The campaign. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1866, September 28, 1866, Image 1

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T '
tI'omoorr.tio Shoot for tho Timos,
6a Main Street, Rloomsburg, Pn., by
"JJJJjhtkpiien ir. miller a co.
J..jrv I- . LiTTLn, limron,
K whom nil letters kIkhiIiI Imi nddrcaspil,
tvvrtlioiinviitA Inserted nt nsuul rutin.
' JfP C. II. Ilrocksi ny,
o'A Main Street, flrst door west of the Court
Tr Homso.
a".a t. ; ; iii
ttnlrtft tN Cl(irk
, '.Qlttr Porner of Main nil'A Market Streets, over
A wt'ik Flr,t Niillininl flAiV.
,imwi " ' '
k. It. I.ltllp.
OI1i on Main Htrnet, lu whltn frump house, bp
jjjjl' ' low tlm IixchaiiKO Holvl.
John W. Preex,
(lVvum ui luvjiswr niiii iwsmruer oiuec, 111 um
' hnaumnirt of tlm Court Homo.
Otf'.T ... .,
Mi M. Trnngli,
Niww Amrlrn Hotel.
M. M. I.'VpIIp,
tSs., Ontrnlln, Columbia Comity, r.
Andltor'x Xotlce. Rstat of Willi. in
KAIl.NH ilnnwtiol. Tlii Audltornppolnted hy the
Orphans' Court of Columbia County to make dis
tribution of the bulimic lu thu hands or tlu Ad
ministrator of kiiIiI deceased amuni; Ills creditors,
vlll meet the parties Interested, for the purxisn
ut hki appointment, on Saturday, November
ilT. l.W. nt 10 o'clock A.M.. ut lilB nflliv 111
,1iiqoiiisIiuik, rn., when nml where nil persons In
'urMUil rsui nttt'inl If they see proper, und pre
, .aont their clnlniH, or l debarred from comliu; In
for rt share or tlio fuii'l.
C. 11. HHOCICWAY, AniUtor.
OAartln mpy. ip!-lt
To Ilotal nnd Mnlnon Uf ptn of Hloonn
hmtK nnil Ooliiinliln County. I hnMi nppolntod
2,lt. Htolinpr iiKiMit for tlm Mile of my uln, iHirUT,
nIm-ovii Ntout, Htul lnnr boor, who will hupply you
iut Uii) hiuiih prim (nml ivltli thi uniiio iiillolo), iw I
svtould furnish you from tlm hruwpry. Kuwwlni;
tlMit h will bp puiiptiml imJ nttnutlvn to nil who
way Cvnr him with thulr truli, I solicit for him
jrosuiiupuort. Vory rp spectfully,
l'UKD I.Al'KU,
. HtiMim lirmvrry, Iti'iullntr, Vn.
'K4l4p lit Alrnltmu Mfuich, ilrrrnird.
letter of Ailtnlulstrntiijii upon llm pstnti of Ab
...IiUuira iltmicli, Into or IjocuhI Townshln, U tlio
Oiuuty ot Coluuililit, iIpppitnpiI, hrivrn bi'eu
KmutiM to thp iiiiiIcihIhipi1, all pprHoiiK luivlni;
olalim. or ilHinnnil nulnst tlm pstato or thp until
ilMOdrnt urn rpiiutwtiil to luiiko tin- snnip known
- without ilnlay, nml tliinie tmlrbtpil to hnlil tistMto
Ut luukp loimiHllntii payini'nt to
AM.! CltAK! or
AT- Itoiirlns Crook P.O., Coluaibin County, Pn.
sntor' Notice. Kutntti of John Mnr
(a,1. dnciiiHOil. IjQttorii tP.sUiuiputnry Ufioii tin
jtwUko of John Morgan, Into of the Township or
lllooiu, lu tho County of Columbln.dpppfwod, hav
"fcltfuApu irntutuil to tlio ulHlorslnni'il, nil ppmoim
InilobVml to mid ('Statu nro roqunstod to m:ik'
jwyBinnt, and tho hnvlni; cUhns to pnwpnt
tham to CI. A UK M. IlllOVVN, Kxoc'utor,
copU-K. Attompy for tlm pxtnto.
Amditor'a olcp. lu (lip Orpliau's Conrt
far tho County of Columbia, iMtalo of Alnimnlnr
' JJTOUon, dncuusnl. Tlio auditor nppolntpil by
thsOiurt to makii distribution of tlm rhtuto of
AUxnudur (l.irrutsou, latu of Coliiinbln County,
ilimmd. In tho hands of Jncob (iarrotou, wur
. tYlrluc uxtculor of tint Int will nul tv-itatnuut of
UiiVild Aloxaniliirfi.irrotson.iliswan'il, will lupft
1 thu par tlm Inturiwtiid for tho purpoi or his np
,polulru'iit in 'riiumilay, October M, at 10 o'plock
' nt hU olllro on tho corner or M.tlii and Mur
kal Utrvvtx In thu town or llloomihuri;.
