Stee mt Lews) Year, 8am t home, oa flaw Ytar'e day, V . in dishabille. Hia brard iu onahsved, hit hair wet iMMbK hie boos vra anblecked. ind . . . lnln ksck in e ptcturrtie attitude, ' '" with tba mantelpiece, tatoking - egir. Sam thoof lit to himeelf that It wis v ' le,P 7r. how gJortooa It wouM be if the 7if Udiei could only ba Induced lo mi the mm 'v- tioo, in ccordwK with their ancient prWi. 7 .iPfM. - At tit ut watching ths) moke which " y f gracefully curled, hU faecy glowed with Iho : Mow delightful it woo Id be to have the deer omlurei fondling on hftn, and with ten der tbwicos endeavoring to do the agreeable I At he meditated hie heart softened, end he ho fan to Ml a tquramtah, worranrah sensibility .diffusa itself over hie feelinga, end thought he would faint with propriety the fit at lime young lady ehoold aqoeete hie hand. ." - . ' Rap, rap, rap,' sounded at the door. 8am peeped through the Venetian blinds. ' Jterey eiclaimed he, 'ifhere lent Miaa Jones, and I all in dishabille, and looking like a fright good, neea wraciout ! I mutt go right away, and fix myself np . ' ' . - '. Aa he left the mstn Mm Jonee entered, and with a composed air intimated that the would wait. Miaa Sutan Jonee wit a firm believer in woman' rights, end now that the season waa propitious, ehe determined to. take advantage thereof, and to do a little courting on her own book. It waa one of womao'e privilegee, which had been oaurped by the tyrant, man, and the was determined to inert her righto, in epite of the hollow formalities of a (alee tyatea ef to. Meanwhile, with a palpitating heart, Sam Smith went through a aeries of peraooal adorn ments. The laat twiet waa given to hie collar, the latt curl to hie whiskers, and with white cambrick in hand, he descended to the parlor Miaa Jonee rushed to receive him, and grasping hia hand with fervor, aaid: Dearest, bow beau tiful you lojk !' accompanying tbe word with a glance of undisguised admiration. Spare the blushes of 'a raodeet young man,' aaid Sam, applying bia cambric to hia face, to hide hia confusion. Nay, my love, why eo coy t eaid Suean ; 'turn not away those lovely eyee, dark aa the jet, but sparkling aa the diamond. Lie'en to the vowa of fond affection. Here let us rest,' said the, drawing him to a tola; 'here, with my arm a round tbee, will I protest my true affection.' Leave me, oh, Seave me, murmured Sam; think ol my youth, my inexperience apare, ok, a pare my palpitating heart. Leave thee,' aaid Siaan, preesing hire cloaer to her; 'never until the atory of realleee nights, of unquiet days, of aspiration, fond emotion, and undying love, ia laid before thee. Know that for yeara I have nursed fur thee a secret passion. Need I tell how each manly beauty moved me; how I worshipped like a sun-flower in the lurid light; of those scarlet tresses; how my fond heart waa entrapped in the meabeeofthuse magnificent whickers; how I waa willing to yield up to the government of that imperial thy manners, eojnodeet. so delicate, enchanted me joy to me for thy joy waa my joy. My heart ia thine take it take it but first, let mt analcb one kias from those ruby lips.' ' The over-wrought feelings of tbe delicate youth were too atmng, aad he fainted from eje cooa of joy. Meanwhile the enamored maiden hung fondly over him, and - Slowly the eyes of Samuel Smith opened ha gated wildly round bim tbea meeting the ardent gaze of hia 'lovyer,' bo blushed deeply, and behind his kerchief faintly lettered out: its my pm St. Lout Reveille. A a Uxsxmxtko Rihcontbc A gentlemca who ree dee in tl.a vicinity of Camden Town, a widower, with s pretty Isrga family, advertised for a wife in the 'London Sunday Times, of courm uoder a fictitious eigna'ure. A com nut -meat on waa received, the signature of which was also fictitious; aod after a brief cotreapoo oYnrc by letter, arrangements were made, aa toti neanJ pUe for a personal interview. At the epfxmied hour the gentleman waa in wait tij in a private ru in one of iba West End betels ; anil soon after his fair correspondent made her spesrsnce, Thickly veiled, aod close ly rauffl?d against impertinent observation. She entered, of course, with downcast eyes, which she did not venture to raise until tbe voices I her a wain, in respectful greeting, fell no her ear. She started, looked op and the next momeot uttered a loud ehritk, ia a tone which tbe gentleman fancied waa aot unfami liar to him. lie took the liberty of lifting her veil, and beheld bis eldest daughter whom ht bad aupposed aafe at ber boarding school, at Hammersmith. ' It ia needleea tossy that ha took precautions