Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 11, 1848, Image 3

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    mmmmmmmmfmi i.nutn u.
Correspondence ef the public Ledger
v. , rnoi AVAitinnTiiit. 7
. WasaiNa-rwr, Mireh Alb, 1818.
'- The Treaty it not yet ratified, and lha proba
bility ia the Senate in now disemsinfr article for
article, amending and striking cut ItiHtity, and
that the main question rn the ratification of the
Treaty will mil be put till next Thursday rtr
Friday. The Midi article, containing thoclaiiHe
in re pard to th" Empress no grant, ha been re
jected sltnjrr-tlirrV Thia all llttf friends of the
administration wore willinp to do, out of respect
for the President, who recommended it, and
with a view to appearing the S.-naiora Irom
Texas, IloiMon and Rusk, who have both mnde
admirable speeches against the Treaty. Oen
Houston denounced it vehemently, and would
eonner lose hia riff ht arm than vote for it, amen
ded or not amended, and General Husk will
only vote for it nnb moda
Mr. Hen inn is atill opposed to it in 'oto.
Mr. Allen will not vote for its confirmation
in any shape, I believe.
Col. J. fjVrsnn Davis is ajrainst it, which, by
the by, shows which way the Taylor men mean
to pn.
Judge D iiijjlas is a?iiost i ; but beyond these
I do not know a Ritirrle. Democratic Senator who,
according in my opinion, will not in the end
support the President in voting for the ratifica
tion of the treaty, and t am far from believing
that all the Senators I have named will eventu
ally vote against the treaty.
Mr. Calhoun and his friends have shown no
disposition of late to vote agninal the treaty.
They f for peace in almost any shape, and
prefer, I believe, to lake as little territory at
possible. If Mexico cannot be made a slave
territory, Mr. Calhoun cares very little about
annexing it.
The administration and ife friends felt very
era .Went on Friday last that the treaty would
wet with very few rbftaclee, and that the final
vote would be taken on S itnntay. Tliey though)
that as they had reduced the opposition in the
Democratic, ranks from a very considerable num.
her to little more than half a !oin, and that
tialfa doten to one or two only pledged to vote
against the treaty under all circumstance, the
treaty was safe. It would now seem, however,
that Mr. Webster has taken strong grounds a
teainst the inception of tbe treaty, not against
the treaty iteelf, and that an effort will be made
in the part of a certain portion of the opposition
0 void the treaty without rejecting it. In
itead of voting on the rejection, the probability
s a resolution will be offered to postpnno ita
onsideration for a limited p-riod or indefinitely,
dvwing the President in the mean time to ap
nint one or. more Commissioners. Such a re
ilution, as vow are aware, require no two
lirds vote, but a mere majority to pass, and yet
it-poses ot the treaty as effectually as if a direct
ut were takeu on it. , ' Observer. 1
A Moom. Atist Riot. A riot to4t place
an exhibition of model artists in New York,
i Friday evening, and the whole of the interior
'the establishment wss demolished. There
e five or eix es'.ablishinenta rnen in that city
here these things are exhibited, without any
gard or pretensions Indecency. The Trihune
ivea the following account of ihia scene :.
Iast evening a prty of rloiten or twenty
;rsone, some of whom were notorkms rowdies,
khi (ih others were misre rcpectablc, weary of
le too monotonous displays at the eMabliidi
ient,oVtertiiined to introduce a series of new
bleaox, in which they themselvea were to be
e prine pal actors. Accordingly, at about a
srter past eight they entered the place, mak
pUxtiqne of the door keeper by knock-
j him down at bis pt. They followed thi
by abusing the audience in general, and man-
etiog all the symptoms of a row. Thia brought
t the manager, who sddreesed the new comers
m the stage, assuring them that he was en
ely at their service, and wou'd do anything
tlie world to pVase, but above all begged
m, if they could not enjoy the performances
he negro minstrels who at the moment occu.
d the atage, to begone and not kick upa row.
soon as his back was turned they jumped
n the stage, and, like heroic rowdies, coin
iced demolishing the scenery,
Vt such sn attsck ih manager mustered all
orres ; not a M del Anna or the masculine
der in the corps but what was enlisted. Pu
Jecendid troin Mmmt Ida to brandish a pis
Hector armed himself with a bludgeon, and
shtngton woke from his dresm to ha mile
UNket. 'I'he melee became serioua, and one
to assailants, a gentleman in the uniform
military officer, ss we I anted, fled at the
it of the model ot the Father o'' his country
i accoutred. Hard blows were given and
n, several scuncea were badly smashed, as
I aa the piano lo whose mumc the Model
at are wont to rxhibit themselves. The
of the pisno was, however, not unavenged.
lector, with characteristic ardor, snatched
ne of i's brjkrn legs, and whirling it ni'gh
aloft, laid tow the chifof the rowdies. Our
rmanl said Ibal hia head was shockingly
ted by the blow. This decided the battle,
the ruwdiea at once di camped, carrying ofT
r wounded. We were told that they were
vn and would be arretted. The rumor ia
persons of some distinction were engaged
is most disgraceful affair. II so, the pub-
ill probably hear farther fioro it,
anvi-KiLL NavioarioN. Water Was admit
lto the several lavels of the Schuylkill Ca
on the 1st inst , lietween Port Car boa aad
"', (31 miles fiooi.tbe brad, of lbs works,)
f Sunday, tba 6tb, tbe wbela of that pari ef
in baa to be in navigable erdat. Tba ca
near Reading still nead some repairing, and
lining ef Nsvif ation id that quarter will bo
rd about a wetk kuar, By the J5th iott.
may pass with full luads tbroogbout Ibo
.line. '':-';'
mrwvqpmmrmimw aa
: wniADBirniA saAniisx.cii:
T . . ....... Tirana rt Match 9 J 9
GRkhtf.M'Jieat, ho salesstork ."of. piime
nearly exhausted, .J". yellow .is. wpjtti St'c
weight, witji fair, sales.. Oats, are held at 40 a
41c for Southern J dull.- '. t rt f--WHISKEY.
