J - " ' " 1 ! r r - in i mm iii un ... i -,, " " '. " 11 - . U-ll-l imMgr-w .. nmftiiiwi W jL i i. ARGUMENT OF COWS. Never bay a cow cf a" dsirjman, for if fee ij a good manager he will sell only . tij poor animate. - - Cows should rnn dry six weeks before calviDg if milked closely toward oalr 4z;, tba ealvea will be poorer. 1 Calves .well fed and taken care of,5mb a qrt or two cf meal daily in - winter, will be doable tbe size at two years tbey would bave attained by common treat- - Heifers thas treated may come in at two years old, and will be better than neglected animals at three, and one year of fecdiDg saved. . Hearty eaters are desirable for cows, and they may usually be seated while calves." A dainty calf will be a dainty cow. . . ...... Heifers should become accustomed to' -bejreely bandied before calviDg, and drawing the teats. They will then not be difficult to miik. Begin gradually, and never startle them. "Ia milking cows, divide , the time as nearly aa practicable between morning and evening, especially at time of early vrass, that the adder may not suffer. - Pcnona who milk should keep the nails cut short ; animals are sometimes iurtjwith sharp nils, and are ! viaicu wim reriiessness. ' Old cows should be fatted at fifteea jear3. The dairymaD, therefore, who bas fifteen cows, should raise a heifer a!f ever year lo supply the vacancy ; if tbe herd is thirty cows he should raise two calves', and so forth. -Spring cows should come in while they are yet fed on hay, and before they v ftrs turned to grass, which will be more likely to prevaot caked bag and milk fever. ' " - LONG CUT FEED BETTER THAN '" ' ' SHORT. ,A,corre8pondent reasons ai follows: "When a boy, we were taught to cut straw and bay for horses as short as possible and the reason assigned was, that horses would eat it sooner, and with greater avidity. Ia after life, we observed that it wag not so good for the boriea. Straw and hay cut one icch long, for animals that do not chew the end, is far better than if not cut to one-fourth inch. WheD Btraw is cut very short, much of it goes into the stomach without being cru-hed. For this reason a great deal of it does not digest, though the juices of the stom--ach would have dissolved it, bid it been properly masticated. When a horse begins to' eat, the salivary glands send a a stream of saliva into the animal's mouth, to moisten and soften the feed and to prepare it for more easy digeetioD. Therefore it ia important that every piece of straw- or hay should be crushed and macerated between tbe teeth, and thesavila thoroughly mingled with what-' ever is eaten before it is swallowed As savila ia a powerful solvent1, the organic alructure of all feed should be broken upfcy the teeth, and the salvia and all the small fragments brought in coatact with the liquid. Feed Sheep Regularly. "Shrp- aid," writing from Berlin Heights, I -Ohio, traij aays : "Y(9 who have the care of domestic acimals, caDDot be too particular mth them, especiallj in re gard to set times of fetdiEg." He adds : 'Let aijy one who has do regular tixe for feedinp; sheer- now canmmcp .ii . ' eeeinaere win boi De at occo an im- provemcBt in the disposition and condi tion of the floek, Regularity of feedirjg heep is an esetrtial point in keepitg them in a thriving condition, lat one which is overlooked or unheeded ty mny. Sheep fed at irregular times know tot -when to expect their food, they therefore wander about and are. un easy, not quiet acd peaceable as they ehouid be and "will bo -if-treated in tbe right way, and led morning and efenirrr -a i erfectly regular hour. How to Milk. John K. Basteed, a i TJlllKer 010 years, experience aa Va he -always milka hia cows in the same order, jUMi3.fe order of their caUiug, so that ach one knowj their tnrn. He wipes the teats off with dry hands, and taking holds-fashion, milks two teats !ry, then takes the others always keeps Lis bands dry, and never has any troub le about the cows holding np their milk. He thinks the practice of changing frcm cexcow-io-aaotber (orfrota one pair of " tkat3 to the other), get3 both milker and ccws'in bad haVits....lE. Dob!o prac tices very much in the same way, never cbain hi hands to the other teats be fore the first two are miiked dry, except ia stripping... .The -philosophy of this practice seems to be that if the cow gets relief cr but little before ike?ecod pair of teats is partly milked until that 'time st leas, she will not wiihold hermilL TiOZZKa Stock. All kia2s f slock c to coae through the winter in good c' lkicn bst animala that ara to be pat to hard work should rsme cut in a little betiircrdarta whsa tlcy went in. mjtcncf ty soldi, money cut 'of ;?::V.tiritrrc7;-3 tbi, TC5u!i. k , . A: -J; EVANS' :r- CLOTH! N G E MPOR I U M, Nearly opposite the Episcopal '.'Chunk. CLOTHING OF .ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MT stock is composed of fin' dotWrtr. medium and low priced-adapted to all condition taste, and want,. Heba, tbe latest ityles for taj leaion-afine assortment of ' lne OTcrcuats anil Gentlemen's Shaw rroui low to the very beat His Good$ are lathionnbte and well Made. " In addition to my atoek of ready-made elotaimr 1 Uaye piece 6oodi for custom order," el0,ll!n' 1 Cloths CassiMicres, &c, &c. Tanefy of 're ,atifrctin. Also. WOOLEN AND LIXEX ShIRTS, Hlocmnirs, Heekties. Collars, Stocks, Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of e.othiu;. Also, Hats, boots and Shoes, Trunks and Carpet lajs. ' 1 will snll at the lowest Market prices. Please fire rac a call before purehaing elsewhere. ANDttBW J. EVAN'S, Bloomsburj, Nor. 15, 1863. Terrible .Excitement ! IN LIGHT STREET, AT PETER ENT'S STOKE, Oil Account ol the iVevr Arriral of FALL & Winter GREJ1 T REDUCTION IX PRICES HAS just received from the Eestem Cities and Is now opening at the 'old stand a rpUrklid asaouirerit of , SjJ dp cs Da ea en dl 0. 23 ct Q which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! JRis stock consists of Ladies' Dress Godds, cho icest pVirnP fashions, MUSLINS. GINGHAMS. FLANNELS, HOSIERY SILKS, SFIAWLS, CARPETS, &J. &Seat1v-31a!c C!otIiin:i, SATINETS, CSSIMERCS, COTTON A PES, KENTUCKY JEANSt THREAD, &C. QUEENSWARE, CEDAUVVAilE. HARDWARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, BOOTS A XI) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Inf tbort, ereryth'nj usually kept in a country I store. j The patronage of hi o'd friends, and the puclic generally, is respe-tfuUr soliited. ) The highest market price piti' (or country produce. PETER ENT. Light f treet. Oct. 4, 1SC5. . j BUSINESS COLLEGE N.E. Cor. Tenth ami Chestnut Streets. PHILADELPHIA. The mnHt complete and thoroughly apprinted Cusi neor Uunimcr.:ial Colk'je in I he country. The only one iu this city pos&esing a Legislative Charter.and the only one in the United tftate author ized toconfer Dsrees of l-rit- L'iaploiuas awarded ! to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor- ! Conducted bv seutleincn of liberal ei!ncation and f extensive experience in business, and atronlinz une qualled adranlases forlhe thoroagli theoretical and piactical education of youus men tor the various du ties and eniplovnif-nt of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTCA1. BUSINESS TRAINING oricinal and pre toiinent)y practical, givini the stu dent in the shortest time a romp lete irtishl into the science of account, arranged and published by the proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his ow n u?e.sjvjnp one-half trie ordinary labor of the sfidenl ati?etvin him a complete knowledge of tk; practice of the beit accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES BoolteepingjConimercial Ariihmet!e,Pcn matiship, Rasiness Correrpondetice, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Commcr and Actual Uusi- Practiee. . atgihramsnie iiig&ir fMhniaiu. rhonozep'y. Or namtHtal Penmanship, ttie Art 0 L-rtrctinr Counterfeit J-Jonry. Eng tnertiitg. Sur. tcyinjr A'avigaHJ and T L L liG R A f H I G . The arrancemenls for It lsraphinc are far more a! rance of nnythmf of the ki:i.l ever cflered lo th? pub lic. A regular Tcie.raph Line is connected with tiia Institution wi'li twenty urancn otnecs to various parts nl the riy.t here pvhlic o.isiness is transacted. in nl the ny.shere pvlilic o.isiness is transacted, in uhi( h the ludeats of th:s lutitnti n are par ted to practice. No regular often practice ran be miitei had in auv otHer school of in:ructinn in t'ie counirv. v ithout hich to ot can obtain a position as a prac tical cpentor. Vouni! men are cautioned against the deceptive representation of those who. without any such facilities, pretend to t acli T'.legrapiiinj. PATRONAGiV. N This ln?titution is now etijoyin? the lareput pa'tron trom.;e sver betowed upon any Coiunircial school in tl'e fcUite, Over fiv hunilree students were in attH.'i dance the first y-itr, and ovrr snyen hnndred dunii" the pat yrar. The bet clas of students may inra riubly be fotnd here, aad all its associations are first clasit. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the most central nnrt i of the city, and its acominodations. for ertent. eie- rance anuvcourenience, are uusiirpa-sed. All the rooms have btttn fitted up in the very twst ttyl with BUSINESS OFFICE.S OR COCNTIXG lioL'dtd. TLEGRAPU OFFICE. . STATIONAKV dTOKE. NO A RBOCLAR BANK OF DEI'USir AND ISHI E. supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating o-.euiuiii ialhe Ucpdrtaient of Act tal Business. TO TO C MiX un0 desire the very best facilities for a Practical Ldocaticu lor Unsinrss, I we S'larsn fee a course of in'ruction no hf-re else eiuaueo, wnr.e ine reputtiion and stiindin-j of the Institution among business men make its endorse ment the bet passport to success and advanccnio'nt. Ail contemplating enterihs any Corn in r rial Colleee are invited to send for no I LLI7STK-YTLD CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior viewi of the Collee and full particulars of tba course -of instruaticTo '. terms, &C L. FAIRBANKS, A. 31., National Foundry. -LUMBIA CO.,pX ! WV??