-Jlf' n nn in n JACCBY & IZELE&. Ublisiicr!. Truth and Right -Cbd and oar Country. Two Dollars per Annum in Adrance. 7 . VOXXX. TOJLD SERIES. BLOOMSBURG; COLUMBIA CO. PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1866. new series. VOL. L NO. 1. STAR i t - i J - . 0 -. . A L r f V t i r PUBLIC SALE VA L UA DIE HE A L ES TA TE ! IN pursuance of an crder of tha Or phans' Court of Columbia count)-, r., on Saturday i 5lh day 'of March, 1 860, r.1 10 o'cloik In' the forenoon. Jacob Yca-erntd Washington. Yeager, administrator of Jobn Yeacur, lato of Uocust twp., in taiti couot7. rlcc'd.. will ex- prise to sale, t y public van due, on the premise, tha following- decscribcd R'sal Estate, to wit: All that certain Tract of Land siluata in I.oeus? twp , Cn. umbia couuty., bounded tn the North by lanj ofde- . 'cedent, on til's East by land of Mary -Mowi-ry anil ol beta, on t ha Sou til b beirs of Samuel Hampton nil iSainiict Pilkin;ton, an I on tba West by J iciil of -latticl Lans oud others, containing . QNti .UUKDllED ACRES, Ftrict measure, on which nrn eracted a two stnry tramp DWEIJ.1NO IIUCSE.- HANK KAilV arid sitter out-blUldinLjiya good, t-prinj usar tiio'itoir, food App'e Urchnrd, ike . ALSO: One clhT Trurt of Lsnd tit ante in tame tu p.. iitjoiniiig land of U"" Koturiavbr othr j InudJ of iecad'-ut on tho N'orUj, Ain.-hai.-I Jlowty't .Ben. on-UW L.ni, lHUf?r '" o. inmeccutumii iuv foil ill and tV-est. toutsmin; 77 aires, and one lvin Jred ami seventen perches, strict me&uiure, about "Twenty acre of which i cleared lam. ALSO; One oiht-r tract of l-.nd, situate in i.imi twp , bounded on tlm North by otlir-r lands cf the do teiluiit ontho East by lamls of John Lazarus, .Ua- Ui-l Evans and otberj ; on the South b7 other lamts (if deeedent, and nn tile Went by other lands of dece dent, and laud, of Lucas Fabri.iser, cootai ning NINETY-TWO ACRES, ant two perches strict measure, on which are erect ed a Two Story Frame Dwelling Ionise. Bank Haro, 1 raw .-vim, and out Dunuiugv, a guju si'mitf aau ,'juu Appln Orchard." ALSO; One olbor tract cf In ml, situate in "ell twp bounded on t!i North by land of Rachel Evans, o.i to at by othe? lands cf decedent and Smiiucl 1 ilkinvton ; on the South by land of John Snyder and on Uiu West by other lauds of decedent, contain Aug . FORTY-ONE ACRES, &n1 twenty seven percha?, strict tnaasure, nearly all f which cli'arerl land. . ALSO i Una other tract cf !anrl, situatj in thupamn lvp., bnuadi-n on the North by lands of IV-ter U. Her Vl'i and Loca Fahrinx r ; on the East and outh ky t-iber land of decedent, on the West by lands of John fcbinur and other limls of decedent, contiini nj - FOiiTY-FIVE ACRLS, . n-J for ty-two perches, strict meaiure : on which are erected a two slnry frame Huugfi. and ilauk liarn a food nrpin? n J apple orchard nilli cider will.uiost ly cleared 1-inJ. ALSO; Una other tract of lanJ. situate partly ia Locust and partly in -iilaY isxa townslii p. bouuea . on lha North by land of Jibn ArniTt, on the East -by J Jnccph Carl , on the South by Jl;cbea t'tine and Wiu i lisacb, and on th West by Mary Henry, coutdtuiuj ONE HUIUIiKL Al'liK?, motly lira r lan:l, H.'arinfcreh runs throujti this tract, and ibr-r is a ol mill seat on the same. Late lha KiUta of said deceased, kiiaale in lljs Iwp.. at Locust ami County aforeaH. - JEiaK CULLMAN, CleiV. Eioomsb-Jr. Feb. 17, Irita.; CoirfitiofS of Sale. OnMhirJ of the purchase money to be secured on thj pvmiscs !ur iuf tba lilniiiu of the widow of John Veag-r, dee'd. the interest on IhJ same to be p: iJ annually on the t day of April, and ths principal at her deatil to lha heirs of said dee'd,. Ten per ceiit of the purchase Bioney tr be paid on the striking down of thd prop crty . the bulunre of rh oue-lhir l on the 1st day of April next. ,1 he remaining one th'rJ to be divided intu two equal payments, payable on the 1st day of April. Id(j7. and iii:; Is', tiay cf April lcu3, Willi i i . trrest from the 1st tlay of April m-it 1L Alt', ndauce giveu by Uie unrieri?nil. J.COU V EAGER. - WAstl. YtAUtR, " ' Koarisgrr-f k. Feb. 1. 'Cft ts- Ariiiir's. Public salu. .T7'ILL be exroird t Public Silc. at - f f th rsitlnc t ih ttn.UreljneJ, In Briar trcck twp., Columbia, county, ou Ta"sday,the IZtki'ay f 2,Iarch 1630, The folloin li'ir described valuable property, rix ; Sixteen Head of Good Horse3, One of which is a Wild Warrior Colt, 4 years old this sprin g, and carvo his inil-t Ira 3iu. Jsre.. I black law b Colt 1 vear eld I Paflng iiorse 7 y ti s old andean KH in ii-4 , 1 Cray Mare, 'J years old, caa fo in V il). FOUll MULEES, WELL BROKE, TV70 MU.C11 COVVi?, frerh in March, FAT OX tail COW, - 12 GOOD SIZED SHOATS. Thre e T"p Dnsgics. 1 Sulky. I new Serine Va?on, S two-bor"! WaKons, wajjon ladders, I FielJ Roller and liar Fork, 14 I'lows 6 Cultivators. Harrows. pair of Bob-sleds I SleJ a lot of Lcie-chain, wit'n Farniin; utetsils c?nersl y. - Una doubla set Pilvrr Piatffit-Harness. 1 single s:t ditto. 