A Horrltu ?. vVe copy the following from Donnovati'e Ad features in Mexico f r . ...... , , On the evening of May 10th, 'two American officers, belonging to ome tef tho volunteer corps, attended the Cathedral where eertaln services were held appertaining to tho nuna at the Convent at Sin Francis situated in the wes tern part of the city. The Cathedral was 61led as usual, with a large crowd of the faithful. and at the conclusion of the . ceremonies, when they were dispersing, two officers lingered In the church, gating at the explosive ornament Aa they were alo in the act of retiring, a nun, who remained behind the rest of the sisterhood made a sign to the officer who waa atowty fol lowing his comrade, that ahe desired to speak to him. Returning to the nun, a dialogue en sued in substance, as follows: You are an American f I am, madam, and but recently from that land of Yankees.' 'I presume, sir, you are man of honor and discretion V Those qualities, added to courage, make up tbo composition of an American soldier.' 'Are you willing to render me an important aervicel' Yoo have but to command me.' 'I will not conceal from you that the smlco I ask from your hands, require not only direc tion, but extraordinary intrepidity. Knowing this are you still willing to assist me V Yes, I am determined.' Very well, when you hear the Covent bell strike tvele to night, be at the side gate ; I ahall be there to open it, and on your knocking three times, you shall learn what it is that I re quire of you. Will you be faithful to the ren dezvous V I shnll bo faithful if 1 live.' Well, I will depend upon you, adieu ." They parted, and the officer re-jninrd his companion; and aa they pursued their way to the American quarters, related to him all that had transpired, and asked him if he should ful fil the appointment. The other advised him to do so, by all meant, and for fear of accidents offered to accompany him to the gate at the appointed hour. Supposing tho affair to end in one of those innocent adventures in Mexico, and takin; it for granted that the lady bad been suddenly struck with hia personal oppearance, the officer with hia companion, repaired to the gate, according to the agreement, and upon giving the concerted signs!, the entrance was opened by the nun. The chosen officer enter ed, without the least apprehension of fear, and was minted by the nun. You are truly a man of courage and honor, and are entitled to my warmest gratitude.' After conducting him to her cell, where 4 lamp was burning, she politely invited him to sit down, and producing two bottles, requested him to take a glass of wine with her a request which a man and a soldier ia not apt to treat with indifference. Filling him a glsss out of one bottle, she took a little herself out of the other and after ho had finished his, she told him to go to the opposite sidu of the bed from her self. The officer, still innocent obeyed, when the nun addressed him : Well, we are all alone- ia my door bolted look r And at the same instant, to his horror and amazement, she discovered to him the dead body ol a Monk, whose clotbea were stiff and matted with blood while ahe continued: The favor I require ia that you take this body on your shoulders and convey it beyond the gatea of the first court.. Obey instsntly, or your life shall be in peril, for if you attempt to es cape I will shoot you through the head. I know,' she added, my own life will be the for feit, for after dispatching you I have a poniard for myself the same with which I stabbed that miserable Monk.' Seeing no other mesne of escape, the officer took up the body j and accompanied by the non, who carried a dark lantern, proceeded to the gate by which he bad entered, and on issuing from it, threw down bis horrible burden at the feet ot his comrsde, who waa waiting to enjoy at what they both supposed would terminate in a love intrigue. After recounting to his friend the almost in credible adventure in which he bad been en gaged, they both reaolved to communicate the circumstances to Gen. Worth in person ; but they had proceeded only a short distance from the Convent when the officer who had brought out the body, begsn to complain of the most violent and excruciating pains. He soon fsll upon the pavement and expired. Bound to Comb Orr, The Pittsburg Jdtr eury tells the following ifood one to Borne where in the West, sable knight of the lather and brush waa performing the opera tion of shaving a hnnsier with a very dull rator. Slop !' aaid th hoosisr, 'thst won't da' What's de watts, basal' Thst rsior polls." . Well, no mstta for dat, eah. If de handle of de razor don't break, de beard's bound to cum off' ' 'Some robbers having broke into a gentle man's house they went to the footman's bed, anH told him, if he moved he waa a detd man. That's a d d 1'e, cried the fellow, if I move I am sure 1 am stive." KcaaNer, 'Master, Tom Denton's miking fac at me I' Mutter. 