Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 11, 1848, Image 2

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    .AttlllVAIa OP THR . ,
8TK A M 91 r !! Jl R ITANX I A .
Upating nfihf. Tit irhh Parliament Ureal
Advance in Cttllon-DetUue in the drain
Market. ' ' '
The steamship Britannia arrived : at Boston
on Saturday morning, efier 8 protracted paerago
of 21 days. She brought news two Weeks laler
from Europe. ' : .. , ,
The news is altogether favorable. The a
pect of business abroad has improvod, and inn
hey continues plenty.
There in a decline in lite corn mirket, caused
by the large supplies of home produce end in
creased importations.,., ; . .'.
The cotton market ha improvod in prices,
owinjf to the deininiahed receipts.
The retaliatory system ol pout ape on foreign
letter, adopted ty the American Postmaster
General, linn produced an rflcct abroad; and as
they are beginning to leel ita inconveniences,
liiey of course a I no begin to condemn Mr. John
win for what they call bis illiberally. We. an
gnr from thin a speedy settlement of the d.lR
culty on fair term of reciprocity.
Siiiily ha been , successful in its revolution.
The people have triumphed over tbo king. . A
furm of constitution baa been agreed to, found
in? a liberal lejjisilaive representation. . The
Roinn Catholic religion alone will be tolerated
Accounts from Ireland are distressing. Ih-athe
from starvation are said to have taken place
throughout the land. Political strife run high
between the three rational parties there; the
subdivided parly from the Vuntitf Ireland are
vehement in their incitements lor an immedi
ate appeal to arms against England, but this is
reprobated by the others.
The venerable Archbinhnp of Canterbury,
primate ol all Rug laud, died on ihe lltli, in the
8'id year iifhin afc. , ,....,,:.,.
( The inquiry into the atate of the natiomi de
fences has ended in the determination of Go
vurnment to double the artillery furcu and em
body I.jO(KH) militia. The country at Jorge ia
opiHKiod to the measure. ..,
The Pope's rescript lias been received in Ire
land, demanding to know from the Diahops
whether the charge of altar denunciations and
political intermedding by the priesthood are
true. It administer a stern rebuke.
liord Palinereton haa signified to the Auatrian
Court, that any further armed intervention with
the Papal States will - be considered by Great
D 'tain aa a declaration of war.
1'rancc is in a pomewhat more tranquil con
dition than heretofore, but angry d iscossions
continue to take place in the Chamber of Depu
ties. Reform banquets have been denounced
as illegal, and are to be prohibited for the fu
ture. The news from S wider land does not possess
much interest. Tbe Diet is firmly resolved to
maintain the rights of the country, as a free and
independent Stale. ., , .
Later from Hexlest,
Tun steamship Edith, it New Orleans, sai
led fmm Vera Cruz on the 10th til'., and
brought Icttera and papers.
From the New Orleana Picayune.
The U. S. steamer Edith, Capt. Couillard, nr.
rived yesterday morning from Vera Cruz,
whence she sailed on the 10th inst., bringing
papers from that city of that date. . We have
letters from our correspondents in Mexico as
late as the 7:b inst., but they a.e not ao late aa
intelligence received by the Dee, although con
taining interesting matter. We cannot learn
that there had been any arrival from the city of
Mexico since tbe Dee left.
A rumor prevailed in Vera Cruz, wben the
Edith left, that Santa Anna bad made an ap
plication to G. n. Scott for a passport to Vera
Croz and permission to leave the country, and
that Gen. Scott had acceded to hie request
Those who credited the report believed that he
would arrive in Vera Croz in four or five days,
to embark for Europe or Havana.
'L.I'! - I 'U 11 1 ,1!' J. Jgjy.i!.- JLl'UB Arena Africa.
Tbe Baltimore Sun of last week announces the
arrival of th American Colonization Society's
barque Liberia Packet. Rev. J. B. Benham, Su
pei intendent of Methodist Minions in Africa,
and Dr. M. B. Beck, IT. S. N., cam piitenn.
The following it tbe intelligence brought by her
from that colony.
