The campaign. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1866, September 28, 1866, Image 2

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1 It. I.1TTM1, l'MTOK.
ltUlOMSnullO, t-'UMAY, HK1T. 21, ISM,
for oovr.uNon,
mi '- ' Fon RKKATOn,
GEOttQE 1).-JACKSON, of Sullivan,
fen ron m I'liivflU ntat i v u, '
, FOR ASSOCIATF. judoi'.,
PETER K. I1EHBEIN, ofXocust,
; IKAM DEim, of Jackson.
iin nnaisTKn and uuconniui,
JOHN Q. FREEZE, of Bloom.
41 FOU
. MONTGOMERY COLE, of Sugarloaf.
T JOHN IIANNAN, of Conyngham.
Domocratio Meetings
Will 1)0 held la Columbia County at tlio
following designated time anil places :
Itbmtsiiuiic), Friday evening, Septem
ber 28.
MiFFMWti.T.n, Friday evening, Sep
''tcmber 23.
'BLooMsiuina, Saturday ovcnitig, Sep
' ', tember 29.
'Benton, Monday afternoon, October 1.
Mo.sTOOn, Dlctterlch School-house,-
' Monday cvonlng, October 1.
. Kspvtown, Tuesday evening, Oct. 2.
Catawissa. Wednesday evening, Oct. 3
,. Jackson, Lunger's Grove, Thursday
afternoon, October -1.
. Jr.twiiYTowN, Friday afternoon, Oct. fi
"BuOMsnimo, Saturday evening, Oct. d
" Monday evening, Oct. 8,
Er.i:crno TansDAV, 9.
The Ticket, the Whole Ticket, and
ITothififf hit the Ticket.
,j. Theaomootlngi will ho severally ad
"''dressed by wme one of the following
named gentlemon, via: Hon. Chnrlcrj
It. Bucksaw, General V. H. Ent, Col
onel J. G-. Tneze, Captain C. B. Brock-
way, Captain O. W. Utt, W. II. Shoe
makor, and others. Bee bills.
. k Cornplioitgr of the Boltora with the
uaic.t nopumicans.
T-.VTB run for Representative as a
Bolter upon an agreement that the Had
leal Republicans shnll support him. "We
can prove this by good evidence, and by
? words out of his own mouth. In fact,
"how otoe could he hope for an election?
' Ho cannot got Democratic votes in Mon
tour. II must know ho cannot get
a majority of tho Democratic Votes in
this county. His dopondencc then must
'. bo upoo Republican support,, promised
and pledged to him, as i-j well known,
by Pulomon John,of the Columbia Coun-
' ty licpublioon, the man who used to call
him " squoaking Lovi," and whose pres
ent lovo for him la proportioned exactly
to his supposed capacity for injuring tho
In pursuance of this bargain John has
provontud tho Republican Conferees of
this county from meeting thoso of Mon
tour to nominate a Republican candi
date) for Representative. This does well
for tho present. To uso tho .Doctor's
own boautiful expression, "everything
Is lovoly and the.gooso hangs high."
The contracting parties aro on excellent
f, terms. Tat no longer calls tho Dqctor
" Thomas Dunn," and the Doctor thinks
tho Colonel's voice has Improved. So
far tho matter is plain. "Wo sco this
sudden alftcUou. and wo can understand
that Colonel Tate wants votos which. fIs
' now frioad has promisoil him. To bo
suro, they are votos of Geary and Mcr-
t cur men, yet they will count, and tho
Coloijel in his presont "disorganized'
btato of wind is not particular.
' But wliat Is tho consideration to he
paid by the Colonel and his frlend3 for
theso votos? That part of tho bargain
Is not so clear. The Doctor, to bo sure,
has given hints upon this point which
aro very significant, and has made some
declarations about it which are very dls
' tlnct ; but the other party to tho bargain
1 -tlA
Perhaps, fellow Democrats, wo shall
know tho whole truth after tho election,
when wo shall ilud our general ticket
' cut and mutilated In particular districts,
-and ascertain that it is done by partlcu
" lar men! Perhaps we shall know it
when tho secret consultations, now go
lug on betweon the Bolters and Had!
T-culs, shall come to light hereafter ! Per
haps wo shall conjecturo It when, wea
ried by future trials and troubles, we
shall trace thorn back to their origin in
tho present bolt.
- - But what shall bo dono to guard
against dangers from this coalition of
Disorganizes and Radicals? What
shall bo doiio to prevent present and fu-
turo Injury and evil? I'hero Is, fellow
wDeniocrats, but one true answer. 'Close
Mip your ranks I Follow thoso chosen by
yourselves, or by your authority, to lend
in the contest I Be uulted and bo linn 1
.IVPunlsh tmtcJiory, And crush insubordi
unatlon J Then you cn go forward so
rt, curely and win victory now and hero
' after.
Now Paper.
V.. jjy fi,0 prospectus published Jn anoth-
er part of this paper, it will bo seen that
R is tho intention of tho present pub
' Ushers to establish, on a securo and per
- manent footing, a Democratic newspa
per that cannot bo subsidized or bought.
ft It will bo published in tho interest of
tho whole Democratic party, and will
bo abovo tho reach of nny Individual,
.orcliquo, or factibn. When nomlna-
tion3 nro mado thoy will bo fcustalned
--nudsupportctl; and tho paper will not
bo used to control or In any way inllti
uco them. The prosent crWs wurns
hatsomothlngmustbodouoto pre
recurrence, and to preserve tho
Vtirlty, and honor of our party.