&nltV a-tWriber. proprietor H'sva r-1ls7-:ri J r u,e "hove named i K JT "f J tensive establishment, is now fc--5AsM!sJ?.i?j prepared lo recene order. Itor. All Kinds cf JJachJoery, for Conerie, Blast Fnmares. Stationary En pine, ' MILL.THPESHIXO MACniXES. JkC 4.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in ftrt-class tfonndries. His extensive facilities aad practical workmen, wsr- i ant biiu in recviTini; the largest contracts on the m t reasonable terras. (T7 Grain of all kinds will be taken in exefcanke for tastings. t? This establishment is loca.ed near the Lackaws na 4 Bloomsburg B.ailruad Depot. rTE& EILLMYER. Blaomsburj, Sept. 12. 1363. DAYID LOIVEXBERG; I J 7 " w 1 11 iiX U 1 U K j MwedoorsaboTetLeAmer. I ; Icrs Stover . . : or i . Spring aiiilSiiiiimrr Gooj!?. rpBE subscriber h.is ju.t retorned from the citieji w,, nther large and select asaor luieut of .SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New Tork, at the lowest figure, and Which he is ripfprininpil in mr II f" n,OJerate twrms as caa be proemed elsewhere iu Bloomsburg. , Ilia rtock comprises , - LADJE3 GOODS nf the choicest styles and latest faftioDs together with a large assortment of , DRY:GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, and Vtstings; Also, Groceries, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Uollow ware, Nails, Iron, lints and Caps, tc. In short, everything usually kepi in a country stores, to which he invites the at tention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for countr y produce in exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Nor- 22. 1S65. REATJING RAIL ROAD. U ISTER AKKA5GLMIEM. November 27, 1865. CTeat Trunk Line From The North f and Wrth West for Phllidf Iphia. New York, R'-ading, rottvillc.Tatiiaqua. ' Ashlaud, Lebanon. Al lentnwn, Kaslon. &c. Trains' leare Ilarrifbtlre for 'New YorK. as follows ; At 3 1M). 7, --5 ami .U3 A. M.. and 145 amlft.UOP M.. arrtin at New York at 0 -10 and ItM'O A. M and 3 40 amllu Uo P. M. conne- tin? with similar Trains on Hie Pennsylvania Rnil Road : flicpiiii; Cars accoinpa'iv- inif the 3.W and H.05 A. 1 Trniu. without chauae. Lfave Harrisliur? for Rcadiiiz,Pitl.-ville.i'amaua . Minursvilli', AsIi'hihI, I'itic Grove. Allcntown, arci Pliilad' Iphi.i at 7 :ij A M. ami 1 4."i and 9 ti() P M. flop. iiitiB tit j.eliituon and a'l Way M.-iTinii-i; ihn 0.00 P.M. Trum maxinjj n clos" coiiritrcMonx for Poitsville nor rhiladi-lpliia Fur Pi'iisviUi- cmylkill llavn and Auburn, via Srhuyikiil ami Sus-iU'-li-anna Kail Eoad, leai j!Iuni b uc a, 4 W P. M. Returtiinir : Lirve N..:w-York at 9 l0 A.M. MOO mon arui p 11 1 P. M. ; Philadelpl.ia at 8 CO A. M. nd 3 3(1 P. M ; Pttvi'.!e at M :il A M. nnd 2 4. P. Jl ; Asiilaiid b iso and II 45 A M. and 1 10 P. M. Tamaqurx at 7 A. M, ami 1 40 P. V. Leave Potuviilc lor Aarribure. rit Schuylkill and SusqticU tuna Rail Itcnd, Kt K 45 A. M, Rf ailine Arcouinindatinn Tr.i:n : Leaves R'auing at 6 3d A. M , r.-turniiie from I'lnl.id-Iphia at 4.30 P. M. Co'.niiihia rl.til Ri.a'l Trains leavK Rea line at G 10 A. M. and b 15 P. M. for jhrala, Litiz, Lancaster, Co lumbia. liC. Us Suml.-.Ts : I.esre Nw York at P 00 P M. Phila delphia 3.15 P M. Pott'villn fmA M. Tamaqua800 A M llarriburg 0 I'j A Maud R'-a,i:ii! .it 1 DO A M fvr Hnrriburs. and 10 5J A. M. for Ns York. Cointnu'.-.tion, Mi'ease, Censor,, tfc.iool and Excur sion Tirkflx o and from all point', ill reduced :m.'i I l acase ch-t ke I thr-mgli ; cO pomois allow, d ea n Passensr-r. O. A. Xli;i)LhS. GlNkBAL tTI-tRl-STS.NDST. ReaJinj. Pa. Nor 27, "8 5. 'FOUTZ'B ' CILIBEiTID Horse bM Gattlo Powflers. This preparation. auu Uvorably will thor- reinvigorat broken-down and '-spirited horses. hy strenctheninir and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of all dis eases incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVE3, CLANUERS, YELLOW WA TER. HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER. FE VERS. FOUNDER LlHJ OK APPE-TIT.