X DEMOCRAT AND STAR LO CAL. DEPARTMENT. DLOQMSBURG Wednesday, Elarch 23, 1860. : :AKSWEE3 T0 C02Ers?0NPENTS 3. 0. Eeq. We know nothing of th history of Cliili praviou i to the middle of the fla;enta century, 'i C. S. or Eaavxa Our present opinion ofthe'die-. ' organizer is thle : Bcinj politically dead ia both ' parlies, their object ia. by establishing a new papnr to buildup a party for themsulveo. and sell it to any party that will give them the lea iersbip. Itia their last chance and only hope. A. M. EAvsa Valley Our paper is regularly ad dressed to you. ,Yout name it on the list with oth er. The trouble ie not with ut. Hope you'wjll have do room for complaint ia future. B, Believe no such reports. The Democratic party ie independent of 'resident, Johnson, but will support him when he does right, as heartily a it' be were a president fcf its o.vn choosing. Tax' Patriot- Your communication, has reached its, butat present w e think it will not bj published. " Many things in ifkre' very Sood, tbou'ti too much personality, and we are nt anllicbeistly acquainted with the facta to make any chanr"9- .., P. M. At MiLLVine. W are very 'macb obliged to yon, for. the information you jjive us. and think there will bo no. difficulty in future. J. E. U., alas subscribed for onr prper but peih ips be eiptcts to gat it at :he Croenwod P. U. Wu w ill ste. We jubluh in this issue the McthoJfit appoiutiaent fur thus District. ' ' - Ip,you want new teeth or old ones ex tracted without pain, go to Dr. II. . U. Iloweria Bloomiburg. ' Those about purchasing Furniture will do well by calling at C. Chive's Ste hia card elsewhere. - QUITE an interest is being manifested , in the Eae Rail Club" o! this place. .It is a couunjtndabla game both tor. tx . erciso and tporr. "Uo in) boys." A list of the lately elc:tid Township .'.'Slid liorouh oiliccri of tl.ts county i pulHishcd in this isue. See advertisement of Rev. J. W. XeebT in another coI'iuju o!fering a va.t variety of-personal, property at public . ealo on Thursday nest. Many persons adJresing us by letter, will bo satisfactorily answered in oar paper, uot'cT the head Answer to cor respondents.'.' Read them. '',".' The President has vetoed the cod a strous Civil Rights R.1I. His veto is .said to bo elaborate an 1 more sweeping than was that on the FrecJinen's Burtau Rill. All honor to him. - We Invite speci:il attention to the ad vertisement of D. W. Robbins.n another 'column. He has lately made arrance ments to sell tho greatest tiniulant in v the universe, and is determined to give . relief to the people avd not be outJone .by any estabJiohmcnt in the cjanty. Last week the Columbia Cuunty Iit pubtican,' appeared in a new dress and enlarged form. It reads well, and shows that the Doctor is doing a good work for bis political friends. Pecuniarily, we hope ha may prosper, but politically, NE.YER. . , . CoNNETiccr. The State election comes of in Connecticut en 3Ionday, the 2d of April. The Abolition majority last year was 11,035. A heavy Df arocratic gain is confidently looked lor, and it is possible the State may be carried. "There was an exciting political fight in the United States Senate on the 23rd iost., caused by an attempt to expel Sen ator Stocktoo, of New Jer&fiy. 3Ir. Stockton is an unflinching Democrat, hence trie attempt to deprive him of his cat to which, he is duly entitled. . In tbis we secure another ad vocate of Amer ican liberty in the United States Senate for the neit six year3. The business man who put? hte sin ia me newspaper, , aoes a macn w!er thing than he who fast 2ns it over hU door, which no one would think of neglecting. The man , who advertises, informs the ,.pubIio that he. wants business, and his card is an invitation to customers to eome and deal with him. Where one person reads a eiga in the street, five hun t' dred read it in the newspaper. ' . . We- understand that the ' colored Brethcrn" of Blooms great complaints becau hey h been solicited to join the aoeetings" now in progress union prayer in this obec. . Whose faolt is it, that the Negio coorre- gation is not in ? Their ,Co!oTcd Par . son" is now in town, and only awaits an '' invitation and will join the godiy num bers. When we see the Nero Parson i eeated in the pulpit, side by side, with . our white and ''loyal" neighbors we. will give credepce to their .Negro equality prayers ana sermons. The Lady'sFeijend Foa APEriIn the teel plate for this number, Waking,' we - fnd the usaal saperiority rnaintaice d by . thia inagazina, lor exquisite narrateness - and high artistic finish. It io a sweet heart picture of i aking endearraenta between-mother and child ; the clcs.r pun rise Btrearning throngh tl broidcricg vines about the lattice and lighting -up tLe icene morning light and morning -life both pure, both fragrant with ' the breath of beaven. . The fashion plate is as usual unsurpassed. We ometimes wonder how it is that the. publishers in variably secure tbU point. Even when the s&me artists have been at work there peeK3 to bs an unconscious favoritism jthat preserve? for The Ladj'a Friend, their bsst efforts and tnostsigsi! sscceai es. . Very appropriately in tbi:i Apiil nuaber the children, spring bud3 of men and women, have It all to themselves, and an uncommonly pretty, graceful groop thay make. The wood cat ilhuirating Tha Forsaken Yife" is full of tragic pathos, winter scena, dreary and de oUta ti the heart of the saCirer. Price S2.50 a year ; 2 copias 4.00 ; S copies (and one gratis) 316. Specimen '.XT';-V.-T3 T'i!l .bs65nt for 15 cents. 