JOT THE CAMPAIGN. "THE TICKET, TJI13 WHOLE TICKET, AND NOTHING BUT THE TICKET." BLOOMSBURG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1866. VOLUME I. NUMBER 1. J gpUE CAMPAIGN", fASDomooralio Shoot for tho Timos, -'Vh iksui:i) r.vnnv ritnuY, at IJ'ff noiiiHox's iicimmnu, "Onf Main Street, Hloomsbtirg, Pa., by B'f Kl'lIEN H. MILLER !fc CO. 1'. It. I.ITTLi:, HiiiTOH, to whom nil letters should bo mlitrcssctl. ' Ailyuillietiicnts Inserted nt usual lutes, C. 11. llrocktvnv. anf ATTOIlXKY.AT-r.AW, IbffltdonMiilnHlrcct, rlrst door west of tho Cmirt UtfiQfgl House. Itnlirrt V. Clsrk, ATTOIlNTA'-AT-fiAW, bmMoornor of Mnln nnd Mnrlict (streets, over Vlrt Vnflminl Itiilitr. 11. II. Mlllr,, OlBt Oh llillll Street, 111 wllltn fnitlln house, bo- low tli-3 KxilmtiKu Hotel. ttnliil U Frevxr, ATTOltNT.Y.AT-I.AW, OffleJfin lteKlstcr ntul Heenrdcr's ofttro, In the basement of thn Court House, 31. M. Trnu(;h, ATTOHN KY-AT-1. AAV, Nenr Am'rlcnn Hold, 31. H. T.'Vrllr, attouni:y-at-i,aw, t'ontmlln, Columbia County, I'n, j2hS& """AmUlor'n Roller. lCntntc of William liKAUNM deceased, 'l'lii' .Mtdltornpimlnteil hy tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County to make ills, trllmtlou of ttio balance In the hands of the Ad .mlnlstrntor of sntd iIccciimpiI ninnna: his crcilltorfi, "will meet the parlies Intercstnl, for the purpmo ut hi appointment, on Mitunlny, November IT. ISBN, nt in o'clock A.M.. nt his olllco 111 liliMmiHlmttr. i'n.. when uml where all persons In terested can attend If they bcc proper, ntul pro unlll llloir claims, or no ucoarrcu iroiu coiuiuk hi rorn snare or tno mini. C. II. HI10CKWAY, Auditor. nmciio copy. septic .LToiltotcl uml Saloon keepers of llloomu 4turk.'ntiil Columbia County. I hnvo nppolnlcil Vjlr.'Il.'HIohiicr rujent for tho sale of my ale, porter, M brown stout, mid latter beer, who will supply you i jt tho pnmn prlco (and with tho Mimo article), ns I would furnish you from th brewery. KuoowIiik Ihit lie will he piinetunl and ntlontlvc to nil who jnrir favor him with their trade, I Mtllclt for him your supiHirt. cry respectfully, c VnV.ll I.AUKK, Ptcnm Urcwery, Itcndlni!, I'n. fKitRtp of Aftrnhnin Mcimcli, dCPi'il. iLrttars of AdmliiKtrallon umn the estate of Ab ' ruhsni Mt nseh, late of Locust Township, In thn Oonnty of Columhln, deceased, havlna been iirantcd to tho niiilcrslKiied.iiU persons liavlus cIMmiorilriuandsnKiiliiHt tho estate of tliiiMUU .Itsrinhmt are requested to mako the same known without ilelnv, and those Indebted to said estate 1XO moKO lniiuciuaie payiocni 10 'raK AM.I CllAIfl or m. (IIIAllI.IvS SlrXCII, IltoarlnK Creek P.O., Columbia County, l'a. et'L'Uxceutor'n Notice Entnte of John Moi riiQlcceased. letters testamentary upon tho (Mtata of John Mortf iu, Iain of tho Township of lllooni, hi tho Countyof (,'olumbl;i,ilcceased, hav--'IrVi'heBimranleil to the uuderalBiieil, all persons , lmlobtisl to said citato am retincsled to inakn tKijlnont, nnd those bavins claims to present tiora to cr.AIMC M. 11U0WN, nxecutor, ngif or ltOHKUT V. CI.AItii. -, 4pIS-lt. Attorney for tho estate. Andltor'a potior. In the Orphan's Court for tho County of Columbia, ostato of Alexander Oafrntson. deceased. Tim midltor appointed by tho Oiurt to mako dWrlbutlon of the estate of Aloxajuler Oarrctson, lato of Columbia County, deceased. In tho hands of Jacob Oarretson, sup riving executor of the last will and testament o the said AluiaiulerOarrutson, deceased, will nice tho naitlo-i Interested for tho purposu of his up jiblutmeut on Thursday, October Si, at 10 o"cloek AiM'Kt his omeo on inn corner oi .numnuu kotrilreets In the town of IlloomsburR. llOUKItr 1'. CI.AUK, Auditor. sepllt. 'l Auditor's Notice Bitnte or MRry P. 3111 ler. lato of Madison Township, Columbia County .deceased. HioleijatePs and all other parties in torestcil In tho eilatu of Mary 1". Miller, deceased will lake notice that the underslKiied, appointed liy tho Orphan's Court of sail county iiudltor. to audit and lu iko distribution of the balanco In tho luinils of U.inlol Kmmet, surviving executor of thoHnld Mary I. Miller, deceased, will meet tho nortles Interested In the said estate, ut the olllco o K. 11,'I.lttIe, nt Iiloomsburi;, on Thursday, the Mil drty ofiKuvrinlier noxt, when and wliero all par. lle llliereaieii can utiuun u uiey see iiiupci, mil pivstont their claims or ba debarred from eijnilnt In for a shae of the fund. nrpU-lt. K. II. I1AI.DY, Auditor, Auditor's Not In. Kstnteori'rlrrSIatvrpr 'doieiuieil. Tho legatees and all other parties In trrissted lu the eslato of l'etcr Mowrer, deceased will tak notice that thu underpinned, api)lnled hy tho Orphan's Court of Columbia County audi tor.'to auillt nnd muka distribution of the balance In tho hands of the executor, will meet tho par tlea Interested In tho said estate, ut tho olllco of tho Ueulslerof Wills in and for tho County of Col timhln.iit lUoomsburB, on Saturday, October 13th, JijdDBt 10 o'clock a.m., when nnd where all par- ion Jiueresieii can uui-im 11 iiirj u iit.'iiv. nmi present ineiriioims, or ui oe ucuum-u uui smlng in for a