Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 18, 1848, Image 1

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    .,..-. -Jy ' a-4 a.r . . I
f. B. MAIMER, ."."" rtiitMiM e
JUErtt EWEI.T. SJWattT. ,
s in Ctnirf Jiity, i tit rime nf W. atiec-
'. ter't Start.)
HE AM RHUS AN" iseblUV) ry Satnr
at TWO'tJOLT.ArHI pr armor to lit
. half yearly In ed- i M ppe 4iMMHfai
till AiA arrearage am paid,; .i , ,
o subscriptions received wr a Iran period than
wont. All communication r letter on
nM relating tn the nrnce, to Innra hrtsatton,
t he POST PAID'' vn ? i a
HE children began to y Sherman' L
. sengs. The noise we not . loud at that
'. hut il ha kept inCreaatng am ainc. anil tw
nrenm an great tttt 1h months of fit KHla
I can scarce ha etepped. Or. Sherman strop
s with tha little aufFrere, ami .rv much re-
that any of thrm should he disappointed
wing the taat benefit which haa bran confer
bpnn tha community by lha introduction of
infelliM . ' "
entered into arrangemenra for enlarging hi
iufie.tory,hy imum of which ha think be will
Me to supply the demand. And the aeme pains
care will he taken, that lhe crlehrated lrt
:eg ha aa they have always Veen, in or
that thoe who depend upon them, ma not ba
ppoimed in their hope. He knew, when h
ntenced the manufacture nf tha Warm Lnren
that Ih-y wonld eiinerscde the use f cverv
r vermifuee, an the I,ntenge la rery plenmnt
le taste, srcrjr in H cflerle. a well ctrtaim,
tha qumlitv effect a . perfect curt,
rv email. These proprrties. in connexion with
r ct that they are sold f 35 cent per hnx.'thu
ing them In the reach nf lha poorer man In
land, haa not only reused them to take the
a of evrrv other vermifo ever offered, but pi
mlered them popular ta tha community.'
lima to cure Cough, O Ids. looumpt'on,
imi, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, nod.
r iiiaea ea of the Lungs, with tha nm facility
did on their first introduction, arid the ptoph
t now become pereua.lej ba actealeiye-iienee,
on the acrein of a l.,ht rolj, thay baee
s to atrp to hher tha Dr'a. offii-a. or of the
n'. ami olitam a hn of KU Congh T. rigea.
rh are trarv emianient t carry in lha pocket
hi tale a few thruth th- d-y. Rf pirreainf
rourM a cure i ufiro aneetaJ in 34 hour, and
patient eh'tit hia bqotn aa... 8g great I tba ee
ty nf the liocngee. that thoueandu nf (Krw-ne
have uaail them, and heeome arqa linttd with
iff. el, will never he without them. ' '
rued more cueee of Rheanialiam, Pai i in lha
l, 8'de and Ctiaet, I.Bm'o and Wtaknee.
any anplica'ion that, baa eir beei mvda. At
Hrty or the PUMarhit lncieed,bundred
ipincided raeat have aitrmitrd In eotntter
t. ami palaa il tT upm lha communit a the
na. y Bewa a Drptinn. D . Rrrorm
hat the trae and genuine Planter ia teed up
d.llfh paper made Ciprealy for the putpnee.
n every caa lha aignatore of Dr. 8heiman
at apnn the (ck nf the PUe'et, and tha whole
ed by Copy Right. . Nme other are g 'tiuine.
ef ra wlen yon want real gnnd Hherman'a
Man'a Plaeter. call at tha office, 106 Naacaa
. acd yon wi I not t dmpioiiited.
niemher the nnmher. 106 Na aau rt whara
'. tsherman'a Litengei are eoliL, Hi Agent
dra. Haya, . 139 Tolt aue, t)rHklvn
Kin, rVilliamruri ; aed R-illing cV Co.,
in, and JOHN YOIINQ, Bunbury. -
M. A MeOA 7, Northumbeiland.
Member I lib. 1147, I .
it, ScaU; mnd U kinds Jnjtmjnei
Snrrt CurriL
he HUM eotnpte'a Burn Antidote aver known.
tan'W. (n-l aa if by Magic) atop pana the
ilaepatata Barn ami 8cild'. Fr oM 8 ft,
e. Cut-, 8rain, on man or haaat. it i
al apdalion that can be made. Thnua mla
tried and thoiwai.d pr doe it. ' It' ia tha mt
mailer of pain ever diaeorered. All who
ommend it Every family h"uW ba prnvi
ith il. None ran tall how aoo aoma vf the
f may need it.:
0!jerve aarh hot of the genejlre Ointment
ia name ot 8. TcT writbo on tha ouuidr
To imitate thia i ftrgery. . ,
trnen. I.iv.rv M-n. Frine', anil all whn'tte
c, will And thia O oil men! the very heat thint
tan a- for Collar CUa. 8c rati h, Kicka, V.
mi thi ir animala. Kurety every mercifttl man
I keep Id' animala aa free fiom pain an pnei
TotueyV Univaraal Oiatmant U all that le n
l Trail. v,., .
