj iu i.-..a, contra-; r- .' r ' " V r, ; ' " liuhici aotiee. without aJVerineruent, twenty, tent per line. - ... . ,., . Transient advertisement payable in adtante, Bill other due after the Oral inaurtion. AUdxes. . - JACOBY& IKELER. - Blooruaburg.. Columbia County, Pa. Unitedj States Supreme Court. MILirARYTRIALSOF CIVILIANS. Thendiana Conspiracy Case. 'ARGUMENT OF I10N JEREMIAH. S. BLACK. In September; 1664,'. L. P. Milligan. V. A.' BowIes, ' Stephen Horsey, and other, were arrested and brought before a 'military commission at Indianapolis, Indiana, charted with being member?, of iha "order-.- of "American Knights," or 'Sons of Liberty," iu League with arm - -t ---a fined in the United States military pri ons at TndianaDolis. Chicago and Lock Island The three parties named, after tcted trial, were found guilty of i j u a protracted the charges and specifications preferred against thrm, and condemned to aeain. The findings and sentence were approved by the President and promulgated by the Wa Department on the 2d of May,lSG5 and the l9:h day of the same month was fixed for'the exeeution. , On the 10th of May? however, they applied by petition lo thecirciut'eourt of the United States ... . . ----- v o inr i nm uiHiricL ! iiiuiaua t vuunv " . and McDonald"! for a w rit of habeas cor ptt?, or for .'an order of discharge, under the act of Congress approved March 3, 1863, entitled ".An act i elating to habeas corj)ustknd regulating judicial proceed iDga in certain cases." The judges of the circuit court were divided in opinion opon this application, and certified the JoHowing questions, on which they dif fered, to the Supreme Court for decision. ' 1. "On the facta stated in said petition and exhibits, ocght a writ of habea cor pus to be issued according. to the prayer of said petition 1" . - 2.'On the "facta, stated in said peti 4ion and exhibits, ought the said parties to be discharged from Ciiatfidys in said petition prayed t" 3 ;,Vbethct, upon the facta stated in petition and exhibits, the military com mission mentioned therein had jurisdic tion legally to try and sentence said par ties in manner and form as in said peti tion and txhibifd is stated ?'' After the action cf the circuit court; certifying the case to the Supreme Court for final dcision, the President commu ted' the sentence of the petitioners to im prisonment for life. - The argument of thosev questions, which commenced on the 5 b and tcr- ' ruinated on the 13th of March, 18G6,was conducted on the part of the petitioners by J. E. McDonald, Esq., of Indiana, Hon; J. A.Garfild, of Ohio, Hon. J.S. Black, cf Pennsylvania, and David Dad lew Meld, of New York a and on behalf .0 the United States by , of. Massachusetts, lion H B F.Butler, Stanherry,of Ohio and lion. Jamea Speed, Attorney General of the Unitod States. Ihe ar gument of lit. BtACKj for the petition ers taken in short-hand by Mr. D. F. Murphy.one of the conductors of The Kepobteb, waa as lollows : May it Please your Honors : I am not afraid, that you trill under rata' the imnortancc of this case. It con ferns the rights of the whole people. Such qaettions have generally been set tled by arms. But since the beginning of the world noNbattle had ever been ipavr.wuu ur - - a nation were so distinctly staked as they : .. ... . . mc. Tk - are on the result of this argument. Ihe pen that writes the judgment of the Cnnri w II Ti- miirhlier for POOd or lor cvil thari'any sword that ever vras wiel ded by mortal arm. , As might bo expected from the nature cf the subject, it has been a good deal discussed elsewhere, in legislative bodies, in public assemblies, and in the newspa per press of the country. But there it has ' leen mingled with interests and feelings not very friendly .'lo a correct conclusion. Here'-we7 are in a higher atmosphere wbert: no passion caa duturb the judge mentor shake the even balance in which the scalea of reason are held. Here it is purely a judicial question j and I can Bp'oak .for my colleagues as well ai my telL when 1 ny that we have no thought to safest whichv we tla not suppose to be a fair element in the strictly lfgaljutlg cient which you are required to make la perfornaing tue auty assrgiiuu xie in the case, I shall nceS3ari!y refer (x tie mere rudiments cf Ccnstitution-L-Uwj to the most commonplace topics f history and to those plain ruls of slice and right, which jpervade all our iliirtiions - beg your honor3 to be 1 V3 that ihU is not done because I think t the Court,, cr any member cf itr is i familiar with these things than S am, sensible cf therrvalm ; bul eiru-'is-I onlv becaa?3, accsrdio to my view of the subject, there is absolutely no other way of dealing with it. If the fundamental principles of American lib. ertj arc attacked, and we are driven be hind the inner