share of tho ruuu. sepli-lt K II. iarri.K, Auditor. Votlee of Inquest. Kstntcof I.t-vl Asliloll Intoof l'lno Township, deceased. To tho helrsani Iijsl representatives of Levi Ashtou, lato of l'lno Tnwiwhlp, Columbia County, deceased, to wit: to 'William J. Hiirowl, Ann A tbton.Kanih Kvcs, wh trtsldo lu Columbia County, Htephen Kprowl, of Watsontown, Northumberl.ind County, Apcneth Hess, qf New Columbus, I.tucrnu County, Iiulsn tspaldlnit nnd Allen Kvcs, of f Irlfllii's .Mills, i;rli Omnty, HtaU of New York, 1'arvin lives, of Cuy fthog'i''ulls, Rummlt County, male of onto, ai Jtsurt Ivve?, Of California, you and each of you r heirliy iiulliltvl inat in pursuance in a wriv o partition or valuation ls'i''d out or tno iirpuau fXiiirtTof Cohiiubl.i Cutmtf tjr the partlllon valuation of the real estate of saiJ deceased, sit nato"lnthe Township of Vine, lu said vrnuly, wit : a ecrtnlu uipssiuiku nnd tract of laud sn.'.iat In l'lno Tuwnslilii. lu said coiuily, adjoining lauds ttf Ui'IlJariilu Kveson the not III and east, lands of Jolui 1jye.on thu south, ami John IKI.'ot on the flyw.t,oiitululn? ten ncres, more or less, umoinr Itlio heirs uml legal represeulallves of the said Uf isHUedi I will hold an Ituiuest on the said prenils wTIIiiJ'iilii Tou-uIilp, on Kalurdayt the 21th day of Of tober next, ut 11 o'clock lu the forenoon of puld"dny, when mid where you are iviiucsted lu tctid If you think proper, MF HAMUKIi KNYDKltiBherllU Hhor'wTs omco, jjiooiusbiinr, Bcp. li, iw-a. TTiqUK-H HOTEL, -t ,irOE01iai5 W, MAUaKIt, 1'rnprWtnr. nil iillovo well-known hotel has receullyiiudor. Iwuer-VlIeulehiiiiResliUtslllteriiuliirrntigenienls, in. Jmiiirieiiir announces to his former custom niid tho tmvulllng public Hint his aceomodatlons fir tho comfort of his guests are second tu nouo In the country. Ills labia will always bo found sup. pUCuot only with fl, but w 1th nil ihi'ilollenciesof tho siason. Ills wines und !! iiiiori execiil Unit popular bevcruBO known us ,4i'A7iri")1purehnsed direct from the Importing JiuuSaro entirely pure, and free fiom nil lsii nononidriiRs. lie Is thankful for illiberal palroii. nge lit the pust, tind will tonllnue to deserve .. ' rnvillill' xv MM-ril'lt. PREMIUM LIST 01 mo i:m:vi:nth annual kxhibition it... oi.umiiia county Aonicoi.TUUAr.. lion- TICUI.TU11AI, AMI MKCHAMCAIj ASSOCIATION, In. belli lit IIURJMHIII'IKI TlItriWDAY. ritllUY, AND 2d HA'1W111AY, OCTOIIUll 11, 12, mill H, 1MH). Thu Hour. t uf Mnhiutcrs lime determined to uo yexcitlon tomiike Ibis I'alr as satisfactory Interestlnitns ihissIIiIu to all, nnd tho citizens mill (Ills nnd mil cut counties me earnestly luvltod attend, nnd also to do fill tbev eilll to mako the lantltv and ollalltv of stock nod articles for ex. Ibltlon Iho lareest nnd best. Tho premiums of- red lire luore liberal than those of any previous Iileh ill? be imittiv, V, 1'. DUINKHIt, Hee'y,- nr. tsttcclnl attention Is ealleil to rule No. 0. ct,.tss I. noitsKs. JiiWiU I II. Hnrtrr, .SiUKThifcmtenf, Ilest pair draiiitht horses, " " rnrrliiKo " m . im s in A no nil r i lo uo H no m r, m 4 HO j mi 4 no 2 no 4 no 4 OI stallion over 3 years old, brood inaro.'ulth eolt nt herslde,) bijjli owned b.v lhu exhibitor, J sluijlc carriage horsp, " " ninn1, itcldltiR between .1 and 1 years old, mare " " " Kildlnit " 2nud.1 " niaee " " " horse eolt ' 1 nud'2 " inaru " " " " horse or mare colt under 10 mos' old, pair match colts under 4 years old, broken to harucs. 4 110 4 OI : no a uo II 01 2 W ft Oil Kxhlbltors under Ibis class will have their horses on tin utoiinil by 10 o'clock on Friday inornliiK, lit which time the Judges will examine iiieni, .ni'ije Joshim It. I'mvlcr. Heott: v.. M.Awtrilin cmlis-lc: .loscnh W. ltccsc. (Irccnuoodi Atiroii Month, Hemlock; Joshua .Mciuiciihuii, rritukiiu CLASS II. VATTLIi. Jnhnsvn 11, t Arter, .Snperlntcnncnt. lhirhnm .V'iW. licit hull .1 yenrs olil uml upward 512 01 !i oi U OI 4 OI 3 110 2 no 2 O) between 2 nnd 0 years old, ; lands calf uiider 10 months old, cow II years old and upwnrd, heifer between 2 nnd 3 years old, " calf under 10 months old, Ih vnn .Stock. bull II years old imd upward, between 2 and 3 years old, " " 1 and 2 " .. ,i " cnlf under 10 months old, .. i. cow 3 years old ntul upward, heifer bet ween 2 and 3 years old, " calf under 10 months old, Atitrrncu titocl. hull 3 years old and upwnrd, bet ween 2 and 3 years old, " " land 2 " ,1 o .. ., calf under 10 months old, cow 3 years oldnnd upward, heifer between 2 and 1 yenrs old, cnlf under 10 months old, (iratUU.Stwk. bull .'years olduud upwnrd, between 2 nnd 3 yenrs old, 1 nnd 2 calf under 10 inonths ld, oiu' 3 years oliUiud upward, heifer between 2 and 3 years old, " calf under 10 mouths old, .Vnh'c iSYiW.. hull 2 years old und upward, between 1 and 2 cars old, calf under 10 months old, cow 3 years old and upward, heifer between 2mid 3 j'enrs old, " calf under 10 months, 1 OI ti no 4 01 4 O) 3 OI 2 HO 12 00 U 01 u UI 4 OI 3 110 2 OI 2 DO 1 01 li OI 4 110 1 no 3 OI 2 UO .1 2d Id 2d 12 00 U OI li OI 4 OI 3 00 2 OI 2 00 l no li OI I OI 4 no 2.1 2d :1 Id 2d 1 3 OI 2 OI 12 00 tl O) li OI 2il 1 1 1 4 10 .'I OI 2 no 2 OJ 1 OI t; ii 2d 4 OI 4 O .'I o 2 DO 6 Oil 4 O) 3 OI 2 OI 2 OI 1 O II OI 4 OI 4 O) 3 OI 2 0) (irm ontl iS7cm'. yoke of oxen, owned und worked by the exhibitor. ., it o ti yoke of steers between 1 and 3 years .100 3 1)0 4 00 2 00 tfxhlhltors'wlll have their stock readv for tho judges to examine by 10 o'clock a.m. on l-'rlday. Jltltist .loillisiill Jl, IKCIl'l, iiariiHuini , .mini Inrt until. Hemlock: 1011 Mendenhall. Ueutoii: CI. 11. 