Tbe inaugural address of Gov. Roberta, deliv
ered to Legislature, Jan 3d, ia a temperate, dig
nified ami modest document. He refers to the
new and important career upon which tbey bare
just entered, by severing from tbe Colonization
Society and forming a State Government, and
pointing out tbe additional duties devolving upon
hem. In tbia connection lbs necessity of impo
sing additional taxes upon lbs people, to supply
the deficiency of aid from tbe Society, is refer
red te The obligations to the Society are also
gratefully confessed.
At Sierra Leone, it waa stated tbat within the
week previous two brigs, under Brazilian colors,
were mads prizes to the English government;
one having on boaid 600 alavss, and tbe other
730. Neither of these vessels were over 150
long. Tbe slaves were landed and preparations
being rna'le to cut the vessels up.
Tbe schooner Henry Clay, formerly the pilot
boat of lbs same name, of Baltimore, was closely
pursued by English men-of-war, on two different
occasions, and fired into; but she finally made
hur escape with a cargo of slaves. This is her
ii-cond voyage" to tbe coast'
The English and French cruiaera are very ac
live la chasing and rapturing slavers.
Tbe U- 8. abip of war Jamestown, Com. Cot
ton, sailed from Monrovia, Nov. 36, for Princes
Uland-ofllcert and crew all well. . ; . J
' rt ., r;
Halurdnyt Mnrth II, MI8
i n. o., i 'net n-
late amd foal IMKrt.cornrr oflll and tUteeuut
Wrrefs, VhiUultlhin. at him etfHe JSM. I fill
.yitm W crrf, .Vise lrr. N. K. Vnmtt Rat.
timer mad f"irrr at., Itlttmrr, isntf.Mt Ifi
Ktmlt Stmt, ittttlan, U autaarited ( Ml as
Jlftnt, aid rtttlt lor ult mle ttnt thin
0tfler, fur tthneriittiim r otlvrrtlmlnf.
K. IV. CARR, rnrner of Tliiril nn.l Darh
Strrrln,' Sun Ihiilitiiifft. tippoKtte. Mrrchnnln'
V.xchange, I'hiludelphin, it alio auihuriteilta
ucla$ our Ae'vt-
! i ii iii, , . i. . . a
07" Ty lh late arrivl fioin Europn, the
news of which will be found in another rolusnn,
it will be seen that r kreadatufla Iwve attain de
clined, and that cotton ! advanced.
tC7"The weather, after some 8 or 10 days of
a cold and trpezins; nature, has aain assumed the
appearance of spring 1'he roads are muddy, but
not so deep as during the previous thaw As
March "went in like a lion,", we trust it will
not fail to ''go out like a lamb "
0 Tut Sui'Iifmk Coi:st The Miltnnian ol
last week has an article in very bad taste, in re
lation to the removal of Ihe Supreme Court from
this place, hut which, in fart, ia nothing more
than an indirect attai k on tbe jmljes of the court
Although we belong to no temperance order or
society, yet there are few who are more averse
to the use, as well as the abuse of spiritous li
quors than ourselves. The general and too com
mon use of ardent spirits, is an acknowledged
and deplorable evil ; but there are many who in
dulge in its use, w ho are among our most worthy,
honest and valuable citizena. We have known
the Judges of this Court, some of them for the
Isst 12 or 13 years, and during all that time, in
session here or elsewhere, we have never heard
aught against their integrity; or their ability to
discbarge their duties questioned. The editors
will probably deny they ever intended any thing
of tbe kind, but they should reflect, that these
indirect and loose attacks, on men occupying the
highest judicial station, are calculated to inflict
a greater injury on the judicial system, than the
most violent attarka of tbe ultra radicals, with
whom our iriends of tbe Miltonian were ia tbe
babit of finding so much fault.
