DEMOCRAT'? STAR, W. H. JAC0B7 JKD C. E. IKfLf, EDITORS BLOOHSBCRG, yEBSESDiYL APS 4, ISSS. S.! M," PcTTitNGiLt & Ci., 37 Park RoW New York.aie rJulv authorized to solicit and receive -obs-criptionsand advertising for the Mar of the rtorin, pup;ineu &i ciwiiiouu.g, Columbia county. Penn'a. ' FOB CGVEIiiWt IX ISSS, HON. IHESTER CLYMER, : ' "' OF BERKS COTJSTY. Address of the Democratic State Central Committee. Democratic State Com. Rooms, Harrisbuhg, Pa ; March 27 .1863. To the people of Pennsyvtinia. A civic contest, laden with grave re sult", has just been entered upon. .The great political organizations of the State hare announced their platforms and presented to jou their candidate?. T he Democracy distinctly avow their purpose to restore the Union and to main tain tho superiority of the white man. Their opponents refuse to restore the Union, treat with silent contempt the pol icy ol the Froident, and again attempt to deceive you in regard to negro suff rage. The restoration of the Ur.ron i3 an is sue embracing and overshadowing all others. If :t be postponsd, and agitation con tinued, you will deuy that the war, was a wax for the Union;" you will 6hake your form of government to its very base; jeopardize the security of your national debt ; incur the hazird of financial revul sion; fetter the development of your in dustrial resource?-; make a desert of the fairest portion of the republic, nod aid in elevating the negro at the expense of the white man. The period of reaction tftsr great na tional exertion is oftener fat il to free in stitutions than the severest throes of civ il warfare, and radical di?utiionist3 sieze that hour to consolidate Jour govern ment by amending the Constitution, and to perpetuate their power through the political equality of the negro. Prolonged agitation or prompt rcitor atioa are the alternatives presented. .Men or the Keystone : Look back upoa your history, and in the light of that retrospect determine whether ycu will be led to your ruin fby a reckless disturber of ths peace ot your Commonwealth, or will follow the Presi dent by the path3 of tho Constitution to the haven of peace, order and security- The Democracy present to yen, with pride, their candidate for Govenor ; a Pennsylvanian by birth, of revolutionary family ; pure, honest, capablp; posessed of large experience, and giited with the rarest qualities of the head and of the heart. No man ceed b!uh to follow where Hiester Clymer leads the way. Dsmocrat3 cf Pennsylvania. . All is well, your candidal e will be sustained, trifling pernor. uli ties g'u-e" way before the onward march oj great principles. Be assured rf success, and labor to deserve it. By order of the Democratic State j mmttfflfl Committee - WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Chairman. Another Veto Hessag-e-Success to the tresident. As we anucipaied lrom Us pasa?e, ine j ere js fenowa l0 be sic!. "Principles President has returned, with Lis objection, i 8fe ,no'ur;ri.T) K t phrase at the Hub ; to tbe house in which it originated, toe no- j bo rjeary 8!rdinsover the tentenca and H called Civil Rights B.I, which was lately na;,y prccta;r::5 lhaf ''principles and justice presented to hira for his eij;ndture. The j af(J plL,rna!;-7 y;e rol quarrel wi h President has strengthened his position im- (je3f- 0Tef tf,;s trans ra oaf itL-aticn, ihooh measurably ty this veto of lhe enormous, odious and unconstitutional Bill. Of course it will intensify the Disonionif'.s and Negro worshipiag faction ' asainsl h'm. bnt that is to be considered a point gained. The coun try will honor the President for his firm ness,' and sostaio him in patting his heel upon this worst of foci measures which this treasonable Congress has ha'.ched. Dors any sane man doubt, that this ootrageocs Civil Rights Billjwas rot especially designed to exasperate the South degrde the. white race and elevate the negro at his expense ? Can any man of Bound mind imagine for a. moment that this bill was not intended to VlPe PHI Oldie IVIiUl? aiU K-ia o lioti.i.u!., n .v 1 1 i0.:arT, . C . . TVa n n .4 Cl.ia I A n t I ji f i n ailU CIIC.I III lUly ,a.t,---- - r . seen edeca ed mad- with a fair chance for 'Hi cu ma .... . . ....... . - - . man xnmnpr ".V it son anil Xevens 10 wreak their long expressed vengeance on the heads of the southern people? It is a eelf evident troth, that in this elTort, as in many others, the insane Repreeniatives of a faction, by csurpatioa of powers, not con stitutionally theirs, attempted once more to rnake laws, for the whole country. God bless Andrew Johnon for hismarily pa'ri-' otie and delermined( course against ihe de-ewoy-e-rs ef American liberty. Read his late veto message in this issae. A very plausible rumor is aain afloat, avowing that tbeJVesident is ponitively re solved 10 dismiss ihe recreant members of his council, and .0 replace them by persons why conform to his Administration. - It is a notorious fae that the Secretary .of War, ihe Secretary of thef Interior, and lbs Attorney General, are in flagrant revolt against iheir chief. Air. Johnson's most vindictive enemies are of bis own boose JioU,tbcy would crush him to the earth if ay J'ad ihe power, and bow, with a prop r seriiiment of self-respact, to can longer submit tobe betrayed and hi ked by . his owa creatartes, and confiJential'adnaers.wa are enable to- ccJer!and. Like 'Andrew .Jackoo, let him dlsmiiJ thear tt oner. ; - . - General