Senatorial Nomination.
"Vi: give elsewhere n list of Senators
and Representatives who luijrepio
nented Columbia and Montour' Counties
In tlio Legislature flnce Montour.County
was erected In 18"i0, from whlcli It ap
pears that this county lias had tho Soy
afor for seven yvarsnnd llepresenlatlvo
ten years during that time, whlloMon
tour County ha had no Senator and a
Representative only six years. The mere
statement of this fact ought to brush
away all thocomplalutsaud clamor over
tho present nomination of Hcprescnta
llVo from Montour County.
But to mnke the ease Milt moro clear
upon tho Senatorial nomination, wo will
stato tho facts moro 'fully under that
head. At the beginning of our period
'of examination, the Senatorial District
consisted of Luzerno, Columbia, and
Montour Counties, nnd Mr. Ruekalow
represented the district as Senator, for
six years, ending In tho year 1810. Then
Mr. Steele, of Luzerne, was tvhoscn, and
represented It one year.
'At the session of 18.',7 a new Senatori
al District was formed, consisting of
Columbia, Montour, Northumberland,
and Snyder. Mr. Buckulew was again
elected In tho now district, and served
ono year, when ho resigned nnd went
abroad; whereupon Reuben Keller, of
Snyder County, wu.ivho-.eii, and berved
two years to till his unexpired term.
In 1800 Franklin Bound, of Northum
berland, was elected over Keller, whoso
re-nomlnatlon was believed by many
to bo tho result of corrupt iuiluenco.
In 18l:J David B. Montgomery, of
Northumberland, our present Senator,
wai chosen. But in 18(Sl the Senatorial
District was again changed, in the up
portionmcntlawofthat year, by Inclnd
Ing Sullivan County and excluding
Neither Montour nor Sullivan has
ever had n Senator. Tho former county
was urected In 1S50, and tho latter in
18 17; consequently the onu is sixteen
and tho other nineteen years old.
Now, we repeat, that upon this re
cord H, does not appear unreasonable,
much less outrageous, that ono of tho
small counties included in our district
should have tho Senatorial nomination
nt this time. And inasmuch as Mon
tour has tlio candidate in our Represen
tative District, this is perlmpi tho pro
per time for Sullivan to receive the
Senatorial nomination.
It is true, that Sullivan is a small
county compared witn (.'omnium or
Northumberland ; but as her turn
should come at soma timc,lt may very
well be now, at tlio end of nineteen
years, and when her coal mines and
projected railroad Improvements render
iuiluenco abroad and political power
deslrablo to iier.
As to Mr. Jackr-on, tho Senatorial
nominee, ho served as our Representa
tive In 185!) and J8G0, and again in ISO:'.
and 1801 (in tho doublo districts,
which Included Ills county), to the en
tire satisfaction of our people. Ho was
intelligent and faithful as a Represen
tative, and voted right upon political
questions and Stato policy. Besides, up
on ono local question in which our pio
plo were" interested, ho showed good
sense and a love for Justice, Which ought
not to bo forgotten, A bill to widen
and improve Market Street in the town
of Bloomsburg, at tho expense of the
wholo county, was proposed by persons
interested and urged upon our Repre
sentatives. But when Mr. Jackson and
hlscolleaguocamo to understand tho true
naturo of tho project and how unjust it
was to the people of tho county, they
crushed tho infamous buutllug, and
that, too, after very urgent letters In its
fayor from Levi L. Tate and others,
Tho battled spectators and their facile
instrument, the present Bolter's candi
date for Assembly, may never forgu
Mr. Jackson for his Independent and
Just conduct on that subject, but the
people will rouieniber It with gratitude
"Why didn't tho whiskey brigade put
up a candidate against Georgo 1). Jack
son for Senate, as well as against Cap
ta'ih Chnlfant for Representative? am
also against our nonilneo for Congress
and other candidates? If it were owin
to tho Importunities of Tate, thoy cer
tainly ought to run him for the Senate,
as ho had only been named heforo the
peoplo asacandidateforthatolUco. Was
tho Senatorial DUtrlct too large, and
had It too many newspapers in it?
Then they might have nut uu other
candidates for tho county olllces. Tho
reason is, that they knew of no other
disaffected Democrats who weru willing
to bolt and run ns volunteers. They
plumed themselves with tho Idea that
they had control or tho Democratic
press of Columbia County, and that the
peoplo could Only hear what they pleas
ed to tell them. In other wonU, that
thoy carried tlio Democratic party in
their breeches' pockets.
" TmtKT. he armed who hatji his
quarrel Jusl." So say wo in looking"
over tho field of contest on Representa
tive. Tho Bolters began their work witli
every advantage In their favor except
good causo. They controlled tho part
press and tho Standing Committee, and
had so much ot party position as ena
bled them, by deception, to obtain
number of names to their documents,
But their scheme was so bad that
within a day or two after it was expo:
ed to public view tho tldo of opinion
setiitrongiy ngalnstit; although not
word could bo printed on tho opposite
sido for want of a nowspaper organ
Tho peoplo are Just and they saw that
thlx bolt was wrong In Itself, nnd that
It would bo mischievous in its officii
In this contest, thereforo, having rig!
on our sido, wo nro "thrlco annol
for tho encounter, and shall triumpl
in hplto of all opposition nnd all trwicl
cry, cdnio from whnt quarter It may
John .!, m'JIkxhy hos been aj
pointed Postmaster at Benton, In tho
placo of Samuel Haycock, Radical, re
moved. A truer Dtnnncrat or hotter
tunnthan J. J, M'Hcnry Is not tq bo
found In tho county.