Sales in bole' at 25 cts ; bhds
Sic ( brisk . -e- 1 1 .. ' -
i f ii I '" '
;' . Dtl.rinORKMtHKRT, : '
Offtct oi lUi.Timoaa AMtsic, March 0. .
GRAIN Sales of small parcels of red Wheat
bronchi in by wagons at I2P13.1 cents. -'
Sales of Corn to day at 4850 cents for yellow
and 4t48 cents for whit. , .
Sales of Oats at 38a40 rents. .
" WHISKEY. Sales on Saturday were made at
24 rents for bhds. and 25 cents for bbls. We
hear of no transactions to-day, .
Gout. Wr ght's Indian Vegetable nil ar a
certain cure ' for this painful malady; because
they purge from the body those morbid humors,
which are the cause not only of Gout and Rheu
matism, but of every ache and pain we suffer.
From four to eight of said Indian Vegetable Pills
taken every night on going to bod, or if the pain
is severe, night and morning, will in a short
time make a perfect cure of tbe most violent at
tack, either of Rheumatism or Gnut ; at the same
time the blood and other fluids will be so com
pletely purified, that pain of every description
will be literal l driven from the body.
Caul'vn.Ti. avoiJ counterfeits, purchase f noi
those only who csn show s certificate of agency,
representing the l u.Jmg of William Penn ; and
compare the 1-iU'ls on the box with the fuc similes
on the certificate. To I e genuine, they must be
eincily slike, aigmture and all. Beware of coun
feits and imposition.
The genuine for sale by ITsaav Misssn,
sole sgent for Sunbury, and other agents, publish
ed in another part of this paper.
In this place, on the 5th inst , HARRIET
FERTIG. wife of Mr. Adam Fertig, of this place,
sped about 29 years.
directed weekly by Henry Master.
WKtit, . I37J
Rt, '7ft
Conn, .... 60
Oats. - . . 40
Benrsa, . . 16
Unas, ' . 8
Pobk. . ....
Fr.xs:in, ... . 125
Tsitow, ... It
Bttswix, . . . Sfi
Fljx, - " . 8
Hsraian Ftx, 10
Uaiaii Arrtss, . . - 76
18 hereby cven to M lexatees, ereiHtors. and o
iher persona Interestrd in iherstntes of William
WonWeiton dee'd, settled by his admrs Wm, H.
Muenrh and F. Woolverton; of Wm. Shan
non drl, settled by hia admr Thomas Pa-do of
James Teas decM, settled by Wm. R. rmilh and
A. Jordan, exrsof John B. Boyd dc'd, who was
Ihe admr of James Tt asdecM; ol Jam's Lmon
ilec'd, fettled ly Thnmae Imon and Hugh Mc
V illiuni", nr of Wn. Lemon dee'd, who wns one
ef the ens of James Lemon nr. dee'd; of Abrt
hnm Ki-ii eer dc'd, etlledhy his esrs John K.
W olfinarr and John Kiini!er; of Gathaiina Ro.a
ilec'd, reitled y her xr Jamci Taggart; ef Jacob
Tchofip d'd, a,lllid j ha adinrs Jacob Wenx
nil Gasper Tchnpp; of iuhu rJisi nhart det'd. fet
tled hy bi ai'mr Jonna; nf Jacob Hun-rk-ker
dee'd, W.tlrd I'V bis admr David Waller;
of James I.rinoo. jr. dee'd, settled by his mliiir
John Nuoo; of Fiel itek Mutcbler dee'd. Mttll
by biseditir Maihiss l.rwi; of John B. Boyd dee'd.
si It led y his ears Wm. R. Smith and A. Joidan;
of John Vueom dee'd, seitlnd lir hia admr Daid
Manx; 'he hccouoI of Abih iru iihipUMn, gu irdi
an ofElitdH lb Mendenliall; the acC"Uut of Jainea
t'hliUeM. pund'B'i i f Robert, William and Elisa
beth Ku.kmao; the account of Wm. 8 M.ntgo
ineiy. gusidisn -f Thomas, tsrab, Rachel, Elea
nor, Hotrc, John, Hester and Maigaret Kuik
mun; the acc-n-M f Fiedeiick Li-xru, guardian
of Him'-ri ai,d Matgan l 8tabulic; the account of
I'rter Fert r, guaidian of Catharine and Adam
Fernter. Late of Nothumbei(..od county, doe'd ;
liiat tba executor. adminis:rut,ir and guardians of
Ihe said deca.ned etale b filed their accounts
with the Register of th a county, and that they will
be presented lo the Orphans' Cou'l of aa'd county,
on Tuesday th 4tb day of Aprd, next, for cm
riimutiou sad allowance.
