Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, April 04, 1866, Image 3

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Wednesday, April 4,1866.
8oitr.-Capt, C. b Botiek-wav. P'fe' ,s
.a Attorueyat-law and makes U his specialbusineas
to collect claim., back par and pensions ; "ha .aiU
to be very efficient tb. business ,d wa khow him
to bi a gentleman and acholar. See Ma ca rd else-hers-i
is satisfactory.
j y .Wa received your qaeatioas. tori lata to
answer them tb'ia week. ;We will attend to them In
our next.
JohsT. If V00 would win you must work. Sue
cet await your efforta.
. B.. T. Georjo the II, came to the throne 1727, In
the 44th year of hie age, and in a limn of profound
Great reduction in Groceries at the Siora
of John K. Girion. ...
RcftDthe new d?ertjemeni which ap
pear iu this week' issue.
inrt GtGCR, in Bloomsborj; takes the
read in selling cheap hats, caps, boots and
hwof all kinds. Just go and fee for
A resolution sosiaioing Johnson s veto o;
the CiTil;Righia Bill introduced by the Dem-
ocratv' iu tLe N Jersey Legislature, was
1 T T " .
- TnB.Tenerable salesman and Patriot
Lewis Cass, is rapidly declining, and
death' is expected oaily. Mr. Cas is one ol
the last ot the illustrious number ol
If you want to make the inside of your
house, nice, new, swee:, neat and clean,
spend fi or len t'ollars, in buying some of
ihe beantiful wall paper at E. J. Thornton's
Store in Bloom.bur2.
- Persons intending to apply for aTaern
Licente at May Court, mut have the:? p-'
titions filed in the Clerk's office, three
weeks belore May Term. Look out.
4 Read the addres of ihe Democratic State
Central Committee, by Hon. VVm. Wallace,
published in this i-sne. Ithastherinht
ring let it he. highly respe'ed and obeyeJ.
If aoy of our reader, are in need of any
tind of dry gcods they will do well io call
at Miller' Store. Mr. Miller has a larce
stock bought since the last crash, and will
be sold cheap.
Farmers, look to your interests, and read
Ihe advertisement ot Paxton L Harmon in
Ibis issue. Tby cfTerto aid yco in enrich
ing yoor iaod, and we hope you will ap
preciate their efforts aud pa'ronize their
trade. .
Pbhons wishing to purchase cooks, ana i
saiionetv, rf ell krnds, will do well tnca I
m. ofleer and obliginss.friend Col. John
G Free2e who cart always be found iinrit c
' . ,. . . r j
usin8 hour u his ouice in tne uouri ,
HOOse. '
All who desire n purchase cloihine. cr.n j
be neatlv fjiifd and amply p'aaed, ol the ;
.. t i i c
Cloihine P mporiOlil" of eiltier A. J. fc.v- J
ens, or Darid Lowenberc, of this place. j
They both keep the best qnaliiy and the
verv latest sit les. - Gite ihem a call they j
can suit joo.
We take meet) pleasure in calling thj ai
tention of ihe public to the card of Geo. W. '
itjauftcr, ..HP'-. '
ihis place, fie t3 prepared with ihe very i
tsl ot all kinds of accommodations for '
... i
I onrde
Jers, customers and ir-nelur i always ,
, , K . , -1
sridntensinrgt and labors to pleae. (
top wiib h'.m friend and you will jastily
us in what sre ha said,
There are incidents daily ocenrrin in j
alrtost erery nei2hborbood, that would ;
-serve t ihe local department ol a
country .paper interesting. ,
We iuiie oor friend to send them to us.
Tk.. mill onrlar a fatnr on II ii fer sending !
i lir r wwiiiv. iw. . - - -- i a
them while they are iresn. vn tnis leuow-
citiZOTsand keep up with the times. This j
is a progressive aye.
C 11. RAnrrr.Rr. Esq ."of B'oomsburjr, is a
candidate for tbe office of County Saperio- j
wendeut of Comma Schools or Columbia
County, and respectfully solicio the sop-,
port of tbe School Directors ol Ihe Connty
at the Contention to be ced on me nret ;
day of May next.
TucRBare some things which the people
of Bloomsbnrg can boast of with perlec, i
proprieiy, and they are these : The prettiest
r'vr J . .
eirls. the sauciest boy., the heavies lax-
... ....
es, the muddiest st reels, me Dest cnorcnes,
and we believe, at present, the poorest
school houses, of any town, of its age and
a'rze, in the Slate.
It will be seen by the card of Capt. Jl.
Whitmoyer, in this issue, that he has re
moved his law office. The Captain is a
clever feIlow,weIl edocated, a good debater,
aod if fortune continues to favor the crave,
he will soon have an extensive practice.
With his qualifications and attention to bu
siness he cannot fail to win favor,
- We would call the attention of ihe School
rtir.Kin,. nf fAlnmhli Knnnir In Ihnnolice. I
published in another snlumo by the Coonty
, . . . t-- ,(
Superintendent, Ot the time and place Ol j
rneeting in conxentioc for ike purpose of
, ... . 1
!ptin(T a Sanetin'.endsint for the ihree vears
liett socceediog. .
By iu" Act of the Legistatcre, recently
(passed, tbe lime of holding the Con ventiou
Tias been changed to the firt Tuesday of
Uay.M is stated in ths noiice by the County
tS a p erin ! ode nat.
Everybody we have lalked to since Eas-tsr-day
adrcjt that w'ufc them, e?f-g anger
ed tremendaously, and the 'breakers:,, and
"buliies" wish their spo:s ami - colors are
till reiained by ike juveniles as a prize of
great wotih. The la., account- that oor
"Dev-U" has an "Iranside" which so far has
broken ihe s'r.fel! of tJee hondred compel
itors and siiii bids defiance. Bring in yocr
ZZ tojs and if you Lave one that, .can
tni it 1 ca t m be fivj dolUrs for it.
! J. Irvin Steel, Esq., Hta ot tne
'IIuntiDgclon Monitor.
Wjb are requested to state that all per
sona elected to the office of Justiee of the
Peace, must seed a written notice of
acceptance to the Prothonotary. When
the Commissions are received at the
Recorder's office, Col. Freeze will an
nounce the fact in the Democrat and
Star. -.
There is certainly a great bargain, if not
a fortune, to be made by 6ome enterprising
man in purchasing the farm of l!en
Keeler, which is, adversised in .this paper.
Fathers who desira to make farmers of
their; sons,- youn:j men who aru industri
ous and economical, had bet'er look to their
interests arid buy it.
Our readers will bsar in mind that i ,
bill.H on ths followio named Rank, are
now refused by Binkers and Brokers.
Oil City B ink, Oil City Pa.
Venango Bmk, Franklin Pa.-
Crawford County Bank.
Meadville Barik.
Petroleum Back, TitusviUe Pa.
Ovvl o'd schol-mate and good natur
ed friend Col. Samaol Knorr, has opec-
ed a law oCba in B!oomsbur3. Se Ins
card In another column. Mr. Knorr U
fa close etudent and f ice!!ont scholar,
). of p!eaijC2 aMr. p0eint; superior
qnalificationa hence we bespeak tor him
, eminect suceess in his profession.
Specal Attkntios is called to ihe adver
tisement in thts'issue of the opening v f the
"Bloomsbor Literary Institute'-' snd also to j
the notica of the la!e ''School Meetiti"" of I
-M u-oo u ,crr i u . v. "i , !
March 2S h 18G6, and to :he one to be held
in figure. We urn the frier.ds of educa- )
lion to attend, and especially all those who J
wish to develops all ihe niiural talents ol
their children, and tuniish ihem with a last
ing and mot valuable legacy (a ood edu
cation) should turn OOt OU nest Friday eve-
. , . , j
ning Jl i 1 2 O Clock, Itl the Lecture Unom
f ,l r,L, r,v,,,'- . .1 : . I
of the Lu.hern Churco ar,d give their en- j
cooraaempni and support to the prnisewnr
thy enterprise. Th oj"ct i a gocd one. Let
it be accomplished. .
to xnu
The follP'inc: payments hare Leen ladc j
to the Demnrraand Star. oScs. dcr-
in;r the mouth of March, 18Gu :
Eich ird Kitchen
VVm Howell
2 CO John Pei.hnrt
2 (JO John Kc'rener
'.';i'd David Sch;jT.-r
: o"' t .V W N. i. le
2 U'' F.'ias Aash
3 01 Jan b Ik-ilijiib.-tch
3 i i Vv in uul
? 00 V KoiiM."