Tho Conspiracy.
never was a niofabasoliilot'of
than 1 1 1 all 1 i
t..t 11. ,L ,....1.. ' 1. ....73 n.-f.t-..t.. ...v"?..:."-
voked, olid It H KellLsTi' and''dlshonoriv
bio In Its character ; and the secrecy,
trickery, nnd cunning which have at
tended Its progress ought to disgust all
lonorablo men. It first showed Itself
In the County Convention, In the reso
httloii appointing Representative Con
forces. That resolution Ciiino from the
olllco or tlio Bolters' organ, and was
ndopted without consideration. "Wo
have no doubt it was Intended to raise
disturbance, nnd to give its authors
an opportunity for nilsclilct. lien
udgo M'Rcynolds and other discreet
men (haired its reconsideration, It was
managed thai tho Convention should
djoum before new action could bo ta-
ten tiiiou It.
The resolution was Insulting to Mon
tour County ii ml to all tho other coun
tics of tho District, and was calculated,
and no doubt Intended, to create bad
feelings, if notnrowln tlio nominations
It was as follows :
Jlcsolvcd. That John Snyder and Rob
ortC. Fruit be the Renresontntivo Con
ferees to support the choice of Montour
county, provided tney support, too can
uuiaie oi mis county lor Miato senator.
It will bo seen that Montour was to
be subjected to the Indignity of a condi
lion in obtaining tho coiicuriTiico of our
Conferees in her nonunation for As.sciu
y, although that nomination belonged
to her under the recent usages of the
Representative District,' and In fairnes.i
icsides. She was not to have tho noinl
nation upon any frank or manly prin-
iple, hut upon a bnryuin forced upon
her In the mot offensive manner. And
she was to bind herself not to exerci-e
herfreo opinion in tho selection of a
Senatorial Candidate, nor to listen
to tin v views or arguments submit-
ed to her by the other Counties of
tlio Dlitnct, nor to exercise any discre
tion even in judging Whether tho man
nominated by Columbia County was
the proper person, or would be accepta
ble gem-wily throughout the District.
Tliero can bo no doubt that this resolu
tion was a heavy, and perhaps nn in
tended blow struck against Tate's nomi
nation, and against tho harmony of tho
party in the District.
Alterward, when all the District nom
inations had been regularly made by
Conferences; when Columbia had the
candidate for Congress, Sullivan tho
candidate for Senate, and Montour the
candidate for Assembly, the very au
thors of the above resolution and their
confederates undertook to break the
party on tlio latter nomination, and
that, too, upon tho mo-.t absurd excuse
ever invented lor cucn a purpose, to
wit: that the candidate for Representa
tive had not attended as a borer at the
Senatorial Conference !
And in getting up the alwurd, irregu
lar, unfair, and unauthorized documents
to excuse their revolt to the public, they
adopted secrecy and private solicitation
n place of any open proceeding. Their
manifesto was dated the eighth of Sep
tember, but was kept secret until the
thirteenth, and in tlio meantime, citi
zens and members ot the Standing Com
mittee were waited upon nt their homes
by tlio Conspirators, and coaxed into
lvlng their names by sympathetic ap
peals and falsehoods.
Besides all this, Republicans were
consulted, and their concurrence and
promises of assistance in tho plot ob
tained, l'alcinon John undertook that
tho Republican Conferees of this County
should not meet thoso of Montour to
make a Republican nomination for As
sembly, nnd that ho and his friends
s'lhouid support Tate. Tho first part of
tills bargain the preventing a meeting
of tho Republican Conferees ho has
kept; whether tho other pavt of tho
bargain will be kept remains to boseen,
and wo shall know in due time what
tho consideration for theso disgraceful
engagements was.
What gavo the conspirators courage
and confidence In their nefarious work
was their control of tho party press of
tho county. They had control of tho
Democratic organ In Biooinsburg, and
managed to obtain Iuiluenco over tlio
.small (and heretofore fairly managed)
newspaper at Berwick ; whilo their al
ly, Dr. John, had, through his newspa
per, tho ear of tho Republican party of
tlio county. Tho prospect looked prom
ising for mischief, and it was be
lieved that no effectual opposition
could bo mado to the conspiracy
And In fact, nothing prevented it
eompleto success hut tho sagacity
and stubborn, inherent honesty of the
peoplo of tliis c unity. Tlicy havo no
disposition to be sold out ; to bo made
merchandise of in tho hands of foolish
and desperate men ; to be mado tho sub
jects of a base plot and a base bargain;
and to sacrifice their principles and po
litical organizations to the necessities,
passions, or interests of Intriguers In
county towns.
