BE ! OCR ATI; STAR, .W. H. JACOBT iKO CK. ISELtB, KDlTOH". -LCI0SSERG, VTEDHSB1Y, ' MAR. 7, ISTS S. !:" PiTTtxcitL& Co., '37 Park- Row New York, ate duly authorized lo solicit and receive subscriptions and advertising for ihe filar of Ike forth, published at Bloomsburg; Columbia conniy; Penn'l: FOR GOVERNOR IX 1868, EON. I1IESTER CLYMER. OF BERKS COUNTY. , r- For Governor. Hon'. HirsTCR 'CtTMSR.'or Berks County, vas Dominated yesterday, oo the fourth ballo', by. the Democratic Suite Convention al Harrisborg, for the office of Gcvarnor. -,. Jlr. Clymer is a natire of Berks County, bating teen born there in' 1827." fie is a lawyer by profassionand a sound and good one,. He is a gentleman and a acholar;;ar.d is considered, by many important, a perfect the German as well at the English language : He U a 'man of splendid proportions and of exceedingly fine personal appearance. As an oritor .be bas few superiors, and as a ready and powerful debater, die takes rank with the first men in the Common wealth. Mr. Clymer was elected to the State Sen ate in I860, since which time be has ccn tinned to be, and is cow a member cf that tody ; and the acknowlai'ed leader of the Democracy, in both branches of the Legis lature. He is a ga'Iant and able champion, and will lead us triumphantly tlmch the fihf, to victory.' ' Sn?c tbe title ofD. D. lias been can fercd on J. W. Forney, be re'niiuds us of the fellow spoken of in the scriptures, who goeth about like- a roaiing lion, FsekiD whom he inay.dsToar. 1 Pet. 5 ; 8. . . " Iris believed that Deal Duck Forney, cam to his end by gorging hirasalf tbo lib erally' upon the 6 ffal corrnption and j':ch pickings be gobbled up under Lincoln and bully Stanton. Tity be haJ'nt been taken w hen he was, fat, and saucy. Now be ha been left to die whh gangrene be is already offensive; a stench in the r.oMrils of She people, an;! will have to be removed from the sight cf pedestrians. j - Can't Hake tools of thera. The Republican party chested themselves tremendously when they elected to effice , Andrew Johnson, Senator Cowan, Nes sm'uh, Congressman, Raymond ard olllcrs. By their own Republican votes they placed item in high' positions of power and au-thr-ri'y. Ey Ilepntlican pledges and sol err.n protestations to the American people, that their princip'es were in entire barmo ' riy with the Union ; that they were earnest and sincere in their intentions to maintain the Constitution and labor faj, the gcod of whole country ; that :hey were a 4r.o par ty:' party, or a "Union" pany, or a "Loyal Leag8" party, neither the abolition of sla very, Negro Suffrage, Equality of the races, amalgamation, centralization or anything of the kind were thj pledges, they gave the people, and the very ones too ty which they placed their candidates in power. Our opponents have always dodged and denied the true issnes when appealing to the peo ple In 1855 tbey tried to ride power on the cry of free-spetch and free press,al though they failed, yet we have evey rea son to telleve, by their abjsrary acu during their late accession to power that there was To meaning in their declarations. Throojh Congressional resolution", and numberless pcblic speeches, they pledged their honor that the !a:e ar.wa,vof for the abolition of slavery tut for the restoration of tLe Uuicn and the mainjanace of the Conslilutlcn. Is their a sane man. now living who be lieve that they inteded ro carry out there jldged ? No; not one. Tbey bellowed long and toed and shook themselves night and day to rid themselves - cf the trn'hfcl charge of being advocates of Negro SofTraga. IVe ask 30a readers, know ing thai yon are acquainted with the past -and present state of affairs, were they, then and are they nob sincere in their declara tions ? The fact is the Republican parly ask their officers to carry ont an entirely differ ent programme from that snbrciued to ; and ndorsed by the people. But with pride and honor to the above named patriots who bave taken Ihe Constitution for their gnide, w ho are determined fo carry out the princi ples upon which tbey were elected, who are faithful to '.heir pledges ; and to the will "" ef their constituent, who Bre not to be de lated and fascinated by Republican disun ion trieks and mid-night schemes. How tV.riously and woefully are the Radicals disappointed in the persons of the above named patriots. .Their disappointment is 3 ist ; it's the reward they meril ; an 1 we further say lo those pore-hearted and clear minded patriots, wbom we delight to bon er, to s'and fast,' be Crm, stead-fast and persevering Let the hypocrites, false rtaeher and disunion's, bool and iqairm, aiJ" demand rour reeignati'on, yon are per foiming: a goJd work, yon are aithfulto - jour pledges, your sworn -duty, and 10 your constituents, and will reap a reward cf 5" approving conscience, ana receive lom th people the plaudit, "well docs good ar.l faithful servant." "I3at ch ! on the .c!:r . hand ; yu disan-3-T.i&i, ye wolves'in sheep'a clothing, js hypocrite's and deesivef?,-ye laborers sg'i'.T: truth and daty, how long.oh I tew 7, S3 isdisnant frsa- popi scffsr . I, r-. - -7 - IV TOtir Position. y Many persona have imbibed the idea that j the Democratic partyxiaim Andy Johnson. Spjch is oft the case. Yfe sirrply endorse trim in his-constitutional effort? to restore the Union of our fathers, and lo bring I peace and order oul of confusion. So long as Abraham Lincoln adopted wise and constitutional-measures the Democratic party aided him in the field and at home. Their support to his successor is ' the more out spoken, because the Radicals of his own party bare denounced him and if we failed to cast our strength for him in Congress, every one knows bis pplicy could not pre vail nor would his vetoes prove effective. Moreover, our support is disinterested. That is, we neither claim nor ask . from bim any reward in the shape of offices. We wish to prove that our party js one of prin cip!end needs not the cohesive power of blonder to keep it together, nor can i:s sup port be pun'msed. But we: do insist thai Andy Johnson thall Gil ttie offices ; within his gift by bis friends, and: not by avowed enemies... And we insist that they who en dorse the Radicals in Concress are bis en emies, because they encourage them in their opposition to bis policy. Tt.e Presi dent has taken an appeal from Congress to to the people, and it i utterly impossible, crpecuiVy for an rjji:e holder, to endorse both. He who is not for him is against him, and where the lines are so clearly drawn, ihere is no middla course. . : A Word to Our Subscribers. Having combined the two 'Democratic papers of this place, we feel entirely safe in saying, that the Dmocrit and Sak bas to-day a larger circulation than any other county paper in Northern Pennsylvania ; and with the steady increase ii circulation which it now enjoys, and with a little' more energy on the pan of our many friends these nemteri will soon te increased to two thousand fiva hundred. Nothing less than this should satisfy the Democratic party. Enterprise, industry and money, will te liberally expanded to make the Democrat A5D Star in every respect a fir$t class r,e;vspaer. Our mechanical imjrove merits, however, cannot be made, and should not be expected, until after the first of April next, when we will remote our combined material and force, to a better business location. Pro fjundly impressed with the desire to do all in our power for the edification, prosperity and happiness of the people, we kfndly ask theirsympathy a;id sopport, and above all, thefjTorof Hitn who crowns every good work. ; " The principle i firm'y fai l in the minh of ihe Ametican Teip't that there shmil-l he A'O TAXATION WITHOUT IiEPRESEXTA- llOX "Ex!nicl from TreiiJenl Johnson's I Veto Lhsage. j That's the tree Democratic docirine ! NO j TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTA TION. Let these words be written in let- j tcrs Of fire, that all may see and read. Anerkw Jiunsos has sworn to see that every State has a republican form of Gov ernment, and as the Southern States are (axed bat not tepre tntei, his manly ct;er auce may mean a creat deal. We nrge our Demociatic friends through out the county to be prepared for the coming Township- Elections which taka place on the 16 h inst. If any pefty difficulties, or personal spleen should exist, banish them, rise above them counsel together. Select gnoJ men for the offices and don't fail to elect them. It is evident that our enemies are at work don't lei them get a foot-hold. Experience demonstrates ibis" fact : give them the little Engef they take the whole hand give them the whip and they lash you. IvEEr it before the people that the President c!as?c3 Steven's Samnpr and j Philip0, with Davis, Toombs and S'.i dtll and th it the Rtpull can is for Mer car, who is tbe follower of Steven's. Kee? it before the people that the Re publican is the apologist and defender of j MERCUil; that Mureur is the ob.-c-quious follower of THAD STEVENS, and that President Johnson calls Stevens a TRAITOR. Kezp it before tbe people that MER CUR voted in favor of Negro Suffrage in the District of Columbia, and that tbe Republican is in favor of Mr. Mercur for i re-election. Keep it before ihe people that the J?e- pnZlican is in favor ofthe 'Freedmen's I3a-1 rsau Rill" and that he refuses to Tetract his ojpcsuioa to the veto of the Presi- Keep it before hi people that somebody iaei!her foo'ed, or ihat Slurenr represents r his party cn the negro suffrage question. . The Fenians in Arms . Ost Million of Mbm Rsadtto Move One Hldrid Thousand Dollars Scbcribkd is Twenty Mi.nctzs. . It is now estimated at the Fenian bead quarters that over a million of men are ready to move for the liberation of Ireland. The writ of habeas corpus has been suspended in Ireland and hundreds of Irishmen are being arrested and imprisoned. The Fenians have held some of ;he largest mass meeting ever held 00 this continent. Ir. New York Wash ington, Boston, Troy, at Burlington Vl- and in numerous other places they bave, and are still holding large and enthusiastic meetings. An immediatete demonstration on Ireland i expect. The following Proc lamation bas been issued. f I EABQ. TASTERS F. B. New York. Aitrch 1. 