,4 HOUKltr F. CI.AltK, Auditor.
Andltor'sNotUp Katutrot Mnry P. MI1U
lain or MiuIIkoii Townxhlp, (Viluuilila County
sttMOrtK.-d. The l.catjvs ntnl till other partlivt In
Usrmtivl In thpiMtatoof Mary 1. -Mills, ilci'iiased
will Uku iiotlis" that the uiulprslKneil, appointed
by the Orplmn'ii Court of h,vI.I county nudltor,
to audit nml uiakii uutrlbutlou or tho balauco In
tbhKUds or Daniel Kruest, surviving rxueutor
of the Mild Mary I. Mlll8,dec'eiiBeil,wllliucettln
parties luteriiaUHl lu thn said csUitc, at the olllce or
UiiVlleKljittr of Wlllrt, lu und for tlm County of
Oolumbln,, at lllooinsburij, on Thumday, tlm kth
.kar of November next, when an 1 whpio nil par
tin Interested c-m attend If they n'e propiir, ami
proasint thulr plalma or be dohiu'rou from comlni;
la for a sluue of thn fund.
suplS-lt. K. II. 11AI.DY, Auditor.
AmlHor'aNatlce, Kstata of PctrrMoss-rpr,
'daeoosttil. Tlio lp;atpe.s mid nil other jmrtles
Ttvitd In the eMnte or l'eter Mowrer, deceased,
wlU take notice that tlio undersigned, appointed
iy Uio Orplum's Court or Columbia County nuill
"tor, to midlt und mukii dlti Ibul loll or the buluncu
lu the hands or the executor, will meet the par
f UiMluterivstisI In thokaldi stule, nt llm olllce of the
jaudltorat IlliKinikburi,', on Hatunlny, October 13th,
H4J0,"ot 10 o'pIih'Ij a.m., when mid where nil par'
UluJlafenteil nil attend If they see pioper
4uad prwut tlivlr Plulins, or to be ilebarrml from
Mwmluulu for udiureor the fuinl.
spli-lt U. II. I.I1TI.K, Auditor.
tfoticp oflnqnrat, Kalaleuf Levi Aaliton
;aWor l'lne Towiu.hlp, dc ceiwed. To the heirs nnd
;aul ropreKPUtutlviM or Lei Aiihton, late or l'ine
"rWhaiilp, (iiluuibla County, iliea.ed1 to wit! to
"H'llllam J. Htirowl, Aim Ashtou.lS.irah lives, who
rotdi'ln Columbia County, Htepben hprowl, or
WaUontowii. Northuuiberuind County, Apeneth
IIiwsTot Now Columbus, Luzerne County, Ixjulsa
Upttldlus and Allen Kves, of (Irllllu'H Mills, I'.rle
Xun'..fc!tutour New York, I'.trvln Kves.uf Cuy.
atidja Falls, fiumir't County, Statu of Ohio, nnd
M Hv, of Callforula, you ami ts."1' f '"W
IU!lrifby inttvl thl In I'ursuuupo of a uiit of
fiMUin or v.Uuallon Issued out of tlm Orphan's
Uotirt e! (.oliinibla County fur tlm imrtltlou or
'valuation of the real sat4te of said UpimmmkI, lt
uiatJn the Township or Tine, In iald county, to
Mvlt) a curtain miwsiiatio and tmet ut laud sltuato
Uiil"lui Township, In .ild couuly,udJolwlii Innils
uf liuniuilil Kyos on 111" north uml eivst, luliils ot
.John Iv on tlm south, and John Leiftjot on tho
wmt,''coutululnu ten mres, more or less, iviuoni!
u rthe heirs nnd leual representatives or tho uM dc-
Aswaioil, I will hold an iumnwt on tho uiid premts
in, In l'lno Township, mi Salurd.iy, the 21111 day
jl.of Oololwr next, nt II o'clock in the foreiioon or
jiald day, when mid where yuu uro reimisted to
.ttond H you tliluk propr.
JUicrltf's Orflin, llloomsburi!, Sep. 15, lsOl.-flt
- " OIvmOF. Y. MAUOKU, VroprlPlor,
'Tlio above well-known hotel has recently under
,aiH radical clicniccai lu Ita Intcrnul iirrniiKcmcntt,
rand 1U propiUdor aunouue. to his lot mer custom
.and the. travulllni! puhllc that his accomodation!
r ilw comfort of hlpuest we uiH-ond to none In
V'tlii pountry. His table will alwnyn bo found sup
J, jrllod, not only with nitatontlnUood, hut with nil
thTJ dollcaclesof tho eoon. HU wlnva nnd II-
.qiioT (tics-pt tlwt popular bovcrngo kuoivn on
"Weifi'nrs"), imrcliaacil direct from tho Importing
Uioutca, nr entirely ruro.una ireo irom uii.pui
-nnins lirus. Uo Is thankful for a IlUrnl patron
Win the j'lial, laid 111 ontluun to Uewrvo 1tln
Krunh nrrlvnl of
DAVID LowKxnuna
Invllei nttrntlon to 111" Block of
nt lil iitorc on
Mnln Hlrcct, two i1oor nlnvc tlin Amerlcnii HotKi',
nluoiimburir, I'n.i
wlirrn lio linn Jut rcrrlvnl from Nw Yoil: mill
I'lilliuli'lplilii n full niHiirtinciil of
liu'linllUR tlio lnmt fiiMlilounliln, (Uimljlc, nml
mavH (looiw,
eornlBtlng of
of nil horl', lci", nml colnrn, lt lin.i Mo n plon-
nlicil IiIh nlri'ilily liiri!!' ntock of
HTiitri:D, rniriu:i, and it,ain vnsw,
h.vndki:uciiii:i's, oi.oviw.