Reciater'ii OfTice, 2 R (inter
fiimhury, Ma'ch 4. 1848.
iii c ci.t; us & uuiuio.vs
" Ko IH CHesnut Street, .
&,utk lUtH Corner tif Eighth tt , yhiladtlphia.
IJORTHAII S Irom tbe smallest brrast iin In
Ihe lararat 'xe, sincly or in groups. Tbe
Pioprielors are warranted in sinc, that their
work has gain- 4 a repotaiiou second lotions in
the w.irlJ. Extracts from the l're;
-l.ife-bke in ib eipresion, cba&tiy correct in
tha phnd'Of . Ledger.
The ait hs nrriaj al f eit pprfecion, and
none umlerMand it better lhao Mct'l.e & Gei.
mn."Baliinmre Int.
Admi'alilel nottjnf can exceed their exquisite
delicacy." V. 8 Gazette.
Exuact from lite reiiort of the Judiirs, at tba lat
fair of iha Franklin Institute - Dagueir)oivp
in this department lhera are some veiy eicvllont
specimens in lbs exl.ibitin, and tba Jolgr tliink
the e a progresaivs imiiroentenl in this luvnrh
of the art They he no I r comma. -ded ana-
ward in faviar of any of lbs rompeiitois. I ut sie
ili-p.-al to tank a firtt in mrdcr, the clleetiin of
McCLEEt dt UEKMHN, aa conlaioiiig the lir.
gett number tif tuperior ipeeimetu."
rblUilelptiia, rb l. 1848 Dm
Peace with Mexico !
Ca S3; S3 3 "CP CEL
NFORMS the iutd that in orjer to bring s-
j. howl a fteara witb Mexico, be manuficturrs all
kiAtla ( Ktflea, Double jud Hingja Barrelled Mho!
Gone, and Poobla B-amllcd R. vulviog
hia snanufarldiv at -Hollowing Ituu, Lower Au-
ua towastiip, HonhvimlrUnd enmity, all i f
riM-a ha will warrant-.' for-aig sanmna. Those
bo want a 'M rata sriiela in hia lina, can ba sc-
commadsied al lha ltorei notios aad en the most
rajs.tnsWU lsw. Lovers o apurl, give bias call,
Luef Augusta, Jau. 9, HI IK 6m. - i
LIST pF C A UfetSlS 1 ,
ldlt trial in (be Coutlor t'ommon Plea of Nor-
, lhomrlaud t'ounty, at " April. Term.' 1349,
commencing lha first Monday, tirinc the 3d. . .
IWi.Jamin W Richards Pian'itin W Plan et al
J W triixiier, atiiincef Garaei J risiVeV's heirs 1
Wi!limHiimntnn a J 8hiimnn A G Omenough
Peir Kichtrr. ear's vs Dodge At Barrel -Benjamin
Robins -' j . vs Valentine KUre ''
tiharles II Flick va William Trick i
Henry Ma-r.r . vi II B Maimer Joseph Etsety
.lanoh Heed - mi DN Lake el al - '
Unlet 8mih " 1 va Augustus At John Huey
Freeman II Clark va John Schriner ,
D At P Railrmid ro vs i!ywond Ar Knyder '
Wm Ar. It Fegety e, eo va tJeorgn lleekert "
T'H Wilson vs Abnhnra Ktraub -
Harl .w Prior vs llngh MrFll
JiirHh II tJomley s Win II Frymiie k co
t'barles Plessants vs Lewis llewsrt
William Murray s Bl cer Oamhart
Rolierl D Fonlsinan vs lleejimin Fordsman
tlenrRO Ovster s John Grohnrt et at
Fletcher Mathews v Dsniel Weidner
l-mel Gutedus vs John Poller
Ham-cel Reed - vs Oeotjrr H lleitx
Selh I Comtvtal vs I)aid Mrr Ar Isaac Brown
Wm IMiearhatt ' vs 1-hsrles V't
Daniel Milter and wife vi Phil p Herk'-rt
John W Peil vs T A Billington, late conslaMe
8 m" ' is Hame
Myer Ac Dat'nn vs Lewis Epplevheimrr et si
Jacob Leiweiifine ' va William Depney
Dentler Ar Montague s t'luitnin Uoah jr
Hush Wellns vs It Ac. W Fegely
Ml'jah t'rawford vs M At P Billmyer
Win II F'yniire s Samuel Henderson
Willistn Miaiks vs John Mi Giiinia
Brmiiigam At Wspp'ea s (5 H ami Wm Frirk
Henry Keix-r - vs Henry Vojthe mer
Hunk of iVorthumberlsnd vs Philip H-smbsch
Giileon Market - vs John J Waifor.l
George Hil. ni tu vs Mar in Ar Win ItsndeU
John Diehl rt al vs Piter Lazirua
Mich 4i I Rsrnliart va Win Morilx's admrs
Freiletick Keener ' ' vs William Ay r.s
F..ri.ythe, WiUon Ac co vs J G Rryani At I T Cle
' ' ment
Wm Pal'essnn's stsi'nee vs W McCay's sdmrs. ite.