'Tom Denton, did you make faces at I'l.il Kearney V ZJn Yes, sir, but he made beta It J3.ll Ttmo t'tothar da.' OA!f R NOTE LIST. ... PE.TrLTAIA. (.!. The following list shows the current value of sll eajtsyrvanra Bank N.vtee. The most Implicit re liance may be placed upon It. as It ta ttiry week jerefully compared wlfti aid cor reeled from Blch osll's Reporter. Dankt la Philadelphia. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . , par Bank of the Northern Liberties . . paf Commercial Benk of Peon's. . , par Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank . par Kensington Bank . . par Philadelphia Bank . . I par Schuylkill Benk . . . par 8nutbwark Bank . par Western Bank ' . par Mechanics' Dank par ManufactcrvW A Mechanics' Bunk per Bank nf Perm Town-hip . . par Oirard Bank' . par Bank of Commerce, late Moyamcneing par Bank of Pennsylvania . . tar Count rr Ranks). Bank of Cheater County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Cheeter Bank of Germantown Germentown Bstik of Montgomery Co. Norrisiown Doyle-town Bank Dovlretowo EsstonBank East on Farmer' Bank of Burks eo Bristol par par per par per par par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank St Tt ridge ro. Columbia par rarmers Bank ot Lancaster" Lancaster County Bank Lancaaier Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading' Office of Bank of Peon's. i.anctstei par Lancsetet par Lancaster pat Reading psr Herrishurg't Theae Lancaster I offices Heading do not Eaaton J lesus n. Office do do Office do do Office do do NOTE8 AT DISCOUNT. Rank nf the United State Philadelphia Pottaville lewi.lown MiJJIetown Carli.te PittNhurg Hollidaysburg Hurrieborg Lebanon Pitlehurg Pillabuig Williamsport Wilkeehsrra Allentown Reading Pittaiiurg S3 Miners' Dank of Pottaville Bank of I.ewiatown Bank nf Midtllctowu Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harritburg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchant' & Manuf. Bsnk Bank of Pittsburg West Bunch B.ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berks County bank Office of Bsnk of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Bsnk of Chsmheriburg Bank of Geltyaburg Bank of Suvquehsnna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' St Drovera' Bank Franklin Bank Honesdale Bank Monnngahela Bank of B. it failed do Erie Near Brighton Cbsmberaburf Gettysburg Montrose do Erie . Weynesburg Washington Honesdale Browneviite IJalj ';! York Bank York ii N. B. T he notes of those bsnks on which omit quotations, and substitute a dead (-) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with ths exception of thoee which have s letter of reference. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia failed do ' failed do failed do do Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Ssv.Ins. Kensington fcJav. Ins. A Penn Township 8av. Ins. Msnual Labor Bans (T Towanda Bank W; Dyott, prop-) failed Towanda Tin' ford no esle Heaver cloeed Haniaburg dosed Washington failed Hetlcfonte closed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of 8walara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' Si Mech'eV Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' AtMecb'ce' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen'a Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk, North Western Bauk of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bsnk Pa. Agr. St Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bsnk of Penn's. Pittsbuig no ale Pittaburg failed Fsyette co. failed Grecncastle failed Harmony no aale Huntingdon no aale Ievriklown no aale Warren failed DundafT no sale New Hops cloeed Milion no aale MvadviNe closed Purl Carbon Cariiate failed Montrose eloeed I'niontown failed Greenaburg closed Westmoreland Bank Wilkeabsrre Bridge Co. Wilkeaharre noasls All notes purporting to he on any Peunayl. vaoia Bsnk not given in the above lint, may be set Jown as fraud. SEW JERSEY. Bsnk of New Bionswick Brunswick failed 1 p., par r- failed Belvidete Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bimk Farmers' and Mechanics' Ilk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmera' and Merchants' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Belviders Medford Penh Amboy Bridgeton Mount Holly Itahwsy N. Biunswick Middletown Pt. 1 Jeraey City failed failed failed failed failed 4 failed i par