If., linn roitttnntly on linml u Inro unit wrll-to- nntoituipiit of
wlilrh In 1 prrptrri'il to innki' toonler Inlonny
klnil uf rliitliluir, on very nhort uotti'o, nml In tin
lirt innuu.r. All lit clotltliiK Is inaili to urur,
nml moNt of It Is of lioniL muuiifucturo.
of rvcty ilrfcriptlou, lino nml clicnp. Illspnseof
pwplry Is not surpiwi'il In this plars. Cull nml
pxtiiulitii IiIh fpnprn1 tiAsortiut'iit of
jjiLLKH's stoiu:.
Tim HUbscrlber Ints Just rtunipd from the pities
Willi another larce nml (.elect assortment of
purphaspd In New York and l'hlladplphla nt the
lowe.t fUtUle.imil which he Is ileterilllueil to sell
on na miKlerate terms as can be procured elu--
whero In nioonihhuri!. lib. stool: comprlM'S
of the cholcewt RtylcK and latest r.tshlons, together
wlthitlarKK nssortuient or Dry Goods ond Oro-
rerlivt, ronsletlng of tho following nrtlclen:
Oil Cloths,
Whlto floods,
Hoop Skirls,
(Jupenswarp, Hardware,
Hoots and Shod.,
Hats and Orps,
Hoop Nets,
In ahull, everything usually kept in country
stores, to Mhlch lu Invites the attention of the
public Ki'iierally. Tlm highest price will be paid
for country produce In exchange for piods.
H. II. MII,l.i:it,
Arcade Rulldlnps, IlIiK.nisburp, Va.
Hccoud door below Hurtmau'H, Main Btrrot.
Just received n new stock of
and every vnrlety of articles usually kept lu a
nnd a Inrue lot ui
and ft grneral nnd well-selectetl assortment of
l'AI'KIl, KNVKI.Ol'KS, Ac.
A. I). WKI1H.
The undcrslKiipil would respectfully nnnouncn to
theeltlreus of IlloomsbiiiK and the public Keue
rally that Im Is running nu
between this place ami tlie illffi rent railroad Jn.
puis dally ISuinlnys excepted I, loeonneet wlthlbe
several trains i-olnu South and 'Wcsl on the Cala
wtssa and tYllllatnsport Itillioad, and with thosi
iroliiis North and Sonlhon tlio LucUnwimiin and
Illo'inisbun; Itallroad.
Ills Oinnlbusses are 111 kooiI condition, commo.
dloiis und coiulortable, and charges reasonable.
I'ersnns wlshlnif to meet m m o their friends di
p art,cnnlpnceomwlateduponrcn),ouablecliaiKe
by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels.
JAC01I L. IIIHTON. IMoprietor,
whera ladles nml Kcullcmim can be supplied w 1th
thu delicacies of the hi iisou. A suppl or
always on hand.
In every atylo nnd variety,
und everything usually found In n
niifal'-VMW ffTOIlWV bTOItn
'lb (he volet's qf (hi" Jleprcscntnthc Dis
trict Cniiiponcil t (lie Counties oj im
umbitt and Montour,
In a letter published In the Democrat
and Star ot tw twelfth instntit, ttcl(Irts-
d to tho Deinoerntle Sttirnttiijr Commit
tee, of Columbia County, asking Mtitl
Comiiiitteo to nonilliatf Colonel Levi L.
Tilto, tw n ('undldatu for member of tho
Lcglnltiturc, forthe District com,iowl of
tho CotintleH of Coliiinbhi nnd Montour
In oMi-ltioii to the reijuliir Oeinoerntle
niidltlnte, TliomiiH Clmlfutit, who vu
duly nonilnnted by the Con forces of Mild
ouutles In lU'cordnneo With the unges
ftheiiarty. It Js iilleKed
'iV.ff. Thht the enndldate for Stnto
Seimte hnd been eoneeded by ilontotir
County to Columbia County.
Srroml. That Thomas Chalfant and
hi- Conferees, .1. II. Campbell and .John
M'Williams, and tho friends of Mr.
lmlfant, who wereprc-cnt at the meet-
liiff. of the Representative Conferees, had
pledged thein-elves to sceiire " beyond
till polblllty of doubt," tho noniiua
tion of L. L. TntenstlieDeinocratleean
dldate for State Senator.