Geary. - The person whom the anti-Johnson Re publican of Pennsylvania nominated the other 'day for Governor, was lormerly the territorial Governor of Kansas. His name i John VV, Geary. Doobtles he can write his own name ; perhaps he can "pell it cor rectly ; but it is certain he cannot write his own mesfages. When be was in Kansas he stole them. Were be to be elected Governor of Pennsylvania, of which hap pily there is small probability,, he woulJ have to steal them again. Pennsylvania really deserves a governor capable of wri ting his own messages. The common school system of this State ought not to culminate in seen gubernatorial imbecility. We print telow in parallel columns ex tracts Irom Gov. Geary's inaugural address of 1857, and ibe inaugural address of Gov. Henry J'. Gardner, delivered 10 the Massa chusetts Legislature two years belore, in 1-55. KXVRACT FROM GOT. EXTRACT FROM COV. HKNKV J. GAKDN KV'S JOHN W. CCAKV's 1N INAl'tiCRAL arbKEstl, At'GUKAL ADDRESS. DE-DF-LIVKRED TO TUB LIVEKEU TO THIC Tfcli LlClsLATCRE F MAS- KITOKIAL LKGISLATCKE SACHUstTTs, JANUARY CV KANSAS, JAM'AUT 9. ljo. 12, 1S;7. GeJiHemencf th: Senate Gtutlemen rj the Ter- .... r.'...... a . That gracious Ba- The all-wUe and' in?, m wLona nadd beniiiceiil berri" uho are alike the destinies control alike ihe ! ol individuals and ol destinies of indiviJ natroii, ban permit- uals and of nations, ted us to assemble has permitted vou to tnisoarititrusteuwitn convene tn s d a v. grave responaibilttieb charged witfi grave I committee at Dr. John's otHt-H. on Titers and duties. responsibilities. day Marol; 29th hi I .Vlm L- 1 M . " " TT "W -W -W dex in tfiicial action know no- better rule - w " a. j v hi v i a i at. iiuu, I than a conscientious ;han a coricseotiom j cniction ot duty , coriic:ion ol d u t y iniue uiuic uuL-iuauiig none more variable than the attempt to than the vain attern pt satisfy temporary ca-to conciliate tempa price. 1'rinciples are rarr prf iudice. Prin. endurinj, and if dis- ciples and justice are j rearded, poorer ore:t;rnalv a:td il lam- i later ine vermci ot pereu wnn sooner or ! iL condeuinattdn will be !Ur the su and m- j "U"n' Thry " ,rjr,n ,wo h"e8 recorded a -i a i n s I dignar.t t e r d i c t of an l fi" J " a very ,l,ffic"u For in- ihnfe who are false to popular condemna- J Vianc4 the Revenue A-i"eor if thin Dis- their ie()uirementi lion against those who i trie!, who is putdher t a newspaitHr is Let us then be true are untrue to their1. . .u n i . ' "e,r - uiaiiiit4 the Kadieai in Cotirfs or-e to our country and leadings will be ren 1 our duty. Let ihedered. Let it not be j week aluJ 11 e ,,ex' lur,,- 0"l, "ayn he success of principle false to oar country, j M'ror,'f) tn Preci!enr, t,d at'em p's to not of party, be ourour duty, and our j-expUm to his reader (many of whom are uere ine nenent constituents. Ihe t-enetit constituents. The: not ol a triumph of troth audi a i ra. principle, not of par- I of the State, lacnon our aim. principle, not of par niassicn.useu.1 senate tisan anil feiti Document Xo: 3 J o r jects, should 1355. teaily purpose 1 general welfare lint 1 hn iniwraal few oit PoJe aim. j 1 7i5i.5 Journ.l ot j Councils for Isbl.pagi 21 There is much more of the name sort ol bare-faced literary thieving. Perhaps rob bery won Id be the fitter term, for the theft is accompanied with violence. Geary not only stole the Massachnse ts Governor's ap propriate au-i correct English , but tw ists d them into Geary grammar and dreary senee not quie destroying the identity of tie passage, however. Gary begins his theft ty paying two compliments to the Deity in place of the one which b9 seals. t;Graciotis Bin" becomes t:ihe all-wie and benincent Be ing." U'iih this change we find no fault, for il may signify that the man who now solicits Pennsylvania's nolfrages has the uerms of a conscience in him, and. hke l! e i Hottentot and the' Thng, whose religions 1 are a'so cf a very ro Jirpentary fort, thought it possible in the act of sin to propitiate i;s re warder by ampler ascriptions to his awlul name. Bet the next disfigurement which Geary practices upon this stolen property is villainous. Gov. Gardners Yankees were norrr Iffo ? t r '(iBsamr-Ia nf m em J r!th permitisJ to "assemble," '-intrusted'"' with grave responsibilities. Geary must needs "convene'' bis lejie'a'.ors "charged." and 91 hn crai nr. hr ! If rin i 'ii? li!pri stlbstail- , ive8 with tUpelja0ur adiectivelT, in the ho that lhe ,oaf ,vi;. wi!l b3 s..Taii0..Tej ,t js a rule of truth as we'd as of rhetor ic noi to sireich the lanccae beyond the breadth of the !et. Jus'ice probatly is eternal, but Geary must see that in the present instance it lias teen only line rears us in corning ; ero.ind, ar.d a tor principle, which, he - .ays, are eternal too, it i, quiu, er.ouch i?r I htm X prove thai the s'ock which he had in i Kansas in the winter of '57 will lat him to ! ihe la 1 of '66, lo sa'isty honeti Teniisj lva- nians whom to cai iheir votes for. We have added to oor list of subscribers quite a number of new name, sioce ttie first of olarch. This is highly gratdyin to c?. The Democrat and Slat is now regard ed and recognized as the leading Demeerat- ic organ of the county, and is acknowledged - bv the Democracy to meet tbe real issue before the country in ouch a manner as to ! . . 1 ' .1-1 r.. 1 . 