walls of the Constitution to tlefend them, we can repel the assault only with thoso same old weapons which our ancestors used a hundred ears ago. You must not think the worse of our armor because it happens to be old-fashioned and looka'a ''little rusty from long dis uio ! The case before yon present but a single point, and that an exceedingly plain one. It is not encumbered with any ot those vexed questions that might be expected to arise out of a great war. Von are hot called upon to decide what kind of a rula a military commander may impose upon the inhabitants of a hostile country which he occupies as a conquer or, or what punishment he may inflict upon the soldiers of his own army or the follower! of his camp ;,or yet how he may deal with civillians in a beleaguered city or other place in a state of actual siege which he is required to defend against a public enemy. This coniest covers no such ground as lha'. The men whose acts we complain elected themselves into a 'tribu nal lor ihe trial and ponihment of citizens who were connected in no way whatever wih ihe army or navy. And ihey did in the midst of a community whose socia' and legal organiz.i'ion had never been dis turbed by any war or insurrection, where the courts were wide open, where judicial process waa executed every day without interruption, and where all the civil author lies, boih Slate and national, were in the t fuit exercise of their fanciions. Sly clients were dragged before this strange tribunal, and after a proceeding, which it would be mere mockery to call a irial, they were ordered to be hung. The charge against them was put into writing and is found on this record, bat you will not be able to decipher its meaning. The relators were no t accused of-treason., for no act is imputed to them which, if true, would come within ihe definition of lhat crime. Ii was not conspiracy under Ihe act of 186!, for all concerned in this buiness ) musi have known, that conspiracy wan not f ... . nHnriku IF t Ti 14 rnmmuiinnprt IfX LOIini V W W I t a .mw v.- ...... .. t r. i - i .,. i I were aoie lo reaa iriiisn, uiey cuinu not ic ni '""s juuiuibi uisuiuuons oi help but see that it was made punishable J this people. Ojr fathers long ago cast them even by fine and imprisonment, only upon j both aside among the rubbish of ihe dark condition that the parties shoulJ first be i ges, and they intended that we, their convicted before a circuit or district court Children, should know ihem only that we of the United States. The judge advpcaie I might blush aod shudder at the shameless must have meant, lo charge them wi:h injustice and the brutal cruelties which some offense unknown to the laws, which they were allowed to perpetrate in other he chose to make capital hy legislation of , times and other countries, his own, and ihe commissioners were so i Dut our friends on ihe other side are not profoundly ignorant as lo think lhat the all impressed with these views. Their brief legal innocsr.ce of the panies made no correspond? exactly with the doctrines pro difference in ihe case. I do not say what pounded by the Attorney General, in a very Sir James Mackintosh said' of a similar elaborate official paper which he published proceeding, thai ihe trial was a mere con-, last July, opon this same subject. He then spiracy to commit willful murder opon . three innocent men. The commissioners are not on trial, ihey are absent and unde fended, and they are entitled to the benefit ol that charity which presumes ihem lo be wholly unacquainted with ju-t principles of natural jnMice, and quite unable to com- , prchend either the law or the facts of a criminal Cause. Keeping the character of the charges in mind, let us come at once to the simple ooesiion upon which the court below divi ded in opinion : Had the commissioners jurisdiction were they invested with legal authority lo try Ihe relators and put them 10 death for the offense of which ihey were accused ? Ve answer, no,4 and therefore j the whole proceeding from beginning to end was utterly null and void. Ga the j other hand, it is absolutely necessary for '. those who oppose us to assert, and they do i asseri.ihat the commissioners had complete ( legal jurisdiction both of ihe subject matter j arid of the parties, so that their judgment i upon the law arid the facts is absolutely i conclusive and binding, not aot-ject to cor rection nor open to inquiry in any couit whatever. Of these two opposite views, ; y0U must adopt one or ihe other, for tbere is nd middle ground on which you can pos' bibly stand. 