1 owler, Centre; Henry HolllU;shciu,Catu wlssn. class nr. swini:. TlUslHt IlayitHm, .Stutcrintcmlcnt. llest Isnir, " brood sow. r oi 3 00 4 O) 3 O) sow nnd pigs (0 or mnre tl 00 lot ol 3 or more pigs under Sw'ks old, 3 O) " " ' " ' 2 to lot stock hogs (3 or inoie). 3 no 2 IO iffiis-iKUslia Havmau. Greenwood: William Ohl, Hemlock; Andrew 1'reas, Centre. CLASS IV, SHEEI". Joscjih .ScilfWf'O'xf, .Sttlirrlntcllth'lll, Mile M'uuL llest buck, 2d " " ewe; buck", ewe, 2d " " buck, 2.1 " ewe, 31 10 1 to 4 Ol 3 OJ I 10 MMtlle Wool. 3 Ol I Ol 3 (0 Ijnvi II ijol. 4 O) 3 Ol 4 IO 3 00 Jmtnrt Joseoh Seattorcooil. rine: Abel Thorn as, 1'ulnwlss.i; U.inlel .Shannon, (jreenwood. CLASS V. 1'OL'LTIlV. Thnmns DaHmrtil, .SitpcrintriulriU. Ilest und largest display of jioultry, " pair ehlekens,(nialo and female, " J' turkeys, " geese, S3 00 2 o) 1 O) .VI 1 (O fio 1 oi fio ducks. 1 10 " nnd larirest dlsnlav of tame liltreons. 10 ,7i((eji. Thomas lJallman, Sent! ; John M. liar ton, llloom; William Webber, Hemlock, CLASS VI, CHAIN AND SEKIIS. Jnieph M'ixtcr.1, tiitpcrintenileiil. llest half.buslicl clover seed, 81 Ol 1 fin 3 IO l fio 3 Ol 3 Ol 1 fill l to 1 .in 1 fio 1 fio 1 fin 1 fio Michael 2d timothy 1 ' bushel red wheat, " " Willie " " " rye. " " buckwheat, " half-bushel ground seed com, " " yellow ' " o 44 smoke 44 44 44 Ilaxseed, bushel oals, Jiubie Jiisenh Mastors. Madison : Vance, flrange: Samuel All, Honilis'k ('Union Meiideuhull, Franklin ; Joseph Heudershol JUOOIIl, clash VI I, Jlenru y.upptii'jer, HuperinteiKlent. llest bushel Prince Albcil potatoes, 2 00 .. iiii'i-eel' " 44 ; is'llcil blow " 2 00 44 41 unmet Chill 44 2 ol ii ii uistycout 41 2 to ii ii ,.U,M, " 2 00 44 linir.linslii.t i-arlv Goodrich seedling potatoes, 2 O) 44 half-bushel sweet potatoes, 2 to 4 l.nulii.l il. 'Ill loiiiiiis. 2 01 44 44 rutu bagas, 2 on " half-bushel sugar beets, 1 to 44 miiugoiii wurizci, i " 44 lsiets, 1 01 44 44 eairots, 1 10 44 44 parsnips, 1 O) 44 44 isiluns, I oi 44 half-doren vegetable oysters (salslfy(, I o 44 peck tomatoes, 1 Ol 44 3 heails aibbage, 1 Ji 44 ,1 laiuehes cckry, 1 O 44 4 egg plains, 1 Ol 44 2 iiuiii ts lima beans, 1 Ol 44 2 " I'niullnu" 1 O) 44 2 44 soup " J 0 44 3 squashes, 1 00 44 0 Held pumpkins, no JuiUiet Henry y.uiiilner, llloom; John dor don, Cntnwlssa; J. Ilarey Crevclln.'.ScolI. CLASS VIII, IIOUKEIIOLII MANUrACTCHKH, irit'liiiii Minuter, HiiperlntciiJint, llest 10 ynrds IIiiiukI. I 2il 10 woolen cloth, 1 M 1 10 l to 1 .VI m CO AO 1 to I to 1 no 2 oo l no i mi pair wool blankets, linen sueeis, " lioine.inadn Inblc-cloth .in Ultttirt. Wllllnm Hclilivler. 8lt JlnryA.WIl- son a, Maillsout Irs. .loseph 1'. Conner, Ccntret Mrs. Hiram Itceder, CntawUsaJ .Mis, Caleb liar 11IUOIII CLASS IX. HOMF.STI0 MANUFACTUnm. IAytl iVuwi, ifiipcrtntcnttcnt. llest loaf hrend, " iiund cake, " Klnger " I" sample preserves, " " liult Jelly, " totnato preserves, " cucumber pickles, " pickles of any other kind, 11 tipple butter, " peach " $1 no to to to to to M to to to to to 3 no " lUUIll liruiie " iallon soruhum, euieil ham, roll butter, not less than .1 pounds, l no l m d " . " " M " santplo sausage, o) " nppteple, to ' sample yeast, to " " hnnlsoap, to " " wilt " to JittlitrH I.loyd l'axton, Montour: luichel H, ves. tlreeuwoisl ! Mrs. Conrad lllttetibeuilcr. llloom; .Mrs. Margaret Winner, llentou; .Mis. 10. 1'. I.utr, llloom. CIVSS X. KANt'V AltTICLK-S anii FLowr.iis. Clttlrlen S. -bll'tr. NuiivrlntL-iutvnt. llest knit shawl, (I O) " " iiulit, 1 O) " tidy, 1 no " tlltliiKWorlc, 1 OJ " specimen bead work, 1 to " ' shell " 1 Oil " " burr " 1 uu Ienllier" 1 O) " " hair " 1 do " " wax " 1 00 ' " (Irawlni;, 1 to " " Ullllt Iiik', 1 oo " silk I'inbroldery, 1 OI " worsted " 1 uo " cotton " to H worsted mat, to " cotton M fio " kull l'ollsh boot, to " worked slipper, to " fancy nlncuslilou, to " head-ilress, to " display ol moss painting, 1 to 11 collection dahlias, 5ii " " al tlllclai Mowers, to ' " house plants In bloom, 0 ' ' dried urass, to " " " Ilowers, 60 " variety flowers, so " specimen pcnmnnshln, 1 O) Jutlact Charles M. I'owler. Kspy: MIssfiueKver. Catawisa; Mrs. ! M. Wardln, llenilock; Miss .uaKijio .u. csanos, .ui. I'leasaui. CLASS XI. FLOUIl, NTOVns, TINWAUK, AND PEN- lisilll. John JIett. tjuiicrlntcmlcnl', llest to pounds wheat Hour. S3 00 ' to " b'kwh't " 3 oo " fio " rye " 3 oo " fit) " corn meal, 3 tw " cooking stove with hxturcs, 2 O) " parlor " " 2 00 " set nrtltlclnl teeth, I O) Juilim .in in lie ts. Hemlock: C.I). Fowler. Her wick; Klljah 1!. Ikeler, llloom. CLASS XII. AOlltCtlLTUliAL IMI'LnMKS IX AND MA' CltlNL'KY. ffttvcjitcr 2iirscl A'tqtcrtntcmlcut. llest plough for general use, 52 00 ' corn plough, 1 Ol " corn plainer. 