1: : - Advertisers will please remember ocr j :...i,,; ,.t .h K-nfi. k a.. till "n I. III. UIQilUII O 11 IklO L'OI Clll I 11 t V Will I -3 - - j I receive by adveriis'mg extensively in oor paper. Our thanks are dne to oor friends for tbe iniercsl they manifest in inducing others to subscribe. It should be as mucn interest to our ubs.cribers as to ourselves to ! circulate the Democrat end Star. Hereafter UUt VUlUIIlliO PUSH rilt wa cuiuci J c.ii'.c.u to politics. 'We will endeavor to fcrniah reading matter for the wife, the mother, the son, and the daughter, and we insist that they shall read every word carefully , and in the end they wjll be richly rewarded. Mb. Scovel, Republican Senator of New Jereey, refuses to vote with the Radical Senators of that Sta'e in electing a United States Senator to fill tbe place of Senator Siocton, Democrat, 10 whom the Disunion ists of ibe United States Senate refused a seat. The Disunion papers opem sharply on Senator Scovel for voting wilh the Dem ocrats not to go into joint meeting to elect a United States Senator. Good for Scovel, he most know who is to be voted for,before he will go into an election. He believed that Mf. Stockton was in law elected to his seat, and sgreed with the report of tha jn dJiciary Cccmities in his cae. School Meeting.. '' A meeting of a number of the citizens of Blocmsborg was held in the Lecture Boom of ihe Lutheran Church on YVednesday evening, March 2Sth, 1866, for the purpose of taking action in reference to the opening of a good, first-class School at this p ace. On motion, Hon. William El well was Resiled to the chair and Dr. P- John appoint. ed Secretary. The chairman made a brief statement of the obj-el of the meeting and was followed by J. li. Dimji upon the same sorject. The necessity for a good school of'ihe higher grade, its importance, its advantages, and the urgent need of imme diate action were, strongly set forth. Prof. Henry Carver, of Cin;;hampton, N. Y., being present, was invited to address the meeting. Having been connected with sev eral llourifhing Academies and Literary In stitutions and having had a large and successful experience as a teacher he was aMe to give the meeting considerable prac tical information upon the subject before it. After a pre:ty full discussion participated in by a number of gentlemen, it was decid ed to appoint a committee of five with the addition of Hi H onor, Judge Ei.weii., as chairman, authorized to take immediate ac- School at;d iriiinnraiitig a movement to- i i , . i. . . . i . .... 01 fiitaoie Dniiains. 1 "e lo,l"w,n ,,dm pe"!if!ten .tpreap pointed Hon. Wtn. VAw, ex. J. J. Dimm, Wrn. Ne-tl, EIihs Mendenhall, I. W. H. trim an and J. K. E.far. ' ' -,iuf(i a or trie T'ie Chfllrrr.ail C;illtil A monlirrr nf V, . , j lure Koom ol tin Lmheran Church on Fri- "J eeni"2, April C.h, at o"cloclr meeting then adjourned. Th WM. EL WELL, Pre"i. P. John, Stc'y. Thk office holder ui.dr Hie present ad-I ministration are in a very Hncocn Inruble no- ! weil men ) H.Ht there nally c'oes . " . 1101 ex'" i'"e..-ce between the Pre,- Uiw "l would -ie fi h-approval.- ux" ntf uia IU)I ; M" t'i sama eiinor and ollice holder support the hill, stand by the Uadicals, ai.'d hn rmt the t.crve to come cut with liis brother tie-.ul Jack and :l-nfr rice ihe veto, but 11 hy in pullen Can he continue to hold cilice tiy pu:ninj this ooiiri. He that is not an open anl ao-jured support er of Ihe l'reiiieut'B measure, must be aainut him. And 10 be si'ent was con strued not lonii since, 10 he ireaon ! Wiu would iay to tre Democracy of Co lumbia copr.ty, organize ! Do this irr,m. diately. Form yourselves into township clubs, know your stren'h, worli together as one man, and victory will crown voor I ' i laoors. iy mis means you wm tie aoie to get yonr entire vote out at tha coming elec tion and greatly increase our Democratic maior"'- So ,ar fc electing our county t'eket is concerned, all this is not necessary but we have another and more important U ; Ucil L d I IU lu'l Ir'i.H. 1 1 Hi HI ' n I fit rfJ.i. I in.1I Itf r Itl . Ill 1 LdUIII'JI a, nil II HHCK. li I : - 1 . ,1 . . .1 : . 1 . l t 1 47. I L-l n T n t: . a rt i r I I I 1 r n i f f TMAfni'ii . ' ii-'- - - - - r - - - , - - - I f uouiuiiuiiicu nuu ioe oar (7 i.c iya;t. , .unaiua. awiwn i;i-it.u jjiuiu w 1 colintv, under bd nor dent vetoeJ the KrHetJmeo Uureati UilL coaniry nivaucfii vy hii nii) in uedrorie . 'pi,:. rrnh.r am! mn rlIfavrr! nM nr. ! i'.n mrmn in on.l niUr r,,L0 ! lor ,u.r a.t - . f . . 1 lllllu"itHU itirii. o. wwuM'nu ic .jitiiiiiu'ici!. . . - i - - ivuuivi-'htih-i "i" I arm Lie uini ui jnt uni. me former oft . . t . .. ... . 1 the nart ot the I).?mncr:icv nf that rountv. -., j ; ! ; t. r.n WKriKf a"a uiq h !;., J,n.,a i. ,1.1 3 . .',,-? " , ' , J. U n, ........ f .t.... :.AA 1 l&. at 1 o' or.e andthat i ihe guberna'orial ticket. We i rr.ernr.crfd. have an accep'abte candidate, in the per- TLe Acl crty-fonr of ncr most res,-ect-, ., . . I able citizens, ooIle of whom was a de son ol hon. Hietck Lltmer, and with .,:,, . . i ' i setter or disunion s'. were arres fil un.inr every Democrat doin- b i duty, we can not j fail. No better, more fit man ever wa nominated for that po"nion. And. lo speak candidly, the Democracy never had fairer prospects of soccers than they have at present. It is ail in'their own hand; will they win or allow victory to pas away from them ? A we ea'd before, organize into clubs and don't delay. A red'jrioan reformation i3 coin;? on in Italy, having for its object tbe purifica tion of the Roman Catholic Church. There, ashere. however, the government "undertakes to run tho churches," ai;d sends to different ditricts nollt'cal priehts. At Iilan at a sermon j reach- et Dy a zovcrnrncvt nurcha.ri priest ,tbe rr.,.7tion i.pcan.ft dissatisfied, and ou ,um -carh tfa Q x , . ,, . ' i Chrtst. bo in our own country, the cry of the people is for the Gospel, not politics. Lut le8guc-bncght priests dis perse congregations with negro political difqaisitioii". La them preach the Gcs- pel of Christ. Moving Day. As tbe Erst of April came on Sunday this spring thegeneral moving day was , , , ,. , , Monday the 2nd, a very disagreeable ana ucpieasani uay . lor tne rusiaess-, ,k,i,. i 1 . 