E7" StatzConvzntiom In another column,
our readers will And a full account of tbe pro
ceedings of tbe convention held at Harrisburg on
the 4th inst. There waa, as was eipected, con
siderable excitement in the convention. Tbe
friends of Mr. Buchanan were largely in tbe ma
jority. The mentis of Mr. I'altas, aware or this.
endeavored to have the delegates I rum each t on
gressional district to appoint delegates to the
Baltimore Convention, with instructions to sup
port Mr. Buchanan. ' This propoai'ioti. which
resulted in giving some of the friends of Mr. Dal
las a chance of being sent a delegates, caused
eonaiderable debate. The matter, however, was
afterwards amicably arranged. - Mr. Wilmol was
present, and made a speech, in which ha stated
soma wholesome, though to some, unpalatable
truths, in relation , to bis proviso in regard to
slavery in any new territory to be acquired. He,
stated that wben the proviso passed a large por
tion of the demociatic tneaibers of Congress vo
ted with bim in its favor, and if he was to be
resd out of tbe party, a large portion of the de
mocracy would have to go with him.
(JTb treaty has not yet been finally dis
posed of. Its ratification ia, however, now
deemed certain, and will take place in a day or
two, at tbe farthest.
K7" Tnz Union Magazinr The March num
ber of this elegant Magazine is before us. We
have only room enough to aay, that it ia one of
the beat periodicals published. It is edited by
Mrs C. M. Kirkland, ami published by Israel
font, New York.
07" Govaskor Sucnk We lave recently
seen several notices In Ibe papers, atatir.g that
Governor Sbunk haa had another attack, but waa
again getting better. The Governor's constitu
tion is note of tbe strongest, and bis frieiuls are
not without their feais, should these attacks con
tinue. C7 Tii it Canals The water baa been let in
some of the levels of the Schuylkill canal. It
has also been let in the canal at Holidaysburg,
lor a week past. If no accidents should occur,
tbe resumption of csnal navigation will com
mence earlier this year thsn the Isst.
(O Some of the Iallas papers, we observe,
ezult a good deal in having ont-generalled Ihe
frienda of Mr. Buchanan, at tbe late convention,
in selecting delegates.
07" Ta Tscatt wns Mksioo, which the Se
nate haa bad before them for Ihe week past, will,
it is generally believed, bs ratified by that body,
with the exception of a number of amendments
ia relation to recognising previous grants ol land,
fcc, to individuals. The Senate , will not liks
to reject the treaty, (hough a laigs majority are
opposed to (he manner in which it was negotia
ted by Mr. Trist, who acted ia tbe matter with
out authority. It is said that but four democra
tic Senators wtllopposs it, viz: Benton, Breeze,
Atchison, and Col. Davis. Gen. Houston, also
opposed, will be absent. Mr. Webster is in favor
of postponing indefinitely, and sending out a re
sponsible commissioner to Mexico to negotiate,
07 Jon Qiiinct Aoams Tbe remains of
ibis distinguished man, on their vrafy home, were
received in Philadelphia on Tuesday last, in a
manner becoming his high rbaraoter and stand
ing "Although many dilT.-retl with Mr." Adams
politically, all accorded to him integrity and ta
lents of the highest order.' The Philadelphia pam
pers give a long account of the ceremonies, the
substance of which we have rondenaed as follows,
from tbe Ledger : .- t. .: , ;. ? :i . v i'
Th flair that riirmnnnli the Cuelom Hoiipp,
with thoee displayed upon 'he virion Armnri' e,
the fh'ppiiir af our 'wharve,'and at Ihe varlon
Newepaper i ffiree, were all displayed at hall
mast, tt feetnoned with the emblems ol mourn-
tnjf. Tbo chimes of Christ Chitrrh and St. Pe
terV, the Stitlo House hell, and moat of Ihe
others thrnonhuut Iho city, pealed fo'lh their
inuflled (ones aa the hour approiched that the
train miilit lie expected In arrive.
The Niliorwl Artillery cmpi, Ctptain John
K. Murphy, were Fliitiined in Hioarl elrm t, near
Market, end fired ni rute punn for en hour pro
vi nt In the arr'val of the remaiiiF, and dnrinp
tbe fnrmnlion and mirch of the prnceeoinn.
The rpr-chl train ronluininrr the honored r-
mains of the deeeaned, left Wilmington at half
punt 2oVlnek, anil arrived at Rroad and Smrh
ulreets about 4 o'clock. The cars containing
'he body and Ihe Committee of the Hout-e ol
Representatives, were feftooned with blick.