Mahan for fimonton -va Hackenberg Ac Rishel
Hugh - - va James Rons et al
John G rner's heirs vs Lenh 8tro cker -Anthony
Garner et al va Same
Jacob H Rhoid-Ac ifn va J a me Ac Wm Rosa
R ihetl M Gl.rk va Isaac Brown
J P Hiekenlieia: vs J na tWh
Andrew Emeok's sdmrs vs David Htah'necker
Hi-nry II Burr vs Wm McCsy's sdmrs
D.inn l Uncst vs B l xcr G irnhart
Th.nnaii Allen va James t'umm ngs -
('barles Docherty vs Samuel t'sldwell
John Wolf vs Char'e Roasel
Wm H Strickland vs Amos E Kspp
J.irnh lwenk vs Samuel Henderson
John McGitmis s William St irks
Dr. U nham Gearhsrt vs Charles Gesrhart
George Reed vs John Lathw
John G Montgomery va Thoma Lloyd
Samuel Vonnt - va J Ac H KeMetter ft co
School Dir. dors of Ruh thp vs W'm H Kaae
Fisncis tail sou vs John M Houel
Daniel P Csul va Deuller Ac Monlngue
Proihonotsrv's offiee, -0 Proth'y.
Sunbury, March 4, 1848. 5
OF Northnnilierlsnd County, for April Term,
A. D. 1848. '
mud Jurors.
Delaware. Ssmue' Mct'srty. '
Milton. John GoodleniW.
Chilliquaiie. Adam K idler,
roint.J- W.8tamm.
Knrtbumherlanil. Daniel Braotigam.
Stinlntry. Gideon Market, John P. Pursel,
George Weixer, Eq."
Upper Augimta. Ssmucl Hun'et. John Burns.
Shamvki. Georee Stsrtiel, Frederick Mutch
ler, Aaron Ke'lcy, Wm. McWilliima.
I'uih. Jacob Gasrhart, Ssmuul Ely, Isaac
Con. Daniel Kerslclter.
t'pper Muhunty. John lfeckmsn, Edward
hiwer Muli'inoy. ("liri-tiio AH-erl, Benjamin
HefTner, Joceph Trejio,
, Little Malinnoy Wm Rolbrrmel.
Traverse Jitrirs.
Turbnt. J:imes Manr. Peter Dunkel.
Iwi. Philip Kup, John Foi.
Delaware. Henry Keailer. D miel Smith, Geo.
Gray. Solomon Tiurhe'iutter, Hugh Reed. 8olo
mon Oy-ter, Samuel l , Wm. Hayes, Rubeit
H. MctJoimiik, Solomon Denllcr.
Mittm Johu W. W. od-, F. W. Pollock.
Michael L mm, J. H. MeOormick.
ChilCtaxtuque Samuel Kichelderfer, William
Ksvman, llen-y Shea x, Thomas Psrdoe.
Northumberland Chsrlea Msua,
Stmhury. Frederick Lszarus, Jesae Baatlan.
Vpper AuifUflii. Gemge Fasold, lsae Fiah-
r, J-nies ('aiiiptll, Maik Slack, J iCob Evert. '
I filter tugiitta.St-eM Gjs. Henry Brown.
f-hamokin. John Huff, Em., Obadiih Camp
I ell.
Uuth. Rol'ert Qui. k. Wilson Mettler.
Coal. Willi m Frgely.
Upper Mahoiuiy. enrj Snyder, Solomon
Lower Mahnnuy. Elijih Byerly. Geoiga Har
ris, Snnon linker, John Meaner, jr.
Little Malionoy. Jacob Raker, Jonathan Dun-
kef ergcr, 8 iniuel Wagner,
Jickton." -.Khthtm 1'routman, Joaenh Batt-
lcfit Jurors.
Tiirw PhiKp Billmvee. -Iswii
John CUpp. John WiUan.
Delaware. John Men gas, Wm. B. Irwin, 8um-
oel Fmnsy.
Milton. Otcar Hammand.
ChitlUnwinue. John Murray, Charlea Gate,
William Munlo h.
y'oin.--Michs.l Barnhart. lobn Vandevender.
Northumberland. James Di tfeutmcher, Sa
muel Cox.
Suubury. -Jucob Martin, Andiew Durst, Dsn
iel Haas, Geotge Rohrhsch. ... 'J
Upper Aiigtuta.iuha Cooper, Robert Pursel,
Sa.noel Colp.
wer Augtuta, Jseob Baatian. Peter M. Ree-
er. -"
Shanu kiu: Daniel Milter.'Wm: O. Kaw, W m.
FtC'ow, Fr ! rick Adama, Henry Reply, Jbn
Frark, David Mar'X,
Upper Mahmitiy . Harhuel Resolar,
' Ijower Mulionoy. Jonathan Pjiatx, John Bade
man. " ' ' . -
Jaca-aon. Daniel Oyater, Peter Coble, John
lVm. T. noj d' Cat ate.
IWTOTft'E is hereby given, that letters of ad
jyi miul.iration have been grautvMl to ihe sub.
scribar, on lbs estate of William T. B yd, dee'd.
late of Ihe borailgb of Nortbumletuiiil, INorihum
hrriaod reuo'v. ' All iiersona indebted la said aa
tate, ami all those having cliims sgaimX the aaine,
are hereby requeued lo coma Ivrwa'rd and make
North'd.TeWC, 1B4. l Adou'x;
fv,HB CHALLENGE -W'a have ibsered va- ,
X. ry patiently for a year pel iha feverail at
tempts by some of niir fiairrni'V. t't force a rpn
tatiou which their profesdonal skill alone must fail
In give them! And we would continue our ailent
,obsirvntion, nre'er the eonsciousneas of an unhol
atereit merit, were it not more than ptokihln that
this species of fanf ironaile may divert ihn public
eye from a cindid etaminaliun into (he meriis of
the niuliiluil'i of profeaKora in the Dagueriein art.