1 need not say, (for it is the law of the horn books.) lhat where a court, (whatever may be its power in o'her respects,) pre- B0ffte9 f man fof an 0Ttnse of which f . ' . t has no right to lake judicial cognizance, . . H . ! al1 ,s proceedings in that case are null and lue " "c another prosecution ; it he is found guilty and sentenced, h is entitled to be relieved from the punishment. Ifacircuit court of the United States, should undertake to try a party for an offense clearly wiibircihe ex elusive jurisdiction of ihe State Courts, the judgement conlJ have no eflect. II a county court in the interior of a State should arret an officer of the Federal navy, try him, and order bim lo be hung, for some offense aaainst-the law of nations, commit ted upon the high teas or in a foreign port, nobody would treat such a judgment other wise than with mere derision. The Federal courts have . jurisdiction to try offenses against the laws of the United States, and the auihnrity of the State Courts is confined lo '.he puninhment ofacts which are made penal by State laws. It follows ibat where the accusation does not amount to an offense against the law of either the State or the Federal Government, no court can have jurisdiction to try it. - Suppose for example that th judges of this Court should organ ize themselves into a tribunal to try a man for witchcraft, or heresy, or treason.against the Confederatetatea of America,- would anybody say thai your judgment had the least validity T " V I care not, therefore, whether the rela tors were intended lo be charged with trea. son or conspiracy, or with pome offense of .which the law lakes no notice Either or any way, the men who underlook to try them had no jurisdiction of the autject- matter. Nor had ihey jurisdiction of '.he pnrUcs. li is not pretended that this was a case of I impeachment, or a eae arising in the land or naval forces. 1 1 is either noihing at all or efee it is a simple crime against the Uni ted States, committed by private individu als not in the public cervice. civil or rnilita ry. . i'ersons standing in that relation to the i Government are answerable for theofleoes which they may commit only lo thu civil courts of the country. So says the Consti tution, as we read it ; and ihe act of Con gress of March 3, 1363, which was passed with express reference to persons precisely in the situation of these men, declares that they shall be deli vered up for trial to the proper civil authorities. There being no jurisdiction of the subject matter or of the parlies you are bound lo relieve the petitioners. It is as much the dnty of a judge to protect the innocent as it is lo punish ihe guilty. Suppose that the Secretary ol fome department should take it into his lieXd to establish an ecclesiasti cal tribunal here in the city of Washington, composed or clergymen "organized lo con vict" everybody who prays after a fashion inconsistent with ihe supposed safety of ihe State. If he would select Ihe members with a proper regard to ihe odium theologicnm 1 think i could insure him a commission that would hang every man and woman who might be brought before it.' Hut would you, Ihe judges of the land, aland by and see their sentences executed ? No ; you would interpose your writ ol prohibition, your habeas coipus, or any other process lhai might be at your command, between them and their victims And you woold do lhat for precisely the same reason whi?h requires your intervention here because religious j errors like political errors, are not crimes which any tody in this country has juris- d.cnon lo punish, ar.d because ecc!eas:ical i ... .... .. ! cammissmna. Iiira militarv pnmmiecmno 1 . j ..... .ui.jj ...... , .u J it:i : ..- avowed it to be bis settled and deliberate opinion lhat the military might ''take and till,try arul execute," (1 use his own words) persons wbo had no sort of connection with the army or navy. And ihongh ihis be done in Ihe face of the open courts, ihe ju dicial authority, according to him, are ut terly powerless to prevent the slaughter which may thus be carried on. That is ihe theeis which the Attorney General and his assistant counsellors are to maintain this day, if they can maintain it, wi h all the power of iheir artful eloquence. We, on the other hand, submit that a person not in the military or naval service cannot be punished at all until he has had a lair, open, public trial belore an impartial jury, in an ordained and established'court, lo which the jurisdiction has been given by law to try him lor ;nat specific offense. i nere is our proposition. Between tne ground we lake and the ground they occupy there is and there can be no coproraiso. It ae way or the other. Our proposition ooght to be received as true without any argumenf to support it ; because if that, nr something precisely equivalent to it, bo rot a part of our law, this is not what we have always supposed it to be, a free country. Nevertheless I lake upon myself the burden of showing affirmatively no, only that