Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, April 11, 1866, Image 2

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    W. H. JAC0B7 iKD E. X. IKltLtB, IClTORfl
S. Mt Pen-EKGitr. & Co., 37 Patk Row
New York, are duly authorized to solicit and
receive subscriptions and advertising for the
filar cflhe forth, published t.t Bloomsburg,
Colgmbia county, Pecn'a.
The Proclamation of Peace.
ltie President's proclamation published
cn onr first page ia this issue, is fit, well
timed, and will go far toward restoring
tranquility and order to the Republic. It
bas long been known by everybody, and
acknowledged by all, except a few tyrants,
fanatics and demagogues, whose will in law,
and whose purpose is anarchy, that the
' Southern insurrection was at an end, but
the official recognition of that fact by Ex
ecutive authority will leave the Revolution
ists no pretext for their, treasonable action,
and violation of the plainest provisions ol
the Constitution. The National Congress
can no longer, without outraging decency
and justice beyond endurance, ignore a po
litical condition that is palpable, self-evident,
perceptible to the most limited com
prehension cf the multitude, and officially
announced by the C&ief Magistrate ol the
land. There is co longer an excuse for
wiihholding the people of .the South from
Congressional representation, and those
who do, do it in defiance of an established
troth upon record and under the seal of the
United States. .The President, in his proc
lamation proves by the resolutions of both
Senate and House at the commencement of
botiiiiiei, that we have attained the ob
ject then aimed at, and now that the war i
over let that intention be carried out. There
is at this lime no obstacle in the way of
reunion tot the Northern Radicals. The
Southern people have yielded the point for
which they contended. They fought for it
openly and bravely arid were lefeatd ;
they now acquiesce in the result of the
appeal to arms. Tfcey have, according to
the advice cf the President of the United
State,passed laws annulling the ordinances
of secessioa, ratified t'ie amendments cf
the Constitution of the United States abol
ishing klavery, repudiated the rebel debts,
and-recognized the debts of the United
States, and confess an entire willingness to
abide ty all constitutional qualifications cf
the United States in resuming their former
relations with the Central Government. We
bave every reason to believe that they are
sincere andzeatonii theireflotts of reunion.
But the Radicals have taken up the disun
ion cause where the Sontbern peopta re
linquished it. They are the disunionists
nd traitor to-day. They are leagoed to
overthrow the foundations of ou r political
, sjstera. They are the conspirators against
the principles of our form of government,
the .enemies of onion, the anarchists and
revolutionists, and as such they should be
treated. The country will welcome the
official announcement ol peace. Every
lover ol his country will rejoice thai the
day of "military necessities," of the mon
strous" war power," and of those tribunal
termed in mockery "courts of military jus
tice," is at an end, and . that the reign ol
liberty, regulated and protected by law is
restored. This is the the effect of the proc
lamation just issned by President Johnson.
Connecticut Election.
The election in Connecticut on the 2d
ins:., was very close, the majority for Gov
ernor being- but 99 on a ro e of S5.C00
The campaign wan one cf the most spirit
ed ever known in the State. Last year the
Republicans carried the Stale by 11,500
majority. The loss of almost 11,000 by
the Radicals in one year is h terrible blow
to the hopes of that party in the totnre,bo.h
in the State of Connecticut, and every where
eUe. If they can hardly maintain them
selves in a New England. State like Con
necicut, it ia eay to be seen that they will
fre beaten by' lens of thousands, in the
great Central Middle and Western S a'es.
' Had the Radicals, shown their hands tairly
they would have met with a moat crushing
They merely saved themselves fcy openly
jrof'.aing frienship for the- policy of the
National Administration, while tbey were
really utterly opposed to it. As it is, it cab
be claimed at a Democratic triumph,
and its effect will te'.I cpon the elections to
take place this Fall.
The victory is as complete as if English
lad been elected. All bail! Connecticut !
To??tr nftfie r.ivi TJifrhta Hill.
On the 6th inst., the Senate passed the
Civil Rights Bi.'I over the President' veto,
ty a vote of 33 to 15. There is no doobt
that the House will pas it with a like ma.
jority. '. It than remains la be seen whether
the President wilfr enforce a law, the uncon
stitutionally of which h? bas himself de
monsmied, and which has only been pass
ed orer hi veto, through thtf enconatitp
liana! and revolutionary exclosiiil of ?n
ators and Representatives from tho .aeats to
which they are entitled. : '
Sisce wriiics the boTO tae CitH
lights Bill, his passe! the IIouae bjr j
12 1 jeas to 41 Bays, and becomes A law.
Tfcegreat question now asked i,.will the j
President executa this unconstitutional J
law It, ia-generally belieyetl bj his
friec-a that Ls will not.'
Rsed, 153 son of ex-Governor
Bi'er, died at the residence of l is uncle,
lr, Jchn Watson, rn Lock Havenr on Mon
day the 2J inst. His remains were removed
fo Clearfield on the following day in can of
hi h-irt-sr.ckea father. He wns tiont
Hon. Gcorgc Landos, Senator from Brad
ford county, presented petitions to tUe Sen
ate from citizens of this county, praying
for the passage of an act changing the
mode of selecting and drawing Jurors in
Colombia' county. The petition, we are
informed, does not contain the name of one
single Democrat, but all. Republicans. Tbi
ha been the work of the fugleman of the
Republican party of this county, but be will
not succeed. There eiists no cause
for a change in the selection and drawing
of Jurors in this county; and so long as
there are no aggrievaoces which demand
redressing, the present mode will not be al
tered. Mr. Jacob?, in the House, bas kept
a watchful eye upon such legislation; and
we truit while he remains In the Legisla
ture, the people of this count will have no
lawsorcjti upon them that they do not d
aire. The bill Introduced in the legislature
o change the manner of selecting and
drawing Jurors in certain Democratic coun
ties of this Commonwealth provides for
the election of July Commissioners,, one
of each party, with equal privilege in
making selections for the Jury-wheel. This!
imposes an ennecesaary expense upon
those counties. These Commissioners are
allowed two dollars per day for every day
engaged in selecting and drawing Jurymen.
Under the present mode of drawing Jurors
these officers are not needed and the ex
pense saved.
Truth will out.
Believing it will be interesting to onr
readers many of whom, are making some
inquiry about the cour.-e to be permed rr
the new paper, which is soon to be started
in this town, we venture to give below a
specimen of the pledges made by ibe
orjtanizers" in attm ruing to secure sub
scription fat the Columbian.
Rtpublicun "What is yonr object ?"
l)iairgan'zer"'e intend to establish a
Republican paper which will not, person
ally, abuse the test men of the patty.'
Republican "Has Dr. John, abused any
of our men !"
Disorzonieer. "Yes ! Whv h calls Isaac
Monroe, 'The old Pharisee,' Wm. G. Hnr- I
ley, 'T he M Samaritan,' John Gro'Z, 'The
old Gray Eox' and P.obt. F. Clark, "The
Statesman,' and G d d n him, he came
here a begsar."
Rep Wel!,'bot ain't yon in league with
the' Pemocrat V
Dis "No 6ir. We hste the Democrats
as bad as Dr. John does; and we wiil do
everything in our power tor the destruction
of jhe Democratic party."
Rep. "Bet, in this coarse won't ynn,
eventually, go with President Johnson, into
the Democratic party "
Pu. "Never! Never!! We really care
nothing for President Johnson, but hi noli,
ey is good to hold in check, many Repub
licans who will not, at this time, loHow
Stevens, Sumner Si Co., and it yon will
only help os.and aid cs for awhile, on'il this
Nettro question gets a little settled men we
will throw more Democrats into the Kspub
lican party than Dr. John can in a hundred
Rep uWe:l, I guess I'll take toe paper
Dis. Thank you, sir." it ended.
The President in Philadelphia.
lnnn? Ibe Poliliftl rrraehers of tbe day
he Prefers Ihe lltv. Jobc Chanters, (Ceci
ccrat.) His Excellency, PresiJent Johnson, ac
companind by the Hons. Wm. H. Seward
and Edgar Cowan, unexpectedly arrived in
Priladelphia on Saturday evening last. The
dt:irignihnd party were driven to the Gi
rard Houe, where rooms had been engag
ed for them. On their arrival becoming
known it created quite an excitement among
the sojourners nf the Girard.
The disiingoished party attended divine
service Sunday afternoon at the First Inde
pendent Church, Broad and Samsom ts.,
of which the Rev. John Chambers is pas.
Of the two evils, we endorse his action
in choosing the leat. But we take excep
tions to his assertion, that he is following in
the foot-steps, and pursuing ihe course of
Mr Lincoln, and the less be boasts of car
rying oat . Lincoln's programme the more
be will be respected by both paries
We ucdintacd that there are still some
old enemies of the Democratic party, in
this county, harping on the old theme of
'no party" party. The Democrats h'ave
heard enough of this kind of twaddle.
They will stand by the Constitution they
will stick to tbe old Democratic Associa
tion they are not to be deluded and hum
bugged from the path of patriotism. Such
schemes will not take at this time.' The
cloven foot is visible, and the editor of the
Republican laments, foams, and becomes
(savigerous" because he has been educat
ing a set of men in treachery and rascality,
whom be cannot now control. - Wonder if
there ia any honor among thieves 1
Fcsnt to hear tell of the hiah Sherifl
of Columbia county electioneering lor the
disorganize new paper ! The D-rnocrary
know thai it is intended as an a!'y and
hence feel an in its success. Re
The above parazraph is a a compound nf
wickedness, malice, deceit and aL-efnod,
prepared by Dr. P. John, '-Middle States
Medical Reformer," and put op for the
'back townships." It will do no more hurt
than a dose of bis catnip lea, and no more
good. The paragraph alluded to has not
even the shadow of fact for its foundation.
The new paper, about which so much bas
! been said; i?, as every tody knows, a
purely Republican concern, owned by
them, will be conducted by them, and will
advocate their views and policy. The
Sheriff never bad, subscribed, or carried a
prospectus for it- It is an affii: altogether
cotside of the Democratic party, and if the
Doctor don't like it be can lump it (or any
thing we care. . '
Ex PBtsiDESTdccHiN4 lat week paid a
tisiv-to Hartisborgas iha goest of Ex-Go
ernor David IL Porter. . H wai iited by
tha Demotratic member of the Legisla
ture, arid by lars-nnmberof oiher prom
inent niD. It ' Raid that he look- well,
and enjoy rem3;ktb!a health for t tgaa . of
yean. .Y,' ." . :. : '.
jAppeararice ojTtiie C6nse1r-7
, vatiyes.
The pretence of adftUios in the" Radical
party we have shown recently to be with
out foundation In fact. As in the popular
elections of last Spring, at in the votes ol
the bouses of Congress for the last four
months, so also in the contest just closed in
Connecticut,, the Black Republicans con
stito'e a solid mass. From the crown of
its bead to tbe sole of its fool, that party
contains not a member that is not radical.
Mr. .Thaddeus Stevens and Mr. Charles
Sumner are its true eipone's, and speak
the language of its heart whet, ibey sneer
at all pretences of its moderation as mere
twaddle. the Government,
every one, as ihe compact ranks that follow
at the heels of thoe gentlemen are now
seen to be beyond all cavil. We trot that
the country has heard tbe last of the mis
erable paltering which, exposed to univer
sal contempt ,by tbe polling in Connecticut,
all who prate of any divibiun of those
ranks as "conservative."
It is evident to the eye of the most un.
observing, that the ''conservatives' sanc
tion the unconstitutional test oath, that they
furnish a conservative platform fur such
men as Geary, of Pennsylvania, and Haw
lay, of Connecticut, who was supported
not only by the Radicals, but by the Con
servative Republicans, and that his election
elicits as loud shouts of joy from the New
York Times, which is the exponent of the
conservatism of Seward. Tnurlo Weed s
and Raymond, as from the Tubunt, that
speak. for Greeley nd Stevens and Sum
ner. The conservative Republicans intend
to catch the disaffected of both parties and
when the time shall arrive, throw them
back into the cess-pool of Abolitionism.
Lei the earnest Iriends of Democracy look
beyond the s'roggle which is taiv almost
won let them frown down the intermediate
and treacherous "conservative" party, and
ird themselves up lor carrying forward
their onslaught unhid pause, until ibey
shall have borne down the real barrier in
in the path of reunion.
The Democratic party cannot be taunted
wiih a bigoted adherence to its organiza
tion for refusing to coalesce with te so
calied ,Cotie.ra'ive." Even thoogfi such
a wing ol Black KepuMiratiaism bate any
actual existence, een though it conMin.te
a real power in Congre or at the p.rU,
the Democrat conid accompli-h rottiing
by corisentina to il -appear under i; shadow,
so Ions as it stands pledged to that intal ob
struciioii to reunion the tei oa'h. Patri
otism and pwriy are consii.'eraiirm- iha-, in
the present jnccturn ol politic! ailiWf, trie
Detiiociacy hold more than ever, in int.
ma e alliance. The res'ortinn of the Un
ion, pore ami imp!e, while granting their
country repose, grants their party breadth.
That purpose must therelore be held a sub
ject f the most earnest wishes of the De
mocracy ; and though t,he only one for
whose accomplishment (bey could be asked,
without absurdity, to coalesce wi;h any
party, it ceitainly does not prccen: itselt so
Ijo" as (he Biairk Republicans ;and srrayed
in so'id front, in support of the unconsti
tutional ar.d ani-rssMra'.ioa of the lest oath.
. Mr. Raj mond was said la be the leader
cf the Republican Conservatives ! His
vote in support of the Civil Kitits Bill
bas, we hope, set that pretence at ret. As
editor of the Times he crumples cp his al
Ie2ed "conservatism" u:h the coolnes
of a man who appears to have been una
ware that it had ever any real existence.
He moves overif, indeed, in doing so, he
had aay dhlonce to tfjvel in Monday's
issue of the limes, to the column headed
by Messrs. Steven and Sumi er. He doe
so in a manner which has leJ men who
I were weak as to believe in Ra heal mod
eration to t-uppoe that ie merely contera
p!a es trading r fT his :conerva!ism" in
favor of the compromise which he pro
poses wi:hhe President. Be his bargain
ing for compromise wor:h what it may,
Mr. Raymond has, virtually, surrendered
jn Monday's Time fcli further pretense of
division in the ranks of the JVpublican ;
and, while taking his place with becoming
humility in the train of Mr. Stevens, merely
ventures to whimper out a few wor.l ol
petitioti that his leaders deat tenderiy wi.h
tte Executive !
The country has gained by Ihe termina
tion ot the pretense of Black Republican
"conservatism. " The issue between par
res has bcome by tha' means, all tha
more clearly defined. Conres, with it-da-igeroas
designs upon ihe msiitctior.s ot
the country, wtti its hostility to the resto
ration of tbe Union, with its devotion to
the cause ol enforcing negro sufTraie ou
ihe Sou h, stands championed betore all
comers by (he solid ma. of the B'ak Re
publican part) ! Tbe President, wi'h his
anxiety to restore the I'ninri, with hi ad
vocacy of conciliation, with his deyoiion to
Democratic government, is hencetnr.h rep
resented in ihe contest with revolution, by
that only embodiment ot ronervatt-m. the
Cu'isti'uiional Democracy ! Ttie lacl thus
established broadly, will soon find its way
to ihe heart of Ihe people; and, our life
lor it, will, belore very I ng, asseri itself in
the popular verdict thai the Democratic
parly is the only T-pr?nt2ttve ol Ameri
can patriotism.- N. Y. News.
Real Estate The fact cannot Le
ueoled that tho lare?t fortunes in this
Ian? of panics and promises, are those
tliat are anchored to lots and acres, and
white requiring the least attention and
anxiety, are the lait to feel financial de
pression. It is tiue that rents, may be
delayed or withheld, but unfaithful agents
cannot ewamp tbe principal. In our
citiev and growing towns, fabulous sums
bare been amassed by lot-holders, who
trusted to the advance in prices which
knew an increased population mast nec
C89arily cause. JYiuIe real eUte tua-t
everywhere ir.crespe io value. Bin wj
fail, and every description of stof-k- tcay
fall in price, or b-coru-3 utterly wovtbhs-:
G1d and iSvt iniite. may prova illu
sory, oil wells and coal mine ceace to
yield, and even mercantile transaction
end in disaster and rain : but the man
who hs bis fortunes iaested in the free
bold of the country, is safe from the eff
ects of sudden panics and swindling
Head our advertisements, of ' Real
Estate" and you will there find a field
open for the investment of monoy which
is certain to ywld ivtysa,
""lib Cbn,muTtmirrm
Verily, verily it is very still' all about
beret A change has come clear over the
spirit of the nation's bloody dream 1 There
is not so much murkiness so much threat;
ening in the air as there was. There is
not so much wool thrown on the coals as a
few years since.
Lincoln was' a good man and went to
Heaven. That is to say! If we say be
went there, folks say we speak in sarcasm.
If we say he went to the other place, down
there, they say we are prejudiced. But he
weci somewhere.
Now listen !
There are not-so many sneaking, beg
ging, lying, thieving minions of tyranny
about as there were a Tew years since to
spy around corners, to peep into windows,
to tamper with servant girls to open let
ters and earn a few dirty dollars for doing
the dirty work of a cowardly administra
tion. There ara not so many state prison birds
in federal uniform as there was. There are
not so many people-robbing, ignorant, dander-Leaded,
platter brained, conceited atid
drunken prnVost msrst.ais utid deputies tp
be seen as there were once.
Soldiers do not go about shooting demo
crats, mobbing democratic printing offices,
abusing stranger and rai-ing the ilictens
as the- did not lor,.j since. There is not
so moch cry of copperhead" as there was
I i . r. - i .l
"B VV- imoou as m-y
were a year or two auo.
It i very still ! We can hear Ihe sri" of
the foot-faiU of BoiV mare as they patter
on the road to Maryland ! We can almoM
bear the spirii r f Liiicoti a-s it Mp at Si
Peter'c gate ! We can qniie i)i.tinc;ly her
the fiatfooted ghost of martyred John Brown
as he tramps, wandering Jew like over the
horse pastures of the spirit land looking tor
some chance to s eal one or more equine !
It is very still So s:ill it is ahuoM pain
ful ! We used to denounce the President.-
Not this man, brt that other man !
We said he was a tyrant.
We said he was not brae.
We said he was ro statesman.
We said he was a good story teller.
We said he was a man ol wax in Ihe
hands of bad men.
We said he was naturally honest.
but molded to suit the wicked ideas of
We said he was th? head of a di'-nnion
VV said what we believed lo be true,
an! whti lim has proved most wondrnu
true to the erj let er ot argument.
leilinc the triith we were called a traitor.
Wp were branded as a rebel, but a rebel
is no coward !
We were waylaid, insoltedjmobbed, shot
! at, arrested, denounced as an enemy of our j
We were pointed at as a traitor, simply
for defending the constitution and standing
by the people.
We were toIJ that lo J'fcr from a Pf.i
dent teas heinn
That the President, even if a story teller,
was ihe government
That the Freeident was accountable to r.o
Tha'ii was treason, rank and bold, to
differ from ths President
1 hat to war asainst a President was to
war against oar country.
We were told that cowardice was bra
very That ignoracce was ability
That the art of stealing was the art cf
a fool was better than a wise man
That a tbeif was better than an Lonet
the generals who stole cotton, rob
bed defenceless -somen ol friiverware, and
orphans of their inheritances were better
me than Washington
That patriotism consisted not in hanora
tle fihti ig but in 6tea!i tg, robbing, swiii
dlinji, and murder.
We difl-ired from the lying whelps who
hod ihe $ addikg of the G j I and rnorahty
party, and came near losing life and prop-
f eny h score of times.
It is tey s'ill r.ow !
The bloody cowards of then do not con
verse eo freely as once ! There is not co
much laughing np on ihe ,'ront -cat ! The
... .
irame of vloaA treason and plunder i over
u lil. ar.,t Im. .k. t .
n u.5 mini an niieiueiii, law
lovinn. Conisiitoiioii deleiu'ir:i ieotitrt :.r
' I - - - -
criniliti to powder tha eleTient t!iat rneii.
il!?J with lhat which concerneil him not
dfifil the law instilled iheir hrthren rob-
t-pd;tboite they oeil sn tiun-h in-blapri?m-e.!
G id-! wr.vie.l man arid licklettJ ihe victim-
ol ihe-ir cowarJtce with bayonets point
eJ whli ha e
U. . , ,
u stooil py ihe law, w pn 10 stan 1
. 1 ' " Fia,,J
,herv.a to f:ia? your finder utidr the nohe
of death.
Thousand of brave men in the country
-tood by the Constitution in the dark hour
f f
inn 01 nope in ihe lutore which
is now
opening so bright !or the people io full of was illustrated at t.,o Cincinnati fire la
terr.ble retribution for ihe liars, ihiere, j week whn one or lhc:n played a con
knave, swindlers, fanatic.-, traitors, nsur- j tinuou stream of water on tbe burning
pers. bigots, aboli ionisui and workers of i buildings loMwenty-two hours, requiring
rain who have co long Mood beneath thei but four men to attend it dunug ail tbat
altar and bap ized cs in in innocent blood!
I' is very lill now 1
Men who ran ahead of tbev 6torm and
joined the Republican party lor office, Lke
rats deserting a. sinking ship, are now pad.
dlin back to join the Democratic part)
which ii soon to be the party P ,(,e nation.
C It . . .
oi'me are nominz i tii iaj i0 ,ne
Conftitution and reaching . with fore pawn
10 ihe J-)hn-on ptattorm, reaching and
:re-clnng for pap and pHtronae.
Soldoira do not mob Democrats on their
return lrcm the war, as ihey have learned
lhit Democra'.r are iheir best lrierid.
Office holders are too busy hunting for
trippins now to kick at those who pass by.
Sume of them think Congres m the win
nin? horn and Ihey bet on Congress and
the nigger. -
Oihers think Juhoion will come out
ahead, so tbey endorse Johnsos and the
white man,- swallow all tbey bave said
about Democrats, throw themselves a the
b3soo; cf',c?pperhe-:dtlm,-and inck a way
Tnr-TTa7rfftrti-iv"y ti Vii'rrtcstrirctr,
fight, lie or6'.eal for, and that Democrats
can da without.1 ' '
Most wondrous still I ,
The shoulder strapped officers of the lale
war have mostly slunk back to their comer
groceries or beer saloons, or to r. hiky ped
dling at the polls. They came and went as
a scavengers night cart by tbe door. They
a'rutted and died. They ielt the generals
of ihe Revolution more great loved od glo
rious than ever more honored in Ih-ir hi
lory and character's. The la ter day offi
cer's are rrrnMly remembered as we remem
ber Captaiit KidJ, Six'een String Jack, Dii-k
Turpin Ben. B uler, and. other celebrated
theives of ancient and modern times. There
are a few honorable exceptions, but alas !
loo tew to sava oor reputation in a national
point of vtew. There are at home, wrecks
of their former selves, honet officers who
never tole from a defenceless foe, nor for
sook the faith of their lathers fur gain or iu
sit;:iia of office, but they are the exceptions
which make the ruie.
And while it is so still let the work cf
con version go steadily on. Dffmocry is
again in the ascendancy. The '.ar of hope
has arneii in (he eaM. U'e have, a ftates
man for a President. We have a man vl
broad view, of clear brain, of Union loving
sentiments, of r.erve; a man w ho is a friend
of )as, the people and the qoi:sti;uiitn.
The days of low wit, buffoonery, tory
telling, tyranny, usurpations, mi itary de-poti.-m
and "mtolerati' j roncnptions are past
lurever, for the people ol America will have
no more sucn tuicicai, muruerous loousn
ntss. The lessons ot the past have been
ton dear for D all. And now u the time
to think of these thinjs to figure up which
cost ii,e country the most, Democracy and
peace, or Republicanism and ruin, war,
robbery and desolation. Lok ai thi? record
and-.-ee for j oursel ve,trot her working meu
of America. La Ciosse Democrat.
On the Gr9tof January tbere were 533
pupil; in Giratd Vlcge.
The population of NtbraskaLs Bta'cd
at 55 UOl).
Twocbiltlren were poisoned by suck-
iDg a pibotoraph.
An Indianapolis brtJegroom paid hit
marriage f-je iu bologna sausag-s.
TiiEGovernment is aboit to commence
the rebuilding ol Fort Sumter.
TuERE are mauy thousand Sootbero
er in Nrw York seeking employment.
A new monthly paper culled The
F'iewl has been btarted by the Quakers
ia Mew lork city.
A supposed enrpse, while being shar
ed, in Norwalk, Conn., revived, get up
and ure-scd tt-klf and ordered a post
ponemcnt of the fuoaral.
A ci)rre?pondetU of tbe New York
Tunes says iht thecinadian authorities
have made arrangsmeuts to destroy th
NtJgra Sa?peLsioa bridge ia the event of
a fetiau raid.
The scow-plow on the Tats im.-ic Vt
Railroad threw a drunken man oat of u
tnow driTt a few daa arro. and tbere-v
savea him from Ireezicg to death.
Bituminous Coal of wbic'a hos wiil
eat from one to two pounds per day, is
regirded by the Prairie I aimer as a
sure preventive of bog cholera."
It bas been decided that "deserter
from the enemy during th? rebellion,
that enlisted in the Union army, are
not entitled to government bounties."
TiiE nomber of deaths in the United
States army duricg the rcln-llmn, exclu
sive of those wh died from w junds and
other causes after reaching their hntuc-s
amounts to 243,001).
1a?eu Socks arc one ol tbe tswest in
ventions for which ajf.ateut han been ob
tained. Paper shirt bosom are already
male. In the way cf paper baudker
chiefi, however ths Jjpaneae arc ahead
of us.
One hundred and Cftv young men
w-re arrested on Sunday 1 a-t iu I'kiia
delphia for lounging on street corners
and is front of cb inches.
A pii-oner earned Sayder surccetled
iu making his Cfcnj e trom the Hunting
don count jail on Tuesday of ia.twcek
although manacled aud hobbled.
One hundred ears ao there were
1 but Jjur newspurers iu America, with a
j . - 1 1
combined circ il.itiou of more tbaa two I
) iliniuntirl. Tim rrnnrinlAiii , r .'
; r" f "-"-r
pers in too-e uays coustucreu u a prira -
, , , . . , 1 ..
tvjjo u'viii-wiutuu
gratis, aud mauagers Jorbadj the puul -cation
of their aonouoccuietitd by pat'crs
i not duly authorized.
A lunatic cooCnd ia tbi Alleghany
jail managed to let the water r' t) froru
tbe byilraul till il bad reached a depth of
tiniir! . 1 luftf nil li P ltd l.i.l 41 n
I uvt. 1 ; ' w vu liV'Ul XI'. lalU list
t- f- .1 1
, upon his faco in the rater aud w9 stri-
l-.rK, Ant nnhl. tUn.,, ;,
when he was discovered by tbe cfL cf
the jail
Tus advantage of steam fire vngires
over the cumbersome hand niicbini?.
Geo. N. Sandtrs hai been arrea'ed in
London for debt. lie owes tbd little
matter of ten thousand pounds sterling,
which be contracted on account of the
C P. A. Tits trial has been po-tpoot-d
ut tit the 23d inst.
T115 cou.piratora Spongier, Mudd and
' "Laughlin, at last accounts from the
Dry Tortugas, were tHkin? 'their irapris
oouicutvery philonp tically , and con
ducted theuiseivcs so as to get released
from the heavy irons they hive been
Ragged and mutilated currency is re
deemed at tbe United States Treasury
in tbe enais of three dollars or over.
Whn you pet three dollars worth on
hand, put it in small packages, pin a
paper baud around with your name, post
office address and the amount; then put
it in an envelope and address it - to tne
"Trca-ury of the United States, "Wash
ington, D. C.' it goc3 and returni free
of postage.
1 ni. u libhne a special states tbat )
t: -i . ... . , .!
tiieui. ucn. urant t suoruy to. set, bail
lor Europe. Capt. Amnaeo, an old
schoolmaster of the General's, and now
of the iron clad Montana, is to be trans
ferred to tbe man-of war- tbat conveys
tbe military coieftain across the ocati.
A grandron of Gen. Putnian, of Rev
olutiouary fame, is living, Lale aud
hearty at Wbite Creek, iu WastirneteB
b. r r . . O
couuty,rtew x oric. lie basin bis po
?CSSlOn Ihe Veiltable nistOls WOrO bV Lid
grandf .ther in mat,, a rontest. and also
heversi otner intt-resting relics that be
longed to bis venerated ancestor,.
The bakers in IJichmond hare "can
Boli'latcd," as feetns to be t!ie fashion
f the day, and tbe result bas been a
FNdilen iprluct'ron in the size cf loaves.
Ibe Ezim'vttr says that ooe can easily
put a fie cent loaf iu ea.b cheek, and a
ten cent I af iu the middle, and then
whistle Yankee Doodle without any diffi
culty. NciuSlDacrtfsniuuts
"yitE nnili-riine,l reepectrutty Announces to the
public that he keepg constantly on band.atliii
old iuii J, one door below l-utz'g Drug ritore.
wall paper.
Oil rioih. and P?per Window Shades. Cnrd. Tas
sels nl Fixtures, for fitturcs . ice. 01 the very
latent )li!s and is prepared. to (I all kindi of paper
hanging ts oriler.
Eloom biirj, April 4 ItfGtJ. tf
TS'oficc in Divorce.
It the Common Pleurf Columbia County.
t aroline Fnydcr, 1 And now, to wit : Aptil. I I.HGS.
by hi-r next Inend on alias Snbponia ia rtivorr.a
Ada-u Wilheluj, tiavir.jj beuii returned ami re
I Fpondent nut having been
Lafayette Sn.-'-r. J loun,! in the Coutuy u(.on mo
tion f E. II. IfalJy. Attorney f,,r Lib-itaiit. Cotjrt
rant a rule upon Itenpondent ti- show why fi
yorce a vinculo matkiskiiii should nit be di'cre??"ia
the above rtuted ca-. n inrn-ibie to th; sai I Court ot
Cuuiuioa pieus, on fil ind.iv. .May.", i.-fi,i
SAMt;nt, VJJEIt, Slisriff.
Ktoouiiburg. April II, li.
ft'otice en )tYorct.
In the Common f'!et cf Cofam'ua County
Charles Wolfram i AND. now to wit: Apr. II. ISfJii.
a v ' ; ''' r'is Sujioeiia in divorcee hav
Parali Wolfriim. ) mz b-n ri-t rnei and Kci-pmul-ont
i ot h;ivi.ii hon fi'in I in the Cnnntv, uji n mo
lion ot U'.H. Albot. Attorney f.,r I.i.'i -llant. i.ourt
srant a rule itfon ; ei-t"inlciil to show cause why n
I ivorcu a vim n.o y ai rimon:i hho lil not be derrl-i-tl
inth! nhovo -tat'Ml c:ih, ri-turnalile to Ihe said Court
Coiiiiuun ricua, on VLiinlav. bv 7. HtiT,
HAlt'LU-VUEU, Ehsriff.
, t!ooinsbiirr. April II 't,vj, tw
A term nf El v-n weeks in the Oasement of this
Institution wi;l comni'Mice on
n ottcJ.ty. April 1C, 1SGG.
Primary Scholars. $2 50
F"r f-oj;ruihv Cranimar ami Arithmetic. i 0U
Tor I'liiiosophy. I'liy-i :al Geozrapy, Intellect
ual and I l.-ii..-Mlary AL-i,rl. $5 CO
u.jiiurtrm tor abeiire made only menvueof
irulra' ti.-J sirkne-s I'upilscau tiuer school at any
time belore the mid It. of ike term
n!ooinliurff. April It, ISf.i;
Ky, Cel., Co. Ia.
Tha r.nderfisivd haviu; b.-rome sole prorrietir of
llii. wHl fcnouu ami ron venie'itly 1oli:... ta riri.
respcirlfiiity itifor:ns hi frie-ld. and the pnbiir. in
ffrifr:: ! lll:t h. till! l.ia Lril.i. i'i fi mi . .t... a ..)...
for t lie atcoiiiiiioil.ti'in of h-nri!iTs. and for the r-re-
i- " - - ... .t ui'inr
disposed t f.iv:;i it With their niiiioiii. ' expeuse
ha been sp.-iT':.! in pn-uriiii !ii. tlt. l fir iaeriii r
tMiiiuieiil iif L-nt?, ami noiliiKg! Le M antino. ou
1 hi rt. to .iiwKir to tiieir persoiial co:i.!"ort 'J'ne
I !or;tMr,n. aa weii as the kuiluiiij, k a fnoil one, and
i.U together 13 auiji'y ariauged to the puhtic.
Hspy. April II, IFO:. tf.
'I'll E undersi-rneii would respectfully announce to
I the f iliz.-ns nf lllooiiistmrg, aud the public gen
erally, iiiiti i:e iff running
an OMMbLs I.1XE. I.'-t-.vpf
ii l'li. 1 lure nn. I thertif-
fer--ii R-til Uoad llepots dai- o?f5w
... -t. ...
eoiiiitM with lh.! S'-v.--ral Trains qoin-r South a Vt
ci: the Catawissa and Vitiia!iiri Rail Koad. an 1
iih tho.-e goiiijr 01th und ssjutli oa tiie Lack. &
Hkvomshurc Koad,
ili O iN I HI'S C."2 are in good coudiiirn,
timis and roiufortabte, alul char es rensr,uaM.
Zy l erMUM wi.-hisi; to meet or see their fii'-n ls
depart, tan ti.- nceoin m-jil al-ii. upon rnonr hie
charges by leaving tnui-ly notice i.t any of the 15a-
Eloornsbnr. Aptil 1?04
! Or Tirtus of ffreral ivrit3 of venditioni
( f exponas and Levari Farias. t me dirrtej. Jt-
su--il lull ol ihe Court of nu 11011 i'leas o Cioiiinhia
coOMtv, will In expoi-i'd to pulilic a e. at the fi iL'KT
k(il.t:. in riiK.iusiici- c.oii MOl)V. ''HB7lIi Of
M A V. Iriiii. r.t I u'cI"ik in the ai"i.crnooj ol said djy,
the following real e?late t v. it
A c .rtain trat or pime of ground ito.ile in I.nrust
tp. Co umbii coumy, ror.triiniiij one tmui r 1 acre
more i t It-?. tHMi:,.l.-ti o,i 1110 List by l.imls of ren
jaioi'i Fetlermua. 01 ti South hv oi;-.'r Ian. Is of tli
i l irluiil, on tho went l.y laiiUs of Uoneharl and
( art. :d on ti? Ni rt:i by lor,d i f (.'lark thw
art, w hi-reon intn ilcJ a two storv frame ;w--l;iii!j
li"it-e ami a f.-rme barn wuhttie aiipurleiianees.
j ""- d.-ce f e.omni ,itute in town
pill as ii lU'iii1; 11 !'? v , llino litiij iucs,
more ur i., ii...inoed ,n the w,n by "land-of George
Uai:l. on til- North ty oih.r land of d. fen.iaiit on
the at by Fi turuian k .-mall, ana uu the boutli by
1 latms t i.r ui mmtr.
J ALS'. one other pi. ee nl land situate in th two..
j aj c-ju.ity atori i:iiil coiiiaiiini twenty acr-s more
or I'-se. bun lull.-. i on the mouUI ty lan-ls of AdjMi
.Marlin. on wfl Ly ether I.t mis of uVfumlant, mi
tot; North by oilier landj of c'effiiJant and on the
pa I by l s ol i'cUej:uaii ami Suia'l. w ult til? a;i
(lUrteiiaiir.'S. eireJ '.am-n In szcution and to be sold as the
projriy of Damd KoHi.ntiu.itr.
A eertain lot of land eiuata in ths town cf Centra-
lia. Columbia .m'.j. in plan of naid town No 3
lilotk bfins t -niy-five I'm-1 front and one hun-lr'-d
and forty f.-t-t itc-t-p n kiri:on is i rcttcua two
story I tame houst- and a t rauiu siuutu w ilu tbe apour
tfiiau es. tr.krn in ezfcntion and to be sol J as t!i--pr'-perty
of .Mile Gallulalu
A crtaln frari or pi?cc cf ground ituato in Locust
twp., Coluja.-a touiiiv. con tut in siny acr.-j inor-J
nr l'.-ss loiiiiijri o'i the cmlli anil it by lamia of
Henry Uauii:. on Iti-J Noitli by 'amis of lietnv Koap(
on 'he vast by laul of lUviJ I tirvsi-cr. 011 wincli
are rr'-cted a I04 hi - anil a log b iru about City
acres ol cloart-d land ., itli the a ppnrte nances
hiizi-d taken jn cution siid lobe sold cs the
properi ul Jiiu retry.
A rprtiin lrt of pronnd situate in Eloomsburg Col
comity, on tin; S.iiiih went "Hie of west street of nam
town, beginning at corner of a lot owned by 'Ihoiuas
J. ' 0 iriiimi and ruiuuiiK ti nce oiild twenty nine
deprees t-aet nity i et lo "ist roruer of a lot owned
by Anthony Witiiian thence along lh-? same r'oulh
sixty one degrees ivr.une hundred and iiiotty tiflit
tei.l ti bto i.n all -y. tli alonj s-tid alley ruitll
twntv ileer.-es w-cl filly furl l a post corner of T.
J. Thorut-ii, lutih,n:e ui.'.ii ihe same North sixty one
decree ea.i an I o 1 ; h 1:1 ire.l an I ninety eijt.t f.tet
to of beiiniinj. conlaiiiing thirty p'-rtli.
t-trul ineasiro. Win r 011 is cre ted a two tory
f'auie ciwellmtf liouiie and frame kitchen with. Uie
beiTrd t.ikrn in rxeruti&n and to be tola as lue
proprri j of .Morris Van linkira.
A certain tiact or pice of land situat" in Locust
twp.. Columbia county, containin" seventy eii;bt
a r os more o i . Uooinled and (l'-crilied a fol
lows: n th-north by land. of Waac Khodes, on
the 1 at bv lands of U-ivi i Morris, ou the south by
1. 111. 1 uf Joh 1 Murrn, Ti ter i'ltner and John Pnner's
t slMte, and on west by land, of Koberl VValkin's
u hereon is 1:111 teil a good iHv. llin; houJ Sc. brn &
t'Uloiiililinss u the aipiiiteuauces.
c-eized taken i.i Kieniiion and to be sold as tie
property cT Huh. ml M-ng in.
A UEIi b.N Y HE H, Sheriff:
ElirrilT s Office. IHoooi.burff. J
April II. .eoti. J '
tnminou Cos tor Smithing purposes, nf good
quality, for sale by
Raprt, Ta.
itprtt M. CS.-tJi
ACUEKABt.V lo-the prOTi.ion-nf lha Act of As
'inll v, eiiUtl T n .'Ci ti rUuc tha tiue debt,
c.. iied the 3ililr ilajr or April,-1841, tU Tra
urr of Id i 'iuntr nf Columbia hereby five notice
to all peroiii ronceriMtil tti-rei. that unl-i ttia
County, Koail. Sch -t, I'oor and tto Tx kc, .due
on Hit; followinz real etatn ituate ia tb Oum'itr of
Columbia, are puid before the day or l-. 1 1 e whits
or du-h part of rach as will MV. tha charge and
cot cli irbti! Ihern will bo 4J at tbe Coart
limit, in B'oum.burl. Co of t'oluni bia. on tha llih
of June. ISiUl. being the second Monday, and to b
continued by aMournuient from a? toUuy fop Mr,
Year. Acres, ownrits. TrTj. Dot, Cts
I3CJ F7 David Ijeattt Btavtr. 34
U Ca Z2i T M i.ulbell - tin 15
b4 &. ta
ItioS il 33f3e l.Mi'eaberjer.Fisher fc ;:
Miller. ! t
12 50 Josepb Nans, ' ' 7 1 in
G2&.5 30 Mami.tta dy fcCriswctl : - ' V 99
3(j4,05 372 John c ail.i . rt fii
103 V4 I'avjd N'aua - J 4r
()2Vi'j3 jl John Konns ' Ecu to V t-9
iriiij 1 lot t-amiiel C K.riei.baao v S M
jefri 3 Klisabetb l.ungor 4 3i
I lot Jaui);s ( Nobis . , 2 BJ
I 13 60 fet:r Shulis . 3 21
t2C3 t Ili.nnah Tyke ' . "
InKt 0 lz 'kit-l fhnil , 2 it
JrtiS 'J l'ani;-l rfnu tr - 1 5
i;2i03 1 tot Teter Uradtey Conyugliam i 3)
1 !-"3 1 lot IlT.ry Kingsbury C7
t.3ii. 4 f0 A Win Lnuleiiuiuil " t 64
Iti.J 1 I it J VJ larc Centra . 4)
I lot John ('ti-ary 11
' 3-4 V Jh I' Strnliinerer 3J
IHC2 ti Ivter Appli-eale dee'd Jackson - 6J
CI &.03 14 ll'-nry Applgat " 2 77
lMii I Wm Cr'ip-iey Madnoa Vi
:i 11 Kot'-nbauder's heirs Main 44
lrfii3 1 l'eler Knifctit fc 100 John Conper's est . fina- . S3 67
b-Ji tiJ :;u fat viu Chauibcriin J r
Itt-,3 J lot Biinuel Eek ' 37
IZiLiA 1 lot William Whippt I 27
Ic'jJ 33 Miles U MiUifl s est Sugarloaf 1
JU11.V J. STILES, Treasurer.
Cloouiaburii. April il.'C5. , -'
GUKKARt.Y to the provisions of .to Act of A s
scuibly -iitiil-il 1111 A't iliret.tinz the mode nf
S'-Hhik uue 't. d land f'r taxes and f -roih-r purpo
ses, i.i".e(t 1)11 I2li tny f Man h Ibl5, and the tur.
thor ppl-iiieiits tlier-to iaetl 011 ths lath day of
M:irch Iel7 and theiilii Viarrh lJI aiwIHth Mrch.
ir-47. t'ne 'J r aruri-r 01 1 aC unty hereby fives
notice to all prioua coui;i-ru.:J tiierein. that unless
the County. Road. I. Iinl, I'oor. Ilounty and Stat
Taxes nn- cm tiii fnllowiue tracts of 11 n sealed lands
situate in Columlna County am paid lxror the lay
of sale, the u liole or surh pari s t earh tract as i I
pay tin'taxes and e.'Sl rhargeaMf tn-rMt. will b
sold ul tiiu Court llotii-e in . the town of Blooiiubiirf . ,
t oiihty of Columbia on ttie lecoud Monday injiioa
next auo toronln.u- uv aojournuieni iroiu aay 10 aay
fur srrenrn?. a ol lux -a oue mid Cuaoty. aud IU9
cots aciu -u o t acit tract respectively,
Nu.ur Anu VVtitiiTiiiii u owkim Twr B o
U 1
rtias Miller
Calliariue Noytr
Lew is I tiger
Wm Stewart
Jubu Urai tT '-part of 409 acres ',
Polomon Kowii sr
Jese How man
Ksuben Ulisii
Henry Lti-ttericb '
Oliver t ie
Gilbert Fowler
R.iney Cardenhousa
John King
John Rmuard
Jacoii tier
Fauidcl ii Smttb
Joseph tacihoiia
,'o'n H au't
J-d.n Pl.affcr Yot
rai.iuel J Bex'tr
IS 00
- Ju OO
H 74
14 0 !
4 as
e 74
B 63
II 34
2 i'i
li 73
6 73
11 S)
7 4t
: 1
13 B7
I '
I '-'3
s:s S3
P3 Si
37 49
i; si
ii bU
3J tl'l
Fhenezer brai.haia 1
Tr.a.-ii i hari.s
John V u:ig
Joiiua Uea.n
Kjiliniit-I Krown
1'iter Banghner
Ilobi-rt Jordan
Aii'iiew I'nttncr
Lewis Wai ker
3 hOr liut.iii -V7 J tirM-noath"
1 t"
( of 173
t n( :.-u
t ntli'J
, f.iSu
1 1.0
Mury Ru-lan-W 1 Greeuou.'h"
lh..K .u;an mtxer ill Coal co 12 60
ttary Uulan .
Johoston rasly
l.cuip f.ickhm
1 hoiuas liuiih. iiner
Koht-it tlrizheiuier
William Chaiinoit
Amos IVirkirsbatit
39 80
115 4
HO t4
136 43
V iS e i
S3 S3
S i uo
13 35
t es
S C7
S 79
11 05
3 M
2 44
. t
1 54
0 tl
14 u7
14 07
. 6 AS
3-4 of 133 I'axton. Kiiiid te. eharpta
,ofl0 liei.j nui 1 Combe UHfit"
i of luU r.piijaiiiin Cooiube -i Anspathjr"
i-,it'3 I lot iJOMiiiiicH ( r-ns
l.-s'i I lot John Cowu
' I lot lieorje Uoady
2 lots Henry Mi..rpa
" t lot t'rancis uhlr
13C3 1 lot f tter Lawler
6 5-1 f)"Witt tc Benedict
K Llias Uecs
57 J.SBrotsts
TJ jasoer Aaup
41 Jtrsmish Finchcr.
to Llijih Itynolds 4t Co
William Kuckblew
AloXKnil-r Cramer.
J ic U J
Tlioina Lcunais
C forge "arit . .
Efis.r J milliard
George P.aler
Willi, mil llocbina
A mo- (Mt-'e
Abrailaoi Vuuc(
P4UI A(i;ila
Guy Hryan
Atirn' neer
baiuuei J lica'er
P- roue I . lbertuu
i.llis l.vei
John. A I'unkton
Gi-ririf"1 Keese
tiauicl .Mjntjomery
Nathar.i"! ai:ipbsll
t'rauklm McUride "dee'd"
l eiiajab l arkert Co
l'liilip i. John Walner
1 cs
- s 10
14 tt
S 37
' 1 14
1 20
37 07
i fcd
3 9
15 &4
17 3
16 54
19 U
18 U
Thom.n nil'iiijlon
baiinicl John
2 ....
l"sof 2f0 Mary Mvn ! J Creenouth"
1 C 'f 1-0 I' K lrMa
I 5!'f I'aliirl Rees
1 -Jof-JiiO Mary i-'iisWu
I .f -J-o 1 barl' tte Ku tan "
I -"of i-s Jnn U -vnolds
l.-Jof -J'Kl 1 .ry .Myers nstcrils coal eo IS 44
l -2u( Ii 0 '1 iioun- HurUu
9 39
1 i!of I.K) taiiiel Ut-ese
i-tofiOJ Vary ustaii "
-i.H -J.n) (liariot.e Eutait "
l-'J:t -iwO Jobu Bey uo:ds
52 Thomas Aten sr dec'tl
175 Geor? Nungetser
147 J.i!n.a Ziiiiineriuan
17 8
16 4
. Id i
1 7S
. 4
3 ta
7 10
1 itl
I 44
.... ,
1 40
1 0
4 ay
9 t
U 21
IS 6
: so ns
42 ca
. 874
3 22
15 76
14 ta
Jl 13
3 63
3Jd George Uiti lire
21 2
Frobst. Vetter &. fchiuick
v in ry
lieury Miller's heirs
Isaiah llti.-naa tlec'd
Daniel Montgomery
Famuel Crrveting
J i'-i.b l!aenbuclt est
Gerfe llei liey .
1'elcr Meiiclt
Tetcr Applegat
Aaron Gross
. Sylvnter iteatb
James Lockard
Win Ut'rli.i
Thomas benfiel l
George A i'ritk
Petr F.aaghtier
Thomas barnea jr
Gcsi' Est
Ale! Il JPsVj.1 He?s
Iiobort AIon:sotni;ry's est
Abraham Touag
'ux btepht-na
10 OS
JOHN J. STILE?, Treaimer.
Timi'iu'i Orrtca, 1
Clooiusbarg April II. ' 0C. ',.
On Main street. iwodoorsaboTetLnAmem.
icn Hdinl,
CONVEYANCING, neatly nd prompUv dona k