2 i:t llerj Trivclpieca
2 l.'J .ainu.-l Olil
On !
lid '
Esau Girion
2 li I ,
1 (ill
2 (i)
2 11:1
2 DU
j p;tuiiici ireiiiericw
I F tlrhiier
John tl tifirtlts
A J Alhertson
;j 50 l
n.wra, n Kims
'-' v:t i
) tK)
1 OU
o qj
2 d'i ,
- tM
2 00
j j
O'.l :
VV in AJI1
w Las, & .
i liO mm in Ash
J'';'" li'!
m g s-in emaker t; ui i; r li church
r.Mlier tft oker 3 0 Jonu Dei tlerira
Joa si,oeuiaktr 2 n" feu ben p.ogart
John Goiser 2 c" John Miller
ls,,,c Ikeh-r 10 lacoU Voce
I i l Feii'termacbcr 1 C't i W F.ves
Yeo "rV.Vtfar-li
Val Wint rtcen
J i Grower
laac K Appleman
Jesse Hrumstcf.-r
C Helles
no U B Warner
S ()l J ! Stee..f i; (:,l
2 u' Win Miller 2 b.l
ml VVm Mast:-Iter 2 0)
2 nil II VV V underlies a U l
2 (,JT J Vanderslice t IH)
2 m) Isaac Kline 1 ID
tt Ht) A li Tate ijj
2 IM II T VVelliver 2 (
t Ml James Heller V Oil
2 ill! Ptii.Iip Cool 2 :'J
: Peter l!.:!le9
! A K rfiimri
i Haiua .l Kiiiiby
! ll.i v ol 11 it in .....I
(h J"hu 'I liniuas (Srreno'2 00 j
5!) llaniel K. inliarU '2 III I
i James Kisiitc
2 CO
ij A Kline
ivht I h I ni PI'Ttl'f 4'
v, l""i, j.JJ j ." ". p.
OP.V, " fill j POTATOES. I im '
HLl'KWH E AT, t 10
flour per bbi. ii m haj
ft.OVErF.ED. t)2jBAC
FLAX tfl.E, . zmu
f l
. jss (
13 (i) '
It A CO V.
I AY hv the ton.
icgkvvheat Flour .w cuicklns. per pair, so
wheat Hour per
13 913
to 0
. ul)
-fi ju
. .2 ti )
lIO Rve
Wheat, White, per bushel
do Red. do
cio Amber do
Eve. do
tn 5 ?1 :
to 2 -J5 !
2 Mi '
.1,01 to 1 llt j
f-.j '
, 5.1 I
Corn Yrtlow. dj
do White
Kuckwhcat Meal
5 pr 1C1 lbs. i
1'ke Montour-& Colorado
CAPITA L.S A OlU-j- - - JJJ,0JJ. j
jgo qqq Jrcs. Par
I CluV v s
Iloa. T7. 0. JACGCY, Pres't,
Of EIotimFburg, Pa.
P. HI. M7ARI?, Vicc-Prrs't.
vvr it cm r'n fi cc'-
- "-' J-
Tnt; iifinncitit i
fT n m o. ' -. I
. J-IW miv,i'"
. , . - I I.,
un. JJLl Av, ucu. iiretior, vwiurutiu.
Hon. W. II. Jacobv. Bloo nsbnrg Pa
P. J. Rreaeit,
J II. Campbei l.
R. S. RlEHL.
W. H. Trsot.
H. L sifLrzaAcit,
Jolt a Woodsise,
Danvi le. Pa.
Philadelphia, P.
7his Company is organized under a spernl Char,
ter of the Slate ol Pennsy 'vama owning one thou
sand feet on the '.larker lode, and two hundred on the
Cureon County lorte, i-itiier of tlieiu w ;Ihin hall a
mile of Central City. Gipiu County. rdorao.i lie
. U--I...J il...! . nf tin. ilieov- I
i-ry claim two hundred feel, ami eishl c.ainis ad- I flacid muscles the shall.:red ncrves.the thin and wa
joiuing ou the cast of one hnmlreil feet each, making I tery bloou could speak, they would cry for help. In
one thousand consecutive I el. This lode is worked j fW.u h , j-Ba ,nem M ntt 0f
for three thousand feet m leneth. on every eiaini r
the avea-e width ot the ve il r c.evice is seven the right kin,l. 1 he flcry gtimu.anls of commer,-.e do
feet. This tode will average in ruliueifs wtin any iu
the Territory. The Cureau County consi-'s ol
toU, ijw ,f i?.3. aud No. 1. a-t from discovery.
Tbi lode shows a crevice. a fur as worked, of four
fwl Th e last luartz. crushed from itinaitamp-
uiu. J -ieidcdone MnJ. "rfp;i" I
In conneciion wuli the Larker looe, is au njiitecn-
imn mill with oow.-r und caii.icitv t crush from
twelve to TlTLeen corns u w f r iw. j uii:""'. '-
r.arlcr lodr r.m be uiineii. hauled and rrustKU at
the mill, tltiie rate of forty n ve u-llar-a cord. I he
ore. If selected, win yii'l fr-.a om-Iii dred-ai i-h t
ty to two hundred dollars and upwards, per cord.
A. thu prooerly ha all the improvement, neces
sary for the working of the several lodes, the hrst
dividend will bJ paid in the ensuing July, and regit
Urly tuercauer, at frum lour to five per ceut. quar
terly, in coin, unless in case of unavoidable acci
dent. ,
Then-are no satiried officer except -ecre-tar';
and the Treasurer will be required to give aui
pl security for the faithful perfmtance of his trpst.
There is ou'.y a limited uio int of stock lor sat at
the pries of 33 per snare, which can he obtained at
ihe oifice of the Company, wnere CeriiQcales will be
issued and all information given-
Orits, So. 25 atrchaats Eiclian'f,
PbiiadElpliia. '
March 2f?.lSC6-
L o r ii i n g adro it E, ,
Oa Main street, t.wo doors above t be Amet
tcan Hele).
Office over HzTtmnn's Store, oppoiile Po?t Office.
Bloomtbnrg, April 4. IS6fi. tf.
Loculcd nt Bloemsfoirg, Columbia county, Pa.
rpO cpro ail abroad the influence pf Education, nnd
I tr.'iin up ynuih to imel'igence, is, of cnnrselue
prime oSjcct for which every school jg established.
There are many ways in which mis object id sought
to lie obtained." We deem that the most proper und
sue s-ful, hnwrver, which aims at tho develop
mctit of .ill t'ifl natural talents of tho pu pil ; which
calls into rtive ins very faculty of the mind, mid
exercise all its powers to their utmost capacity ;
fur. by so doing, the whole mind is Ktrenitthened,
mid that jul equi poiso among ill the powers, wliicJ
Is so essential ti cnmpleli! s'Jcress, is maintained.
The ftundi;rs of this Institution int-mt Hint it
shall be second to none in the facilities il air.irds
young men. tor acquiring a IhorntiKh Commercial
and business education.or in preparm;: for any class
adieu tor acquiring a (J eel ul und Ornamental Edu
HENRY CARVER. A.M., Principal.
l!ev. J. E. Ul MM .A. M 1'rof. of Anc't Languages.
Miss SARAU. CAUVE3, t'ruceptrese.
The First Term will commence April ICtli ?ecODd
Term Monday, September 3d, tSCo.
Tuition per term of II weks. Common Eng-
lill branches S.OO
Higher tngU'h, Ancient and Modern Lan-
' giiaes Jilr.l'O
SrtiS. Wax Pmit nd Ftower..' HcZ
reasonable us in oilier Ijrst cans Inst iiuliou.