-; AND VITAL ENERGY, Sc. Its u?3 improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a s m o o t a and cloisr skin and vvil'i iJT!L S transforms the '-LCS miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation is Invaluable It increases the quantity aud improves the quality ot the milk. It bas been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it pives them an appetite, loosens tlieir hide, aim --Si makes them thrive much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Conghs, Ulcers la the Lnnps, Lirer, &c., this article act3 a a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the bhore diseases will be endicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Jog Cholera. Price 25 Ceat3 per Paper,r.5 Papers for SL FEZPAUrD XT &. A. foutz &, lino., AT lEEUt trnOlESUE DJIFQ AD lir.DinTE BLTCT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Dniepists and Storekeepers through out the Cnited States. C7 For kale at the Pru? Ftors of EYM1R MOVER, tiowm.-burg Ta. ElooTusbTirtr, Jan. fi. l.-cr,. lOma. Xo3. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Coartlandt St"C3 NEAR EROADY.-AY, NEW YORK CITY This old-esteblishTd aad favorite resort of the Eu- cine .ftiiununilv hn been rei-onlls rp(tni . A ;.. I 7 . j l - Ia . complete 111 everythin? that can minister tn therou. 1 ions 01 lis fatriiiEV inuirrs auu iaiuii.es are specially anl carefully provided for. It is centrally located in trie h'iin"s par' of the cj ly and is contiguous l the principal lines of steamboats cars, omnibuses ferries, ,tc. Tbe table is amply mppned with all the Injuries r f the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in .tit country. Ample accommodations are ottered for upward ol 4.1". irue?ts. , OLr' iJo rr t hehevt mnners, nncicnicn, and o'hers w b mhy say "the We-f, rn llot' I is full." I). Ii. V.'IN'CHEaTER, Prcprieti r. THOS. D. VYINCHEcTEtt. . Feb. 15. 1H62. GIRTONS CEEA I KOC it V STOE U . .1LSO HATS, CAPS A.DSi50f-S. 'piIE nil;rsigiied has removd iiisdat ar.d Cap ?lore X ip to Evans" old stand. w htre in addition to a superior assortment of SPRING AND SIT3I3IER Hats and Caps gits? CONFHCT10NAR1ES, CKACKEKS. Jlolases, Coffee, Tobacco dgars. Dried Sufar, leas, Snaff, Spices, Frnit, Better, Coal Oil, DruT3. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books, Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware and Ccdartcare, Tf-cktl EniveSf Combs, v 4'c, J-c, $c, f tore W'th Yariety of anic,e generally kept in AlZ f "e1ot or KTD?. 3fORO:r.OS and Lisiubs to which he invite, the at ention of Shoemakers Tnd tne PUDIIC. JOHN K. CIHTO.V. Bloomsrmrj, May 13. lt5 CHAS.G. BARKLEY, Atlorncy at Iiw. BL002ISBCKG, COLniSIA CO., PA. I. ,7 . leyal business intrasted to hi aAVh"" rec,'''r Prompt attenUon. ' MmerCe.l?o,reS!ai,, Ueet- ExcU"." BuiIdiBS9, crer B ioomsbur. April 13. IeC-1. U C. BAKKEEY, Attorney at Law, Koosa.fcoV SI. 1 . . Y5r3 THE riI(EXIXPE C TOR' JUL :a - v - t m ILL. CURE Ynnp Pminh a - Read th aJver- t'i't'x ' SliHemeii below. 'tJrhe Pbcbnix Pec- COMPOUMJ aYRUP OF WILD CHEEKY 4t NCS- EKA S.VAKE POOT, Will . Care the Diseases of the Such as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis', Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, &c. Its timely usa wi ll prevent TULMONAliY CONSUMPII027, And even where this fearful disease is fully devel oped it will ati'urd more it lie f than any other medi. cine. i. Lawrence Getz. ex-Ppcaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, says : "Ttiis couch rentrt dy is now extensively used, and is the bichect value tu the cniimiuiiity. its curative qualities having been tHted by thouanils with the most grallirin; results. It is carefully and skillfully prepared' from Wild Cherry Kark & fneka Sn.iktr Root by Dr. Levi Uber faoKzer, a reputable phytirian of riiocnixvil!e, Pa.. and is sold by nearly ail druggist and country store keepers." I), e. Crosby, ex-PostmaPter and ex-Cur;css of rotts, town, certifies as follows : I'ottstows, IiloJan. 3, This certifies that I have usi-d the I'hoenix IVrtJMl in my family .and I recommend it to the public as the very bnt remedy It'r Coiiiih and Colds that I have ever tried. Une of my children was luUrn with a cold.accoiiipanied with a Crotipy Couh.so bad. indeed, that it could n it talk and breathe. Having heard so uiurh said aiot t!:e I hoeiiix I'i ctoral. I nrurured-a bottle of it. The first dose relieves the diiiiculty of breathing, and before the child had taken oue-fourtli of the buttle it was culircly well. Lverv family sho'd have it ih their hoiiic. , jj. . C'KUaliV. J. C. Smith. ilriiiixist, of New Hope, Hacks county. Pa , in wruinp to Ur. Obrrhultzei, uy : "A flays s;nce 1 bun-lit two dozen ol your v-iluable couU remedy tolry, and find it very guud.aiid as it is m ar ly all (.'one I would like you i0 send me a gross of it. Vour muiliciues Rives better sutisiaclioii tli;in any other 1 have in the si )r-. I am aeut f..r some of the must popular cuii-li pit. paraliuiis, but yours seems to bf; doing tlie .not jjiio.l.- Tne fol!ortiii 13 an extract from a Ictlt-r from Iliram i:ilis, merchant, near rotlslowu, l'a. : "1 have tried tlie I hiEiui Perioral, and find it to be the best c.ii-H metarule extant, it. meets with a more reuny sale thun any oilier that I h ive ever nad iu my store." 