'a'p ? , pl (CwtMMa2Hdt jrtha aWi LSfft1 I , V r A giitve PrriiHC I A .fTAUMS.eiNi.Maeh 1848 SMiTt JMJIr JtWfc r.7Ko'wMi, a itipplement to' fcjjct?il,rV . The bill relative ta tha Cosarittn-5ebnn1e f thia Commonwealth wm Ukn ( , author!, seethe Direerore ta prwefit tha rntradaetion at children at rwnil under lit trirrntit After a. debate, In whieh Meesr. ftandersqnjattbiae, Johnson rxlortir1ofrr,tp nii'ndment wat offered and (rend to.. axing the age for the ad- mitiion of children at fee yeara. The bill, as thof amended. then rstd loal reading. ' Ho tit a B th" ReptledBf Mr. Myert. to provide for the reyieion.of the revenue lawa. Mr Friek.a aunphmeat relative to defalea :ion. ,1 iiii-j vi i: ' Mr. Fox, the . bill to aeeare pnrchatert at therilTa aalea-i-ai rortiVnittad. ' ' ' -". ' The Governor hae ttgned The bill for the bet or regulation of the Fire Department of the city nd county of Philadelphia. , Alto, the bill for ba removal of theeeat of justice 'of Schuylkill ounty, from Orwigsburg to PottsviHe lUaaisatfao, March II. Sinatk The aiipplement to the act ineorpo. tting tba Wisconsin Canal Company was taken p and patted. ' ' " ' BUlr read in ploce Mr. Sanderson, relative pteadingi in Court of Juttice, Mr. Mason, a tupplement to the act to incor rata the Stratburg, Williamtport and Elm if a ailroad Company Mr. Beat, to provide for the- tale of certain tl eetate in Danville, lately the property of e county of Columbia. The bill to exempt property to the value of 00 from levy and aale on execution, being ta t up. was aupported by Mr. Small, and oppo- 1 by Meitra. Dante, Sawyer, Sanderton and lertj when the question beinf taken on the itaectionoftbebill.it wat negatived, yeaa . nayt 17. Therefore the bill wat hut Mr. Small offered the followint retolntiona ich after tome remarka made by him in ex nation of their impntt, were rea l twice and mimoutly agreed to. .solved, That the Senator and Representa t from thit State in the Congress of the U d State, be, and they are thereby requested nake vigoroutand united effort to procure the age of a law increasing the monthly pay and y rationt of the non commissioned officers, iciana and private of the army, both regn and volunteera, and also extending the pen. lawa to the widowa and children, or indi mothers anil aistera, of officer and aoldiera, have died or may die from diaeasea con ed in the aervice of the United Statee. solved, That the Government be requested insmit copiea of the above resolution to our tor add Representatives in Congresa. Ad ed. . nac Mr Redick reported a bill to au the Navigation of the Pa. Canal on the Sab- . Penidict reported adversely to petition Dank to be located neur Potlstown, Mont ry co. Roberts, of Fayette, reported adveraely to na for the recharter of the Bank of Leba- Swartwelder reported adversely to peti or the chatter of a Bank at Mauch Chunk. ' further supplement to 'make permanent lea of State Printer, mi taken up and pa&- Congressional ProcecdlnK. t Washijioto!, March 13. Butler King, of Geo., offered a resolution e desks of the members be dispensed and e seat only be retained. vTbie was laid table. . Sliacerland of New York offered a reao. providing for the aalea of the Publio Land a dollar per acre, to artnat aettlere, and lgtbem againtt the exaction and eitor f ipeculatnra. . ,s lolutinn proponing to change the tenure of r the jndgea of the Supreme Court, from tenure to an appointed term of yean, 3 on the table, 83 to C8. t'iee Preaident laid on the table aeveral ticationa from the Executive department enc to Ocean Steam Navigation to mail and from the Patent Office. They were to be printed, after which tie Houae ad- March 14 The Senate wat called to order at the Vice President, and after, a prayer lev. Mr Cut ly, a large number of peti re presented. ickinsoh presented tb resolution of the ureof the State of New York, in favor Mention of the law granting pensions to ws of officers and aoldiera of the revo Tbey were ordered to be printed, treeae, from . the Committee on Publie sported a bill to reduce and graduate tba public land. , - . , ,t , 1 age, ia writing, waa received frnmth t, auppoaed to contain tha nomination vier a Cominieeioner to Mexico. tini of Mr. Manguia, the Segale then i Executive erosion. , . -, .,.'