1866. Cithers: The hour for action has arriv ed. Th habeas corpus is sospecded in Ire land. Our" brothers are being arrested by hundreds anu thrown into prison. Call yonr circles together immediately. send ns all the aid in your power at once, and, in God's name, let as start for oor destination. Aid brother halp fJr God and Ireland.. COMMUNICATIONS Fof the Counibi Democrat k. Btu of the North J v.' . Gentlemen : Fiv a years ngo to-daj, witnessed tbe Inauguration of Abfaham Lincoln, as tbe Jint sectional President of the United States of Amer ica. It was indeed a dark day for oar then peaceful, beloved and - happy coun try, and was initiatory of all the evils fit War, Bloodshed and Devastation with which wj bare fciocc been overwhelmed. God grant that ibis is tholast sectional curse that may' ever blight the fair escut cheon oi our Fathers' blood-bought and undying heritage a Democratic Country and Wbte man's governa.tDt. History records ihe undeniable fact that BiDce, tbe organization ol this gov ernment, its destinies have but twice fallen rsto the hands and been under ihe control of tho Toiiea. ,Io 1703 it hap pened in the election, to tho Presidency of John Adamst&ud agaia in 160, by the election of Abruhuhl Lincoln T 'be first Tyrant iuiinortalizad his name in llie ''Jieign of Ttrror," and forced upon the country 'the "Alien and Sedition Laws." The accoud Despot, placed the descendants of the Tories in power the followers of the elder Adams who disregarding the fnndauiental laws cf the land, tubsytuted the Military in Bteadi of the Civil Law, inaugurated Martial Law for the government of a civil jnople, declared war (to preserve the Republican party and annihilate tbe Democracy) and after four years of un heard of cruelty and opinion during i which the laud,, was,. as Daniel U ee. j f,,miIic9 ofl' in the FPr'?. and many others STR predicted it would be, if tbo aboli ,iave ?enl for beir. families. tton J'unatics again got into power, j Pablic chool sys:em has been put 'drenched :n Illood !'' into operation, but I bave notad an oppor- Thus were the tlood-Tatea of death J mnity cl learning how i: works. The rium cpenrd throughout the land by the power j t-er of children is necessarily small, as but of the IJayonU and the corrupting influ- few families have yet locked her perma enco'of Money. Honest men became ! nenity. Most of the families that r av OUF..uuv.aMr3, BUu great rogues goi ft; i' i. . . : j . . - I-. . -, u I lirvcd, is being turned, and a brighter '. , ' U1 S ' lt ujr uuiv ujvtus upou me country. Picidont Jon.80N, following the hp roic example of the i.n mortal Jaclson, has tli row n liii influence into the breach, i'nd will despoil tbe powsr of the Rump Congress.' in his speech at Washington, oo the 22J of February last, be openly denounced Thad S evens, Charles Sum ner and Wendell Phiilips, as enem-es to the country an J traitors to tbe Union. Democrats of Colombia, this is the day of yonr rfjoicing; here is the bihei wisdom iD ihe country 'The Ooverc menf," publicly pronoun&ng your and my life-long" political opponents, tmilors to ihs Laws, the Union and the Consti tution. What a change. ' We of the F.sbingcreek Valley, are looking forward with great interest, to ibe re-alt of the Democratic S'ate Con vention. It is too late now to make a new comiua'ion for Governor, bat if the choice of tbe Convention should not fall 1 upon a civiliian in the pcrsoo of Hox. IIik-ter, Clymer, or Jude Asa Pack- EU, and it is to be a military man. then tire us the soldser patriot and vStaUsman, Uen. illia:.i to. Uaxcock, of Mont- gomery coanty. With cither of the gentlemen nnmed, we will ffo into the contest with victory on our fia?, and never yitld an incb.nntil Pennsylvania, rcdi-emtd and regenerated. shall again be reinstated in the galaxy of Democratic States, and recognized as the i ''Arch of the l ederal Union. A 13extox Democrat. March 4, 1SG0. VinciNiA Cirr, Jan. 22, 13CS. Misses. L'oitj. s : Lie ir Su s : 1 mcsf beg the indulgence o'yotirselves and reader lor my long si'ence. 1 he dearih ol news aid the multiplicity of cares is my apology Even now ihert is nothing to communicate o! special importance, business is extreme!) """ rern town during this season of the jear. r.ter 1 ni nere ine urs, ol December ami we have had some ex tremely cold weather the colJel J ever ex perienced. For about len dtys durinsr last the lhertnome'or indicated on an av erage 25 d-?grr-es tie'ow zsro, being down 'o 3o al Va. At city, which is high er up in ihe mountain, and about ten miles ea-t of Va., a spirit tbermoyjetor went down 10 4.3 degrees ar.d at Ba nt ock ci'y, seventy C.'iin.ilai. tritel trior a v npfpririiil .11 i!inrp4 w-r- " ' of cold. What would .he people ol Colon. wr. .1 w u i 111a i.tiui.iv 1 11 1 r: ml u rLiCii v ea uri j . j though the wea-Mer has teen so very cold I have t.ot s.;fiered from ihe effects of i more . u . 1 i i . a t .: 't C.-t-, utau 1,.c a, v .--". 