2 O) " Ihrcshlug machine, 2 ) " reaper and mower combined 2 o) " Iniinlng mill, 2 ol " hoisu hay tork, 2 iw " corn sbciler, 2 10 " main drill. 2 0) " I.iim wagon, 2 to " straw or lislder cnltcr, 2 to " horse rake, I W) " portable elder mill and press, 1 uo " sled, I 0) " clothes wringer, 1(0 " washing inaclilue. 1 oi " sausage " 1 to " clover hullcr, 1 Ol " churn, 1 00 " wheelbarrow, fio " roller, 50 Jtulnrs .Sylvester l'ursel. Hemlock; Iicvl A. llutclilnsuii, Centre; Cornelius Hellas, Orange. CLASS XII, VEHICLES. Jncob GcrmrJ, Huptrinti'ititcnl. Ilcst family carriage, " top buggy, " open ' " sfelgli, sulkev. 82 "0 2 00 2 00 00 00 Jud'iei Jacob Oerrard. Greenwood : George Cav cnee,'.Mouut 1'le.usant; Jerry hecsholt., llcrwlek. CLASS XIV. HUES ANII I1KEHIVES. II'iZhiiu , KMer, tiiqicrlitknUtiU, Ilcst swarm of bees I ' " sample live pounds of honey, hc'tltve. 2 01 1 OJ 1 (O l to .Tuilarn William V. Keller. Mllllln: Illratu J. Ilecder, Kraukllu; John ltautz, Jackson. CLASS XV. VINES AND I.H1110IW. Jllrani IK tpiliwMii,fiuperliu'cnitcirf. Ilest quart currant wlue, " ' bl'kberry, " " " grape, ' ' " eherrv. " 81 00 1 O) 1 00 1 OJ 1 OJ I to rye wins cider vinegar, ye wiusaey, David Jlontgomeiy, .Mllllln; Ullwood llllllfCJI t 111 I, III 11. .1 I'l'll 1111,11. 41,1111. Appleman, Hemlock; Dr. jingoes. ".enire CLASS XVI. CAllINnTW.VltE, TANNEIl'S, SIIOEMAK ku's, T.viLoti'H, rurriiit'.s, AM) JUIICKJtAKEK'li WOltK. ritlUtm T. Shunutn, Superintendent. llest bureau, 82 Ol " dressing stand. 1 O) " display cabinetwnre, 2 00 " set windsorehKlls, 110 " spring-seat chairs, 1 O) " iocklutchalr. " settee, 1 M " best mado suit of clothes 2 to " lialf-doeii brooms, 1 li " set single harness, 2 00 " " doublo " . 2 O) " two sides solo leather, 1 to kips, 1 ( " " " callsklns, 1 o) " pair cnlf Issits, 1 00 " kill " I oj " lot earthenware, 101 11 sample clocks, fio Jniiijes W, T. rihuinan. Mnln; II, I,. Gearhart, (IreenwiHid; W. 11, llelilch, licnst; John K. Hutchinson, Fishing Creek; Miles 8. Williams, uiange. CLASS XVII. I'ltUIT, i. Jl. H'ciinvrHiilnrliitemlent. Ilest Jl bushel Tompkins County king tll.n.l.. Tut ,...1 ..mnnli... iipies, ci u" ,llllV(U fallen water, graveusteln, 44 baldwlu, 44 hiibbiirdsnu monarch 44 I. ..mi... it 1 O) 1 uo 1 oi I to l oo 1 oi 2 uo 1 00 2 (0 1 00 2 U0 1 o) fill 1 IO 2 00 1 O) 50 y. . ' "'.'''" 4 display oi ajipics, pears, 44 peaches, dozen quinces, 5 clusters snipes, display 44 " ii ii Ii clusters crevellug fi 44 concord " 5 44 dlaun 41 .1 44 delawares 44 fi 44 Isabellas, 44 lot of fox glapes. display raspberries, sample dried apples, 44 44 jHMches, 44 41 cherries, stoned nnd un 2d fill .V) fill to to 1 (10 fill 50 slums, iirieii. 50 JuitfetV. ILWenner, llrlur Creek; Aaron Kes. ler, Mount Pleasant; William 1". 1-cidv, Hemlock; John tl. nulck, Montour; Frank I', lives, Ureen- WIRXl. CLASS XV1L TlltAI, OV HOUSES. Himrttmj J.M. J''trt Trut. Ilest trolling horse, mine, or gelding, 100 00 (Hnlmnco lee.SU) If less Ihan lour horses nro entered, for each horse less than four 310 shall bo deducted from I lie premium oll'ered, Sfinul 7W.t. llest trotting horse, inure, or gelding, 8-M 00 (i;iltrance fee, SID.) If less than four horsosure entered, for each horso less man lour ciu suuu uu iienucieu num iiiu piemlumollcied. Jtrniem Hit. llest trotting horse, male, or gelding, 643 00 (F.ntniuio lee.SI.) If less than four horses nreentered, for each horso less than lour 8-1 shall bu dcducled iroiu Die piemliiui ollered. No preiiiluins will bo awarded for any of lh nlsive I luce Irots It less Ihan two lioise. appear to i iiiupete for the picmlums. Mile heals, lu harness best out of three. ,uliu Conrad Kramer, .Madison: Joseph O. Wlntersleln, Mllllln; annuel Koslenboider, Cut. awlss.1, CLASS XIX. roOT.nAClNO. llest run onco round course, ts III 4 to (Knlinnco fis, 50 rents.) 1 nil If less than linen persons enter 1 91' j.iiintuin will beaw.itdid. for the run no 10 " carpet, 10 " 10 " plain linen, 10 " diaper, knit wool stockings, " " mlltens, " eolloti stockliifts, lionio-uuide shirt, collon ipillt, O, lllckelts, Orunite; Isaac (1, l'ursel, Hemlock, . nttMN AND IHKHII.ATlONIs. fArl etc third of tbneoiistllutlon reonlres tier sons to pay to tho Association oninlulliir to con stitute membership, Tho pracllco lierctoforo has Is.en to buy tickets on I'tilr days, nnd have names recorded nt tho time.) Ftriit. l-ivery imtsoii having nrtleles Tor exhlbl tlon or competition, must become n mciulierof lie Association nerore entering incm, ttccontt. Minors can heroine memls'rs or exhlh. ltors when their inrents are members. JVin. The Held of competition Is open lo nil persons from other counties nnd flutes ism In come exhibitors upon the same terms ns clllccus of this county. lmrth. All articles offered for competition must 1m owned by Iho isminctltor. l''rull, vegetables, uowers, Ac., must nemo growiu oi mo eompeii tor, nnd nil manufactured articles must bo mndo by tho rompetltor. Fifth, All stock entered must lie what repre scnlcd, or iiremlums will li forfeited, Hlrth. All nrtlcles for exhibition or (snnpetltlon must Isi entered by fio'rlm-k r.M. Thursdny, the lltli, and except In impossible cases, lie on the ground nt Hint time, nnd remain there unlit .1 o'clock p.m. of Friday, tho 12th, w hen they will be nt the disposal of the exhibitors. firi-nth. Htn-ids for the saloof refreshments can ho obtained by nppllcntlon to tho (secretary or to 11. !'