Third. That this pledge was given
in lu'uimluiicu with the spirit of
certain resolution adopted by the Col
umbia County Convention, appointing
John Snyder nnd H. C. Fruit Ki'iire.'ien-
tatlve Conferees of said eounties.
J'ourlh. That saltl Conferees of Co
lumbia County were induced by slid
pledge to give the nomination to Mr.
Pijth. That neither Mr. Chalfant nor
any person representing him or his in
terests was present nt tho Senatorial
Conference during the two days it was
in be.-sion.
&Wh. That In violation of conceded
claims of Columbia County, and t hrotigh
gross misrepresentation and political
Intrigue, the nomination for Senator has
been given to the smallest county in the
In reply to theao charges the under
signed say :
f irst. That we never conceded to Co
lumbia County the Senatorial Candidate
as a riiht that wo then thnwiht-Mi&rtiU
think that the claim of Montour Coun
ty was as strong, if not stronger than
Unit of Columbia, or any other county
in the District ; Montour County, ono
if four counties composing the Senato
rial District, having been for ilfteen
years without a .Senatorial Candidate,
while Columbia County has had the
Senator snm years out of that Jijlcai.
Wo next deny that either Mr. Chal
fant, hisi'onfereesor friends, during the
HoprosentntiveconferouLC, or before or
after, "pledged themselves to secure be
yond the possibility of doubt, the nomi
nation of Hon. L. L. Tato, for State
Such a pledge on their part, In the face of
the action of the Montour County Con
vention, nominating William A. Dean for
that olllce, ami appointing Conferees to
uso nil honorable means to secure Ids
lection, would have been ridiculous,
because it was well known to the Con
ferees of Montour as well as tluwo of
Columbia County, that the Senatorial
nomination was then entirely in tho
hands of Senatorial Conferees, who
might or might not, as they thought
proper, vote in the Senatorial Confer
ence, as Mr. Challaiit and Ins mends
desired. The only promise given was
that the persons referred to, would, as
ntlividimls u-e their inlluenco with the
Senatorial Conference of Montour, to
secure Colonel Tate's nomination, and
that they had no doubt that after sup
porting tlio nomination of Mr. Dean
for a reasonable time, in accordance
witli their instructions said conferees
would vote for tho nominee of Colum
bia County. Jf this was a pledge, then
it was redeemed in both letter anil spir
it, as is set forth hereafter.
Wo deny that the nomination of
Thomas Chalfant was niado in accord
ance witli tho letter nnd spirit of the
proviso contained in the resolution ap
pointing Messrs. Fruit and Snyder,
Representative Conferees. Said Provi
so was repudiated at the time by thu
Conferees of Montour County, as dicta
torial on tho part of Columbia County.
Vlio right of Montour County to tho
candidate for Representative nt this
time, was placed upon tho acknowl
edged usages of the party, and tho
promises on tho part of Mr. Chalfant,
Ids Conferees and friends, to use their
inlluenco to secure tho Senatorial can
didate U) Columbia County, after hon
orable etforts had been made by w
Senatorial Conferees of Montour County
to secure Mr. Dean's nomination, wiro
made with n view to insure ponce and
harmony in tlie Democratic party, and
not as a concession of riijht.
These promises were carried out in
good faith. Mr. Chalfant on his part
was prevented from attending tho Con
tention by sickness In his family, but as
wo are assured, others wero pre-ent at
his instanco and retiue.-it
On tlio first
day of the meeting Mr. Leidy and Mr. ot the party.
M'Cormiek were present and u-ed their A statement of reasons for this elisor
inlluenco to liavo the Montour County ganlziug project is presented lu a paper
Conferees go for , - Columbia County , said to bo signed by a nuniberof thociti
candidate us soon us an honorable effort . zens of Columbia County, and addressed
bad been made to secure Mr. Dean's
loiiiination. Wo know that this was
tho wish of both gentlemen. On the
peeond tiny of tho Conference nio of tho
undersigned, J. H. Campbell and J. C.
Ainmerniiin wero present at Mr. dial
fant's Instance and earnest request, for
tho purposoof Inducing, If possible, our
Senatorial Conferees., to vote for tho
nomination of Colonel Tato. as s.oon as
an honorablo effort had been mado to
secure Mr. Dean's nomination. Wodld,or my fi'lonils to Do heard upon mo
exert all our influeino witu .-uiriLoa-. i.uvi.oa - involved.
forces to bring nbout this result. That
wo were unxuccessful, Is not our fault.
Our honest efforts Mas all wo pledged,
all thnt Mr. Tate or his friends could
have relied upon, and these honest ef
forts wo did put forth In good faith.
Mr. M'WIIIIaniH, ono of tho Represen
tative Conferees, nlso, we arc Informed,
called upon Judge Oaks, Senatorial
Conferee from Montour, and urged up
on him to vote for Colonel Tate's nomi
nation. We present this slntemenl to the con
sideration of tho voters of this Repre
sentative District, as a denial and refu
tation of the charges made that the
nonilnntlon of Mr. Chalfant was obtain
tallied by fraud nml misrepresentation ;
nnd in vindication of ourselves, who
me charged witli violating or neglect
ing our pledges.