1 ,n v.a with wagons pksing to "and fro tic c 1 lue t;: 3 ii.uuiuni'ii ' olclucu u loaatQwiiauouiCDOiacoous. arese- 1 wives vou dear ones I You who take so much pains, who labor so faithfully smd eo cheerfully for the comfort, neatnjss J and general warfare an l beatify of in door arangements of the family ! how deeply we sympathize with you in having your goods soiled, your spirits drooped, by an increased rain saturating your rich carpets, beautiful valuable anil comfort able bedding, clothing &c &c. and oiak icg tbe whole task doubly disagreeable, and injurious. But be of gocd cheer to-morrnvr willbe sunshine. Pexxstlvaxia. We have been assur ed by a number of Democratic friends from Pennsylvania that the prospects of the Democratic party in the Keystone State at the ensuirg election in Ocober were never better than at the present time. Hundreds of men in all classes of life, including statesman, mechanics, merchants, and laboring men, formerly acting with tbe Republican party, have Determined to support tbe Democratic ticket, headed by Mr. Cljm cr, and there by aid in eustainicg Mr. Johnson in his efforts for peace md rearjioa. La Crosse Democrat. ' COMMUNICATIONS. J Foe the DekocbjlT Sc. (star. J Gubernatorial No 3. i I Editors Democrat 2f Star : (CNTLE.VKN : The nomination of each political party for Governor; in the person of iheir respective candidates, having been before the jeople now over a month, it is proper to presume, that the Gubernatorial question, will for the next four months, be the one o all-absorbing interest with the Electors of Pennsylvania. Hiester Clymer, w'-' he supported by ev ery true Union Elector in this Common wealth. Joiri W.Geary, is the candidate of the Disunion pari;, onl cs nick, he will be supported. This is the position o the parties, and he who attempts to deny the fact, is mora knave than fool. Ther du:y of th Democracy is plain in the premises. It i to wage an aa?resive warlara upon the; ancient enemies the enemies of Law, L'terty and the Constitu- .'lion. And in dom thin, we the Democ racy change no ground, assume no new position, but charge home upon th;it radi cal, fanatical purty the ruin ol our country, the death ot thousands and thousands of our people ami a continued pnrpo-e to again "deluge the land with blood." Arguments are useless, to establish ihi fict. It is po pa'er.t lo every intelligent J man in the land, that he who denies the issue, wilfully sins against truth and ktiowledire. "Forewarned is forearmed." I want to Pee every Democrat armed and equiped for the campaign, it will b3 a iong and fierce contest, and he who wavers in duty is unworthy the boon of a Fkee- . . i price of Liberty ,s j man. UemiMiibf r, the eteman.ciiance.- .Now.'my feilnw-cnizen", ooaht we no: at once to ? To arm for ihe con- teM ! Uetermine.l to ene the enemy . tj) jUt is hopeless y given up to polUi as did oi:r fathers in the Jcksnn conteM ; J Cal wrangling and wirepulling The when the Democratic Camp Fires i'lumina- i IJazteton Sen incl. ted every county in Pennsylvania. Let it be done a-am. buMatn resident Jou.s- I MJ.-N 8 il3 I11B uiiiimi. .ttllU III IIII1 11 run tr 0 urn nnlv ra.a4.tKli.Kitirr fn r r 11 r children, the heritage bequeathed to us by revolu'.ionary sires. A JaC5"0N DtCMOCBAT. Euiton, Democrat $ Stn : j GcsTtrMtN : How changed is .he .ito.v 11011, wiiniii ine tne vauey 01 Fishincreek. A short lim previous 10 ; war, de dstainiii atui oe.un. liiey came among i, a ttiey al!eud, undr;r the order of the Govermrien i, Lincoln arid Sl'ju'nn) for the purpose ot preserving order (! ana ........ .1 r H 1 11 I'. .H I tr ? , 1 1 u c n. i c i.i T-t . .... i. ....i... :.. .v - - of .he country, then, was occasioned by iKu 'nintiiin hi ftT)r.(iifiiH-' ni a car t i '". ' " - unuiletiiaing wciiden and help e?s children, anil tti peaCB ol ihe community, by men here, who will ) et gel their dues, and one whose riiihi hand will never more point lhe "ruffian invaders'' to the homes ot hit neuhton lOai i-iey mitii tie hunted at m'ri'''1 aflLi ruthlessly arreted. But ihe kina rv Iih rtaiionts. whri nl rnnrin i.nln.l i(, briri;n., Ine -Cou Couch Cad walUder army" j I . 1 . . " T. r.f t.Loutioa cotr;ii(.., led on bv a tleser er 1 tercd bv the hands of those, who ban named V. A. l whose sculp, it is te- but a'short time before, proclaimed the whole year's subset i; neveo, u,e ue,, in , ,oudcst fof wIovalty .free 6peech" and prfviou? tbre numbers the far west beyond the li.ickv Mountains, t ... , ' J r r i i r , V u 1 This young dewudo was assts-ed and en- lUU xt-x. wrjietu wu- valual! arjll lhe r(ior!i"ed in llns raid unon the lives of Hie ! lU ipvoiican. " 4 11 ... Tr...; . V V. "J i !!ec- amon us, are not much to blame, (for ihev f ratic -eat tes, ol very InUe account,) as ar'e un .jsomeof the ,nora prominent -l.oliu.vt. 'ot Kjoo.usfcur,.. ar 1 Tliere and here, those Liticr.I.f-honnd'' ! tre known were marked t.d will ba re- ,he cover ot niaht, by the miuioim of Tne I ,( Lincoln Tory Administration, torn from j iheir Urn.lies. auJ wiihout tne teinbhnca of a trial, in the leet'i o! all law, and i:t ! . violatiin; of every prir.cip e of humanity, l rid nd-cen-ly sptriie.i oif to ii.n Hasti.e. These litizens were coidiy kidnapped. I hey vyere ! pnn.shed wul.out trial or con vict.o,., and j he iew that were eu:enced Ly a sham i . , ; citizer P the iew that were temenced Ly court and perjured wiiiip-.e. idriiily infamous was tt:e a.-t t.ia they wtre all at i?nj! rj re.e aei. lis U:jc,A Tha invasion of our county, I in .liC4. was f ir a special ot-ject. It was not to oC;airi tha Law, to suppress the I Mebe'.li.'tn, cr restore liie L'niu.i. They ! to. a n nil n p,!. nr.ioia 1 r- r,'. . jaci OS inai mosi ii isnii.aDis ou:rai, was? for the soe purpose ol obiaiuin adk.itioiial political po'.rcr and defea;i( 4 the noble Dd mocracv ol Columbia county. Ai.d Itei'ill Presently ihfe clneply in j ur !il men, txcepiirr ttie M.;ferinir ihey fndnred lhe lo-s ot property nustaiied by iliieves arul robters tjjrin tteir ecor s on here, 'aiid tettsr tiiau ever it 1 tie ees 01 all respectable p?op!e. Their con sciences art e:rtr. and the-v boldly chal- 'ene tnnr.lul condem-a'tnn ol iheij put nc acts and pnra e live-s, and will be honored by unborn iteration.. Already "he Abo-j .. . . r .i u.i.n iranor are asninin 01 m ct aim ...1 woo'd glad v t'ttry it n oblivion. L-t it f . 1 . . L-t remain a enree an. f h2race. tor all comuii-i nme, tnoii it auihor. and iheir po-tenty. A Bustox Det-k citaT. I ) Questions for General Geary. ' Tlieri are tvo qnertions which tlie people desire General Geary to answer without delay, ind which wc shall con- to ttiem. 1. Is be, or is he not, in fivor of negro suffrage ! ii. Does he, or does he fcot, support the restoration policy of Andrew John sou ? Let there be co quibbling or dodging. Give us plain acd unmistakab'e answers. If the General imagines that hs can get j through the aix-months campaign before us without meeting fairly aud squarely these two important questions, be wil nJ himself as sadly mistaken as when he retreated before fifteen of Moseby's men. under the impression that they were the bod v of Stonewall Jackson's men. On tbe 33th ult., lion Hiester Clymer resigned bis seat in the Senate of Pcnn sjlvania.' Charles Kessler, E-q., for many year?, editor of the Reading Adler and J. Lawrence Gelz, Eq ., et!itor of the Heading Gazette, will be prominent candidates for tbe nomination of Senator, by the Berks county Democratic Con - ront'.-.n tr fill ihn vc4T!CV Orr ft si Ano ,1 j w bv the resignation of Senator Cljm?r " Notices of the Pres3. Col. Levi L. Tate has dinposed of the Bloomsburg Democrat establishment to 15. 11. Ikeler, Esq , an.d it and the Star ( oj the ior,. has been consolidated un der the title of Columbia Democrat and Star of the Aorlh. . We with the new arrangement abundant tuccess.- Nor thumberland Democrat. Newspaper Change. Tho veteran editor of the Columbia Democrat, Col. L. L. Tate, has fold that pap?r to E. 11. Ikfcler, Esq., who has consolidated it with the filar cf the North, The paper will hereafter bo conducted by Mesfrs. Jacoby and lkelr,wbo are gentlemen of ability and eound Democracy, and we feel assured our friends in Columbia co. will loose nolhiDg by the cliangt. The retiring veteraa has our test wishes for a lonr life of health and happiness which he to well deserves. Jersey Shore Her ald. Union. The two Democratic papers so long published at Dioonisburg the Dem ocrat by Co!. L. L. late, and Star of the North by V, II have been consolidated. Jacoby, Esq., Col. Tate hv- ing sold out to E. Iv. Ikcier, Etq loe hrtt runiber made its appearance latt week, under the title of "Columbia De.x- ocrat and Star of the North," and not ! otilj; presents a very creditable appear-! prcpri thera and their journal ucce;s. Scrau ton legis.'cr. Changed Hands. The Columbia Democrat has changed lian Js. f ikfcler aav.P2 oou2uv out Vjoi. iat, anu i united iha omce witn that of the Star of .g calle i c o Columbia Democrat and Star of ill". J v.. .,- , V; tj j ; cobyand E. It. Ikeler. It evinces abili-j Thank you friend Stokes. Perhaps if you yej-g publishing elsewhere than IIzo 1 ton, ; your politics would be much more con- I ! fpu-uous. we Lave nos torgotten tha i articles written by yourself while at tho Millville Si-bcol. Do y ou remember the j ! I'tipiCs Effort. I Valedictory. Levi Jj. late, E?q.t i ff 20 year,, editor of the Columbia ueiiorraij aas disposed 01 uis liiteresi in that iournal Ikeler. who has 1 hundred fold, and filially root OUt il!l tbe Abolition dis-TJnion tares that are ow . , rr.iT. - printing up in that couctv. The 1 mocracv of Columbia, like those of our ; . . . own rountv. a n r i ri r tha tast tr'ur vcar-i, the heavy baud of tyranny and oy nression in its mfar,e-t torrn. iiamtnis- i r- . Ti,. , j , - . , , -fi,.ma : burg, the Democrat and Star, have been J united, and Col. Tate has retired from ', business. Wra. II. Jacoby, editor of j tha S"a,and Member of the L-cisla- i ture, and E. II. Ikeler, Esq , are tbe new conductors. With tho politics of the paper we have no affinity, of course, but , , r . . i - 3lr. Ikeler is an old neighbor and