. Hartinau. ' lUghlh. No license will ho granted stands that sell spirituous or malt Honors. Judges np'Milntcd to exnuilno thn dtiTerent classes will confer a favor on tho Association by calling nt the Secretary's olllco early on I'rlday morning, io oinain incir instructions. Tickets to Die t'uli i-iiu tie obtained nt the dlf. feretit stores before I he Fair, or at the ticket olllco iiiiiiugi-airuays. jursisni r. ji'.r.ii, itcs i. !'. 1'. DlllN'KKli, Hco'y, sepl'i-lt THE CAMPAIGN. III.OOMHIIl'K0, FUIDAY, Hl'.lT. 21, WW. Address To the volmqf the, JUpresenhttive J)h tv'wt eomjWMtl of this thunticn of Col- umbiu wnl Montour. In a letter published In tho Democrat and .SifiT of the twelfth instniit, address. ed to tho Democratic Standing Commit tee, of Columbia County, asking isald Committee to nominate Colonel Levi L. Tutu, ns n eaiidldato for member of tho Legislature, for tho District composed of tho Counties of Columbia and Montour in opposition to tho regular Democratic candidate, Thomas Clialfant, who was duly nominated by tho Conferees of said counties in accordance witli tho usages of tho party. It is alleged First. That tho candidato for State Senato had been conceded by Montour County to Columbia County Second. That Thomas Clialfant and his Conferees, J. II. Campbell and John M'Williams, and tho friends of Mr, Chnlfant, who were present at tho meet ing of tho Representative Conferees, had pledged themselves to secure " beyond all possibility of doubt," the nomina tion of Ii. Ij. Tate as tlie Democratic can didate for .State Senator. Third. That this piedgo was given in accordance witli tho spirit of n certain resolution adopted by the Col umbia County Convention, appointing John Snyder nud Jt. C. Emit Itepresen tativo Conferees of said counties. fourth. That haid Conferees of Co I lint bia County were induced by said pledge to give the nomination to Mr, Clialfant Fifth. That neither Mr. Clialfutit nor any person representing him or his in. terats was present at tho Senatorial Conference during the two days it was in session. Sixth. That In violation of conceded claims of Columbia County, and through gross misrepresentation and political intrigue, the nomination for Senator has been given to the sniiillcst county in tho District. In reply to these charges tho under signed say : First. Tliat wo never conceded to Co lumbia County the Senatorial Candidate as a right that we then thought and still think that tho claim of Montour Coun ty was as strong, if not stronger than that of Columbia, or any other county in the District ; Montour County, one of four counties composing the Senato rial District, having been for fifteen years without a Senatorial Candidate, while Columbia County has had tho Senator seven years out of that fjteen. Ve next deny that either Mr. Clial fant, his conferees or friends, during the Representative conference, or beforo or after, "pledged themselves to secure be yond thu possibility of doubt, the nomi nation of Hon. L. Li. Tate, for State Senator." Such a piedgo on their part, in the face of tho action of tho Montour County Con vention, nominating William A. Deanfor that olllco, and appointing Conferees to iho all honorablo means to secure his election, would hnvo been ridiculous, because It was well known to tho Con ferees of Montour ns well as those of Columbia County, that tho Senatorial nomination was then entirely in tho hands of Senatorial Conferees, who might or might not, ns they thought proper, vote In the Senatorial Confer ence, as Mr. Clialfant and his friends desired. The only promiso given was Unit tho pen-oils referred to, would, as individuals use their influence with tho Senatorial Conference of Montour, to secure Colonel Tate's nomination, nnd that they had no doubt that after sup porting tho nomination of Mr. Dean for a rensonablo time, in accordance witli their Instructions paid conferees would veto for the nomlneo of Colum hln County. If this was a pledge, then it was redeemed in both letter nnd spir it, ns is sot forth hereafter. Wo deny that the nomination oi Thomas Clialfant was mtulo in accord anco with tho lutter nnd spirit of tho proviso contained In tho resolution ap pointing Messrs. Emit and Snyder, Jtcpre.sentatlvo Conferees. Said l'rovl so was repudiated at the tlmo by tho Conferees of Montour County, ns dicta torial on tho part of Columbia County Tho right of Montour County to tho candidato for Representative t this time, wns placed upon tho ncknowl edged usauos of tho party, and tho promises on tho part of Mr. Clialfant, his Conferees and friends, to use their influence to H'curo the Senatorial can ifffi Irnm