I E8 OP INSECTS, rer the eting or bite
orwua Ineeta, Tnueya ,Oiw ant in ttor.
. have irieal it nnl found it gnnd
I.F.8 CURED ! rr tha Pile. Touaey'a tf
al O n mtnl i one i-f the beet Kamediea that
t apfliad. AH wba bava tried it tat tba Pile
mend it.
D 8ORE8 CURED. For oil eSMinale
. lhea ia nothing eajoal to Tooeey Omt-
A rnn in Maniiua had. Car a number af
a ante leg that bafilej tha akitl of Ihadoetora.
y'a Ointmrni wm reeominviidoil by one 4
iting phyaician, f who knew it great virtoea.)
vo hniea ir.dueed more benefit than the tp
tad rvreivad from any and a I pikvloua rema
Ih all irv it, ' 1 '
e nf Bun a and Heald. ki all parte of tha
y, hava heon car i by Toneey'e Univeraal
em. Certificate enough could ba had to fill
inte nf ihi ha. :
M.EN P BRUI4E8 CURED. Teat:moni-Uatimonial-,
in faveif Touaey'a Uiotaaent
ing Biutae. haa been nif red tha rnpiia
Hunlrxl in ty racue w. eertify to it greay
n reli' ving tha pain f tba moat aavar Bruiee
rna ahoulJ try h. ' ' ' u
KhU HEAD CURED. Soar aaaea of
Head have bean cured by I'aawayl Oinw
Trv it H erliloia faila.
.T SHP.UM CURED. Oral lha winadiaa
aenvered ki thia me4 diaagreealla complaint,
f 'a Un vernal Ointment ia tha ooi oaotpWia.
rr wa kn w t lad. - . .., , ,
r'f Univeraal Oii.tment wiH a I ware cave tba
ara of Chapped Hani. ' Scoree of prraoaa
via thia. - ? . '' . -j- -. 'i .-.: 1
(E LIPS CURED, i rt tha mm nf Sort
beta waa never atiythiog otade equal ro Toa
tint men I. It if aura 'a cute them. Try iw
tcienute compound, warranted tww Ut cn
y oreparntinaj of Marctiry. - fj Prloa tl
H bug. Ten further parieatava aunaatning
Jiy aaloablg ()tntmeuw.iha phia fa arfw
Pamphlet, la ba had gratia, af raapeetabla
tig aoo) Manthaotf thraaghaK Jm UjaraW
ml by BLtJOT T0CS3T, McK
f. v For naif hj'. ,,
ill, mv-y
;:: : STOBray.AMlElI'AM. ....
UUIi'l 'ILL'.'I '." iHll. r. ,, ,, in ,, , ,L,. ,,'m i .if . i ' t i' f I "a it--C-i 1 ViV ' -i ' i '
Ahowa, aeoaWetc, (n the ooca of y
nr tSHmmw it feswly.
aa. w
A faHtebloer Maawwrlal.
Few of oar read era hat will read with deep
and even tender intereat tha following eopy ol
aeraea. written by Mr. A Mara on lha day pro.
ceding hia fatal attack of lllneea, and designed to
accompany. hia autograph aignatnre, which had
been requetted by a female friend : . ,
Written far Miit C. L. E'twerifii, ef . MtMacJjaji
tl, titda prtttiing ki$tttK .
Jenrl Qoiacr AtMa, ' ' 1
' Qt'iacr, MaaaacnciatTt. "
In darf of yarn,' the noet'a pen
From wing of bird waa plundered.
Per ha pa of gooae", hit now and then.
From Jav-e'i own Eagle inndered.
1 .-.
But, now, metallic pent din: loan '
A too the paet'a number ' ' '
In iron inapirattoa gtawa, " 1 '
Or with the aninntrel tlumbert '
...i i.i - .-.) t
Fair Damtal ! could my pen impart, . (
In prna or lofty rhyme,
Tho pot a emotion of my heart, A ,
Totpeed the light af time;
TATtat metal frem tha womh of earth ,
Could worth intrinaic hear,
To atamp with corretponding worth
Tba bleiaing ibau thouldtt abara I .
r 'Meaalwej t Woealat
We knew tha meaning of moat worda ' '
"By aaand a well aa eight ; " ' " " "
They menn, although they have no micii,
So tr.ind and write them right " ' ' .'