to keep tbe 8undav Times out of the young lady 'a bands for the future i a, however eligible a medium it might prove to him for obtaining a wife, ha bad no desire that hia daughters should employ it to obtain buebaada. London paper. '.' . a " ' ""1",ssswBswasawa Aiumno raoai Covea. rereons nsing atovee for warming apartments, will find that a : asiiaU piece of commoa resin, dipped ia tits wa ter which ia pieced ia a aaet oa the stove, will add a peculiar properly to the atmosphere of tbe rom which will give greet relief to per- eons troubled with a cough, who breathe the 'atmosphere of the epattmeet, . The best of the water ia euflkieat to throw of Iba areas af tba resin, aad five iba tees relief as e afiWedad . by a combust ton at tba resta." It ia preferable , to aoibbostiiNi, becwaea tba evapormtioa is mora dsrakle. Tkn aasM raaia bmj M aawi lur waakaV . , , DAIR NOTE 1LIT. - Ttw faAowIng fist shows trie carrent vslna of sfl Snasyreanuk Bank N te. Tbs most Implies! re- lianes easy hs placed opnn K. as h t seerjr tee jarrfully campared with S4d sorrected from Bitk- atU'a Reportsr. . . ; ' Ktenlia la PhDaMlalpiaa. NOTR AT. PAR. nana of IVofth Amerioa , : , par Bank ef the Northern I Jherties , - par Commerelel Bank of Pena'a. . , par rarmerr ami Mernanirs uenk . . par ICenainsjton Bank ' - par Philadelphia Bank .' ; . . I par Schuylkill Bank .' . . . par Soathwark Bsnk V ' pat Westara Bank par Wachsnioa Bank . par MmnlwtDmr at Meohsnics' Bant par Bank of Penn Township . . psr GirsrdBank . . . per Bank or Commerre, lte Meyamenatof par Bank of Pennsynranla" pat . Country Banks. Bank of Chester Cnnniy Westcnester par Bank ef TMaware Connry Chester ' par Bank of Oermantown Germantown par Dana or Monieomery to.' ' iNornslown par Doylretown Bank Doyleatown par r. anion Bank" ' Kasinn - par rarmars Bank or Bnrka eo.v Urttol par Bank or ivmthambeilande 'X.irthomberland par uommraa Hank A HrNlKecn.'i;olumbia par Fannsra Bank of Incaster Lsncistei par Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank ef Reailing Office of Bank of Perm's. OlTies do do Office do do Office do do I .ancsster par Lane tar pat Raline, par Harriahuigt These Lancaster i offices ftesding dn not Castoa J issue n. DISCOUNT. NOTES AT )ank of the United Statea . Philade lphia 13 J Miners' Bank or rottsvitle" I'otisaills Bank of 1-ewintown Iwirtown Bank of Middlotowo Middletown Cariisle Bank CarKale Exchange Bank Pittsburg Do do branch of Hollidavaharg Ifarrisbnrg Bank Ilanrinburg Lebanon Bank Lehanun Meirbanta ft Manuf. Bank Pittalmrg Bank of Piltaburg Piltabuir West Branch Bnk Williamsport Wyoming Bsnk Wilke.barra Northampton Bank Allsntown Berks County Bank Reading Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittsbure failed do Do do do Erie Do do do New B rich ton Bsnk of Chstnbersburg Chamberaburg Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg do i 1 Bank ol Sorquehanaa Uo. Montrose Erie Bank Erie lil Farmers' & Drovera' Bank Wsneshurg a Franklin Bank Washington I J Honesdale Bank Honeadale I Monongahsla Bank of B. Brownsville 1 York Bank York al N. B. T he notea of those lnka on which we smitqoofatkma, aod aubatitote a dash ( ) are not purchased by tbe Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a lettor of rt Csrsnce. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelithia 8av. lira. PbUad.UJua do ds do do failed failed failed Philadelphia Loan Co. SchuTlkill 8a v. Ins. Kensington 8av. Ins. A Penn Township 8av. Ins, Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed rewanda Bank Towainla Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beater Bank of Swatara Bank of Waahingtoa Centre Bank City Bank Farmera' & Mech'ra' Hank Farntera'dt Mech'ca' Bank Farmera' A Mech'ca" Bauk Harmony Inaiitote Huntingdor. Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope DA. Bridge Co. Nortbumb'd Union CoL Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of 8choylkill Bank Pa. Agr. ec ManuC Bank 8ilver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. . Westmoealand Bank Bedford no aale Banter closed Hariisburg closed Washington failed Uettrfunle rlied Pittsburg no sale Pittsburg fsiled Fayatts fmled Greeneastle failed Harmony no sals HunlingJon oo sale Iwiotowo oo sals Warren . failed DundatT no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadsille clused Port Carbon Carlisle failed Monlniae closed Unionlewn failed Greeusbure closed Wifkasberre Bridge Co. Wilkestiarre oosste dp- All Botes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vaoia Bank aot given in the shove list, may be est Iowa aa frauds. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick . Brunswick failed i "i P' P Belvideie Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Mrdiurd Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumberland Bank . Bridgeion rarmrrs' Bnk . Mount Holly Farmers and Mechanics Bk Rshwsy Farmera and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunawick Farmers and Merchants' Bk Middbrtowa Pi. 1 Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed failed failed faiUd failed failed i par Hobokeo Okg oi Uiaxing v-o Hobukea leiery City Bank Jrrsrv Citv Mecbanka' Bank Palletsoq Manufacturrra Bank Belleville Morria County Bank Morristown Muomoulh BkofN.J. Freehold Mexhaoics' Bank Newark Mecbaniea' and Manof. Bk Trentoo Morria Ceael and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg dr. Ins Co Newark BO Sala New Hope Del bridge Co lmberUvilk N. J. Maoafac. and Bkg Co Hobokeo failed N J Protectee) at Lombard bk Jeney City failed UtangeBank Orange Psuraua Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Salem Banking Co 8tate Bank Biate Bank tkale Bank Siate Bank of Morria Bute Beak ' Salem and Pailsd Manuf Co Boeast Bank Tientoa Banking Co Union Bank Washington Banking Co. Paienoa do Itnceioa failed i par faDed Newark Elisabaihtow Camden Morrietowe) Treatea 8alem ' ' New ton Tree loo Dover Hackansack ' i n faded P" DELAWARE. Bk of Warn eV thaudswiae Wiaaingtoa Baok ef Delaware ... WilmingUNk Bank ee eayvM" - - Baayina par Do breach Mitfor4 - par rarasere Ekef Staas eDel Dover pat Da ataaeti i . WUmiagaaa par - lea asaarh Gasrgetawa per Do - araacks '. i Nswaeatla - par UaaaaBaatk . ' WisBMagsaa pee T UaeW ft's . fXJ On aU swnks marked tbaa f) tbera am et. aW saaaMfail se aaaeai asm tf aM wmsm aV ST effia CD CO X f nHli Mediclns Is watr mted, oa aatb, not to Jl aontatn a panlole of Calomel, Corroeive 8ob limMe, Arsenic, CariirMe Of Ueld, off any delete roue minerals .. . Tbe prinelule aeon whtch this Medicine acta, I bv aaslatine and hirmonUnt with hstursv It drives out ell foul aerimnnlnoe humors from the blood and body, arid by assimilating srith and strrntthrnlne tbr kvetrle juirs of the stomach, it ssetsis dtgea Ion I In short there la hot s vein. arte. ry, muscle or nerve in the hkman lHdy, thai ie not atrengihenej by tba PANACEA, nnJ It also possesaas the remarkable property of removing mercury from the bones and Joints. ' , ' POR ERUPTIONS OP THE SKIN, ' ' Scurvy, Scorboik Affections, Tumors, Scrofula or Kings' Evl , White Hwetlint, Eryslpel , Ulcere. Cancers, Running Sores, Best and Biles time and a determined perseverance In D . SWEET SER'S PANACEA, will effect a tors. FOR INDIGESTION. Rejection of fiod, Nues, Vomitings, Nervous ef t'retions. Billion, eempraint. Head arbe, Pateness, or Female lneguIarHiea, Dr.SWEETSEICS PA NACEA will soon effect a core t hut if obvrtnate, or attended with griping, flying pain, tbe dwe should ke inerraed, snd tbe core will soon be ef fected. I.ei not the patients frighten themselves with the ides that they are ton wek to take much mrdii'ine; hut bear in mind diet this mi'dly opera ting mad cine put not wraknese into tbe frame, but mutt certainly draws weiknts out, leaves strength in its place, and by giving composed sleep at night, and an appetite to relish any f.Kd, re-anims'es the whole frame wi lt vigorous action, clearing the mind and improving tbe sight. esses SCROFULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. Scrofula is aiid lo be heriJilary. the infant tf celving from its parents the seeds ef this drseae which Increae-a with its yeara. If neglected aod not aubinit'ed to frequent piinDcitinn with Or, 8WEET8ER'S PANACEA. The glsn Js are p's- red in the corners of the body, and out of the way of direct communication thrir real Ore N a subject on which much difTnrence of Opinion prevails it somVes us to know lb ,t when In a dead stats. tbey are cnpaMe of leing ur fird and cleansed by a long cour.a of Dr. BWf.El SEK 3 PAN A t CA, which restores them to sou nu and pinpi-r sction. Scrofut ua person rsn never nav too much attention to their blond, its poriAVelion shoo'd lis their Ur.l thuaght, for atlrr a long courts of perse verance, ihiy will aver curs ueredittry discs is. In rim of JACNDICE. ASTHMA. LITER CO.VPLAISTS, 1ICDOLOREVX RHEU MA T1SM OR RHEUMATIC GOVT, Dr 8WERTSER S PANACEA cannot be too biah ly extolled ; it sesrehes ont the vrry root of the disesse, snd y rm iirg it from tbe Blood mskes s cure certain and prrminent. For disesses of ins and Kidntit, Stric ture!. Gravel. Stone, file. Fintula. Viinaru Ob' itructinnt and Extreme Coxtlveneu Dr. 8 WHET. SEK'9 PANCEA is