" We would see merit seek an honntab e publici
ty, and theieby win for itm If golden opinions; but
ne di-pi e thitt rniaerablo chicanery by , which a
mere pretence , gama sn ovation over genuine
woitfi. It is to. make ibis vaulting ambition iiver
lenp it.elf or wiihdraw i spurious claiina. that we
now ltesphS in i s fancied security by throwing
the g'ove for an honorable lest of skill. Our gago
ia (500 that the arrige of a gi rn number of da
guerreolypea eiecu'id at tbe Diguenean Gulh-ry
of M. P. 8IMOiNS, 179 Cheanut Hr.ct, ill exhi
bit a ureter amount ef perfection in the art than
anv aimllar average number fr mi any o h. r guile
ry in the llntlid Stale. This i- no idle boast
we mesn what we say. We are derimu- that the
public khould give their pstrunago to mi-fit nol
preienee. -.
We a k investigiilion, free, rigid, imparlid in
ve I'galiou. e hsvs iLrown the g1'. Wlo
will pick it up! M. P SIMON'S.
179 Ghesiiiil M., npiosi'e Slate lloure, Philad.
N. B. It will be ui.derflo d by our counliy
frie.ul.-i, that the above challenge has never yet
tern areep'ed, and we nlo wish it uuderstooil,
that w e Jul not intend to m ike by ibis wager, hs
wo have ahendy i Xrissf. our intention lo sppro.
priaie the prze to some charitable puiposn.
' PbiVlelpbia, Feb. 19 1818 3-n.
Srrccn Si. Wire C loth itlainif.u ioi j ,
No. 48 North Front treet. be'ween Mar kit and
Arch ttreett,
fHE Subacrila-ra having m -de era it improvo-
L ' merits in the above bil-iness. are now manii
f ictu'ring, f a aupeiior qunliiv. all kind-, of PLAIN
Sieves, Riddles. Screen. Arc. for all kinds of Grain,, Sand, Ore, Snuff, Starch, Bilrkdusl,' Air.
Founders' Sieves of supcrtot qualitv con-lanlly
on hand. Al o 8a a. Wire Dish Covers, Sofs
Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Ace,
Ornamental IT Ire Work.
Such a Ci-gee, Nursery Fn''er, Garden Border
ing, Flower aiai ds Trainers. Trellis work for Gripe
Vinen, Ac. Also Wire Ft firing i f everv de-crip-lion.
ry Oidersthankfullv receiveil and prompt
ly eecu-ed by WATSON Ac COX.
Feb. 19ih. 1818. 3m. -
Improved Hydraulic Pump,
For Well, Rolling Mills, Furnaces, or other
Purpose. . .
THE auWriber respectfully announces to the
public lhat ha ia now prepared lo supply or
ders lo any extent for hia Pstent Double action
Auction anil Force Pomps, Thave pumps are
made of cat iron, and the water ia sucked or for
ced through les'l piie. . For simplicity of construc
tion .snd durability of action, they are vatty tape
rinr lo any now in uie. They bsve mspy advsn
taues over the common pump, among which are
the folio ing ;
They are a cons'rurted that . miarhievnua per
sona c innot s)mil ibeir action hv introducing nails
or spikes or sny other subianre smong the valves,
aa ia often dona with other pumps, thereby render
ing them usolcae till overhauled. They are war
rsn'ed to te peifectly secure from frost. They are
so arrsnged ss to sfford ample proleciion against
Fire about the piemises on which they are erected,
by Minp'y attaching a pitcs of hot-e, thro' which
they will force water to sny part of, or over,
three atory house. They are particularly adapted
lor very deep wells, as the leverage can be o re.
gulutcd i bt a rhi'd of six years old run with the
greatest eaae draw wnier v"uh ihrm from the dee
pest well. The obj-ction so jutly urgd by ma
ny, lhat w.,ter is upoibd by st iuding in pump logs,
is entirely obviited in tbia pump, and fie-h water
csn a' ways be aa turety obtained a when drawn
with a bucket. In sitiiatinna where it is uece-sa-ry
to rjiae or force lari-e qmntiiiea of water lo great
di.-tancea for auppl)ing boilers in mills, furnsces.
AiC, these pumpa sre invaluable, aa they ran be
made of ftny r.e, snd eipdile of throwing from
IS lo 1000 gallons per minute.
And lo rrowu all, they can lie sold as chesp ss
tbe chesest.
The subscriber ha a pent the Isst yesr in avpe
limenting upon and perfiviing bis pumna snd now
brings them tiefora the publ c with the fuller! con
fidence ibal thry will be found to snswer hi de
scription. He lsk-s p eai-u e in reterring to the
follow ng companies and individual, opon ahose
premises his pumps have ben erected, and bo
have expna-ed their sutisf-iction in the highest
I he Montour Iron Company. Danville, H. lire-
vnort. agent; the Bloomalmrg Railroad Ion t!.-m-panv.