2 M t of cooiuion sin-le HnrncM, Plow Harness, b set of Tuj iiaruess, 4 stt of Icii,h nels, OXE FARCY SLE1GI1, Three, Buffalo Ri be, 1 Wolf sSin Robe. Fly -nets. 1 Horse Power Hay Fork, 1 cutting Box 1 Circular Saw Grain hy the Bushel, 1 An1 all the Grain in the Ctouul. A's", Household Furniture, consisting of r TWO ' PARLOR STOVES, One CooVing F love and utensil. J Rockin? Chair, and a. half-dozen other Cnatrs, 3 pair of Bedsteads. 3 Leaf Tables. I Cloibea Press. SCockn. 2 8pinni-ig Wheels, I Dosk, Three Cupboard. P.arrels, Kegs. Fiikins. &c 'oo nuaserou to inenlioii. K7" Bale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M,. and con tinue from day today, until a'l is sol i, when atten lion m ill bo given and condition mide kniwn b v JACOB CREASY. JO. O. WIXTERHTSEX, Aactionacr, Feb. W, 13G0 1 n FOUTZ'G immi Cattle Powers. ".ir Tola preparation, long and favorably ,rv known, wtn mor- ' . t .nn,t,l ri nviffnrf ! broken-down ana low-sririted horses, by strengthening and cleansing; th stomach and iates- Unr f It is sure rr- A - sjrAnti wm ff sail rii A. gajrfeacss' 11 ' incident to this animal, soch U tUXG FETEB, YELLOW WA. ll.ll, n A A r.o, x COUGHS, DIS- VERS, FOCyBF.B I.OrfS OF APPE TITE AXD VITAL -IEl!SY.e. Its s improves the &"k J w 1 a d , increase. M.. fj tue nc nopetite-giTcs U 3 moeth andvX ij a to g.OTiy skio aim ---n. traaaforms t h . mlserabls skeleton into a Cne-iookinj and spirited- torse- - m T keepers of Cowj'thU preparation Is Inraluahl It increase. Uie quantity and improve, the quality C ' - - - of the milk. It has w'.Av-) been proven by ao C-: "1 i .! tual experiment to ' V '. - c. tncnease the qnan- &JjL '".- J tity of milk and OV,' - ;J eream twDty per v- rx 4 1-; cent, and make tho v' ' 5 Ik . batter firm and A j'mi 'I iwef-t- Infatu-ning j - - V ."J tj3 cattle, hirivestheta f - ' l '. an appetite, loosen, t" ; - t!,'!ir bide, and, much faster. - ' In all dlscaa of Swhis, such as Counts, UTcrs la the Lonff, L) rtr, &c, tins arxicis ru as a upeciut IT puttrmj Irons i eoe-balf a piper (a nan Ir, " Nirrcl ii'ju-ni Ui svno'-e diseases XS-i- w 1.1 i,e e.ituiCAteu . - u or entirely jrvcnted. If gien In t'rns, ertaiS preventive an-t cure fov the Hog Cholera. Pries 23 Ceta per Paper, or 5 Papers for (L, , fZ?ASJT-' ' at TKr.ra -4- v.n:iT3U2 Br.ro as a nrziniz ietct, ITo. 113 xr-rAlin li Ealtictro, 113.. Fc-r T.a: Fy r-.-nreista acd Ewrekerrs through nt tae t'citc-l t.as- VZT Vat sal at i'- H. js ftora or EYE a j- I! OYER, I ii-nsirbar; Ta- SELECT POETRY. COXIEST ASD RICH. T ROCSRT SOOTIXWKLL. ' My conscience Is tny crown i Contenteil thoughts, niy rrst ; My hrari is happy In itself. My bliss is iu my breast. Enough I reckon wealth ; That mean, the surest lot. That lies too high for base sont.myt. Too low for envy's shot. My wishes are but few, All easy to fu'.fll I make lha limits of tny power Ths bounds unto my w ill.- ffear no care for gol-l, Well-doin is my wealth My mind to ma an pir. is. . . Wbilafraco airurdeth hesliru. , , I clip Itih -climbing thoujhtr. ' Thawing, of swelling pride ; Their fall is worst that from tba b'lglit O." grcatoit honor slido . Eineo sail of larg est sixs The storm doth soonest tear, 1 bear so low and sin all a ail As Irceth tuc from fear. I wrestle net with rago While fury's fla me doth burn; It is ip vain to slop the slrscut Until the tide do th turn. Cut "ben the flame is nut. And ebbing wrath doth end, I turn a late enraged fuo Into a quiet friend. And taught with with of:en proof, A temper'd calial find To bo most solace to Itself. Best core for angry mind. Sparc diet is tny fare. My clothes mere fit than fin. ; . . I, know 1 feed And rlolh m fn. That pamper'J would repine. I envy not iheirhap W horn favor doth advanee ; I take no pleasu re in iheir palo That have less happy chanc. To rise by othf rs' fa'l I deem a login; gai n ; AM states with others' ruinbjl'l To rain run amain, K J chan;e of Fi.rtuna's calm Can cast my comforts down : . When Foiluue suiis, I smite to think How jiiick!y shu will frav3. - And whn in frcward mood, She proved an angry foe, Small gain , I found , to let her come Les loss to let her jo. 1 i: K M5 EiS T J 11 X S O. VETO SIESSACs Tj the St--:'e vf the United Slilu I have examined with care tha bill, which originated in the Senate and has been pass ed by the two Houses of Congress, to amend an act entitled "An Act to establish a Curean for Ihe Reliaf of Freedmen and Refugees, and for o her purposes." -Having with much regret come to the conclusion that it would not be consistent with the pub lic welfare to give my approval to the mea sure, I return the bill to the Senate with mj objections to i!s becoming a law. I might call to mind, in.advance of these nj?ctions, that there is no immediate ne cessity lor the pmpoed measure. The act to establish a bureau fnr '.ha re lief of freedmen and refugee, which was approved in tho month of March lat, has uoiyei cxrreJ. . Ii wa, thought stringent a d extensive for the purpo-e in vier. Be fore it ceases to have f fleet, fur'.her experi ence may assist '.0 guide us to a wisa con clusion as lo the policy to be