1.,. ti - .. it, .1 ; from the fact, doub.less, that it came on 11 1 i K - 1 r t gradually and 1 was prepared for it. many per?on have bad their feet, hands and faces Irozen for want of proper rare at 'be commencement of the co4d weather. It is net an ui.commcn thing here to see men minus the toes of one foot or both, son e limes a whole foot and sometimes both feet. Tbe frequency of the occurrence of gold ex citement, caused by new disco, eries, and the consequent rush ai d general stampedes lo (hoe points, and these being for the most part in winter, are the reasons why so many become frozen. Two or three stampedes have taken place this winter. A new dis covery, was made at Sun River, about 130 miles nonh of this place and hundreds ol men were soon on their way thither some in wagons, some on horseback, and some on toot, with the-r 6ngle pack animal carry- ing their "grub," mining implements and cooking oteusils. A man runs a great risk in going on such expeditions, not only of suffering.frt m cold.but of losing every thing he bas. Ale 11 otten leave good claims and other good business prospeots spend the whole season, make nothing and return to Gnd their claims "jumped" and all ibeir prospects blighted. NThe Indians are likely to give trouble at San River next season. It "is reported on good acihority Tbat ibey have already mur dered some six or eight persons and have stolen some stock. We supposed tbat the treaty effected by the new Governor, Gen. Tho. . Meager, at Fort Denton a short time nothio?. By. ihe way, the Governor acting in conjunction with a revenue official, sent here from Washington, is instituting a 6harp practice among tbe merchants confisca ting all goods that have not iba proper stamp upon (Hem. One man's entire stock of tobacco and cigars, amounting to fifteen thousand dollars, was taken, leaveing him- self and family,' consisting of a wife and five cnildren, without means of support. A number of other seizures of from three to ten thousand bave teen made.! If these things had been done in summer, inatead ofmid-siintef,' it would not have been so bad, but at this season it seems very bard. Flour is worth S23 to S 25, per hundred ; corn meal, S20 lo $24 ; Sugar, 65 to 90 cts per lb; coffee 81,15, to 81,22 per lb ; and other things in proportion. The probabili ty Is, that all these things . will be rnoch cheaper next season, as every man who can raise a team, is going to freighting, asj soon' as the roads are passable over the ranges.- " 'Farming wi'I be carrie J on very exten sively, during next season, and it is proba ble there will be enough wheat gron to bread the people of the Territory The qnr;z mills, erected during the fall, are working successfully, and tbe lare number that are expected next summer wiTl make business lively. Ii is believed by those who are posted in the signs of ihe limes, that there will be tbe heaviest emi gration to llsis country this year that ever has teen known A great many men re- lurne" ,0,ne !ales ,ast ,dM ' bnng . their ; cme are settled on ranches and i are so widey eparafid that it wocM be '. n- . . . inconvenient to esiablish schools for very their accornmoditio:i. " Brother and I took a walk of 31 miV a few dV9 aco. tiown the valliv nl the S:int- in- Water, j was surprised to see i beautiful farms as are scattered alona the ' way. Some of the l.irmers have from o;.e to three hundred acres broken, ready for the finest kind are raised in great abuu dance. A. company of men are about erecting a flouring mill in the valley, so thai the wheat raided may be made into flour at home. This will, in a great measure, sup ply the market here. AJd lo this what will be manufactured in the Gallaun and Madi-on Viies and ihf re will be amply j 'Phe President after listening with prc suflicient for home consumption. 1 found attffntion to tho speech of Mr. It the cost ol living comes down, the Cox, and after receiving the resoluticn.-, price Ol labor will te lo-vered in nnpor- I pcnnnrL-rl . :irlhPriro- firmlv ta fiM tr..-,n. ,ioni consequently jhe working of the rrins will become more profi;ab!e than! : heretofore. It was supposed last serin ihatihnV.r- j ciia or Alder Galea was abom worked out. , Dui a new process of mining is now beina Ullo 00etalO(1 kv w,icTi ther witt h more go!J uken 0Jl of ,he gu!ch ,han (here I j)as ieen Dtffcre A t)eJ-rock fl ' ! , ... . ' " . ume ,!i 1 ,e iiilic amiD Liiirn tiitii imm ik uir'iiM.i inr i mj pufPo,e of constructin-r flumes and thev have all rcaJe-tnora or in work. The Mon'ana Flame Co., in which my oromer ana 1 now eacn a tl'lh interest, has none niori nan ant nlhpr a h iKnm , ; . a UOO feet of ib flume completed, and the ditch ready for 270 leet more. As soon as we get ihe lumber del.vered we will be ready to recommence operations. In ten or hiieen dy from the time we commence we will be ready to to take out pold. We expect to emp'oy from 4.0 60 men next summer. If it pays a3 well as we antici- ' irate we shall be worih several thoo-and apiece. by next fall, when we w.ll mi eor face, ,l0,wlf4 a2ai,, There are :en, f p f . ey here ii he has capital to start with Snmp mn r-r v a mn, or ;. . - - - ... vaiunw llii'l't, lltl IIUIIIII. ' I 19 mot.ey besin wiih, but it is very slo.v business, and u'dess a ma 'i intends