For tho Colonel orhNfrieiiils (o allege
that, we or any other persons present at
the Representative Conference pledged
ourselves "tosecure his, Tate's, nomina
tion beyond the possibility of doubt,"
as alleged by them, is simply to stultify
themselves, for they could not but
know, that neither one nor all the per
son so " pledging" could control tlio
action of tlie Senatorial Conferees. All
they could tlo was to use their inlluence.
All Colonel Tntennd his friends could re
ly upon was the promise thnt that influ
ence should be exerted, which weaver,
as hereinbefore stated, was exerted in
good faith. In conclusion we maybe
permitted to express our hope and be
lief that the Democrats of this district
will not at this important crisis stiller
thcm-elves to he distracted by tlie pri
vate grief of any individual or individ
uals, whose personal ambition or politi
cal aspirations have been thwarted by
the action of the Conferees. We make
this statement to disabuse tlie minds of
voters, wiio, bv the false allegations con-.
tallied in the document published in tlie
Democrat and Star, might bo Induced to
believe tiiat a wrong had been done to
Columbia County and also in vindication
of our action and the action of other
citizens of Montour County. We feel
assured that no Democrat who is ac
quainted with the facts and circumstan
ces connected with this nomination, will
for one moment withhold his support
from Mr. Chalfant, the regularly nomi
nated candidate, not give tho least en
couragement, by word or act, to any dis
oi'ganizingschciiie,coiU'octed for thepur
poscof gratifying personal feelings resul
ting from disappointed ambition, which
scheme must, if carried out, prove dis
astrous to the Democratic flirty, and
which, if countenanced, furnishes a pre
cedent for repudiating any nominations
that may hereafter be made in accord
ance with tho usages of our party.
We invoke tho Democrats of this
Representative District, therefore, to
make themselves fully acquainted with
these facts, and, having satisfied them
selves that Montour County was ontl
tlnd to the candidate for Representa
tive at tills time, and that Mr. Chalfant
was rcgulary nominated according to
tlio usages of the party, give to Mr. C.
their undivided support, anil thus se
cure peace anil harmony, and also
assure the success of tlio whole ticket, a
matter worthy tiio efforts of every
Democrat, every friend of ids country,
every one who desires u restoration of
tho Union.
Josiieii II. Campiiih.l,
John M'Williams,
Representative Conferees.
William Youkh, JaooiiSiilm.haut,
Witnesses present at tin: Representative
To the voterwind freemen of (he lie)
rtventatire Distriet comwnd of (lie
Counties of Coluindia and Montour.
HAViNfl been regularly nominated
for the olllce of Representative by the
Democratic Convention of my own coun
ty (Montour), and again by tho Confer
ees of the District in conference of both
counties composing this Representative
District, l have become by this action
of the party tho regular Democratic can
didate for Iho olllce in question, nnd as!(n ...i.!.., if i,.(.p(i i,n ,..m i,r
such claim tlio support of those of my
fellow-citizens who regard its usages.
Tills nomination imposes upon me du
ties which must Im met in a spirit of
good faith and with promptness and en
ergy. Under these clrcuinsfnnces I now ad
dress you for tlie purpose of saying that
I propose to appear before my fellow
citizens of Columbia County at as many
points as can bo reached before the elec
tion, to confer with them upon the issues
of the times, and vindicate my own
I am induced tomlopt this couio from
having Just learned that In Columbia
County a volunteer or irregular candi
date lias appeared upon tlio scene, and
that an attempt will be mado to induce
intelligent nnd faithful Democrats of
that county to violate their party usages
1 by voting against the regular nominee
to tho Chairman of tlio Standing Com
I call your attention, fellow-cttlzens,
to tho fact that very few of tho persons
whoso namcsaro subscribed to that paper
havoany personal knowlodgoof any ono
of the matters set forth as facts lu that
statement, and also that tho signatures
u-emnlitiiiiieilbvtirlvato solicitation, on
falso and unfair reprcsentiitloiis, without
'any opportunity being nlVordod to mo
This disorganizing prnjrct for defeat
ing tho regular Deinocratlo nominee of
tho district was concocted by n fow mis
chievous spirits lit eccrct, and sprung
suddenly upon tho people wlthoilt nny
opportunity for explanation or defence
on my part.
I am Informed by several of tho-e
whose nnnios appear to this disorganiz
ing document that they permitted tlie
u-e of their names under n misconcep
tion of tho facts, und nni further inform
ed and believe that tho names of others
Wero used without their consent.
J emphatlcicnlly deny, nnd am pre
pared to disprove, tho material state
ments contained In that paper relating
to toy connection with tho Senatorial
nomination, which are made tho pretext
for this opposition to me, nnd I promise
them that this shall he done most thor
oughly : for although the matters al
leged, If true, would not Justify opposi
tion to n regular nonilnntlon, I am de
termined that no Imputation of a single
improper net, which is false, shall rest
upon me.
I did use my Inlluence in good faith
to liuve the Senatorial nomination go to
Columbia County after the Montour
Conferees should give a proper support
to the candidate of their own county,
ami at my instance Mr. Leidy and Mr.
M'Cormiek attended the first day, and
Messrs. Campbell and Ammcrninu on
the second tiny of tho Conference, to se
cure such result. Sickness in my fami
ly prevented my own attendance.
I now call upon my Democratic fel
low-citizens to stand by tlie regular
nominations of their party, one anil all
of them, which have been made In ac
cordance witli tho usages of tlie party,
and to oppose all attempts, come from
what quarter they may, to defeat any
of tlio nominees, and to cmhnniss us in
imr ri;iU the complete resto
ration of the Union, and for placing tho
Government again under Democratic
control. Thomas Chalfant.
DANVIi.i.n, September 11, 1VA
Judgo ElwcU.
Judge F.lwcll is one of the few men
of distinction who have a vast number
of attached and ardent friends, and sel
dom, if ever, an open enemy. He is of
that rare class of men, prominent lu
public affairs, who unite a generous,
kindly, and unselfish nature witli steady
and profound intellectual strength. His
selection to represent this district was
entirely unsought, and illustrates solely
tho spontaneous sone of the people
not tlio management of wire-working
politicians. It is almost unnecessary,
therefore, to pa's any tribute upon his
traits and virtues, to bo disseminated
among Ills old friends nnd neighbors lu
this county so well by these is lie
known, mi thoroughly is his character
Judge F.lwcll, previous to his eleva
tion to the Reuch, maintained nt the
Rar of Rradford County mid thcndjoln
lug circuit it supremacy which never
disturbed the equanimity of his man
ners, or aggravated an immodest opin
ion of himself. His hand was always
ready to assist tlie younyer members of
the profession, and gave cheerfully aid
to some even of equal experience and
To his clients he never gave ndvico
which was insincere, or based purely
upon motives of personal gain. He
never took those, by whom he was em
ployed, through tlio expensive compli
cations of a doubtful law-sull, to got the
benefit of a larger fee, or made them the
victims' of ill-considered counsel.
Tlie choice which fell upon him for
judgeship of tlio Twenty-first District
was made, without solicitation, by a
Rar fully enlightened in regard to his
jiersonal character, his eminent fitness
for the place. Having attained, in his
chosen career of life, a position suited
in nil respects to his mutation and his
tastes, adorned by his purity nnd sus
tained by his ability and learning, he
has been put in nomination, ut tlio risk
of personal sacrifice, and with extreme
reluctance on Ids own part, for an olllce
ripe, patient, and most befitting culture,
it reputation uu-iillled by personal trick
ery, a heart unskilled in tho devious
dishonesty of political intrigue. Ho is
a man, thus, In every senso of the ca
pacity and character, to becomo nn hon
est and eminent servant of the people.
Tlio blameless record Mr. El well hits
maintained is beyond the slightest n-j
porsion of his political opponents', who
over tney may lie, wherever they may
lie found. Rut tho friendship of those
who profess with him sentiments in
common, must not passively permit his
I defeat. If these combine, his election
is beyond a doubt ; and tlio whole dis
trict, may bo redeemed from that relic
of Radical mis-rule, which, sustained
by narrow self-interest In this county,
Is dying by rapid decrees everywhere
elso in tlio country. Energy nnd or
ganization will insurocompleto success.
Tho lower counties will give to Mr. El-
well largely Increased majorities j a
nroner vigilance in Rradford alone, Is
necessnry to elect him.
Wo call upon tlio people who huvo
mado his nomination, 10 intiuo ins elec
tion sure, to organize at onco and see
that no votes nro lost. llradford Aryit.
In a speech recently iWlvored nt
C'lnuiibersbiirg, rennpylvnnla, John W.
Geary mado uso of the following Ian
'gunge: I ftnnd squarely on tho e
; publican Platform, supporting tho Con
stitutional Amendments, and amoppos
cd now nnd forever to Andy Johnson
r:jlh' po!y ' '-''I- lief-Hr-rii.
Aro You for Principlo, or Against it ?
Foil five Htul twenty yenrs ormoro,
Colonel Tntn hrw constantly nnd persist
ently Indulged in tho cry, "Stick to
tho regularly nominated ticket." Now,
when lie has failed to get n nomination at
tlie handsof the Democracy, through Its
regular organization, he " bolt," nnd
belies nil that he has heretofore advoca
ted. When a innn asks office from tlio
Democracy and submits to tho decision
of tho party ns expressed through Its)
conventions, etc., he, ivs a munof honor,
Is bound to nbldo by that decision even
should It be against him. If this waci not
the rule, nny defeated candidate might
repudiate that decision nnd run as n
volunteer. Accordlngto Colonel Tate's
logic, any one of the defeated candi
dates In his county at the Into conven
lion lias a right to " bolt," provided ho
can secure the names of a few friends to
sign n statement that ho has been badly
treated, and then get a pliable, Irrespon
sible body, called a County Standing
Committee, to nominate him. It is new
In the history of the Democratic I'arty
for a county committee to usurp tho
functions of a county convention nnd
distriet conference, and despotically nnd
arrogantly set aside and rcpudlato a
nomination so'eninly made by these of
ficial bodies. Yet the Standing Com
mittee of Columbia County has done
this. They have set themselves up
as the rulers not only of Columbia
County, but of Montour, nlso. The
question then with Democrats is, arc the
nets of its conventions and conferences
binding'.' If they are, let us know it.