'the proprietor of this medicine has so miirli confi dence in Us curative -owers. frc-u the testimony of thousands who have u,-d it. that the money will he Paiii i r.Ai s to tny i)urc::as.:r who is nut satiao j with ts etXicts. Itishoplrirsant to take that children crv far it. ofLtt1KTV"i!'IVJS,;I:Nl!i! lM'se i'uL'tlL' VSZ It is intended f ir only one class ef disoases, name ly, those of the Throat and Luns. O" Prepared only by LEVI umaiLIOLTZER, 31, D., c 1.1. ,, Phrcnixville, Pa. fc-old by all Drufrzlsts and Storekeeper-' Inn t.'inv . ..i ......... . . x. "f"'"1 " miia.im.it, & CU WHEN, No. 23 I .ifii.ii -iin i-iri-t, ruiiaiiclpnia, ami V. C. WtLI.S At Co., No. Iij Franklin Street, New York, General Wholesale Agent. Sola bv K. P. LLTZ ami tSYLIt 4: MOVER firuc. fist, lilooni.hurs. and by mnrly every drug- i-tana country storekeeper 1.1 Colnnbia county. V- u--" yum-ueerest dru-rsi.t or storckeipf r d.s not kee, this medicine, not 1 -t him put you oi.r with .omr othr luediciue. but send at ouce to cue of tue aguts for it. IsIO"JCS.li. va nocnic ami 'rTin Fubcriber would announce to the ritixns m nio-i.iisiiur? ami Ticinitv. th.it I.IUL'OKS n larje and HinaH qnant'i. lies, and at liitfjrent prices, nt bis new store, cn Main -t r t . n .rtli sjiis two doors south nl' Iron street. iilonm bur?. His slock of Foreign and Do mestic 1313 consists of Co use and Rochel e, Blatkbrrrv, Gin-p-r. Rasplie.ry iu Laveuj. r, lie has a ia'rie ass sortment f Old Rys, ray with fine Old Boarbcn. old F -Iks Whiskey, and an quantity of cnu-mttii. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, - Madeiras. Lisbon. Clarrt. Sherrv and Canpaae . ines ; and last but not L ast, a luantity of pood deubieextra HltOu'N STUUT ; a U oi whicb he uiil sel at thf lowest cah prices. The pubiic urere spectfully suliciied lo jive his liquor a tiini. If. W. RiJliBINd . Agent. vmmrm Insuraiiec Company, W1LKES-RARRE. PENA. CAPITAL AXi) SUKl'Ll'S, - - $150, ASSETS, Pto-k not rnllfd in, Hills receivable, - . V. S. 5-v") Ilniids, Temporarv and call loans. 40.im0 6. (WO 103 sh ire Wyoming U.mk Ptock, snares rir?i .National r.aiiK hi VVilks-Parre. 5 IHH) 70 shares S.-cTid National l:ank at U ilkes lhlrre 7 im 4t shares VMl kcs-Unrre bridge Stock, - - 2.5MI Real totals. i 3jf Judcment. . ... . , ',0 lue Irom Arents and others, ... 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank lle-li d. M. ITOLLENH CK, JOT1N UK I CHARD. S X.MKLL W A IiM A VI 3, CHAKLLS btiKUAXCE, R. Ii L OK. L. D. SHOEMAKER. 11. M. II' 1 Y T, (. ::.LI.N:. Wh. S. Ro.-ss, I IIARI.KJ A MINER, M Ii A H !)I G. r'OLI.EN'S.M K, rreniiertt. STEWART PIERCE, G. M L. U. HOEVJ AK.tR. Vice Pre 7. It. C. SMITH, SuanARY F. MiOWN. A rent. insiiiir?. Pa. March 23. Fi j I LOOK HERE. THF. VEEV FLATTERING SUPPORT hereiofnr oiven in ihe U'8 firm ol" JAS1LS i..i-.MiM-ti tc LU., in. luces Ihe tiuJeri , rrr.p.i ir enipr 11 ir,'3-,cvl chili uj.j.i lhe2 bu'-inca of MERCHANDIZING cpon a tomewhat new j;!,m. The fyj-tern ha been an itj'iry to botli and seller, and therpfure creilit buyer prcpo-es to oppn on the 13;ti Jay month of November, A. D. 1S63, i;i of the THE MOST COMPLETE dXD LLC GJX T S TO CK O F EVKIl OFFERED IN THiS COUNTY: consisiins of every variety and qualiiy of siaplf and fancy "ond, GliOCKRIES, taTEKNSWAtiE, HARD WAKE, and ail fori? of anioles kept in a coaatry tore ; 10 be poM OR IN EXCHANGE FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. The whole bushees to be conducted cn j the system of pay as yon pn; and a: cheap er rates than any oiher house. Call and judge for yourselves. JAMES S. JicNINCII. November 8, 18G5. American Hotel, CIlESTiWr STREET, Opposite old Independence Hall, PHILADELPHIA. S. 31. IIEULING8, Proprietor. W ii. II. ITeuuxgs, Clerk. May 27, idtio. lim ' 1.500 rKR IEAR! We wnt asents everywhere lo sell nur improved $20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. I'nder and upper feed. Warracted 6ve T-h-Twi v e alar'.0r ,ar?e commissions paid. 7.. 2? Y JI,,c',,De .n ne UnUed States for l,3S . L. f.T' WU"M "re '""y eos(I oy Howe. Wheel R.J;V."0n.:.rOrrBakers'DS C3., and " I. ....... I All other Chean Mirhinf, i. r: ment, .d the seller r nser re liable io ar.e.u fine and imprisonment. Clrculart free. Address or tall poa Shaw & Clark. B,ddrord, Mc. Deeernker 20, It.-y. r ' "- of he is selling BONE Mi LIT BONE DUST. THE BGST & UIIUPEST .1IAM11E ! IIVELY ground Cones, expressly for Wheat, Ryo, Corn. Lu -kwhont. (Juts, Potatoes, Grass Fruit Trees, Oi ape-Vines Wgela'i h-s, tic. An umst Iloue Oust and Fertilizers are lnricly adultritti'd to bati'fy ronsumcrs that this article is Strictly pure, e .rh bill of tale is ncconipauiijd with a testified htatriuent thaf each package of hone Uut is entire! free from adulteration. To (his lact our frcislit areata, car men and workmen. can at all limes teslii'y. I'ariners will do well to send for our circulars ,giv inii full particulars cf this valuahle fertilizer. As a;r stock is liuuud, we advise odr cuslor:ers to or der early. PACKED IN B.1GS $ RARHELS. C7" A Liberal Discount Allowrd te Dealers. A.J lilt LINK.. T , . . . . Allei.town, Pa. i T" , we,,ay the hiS!iest price for "llones. i .March ii. -!