. ia Rxecutiva eeeaion the Senate rwn e nomination of Mr. Sevier a Corn to Mfxica j ' " ' ' tha dnora beinf aaia opened, Mr. A noved to take np tha bill,, previously d, to eupply doflciencVa ia tha appro in tba praaeot fiscal .year being tha I aaoe that avbjet, withamendmeats. rbater aaid that tba cjueetioa pending iva aeaadoa ought to have beeodecididT eaedwf toeaajaidar tba army bill. a said that alt tba warW liaa what 'one . by the Janata In fjxacatirc aea ibUoaHeaara). tat U aiinroaa at cftbiwar-Ja) gfak avaat tjtuico ,yjTr7 t , 1 f mifytlVrtTFTtraJ BfOfJ.- 1 Itr alitor (Ml'pif ry Vr ge n44i1!ke4H fcWrtiimv?!.ti.j tvivCaa Hdd objrteilntt. if bjr n rlwn.? tha UfciAif ftb'or'ih antiy bin ' wwit(h h r WitVd, Mr.'CrittendDn mo'ved tliet Mr. HaniWen be appolnid CUirfna'n uf (be CmmiUf f qfFiirtitn Relation! in -the pbacevof Mr. Sevier,' which m agreed ta "'.', a M. ftrfTierlK into l!ecutive acea.orv which preyaiW. 'Hi on UM atoora bsiltf aoaia opened tb SeiraM ad-j-njrtictl." '-''' -"' ,:" l" r-- ; -itf.; -m 1 Totcaov,.Mrch t4.148.i "8nTt Whtal.' fair aalea' jof" Western at t3fl a I35e.'" iive Is in demand ar 83 a Me" per bushel., pirn, yellow. U worth.91.a.53c. weight ; lair aaiee - Oal$, are bold at 88 40c for South ern f rlntt.'" " WHT9KKT. Salea In bbU atat cti i.;; bhds 23 ; Vriaki I',-. ' I , , ,5 i. f t --- B(LTIOttH ntRKKT.' I ' v Office oAeBiiTiMOBa Awaairae,' March 11. GRAIN. Smtf pareela of prime red Wheat were el today at 13043."i eta. isd family fl .nr whita at llDilSOctn. ., Si lea of RyaateOcta. . . i C'im ia ateady. 8lea tn-day at 4348 eta for whitr, and 47a 49 cla. for yellow.' ' j Maryland Oata aell at 3.".,58 cla. and Virginia at 38.40 cla. . . ; ' WUISKEY --Pripi'S have dclinpd a eliad". Sales of bhd. t'l.day at li:) ea., and or bbl-. 24 cl. . - ' 'v - Giooiaaaa IriM Wright' Indian Vegetable Pill are one oP the best mediolnea fn the world fortbeeureofgiJdineaa; because tbey purge from the body those stagnant and corrupt humors which, when floating in the general mass of the circulation,, are Ue canee of a dtarraina tion or rush of blood to the head, guUines, henU ach, lo,of tnm'ory, dimness-of sigtit, drowsi ness, pain of the head, and many other symptom J of a loaded and corrupt atate of the blood. ; -Wright'a Indian Vegetable Pills are also one of the very b.'st medicines for the cure of indi gestion, and therefore will most assuredly re store the body to a atate of aound bralth. '. - Couton. To avoid couuteifuita, )turchae fnm thnse ftfily who can show a certiHcate of agency, repreeentiiig the landing of William Prnn ; and compare the l.il-la on the box with the fuc similes on Ibo ccrtiflt-stti. To be genuine, they must be exactly alike, signiture and alt. Beware of coun feits and impoiliiin. . , r fXj The genuine for aale by Hawat Maaata, -role agent fot Runbury, and other egeiiU, publish ed in nnothei part of thi paper; '" PRICE CUUHKNT.- Currectti wrtb by lknry ilautr. Watir, . .. -. Rv, Conn, -O.Ta. . BvTTia, , . Ena. , Poaai. . , . FLaxsaen, ' Tallow, " ' 'Btaawax, K Fiax, HacxLan Flax, Dm an A remit, Do. PtACHKS, )374 . 7R 60 -!40 16 v 6 ' 6 135 ' 1ft S5' ' 8' 10 75 150 i J' t v ' t Sheriff's Sale. B Y" virloe of a wiit nf fl fa , aill he eipned al l ul l c tate.at t'.e conit bouse iii Suiil'Ury, iNorinumtieiland county, on ,Mnnity the 3d day of April next, ihe f..lloiii pmpcrty, vix t A ceilain lut of gruutid in the burmigh i.f Sun. hurt', maikeil in the griirml plan of raid hwnuj:b No 33,b. umlod n lie nu'lh hy Maiket l'et, un thn et ly Shurt etret-t, and on 'he wist by lut Nu. 37, containing ( an atre m're oi less. Srited, t .ken in exrro inn, and to ba aold a the property of f!e re D. B. Keiin, . . THOMAS A. BILUXGTOV, . Ser ffVOffice, 1 v Kbaiiflr. 8uiil uovMrcl 18, 1849 5 ' . , " . A A my daughter CAROLINE bse thought pro-er t.i have my house and provide for liriaelC all pcrone are hen by mlifie4 not to trust her on my aocount fr ra ih data be( a I am unwilling to .ey anything of her onitraciinf. uu 1pm cnmpelli-d ly law JACOB KKEB3. Lower Augoala. March 15. 1648 8t .,;,.'V-1 Notice.!