it is true, but Ibat it is immovably fixed in the very frame work of the Government, so that if is ut terly impossible to detach it without de stroying the -Ahole'political structure under which we live. By removing it you destroy the life of this nation as completely as you would destroy the Me of an individual by cuttinz the heart out of his body. I pro ceed lo the proof. In Ihe first rlace, the self-evident truth will not be denied that ihe trial and pun ishment of an-o.Tender against the Govern ment is the exercise of judicial authority. That is a kind of authority which woold be lost by being diflused among the masses of the people. A judge wcold be no judge if everybody else were a jjdge as well as be. Therefore in every society, however rude ot however perfect i's organization, the judicial authority is always commuted to the hands of particular persons, who are trufted lo use it wisely and well ; and their authority is exclusive ; they. cannot share it with others to whom it has not teen com mitted. Where, then, is ihe judicial power in this country? Who are ihe depositaries of ii here ? The Federal Constifotisia an swers that question in very plain words, by declaring that "the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Su preme Court, and- in Bach inferior courts as Congress may from time to lime ordain and establish." Congress has, from time to time, ordained and established certain inferior courts j and ia ihem, together' with I ih9 one Supreme Court tp wbici "they ate subordinate, is vested all ihe judicial power i properly to called, which" the United Slates 1 can lawfully exercise. That was the corn- ; pact made with the General Government at J the time it was created. I ne stages anu J he people agreed to bes ow upon that Government a certain portion of '.ha judicial Power which otherwise woulJ have re : mamed in theirown hand., out gave n on a solemn Irusl and coupled the grant of it with this express condition thai it should never be ued in any" way bot one ; that is, bv means of ordained and established coons. Any person, iherafore. who under takes to exercise judicial power in any ! other waV not on'y "iolates the law of the land, but he treacherously tramples opon the most important part of lhat sacred cov enant which holds these Stales together. May it please your honor, you know, and I know, and everybody else knows' that it wa ihe' intention of the men who founded this republ:c to put the life, liberty and property of every person in it under the protection of a regular and permanent judiciary, separate, apart, distinct, from all other branches of the Government, whose sole and exclusive business it should be to distribute justice amon; the people accord ing to ihe wants and need of each individ ual. It was Xo consist of courts, always open to the complaint of ihe injured, and always ready to hear criminal accusations when founded upon probable cause; sur rounded with all the machinery necessary for the investigation of truth, and clothed with sufficient power to carry their decrees into execution. In these courts it was ex pected that judges would sit who would be nnriahl hnnpst unit KiiSir mpn. learned in theUwa of their countrr. and lovers of 1 justice from the habitual practice of lhat virtue ; independent bcaue theit salaries could not be reduced, and free from party pasiun because their tenure of office was for life. Although this would place them j . i. l . . n I . m . . f I hi marn mnS Q rut I ttUU.C tilts kldliiUIS V, uic llicic? ,1, w anu beyond the rech of executive ipfluenre, it was not intended that they should be whol ly irresponsible. For any willful or cor rupt violation of their duty, they are liable to be impeached ; and they cannot escape the control of an elightened public opinien. for they must sit with open door, listen to full discussion, and give sitisfactory rea sons for the judgments they pronounce. In ordinary tranquil times ihe citizen might feel himself sale under a judicial system so organized. But our wise forefathers knew that tran quility was not always to be anticipated in . a republic ; the spirit of a free people is often turbulent. They exppcted that strife would rise between classes and sections, and even civil war might come, and ihpy supposed, lhat in such times, judges them selves mihl not be safely trusted in crimi nal cases especially in prosecutions for political offenses, where the whole power of Ihe Executive is arrayed against ihe ac cused party. All history proves lhat put lie officers of any government when they are engaged in a severe struggle to retain their places, become bitter and ferocious, and hale those who oppose them, even in the raot legitimate way, with a rancor which ihey never exhibit towards actua' , crime. This kind