At tlio Half-way House, on Monday
evening last, a large mooting asiombled
and being called to order by Jeremiah
liagcnuucli, Joseph rone, Jiiii., was
cho'en President, and John Hill Socre
tary... Colonel Freeze addressed tho
ineotlhgj nnd urged the support, of, the
wholo Democratic ticket,' paying spe
cial attention, however, to tho Congress
ional record of Mercnr, mid warmly ad
vocated tho election of J udgo Klwell'ln
his stead. The meetlngadjourned with
thrco cheers for liiester Clynier and tho
whole Democratic ticket.
Win-.;! Tato wasbeggingund oxtortln
names to his bolt document, he was told
that ho would split tlio Democratic par
ty and tho Radicals would take up ;
man nnd elect him! Ho replied In
theso words : "I hare authority to uy,
that 1 fruit . candidate for Assembly,
the J!ejntbllc(i)ii if III not take up a man,'
This Tuto sulu. In presence of Martin C,
Woodward, nnd Plliors.
" Rats Di:sf.iit A Sixiuso Sim."
Elijah R, Ikclcrhas sold out his Interest
In tho Democrat and M"r,
, '.Tho Boltcro' Excuse
f'fS ,4b,.,,. -Ma, , .Aivoh.
Wr. havo heard t romarkcdJand'WOJ
for bphiiigl&ptalu ClialfoiTl's'ilSmtna?
tlon Is about the weakest one ei'cr gol
up In behalf of a movement of disor
ganization. According to them, tho
ticket Is to bo broken, and tho regular
andldato for Representative voted
town, simply becauso ho did not attend
the Senatorial Conference as a borer for
Coloiiel Tate I Jtut think of that, fel-
low Democrats, and then rellect whether
such a paltry, miserable C.XCUS0 was ever
before heard of In Justification or a holt.
We liavo published soveraldoeuinents
showing most clearly that oven tills ex
cuse Is notsiHtained m a point of objec
tion to our candidate) that though ho
was- detained from attendance at tho
Conference by sickness in Ills family, he
sent two of his friends on tho first day,
and two others on tho second day of
the conference, to uo their influence
with the Montour Conferees to induce
them to vote with. Columbia County
after voting for their own man; and It
was not his fault that this rosultdld not
take place. Yet Colonel Tate had the
hardihood In his manifesto (to whld
ho obtained tho signatures of honota'ile
men by misrepresentation) to stato that
no parson attended tho conference In
behalf of Mr. Clialfant!
Another fact, better known in Moil
tour County than In this, ought also to
bo slated. It is this: ThatMr.Clialfaut
and his particular friends never urged a
Senatorial candidate from Montour;
and at (heir County Convention, before
Conferees were chosen, they insisted
that Mr. De.iii, thoSonatorial candidate,
should agree that his Conferees should
vote with this county after voting for
him ; and they obtained tho promise
We say, then, that thoro is no reason
whatever, but plain injustice, in taking
vengeance upon Captain Challant lor
any personal disappointment felt In
this county over the .Senatorial nomina
tion. We have proved, In other articles,
that giving tho nomination to Sullivan
County was not an unreasonable thing ;
but oven if it were so, Captain Chal-
faut and his friends were not in fault
by reason of any act or omission of
theirs. It U clear, then, that this
pretended excuse for opposing tlio Rep
resentative nomination is both insulil
cient and false.
Tho Question.
Tin: question presented to (lie peoplo
of Columbia County by (he Bolters and
Disorganizes Is not, whether Levi I.
Tate shall be chosen to represent the
district in the- Legislature, or whether
Thomas Chnlfant shall be chosen. It 1:
tho question of party organization nnd
fealty. It is an attempt to break down
the very system of conventions and
nominations. Tho Standing Commit
tee have no authority to set up or with
draw candidates. No number of citi
zens could trivo thorn such power. If
thov can withdraw ono man thoy can
withdraw the wholo ticket and substi
tuto anfltlicr. No man now on tho tic
et, or who may bo put on by any future
convention, Is enfo if this attempt at
disorganization shall boperiiilttcd to suc
ceed. Perhaps no man was ever defeat
ed who could not induce, by some
means, a hundred or two, in over three
thousand voters, to act as mistakenly us
omo gentlemen have dono upon this
occasion. Thin upon every nomination
tho ticket could be emasculated, and
very soon a once united and powerful
party would be utterly disorganized, do
moralized, and destroyed. When a man
submits his claims to a convention of
his party friends, there is an Implied
promise to nbido tho result, nnd it is
upon that ground nlono that ho is enti
tied to any consideration ; for If it were
known that he would bolt a nomination
widen did not suit nun, no wouui oe
looted from tho convention. If he Is
unfairly dealt by, his friends will see
that justice is oventually dono htm, but
not at the expenso and defeat of his
party. Tho very first requisite to ade
ems Is organisation and union, and he
wubitteronemy-to tho party who will
attempt to destroy or weaken either the
one or tho other. .
That is tho portion of tho Bolters-
and under this dodgnation wo do not
Intend to lncludo the great majority of
the short list of names appended to the
statement published, but only tho lead
era, by whoso influence all the others
Wero obtained, and whoso dotcriniiiii
tlon to rulo or ruin tho party is now
manifest to tho me-iuest capacity.
Close up your ranks, followers of Jef
ferson ! Remember tho indent glory
of your party, and determlno to do
your duty like men.