Rroad eln et was completely fi'led with a dense
maesol htim.inbeir.os. and it was with eorne
difficulty that the Second City Troop, aieinted
by the police, could keep the space clear to al
low thn formation ol the procession.
The coffin was then plaetd in a hearse, drawn
by six white horses with black plumes.
The Hon. John B. O.hon. Richard Willing,
S'imiiel Ilreck, Hon. John K. Kane, J.ihn M.
Si'ill, I)r R. M. Patternm, Horace Binncy, Dr.
N. Chapman, Wm. J. Duane, . W. Richardf,
Isaac Rotch, and James Page, officiating as
pall bearers, worn white scsrfe. With roeettes
upon their right shoulder. Next came Ihe
clergy, s numerous body, comt-rieing almost at-
persuasions. Among them was Bichnp Putter,
of Ihe Proteetnnt Epiecnpiil Church, together
with mo?t of the pantors of our city churches
of that denomination. The Committee of Re.
cent ion followed, and next came the Committee
ol the House of Ueproeontstivre.
The procession passed along Rroad st, and
down Walnut, the vast concourse) of spectator
occupying the sidewalks and doorstep, main
taining their position with a respectful silence.
As soon as the head of the procession entered
the gste on Wslnut street, the band commerw
ced plating a solemn dirge, by Beethoven, in
which performance a gong accompaniment was
very erTec'ive. When the coffin hsd reached
the line of military, the order to prtsent arms
ass g.tven.
The coffin is very nest and plain. Il is msde
of metal, perfectly air-light, with a flat top, in
accordance with the style adopted in the Ess
tern Slates. It is covered with blue k velv-'t,
with silver bullion s round the upper edge. Up
on the lid tins been fixed a silver pi ite, bearing
the following inscription ; "J'tbn Qtiincy Adams
burn an inhabitant ol Massachusetts, July 11th.
1707. died a cit zenoflhe United States, Fi b-
ruary 23d, 1 1. in Ihecaptlol at Washington;
lmving rerved his country faithfully for more
than half a century, , and borne many of its
high' at honors."
07" Tbe Five Million loan has been taken at
a premium of about 3 per cent, above par. Tbe
greater part has been tsken by Ihe Rothschilds,
of London. The bids, together, amounted to
over $17,000 000. . . ...
07" Chlososobm Persons should be ex
tremely careful in the nse of this article. The
papers contain notices of several cases where its
use has been attended witb injurious consequences.
07" Tmc Tclkgsach is now extended to
Kathville, Tenn., and will soon reach New Or
leans This is truly an se of improvement, in
some measure annihilating time and space.
C7" There is a rumor that Henry Clay will
take tbe place of Mr. Crittenden, in the U S
Senate. This does not look much like Mr.
Clsy's being a candidate for the Presidency.
C7" The Leonidas letter, the authorship of
which was charged lo Gen. Pillow, and in which
tbe General was highly eulogised, turns out to
have been written by Major Burns, who assumes
the responsibility.
"Th'$ u the end of enrlh em content."
, nv u. c.
Hushed is tbe fierce and bigh debate,
Silence and sorrow fill tbe lofty hall,
In grief the nations wis and great
Are gathered round tbe wiseat of tbero all ;
Tbe grasping hand of icy death
Has stricken down Ihe old man eloquent,
Who whispers with bis fleeting breath,
This is the end of earth I am content."
To God and man in erry duty true,
What hss eternity for him of fear,
The bliss of Heaven in his view,
Nought to regret in all bis efforts here;
Honored by all, by fiiends beloved,
Still te tbe stern deciea bs meekly bent,
Firm trust in God his last words proved,
"This ia the end of eartlwl am content."
Then live like him, and at life's close,
Wbsn the dread angel hovers o'er thy head,
- Like comfort raa you give to those 1 '
Who tearful mouru around your dying bed ;
For never balm more soothing fell -
lots lbs heart by deep affliction rent,
Than tbat aged patriot's calm farewell, .
, . This is Ihe sad f taitb I aui cvuteut."
Suiibuiy, Maich, IS 13. i ....