friend and we wish him abundant pecuniary : .aeCM9 We have rea-on to believe that ..... matcriaiiV tna l0De,01 tJ0 Pa?Cr tt,U ut materially , improved. We have known ilr. Ikeler wcil since the time he was a member of our fatxily and we occupied the rtlative position of tutor and pupil in the Seminary ; we ave known him in various business lull,uu ' ,u l"c '"j' wiei, auu tnu : f l t. . - iti a . "UatiD room in whicli tic aiways loot a etilt differ on many important topiC3 we ) Dnp3 no'thin" wil I trar:spire lo mhr those j fondly relations which have always . , . ; existed between u. i.'jusp.cuuus pal t, uiiii us iuuc.i ;is w t; iu y 1 o 7i it g 11 1 p libit ca u . Republican Convention. j ilr. A. K. MeCiure, l rar.klin, moved that the p'.attorm be ndoptt d with tb; exception of the fourth resolution. lit . , . . - . ci'ht Dotu be luccticutd in the conveu- ttO't. Ir. Hall cf l?!air, made a speech of j tome length, endorsing the resolution; and payiii; that the members wciill j pursue such a coure as 'would not diive the President entirely away from the j party whicii eltctid htm. Cries of, lthe has r nc already," and jeers and laughter resounded througcut t,he hal'. Mr. McClure sunnorted li:i resolution ', . rr . ----- , ,.!, 0 . J. Xt 1 vrnlmn to nas thi namR of I'rrstrliT.t : t t 1 l ,7 r . . . 7. Jonnsou vy wun wn, wnat 11 ucservf a, siicct j CDniempt. p. IJ. Carnahan, Esq , United States District attorney at Pm-burg, ciLred the following us a substitcte for the fourth resolution a3 reported by tbe Committee. Resolved, That reiving on the well- tried loyalty and devotion of Andrew Johnson to the ca ise of (he Union in tbe dark days of treason and rebellion, rt membentiir the patriotic conduct, services which in times past have endeared his came to the Union party, and now, re posing full trust in his ability, patriotism and integrity, we express the confidence that the policy of his administration will be so shaped and conducted as to save the nation from tho rerils which K'i'.l . 1 :, DUI I UU1IU 11. Mr. Lawrence, of Washington; made cnie stioging allusions to thf fact that Mr. Carnahan, being an oiSicoboMer. stood in a peculiar relation to the Presi dent ; and appealed to him to withdraw his resolution. Mr. Carnahan refused to do so. Mr.-Kirkpatrick, of Allegheny, moved to strike out the word?, ''and now rijios ing full trust in his 'ability 3 patriotism and integrity." lie regarded it as a fatal mistake for the Republican party to go before the btafe on a platform eu- j dorsing President Johnson I O. J. DifVaw Imr.orl llin nnnlm m . w . ----j -"f - - " " j;v...i.v m I frota Allegheny would withdraw bis ance, bnt hovf3 the requu-tte energy and friTin some h:indrrt nf nrantinl snas. f kill ncccsfary to mate it esceller.t 1 f . , -tlie .... . . .. . o o r --eii1-- m I journal. Messrs. J acoby and l!:?ier nre . f licermca. , . nr i ( in srr ir Wiiric. jptl nrp . n.Krfa r. i amendment. If be wanted the ayes aed nays on it he eoii'd have them, and the amendment would be voted dowa. Col. McClure said, the gentleman bad evidently got into the wroDg convention ; he had arrived just two days behind time ; if his resolution had been offered in the Democratic Convention it would have I been received with shouts of applaue ; it diu not utt the tastes of this body ; and the bst thing the gentleman could do would be to aitlulraw it. An Extraordinary Paper. The April numbr of the American 9gricu'lurist contains 44 pages (13x10 icche?) instead of tho standard G2, and each of the previous three numbers of this tha quarter-century volume, has con tained at least 40 pazes, with a prospect of continuing at this size. Over 150 en gravings have already r.ppaared in the Cr.-t one-third of the volume. The pres ent (April) number opens v,ith a splendid bead engraving of "U-iron of Oxford," one cf the most valuable animals of tha cattle kir.d in this country or in ihe 1 world. Nest are 4 pnges of "Hints about work" ,0 ba dcno tha iLonth m tlie 2o4J, orchard, garden, api.iry, ttc al iotercst, answers to queris, u.eful hints frcm corie?ponJcrjt?f etc., includir an onslaught upon humbugs. Next . . 12 pages of fcop: pertaining a general are Eeld and farm work, animals, buildings, . flln -. nn r nn v- mnA hiuts as to i to be done. Follow- II this 13 the Horticultural, cr fruit, Cower and garden department, also fine- ly illustrated, i he Household Depart c-'C"1 comes next icclmling an illustrated me auu ii, or Trichina and an important article 011 silver "Plated Ware showing .the decep- tions practised. The Youths Depart- nent js certainly admirable for t folks 3n( inc,u,jcg a very fine cn the little -rravi n2 of " The oor,S "aaway , about Shot etors. We wish ' 3 r-es-- " "Las-ket matter " or eoma 03 or more 11m A'r.ft t.r l'. nnr.i n .1 i. ! pay for the printing napcr ued, and the! nr.a iv,,.., r,.;i.. .. :t :. ! to jfo ri-i . . i !?! . i . . i li e ipru uunjorr is aione wortn ine .tion price, while the , , i arc SCarcery less I lature eiht mouths l" i' tuu itioiu t Jiuauie. ,-jeiiu tue I (....! . I subcription price t the Publishers, Ornrjgn Judd & Co., 41 Park Row. New York City and get tbi whole volume. . i, . ' fr,k A better inrcstnt-nt or the in.mpv im nr.t. well be made. Mr. Marshall said that (ieneraJ tieary , j ti i u- r j , !'aaJh,1 h"l f ' TT'0" h, lm C ,'.J " !l 'l'-r" Cery uH 0r 'FC-' SfVtW. Mr. Matsh rl was a delepnto to the , I Republican Convention and t-aid the ! above its a speech. ' ?i u i: 1 1: i). O.i ih 1st in.