Or.i) Winnf.haoo. Remember that
Simon Cameron Is tho moit prominent
candidate of the Republicans for Unl
ted States Senator. His uanio is sy
nnnymoiB with corruption. Rennet
Jlcrald and other shoddy papers aro for
him. All Republican candidates on
for him. His money is omnipotent
All broken down nnd broken up polltl
clans aro for him. for ho can pay and
ho will pay. He would not mls a fe
hundred thoimand tlollars. Beware,
Democrats don't toch a candldato for
Assembly; ho Is supported or countenanced-
by tlib ,Rcpubllcaii3.,SImon
will "wig-wag" him. Stick to the
" ticket, the whole ticket, and nothing
but tho ticket."
Tati; w 111 ho very badly beaten. Tht
Is now certain, and nothing can chango
It. Tho Icr-oii will bo a good one, full
of Instruction and warning to others,
and thus salutary In regard to tho future.
A Qt'i'S't'ioN. 1 low would old Demo
crats feel In walking up to tho poll and
voting along with their Radical Repul
llcan neighbors on Assombly? Of
courso they will not try tho experiment.
On q'hursday evening of next week,
October fourth, 180(1, In tho CourtHouso
In this place, a meeting will bo held, (o
be addressed by Hon. 0. R. Buckulew,
and by F, B, Gowen, Esq., of PotUvllle'
Tho Marltot Stroot. Question Lottor
from Judgb Onkoa. "
IiIMKsionk, Heiiti-inW 13; lrt;
Dr.Ait Sin. In answer to your request
I would say, thut'when n member In
18")!). 1 received a letter from Levi L.
rat (i requesting me to nave an net. pass
d authorizing (ho opening of Market
Street, In the town of Uloomsburg, to
tne uepot on tne i.,aci;uwuiiun iiauroau ;
and In that letter ho represented to mo
that It was tho wish and the desire of
almost the wholo people of Columbia
County that It should be done.
Hon. John M'Rovnolds. Peter Ent.
Esii.. William Snvder. and many others
saw tho letter. Yours, etc.,
SA.Mt'llI. OAtcns.
Thonborocoinnuinlcntton from Judge
Oak os can bo seen by any ono who calls
on tho editor of tho Campakin.
Now let us turn to what Tato aid in
tho Columbia Democrat and Stat of the
iXorth, August twenty-second, 18GU,when
ho was a eandldntu for the Senatorial
nomination. Writing over his own sig
nature, and referring to the charge that
ho had been in favor of opening Market
Street at tho expense of the county, he
snld :
I had fondlv honed that this ancient
buij-bvar. of over ten years standing, TO
WHICH I HAVK HVbll lllil- ()f-
POSED, had vamoxed and gone to the
TomiH or cupuiot. ."
Tho brazen hardihood of (his denial
nay beuuderslood, when we state (upon
creditable Information), that under the
fear of exposure Tato applied a few
years ago to Judge Oaken for the letter
ho had written him, andoblained posses
sion of it. Tlio Judge lu good nature
nnd kindness of heart gave it up .to
him, hut with no expectation that Tate
would ever publish so Impudent a deni
al of tho truth as (he above statement
in the Democrat and S!r.
And our readers may now also under
ml one of the reasons, why Judge
Oake.j was opposed to Tate's notninall in
at (heSenatorlal Conference. The Judge
was one of the Montour Conferees, and
mowing Tate as ho did, and particular-
y his conduct on tlio Market Street
piestion. ho could not vote for him
although urged to do so by Mr. t
fant's friends. He preferred Mr. Jack
son of Sullivan, who was an old friend
and colleague of his in thoHoiiseof Rep
resentatives, and as ho thought a much
ibler man than Tate. And it was very
natural that tlio Judge should feel in
dignant at the Market Street Colonel for
Ins conduct, isy the letter and papers
sent to Harrisburg the Judge was do
ceived and misled at first upon this local
question, and he felt that Tato had got
him into a scrape. Tlio Judge explain
ed ills course to men of this county ns
well as he could, and tlio matter passed
But when Tate published to tho pen
pie tho shameful falsehood that he had
ever been oppo-ed" to the Market
Street swindle, what must tho Judge
have thought of him? It was giving
tho lie to the Judge's explanation, as
well as a dishonorable denial of the
truth, and wo think our readers will
ageo with us that the Judge was fully
Justified In resisting Tate's nomination
Roprosontntivos from Columbia and
Montour Since tho Erection of Hon
tour County.
l?.;i Jnhn Jl'lli-ynoliN
liwi il. 12. .Ixrksnu
1' M U.ori'Htt :,
In.VsI .lulin il. .MoulKomi'ry...
Ifii-S l'eli'r I'lH
1 j cur
... yoai
lsnwik-ssmiim-1 imki-H
imi Hiram u. kiiiic
ISiu-ImvI I.. Tnm
lStii-i .lolm C. Kills
IVU-O W. II. Jueiiljy
Senators durinu same time from the Sen
aiormi mxmci tcnm iiwuutea Lontm
bia und Montour.
ISM lo 1S.-.1-C. It. IliifUnliiw, Columbia S jtk,
iiuisi'k .1
1S.-.7 (irnrifl V, Stt'i'lo, I.nziMim I
Wis c, K. llm-kulmv, Cilumljla 1
1.H to 1) lU'iilien Kc-lli-r, MiycliT 2
tvtU to W1 l-'ianlilin llo-inil, .North'm'laii'l :i
ISlTt LO llifi It. 11. Mntltl!fMlt't-V. " :1
Columlil.i, 7 yrara; .NiiillmiulH-iIimil, 0 years
j-n.-umi, yi-uin; aim i.u.t'iin-, , jrar.
Nn s.'iuuur Hum .Montour or .Sullivan ilurln,
tilth IlllU'.
The State Senate consists of thirty
three members, and tho Hoiiso of Rep
resentatives of ono hundred. A Sem
tor is therefore equal in weight, that
in power and iuiluenco, to tliroj members-of
tho House; the two Houses be
ing equal in their legislative power.
If, therefore, tho account of actual
representation lte r-tated between the
Counties of Columbia and Montour for
tho whole period of sixteen years since
(he latter was organized, it will appe
that Columbia lias had seven Senatorial
years and ten Representative years, ami
Montour si.e Representative yeiv. And
If wo count each Senatorial year to bo
worth three Representative years, as
wo must upon all grounds of reason and
fairness, it results that Columbia County
has hud representation in tho Legisla
ture equal to thirty-one Jieprcsentatlei
years, while Montour has had but sw
And yet L. L. Tate is ruunlng us a Bolt
ers.' candldato for Assembly on the
ground that Columbia County has not
had her sharo!
The total vote of Columbia in ISM on
Governor was 5,11:1, and that of Montou
J,'V.); and at the Presidential election
of 18(11 the number of votes in each
county bore about the same proportion
to each other. In short, Montour has
one half as many votes as Columbia,
and should havo one half as much rep
robentation, whereas frho has had in fact
but ono sixth, regard being had (o both
brunches of tho Legislature and to tho
relXivo vnliio of membership in each
Tin: Bolters' organ repeats tho false
hood that no friend of .Mr. Chulfant's
attended tho Senatorial Conference.
No less thanoil1 attended, ns thesonien
well know. To bo sure, they finally
admit (what was denied before) that
Mr. Campbell was pra-ent on tho second
day, but too (ate. This, too, Is Inaccur
ate as to time. Why uro, the,so false
hoods repeated over am ovor again by
tho Bolters? is It to decoivound nils
lead ; to ercato prejudice and thus gain
bgiiio advantage for their sinking causo?
Dorroii John Is to print Tato's nnino
along with tho Republican ticket for
circulation. That Is rigid ; It belongs
to their ticket and not to ours,
!'' I KUl 0r'Klt',
C'oi'o'niiTi Tati: had been nn eager
candidate for (he Senate for about six
mohtiis, when, having failed In his at
(enipttosecuroa nomination, ho becamo
volunteer candldato for Representa
tive; and tho probability Is that ff he
ion d see any other olllco to no mien
nfter his next defeat, he will continue
iL'ht on to bo a candidate, ho longvts hu
has a prospect of obtaining a dozen
otes. It Is plain to bo seen that Colo
nel Tato will risk his soul'ssalvatlon for
io sake ot an olllco. Ono day before
he had published his list recommending
tho bolt, ho accosted a clear-headed Dem
ocrat from Berwick In order to get his
name, nnd told him that ho was the first
lemoerut who had refused, that twenty
f his neighbors In Berwick had signed
it, and that Mr. Little was tliero helping
ilm. Tho truth Is, ho got but nine
names in Berwick ; ami although Tate,
facoby. and ikeler did go to Berwick
that daV to obtain names and secure the
Jlericiek Uazctte, their business was kept
secret as a conspiracy from Mr. Little,
who happened to meet thorn there, until
io accidentally found It our from n
client after iliey had left. Even last
Sunday Colonel Tate was running Into
louses to beg names or votes, and in
one instance to get a married woman to
write to her absent husband In his be
half. In his useless and polutlessspeech-
,:s he-was always In the habit of talking
about himself, defending his conduct,
etc., and appears lo he vain enough to
xpect the people's time to bo devoted
entirely to him and to get him Into
olllco. Yet all the support that he ever
ecelved, whether it was votes for a
louilnatlon or names to his bolt paper,
was only such favors as wero extorted
tv incessant boring; just as we some
times give money Improperly to h beg
gar as the quickest way to get rid of a
nuisance. He now manifests Ids deter
mination to rule or ruin tho Democratic
party, nnd to get up a load light between
tho Democracy of Columbia and Mon
tour Counties. All this must bo done
Jii-j. on Ids account, without any earthly
object except tosubsurvo Ids own selfish
Voters, Bowarol
Tin: regular Democratic ticket can
bo obtained only at tho office of tlio
Camtakin. Byan act passed last Win
ter, (iekets aro not to be voted sepa
rately, but in sheets an set out below. It
will lie impossible, therefore, to slip
Bolter Tate's name out of the bunch
and insert that of Chnlfant, tho Demo
cratic candidate for Assembly ; and tho
Bolters' organ will print only the bogus
ticket. Examine your ticket carefully,
and don't be cheated. The first ticket,
labelled " State," will havo tlio name of
llicstcr Vlymer ; tlio second, labelled
"Judiciary," tlio names of Peter K.
ferbcin and fram Derr; the third, la
belled " County," thonamesof William
IV well, George D. Ja'kson, Thomas
Chafant, Jes'p. Coleman, John U. Freeze,
Mongnmrry Co.V, and John llannan.