of malignity vents itself ii prosecutions for political offenses, sedi- i tion, conspiracy, libel, and treason, and the charges are generally founded upon the in formation cf hireling spies and common de lators, who make merchandise of their oaths, and trade in the blooJ of their lei low men. During the civil commotions in England, which lasted from the beginning of the reign ot Charles I to the revolution of 16S3, the oest men, and the purest pa. ; . . triots lhat ever lived, ien oy me nana or the public executioner. Judges were made the instruments lor inflicting the most mer ciless sentences on men, the la'.chet of whose hoes the ministers lhat prosecuted them were not worthy to stoop down and unloose. Let me say here, that nothing has occurred in the history of this country to justify the doubt of judicial integrity which onr lorelathers seem to have felt. O.i the contrary, the highest compliment that has ever been paid to the American bench, is j embodied in this simple fact: that if the j executive officers of this Government have ; ever desired to take away the life or the! i liberty ol a citizen contrary to law, they have not come into Ihe courts to get it done, they have gone outside of the courts, and stepped over the Constitution, and cre ated their own tribunals', composed of men whose gross ignorance, and supple subser vience could always be relied on for those base uses to which no judge would ever lend himself. But the framers of the Con stitution could act only upon the experi ence of lhat country whose history ihey knew most about, and there they saw the brutal ferocity of Jeffreys and Scrogg, the tim'wliiv of Guilford, and the base venality of such men as Saunders and Wright. It seemed nec-sary iherelore. nct only to make ihe judiciary as perfect a possible, bui lo give the citizen yel anoiher shield against ihe wrath and malice of his Gov ernment. To that end they could ihir.k of no better provision than a public trial be lore an impartial jary-, I do cot assert that the jury trial is an in fallible mode of ascertaining truth. Like everything human, it bat i's imperfections. I ocly say it is the best protection ol inno xence and the surest mode of panishiug guilt lhat has yet been discovered. Ii has borne the lest of a longer experience, and borne it better than any other legal insti tution that eveexisted among men. Eng- j an- I deur, and her prosperity to that, than to all other causes put together. !t has had the approbation not only of those who lived under it, but of great thinkers who looked at it calmly from a di.tance, and judged it impartially; Montesquieu and DeTocque ville speak of it with an admiration as rap turous as Coke and BlackMone. Within the present ceniury, the most enlightened states of continental,- Kurope have trans planted it into their countries ; and no peo- aor ,,ir,nt(rl it once and were after- wards willing to part with it. It was only in 1830 that an interference with it in Bel gium provoked a successful insurrection which permanently divided one kingdom into two. In the same year, the revolution of the Barricades gave the right of trial b jury to every Frenchman. Those colonists of this counlry who came from Ihe British Mauds, brought this insti tution with them, and they regarded it as Ihe most precious parts of their inheritance. The immigrants from other places where trial by jury did not exist Lecame equally attached lo it as soon as they understood whatltwas.- There was no subject upon which all the inhabitants of the country were more perfectly unanimous than ihey were in their determination to maintain this reat right unimpaired. An attempt was made to 6et it aside and substitute mil itary trials in its places, by Lord Dunmore, in Virginia, and General Gage, in Massa chusetts, accompanied with the excuse which has been repeated so often in late day", namely, lhat rebellion had made it necessary; but it excited intense popular anger and every colony from New Hamp shire to Georgia, made common cause with he two whose rights had been especially invaded. Subsequently the Continental Congress thundered it into the ear of the world, as an unendurable outrage, suffi cient to jtisiify universal insurrection against the authority of the Government which had allowed it to be done. If the men who fought out our revolu tionary contest, when they came lo frame a government for themselves and iheir pos terity, had failed to insert a provision mak in" the trial by jury perpetual and univer sal, ihey would have covered themselves all ; over with inlarnv as wi.h a sarment : for i they would have proved themselves basely ! recreant lo the principles of that very lib ! eny of which they professed to be the spe 1 cial champions. But they were guilty of no such treactiery. They