Uloomaburg. Col. Paxton. agent; the K -ugh
and Ready Iron Works, DsuviPe. Hancock. Foley
&. Co., proprietors ; ihe town 4'iiineil of Her v irk ;
Slrnnn P., brq-, snd John l. Wslson, r.eq ,
Ihinville. " ' '
' He could refer lo many ntheri, who bsve teled
their qnnlilirs. but the sb, lespectshle firms and
individuals sre deemed sufficient.
rry- An ssot'menl of LEAD PIPES enn.lnnt
Iv on liand, which will he s ild on the most teas in
able terms. All nrde s addieaaed lothu u''M-ril-er,
st Moore Ac Bidd'e'a Foundry buitdinga, or Mon
lour House, Danville, will meet with pr mi t at
tention. HOMER PAKMEi.EE.
Jan. I. 1848. tf.
3I(;rc!miit Tailoring.
IT F.SPECTFULI.Y infonna hit triond. and
JB , the pu'dic. that he has just returned Irom
Pliiludelpbls, with a gi neisl kraortmrnt of
auitil le for men mid children's we r, which will be up lo order, or sold on the uiost raa-oiiallt
terms, ronawtin?, in pari, of
English, Flench, and American Cloths,
do do do Cssainiera,
Reaver Cloth, ' 1 ' Do-skin Casaimers,
Fsnry Csa-iineia, ' ' Saiinriu,
f'sshmere, Bilk Velv.l, Sjiin Ac Valencia Vesting,
Men'., Ladie.' and t'hil'ren's Cloaking,
Lainhewool and Merino Shirts and Drawers,
Olo k Tsaael.,
Fringe for Ladies" Cl-ska, . -
A general aaaonmenl of Trimmings, &r., Ac, -
Cutting will he dona free of rVi'ge, for a rs
porchaning goexla of him which tliey wiah lu make
up themselves.' and persiiis finding their awn gok(
will tw aeeommodaled as hirelof.ire. Hs landers
hia acbnowledgemrnie lo Ins friends for former pa-
Ironage, sud iesctfuHy solicits a couliuuaiica of
the sains.
Ha sla i inarms lb public, that be hss isken
Mr. JOHN tl. BRIGHT into eo-ptrtnendiip, and
thai tbe huainess will beieafiar be eondttcted under
tbe firm of Wsivia Ac Uaiaar,
rr All kinds of Ceunny Prodnes ttksa, at Ihs
I LI k . . -i. -. ; - . ' ...
Buobo7, November 13th, IM7.
ce 22 sar "a? KvOt rsa sf u?
. v.-.r iv- , jgMjEteTsEs. .
BT has power lo e iuso sll rxrsaaai SOKES.
't)O.M)Js WOCNDS o tli-chaige their pa
llid matter, and then heals them.
It ia richly All-heuling, for there is scare
ly a rlisenae mx enil or internal. thM il will nrit
benefit. I have o,l it f ,r Ihe I l fonrWn year
for nil dieaea of the chent, ronaumption and Her,
involving ih umiot danger and re.por,sibiliiy,
and I declare bef ire heaven ai d man, thai not in
one airulec iM has it f.iiled to benefit when the pa
tit n waa wi'hii li reach ef mortal mean.
I hnve bail phyiciana learn-d in the profeaainn.
I h.ive had munaiera of ilie Ru-pfi, judges of the
bench, aMomien. lawyer, gentlemen of the high
tat erudition, and niuliinMlex of (he poor uae it in
evry variety of way, and there baa twen but one
voice one u erl vn're anving : M'AlliMer,
your Oinnnent i (iOOl)."
In Scrofula, Old Soe, Eryepel is. Tetter Li
v r Compiiiim, Sore Eyes, tjoiny. Sore Throat,
Il'Oi cl.i'ia, Broken or Sure Breast. Piles, all Cheat
Uiaeaars, such aa Aa'hms. Oppressions, Psin
Also, Sore Lip-, Chapped Haii'la, Tumira, Chil
dnn's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervuus Dieaeea,
and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
as g d.
SCM.D HED We have cured caaea lhat
aclunlly defied every thing known, ss well aa Ihe
ability i f 15 or 20 doctors. One man lold us he
had spent (fltOO on hia rtvldirn wnhout any bene
fit, what s few boxes f Ointment cur d ihem.
BALDNESS It will restore the hair sooner
than any other thii-g.
HEADACHE The salve has cored peisona
of the headache of 12' standing, snd who
hid it regi.l ir every week, so that vomiting often
look place. Dxarxxaa, E Arns, and Aotrx in
tux Pact, are cured by ibis Ointment with like
succer s.
KL'HNS. It is one of ihe best things in t'.ie
world for Eur us. (Read the directions around the
box )
KHEUM ATISM. It removes almost immedi
ately the infl imalinn and swelling when the piin
ces-ea. (Read the Direction around Ihe Box.) '
COLD FEE T. Consumpiion, Liver Com
plain), Pain in tbe cheat or tide, falling ofT nf ihe
hair, one or the other alwaya accompanies cold
feel. (This Ointment is the tru remedy.) It is
a sura ien nf diaeaae lo have cold feet, . ,
TETTER. There is noihing belter for ihe
cure of Tetter.
PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by tbis
CORNS. Occasional use of ihe Ointment will
slwiys keep Corns from growing. People need
never be troubled with them il they will uae it.