This being tho first election under (hu
new law, tho Bolters hope to cheat
enough to make, with Republican votes,
a rospeetiiblo show. So be active anil
vigilant. Tho following is the act re
ferred to :
An Act, regulating the modo of vot
ing at all elections in tho several coun
ties of this Commonwealth:
Sixtion t. Jic. it. enacted lw the Sen
ate anil Jfouse. of feprcscntatiirs of the
unnmomccuuiioj urnnsyirama. in lien
era' Assent').' met. and it tthcrc'w etiac!
ed by the authority of the mine, That the
qualified voters of the several counties
of tins Commonwealth, at all erenora
township, boriuitrh. and special elections.
aro hereby, hereafter, authorized ami
required to vote, by tickets, printed or
written, or partly printed and partlv
written, soveraliv classified as follows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of
all judges ot courts voted for, and to
no iiineiieii, outside, "judiciary ;" ono
ticket shall embrace tho names of all
State oilieers voted lor, and lie labelled
"State;" one ticket shall embrace tho
names ot all county o llccrs voted for.
iiicliidingofllcoofSenalor, Member, and
.Members of Assembly, if voted for, and
Members of Congress, If voted for, and
lie labelled, "county;" one ticket shall
cmnraco tno names ot all township of
ficers voted lor, and be labelled, "town
ship;" ono ticket shall embrace tho
names ot all boromr h oil cors voted for
and bo labelled, " borough ;" and each
cias.s hitaii no deposited in separate bat
Mooting at Orangovillo.
Notwitustanihnu tho limited no
tice, tho uncertainty who would U tho
speakers, and the rain, the school house
was crowded with Democrats on Wed
nesday afternoon allvo witli interest in
tho great political questions of Union
nnd , William Bellas, Esq.
presided. F. B. (iowen, Esq., of Potts
ville, entertained them with a most ad
mirable address, in ad respect, wo think,
suited to the times. iTho Democrats of
Bloomsburg will bo glad to learn that
Mr. (iowen has consented to bo with us
on Thursday evening next, and wo can
promise them a rich treat. M. M.
Trough followed with an Interesting
speech, after which the meeting nil-
journeu, delighted with tlio speaker,-;
ami themselves.
A BoAHTiNfi Hi'iniT oom liiironi: a
I' a i.i,. Colonel 'Palo Kiys In his ad
dress contained lu tho hist Democrat and
star, that "E. It. Little never was of
much coiHoqueneo to tho Democracy
Columbia." That Is no news, and wl
put it into a newspaper. Of coin
Columbia," That Is no news, and Why
i" 'i "' a newspaper, or course
tlionieauiiiffand inference is, that he,
Colonel Tate, is of p-icat coiixcuucneo to
tno ueniocrney. How did our neigh
bor nequlro Mich vast Importance?
Was it by begging political favors ami
boreliiif fnr olllco ? Or Is his nunulurltu
only iv llf-ment of his own imagination.
jrowlug out of his Insuperable vanity?
Tim-: joke, of the fCinonTuto
claiming to lm a regular Denioctatlo
Candidate. Another Joko its rich Is that
Dr. John prints thUregulur Domocratfo
Candidate's name in the llegnlar lie-
publican tickets or use at tho elect lou.
All such regularity, will bu scouted by
tho Democracy of thu DMricl.
' "tfiio 'iJosortor tar, '
Tin: Radical Rebels are trying to sub
vert tho law of nie land in decided by
tho Supremo Court of tho State. They
are striving to resist tho right of thou,.
umU of citizens to exorcise thu ptlv.
llego of voting. Thoy aim at tlio
disfranchisement of it largo portion
of tho people upon tho pretextthat they
are guilty of nn offenco of which thoy
have notoniy never neon convicted, but
for whlcli thoy havo not been, and ncv.
er will be, tried. These now RcUi
against the laws, theso desplcablo en.
inles to tho freedom or the white nmn,
had better not undertake to put tlulr
contemplated fraud into practice. Tliey
must remember tluxt Ihz law i agaimi
them i tho highest Judicial tribunal In
the Stato has. declared that no man can
be. deprived (if Ms right (p vote, ttmify
because Ms tramc k found on a lrond
Marshal's list of "Desertcri." Tho Sis
premo Court has decided that n nun
must have been tried for and convlctol
of desertion, and tho punishment ot
llsfmnchlsoincnt adjudged by theprnp.
er tribunal, heforo ho can bo dcprlviil
of tho right to vote us being n dusertir,
That Court has also further decided tliai
Judjes of JCIcctions cannot try n tntmw
lesertion, but aro bound io htkc his roft,
unless evidence of his conviction iw
deserter and adjudication of tho pciia!.
of disfranchisement by the prow
tribunal, In his case aro laid before thoiu,
Hence, wo warn uH election botinw
against being Influenced by tho foul
schemes of tho Radical Rebels who m
dotting to overturn tlio laws of the
State. o say It in all caruestne! mid
with a full determination to make M
our words, every election officer, h
will disfranchise nny so-called deserter
who is otberwisoquallflcd to vote, uill
bo punished to tho utmost extent et
the law.
Anothor Shot at tho " Boltors."