For tbu ia 'eccentricity , , .
. Ona Hti good many c',
Alao. in hiibbubbubhemiia,'
Tba n't ar thick aa (era,
Tbero ara ao t in Engliah rjrea.
But 'a thgra ara in neve t . .
A wantt yaw aft to make it ny .
Tbero it hot one j ia pmm. .,
Soma JuJgnjuJgt tha Engliah toeigwe,
But kill ft with a breath; '" '
With wind and worda they fenfennt name
Fine rtfee ta death. 1
A aea borae ia a aea boraa when "
Ton let him in the ten ' '
But when yon tea him in g bay,
A toj borte then it ha
Of enu'M race tour. t ian'1 entrtt t
A i far tftnfittt
It it a tad'ning eight ta aa
A nobla inc traa pint.
If miner ara all minnrt. then
Their gaardiana get their gain. ; ': ,
AH glagierg extra paint thould tako '
To put in eitra pmnet.
A kitchen eaaief it never mndt
' To burn her face and broil it; ' '
Some Lantsa know no labor, hut
To toil it at their MM. ' ; "
If ona wera riding o'er a Ut,
He might hit tut bewail, " ' '.
But twaald ha of aa uta to hia'
,Tn roaVagainat rf ,
It't fwaiahaaent for nan tojKro
' It'a trifling void of wot th; ,
So let it raaa an net iced like
- .Tha efon that oto tha aorta.. ' .
Tac Patcht Omcs Ur. Uaiko, I ho thin
Cnmmieeioiiee of Pttnntrv wo learn from Wankw
ington. hat bio report Marly reedy, and it will
contain aa ununual fund of ibfcrrmaliaa. ' W
gather, from a otalrmonl farnatked by a onerea
pnndent, tha fullowing, amiwmg rho pnptUtion
and produee of tha Uaitcd Statoa O tho year
1847 . 1 .1 V: v.. , i-; M
Preeant pnpulatiun
Number of kuahela of wheat
oata 167807000
rye 20222700
hurJk wheat 11073500
Indian corn 531350000
fc 4a f)S :
100 005 000
141 A0O UW
163 04X1500
" 404 600
824 040500
tnrtneif hay "
' hemp - '
' M ponndaaf tohaeeo : '
- ''"'' cottoo ' '
" rice
" , ''k cocoaaa
' .' eiigar '
Tba whula repurt. when printed. wi!( make
between neve a tod eight hundred pagaa. rnn
Rmiimg f)iaKAniTtiere la a dieeeea now
areaaient ra Wilmingtoa, Del.; that eovere (he
aerouo with be id, itchy, aura bilen.' ' la aowie
Miivn iuvt www aiiTuufV. . w ii awvaro oaina.
a.':!' 1 ' -f
GaosM WnaagjajoTM Lnraffavrra) ia -vwrtaf
UaarnwaJl Chfiaawr af Oaawtiee,
tha lent nlnatina, 43aar;h aadooai l ta
reaabiiaaa bora ana) aatnot, waa iaheriuiba
IwaMwf lwnJaM
n ml ! "giiirnn i tmis &t:fj -
- .re a. , . t a '
IMkfMT, gwttNoBlwl lalfal CoLV CtlWnIal nUXtt 1 t34." . V
"Oawaint .W.W atVi. of vTrltlr..J
. 7" .T""'"1' C""M' .Mj' rnrntrkgoB the
pletninrV ntyln of General Taylor, era gnalfil
J n.y;fl,Yp nf Ge
t-ylnr. Tbif ,'tfa. herntter-ntte , the
qneation eonflfteitmtjr ne; trt be gnthomhip f
General Tay lnr'a letletrn end depe tehee , ..