Derr. .tncksoni l-l. dldatc to Columbia County, nfter lioil' orablo cflbrts had been mado by tho Senatorial Conferees of Montour County to sccuro Mr. Dean's nomination, were mndo.wlth n view to insuro peaco and harmony in tho Democratic party, nnd not nsn concession of right. These promises wcro cnrrlcd out in good faith. Mr. Chnlfant on his part wns prevented from nttcndlng the Con tention by sickness in his family, butns wo nro assured, others wcro present nt ins Instance nnd roiiuest. On tho ilrst day of tho meeting Mr. Leidy and Mr. M'Cormlck wcro present and used their Influence to hnvo the Montour County Conferees go for tho Cciumblu County enndldnto as soon ns n honorable effort had been made to necuro Mr. Dean's nomination. Wo know that this was tho wish of both gentlemen. On tho second day of tho Conference- one of the undersigned, J. II. Campbell nnd J. C. iVmmernian were present nt Mr. Ciial flint's instance nnd earnest roiiuest, for tho purposoof inducing, if possible, our Senntorlal Conferees, to vote for the nomination of Colonel Tate, as soon ns nn honorablo eirort had been mndo to sccuro Mr. Dean's nomination. "Wodld exert nil our Inlluenco with said Con ferees to bring about this result. Thnt we were unsuccessful, Is not our fault. Our honest efforts was nil wo pledged, all that Mr. Tate or his friends could have relied upon, nnd these honest ef forts we did put forth in good faith. Mr. M'Williams. ono of tho Represen tative Conferees, nlso, wo are Informed, called upon Judgo Oaks, Senatorial Conferee from Montour, nnd urged up on him to vote for Colonel Tate's nomi nation. Wo present this statement to tho con sideration of the voters of this Repre sentative District, ns n denial und refu- tntion of tho charges mado that tho nomination of Mr. Clialfant was obtain tallied by fraud and misrepresentation ; and in vindication of ourselves, who nre charged with violating or neglect ing our pledges. For tho Colonel or his friends to allege that, we or any other persons present at the Representative Conference pledged ourselves "tosecure his, Tate's, nomina tion beyond the possibility of doubt," as alleged by them, is simply to stultify themselves, for they could not but know, that neither one nor all tho per sons so " pledging" could control the action of the Senatorial Conferees. All they could do wits to use their influence. All Colonel Tate nnd his friends could re ly upon was the promiso that that influ ence should be exerted, which wo aver, as hereinboforo stated, was exerted in good faith. In conclusion we may bo permitted to express our hope und be lief that tho Democrnts of this district will not at this important crisis stiller themselves to bo distracted by tho pri vate grief of nny individual or individ uals, whose personal ambition or politi cal aspirations have been thwarted by tho nction of tho Conferees. Wo make this statement to disabuse tho minds of voters, who, by the false allegations con tained in tho document published in tho Democrat and Star, might bu induced to believe that a wrong hud been dono to Columbia County and in vindication of our action and tho action of other citizens of Montour County. Wo feel assured thnt no Democrat who is nc- quainted with tho facts and circumstan ces connected witli this nomination, will for ono moment withhold his support from Mr. Clialfant, tho regularly nomi nated candidate, nor give tho least en couragement, by word or net, to nny dis organizing seheme,concocted for the pur poseof gratifying personal feelings resul ting from disappointed ambition, which sehenio must, if carried out, prove dis astrous to tho Democratic party, and which, if countenanced, furnishes a pre cedent for repudiating any nominations that may hereafter bo made in accord ance with the usages of our party. Wo invoke the Democrats of this Representative District, therefore, to mako themselves fully acquainted with these facts, and, having satisfied them selves that Montour County was ontl- tlnd to tho candidato for Representa tive at this time, and that Mr. Clialfant was resrularv nominated according to the usages or tho party, glvo to Mr. C, their undivided support, and thus se. euro peneo and harmony, and also assuro tho success of tho whole ticket, a matter worthy the eflorts of every Democrat, every friend of his country, overv ono who desires a restoration of tho Union. JO.HKI'lI II. CAMI'IIKI.Ti, John M'Wii.i.iams, Representative Conferees. William Youicm, JacohShhi.hakt, Witnesses present at tho Representative Conference FitKD. Doudi.ASS, ti full-blooded no. gro, was ono tho principal personages at the Convention of mean whites nntl respectable niggers, held In Phllndel phiaou tho tho third Instant. Fret! was welcomed with nil tho honors, and in connection with tho other nlggors in tho procession was loudly cheered by tho mean whites. Wo learn iroiu tno papers that "heart; shouts of applause uni out when Theodore Titton ana Frea- eriek Douglass, ' tho renowned colored orator,' entered WushingtonSptarearm-in-arm." What say you to this, voters of Columbia