the best remrdy ever ire I it removes all thots acrimonious humors fr.rm the Blood which give rise to the shove dieesnrs, and by keeping tbe blood in a pure condition, insures health. For DROPSY, PALLING or tea BOWELS. Impur titi tf the Blood, Mtreurtal Tnint. Wrote nrst oft he Sp'nt Flow af Blood to tUe Head Gid- d'tiem. Sinking and Butting Ae'se in the Head and Ear$, Vr. HWEG iSKlrS nW AUBA will live certain relief ; in all aevsrs and Chronic rases. the petirnle cannot be loo often reminded that tar err dote and nrrseeereaet will rflct a cue. In Chill and Feter. Biliou Frttr. Ajfeetion nf the Eye and Ear. Spongy and Btredtng Gam Brnchiti and rtctnt Covgh and Culd; Dr. BWEETSER'9 PANACEA will be feued perfectly surs snd certain in it effect. . GRAVEL AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. Tbors comp'ain's are generally attended wi'b tbe moat fatal ronsi quencee. and are seldom or ne. ver raed by the present m nle of trestittent ; lhy Ufusty secompany tbe patient t the grave, afirr xiirTfruiK the most rzcruriating pain and torture. The cauae of ihrse c implain a are the asms ss all 4hns. thedioss vl the blood hecomacacrusted en the finest nairow passages, whence are . morbid eecietiona and stoppagi a of mine. You will find the most powerful d srHic ef no use, as they only increase the qusutity ef urine suJ do not pu ify nd slreoalhn th- part. Bv purifying the blood iili Dr. SWEETdER'8 PANACEA, ton n move the cause ol ibediaaue.conarqueutty it can net eiiet any longer, after aufftcienl peraeversure in ite use baa deprived the td'tod sad body of ell acrimonious humors sod incrustation. - DISEASES evvsa LUNGS-CONSUMPTION. Thia ia a very prevxlent and fatal dieae ; it re auba ittfMly from neglected coughs, rokls snd hron chiti., aUo from imiHoper treatment ia many ut'-er cases, 'such as measles, fevers, inflammations snd ntsll pot, snd s brwt of other My trrsted dieessee; where the cause, instead nf having tiara thoroughly removed from the Mood and body, bavs ordy been palliated or removed from one p irt to broih out in soother. By diveeting y sor botliee of all foul hu mors, through the medium of Dr. 8WEBT8EH 8 PANACEA, too curs is et once rendered emein snd perinaurnt. R-colled, while Ibere is scrirao iiious humors tVtetiitg in the riiru'aiioo, it i. as apt to set lis on the lungs s any oilier part of the body ( this ie the reason lb.! consumption ie so prevalent. BILES, BORES AND ULCERS. Which yuu aes en the ex'erior. come from and have their source in, the imeiiur, and might just as wail have tented en ynui lungs, liver, or any nlbef pit which oa know they frequently ds and pro duce mod violent iuflaminaioty disorders. 1'be humor which ores ions these eorre is of a highly acrimonious Ituroiog astute. Ws know it from the pain h gies in forming, snd afterwanls its ra pldly ulcerating and eorrtling the flesh snd skin of the pa' I where it brisk out. Thia shews tbe nrcesidty of fietuentlv puiifyiog the Mood with Dr. SWEETSEK'S PANACKA. and keeping such malignant hunvwa ia su j- rtion, Hbould you have a bile or ulcer, he ihsnkful thst natU'e has taken trouble le warn you ff tbe danger your life and ho dy ie in, for ii ia a warning thai the blood is foul. Had this a me acrimony ebe'td the lunga in-trad tif the eurfare ef your body for ita seat, consump tion uf the lungs woo d hsvt been ihe'coiisequeix e. D-lsy not tlea, ie puiify sad cleanse with Dr, 8weetscr'sPansca. 81'INE DISEASE Spinal affectiona, t nlargernent of the banes snd Joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, top luiea, falling of iba bowels snd wom' dieea.e, will fin.) a speedy onre ia i. SiVEETEH S PA. NACEA. Where the disease hat been of l g eundiag, the lime required to make a care will be longer but Una patient may reel assured thai a dtttcrmmed pafaavcraare will sflect U. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA ass DISEASE OF t " TUB WINBPU'E. ; These diioaaet proceed from the aerlosity or eorrapthnmora et the blood, baviog e t'red itsslf oa the throat and hinge, and stopped ihem an, eo that tbey cannot draw euflksbni air ia for ret pi ration. Dr. SWEETSEB'B PANACEA wtl give Imma. diiraUrf,aod to make rb Mrs serfsat, tad es atln. It ahoakl be eontlDVeil Mai ttrtte after, it fees the system af all bad heatore. BHEUMATWVf, RflEUM VTTO GOOT AND ( e MERCURIAL DISEASE Fled a. sat snd speedy cure la Dr. SWEET' StR'S PANACEA. It cures by seamhing every Mood eeeet Snd artery, and driving ont all Impa rittea and foal bamors aacnmalated therein, whioh e the cause vt rn nmatism, gout .and awetungabf tns joints. The deieterona effects of calomel snd other mineral poisona, readily yield to tla sovereign Influenset Indeed, when Ita vabiable pmnsrtiee be come fully known, tbe uae nf all miner I poison will be consigned to 'the tomb of all the Capnleia,' snd only be thooght of ss a by-gone custom of the dsr ker sges. . Dr. Sweet xer's Psnaeae is also a ears curs for dyaeepais, pi lea, costivetiesa, vertigo, bead- acne, pale ia the breast and liver eomplemt. " " '. FEVER AND AGUE.. Fever Is klwaya ceased by e disorderly move ment er tbe Mood, strut gline to fiee itsrlf of so thing that euCambera kt v. in fart, every kind of fe. ver is nothing mee than a struggle between lac blood and corrupt bnmors, and ss aoon as the cnr rnpt humors are rxpeled, you have no more fever. vv oen a patient with fever submits to be Wed, or have his blond poisoned with mercury, it weakens nts irame to such a degree that if be survives the prorss, it always leaves him subject It distressing chilli, when limes out of 10 he resort to sius pill, powders, oi tonic mixtures; this ia going from had to worae, aa theae vegetable pills, powders, dta, are nothing hut mercury and qu'tune in disguise, wb;ch may fur e time drive the disease so fr into the body as n.4 to be perceptible, but very aoon it will break nut again wilh fretful violence To cure ague and fever, the cause of the disease must be re moved out of the blood snd body, which ran be ef fectually done by using Dr. 8WEET8ER'8 PA. NAUEA, which purifies, cleanse snd strengthens. It rontsina nothing thst csn poeill injure, and its use is alwsys s safeguard againt cliiUa and fevers. PILES. In ttt. fWe ne Pure. Dr. 8WEETSER'S PANACEA will effect a very speedy cure. It re n;re from the blitod. slomscb and bowels, all those foul acrid burning humors, which srs the cause of Piles and Coetivemes and by strengthen ing Ihs digestive organs, improves every part of ibe tntiie body. FLATULENCY AND WIND. There dieenere ae csu ed by the stomach and bowels being choked np with viscid slimy maitr, the air whit b enters them etnnnt e eipe until forced by some contraction f lha a omach toeipel it; bfti'CC the reuse of pain. A few doses nf Dr. 8WEET8ER'd PANACEA will couvince the sufieicr tbat telief is attained. GREAT MEDICINE FOR CHH-DREN. Parents will fi..d the PANACEA a v.duble mmlicine foi their cbildie n, keeping their bodies in s healthy cmdiiion, thereby eaieting their g owih; children or g'owu persons, after taking it. are not liaMe to be attacked with an epidemic a before, as it slwsys leaves the blood in a puts comlition. and ibetnlire system in a strengthened slate; it drive out a I kind of weakneas from lbs body and kavrs all beal by wkKin. MARRIED LADIES WUl find Dr. 8 WE TisER'S PANACEA a medi c ne purely adapted lo thsir use. . Mont Isdies du r'nu His peri d of preunsnry sre affl'Cted with piles. Dr. Sweeiser's Panacea, by regutatina the botvt-1, wiN entirely nbvteie ibis, and Na purifying proper ties on the blood and flohls, inurea lo them heal thy off-pring, No one who is a mother should be without it, sr d those who sre nunir g will find it of gieel b nfil to the heslth sf their infents. For briennes and s'l diseases nf the womb, it ia without s rival in tbs entire histoiy snd etul-tgus of medicines; by its eitrtordinsry strengthening power, it stimulates and strengthens lbs womb, s weskness of which is the eaute of failure to have oflspring. NERVOUS DISEASES. Under this head may be clsssed Palpitation of tbe Heart, Te Doloresul or Factuche, Neuralgia. lndgee:i,in, Toothache, Melsnchorj, Hysterics. and in fact, every disease caused by the shvrp, tiling acrimonious humors irritating Ihs nsrvss ; the nerves receive the morbid impteaninn from tba 'to rn tch, or rather frm tbe blood through lha aimry of the stomach -nd dige live organs, and although other parta of the body are appireutly tbe teat of the dierase, slill it is caused by tbe morbid impra aim conveyed from the blood bv the nerve, lo that pa t A lew dosea of Dr. 8WEETEK8 PA NACEA will aoon assure the paticul that he baa the cure iu hia poaeeeaion, ERYSIPELAS, na 8T. ANTHONY'S FIRE Thia ie an inflammatory dioider, alw .ya attend rd with more or less pain. It procrede from the foul, actimonioua bumora lodged in lha bbwd and fluids, settling on Ilia brnle snd face, causing ei Irrme psin and fevers ; sll appliratione on the sor- fsrs sre worse titan useless, ss they only lnd to tbrow the disese in some ether pert, snd perhaps cause death. Bleeding is likewise improper. To cuie the di-ease you mu-l get rid of ihs csose ; on ly msnsgs t get the foul humors out of your blond and you will be well in a day. Dr. MWEET SEK'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the til.Mkl, will search out every impurity in tba mora remote pirla ef tba body and eipl it through the medium of tbe bowels, 1 here is aot a vein, arte. ry, muscle or orgao of tbe entire fremewoik of roan, that Dr. Bwselaer's Panacea does trot im prove. T take it when you are well Is to keep wad ( and when sick to become weu. , DR. SWEETSER S PANACEA, beioreonv posed otdy ot a vegoiahle metier, or imvtieai nerbe. and wairanteJ, na eatb, aa containing not one par licle of mercurial, mineral, or chiaiical substances, is found to be peifecUr harmleta to lha mo-t tender age, or the weakest frame, under any stage of hu man suffering ; the mo-t end benicn in its 0ertion that was ssr offtred to the world; and ai tbe same tuns ihs meet certain in aean bmg out the root nf any complaint, huvagvar deep, and ef performing a S 're. ,- Price $1 per boUle, er aig botilee for fS. , For ssle, wbolesala and retail, at the corner ef CHARLES and PRATT SueMa. Baliimore, ami al-ohy GEORGE BKIUHT, Nov. 6 1847. 'y Hunhury, IrlOUNT VERNON OS North 2d tu bet. Arr.h & Usee (., PhilntJelpliJn, BRADY A PAttKER leeprcifuliy mhww their friends and the public that ihiy btve taken ibe above named bouse, recently kept by J. 8. Adsme, end are ptepered ta aceommadais custo. mere in the aioet Mtisfaclory manner aod et ret onehle prices. Their taMe will be eapplied with Ibe bM vari ety '.ho market affords their Vrtors and alespfng eptrtmenie will be la the beet enter. The house bee been thoroughly Mpalred and foralshed with g view ta lha eoiufoi. of imvaHsrs and etrengore. ' Having bad ssewtl years experience ia the baeioeee, ibev hope to give general ea'kfaetien, sad respectfully invite trav.llets and ' etrsaeeva aa give teem a can. Ive ibem a can. ' BRADY s PARXBR, nSMetrkJumarffut ? " y GeX32 IllCE)rci Vceefable Unlvcrnal rilltu , Tar setrV hmm Ud!eSm tkat af fAesame lime parget prym an urmgfMm t aeeyscm.,. . LavBea, Jalv 7. IMt.' TTKR, Lt ROr PilU art a nsw msdicioe Uy which hss jest sppesrsd, and k Let tsklng ibe places of all others of th same etsss. These pills era composed of many Ingredients, bat tbe two princital ones err Hsrsspsriils and Wikl Cher. ry, eo enireit that tbey act together t the one, thtottgb Its admltture with ether eob-ttccet. na- rnying ana purging, wmrs me Oteef IS SI rvwafhsn Ing ihs system. Thns those pills srs si lbs earn time tonic and opening ; a desideratom long and eagerly sought ft by. medical men, bnt never be fore discovered. In nther words thet do the Work of rwtfmeihcinea.' and do It much better than any two we knew or; for. i bey remove hotbiat from the system but the impurities t so that while thev purse they strengthen i and hence they cause' no debilitation, end era followed by nn re-action. Dr. Le Roy's pills have a wonderful influence on the blood) they not only pnrif, without weakenina it, bnt they lemove all U" particles from Ihs chyle befots if is converted into fluid, snd thus mske im- pere blood en utter impos ibility. As there is no debilitation, so there ia no nausea or sickness at tending the operations of this meet excellent of me. dirlne, wbtch never -trsins or tortures the digrs ties functions, 1ot ciU'es them to Work in s ner- fertly netorsl meaner l and benre petaoai takine them .da not become pare and em tcisted. but the contrary I for while it ia the property of th 8srsa- panlla, united as it is with other ingredients, to remove aM that ia foreign and impure, it is equally the property of ths Wild Cherry to retain all that ia natural and aound; and hence a robutt state of brabb is the certain result ef their united opera- liana, rj rnce x cents per bua. Agenu far Le Roy'e Pdis. J. W. FRIIJNO, - . JOHN YOUVU, s i ' M. A. McCAY, Norihumberl'd. August gist, HIT. ly PHILADELPHIA Watches, JcwHIry and Sil ver ware. Guaranlrri better fur the pnte than at ant other Atort tn rhilailtrphia. may be hud, ' ' 1 ! UWtWf enrf Rtta i. at (TLnte NICIIOL.4S TLellVKAY'rl) No. 73 IVorth 2d ttreet, above Arcii PHILAD1LPHIA. . I7A1CBE', all ktnd, fair, low snd Bvdium ' qu ililies, among which are, . Gold Levera, full jewell'd, f 10 to f 100 " lupines, do . S5t 40 8ilver levera, r"o SO to SO - . Lepi irs, do IS to 19 Quartiers. fine, 9 to 10 (Just tier , imitation, ' ft' 1 Jiwsilrt DiamonJe, Gold Chains, Gold Pens w i'b Gold and Silver holder. Pencils Ursast Pins, Finger and Ear Rings, Bracelet', C,neo of shell, coial snd lav, with every nther article of L-welliy of tut richest aud mot fsshionabte pat terns, . , Silvan Was Pla'ea, Foika, Spoons, Cups, 6xrM nf Miami od Silver.- I'ttTKo Wans. Cantors. Cake Bwkets. Fsna, Yeses. Csrd Cesss, und other Rich Fancy Good in great v-rirtj. Wbidessle Buyers will save money by calling here bf-rs purchasing. ' CO" Keep ihi ndvi rti ement, snd esll at No. 7S You win WeaUafied the Gitods ere really cheaper and better then are Xred in the city. For ssle, low, hsndnomft pur of 8h0w Cases, uilahle for s Jewrllry or Fancy store. Apply at above. 8ept SSlh. 1M7 ly DICKSON & CO.. No. SO Market Street, five doors below Third, Smith side. PRILAOB LPHI A, Impnrtera lb Wholeaale Dealers Iu mnA rCHES. Watch tils eessnd Materials. W . Jsoelrv of sll deciipli in, qualilie snd styles, cnmiiiiing ail lbs article connected with the Trade, CWks. Diaeon ej- Son's Briisnnii, G rmao Silver snd Sil ver-Plated Wares. Sheffield snd Birminghsm fisted Fancy Articles. Rodxets A. Sitn s sod Woetenholm Cutlery, lis- tors. He seors, Ers-eia, lletk Kni'es, 6ce. Ivory UindtedTsble Cutlery, of ihs finest, mediam snd common 0,'isMies. A latge Kseortmeet of Gold Pens. Pen focal Snecisebs. Papier Msche and Jtpanned Traya, various shape and qu dilies. at re-tU'Cd rates Gold Watch Cts. s, Dials snd Silver-Ware, ef all deseripiions,msnHfsctursil to order. DICKSON dr. CO hsvioe recently removed into the Urss snd rommmlioue warehooae formerly occupied by Messrs. R. Asnossv dt Sons, snd mors recenllr bv AascaT Raaissros, beg leave to inforrs Watch Deaters.C untry Merrhsnte and otbrra. that they deeign having at all timet a lares sstttmrm ef tl ods, of thrir own import lion, which thsy ere determined to sell si Ihs lowest rates. ' try Evsrv attention will he paid to the Packing of GchIs, and in the eiecutioo of Orders, tbe qu li lies aadpiicai will be fully gu.raolieJ against all cotnpsrition. 1 PhihM!elpNa. June lth, IB47. ly rTrttivtiTiTsW First lVeiiiium U rilinp Ink. No. 67 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. TrTVjROM Dr. Hare, the celebrated Profseor ef IP Cbrmialry in tbe Universrty of Penn a. Pbi!d-libla, Oct. 1I.184S. "Dear Sir Hsvioe Hied teur Ink, I will thsnk you to send me another bottle, ss I find it to hs eicellenl. I sm yours, truly. Rose. Hass." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distioguuhsd for his numerous seieniiffs reaeaches. - "Msdicsl College of Ohio. Crneinnsti, January IT, l44. Having need Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I sm estiefiexl ibat it ia the beH which he ever come le my kaowledee, snd eeieriaiy it ie txeltent for the uee 4 Steel Pen, and wtU not corrode them, even to long ase. loan Ieea t. Prof, of Chemisiry. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. - ' From a well known scientific gentlemen. ' -Philsdelidlia, retv ST. I4. Mr. Joseph E. Hover Ski A nesefyeorCe. an at, and eotne practical feirs of its superiority, baa induced me to rece nruend it lo ethers as invaluable article for mending China Olaas, er Cabinet Ware. - ' Csareait Menriv, ; Auetttc Cheaiialw -Fee sale et the Manufactory, Wbbele sad Re. tail, Ne. ST Neera Terse aVrsarr, eppssits ,y - - i : . JUOLrtS ri. nut till, May St. tMT. ftO ty " 1 Mewafhoerer, TO POT I bVlLLE AND PH1LAULUIA. TTft ERttONS. i ravelling this route, are be VT iahesstd that tbey eaa proeara ,thmee Hckstsw be seakiaa set ttoat iua at the Hsse. af 1 1 Uh Mies Weevar, Baal Mkejre.- ' sV-B-tPf. ' - He Be IIACC -A, ' ATTORN E Y" AT LA W f t m '-CSUfdJUAaT. PA B net neea attended to la iba nowndee Of Na. tbumterrand, TJaiea, Lycoming snd Celambta. ' P. aV AI' RevoeeT; ' " ' ' '" ' 1 ;-'! Low en eVBavrne, I v etaacea ck ftaeneaaaei yPkUod. , Ktvaotaa, MaFaataae aV Co. . . .' Sraaise, Geaa dc Co., . 8XLEIICD . 'T " 'astatife -. r-"i eeaoB t ,- T;' ,t-v-.( -.'.' ,,veaa. M..t -pew. .. ,,,; , eis, vec wosk or ret vmb ceaaa or reetntene" aava -te it a sorten er astva. t ARE YOU A MOTHER! Tear darUng child your idol and earthly Joy, ia now nerhapt confined to ber chamber by a dangerous enbl b pale checks, her thin shrunken fingers, tsll th hold di-ease baa already gained apon bet thi sound of her eepulchral cough pie ices your sont. lUUNu MAN. when iust about to enUr lit disease abeds a heart rrtt'hing blight over the fi prospecta of the futuie your heotie cough and fee bla limbs tell uf your loss and hope, but you nei not despair. Them ie e balm which will beat tb wuundrd lungs, it ia 8 II E n M A W B ALIs-II BALING BALSAM. Mrs. ATTREE. ths wife of Wm. H. Attrs Esq. wss given Dp by Dr. Sewall of Washingtni Die. Roe and McClellan of Philad-li.his, Dr. Rt snd Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends s thought ehe mast die. She had