Head the fuU-iwing CammunierdioH,
R. reived fiom an old. reepec d unj well known
citii n of Phi'aJulphu. and then judge for yuui-
Philadelphia. 10 mo., 13ih,lR16
To T. B. Peter-oil, Having been requeued
to cive my opinion on the merit of M'Al.T IS
TEU'S SALVE, I bio willing to enumerate aome
of the Km fits which I hnve upeiienceJ in tbe use
of the stlicle.
iu ll e spring of lHl.r', I had an stlsck of Ery.
nil Us in m f-ice which became very painful, and
eitei'did into one of my ees, being attended wpb
bv,r. my dialrrswas great snd 1 began to be f ar
fu of ,H-ir g my rje.
Although not much of a belierer in what ia
commonly cull, d quack mediciues, I purchased a
hog and made sn application to my face. To my
sutpriae the pain nmri ah 'led, and in a week a lima
I was ei.t rely cured, and 1 firmly believe that it
ii ihe salve, under Providence thai eu'ed me.
From that lime lo Ihe present. I have used the
article as ocesaum required, and in every case where
I have u-eJ it, I bsve found a decided benefit.
At one lime, on going to bd at night, my throat
waa so sore that I swallowed with difficulty, but
by an application of the atve I waa relieved before
iriomiiig. . j - -. -
I huv uaod il in case of bums, bruises, sprains,
snd flrsh cuta, sll with ihe happiest effects, and
me cave nf poiaoning by a wild vine io the woods,
h ia hi en dried up and cured hv a f w applic:ilinna.
From niy own esperi-nce, I would slronuly re
cooiiieud it to all, as a cheap, convenient, family
I h ive become so partial lo it, thut I expect to
keep il con-taoi'y in my family.
Though nol ambitious to api ear in print, yet I
cannot r-fu-e to h ive lh' conimiinita'ion made
puldic if ju.lged bet to serve the e iuae of bumani
ly. Respectfully thine,
No. S6. Old Vork Road.
CAPTION.-No OiiiUB'ni will be genuine
unb sa ihe nam. s of Jainea M'AHis'.ar, or James
M'M'iter &. Co., sr written with a pen on eve
ry lehe'. JAMES M'ALI.IaTKK.
Sole prop-n t .r ol the a -ove meOiciue.
AokSis : J. W. FRILING. Sunbury.
Norlhom'f iland,
Dr WM. M BICKLEV, Dsuville,
J. G. CROIISR, Si-Pnaitrove,
P. C. SH KLI.ER. Lewiaburg,
M M. F. N A(i I.E. Miltim,
Feb 19th. I 18. eowlv
No. 40.
Soith Fi" th Stkxkc. Aanvr Cusantt'T.
Jsn. 9ih, 1848 ,
Another Farm,
THE bi rrs of J4n Yocum, dee'd., effer forvmls
all lhal Farm of thrira situate in Hhsnvkio
tawpship, Nocthumberhind county, near Snutf.
Ibwn, and aitjoining lha old Rtsmbsrb -staud in
said township, containing about two hundred seres
mora or less, in a good ati'a of evjltivali-m. Ttu
Rail Road from Sunbory to Shamokinlowu peases
through it. For psrtjculus enquire of
HUGH H. TBATH. atnuffirwm,
- .awlOMN f ARN8 WORTH, Bunbuey,
Dec. 11,1817, i tif of tba hens.
...... jzxas-unzmjszs .
TFrlRht'a Indian Tegetnblo rllU.
Henry Masaer. Banbury, - ,
E. Ac J. Kauffmsn, A o gusts township.
lohn II. Vincent, Chillisquaqus.
Ksse At flergKlresaer, Elyaburg.
Samuel Herb, Lrttle Mahonoy,
William Deppio, Jackson."
IreUnd snd llaynes, McEwensville. , .
W'iMiim Ileinen Ac Brother, Milton. ' ' .
Forsyth, Wilson Ac Co., NoitbomborlaiiJ
James Reed, Potlsgrove.
O, W. Scolt. Roshville.
W. A R Fegely, Shamnkintown.
RhiHles Ar Farrow ftnyderstown.
Amos T. Beisell, Turbutavllla.
Bi nnevipe Holahue, Upper Ma'uotioy.
Ji bn G. Renn, do ilj.
E. L. Pitr, Wafsontnwn.
Whoteaale, st the office and gener.l d. r(,
RacesU Philadelphia. . D. c. 18, 1817. I v
dpi REAT BARGAINS may yet he had t Pun
K nt'a 8tox. He still b s a large s-aor-ment
nl tioods, which ha will sell at first tout. Reing de
termined to dikCintinue the buvioeas, lie will sell
very low. A saving of 25 or 30 per cent, nn !
made by pu'rhnsing st hia store. Cull md enin
ine for yoursclvea. fjj- All kinds nf cuutry pr r
duce tiken, at Ihe highest msikel priee. -Siipbury,
Decerning 4th, 1817 tf
TABLE COMPOITM). f.r I'e cure ,f
Ace. This Medicine is oXired lo the public under
the a-aiinu-re that there ia no arti le in cti-rterire
having stronger claims lo Ibeir c in-i leriitt n. Be
ing compounded by a regular Graduate t Ji (Tor
so n College, Philadtlph a, and s prai-tis-ng phvi
cian nf twenty years' standir g in Phil n'o'ptua. hia
long experience baa confirmed him in the opirit in
that a compound medicine wa required l prevent
and remedy the debilitation pr diicrd by rraid'ng.
in low, miasmatic climates, an I lo couii'erut tho
prn-trating influences of many nervnna il.-ordjr
with which the human family sre i.flli. le I.