County? Don'tyou think that negro equality as well as negro suf frage is forcing Itself, or is being forced by tho lllaek Republicans upon the peo ple of Pennsylvania'' Answer at the ballot-box. Tho Cleveland Convention THE "BOYS IN BLUE" IN CONVEN TION. Gonornl Wool Tomporury Chairman. Harmony and Good Feoling Predom inate . THE VOICE OF OUR SOL DIERS. Tin: Soldiers' nnd Sailor's Conven ventlon, In response to a call favornblo to the policy of President Johnson nnd tho nction of tho Philadelphia Conven tion, August tho fourteenth, met in this city to-day. A pavilion ono hundred feet In length by sixty In breadth, had been erected in tho park for tho uso of tho Convention, and nt tlireo o'clock tho delegntlons entered, preceded by n band of music, and were scntcd, when the crowd from tho outsldo were ndmit- ted, and fllled tho tent to its utmost ca paclty. Previous to tho organization quite a spirited scene was witnessed, tho dele gation rising and cheering with all their might successively for tho " old Hag," nnd Generals Custer, Rosscau, Wool, M'Clcilnn, the Constitution, tho thirty six States, nnd Andy Johnson, nnd nfter a brief breathing spell, for Grant, See retary Seward, the American army, nnd General Stcedman, and GovernorlJrain- lette, of Kentucky. As tho cheering wns cnlled for and given, in each case, there was n scene of tho wildest enthusiasm, tho delegates and spectators rising and swinging their hats and shouting most vigorously. Hy previous arrangement Governor Bramlette nominated General John E Wool, as tho oldest Major-General in the United States, nnd probably in tho world, ns the temporary President. General Wool was received with loud cheers, and addressed the Convention. Tho speech was greeted with applause throughout, and long continued cheer ing at its close. Tho passages declaring that Johnson can be no traitor ; that the brave nre al ways generous ; and that, as tho Presl dent says: "We have had war enough," wcro cheered with particular enthusi asm. Prayer wns ofTered by Captain W. C. Turner, formerly of the Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry. On motion of General Lewis, Ken tucky, Captain J. C. M. Furbish, of Maine, and Major Duval Knglisli, of Kentcky, were elected Secretaries. On motion of General Denver, n com mltteo on permanent organization, con sisting from ono from eacli State, was appointed. On motion General Thomas Kwlng, Jr., of Kansas, then addressed tho Con vention, lie elaborately nrgued the various constitutional questions nt length, being greeted with great np- plause, and at tho close loud cheers and the thnnks of the Convention were giv en, which resolved to publish the speech in their proceedings. Tho Douglas Monument. Tun monument is situated in Cottage Grove, on tho bank of tho lake, near tho southern limits of tho city. It is now about twenty feet high, nnd will rise to the altitude of one hundred feet. It is being built of Illinois limestone, which is beautiful and durable. It will have an imposing appearance from tho Inko and the tracks of tho railways from tho Soutli and Fast. Its estimated cost is eighty thousand dollars. It has a cir cular bascof fifty feet six Inches in diani' eter, four and n half feet high, ascended by four steps, on which Is another Dao witli convex sides of the samo height On tills tho sepulchre containing the marble sarcophagus is to rest, nntl above all will bo nn nrched structure, resting on four columns, tho inner chamber of which will bo ten feet square. On tho four pedestals projecting from tho corners of tho sepiilehro nro to bo symbolical statues in n sitting posture and of life size, which will synibolizo tho following ideas: Illinois, holding in her hand n medallion of her son, illus trious though dead, whllo by her sldo rests n sheaf of wheat, emblematic of her agricultural wealth, and tho State arms, emblematic of her sovereignty ; America, with a shield ; History, with her recording tablet; and Fame, with her trumpet and wreath. Above tho tomb, nndsupported by its walls, Is the pedestal of the column. Tlio four sides of tho pedestal will bo ndorned with bas-reliefssynibollzlngtho advance of civilization In the West. From tills pedestal will rise tho tall shaft of tho column, forty feet long, tapering from six feet to three and a hnlf feet, In five sections, nnd between the sections stars In bas-relief will Indlcato tho stars of tho Union. A cap nnd spear to gether six feet high will form tho cap ital of tho column, nnd also serve as tho huso for the colossal bronzo statuo of Douglas, twclvo feet high, which will crown tho whole, nt an olovatlon of ono hundred feet from tho ground. It Is expected that tho remains of Douglas will bo deposited In the sarcophagus of tho monument somo timo in October. Tho present grave of Mr. Douglas Is close by tho monument. Tin: regular Democratic ticket will be furnished by tho publishers of thU paper. Address 7b the Voter and freemen of the 7rV- resriiittttre jmtrm composed oj cue Vountics of Volumdia and Montour. ILvvinh been regularly nominated for the