Hoboken Bkg dr. Giaxing Co Hobuken lersey City Bank Jeraey City Mechanics' Bank Patieraon Manufacturers' Bank Brllevills Morris County Bank Morriatown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mecbanice Bauk Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal snd Ukg Co Jersey City Povl Notes Newark Bkg Jr. Ina Co Newark DO sale J failod failed i failed i par i failed failed I par failed Nsw Hojie Del D ridge Co LainberUvills N. J. Manufac snd Bkg Co Hoboken N J Pioiecion dr. Lombard lk Jeraey City Orange Bank Orance Paieraun Bank Peterson Peoplea' Bank do Princeton Bsnk Princeton Salum Banking Co Salem State Bank Newark Bute Bsnk Eliiabeihtow Slate Bank Camden Slate Bank of Morris Morriatown Stale Bank Trenton Salem snd Philsd Manuf Co Salens Suseex Bsnk Nsw ton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. Hark en sack . DELAWARE. Bk of Wllm & Brandy wiue Wilmington Bank sf Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Miltord Farmers' Bk f State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Union Bank Wilmington ny Under 6'e par psr f par psr P' par par err Oo sll banks marked thus () tbsrs are i that counterfeit or altered notes af lb vvsoos da paastMUofis, ia dnulsiroa. G3 QQ THIS Medicine is warranted, on oath, hot to contain a particle of Calomel, Corrosive Sub limate, Arsenic, ChloridS of OoM, or any dsl-ts tons mltaersls. Tbe principle upon which this Medlelns acts, Is by sssistlng and hrmonling with nstofe It drives oot sll foul scrimonious humors from ths blood snd body, snd by ae-lmltatlng with and strengthening ths gastric juice of the stomach, It assists digestion fn short thsre ia not a vsin. arte ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, that ia not strengthened by ths PANACEA, snd it steo pomesaes the remarkable property of removing mercury from the honas and Joints. FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ftcurvy, 8corbiik A flections. Tumors, Scrofula or Kings' Evl , White Swelling. Eryipel. Ulcers, Cancers. Running Sores, Scshs and Bilea. lime and s determined iierseversnce in D . 8WEET 8ERS PANACEA, will effect a cura. FOR INDIGESTION. Rejection of find, Njilsea, Vnmilinga, Nervous af fictions, Billion complaint. Head ache, Pa 'em as, or Female Irregularities, Dr. 8 WEET8EICS PA- NACEA will soon sfftct a cure but if ohslinste, or sttentlRJ with griping, flying peine, the doae should be InceaaeJ, and the cure will anon be ef fected. It not the patients frighten themselves with the idea that thry are too wei.k to take much medii-inei but bear in mind that this mi'dly opera ting med cine put not wesknsvs Into the frsms, but most certainly draws weaknrs out, Isavea etrength in its place, and by giving compoed sleep st nigtit, and sn appetite to relish any fooil, re-snlms'es the whole frame wi b vigorous action, clssring lbs mind snd improving the sight. 8CR0FULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. Scrofula ia said to be heridilary, ths infant re ceiving from Its parents ths seeds of litis disease, which increases with its ysars, if neglected snd not subinitied to frequent purifiottion with Dr. 8WF.ETSF.RS PANACEA. The glands arc p s cel in tbe corner of the body, and out of the way of direct communication ; Uirir rest u?s i s subject on which much difference of opinion prevails j it suffices us to know tht when in s diseased atate, they are capaMs of being purified and cleansed by s l.mg course nf Dr. SWl'.E I'SER'S PANA CEA, which reaiores thrm to sound and proper action. Scroful us persona can never pay Ion much attention to their blood, ita purification shou'd be their first thought, for after a long course nf perse verance, they will ever curs her edit iry disease. In ce.es or JACND1CE. ASTHMA. LIVER COMPLAISTS, 11C DOLOREVX RHEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC GOUT, Dr. SWEKTSER'S PANACEA cannot be loo high ly extolled it searches oot the very roof of the disease, and Hy removing it from the Blood makes a cure certain and perm inent. For diaeaeea nf ths Bladder and Kidntyi, Strie turet. Gravel, Slont, Pitet, Finluta. Viinartf Ob' ttructiontand Extreme Cutiventu Dr.SWKET 8 E It'S PANGEA is the best remedy ever tr eJ it removes all thoas acrimonious humors from the Blood which givs rise to the shove disease, end by keeping ths blood in a pore condiiion, insures heslth. Fur DROPSY, FALLING owns BOW.EL8, Impurttitt f tht Blood, Mercurial Taini, Weak' nenoftht Spine Flwnof Blood to the Head Gid d tir$; Singing and Buzzing Aose in the Head orMEors. Dr. HWEETSEK'8 PANACEA will givs certain relief; in sll severs and chronic cases, the paitenr cannot he loo often