Prnaredlna; aft tie
, r AT H!'CtrU!, pa. v., rl
The gentlemen from the different counties of
the Common weslth elected delegates to the
fourth of March Convention, nemhled in the
Colitt, Hoii It Harrinniirg. at ten o'clock.
On motion of R H Kerr, Esq.,
Duvid Lynch was sppninted Chairman of the
Convention, for temporary organization. '
Alfred (lilmnre and E A Penniman wcte p
pofntetrSecretaries lo the Convention,
0"n motion of Mr Frailey, tne counties weie
called over. - - -- .--.--.--
When Crawfoid county was called, Mr Mc-
Fa I land, one of Ihe delegates, being absent, Mr
Lnwry substituted .Mi Krick. Mr Lamberton.
the Senatorial delegate, objected to Krick, and
moved In substitute Mr Brawley. The question
was then postponed for the present .
Mr Lowry moved that . a committee of one
from each Congressional distrirl be appointed
tr) nominate officers for the permanent organiza
tion of the Convention, wh'u h was agreed to
Vr Orr moved the appointment of a commit
tee of Ihe delegates fiom Dauphin, lo see if a
better room for the meeting of the Convention
eo'tltl not be obtained ; which was agreed to.
Mr Lowry then moved that Mr Kiick be ad
mitted as a delegate, which was agreed to.
Mr Krick was admitted.
Mr Thompson moved that the Convention ad
journ until 2 o'clock
AriEinnoN sssaioN.
At half past two o'clock, tbe temporary chair
man called tbe convention to order.
Mr. Lowry, from the committee to report offi
cers for the permanent organization of the Con
vention, reported the following officers, which
report wss adopted :
President Hon CHARLES FR ALEY.Schuyl
kill. Vice Presidents R Frsrer, Lancaster, Hon
Jamea Thompson, Erie. John A Bender, Phila
delphia comity. John Slallman, do. A G Ryall,
Rucks county, Jobn C Evans, Berks. Col Jo
seph Levers, Columbia. Samuel Tageart, Sua
qnehanna. John A Gamble, Lycoming. A Smith
MrKinney, Cumberland. A Parker, Juniata
J L Dawson, Fayette, Robert Love, Washington
Gen Robert Orr, Armstrong. Dr J Atkins, Del
Skcbktarirs W Jsrk, Westmorelsnd county,
David Small, York county, Jos L Smith, Phila
delphia county. O II Mutt, Pike county. D W
C Brooks, Dauphin county. John Ccyle, Alleghe
ny county. Jss G Gibson, Philadelphia city. Jas
Galloway, Mercer county.
On taking the chair, Ihe President returned
thanks in a neat and appropriate address.
Mr Stsmbsngh moved a reaolutien that the
rules of the House of Repiesentatives be the
rules for the government of tbe proceedings of
this Convention. Agreed to.
' Mr Sts'rr.batigh then aubmited the following
preamble and reaolutions :
Whereas, the Democratic citizens of Pennsyl
vania, in accordance' with established usages of
the party, have delegated to this Convention the
important trust of electing delageta to the Na
tional Convention, to be held in Baltimore, on
the 4tb Monday of May, next, for the purpose of
nominating candidates for President snd Vice
President, and also to nominate Electors, equal
in number to the Senators and Representatives
of this State, in Congress, who shall be required
to give a written pledge lo the Chairman of tbe
Democratic State Central Committee of Corres
pondence, that they will vote for the nominees
of this Convention, for President and Vice Presi
dent of the United States.
Therefore, for the purpose of fully and fairly
ascertaining the rhoieaol the Democratic party
of Pennsylvania for the office of President of the
United States be it. 7
Resolved, Tbat this Convention do now pro
ceed to vote viva voce, for a candidate to be re
commended as the choice of the Democratic par
ty of Pennsylvania, for tbe President of the Uni
ted States; and that tbe candidate who shall ob
tain a majority of tbe votes of tbia Convention,
shall be declared the choice of Pennsylvania De
mocracy each and every delegate of this Con
vention, hereby pledging themselves to use all
fair, upright sn! honorable means to promote and
secure the nomination of the candidate, thus se
lected by the majority of the Democratic dele
gates of Pennsylvania, before the National Con
vention for President of the United States.
Mr. Wballon moved tbe adoption of the reso
lutions. Adopted.
Tbe following nominations were then made:
Mr. Jones nominated Tanks Rithanan.
" Irons " Lewis Cass.
Johnston Geo M. Dallas.
" Lowry " Mastin Vaji Srazs.
The Convention then proceeded to vote for a
csndidste for the Presidency, and tbe roll being
called over it appeared that,
Messrs James M Anderson, Applebangh, Ard,
Panghmsn, Bennett, Brewer, Brewster, Brooks,
Rrysn, Can fie Iii, Cameron, Cake, Clover, Cox,
Coyle, Craft, Curran, Caster, Danner, DirTen
bach, Pimmick, J Dougherty, Ely, Evans, Fos
ter, Ftsley, Galloway, Gamble, Gilmore, Gorden,
Gorgas, Grennell, Ilartsharne, Hays, Hszleton,
Hickman, Hotter, Jackson, Jacoby, Jones, Kran,
Kerr, Kremra, Lamberton. Lee, Lesley, Light
ner, Love, Lynch. M'Calmant, McFsrren, Me
Glaugliq, PcKinley, Alexander MeKinnev, A
Smi.i, McKioney, . Martin, Marx,, Moiriaon,
Mom. Murray, Orr, Oyster, Parker, Patterson,
Picking. Ralston, Reamer, Roddy, Ryall, Schnell,
Schneider, Slabarb, Small, Smith, Stambaugb,
Taggart, Thompson, Tyson, Walters, Wballon,
Wilcox, Wright, Ziegler and Zerbs 84 voted for
Mr Burhsnan. - :
Messrs. Aitkins,1' Win. B. Anderson, Bacon,
Bender, Buckalew, Burns, Clsrk, Crsns, Cres
well, Alexander E. Dougherty, Eachea, Fatzis
ger, Felton, - Frazer, Gibson, -r Hoi I, Johaatoa,
Kelsh, Kline, Levers, M'A snail, Mapea, Merit,
Penniman, Philips, Pars il, Petsrbaugb,- Sthaa
bel, Scett, Joseph L, Smith, louder, Stallmaa,
-31, voted for Mr. Dal-
Woodward, and Young
LAS. V 1
Messrs. Carmonf. PaWson, Frost, Irons. Jack,
Laird, Mitchell, Poltoctt, Reitly, snd Snodgrsss
10, voted for Mr. Cass.
Messrs. Goodrich, Krick, Lapnrte, Lnwry, and
Mason 5, voted for Mr. Van P.i m:-.
Mr. Penniman submitted the following reso
lution :
- Resolved, Tbat the delegtites in each Congres
sional district select and report to this Con
vention, tbe name of one person to represent the
Democracy or the Sts e in .he' Baltimore' Con
veution, in May next,' to nominate"a candidate
for President and Vice President of the United
States. ' -. . .
Mr R 11 Kerr moved to strike out the sbove
and insert the following as a substitute :
'That tbe delegates from tbe several Congres
sional districts do now proceed to nominate riele
gates, to be elected to represented the State ol
Pcnnsylvsnis in the National Convention to bold
in Baltimore on the 4th Monday of May next,
and that the delegation from nnedistiict shall
not nominate more than two candidates for the
consideration of the Convention, unless a major
ity of such Congressional delegation shall agree
to place a greater number in nomination
Resolved, That the nomination made to the
Convention in conformity with the forgoing res
olutions be referred to a committee consisting
of one delegate from each Congressional district
represented in tbia Convention, whose duty it
shall be to select and report for tbe considera
tion of this Convention, one delegate from each
Congressional district, to represent the Demo
cratic party of Pennsylvania in tbe National
Convention; and that auch delegates shall be
selected who are known to this Convention, as
being willing to ronlorm to tbe wishes of the
Democratic party of Pennsylvania, as expressed
by its representatives here sssembled snd who
are ready to pledge themselves in writino to
use their most strenuous exertions to secure the
nomination of Jamks Bcchanan of Pennsyl
vsniaby the National Convention.
After discussion in which the amendment was
discussed by Messrs Kerr, Thompson, E A Les
ley, Craft, Peniman, Schnabel, Calloway. Snod
grass snd Johnston-
Mr. Penniman then withdrew his resolution
Mr Lowry then submitted the following reso
lotions :
Resolved, That the delegates in this Conven
tion from the several Congressional districts, be
requested to return to this Convention, subject
to the approvsl of the Convention, tbe names o
suitsble persons to be placed on the electorisl
ticket, and delegates to the Bslt. Convention
to select a President and Vice President of tbe
United States.
Resolved, That it shsll be the dutyof the State
Central Committee to require of each delegate
his written pledge that, in good faith, be will car
ry out to the best of his ability, the wishes of the
Demoeisey of Pennsylvania, in nominating a
candidate for the Presidency ; and Ihe said dele
gate shall continue to vote for James Buchanan
until a majority of them shall otherwise deride.
And each Elector shall give a plege. in writing,
that he will vote of the nominee for Ihe Baltimore
Convention. And should any delegate or elec
tor, thus appointed, refuse to pledge himself, the
State Central Committee shall vacate his seat
and fill it witb another.
Mr Ciaft then renewed the amendment of R H
Kerr, which fell by tbe withdrawal of Mr Penni
msn's admer.dment. - -
After further discussion Mr Craft withdrow
hit amendment, and Mr Lowry's resolution was
adopted, without calling the yeas and naya.
Mr Dougherty moved that the Convention
now proceed to the election of Senatorial dele
gatea to the Baltimore Convention, and Senato
rial electors.
Mr Lowry then moved that the Convention
now proceed to nominate a Vice President which
wss dissgreed to. '
Adjourned nntil 1 o'clock.
:: evisi.vo session.
At half past, seven, the Convention resumed
its session ' ' '
On motion of Mr Jones,' a committee of five
were appointed to wait upon the Hon James
Buchanan, and inform him that the Democratic
Convention of the State of Pennsylvania bad
given him a majority of their votet for the office
of President of the United Ststes.
On motion of Mr Cox the Convention then
proceeded viva vocr, to vote for Canal Comrr.ia
sioner. . The following wss the result :
Fissi Ballot.
30 Dewsrt
28 Riddle
"John Smith,"
.The result on the fir
Plumer and Hutter.
lot was i '
First Ballot.
Barton J.', Hutter .
Gilpin ,13 .Tones '
fornef . cl McLanahsn
Iod ' - 1 McCanless
Brewster in Plumer .' ;
Mr M.Csaless having received the n
of votes necessry to a choice, the nomi
was unanimously confirmed.
On the second ballot the names of Messr
ter, Plumer, and Jones, were withdraw
the result was
, . . , 7 Second Ballot. . . "
O WBaifon r "4' Cilpen
Forney M
So Mr Forney being duly elected, tbe C
lion unanimously confirmed tbe same,
journed until Monday morning at 9 o'rloc
Correspondence ofthe Public IM,
I'CMusylTanla, Dcmorratle Convsn
IlARRtsnt'Ro, Mar
Mornino Sksiion The Convention
bled at 9 o'clock. The President ann
Iho names of the Committee on address t
olut ion. Several substitutes were appoi
the nomination of delegates, who hsd le
Mr Craft moved that a committee shi
appointed, to whom should be relerred
mination of delegates to the Baltimore I
lion whose names were objected to
choice disputed.
Mr Schnsbrl moved, as an amendmi
no member ofthe Convention should be
a delegate to Baltimore.
Mr Lnwry moved an amendment
mendment that the Convention proceei
election ol Senatorial Electors;
Discussion arose, and upon the previo
tion being called Mr lowry's amendm
adopted, and the other propositions fell.
The Hon William Bigler, of Clearfi
the lion D D Wagner, or Northainpti
elected Senatorial Electors.
Mr Craft tl en renewed hismotion.'w
lost by the previous question. Mr I1
renewed his amendmenttmeiit, snd X
moved that the Convention proceed to
Congressional delegates about whom tl
be no dispute.