(.tt. 3nm. -T'.v. ". EiENTSSTKY. C. II 0 W E It, . IT. SURSEON DBHTIST. -Tj.-wr)w ium Li 11 ui.iii vii'-rs niv proicss- I n r . . r, 1 ' . f r .t- i ! "'.-.-i'-v' lonal services to Hie ladies and Kcnt'e men of Id ouisbiirsaiid vi in:ty. He is preparei: 10 at end to all i.ie varmn ; opjrati.ins rn riJe line of hi? profession and sprovid d w.ih the l.uest improved PQHCt.LAIJ TKKTti; whir J w 11 iin-f-rteii nn rold.pltina, silver and rubber br e tolocWw. ll as tlie naluial te.-tli .Ml 1er.1l plate and blrck teetti manufactured ar all oj rntiii on tfi tii rarefa'ly and properly attended t . lie, 1. Voce and vthi c a few d ora ubove the Court H nise, name side. lii.jp.iisbiirz, June G lij'3 GROCERY STORE ! ON MAIN STRECT, EL0031SBURG. j lore Frcftii Goj!s'. Just received at Henry Giber's lYttr j Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, IilCE, SPICES, FISH, SALT. RAISIN, , TOBAOCO. SECARS, CANDIES, NOTINXs, Tors, FEED A.D rR0VlI05S, Tosethr-r with a crent variety of notions, too n timorous to mention PUTTER EGGS. MEkT, r.-id Prilu'f rira'!, taen ia e Icharfc for f oftds. . ae bet maiket price will be followed Give h:m I a rail. Zir The hi ghest market prices piid far all kinds JIENKY GIGE". Blonmsbr.r;, January 3, l.-iu3. JYaa Slack of Clothing. MJJX STREET, BLOOMSBURG, r.rt,n. o ; ! i.iMtnui.'iiiw, j where he has at retr ived frr,-n ew York and ) fhi lacli l t .a, a lull a.soriment of ', , . w ...... p. , inrlu!:in? the r!ot f.--Ehiir.alla. dtrable and hand some, LU CUi;I)d, cuiiauling of Box, Sack, Frochf Gu:.i ai l Gil CloiL Cou!s, ami 'aiif', r.f all srrts. iz, end colors. !! i.l-olias rfplen- ifhed Lis al,..,:y large .to.iofla.l and Winter' tiuiwls ; rtwj.iJ. tlcurt-d anil p'.nin Yt-st. hirn, t rramts t'H Ks. collars, hai.dki-rchn f., gloves, su- ! pend-rs and faiiry ar:icl . ' N. It.-lle hdi rir.s.tnii'.lv on hand a larri? and well si icrted assi rtinciit of Clnths and VcsIiuls. which he is pri a:i d to inak.; up to oril- r. i:ito any kind i'f chithin on very sltjrt nitc- aaJ in the net ff inbu ilt r. AI1 his clothin" i s m.-.de to wear and most cf it is of home innimi'.ii lure. Of PVfry Don riptinn. nr." and Ch.'ap. UisCist of JfWelrv in not surpassed in tliis plare. fall and rt. a in imp ins ciifral amort.'noiu of Ch thins, Watches, Jewilry, ic. tc. IiAVID LOWCN'CL'RG. Bloom, burf, A( nl 00. lct'j. CHARLES B. BROCKWAV, A 1 1 o p n 0 y-a S - f , : . w. Eounlies, Back-pay, J'ensions, -c, col led i J. Special r.ttrntion pail tn matttri arri in? under inc tii;rriiii icveniie i.aws IT OI-Fl:E. one door west .if ihp C.nnrt nn, January 17. I. '.(!. PIIOTU&iiAPJIS ! fllU IGUliAl'US I ! I .1 2sElV GdLLVRY IN BLOOMS, f 'URG. rrtn r Ih,? 1 ,1P !,::.,, '!Ppne1 G.-ille,y in the larrr ln.T. ' ov. r i.aiiman Mere, in Bloora,Lurr. Ta for I'i. o kind, of Picture takin-' " PrrParei1 '"Joall 63- Call and see before Soin? H3w h-ro lary3l.l3o6-2m. A. a. lili.MI'STSAD. .T1icc or Uic I'eaie, Licensed Conveyancer, Scrivener, and Snrveyor. . . Ofilcc-IIeavcr -Valley, Pa. Vill attend to taking AcknowIedSementg. Write ments. &c. 80rver,n2 attended to with despatch. Charges moderate. "c.aitu. BLANKS I T5T. A VPTfi i i riA-2rifr-i -v5 .; J;. sj??m vVaTv::' r I i:zzt, 1 & IB SS IM ED iIB --"WVmw c. W W awiN- i-i:Vi,' o tto public fc-.re rmc oa wli'.ci tU,-y caa C;:.cr.J. Car j Mlilgp LM.JfRU t vrwr . ,' ., , i rr-scchcrcdcesiictBrla'.ic.recr'.lcsiostC'cio-s'i.siS'ccU I ,. . ! 1.S3 l!a VlrtSCS fiarT-ayria' n-.r'.!!" thev tnvj nvr tr.l-r-. 1 . ,Be k"l ol Inn Phviicians tr . A . D i FLUID EXTRACT G0CHU, A positive at.d EpeclDc P-cmedy for diseases of the fTClaudcr, KldocTtt, Crnvcl nnd Dror'cal CwellliiK. This Mcdlclce Increase the poirersof digestion, and excites the chiorbciits. icto healthy action, ty rtlch the watery orcrJccrcetia depositions, and all ttnnctorsl ea l.Tcments crc rcdnccd, cs well Oi pain and infiUini.iuUoa, and 13 good for men, wotcca end children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKU, For vcaitnets ti I.-iCg from Excesses, Ilahlts of Plst!pa lloa, Early Ibuicrciion, uttonded -srlth tho follotrlr Cycptomi: Indisposition lo Exertion, loss of To-srer, ! Iic;calt7 cf 2rcailsj. Trcrr.yir.g, Wa;:eralac;s, rt.IaIu.U20i;icfc, nslilnof tianoJy. Ernptions cf tho race, Tulild Counlcuancc. Loss of l.'etnory, TTeak Nerves, ITorror of Dues.-, Dimness cf Vlliir., . -' i Ilot Ilau.i, Drynecb of thi? Skin, TclTcr.scl LaLfllcile, Ttfc?o syn:ptM'is, If n!!otrcd to coon (wUch tLU Mcd! cine iavarlahly rercovet), soon fcllcw l-ATUITr, LPIIXITIC FITS, is., la one of wilch tto ittlcr.t may expire. Tho can eiy they Rra Lot tcucc.ly fu'Iowcd by thoto "cilrcrsl uls eases," XXSATriTT AND COXSriJPTTON ? JIartyr.ro atvaro of tliCcanee of thlrBuffcrins.hct nons T-jn conf.