DR. ALLEN is a well known ( hmiei m, nn
has used the shave medicine in hi. pmcir.e for 8
years with the most astonishing effect, having tes
ted its quslities in above
No medicine ever reeeived more fl.inering re
cnmmend&tions from physicians of eminent t Hid
ing than bss bien bestowed on Ibis,
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Prof s
sor siy: "It chiefly arises in persons wti. Ie-S
either a very sedentary or irregular life. Althoui:Si
nol regarded ss a fatal disense ; yet if'ecti d or
improperly tresred, may bring on incur ,b!e M
Inncholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitigo, Pslsy
and Apoplexy. A grvat singularity attendant on
it is, that it may and often doea continue a great'
length of time without any remission of the nyniji
toms. CAUSED. Grief and aneaines of m:nd, in
tense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery,
excessive use of spirituous liquors, tea, tobacco, o
pium, and other narcotics, immodorate repletion,
over distention of the slom.ich, a deficiency of tho
accretion of the bile or gisiric juice, rxpoauie t
cold and damp air, are the chief causes of l'U dis
ease. SYM PTOM8. Loss of spetite, nause i, AearU
hum, acidity, and foetid erucutiona, gnawing of
the etomaeh when empty, anessiueas in ihs thro 'I,
pain in tbe side, cosliveness, cbillness, I nguor.
jowness of spirits, pilpitntions, snd dis-urhej
TABLE COMPOUND hss never faded in affrr.
ding immediate relief, snd a radical cu e fur this.
(ry Thia Medicine can be had of II. B Muss r
Sunhury; J. C. Msitin, Pottville, MeJ ar V.
Bickel, Orwigahurg ; snd of Druggets gt-riHnlrv,
ALLEN Ac WARD, I n.prieturs.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1847. eq ly
it h i i; a i) e i r i ima
Ettr.bUthed 15 years ai: by Dr. KIS'.iEl.lN.
The ob lent, surest and lest hind c jro all forms
of seer-1 disesses, disease-ef -kin bt:d
solitary bahiia of ve.'li,
n it. k i x k t: t. i n.
V. W. eiimer of id ar,d Vn'nn , le 'nc Snrua
and Pine, t, tipr.tres fmm the Exmne.
YOUNG MUIS ! if you value your l.fe or your
hetlth, rer.tcmber, the delay of month, nay,
even a week, may prove your ruin, both of oj
and mind. Hence let no fale mode.ty .'eter you
from making your cat, known lo nno who, from
education and reapectabilily.c in alot e b fnend von.
Ha who places himself under Dr KIN KT.I I.V3
treatment, may religiously confide in his honor aa
a gentlemen, and in whoe bosom will be forever
lin ked ihe eecret of Iho patient.
Too many think they will hug the seerel lo their
own hearla, and core themselves, Alas! how of
ten i this a fstsl delusion, snd how many a pro
mising young man, who might hae been an orna
ment to society, has faded from the exrih.
finding it inconvenient lo make pe-amal applies
ti n, ran. by staling their eae eiplicitly, toge h r
witb sll their symptoms, (per Per. p,wt paid.) luv
forwarded In thorn a cheat containing Dr. K'a me
dicine appropriated accordingly.
Paekagea of Medicines forwardeJ lo any part of
the United States st a moment's notice.
Post Palo tSTTsas, addressed lo Dr. Kim.
xiliv, Philsdelphis, will be promptly a'tendid lo,
Oct. 30th. 1847. I y
Watches fc .Jewellery
FullJtwelted Cull Levers far f 10, IVorrori (..
No. 248. if trket street. PHILADELPHIA,
nASeonetsntly on hand a large a orirueut ,if
tiold and Silver Watches, st t'Je follow i. g
low prices
Full Jewelled Gold Levers, f4(i f i)
. Sivr do )i no
Go! J liines, full Jewelled 30 00
Silver Le pines, 13 no
Silver tjuariieie, 00 and 10 OA
With a large aesr.rtmeot of Fias Jcwsi-ivar,
such aa ear rina, finger rings breast ptna, braces
lets gold and, ailver pencil, gold chains. Ac Has
also on b'jnd a complete aaaoitmenl lornette. paual
and pVin Watch lasses, Msin Springs, Verge e
Di'Vis and Hands of every description ; snd in sel
a complete assortaBonl of Wstchmske a took mus
Walnh Materiala, lo which ha would call aaavaL
teution of ths country Irsde in geoeisl.
(jQ- Those wishing sny thing in ths sh-e llnoi,
woold find it to their advantage Jo call and a La.
sniiie bis aloe Itrfaia purchasing rlo-w bsse.
No. tl Market sir, el, Isluw tub,
Ph lslelphis. Sept 26, 187. 8m
11 m I rwi ived, a bandajine lot at CLdfn, i os.
aVsners, Calicoes, Cups of alt kinds, L'uua
Shoes, for men, women and cbiUien. G're,c,
(fieentwart, and a variety ef other arl elea rhra
par than ever, hy HBNRY MASSCU.
Suubury, Nov. 7lh, lt7.