not only took care of the.trial by jury, but they regulated every step to be taken in a criminal trial. They knew very well that no people conld be free under a government which had the power to punish wiihout restraint. Hamil ton expressed in the Federalist, the univer sal sentiment of his time, when he said that the arbitrary power of conviction and punishment for pretended offenses, had been the great engine of despotism in 'all ages and all countries. The existence of such a power is utterly incompatible with freedom. The difference between a mas ter and his slave, consists only in this: that the master holds the lash in his hands and he may use it wiihout legal restraint, while the naked back of the 6,'ave is bound lo take whatever is laid on it. Rut nnr fathers were uol absurd enonsh to put unlimited power in thf hands of the ' ruler and take away the protection of law j from the rights of individuals. It was not thus that they meant "to secure the bless incs of liberty to themselves and their prrs tertty." Tftey determined that not one drop of the blood which had been shed on the other side of the Atlantic; during peven centuries of contest with arbitrary power, -l 1 i ..:..(, ).,. t.A Kit, tha frnitj suou.u ....a . t, -- nf pvrv nonulax victory should be aarnered 1 .. up in tins new government, ui on inu great rights already won they threw not'an atom away. They went over Magna Cnarta, the Petition of Risk's, the Bill of Rights, and the rules cf the common law, and what ever was found there to favor individual liberty they carefully insered in their own systam, improved by clearer expression, strengthened by heavier sanctions, and ex tended by a more universal application. They put all those provisions into the or ganic law, so thai neither tyranny in the Executive, nor party rage in the Legisla ture could change them wiihout destroying the Government iise'.f. Look for a moment at the particulars and see how carefully evert thing connected with the administration of punitive justice is guarded. l". No ex postfnct'i lao shall be passed. No man'shall be answerable criminally for any act which was not defined and made punishable as a crime by some law in force at the time when the act was done. ... . . fir -ii . i. 2. For an act which is criminal he can not be arrested wiihout a judicial warrant founded on proof of probable cause. He shall not be kidnapped and shut op on the mere report of some base spy who gathers the materials ol a false accusation by crawl ing into his house and listening at the key - hole of his chamber door. 3. He shali not be compelled to testify against himself. He may be examined be fore be is committed, and tell his own story if he pleases ; but the rack shall be put out of sight, and even his conscience shall not be tortured ; nor shall his unpublished pa pers be used against him, as was done most wrongfully in the case of Algernon Sydney. 4. He shall be entitled to a speedy trial, not kept in prison for an indefinite time wiihout the opportunity of vindicating his innocence.' 5. He shall be informed cf the acensa acenser must put the charge into lite lorm of a legal indictment, eo ihai the party can meet it full in the face. 6. Even o the indictment he need not answer unless a grand jury, after hearing the evidence, shall say upon their oaths that they believe it lo be true. 7. Then comes ihe trial, and it must be before a regular court, of competent juris diction, ordained and established for the Stale und district in which the crime was committed, and this 6hal! not be evaded by a legislative change in the district after the crime is alleged to de done. 8. His guilt or innocence shall be deter mined by an impartial jury. These Eng lish words are to be understood in iheir English sense, ani! they mean that the ju rors shall be fairly selected by a sworn of ficer from among the peers of the party .re siding within the local jurisdiction of the court. When they are called into thS box he can purge the panel of all dishonesty, prejudice, personal enmity, anu ignorance by a certain nhmbfer of peremptory chal lenges, and as many mofe challenges a he car, sustain by showing reasonable cause. 9. The trial shall be public and open, lhat no under-hand advantage may be ta ken. The party xhall be confronted with the witnesses against him, have compulso ry provess for his own witnesses. and be en titled to the assistance of counsel in his de fense. 10. After the evidence is heard and dis cussed, unless the jury shall, upon Iheir oaths, uniinithmiily agree to surrender him up into the hands of the court as a guilty man, not a hair of his head can be touch ed by way of punishment. 