'Wheel ..s? cz, V.'ilios 3 celebrated Sewing 31 a- r::i ; tji, :re fursisbed a Preniiarnn, . -53 Bsasoa - & Fft.r;oo, 315 A Revolution in Stock Opebations. The Reno Oil and Lnd Company elsewhere advertised, presents a plan which for novelty, accarit j Dd profit, promises revolutionize the whole Byitetn of stock operations. We have a stock here that ia bo guaranteed against loss or depreciation that it must always be at par. ..It can never depreciate. . It must advance, fop it represents the largest es tate owned by any one company in the .Oil Region including the beautiful and thriving town of Reno four miles of boring territory absolutely owned, and the largest working fund cf any Petro leum company. The intention of the managers is to make Petroleam a bu3i- jess and not a speculation. The officers and directors are well known over the onntr for their enterprise, encrsry and lintegritj. When such men. tako .hold of Petroleum we may well believe it is no longer a speculation, a wild adventure, a mere gambling enterprise, but a busi ness as ure and 6afe as the mining of ('old and Iron, and eilver. We rccog niza in Reno the lieginio-; of a National, reform, and comniitid it to general ap proval. . Ministerial Appointments. . The East Baltimore M. E. Con ference which ha been holding it sessions in Willianisport recently, have made the following appointments for this (North umberland) Dittrict: Presiding Elder. John Guyer. Wiltiaui-port, Pinu StreetT. N. Reese, V. W. Evan. Williamsport, Mulb'cry ftrcet R. B. Hamlin, E. J. Gray, Sup. Montoursviilc A. M. Cat'ighton, Muncy D. Castlcman, one to Le sup plied.. Lewisburg V. H. Mills. Chillisquaq ie ;B. P. King, E. L. Chil- cote Midinbcrg X. VV. C'deburn. Xorthunibtiland H. O. Dill. Suabuty .1. Anderson, E. Shoemaker. Sdinsgrovv J W. Olewine. Danville J. M Hendree Reily. J Elysburg J. Forrest, J. M. Akers. I Shamokiu F, R- Riddle. . ! Mount Carmtl J Mullm. j Ashland R. F. btevens, I. C. Stevens, I Sup. Catawifsa b. C. b wallow, u. C. John "Up. . f Rloonsburg R. E. Wilson. l'spy and Light Street A. M. Barnitz. Berwick J. A. Gere, W. N. Xorcross Orangcvillc W. C Hebser, one to b supplied. BJoomingdalc 31. P- Crosthwaite, one to be supplied. Jon?vil!c J . F. Porter, G II. Day. White Haven S. ShanDon. Laporte 'One to be enpplied. T. Mitchell President, J. F. Davis, Professor, William-port Dickinson Sem inary, memcers iUuitery ctreet vaar i terly Conference I. H. Torrence, Secretary of Pennsyl vania Bible Society, member of ib'unbury Quarterly Coiiforenee. Rev, Mr. Spottswood has tho Presi ding Eldership ofthe Bellefonte District B. II. Crcvcr holds that position in the C arliilc District. The men iho voted for negro suffrage the Frecdmcn's Bureau Bui, and a host of similar outrages were not to be cx- l pected to sultuy themselves by an en 1 doraemeut of President Johnson's wiie j and statesmanlike policy. They have , takt;n issue wiih him most squarely. J Their position is well understood. The I New York Herald says : ! The Pennsylvania Republicans stand i forth in direct anUgoautn to the admin- istration. The issue, therefore, in the j Key stona State is in reality not between j General (.Jcary and Iliesier Clymer, but between Andrew Johnson and Thaddens Stevens. TrrAD Stevens made another charac teristic speech in Congress Saturday March KUh. Speaking of the contest bftween the PrciitJent and the Radicals in Congress, he said : Ectry pnpf in his oicn Sin! excep: one hermaphrodite concern in Philadel phia, and one bellnrerent oappr in Har- i risburg, edited by the postmaster, su j taiued Congress ; and so did every Re publican in his state, who was not an burg are making ! app'nt for offica. -i they have not i Columbia County Republican please copy. . Mcrekl 7e learn from the M'incj Lt miruny that horriMti tnurcijr was comtnii ir?iJ, on SarHay nuirning 4 h int.; in Loal ock tfi uvneliip, Lycoming , county. I'eier Uo!3. a Hungarian by birth, had ac'ifficoliy wiih his wile rboui ome property, and brctally mnrJereJ hcrwiih a hatchet on '.he morning afcova ?tated. lie is in jail. M A tt R I E lu In Jer.eytown, by itie Rev. J. R. .Moms, Mr Lewis L-s rish , of LightMreet, and Il:-s Rachel Fox, ol Jersevtown-ail of Cofumbia co. I'd. On (he 2J inet. by ihe Rer. Wm. J. Eyer, Mr. Jrhf II. Brobi, of Fmnkliti iwp. and Mis Hannah Miller, ol Alayberry town ship Montour co. Oa the I8;h in?, at the rel iance of the bnJus father, by Rev. A. S Praier, Mr F. P. Horn, oi BVnion twp., and Mitss Jane S'.evens, of Lumber City, Clearfield co. Pa At L'ira9 Kidg on ihe 1 Sth insi. by Rev. D. S.Trockenmiller, Harvey Deiierick ant Miss Agnes Jamison, both ol Lime" Rid Pa. In Selinsjrove, nn ihe 10th int by. R- v. F. Bower, Mr. Peter F. Snuman ot Ep, Columbia co-uniy, and Mi? L'riola. dauli ter ol Dr. Joeph Eyaier. At Ihe house of he bridei. father, in Bea ver twp. Col. county, Pa. otf ihe 22l in' by Allen Mann Etq. ilr Jnhi MiMa.-d o. MainviHe to Miss Eve Ann Shearman. In Bioomsbarj, at the reside'nee of Wm. Neal on ihe 22J inst. by the Rev liam-.Col wi a .sS) f r f .' n m Jici-mro oi avrntjury Narlh'il Miss ChrUeie Boyd of Danville. co., to DIED. In Fichiri?creeit iwp. on the 10ih in:. Abraham Robbins, agad 83 years. . In Bloomsbnrg en the 25th inst. 1866, rr;!iiam Rohison, one of thd bldet and e?s- inl.r't e.f .V ,e, v " BUTTER. - - : EGGS POTATOES, DRIED APPLES, HAMS BACON, - - ' - 45 . as l no 3 Ot . CO . 18 15 00 HAY by the ton. CHICKENS, per pair. 50 PHILADELPHIA FLOUR CORRECTED WEKKLT FOB. TH Jc GRAIN MARKET. "DEMOCRAT AS.D STAR." Wheat Flour per barrel .Extra do do do Family. do Rve Wheat, White, per bushel do Bed, do do Amber do Rye, do Corn Yellow, do do White do r-- Outs Buckwheat Meal ..$0 ..8,50 .6.50 .8.2(1 ..2,10 t CIO to 8 t 2.30 to 3 i-5 2.35 to J, .1,04 - 7.5 PS 50 .5 pr U lbs. '3 Nat) SlDat rlisemciite Wx. c. ujjsitr, oeo. w. cirf'ivikp.. Established 1828. G. W. C iUl'EMCR, HESZK1 & CO. WHOLESALE DUUUG1ST?. 737 Market St. one door below f tii, Ppit.AO(i.pu:A. DRUGS. Mi:niCIVK.-?, CHEMICALS. P.MMrf OILS. GLASS. VAUNISHLS, DVE?, And cvry t;hrr article appertaining in ihe business, ot' tin' best quiiliiy. and si the l.nvt.-ft Marti t U'tteit. March 23, lAHi, CHEAP FOR CASH ! T1 IF. lnr?-t Stock of well-made Tin War in tho ft are invited ta give u a rail b-l""r Mr liajm; tlst v-bre. ,M LLLOV SMI I II. 723 Market S-t, between Tth ami f-.h. i'hiladel(;biit. Mar- h ;, VrA, Im JC&.C at 1111 VATU N.in.K. Ttl u sulisiTiii!r o(T.t ,it Triviite S:ilf. a Farm it u iti d in (ir.p;eTwp., Cl. ri. Pa. i i'niilr:i from itxhrib jr and J I'rou tueviilK, rtnit.iininr ONi: HUNDRED AND SI A" ACliES, Sixty of which U rlearej and W(;li iinproved, t'ie balaurr? i wi-Il tiiulierod. There nrv oil lliu promist-s rxmiiiuiiioiis IK'W l'iiildini'4 iiuJ a c(d ore lurd ;i youi't jpiilt an i a-h urchard, of Ml rrjvtji, ln'ij : ii ii i n to If.r. CI.r.AMjR KCCLER. Oraiict !wp, M.'.nh OS,' I-'Hi MY HAPPY flOMET" THE OLD HOMESTEAD Wild Cherry Bitters Are p-rfTtly pure nnit contain no pi-..ui or nx inu sulis-lnuce. 'l'hey are compo'indnl tiii 'i.;u titic priiic ip!r-i. and r.r? ailnplrd to tli: nld un l the nuns. lh! Strone and 1!ih Weak, ami nrp d.:liucd to be fnund in very city. 'iwii and hamlet ia the civilizeU world . '1 hr-y speedily rnro Juuiuiicc. Dypfpsia, ell fur inn cf In dtzcslwn, Sour Stomach t Rheuma tism, S'em'itlu, and all IMPURITIES OF THE - BLOOD, Dropsy. Nfrvus Aff'-ctmns, Kidney Disr.ii,, Liv er Complaints . Genera! Prostration. and Xtr. vnU" Headache. A a Hurtling Apprtizrr no oilier Tonie or Stimu lant in Iln-uttn r rse ran efjiial them. Fur disorder ed niire-l.oii. iiiijicrfetl lirrulalimi of the blood, mid tili.iwic.1 vital en'.Tsy tiiey give permanent ard prompt reliif For CimisiIix and Colds tS y are superior to any t herry IVrtnral. They clean-"; the -tnm.t.-li and purity tlie blooil. uiliti; tir;t!y upon the Liver, the gn at ;t disrate ; tliey soon restore it 10 a sound and healthy slate. To per.fMi!. of Sedpiitarv habit.J, .Icliratc Foinllcti ind niir.'iii" Joth r. and Wie who el a loss of n'rriigth. or a want !' auibiuon, these Imieri ill be I'suud ol ine.ili-ulalil'.' Value. One trial will'on viriee you . Manufactured and gidd Lv t. p., t: Linger land aco.. I 0? Chryitie Si, N", V. and sold by all DrugislJ and M r--lianin peuera 'y. 1). W, hO Bit INS, Afeiit. Blooms burg, P i. .Warrh JJ, 1-Sf., Hm S. H. DE VOLF, DEALER IN REA Y-3Ia!e CLOTEI Ja, A'c. 'JO? .orth Second St , One door above liact liu't. Clfitluiis ruaiJc i) or.Jer at trie short?fat notice. J lie JIoiitouT k Crlorado GOLD MIXCVGC03IPANV. CAPITAL STQIJi,.- - - - $00,000. 100, 000 Sbares. par Value $3. OFFICERS: Hoc. W. II. J.VCOBY, Prcs't, f l!lfiml,iirr. r.i. D. 31. SWARII, Vlcf-Pres'.. Wm. II. SULTZDKII, StC'y. JCi! WOOIiSJDE.Trcas'r. Mm. RLl E, (pb. Dirrclor, Colorado. DIRECI'OKS. linn. W. II. Jacobt. Elon.nbure Ti. S. J. t ahi.t. Danvi I'a. J II. 4'tMISLtL. ! . K.S. Uini. riiilad-lnbia. V. W. II.Tv.ifi. U. L Si I. I zmf H, '' John Wo"CMDS, . 7 his Company is organized undr speri.-il Thar ter of the ."tale ol Feniisy ivanis. ow nins one thu strnl fi- t on the Itarker l"ile. .iniltwo hundred on the llureau t "ounty ble, either f th-m within hnlfa mile of t.Vrr.ml t'lty. iji'pin i.'snin' y, f.'oliirail " The pioperty on ihe Ba'her I'nl.i consist, nf th-.; discov ery claim, two hundred feet, ami t-isht claim ad jiuiiinjr on the east of one humireil feet eaeh. in.ikin one thoiisaud cui.n nlie f.-ct This lo.le is wurkeil for three lliousand feet in lensth. irn t-Very clmm the ave'aie wnliii oflhe vein r rrevice is seven eet. Tins lode will average m richuesv with any in Ihe Territory. The Hureau Cointr lode consists of tin: disrcvi ry claim, of one houdr"d feet, .ircordin; Im tlie laws -f 1-SJ. and Nn. 1. c-t from discovery. Tln lde shows a crevice, a fr as worked. f four feel. The lust 'purl., crusheil from il in a st.inip null, yn-ijr,! one hundred and sitr dollars a cord. In connection w ult the Barker lode, is an eishleen sraiiiu mill, with power and eipacitv to crush from twelve, to fift-en cords a week. 1 he ore fi 0111 the l!srKr lode ran he mined, hauled and crushed nt the null at the r ile nf forty live dollars 4 cord. I he ore. if selected, w ill yied from one -hun dreri-anii- fif ty t i two hundred dollars and upwards, per cord. As tin: property ha-r all the improvenietin n .-ce.-s.iry for the working nf tho several lodes, the first dividend will be p.iij in ihe ensuing July, and repu larlv thurrsfTer; at frniu funr ti l.ve per cent, quar terly, i: com, uitL-tsiii case of umtvoiditbte acci d".it. Th erf are no al iricd t'frierrs except t.ie rfeci.: tiry ; m.I ih. TrenT;ier wilt he required to aive am plj security fr Ihe l;i it M'u t pei furiii.itire of hi trust, l'hi're is only a limited ai.ionut of stock tir sali at the prir of t- ptr f.h;ire, w hich can b obl.ii ned at Ihe othee of ih-j t'ompiiny, w here Ceiti Scales w ill bt iisitd and t'A inf irmatuui t'ivtn. Cffitj, o. Jli'JIcrcliauts' Exehaozr, fhiLJclpliia. March ISC6. SPECIAL NOTICED- THE Mason tc Hamlin. Cabinet Organs, forty dif. ferent styU. adapted to s.s.cred and secular musie.fo 1 SjMJO each. riFTV-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or othr firat prcmiiitiis, awarded theni. IKustraMd l a alogues free. Addre.s. MASOV 4. HAMLIN,. BoaTus, or IliOTIIEIW, Ntw YOKK " Jm.C. lif.-S-;p. 9. '05. ly. S.M.P. Every young lady .ml gentleman in the Untied Slates c-n: hear souiethi.ig very much to their advan tage by re fii mail (free of charge.) by addressing l he undersigned.' Those havinj tea's of being hufiibug ed will oblige by ii-t noticing thia card. All others will p least.- adJress their obedient servant. THOU. F CHAPMAN. 31 Uroadwjy, New York. Fob. 2 1363 ly.3 M P TO DKUtMvAltDS. A reformed iru-briate would oa happy to eommi ni eate (free cf chargt) to as many of bis fellow-bettig s will address him. yery important' and usefal in formation, ami place ia their hands a sure cure for the love of Strong Eriuk of any kind. Th is infor mation is freely oflired by ona who has narrowly es caped a drankard 's grave. Address. -. 6ESHB. HEXDERSON." No. 6 Broad Strt, Kw Tor r. WHEAT.per.buf.bel. 2 00 RYE. " 1 00 foav, eo BUCKWHEAT. 1 00 FLOUR per bbl. 13 UO CLOVEB.SEED. 6 25 FLAXSEED - 850 BUCKWHEAT Flour. S00 TO ConsvirpTATiTas. Tke advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very sim ple remedy.afler having suffered several years, with a severe lung a flection, and that dread disease. Con sumptlou is anxious to make known to his fellow, sufferers tha means of cure To all wba desire it, he will send copy oflhe pre scription used.f freeot Charge. with the directions lor preparing and using the same, which they will find a sobs curb for Consumption, Astuaiy, Eronchitis.Colds Cottfhs. etc The only object of the advertiser to sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which heconceives to be invaluable nd he hopes every sufferer will try hit remedy, as it will cost them not lung, and may prove a uei.ing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address liev. EDWARD A. WILfOX, Williamsburg, Kings County, Pak. S3, 156C. ly. S.W. P. ew-Tork. a ciitD to iii Tali I)?. . A Clerfyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a snfe and simple remedy for the Cure of .lu'rvous Wcakncsr, E;.rly Daeay. Diseases cf the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and th e nbole trai l of disorders brought on by baneful arid vieious hnbits, Great numbers have been al ready cured by this uoble remedy, Promptud by a desire to benefit the alHictefl and unf.irtnr.aU-. I will st-tuf the recipe for preparing and using tun medi cine, lu a sea ed envelops, ta any one who nasda it Fa an or Cuakos. I'lek.e inclose a post-paid anvelope, addrcs.ad to )ours!f. Addr vss, JOSEPH T. HMA1. Station D. B:sl Hacaa. Nsw-York City. Ianh7. 1.-I.U, Siuo. ERRORS UF YOUTH. A gentleman who aulfered for years from Nervous Debility.Prematura Decay, and all the fleets of youth. lul indiscretion, will, tut the sake of suf!,-rinj liu mnnity, send frre to all who need it. the recip and d. cerium, f,)r inaKiiij; the simple rt-mfdy by wi.irh ha was cured. SuiiVrr4 wishing to profit by the adver" liber's experience, can d So by addressing JOM IB. tjfJDEV, 7. 1.1 Chambers 1 1., Hew Tork, Feb, 23' li;o, ly. S.M.I. rPhe Grovesteen Piano Forte B still n:tains its prermlence and erenl popularity, and after Hndercoins fradu.i! irriprfn-emt iit for a pe riod pf 'hirty years, is n"' pronoun x by the musical world to be unsurpassed an 1 even uix lU illtd in ricli nemi, volume and purity of tfne. durability and cheap- n ess. Our new stale, Ereiicb action, harp pedal, iron frame, over-strum; bass, seven o tavo rnicwood pi anus we arejwlliiis rhe-.per vy from $Ui) td joO than the ame sti le and Cuih ire sdd by any other first-clan milkers in the country. D. alcr and all in want of eood pianos sre invited to seii.l for our De sertptivc Catl-ue, which i-o,tain$ pliotosraphs of our dillcrent styles, losethf-r ith prices No one almuld pun base a piano without e eii.g this l ata logtji: Medasl almot without number, have been aar,loJ to the- timvesteen i'l iuo, and the Celebrated Worlrt's i air. tliousii put in compeiitioii nh otrier iroui all parl.s o I Europe and the U S.. it look the hi2h-t a want. Established leii Grovesteen Co , BROADWAV. NEW VOltK. July 2!. I.?fiJ-. ll. li. .. Jt Co. Rally Hie stcin- Aflir a disease h,n lie"ii conquered, there is ?OH the weakness that it leaves belli ml it to be removed. Convalescence is a tedious atfair. If tlio enfeebled ri.icjd tnu.clea 'he shatt-r'-i nerves, the thin and wa tery blood could sptak. Ihey would cry for help. In too many cases such h:ip ai, Is ei'i f-n 'lit in is not of Ihe right kind. The fury ftiniulaht of commerce do bi.r'U. They kind I atempoary faine, winch is a mockery. Tbcir fffuct passes,, and t!ie lit slate of It-its who uses them is w or.o than the fii.t. Not auth is the ctT-rt of II ostetter'a. Stomach Kit ters. There i no drawback to their tonn proper, lief. Ilaliju. plants and bar!;s an J roots contribute their restorative juites to render this sr,4,t'itr anil ftrfnglheiiin? preparation a proVjeilve and r.'sedial a'cnv. Its basis is Ihe only pure stiumiaiii which has ever beit produced containing; no fusel oil or any other deleterious element. TUe most careful and skillful chemists liavo aiialVred the Bitters, and pro nouued I hem linriniess. T. is is scientific ti stimony ; hut the te-t imony of Ihe hundreds of thousands who have experienced the pr vt nlive and cuialive rlferta of Ihe Great Vegeta ble Touio and Alt.irntive of tnoiern tunes is siili u.ore conclusive. In f-ver ind aijiie, ily-.pej.ia bil iousness, nervous coii.plaiiils. general dehilit-. aud chronic complai uts it is as nearly infallible as any thing 'in Ihis lallible world cau be, siold everywhere .March leMi. liu. 626, H00PSK1BT3, .insult. "Own JJakt;." M rr(.li-B n and f-or.n WHOLESALE X RETAIL, No. C-28 AllCII Street, Philad'a. Th" most lomplete Assortment of Ladies' Misej and Children's IHh il' rK I UTrS. in ibis i?iiy ; colien 11- eipressly 10 meet the w.trrs of nmt oi.sss Trate ; embraciiis the new est and most desirable Styles and .""it..-, of iira Trails " of ew iy ! Kcth from .1 I to 4 d. round. -JH to .'i Springs. .11 -J to So no. Plain Skirls, all ln;!hs, from -i to J j ,. round the bottom at $140(0 ? I I-i. Our line of .Misses' an, I ildren's PKIfJT., are proverbially beyond all empelition fr nrirty of styles and sires -a s well as lor tinisU and durabili ty ; vnr) ins from f lo 33 indies in length. to IS ijii'is?s 11 li cents to .C '.'.r. .Ml Skills of "OCR i,WN MAKK." are IVnnisnii louive I'isi.irtioii ; but liiv lose as si- 11. unless tiny have. llopkin's Hoop Skirt Alanufai tt.ry. No. i-in Arch Street'" Stanipeit 1111 e:ii.b Tab 1 - Also constantly on hind, okid Pkipts, Minufac tule.l 111 New York. and the Lasti-rn Stales, which we sell al very 'ow I'ricos. A lot ul rhean Skins l. - prings. kj cents : -JO springs. $1 On :ij springs. $1 l; :i" -piincs. l 25 and 40 springs $1 M . Z3T' Skirts, made to J der and llepaired. P. r J Kin' Wash. 0k 1 Itltc OsLi ! March 7, l!tio. 4mos, PUBLIC SALE OF Valiia?)Ie I'erson.il Property ' ' II K uiider,ianed w ill r tfer at public sale, a! his JL residence in llluunisburg. l'a., Thursday, the 29 A of March, l-Gti, at 1 Clock P. M.. lli follow in;? Trreonal Property, to w it : OX F. SPLCNDIl OABK llltOWN HORSE, coming ti years old. one Iii-von COW. 4 year old, 1 wo-horse CAltKIA;K. to c.trry 4 or six person. 1 Jeuny bind Single t.'arringc, .six lak(;eout-line maps, lifchooJ Pesks, fnew.) 2 Fair Fly-X.ets. (heavy';. ." Shovels. S new iiiint Harrows. I Cart Marnei s. ,;ri I , s 4 Stone Ilai.imers. I whel Uarrinv, with splfs, new Harrows. .smirle Cultivators. 1 iwn-horse Cultiva tor. 1 two-horse field Cullivaton, - i'long'is. I single I'lou.'h,- Culling boie. 1 cheap lljggv, I Spring Wagon. I light two iiore A'aeon, i New Sled. I spb it .li Kaiiiimg Mii!l. and' a tot of otthcr things. such as folks, clinins. Straps, iiK-ntion. A-C, tM) numerous lo The aVre to be sold for ca-li. J. W. LESCHES. Cloonislidrg. March -21. It MANHOOD : HOW L05T, HOW RESTORED Li Jus published, a new edition of PR CI'LVEH WELI.'s Celebrali Essay on the r,ipicc c.'-rk (without medicine) of Spsrh torriicb . or seminal Weakness. Involuntary 24enttn.il l.ossi s, mhtimt. "eiilal and Physical Incapacity. . mped iu.ei.ts to Marriage, etc.; also. l"ost:.rTlO KpiLtev imd Fits, induced by self-iitdulifiire or sexiitl exttava game. S Price, jn a se.-jlpd envelope, onlv G rent'. Thi? ci lobrat'd author in this aiinursdle esay clearly demonstrat';. fini a thirty year's suree.s ful praeiice, thai the alarming consequences of.if al-iise may be radically rur d w ilhool the danger ous use el internal medicin- or ihe r.pjilo aiiou of tbo knife pointing oui a mode of cure :it urce sim ple, certain, and eiri cl'iil. by means of w Inch every sufferer, no matter what his condition inny t"', may cure bin, self cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in iliu h.uij, of every youtn and every runt in th! land: S nt. under wral. in s. plain envelope, to any sd dress, postpaid, on receipt of i:x ceuis. or two pustage slajr.ps. Address, the publishers. CHAM. J. C. KLINE t CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4 . Marrh 14, I,-.;. lv. CHARLES Ii. BHQCKWAY, Attorticy-at-L'aTr. Bounties, Hack-pay, Pauioiis, -c, collect ed. Speefal attention paid to mailers arieics nndnrthe Internal Revenue Laws. OFFICE, one door weat nf ihe Cocri House." BLOOMS BURG, Pa. January 17, 1S66. COWFA'AHUAfJ, NEATLV A N p. t PR0J1PTLY P0NRj!?Jlr " r ' RENO OIL & LAND COMPANY. CAPITAL. $11000,000. M1AKES, $100 EACH.' STOCK GUARANTEED. For every Share of t-'tock Issued, the Par Value (OneuunJred Dollars) will be deposited in the TREASURY of Ihe tMTED STATES OR JVESTED IX GOVERNaMENT SECUKITIES, And. may be withdrawn by theStockho!der at any time. President. . . Vice President, Secretary, - . Treasurer, - CALTTPHA A.croiT, - - CHARLES V. CI'LVER. - WILLIAM BROl ;'!, - - KOBEUT F. liilUOKK, DIRECTORS. Hon. OALU?FI A A. fiBO'.V. Rsno, Pa. Late Speaker of the L'. S. House of Rep. tlon. C. U. RANSOM. itoTR. Mas U. fi. Rank Commissioner for Nw Eueland. Hon. .SIDNEi' DEAN, J'bovidem s, n. I. Late Me. u. of Cone. Editor rri ideuee I'ress. I1ENKV A.SMVT.IE. Es.. Nt-.v VokkCiit. President of the Centr-.il National Itank. LCriKtf II. C l.LVEK. Lsq. Nsw Vobk Citi Of Culver. I'eim A Co . Itan' rs. Hon. Ai;ni;sTrs frank, Wassaw, n. x. Mem. II. i.f :tiil. :!Ttb. 4. 3-lh Con. .Maj. JOHN L. WILfox, Madisg. I.id.,' Latent the l.'mteil 5tntes Army, lion. THOMAS S3. sjT A Nl'l ELD. riotJTii IIsd.Iud. I'rvsl. Firt Natrmal Cank of South l nd Hon. CHARLES V. CLLVE'.l. FtvNKll Pa. Ol Culver. I'eiin. Ac Co., M;n. present Congress. A 1 . E X . It It A 1 1 LE V IN-I. l'i rrsai kh, Ta. I'rcs't 'I'ladesutau's Nat. Bank, 1 itlsbureb. JOSIIOA DOI OLAri. Es'.. Mladvill. I'a. 1're I Niu Hank. Crawford Co., Pa.. Col. JaMl.s h. luiWLX, CmcAoo. 111. i'remdeiit Third Nat. llaiik of C)iicae. GEoRuE tl. iiEA. ES I. r. Loas. Mo Pies l. of Secoud Nai. Bank of -"L Louis. Trustees of the Fond. Hon. JOHN J.CISCO . - - NiwYorbCitv. Ot John J. Cisco &. Sons, Rankers and late. Assis tant Treasurer of the L'. . at New Vork. DENNINi; DC Kit, Esj . - - tw TimiCiTt. Ol James G. hins s i-ons. Rankers. JSy THEMKD.s OF THE COMPAHY con.i-l of 1 welvf Hoiidrd Acres, at Reno, on Hie AlleChaiiy river, in t-iiaii;oCsMtntv. IVnns) Ivaui.i the heart of the Oil District ia that r-'tate. IA. CESLWfv IP0X THE 11101. erly U ilhout Inferfcrencf. Tesl wells have been sunk on Ihe Estate, and Oil foiiinl in toiymz i-i, iMtili.-s in every instance. FIFI'V WELI. .ire now ! em; put dow n to b followed hy oilier us rapidiyas pr,.-.ibly to the extent riecessa'y lo t My il-veh,pe the. property, f n.; hm dred wells yieldtiiL' only tcrt liarri-ls .1 day each al six dollars a barrel, a j rice much below the average price at Reno, wul l ene one millioii eielit hnudr. d thousand dol lars a )ear oi income, ni.ikiii a brolil of nrobahlr I .; il'e.ii per cen t. over UDeii.es ami ta res ol' ever v kin.:. If I.irt'e fiowim wells are found. a sinirle acre of li j terriloiy may j n.ld is.; tntire capital within j two years. I of Reno, to- I l ho ' Oinpr.ny owns the town Keinei vina several iiriuiuno Iits l, r r.u -lne,s and Dweiliug Houses There is an Kvi. iisivc De iiiank forih-m. and the Revenue from their aule w ill be very ureal. THE STOCK IS G CA RA A TEED . The Price f.f Hie Pto. k has been fi fed at 0C IICNDRED AND FIVE HOLLARS per Share. Five Dollars so into Ihe Treasury of the Company as a Contribution to the Unrking I'mid. The Par" Val ue of Ihe Stock. Ono Hundred Dollars, is paid to the Trustees, lo be Deposited in the Treasury of the l ulled Slates, or luvested in Government Securi ties. AND MA V I Hi WITHDRAWN It V THE STUCK LOLDER AT A N V IIVE. Ky the payiio-ut of Ten Dollars, person that de sire lo await the R Milt of the l'ir-t Veer's Devel. opulent, i-sii , cure tin: Itijrlit of obtanun. A FELL j I aie i-n iTV.iKn.ilui.ip DIlH.lvlor "lie Hundre l Dollars Additional, at any time before thu First day of April. Ir7. Lr - It is an 1 ii v iiiient w ith the Ciiauces of larce prolit and i al.vays coavtr tible into CASH al Par. It mizlit be called " ALECAL TENDER OIL STOCK. So large a Working Fund (?.Vn.isiOi has never been provided or expended 'by any Cnmpunv in the t.lil Ketiiou. SL'IISCRIPTIONsI will be received by aL'eir. and by the principal Ranks 'ind Hankers thrniishoiit ihe couniiv. I'rospeeluses and other in formation will be furnished by -ents. and Ly SAV.CEL T. HOWARD. Si BstKlellOS AfiEJST, 21 XattJH . New ork. Marih.?!. l-Rp. Imn.-wa 7 RAPPING AND MINING TA- f f . PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mills al Mil' Grove, near llloomshiirg, Columbia County, I'.i.. I am now prepared to till all orders for Wrapping, iry lilnsting and Water Proof Paper, on short notice and fair prices. I have open, da ware house in like . Parre. nnd appointed Joseph I'.rowu ol tin- ti r nt ol I'.rowu. Cray's. IJs.., my agent to dispose of my paper iu Luzerne Count v. THOMAS TUGXCH. Kloomsbur;. Sept. 16, l-'M. KCIABi IVOTICK. Jl'STlCI'.S of ibe peace and other pervins having in thrir hands for collection any i l.iims. or any money. C' liei ted lor or on arroiilit of claims :iteof John I . Frank, uow assi.