. ; 'More then a year fr the editor nf the fUp
Bnwlr, van aWi In pnaaeninn nf eotftfii lnttnrn nr
General TnyW. Written with' bin own rrmeb
bantf, withmit dlngnW, and without reeieion or
rwnertirw btbmelfof any body eW." The
rar.mnhip a at nni'oem apd manljr. hut peen.
liar, and might be rnnaidered aettrikingly ehar
aeterietie of' the writer apparently egeculed
with an old fjiiillpen, worn to thentompand
hedging a . bonntrrnl ttrpam of ink at frf
mneement The letter were eery diet met, and
yM the wnra and line were an etneely peeked
together thai the larger portion of each page
aeetned covered with ink. leavtr.e; - eery ejte
while paper in view.' The eloeeneea of the
Knee waa atefh, that though lb writing wan
vry lerible, if wee neeeiwary to read very rare
ftilly 4o avoid 'bwine the place' in each a Mnee
Hnoian phalartv nf ' worrfe. Thin ' remarkable
eeonnmy of papef we pvnbtb'y' the reeo't of
old habit mi the Indian fmntlet.'wltere the nap
ply nf nratlcina'ry'ie-nftetl aeanty'and oneertain.
aa inetaneed In that Celebrated deepa'tcK written
ha1 Gen. Taylor' during the PhrWnwVr."'in
which he npnlngigea h tl.a teeretary fr the ap
pea ranee of the letter, 'written on a very dirty
theet of paper, hut the only one in tha camp ! ,
The ntyle of Ihoee letter (written in the
mnat careleee manner to an intimate friend.) wa
in many reepeeta admirahlewthe lanfuage
wellhnnen, nimple, ntrnng, nnd rlireet, with
nttt e particle nf afleetntion, end without an er
ror na to the ne of term.' The only defect that
entild he noticed Wn nlmnet hntVereaf In
le epitnUrv cnneapnndencenf tboee not ncen.
tomed to write for the neeee a neglect of pnnc.
t nation, and prinper rliptinction "between en
teneen, nnd between difterent c'nttaee of fen
lencen. ( The eyntag wan pgco'iar in thee and
other .particular long ; parenthetical , clatree
being fr qnenrly intrwluced in the gnnrea nf .a
nntenee wiibout ihe proper nign nf pa rent he
nia .; 8 rnetitnee, evidently . from - haete, gad
fmm the fart that bo had not time. In revtoe it,
and to g bch In ihe beginning of a eentertce
on reaching; to the end there wee a want nf
complete grammatical connexion between dif.
Went parte nn error from which no writer,
however rgperieeeet!, I probably entirely free
when writing in turn a hurry aa to leave no
time for reviaion. In ftome instance Ihe be
ginning nf a eentenee wga not marked by, a
capital teller, and oceavionally peril le were
"inf. ,. . v'
All ihoee thing required enmo rare to make
Ihe reading perlrc'ly intelligible, at firat glance,
to one not arceetomed to hi ntyle. But there
waa a d ireetneea and niaiple beauty of ex pre -eiMfi
Jhrretghool that eommanded adaiirati
from 'he moat critical rrader.'and freejnently
drew forth the tnont evnpltatie declaration that
after reerHng thin, aa one can dotibt ba wrote
hi own rtrapatclWp; 'though Major Bline, or anme
ther pereon' well qualified, ariibably revined
and correct edl then, or acted af fctaamanaeneia
or aecretary. The deepaichee, tkeagb ffeaemlly
exareeeed in lee iwn red neatencee, bear rmrke
ol an anthrahiprbetantielly ident'tcal with itet
of the private letter. . ' : '-"'- ' .'-
Jn the. earn way did Mir be. Napoleon,
and erwrreiime f Vhington. ano Ihe pen
of other; but nobody eonetder M an evidence
of( inferior capacity, nrthtt Ditmont, Bmrrienne,
nd Ilamiitoa dreerve credit (nr the work which
they executed ( their employer,
ft ia worthy of mention that the ' neglect nf
BttnetMatina it epistolary enmpna'tina' waa for
merly common among men nf Ihe" beat educe,
tioe. Thia i a id lit have been the cae with
AVxanoer Hamilton, Rufua King, and other
eminent and ecconapliahcd ataleamtn el that
data. ? - ' ' i -i ' .' ''
Tbavku.' Dooa. Fat:- Among the
varirne inverttiona tgbichjve lately been pa
tented, ia ota termed a traveller' donr faalener.
which ie ceanponed of two enaall metal platen
5nrmed into a wedge by the innertiea of a piee
af wmaj between thrm, while the under plale
in filled with two email en' ken that catch the
ftiatr, The harp end of the, fctener i throat
ander the door, nnd in mora firmly (lied by eve.
ry attempt to enter the mom, while a ennl ear
rie to the bedaide enable a perann lying in
bed tin withdraw tba wedge, and thee admit a
. "Taw WiPfJ af the ' Rev. Mi. Maffit baa re
turned io tba hotn of her parent ia Brooklyn,
NwTrk. -T' ' ''"' - -
i-- t '1 ' . ' .. ,.. :.