adopted in lime of peaca. I have with Congress the strongest dfsire lo secure to the fre dmen ihe full enjoy ment cf their freedom and their property and their entire independence and equality in m-iking contracts for their later. But the bill refcre me cortaias provisions-which in my opinion are not warranted by the Con tituticf, and are not well soiled 10 accom plish the end ia view;, The bill proposesio establish, by acthcr iiy of Congress, military jurisdiction over all parts of the United S'ates containing refugees and freedmen. It would, by its very nature, apply with mot force to ihcse parts -of the United States in which the 'raedmon most abound ; aid it expressly extends the existing temporary jurisdiction of the Freedman'a Bureau, with greatly en larged powers, over those S!3te in which tha ciliary course of jcdicial proceedings has been interrupted by the rebellion. Trie source from wh'cu thia military jurisdrction is to emanate is none other lhan the Presi dent of the United States, acting through tha War Department and the Commission er of the Freedmen's Bureau. The ager.ls to carry oct this military jurisdiction are to He selected either from the army or Irom civil life. The coantry is to be divided into districts and sub-districts, and the number of salaried agents to be employed may be-' eq cal to the number of counties or parishes in all the United S atcs where freedmen and rafugaoi ara lo te found. The subjects over which "this military jurisdiction is lo. extend in every pari cf the United States, ir.ciada protection to "all employees, agents and officers of this Bureau in lha exercise of tie duties imposed npon them by ibe till. In eleven Mates it is further to extend over all cases affecting freedmers and refu gees ditcriraibateJ ajainst by local law, custom or prejudice. , Ic those , eleven Mates iha bill sotjects any wdho person wbo may be charged with depriving a freedv jfnaa cf any civil riahta cr immunities be- Hongins lo wbita persona lo imprisonment or fine, cr ho;tir witaoot, . Dowever, Germ ing the civil rights and imrnoniiies which ara thus to ba secured to lha freedmen, by military law. This military jurisdiction also extends to all questions- that may arise re- . : .fl.j'.at, Th nl ccrtn ia thna I to exerciia the ofUca-of a rcililary j"de, iray be a slranser, er.lirely ignorant of tha laws of ibe place, and exposeJ to ihe er rors of judgment to which ail men are lia ble. The exercise of power, over which tbere is no lH;zal supervision, or -o vac; a s number of agents a, is contemplated by the bill, most, by lha very nature ol man, be attended by acts of caprice, injustice and l passion. The trials, having their origin under this bill, are to lake place without the intervention of a jury, ant! without any fixed rutea of law or eviJendce. The rules on which offences are to be heard and de termined, by the numerous agents, are such I roles and regulations as the President, through the War Department, shall pre- ties, of private associations and of inJiviJ scribe. No previous presentment is re-' a!s.' It has never deemed iK?lI authorized quired, nor any indictment, charging the commission of a crime against the laws; bnt the tril must proceed on charges and specifications. The punishment will be not what the law declares, but such as a Court-martial may think proper. And from these arbitrary tribunals there lies na ap peal no writ of error !o any of ihe Courts, in which the Constitution of the United ! States vests exclusively the judicial power 1 of the country; while ibe territory, ttnd tte class of actions and offences, that are made j mtject to this measure, are so extensive 1 that the bill itself, should it become a law, will have no limitation in point of lime, bnt will form a part of the permanent legisla tion of the country. I cannot reconcile a system of military jurisdiction of this kind wi.h the wora's of the Constitution, which declare lhat "no person shall be held to an- I ewer for a capital or 'otherwise infamous j expected to Miaiu a self-susiaining coruli crima, unless on a presentment or indict- tion, must have a tendency injurious alike men! of a grand jory, except in cases aris- ! to their character and their prosperity. The j ing in ihe land or paval lcrces,or in ihe appointment of an ""agon! for every comity miliiia, when in actcal servicn in lime of J and pariih will crea'e an immense patron ! war or public danger;" and lhat "in all p .we. and the expense of ihe numeroos o(H- I criminal prosecutions, ihe eccosed shall enjoy the right to a spedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the State or district wherein ihe crime ehall have been com- mitted.'' The safegnards which the wisdom and j experience of ages taught our father? to es j tabiish as securities for the protection of the ! innocent, the punishment of ihe nuilty, aad the equal administration of justice, ara to be set aside, and for the sake of a more vig orous interposition in behalf of justice, we are to take the reM of ihe many acts of