-;-. IS hereby given to all legateea, ereilitora. and o iher persona it.tersMted in lb estates of William Wo'deerton .Ipc'd, aettled by hia admra Wro. H. Muvnch aod Elica F. Woolverlon ( of Wm. btmn non dee'd, eeitle.l by hiaailmr TU-mins Pa doe; of James I eaa d c d. aw tied by V ui. K dmith and ' A. J.tfdan, ear of John U. Bnyd dee'd, vh.i wus tha rdmr i if J antra Traa ilec'd; ol J..n a l-mon j clec'd, M-nlr.l hy Thomas Lemon and Hugh Mc WiHurn, exrs of Win. Lemon dee'd. wbo waa one of .the ena of James Lemivr. aor. Jec'd; f Abra ham Kia-ii.fei d.e'd. srUlrd by b s ears Juhi: F. ' w ttiiger aod Job Hisaineer: T Cathaiine Km dee'd, scit'rd hy ber xr James Tsggaft; .f Jacob Tctuipp dtc'.l, attlid by hw admra Jacob Were and laaper icttuppi olaohn bwiitbart dec d.aei. lied ly hia admr Juuaa Eiaihart f JacA Ilait 'icke dee'd, settled h hia aJwr Da aj Waller; of Jamea Lemon, . dee'd, aeill.d by hi adotr John CVltoii; o( -rmlfri.'g JMulchler sWe'd artiWd by hiaedmr Malbiaa lvtiataf John B. ttdWJ. wttled hy bk axa Wat. B Mutith i-d A,' J.udant of Jubai Yeeuaa Ux'd, aaitled bv bt adaar David Maria; 'he acxounl of Abi.hian atbii ntan. wnrdi- aa of EliiU-U MendcnUalfe aba arc-unl of J a me laUlL gaardieu if Rubart. William aad Elixa bath Rui kmaiH (be account of' Wm, 8 Mngo enuiy, guaidiaa ft I boreae, Barah, Rachel, Elea. aor, Retecea, John, Heater and Ma' gstet Ru. k taam iba ce' nt vi fiedortck Laaarua. auaidian of Huano and Margarst oeaaholiai the aeL-oupt of reter Feral, r, gaardutn of Calkaaina and AaUea Peraver-Lste of North aaabail.nd aooutv, dee'd i tnai Mom rxacator. addilniatratora arut fasadian af trea-aatd aeaaaed atataf havg fiigd. their aeanuuo WilaVSaaaJtsoaato of th ctiM:anii thai ibv wtll be freeeiiaed 10 the Orphan Cout .if said toulity, an Tneidsy tha 4th Jay of .April, next, for aosv Irntatio and allowance. .. ' , . - . . . ' . . i rnw aim rivTieTi i . i nwyw OlEoa, , eonbary.Hgreliitt.J ' ; i , e - yf'i . i Rcisty tlST OP C 10 R irial In the tnurivf (Vmmon Plea of Nnr f thorn atfana'7oiint. 'etTlnfil TVm. 184a, 'cnminVnemf tha' fir Moiday; being ihe 3d. ' fim.j'.mlrfWHrchsTas Vs TraokHrt'W PUtt at al S W 8Hflrlger;alieneeSfari'v J flatver'ahelra Wilttant Brmontori ' a J a(mrt A t! fhnough Peter RiehW etr,'"1s T)'ge BrM' " " Benjamin H.Ahm Valentine K1lixet " Uhsrtee Frlclr " WiTUam Mclf , -: Henty Mrf.'ct, W H If MaWar ft J.'N.ph'Eily .faeoh Weed ; ' ' ti l) ff Like at a( " " ITalet ftrH'h ' Aofoetna John 1 floe' fraertari H Ctrl " J.hn Schriner' ' ' LDA P ltaltroid "'v Hit wood A ftnrder 4 TH Wilson "v''a Abraham Strfcub' HarUw Prior ' '! ra Hogh MeFall r ' I fHO farsh II H.imley f ra Wm H.F(rymiie ft to riisrlea Pleasant' "ea'fwii f)ewart , Wflllar Vatray,1' -s"B ii ar fS.nhrf ; Robert D Fotdamin v a' DerJ.min For lsmsn ' Oenrf Ovater s ' - va John Oomhurtet al Tlrrchef Mathewe1 ' V Dnhief Weidnilr '.' Israel Gntelius' ; ' vs John Porter - "' Bimuet Reed ' " ' 1 va Oeo'ge.H Helii Aeth I Cnmlv ftal vt David M rrr& fsaac Biowo W'ni V tSearharl"- ' va Charlee t?arr "'. .' Daniel Miller and wifo vs Phil p Hck ri" John W Peal " va T A Bitllngion. late conttable 'S'm ' ' " va '?m Myer tc Bition '' ' va Lewie Gppleheim'er et al Jacob l,eiaeiiriiif ' vs William Depuey Dentlet & Montague vn 'h'itnin Ooth jr Hue Uellsa - va It & W Fegely F.lijnh I'Vawford" M M&P Biirmyer Wm H F'yO'lre ' vs Ssmnel Hvuderi-on '' William Starke vs John MtGinnia Brsu'ltfem & Wapp'ea va C H and Wm Frick' HeiTj Keier s Henrv' oxthe'mer Bunk of NnnhunibtfiltrrJ vs Philin H amhach Oi.lcou Mrkcl l . va "J ihn J Wn'f.ir.l tlirpe Hih mm ' - vs Mar in A Wm KanuYt John Dirhl ft al ' va Pter I.aairoa Mirhul Barnhart ' vl Win Moriti's admra Kre.leiick Ri-ener 1 v Wiliisrh' Ayrv'a . , F'.rsjthr, Wilxou & ca va J C Bryant ck I TCle , "ment ' Win Pat'ees'-h' aaineo a W MC"j'e im'a dtc Mslian fur Simi-ht.m ' s Hnckenheig A RiaUel Hugh RelUs " vs J .m e R.a et al Ji.hn G roer'e hei'a , 'v'a Leah tStroicker ' 1 ' ' Anthnnv tJnrner et al ' va''Hama" Jacob H RIiOid- A wifti va Jamee A Wm Ross R .le-t M CI rk" ' ' va Issue Bmsn' J P Hckenber ' v J ma trh "' ,". Andrew'KmeimV ndinr v' lhi. Sinh'necker llnry H Burr : ; ,. , .Wm MrCaa admra D miil llneat """ '' - B .1 er Oirnhart 1 h jm A ui-n t'harli a Dchrrty . ..hnW..f : Win H Miricktand ' Jacob Jwenk v' J.ihu McGiunis v Jurne t'ummmea " v Ssmucl I 'alii wt-II ta Char e Rns.