olllco of Representative by tho DeinocratleConvcntlon of my own coun ty (Montour), nnd ngnln by tho Confer ees of tho District In conference of both counties composing this Representative District, I have bscomo by this nction of tho party thu regular Democratic can didate for tho ofllco In question, mid ,sw such claim tho support of those of my fellow-citizens who regard its usages. This nomination imposes upon mo du ties which must bo met in a spirit of good faith and with promptness and en ergy. Under these circumstances I now ad dress you for tho purpose of saying that I propose to appear beforo my fellow- citizens of Columbia County nt as many points as can bo readied before tho elec tion, to confer with them upon tho issues of tho times, and vindicate my own nomination. I am induced to adopt this courso from having just learned that in Columbia County a volunteer or irregular candi date lias appeared upon tho sceno, and that an attempt will bo mado to indiicu intelligent and faithful Democrats of that county to violate their party usugea by voting against tho regular nomlneo of tho party. A statement of reasons for this disor ganizing project is presented In a paper said to be signed by a number of thocltl zcus of Columbia County, and addressed to tho Chairman of tho Standing Com mittee. I call your attention! fellow-citizens, to tho fact that very few of tho persona whoso namcsaro subscribed to that paper have any personal knowledgoof any ono of tho matters set forth as facts in that statement, and also that tho signaturosi were obtained by private solicitation, on false and uufalr representations, without nny opportunity being afforded to mo or my friends to be heard upon tho questions involved. This disorganizing project for defeat ing the regular Democratic nomlneo Of tho district was concocted by a few mis chievous spirits in secret, and sprung; suddenly upon tho people without any opportunity for explanation or dofenco on my part. i tun lniormcu Dy several or inosa whoso names appear to this disorganiz ing document that they permitted tho usu of their names under a misconcep tion of tho facts, and tun further inform ed and bellovo that the na'ines of othera wcro used without their consent. I eniphatlclcally deny, and am pro parcd to disprove, tho material state ments contained in that paper relating; to my connection with tho Senatorial nomination, which nro mado tho pretoxt for this opposition to mo, and I promiso them that tills shall be done most thor oughly; for although the matters nl leged, If true, would not justify opposi tion to a regular nomination, 1 am de termined that no imputation of a single improper net, which is falso, shall rest upon mo. I did uso my Influence in good faith to have the Senntorlal nomination go to Columbia County after tho Montour Conferees should give a proper support to tho candidate of their own county, and at my instanco Mr. Leidy and Mr. M'Cormlck attended the first day, anil Messrs. Campbell and Ammonium on the second day of the Conference, to se cure such result. Sickness in my fami ly prevented my own attendance. I now call upon my Democratic fellow-citizens to stand by tho regular nominations of their party, ono und all of them, which have boen made in ac cordance v ith the usages of the party, and to oppose all attempts, come from what quarter they may, to defeat any of tho nominees, and to embarass us in our great contest for tho complete resto ration of tho Union, and for placing tho Government again under Democratio control. Thomas Ciialpant. DANVILLE, Septemlier 14, lsfiO. Hon. C. TL. Buokalow in Lock. Havon. Tins distinguished Pennsylvanian, being a casual visitor to Clinton County and tho guest of Theodoro Wright, wa borenaded on Thursday evening last by his Democratic friends. In response to continued calls iio mado a speech In which tho great iaiues of tho day woro handled with his acctistemcd clearness, forco, and ability. His arguments wcro backed up by citations of facta from cur rent political history, which gave thorn that additional weight witli which a sledge-hammer blow is supposed to en force on apt rejoluder. Senator Bucka low's manner of speaking is exceeding ly cool and deliberate, ami carries with It the idea of profound solf-convlctlon. No man who gave him attontion could fall to be Impressed with tho gravo character of this polltlcal-canvass, and the importance of a chango in tno com plexion of tho next Cougross. Ills speech was well received, particularly his endorsement of Muster Clyraer, and his eloquent appeal for tho Union ; nnd It may also bo added that it mot the high enconlum of all fair-minded Republicans who heard it, which Is no light pralso. Clinton Democrat, September 13. Captain IlnocKWAY is on a Btump ing tour in tho Counties of Sullivan anil Bradford. Attknd tho Democratio meeting in Snyder's Hall on Saturday ovenlng, tho twenty-second. Wk nro Informed that thero Is a largo Republican Johnson Club nt D.invllle. They uro nil down on Mercur, the negro tamlidttto for Congrcth. tno (uiurv, v,,v..v-.. $2m