in jistica that would ol necessi'.y follow from an almost countless number of agen's es tablished in every parish orcoumy in nearly a third ol the Su?e, of the- Union, over whose decision there is lo be eo supervi sion or control by ihe Federal Court. The power thetwoold.be thus placed in the hands cf the President is such as in time of prace certainly ought never lo be entrusted ta any one rran. If it be af-ked whether the creation of such a tribunal within a State is warranted as a measure of war, the qnes'ion immediately present, itself wheih er we are still engaged In war. Let us not unnecessarily disturb the commerce, and credit, and industry of the coucrry, by de clarirg'to tho Airerican people and the world that the United Slates are still in a condition ol civil" war. At present there is no pari of our country in which the authority of ir.e United States is dispa'ed. OiTences that may bo ccfnmi'ted by individual. should r.ot work a forfeiture of the rights ol the same commonities. The country ha entered, or is returning to a state of peice and ir.dustrt, and the rebellion is in fact at an end. The measure, therefore, seems to be as inconsistent with the actual condition of the country a, it is at variance with '.he Constitution of ihe United Sutes. If, passing from general con-idera'ions, we examine iho bill in detail, it i, open to weighty o? j-ction. In lima of war it was i eminently proper that we should provide for tboe who were passing sadderily Irom a condition of bondage to a state of freedom. But this bill proposes to make he Freed men's Boreao; established by the act ol 18G3. as one of many great and extraordi nary military measures (o sonprees a for- greatly enlarged. I have no reason to sup i- pose, and I do not understand It to be til ; , . i . . , . r HI u,aer U - - . . . 1 legej, mar tue aci vi inaicu uoj, u pi"'- ed deficient for the purpose for which' it was passed; although at lhat time, and for a considerable period thereafter, the govern ment of the United States remained unac knowledged in most of the State", hose inhabitants had been involved in the re bellion. Tha institution of slavery, for the military destruction of which tha Freed men's Bcreaa was called "into existence bs an auxiliary force, has been already effec tually and finally abrogated throoghout the whole country by cn amendment of the Constitution of the Uni'ed Slates, and prac tica'.ly its eradication has received the as-! sent and concurrence of most of those Slates in which it at any lime had existed. I am not, therefore, able to discern in the country anything to justify an apprehension that the powers and agencies of the Freed men's Burean, which were effective for Ihe protection of freedmen and refugees during the actual continuation of hostilities ad of Afriacan servitude, will now, in a ticoe of peace, and alter the abolition of slavery . prove inadequate lo ibe same proper ts.u If I am correct in these views, there can be no necessity for the enlargement of the powers of the Eoraao, for which provision ia made in the bill. "Tne third aeciion of ihe bill authorizes a general and unlimited grant of support to the desitnte and suffering refosees and freedmen and iheir wives and rhildren. Snceeedimr sections-make pro- Ti.ions foitha reolor purchase of landed' midable rebellion, a permanent branch rfjtation and resi.essnes ; wntie ia mo.e the peblio adminiira ion, with its powers! among whom he live, it will be a source estates for freedmen, and (or the erection, ior their benefit, of suitable buildings for asylums and choo!, the expenses to be defrayed from the treasury of the whole people. Trie Congress of the United Slates a. s - ha, never herelofore thought itself compe tent to establish any laws beyond the limits of the District of Colombia, except for the benefit of our disabled soldiers and sailors. It ha, never founded 6choo!s for any clas of onr own people, not even for the orphans of ihosa who have fallen in the defence of Ibe Union, but his lelt the care ot their ed- ucation to the much more competent and J efficient control of the States, of communi-i Jo expend Lhe,pnb!io money for ihe reM or the purchv.ce of IiCim for the ihou'anjs, not to say millions, of the white raco who are honestly toiling from day to day for their subsistence. A system for the snp port of iodigent persons in the United States wa, never con templated bj the authors of the Constitution. Nor can an y good rear?on be advanced why, as a permanent estab lishment, it should be founded faxoo8 clas or color of our people more than for ano:h er. Pending the war many refugees and freedmen received support from the Gov ernment, but it was rever intended thaf '.hey should hencefonh be fed, clothed, ed oca'ed and sheltered by tho United States. The idea on which the slaves were assisted lo freedom, was lhat on becoming frew'they would be a self sustaining popula'ion. Any legislation that shall imply lhat they are not cers and the clerks lo be appointed by the President will be great