-s. Tio records of tho iniae arylaais and U;3 ttclancholy d2atu, 1.7 consar-.Uo3 bear plo vilnc. to the iruin of tho tsreraos, Tlio CcrrMttiV.cn, cr.ci aS"?ccd by orjcaie v.eakncr3, .. . . . .l. . rer.ulrc3 tiie ai l of riieiiiCiiie losirc-nsiaen uuu uavyrcrairj iMj-iuuvs i:zTr.ACT or uuenu theE7sien3,vl:?chl' bvirlaM CMS. A t."lf.I v, ill convince Ute sioet ecepilca! Icmsny affecMorn peculiar to Feaa!?r,tie xt-a.ct El-ciiu U un? railed by iy oihor rexsdy, aad for fc.l cotplal2'.s InciJ'iat to ih5 tcx, cr In tho decline cp. c:lv;ce OF LIF2, 15" fc23 EYiTPTOaS XUOT. V3T Zso TaEiil abould to witlicr.t it; j Tiif no T;.-.sarE,M3rcr.rytcr nr.p'.ej;ct mac'.n for j 'anplcaiant ar.d dinserocs Clacasii. AST) 1 Cures Secret Diseases Ia sil their ettjsj Lttlc cxperj'-.c, llttlo or 110 ctssjs of J iet(no!aconvcn!erice, onrlXO ESI'CnCEi:. fTSE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU j For all aJectlotw and rlljees of fhc-E-j organs, whether EX1STDTG IN MALE 02 TEMALE, J From Tvhatevcr ccise orljotkig, sad no catter bow letg j standing. L'hcaias cf thteo orsits requlro tho 6lJ of KEOinOLB'5 EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And It Is ccrtiln to bare tho delicJ cJ.ct la all dcasct tLr w'-ich U Is reconircondc J. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARiLlA, Tor purifying tto Plx1,rcroT!"j a'l chrorla cci-C a Honal ulicisrs r.iialnj from an Impure pt:.;? of .e Tlcc, tDd tbe or.'r rclIaV.c ar.d cJtc'.nti i.r.o-5-r. rnnclr l:r ti cars of fcrcfttla, Kc&M ITcr.rt. fiit K.cr.ua, I'at-3 nr. 1 ttrcl.Siir cf the feses, tTrtTt5cas cf tha Threat ar.i Le-s, Eio'chcc, rir-r-l'is c-i t'..s l'a.a, I'.t'.or, r; f;?c-;ai, I end all sraly Erc-it:ct.6 cf ths .'cla, AJ3 ArTii'xi.ro. tub corrx,;xrcx TOT A FET." of t.c Trc-rt rTf'.ers tat tidlct ncrtir-d ! frora : ccrrrpt'.oa t: t tcc-itnLilarc? la tbe lil&od. Of sV: t. c C corerlvs l.at i.ia teen mv'is to ' c'... t,or.o ci j e-U jrtLii. It c".:cr ., slJ rcacvatts thsLlo-j'I.SitUV.s 1 thcTltr cf ! c::h !n'.o tbe i; i'C!K,njl P'-rrrs c-.i tie i fcKSCi y.l'i' h rr.ti eiT'S-c. It f-t'ir i tLc !: ull'. r t fstti'Iouvf the .o-.:y,t.;d c:'.- ttc tlUor-Jcru th it jrc-r I To lablei.no-n a fee kstract of "saxsapernLt led ' toT.'.r.tc:vra!orIitqalto t!:e Lisbon lit. t Prink, zui I occl.rtV.Ne -.r.l to a ccl'.on cf tLs tj par;-.., s? t; il..uc::.:u ?a u;uly ajaia. iDCf 1 v TT'-r T t --- TV 1 r, tt j ctT . "U L" tJo Yv Aixi, A- ece-'Ct LcUoa for rlis" sr.cs arl-f.cg from baM'-S cf dllps'.joji, r.d li eor.neciloa vrl'ti tie Ertrtct I'.och-i snd tarrr.pr.rr: i, 5 such i:!?ac3 ts recrinicacJ. Ev1- Cclcc of !V3 iOct rf ; Toru.ii.ie aad reliable chirac'-ir i'l w.., . .u. ... v .. u.v-v.LirK.wuM tre, Kzik, .-:s r..-;v;.:i;vii:5 irStncEJOJ.M 1 op- vardjof :::: c..:l?::2.lcfrtir:.?:tcj sad rectraraenda- t.rvi.,- f v.s.. s , .. . v,v.. I'jciucIt'S cxisazt Ilyiciitis. Otrgrnn, Etalcsntcn, ic. lie rrc?ri-:o. L:3 sever resorted t their puhllcat'.on !a the tctvepapcrr. ; ho dcc3 not do tl-.lj frora the fact tSat his ertlcic? rak r.s Etaadari rrepr5ratic23, asd do not need to propel cp t y crrtlScatts. The t'eitnge of Mcdlclae, like t Torlc Column, should etand staple, pcrc, rr.jjcstls. having act for lu tasla, IcdccUon fcr lu i :"ar, .rd Trch clcta for Its Cipiiil. J Wr Txtrcet S;jT'partllals a riood rrrir cr ; tnj Tr'.raet tt i-.iirri ic. oeii wi:, cct as tticU In all catCJ. rjevo and u.-o t::o ruost c;'.lve meatures of tlihcr that i fan Co rnaup. A ready cad ccsclor.lvn t:'3i t,o r.-,. j Tarison cf faelr properties vl'Ji tlioio set forth ia tha fl i f "1 H;rmc-n-r r r ii r.:-A.i c... Fee rrcfessor D2w:3 T&liiuhls works oa tiePrsctkn I ofrhyr'c. O'ar-srcadcl-.y f'C celebrated Tr. r?T?rr, ThHa. ) cs rorcarti tua'io'by It. r.rnn.vu JicHo-AEi-i., a cclr.- j j bra'.ed I.rsic:.-.n-ara I,T3hcr cf tho Eoval Collceecf Ezrjeor.rrc:.ia(!f cn:l la tlie Traiu;C, . j co Mcdico-C'hlnirsickl revicT. r'ijhed ty Er-j' Tjims, TcTlcrr of tho Tyal Collepa of Surgeons, gee ccst ill ItQ iate stp-ndard worij oa iTcilciae, FOLD ET ALL Dr.CGGISTS ruirr Address letters for information, la eonlldeDce H. T. HELUEQLD, Chemisl; FSIXdPAL DEPCI3 Belmbold'g Drug and Chemical V.a-ehou' IT E3i EET7 T02Z, Ki " Illntbold's lTed:oal Depot ao. 104 SOUTH TESTE ST, PHILADELPEM. l3EVAr.K OF COIJNTFRFPTTq ASK I'On UELiiBOLD'Kj D THE. ftVTT-T-r- IS A PROTECTED SOLUTIOt Tl1 THlT' ' IVotosirte ol IroiiUW a new discovery in medicine vtLich STRIKES AT TUE ROOT OF.DISEABS ST supplying the Blood with its viTt ramcisLi Ai Thi i .i. L,yt:" i-aMBST-IRON. , This is the secret of the wonderful, surce,, f ihi remedy in curing. , , Pjspepma, Liver OornpUint, Dropiy, Cbronic DiarrLoei, Boils, Nervoua Affections, Cbills and FeTerf, Humors, Losi o CoDsti- ' . tutional vigor, Duease of the Kidneyg & Bladder, Femala ' ;' ': Complaints, ' . and all diseases orifinatinr in ' ' 1 HAD STATE' -OP Tf j or accompanied by Debility or ,ow .utc of b. ' . inifm 1 turn Bem free from Alcohol in , . in etT.ci. are not followed by JrrM"-!r,, tion, but are permanent irf,..;- . p "d,nr rae New Life inti all nsruof 1 th- " "f6"?1". viRor and From the Venerable ArchdaciTscOTT f) n Dl-kh.m Canada Ea-t. March 24 iVei than 23 vtar .T". fSS Wpeptic of u?or. I thre ,i,,i J, . y!l "? W0"lerfully benefitted ia tbe r-vian d ? r,,V', 1"r "8 wb";1! 