-I "vs A mm E Kapp va Simuef Henderson vs William Btirks Dr. U.inhnm tiearbart is Charles Gearhrt va John lithw tJeorg- Red John O Montgomery s Thomaa Lloyd Ssmu. l Yount ' ' ra J' A H KeMrtter A co rvhunl Dir-ctoie of Ruth t.hi v Wm H ICase Francis (ii'-a in ( . va John M HoUfel " Dimiel P Caul : ' va IVmlrr A Mnntaeue JOHN FARNSVOHTH. ' Pjothonotar orTn-e, ' Prvth'y funbury, March 4, 1S48 5 r DAG OEUIIEOTYPE ROOMS, o I9S CUeout Street, Sf 'iulh Eatt Crnar of Eighth ' , Vhitudejphla, PORTKAI I S from the mnlet breast-in to ,the largeat ix", . singly or in group. The Pioprietors are warranted in ei)ing, that their wmk ha gain d a teputaiion second to none in ihe world. Exliacts from .the Press : . . -Life-like in the expression, chastly correct in the shad ng. Lt-dgtr. , . "The sit baa arrie.l al grejt p- rfeciion, and none ifderaund ii lietter lhan Mct'leee A Gei moll." Bait 'ininr e tr!. AilmiiabU'l ii"'l' ing cm exceed thrii rxquiaile dtli. acyv" IX S Gazette. ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' triad from the rejiort of the Judge, at the la-l fair of ihe Fr.iiklui Institute , -DaKiioireotype--in tliis deparlmrnt ibrra ate aome very excellent u. c, mena in the rxiiil'ition, and the Julgea think thi-y r.e a prnarraaivfl inroemnt to Ihia Inam b if lite art. Thry htve not r coinmetuled an a. warj in f.ivor . 4 any of the cnmiiiiiia. hut siie .'i p Mil lo iai:k a fir it in nrder, il.e collection of Mt-CLLES A GEKMON, contaii.ii g tb tar. gtit ti umber tif tuperiar tptelmttu" ' I hiMe phn., IVU 19. 1818. 610 . ClTvi.i.K(TK ! (Til ALLENGE ! rpHE CHALEMjE .-We have ohaerv.d vo X'ry pailenily for a year paat'the fevered at tempts by ro ra tf rur fatrrni'V. to force a repu tation which (heir rufesrh.nal skill alone) mut fail to give ihein. And we would rnnnntie our ailen hs rvnt'on, uner ilia ronsci.iuaiieka of an unbol. s'.ered merit, were it tint more lhan piobable that lliia eiiccies vf finfaronatle may .lieeit'lhe public eye ftom a emJ d eiaminalt. n int-i the merits of the mtiliilud.' of professors in the Dsguetiean art. We would see m. ril stek an honorabei publici ty, and lhere!y win foi it If golden opinions; but we di pi-e that miralle ehicanery by which a mere prrienro gams an ovation over genuine oitV It is to make this vaulting an.lnti.wi over leip ilk? If or withdraw i a apurinua clsin.s. that we now trespwa tn i s fancied scrum by thiowiug the g'ove foi an honorahle leai nf skill. Our gage is J 500 that the average of a givn number of .la guerreotypra ertcu'.d at ibe Dugurrrean (iallery tf M P. 8IMO.N. 179 Chesnot all et, ill exhi bit a are ter amount of perf ction In Ihe art than anv sintl'ar aer!e nuinHrr Trim aty o h r galle ry in ihe U. it'd 8.ste. .This i n. idle hn.ist we mran hat e say. We are doirou. that ihe pub ic ahould (tve'tht ir pairunage to rn.-iil not ir. 'erne. . ., We a-X. luvesiigaiion, iree, rigia, iropini n in. ve tig ittoii. Me Dave Ibroo-n ihe amve. io ill nick it nut M. r. PlVtOS, , .179 Chi-anOlVt'oppinaVa Blale IIoue, Philad. N. B. Il wiM l an.lrrto'd hy our country friend, thai the, above chatleng haa never yet to. a aceeptel, and we alto wish it uudctatioJ, that did nt iutenJ to m ke by I hi a wager, ea we have already etpreed our 4i. fen lion to appro, priai the I't u to aome cliariubtd purpose. .j - m. r.oinui l'hitadl liia, Feb. II. 1 818. 3m. SIEVE, IlIDDLE, Screen Av Wire i loth Manufkartory, , A'eV4S North Front tlrttt, de'toeea Nor lut and T i 1 f JLrrh otrott,- t j , ; . PBX.AS8U8ZA,r f1HE cSuciUeia having road gteit improve 1. meula in tha abova buaiuras, are now manu. fctut iag,.'fe supeiioi qua In v. all kiud of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORK, such as feievre, KiJdles, Hcreena, Ae., for all kinds of Grain, ee.lt, eland, Oie 8uff, Butch, BtkkJusl, At Foutdrra' VievM of a supcrloi ouslitv conMamly av hand. Aba Safe, Wiia) Dih Com, 8fa atprtnga, Twilled Wire br Spark Catcher. Ac. . . OrDunentaU Wire Work. 9wcb h C.ars. Nuiaeiv Finle, Garden Binder. ing, l'Uissrir d'.'l'ratar,Tr!lis work f"i prpa y inea, Aa. Also Wire fcing " every decrip- lioo. . tTr IMaWu ibasakluUv seretssi and uromut f- f fy execoted be 'y ,r '. V ATW.N A COX. 1 Tab. l9ih,lM.-Sia. L - rv-, 23rt ' a fV North unihe rland County, for April Taina. V.a. d. i4i. r; ! ; . . ; g it y-- v Grant1 Jtirorsy-' ' ' PrfoHirt.-:-farnel M0arty, , '...0, , Milton. John GoodlantUr. 'ChiHinmiamie. Adsm KiJlar, i.U. ) . Point. W. Hiarnm., - ,T N'tth umber land, DanH Brautijam. .. ., ' .flunbw y OiJaon ', Maikel, Juha tP. Puracl, George Weiaer, Et-q ,, , .,.'.,..'.' - '' Uppef A'tgula.mie Unnter, John,Buine. . Shomihirn George Startxel, Frederick. Mulch tor, Aaron Kefley, Vm. Mc.Willisma. . ,M . 7uA.-Jticob -Oearbart -Sarnoet . Ely, Isaac Erktnan. Tt - . ' ;' . ( Coo.Pspiel Kerntetbr . . . . f'pptr Jtfdhonot, .Jyh Hrckrann, Edward fcnrerfinor . ?- . --, -'ler Mnhnnni. (Christian Albert, Benjamin HeflTiier, Joseph Trego. , "i K Littl Mahonott.Wm. Rothcrmel. . Trfruf, Jaeoe Marr, Peter Dunkel. . f Lnuif. fhinp Kaop, John Fox, ; uutnre. Henry Hemler, Dmel Smith, Geo. Grav. Huhunon T.oekewiller,. Hugh Rrjad. Hol nion Oy-ier, Samuel Let's, Win. Hiyea, Rubeit H. McCorroitk. Holnwon Donller. MUton Johu W. W.ods F. W. Pollock. Micliael l.imm, J. H. MetJormirk. ClullitqHuqiu t Lemuel Ricbelderfer, William Barman. Hen y 8bre a. Thomas Pardue. . . ( NorthvmbtTiimit -Cbsrlea Van. ,. StHihury.- I'rrderick Laaams, Jese Bwian. . typer Auzuita,--Ueme Farnld, laae Fish r. Jines t:niphell, Msik 8'ack, Jncb Evert. IsMier Jug'uta.l0'k (Sana. Henry Brovn. ' yhamol. t'n. John Huff, Esq., Otudiih Camp tell. - : Kiuh. Rol art Qui. k. Wilnn Mauler. Coal William Frfely. Vpptr Nuhonoy, Henry SnyJer, Sofomon Folk. . .- Lftwrr AoAnniy. Elijah loverly, Oeotge Har ris, HitniHi Lenki r.. J'dn M.-eier. jr. Lillle AfaAorro.V.-Jaroli Kakar, Juoaihsn Dun kel' ercer, 8muel Wagner. s-y-ieiUon.'-Ali.ibaia 'J'routman, -Joseph Bait- doit.., . . '...-: r Pclit Jurors. Turbut. Philip Billmvrr. Ini$ John t'l.ipp. John Wilkin. Delaware. John Mengas, Wm. B. Irwin, Sum uol Fo.i ey. ..-. .(. f)car Hsn-.md. ChiHitiaq. John Murray, Charlca Gale, Wt'li.m Wurito h. , . " J'ont.--Michael Bainbart. I bn Vtndi vender. fiurlhumbcrlund.laeo Dii'tTouUchcr, Sa muel Cox. , . Sunbury. Jcnb Martin, Andiew Durst, Dn ir Haas, tieo ge Rohrhaeh. ; , Upper Augutla. John Vooprr, Robert Pursel. Sanu. I Culp. Lnuer Augusta. Jacob Baatian, Peter' M. Rrc aer. ...... .,. " i SAamoJttn. Daniel Miller, Wm. O. Kw, Wm. Frmv. Frederick Aduma, Henry Reply, J- hii Frar.k, David Mar (. , . -, . . Upper Maknnofi rtsmuel Reaaler. tower Maltonnjf. Jonathan Spata, John Bade man.; ... . Juckton. Daniel Oyster, Peter Coble, John Wj.l. . ; . ... .,. . - . . ' . PUMPS ! PUMPS ! ! Improved Hydraulic I'unip, For Weill,'' Hulling Mitb, ' Furnace, or 'other Purpose. THE mtierriber iepeotfully annnunres t the public that he is now prepared 10 supply or dera lo any extent fir hia Patent Double action fuutioo and Force Pump. Theae pumps are nvnle of ca-t 'non. anJ the w iter ia surk.-d or f.ir ce.1 through leail pijie. P. aimphrity of mnetruc lion and durability of action. lhe are ratttf mpe riur to any now in ue. They have mary adfun taaea tver the e.immoa pumi. among which are the fallowing : ; They are a rnnsnreted tht mlachlevoiu pr ems ttniiol spoil their action bv introducing nail or apikeo or any mh r auhiam e among the ve, aa is often done with other pump, tlierehy render ing them u lea till oveihaoled. They ie wer rsired lo t-e petfectty secure from frnal. Thry are so siranged as to afford ample pr lee ion against Fire abrut Ihe p emise on which they are erected, by aiinply attaching a piece of hne, Ihro' which they will force water to any part of. or oser, a three alory booee. Tiey are psnicuU.ly adaitej lor very tWp wills, aa the teve.ate can he re. gulaled that a chi d of six years old enn with the greatest esse draw water with iha.n from the dre iesl witlhi. Tha idjctinn so joally urged by III, ny, itiat w. ter ia Kidid by standing in pump loga ia entirely obviated in this pump, and fte.ll water can alwajfa be as sarely obtain. d aa when drawn with a bot-kel. In situatintia where it ia nere-ea-ry to raiae or force lr quanti'iae of water to gieai ili-iancea for auppUing boi'er ia mrls, furusc.a, Ac, iheae pumps are invaluable,, aa they can be made f any a ae, aad capable of throwing from IS to 11)00 gallona ur fliiuut. . And to crowu all, tbey can be sold as cheap aa Ihe c'leaiieal. - - i- . The sobseriber has ipent the last year In at p liiiM-nung Uon and perfecting hie pumi and now brins them hef re thr puhl e with Ihe tulhut con-fid.-lice that they wi: he found to anawer hia de- ac'tpilnn. lie ta p'ea-u a in rriemnm o me follow ii g rompanies a"d imlivnluals, upon ne pr.miseahiii ump have been erre.ed, and who have epn anil their sattat.etion mine nigtiesi tertna; ' 1 - . The Montonr lion Oompanv. Dsnvle, H. lire. oort, aueni; the Btivwoahurg Railroad Iron Con lsnv. Uloomahurg Col. I'sxton. agent; Ihe K mxb and Ready Ir.wi Works. Danvil'a. II inruek. Fb?y A Co., pro'-rieti 11 itie town tlounrd of Berwirk; himon P. K'S-, brq , snd John I.. Watson, Ee, , Danville. ' ' He could refer to many others, who have (mied their qiial tie, hut the at,e icMiettahle firm anl ini'iitual a' deemed (tirlicient. . cry Au aesortmeirt of LE AD PIPES cnnalant Iv on bnd, which w II he .ld on ihe most ie n , ahle term. All orde adJia,'J to tha athMril-er, at M.Kre A lli.ld'e's F. ondiy boihlii , or Mun tour House, Diville, will met with promi-t t- tontiou. HOMER PAKMELEB. Jan. I. 1848.-tt , , , Peace with JUcxico ! C2 W S2f 5t3 iS5C6 S t UBLl9 HNFORMS the putd e that in or.Wr to bring a '1 boul a peace with Mejtfo, he manufactures all kinda af lltfl-w,- Double aitd JSinaJe BertetUd lb hot Guna, and Double Barrelled-Revolvina Rifica, st bU maoufaato.s.at Irullowioc Kua, Lover Aa goaia township, Nortbunililand county, all of tabich ha will warrant lor ex month a. , 1 aoa si ho want a &rsl rale ankle in hi line, ran he aa- coBiotadaied at the hotteat notioe aad on the ea ( teaauAaoif wnaa, . wKi.aiva niw a cau. , Loaer AaUata Jsn. a, igtl. t)a. M'-aUlLiaTaBR'a a.-r : ' t n mm fj y mj 'at 1 .-. -a-a t '"JT tM ' ' I IT ha power to cuise aN xtrf'eaii 80RES, SfKOKULOIJet hmrv.rs.8KIN DISSAdEK, POiSONOL'8 WOL'NDH to discharge l bail pa likl matter, and then heals them. . - It is richly termed All-healing, for there la scare ly a disease, et'emal or internal, that it will' not hent-6t. I have used it fir Ihe I .si fourteen years fir all di-eea of the cheat, consumption and liver, involving ihe umnt danger and repot,aibiltty. and I declare lief ire henven and man. that not in one single ease hss il failed in benefit when the pa tii-nl waa within the reach of mortal meaaa, I hiv.' bad phyaieian. ! amid in Ihe profeaion. I have had mints'era of ihe guepel, judges of the bench, aider men. btwyera, gentlemen of Ibe high tat erudiiion, and roultiiuilcs of ihe poor use it in every vatieiy of wy, and ihire has been but one voice mm u. iieiwil vo'c ming : "Ai'AUialer, your Oinlinenl ia GOOD." , - In Scrofu'a, Old 8ot-, Eryaepel.ta.' Tettr LW vi r Compiaini, Sor Eves, Qjin-y, Sora 1'hroat, ntonchiii, Brokon Of Sore Bri-isl, Piles, ali Onet Dn-raars, rurli ai A hms. t)ppteas:flna, Piiiu Als , Sere Lips Chapped Hrn.'a, Tumor. Ctiil. dnn'a t aiiauioui Er.ipliotia, Neivuu Direarea, ai d of ihe Spine, ihrre ia no medicine now known a go. d. SCALD HED Wo have eorcd eases that actually uVfird ev.rv lbinj Immn, a well ae the ahilily i f IS or 20 d.ctui. One mm told ua bo bad spent f :00 on bis ch'ldion without any bi-ne-fll. whi a few hot, a i f Oinlnienl curid ibem. BALDNESS It will leatute the hair aouner than ny other thii.g. - : ' HEADACHE The eulve ha cured peton of the hembrhe of 13 veir' standing, and who hail il l.'gul ir ivery week, .i thai vomiting often took p ace. Daarat. Ea Arui, and Aeca ur th a Fact, are cured ty this Oiutinent with like aucce. UI'UNS It i one of ihe heal thing in the world for Burn. (Read the directions around the box ) h'HEL'M VI'ISM It remove almost immedi ately the infl mation a...l swelling when the piin cea-et. (Re id the Dtierliona around IIm Box.) COLD FEE P. Ooneunipiwn. Liver Com I lainl, Pain in the ch-st or side, falling off of the bitir, one Of ihe other always accompanies cold feet. (Thia Ointmeui ie the Iru- r. nie.ly.) It ia a u-e .tin of d inea to to hsva cold fret. TETTER. Tbcre ie nothing better for the cure ..f Teller. ' PILES. Thousands ate yeerly curej by thia Ointment. CORNS. Occssional use of ihe O'niment will alwiys keep Co ns from growing. People need never I lrouh'e.1 with them il they wi'l use K Head the fi!lutvin Communication. Received linm an o'd. reapec ed anJ well known ntix n of Pbi'aJalphu. and then judge for y out- self: 'v Plii'a.lelphia. 10 mi.. 13tb, 1818 To T. B. Peterson, Having bten r.queted In ci e mv opinion on ihe merits of M A LI-IS TER-" SAl'.VE, I am willing to enumerate eo-ne of the iHn.fna which 1 tute . tpttienced in the use i'f ihe siijclc. In H e aprii-f of 184 S, I had an st'sck of Ery" m;..Ijs in my, f.xe which bi-rem very psmful. and extended int one ..f my eye, l eing attended wiih h v r. mv d.stieae was gresl and I began to tie f.-ar ful f l.i g niy eje. Although noi nxtch of a believer in what ia ,'Otnmonly call, d q iark mr.lirin.-. I purcbd a h.ix and mad' an application to my fare. To my uipiie the p un soon ah ted, and in a weik'a time I was cut re'y cured, snd I firmly believe that it the sal-, under Providence thai cureJ me.' From thai time In the pre, nt. I have uanl the article a orcaa on required, nnd i" every case whete I h .ve u el ii, I hjve found a decided hi nefit ' At or e time, nn guing inh-d t niglit, my throat waa so a..re 'hit I awatlowrd with difficulty, but hy an application of the alve I wa relieved lefo.e ino'i i. g. ' I have usnd it in rte of burns, bruisra. sprain, snd fl'-sb cuts alt with the bappict clfecls and one rasa of iioimuiog hy a w ild vine in the woods h leti dried up and cured by a fi w ai ptieitinna. . From' my own expeiioce, would strongly re roiun end it to all, aa a cheap, convenient, family n'e.ln ute - I hive become ao ivartial to it, thjt I expect to keep ii con-Unity In my family. I bough not m4tloua to aprear in print, yet i cannot r.fu.e to have this comraiti.ica iim made puhlic if juJged beat to aerve ihe e.ose of humani- y, licspecttutiy mine. WM APWB, . So. S8. Old 'York Ro.d. CACTIOV. N Oinimeni will Im genuine unl. a Ihe nam a of Jamea M'.Jli:er, or Jame M'l'ialer A Co., are written with a pen on eve ry labe". JAME M'ALLISTKR. eiole Kroprnlr ol )! a ove m.'uuiue. ''VJPKICE. 2S CKKTfi VEU BOX&i Aoaai : J. W. FRILINO. Hunlm.y. . '. A FORSk'TH, WILSON A C., i : Northnmherland, Dr WM. M BICKLEY, Danville, J. U. t ttOI'.'ii; S. ,nxove,'; P. C. ftll t- LI EK. Lewiahurg, , , WM. P. NAtil.K. Milton. (.'. t JOHN SIIAItPLESS, Callawiaaa. Feb Ifilh. a4J. cowl ,. C. BENKERT, .BOOT MAKER, ; i No. 40, ' ," 1 iS Soitu FurRTR STBuxr. AaovKCnKarrirvr. rnrLAPELrmAa Jan.'39th, 1848 ' :-' " i .-TiV SS'"" ' ' AnotlKiii'nrni . fTHE heirs af Joba Yorum, dee'd.. offer fa aale ;X all ihsi Farm f rhaifa sitaata ka Hharaokia iowaahip.iivthumherUnd tinty, nar Jtaufl uwa, and,aljo4ain( the old atiaaviech atawd in said lewnahiseoVtrtiiag abotat twi .hundred artes rruwe or lees, ta a good state of cv'titia.' Taa Ri Road from Suuhury In Shamoklnlowa pa tar IHrouga at. r or aaiiiraiita vnqutit nl . 4ft a - aXLAaU H.. J bAlat. BnWaTMWB. . M .r. or JolIN FA RNw WORTH, Hwntrsrr Pva.il. l fiba belts. . -- . ! eew aaigt -. - ". ' !TrlRM'MlaTetvetebla) lIHa, Henry Masaer. Hunburyu. . , , t , - t B. A J. KiaflVnah, Augusta tirwnahip,. loh H. Vmo.nl, Chilliqnqu,". Kaa A &ergttteeer, Etytbtwg, ' t "muel,Hoib, Uule Maheojy, , , 'William Depp, n, Jackaora, , . Irebend and llaynee, McEweirvas 1 ' Willinaa He'mesj A Brother, MiIusk . Foray the, Wilson A Co Not th uruliar laml ' 'Jarnp Reed, Potlsgrove, O. W. Seott, RashvUhj. ! . -: " . W.-AR Fly, Shsraokintowt), '. . ' V Rhode A Farrow, Snyderatnwaw .- ,., Amoe T. Beiaell, Turbtttevllle. B. nnevilia Halshue, Upper Mabonoy, ' J. hn Gs Rent, v:' do ; ' d.i. '- ' ' E. 1V'hU Waraonlovm. , Vbtlealn, at the office and general depot, I6 Race at.. Philadelphia. Dec. 1H. 1847. ly GREApBRfmayrt 1 hd'at Pbh ov'aSToat, He still h s a higeenrimei I of Hoods, which be will aell at flrtt en.it Being lr termined lo discontinue the hummus, be will w- I very low. A saving of SS or 30 per cent, can la made by puiebaeing al hia store. Call and t-jturt ino Ah- yourselves (ry All hind of nnuntry pt-H duce tiken, at the highest nn'iil price. Sanbury, Docember lib, 1847 tf VENI. V1DT, VICl-Dr. ALLE.i VEGE TABLE COMPOUND, fir t.e ea e rt DYSPEPSIA.- LIVER COMPLAINT. NER VOUS DEBILITY. BILIOUS AFFECTlUM. Ae. Thia Medicine is offered to the public uni'er the ataoranra that there ie no ankle in exixletxe having etronger craima to tharr eiretdeiatt in fil ing compounded by a reoular (araduale of J. ffi-r- iii - eon College, Philadelphia, and a practising pfcym. cian of twenty yeara stsndii $ in Phit.de'phlii, hi long experience haa continued nim m the ( pfi i 'ii that a comiiound medicine was required lo Ma-vent and remedy ibe debilitation pr ilucrd hy residtnK in low, mismiatic climates, and lo cou.itet icl the pro-trating inflnenera of many nervooa (-order with which ihe human family are afHirta l, DH. ALLEN ia a well known lIii alcl n, and has used the aheve medicine in hit piactii foi 8 year wih the most astonishing effect, havfng te led ua qualities In ahovo FIVE THOUSAND CASKS, ' No medicine ever received tno.e Amering re- commendations from physicians of e.uiuhut tU. d- ing than baa been lies to wed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eu incnl Pr.-f. . aor ays: '! chiefly arises in rme vh.i lil either a very aedentary or itr.'gul ir bfe. Hhouuh not regarded si a fatal disense ; yei it' i:ei!-c.d or improperly tresre'd, may bring ra incur..ble M lancholy. Jaundice,' Madness, or Veitip .. Pa'sv and Apopleiy. A gr-at aingularily attendant on, it is, that it may and often do a continue a great length of time without ai.y remission ol ihe symp toms CAUSEv Grief and nnea.inrm of m!nd, in lenie study, profuve evacuations, axcea- in veuery rxreiisive use of spirituous liquors, tolai-cn. o pium. and other narcolica, immoderate repMinn,. over diatention of the slom.ich, a d.-6ciency of lbe secretion of ibe bile or gistric juice, exrosuie (t i old and damp air, are the chief cause o'. iSis dis ease. SYMPTOMS, Los of appetite, n iea,jerfl burn, acidity, and fastid erucUtions, gnawing; of the atoniaeh when empty, uneasinetia in the thao it, aiii in tha aide, eoalivenc, chillnesa, l.aguor, lowoea of spirit, ptlpitatiooa, and d..bed Bleep." . TREATMENT, DR. ALLEY'S tEGE. TABLE COMPOUND ha lies, r failed! m alliir. dmg immediate relief, and a ladtcal co.(r ihia ilisfsss dj Thia Medicine can be hud of H.3. Mas-er, 8onhury J. C. Msitin, Pnttville, .Itrdlar A.. Uickel, Orwigshurg ; and of UroggisU g. nerllv. ALLEN A WARD, t roprir-tora. Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847. cq Iv 1- II. I L A DE L 1 II I A IrlEDICJAL- ZOTJSH, EilnblUhed 15 wart ago, by Dr. Kl SKKllS. The oUe.i, aureal and best hand to vure nil fortua of seer, t disease, diseases of thr kiii a4 enliurv hahiia of youth, i DR. K I N K EL IN. If. W. corner ofZd and Union ., btwren Sprite and Pine, I iquuret from the Jrc-'ire. YOUNG MEN ! if yon vt.1.1 your lfV or yiv health, rem.-mber, ihe dlay of a mtv th. nat. even a week, may prove your ram, bothol l.ide and mind. Hence let no filae hhmU.iv .leter from imiking your case known lo .me who, troa clues! wq and reaietamlty,en auwie h fneod vM. He who piacea bimlf under Dr KiNKKLtN treatment, may leltgioualy copGJ,, in bis honor as a genjemaa, and in who-e bosom will be forevr locked the awcret of Ihe patient. ' loo man think Ihev will hug lhe crei tothenr own hearts and cure tberaelva, Ahs! how ' ten is this a fatal delusi. n, and bo'v many a f- aiiiHng young man, woo nvani na'-e ree.n a'i.re. nient to eociety. baa faded f'nm the or COUNTRY INVALIDS. finding it inconvenient to multe a,a.Aat tpf.tia. li ii, can, by aiattng their eiso eplieiiy, toga h. r with all their symptoms, (per let er. poet TaatS bavst forwarded lo ihem fc cheat coi,taiaiag Dr. K'a mo- dirines appropnste.1 accrdi .ijly. I'arksgee of Mr.Iicmea hjrwardeJ lo any pari vf tha United Statee at a. mo mem noiicw. (tj Post rata L'KTTass sIJ io P.. Kia. SLia, Philadelphia,. ,H be promptly a tend.d to. Oc. 30th. 184.7. ly Wntclitts ifc Joweilcry Full Jewelled Gal.1 Lever fur $49, W ewrurjiol aTiLCSOS. LACOlalTJG, ' Ai. S'.B. JW.eY otreet. PHILADELTNlA, If AH rnnatanty nn hand a larwe avirnrnl uf Vi O. (raid and Hilrsr Watchea, A thet kiwi g tow prices Fuji JewelWd GoM Levera, . flOfO . ' v Hier do SO ( 0 Gold larpioew, full lewcltad, SO fa Hilvr .Lcirinea, 1 3 Wk Silver tjuartiria, . fJ8 nJ 1Q 1)0 With a large' assortment of Fist JxwakLtar, such a ear ring, finger ring bre t s bra lets gU and silver ponrils, gold chains Ae. Hia also on hand ootripli-t ease. linen t Lu.stte. eat)t and pluio Watch glasses Mam Bprvigs Verges Dtala and Handaof eory deacV'pl'.or ; and au lrl, a compleia aasortpent of WeU-hanHkera' tones and vvaica atsaerteis to warcn ne vnviu all tfte at . IcnuoM of the country ttatka in general, i dj" 11toa wlabing anything in 'ia aloe line. Would tod it to their advantage to eatf anj al. anica hie aloch hefoie porohaaio ,, Isewhore. . JACOB LADOMU. --. , ! wr. ia m... -. . l-i s.k - .awmw fu,Ti. UBIDW I . Jh1a.w4phia, tWpt.fs latr-itm, CHBtP. i waaiaai . aau rf 'wwaaiMI ' Tl nevets Handaotaa U of CaWaa, uj til iiClitmt Capo ot all hind. Gua ey f'" tPtan. woma ar.4 ahildtaii,! Giooar.a, Quetnobare, ka.f a arMl af or her aitH-h-a. cheaa fthaaeter.hy HENRY MA88CR. f uubury, et. it A, 117.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers