HNS Or TflE AIHEItlCAIf B. MASSES I Pt7.Vt.miK SEPH EWEI.Y. ; S PaoratsToas. jr. jr. MJia$Bn. Editor. itar in Centre MUty, in the rear of M. ser's Store.) B AMERICAN is published every Satur t TWO DOLLARS per annum to he alf yearly in advance. No paper diaeontin 'I Alt arrcsrarea are paid. luhec.riptiona received for a IfM period than mm. - All communication or letter on relating to the office, to insure attention, e POST PAID. SIX YEATtS AGO E children Wan to cry for Sherman's Lo nge. : The neiee wss not a.) loud at that ut it ha kept incresslng ever ince. and nnw com eo great that the month of the Httle mi eearee he etopped. Dr. Sherman symp- ith the Mile suhvrers, and vrry much re tat anr of them ehnold he disappointed. na- the vast benefit which haa been confer- on the community by the introduction of .IliMe . WORK LOZHNOIie, entered into srrangwmente for enlarging hi dory, by meana of which he think he will to auppty the demand. And the same peina e will be taken, that then celebrated Lo pe made aa they hv alwaya been, in or . thooe who depend upon them, may not be tnied in their hopes. He knew when he iced the manufacture of the Worm Luxen it they woulJ supersede ih ua of every ermifuge, a the Lnteng ia very pleasant ate, speedy in iteeffeeta. aa well as certain, quantitf required to effect a pereel eure, mall. Then properties, in connexion wiih that they are sold fr 25 emit per box. thus them in the reach of the poorest man in , haa not only raueed them to take the every other vermifuge ever offered, but al red them popular to the community. rmne COUOH Z.OZBNGES i to cure Cough a, Gidds, Consumption, horlnessand difficulty of Breathing, and ea-ee of the Lunge, with the same facility on thrir first introduction, and the people v become pereuaded by actual etp'tienee, the acceaoiiin of a flight cold, they have tep to either the Dr's. office, or one of the and obtain a box of bi Cough !ieigee, e very convenient to carry in the pocket ke a few through thdy. Hy pursuing e a eure i nfipn effected in 24 hour, and nt shout hie hunn- ea. Sit great ia the ee the l.nienges. that thouaand of persona i used them, and become acquainted with ctf, will never be without them. SIIERMAWg K UAH'S PLARTRR more casee of Rheumaliam, Pi i in the le and Chest, Lumago and Weakness, applieaiion that ha ever been made. . Aa ky of the Plaster haa increased, hundred :ipled raeal have attempted to counter. I palm it off opnn the eommunitv as the rtJ Beware f Deception. Q) Remem e true and genuine Piaster i spread up paper made etpreaty for the purpose, ry cas the signature of Dr. Sherman u no the hack of the PUa'er, and tha whole Copy Right. None othera are genuine, when you want a real good Sherman's a Plaster, call at the office, 106 Naasau you will not he disappointed, ter the number. 106 Na-aau at., where rman'a Locengea are sold. Hi Agents Hajra, 139 Fult.M afreet, Brooklyn; Williambur ; and Redding dr. Co., and JOHN VOIJNG, Bunbury. M. A McCAY.Norlbunibeiland. er llth. IM7. I v. YOllRS PIIA1SE IT! colds, and all kinds of Inflamed Snra Cured. Y'8 UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is t complete Burn Antidote ever known. , (and aa if by Msgir) atop paina of the ate Burns and Scald. For okl 8,ms, it, Hprain, &c, on man or i dieation thai can be made. Thims.nds nd thousands priit ic It ia the must ter of pain ever discovered. All who iend it. Every family should bo provi None can tell how soon some of the need it. trve each box of the genuire Ointment te nt 8. TnraKT written on the outaide m'rtstelhia ia forgery. , Liver? Men. Farmers, and all who use I find thia Ointment the very