1 -"I the P.! - - ' B ,4I liave so wr iho reality. People who have known nie a myself of . I " . ' i"hrd hi the change. I am widely known ft 'ton lint ffi,mnmun.i . . i. uwn anil, can " oinprs tbal which has dnn. mu?.t?:eT" OM ' ... vt it lt,Mib' BTAXDIXO CURED I Tm"lltZSZ?&' Avon Place. Eosto yar.!,pnd;r.c relieved from niv ..HTM.Tn." ' """'f . ...... .. a w ... ' ' ",U nav unioyeu - torrupttd health ever sines." - '''"- nnktt. "if 'i. i,i AN EMINENT Dl VIVE OF BOSTON. VXVs 'I have lieeii u.In il. d t. ' ,n ' a . .- fTUTiBH cyrup tor aomt II n. fil.t il ifitf.a ma . ' 1 ' W"inf vigor. Buoyancy of soir its. Elasttrity of Muscle." ' v Tlu.u,an-i, have been th,ged by tK$ mttftMi rmtdi . froa veak, sieiy, tuferxng er,atre$. to Krone. A.oilAir tin ti Arnt.o m ttnA vsm r .' .i: j ' b y annate to gtei U m trial, - ! A pamphlet of 22 pa?ps. eontaininf certiflcatss of , cures and recommendations from some of the most 1 eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, wills ; sent trf.k to any address. 1 j (T7" See that each bottle t.as Teptvw tfracF blow ! ia the glass. - . . . . r OR SALE UV - J. T. riXSMORE, Prnpr'ietor. 3G Dey rtt. NtW TorkT. riOLU BY ALL f KCC1GIST8. All Medical Men atrree that IODINE is the DEST BEMEDV forScrofulaand all kindred disease,, lieovered. The di.licultv has been tn n,i... . r." j OLUTiO?, of it. . . . " jWr. 1. AtsdersMociinc Water. ?.V1.nU.rf f,0,u,ion f Iodine. WITHOUT A 80L j LNT ! ! Loutaiaipx a Full Grain to each ourfc of naici, A most Powerful Vitalizirg igenl'acd Restorative. ItHseareiard will cure SCROFLTLA in all itsraaal- LLCER3. CANCESS. SYPHILIS. SALT RHEUM and it hag been used with astonishing success in t'm res of Rheumatism. Iiv,pep,iaf Consumption. Fsiual. t oinplaints, Heart. Liver and Kidney Di.ej.,, e . a,lVreCs. '" te ettt rt" to no thr Price 1.(0 bottle, or fi for 85.IK) Preparedly hr. II. A.N'UEBd, Physician 4c Ch.rfcl.l. J. J. l)liNSMOftE'36 Dey St. New f And by all Drugf ists. WISTAP BALSAM or WILD CHERRY HAS BEEN USD 703 NEABLY HALF A CENTURY, ' Roughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat IlAusdzi, VhootiDff cough, Croup . Liver complaint, Uronchitls,Diffi. cultjof BreatbiDp, AsiLmfc, . and every afTec ticn of TEE THROAT, LUXGS CIlESTi greater xini than any other maladv. o.t-a hen all others prove ineffectuaK I1C.LU3 to this EE.MtDY I A3 A MEDICINE, EaridinRel.ef. sCoihiugiaC,ctiIafe in u, 0 T , Btitn. IT IS UXsnUPASSPT, f i H liile a9 a preparation, free from noxious intredinent. ! r";"ns. or minerals : ai!:in, Viit . ...j ."inerais; oiilini skill .cmrp. ..-! .n.l- cal klio'vle.lj " "v'tVt i el c'",,',''n'n all that is -aluaul. .a lh rgjtaMc kinSdoui for this class ofdisease.it is . vc Incomparable I SEVJIOUI! TIIATCnER, h. d.,-- of Ilrrinan. N. Y writfs as follows :- ' V? a t.s a x or W,ld Oh i as Y fi vt a oirersal "-"faction. It seem, to curealoutli by loosVn.nr . t,ll,n ,he 'unjrs.and allavini irritstion. thus "'villi me ( he cause. iuirit -. ,. nndl,aviM-th cause behiriJ. w Co- d as any, if .. ,he best. Oough ne w? h which 1 am ac'aailld. ' Rev. Jacob Seciilf.r, of ITanover, P.' nnnnn!n ?nd nulc,, r'PP't'. amont the German n l0,! 1",""V0""t"- ",a thefoliowini .uu. liiMit tor tne lx mfu of u,r ffllcted, IlItRMKg Havillff rralir.l in .... r : i : tani be,,,.h,s fro,,, the us. of yonr v.Vabi. 'pw ion-U IStr s or V,ld Cittp.RT-it affordi me ! pleasure to recommend it to tbe pnblic. boine eight ; J -arsa?o one of i,,y dauchters seemed to be in de- dine, an ilittle hopes of her recovery were sntensia- . . ,,,en I-rurured a bottle of your eicellenr llnlnn. and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the boiile thera was a rrer.t iir i.ni i i... Health. I huve, in my Individual case (made frequent n7fi7diyV,t ,nedlc,ac' "d rrtcs One Dollar a iiot'Je Fnrt cite n,r i I J. P. DIV3MORE, :0 De'v Stroi V V- ' A!"0 T AVL flfroOlSTS. . . GRACES Celebrated Salve r, . RE3 c,;ts' bl'en'3' scalds. u Grace sCelebratedSalre Gr n 7fND9; BRUISE3' SIX3. ; iracc s Celebrated Salve ' urace s Celebrated f al?e p CUB E3 SALT IIIIECM. EHYSlPELAfl(4 Grace's Celebrated Salre Grace's Celebrated Salra I I1EAI.3 OLD BORF.S. PPfcrr tr.m.i . A.. 5 Of rery iticripiion for fiia atihiicffiee. 1