Wt: aro also authorized by Jinlj.i
Evans, of Columbia County, to say, that
on,a full understanding of matters relat
ing to the Senatorial nomination, he will
no longer allow his naiuo to bo used to
countenance disorganization. Ho hu
poris tho wholo regularly nominated
ticket. Just what wo expected from
this staunch old Democrat. DiHttWt
Hil.wiCr.xTiiiiSTEi'HKNahiu called
meeting of tho Fenian Brotherhood l
Manhattan nnd Long Island for nctt
Sunday; Important movements, It l
said, may bo expected sooh from tin
headquarters of the Stephens, faction.
Junau Ei.wnt.i. will get a splomlll
vote lu this county if thu "Bolton"
play fair.
11 . I U LIS
Tan necosnlty hrw arlaon forn IMtnormllo Xv
imprrnt ntootiislmrs which nil all Mippnrt th'nui,
illclatosnf tho party, nntt oppoNodUtorgfinlnitH
iviiil troachrry in Its rankN. Ikicognlxtntf U!"
rmslty, mat riOHlrou of upholding that glnrtf-j
taiiKO of Di'inooratlo Oovcriimi'nt to which tU
peoplo of (Aritiinhtn Ooimty havo txvm Ihiik nA
mo f ttthfully dcvotoU, n mimbt-r of Imocnti
citizens havo contributed thcnmil.. rrsininil H
oftablWhlni' mich srownpapor upon n nolU tu
ititloit, which fthall JniYrn Its contlnn.-utr ml
uscfulnw, anil liaye authorld HT13'HIi; E.
Mir.T.KIt, I-H., of I!loo!u.hurtf, to rcflT"
Uu Isno.
Tim puMlcntloncf thnpnimr will hn wchT,(
will boconimpnmt Mflooniwthn MTmi-tfmM
for It can bo ncrfiftml, (And oortaliirj by tho AM
of November), and In tho niAnnttmf nulwrlt!
whoso inriu-H are forwardol will bo onppllf.1, tm
of chartji', with another Iit-mocr-air imrwr of W
Itoprolontatlvo District, which (diall faithful!'
wipport tho party and ntl Its nomination.",
Tlio Ni'ihs-i-rlptlon prlcn for (wld pupcr will hfc
for ono year, In nil ciwoh wlro pnymnbt tn to1'
by tho Brut day of January noil, nftor whlrii-"
Riibsccrlptlorw paid In ajvanw will b ut II
raU1, and thono not paid In ndriuic, ei vial ers
Unio made, W.M par annum.
has optMiod n first-clans
hoot, anon, hat and mr KTonn
at hli" old Bland on JlalnSilrwt. nioninnhnnr. "'
Mode Is composed ot tho very latitaud lnsilHjl"
ever ollei td to tlu-cltlieim ot (XIllinbla ('mm'!
lie out aeeotniiHKlalo the pnbllc with thu fall"
in:; kinds and prices:
Mell'dcalf IkhiI. till" .... .. ...81 mtn
" klii, double nolo... .1 Ml.'1
Ilojh' child's oob ., l Mini'
ilen's ixiovoh id, Conre, rtc 2 M lal1
' Ikilnirirnl hIiim'n 1 WtoV
.Men'H, -omeir, Iioj-k", anil uiIhm-i,'
iilove !tld lavtlnucnitein 1 7JM
omen'K irlovc kills, vitv finr .1 'ii t""
" linn iroat iiiouvco lulniornl 3 yitnlj
" iiieii'siiioiiici'oauilrlfihiMst I 73 tn J
common hIkm-h 1 so ml
MNm' anil chlld'a Mine u SOtal'
.Men', women'H, mlst.iV, bovs", ami
ihlld'K hllpKTK.... ,. 0 5SWI
Ho ulo keeps a Kreat variety of
of i.very kind, at tho lwcsit rrlcw, lmth lorw
and country produce, tho attraction Ik In our coodn. M
hi alarmed at tlmciy of IiIkIi price. Lut cull
hmu for yoiuselviin, ltedpectrullv.
Is tho only nrllclo usih! by
NnrtWUM noTi:i.H. lairNrmux, id
j. mil ha.niks or FAMH.IrV,
It kJvcm n lK'imtiruI polish, nvikliiK th lion p1
.monthly over tlio cloth, Mirtny .mivh HXH m'
labor, (limits done up with It. keen clean mt
loner, conscnuently n-lll iOt woar out no wiv
It Is Bnhiblo In hard as well in non water. II
put up In the Mi'i-ai, neaieiii, nnd mutt cony nW
lorm of any ulleiud to tho public,
Ai',ml tninliul ... .,..,tS.
..... v. . . . it.-, ... ..IfUlM iv --
extraordinary Inducemoiilii. Adilnsi
ix rullim Hiri-t, N Yn
J CatarlAa, l'a.
I"hi abovo Hotel lm lately licn purcluyJ I'
llll.S'HV J, UIiAHIC. and law been thuroUKhl) '
model led, repaired, and rcfurnWuHL It will "
Ibuii I now, In lUtirranuemvut awl appolntm'
i. iiKfutiuw jinici, mm Kcvniul t(i viona la
wmnlry. IVrsnni in cllltm vUIiIhk In npcii'1
hot month, In tlio oouulry. will do well w
h proprietor cull.
lYl.-v or, HAD AT THIH orrit 1