1 1 After a verdict of guilty he is still pro tected. No cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted, nor any punishment at all, except wnat is annexed by the law to his offinse. It cannot be doubted for a moment that if a person convicted of an of fense not capital were to be hung on the order of n judge. such judge would be guil ty of murder as plainly as if he should come down Irorn the bench, tuck up tt.e tleeves of his gown, and let out the pris oner's blood with his own hand. 12. After all is over, the law coniinues to spread its guardianship aronnd him. Whether he is acquitted or condemned he shall never again be molested for that of fen e. No man shall be Iwice put in jeoap ard) of lite or limb for the same cause. These rules apply to all criminal prose cutions. But, in addition to these, certain special regulations were required for trea son (he one great political charge under which more innocent men have fallen than any oiher. A tyrannical government calls everybody a traitor who shows ihe least unwillingness to be a slave. The party in power never falls, when it can, to stretch the la vv on that subject by construciicn, so as to cover its honest and conscientious op ponents. In the absence of a constitution al provision it was justly feared lhat stat utes miht be passed which would put the lives of the most patriotic citizens at the mercy of the basest minions that skulk abount under the pay of the Executive. Therefore a cefinitiou of treason was given in the fundamental law, and the legislative authority could not enlarge il to serve the purpose of partisan malice. The nature and amount of evidence required to prove the crime was also prescribed, so that prej udice and enmity might have no share in the conviction. And lastly, ihe punishment was so limited that the property ol the par ty could not be confiscated and used to re ward the agents of his persecutors, or strip hi- family of thier subsistence. If these provisions exist in full force, un changeable and irrepealable, then we are not hereditary bondrnen. Eevry citizen may safely pursue his lawful calling in the open day ; and at night, if he is conscious of innocence, he may lie down in security and sleep the sound sleep ol a freeman. I say they are in fcrce, and they will re main in fo"ice. We have not surrendered ihem, and we never will. If ihe worst comes to the worst we will look to the liv ing God lor His help, and defend our rights and the rights ol our children to the lat e.t- 'T- 1 . C- . . . . ikt..r ... r. t n I. at iremiiy. uomi men m,i.& iu subjected and abjected to the condition of mere slaves a:3 wholly mistaken. The great race to which we belong has not de generated so fatfclly. But how am 1 to prove the existence of these rights 1 1 do not propose lo do it by a long chain of legal argumenlaticn,nor by the production of numerous books with the dog-eared and the pages marked. It it depended upoi judicial precedents, I think I could produce as many as might te nec If I claimed this freedom, under . any kind of prescription, I cculd prove a j sood long possession in ourselves and those under whem we claim it. I might begin j with Tacitm and show how the contest: arose ia the forel of G ermany more than I turn Tin ihsi u , r ii i r a w . " - - r tues and sound common sense of thai peo ple established the right of trial by jury, and thus stared on a career wnicn nas mauw their pos.eriir the foremost race that ever you by showing how this subject was ireai tneir posiemj me ed bv ihe french Court of Cassation in Ge lived in all .be tide of lime. The Saxons j J V;'nJer the Constitution of 1830. carried it to England, and were ever ready i whn a roiitary judgment was unhesita to defend it with their blood, lr-was crush- tin2y pronounced to be void, though order ed out by the Danish invasion; and all that ! ed by the King ifhet a proclamation declare . Tr '"dvoppre"',?" i ring the period ot iheir subjugation reset-. ,rom our enernies-at alt cvenn we should ed from the want of trial by jury. If that j. b,Qgh at lbe th0nght of not being equal on had been conceded to them the reaction PUch a subject to the courts of Virginia, would nol have taken place which drove Georgia, Mississippi and Texas, whose da- wouiu uuw.a v , - my col eagoe, General Garfield, haa koz.fr iha njneatn their frozen homes in the -" j e North. But those mtnan sea-Kings couia Alfred, the greatest of revolutionary heroes and the wisest monarch that ever sat on a throne, made the first use of his power, af ter the Safons restored it, to re establish ancient laws. He had promised them that he would, and he was true to them because) ihey had been true to him. But it was not easily done ; the courts were opposed to it, for it limited flieif power a kind of power ' that everybody covets the power to pun ish without regard to law. He was obliged lo hang forty-four jndes in one year