ITon. U'm. Elweli., Unv. D A. Bccslvt,
I-'. iMendenh vtx, 1". John
lie v. U K. VV'ii-so.y, IVm N'rAt,
1. V. Hartmin. 11. PajltuS,
Kcv t). J. Wuna.
r.Ionm.ibur?, April 4, ldttl. Jt
TE?Mascn Scllam'.in Cabinet Organs, forty dif
frent stylus, adapted f ancrcd and secular
. ,, fi . , .
MED Ld, or other nrst preiiiiums, awarded tiiem.
frustrated Ca alogues free, AdJre s, MASON &
HAMLIX, Busto.n, or M-tsON EiOTHEiis. T.'kw
Jan. G, 1?C3. Sep. 0. 'C5. ty. S.M.P,
Every yuns lady and gentlemnn in tlin United
States can hear fomet'.iirig very imicll to t - r advau-
tiee by r.: urn mail (iree of charge.) by ad.lrem.iiir the.
undersiaiitjd. Those having fua'S of beiuj l-.iiinb u'-
eJ wi oWie , ,)t ncxitin!( t;,u cnrd. AituuS?
will pleasti address liioir oheilient servant.
TliO-. r c:iap.mat.
tZl Uroadway, New York.
Feb. 2?. 1T y.3 M P
to m:LTru.iS5s.
A reformed in-briatit would be hapny to communi
cate (free of charge) to as many of hi fellow-beings
as will address him. very important and useful in
foriii.virin.and place iu ilieir, hrni's a sure cure for
the love of jtrou Drink of any kin i. Tit is infor
mation is freely oiIred byon j who has narrowly cs-
taped a drunkard's grave Address
se?ii 11. i:EDcr.sox.
i ,o. ,ri;roaa trtrcct, ew VoiS
I March S3, 1?"C :ni.
I t ON-i'Mtn ativfs 1 he anvei-tiser havin?bern
tored to health in a few weeks by a very sim
ple remedy. after having snared several years. with a
ever lung nlTerlion, an 1 that dread Con-
Ftiniplio'j-is anxious tn make kuown to his fellow-
fcUlTefirs tli means of cure
To all who desire it.hj ivill snJ n copr oft'ie'pre-
scription used ffrceot Cliarga. v. ith the direction" (or
preparing and using the Fame, which th.iy will fiad a
st-tz icre for t-'onsJiupTiou.Ahsiy, Uronchitis.Cotds
Coultis etc Tlie onl object of the advertiser l i
sending the presciiption is to benefit the alfliote. I. and
f pre ,d information which heconeeives to b? invaluable
nd he hopes every suiX;rer will try his remedy, as it
will cost the. n nothing, and may prove a biesm.
Parties wishing the preset i'li'-n, free, by rclurn
mail, will please address
. Uev. EDWARD A. W1L0?7,
YV-.liianisbnrg KingsCountv.
Feb. Z 1PIG. ly. t". 1. P. . .New-York.
A Clergyman, while residing in South America as
a missionary, discovered a ea:u and simple remedy
for the (. ure of Nervous-Weakness. Ear'y Dtcay.
J Diseases cf the Urinary an.l Seminal Or.'ans. and
i tlr; whole trail if. disorder brought on by baneful
arid vieious hab'ts. Gnat numb'trs hive been al-
'" th' ""'' rem,,!, Pro,nPt:dbya
desire m b-nefitthe a.Hiciad and unrtnuaf, I will
send the r.-cipejor prepai iinr anj using this niedi-
rine. iu a sea ed envelope. t any one who heeds it
t Rt iF CllARUK,
Please inclose a pot-pai 1 envelope, addressed t.i
Ad 'r ess.
Ft atioi D. UiBLk Hoass, Ntw-York City.
MarthT. 1-iaJ,-3aio,
A gem'eman who sit Jored for years from Nervous
Debility. Prematura Decay, and all the eGecls of youtii-
fut indiscretion, will, for thu sake of sutf-ring lu
manity, send free to all who need it. le recipe and
directions for marling the simple remedy by which he
was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the aiiver"
User' etperieace, can d 3 by addressing
JOHN' it.'' G DEV.
No. It Chambers it., New-York,
Feb, Z3.' 1SGS. ly. d.ll.P.
rVhe Grovesteen- Pi
X .mi r '-ns i-s precodence and
Piano Forte
great popularity.
and after undersoing gradual improvements fira pe
riod pf thirty years. is now prono.iu eil by thel musi'-al
j world to he unsurpassed an I even nneTial'ed in rich
! and p-irity of tune, durability and cheap
! ntss. Our i.ew scale, Ereuru action. harp p-da.!, iron
iranie, 'iver-sirung :i5s, seven ot tavo io-eooi pi
anos we areselliug cheaper ty fro-.n t'M to Jo0
than the panie stj le and finish are sold by any ither
first-class makers in tt e country. Dealers and nil in
want of good pianos tire invited to sen.i for our Ds-
.nrmlivii I'nl 'il null. W Ii if h r Oil t a i n S till O toU n'l S Of
-; - . : . " " .." ; ,. .. i-.j.-i., r -
shluid piir, haJe a piano without seeing this cam
i lozue. I.ledisl almost wiihotit number, have been
j awsrrdo! to the Grovesteeji Piano, and the Celebrated
World's i air, tlntiii'li put in cunapetition with otiiers
from al parts of Europe and thu IJ S.. it took the
billies: iwinl.
tlstabiisbed lcUS Grovesteen Co.,
JuJy 29. lcV.. . H; 11. d. &. Co.
Rally Ihe )slEt.
A fter a disease lias been roniuered, there is till
the weakness that it leaves behinJ it to be removed.
Convalescenc isa tedious aif.iir. If the cnfeubl eJ
harm. They KmdlJ a tempoary tiaui?, wnicnisa
mockery. Their effect passes, and thi lats'iiteof
liiui who uses litem ii W orsc than the first,
Nol uch is the etT.'rt of II ostetter's 5torm ch Pit
tors. 'I here is no drawback to their toning proper,
ties. Balsamic plants anj barks an roots contribute
their restorative juices f render this soo:hing and
Ftreiiiithi-nifig preparation a protective and remedial
nsent. Its basis is 'he only pure stimilant which
has ever been produced containing no fusel oil t r any
other deleterious clement. The most cartful and
skillful cheuiisla have analyzed the Pitters, ami pro
nouncd them harmless.
Tis is scientific tt s'imnny ; but the teslitntny of
t he hundreds of thousands ho have expetienced the
Preveniive and cuialive effects of the Great Vegeta
ble. Toniu and Allarative of uiudern times i still
u ore conclusive, la ft-ver and azne, dyspesia bil
iousness, nervous con plainls, general liebilit, and
chronic ci uiplaiuts it is as nearly infallible an any
thing iu Ibis lallible world can be, Sold everywhere
March c, JCci0. lut.
THE largest SlocSt of well-made Tin Ware in the
Slate, constantly ou baud. Merchants and Deal
ers are invited to give us a call before purchasing
elsewhere, - MELLOY k SMITH,
723 ilarkct St, between 7tb and etb.
March 29, IcCfl, lm JC4.C '
Wild Ghefry Bitters
Are perfectly pure and cmtain no poison or nox
ious substance. They arecompounded upon scien
tific principles, and are aittpted tf the old and the
oune. thef'trong and the-Weak. and ae destined
lobe found in every city, W" and hauilet in the
nvflizod world. TueV f pe dily cure
Jaundice,, Dyspepsia all formi of In
digestion, Sour Spmach3 Wiewna
tinn, Scro' tta atil all
Dropsy. Nervous AfTc t ion! .Kidney Diseases, Liv
er Complaints. Ge neral Prostration, and Ner
vot Hendachei ,
A a Mornin3 Appa' iz :i no other Tonic or plimu
lant in the universe -can equal them, t or disorder
ed digestion, imperfe ct circulation of the blond, and
exhausted vital energy they give permanent ard
prompt relief.