-'., t y ih Kev. U i.i. J Kf r, Mr. Jonas Jl : t. of Ashlnn., Scf.ovifcili conii'y. I'a.. to Mm Sarah ' JClem, of Iluar- ir,icrefk tw'."l"P, Columbia county, n lht c7lfl u,i b' ,llR IIev- u'm -I j !';)er- ?,r; J,1T,ph IIa",-" lo Ka e Uahti, both nf ta!wi.. l a. . ' , i I ol whu-U alt persoua iuterealed iu aaid ctaie will whole volume for the year al S1.50, ortJ . ,,,. nf v r r r- i . iit ii J t nlowr of Jotm F. Mailtller, late of Madnoa fo:ir copies lor which will hardlv twp.. deed. wri inn 1-1 iflt., t-v liPV. 1. pear, yir adiu'ri, ot Samuel bnulh. late of MirAiUitwp. Jamfs V. Gilh.pv to i;u;!i K. Kiu.e to h o' ' tivc 'i' Greenwood Ivvn. ' Cohimtjia countv, lyd f ? cond and final account of 1 hnroaa and Wb. ' - ' Edw.-irds, artmr s f Asm Marearet Edwarda, 'at a . 1 1 of Biiarcreek townitnp, dee'd. ) J J j) 7 Account of Benjamin Yobe. Guardian of Jacob . . Fry minor child of Aaron Fry late of Stiflin twp . In Ciia vvis-. :ovvn!i:n. ("olumhia cojrity. i Uc(: J" i a., on n,.i nit.. Jaine isner, ogeo 1 jeuiorsof Edith Fainnan late of Greenwood twp. year., U moi.thn and 21 das. j di-c'd. In Main tw o , Colr.mbia county, on ihe j 3 -nt and final account of Jacob Girrin. aet . . ,. r- f 1 1 1, . 'rii ce utr of Alexanderliarretsoo late of Dauvilla (jiU -.i.t., Knima h., tlai'n'er of 1 )anie 1 j uori..ugUj n.Ceaea. and Mary b'lslier, a-ed,2 inunths . In s-nnd and final account of Jorrno Itehfr, :in,l Id il iis. ' Thrre w it! be no inrre FCrrow, ro 'Mie pain, fll? will bo happy tii;re. Weep nt, mar li will b: her gai'1, In heaven to ft. eel prepare. Ch! her hand so meekly Mile.l. Wlii!-j s!u drew In r partin; breallt. ln i gk i pins,' sjuie one w limpt reJ, But il was the sleep cf death." T f N i . t i' 1121 t. -1 11 1 1 i1 it 1 f ? : V ,V W iJ Ll C I- 1 IZJ i. 11 1 C 1 1 llJ TO Tin: school m hectors cr CGLl.lIIil.VttJl.MY. EXTI.EMEN In pursuance of an act , V of the l. j:i.l:itiire, enacted d-Jrin; the 01 lri.t.. ani-iiiiittory -l tlie lorty-third seetinn of the act nf ."tli May, IVi-i. yiu re htreby not 1 fi e-tt loin.-t in t 'nil v. -ot 1. n . :,t th- t 'mirl ilu s -. iu lii.ioinlur;, the tir-t Tuelay in Mny. A. tr , l-'.ti. hems the tirt es.y i.f tlie iii'iiitli. at 1uVI.m Ii 111 tli alternonii. and t-1-1 . tv vm k by a inajririty if 1 1 . hole nuinSi'T cf direct'. r present, one ierin of life, ry an il ei'-iit 1 ! ji.'jj 1 renient , .1:1 I of skill anil Sin. rience in tn a't of tvai-111112. as t'.-iinty Snperintett I- i.t. f-T tile lnrre Mirree, ni years; il.t.rii.iiie tlie a mount of r.niii!i ai io-i f r the rum-; and certify the result t tiie Stat.- rrinlei'i.'ent, al llarrisb.ira . a re 'tired by liie Itnriy nui;:i and ..rti. tit Hull of aaiJ act, C.U. HARM.tV. Cn:;n;y ?.ipe ri:iteuuenl of Col. Co, April 4, I:Oii. . K.ffiinsbur: WALL PA PliH. "J ' III" undersigned r"s-rectrully announce to Ihe I (iiililic t!i. it he keeps consl intly on h in. I, at his oMmuu.1, WiiiJou sjiiailen, I'l.uii and Cilt, WALL PATER, of aM description. i"i,I Cloth, aud T?pcr Window liaiic". if various colors, and price, to ijit custnin- er. i.orils, lasse's ami riiiurc. a and Pictures, of tti-j very latest t)lei. Jasse's and Future. bnUi lorishades E. J. TUORTOX. rioora-liir;, April 4 l-'tV. tf ptltt.I.IPs s CP EK. Plinspll ATE I.IMK Pcvmovrs' X I'jli-iil itnin aril Phosphate Drill, burnetii lie vciviu Hay Itaios and Hand Unkeo for fate bv I'AXTON &. HAUMOS. ' It i: per-.. Pa. IV c lain for Philips tuper Phosphate that it con tains I.-S8 moisture .1 more utiiform in quality, on tun ino.e a-riciili!jral v.-.iue. than any other in the mark. I, and iii;r'.iuce t'.ir; article tn farmers in tea t-rat as a -CmI..- and MKnUard aiticle liiteudin; to L make "a peruiauent trade. r F AXTON 4 'I EM0X t April 4, ise6, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Andrew Solomon late tf Frank- m I'm (irp., dee'd. , , - Notice is hereby given, that Letters of A ilminigtration on the f n!e of A ml rew Solomon lute f I muKlm townHhtp. Col. o, dee'd. bre bean crantt-.iby the U.'4.-iter of Coluwbin f.mntr. tolheun- " at rl:ned ; all pvraoiig havinj claia or ctcB,nJ again t the eUaie of th aaid dcedenrarn rqueatel 10 preafntlbem tj tlie Adminiatrmor, reidiB in aal.l towMHlup, wtili-mt il.-lay. and all berons indebtvU to make puyuieiit iorthwuh. L KW I s YETTER, Adm'r Etoomibur;, April 4. 18(6 tit Ad let in is Ira tor's Notic Estate vf Jiicob Hupp, of Loca.t twp ilet'd. J etters of Administration on the estate of Jacob Rupp. late of Locunt towntbip, Co tuuibia couiuy, dee d, huve been grained by tbe kegta tt-r of Columbia o., toilie underfilled. All persona bavui(f cluim against the otate of tba da cedent arc requeued to reneut the in tn tha undcr--aiKiicd, without delay, and all peraoua iudtbd t muke puymeni fortllMiUi. SOLOMON ABTEET. Apr 4, "CC.-etSX ' Adiu'r. t mTwhitmoyer, ATTOKIVEY - AT - LAW,. HLOOMSBURG, P., . Office opposite Post cjjice, over Hortmun't ttort. uuc iU'J uuiumj, x cmwis unu uo.- it I) ... ri : i -. f rnmmi ciaims promptly couecica. Eloomsbur;, Apr. 4, 1i6. Applications for License, "XT OTOE i hereby given, that the fol- lou jni; named peraons have made application t i'rctltoitotarj of Columbia county, for Tarcru to lie g rained at tou ilay Term of Court : ; J.ilin F. Callow Elooiu Tavern j John L.eac"cK George W. MaugT t.. 11. Mendenhull lort John J. Siilea . Uenton Tartra I ;. fhuiiian Sc. Son lieaver ' C. I-'. Mann ' " . ' ' j I'hil'p Uolcliatl Caltawma Joint harpiem Sc. Co' Btors John i rover Centre . . 