to remain herea num ber of years, it will not pay to come with out means. Greenbacks are worth 90 cents on the doilar. Money loans readily for 10 rer cl - a ui u.i in, ctnu i:imd.r49 irrun iew I UTK 1 are 111 a tatr way to mcyiopolize everythino, Q ,t)&l , ,or haj ao cbance j . i . i j 1 lie 1 11. ! The .fart-J hirn lat . UCCeedin2 very well. and the editor is verv 1 " igananine or the complete sue.e-s of ihe en- I -. ' i t,.n,;A . . . l. ..t Li. . re-ulari.v and meets with a heartv wel. iicil'iipc 1 11111 ii.iFfr(-iiiifsiiirii(iis-Br;iiiiui : come. We are alwajs glad to hear what is j going on in "America." r 3 and foreboding. The f .unties and radicals are doub lets bent upon ruining the country for the sake f a barren itlea. liicooi.ieti- m cy is no name for the double dea!m2 of such men as Triad S: evens. His name de serves to rot in oblivion. The r ch man may increa-e in nches and roll in wealth and take his ea-e no bur!en in tha shapn ol tase troubles him. His government bonds are exempt, while the poor the la boring classes bave to bear the burden which is crushing them to the ground. I si;h tor my country. When will the peo ple open iheis eyes to these things? and resolve to arisg in their might and strength I anj through the ballot box to put men in power, men who have the good of the the country at heart. 0 that wehad a Webster or a Clay 10 stand by the helm of ihe ship of State, whose voice might be heard speak ing in thunder tones and warning the peo ple against thesho!s and qoick-sSTnds upon which we are drifting. President Johnson seems disposed to do what is riht and be should be sustained with all the moral force thai honest men can bring to bear. But what can be do in tbe midst of a den of iheives and rubber, shoddyi'e, government contractors, diso nionists, onion-sliders and all Ax gtnen's tbat are arrayed against bim? If treason Surely the radical republicans in Congress are as deeply dyed in treason as AarorvJ3urr, or any one who bas ever, by w8rd or deed, given aid or comfort to the avoweienemies of tbe country. - They said we were fighting for the Union, for the restoration of the Union, but it was for the union of the black and while races for amalgamation that the negro might have the privilege of sitting at their boarJ, on terms of equality w'nh themselves. As one of their leaders said "it would improve the race to mix them." 'Are they ashamed of their parentage or their color that tbey want their posterity to wear a hue of a dark er color than that ot the Anglo Saxon ? If so lei them go dwell with Cuflee and hug the sweet scented bundle of colored roses to their bosoms and kiss the nectar from their poutiug lips. ' - Alihoogri'The professed friends of gro, ihey are his iprst enemy. They have taken bim suddenly from a position for which he was fil ed by circumstances and in ahich he was happy, and placed .him in one for which he is entirely nnfr'ed, and in which, according to Senator Sumner, ha is unhappy arid in a far wore condition than before. They have drawn the elephant in ihe lottery, and now they find him unman ageable, hence their frantic eflr:s to do something, 1iey hardly know or care what, lo get him off their hands. I never was in favor of human slavery, per te (in itself) but is it 'w ise or j ist to destroy the country and al the same time enUil countless suffering and misery upon ihe poor negro, simply to place him in a position for which nineteen tAentiedis of theT Know nothing about and care nothing for? It is like a man destroy lug a valuable eJifice to get rid of a few vermin which time and a little j idicious management could have effectually remov ed. I look widi dep anxiety and apprehen sion fjr lonher devulopements of ihe great plot lo ruin the conntry. May God avert the threatened doom snd bring dicou III tire lo those who are covertly apptng the Itfa -biood Iroin my beloved country. B it 1 muet close, shall write azain as 1 ''e opportunity. Very truly yours, Montana. ""1 " ' . rc Dcl.gallOllS Pouring UP- Tlicy Speak and are Spoken la. Last Friday, March 1st a large Dele gation from Maryland, waited on the President, presenting resolutions adopted at a meeting luld at Bshiiuore on the ! 2Gth nit- struction policy. Ilpre are soma ex- tracts of the President's speech : ; I cannot maka any formal speech in t2- ! f,v ;bul. ,e; l. wth.Ml Ua bee,n "J ' which vou hive alluded as h,'r hp , n.. ! irv. was not announced as the result of'im- ; pou,r,or was it thrown out lor any ud tip- t"r""'1 PurPc!'e 't was announced as tne ; result ot conviciions after mature consid - rrtt ri:i s4 ii i'iiii u nr i t 11 1 t tuvMrti rri ur i 1 reM', Thal Policv' wn,ch 1 honestly regard : as ",e 'v u' .win con - i ll.iue beicre the people without ihe slight- t . . . flt devia:ion, and without bemjpswervetl from on tnv pari I do rot say th.s ui a -Jo, ..u r J ltiat there stiall tie 110 aoarHiiifimeru 01, ana no snrinKing - ,rorn ,ial poiicy f t.eCii,e it j sjelievrd that , the very ar.d perpetuity of the , Government depend upon the maintenance , ' x' "T' ba' : no stintiWina is avliev.l ' . 