For C'mighK and Cords they ate superior to any
Cherry Pectoral. 1 'hey cleanse the stomach ami
purify the blood, act 1:15 direilly upon the Liver, the;
"reat sent of disease, j tiiaj soon restore it to a sound
und healthr state.
To persons f f P ilfntarv habits, ilelirat" rental!
and nurfiiH Mothe rs, and tho. who feel a l)i of
F're i:lh. ir n wan i of aiiibinoil, these hitters will
he fsuiid of incalciil lble value. One liial williou
vine? you
Maiufaciurednml sold by
T. B. a LINfiEKLAM) 4CO..
Il7 Chrysiie rH. N". Y. .
and sot d by all riroggists and Merchants genera ly.
D, V, bUIUiINS. Ajent.
Ulouinsburg, Pa.
Marrh 23,13m ,1m
MANUACTcan and Soiu
No. 02 3 ARCH Street, Piuead'a,
Th" niosf ;nmp!ete s"rtm'-nt of La lre' Tii,4es
and Children's 1!0(" Millt'l'S in this l ity ; u,-ii
u"' exprcf.sly t meet the wants of riar oi.a-.
Tbabk ;ep i' tile newest and mnt tle-iraM;
Ulesa'i'l fizes of "Horn Traits " of every Ickrth
from -i'i f to 4 yds. round.-'-'" ti ri prn"s. at -i
Jo 5."i CO. f lain Skirts, all lensihs, from to 3 yds.
round to e bottom at '?l -Mtu ?1 I").
Our li ne of Mioses' and Cliildren's SRUVfM. nre
provero ia'.ly beyond nil competition f r variety of
tyles t it 1 sizes as well nsmr tiwili and durabili
ty'; va ryiig from e lo 'M inch" in length. i to 42
pp-mj 4 at:iV cents to g J. All Skii!3 wf "tifK
oWN IAKB." are VAKaiTi-:o togive Satisfaction ;
but Pit tive as such, utiles thty have, --llopkiirs
Hoop JSkirt .Manufactory, AO. Arch turner"
stamped on eai:li Tnh I
Als o constantlv on hand. ood Skirts, Mantifac
lufed i n New York. and the Bittern States, which
we, si -11 at very 'nw Prtcm. A lot of rhean t-'kirti
15 T rins. t-jcems ; I'D sprin. SI ) 'M rprings.
$1 1 5 3' Jpiinss. SI Wand 4U springs SI 5U. ,
ri ?fcirts- made to ) d.-r tn 1 Uepaired.
I.' f tfAsa. One Peick Oxlv i
rV.arc'.i 7. Ir'Gli. 4mos,
J n puMistied. a new edition of PR. CELVEtt
WliLIS Celebrated EisV '' the RAiiioAL ccsg
(witl1 nut medi'-in-) of Sr.ntATORRiliB, or siMinn.-.l
VWn kness, I nvolmitary -Seminal Loas.-s, I vrroTfa.Ktir,
Ven :nl and Incapacity, itipilinienis t
Mari iare, el'. ; als". I ONSL-Meric.i, 1-piLaprV, and
J'ivh , induced by sejf-indulgeiiee or sexual cxtiava
tanre, X r Prire, in a seal"d ei-velope, ontv 0 cents,
Tfie celebrated author in this admirable essay
el-; r!y demoii-t.-at s. fiorn a thirty year's sucoe.s
fill praetic", that til" alarming cmsequeiicet f self
alur se may Ua radically cured witlioal th.;.-r-oert
use i'l internal nieJicm; or thu appiicatiun uf
the knifri pointing ut a m ule of cure i;t :ice stai
pl". certain, and elf-dual, by un a' "f it-It every
MiiTercr. im mutter what bis condition mav be, may
cu ": limiseil i n -up ty, pi i a'eiy. aim ranicauy.
C?-- This l-etlure slioulii be ia ihe li anus of every
yr.uth and every man in the land.
Sent, under .ul. in a plant envelope, t.- any n l
ilie.-s. post paid, on receipt of six cms, or two
pottage htaiops. Address l.'n publishers.
CltAS. J. C. KLINE ft; CO.
1?T Eowerv, ev York, Pot Oihce box
Marc h 14, lct:j. ly.
"J-fSTtrES c.f tl-e Peace nn.1 otli-r prr?onj liavin'
. in their hands fe r coiiecti 'n tuy any
inonev, ciliei ti.d lor or on arcmi. t of ri.ll.m ate of
John F. Frank, now nssiiMi'-d to Tlioinas Jf lieren
teen, are h jreiiy uolifiud to fan Ik e vltleiuei.t and i:a
lafcJiate pavuieal, to
.'ttornev I i r. ss Jnees,
niooinsburi, March Hi.
Executor's .fjiicc.
JEslcle cf Jijc Sclacct i)ertl titer life of
lVijft'ii twp. u'f e'd.
r FTTEKS tGtp.mectnry cn t!i- Es-
t:'-.le of J a -oh oweppeiihciscr. Inte f Miiaiu
t m nsinp. have been grated ny the lieni-lcr wn.l iie
:oidi r. Io Abraham n tiweppi iitn ist-r and l-,iac
Htliwrppenrii iser, if Miilliu to A iitnp, AllpersJiis
knowing t.ieiftse ives lU'.ebled to sai l est lie .if re
iiieateU t i make imnieiiia'e payuienl. an l t ee hav.
in claims M ill present them duly aullieuijcaleil for
I - A A i J fc- c H V E P f E N 1 1 E i f E I ' .
Mutch 21, l.-ini tlw, EAicnlors,
Administrator's Notice. j
Estate cf John Jacnby, ucctas". I
ettpr of ailmir.i-trstinn on tho Etntt? j
J y of Jo!m Jarcby late of cott lownshiit, j
ii c'd. hsve been sranted by llie Itegisier of Coluiii
1 ia co.. to the undersianed. '
All persons liavma claims aiainst the estate if t)ie
decedent are requested to present ilii-m to the under- ;
Fisned, without delay, aud all persons indebted to I
make payment forlhw iu. '
Feb 2'. Jce'G-CwS Jtnr.
i ew"sk s jit r okTTs G.
The Great Inven'ion of the Aje ia
(or double) SPRING t-KUU'.
THIS IN VFXTti i.V consists of Duplex (nrtoi C
liptic Pure Ki iined Steel Springs, 'ng-niously '.raided
Tightly and Firmly tosether. edife to eils . making
the Tdtishesl, most Flexible. Elaitic an I dumb e
Sprina ever used. They S' ldoin bend or break, like
lue rmjle Spriiiis. and chiim" i Miliy pr-;-erve their
perfect and beautiful shape more than tMceas loi.g
as any itii le Spring Skill ever Has or Can be
'1'tlE won.'erl'iil fl -jibility and ?rrat crmfort and
pl'-as'ire loanv l.-a.iy wearing lb 1 a; i x-Eli.ilii S-sirt
w ill be cxpi-r n-nei .1 pa rii. u! ar! i n al 1 '. d As
reiiilnifs. Operas, Cariia.'cs. K.ulr'U.d Can, '!n;r( h
I'e. s. Arm L'ii.nrs. fur 1'roiii "aade a:i.l House Dress,
a the kiit can be foi l :d le n iu u-e to CKrrupjra
small pl-ire a easily and conveniently j a S.ik or
jXaliu I'resSs
r Lady hav in; Enjoyed th Pleasure. Comfort ad
Great Convenience of wearing the iiip!e;
tecl Spi iiij Skirt for a siujle day will Never ;.ltr
warJs w ilUngly dispense with their use. . For Coil
iren. Misse eu.l Voting Ladies Hie' are superior l
all others.
THE HOOPS are covered with 2 ply t'ouMc- twisted
til i ad and will wear twice as long as the riiug'ejarn
covring w hich is use.i on all Sinilo Stt-el lli o Skirts
The linen bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double
Steel. mid twice or double covered to prevent lh'' cov
ering from wearing oiT the rods when dragging down
stairs, sti ne steps, etc , etc. ,v hich they are constant
ly subjeel when in use.