reminded that lar ger dWi and ptretveranet mill effect a rare. lo Chill and Fevert. BHiaut F evert. Affection nf tht Fjt and Ear, Spongy and Btredtng Gumt Bronthitit and rtetnt Cough and Cold; Dr. SWEETSER'r PANACEA will be found perfectly aure and certain in its effects. GRAVEL AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. Thote comp'sin's are generally attended wiih the most fatal ronsr queneea, and are seldom or ns. ver cured by the present mode of treatment ( they usually accompany the patient t the grave, after euiTcring the mol excruciating pain and torture. The cauat- uf ihese complain'e are the same aa alt others, ihs dross ol tbe blood tecom s encrusted on the tin r st nsrrow psssagrs, wbencs ana.! morbid aecietiona and toiiagi s of mine. You will find the moat powerful d urelic of no use.ss they only increase the qusntiiy of urine snd do not puiify and strengthen th part. By purifying the blood with Dr. SWEETSER'8 PANACEA, tou re move the cause of the disease, consequently it can not exist any longer, sfler sufficient perseverance in ita use baa deprived the blood and body of sll scrimonious humors snd incruststion. DISEASES or Tea LUNGS-CONSUMPTION. This is s cry prevalent and fatal diea-e ; it re suhsijjoMly from ueglected cough, colds snd bron chitis, slso from imiHoper treatment in many otSer caaes, such aa measles, fevers, inflammations and email pox, and s host of other badly treated diaesser, where the cause, instead of having hta'o thoroughly removed from the blood and body, havs only been palliated or removsJ from one p art to break out in another. By diveating your bodies uf all foul hu mors, through the medium of Dr. 8 WEETSER'8 PANACEA, ths cure ia st once rendered certain and permanent . Recollect, while there is scrimo nious humors floating in the ci'culaiion, it is at apt to settle on the lungs ss sny older part of ths body ( ibis is tbe reason that consumption is so prsvslent. BILES, 80RES AND ULCERS, Which yuu see oo the exierior, come from snd have their source in, the inieiior, snd might just as well have fettled on youi lungs, liver, or any other pail; which wo know they frequently do, and pro duce moat violent inflammatory disordera. The humor which occasions theae cores is of a highly arrimoniona burning nature. We know it from the pain it gives in forming, and afierwarda ita ra pidly ulcereiing sod corroding ths flesh snd skin of the part wbera it breaks out 1'hia shows lbs necesxity of frequently purifying ths blood with Dr. SWEETSEU'S 1'ANACK A, snd keeping such malignant humors in sui j- ction. Should yoo bavs S bile or ulcer, be thunkful that nstms baa taken trouble la warn you of the danger your life and bo dy ia in, for it ia a waining that the blood ia foul. Had this same acrimony sr-lre'ed 'be lungs in lead uf ths surface of your body for lis seal, consump tion uf ths lungs would bev been tba 'consequents. Di ley not then, to purify and cleanse with Dr. 8wertsrr's Panacea. STINE DISEASE. Spinal affections, inlsrgement of the bones snd joints, while swellings, hip joint complaint, rup mee, falling of the bowels end worn'i disesre, will find a apredy ours in Dr. SIVE ETHER'S PA NACEA. Wbsre the disease baa been of long standing, lbs tiros required te make a cure will be longer i hut tbe patient may rest assured thst s determined psrssverssce will sflsct it, BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA a DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. These diasasse proceed from lbs seriosity or corrupt bumore of the blood, bsving sit lied itself on the throat snd lungs, snd stopped them up, so thst thsy csnnm draw sufficient sir in for respiration, Dr. SWEE J BER'd PANACEA will gieiaune ste rsrJef, i)d te tfisit tin ewe asjfset ud as tain, it sboahl te continusd sons time after, to 1 tree trie system or all tad hdraors. RHEUMATISM, RREUMlTIC GOUT AND - : MERCURIAL DISEASE Plod a fats snd epeedy euro in Dr. SWEET SER'S PA NA CEA. It cures by searching svsry Mood veeel snd srtery, snd driving out all Imou ritles and foal bumore accumulated therein, which la tho eause of rh amatiem, gout and awelUnga of tbe joints. The de'eterooe effects of cslomel snd other mineral poisons, r. a Illy yield to ita sovereign Influence j Indeed, when lis vsl-jsbls properties be some fully known, the uaeofall miner ' I poison will be consigned to Mhe tomb of all the Capuleis,' snd only bs thought of aa a by -gone rastooi nf tbe dar ker ages. Dr. Swortasr's Psnsccs ia also sore curs for dyapepeis. piles, cnariveiiesa, vertigo, hrsd srhs, psin in Ihs breast and liver complaint. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever is always ceuarul by a disorderly move ment of the blood, struggling tofise ilerdf of some tiling thst encumbers it t in fact, every kind of fa- var ia nothing more than a struggle between Ihs blood snd corrupt bumore, snd ss aoon aa ths cor rupt humor are rxnel'ed, you have no more fever. When s patient with fever submits to he bled, or hss hia blood poisoned with mercury, it weakena hie frame to such a degree that if hs survives the procea, it always leaves him aubiect ti distreaatng chills, when B times nut of 10 be resort to ajue pill, powders, or tonie mixtures; this is going from bad to worae, ss these vegetable pills, powders, die, are nothing but mercury snd qumins in disguise, wb'ch may for a lima drivs ths disease si far into the body es n it to bs perceptible, but very soon it will break nut again with fearful violsnes To cure sgus and fever, tbe cause of the disease moat be re moved out of the blood and body, which can be ef- f. dually done by uaing Dr. 8 WEE TSER'S PA NACEA, which purifies, cleanses end strengthens. It contains nothing that can possibly injure, end ila uas is always s aafegusrd sgsint chills snd levers PILES. In ait Caaisov Purs, Dr. 8WEETSER'S PANACEA will effect s vsry speedy curs. It re moves from the blood, stomach and bowels, sll those foul acrid burning humors, which are the eauae of Piles and Coalivsms-, snd by strengthen ing ths digestive organs, improves svery psrtof the entire body. FLATULENCY AND WIND. Thee discuses se csu -ed by the stomach'and bowela being choked up wiih viscid slimy matter, tbs sir whit h enters lb em cinnot e-cvpe umil forced by some contraction of lbs s omach to expel it; hence the cause of pain. A few doses uf Dr. SWEETSER'8 PANACEA will convince the sufieier Ibat relief is attained. G RE AT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Parents will find the PANACEA s valuable medicine for their children, keeping their bodies in a healthy c.rftdiiion, thsreby asieling their g owih; children or grown peisons, sfler taking it, sre not liable io be sitarked with an epidemic ss before, ss it alwaya lesvea the blood in a pure condiiion, and ibe i mire system in a alrengihened stale ; it drives out all kinds of weakness from lbs body snd leaves all heal. by within. t MARRIED LADIES i Will find Dr. 8 WE fER'8 PANACEA a medi cine purely adapted to their use. ' Most ladiee du ring lbs period of pregnancy sre afflicted with piles. Dr. Sweetser's Panacea, by regulating the boweln, will entirely obviate this, and lis purifying prngier lies on the blond snd fluids, insures to them heal thy off-pring. No one who is a mother should be without it, and those who are nursing will find it of gieat b n fit lo the health of their infanta. For barrennee and all diaeasea of the womb, it ia without a rival in the entire history snd catalogue of medicines ; by its extraordinary strengthening power, it atimulatee snd strengthens the womb, e weakness of which is the csue uf failure to have offspring. NERVOUS DISEA8E8. Under this head may be claesed Palpitation of the Heart, Tie Doloresux or Feeoache, Neuralgia. Indigeaiion, Toothache, Melsnchot) , Hysterics. snd in fact, every diaeeae caused by the sharp, biting, acrimonious humors irritating the nerves ; tbe nerves receive the morbid impteasion from the sto mach, or rather from the blood through the agency of the aiomach and dige-tive organs, and although other parts of the body are apparently the vest of the disease, still it is caused by Ibe morbid impres sion conveyed from the blood by the nerves, to thst part. A l. w doses of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA NACEA will soon assure the patient thst be baa tbe cure in bis possession. ERY8IPELA8,e StTaNTHONY'S FIRE. This is sn inflammatory di-oider, slwys attend ed with more or leas pain. It proceeds from the foul, acrimonious bumors lodged in the blood snd fluid, settling on the bml-e end face, causing ex treme pain snd fevers ; sll applications on tbs sur face are worae than useless, ss they only tend to throw the diese in some other part, snd peibapa rsuse death. Bleeding is likewise improper. . To cuis ths dii-esee you niu-l get rid of the causs ; on ly manage to get ihe foul humors out of your blood, and you will he well in a day. Dr. SWEET. SER'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the blood, will aearcb oul every impurity in the more remote p irta of the body and expel it through the medium of the bowels. There is not a vein, arte ry, mnacle. or organ of the entire framewoik of msn, that Dr. Sweetser's Psnscea does not im prove. To take it when you ers well Is to keep well ( snd when sick to become well. DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, beinreora posed only ot a vegetsble mstler, or medical nerbs, and wsiranled, un oalh, as contsining not one par licla of mercurial, mineral, or chimical substances, is found to be perfectly bsrmless to Ihs most lender sge, or the weskest frsme, nnder sny stsge of hu man suffering! Ihe moM pleasant and benign in its oi eralion that was ever offered to Ihe world ; snd si Ihe ssme lims the moat csrisin in searching out the root of sny complamt, bowsver desp, and of performing a cire. Pries f! per bottle, or elx bottles for ft. For sale, wholesale snd retail, at ihs corner of CHARLES snd PRATT Streets. Baltimore, and slo by GEORGE BRIGHT, Nov.fi 1847. .'y Wunhory. laOUNT VERNON 05 North 2d at., bet. Arch & Race its., Philadelphia. irtRADY dr. PARKER reepectfully inform their IlP friends snd the public thst they have taken Ibe above earned bouse, recently kept by J. 8. Adams, and sre prepared to seoommodate custo mers in the most satisfactory manner and at rea sonahls priors. Their table will be supplied with Ibe teat vari. ety the mark at afioide their parlors snd sleeping sptrtmenie will be in the beet order. The houee has been thoroughly repaired snd furnished with a view to tbe comfort of travelkara end strangers. Hsving bsd several years experience in the business, Ibsv hope lo give geneiaj eaiisfsdion, and reepectfully invite travellers snd strangers it fe Usssa a call BRADY f A RKER. fWWelebh, fatter ft, INT tf Teg-eUble Universal Pi lie, Tit anljf known Medlcint Hat at tht tnme time purgu pwrijlu and rtrtngfhtn tht tytttm. Le trftow, July 1, 1846. TTKR Lx5 ROY'S Pills are a new medicine UK which bss jost epreated, and is fast taking the placee of all others nf ihe same class. Thess pills are composed of many ingredient', but the two principal ooea are Narsaparilla snd Wild Cbsr ry, so nniisd ihsl they act together; the one, through Us admixture with other suh-tapces, pu rifying and purging, while Ihe other ie strengthen ing ihs system. Thus those pills are at Ibe ssme time tunic and opening; adeatderstom long and sagsrly sought for by medical men, bul never be fore discovered. In other words they do Ihe work of two medicines, and do It much better than any two ws know of) for Ibey remove nothing fr m the system bul the impurities t so that whils ibey purge they strengthen ; snd henes Ihsy csuse no debilitation, snd sre followed by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy'e pilla have a wonderful influence on the blood they not only porifv without weakening it, bul ihey remove all boghtua particles from the chyle brfote it ia convened into fluid, and thus make im pure blood sn otter impossibility. As thers ir no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness at tending the nparaiioneofthis moat excellent i f me dicines, which never strains or tortures Ihe diges tive functions, but cau-ea them lo work in s per fectly natural manner ; and hencs peisons taking them do not become psle snd emaciated, but Ihe contrary ; for while it ia Ihe property of the 8sraa psnlls, united as it is with other ingredients, to removs sll that is foreign snd impure, it ia equally Ihe prorly of the Wild Cherry to retain all that ie natural end sound; and hence s robust stjts of heslih is Ihe certain result of their united opera lions. fXjT Price 25 cenla per BOX, Agents for Le Roy'a Pilla, J. W. FRII.INO.3 . JOHN YOUNO,58unbury M. A. McCAY, Northumberl'd. August Slsi, 1847. ty PHILADELPHIA Watches, Jewel Iry and Sil ver Marc, Guaranteed better fur the priet than at any other store in I'hthultlphin. may be hud, Whoetale and Reta'l, at (Lnle MCIIOLrAg LellX'RAl'S) No. 12 North 2d street, nbove Arch PHILADBLPHIA. XTTATCHES, all kind", fair, low and medium qualities, among which sre. Gold Levers, full jewcll'd, f-10 lo $100 Leplne, do 25 lo 40 Silver Levers, do SO to SO Lenines. do 12 to 18 Qusrtiera, fine, 9 to 10 Quartier, imitalinnr 5 JswaLinv. Diamonds, Gold . Chains, Gold Pens with Gobi snd Silver holdere, Pensile Uressl Pins, Finger and Ear Rings, Bracelet, Cseos of shell, coral and lavs, with every other article of Jewellry of the richest and most fssbionabls pat terns. Silver Want Plates, Forks, Spoons, Cups, &C of Standard 8ilver Piatsd Wans. Canton, Cako Baskets. Fans, Vases. Card Case, snd other Rich Fancy Goods in great viiriely. V holesale Buyers will ssve money by calling here bef ire purchasing. - ' txj" Keep tbi edverti-ement, snd call at No. 73 You will be eatisfied the Goods are really cheaper and better than are offered in the city. . For sale, hw, s handaom pair of Show Casee, suitable for e Jewellry or Fancy store. Apply ss above. Sepi 35th. 1847 ly DICKSON & CO.. No. 60 Market Street, five doors below Third, South side, pniLADBIiPBXA, Importers At Wholesale Dealers In WATCHES, Watch Gla eea and Materials. Jewelry of all descriptions, qualities end styles, comprising sll ihs srticles connoted with the Trade, CUks. Dixson if Bon's Britsnnit, German Silver and Silver-Plated Wares. Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Fancy Articles. Rodgers St 8on's snd Wostenhntm's Cutlery, Its tors. Hcissors. Erasere, Desk Kniiee, dee. Ivory H sndled Table Cutlery, of ibe finest, medium end common qualities. A large assortment of Gold Pens. Penfoeal Speclaelce. Papier Maehe snd Japsnned Trays, various sbspes and qualities, st reduced ratea Gold Watch Cases, Dials snd Silver-Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured to order. DICKSOr: 9l CO., having recently removed into Ibe large and commodious wsrehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. R. AeeacnsT dr. Boss, and more recently by AsaaeasT 4; RsauseToe, beg leave to inform Watch Dealer, Country Merchanta and others, that Ibey deergn having at all times a targe eairimenl of Gooda, of Iheir own importa tion, which they are determined to sell st ths lowest rates. Every s Mention will be psid to the Peeking of Goods, snd in tbs execution of Orders, tbs quali. ties sndpiices will be fully guarantied sgtinst all competition. Philadelphia. June 19th, 1M7. ly First r re ml u in Writing Ink. No. B7 North Third Streel, PHILADELPHIA. TTnOM Dr. Hare, ihe celebrated Professor of H" Chemistry in Ihe University of Penn a. Philadelphia, Oct. II, 1643. "Dear Sir Having liied your Ink, I will thank you to send me snot her bottle, aa find it lo be excellent. I in yours, truly. Root. Haaa." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, diatioguWhed for bis numerous eeientifie researches. "Medical Collage of Ohio, Cincinnati, Janusry 17, 1844. Hsving used Mr. Hover's Wriliag Ink, I sm sslisfled that it is Ihe bet which has ever coma to my knowledge, snd eeiasrielly it iexllni for Ihs use nf Steel Ft, and will not etrrod iheio, even in long use. Joaa Lacks. Prof, of Chemistry. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. From a wall known eeientifie gentlemen. -Philadelphia, FsK ST, 1846. Mr. Joseph E. Hover Sir t A use of your Co asrnt, snd sueae practical lelt of its superiority, baa induced me te recommend it to ethers so sn in valuable, article for wending China, Glass, or Cabinet Wars, . UawraBU Moarrv. Aaalytie Chassis" Pet sale at the Mannraetory, Wholesale and Re tail, Ne, tr Nsbtb Tars a Brass, opposite Cherry eUset, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH K. HOTER, May M. H4T..j80 ly Menoraciurer. TO POT.SV1LLE AND PHILADELPHIA. ER80N8 treveJIiog this mile are hereby intoraaed last they can Bros ore "ihreogh itcksu.' b aaakiag appUcalloa at the Heial of Gtarsae Weevwr, Bwabwry, A. L KAPP Xe,Uubwleod, Jut list, 1 i4T.-0 I...J. Ha Ba 1A33&, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WIWIJRT, PA. Business sltended lo in the Counties of Nor. tbumberland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia. , Refer tat P. dr. A. Rovocdt, Lowca fit Btannv, Bout as dt Ss-oneeaas, ypAiTae. KsraoLDS, McFsatana & Co. SptaiKOflooa dc Cort SILENCES vasr naaanrrt coresi I ths LCHSS SSB IV lW- eas, xnu won a or ths tbs corea or coasciseTioir hstb l it a souaeov nasTB. ARE YOU A MOTHER! Your darling child, your idol and earthly joy, ia now perhaps confined to her chamber by s dsngerooa cold h r pals cheeks, hsr thin shrunken fingers, tell the hold di-eaae has already gained upon her ths sound nf her sepulchral cough pieices your soul. YOUNG MAN, when Just shout to enter life, disesss sheds a hesrt eru-btng blight over the fair prospects of Ihe future your heclio cough snd fee ble limbs tell uf your loss and hope, hut you need not despair. There is s balm which will heal the wounded lungs, it is SIICnM AX'M ALL HEALING BALSAM. Mrs. ATTREE. ths wife of Wm. H. Attres, Esq. wss given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Die. Roe and MeClellan of Pbiladl,hia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Mott of New York. Her frienda alt thought ahe mast die. She had every appearance of being in consumption, snd was so pronounced by her physieime Sherman's Balsam waa given and it cored her. Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, r,f Doll's Ferry. se sla cured of consumption by this Balaam when all other remedies failed to give relief ahe waa re duced to a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist, 291 Broadway, has witnessed itseffects in several ca-es where no other medicine sffoided relief but the UaUam operated like a charm. Dr. C. also witneeeed its wonderful effects in curing Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alar ming ss it may be, is effectually cured by ihia Bal sam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and mnbes the lungs sound sgain. Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eiiihth avenue, was cured of cough and catarrhal aff ctiona i t 50 years s'anding. The first dose g.ive him more re lief then sll the othet medicine he bsd ever taken. Dr. L. J. Deals, 19 Uelancy street, gave it to s siiter-in-law who waa lahoring underconsumption, snd to snother sorely sfRicted with the Asthma In both cases, its effects were immediate, soon r storing them to comfortable heslth. Mrs. LUt'RETlA WELLS, 85 Christie street suffered from Asthma 43 yara. Sherman'e Bal earn relieved her al once, and ahe ia comparative!; well, being enabled lo subdue every stlsck by r timely use of this medicine. This indeed is th greet remedy for Coughs, ("olds, Spitting Blom' Liver Complaints, and all ths ail ctions of th throat, and even Asthma snd Consumption. Price 15 cenle end (I per holtln. Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Loaenges, sn Poor Man's Plaster sold aa above. Dr. Sherman's nffioe i at 106 Naasao at. N. 1 Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury. M. A.M.-C AY, Nertuumbsrlan September Uih. 1847. ly The Grand Purgatin FOB TBS CURB OF Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Burn. Worms, Cholera Mtrbus, Coughs, Quin-ey, Whooping G ough, Gonsompiion, Fits, Liver Complaint, Erisipelaa, Deafnea, Iichiriga of Ihe Skin, Colds, Gimii, Gravel, Nervous Complaint, Rheumsiism, Piles, Dyepep-ia, 8cuvy, Small Pox, Jaundice, Painain the Ba k, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of all kind, Female Complaints, ABB A VaBIKTV OV OTSKa OiaSiSSS ASIl! laoat iMPOBiTiia or thb atoon, itrn os. STMCCTioas is ths oBetBS or Bl essTioa. Experience has proved thst nearly every C eaas originals from Impurities of lbs Blood or rsngements of ths Digestive Orgsns ; efid lo sec Health, we mual remove those obstructions or store Ihs Blood lo its natural atate. The aversion to taking medicine is moat efl tnally removed by Clickbkb's Vboktablb Pi ostivi PitLS, being eompltUly enveloped will evattng of pure white Sugar, (which is aa diti from the internal ingredients ss a nul shell fi Ibe kernel) abb sin bo tssts or aisicias. But sre as easily swallowsd as bits of csr Moreover Ibey neither nauteute or gripe in slightest degree, bul operate equally on all ihe eased perls of Ihs system, insisad of eonfic themselves lo. snd racking any particular reg Thus, iftl.e Liver be affected, one ingredient operate on th ! particular organ, and, by clean it of sn Exceas of Bits restore it lo ita nai state. Another will operate on the Blood, remove all Impolitic in ila circulation! whi third will effectually expel whatever impur msy have been discharged into the stomach, hence they stbikb at tbb boot op Disease, move sll Impure Humors from ihs body i c ths pores externally and internally ; separata foreign end obr oaioos particles froi Ihe cbyb that tbe blood msy he thoroughly purs thus s ring a fee and be.lihy action lo the Heart. L snd Livei; snd thereby 'hey atrroaa ami The entire iru'h of tbe above can ba aacerls by the trial of a single box ; and their virtoei so posilivs snd certain in restoring Health, the prnpiietor binds himself lo return tbs m psid for them in sll cases where they do nol universal aitisisction. lletall Price, 25 cts. per Do Principal office No, 68 Veaey atn N. ? Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M. A. McCAY, Nurtbuiaber fj Remember Dr. G. Y. Clicksner is th senior of lbs Sugar Gosted Pills, sod that no of lbs srt waa ever bsard of until hs inirot them in June, 1843. Purchasers should, iber slwsys sek for Clkksner's Sugar Coate-I Pilb lake no others, or Ihey will be made the victi a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847. ly s George j. Wearer, bops makex & un OBaUVOIs.' jVo.ll North Water Strott, PkUaddpkit Tf If AS eosastaatly aa bawd, a gaoara) IT II aaent at Cordage, Seine Twines, sac Ter1? Ropes, Piehiog Ropes, White Ropaa, 1 la Ropes, Tew Lines for Canal Boats, i sossplets saawrtjwent b Sstne Twiwsa . e Heasp Shad and Hasriag Twine, Beet Pater Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring TvAjh Threads, ate. ttse. Also, Bed Cords, Plough H altera. Treeea, CoUoa sad Linen Carpet C at., all of Fhkk kw wta ospoBsef ew rasi laanssv I rbilidvipaJa, KevogsVr 1 J, tNfc-ly