: Fmaui treir on. Wbal la, wanting.
aid Napaleon, thtt tha yoaih of France may b
well ododatedr 'Aeflrrf ' naid Maaw
Caaapaa. Tbl ff ntraeb tba Enxpernrl
Her (d be, te kWeed trw ayateai af eda
Mtlori' 1 U K W air aara ttai faawta,
T ' . 7 T. . '
Wl stall kaaw atKMt
j har.. ij; -., ,vr?. lr i-1i 1
Ult-UILJ. UI1J I ..Lit .imi
"Mat. lean tSerffcr'Abf afMttArltirnlVf
ba wta'thg dauyhtn pioaimn ionp, Mtj.
land gentle, arba went rVawc Araefira to. Lew.
den, I where be becaana eminent -aa a mercbent.
birring tba war h left ngtand for FtafleVj
where be acted at the commercial agent ef thia
country, and returntd upon the ratification ( tbe
treaty of peace. Mr. . Adam fooad hia futnre
wjfeaf Xondna when, acting ander .a cemmia
ion tottetiei npoa aim by General IVatbing-
ton, le 1794, for exchanging the rati heat ion
made ander tha treaty ef November that year.
Mre. A.'wne married at All Hallow Church.
London, ea the 30th ef June, 1797", and followed
her hoahunrf to Pmaala, where Mr. Adam wat
repreeented at the firtT American Minltter from
the United State. '' Mr Adama conferted honor
upon tha country nf a time when the United
State wat Jiiit rerogniced nt nn eqnat among
the nation of the earth." Her r.ext theatre of
aeretre wa In' Watliington',1 nnd after thU again
tbe Court of St. Petertburg, and thi from ' 109
to 1914. the moat caching, and pfhape the mot
revolutionary period in' tbe hiftery of F.nmpe
nnd embracing a part of that interetting period
ef enr own hiatory when tbe country wat at war
with England. ' ' " S -;
Mr.' Adamt realded longer at St. Petetibnrg
tba anyone of enr American virtera; except,
ing Mr.' Middteten. nnd hia lady wat left ' there
for a brief period, while berhttabnnd wa called
to another field ofaerviee. Mr. A. came a ton
from St. Peterabnrg to Pari, after the treaty nf
peace had been aigned by Mr. A. at Ghent. fhe
wa at Pari dirrinri the moat memorable period
of Napoleon' enyirernaey. Snd paaaed the world
wide 'hundred darM at the French metropolis,
in the mid! of the whirl of excitement incident
to the'strnggle between the ftonrbooa and the
Revolutioniett.' After a abort residence In France
followed by it longer one with her parent ia the
neighborhnod nf London, Mia." Adartta came to
Waibingtnn in 1817, where her httahand had been
railed at the principal member of Mr. Monroe'
Cabinet. Eight year at Secretary of State, four
in lha White House, and fifty one year tbe com
panion ef her dialingnithed huahand. Mr. Adam
baa teen mere of court life, and that in every va
riety, frem theboattful ostentation ef revatty ta
tbe timplicity ef our. ewa republican habit,
than perhaps any living woman. Wfkitgtan
Or. riH$hwg Cntlt. . v . ,
A Fata Hi A Wtaherint. that la to aay. a
cititen of Michigan,' recently wrote to Horace
UreelyofNew Fork desitieg to have the 2)ay
TVrbunc aent to him, promising le pay at the end
of the year. He added, 'by to doing yea will
promote the Whig caute in tbit taction of tbe
country " . Horace published lb letter, declj.
ning to aeml tba paper on credit, and appended
the follow reasons ;
,;.'t I caa't Aremcmber that 1 ever bad tha
boner ef knowing yet ; 3dly, The fact that yoaJ
did net pay Ihe postage en your letter, is not
calculated te impress me favorably t regards
year preeniary reliability ; and tfly, I pnbliah
ed p era pa per seven yenrt en credit, with let
efetibscribera, and came near e'aiving to d ath
thereby. For the but seven yea re I have gone
en tbe opposite tack, sending my paper very
rarely to any ewe who bad not paid for il ia ed
vaaee ; and I think it will glnddee your pbilaa
Ibropic heart to know that the change baa work'
ed admirably for my constitution, I bava since
bad not only a geodiy aireyef auborriber. bat
eneeab to eat, a good aeil ofelothea, and very
eftea awena change in the vest pocket."
Mcxron The Mexican paper mentam a tur
prle that d-n. Scott reeeMly received by an
invitation from the City Cncil to accompany
them with' hi aid nn a pie nc egcurainn to
Santa Fc -aix mile distant nn theTolnta road.
After riding pleasantly along for several mile,
the ennductnre turned short to Ihe left from Ihe
main mad and bv mere pathway plunged iptn
Ihe mountain. The path dUcliaied many sdmi
rabla posit tone for amhaecadee, and when al
len-jlh the General ami hia staff came hill upon
large party of Mexican, armed to the teeth,
they began lo think that they had ace pled the
Riviiai'ina rather baetily.' Ceeling tieir sur
priae and aatoniehmrnt, they were finally con
ducted to the ruin of an old monastery built by
the Carmelif m4ikn, at Tar back a 1006. To
make a bang story ghort, they (her kmud an eg
leneiv labht peuvided wiib evry delicacy, eel
out uiidfr a rich canvaei earopy. A brief ad.
dress front fhe chief alcade, al tha bear! of the
table, (Uen. Scott on hi left' Gen. Butler nn
hi right, and thra alternately a Megicaa and
an American Ihrnnghnal the entire lengib of
the table.) wa anuat thoroughly (Siting. t a
rpoka of lb euceee vf lb American yrmf, and
the evrr LraMtna hat bad bee a given to, Mexi
co, od cxpreered k.livof hs she wuuld yet
profit , by ber affliction a.d ,rmeif g fra . Um
war with her jiuuitution pttfie4 and he pea-
pie clrvatgd ia itvfelligcattaadMpiaeea.! -Tba
v w ( lb ailey af Alegigo treat lb point aav
levied k avtgatfieeal. aatt ft avjoying; that
aad ta ether luauri aeavidad. 4bv aapay
or para led wall pleated the wvraievr ''
I ' " m" . aw,ftwy aa aw eerfvw I
Uladeaib, -
Wben assy tba, Htiae b Waked m a h
. a' . a aaaaak. -'- ' a ' U 1 " - . -
rtiM fi of dikgW.
V44. aV-Vti. 3GTTlMtw t0, S9d
. rtiaanaxign Wa,
Tbl win take it nam from the province
In, which It ia made. Jt takra'trinch labor, to
twepsrelt Irorn. the J'i ice of the grape enitable
f.r market. Il alao take much nsnncv for hot
ilea ami cork, many nf the tnrmer breaking da
tmft fomenta'l n. Ten per, cent, breaking ie
not regarded aa lom, b etnee the wine i con-
aidered beit r, ant! rises in mnonrtion. .
M Jaqoeeon, a win merchant of Chalone
s ir Marne, it i eti hat cellar in which he
foment ki wine, more than a mile in exteirt.
Me sloe payr for cork yaar'y tSO.OOf), which
ia $5 000 mora than the taltry ut the Prewdant
nf Ihe, United. State. What all of the mer
chant af the oil Province of Chmp-iign psy
tor enrke, would defray the salaries of Ih Presi
dent and On frees ; and what all the win
frowera in . Fnea employ , for that parpoee.
n d pay all the ex,aneof our Govetament
including the Mexican war.
-A faultl of .this win in tbe Province of
Champaign can be bnnght for about 40 cents.
Now the j Hy fellnwnof the United S ate think
they gel ihe beet nf Ihie wine to drink. Why
nruuildn't they t D-m't they pay two, three and
even five dollar a bottle 1 The following fart
how them the chanc they have nf drinking
pure wine. With a ticket a pris can be cat'
cntated on with more certainty than lie pur
cbtee f a Kdtle of the wine pure from the vin-
tage in ihieeonnirv.. .- . -
There are 32 000 000 of tha bottles of tale
ebampaigne a very year sent to ftuaaja, about
a much more innnnt to Eng land, nnd Hiliy qnal
that qwmtity loth United Sialee. There ie a
ei-mpany ia Parie, who make natural Cham
pa igne wine. They lak poor ehalibe, f.,r in
stance, eweetea it with candy, refine it and
thinpiMti thnmch an aparato which charge
it with carbonic acid gae.and in fifteen minute
it ie ready fur the ni ket. . .
The annual prnductton ol France, in th ar
tide n( Ctiampaigee wire ieabait 50000,000
kritlea. The annnr.J avmeemjlinn tit tbe World
in Iheeame lime, in 300,000 000. ao that 250..
000 000 of taUe. wine goe -down antaebcidy'e
throat ie a clear caea. .
Al Campania, in Italy, the vintager, it in
naid, let ttietnelves ttt pick grape a rrom the
tree over which the vine grow on condition
that if they fall end are killed, their employer
pay their Ivneral exneneen. It rm.-h an agree,
ment wa made by te drinker with 'l e ven
der in the Ui-lt.ed State, ihe trade would be
anything but profitable. Aetrert Advocate.
ATt.irrto n PAoirio Rtt.aoAB Slmnld
the treaty with M'xten be retihVd. we pndirt
that not manv yeer will paae. before the two
Ocean will be connected by steam power, via
the Riu Grande, Na'ore haa time ber pari to
ward Ihe improvement, and art will yet do
here. There are no great phyiel orxtar.le to
he nvreome, a ie Ihe cs Inrther 8onth,
whether at Ihe Isthmnnnt Tehuanlepee or that
rf Darien. On lheoher hand, the dietanee le
be nverenme ie s'nt in eomparino with Whit
ney'e prtjeeled mule acrnen the b"nad part nf
he Continent. The HiUowin ? letter (mm IU G
Cetlet in ihe editor nf the Text Advisle, da
led Victoria,. Txae, 13 h November leal, will
la read with interest in thr ooonee;:ioe !
Fr-en the Pnn del Norte to ihe mnntb nf
l lie Gila, en a direct line, ia ebnat fggl mile
The heel arurlietble route for e road, front ihe
nvnat accurate information I hav Seen able to
i.htain. will m exeed 800 miles making the
whole dislanea Irom the Gull nf Mexico, via
Peo bel Norte, to the Gulf of Caltfuraia, 1300
milee. ,; , . ' .,
'Fmm the shove extraet w leant several
important facta: F ret, that the he water of
the Gila are directly west of Pa an d. I Norte ;
seennd, Ihst they nre on'y diet set 115 mile;
third, that there ie already a high road opened,
rv only tn California, hut aleothmogh the atate
t Senorn, to Ihe lower end of the Gulf f Ci
lifornis; fonr.h. thai the Gila iaa rapid moon
lain Mream, 30 feet wide, and ia lha thoaleat
place one loot deep, (and thia at extreme lew
water, aa we leara eleev. here in Ihe journal,)
and must therefore sfliird ample water liar a
large canal, which miyht be made fmm thia
point down th Gila I the Gulf of California ;
fifth, that a railroad could be made without diffi
rutty,' connecting I'aeo del Norte and the Gila.
T thi fact Captain Johnson bear mpl teati
mony. ! He tsys, la reference tn the dividing
ridge between Ihe Atlantic and Pse fle, that the
bill ar rent lofty t en that w. pa seed the great
back boa of America' without perceiving It
Agtin be y. tintil w came to lb Sierra del
Dunn, mithwct, ther waaa vas plain of dila
ioa, covered with game gran.' Thi pis in con
aecU with that of the Del Norte j eo that we
gaa ride south af Iba Del Boao from th Dal
Nnrta'ln tha Gila,' without creasing i't
aaeaataln. Th' ground, ihen i auiub)4 og
talroad. Jovrnmt CamJterct!
A kaebflor in P- Mrtiwi fa
wife tt tb r, p tm wAnaioa Uqiaim
, u Tutmi a 4 Um tM f mki
li f
gJ'lL-l-J. ! .. i I, i,, ,,
, j , e . - , I
a rnifTJi or AnTknTwnro.
,1 q I insovtiani, .
a - pw aa
" i. ,76
Every Mhetqtent laetHha, V f
1 AaHeraiasaafnt t aeceTrMi, fit t bat
eotanrfg,tbjMoqarea, lt tw aqaarea, f
one equsr. !. Half.yarty i . an Mhaata, til .
half eobtma, flit three sarares, ftg i twe sqaaraaf
eqoeea, $ - S -.
Advrteaiat l4t wilhotH aMrnetlraia a to th
length of lime they ar te b eiiheabed, will ba
eontlnoed antil ordaral oat, and charged aonarsl
iBgly.''vW r,' -' v"' 1 '
CBixteea Una or lets mak a aqnara. J
Dhrraxajarm Caj t Hvaaopnoaia. Wa
bava already aaanttnead the death of Mr. Jeob
Friee, a fsrvner nf-Bock anunty, fmnr Hydrm-
ahobia. a - Wa have now full details of thia rne.
lane holy vent in tbe Doylettnwn papers. It
h oeed -deep excitement throucboat the
neighborhood. 1t teem that Mr F. vometima
in N'ttrember lint diecove red a small terrier dog;
m bin poultry hotee. and ia the attempt tn eelt
him, wa bitten by him in the little finger of thai
lett hind. He took it rmtie ef it at the tim.
and the wotmd healed. The dog died onn at
te. The Deenoerat gay time pa seed on mttt
Thomdty ' ar Friday wh, when Ihe deceased
began ta feel on wall. The place en bi hand
which bad bee bitten by lb dog, begin to ba
paiaftrt, arid la wat anwell in nevere! particii.
lar. On Sunday week, the pain had increased.
and waa mere general, extend inff into hi wr-t
nearly tip to hi elbove. Tbe drowsy and sin
gularly dreag reeeble eneatinn tnereened. On
Monday, he bad -a ravevtnna appetite, end era
the' evening nf that day eat remarkably hearty.
A hoot bed time he waa mitcb worse, and com '
plained nf feeling that he eonld not describe.
About 3 o'clock, on Tuesday morning. Ihe phy.
n'cian of tbe family wat sent for. and symptom
of th dreadful malady eonn revealed themelve
tri hie mind. ' Thia rnfr.rmin waa noon com.
municated te Mr Fries, and hi unhappy fa
mily. He received the ehock like hem, and
declared himself reedy to meet, hi ate. A
tntnbter of water was prevented tn his viw, and
it at onee dirclosed th fact nf hydrophrbia,
Irom which there wat no ewe re. The symp
tom were too plain to be m;tkn. The physi
cinn attending reduced hie system very low,
which perhsp prevented a frequent occurrence
id the dreadful spasm, which frequently accent
pany thi dieeate. He ennb rapidly until Fri
day mominjr, when be expired in his chair, flit,
rtne the abort period nf tbe ihrce days he wa
confined to hi morn he wannihlf orhia:tn
lion, and Ulked ratiootlly with hi family and
neighbor. - ' ' -
A Stabtum Fact. G v. Bn'gr. t the
Terrp'ranca meeting, in Fn"ilH'll, B w'rn,
on 1'ueeday evening last stated that the report
o'lh ciKumittee appointed In inquire in regard
to the Mint in the Cnmmonveettr, showed
that there were from 1.200 n 1 300 nf that on
fortunate cttas, . nnd alert the stnundirg fact
that 1 100 to 1,200 of Itaeta were born of drunk
en parent.
An Ezra IIrAD During lb Carada
Patriot war, nay the Gnehen (N. Y ) Wli f,
a man Irom this S.ate, a lut-bnd and a father
nt three childr- n, war tak- n prisoner by tha
Briliah and condemned to a xecuiion. The wife
supposing her huatsnd had been executed, re
movd lo New Jersey, where she snb quentty
married agtin. and hssloreonie years been re
aiding in this country near Ihe village of Port
Jerri-, with her second bin-bind, by whom she
hes three children. A short time since, she
ara surprised b the audden appearance of her
former hiinband. Ha mutt-re- a' iler-tS had
b-'en ro'iimtited to bmiliment, nnd after nine
year absence, ha had returned and esrgerly
MNight, in Ihe bwmn of bifamily,' that dome
I C peace and happine, who bright vieione
bad filled bie mind during the ted.oria year of
hi exile. But ba found hi hearth aad home
ped inin other hand. . II p toons d to hi
wife o fke her and tha eSildren. and f romised
'o si'psori them. The wife had then to make
m-r ehoieo between the two hut-banda. She ad
he red to the one lo whom he had last plighted
her lore, and the Patriot waa doomed to a are
end more cruet exile an eula from tba heart
and hearth ot hia family.
Nkvkb Jock with Et.craArr A very tit
man went lo tee a collection of animal at North
Shield tha other day. Having crammed hia
pocket with apptea, h, tor divereinn, euffered
himaall to be plundered of Ihem by tbe elephant.
Th 'animal made a clean f weep, and did rot
leave a aingla apple in hia pocket. He, haw
ever, invited the e real or ta plunge it pro. on
ci a eeend lime into the pnneh. The in fla
tten waa accepted, but, there being no fruit, th
elephant pot anderattnding joke, th India na
lion o lh aaimal wat at boiling point. Sei
ging the hag individual by bi coat, tha ere,
lure at one boivtedJttm tea f-t froat th
ground, an awful example for men who pretaran
to joke with ekpheate. The te tt could net re
twt lb ponderoo weight, and tbe fct Man fIH
to tha ground. Ha waa bot Mule hart, and b
qukkly aeremblad rff to a safer dnaaac. '
I DraaoLVrnw ran Unta. A ewtnleaa erwpn.
to l.trj dataaiwad Ua Danm. by traspwin"
tc0 lettera, wtuwvby tba UajteSHatea nn)
tba VnttW aWanvt.-' v '- i -
, An ndVnr, in Mt artid. npoa tha wranga af
Irtleed nil HrVart WO nf riery ba te
Wsysy af raayhtj. M k aeenat r-9
ffaf a 1lmhH.1$JH wnati Vrttit.
lee It ia alway la adM-