All are made of liie new aud elegant Corded Tapes,
and are the best qtalisy in every part, givinx to the
wearer tne uiot graceful and perfect shape. posif.le.
and are uii'jUeMianaMy the litthlest. most desirable, j
cotmortaMe a nd fconoinical skirt ever made,
tiie Invention. tni SOLK MANl"FACTl'ilHK-", 17 i
t iM.MULRS, asd 7a & tl RiIa.DE el itUEi'S, Xsw- i
Yo-k. I
FoR PALE it all first class Ptoies in this-Crty, and
throughout lue United Stales and C tanaila. Havana Ie
Cuba, Mexieo. South Atuerira. and IheVVcft Indies
Z7 Inquire lr the Duplex Elliptic (or double)
Spring Skirt.
Match ii, FOG. Sm, A k C. '
AtIniiaislrator'.s r.olicc.
Estate cf Veler Delong, lute of Centre
tie p.
r ETTER5 of Ai'mtnistratioH n theestite of Peter
ly Delong, late t C eutre towuship, "ilin bin CO.,
deceased, have beet I ranted by Register of l oiuni
l.ia county, to tae uinleri;ui d ; all persons having
iiaims nuainst the estate of tne ti'-eedeiit arc re
quested t present them for settli mei.l, and those
indebted to the esi.-.ti will utake innujdiate payiucul
to the Adiniuiatraior.
March, 7, 1?0G. Civ $3 '
Xo. 202 Son Jt Second St ,
One door above Race reet,
Zj Clothing made to or ter at the shortest notice.
March 2S, J866. 1
Of every deeeripticn fr sale at thieofSce.
Tbi Pnnff has thoronghly proved itself to be the
best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold is
tub Heap and Ukadache. It has been found an ex
cellent lemedv in many cace of Sore Eyes, DitAr
hkss lias been removed by it, and bas olmu
been gratly improved by its use.
it is' fragrant and arreenblv, ntid
To the itnll heavy pains caused by diseases of the
Head. The sensation a'ter using it are delrslitful and
invicornting. It open ami purges out all fdihtruntiont.
strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy actiou to
the parts affected.
More than Thirty Years'
Of Sale and use of Da. Marshall's Catarhh and
Hkadache Shi rr, has proved its gr -at value for a'l
the common diseases of I he Head, and at this moment
it stands higher than ever before.
It is recommended by many of the best physicians,
and i s used with great success, and salisOiclion eve
rywhere. Read the Certificates of Wholesale Drug
ojsts in 18-14.
Tlifi undcrsianed. bavins fo- many year been ac
quainted with Dr. MitHAi'a Jataurii niM tlKAn-
...i.l. nii.. ainj Df!il i i, niir ia liile.i 11 ru lie rh(lr
fully state, that we . eilevc ii to be equsl in every re - j
pert to ihe rec m..n udauons i vn of for the cnr i
;f Catarrhal Affei tious, and that it is decidedly ta
best article we have ever known lor all r.ouunou ilis- I
eases of the Head. i
Hiirr k Perry. Rostov,
Reed. Au-tm k Co
Kruwn. Laiuson & Co "
Heed, Ciitlr & C "
Setti W Fowle,
Wilson. Fairbank k Co.
tlensliaw, Edmands k Co
li 11 Hay. Portland. Me.
) Barnes Park. k. New Yoik ,
) A t ic I) Sands, . " ',
I Stephen Paul k Co
J Israel Minor Cn
SI Kesson St Kolituis
A l.jrcovill it.Cs
y, Ward. Closs Co
Iiush Ac Gain,
For Sale b all Druj gists
Feb. 3, Ijtiu ly.
Try It.
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers.
TT The oririnal Medicine estikli-hed in XZT:. nni
firt aiticle ot liie kiud ever introduced under tb?
l.i,,. rC xTl l Uiivin 11j'i,jH)J ilk tll'l4 iV StnV fllll T
ci'eiiitrv ; ail other I'.il aio ii.; are counterfeits.
The genuine can be kiion-n by the name 1!HA. bj
ii: stamped on each Wafer, w afers have been before the public for nearly
Thirty Year, and the immense sale alla ned, not only
in j inerica but iu lorei-il eouutries. 1 illy attest their
tatriiisic w"r'0. Tli- in.'iiieal properties are superior
I i any other article ouored f ir t iu cure of Pulinonary
or bronchial atF.'ctioiM. and tin quaotity coul iined in
each box i. ueurly iloiilj Dial oftiio uiauy Wur'.lllebS
luiitatiuus uuvetlised.
Lryaa's Fclraonlc Wafers
cure Coughs. Colds, 5or Throat. Honrseness. Asthma.
atarrh. lirouchitis. Dilficuit llreal.'iing, t-pittinj of
(iiood Pains in the ('best. Inripieut I 'onsum ption and
all j. asi's of the lungs. Not o ily aiordmc temporary
ri li' f. but i lf. ctiiig a rapid and . tatting cure und are
warranted to pive satisfaction in every instance.
'i hey no n t na tseati! 1ik alcoholic compound, and
111: i::'-dieal prop.: . I les Ere combined ia a form ho
a.reeaiiiu uitil pi asmi io iIk- u-ie, that a.iy ihild
uiil reailily tiK ' lu.-..i. U:ie dohe willalwuvs aH'ord
To Vocaiists and Public Speakers, the Wafers are
peculiarly valuable; Ihey williu one day remove the
inoit fever occasional hoarseness ; and th -ir regular
iSi lor a few days w ill, at ail times, inr-rease the pow
er and flexibility of !!; voice, urea ly Improving its
"uiie, co-i pass and clearness, lorviiiiih urpo-e lli'-y
are ri gularly used by many professional vocalists
The veiy ureal ceieluity of tins valuable remedy has
in; ii. -ed unpriiicipleit persons to prepare basi imili
lioiis. which iiisappoiul the ja-t exps:cta I imis of l lie
pureliasef. autl 1-iijur.j tile thaiacter of toe genuine
!: :e Hi it the word "EUYA,""is stamped on eai h
V..fer, hud also observe the simile ol tlie siu'iia
ture il't.i3 Proprietor. "JOJ .'I' l"E " on each wr ip
prr. to loiinle. i il which Is iokucrt. tilfeiidiug
parti'-s will be ileaii with ti lie: lilt xtcit f tit-- law.
l.uvA.t i l'tiXu..c Vi'iftRS at- l..r u.e by a I Drug-gi-ts.
Juil MOSTsJ Sole Proprietor, 27 Corllanilt St , N. Y.
Feb. 3. iJbo-ly.
TiiE c:ti:AT i:t.Lisn it!n:uv.
raoTEcTF.n ey koyai. letteus patent.
.-atcd Female pills.
rrr-pnTcdfro n a pr'-riptin rf Sir J. C7-' . .tf I)., rhy
tcta t-iztratruiucaj t ths ti"".
Tln ifiva'u iliie rn.-i,!' in i. nu!'.;i!i'r.' iu the ? of
;:i t lose paiiif il anj t iwhirht'ie
feiu ile coiirtitutioti issi. j 'ct. Il moderates ail -x-cejts
2nd removes all obstruct inns. fro.n hatever iiJie
and a t-pei rfy cure in ly he rilled :i
it isrartifi'trly suited. It ill, in n short tune, bring
tin til.: inonllily period wiiii n-suUi ily.
i. i- h bo:.! ', pri. '-One Dol .-r. !" irs the Government
wlanip of G.e.l li, ilain. to pre cut cuUUlL'ifuils, .