1 With refforcccc to the Radicals ench - Forney , Sumner, Greely and a host ol lesser lights who are trying lo MiKn Mm frnm Iii Mnro hr tll i. i thets and abuse he eays - . knov lU-l ,ldS U:i m5 , anJ nn - . ; - i a rredi-n; who w eecied by a pany,' I arui wiio on tcnniis MMTi power, apanootieo I " t:at party: trial r.e nas 1 lenz-.i" his Administration, that he ha j-.ined the ropp.rhe.ds an,l ih,a- o.' that k,,d. rtio.-e ih in j have no infiueure upoi rnj. They fail w ffoi-y 10 d.ive me from tne d,s- charje ot my duty. Again he refers to the d.stinioouti of ,1 fj.. e .0rttt as l.liOWS . . i tne ! I . .1.. . 1 j 1 lu "cc rjJ 10 J"u l,ai 15 no1 wortn ; while to the fact .hat ihe very i ;me SDtMt w hie 1 arinria'.eJ tha rette; inn hi one end of the line nov ests-:at th o her Ihounh these respective parties di-ar-ed ! 'he otj-ci they wicheJ to accomplish, t .... .. r . I . .,:.. 4 .v . ..11 I ,, '-'J , " 1 deiitruotion ot Ihe Goverijnient ; anil bo 1 i-v'iiii ia Luiitcinni. nits vno was us .,m n t,r 1:.,, ..h., , ! tellion is put down, if we find an attempt j to change the clw.cter of the G jvernmen-. 1,' r, t .id 1 11 1 . I it Faul it 1 lie at em ot now 1 10 cniiMili Jairt, to concentrate 00 wer here It is the c'estruciiMti of the Government, it is a manifestation of Ihe sume spirit which attempted to break up the. Government. I ulaiiit oppo-ed lo both, I stanil with you for the G ivernrneoi ,tor ttie Conscitgit tm, tor the supremacy ot the la, and lor obedience to ihe laws and the Constitution. The Maryland Com m utee hat! scarcely colnded iheir hand-shakit-g when the del egaten to the Iron and Steel Convention called on the President. They were Irom Peuns) Ivanta, New-Jersey, Georgia,. Ken lucky, New-York, Illinois, Mississippi Ma ryland. Vermont. Massachnsestls, Connec ticut, Virginia, Michigan, Delaware, Ohio, Missouri, and other States. Hon. J K. Mocri.ead. ot Pennsylvania, accompanied the ile:eiio'i. The President said that he was much obliged io them lor iheir visit, and thanked them tor tfce compliment ol calling upon turn. He svm p ilhized to the mmost exten in what they desired 10 perform in reference to increasing the happiness and promo ina the interests cf the Torkina classes. His whole life had been devoted to the work of elevating the condition of the working class es. Kvery action of his life had been in con-onance with that principle. 'Whether, in the means he had adopted, he had been right, tim would decide. He would say to them that whiie they were here engaged in their object, he b-ped there wa another otjeel 111 which ihey were equally interest ed the thorough reioratton of the Govern ment. The lull and complete reconcilia liorrof the couniry ought to be a precursor to all movements should be Ibe first object commercial, the agricultural and the other inuuemai miareais oi ine couu-ry. na spoke of the state of the currency, and the different views entertained of contraction and expansion, and said i When we look at these things the .Erst object is the resto ration of the Government. He spoke of the internal revenue, and said That a resto ration ol the Government in' all its branches would have the effect to remove all the bur densome internal tax of the country. Any thing he cdold do to promote all the inter- ests of ihe country, he assured them be would do. - Mr. Ward then said : The great danger to the country are ihe vast importations (rom Europe, which cannot be checked except by the imposition of huh duties. . The President replied : By creatine a greater demand for the currency in extend ing the 'area of its circulation, thereby ob viating the necessity of diminishing it, all danger would be averted. The paramount object, however, i to let us have a restored Government a uni ed Union. Mr. Ward here said : We are under the impression we have a government. The President replied: Let us have a whole Government a restored Union, a thoroughly reconciled and united couniry. The members of the Committee were then severally introduced io the President, and the delegation withdrew. Tbe above Extracts show the nerve and courage of the President and his honest and determined intent on restor ing our distracted Republic to its normal unity and prosperity. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Tli,! C .-, r... t. L . i t-,.t inad. btevens says that ha has little 1 lorirrer tn Iivp Thsi fpnr II r in an i onion," that will bo shi-d when he dies, i '-' MfcN and wome i of Pennsylvani 1, rc etubcr that all the Pennsylvania Dem member that all the Pennsylvania Dem- J ocrats io tflfe Ilamp HoUC (8) VOted against negroes voting, while all tho so- called Kopublicans (10) voted for nocro rr ' , 111111 6uliiage, except one, and lit dodged I ntt v r , x i-.. v ol T..i AMI J5LA EltY and antt JohnOO TO- ixeW JT . , r,., , , crsey Legislature, oa lnuraday Ia3t and rejccttel. President Johnson's veto message of the Freed men': Ilurcau bill, fell like a thunderbolt into the radical camp. Tbey expected something, but nothing so crumb ing as that. 'I he niasp of ihe peopla all over the couDtry are n j dicing over it. The town electionsif New York, re turns of which have been received, show the commcrjcemciit of a Democratic revi val in the rural districts of that State. The World, predicted that by fall these little springs of public sentiment wilt have become a perfect torreDt, that will sweep away the Republican majority iii that State. The cattle di ease (RuJa pest) is said to have broken Out in Moctmuierv ('otin- . - i . . . , P . r , ty in this Ntiite, and complain: is made that tbe diseased meat is sold ill the I'liM.JI.I t. i. . .1 t Illtaat lpba market. A Committee has been appointed by the State Senate 10 in- .. 1 1 , J uiuno iu iu Vestlgate the njatter. rt'L T-. , i . . Fort Washington, on the Canadian fron tier, are said to bave instructions from i Washington to prevent any raid ioto ' i Canada from that directionjjn tbe pirt cf i ; tne l'enians. The Canadians themselves ! are equally on the alert on the opposite ; side of the Niagara river, j rp ' vArTI.,NT- ri5 TUa v,i. t ' i - , - - - - - j ltionhip of tbe f-ctionists to the Pre.i- j , .'.B"e iu u bo wen ucnoeu, that their aim to see him driven nut of . ; the ranks of the great Union Party, will i m0.t assure.jiv en(l in lhr?r h,:. jr;n , j j - ta ihcmseUe,. 0nev into tho rank, aI A',.. ' ' t. , , , belonged. ' ' -"j - -j' v ucmi btloogrd." Well said for the Times. : CCRSES Come HOME TO Roost The1 ; Frcedmen's Rjreau D I would have been j passed in tbe Stnate. over the veto of I i the President, but for the votes of tha i j tw0 Senators from West Virgins,! State j j erected by the radicals in direct defiance j i f the Constitution, for the sole purpose j 1 01 perpetuating ttieir power. i Mr, Vallandtoham' has fired a Lun- ! cd guns in D.jton in honor of the veto, aQ. Lun2 out a S32 from his window. H-'g the despatch omits to stale. I - nuunc. 'laeliao used bv Mr. . on this nc.r. j s.ioa Was ilie identic .1 one the Tubnne 0 aff,c:ionaitIy .postropliise.l not long . .- r , , . , r ! ,V "a fl;Uing he and "hale a Fol- j iu'C4 rag a good old-Iajtiioned Amcn- j pf3B fl' wit!iot a stripe erased nor a I star i-irameil, which the aloresaid jour- I tfJ , fc jd f j h f jj i ria nrnnna j ,D aianner j , : 1 ; fui Derp sink it in the waves ! The report of tha mutder of General ! E. D. Osbond. forrnerlv of Hhiftirro hi more recently a resident of MNsis-irpi, i . . J. . . . '. ' ' j where he had purebred 3 plantation. proves untrue. A sister of tho General I received a letter bearing date Jan. j SI, written by the wif-3 ofthe latter, who was reiinccr with her hnibanu. J he leitcr spf aks of bim as alive and well, anil under no apprehension of molestation from bis neighbors. Tb'u i auother of those lying stories gotten up lor the unholy purpose of in tensify ing sectior al hatred, and helping the revolutionai y designs of tbe Radical D.sunionii.tP, The lie has gone all over the country as an evidence that the South U not fit for civil government, and bas had its effect. Information to Railroad Travel OR3 Tbe following "Rules of the road ' are b istd upou legal decisions, and ought to be universally made known. The Courts bave decided that applicants . for tickets on railroads can be neeted from the cars if they da not offer the exact amount of their fare. Conductors are not bound to maka change. All rail road ticket3 are good until used condi tions '-good for this day only" or other wise admitting time ofgenuiness, are cf no account. Passengers are bound to observe decorum in the cars ; and are obliged to comply with all reasonable de mands to show their tickets. Standing on the platform othsrwise violating the rules of the company renders a person liable to be put from the train. - No per son has a right to monopolize more seats than he has paid for; and any article left, in a seat while the owner temporally fftAhm Vim Ncw'Sldactfiscmctii Administrator's ftollcr. -Estate of Peter Delong, late cf Centt t twp. decated. rETTERS of Administration on the estate or Peter SDeljng, late of Centre township, Columbia ee deceaaed. have beeii rsnled by Kegicter of Colum bia county, tw the undersigned ; Ml periona having- eV"o ".en" indebted to the esti claim acaingl me enain u me uerruom are re- cnt tiipm lor settlement, ana tnoae estats will make iiumsdiate payment - to the Administrator. ... nEN'llY DELONG, AdioTr. March. 7, lHfift. 6vv S3 . AUJIIMSTItATOR'S x0TlCKs Estate oJJohiM. Yost, of Locust township, deceael. ' of Admin titration on t!ie eitate of John .J M. Voat. I ate of Locust twp., dee'd.,have bee grunted by the Ulster of Columbia county, to If nndcrsiiined; all p nam hiving cUimi against the. e.tata are rejueti,d to present them fr Kettlement. ami all prLn knowing llieui .lvrn indebted l make payment forthwith. UENttY YOST, l.ocuat twp., March 7, 18G6. Admr. to ecLt. in Great Anceict( CALIGRAPHICAL PUZZLE. . 