On the debate on this motion a diet
rose. Mr f,owry thought it was tim
to fi'ht it out when there wss a disin
The Hon David Wilmol said that it
known that he was not a friend of B
but he did say that Mr. Buchanan, h
tained the vote of the uV,-gates th
desvnr should be made to play upo
Baltimore such s game as has been
played. Mr Buchanan should be fair
sented. The uages ofthe party
known and settled. It wss for the
from the Congressional districts to
their representatives, snd, unless the
reason, they should be received.
After much discussion, the proios
Lowry, that nominations where thei
disputes should be made, was adopt
lowing were then nominated.
EUtt'ir. - - Drlenat.
1 Henry L Benner Wm J Reed
2 Horn R Kneas John G Sharp
3lsaeShunk Jno Miller, 7ll
4 A L Rnnmfott '
5 Jacob S Yost
0 Kobt E Wrieht
7 Wm W Downing
8 H Hal.lerran
Wright .
Crest well
Skcond Ballot.
Beatty, 27 Douglass,
Painter , 39 Riddle
Wnght 21 Varr
Ivra 20
Third Ballot.
Wright 30 Beatty'
Painter ' ' 7 Riddle
Ives .!..-' s "
Mr Painter having received tba number of
votes necessary to a choice, on motion, lbs Con
vention unanimously ion firmed the nomination.
Hoa. David Wilrcot appeared and took his teat
as a delegate, ., . . . , , . .
A resolution waa next submitted that tbe Con
vention proeed to elect two Senatorial Delegates
to tbe Baltimore Convention, to represent this
Slate in the 4th of March National Convention,
and also two Senatorial electors, to vote for Pres
ident and Vice President of the United States in
Ibe next Presidential Electoral College. - i
This resolution waa agreed to, and e Ibe firtt
ballot for Senatorial Delegates,, I ha Jbliewiog
geatlansea were nsnindt . n i.d I
. Messrs. Brewster, JUrtou, Wood ward. Gilpia,
Forney, Reed, Jones, M'Lahan,.M'Cao!ett;
9 Peter Kline
10 R S Schoonover
11 Wm Swetland
13 Joeah Brewster
13 John C King
14 John Weidman
15 Roht J Fisher
18 Robt Smith
17 John Criawell
18 Charles A Black
19 W G Bowman
20 John K Shannon
21 Geo P Hamilton
22 W S Davis
23 Timnthv f ves
21 Jos G Campbell
The vacant districts, which we
bsve since been amicably filled,
Wm Deal
John B Sterret
Wm T Rogers
Nimrod Strickl
U flai-hman
J Gtancy Jonei
A H Reeder
E H Bowlby
Geo Sanderson
Stephen Wilst
Dan Shaffer
Jas Graham
Jas Burns
Wm I.esrzht
Alex MrKinn
E G Creacralt
D Lvnch
W S Garvin
'Joseph Thorn
Aug Dunn .
An Ar-T Illi'siration. The N.
luding to the attempts of the polit
tract from Gen Taylor's positive ss
he favors n party views into a dec
be approves of theirs, aptly com pa
tbe church-wardena of an English
having read a letter from their rect
for his farmer, about mending the
keeping special eye to tbe old bla
aimed it into an excellent religion
by explaining the fences tomeanthi
of life and the old black bull to mea
Ax Imporitrr. Many ol our
noticed that nearly every Sunday
Ihe Cathedral has stood an old beg
cup in hand, presented Ihe stronger
peal, by hie wo begone appearand
thies of all who passed by. The
First Municipality have lately di
far from bring an object of cht
holder of some (15000 worth ot
Lafayette, and about $3,000 dep
varioua banks oi tbe city. A ver
of this aura has been raised by b
he has lullowed for many years,
week, bis 'tramp ia on the Levee :
day bis seen of operations is cot
different chorehee. When arree
Trercaaee, he had on hia person
dimes and picayooea. Ilia nan
Fanchieu.snd, with bis wife, he
the most systematic schema of ii -
ka v btrd f lrsng time.-
The MethoditVfVin ew Or! can.
a church ediAca at a cost af 61,00'