T'l'-t rA'.i "-i.iv'7 vo' 5- t. licit by fVna.V.i duriv g (he
fVo .'' I'lliil.K -11 :: - frrjnnni y. ssilry are ure
to !,rirs . ti. trr'i.-i'c, n. at ai y i-tficr nmt tiiry mtsnfe
Lee. v u o. n n kireii that III I. loom if lleaitn luu-t
fl,e, Wlt'l til''
siilif.-l irri ".ilarity nr obst rurlion ,.f
til - :o ti.-es. Ti
Iies-i'iits it--truly the woman s irn-iid
;l the itoer til, sad tile imiy s'ire. p si'ive and
llevr lliimi I.
are ami r 'u!.itir f s-uppri:?.-i"n ofna-
l ire ireni .ia
r ra ise So lull I I., it tnei, efd t
can t-ik- them wita perl -cl M-.irity. yet so powcriu i ia
ti:eir c let ts. tiial ti.t-y in;ty bs salViy talied, a never
l:linl Rcgnlalor.
In ;il cases cf Nervous and Spinal Atf-ctins. Pains
in Ihe Pack and Limbs, Fatuue oiili"l:t ejertion.Pal
p'.t.itiofi of t.lie Heart, Hjsieric. nod Whiles, th.-se
fil s will cf," t a cure wh-n all other means have fail
ed ; a:.d n'thotii-h apowetfiif r uiecy. tin n4 or.tat i
iron, calomel, aiiliinuiiy. or anything hurtful lo the
c hi-motion
I'u I directions in the pamnhl-l aroii.i 1 each package,
which should be ran-luHy preservt.
A"'. LU li J' .il.L Hi (4 UTS.
Sole General Agent for tin! tinted rUates and Eritis'j
Domiuiuii s,
JtlP, MOSES. 27 Cortland St., New Yorit.
f. 1? fjtl (ttl ntiilii lliree ceni postje stamps en
closed lo anv authorize 1 Agent, will unsure a Pottle.
ronuiineS fi Pills, by return mail, securely sealed
from ail oiir-nrvatiun.
l'eb.3, '00. iy.
IA t E II El LT ! 1 ST K li (iT i 1 .
I'undreds mnl tiiousauds nnniMlly nie prematan lv,
when, if taey would give tiie Oreal Freiitu Reiucdy,
O J,'t V st
Prepar-d by GRAsrtnaE it Dt pnsT, N i. 21 1 Itue Lom
bard. Paris, fioui the prccri,nioti of Dr. Ju.iu I'ela
i.iarre, ( ho i" l'b i-ii of the Hospital (111 Nurd cu
Earned si ere a lair iri at. t'n otl.t bud I mho. .line,
relief, aitd. it, a slmrl time, be f nt ly restored to Jlsr.iti
anil S'rcniflh II used in tin' prince t' tnanv i ini
iii nl i'li ili pit) .-tl iaus, tviih iinitorm success. :m.f hull
e r -co.n . nen. b'd as l i- only positive and pt-ti.c !:: nr
ti' f'T ail p -rsoos suiferia lr'ni lieiierai or Si taal
livbiiity. ail i'.tr'.iie, iii.:iitt of the Nervous ror..
elamii'ily, Speniut irrhoea or Semin-il l i,
Weakr.ers" arising trom sexual Ex Enemy, Physical
Fr'StrHto'i. Nervo'is.iess. - Weak S.iine.t Low ii"-s of
s-fiirits, liiuii.ejs jf Vision, Hysterica, Pains in lh
L.n k a iiii Llinl.s, In poli m y, i.c
No 1 tniia-e call convey an aeq'l-lf: idea of the im
nie.iiate and miraculous ch.iiigi; it occasions to
tiie delii.ilateii ami siialt"red sy-tem. Iu fact, it stan 's
unrivaled as au tinlailiog turu "t tae maUaies uuuV
SuiT-r no ni re. but iwe Great French lleineiy ; it elici t a cure where oil omers fail, and iiltuiiiicli
a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurtful lo the
most delicate constitution
Pamphlets, containing fil'l paitinitars and dir'rtions
fur using, in Kn-. Il: li. t rim h. Sp.ihish and German, ac
coiiipat:y cat h bux, and also iree lo any address
wlieu rcpieste.L
Price tine D"llar p'-r box ; Six boles for Five Dollars
Sold by all Drti'.'L isis throughout the woi l.l ; or wi.l
be sent by mail, s. cureiy sealed from all ob.- 'rvati' n,
1 y iuclosini; speeiti tl piiee t any authorize I tius.
Proprietors t-xrliirive Aseiil f"r Ameitea, (jdCjIU O
.Ii'iS-.s. - CO., 27 Ci.urit i 1 Si. N i"V Vo.-k,
Aultioiized Agents fur Uloonidburi:,
ju'er ifr .vorrn,
Danv'lle, . LH'CjCZT.
Tcb. 3. la0fi.-ly.
Ltckawcnua & loociSourrr ilaikoad.
0V AND ArTFR NOVE'.IP."t 27, l-r."i. PAS
P M P M A "T.
Leave ' Scranton. 4 4-3 0 f
i Kingston. fif") ft..-..-,
ntoomsiurg. p.ii trri'i
Arrive at Korthumberlanit 9.5,1 .10 2
A M ri
Leave Northumberland, 7.P0 5( 0
" Danville, 74f) 5.IU
" Iiloomsburg, 8.'- 1 2
Arrive at S. ranton. 12 40 W Ij
Trains 1-avin Kingston at 3 3 A: M for Seranton
contieit with Train arrivine at New Yor t 5--J '
Leavins Noriumnuerlau J al r.OO A M. and Kingston
2 'M P. "M .connect Willi Train airivingat New York
at 10-5U P. M.
Passenger taking Train Sottlh from Scrantcn nt 5 fo)
A M via .Virthuinber'and.reaih Harnslmrg 12 ISO P M ,
Baltimore 5 110 P M.. Washington io CO P M via Ru
pert reach Philadelphia at 3 Oo P M.
II. A- FONDA, Supt.
Kmyrtcrfl. Ncv.25. 133.
TIVEEY ground Pones, expressly for Wheat. Rv.
1 Corii. Iinrkwlient, tints, Potatoes. Grass Fruit
Trees, Grape V ines Vegeta i les, .
As most I'cne Pust und Fertilizers are largely
adulte-ited to bnlisfy coMsiiiners that this Brii- is
trici'y pure. ei h hill "f faie is a'-coiuparied w iths
t.'Slitf d f talein-et lnf cncjl package of lloue Ilj.l
is emir l free from adulteration. To ibis (net our
freii.Mii ugchis, car men and u orkiucn can al all lnucs
Farmers will do well to send for our circulars. giv
ing full pnrtirular of this valuable Jertiliar. As
our stock is 1 1 in it J. we aJviio our cuitoriers to or
drr early.
pa a: ed in n. j a s isa nil el s.
Cyr A Liberal Discount Allowed to Healers.
A.J liltKINIiJ,
Alleiitnwn. Pa.
, B. Persons rsailing this advertisement will do
bouec alhrers a favor Jy bringinc us totheir notice,
as we y Hie highest price fur tluues.
Niarru 51. Iitili. Hino.
3 C2 5 0. 2. Hi 5S3
2 2
ti:iviii? iirti'lii 1.
V 21 Ok L is now preiiarrrU to 'Oil r;rtti (-r-
! U'hol u tale or kclail, a Ccap as the Leap-
e32-:b:r you cam fe:d
- Sl'ILTS,
'.voo.rji;.-u ari:.
Bloomsburg E'bll, MC.
Di:. J. it. i; van's,
I'lnsician aid Surgeon,
TAVLNG lur-a-e-.l ;,rtii-n-i.iy .ti Main
a Mtfei. liLOOMsRHiit; 'a., w.mlit ii
form tin: iiiil.lie cem:ra I v . ttiat 1; is prerreil Io
all end to all iiu-tn-ss f li'.htuliy i.d punctual I y that
ni-:y be iiiirnsteil io his care, uu teri..s com me us j
rat ii w ln 1 1 lues.
'."'" He pays Uriel att-niion to Surgery as wtll
as III li' i'le.
.ov.Jj. 1 c'i.I. ly.
li'.i j. li .11 i. ij it v -A k Hi 5,tli(j,
' PIIE sii'isrrilier otr-r at Pr;vat Sale, a Farm sit
i ii.-it' d iu O'-iiife l'i., t.'id. co, pa. lj niiiesfroiu
Uo!i r snurg autl I trom trance viile, containing
Suly r.f hi ' Ii i
bai.i in e is t t-11 t i
ci-iiniio. ions new
I n i j.-e v.:. ;n a;.',-l.-er.i-.vla.
o ;ii.:.n
rl.rrrd ind will improved, tiie
lu ri d, '1 h re are en t l,e
l-iiiii.'iiiits a gi...-' i tiiir.r.i til t
and peach i l.&rd, nf n.t '.ri
lu b'.ar.
Orange twp, Man h 2J, leHii
AUDITOR'S .0TifJt:. i
Ei,! etc of El j ill Kline, lute of Benton :
Ti u'.ish p ('cccrs,L
JOTICE is hereby Jivi-u that the undersiineri nn- j
I s ponte.l an Amit. r I ilii-tril ute tie balaiiee n i
Ihe I: mas of J .-., It Klin : a.iiiiiin -tralor ef Elijah
Kline, late of tcvusliip ilix'd . to aui! an. "in; crcciMrs in Hie rates aim proportions n.lowed
bylaw, nillsitai the Recorder's o titer iu Klooais-
ltr:r. mi FiMi'AV. APRllj --U b. nt lno'cloeK A. Vi , I
lor ihe pin post of p lln duties of his a p. 1
poinlrueiit I
Ail persons hat-t-ig any claims against said estife
are in riby iiojiirla t i present the same lo the uiidi )
lor, or beloiever Oebarr. d from coming in on said i
fund. JiHIN a. FUEEE. AuL.'tor. t
March 21. -c.n Aw .'5u .
Lii.-rwick iazete ct py . J :
Lit tle 0 Jckn M. Y:,t, tf Loaut lowush p.l
t:ce:sc I. I
rETTER- of Administration on the estate of John '
. M. Ve-t. late of t.ociii.1 twp., .lee'd.. have I it '.
grant"ii tiy tfi" Kegi si,-r ni I oiu naia county, to tl.e
una er su iit ii; all p r-ious htvi-i rl- a.-.iiul Ihe
'-lal- ur req lesT.-d 1 1 vresent tn-iu f..r s. it lenient,
fi-. all p rse-U" knowing tl.ei.i - I v.-s una i-il to
im.Ke p.i)ni"i.t f .rthwiih.' Ht-NRY Vi
LoCu.-i t.vp., .IJanli lfI. Aiiin'r.
AltTIFlcrAL FLVl-:i.S, j
No, 2r,7 North Third Street. Puila'd. !
Nov s".i. I "-. I
Wm. c. iin.-r.t r,
cart w. CAT.rzxisn.
Stab!ished 1S23.
v.". cj.;?i!:.Ti:ii, m:szi: y &, cd.
H aul. E.A L K I) i: U;r;is v.
7J7 Ma i'.tfcT S r. one door below -'th. Pr-Ltioct puia,
niii'iC;-. m rniriM-:s. en em D' a t
PAINTS t'H.s. GEA-S, V AitN fIIKS, li'vE-'.
And every ..Hi -r l" :i;'peri.iii,M,e io Hie
business, of ili .e, i n uiiiy. aud at liK
lowest Market Rdles.
March !.5
i ,
I Estate of Chiiitiina uucliart!, t': I.
I E TT'"f!3 cf t'i .iiiii-tration on tke F.ftter-f C-r5
j ' tiana I.-irti ir l. I;;t ot fa u-on t.vji . I -o.'uuitiia
Comity. d.-c-J have h -n granted hy ihe R-gisti r i f
, Coluiiibia county, t-i Ih- t,ndersieiu-d ; all per"iis
, ii-tvms claims ae.tiist tile estate .i t il.-ce o ul are
I reeo,-sVt! to present innu to tiie iiiidersijned. tesi 1
, msaol township, wfoout .i.lay. aitial persons
i.i.lebicd to make pay until foMu w.ih.
i , JJIIV REICH ARt). Admr.
! f eh, 2-i 1st; ; ,-.w ;;
V ME m I
rirneil u ill s 11 cheap f"r cash quite a
'I' .ud ita.ide I Printing materials, conit
lot l.l .
ing of Lie
i iin i
i art icles :
iPiateii. C0X) 1 I.-ir-. C.-
in w j Mainls. ( ;i-i.s. Ga-it
'I'll : Pi e-s !"i?j 'i i'l , L.r
i-i:iT .Vloue,
tgojil a
(it. c.
in I ci.i bi had chi
as Hi have no use fcr it.
r.!oomh'irg. Mirch II. I-im).
Adminsitrator's Notice.
4 Es'Mc rf William JS. ti'tiliv r dre'd.
LrJ'ITKItS oi A'.mini'tra'im on
Estie of William I!. Weliver,1ati of Madison t-.vp )
Co ut.i'oa r. unity. liee'd. b ive be n r ranted by tue Reg- '
i.-i r of t 'oiuiiiiii i ca . to Ci ' urtdersi-i.eil. I
All persons htvius claims a.'iinsl Do" estate of t'i '
cedent, ar.d a'l ers-ms i nu.-a: !, are req 'sted to
present t;i,.-r to the A d ni nt ra. or, on Sat ir.lav. Ul.
j-th diy of April, l-.C, a1 Samuel itim'ufy's Il.jtel m
T.'l Eonon E P. WELLIVER. AJm'r
Mareh. 14, 'iO-ij-.v.Sl
Attoracy at Jiitw.
WIT T, practice in the several Cotlrtscf Columbia
County. All leeal bnines intrusted to his
caie ni'.l recive prompt attention.;; Buildin;.. o7t-r
i air e ( lu la:n .-.treei
M.lier's Store.
Blootnsburg. April t3, IFC4
1 Ta.
ONVEYANCING. neatly and promptly done., by
C.G. BAKKLEY. Attornsy at Law. Koomabtinr.
N.E. Cor. Tenth and' Chestnut fetreeta
The most complete and thoronchly oP0intel, Biui
nes or l uuiiiiereial t'olh go in the country.
'i he only one in the city possessing a Eeglilallv
Cliarler.nnd the only one in the E't.iled States author
ized to confer Degree, of .Mint, iiaplomas awarded
in eradiiates in the Commercial Co-urse under its cor
porate net! by authority of law.
Conducted by genyeiiien of liberal education an
extensive rxperieuce in business, and Hording une
qualled udvaiilaees for Hie thnroxgh theoretical nt
puitli'Hl c.ti rsuii.ii of youlij men lor llie various du
ties BHd eiiiplovmviit ol business life.
by a of system
oricinal and pie miuent'y practical. u'vinB the tu
deiil iu the niorii sl lime a coinp lele iehicht intythii
science ol ticcoiints, arraiiii d an I publtsheJ by thu
proprietor t f this ln-uieli'. exclusively for his owrt
use. saving one balf ttie ordinary Jabor'of the student
and civnip lulu a co nidele to in ledge of 111 praclifeS
al" I In- besl accountants.
Book esping-Co nunc rcittl Ariilmetic,Pen'
loanLip, Business Cnrrerpondciicc,
Commercial Law, Leotunts on
Busiiies! Ailairs, Commer
cial t-ust-Miis, Forms,
aa 1 Act.i:i Hufci-
! rirIru.tiBi
Sf'E'.'IAt, lUAVCIIB-t
ilgthrn and thr. liiuticr .Vathnnnti. fauHAjrcapay, Or-.
mimtnUl I'ev innm h. p. thr .In a Jitttctmg
Connt'rfrit Jilonaj. f'irrtiKg isr
vttjtff, A'lrf'a' i-'ft urf
Vi.c "-atfilytxr .
TEEM. i'. tVlllNG.