in the beginning, w'nh a tendency sieadily to increase, The appropriations asked by lha FreeJme;i's Bureau as now established for the year 1SC5 amountto Sll.745,000. Ii may ba ssfeiy estimated ihe ro.t to be iucurred under- the pending bill will require double that amount, more than ths entire sum expended in a-iy j one year under th-3 administration of the j second Adams. If lha presence of agents j in every parish and county i to be con-id j ered as a war measure, opposition or even j resistance might be - provoked, so trial to give effect to iheir jurisJiction troops would have lo be stationed wiihin reach of every one of them, and thus a Inr-re standing foioe be rendered necessary. Lar-je appropria tions would, therefore, be required to sus tain and enforce military jurisdiction in ev ery county or parWh from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. The condition of our fis cal affairs is encouraging, but in order to sustain lha present measure of public ccn- j fidence, it is necessary that wa practice not merely customary economy, but as fir as noesible severe retrenchment. In addiiion lo ihe objections already sta'ed, th-9 fifih j section of the bill propose, lo tike away! land from its fomer owners without aty legal proceedings being firsl had, contrary j to that provision of the Constitution which j declares lhat no perton shall be deprived of : life, liberty or proper y without due process of law. It dees not appear lhat a part of ihe lands lo which this. section refers may J not be owned by minors or r ersor.s of un sound mind, or by thuse who have been; faithful lo all their alligations as citizens of the Ur ite J States. If any portion of the j land is held by such persons, it is not corn- j potent for any authority to deprive them of; it. If, on ihe other hand, it be found that! Ihe property is liable to confiscation, evenl then it cannot ba appropriated to pull c j purposes, until, by due prscess of law, it j sha'l have , been declared forfeited to the j Government. Tr ere ara still further objections lo lha bill, on grounds seriously afleding the c'as , of persons :o whom it is designed to bring relief. It will lend lo to keep ihe mind of the freedmen id a !a:e of uncertain expec- . . . . . i . ' of constant and vague apprehension. lin doubied'y the freedmen should be protected, but be enocbi be protected by the civil ao thoriiies, especially by the exercise of all ihe constitutional powers of the courts of the United States and of the Stales. . His condi tion is not eo much exposed as may at firei be imagined. He is in a ponion of the country where his labor can not well be pared. Competition for his service from planters, from those who are constrccling or repairing railroads, or from capitalists in his vicinage, or from other States, will ena ble him to command almost his own terms. lie also possesses a perfect right to change t his place of abode, and if, therefore, he does not find in one community or State, a mode of life suited to bis desires, or proper remu neration for his labor, he can mora lo another, where labor i, more esteemed and better rewarded. In truth," however, each Sta'e, induced by its own wants tand inter ests, will do what ia necessary and proper m rot am wiihin ii hnrdara all the labor that I i3 needed for "the developement of its re sources. Tha laws that regulate supply and demand will .'maintain their force, and the wagea f ibe laborer will be regulated thereby. Thei. : no danger thai ihe great demand for labor will not operate ;n favor ol the laborer. Neither i, sufficient consid eration given to the ability ol the freedmen to protect and take care of themselves. It ia no more than justice to them to believe that, aa tbey have received their frsedom with moderation and forbearance, so tbey wi'd difiinguteh themselves by their inins- try and thrift, and roon show the world that . in a condition of freedom they are se!f-sus-! taining and capable of eeleciing their own . employment and thsir own places of abode ; ' cfMnsiMing for themselves a proper remu neration, and of establishing and maintain in" iheir own asylumns and schools, h is earnes lly hoped lhat instead of wasting away j they will, by their own efforts, establish for themselves a condition of respectability and prosperity. It is certain lhat they can attain to that codition only through iheir own merits and exertions. In this connec tion the qnery presents itself whether ihe system proposed by ihe bill ill not, when put into complete operation, practically transler the entire care, support and control of four millions of emancipated slaves to agelts ovorseefs or laskmasters, whr, tp pointed at Washington, are to be located in every county and parish throughout the Uuited States containing freedmen and ref ugees. Soch a syb'em would inevitably tend to such a concentration of power in the Executive which would enable him, if so disposed, to control the action of a nu merous class and use them for (he attain ment of his own political ends. I