'The chPappst and most wonderful Put- I sIh of the nge. Agents can easily mske from $10 to $:0 a il.iy I will give any cue agent 91 W, If he can sll 5) llioii!4nl. - ZJ Send IK centf fur sample Piiuln . II ILL. March 7, ldGG-4t. 236 Mailtet.St., Thifa. McrcrcRED and Sotb WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No C23 ARCH Street, Puilad'a. Tbe molt Complete assortmont of l.a.lie Mls anrt Ch. hirers hook tmnra in thig nty : fnrn "T -xpresly to iiiott l!ie wkT of rmT oim 1'n.n tittkraf t III' n hil'C.I u 1 1 1 nili.l r1. i ' ik Stvle and Siz-s f "Gore "V i:Wn " nf-rvZrv ! frnm S J 4 to 4 y i.fxrfitttZ to 50 Sprin-s. at t ' i to $ HO. rtin Skirts, all lenlhi from 2i to 3 vda. !';;"'" ";"'! 3 t criBM Our llllH cf ll! - nnd Chi liiri-n' p!iriHTfl I prov.;riiaIlv bcyonJ ail ! vifrom lo'r, compelition fir variety of i lor tiaiiiU and durnliili. I iiirhcB in Inni'ih l In ill i at : a-ui t. i ..-. ah .-kim ofotH I Ci'v-i v,AKt:." ate VBK4KTD logive 3atifar.tion : i u.u t!tv noe as .ten. unietiiey have, -iiopkiu-a Il"'p kirt .Maiiut'actory, .u. iJ.l Arch etrcfct, ttamnod on ea..U InU! ' ."',- ronsiaiiiiy ou llinn. fK.HTi, ianuiar tinea in Afv turn.aiiii inc r.aiern (saurs, which wemtt at v.y low i'nco. a lot of cnenn skirts i -priiiei. ro ct'iil ; -'I ipriiiBs. l uu-.i.) spriugt. $1 15 'I''""',', 31 -Si and 4U prmn $1 ill. 0"ikirt. iii;nl io O il-r :iiil Itppaired. (i 7 Tkkji Uih. Onk 1'cice Only I March 7, l)'i. Iiiioh, OF VALUABLE PEAL ESTATE. WIM. Ii- rxpnscd nt public Sate at Mr. Unanest lot-l, iu l'isiiiigreck town.tnp Columbia counly.r.n MONDAY, TII"2f.TH DAN OF MARCH. A. D. ISCtV at 2 o'clock in ".h.- aftcrnoou of saiJ day, a Tli ACT OR PIECE 0F LAND, itnatein FiTiin!:cre'k town-lilp. anl emmty afiw saiil, a !j uiiiii Ian Is fa mini I in deed) -f th heirs of ;cor3i l.auhach, th"j hrtirs of D.iniel Pcaier. Lyitia flitter and Julm Luuba- h ; c ntamlu; 35 Acres and Ai Ptiches, nmr ot less, whir h is more than half eleirej aa 1 tne b.-ilance wood land ; inure is a sln'.Mii run i ninu through ;iid Un I. ai I it ii lajjlii bf soaia i that saiJ l.ind ccniains Iron Orj, j conihtio.-th pnrehiw win. h r-riirM- ' to B:iy on third of tin fiurchac money on tUeday ! f ja!i. at lurh tini-i poMK'sionwill be Riven, an J Ilie remaiiung two thirds of the pnrrhae i loin has rran have one yi-ar fr ;m day of sale by ravins int-rest on tin a; until .paid. Hnpnr- , , -baser tn p:iv for Hie r.l tata?. ThedTelto be sivi n on iht rtcuitol l!Te lat nnn-d pivment. LAWsO.V IlLotiti. Mar' h. 7, I311C 13 Cecals Ivan ltd i Eery Town to sf.i.t, iue roLLowixo VALU.bLE &GUrHKRN HISTORIES. J. SOUinERN IIKT.ORY OF TUB E. A. roI.T.ARP. Tcitor Rtrnxritin Cxitisa. . 2 Vols. Pvo , alout 075 pages fath. 3 60 per Vol. Yi;h 20 Splendid Steel Portrait', I This is the only complete and authentic history of thf r-"outli-rn siile nuulitlie". e.xifiniinc a ii aocs. ! i'o,,, h- b.pinmns ..r th- w r to m. cnai surrender ; of me Confc.u-rat., Arm... mt 1 ouaru 1 nrriiinit:ni ioiw" m viiuijuvi- ' acv has enabled lit ui to prepare wr ne,ua'l4 1 aecuraey and i:.t.-rst. tn4 whici is ltM ,., arcu at-kuoiuajj to i in Standard So ithsrn Uistary. It shout J rind a place ia every lilti ary. " H- fcOLTSUJSl ttEXERALS' Their Livca and Campaigns, sr C?T. W. PAUKHR SXO'.V, With 17 Splendid S eel Per. rah?, 1 V. l , cvo. ; 5JU raf -s. St-CO. Co:itiiiii.) Hi Kr:i;hi.-s 1 fthe ditiiipui.hed Son'h ern t;iii-rats. ri iili fu'I and graphic accounts of tfcn variou r-;-p.ii2ii! in v. tin h t'li-y wer? etifsj-d It it a ni-rt iiuortAnt auJ interts-liii; vou:ne. and ha oi-ea pr'parcd v n'.i tue utiuust carj audthyrujh nets. Life, Sen ices and Caapaigas OF Sloticivail .Tacksoa: EY A VIRCJXIAN'. I Vol. ICino ; 3i5 pnjfa : $ZX ; ,KrKUUrV.nt. this is iinouty at:i-ttfc his'ory of this .ti.tin- ' put.-, d I.-a.t.r -huh ,b. b,enwrut.n. It ha- b-e. b(esi prepared from O.'fiVinl Kepifts. con tmrorary nar mtiveg. and personal acquaintance, aud la couliel aad fuil TLs Raids and licnisncs WOSIGA' AAD E3IS .TIE. : BV Mrs. SLLY ROCHESTER FORO, With Steel Portrait of Gen. Morgan, - i 1 Vo1" Tr ludTn'-ftcli5 A complste hit to more thriliinf and ihtcrestiiiS t!ian fiction. WOmEN OF THS SOUTH, Di.-tinjjuishcd in Literature, I Vol., Fv. ; 311 pajea. 3 So. L'laslrared with Splendid Portraits on Steel, from Life, of Mme. Ociavia Walton LwA'art, Miss Maiia J. Mclntoab, Mrs Rosa Vertner Johnson, Mrs. Anna Cora Ritche, Miss Ausnsta J. Evans, Mrs. L. Virginia French, KldUUU IIJNdllU, AnJ eintiiuinj fill htoraphisat st'hi anl specimen oitru:ls from th: most celebrated writings in prose anI vi-e, of y5 liistinpnished Litera'y 'WOMEN OF THE SOUTH." AH the above works are having an immense sals sn4 afntsare dine splendiJIy everywhere. Mis are making from $t(J to SlSadsy. We want an a ent in every town fn the Sonthrn Stato. Peturnnd Soldiers. Indies, Teachers aad others, will find this most profit able employment Exclusive territory given, aud liberal thduaemeaU off-red to canvassers. t or particular, address C. JJ. RICHARDSON, Publisher. 510 Brockway, N. Y. March 7. '67-41 Administrator's Notice. Estate of John Jacoby, deceased. Tetters of adnuniitration on the Estate J of John Jacl late of Peott township, dee'd. bave been granted by tha Register of Colum bia co.. to. the cndersiirned. All persons having claims- araiast tha estate of tho decedent are requested to present thru) to tb Bder timed, withoot delay.- and all bar son a uTdehted to I rsvrnnt fTti-?! A.