The arrancemr iits for Ti lejrupbing are far m"re d.
vance of anything ol the kind ever nib-rod io the ntih
lie. A reguiar 'Pel'! rat h Line ii connected with llio
1 nst itu! i..a writ iwiitty i.nnih otiic in vriou
parts of the n y.i h'-re public li'itiuess is Iran sac led.
and in winch I he MuileNis of this I nstituti un are per
inllte.l to jji-nrfire. . i reenlar thee practice can lit
ha I in nnv otner school r,f instruction in ll'c country.
li h'nil v. l)ii ii no one i an o'llmn a p"Sition as a prac
tical operator. You nu ue n are cauiioueii niiiiirisi ih.
di.'repi: ve repre.;i:iatinin of iljose who. w i.Ii juI any
satll laeiUlies, preie-nl t-. li a.-h Telegrap.'nng.
This lii'titutiou is now enjnyine the larjest pitron
tronai'e ever butowed upon any Co nmercial clool nt
tfe Male, liver tivj hiiiidro studenis were in Mtcn-'
dance ihe It. st yiut. a ml over seven hunured Outing
Itu- pal year. 'I'll- be-t clas of tlu '.enls may inva
riably be found here, iiid ail its associations tire first
'I bis liistituiiou i located ia tae inoi central part
of the titv, and its ac imiium. lations, for extent, ele-
iianre and con enu iice, are utiurpaM?'-d. AH th
I rooms have been fit led up iu the very uest slyle with
I iu;siLss o: i n E ;t: -cvtim; ho .'.:!
i TtLEGltAI'ti oi l lCil. STATltj.VAItY iSroRE.
' A !. D A v r O ' 1. A S
j r, w.: r iihpis: i Aii.ssi;E.
; supplied vi i: ii i: ly etmr;ved u ln i:r.ipuic notes used
' as a tirculati g .ne lia.ii in'..u ; i ,!ui li.ienl vf Actual
' l.ucllies.
I kO iWJ.'iil" :onu.
i who dturc the ve; b si facii'lies for a
j rr;;citcj.l I ci:ic tiii? ir linsinfys,
i we cuarnn tee a ci nrs" of in'rnction no where elsl
! i'(u i:l''i!, win'e tiie reputation mi l standing of lb
! liisiiiution .iiiiou bu.a'SK liien mtike i s eiiUOrsft
j nie'il t.'.e inl r-a.-p'irt to u C"ss an 1 advanteinent.
j A.I coniei:i;il;Ung iieriiii; ai y I '.ini nl' reial Colleg",
i are int ned to n:ti 1 for an I Ll.t t-Tii A rr;Ll
! circuem; ANU CATALOGUE"
I .... .
containing coiiieo le i.iterior views T the Collese.
and full patliculars of lue course of lustracliou.
terms, 4.c. .
L. IWIUBlMtS, ... M .
T. R. MEU CHANT, Sjpt. c.r OtTire Pusiness.
xi v 4. i" .1 m
National louiidrv.
r-a, t.. iil.OOMSIiURG.CO- III'
.fi 3S :.v-'.r- 'f f'C sulisrriber, proprietor
'join sub
. ot in- auve natnnu ri
::iblishiilet,t, is nosi
C----A-1 - - -1 '- prepared I
10 receito otdcts
All Kinds tf
for Co'terins, r.lai-t Purtiaces, Stationary Engine.
MILLS, tepeshim: M ACHINES. A-C . kC.
He is j,s,, j.r. pnr. d to make Stoves, allvi7.-s unit
f atierns. p'en -iroi.s, intl eyerything usually made in
I t st-r las- I'o'i.iilri 's.
His .-xt ;n:iive Is. li.tics and rai-tieal wo-ktuen. war
inul linn in i.-civKij lue largest contracts oo tbs
in it re mnable t' r;us.
S7 tiraiu of nil kinds will be taken iu eichanke for'.
Tif Tins ettuMi-dimcnt is lnca.J near the Larkawa
na X Elootus'.iurif liailroad Uc iiol.
lflwofiburg, Sept. 12, l?f.3.
czisiaw wiEoccnir stoiie:
i I -E E iindersisne J iiai" r' lnovd iiisHat and Cap Stors
up to E
.ins' u Id stand. w here in t.WKio W I
lorimeui, of
superior a
lQ Hats and Caps fS?
Drit-d Fruit,
Coal Gil,
ptt o ,
Uiittcr, y-
Tailor and H3n l Lamps,
Eooks. VJritiug Paper & Ink.
llur'.liouie an t Crd iricare,
V";krt A';iiVe, Comb'
c, , tj-c ,
Tivether w ith a variety of atticWs generally kept ia
Also A tine of Rl !, MOSOiTOS and Eisinnstq
w liieh he invites the al euliou of Snoeuiakers and IDS
I'.loomsourg, May 13. U "i
T 1 1- S" ben in f; practice for a number o
i years, with tiie experience of the li.Terent ho-pl'nt-iu
Eurojie, also a in-ieber of Ihe Analyiral
eihr-:l liistitiite of New Vi rk. eonti uies toatrend
to all j nt si; in al c-e at bis ol'ice No. li2S Filbert
Si re t. I'l:! i.i je! ;.' ia. j
2. N i ..tent tiitirines are uied or recotnmctidf d j
i'.f reoo-.'i-s a .1 iii i oi st 'I ae luo-e hieh will not!
hr-.-.k i'imvii the constitution, but renovate the sys
tem !',-.. n a; i.ijuiies it has sustained fri:i iiiuierali
iii -i.i. i i-s, Mnl leave toe sytte..i in a neallhv and
in rtei 1 1 y i iifil coi.d 1 1 n.n.
H DVSPEl'f 1 A. that nistresnpg rlisfuse and fell
dijlfyir i f h -:. It It and liappine-s under. nining tb5
rna-tiiui n r.ud yeni:y carriiu; inotisanils to ttu
timely fraves. u:i most etunli-A icnlly oe cured.
I, .tlelaiu holy, Abfi'-rrUiiou. th .t state ot Alina-I
tioii and weakness of (hi! onu.l which render per enjoying the pleasures or perform
111- tiie duties of life,
5. RilEC 1 ATIS any form or condition.chron
i.t or m nl-. warranted snrable.
i'. EPt LLPS . or falling cicknetg, all chronic or
St'Jbbini caser, of
It' r'"J2
k. d . i A,
, a .i n
: i seises
i rn'ic-i !y ti
lion r f n'
ni re, i ; Sa't R'r.enm and every descip
erii'jiois : l ilis and scrofulous diseased
i w In. Ii h i
i rii'e l !y
' .ves ( 'iiN
e b;;i.i-it a 1' previjas medical skill, can n-l
ri.y triHiniMit ; and I no sav nil disease-
..pi:o) ran tie cured by wearing my Medi
i cated Jacket.
Mi-i i ll.l '. I rli
v iiiiti is a prntt c.ion to the lunr
i-i' s of wenih-r in a I climatcss hav
I ..uiil.. uu iii.ii'.' a vi , , ii i ...a, eiiiiittiepw 11 A v
i in' tiivesti'j.iled for year- th" caue and character ja..
ritertiiilteiits (lever nnj a-.-Jei iu all part of lh)ro fct 'fm
i I 'tired St,nes-i!l rurn pr-ritian, Mly all chronic odSgM-
! acute cases of ague and nervous pisea.ts ia a fev . f
j I'.tys. t-Ss4
: tiiiiccr tcrca wHiirnt !!:r knifs cr DrtlBd
Tare Worm, tht irea.1 m the Human Family f
yenis. can l e lemovej with io or thjee doses oj
ii-y t.ew Iv ..isc' vi-red remedy, warranted in all case
I'ons-.ittaliun in t!ie Eu:iish and German LancuaifH
i free id" cuarie. Will maiie visits any distance.
desired. May be ad.'resse by letter (confidfiiliz'Jv
and . ei iriiie heat will, proper directions tit kti
part ot luctuunt'r.
OFFICE 'o. 123 Filbert i'u Plii!a
. -aik 44J w - &la j 4 i
Jul:cc of Ihe ?cacei !
License! Lonceymcer, Scrivenert atl
! OS-CC HCRTcr ValleJV
Will attend tot-k:1ng Arknowl!r'jemer.ti, Wr
De.Jds, !orttiges. Lenses. Bonds. Notes. .Ar
1 T""r.J:. I'-'"''1"""" m.uiiti.i.wffl