every appearsni of being in consumption, snd was so ptnnounci by bar physicians Sbermau'e Balaam was givt and it cured her. Mr. GARRABRANTZ, nf Boll's Frtry.w atsit cuied of consumption by this D ilssm whi sll other remedies ft'ted to is relist she wss t ducrd to e skeletm. Dr. A. C. Castle, D-nii 381 Brondwsy, has witnessed itseff-rts in sevei cs-es where no other medicine sfloitlcd relief b the Blsm operated like a charm. Dr. G. st witnessed i's wonderful elTrCts in curiog sthtt which it never fails nf doing. Spitting Bloo.l, ah miug aa ii may be, iaetfectually cured by this 11 sam. It heels the ruptured or wounded bio vessel, end mskes the lunga aound again. Rev. HENRY JOMES, 108 Eivhih avem was cured nf couth and catarrhal afT ctions ! yew a amling. The firai dwe tave him m ire bef than all the other medicine he had ever ttk Dr. L. J. B- als, 19 De'anry strret, gave it t si-ter-in-taw who weslahnrinc under con-ampii. and to another sorely aftl cted with Ihs Atht In loih cases, its effect were immedisie, soon toring tli, m tn eomf isb'e health. Mrs. LCt:RETI WELLS. 5 Chitie sn tufC-red Tom Asthma 4S yars. Kherm-n's I sam relieved her at onre, and ahe is eomparatii well, being rtisblrd to aubdue every attack l timely use of this medicine. Thi indeed ia areat remedy f r Cougt-a. Cnlda, Spilling Bl Liver Complaints, and all t':s ail rtinn of throat, and even Asthma and Consnmp.iwn. Price 85 rente and SI per bottle. Dr. Sherman's Coogh and Worm Loaenges, Poor Men's Plaster sold above. tit. Sherman'a . tTice i al 106 Nssean et N Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Bunhurv. M A.M.C.Y, Nortbumberl September llih, 1847 .ty Tlio Grand Purgati FOB TB8 CITBB OF Headache, Giddinesie, Rheumatism, Piles, Dytpep is, Scuivv, etm!! Poi. Jaundice, Pains in the Ba k, fnward Weknes, Telpitaiion of tba Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropy, Asthma, Fevera nf sll kind. Fi male Coinplainte, Measlee. 8all Rheu Hearl Burn. Worn Cholera Morbus, Coughs, Q iin-ey, Whooping G.iuxh, Consumption, Fits Liver Compltinl, Eris'pelaa, Deaf e Itching nf the k Cold. Gout, Grav Nervous ('omplsir Oram niscssia sett ass a vssiitv or rsoM ivtrvsiTira or tub a loos, aen oi essTiea. Eiperienea hss proved that nearly ever) ease originate from Impurities nf the Blood rantements of ihe Digestive Organs i snd to r Health, we must remove those ohtruclione etore the lilood lo tie natural state. ... The avsrsioa taking med'eino ie most tnally removed by tticaiss'e Vsarvtsia etviva Pitta, teinT tKfnplttely enveloped u rooting nf pure white Sugar, (whirb ia as d fr,m the internal ingredients ss s nut shel Ihe kernel) ase aavs so tssts ee msbici; Hut et as easily swallowed aa bile of Moreover they neither nnutente er gripe ' slitfh'est detree. Iml operate equally mi all t! raerd pane of the ayeem, instead of cot lhem-eles to, and rsrhing any riieule Thev if H i Iiver he sHecied. one inaredie norie on th l parncuUr orgsn, ami, by etc il of an Eicevs of Bile restore il to its r state. Another will operate nn the B oo remove sll impu-itie ia its circulation; third will rfTerlually sipel whstever int may bsve been discharged inb Ihe stomac1 hence they sraiea t tbs soot er aissi move all Impure Humors from ths body ihs poree riternally snd internally; aepir , fore gn and obi eiioua particles from the cf Umt the blood my be thoroughly pnrs thu ring a fee and healthy action to lha Heart, and Livsi; snd thereby ihey astToaa na The entire Iru'h of ibe ebovs ran be a see by the trial of a eingte boa j and their virt a ponitivs ami certain in ree'or ng Hesli the proprietor bimls himself lo return the paid for them in all cases whets thsy do r univerest esriesetsm. - Retail Price, 35 c. per n e a p.Jncip J office Ne. uVey al, N Sold by JOHN YOUNG. Wunbur M. A. McCAY. Northum frf Itememhef Dr. C. V. Clickener is senior of ihs Sugar Coated Pbla, snd that ut the et wee ever aeord of ant it be int ihem ia Jane. 143. Patclsaseio shoe id. il always ask for CaVkenet's Sugar Coated P lube as ethers, or tbey will be made ihe vi a fraod etept. Itlth. tttT ! " Georce J, IVearcr BOPE tXaJCXX aV CSEP OOMM No. H North Water Street, rhiUultlp. rfTAS roaetantly sa hand, a geoera l II aaeat of Uirdas Seene Twiwse, tsri Rases, risking Kepes, White Rose Rooea, Tew Lisas fnr Canal Boats, somplste aseortmer.1 of Setae Twines, e rfesnp 8oa ana Ifsrrms; ivtsss, pv ra Nat TvtiM. Csaiesi Masai end Harriaa Tw nreade, aU, eW Awe, Bed CaribV Pna Halt'rWsa. Cesaoa ssW Liaaa Oarpa aVawaklaf wktaB wO saeaaaf aa r fir 'i ti O f r.i e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers