Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 18, 1848, Image 2
- J' J --' CorretpoauVnce af the Public Ledger l' , ?sb Mitel t Vo will Aiid notuingia-tria- ctlior a.pia' in regard to th treaty tbirt t hV no, mentioned In fa Mm.Tfy JtffajW&tmUt. Trit trt j into aim p by, amending vhwr' or leif ihr er1Je1et?ii the frWty faon.". The firtt wast ha' lirikiuf flul-ofUi--fver( eionary rifhl in aost 150' milliortof tercels wtf rtltnrf) W Pmprii$in-iQ, gtntt, rti1 principally o Ir'iti priest and othi B,i. , tith u , .f m ea rtiM1' Tb 2d n the ettMsio of (lie jurisdiction iif Mexico, and tbnAigbtlnmlhat lb Pope over tb Caiholi m the ceded let ritory ; Thi wee, in my kmnbl opinion) very input tent aimmlment. . Any one- who knows iht in fluinc ei Ihe clergy or) air people speaking tb Spanish. tan juagCi will appreciate what mlnit means th clrgy,, of ilsco would hav bad by hia clause lo foment dwMUaMctioaaaddif cord, end to sow. th aead f r u vJt, if not nf re volution, in New -r Mexico and California, Tb present Tope, to ba aura, i a liberal rata, apd a great mau ; be ia by tar. th roost virtuous and able eover ain of Europe f , but 'Ilia PontitV . cal crown ia tUciii, and Alter it o maun .10 think that his iucc easer, wlou himself dot Dul know,, will lolluw. ia. bif footeU'P.-, f-. j. r What tba Mexican ck-rgyeao du we ,ein . the treaty wjticb waa made .between tbeai and the British gent, Mr. Mackintosh; and ;ourdi pJoiu&tic kuighl erraat, Mr., Trial of the aorruw ful countenance. Wrtb the. example of tbo late raligiou troubtea in Ibe Rheniah province ot l'ruia, and the moat recent trouble ba t ween the Calbulic and Proteatant Canton in Switzwlsnd, (which well nigh led to a Kuro rt an war, and were only - chucked , by Lord Palmeratoo succeeding in rooet thoroughly du ping M. Ciiiaut,) bfore ue, none but very in experienced or prejudiced peraon can call that clause unimportant. It would have been the aeed ol vndlese trouble, .trifling in tbemselvea, bui exceedingly vexatious iu the aggregate, end admirably calculated lo check the assimilation of the people of the ceded territory to Uie mode of thinking and acting, and the habit of life ol mo people ol tbe (Joited Slstea. There woulJ lijve Lei o the doctrine of mixed marriagei the attempt made to confine tbe education of youtht Ui Catholic seminaries, and all the other meaoa by which a churcb once dominant Lot country trie to perpetuate and increaee it power, I would not have tbe readers ol tbe Ledger to un derstand me that I take the slightest part for or againet the Catholic religion, , My remark re fer and are applicable to all other ehureh estab lishments which exercise controlling influ ence on their respective congregation.' ' The third amendment, which ia of the great est consequence, ia that which make the re maining twelve million to be paid hy toe in foot yearly instalment, payable directly to the Mexican government.' On thie subject I have already written you three daya ago, and t have nothing to add, except that the amendment mnt which do a away with transferable aix per rent stock ia the only tangible guarantee of the future, as long, aa it last, viz: fur our If, in the meantime, a revolution takea place if Santa Anna himself ecceeda to power, he will before committing any depredatione on our rommrce or the property of our citizens, re member that within a period lees than twelve months, an instilment of three millions becomes due (mm our government, and that any epolia tinn which miy be cnmuiitted on our commerce deducted from the amount. And the Mexican alio know, that ia the it facto govrnmrt ol. Mexico pro tern knows that th first cannon ball fired on oar frontier a receipt n lull for tbe balance. March 13. I have to correct my list af Senators wbo have voted againat tba Treaty. There were but 14 and not 15 votea esat against it, aa ststed in the Union and Ilenld, and in my published letter of yesterday. "t . . . , ' The vote stood against the ratification Allen Aichmon, B -nton, Breese, Douglaa, Lewi, and Weatcott 7 Dt'mocrata ; and , Badger, Baldwin, B rrien, Green, Spruance, Upham and VVi-bter 7 Wbigi ' ; Phelps, Pearce, Clayton and Houston absent. So every other Senator voted for the confirm ation, r Mr. Corwia, of Otiio, voted'or the con fi '(nation, and not against t it, a atated jn the Hrld, and aa ( myself was induced to believe. His whole course on tbe Trea'y was such as o ltd evtry one to snpptee that he voted lor its ratification, Ynu my rely on it .that tbe above etatement ia correct,, f$o the majority for the treaty waa 24, and not J2 a erroneously staled . Tho churcb article, which, was amended, not only referred to tl.e'vriWicfioM of tbe Mexican rhurch over the Cathidic Chnrlt in tbe ceded territory, but al" IQ boltoa of tkeprivi hjff mpAjnyinniUoflhal church in Iht Ct iedfrot'wctt, ., Thi. a you ee i an. all im . . Rortant 4 a( ,r3"lg aneodmcnt, and may , b, locked ppnn by Mexico in very difihreat light from, wba( we do, j 1 1 the Mexican ehujreh i aeea in it aa.a,ttaakj. thi,JiigKua inrtitn tiona, it will thrAW.aiiuuaimpedj0unt in tii - . way of the raation of the-Treaty by the I Vex -can Corgreas. , Jut I np that thi will ' V ''not be the ease, end that tba tlaa-jry will not re .. i-". new war wbict can only aerve to bnpoveriab tVm. ' 1 ' 1 , V the rumor 'thar" fie rVieW (be W, aa'pay-masULcfiSAoL i a ei Villan ana idt f an oBeer In thflbf esateMiatjsltfiolt. , end (ma ' - t dlatioctty tmeaVl tymttJmtpth dm Mp? 'Co ipinpianati, -AnotlaKvawiwahat the President hsi trir;en.hW. name frrm tbe, roll. If the former report tntriw, thejattar uft ilnubtedly will be so in a Wrf abort tin. The whole correapniideii tv fwern 43en'ficol4 and ilie War Dnartm-tit will be shortly laid bofur CungretM, and h mhlih-d. A portion of it only .wenj intn the. 3-naie. in eecret teesinrH bat even thU ricn. ennnbr -1 -Mttroi to pe4lct that, t, when the eieiipondencehny Vtl A,' It will "be riuodf "VpTove ' raatXJhVwrl Ireari Ht, Poaitlvely rftred,to obey tlieflrdet ol the Preident. and that . "'U.tli 2d, H wished li'inwlf to be rrcalleil It will be lor ?(' of the nppoaitjnn oa-, pere,vlh?n7 firSfo wkit till tney 'nave feen the ror'reprtndenre,and then pr'pire to aanil. the admfnWrafion for th )r treatment of Qit. 8cott, .fien'Vn thTfcetaiSiafl W known, it wlil be diacnvered lliat the oatu nc and foiWprance ol fie Preaiifent went qnite Wr'enojigli ; and that Gen. Scott," so lr" from being Wa'ed baraniy, waa rather imluVed by Mr. Polk and Ouv. Marey.-' ; ' There h also I miiioT thai Mr. Trinlon his return; wilt he fried but fdoiiht 'the rxpedi eney nf the mesuM'iter the m in" stipulation ot hi treaty are confirmed by the Sr-riate.1- yr i j ii I i i in i i - ' -i ' Attack of a Train The Uuerrillaa Defeated l.ieut H-nclewm 'and three Georgia Volun teerakillfd Irlthe aetien.1 " v 1 ' IxwiavittR, March 14. New Orleans paper of the 7tli have been re ceived her by tbe mail boat, containing later intelligence from Mexico. 8everal veeeels had arrived from Vera Cruz. and ont'i ha vine only four daVa' passage brintrs Vera Cruz paper of the 2d lnt. " " ' ' The train that left Vera Crux for Oriziba on the 13th olt with an eaetirt of 250 men, onder the command of Captain' Brpeoe, had been at tacked by 400 Guerrilla. Cnpttin B. sent an express to General Twlpgs,-desiring a rein ftMrement.' ' Three eomanieaof cavalry were despatched to hie aid, but after pmeeeding a far aa San Diego without meeting Capt. Drlb- Ce, the detachment retorneit. A letter of the latest dale state that the Guerrillaa were defeated, after a rfeeprrate fight at Mataeorda, in wliieh Lieut. Ilenrierenn and four of the Georgia volunteers were kilM. A strons; detachment nf cavalry and infantry left Vera Cruz on the 21t ult , to clear (he road of he Guerrillas. - -The Ftee American of the 2d inst. mentions that an expresa had arrived, bringinr the in telligence that an armistice of two moot he hail been agreed Boon between General Butler and the Mexican Cominieaionera. i JJabit o Bcapino Character ia formed more a a the result il habits of daily reading. than we are accustom d to think. Scarcely lea' depend on this, than on the character of the book read. One man will glance over a dozen books, gaining aome general conception of their contents, but without mastering a aingle thought and making it hiaown ; while another, in the perusal of a eingle work, will gather materials for thought and conversation for a life time, Grimk, an eminent scholar and orator, attri butea hia dia'inction to the influeiiee of the tho rough reading and study ol a single honk But ler'a Analogy while thousands, if they wtiutd confess the truth, mipht sscribe their mental divination and imbecility to the indiscriminate and cursory reading ot whatever comes in their war. There is an evil in this Hireetioo that lie back of the character of the popular liter lure, and that could not but work immense mw chief, even if what ia en universally read were a great deal better than it is. ' We a Mode to ike habit of reading 'for atnuarment or excitement There are multitudes who ha v nn other or higher object in reading. ' II the book ia only interesting' it suffices. No matter whether it contain tingle valuable-thought, lact or prm ciale; no matter if it ia tme ot tale. It is ennogb thst a morbid love of what is wonderful or amuaing is gratified. It helps to 'kill time,' and satisfies an appetite that Is era fine and a bout as healthful as that of the drunkard for hie cup 0W Itranch. - ' ' 1 '"' W : learo that Mr. Oamptoo. the acting British Minu-ter, has notified Mr Pk, that no Icaalhe Mexican grant ot land in Text i prior to March, 183ft, are respected, the British go vernment will hold this government responei b1l ftiMMVAf-. Thi Is soother turn of the doctrine broehe! in England some years ago that the United States government waa responsible Ihr the esDisoi me inatviuuai Histes. l exaaiaa sove reign State, and ia able of itself to aettle all deima ef this kind lo its own territory. '' . . 11 - , ; SpARcrxv , Peucatx Ti.e Udiia ot.Ne York have, pressed forwsrd in such ramhera to kif Henry CUy, that ba haa been obliged more than one to retreat precipitately rom ruvt of Up rushing . forward esger for B .srosck.It would be. the. height of hospitaJity, in ueh a difliculty, to sppoint committee of, hi young friend to receive the ladie and do tb boooia for him. t yyt kve op doubwil would-be juil tatistactury la.llarti. .., , , Look t Tme In monarch'al Great Briutn ber'ftirty millio'neof people sent through the nulla eleven. It tiers each, .at Jlwo canta a letter during b yfl8j7t wbil w republican A retic hr twenty oaillioa oLpeopI only sent Hbrug th mail during .tb Net time ' J6l i m4 belt (mini web, t 5 1 10 eeate i letir. j mjLj ix-L-i-i -rrffww .TUJ1 - ATI Dill OA n. T :' U'W.m I'll I'l ll.VJiJaat I IVfJU1tsTfeV 'Cbaw aaf Ms ! tW tatfe mtiti fbml MCw, rtmir uf&t mmd CktoHtH 1 mtrti, tttdr ( wim vv. tern .'nw a- W)e trlt -M. Orawr BmU tlntfr W Ualvwt Bmtttmerr, 0n4Vt . If 4Rf 8Utt, Bpsf, U mtUhmrftd I rl s Jttft;rd rtettpt Tr mil mswsW dni tMa mc far waertss wr mirertUinfr "J E.W rCARR, turner o TLitil vnd- Dork Areffa, $u BiJJiqg oppntil lrchatt Exchonir, PkitaJcfpii i fitfQ. mMfftoriftdia cr our jtfwm. . in-!' run rnboivc.ii i , . - ...XOTICBv-. -: r-1 - ' Oi.stai.VKa With, the present number, ibe connection that hap hsretafore fxisted bstwsea the subscribers, io, lh jutbtiration of tha-,','9ua , bury American,", will, erase by . mutual conarnt MrEisely retiring .from thaestahlithmeut. The Amerkan wi)l, bsreafirr, be ftubliahad by H. B. Maaaer, a rd,itor and aols.prepritort and after tho lapse of U wsrks will appear in aa enlarged form, with an entire new diets of hsnd. soma typ. , , -- .., -i . It is now seven yests and a half, line the sub. scribers. commenced . tbe ,; publication .. of lbs American," sod, for tbe patronage bestowed by many ottbeir friends, they tender their warmeat. thanks. During that time, however, number of our subsribers have paid ua oothing, wbil a large portion have paid u only nart. ,JU it will be incumbent on us to close up our old accounts, those of our friends who are .in arrears, will see tb neeessity f making settlement with tb sub scribers, until further notiee, at as early a jteriod as posaible. Tbe office of tba American will continue at tbe old place. , .H. B MASSER. .. JOSEPH ElsXLY.. 07" No paper will be laaued from this offlee neat week, as we shall, he engaged in putting tp a new prei. and making arrangrmer.te for .the appearance of tbe American tbe week following, enlarged in fnim and greatly improved in ap pearance. . .. .......... f . . .... py One Nawararsa. As no regalsr papr will be issued from this office next week, in ton. sequence of our arrangements in getting out tbe American in a new and enlarged form, wear-all moat probably Itaue an eatra.' eontainlng tbe la test nd moat' Important newswhich 'We will send to our subscribers 'trstis. A we "design making the American on of th handsomest and largest papers in Northern" Pennsylvania, we trust our friends will exert tbeimeiees in, i.n cresting our liat of subscribers, in return for the hesvy ei penses incurred. , , , ,,, , . 07" The wea'her is so clsng--able this sessori. thst it importsnt aa a matter nf history tn record ita event. 1 Tuesday and U edneaday last were probably among tbe eoldat days of the winter. VVe trust, however; when thia cold snap haa passed, we shsll have tbe mild weather characteristic of spring, a aeaton Into tkhich we have already paiaed. ' (T7" We are indebted to Pr R H Awt. form erly of this place, for a copy of the Report of the Ohio Luna tie Asvlum. -It ia a valuable and in teresting report,' containing much that will af- lord food for well aa philanthropist. This excellent institution ia in a flourishing condition; and has grown up on der tb care of its able Superintendent; Dr.Wm. M.; Awl, formerly of this place. r- ' 07 Tbe whig Convsottoa at Ilari isburg . met n Wednoadav- laat, and nemmate. Hon, tt Middleswsrib. af. Union ., as Jlbeic candidate for Canal Commissioner, ZJ Laisav raow Mkxic Col. Jscktoo,, ef pottsville, who was appoiated ta bring horn the remains of Lieut. Wunder, of, Rrading, arrived at Msxico on Ibe ) Sib ult with despatvbes. r? calling Geo. fkott. and appointing Gen. Butler lo th chief command. , .Gun. Scott ueued his fare well address,, wbicb .wss received with deej feeling by tbe army. Fanta Anna has given up bis design of Waving Mexico CT- Tbe last number of the John Donkey con tains good, many jokes.; ..John professes neu tialtty, though b ia sometime aatpecled of (ran ing towarda democracy. , tie is, however, nine pendent in his bit. .The. laat number bits off Mr. Clay's tour. and reception at New otk t Je also represents Mr. Buchanan a a , thimble lig I - ....... - -( , , 07" Nawsvaeaa Poaraoa. JVe abaer v in se veral of our exvbsegee Ik following snolt at tb bead of their columns l ' For lb Repeal of ha Law taking Postage an INettapapera, undrf tbiity rruit-a " . There probably never was a more unwise, and we may truly ssy , a more unjust act nf Congress, thsn ths repeal of that portion of the law which permitted country papers to be circulated on equal terms with' tboss of ths Urge ' cities' ; for that was In effect tbe sum "sad uubetahre of tbe law. ' City publishers Care bat little for Ike pos tage laws, as long as they can aead '.heir papers free, as merchandise, ver the tail roads, tabs distributsd by their agents, which tb present fawsllows then to ' do, -while cauatry papers, having naseh faeihtlssf aaast pay posts fS vry paperaaal by aaail--Tbia, with tba poly the already emits, givee there an. 4dvsn tag evar'fba'ra'untryr., of, wbiek aur ma i f ( r fV 1' 'J In anbTker 0u'mir ur readrrV will, find va fU synopsis fbd' tiaaVa It passed tb Senate of tba United iUrw, jrwHfce wiib a liat ff menv birrs voting1brnJnigkfnsr it. "The New York Herald, fram whicVTh aeeount la taken, baa atnrt ftiMlskedtbe artlleVtb treaty In M paper: -TW abatrVir wa fcara pahlisbrll, emtra" .nrijunetiw ef serreeybsv mt yt Vea re tnavedhtheSenat. and yet the editor of the Tfcrtld say htf fa hid tn bla neaaefo Tjb entlr v t " . - i -:. iwJijnpwiVriWWi'vfBWMim'mA P-arta Whig ta vat It. will nf ponrte remain a aeeref. -.If a I .. . i ,1.: . V ..- . .. V Kt r'--." . member of the Senate haa furriiahed it. hedara pofof eoureV avow it- Tt), Hjrld probably may have obtained a "copy surreptitiously in Sfextco. '"At art Vv'ea'ts, if sWws the folly of fh'd ekecutlVe' VeisfonV of 'tbs Senate' hefng held with lot d doOta. Th procee'drngt of thes1 secret sestioos are generally mid public by th latter writers and .reporters af ewepper, in 9 boTt after tbey pc.rur.Jn regard ta the trsty, we are inclined to tbiok Ibat it wil he ratified by th Mexjcan authoriti.ea.. The J4 milliona of ddllara, which after tbe first three .millions to be paid down, will in inatalnpents of three millions snnnsliv, which will prevent the Meji- cana violating ths treaty, a they woulrt thereby forfeit the balance of tbe money, and we. nf course, keep the territory of California and New Mexico ceded to ashy the term, of the treaty. tGP-M Cur attnrnt Lapiss V N.Tobb. A (lay waa set apart for Mr. Clay lo receive the ladie at the City Hall. ' At half past 10 O'clock Mr -Clay and A Merman Laaeeence entered hand a hand. -- One of the ladies immediately raised hee pretty lips ta the Alderman," kissing him in mistake or Mr. Olayj which error ahe irr.medl- aiely rectified by kiaaing Mr. Clay - AH who wished it. held up their pretty meatha, and re- reived a fatherly kiss,. -The papers aay. among them were count jess numbers pf, tbe wives and danghters of, the rirhett and moat, diatininiahed ftew Vorkera. About 1 o clock. the doors were t ..... closed, when Mr Clsy hsd already kissed and a Ken ny the nana about v 000 in two hours There were still about .15(10 who bsd not spoken to him. To these he msde a abort addreaa, and closed hy ssy Ing t "'-' ' " ' ' "After a day like this, ' I csnnot stop to kiss yoa all, hut I csll down on your heads the bles sings of heaven, and 1 bap I Shall meet you all io .that blessed bourne, whither tba righteous pas when they depart hence.' . . . . To kiss a score or two of pretty women, would he pleasant enough : but to kiss 8.000 indiacrimi. nately, young and bandsnnse, old and ugly, would. in our estimation, be a terrible .infliction. . There is evidently some misunderstsnd- ing between the' cabinet and Gen Scott. The correspondent nf the Ledger aaya' thai Gen. Seott haa'refWseil to obey tbe oiders of the' President, and that he Wished to be re celled: and that when 1 the Whole truth cemra out, the conduct of Gen.' rieotrwill be very generally condemned. ' " . i..v .: . - Wasminotos, March e Tbe Senate remained in - Executive -session for three boors this afternoon.. A motion was made to remove Ibe injunction of secrecy, from the proceedings of the Senate in relation to tbe treaty, but an adjournment Jook place, without any action in relation lo it. The publication of the treaty in the yarioua papera has caused great excitement.' M'asra Clayton and Mangum unequivocally' deny having fur Ait bed the information to tbe cor respondent of tbe North "American, ss was charged. ' -- -- Mr. Walsh, the eon of the Secretary of Lega tion t France haa been appointed Secretary 4a Mr. Sevier, tbe Commissioner ta Mexico. The amount of specie in al the banks in ths United States, by the last returns, may be stated t about, forty millions nf dollaraN or, less tban two thirds of the amount in the Bank of Eiigland, Judge Ambrose Spencer died at Lyons,' N. J. on tba 13th Inst - Ha waa from Albany, where bia remaine will ba interred. Hen. Henry When ton dirdst Roxbury, Mass , oa the 11th Inat. i -About 300 copies af the Scriptures have been trusted to a special agent, tbe Rev. Mr. Norrls, ur distribution ia Mexico. '' 1 ' ' i A bill Las been repotted in the New Toik Se date, to suppress tbe business of fortune telling, i Si:ccb to Him n-In the House ol Represent tives on Saturday,. Mr. Sawyer gave notice that he would, at an early day, ak leave to intro duce a bill making provisions to bring home tbe remains of officers and soldiers killed or died m Mexico. " '-- "' " "' ' - 's : ' f l r 1 1 ' . '. i ' i .1 i. i Mb Clst so Albist Gallatin, a ho have been estrsnged for many year,' have became re conciled to each other during the visit of tb rot ener to the city af New York. Mr. Clay Called span Mr- Gallatin at hi residence,' having pre viously sent friend to ascertain if such a visit wnsM be agreeable. ' ' v . Tna New Jsatsv Licssaa Law. Tbe Go- veVnor of New Jersey bss signed' the' bill repea ling the License Law of tbe aesslon of last win ; Political Movehints im Mississirrt. Ths r iends of Gen. Tsylor ta Mississippi have haa Convention in Jackaon,, a( Jbicb Judge Guioa preaided. Cal. McClung and Geo. Wm It Milea. were nominated aa elector for the State at large, and District Cenvepliona suggestsd for (he nomination of district electors. u . Information bss " (cached Thildlphi free Mexica, that Gs. Scott has put under arrest the Court Martial which President Pelk Beat t) . .". .a iiil-l'-ii'V.'' ' t iry U'di (acvii; ana oioars. , . j .VJ w-w.-, i. . . i .- i ( On. Svaday, tM. J Vb. lb bmjo wUl b,clina- TJf) 9 ff'l. "''J KA 'l-,,hU vsil U.icptiff veij eerl.yiMr , . J , , From tb New -York Herald of (Sunday) Ta atitaw taVhVfrtr with . Ill Xrttift ukd Pr'ifmiTk Final awr. 4c, Waiatoit,-bfarrVJ0,it 10 P. M. . Tba treaty Ha J oat been tatlfied, with modi firation. The Senate, three qiartersefan bonr JttiAW Ibsonal vote, and, thy. o .ajoorutd over .10Ti4iuUi ha not been removed,'"" 'The vttt6o07 ( fl,.7.'l?r.i!lv!:..J' Four tenater were absent namely - - flames t'tjet, r Jsl&, f t Samuel S 'Pbelpa'Wbig f.ripont ' ....... Marvlsnd Jon WClixtoiT' Whig Z D'l Samuel Houston' -.Democrat Te lawars ei nousroa Uemoerat , Texai i .. The vat lot tbe ratlleatron atand lows L. -t'.v ""v... ful- , f Cai 1 - srt.- '. ,'- V CbesterkAhVy-r'-TtemoclBt Arkansss Chartea O Atherton Democrat New Hampshire Arthur P Bagby " Democrat' Alabama John Fell ' Democrat Jat Mr firaoliiiry ;1 Whig,',' Jeiist) Bright ' Democrst Tennessee Mains Indiana South Carolina South Carolina A P Butter John C Calhoun Simon Cameion Lwis Cava' John H Clsrke'- Demoernt bemoctsr Temrcrat Pennsylvania Democrat Michigan Democrat T5hoi?e lalaml John J Crittenden .Whig , John Davis. . . Whig . Kentucky Mavaackutetta JefTerson Davis . Whig Miatissipni William L Dayton, Democrat New Jeraey Danl S Dickinson .Whig .. ,. Jiew York John A Dix., Democrat. . Nsw. York S N Downs .. Democrat Louisiana Alpheus Felh , Democrat . Michigan ; Henry S Foots 4I. Democrat, Miasissippi John P Hals Democrat. Nev Ilamptbite Edw A Hannegan Abolition Indiana , R M T Huat.-r Democrat .Virginia Reverdy Jahnaon Whig Maryland Herschel Jshnaon Democrst Gorg:a Henry Johavnn " Whig Louisiana Willie P Mangnrri Whig" North Carolina Jamea M Vason ' Democrat Virginia . Jacob W Miller ' " Whig " New Jersey W B Moor ' - ' ' Prmoerat Maine " John M files' I Democrst Connecticut Thomas J Riuk ... Democrat. Texas Ambrose Jl Sevier Dsniel Sturgeon Hopkins L Turner Jos R Underwood David L Yutee Thomas Corwin Democrat . Arkansas . , .. .Democrat, Pennaytyania Democrat Tenneaeee , f Whig . Democrat Whig K'ntncky . Florida Ohio ". " ""'as' Total ' . , 'airs Same Folrle Wm Allen '" Democrat David R Atchison Democrat Statu Ohio ' " ' Miasom-1 " North Carolina Connecticut Missouri - 4 Georgia . llliaais - Illinois Rhode Island . Alabama Delaware . Vermont Vatcbuietts Florida - ' 14 ' George F. Badger-' Whig " TtogerG Baldwin ' Whig , Tbos HBeoto :'. IMnoriat John V. Berrien ' Whig . . Sidney Brer as Democrat Step A Douglass Democrat Albert C Greene Whig Dixon H Lewia Democrat Prealey Spruance Whig. , William Upham ' Whig" Daniel Webster Whig ' J D Weatcott" Jir Democrat Total ABALTsis'or TIIB VOTB Avis Whigs 11 Nats Whigs 1 7 Democrats''- '83 ' 'Democrats 7 Ameni Whig '3 Total A yea ' 38 i Democrat ' '1 1 Nay 14 Majority for the treaty ' 3t Among those voting for tba ratification are four wbo spoke against it. , Of the font Senators not voting, two art absent from the city Messrs Houston and Pearce. , Tbe articles prsviding for the Mexican gov. ernment in Texas and Californiav are stricken put ; and tbe unimportant provision to extend jhe jurisdiction of the Mexican church over the Catholic clergy 4n tb ceded territory, is alto stricken out. These are tbe principal modifica-i tions. ' s It will he recollected that the treaty indicates two mode of paying th Indemnity agreed upon one by tba issue of six per cent, stocks, or by Instalments. ' The latter mode bss been adopted Tbe three mil liana aubject lo Mr. Trial's order, are te ba paid immediately upon the ratification ef the treaty of, lha Mexica government,, and tbe remainder iaaoaual inatalmenta of three mil- liens each bearing tig per cent, interest, t com inence from the ratification of the treaty by Mexico. ' ' . , ' There la provision,against making any por tion af this sum trsnsferable. - ' -The point omitted ia my former synop sis, and preserved in the treaty, ia an aiticle ae curing lo tb United Slates tbe free nsvigstion j af tbe GU of California, and of th river Colora do from lha mouth af tbe Gila to the Gulf. ., ' Mr. A Meq closed tbe debate tbia evening with a speech, wbicb is universally acknowledged to have been oas of extraordinary power. , It is not s yet determined whether a commissioner shall be seat r not. , , - ; Ths following is a sketch of tb articles of the treat v, as adopted by this Senate. Jt ia, pro bably, as correct as a compresssd sketch can be ir.ade ;' "'''','" '' I . . j 'AHitlti awaf swirW of fAa'TWy.' as iopttd by.UuAmO'ica &. Articl first appointed Seaarg Caevaa, Cant, and Atrietala, ComiMionr oa tb part af th Mexican gov rrameiit te Bdjust terma f lasting treaty of heac between th United States of ths North aad ih United MsiUa State, with NUhote .TvktWfBWlaalaaafO.-a,als ' i i Artiela aecaad atipalata that thav ehall be a jsssnsdkataas)speia tbaatilitia kwtwaeaJb Brasias f lb tw reh4iew - ' i ; Art UU third da&oa th JMpri, Uivft th CntUd Statst Tb life fflinaW ift tk Gulf of Mexico, Jhree league, from land ; th runs up th middle af tba Rio Grande , to its reflection with tba southern- boundary ta wsstsrn hoiiadsry oi same ; thence north to first branch of "the Uilsi which' it ioterae ffttnc down the middle eft bat branch and al rivet ta .the Calnrsda r tbsnca it runs ae west wsrdly, and atsikea the - PaeiAe at a p aoe league aoab af Sa Dieg.' Tb free n gation of ths Gulf al California -and of the r Colorado, 'from the mouth of the Gila to Gulf, ia curs'd ta the United State. w. ,. . Article fonrth atipolatea that it shall he rional with ettlfam ef xlea' now reiidlht the territory' be'eeded. either t leave, tsl with them or otherwise disposing of their pertyj or elss," upon Asking theoath of all ance to tbia government, Ja be protected io enjoymot of all the righta and immnnitiei the citir-n Of the United States. The next article provides thai. tba Un States government shall, take prompt r and e tusl measures for the delence of the border f Indisn incursion. T tbia end, both natiom to use their best endeavora. ' . ' In consideration of th extension of the hoi ary of tba United States, msde by this tre the United States government stipulates to to Msxico the sum of fift.-eo millions of doll In this sum is Included three millions sppror ted laat te aion for Ihe. utterance of peace, now aubject to Mr. Trist's order This sun to be paid to tbe Mexican government imm ataly on the ratification of the treaty. The inaining twelve m'llinna it re to be paid in , annual inatalmenta, brarlrg six per cent, in eat from the ratifiration nf the trea'y by Mex No portion of thia sum ia to he trantferable.' Accoiditi; to tbe srtiele, the United States vernment undertakes all elsims of American i sens against Mexico, botfa those stready deci and those atill undecided the whole, bowt not to amount to more than three millions at qnsrter of dollars - - The Mexican archive! found by us after tsking possessiou of the ceded territory, arc be delivered bp. , Tbe treaty of commerce of 1811, between two republics, is to he revived for the perio eight years, and may afterwards be renewec the option of both governments. The custom houses are to he restored to Mexicsn authorities as soon as the treaty a have been ratified. Means are to be adopted settling the accounts. ' - The troops of the United States are to le M-xico in three months after the rstifiratioi the treaty, unless the sickly seston should c on, in which event th-y are to retire to si h 'althy situstion. and are to be furnished supplies by the Mexican government, on am ble terms. -.,... . . Tbe supplies which msy arrive between ratification of the treaty and tbe embarkatim tbe troopa. are not to he subject to duty. The treaty is to be ratified by tba Presi- and Senate, and to be exchanged within monthe after its ratification. - The boundary ot New Mexico ia to be d-f as Isnl down in Visturnetls map or .nei published st New York in 1817. Several important articles are omitted. Th TsrT Secbesy. Though the junction nf recresy is not yet removed in L'nited S atrs Senate, yet by som means Nw Y.iili Herald has got possession of n'ire trraty, as it bse passed thst body, am copy the document from that paper, aa tliei no reason for withnMinr it any longer. The whole attempt al secrecy in Ibis mt haa In en a broad farce, and the Senate mtgt well have discn'sed thu nutter with open d The term were published in a synopsis I one end of the Union to the other, before Senate had the matter properly before it. E letter-writ r in Washinstnn aeemad to k. th progress nf the debate, and all the lurna it took in the Senate, and nsw the whole trc which is prneuined ti be only in rxscssio the Senate, ia published in tbe newspspers Extensive Ti-KNst.. On the contempt railroad between Troy and Boston, thers hsve to be a tunnel four mi!t long. Tbia r will be 30 miles Ihe shortest. b Tax Mobmo Tsrix, at Nauvon, is a being purchased by the Methodist Episcopal It waa sold once ta the Catholics, but a could not be made. ' There t you'b's Tempersnee Societ; New York, the sges of whose members vsry i 16 to 13 years, composed mostly of rtfm irunkard.' . Ninety-five thoussnd Dish cbilJrea are to ba now receiving weekly rations from British Relief Association. . CHLOBoroa tit Coxvc-l'-jom A few ago, Dr. Shield, of Frederic, Md, adminiat ehloro'brm to child, with great euccess, ' case of violent convulsions. Gbx Tavl ba id that "oa'ore ha tended over Mrxico a proviso against sis, that no legwlstio can strengthen or mod if; ' Tai AnicAit ar building a hug ch ia Liberia, tb firat regular house of Chrt worabip oh that aide of the dark cootioent. Tie Iru Fair 'qfuComp4tMii'toVi mMur f Ciiriatia. ar Faith and Chi faith la th only fool Axtl Immovably ia CcBtre, while Charity Valkg perfect clr bovoluo. v.'.- g- ( jW wiowhif i a M Udy''elg tasting iudlgo: "Sprinhl H, ia fin pot . ,l'V f I,