- ... DEMOCRAT. AND STAR ?aiit;Mi.Ii t DLOOMSBUaG : We tin e s day, H arch 14 , 1 0 6 6 . TCt COSESSrCXStXTS. fm Loia. Ths book ,cf Mtssa . afford the earliest Vntaeutle -history -of th ags linandiately 'fIlowInf tSe dus- :, , ', , . ' , Cpan-jw -CoTkagAntieBt! tha piiasta were the Trainer and is administrator of the laws. . AN1Jtt1r7 W0uI1t.aa10aI1te1flr. liks to the same power i-iayv-,' t .;". ! i -J "7: tV. A Dutch aHp, frpit .,th , coast of Guinea brout ht the first Afiican negroes to thi ccuntry. Jst orUoHRsBCito Tou can get nil the informa tion joo deslre'by reading the Scriptures. You will find tbl Jacob baJ ten ton, who were the fathers f ten tri'iee. By the command of tha Lord Jacob took the nstne of Isreal,, and honee hi postari ly were called Isrcalitcs. or the children of Isreal. , , Hectics 1 he Senior tdiurl )ii paper is desirous cf renting a house iar a tmill lamily, for wliich ' goo J rjnt will Oe paid i Persons wanting wi'-dowr cortaina and walt-paper of every dscripiioc will .no: Joraet lo examine the ppleodid', auaonment at EJ. Thornton' s'ore io Bioomiburg. t " ' . i Tmc Dituniani-ts say "was drunk, on tbe 22nd rreident Jubnson ultimo., when he made hi speech We judce from I's effects ttai it was good rVmocratic whitkey.- 7. Tfl Rerenoe Assessor of this Ditr!c: 'will be rem' ore J fom his position and a accessor appointed jn less than one year fiora tbeVrff e"he leteited ihe office. - Thk e-.iiior of the Republican trie to sop port the President but ii is a very wesk attempt. Mt comes from tbe siopiach, only. He i an ardent admirer of MtRi ur aud nil the blacks it Congress. "All persons decirina tn ssenre license for j Vie sa'e of "liquor or fr keeping taern : most file their peitiio'o in the olHce ol the j 'ITerkof the. Coon of Charter Ses?ion.tbiriy j days privious to tbe firt Monday ofMay. - Honsekeepers, Head of fami tie;!, if vru wmim mk barsriin in pnrcain!; Grn- eerts intrMot sends,' rno ifie . mercantile j adverti'ePienia.irt oar columns, wbic! will I pot joa in the right direction. ' " ' Dos't fail to read anJ.tndy tho preat speech of Senator Bnckalew on , ocr-firt 'Vie't t evjr.ceslhoo2hl aud ability and speaks well Pr .the .master mind of Mr "Bockafew: -U'will be cotiiit.ued in oar r.cx?. . . ., :. - ' ' ' I v ITrrp it teor the pepP'e ,',a' Siuon .Cameron, John W Forney and J. 'Iij all renegade Democrats, pot Otl the lick . 1 - . i 1 t , a 1 l. tiniifi mira. rfnnli .iani aitnlrtriVfl ... .v t--.-. ....... renegade Democrat, rJohn V ..Gear. Of 1 -course life-long 1 republicans 'are delighted ; W l.il BUV O HUO' Ida. William B. Whlliveb, cf Ma.li.on i township, last wek, accidentally J knocked acme ft 'used or (wenty feet, wh working on" hi sa w " mill, the effect of which.caused his death in .1 few days Tiie eommonity mocrns the Iosj of a kind ceiLbor and a jocd citizen. & . Soldizr Biwins. The report so widely circulate thai Cons;re has paseJ a la w giving bonnry land to all ao'diert who eerr ed tiuTing ihe late war','lsnoi correct. We adriseodr .'soldier ' friends . not to en:ros: their ditcliatgei in ihe bands of sharpers, who wteb to ue them for ibeir own benefi. ffo law of tbe kind has yet been made, aLl.oosh meaares to lbat 'ed:ct are in' pro- - - w - - i -t If lia clothes of tbe Radicals io gresa were patched as mach as Cos propo'se to patch the. Cppaliiaiion ibay i "M-oufd Iouk like a gapj of Italian grs. Siimnnr shnura r?inrtIf Inn tn il.iM 7 . . . . I iub xxiiierican Qag. AiJJSllC3 were uouc, hs WAnl.t orhihit mnrp tnnea mn crr llie- old flas did. Thi Shoddy Conveuiion nominated Gen- I lnn nnT 11 thair anrli.t .l In r ffmor. The' Kctchum de!e2?tiott wa rv entnusiaatic over uttti 0 iiuiiiuia- oe Pr.tsborj candidate, MooatnD; nsiderabljr disappointed. . The Rad mroled the roast. Forney, D. D., hand lo jivn directions and dictate 3olnt:ons, Tbe evening before the r ft. Li ention, Forney was callud oct, at the lloufe, where he harrangaed the rowd. lie did not spare his abase on tbe President, and applauded Congress. - s - "-' . . . 1 t" ! W frequently meet Hepnblicans' who Vay1, "now, if Ihe lone of yoar paper is noi too bard 00 cs, we will take ii.". To sncb -we can only say that Democratic principles hare always bseo, and ever will be, entirely antazoniatic to tbe establULed principles oi the Republican " party.. And thes a we hare said before, we will maintatn 'al all times and under all circumstnce4'.Ia con- ducticg our Journ! -we do not, however 'i ! expeci 10 cea; ; i vi ' Oiciivetiess ana aDn.e of ihoe iba we cannot cofiviuce Oar ob ject is 10 subdue by argument, io sa:ify by proof that we are riht, and that our politi cal opinions are-correct. " Andhis course we will porsoeregard!esa of 'ail ouuidi "nraganre" ' r - 1 v "V. m Z v IT r- -OcaDemocratic "friends throaghaut tbe county Till please exert iharc-elert I Tt 1 1 e in behtll.of e.": Dimocat asiV Sry, and see that no other paper jets a larger circula tion. TtJCatsrpali is tapidly approaching,! ad that our Democratic -voters should folly understand "the - present "Usaas arid (hoe that may emer the cam paign' between : this aaJ -iLi fection : ills hJhly iaiponani that lu8 Darnocraiic oria c-J this county sl cuU' noi-c i t -it i;U3it its already -wida circufa- ily i .icr?ai v I:V' ci: :u;;!ion . ; ...-. . i .d props?- spirit i m"anret' f C3 r . ra-3?5 ti i:s. tst'iii. Ly 17 3 hi - " r i' J0 tS! MARRIED. Oo tbe 57ih oU., ty Rev. M. P. Crosib wai'.e William Hevener, of Nescpecr- and Mr. Mary Malay pi .Berwick. V 'By the same on ihe in - in!., al Good' Hotel in Ormi:iiir?.-; Nberi.iah' Kceben tuT Miss Maggie C. Lemon,- all ol Rohrs trMrg. . - - - .- " In El.iomabcrs on tbe 27;h c!t.. by Rer. J. R. Dimm; Mr. I. M. Tharp, to Miss Lucy Koctier, all of Shamokia, Pa. On the 1st irat.. by the same at the resi dence of tie biidu'o father. Mr. John C. Soder to Misa Mary Tr'oop.alt f ,h plr On the 8th nil., by Rsv.' F. Gearhar:, Hen ry T ' Eckcrt, of Northumberland, to Char lolie C. Lon ct Catlawissa.; , On Tcesday, March 6;h, by Re. Thos. H. Cttllen, atihe house of the bride.' moth er Mr. Samuel Adams. of Illinois,, to Miss Phele J. Weaver, ot Dloomsburg. Not because we enjoyed a share of the delicious wedding cake, bt because we know the ahove coople merit the congratu lations o( their numerous friend, we ex end ours,' and hope that they may lite lire aud'pro?i er, and that a green o:d aiie will fold ihem cp preparatory to that eternal glory which ladeth noi fursver Kd DIED. In Madion mwnship, on ihe 8:h icsf.: Mr. Wm. B. Welliver, aed about 5rt years. Feb. 2fi h rear Oranseville, Hannah, wife of John Vance a-jed .about 0 years. On ihe 2?d nit ,at Rohreburg, Droce Elicit ajed 22 year. ava-ju. w isw rrwsr.. a m ji xf-jJ-jaaasst siu-jj WHBAT.pcr bushel. 200 RYB. 1 U0 CORV. " " Hi BUCKWHEAT, 1 W FUHiH per bbl. 12 t0 IM.OVERf.EO,. 6-5 FLAX s"EEIi S iO BUCKWHEAT Fluur. COJ BlfTTER. . . 45 V.GC.S - - -23 PUT A TOES. - 1 "i l IF.I) Al'PLEd. 3 tW IIAM3 -x - '-'I BACOV, - i - 1H II AY by Hi- ton. I j 00 CHICKENS, per pair. 5J PHILADELPHIA FLOU3 (.OaRECTSD WEEKLY OS THK &G3AIN MARKET. DkMOCiliT 1KB SrAB." Wheat flour per barrel. Extra .. da ilo do Family. lo Itve Wheat, Whit.?, per bunhol do Ki'. co do Amber do Rye. do Corn Yellow, d ' d V tiWj- do Oat , Bucku h.;at Men! .. 90 ...f.ol) . .6 i'l . .2 -JO ..2,10 t3 to 0 to 5 30 to a.25 2:t3 1.01 to 1.0.1 75 - r 20 .2 pr 103 lbs. iioficc. Eslati of Pe'er Dc'o tg, lute of Centre tifp.Ulecased. ' IET rr.rt3 A. luuni-t ration on the etite of Ppisr 4 IJi'l.mit. Lite of Ctntre towti'tiip. I'olnn. fci I ro., dscAsetl. Uavt- be.i jr.inli'ii by Hi ifi'trr t' i.luni lua county. I') til-' nrni.-ric'f(l ; all pernus having rluims anaiutt tii ettat f Hn lerclci.t are re r)U:iited I present ttifiii far settlement. 1 thone inriebtei X'i tn exmt i will Di iij immediate i.iyiii--iil to tu A Juiiniitrator.- . . - ' . . HEMiT DCLOXO AJm'r. Mavb'; 7, lflf..t-rw i - Administrator's Notice. Eslute of Christia?ia Rricharit, !ec7. J, E1TFCS nfadininittration on the F.tate of Chris tiana Ken-hard, late of Madion two . Coliiinbn Connty. l c'd. have been granted bv th. Kepiit' r of Colunibia county, to the underriirned ; tl pers"li! i 1. .1 tr itiir rlniina rivii.naff th fnl- C'if. ileroileitt are reiu-nfed t present iheiu to the undersiaucd. rest I- iig ill 8U tow nsliip, without d.rlay, anaall person . . - jaueDieu to uia&e pjyuieut irtnwi:n J'iUN KElCUAED, Adtu'r. Feb. 21 . Ie06. Cw. 3: E ttalc cf Catharine DiUtnhcllcrrf Cut fitcisa Urp.j deed. T ETTE11S of administration, with the i! annrid. oir th?stntpf Catha-inv Urmu- I neiier. fat; ot i;atawisa Iwp.. dec U nave ii' '-o : granted by th Reist ,-r of Col-inib ia county, to t he j Uniterm iriinoil ; all persons flavin; caiui r te- inaiiil iittaiust the rutate o' tje sai I decedent are I r-'pient'-o t pre vol thtisi i. the underpinned, resi I 1 ini; in sai I tu p , and all persons tumbled to make f piiycic:l fv; tii with. LEWIS YETTEK. Adm'r, with will annexed, Feb. 2', liiJ.-fw. AUDITOR'S NO I GIG. N tba matter cf the account of Jobn Staley nn-t Ii.Iirl K. Grota. ai2nes cf Elia 1 VtVrtman r.( B'l.rburg. in the county of Columbia. The rredito rs of Klias Wert man. and -ill other per sons intero tsd w ill Take notice that E II. Little has been appointed ly the Court of Common Pi.ng of the Co-inty of Ci'l un:Cia. Atniilor lo make distribution of t ie balance in the hands i-f John Stalt-y and John K Urotz. as-isuees of blias Wertinan. .The Au ditor hereby gives soiree mat he will, attend at his ortioe in Cl-Hjuirbure. on VuVD.tY THE 'Ji.t ll DAY MARCH. A. I.. K-tJ. for th purp se of attending to the (Jaries i.f Ins a pointmcnt, when and where ail persons inti'iesU'il in th slid fund can attend if they ee proper and present thir claim r be de barrrd Iroui couiiag ia for a share of thaftni. . II LITTLE. Llscuisburg feb, 24. Icl C-4 w. Auditor. Adminiatrator?s Notice. Estate of John Jacoby, deceased. T eitcr of otlmitfLtrafioD on the J'sfate I ; of John Jactby late of fr'eott township I i of rf-d. have been granted by the Kemcr of Col urn .. to me unaersii:neu All nersons lisvina claim ac.-iinst the estate cf the ilecedeut are rejU-?ted to present them lo the under signed, without delay, aud all person indebted an make payment forliiw itli. EEXJ. F. JACOBY. Feb V. 13t:6-Cw3 Jidm'r. RY virtue ol writ of venditioni exponos. to rue di.ected. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Coluuibis rounty. will be exposed to Publ ie Sals, at the CUL'RT HOUSE, in Uloouinbarg. on MONDAY. THE -JiiTII DAY OF M ARCH, at I o'cl'k in the afternoon, of said nay. the following real es tate to wit ; A certain lot of land situate In the village of Cen t.'.-.lia Columbia Couuty. contains in width on Locut A v.n ue, twenty-five feet, and extending back one hundred and forty f-el to an alley. belu the lot marked with the number three in Mock.. No. IIS in th town of 1 entraUa iipo.i which i erected a two story Frame Store and Dwelling , with the oppurta nances. tsjix-'J. taken in execution and to be sold aa the proterty ot William Stet'er. SAMUEL SXYDER. Sheriff, Sheriff- Office. , . Bloomsburg. Feb ?d. '56. ITCU I ITCH ITtU ! Scratch. Scratch, Scratch! TV II E A TOX S OINTMEX T, Will Cnte the Itcb In 43 Honrs. ALSO cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chil blains, and ali Eruptions of Ibe fckin. Price 50 cenia. For sal by all rlrnis'sif. Bv sendins 6& cen s to WEEKS & POT- TER, Sole AceiH. 170 Uashinuton etreet, Boston, Ma?s.. ii will be loruarJd.l ty mail tree of potage, lo any pan of the United Stat-s. Sept. 27, 1865. 6m. G2S. HO0PSIUB7S, 623. . ttonUin's -Oiru 3Ia!:e." . ' S!acactcrcd and Solo WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No 023 ARCH Street, Philad'a, ) Th most tomplet? assortment of Ladies Misses and Children's HOOP SKIRTS, in this City ; gotten up expressly to meet the WAJrri of nasi- olass Tasca ; embracing th-i newest and most Cesirable Styles and Sisee of -Gore Trail " of every leagtb .-from 4 i 4 to 4 yds. round. -M to 5 gprtnes. at S to t 00. riain Skirts, all lengths, from to 3 yds. roiad tttsbonoin at tt 40 to 15. - ' Oar line of Misses' and Children's 8CISTA. are proverbially beyond all competition fur variety oi styles and sii a well asiw Aaia -and darabili ty ; varyma from 8 lo a inches in length, i. to 49 gO'iagsatao ttiut'i SJ 25. -AH ikuts. of HlUR 0W.N .MAKE." are WAaSTin to give Satisfaction ; but L'CT sons as .ecu, unless tOey have. -Hopkin's Hoop skirt-Manufactory; 'NO. iid Arcil Slrcef" Stamped on each Tab I '. - - t . . Alsoeonsuntly on band, &oo& 'Satars, Maanfae-.. tufed 1.1 New York .a ed lb Eastern f tales, which we sell "t "very ' Prleb. .. A Kt of -be Skirts', f !'l'rinn4tcniijppri.i!i. ft IJ 5i -rprlUXS. gl 15-3 r,F1iag. f I 5 and 4u sonars tt c. j JTT-Ekirta. mad to Oider ani Repaired. J t T Tanti fins. Osa Psrce olv I i SPECIAL NOTICES. I THE "Ma son ft Hamlin Cabinet Organs, fort dif ferent styles, adapted to sacred and secular nwpliJ,for 30 to t00 . each. FIFTY-ONE COLLI or - SILVER JdEDALB. or olbr irst premiums, awarded tbem. II ustrated Ca alogues free. Addre.a, ti AAOH it. HAMLIN, Borrow, or MSON B20THER3, Xaw Yore. t . , , Jan. 8, isea.-Sep'. 8. '65. ly .M.P.' .' , Every young lady and gentleman in the United Slates cau bear something rery oiucb to tbuir alran. tage by re urn mail (free f charge.) by aUilrRSKing Ibe uuderfigned. Those bavlng Tea's of being huiiibi;? ed will oblige by ii.it noticing this card. All utiicrs will please aiiJifli their obedient servant. . THOd.r CHAPMAN. . b31 broad war. New York. Fib. 23, 13G3 ly.S M P rpO CoRNrnrTA.Tivc9 The adverlUer X restored to health in a few weeks by having been a very Him- file remedy, after having suffered several years. with a severs lung a3"..-ctinii, aaJ that draad disease. Con sumption is anxious to make known to hi follow sulTorers the means of cure To all who desire it.he will send copy of the pre scription used f free 6t Charge. with the direction for preparing and using the saina, which they will find a suau ccke for Cousuuiption.Aktbmy. Croncbitis.Colds Coughs etc The otilj object of the advertiser in sending tbe rreciiption i to benefit tbe afflict'? I. and spre .d information which beconceive to be invaluable nd bo h"pe every suCrer will try hi remedy, as it will coit them not hin;. aud may prove a blessing. Partis wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please addres Bev. EDWARD A. W1LPOX. Williamsburg. Kings County. Feb 23. 1SC6. ly. S.M. P. " New-Y'ork. A CAIID TO ISVAHIJS. A ricrgyman, while rt'sidiug in South America as a miss ionary. discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases cf the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and th e bole trai 1 of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Groat numbers have been al ready cured by this noble, reme dy. Prompted by a desire to b:ne(U ttii afflicted and uufortnnate, I will scud the recipe for preparing and using this medi cine, in a sea ed envelope, to any oue who needs it fats or Charoe. PU-kse i.icl ode a pout paid envelope , addressee to yourself. Ad 'reus, JUaEPII T. IXMA.V, flriTnn D, CiiiLk Hck. New-York City. March 7. lr'CG, 3in, ERJiOliS O F YOUTH. A gent'eman who suffered for years front Nervous Debility. Preuiaturs Decay, and all the e fleet of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suT ring bj inanity, send free to all w ho need it, the recipe and directions for uiuxing tbe simple remedy by which he was cured. SutTirers wihing to profit by taa adver nsf i's eipcrieuce, can d so by ad-lreisin; JOI1V C.tiCUUV, o. 13 fliainUers I , "ew-York, re!. 13W. ly. a-I P. The Grove3teen Tian-) Forte lill retains i's prucotencc and great popularity, and after undergoing gradual improvement fjra pe riod pf thirty years.is nowproao in ,-cd by the musical w orld to be unsirpas?ed anl even unequalled in rich ness, volume and purity.of tone, durability and cheap ness. Our cew scale, trench action, harp pedal, iron frame, over-strung buss, seven octavo rosewood pi ano we arcsellin; ch.-aper ay Iroia 5100 to $JuO than the same stj le and fihi are sold by any other first-class makers iu the country. Dealers and all in want of good pianos are invited to senJ for our De seriptive Catalogue, which contains photographs of our different styles," tocther with pri.:C No one should pur-base a pi.no without seeing this Cfcta togue Medjsl almost without number, have been awardou to the Grnveteeu Plino, and the Celebrated WcrlV ; air. though put in roiiipetitioii with other from alt pari ol Europe aud the U s?- it took the bi-'hept awa d. LsUbiisbed 1335 Groresteen Co , 4J3 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. July 29. ISGo . H. II. 8. & Co. Aa Iirmense EmisrAiioa. AN immense. migration wiltpour Iown into the Southern State with the restoration -f peace Thousands of Southern refugees, froa all the towns and cities cf the North, will return home; thou sa:i ! of Ncrthfirn soldie a'will move in the same i!.rection,ap.d settle, in the closest bonds of union, among tluir eou-.hcrn brcthern ; and, in obedience to the law. ftf demand and supply, thousand of north ern Tinners, inachauics and laborer, wi : swell Ihe iui;htv volume for the rpeooling and rebuilding the ; waste places of the "su nay South." In antlcipa-ion ! cf thi gran t diversion of the tide of emigration, I and from ths iu.-reasi ng demands upon tbem.the yroprietorsof IIOS ETTER'S CELEtR ATED 3 lOvi ACH BITTER are putting up additional tbensands ol boxea of thoir univerially poupalar tonie and alternative. Wehavethetesti nony of sol;IIrs, sailors, trave'. crs. trappers, mjners. emigrauts. vefugses. farmers an p'anlut. North anJ S jith. "a clouJ of witnes ses. th.it a a sale and reliable remedial agent, and as a protection againl all the complaints incident to exposure, privntiou. chnees of climate, diet, water, anJ habit of life, HUd IE TT l-BS BITTEUd, use.l as directed, are worth their weight in Gold, North or 'outh. Coinmuuieated. It i aIo proper to Slate lhat the Bitters ar srdd exclusively in las. and never in any circumstance by lh gnhon or barrel. Impostors and imitators are abroad, and the only saf-euard the public has agair st theiu i to see lb it the Enter they buy liavetheen. I. .I.i.l sn.l I. fits nf lialtd I.f Mr.lll. IIOHtellcr & rimith, and our p ropriclary stamp over tbe cork of J the bottle, ' Feh.W. lC0.-4t. HUIKHS' KKWIMTOT. a . - " - AB E TIIE ONLY INSTRUMENTS constructed oa a truly scientific principle. They have greater strength, and will remain longer in Tbms than any oth er Piano. The construction is simple and n tu al, nil the eitrancous lumber in the body of th instrument is dispensed with : the sound boari are merely two arched planks of thin wood, like the front and back of a violin ; the strings are attached to a slrons Iron frame. which is -eparated and entirely indepeud ntof Ihe case, thereby dispensing withtue old harp form of stringing, by substituting straight bridges, preserving at the fame time the Over fctrnrig Baa, of which Mr. Dkiqo is the Inventor. By these improvements we gam much more vibratory power, at the same time preserving all its purity and richness of tone. Tney have received the hi?bet testimonial from the Press, and all the principal artist in tbe country. among which are ; Harry Sanderson, L M.GoUsc"ialk, B Thalaerg. Wm. Mason, A. Harili. M. ISirackoseh, Chas. 'radel. Max Maretzek, Theodore EisflelJ. Herman Wolieiihaupt, Francis II. Grown, Win Henry Fry, -Sir. SliGLSMCXD THALBERG. the great pianist. says : I hava examined your new Piano-fortes, and I cordially approve of its syateui of construction. It principle. hy which great inrreaeof vibratory power is obuine.i. being verysimple aud perfectly priilosopt ical. The tone i grand and noble : it has great ca pacity for suitainiiii; the sound or singing, and its vol ume of tone or power I have never heard excelled in depth, pnritv. and yiiipatil2tic weetties. m. HENRY FRY. late musical criticof the N, Y. T. ibunn says: I have examined your newly ii.vcnt-i! Piano Forte. They merit all the praise given lo then: by Messrs. Thalberg, Goll&chalk, Masou and others.. As regards structure, limy are original and philosoph ical ; in purity, volume, and continuity of tone; in vo cal versiuuli'.ude. lhat crowning excellence w hich enables the pianists to "sing" oa tbe instrument. Your Pianos errr ds-erve the highest rank. Your in vention, ill my opinion, is destined to work radical changes in me manufacture of Piano throughout tho world. . From tha S Y. HeralJ, Sept. 6-trpon a careful ex aminatinnol Daiuo Piano-Forte, we find thi result obtained are r fine siuging loue.grest purity and brilliancy throughout theenlire instrument, not olten fvnn'l in Pinnos constrncteii upoa tha old plan. The N. Y '1 iaies. July I J, says:-We have now an instrument w,lUout an equal, it , can sing with a smooth delicacy, perfectly nnatuinable on any other instrument tan ordinary player obtain with no exer tion.the fullness of a Or, ad , Piano Forte, aud they must supersede the o d lyles Gsktlexsk :-IIavin; tlioroarhly examined and test ed the Frano-Frjrtea invented and patented by Sir. S.3 Daieos, I am ot the opinion that the tone resui'.in. from bis improvements, as exhibited in I be instrmentH unner examination, in point of ricum ss, depth and Drillisnry. equals that of lite best Grand Piano Frtes and sxcaautneinin pare. musical intonanonation and ucroiii tone, power mus apruAtuiitung ciicr in wnai Ft consider perfection in tbe instrument than has yet bee a achieved by any other system of manufacture. t. Yours iespcifuliy.- - . J V B. M.COTTSCHALK r;' SOLE AGEVT3 "WM llAiaLi & C5UIN, - . 513 Broadwayl New Yoik. Before pnrchasing, send for a descriptive caialoguau wittr pic it . isi . "."'' .re. 171860 IJf-itJX, .. ; . . . . ! "JJLAJNKS t . BLANKS 1 1 LV ' DR, iMAIiSILlLL'S : Tbi Snuffhas thoroughly proved Itself to b the b article known for rnring tbe CATAaan. Cold w the II ai and fiADACHK. It has been found sn ex cellent irmedy in many caces of Sore Eyes. Df sess baa be.removed by it. and HaARiss has often been gratly improved by its use. It is frsgrani and aereeabiy. and GIVES IMMtUlATK BELIEF To the doll heavy paina caused b y diseases of the Head The sensation a'ter mini it are delightful and invigorating. II opent and purjes out all obstruction, strengthen the lauds, and giVjes a healthy action to tbe part. offocted. More than Thirl y Years' OfSateand use of Da. 51 a'suail's Catarrii and Hsadaciie Sni tt. has proved its gr -at value for all the common diseases of l be Head, and at this moment it stands higher than ever before. It is recommenced by many of the best physicians, and is used with great success and satisfaction eve rywhere. lis ad tbe Cert ficates of Wholesale Drag gists in 1854. Til undersigned, having for many years been ac quainted with lr. 1 4 smi UN's Catabrm aud Head ache Mirrr. and sold it in our wholesale trude cheer fully state.-thM we elieve it to be equal. H every re s)ert to the rr inu.ciidationa given of it for the cure of Cat.-irrhal Att'i:rlion, aud III it it is Oeciilcdly the best article we have ever known for alt rouiuion dis eases of the Head. Hurr Ic Perry, Ronton, Beed , Austin & Co Brown, Lamsoii Co ' Keed, t'utUr ac t Heth W Fowle. Wilson. Fairbauk t Co. Henytiaw, Eiliiiand it. Co it U Hay. Portland. Me. ; Barn Park, k Sevr Yik j.Ulil) Sun. I. i Stephen Paul t Co Israel Minor Cn M'Kessou & Robbius ' A L Scovill it Co Y. Ward. lose si Co " . Bush Jl Ciate, For Sale b ail Lrugits. Feb. 3. IdCO ly. Try It. RELIEF IN" TEN 3IINUTE3. BrvaH's Pulmonic Wafers. t3" The original Medicine est-thlibhed iu 1SH7. and first article o" the kind ever introduced under ths name of Pblmohic WAFEan," in thi or any othi-r country ; all other Puluio lie Waf ;rs are rniinterft-its. Tbe gnnuine can be known by the uitme BRYAN be inc stamped on each Wafer. These Wafers bvo been before the public for nearly Thirty Year, and the immense sale att.i.nad, not only in America but in foreiicn countries, fully at t their iltrinie wt'.Ii. Th inetlical properties are tuprior to any oih :r article oirered for tb? cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial ail ctioii. an4 the I'luiitity cnntaineil in each bix ii nearly double that of thii maiy wor'.hlcss imitations advertised. Cryan's rulraoulc lrafers cure Cough. Colds. Sore Throat. Hoarseness. Asthma. Catarrh, tfroui luti. Icmcult Brcaliiing, pittin; of Blood Pains in the Chet. Inripif nt Consumption and all 4iieases of the lungs. Not o ily aribrdniz temporary relief, but eff -ctiug a rapid and lasting cure and are warranted to give satisfaction In every instance. They do n' t nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medical prope.ties aro combined iu a form so agreeable and pleasant tJ the lu-te. thut any child will readily take ilicin One do;e willalwa)s atforJ RELIEF IN TEN MINUTE. ; To Vocalint anii Public Speakers, tbe Wafers are I peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness ; and their regular It se for a few days will, at all times, increase th- pow er and tl.-xibil'ty of til l voice, grea-ly iinproviug its 'uue. co'iipas auj li-arnes. fur wbicil purpose tli'.-y are regularly used by many professional vocalist The very great celebrity t.f ibis valuable remedy has ! im ii. t-d unprincipled persons to prepare bas inula- i lion, w hich disappoint the jnt :Xpectaiioiis of the purchaser, and injure tho character cf the genuine i u.e.liti:i'. S-e that the word -BRYAN,' " is stamped on each I Wafer, and also observe the far simile ol l fi sisiiH- I tore of the Proprietor. "JUd MO-EV on each wrap per, to counteli-it which is rouusar. CT7 Udc-rfding parties Will be rtcali w ith to Hie full extent o f t!ir law. Uk. yak's I'l'iSumc Wasbs are for aie by ail Drug gist. Jon MOSPS Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St , X. V. Feb. 3. ly. THE GREAT EXUMSU REMEDY. PROTECTFD BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. SIR jameTclarl'E's Celebrated Female Pills. r-t pared from a pre'rripiton'f Sir J. Clarke. .V. D., F.ij tuia LtiTiivruiuany to the (ueen. Thi invaluable inepiriae i unfailing iu Ihe cure of all tnoe painf.il and danjerou di-ase to which the female constitution is si.i.j.-c t. it iiio.U rates all ex cess and removes all obstruct ion, from m hutcver cause aud a speedy cure may be relied o:i .20 MAURI ED LADIES, it i particularly suited. It will, in a bUoj.t time, bring tin t:ic monthly perio.twith regularity. F.ach bottt.;, price One Dollar, bears the Oovernmenl Stamp of ILttft liritain, to prevei.1 cuuuteifeits. CAL'TIOV. Thrte Pills t-hould not ht taken Fematrt during the FlkST 1JJHF.K MUXTHSof Pregnancy, ms aretUro to bring on Mistamagt, $Jt at any ot&tr time ttiej areta ft Cveiy wunicu knows that thu t liHun i,f hi-alui iiiii.t fade, with the slightest irregularity r obstruction of tbe menses. ThesuPnls are truly the woman's friend in the hour of trial, sud th.; only sure, positive and u-ver faitmir cure ami rrgiCater f Suppression of na tore from w ha ever rause 81 mill) li.at the frehlest enn take Hit-in with perfect security, yet so povorfu I ia tbeiredect. that tney may bs safely railed, a never failing R.-gulatur. In all tasescf Nervous and ?pinal i ff cti.ns. Pains in the Back and Liuibs, Fatigue ouslittlit cvertion.l'al pit-ttion of 'he Heart. Hysterics, tiutl Whites, thee I'll 1 will efT ct a cure when all other mean have fail ed ; ar.d although a powerful reineily, do nut contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution I'u'S direction in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carrtullv preserved. SCLl) BY ALL VHVOGiSTS. Sole General Ageut for the L' ruled Slates and British Dominions, JvjR MO?E3. 27 Cortland St., New York. N. B $t DO and 6 three cent postage stamus en closed tn arty authorized Agent, will ensure a bottle, contamiur .0 IMls. by return mail, acurely sealed from ail observation. Feb. 3, '03. ly. 1 1 F I' II EALTU STR E. (J III. LIFE HEALTH STUEMiTil. LIFE HEALTH STREXCTU. Hundred and thousands annually rlie prematurely, when, if they would give tlm Creal French Remedy, Dit. JL AN" DELAJIARRE S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared by GsRancierk at Dcpokt, No. 214 Hue Lom bard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Dela marre. Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nrd cu Larirtoisiere a fair iril. Ihey woula hnd imiaediale relief, and. iu a short time, be fully restored tn Health and S'rength It is used in tbe practice of many emi nent Fiech physicians, with uniform success, nnd high ly recommended a the only posiUveaiid pecije Heme rfyforall pr-rsons siitf-ring Ir 'iii General or Sexual liebility. all derangement of Ihe Nervous Force Melancbaly. Spermatorrhoea or emiiial I. missions.a l Weakness arising from sexual Ex Energy. Physical Prostration, Nerto'lsiiess, Weak Spine, I Lowiiess of Spirit. Dimness of Vision, Hysterics, Pain in tii2 Back a nd Limbs, lmpotency, &c No I inguag can convey an aeqtiate idea of the im mediate and almost miraculous change it occasions to the debilitated cud shattered system. In fact, it stanils unrivalled as an unfailing cure ol the maladies above mentioned. rlutfer nom-ire. but use TUe Gr'at French Remedy ; it wil effect a cure where all others fail, and nliliouch a powvrful remedy, contains nothing buitful t the most delicate constitution. Pamphlets, containing full p.nticnlars and directions ' for Using, in English. French. tpahish and Ueruian. ac- f company each box, and also sent tree to any address wheo requested. Price One Dollar per box ; Six boxes for Five Dollars j Sold by all Drusgists throughout ihe world ; or will j be sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation, I hy inclosing vpecifiit price to any authorized nueiits. BF.WARF. OF COLWT&KFFJTS Jl.YD IMITATION'S. Proprietors exclusive Ageats for America, VSCAR O MOStX, 4- CO., 3i7 Courlti nd St. New York, Authorized Agents for Eloouisuurg. IlYER St MOTKR. , Danv'lle, IV. LAY COCJC. Feb. 3. I806. ly. Lackavanua & Clooms&urg; Railroad. "at C3r .TWO DAILY trains, rea OV ANO AFTPR NOVF.MRRR S7. Ifi3. " PAi? SENGER TRAINS WILL RUN A3 FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD - .-AM"' PM P M. Leave Peranton. 5.50 ' lO.ns 4 5: : Kingston,' ' b55 "" Jl.IJ '3l . ' Rapcrt. .9.15 ,. 8.53 Danville. 9.50 ' ' 9 30 Arrive at NorlhumberlaodlO. 30 10.15 ; ' LB AV E. NORTHWARD.. Leave Northumberlaud. 8.00 3-5 Daaville. . , 8-40 - . 8 4U - Roperu 9 15 .A.M. 4 15 - Kingston, .S5 30 ' , M Arrive at Scraaton, .- -. 5.44-- - 9J5 810 Traia leaving Kingston at 9.30 A: M for Scran too, coanert with 'i'rfcin arriving at New .York at 5i0 Leaving Northumberland at K00 A M. and Kingston 2.30 P. M-, connect with Train striving at New York at 1055 r. M. ) ' 3 " ' : Passenger takiog Traia Soalb from Be ran ton at 5-5d A If via NoithaniSerland. reach Harrisburg U 30 P M , Baltraor 130PM, Washinrtoa 10 00 P M via Ro pe rt reach Philadelphia at 7 Co P M. - - - - - ?' I'OV cph Gold and Silver, Awful Sacrifice ! - BCT " , BAXKI.EPT4T ATOIUEC. Exlraordiaary Announcement. a TW0 0C0 boi'as worth of Gold Silver Watches, Splendid Jewelry, French Clocks, Diamond Kings. Pianos. Melodeoos, esewina nirninm.-niTrr .ara, 4.C it, to be disposed of at 1 WO DOLLARS, each nicle. without regard to Value 1 GRAND IVTFRVATIONAI. MEETING OP MANU FACTURERS OF WATCH L3 4: JEWELHY. The following has biren resolved, that in consequence of the grent Hiarnniion of Trade, and in order to re lieve fioiu pecuniary emliarinismeuts occasioned by a distressing War. and U avoid BAiN KRUPTUY, $2,000 000 worth of goods from their stock, mast be sold in the course of oix months, at ; J1SY SACRIFICE, and for lhat purposa, they bave unanimously elected DE TREY &i CO., 61 Liberty Street As Their Exclusive Agents As a preliminary they would remark that Jhej ; mao ufaciure and sell no- bras watches or imitation of Jewelry, . - OF 1 1I B Finest Workmamhip, The articles to sell at TWO DOLLARS each. No matter how costly it may be, consicis of Spb.ndid liantin case Gld and Silver Watches. French Clock Ring eet with Diamond. Rubies Pearl and other p-ecious Stones (Solitaire and in clusters) LartiesVHct of Jewelry comprising Pins' Kar-rings of the most fashionable and recherche style Gold and Enameled Bracelets Studs and Sleeve But Ions, Chains at' of description &e. &-e. Silver Ware, (xtra plated) comprising Castors. Bolter Dish, beau tiful y rbased andengrnved. Table fc lea Spoon. cc &.e.. Pianos s.elodeoiis St Sewing Mathme f the bet makers. The price of each article varyin; from SIX to EIGHT HUNDRED dollars. HOW tVE 'oIlALL PROCEED, We have adopted the plan of the sale now so popu lar of charging a uniform price and this will'm varia bly be Si for each article regardless of value. Thee-x p.-nses of conducting our Agency are paid by the sale of certilii ates.or coupon representing the varieus ar. tides. 'I bese certificates are sold at FIFTY CISNTd earh or j for ii )0 and each cerlirtcate will show the holder the par ticlar article lie or she is entitled to on payment of an additional g.'.OU. THK FXPENSKS OF FREIGHT AVU PACKING PI ioS OK tE"VNG MACHINES WILL lltl PAID ' llY THE PART ItS WIKJAR1' ENi li LEl TO THEM. AGENTS ARE WANTED Incvery partoftha United Slate and Provise.anJ a'l snch ve y libenil in Jnceuienls tsillbfl offrred. and ou app'ioalLn a circular of terms will be for warded. We prefer money sent in Post Office order where they ran be obtained or by Bank Drafts to out order. Please write your Name, Town, Couuly 'nJ tate Ylait'ly and addris all orders to DE TREY & CO. AGENTS FOR MANUFACTURERS. 34 Liberty St , .New York. Feb 17, 1E6C. 6ro JJB .. I GROCERIES AND fMMI. EIATKLI-, laving bnnsM.L J Runyon's PROVISION STOKE, is low prepared to ell ti roct?ris at Whole eale or Retail, as Cliea a the ClieapeM. iis:i:e you ca pim SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEE"5. SYRUPS, SPICES, CRACKERS, MARCH, SODA, CORN STARCH, ' IjRIEO FRUIT, - CANNED FRUIT, A'OODEN-WARE. FLOUR, FISH, LEANS. ONIONS, EPH- W. EL-WELL. P.!oomshurr, E?b. 14, '65 if. . jYEW storeT IN BLOOMSBURG, PA. 1 HE UNDERSIGNED ha pit opened a Vs S r.re in SCHIVE'S CUILDING MAIN STREET. Coomsburg, Pa., wltirli he has filleJ with a fir-t class assortment of of all desfriptioris, and GROCEi.iKS, HARD1TAUE AAD QIEEXSWA11E, in ihe UMial varie:y. Also FLOUR an 1 FEED supplied atl'.e lowe,l matket pric. He rer petllully so licits a fair 6hare ol pa'ronantf. JAMES K. EYER. motr.sobnra, Nov 8, 1865 if. OMNIBUS LINE. IllE undersigned would repecifully an nounce io the ciiizens ol Blooms-btirj!, and the public enrally, that he is running In MM MIRTH LIVE ,.-wi,.i,.w V2-S hpiwppn this olarrt and iT-?. the different Rail Road Depot?, daily. (Sunday exeepied) to con nect with Ihe peVcral Trains aoitig South and Wel on the Caiawi&sa& Williamsport Rail Road, aud with iho-e going Nop h and Siirth on ihe Lack. & Bloomfrburg Road. His OMNIBUSES ere iu pood condition, commodious and comfolrable, and charge reasonable. E?" Persons wishing to meet or see their friends depart, can be accom modated, upon reasonable charge, by leav ing timelv notice at anv of ihe Hotels. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloom-bur?, April 27, 1861. J ul ice l ihe IVare, Licenseed Convayancer, Scrivener, and Surveyor, Office Bearer Valley, Pa. Wiil attend to takins acknowledgements, Write Deeds. Mortaages, Lea-e, Bonds, Notes, Agreemenis, &c. Surveyin atten ded to with despatch. Charges moderate. Jan. 10, 1866. 4mo. B. II. STOHNER, niKLIt A5D fOM'ECTIOMCR HAS alwv" on hand and lor sale Fresh BREAD, CAKES, and PIES ; French and Domtslic Confections in great and splendid variety ; Nuts Fruits, and everything usually foaud ia a tir&i class confectionery store. He would call especial attention to his newlv received s;ock of PICKLED FRUITS, ASD JELLIES. . Having recently fitted op a new aod elegant - ' .. OYSTER SAIsOOIV, on the firrt Moor, two doors weft of Eyer & Moyer's Drug store, he is prepared io wait npon hi many oinmers with FIRST CLASS FRESH OYSTERS as cheap as Ihe cheapest. He will supply Balls, Parties, and Families, wiih Oye'ers, Confeciionef y, &c. al reasonable rales.- , -- - Bloomsbor?, Dec. 20, 1865. . CLOVERSEED WANTED. ' The undersigned will pay tbe highest market prices lor CLOVERSEED. . ... . " pat-TP m ji s. niii .,; ZLtrT. FTP,. Terrible Excitement ! IN LIGHT STREET, AT PETER ENT'S ST0RF, On Account of the IVew Arrival of TALL & Winter GREAT REDUCTION AV PRICES JTAS just received from the eaJtern ci'ie -A and i, now opening at the old einnd a splendid assortment of - 5Z Q5 LT C3 Qa SI CEi rJl Q Cl a which will bn sold rheap for CASH OK COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock cohmms of Liufie DreM Goods, clioicet stles and latest fashions. CALICOES. MUSLINS. U IN Git A MS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS. &C. i:eatIy-.TlaIc Clothifit SATIN UTS, CVSSI MERES, COTTON A I) ES, KENTUCKY JEANS, THREAD, &C. QUE ENS WARE, CEDAKWAilE. HARDWARE. MEDICINES, DRUOS, COOTS AMD SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In r-horl ever) tiling ' usually kept iu a oonntry stor. The patronage of hi old frietid, and the public generally, is ie-pectlu!ly so licited. The hibej-j maiket pricw paid fort'onii iry produce. PETER E.XT. L'ohl Sireel, Oct. 4, 1865. MEXICO ! MEXICO s3U,)OU,IOO LOA. rr tm REPCDL1C OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon Hands in Sums cf $50, $100, $500, a"d 61,000. Interest Seren Per Certt., Payable in The City of e'w Yrk. Pritiripal and Interest Pajab'e in GOLD. S10 000,000 io be Sold al SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, ihus jirflding an interest of Twelve per ret.i. in Gold, or Seventeen ;-r rent, in Currency, al the present rale of premium on irold. Tbe firl ear's interest already pro- TllEXOiT nnaiR.iflr.r: IXVESTMEST Immense iract of Miiihi and Aricul tiiial land; cixty per ren of port dues, iinpoi anJ laves. in ihe States ol Tatnaiili pu ami San Luis Putosi ; an I the piun'eil trfiih ot the t-au! Slate ar.d ihe General Government ars all pledged lor the redemp tion of .heee Bond aud payment of inter est. The Security Is Ample. ?30 in U. S Currency will buy a 7 per cen Gold Bond of S50. 60 in V . S. Currency wi!l buy .a cent. Gold Rjr.d of S10. S300 in U S. Curren-y wiil buy a ecu Gold I'nn of $b"00iti U.S. Currency wiil buy a 7 per 7 per 7 per cei.i. Gold B.'.-ud of SI0U0. Let every lover ol Republican institutions buy at Itiibt Cirrulars lorAarded arid aubbcriptions re ceived bv JOHN W. CORLIES &. CO.. and J. N. TIFFT, Fiuaticil Aaer.t of ihe Republic ol Mexico, 57, Broadway, New York. tT Subecriplions aI.-o receive.! by Banks and Bankers generally ihrougnout the Unit ed Slates. Nov. 8, 1665. BUSINESS COILECE N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chetcut Streets. PHILADELPHIA. T!e most romflete and thori.uehly appointed Busi ness or t'ominercial Colleee in the country. 'I he only one in the city p isaeiug a Legislative Chailer.and the only one in Hie I'mUit -fates author izeU io confer Degrees of Mint Diaplomas awarded to urnouates ia the Co tumerria! Course under its coi porale se-il by authority cf law. Conducted by geutleiii n of libt-rM education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled aivaiit.iires for the thorongn theoretical a id pinctiCHl eili.cation of )oui:g men lor tha various du ties and emplovuiunt o:' bn-ini's i ifrj. TIIEOUY ANU PRACTICE COMBINED by a of t"in AtTEAI. BUSINESS TRilN'tN orieinal and pre sinlneiit y practical g ving th? stu a"iil in the bhoriest tune a romp Icte ii'suht into the rtenre tl' accounts, arranea au.l puMishe t by trie ptoprietor of thi InsMliiiion exclusively for hi own use. saving one-half ttie ordinary labor "of the stadrnl curt ci vine bin a complete Kaon lid of th! practice jf the be.-t accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBB At.'ES BookeepiDg,Comuicrcial Ariihmci;c,PeE tnanship, Bjsiness CorrerpoDderice, " Commercial Law, Lectures osi Business Affairs, Commer cial ('u-toins, Forms, aol Actual Hjsi res Pracfiee. SPECIAL nit ANCIf E jt'gtlm and te tixgh't MotStmattto, Thofegraphf, Or. maxuntal Penmanship, the Art VrUcttng Counterfeit Money, V.ngiAectivg Sr tiding, .YurgaJun and Ttfrgrapliirg. TL'LEGK-tcili.M,. The arrangements for I i legraphing are far nrvre ad vance ul any thing or t!ie kind ever ndered to the pub Inu A regular IVie rai-h Lnie i connecte 1 with ibe Institution wi-li twin:y dranch otlicr-s in various parts of Hie ri y, where public business is transacte'l, and in which I lie Mu.I.-ms of this Institution are per mitted to practice. Na reffiilar i-Dice practic; can be bad in auv oilier school of instruction i.i t-e country, without winch no one an obtain a position as a prac. tical operator. Yuaiu uu-n are cautioned against tb deceitive representations of tho) wlu. without any such facilities, pretend I i ii ach Tele ;rip!iinj. PATRONAGE. This Institution is now enjoying the largest pitron tronage ever hetowed upon auy Commercial kchool ia it" e siate. Over live hoo-ire. student w-rc in atten dance the D' st year, and over seven hundred during the past year. The bel class of students may inva riably be found here, aud all it associatious ara first cUc LOCATION A SO ACCOMMODATIONS.' This Institution is located in tile most central part of the city, and its accommodations, for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unsurpassed. All the looms havebeea fitted up in the very best style with HCSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HoCSti. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. STATIONARY STORC M A BKarXAR B.N'K OF DEPOSIT AND I3.-TE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium io the Department of Actdal Business. TO YOUIVG UliA' who desire tbe very bi facilities for a Practical Ldncaiion for Rainess, we guars n lea a course of instruction no where else equalled, whi'e the reputation and standing of the Institution among business men make its endorse me nt the best passport to saccess and advancement. A.I eont-mplsliDg entering any Commercial College, ar invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complets Inferior viewa of tha College, and full parlicolars of tha coorsa of iaatractioa. tsrma, t.c . 1 . - . L. FAIUBAXKS, 1. 31 PT'1". TFIKTEB AKBAlVGU3IElvr. IVOTEItinER 527, 18CS. GREAT Trunk line from tbe Nor:h aflJ North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqoa Aab iat7vl, Lebanou, Allentown, Edaion, tic ; &e. Train leave Harriburr for New York, as follows. At 3.00, 7 25 arid 9.03 A. M. and f 43 and 9.00 P. M , attiring at New York at 5.40 and 10 00 A. M., and S.40 and 10.35 P. M , contiftiinNviib similar Traia on the Pennsylvania Rail Road ; Sleeping Cats accompanying the 3.00 aud 9.05 A.M. Trains, without change. , LeavB llarrinbur lor Reading, Poltsville, ratnarjtia, Minersvil, Ashland, Pica Jrove, Alleninwo and Philadelphia, al 7.3h A. M. at.d 1 j5 and 9 00 P. M.t stopping at Lebanon and nil Way Slatiooa; tbe 9 00 P. M. Train making ho c!ote connections lor Poitavilie nor Ptiiladelphia. For Potta villi, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Suhuylkill at;d Snqnehann Rail Road, leavH Hatrisborg at 4 00 P. SI. Hemming, leave New York at 9.00 A. M , 12 00 noon, aud 8 00 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 On A. M. and 3.30 P M. ; Pottsville at X 30 A. M. and 2.45 P. Al., Ashland t 6 00 ami 1 1 45 A.M and 1 15 P.M Tamaqoa at 7.35 A.M ar.d 1.40 P.M. . Leave Poitsville for Ila'risbor?, Tia Schujlkill I aud Sufquehanua Rail Road, at 45 A. M. . ' . Reading Arrr,mmodaiior Train : Lea Tea Headino ai C 3() A. M. returning from Phil adelphia at 4 30 p. M. i Colvttibia Railroad Trains leave .Read lit! at C 10 A. M. and 6. 15 P. M. for Ephra ta, Ltuz, Lancaster, Colombia, &. On butidayn : f.eave New Yoik at 8 00 P. M. PniUdelnhia 3 15 P. M.. PnllA.illa R Oft A.M., Tamaqua 8 00 A.M., Harrisbore 9 05 a ti ...Js ' . A. M. ni' leadiui ai i oo A. M. for Har- ri6burrr, and 10 52 A. Al fnr rVr Vnrk CotLinutaiioii, Mileas, Season, School and Excursion. Tickets to aud from all poiute at 'euured rate. Bai:a.'e chat te l through : 80 pound alluwed each Passenger. G. A. NICuLLS, Gener.il Superintendent. RrMiiNr. Pa., Deo. 13, 1865. PUBLIC SALE - op , 1 aluaMe Personal Property T'liF. undersigned will offer at Public Kale, attba oik Hotel, ia Bl join -uurs, Columbia County Pa . on . ' Friday the Olh dai of March. 1866, the following Valuab'e Personal Property vis : SIX HORSES, One Three-Seated ..Philadelphia Cab, neatly new. . TflRfiF TOP tttGGIES, V2tl.Yg 'wA.SB- ae Bo" TWO 5LH1SHS, 0E FAIR OF BOB-SEES, ' Two s. tt of Extra Plated Dju lite Harness, Fir S'.-tt Plated tingle narnesi. If 2-3 mmrAluD SD313? SADDLES. BRIDLK?. WHIPS, and all other things belonging to ihe livery buin.-ss. taletn commence at 10 o'clock, A M-,w&b" conditions iil be uai'e knovin by .J.J. ROBBIES , t p. C. EYER. CloomsbJrj. Feb. 23, looS. Adminstrtor's Notice. Eblo.lt cfjohn Jf, Hess, .dee'd. 1" etters cf Administration on the eRtala r f John Hes. late of Sugarloaf township. C Itimliia county, dee'd. have been granted by the Regis tcr of Columbia ro.. lothe undersigned. All pi r-i n haviuif claim, against the estate of tha decedent ar.: requested lo presuut them to tbe under signed, wiibout delay, and all persons iodebd to make payuicm forthwith. EZRA STEPHENS, Feb. 3. lSGC-Cw f 1 Adm'r: Atlizi.i:btmt3r's Notice. Estate of Henry II Fritz, dee'd. r ctters of Administration on tbe estate i ,r Henry II- Fri'Z. Ia:e of Fishingcreek township Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register i.f Columbia co. to the undersigned all persons having claims against the c.-iate of tbe de cedent are requested to present them far settlement aailihose indebted to the estate wiil make ioiios diate payment to the administrator. JACOU IL FRITZ, Adm'r. - Feb 3, lrC-Cw$: YY7 RAPPING AND MINING PA- I V PER. Having tboronfhly overhauled my Pa per Mill at Mill Grove, near Blooinsbura, Columbia Co mty. Pa., I am now prepared to till all orders for Wrappipc, Dry blasting and Water Proof Paper, oa. short notice and fair ptices. I have opened a ware honse in Wilken-Karre. and appointed Joseph Brown ol the firm ot Hrowu, Gravis Co., iny agent to dispose of my paper ia Lucerne Couuty. THOMAS TSENXIX.' Eloomyburg. Sept. 16, 1SCS. CHAS. G. BARKLEV, Attorney at Iaw, BL003JSCCRG, COLUMBIA CO., PA.: ITILL practice in lle several Courts of Columbia county. All legal business intruded lo his car shall receive prompt allPniion. O F F I C E, On Main Street, Erchang Bnililmas, over Miller's Stcic. April 13, 1864. . A. J. EVANS' AS I . -T I t A l r-Kartr..Saa n riu c ivi r u h i u rvi Xca-ly opposite the Episcopal Church, - CLOTHING OF;ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Y stock is composed of fine clothing, medium and low priced adapted lo all conditions-, taMes and went. He has the latest style for the season a fine aa sort in rnt of Overcoats acd Cenllecca's Shawls, from low to tha very best. it Goodi are Icuhiuniibte and veil Made. . In addition to my slock of reudy-mada clothing, I have piece goods for custom, orders, Cloth, Cassiiiicrcs, &c.) lc. And having one of the first class cotters, Ctiaile I. Reichatd, formerly of Easton, 1 cuarantee a Ct in all cases and gives saiUiaction. Also a Variety of Woolen and Linsn Shirts, Stockings, Neckties, Col Urs, Stocks, Handkerchiefs everything in the gr-nileineo's line of rlothing. Also Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trurka and Carpel bagr. . . I will ell at the lowest itarkel prl tea. Pleae give me a call before pnrchasing elfewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS. Nov. 15th 1865. DR. J. R EVANS, Physician and Surgeons nAVING located permanently on Main Sireet, BLOOMSBURG. Pa., wonld in form the public generally . that he is preprarnd to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that nay bs intrusted to bis care, oa terms cosiiuail' rate with th times. TZJ" He pay strict attention ta Sargery af wrp a medicine, Nov. S5. 1663. ly. - - JOHN C. YEAGER & Co., MA.M FACTCEEB. It WH0LE3ALE DEA.LZR Uf HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND -'-' "A TJTTfTnT 1 T TTT r "ttt r r a ivi xj c rr ju ixo,