If not, why tho necessity of keeping up
party machinery if any defeated candi
date can break through it. The ques
tion to-day, Democrats, is not whether
Thomas Chalfant or Levi L. Tate shall
go to Harrisburg ; it is n question of
principle. Will you repudiate your
own nomination fairly made and destroy
your own organization, or will you sus
tain the acts of your own convention
nnd conference '.' With you nests tlio
decision. Danville Intelligencer.
To tho .Democratic Citizens of Co
lumbia County.
Wi:, the undoi'sdgned, not wishing by
tlie use of our names to give " aid and
comfort" to the Radicals, nor to assist
in destroying tiie time-honored Demo
cratic organization, do withdraw our
names from the recommendation of Col.
L. L. Tate for Assembly. While sym
pathizing with him in his defeat, wo
cannot permit personal relations to in
fluence principles, and cannot sco with
what show of fairness lie attempts to
crowd off the regular nominee for Rep
resentative, simply because he himself
failed to receive a nomination to the
Senate. Somo of our names wero ob
tained by unfair representations, or upon
a misconception of tho facts, wliilo
others were used without due authority.
Thomas Knurr, G. W. Manger,
Augustus Mason. R. Stoliner,
Henry Gigor.
win. l . snuninu,
W. T. Wilson,
George Hnssin't,
George Strieker,
Michael Rcagle,
J. Ilngcnhtich,
J. L. (iirtim,
John Scott,
John jtcnglc, .
Samuel Everitt,
Henry P.yer,
Kliliu Taylor, Muttiiui J'.ycr,
James Wellivor, Jacob Eyer,
William Kyer, .loiin l'.yer,
William ueiger, Aaron . m!s,
Rand. Shoemaker, J. II. Parker,
Joseph C. Parker, Thomas Jones,
Hugh M'llrlile, Samuel umau,
Elitis Creasy. George W. Utt,
John M'Ileiiry,Sr., Samuel Johnson,
Aiicliaei i.amon, unit otners.
Mil. Editou, In a letter addressed
"to the Democratic Standing Commit
tee of Columbia County," published In
tho Democrat and Star September 12,
I Still, it is charged that I, with yourself
and friends, in attendance nt the Repriv
sentative Conferee Meeting, held nt
Rloomsburg, in order to secure your
nomination for Representative, did con-
codo to Columbia County tlio right to
tlie Senatorial candidate, that I, your
self and friends, had failed In our
pledges to secure tlio nomination of
Levi L. Tate, as tho cauditlnto for State
Senator, ami that we had failed in our
pledges to appear at tho Senatorial Con
ference. Now permit mo to say that I
never, at any time, conceded a-, a right
to Columbia County, tlio Senatorial
candidate I did promise tho Represent
ative Conferees to bo present at the
Senatorial Meeting and I was present,
nnd did ue my infiuonco in favor of
Columbia County others wero present
with mo it is simply lyinr to say 1
failed in my pledges. Moro nnon.
Yours, etc. J. H. Cami'iif.ll.
Vk, tho undersigned, hereby certify
that we, after giving thought to the
question its to who wo ought to support
for member to represent us from this
District, have no hesitation or reserve
In saying that Thomas Chalfant, of Mon
tour," being tho regular nominee, shall
have our hearty support j nnd wo fur
ther make uso of this occasion to say
that wo feel indignant to all those who
have made u-o of unfair means to get
our names to subserve their disorganiz
ing ends; and wo will opposo the
election of L. L.Tate, or any other man
who bolts, by all fair means wo ran
command. Wo nro under tho Impres
sion that our Standing Committee hnvo
no right to nominate n cnndldntc nnd to
endeavor to force him upon the pcopl
In opposition to a regularly nomlnuted
candidate; in short, wo look upon tht
schemo ns palpably against tho uftgM
of the party, and should meet with tho
unanimous rebuke of nil Democrats.
Ourcwd is," the wholo ticket."
M. A. Ainmormnn, Jos. Deltrich.Jr.,
Cvrus Rolibins. Joseph Dcltticll,
.Vlbert Ainnierman, J. C. Runyiin,
1 C W. Vrnmcnium.
Joko on Rob,
Stkfhhn C was rt JoVlnl noul, and
hcfltntcd not to piny n trick oil rtiiyonot
Among his acquaintance!) was a young
lady nnd n young man, lxdh of whom
stammered very badly. Thoy woro
unacquainted with each other.