'J'arera.. John I'. Kline Couyngbam Win Goodman . Daniel T. MtKiernan ' I'.. I.'nmist Filingcrek. Wm Kilirar Greenwood . W A. Kline tudwiz '1'hie! iocuit - I viae JihoJea M Joshua VVomer Daniel Yrager " K. l.'oiini'r Montour A. K. Smith it ail 1 son 7'homa Jone Mt Pleaianl - John Keller MirBra Isaac Virtter ' Maine Aaron llpas ' . " Jacob ;iod Orange Samuel Xinihy Samuel Everett " Israel Muiniuey Bcott I'liilip D. Keller John duvaja " . JE?SE GOLEM AM Prothonotary. . ElooniaHurg. A-pril 4. IcCb. Widows' Appraisements. NOTICE OF COXriBMATlOS. The follow jnj appraitemsnti of real and psraonal property id apart 10 Wijowg of decedent have been flle.l in the 1'iUce of the Reeiatrr of Columbia the Kiilen nf Court, ana will be pre- akKo'ute confirmation, to tbe Orphans' I in Uloom-burf . in and for aaid com- .SOW. THEyih DAY OF LY, A. D. clock in the after toon of aaid day.'unleil l n . : 1 .1 1 f. i cf oi in l a lo a u c ll cn il T ma i ion ii a re Drr v imi ) t il i eu 2 Wi,,(,r ,r Bobert J. Lyonj, late of Pine twp. 3 Vit! tr of Chjrfe EUenhart lata of Cnttaiiriau. ! tu ti tiff' A 4 Widow of John Coper late r.f Tin twp., dcd: 5 Widow of RosMell Smith late of Greenwood twp. deceased. ti Widow of Charles Uughei late of Bloom Iwp.. oereneu. - widow cf John W, Ilea. !aie of Sugarloaf twp... dee'd. A Widow of Henry H. Friti late of S-garloaf iwp.. deceased. 9 Widow of Jol;n Jacobv late of Scott twp. dee'd. 10 Widow of 1'eler Delong late of Centre Urn, dee'd. U WitJjw of Wtn. B. Welliver late of Aladiion twp. dee'd 12 Widow of Jacob Johnaon lale of Oranfe twp dee'd. JOHV G. TS.ttF.ZZ. Kgiater. Btooroi'iU-:.', .pnl4. lo6ii tc ItPiTIfiTerS JtOUPPS. H w uiiLWi Totice is herehy given to all legatee,, 1 creator, and otb-r r.r,, interested il, the ea- tatea ,f the re,pect,re decedenu and minora, tbatttt. Hejrister's Notices. fo'lowins AcunniF-.ratioii and Hnari ian account hive been filed tn the ofico of the Rciter of Coluiu I Ina Co.. and will be presented for omnrntation and j ailowanee in the'a Court,tJ be held in Klooin- linre. in the eonnty aforeai l. on Wedneadav. th ! tin day of May, JoC, al 2 o'clock in the afternoon of i tai J day . j 1 Ftrit and final account of M. E. Jarkaon. Adtn'r. ! -f John sUel!hauiruer, lale of 1 riarcrtek lowuahip, ! deci ased. M Second and final account of William h. Thomaa Kiwartls aiiHir'a of Witlinru Edward, late ol lluar cieuK township, decaed. 3 First ami fin a' account of John Marls, adm'r. nf llaiinalr t'uwler. lata of llriarcieek town.bip dee'd. 4 First and fit ! account of Rsutteti Miller, a lm'r. of t'cttianne i'rticr, late of Caiawiaia lownshia j Kirtnnrl nartinl arrnitiil tf P,,nu 1 Lx. rutor of mdrew Ikeler, late of Greenwood twp. 0-c'i!. II Acc-'iint of Ptphen r.aldy, Guardian of Mary E. I Itl. rk. r tumor child of Win, Llecker late of liaiuloclr. j twp. dee'd, ! I J Arcoiint of Mactrta A. John and Caroline 8. Da- witt. Ktsri'i of Georje John late vf S colt twp da- ceased. 13 Ironuntof Amy Whjtenieht and Mary White ! nizht aitm'r of I'eler Whileuijat, lale of Hemlock ' low tmhip ilec'd. H Account f Uiijtj McColtam, Ei r. of William Mieep lale of .Maitiion twp. dee'd. lo Acc.iunt of Stephen Kikendall Guardian of Jo. sank minor child ol John sjwank lale of Centra twp. ilec'd. Id First account of Jacob and Washinzton Yeaver. i aitnir'a of John Veager, nr. lale of Locuat twp. da i c aed. i, 17 'I lie first and final account of J. C. Penninjtoa, ' ml.i.-r ol I'hrirflian lauli-ll. lata of Itetitun turn il ! ceased. H Account of Christian B eeaholta, adm'r of Ma parti V, tier, late of Calawissa twp. dee'd. 10 First and final account of William Goodman Ic John Lev an pdmr's of Daniel Levautr. lale of Soar iuqereek Iwp. dee'd. Jii First an-i final arcount nf John . Funiton. ad-nii-iulralui of David Vandine, late of Madiaott twp. dee'd. r ri Final account of Daniel Ernst. aurvivin exeea tor of .Mary P. Mills, lale of Ma.lnon twp, dee'd. Account of Montgomery Col-;, one of the execa trs of V illiam Cole, late of Benton twp. dee'd. 23 Accouat of Thonirn B. Cole one of the ez.-cutnra of William Cole late of Bentm twp. dee'd. '-'4 Account of B F. Hariman, Guardian of Cla ra Ai; iHiimr c ,ild ofllaliia Appleinan, late of Hemlock twp. dee'd. 13 Account of B. F. Hirtman. adm'r of Jamei Ralf- tou late ol lilooin twp. Uec'd. -') Account f B.F. Hartmaa ajm'r of YVaa. Kama, lale of liio-'iii twp. dec 'd. 2T Account ol'R. F. ffartmm, trustee atter proce ais inS in Tat lion of Philip tleberling. dee'd. V Tim and final account of John Veybird and nllian Vlprk.n.iDtti krnli,ra of Jaeob Fli-rk.,. st-inr r.f Oranpe twn. deo 'd. 2J Filial aeconnt of Lewii Lari'b and Jacob !Hel. ic( rxecuiora of Andrew Lari-h, late of Scott twp, Icc'd. 30 First account of Anjuftua Everbart exertttoi of thi last will and lettauieut of Jacob Everbart late of Oranre twp. dee'd. 31 Frrst account ef Franklin Yocuin adrn'l of Wm. Vocum lai ol Koarm jcreek twp, decV. 32 Final ac.ount of B. F. Ilarttuan. adm of Xichaat Hei( heldeiffer lati of Bloom twp., dee'd- 31 Account of B. F. Hartuian adm'r, of Mary Maa 1. 1 er. late of Madjsua twp. dee'd. 34 Account of B. F. Ilartman adm'r witn the wilt annexed of Jonataan Matte Her lata of Madiaoa twp. de'd. 33 f e-ount of Oliver Evana adia'r ofJetse Willixma 1 lit j of Koanupraelc two. dee'd. ( JOHf G. FRCEZC. Rittvr. Elonubu'';. April 4. 1SW.- te.