canot.but add another very grave objec tion to tiiia till. The contlitullon imperi'ive ly declares in connection with taxation lhat each slate shall have at least one Represen tative, and fixes ihe rule for ihe numOer to w hich in future limes each elate shall be en titled. Il also provides that lha Sanate of the United Slates shall be composed ol two Senators fro me ea?h State, and adJs with peculiar force that no State without i s con sent ehall be depiired cf its equal suffrage in ihe Senate. The original set was neces sarily passeu in tua absence ot tr.e states chiefly to be aiTecle', because iheir peo;!e were then contumaciously engaged in the rebellion. Now tho case ia changed, and some at least of ihe Siates are attending Congress by loyal representati vs, solicit ing ihe allowance ol the constitutional right of repree;ita'ion. At the tim?, however, of lie consideration and the passage of ihe bill there was no Senator or Representa'i ve in Congress from the eleven Stares which are to te mainly affected by ihe provisions. The very fact that reports were and are made against the jrnoJ disposition of the country is an additional reason why they need and should have representatives ol iheir own in Congress to explain their con dition, reply to accusations and assit-t by Iheir local knowledge in the perfecting of measures i.nmedia'ely affecting themselves v. bile the liberty cf deliberation would then be free, and Congress would ihen have full pnwer to decide according to its judgment There could be no objection urj;ed that the S ates most i t 'rested had not been permit ted to be learJ. The principle is firmly fixed in the minds of the American people lhat there should be no taxation without representation. Great burdens are now to be borne be all the country, and we may best demand that they shall te borne with out murmur when they are voteJ by a ma jority of the represeniatit es cf all tha peo pie. I wou;d not interfere with the unques tionable right of Congress to j d:e, each House for its-elf, of the e!eciions,returns and qualifications of its own members. Bui that authori'y cannot be cons ruel as inclu ding Ihe right to shut out in time of peace any S.ate from the representation to which il is entitled by the Constitution. At pres ent all the people of eleven S ate, are ex cluded. Those who were most fai hful du ring the war not less than others. The Sta e of Tennessee, for instance, whose at thori tes engaged in rebellion, was restored to all her constitutional relations to the Union by tho patrioiism and energy ol h?rirj: red and betmyeJ people. Before the war was brought lo a termination they had placed themselves in relation wi:h the General Goverr.rceni, had established a SiaTe Gov ernment of Iheir own, and, as they were not itidcJed in the emancipation proclaraaiior, ihey, by llictr own acl, had amended their Constitution so a to abolish slavery wiihin the limits of their Sta'e. I know r.o reason w hy iho State of Tennessee, for eiample, shnald not fully joy all her constitutional relvions to ihe United Stales. The President of the Utii'e J Slate, stands towards ihe cosctry in a somewhat differed aitituJe from that of any member of Con- press, chosen from a single district or Stt'e. Tbe President is chosen by the people of a'l the Siates. Eleven States are not, at this lime, represented in either branch of Con- gress. It would seem to be his doty on all proper occasions lo present their j jst claims to Congress. There always will be d ilar ences of opinion in the community, and in dividual, may be guilty of transgression, of ihe law. But these do not constitute vtlid objection, again! the right of a State to rep resentation. It would in no wise interfere with the discretion of Congress with regard to the qualification of members ; but I hold it my duty to recommend lo yoa in the in terests of peace, aud in the interests of the Union, ihe admission ol every Slate to its share of public legislation, when, however, insubordinate, insurgent or rebellious its people may have been, it presents itelf not only in an attitude of loyalty and harmony, but in the persons of representatives whose loyally cancot be questioned under existing constitutional or legal test. It is plain that an indefinite or permanent exclosion of auy putt of the country from representations most be attended by a spirit of disquiet and complaint. The bill under consideration refers to certain of the States as though they had not "been fully restored in all their con stitutional relations to the United Slates." If they have not let us ttenceact tfgathet to secure ihat desirable end at the earfiest possible moment. It i, hardly neceseary for me to inform Congress that, in my own I judgement, most of those States, so far at , least as depends upon their own action, have already been fully restored, and are to be deemed to bo entitled to enjoy their con- j e'.itutional rights as members of the Union.,' s'.itutional rights as members of the Union. Reaoninz from the Constitution itself, and from the actual situation of the country, I j feel not only !ititl9d but bound to assumo that, with the Fedtra! courts restored in the j several Siates and in the full esercise of ' their function, the rights and interests of j ail classes of the people will, with the aid ol ihe military, ia cases of resistance to the law, bo essentially protected against uncon stitutional infringement and violation. Should thisexpectatio.T unhappily fail, which ( do not anticipate, then the Executive is alreadj armed with ihe powers conferred by ihe Act of March, 1865, establishing the Freedmen's Barean ; anJ hereafier,s here tofore, he can employ Ibe land and naval forces of the country lo suppress insurrec tion and lo overcome obstructions to the laws. I return the bill to the Senate In lha ear nest hope that a .measure involving ques tions and interests so important lo ihe coun try. will not become a law unless upon de liberate consideration by the people it shall receive the sanction of an enlightened pub lie jiidj-rner.l. ANDREW JOHNSON. Washington, D. C, Feb., 19, 18C6. A Vtice from the Home of Senator Grimrs. The following is an extract from a letter dated Burlington, Feb. 6ih, 1866. Il was i- r i 1 1 o n Ki-o P a. ( i, K ll,n u Kn ..i 1 (gr f 5- coin and Johnson, but who is now an en i radica!. 1 he election look place on Mon day, ihe oili iast. It is the first lime in ei gl.t years that a Democrat has been elected Mayor of lhat ci'y : "G'orious reu!t Radicals cleaned out Core elected Mayor ly fie or 6ix hundred every ward carried except one our Treasurer elected Walliday recorder,elected (Republican, wounded officer, no opposi tion) and a CPneral cleaning out. The llauhrye (a radical paper) and postmaster's clique have not yet heard of the result ! It i3 glory enough for one day. The Cermant are ta i us. "Sales elec'ed by 'forty majority in his ward the greatest triumph of all, for he was most bitierly opposed as a Copperhead, We brought out Democrats who had not voted in four years ; and there are more of them yet. "We mean to keep the leaJ no'.y. May God sustain ihe President !" This i, one of ihe evidences of that re ao ion which has now fairly begun, and which will overwhelm the destructives and all their works. Retributive justice may be slow, tut is always sure. First Usk or Paper Mo.xty in America. The first American colonists used pelting and wampum as substitutes lor coia. In 1640, the Council in New Netherland po litioned to raise the value of money in their colony in order to prevent it, exportation. Afterward, Gov. Stuyvesant tried to intro duce a specie currency and to establish a mint at New Amsterdam. New England already had her mint. Massachusetts was the first o I the colo nies lo use nirser monev. In 1G90 it issued , f ,, , , ; bills lo ihe amount of seven thousand pounds . ... .1 to pay ihe sclJiers engageJ in the expedi tion against the French in Canada. Twelve years after Carolina issued paper money to pay her soldiers. Threo or fjur year, after a paper money act was passed in ihe Island o! BarbaJoes. A hula afier, :u 1703, Con necticut and New York passed enactments creating bills of credit. 1 he law 6'ate ol ibe currency at this lime in New Voik was thought to arise Irom the fid lhat mo-it of the foreign trade of the country came, through Boston and other; New England ports, drawing thither money and prrduce. In 1698 the difference be tween New York and sterling money was j about one-fifirt ; in 1700 about a quarter. j Tlie present lejjai rate ol interest in NewJ York (feTe3 per cent ) was established in 1733. Wiir Mxn Fail. Mrs. Stowe says ihal people of small incomes, if they deny the palate to please the imagination, can adorn their homes with many cm, of art. The j foiiJwjng jncident may be soggeftive to many who find their incomes inadequate to iheir wants : A young merchat, wbo had just failed in ( business, having spent in lour years a lega cy cf ten thousand dollars, in addition to any profits realized, was met by a thrifty young mechanic, who had formerly been on lurms of intimacy with him. During the conver sation which ensued, the merchant said to him "How is it. Harry ,that you have besn able to live and save money on the small sum yon receive for your service, while I found il impossible to live in ray business with a good round ten thousand dollars to back me !" Oh," said ihe mechanic, 'thal is easily understood. I have lived with reference mostly to ihe comforts and tastes of myself and family, while yotr lived mostly wilh reference to opinions and tastes of others. Il costs more to please the eye than to keep the back warm and stomach full V A toast at an Irish Society's dinner at Cin cinnati! : "Here's to the President of ihe Society, Patrick O'Raferty, and may be live to eat lie ben lhat scralcbesover hi, grave." "I'm on the trail of a dear." as otr imp said when be stepped cn the dress of his lady love in lbs street. &!ea of Good Hearts. ''Mora men are haigad in Englani in dna year ,aari n France in raven, because the) Lnglish have better hearts." So said Chief Justice Fortescue, who presided over the Court of Henry VI., and who lived and learned in the days of lhat jovial King Hal, learned in the days of lhat jovial King Hal, v-hose princely follies and royal deeds are so saily and graphically told by Shakspeae. In ohakspeare's own day; bluff King HeDty the Eighth managed to hang 72.000 in his r,J'e"i (twenty on one gibbet at once so Sir Thomas More, bia chancellor and victim writes,and the appetite of the Virgin Queen was satisfied wi h 400 a year. Ibis was whilt Bacon wrote and Spencer aang. There were some variations in this sanguin ary moo?; but in the reign ol Georgo the Third the .-number of offence, punishable with death amounted to 220 ! passing all natioas in bloodiness of its coda "for thet En- l.h have better heart, !" An Iu.ikois Lswtcr Doing Will There were few abler lawyers in the State of Illi nois during the past quarter of a century lhan ihe late Judge Purple of Peoria. He was the author of several law books. By hi, entire devotion to his profession, he had attained merited celebrity as an advocate and a jurist. Some years since Judge P., when in thd ci y of Washington, met with a gentleman from Boston, who, cpon learning lhat thf Judge was from Illinois, made particular en quiry as to the success of a yonng sprig of ihe law by the name of B , who had emigrated West some five years before. 'He I, doing well, very promptly replied H is 1 Well I ara glad to hear Itglil te hear it, indeed." Yon think he has a gcoj practice.do you Judge?' Don't know any ihiig about his prae lice,' replied Purple ; 'bat he is doing well succeeding finely.' Making raoney then, ii he V persisted: Boston. ltellyoal don'i know any thing about his business,' said Purple. Well,' said ihe'Boston manyon seem for thick that he is doing well, and yet yon kuow nothing about his practice or business- What do yoa mean ?' 'I mean this,' said Purple, 'that any matt who practices law in Illinois five years. ahI keeps out ol the penitentiary, is doing well, whether he ha, practiced or not.' Hard Road to Travel. Il seem, o as a, hard lo get in the Union as il is to gel out. The South respectfully asks to move ona way or the other. We are like the fellow who wa, forced to go to ihe show, and then not allowed to go any farther than where hs had paid lor bia ticket. We have been dragged into the doorway cf tha Federal tent, and are not allowed to see any of tha performance except lo settle with the tax collectors. .We can hear ihe animals growl ing iuside and the cracking of the ringmas ter's wnip but we can't eee the show onleaa we pay ior one and take a colored lady. And tte worst of it is they keep a great eagle perched over the entrance, which if you attempt to go back, swoops down npon yoa and picks a hole ia yocr head. Ws justly think this is unreasonable: they ought J 1 . , ' ' "utsu- iihflr i rasain nr rnton.t nnr mnnav either lei cs pass in or refand our moaey and tie np the e?g!e. CharltltsviUt (Fa ) CArom'c'f. One of ihe Thad Siever.s style of religion ists. wbo superintend, a Sabbath school in Detroit, a few Sundays since, was discours ing lo his classes of ibe Israelites, and the enemies they encountered in the nation of Moabites, when by way of illustration, bo put the question : 'Have we any great public enemy in ihia country V evidently intending to eee how much his Hale auditor, knew about ihe te beltion. Yes, sir ? ' responded a bright liiile six year old. Who, my eon V queried ihe gratified superintendant. The radicals," responded the boy. The Ptostration wa, not any further press ed on that occasion. CcTtM.va Savagc. The desire of gain will sometimes inspire wilh dishonest cunning; an illiterate savage. Alter a successful at tack on ihe royal party, in 1745, a High- larder bad gained a watch as hi, share of the spoils of the vanquished. Unacquaint ed w ith its own use, he listened with equal surprise (o to Ihe ticking sound with which, his new acquaintance amused him; after few hocrs, however the watch ran down, the ncise ceased, and ihe dispirited owner, looking on the toy no longer with any satis faction, determined (o conceal tne mis fortune which bad befallen it, and to dis. pose of it to the first person who offered him a trifle in exchange. He soon met w'uh a customer ; but at parting, be could not conceal bis triumph, and exultingly ex claimed, "Why, she died last night 1" A Tmr& Skcll. U is related, as an amo skig incident, lhat a lad of a darkey fell from the second story of a window, a distance of fifteen feel, lighting wilh his bead on tba flagstones of a side-walk, in the. town of Lynchburg, Va. Oae of the flags was sbiv ered and il was supposed the boy was kills) ed. Several persons wbo beard the con cussion, repaired at once lo lha spot - Tba darkey was on bis (eet before tbey fairly reached him, with a broad grin overspread. ir. bis countenance, "Golly, massas," said he, "dtm ttcne$t if dcy dorSl vartf to fff kvrf, must kcj cvt efdti njor' if ry i vf I r '