Rob F , the young ninfi ttltudcstl to,
Was qulto sensitive, nnd to think that
any ono was making fun of his defect
mado him frequently fly Into n passion.
It was Stephen's fortune to meet them
at n party, and ho soon determined on
a Joke,
" Miss Sue," said hi'i nppfonchlng Ills
lady friend, "mny I have tho pleasure
or introducing you to ono of my no
qttalnlnnces, a worthy young rrtnnf"
" Cer-cer-ccr-cerlfllflly, dir."
Away ho started for Dob F .
" Rob, old fellow, horo Is a nleo girl I
want to introduce you to. Coinoon."
" Does she taw-tnw-talk V"
" Yes-like blazes."
Soolf they started and oon approach'
ed tho scat of tho lady. Stephen Intro
duced them and immediately withdrew
to ono side that he might boo hoW thoy
would manage each other, when his cars
were greeted with tho following conver
sation :
' How aro you enJoy-Joy-Joylng your
self th-tli-tliLs lino evening, inarm?"
" Th-th-thank you, pleaonlitlyi Rut it
Is ra-ra-rather warm,"
Rob's brow contracted; but ho re
strained his feelings nnd continued:
' I pre-pr-r-r-presumo you nro ac
quainted wltlimostof thoso pr-prtHent."
1 Yc-ye-y-e-s, sir, with all) 1 be-be-bej
believe," said who smillngi
Rut Unit smile ruined her forever Irl
Rob's estimation, for hastily rising, ha
" Ry th-th-thunder! mn-mn-dam, if
that is the wa-wa-way you make f-f-fuil
of a f-f-fel-low's infi-fir-Brmitlesi yoU
may go to gr-grass."
Stephen laughed immoderntely nil tho
time, and wivs subsequently called to
nccount for tlio trick ; but his good na
ture drove away all bad feelings.
Leaving a Bogus Shoot.
Thi:,SYt and Democrat whines pltd
ously because subscribers are leaving
thnt paper, Induced to do so because of
their having left the Democratic organ
ization and gono oyer to the Interest of
tho Radicals In supporting tho candi
date of that fnctlou for Representative,
Levi L. Tato. Those who have hereto
fore patronized tha Mar and Democrat,
did so because it pretended to supbort
Democratic principles, and sustained
tho Democratic organization ; but find
ing its truckling editors hand and glovo
with tlio Qjlumbia County llepublica,
in supporting the name candidate, and
doing nil they can to bmik down regu
lar nominations, thoy nro costing ofT tlio
fraudulent thing as quick as possible.
Wo opine Uio Star aivl Democrat will
find n few moro subscribers leave it bc-
foro this campaign Is ovor. The want
of a Democratic oriran in Columbia
County has compelled the Democrats of
Madison Township, alono, to ordor
FIFTY COPIES of tlm Intelligencer to
be sent to that pltco. Yo am show th
order If any one doubts it. Danvilfa
Tho Now Found Trionds.
"Wr. undcmtoiid thero Is considerable
feeling aroused nniong the Radicals of
this Reprcsentotiro District, at tlio
courso of Dr. John, In his attempt fd
carry out his bargain to support Colonel
Tate. The mass of tlio Radicals don't
believe in Dr. John selling them out to
ri man whom ho has ncreioiorc so Bit
terly denounced. Rut, so far, tho Doc
tor has staved off RaunI nomination,
and Levi and John have triumphed.
Rut tlie end Is not yet, tho bargain may
yet bo broken, through tho intractabili
ty of somo dissatisfied RadlcnLs. Dcti
t ille Intelligencer.
Tho Modest Candidate
It Is ninuslng to red Tato's letter of
acceptance, wherein he nays" I havn
Just been apprised of having just been
placed upon tlio ticket." This Is rich,,
considering it is well known that ho
went about like a mendicant, bogging
people to sign that address to the Stand
ing Committee. Telling some, too,
that ho hnd had the assurance that tho
Radicals would not nominate a candi
date provided ho canio out as a Tolun
teor. Lovl, what "assurance" did you
glvo for thut "assurance?" Danville
Thau. Btbvkns. Tlmd. Storens,
who now professes to believe that PtotI
denco hns punished tlio nation by giv
ing us Andrew Johnion for President,
nnd who says ho would rather hayo Jeff.
Davis in that office of which there can
bo no doubt, since Stevens and Davis
agree In their drwlrs for disunion is tho
snmo gentleman wlio, durinpr tho last
pension of Congress, eonsignel the wholo
Southern people to tho snltf ntlnry of
holl, and who (shlded a tdmid brother.
who was troubled with conscientious
scruples, with the polite remark, "To
h 11 with your eons!--." JifjmCUc.
Tirr. corn crop In imtm pwrU of thW
rvtlon is no so good afl many havo
been espcclctl. The eoM, yrti August
weather was unfavoraW tw Ita duTr-lop-ment,
and It Is eon!iuntly not so for
advanced as it mljtbt othcrwl') havo
ecu. Democrade Watchman,
Thr regular Democratic ticket is
printed and ready for disUlbutlou by
the publishers' of this paper.