-ued to Thomas Merr-n-deen. are hereby notified to make ettenn m and im utedi.'ite payment, to Joiivii, i'p.r.i:zE. Attorney forAssigntes. P.:.ioinsbarg, March it, t-iKi, Extculor's Xolice, Entitt! of Jntoh Srhurf enftrijer late of Mffi ti ttrp. dec'J. LETTERS testamentary on t!;e Es late of Jacob Schw eppenheiser. late of Mittitii l-cviisliip. have been gr.it-d by the Register nd Re. corder. to Abraham Selweppenhci,r ami Iaar Schwcppeiiheiser. of M.:!lm township. All persons kiiuwing theinse Ives imlehted lo sal I estate are re quested to make iiHTiicdi.Ve ianiient. and those ha ug claims will present them duly authenticated f,,r settlement, IIR . li A M FCH WEPPEMI ElaER, ISA AC St HWElTLMIEIr-EK. Mmch El, , Evecutors, Administrator's Notice. Estate of John JacoLy, deceased. Tetter of admini?tratirm on the Etat of John Jac"hy 'a'.e of Scott township, dee'd. have been granted by the Register of Colum bia co.. lo the undersigned. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present tln ui lo the litider- igned, w ilhoul delay, and all persons indebted to make pa) mem forthwith. EENJ. F. JACORV. Feb CJ, l-l-o-f.w 83 .,!. iIiVSECIKT IO tl IS 6 G. The Great Invention of the Ape in HOOP S K I II T S . J. W. BRADLEY'S w P.-iter.t DUPLEX ELLEPT1C (,or double) M RINt; KIltI'. TIMS INVENTION Ronrisl of Duplex (or iol K' liplic Pure Refilled Sleel Siri ugs, "iig-ui i sly I'ranl.-d '1 iglilly and Firmfy logethi-r, eitge to ej-e. nn.king the Toughest, most t lcxilile. Elastic and dur ihe Spring t ver used. They seldom b n l or break, j,ke Ibe S.ngle Springs and consequently preserve tlii.r pt-rtect and iu-.iiit:fii shape noire t:i in twice us long as any Sinrle Spring Skirt that ever HasorCan b made. THE wonderful flexibility audgre.it comfort and pleasure to. -my Lady wearing the D.ipiex Elipiir SKirt will be experienced parti- HI ar ly u al I rrowd-d As semlilies. Opei.is, Carriages, Railroad Curs, Church Pews. Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House !lre,, as Ihe .-knt can be folded w hen in use to occupy i small pi ce as eaxil v and coMveniently as a Si!k , r Musli'i Dress. A Lmiv having Enjoy, d til" Piea-ure. Co nfort nsd Cln-at oiivenieiice of we.-iringlbe Duplex Kiip,ic Sl.el Spring Skirt for a single day will 'ver tiiler war s willingly dupene w nil llieir Use. For Chii. iireii. Misses and Vonug Ladies Uit-y are superior to nil others. THE HOOPS ::rc covered with 2 ply double lwis(e( thiead and will wear twice as long js ihe Single rarti covrin wliu h Is used on all Single Steel llooi, Siirts 'l ite tlnee bottom rods on every Sk:'t are also lionM,. Steel .. ind tw ic.j or double covered to prevent the eov erin lro:n in ariuj otf the nxis w hen dragging dow n stairs, sioio' steps, etc , etc. .which they are constant, ly siiiij-cl when in use. All ar made i t the new and elgn;t Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, givinr to the wearer Hie nio,i graceful and perlcct slinpe?po,silde and are un.juestioiiably the luhtest. most des,rahej comf irl tble a nd ecoiioimcul Sk,rt ever made 14' t w-..,- - . ....... ... - oo.-. i.i.l.l c 1 A Ik I . PROPRIbTuRS of ni-r i nt .-mi, on, alio ?i'i.r. VIAM r At II . ii v.o,i.m, ana ,j fc. et tit A DE SI RLEl'.S, New- I FOR SALE in alt first rlass ?los In thisCiiv. and tliroi.gh.iui the Cni-.ed states and CaanU. Havana de t,iibi, Mexieo, South America, and ineWesl Indies , V" '"l,'o lr the' Duplex Elliptic (ar doaola) Fprin i-kirt. .it March i'i, l.f-i. Sni, A t C. Adiuicistralof's .Voficc. Estate of Pacr Belong, late cf Centre tic p. decancd. I" ETTER3 uf Administration on the estate of Pet' , ueiotK, latnof VeulrK tow nship, Coluaih- . dercs.ed, have teen granted by Register f' c'o!u, . bia count- ,sthe -odersigned : all oer-.- t...,:.. , ts the anuersigued ; all per' clai havin? j against the estat-i of toe de ot are re- aiiil thml jaested to present them for setll rnetit indebted to ihi estate will make ,wmediate payment l" t"t Ada''IUl'tialdr' dr. wmm. This' Pnuff has tbnrouebly provpd itself to bn the best article known for caring ihe Catarrh. Cold is the Htis end Hkadache. It has been fumd an ex. cellent lemeo'v in many caces ef Sore Eyes,, Dsav Ntss has bcen"rtir.oved by it, and IJsaino tas CiftcrJ, been prwatly unproved by its use. ' It is fragrnnl and a?reenblv. nnd GIVEd IMMEDIATE RELIEF To the dull heavy pains roused by disease ef th? Head. The sensation a'ter usini; it are deliehtful and invigorating. It opens and purjes out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the purts aifected. More than Thirty Years' Of Sale and use cf Da. M arsh all's Catarrh and HeDAf-iiR S.sr rr. has proved its er -at vaiuu for all the common diseases oi l hi? Head, uud at this moment it stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used witb great success and satisfaction eva rvwhere. Read the Certificates of Wholesale Drug gists in 1 6.1 1. The iindersiencd, havin2 fo- many yours bc.n nr qiiamteii with Dr. Mar-hasm' .'T4Iirh and Hud Ainu r'Ncri, and sold it in our w liidesnlctrade cheer fully state, that wu . elievc it to be enual in every re -i-pect to the rer.iiur.e ndations civsn of for the cure of Catarrhal Alteciions, and that it is decidedly the best article we have ever known lor all common dis eases of the Head. Kurr 4. Terry. I'.ost.m, ) Parnf s Park. A New Toik Reed , Austin 4c Co 1 A r. 4. U Ssands, Itrown, Lauison i Co ! Stephen Paul Co " Reed. Cuttr ft t a ' j Israel Minor i Co Seth W Kowle. II Kesson .V Rol.bins Wilson. Fairbank A Co. j A L Scoviil at Co Heni.ii.iw, Kdinaiids ,tc Co M Ward. :iis ft C " llll Hay. Portland. Me. liush . Gale, For Sale b alt llruj-i.ti. Try It. feb. 3. IjKiO ly. . RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. Cf- The original .Medicine est iblihed in 137. and first article r I In: kind ever introduced under tli name of "IVt.MOMr WrrRS." in this or nny oth.-r roiiutry ; all oilier Piiluio nr.