for re fusing to give his subjects a trial by jury. , When the historian says that he hung ' them, it is not meant that he put therti to death without a trial. He had them im peached before the grand council of the na tion, the Wittenagemete, the parliament of lhat time. During the subsequent period of Saxon domination no man on English soil was powerful enough to refuse a legal trial to ihe meanest peasant. If any min ister or any king, in war or.in peace, had dared to punish a freeman by airibunal of his own appointment, lib would have tous" ed the wrath of the whole population ; all ' orders of society would have resisted it ; lord and vassal, knight end " equite; ptlest and penitent, bncrhan and socman, master and thrall, copyholder and villain, would have risen in one mass and burnt the of fender to death in his castle, or followed him in his flight and lorn him to atoms. It was again trampled down by the Norman conquerors; but the eviU resulting from Ihe ward of il united all classes in the effort which compelled King John to restore it by the Great Cha ner. Everybody is familiar with the struggles which the English peo ple, during many generations, made for their rights with the PIantfig2nets, the Tu dors, and ihe Stuarts, rind which ended fi nally in the revolution of 1CS3, when the liberties of England were plaited upon an impregnable basis by the Bill of rights.' Many times ths attempt was made id stretch the royal authority farenoogh to jus tify military trials ; but it never had more , than temporary success. Five hundred years ago Edward 11 closed up a great re bellion by takiug the life of its leader, the Earl of Lancaster, after trying bim before a military court. Eight years later. thai same klng.logether with his lords and com mons ia Parliament assembled, acknowl edged with shame and sorrow that the ex ecution of Lancaster waa a mere murder, because the courts were open and he might have had a IsgEl trail, tjueen Elizabeth'; for sundry feaons affecting the safety of the State, ordered that certain offenders not of her army should be tried according irj the law martial. Bat she beard ihe slOrrh of popular vengeance rising. and; haughty, im perious, sell-willed as she was, 6he yielded the point : for she knew that upon thai sub ject the English people would never con sent to be trifled wi h. Strafford, as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, tried the Viscount Stormont before a military commission, and cut off his head. When impeached for it,' he pleaded in vain that Ireland was in a state of insurrection, lhat Stormont was a traitor, and ;he army would be undone if it could not defend itself wiihout appealing to ihe civil courts. The' Parliament was deaf . the King himself could not save him; he was condemned to suffer death as a trai tor and a murderbr. Charles 1 issued com missions to divers officers for. ibe trial of . his euemies according to the course of mil- . itary law. If rebellion ever was an excuse for such an act, he could surely have plead ed il : for there was scarcely a spot in his kingdom, from sea to sea, where the royal authority was not disputed by somebody; Vet the Parliament demanded iu their peti tion of r.ight, and the King was obliged to concede, that afl his commissions were iU legal. James 11 clamied the right to sus pend the operation or ihe pensl laws a power which the courts denied bullhe" ex perience bl his predecessors taught bim. lhat be could not suspend, any man's right ' to a trial. He could easily have convicted the seven bishops of any offense he saw fit to charge them with if be could have se lected their judges rom among the meY' cenary creatures to whom he bad given' commands in his army. But this be dared not do. He was obliged to 6end ths bieha ops to a jury and endur'a the mortification' of seeing them acquitted. He, loo, might . have had rebellion lor an excuse, If rebel lion be in excuse. The conspiracy, was already ripe which a lew months afterwards made hinrf an exile and an outcast ; he had reason trf believe that the Prince of Orange was mak" ing his preparations' on the other side of the channel to invade the kingdom, where thousauds burned to join him ; nay.he pro- nounced the bishops guilty ot rebellion by ihe very act for which he arrested them.- Hrt had raised an array to meet th rebel lion, and he was on Houns'ow Heath re viewing the troops organized fof that pur pose, when he heard the great shout ol jny that went up from Westminister Hall, wae echoed back from Temple Bar.spread down the city and over the Thames, and rose from every vessel on the river ihe simol ultaneous shout of two hundred thousand men for the triumph of justice and law. If it were worth the time, I might detain read and commeniea on. i . . (Co7iinudn wtk )