- Wafrs are eounierfwits. The geiiiuiie can he known by the name UK VAN be Iii2 st. imped on em h Wafer. These Wafers have been before the public for n.'iriy Thirty Vear. mid the immense sale atta.i;ed. not only til Aiiieni a toil in foreiiMi eountries. fully attest llieir Hilrin-ic. W"rh. The medir.it properties are superior lo any other article offered for I he cure of Pulmonary or Hroiirlnal all. ctions . and the rpiaiitity contained ill each hoi is nearly double that of the many wor'.hles mutation advertised. 0 I'ryan's Pulmonic Wafrrs rur Couch-. Cf.ld, Sore Throat. HoarrBes. Asthma, i t'at.irth, llront hilis. DilhcnU Hreaihine, Spitlin; of I Hl-md Pains in the Chest. I nripient Conuin pttrn nn.1 all Miseaes of i tie lunes. Noi o sly aifordiiiir temporary : relief, but efTi.'rtmg fi raj'id and lasting cure und are J w arrantt A to give salisf ictioti in e.ery insfaac. - , They do nnueate like alcoholic cf'iiipioiudi , and the medical piope.ties are combined in a lorin so airrei wilt -able aiol H eii- iiit to the l.-iste. itial any f-luld ,ke them. One dcise wil I a In ay s afford readily t; RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocalists and I'uMic Speakers, Ihe Wafers are peculiarly valuable ; Hiey wi II in one day remove the nuisi severe occasional hoarseness; and tinir rejnlar Use for a few days wiil, at M! times, increase the po er and tlefibiluy of the vmee, greaily improving it. ne. compass am! rlearness. for which purpose ihi-y are rcpiuriy use.i ny many prniessionai vocatiis The very creat ci lebtity of valuable remedy lias 1 iin ii. -.ed unprincipled persons to prepare bac imila- I ton. W hich disappouil Ihe jut expectations of the pureliascr, and injure the i hnracter of the genuine iiii'diciue. Si r: that the word 'UttVA,l," i s sta'nped on each Wafer, and aNo observe the I'ac simile of th"! signa ture of the Proprietor. "JOl! .MOSi:s"ou eaoti wrap per, lo rountejeit hiefc is roi-.orv. e jtl". nding on ties will In- ileali with to the full extent of the law. Ukya' I'llmomo Wamcrs are for hate by ail Lrug Cists. Jul! MOSKS Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St , X. T. l i b. 3, ltstsi ly. THE .R AT ENGLISH KE3IEDT. PROTECTED BY It OVA I LETTERS PATENT. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills, PrrparcifrtTi a prftrriplian nf Sir J. Clark'.. .V. D riy- .iriui l'.iiraordiii(Uu to t4 tssra. This invaluable n.epo ine is iinf iilinx iti the cure of all llioge pi'ini'ii! and dafigerotis diseises to which the female cousiituiio-i is subiecl. Il moderates all ex cess and removes all obstructions, tr m w h.ilevc-r eaue and a speedy cure may b relh;d on 7G MARRIED LADIES, it isp-irticulirly suited. It will, in a short time, brin; on the monthly periot with regularity. Eae: bottle, pn.eCine Dollar, bears the (;overii:nent Stamp of Ule.t liritain. to prev tut counteifeiti. CACTIOf, I'iMi (HouM not bt taken if Femalrs drif Ihe h'IKr TIIhF.F. MU.Vril if rrrnHt y. a; iy are s art fo '. nsir en .Vi srar i;r,bii a? ay 'cr tims f rs nit Eveiy w omen know s that the bloom of health mul fide, with th'-slightest irregularity or obst r'n Hon of ttie metises. The.-o- Puis are truly the woman's friend iu the hour of trial, slid the only t-tire, positive and never failing re and regulator i'f Suppression of na ture from wil Hi v r cause So nu!d Itial tlie le-l.et can take them with perlcct security, yet so pow i rfu I in their e l-'cts, that tney may 1.' safely i ailed, a nuv-r failing ReguUti r. In all caes of Nervous an I Spinal A ;Ti-rtin. Paina in the li u k and Limbs, I au'- n slight esertion.l'a! p.t.itlon of Ihe i: : n rl. Ify.-leric. ami Whiles. ihee Pit's will elF ct a i ure h'-n all oiiu-r means hate fail ed ; and a!lho.ii:h a powerful remedy. douotcoMi.ini iron, calonn I, untiain', or anvtbing hurttul to the I oil -1 1 Hit 1 'III I u directions in th- pa:nphl't arntind t-ai.h package, wbiili sh ui'.l l- raretully preserved. i,OI.l lV .11-L IiHUfiOlSTS. Sole l.vneral ABl-M for Ilia L'niled Sialts and Rritiah Doitiniioiis, Ji Hi VO-.ES. i Cortland f-'t.. New V rk. N. IV SI Utl und 6 three renl postage s'.ito;.s en- rlo-eit to any il.llion.. . Agelll. Will II sil re a hot t le , i in. l ulling .Vu Pills, by r turn mail, suturtly M:uled from ail obsv.rv.iHon Feb .3. n.-ly LIFE IIEALTll-M li E.Mi I II. LIFE HEALTH STKEGT II. LIFE-IIEALTH-MHEMTII. Hundreds and tho;iiuils annria ly die preipaturrlv, when, if they would give tiie Crest French Remedy, DR. JVAN DLLAMARRE'S Celebrated ieciJic rill, Prepared hy Csrvm ivse it DrpotT, No . -.'I ! Rue Imi Uard. Paris, from Hie prescript ion of Dr. Juan Del.i marre. Chief PliVstcian ot the He.pitil il l N 'rd i.u LarilMii.iere a fair iriil. ihey Woul.i nnd lnneediale ri lid. and. it. a short lime. fully restored to lli.atth and f-int'lt D is used in the .practice of uuny emi ni nt f'lech phyii i.iiis. w i th uiiilorm suci .. and tin h- t- reconimrlide I Is II illy po.itive and -yici.ii; Ji i-.e- Ja for all persons sultermg Irmii lon-ril or Seu, Dcbilitv. all di-ratigenieiiis of i!h- ,, rvous Fori .s M-laiiiimly. Sperinatoirlio" 1 or Seminal l.i.iii-sioi,s..ilj Weakness ari-mg from seiua! Ev l'nf ry. I'h)ica Pros'rit'on, .Nervo'isiie-.. Weak Sprie.t I ow in s of Spirit-. tuiHtiess .,f V ision, llttl. rics, i a. us iu Ike l!ai k a n.l Li"b, linpoienry. .c. No I mgii.i-can c-uivey it; .. -juan ide.i of ;be i ai -mediate and almost miraculous i barge it o -i i-ious io the d.-tMti'ale-l und -li iiii red system. !n In I , it M.-imls unrivalled as nn unf ul'iig cure ol Hie iu; Utiles above lllellt lolled. Stiller noiure, let u-e T.if firrr.t h're h h'-r.iuy ; il w:ilell"irt acme w lo r" all olh.-is fail, and although ! a powwrtul re;nedy. r.ou nns m tUm; hurlfut lo the j most delicate i onli;,:lioii. j Pamphlets, coii'aiiii ' full pscientars and direction. I for Using, iu F.ni;ls'i, Fu ndi. Spanish and i.i raian. ai coiiipany i-uh hu, .uid also sent Ip.e to atij addn as w h n re i'le-ieii. J'nce (nn; Dollar ptr box ; Six hot. for Five D'-IUrs Sold liy'all Dr:ggisls thro'igh"Jt th.: world : or will be sen'. iy mail, .i-iur'.ly s ;l. d from all observation. bv UK losing sperined price to am iiilliori.ei! agents. Bf iKiat: nf ct t:n: t:y hit l-'.v t.u:i t n.' Proprietors i v. hisn,. Agents for Asi' in.t, OiC.lh O W-n. V f:.. -.; CoiiritMxl Si. New York, Adthori-At-u . nn for lUot iosburg. il .ft i- M'tYhK. Djuv'ile, ''. L.H (titX F' b. 3 3c'Vi.-ly. LackavTsnua i CIooK5hur; Railroad. r TWO DAILY TRAINS. .a "f rS AN D AFTER M I. UltkU ... l-'s, r. '.'7 ! J PENi.'ER TRAINS WILL R I N AS FOLLOWS : L LAVE SOL'T ii V. A R D, PM P M A M. C VI tii.i Lc nve Prrsntnn, 4 40 Kingston. fi.'SI Pdooiiisburg. e.iM Arrive at .Northuuiher'.aad 'J.oii LEAVE N ORTH V A a D Leive Northumherlau J. 7.0) a.uo 5 40 C -. 1J li ll.inville. i'J1 i:ioi..ihurs Arrive st rinton. P.isi 12 43 Trsins leaving Ki'.i.ton r,4 s-o A-M for SrrintflB ronneci i mi 'r.in . ..!.!. 'P.c arriving at New or at 3.CJ. l.eavinr NortU- uiherlind at H.lK) A M. ami Kin!ston 2.30 P. M . CjBlletl W1th Train arriving at New York at 1U.35 P. M. Passenger taking Train Sooth from Scranton at 5 54 A M via IVoithuinberland, reach liarnsburg Ii M V M , Baltimore i :i) P 1 WashingU o lo 00 P M Via Ru- ''""'- '-'''; -tt s'P ,t mm " bone mill; BONE DUST- THE BEST & CHEAPEST 3IASIJRE ! FMELY eround Pones, expressly for Wheat. Ry. Corn. Ruckwhcnt. ttats. Potatoes. Graaa Fruil Trees, Grape-Vines. Vegeta il". tee. As mobt Ruhr Dust and rerti'izr are lorfsly adulterated to tatisfy coiiEutuers that this article ia strictly pure, each bill of sale, is accompanied with testified statement tkaftneh package of Bone Dust is entirely free from adulteration. To Ibis fact our freight agents, car men and workmen, can at all liuiaa testify. Farmers will do well to send for our circular. fiT ins full particulars of this valuable fertilizer. A our stock is liiinisJ, we advise our custonera 10 or der early. PA UK EI) IX IM G S a f)A RREL S. ZZ," A Liberal Discount Allowed to Dealers. A.J UK KINIO, V Allentown. Pa. N, R. Tersons rsadin this advertisement will da bone.f iUi"rer s a favor by brnifinc us to their notice, as we pay the highest price for bones. March tl. lino. 3uio. GROCERIES AND JtT's2Dsll2j3.C!DcnS3 3 8 tiavioo bru''hl L "- Jiunyiin' now prfparcil a! or HeiMiI. . PROVISION STORE, i. ;o (irffjarieg wt Whold a Ctt':? a the Chenprt. YOU ca mxu sue a res, COFFEES. bVRUf'S. SflCFX. CRACKERS. .MARCH, SODA, CORN' STARCH, . DRIKO FRUii', CANNLD FRUIT, VVOOCKN-WARK. FLOUR, FISH, OMONS, &c, Ac. EPH. W, ELAY ELL. n;onrnsbtjr, Luti. M,'65 if. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Atlornor :it Is.iir, DI.003ISCIUG, tOMMKIA CU.,rA. HLL practice in the ceveral Coorn of Columbia county. A!l legal business intrulJ to Ms care snail receive prompt attentinn 0 F F I C E, On Main Street, Exchang UniKlin2. nvpr Miller Stne. April 13, 1864. DR. J. Pi. EVANS, Physician and Surgeon, AVJMi Jorait,) prmaner:ly on Mai Strep:. HLOOMSCfRG. Pa., would in form the public cneraMv. that he isprsprard t attend lo all bnsin., faithfully aud puuctuali that may he intrusted to hi, care, on ttr:ns cctmiueiiaii rate w it la the tunes. He pay,, ,lritt atientio to Surgtry a wall as medicine, Nov. -A. 1 sti), lr. MBS. .f ii. ice ol" Hie IVa-rc, Licensed Lonreynncer, Scrivener, and Surveyor. Office Reaver V.illcy, r.i. Will attend totikinj AcknowledeemenU. Writ De.,.1.. Mortcag. Laises. Kinds. Nous. Arree. iin iiis, .c. Sorvrtiu' aitebded to with despatch. Charges mud'-rate. AUDITOR'S a0TICE. Estate of Elij-th Kline, late of Rtnton Tu urn ship deceased. N'OTICE is hereby given that th undersigner' ap pointed nn Audi ter in distril ute the bal'auee in th hands of Josi.-ih Kline administrator of Elijah Kline, lite of llentoii Township riVc'.l . to and amon( he creditors in the iat,- ,md proportion alloRtd bylaw, will sit iii the Recorder's otfiee in bloom. org. n FRIDAY. APRIL Stun, at o o'clock A.M. lor Hie putposo of performing the djtioa of his an- pointMlellt All persons hsvinj any claims n;iinat said estata .ire hvrchy nniiuVdto present the sauia to the audi tor, r be foi tr di barr. d from coming in on sii f-""1- JOHN li. FREEZE, Audio. March 2C I-r? iW jjid jl.'erwicj tiai-. Uecipy. AHHIMSTn iTOirS .0TICE. r.sli t oJoknM. Yost, cf Locuit toicr.th'p, rr.TTERs of A.Ifiiitiistratinn on the estate of John -s M. Yost, late of Locust Up., dcr.'d., have beel grained by the Register of Columbia county, to tl.a inidersr.'ned; all p rsons having cUims asainst th e-iate are reitu, te,l t , present them for rett leucnt. a id all person knowing l.V-m.. Ives inuehred t make payment forthwith. HENRY YOST. J.ocui twp.. March ;. 1P5. Adin'r. JOHN C. A EAGER k Co. MtM FACTCRER It WHOLESALE DEALER t! U CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, . No. 2.5T Ncrth ThirJ Street, Nov J". I rhih'j. A;i:ITS UAATLI) to SsLL rnc Csvat Axtnict CALICRU'IIICAL I'DZZLE. Tbf cheapest ?nd most wonderful Pai- I lie f the n;e. At'cnts can easily mite from fio lo a a.iv I will ire any one" tgeut fl Do, if he can Sell j0 tlionsjn J. 1" tend ! ccr.t fr a.rp:e Puat'e. ....... Philip niLc 1rc.i ., 1.-41. ti3 Market.St., Phil a. Admiiiistrator'3 Notice. Eyinle of Christimn RticharJ dec'tL IE I TLi:? ofailmir.istration on the Estate of 'Chris i nam irhrd, late of Vauion twp . C jtumbia I oiit.t. liec d. have been granted bv the Re Citer of Columbia county, to the undersigned ; a',' persona having claims ajiinst ihr? esi.it,. of the .fecedent are re-iuesled to present them to the under g,.ncd. resid. .ng in sail township, without delay. .,UJ8l persona ludcbicJtJ make payment forth witr- Feb. is .lr..ww. J:,US RE'VHARD. Adm'r. NOTICE T(JJ1UNTEUS. rTpltEundetsif-ied wi'l ch.arf,r fc - li'ui ""oi'd hand rlI Pr.ntiuj in.terials.coosjit '"2"f Me .oiioVMi'S smelts.- O n v i V -A sx i i j s o 1 1 p r c s s, (""'afn. ioX..-) t Large- Composing Siioi, (.good a new; st ands . r.al!,e6, Ac i. 'i he Press does gwd work, and cin b hJiJ cheaa .ietiir(,11()u,.w JACOBY & IEELER. ''o'.nshure;. March II. Ie"'i. Adminsitrator's Notice. Estatt cf William Ii. trelliver dee'd. LETTERS ol Atlminisiraiioa on the Estate of Wiiliam B. WeEivi-r, laie of Madison tw. Columbia county ,dec'd. bsve beea craote d by the kej ister of Col u uiiii a c .. to the uader.ij-iieO. All persons having claims agiinst the estate of tba drcetient, and all persons indebted, are reetted ta present them to the Adoiintriior, oa gat-trday. l!i , Vrth day nf April, lSoo, al Samuel Riuibey's Hotel i T - I: f m j .t. fs -s