best thins, t for Collar Ga'.la. Scratches, Kick, dee. r animate. Sorely every merciful man hi animate as free ftom pain aa posar y's Universal Ointment ia all that )a re yit. )F IN8ECT8. r or the sting or bite i Insecla, Tousry's Ointment i unri ndred have tried it anil found it good 5URBD ! For the Pile. Touaey' IT men! ia one of the bent Itemrdiea that ed. All who have tried it foi tha Pile It. IRES CURED. For oIJ o'tinate ia nothing rqual to Touaey'a Oint trean in Manliua had, for a numlier of leg that haflled the skill of the doctor, ntmenl ws recommended by one of hyeidans, (who knew it great virture.) rt produced more benefit than tha pa eived from any and a I pievioua reme I try it. NU feCALDS CURED. Thnuaanda Burna and Wealds, in all parte of the lieen euri d by Toosejr'e Universal Jerlificste enough could bo bad to fill ihia shee. I' BRUISES CURED. Teetmoni onials in favor ff Tnusey's Ointment uises, hae been off-red the propria, ed in Syrecu wdl certify taita greet ving tha pain of the moat severs Bruise hould try it. HEAD CURED. of cues of have been cured by Taueay'i Omi tit seldom faita. EUM CURED. Of all the remedies d fur this most disagreeable complaint, veraal Ointment ia tha moat complete, tnnwn t" Jail. D HANDS CAN BE CURED. veraal Oiptment will elwsvs cure Iba .'Chapped Hands, ' Score of peraona S CURED. For tha cure of Bora a never anything mad equal to Ten t It ia sure cor rbern. Try it, lific eompound, warranted not to en, aratioa of Mercury. f Price St For further partieolere eoncornlag table Ointment, Iba pablia aa rafee. Ut. ta ha bad gratia, of reeprcuM MerchanU throaboot the United ELLIOT T0U8ET, Draiat, ForoaJeby JOHN TOUNO, Sawfctfry, H 4 MOAT, NanhoibarlBml. :mt. iy eow 1'.J.'1U.1 mNEURY AM1MCAK AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Abeolu.e acqoietenea in tha oVidon at the m.jority, tha vital principle of RepuWiee, from whichthere is no appeal bat ta fore, tha Tltal principle and immediate pVrent of depotinJ, Ry M aimer Jt Eliely. Banbury, fVortliiunberlana Co. Pa. Saturday, March 11, 1848. Vol. 8IVo. 25 Whole Wo, 89 38 A Lserwre from Hra. Browai. AM Why dtnt you take a Poptr, Brawn t Why don't yon take a paper, Brown t I'm eure it i a ahame, That we can't get the newa from town Belora it eld and tame ! There' Deacon Jone aero tha way, Who get one every week, And he ran beat you atl they y, When called upon to apeak. The reaton, ir, I plain you know, For when he read it through, Ilia word like milk and honey flow, And all ha tell i new. So he i taken by the hand, For what he can impart ; While old and young around him stand, ' " And say the Deacon' amart! Oh ia it not a ahame, I aay. To hng your purse to tight, When a mere bit of yellow clay Would let this matter right? What good I gold, now ran yon tell, To any of our kind, . Unle it keep the body well, And benefit the mind? Why don't you take a paper, Brown, . I'm aure it ia a shame, That wa can't get the new from town Before it old and tame! Now let u quit thi aimple way, And take a worthy start, And ere a year our frienda will tay, "The Brown ar getting mart !" CoLt'Miiti Guard We have received a let ter from Captain FatCK.ol the Columbia Guard, dated January Oth, 1648, from which w learn that tha "Guards" were then at San Angel, near the City of Mexico, and enjoyed good health Lieut. Faica had been promoted to the office of Captain en tha 12th of November, 1847 ; Mr. E. E. LkClbbc to the let Lieutenancy, and A- naat Win to the office of Corporal. The nnm ber ef the "Guard" had dwindled down to thirty- five. 1 .... , , .. Wa ara alio indebted lo Capt. Fbicr for a list of the "Guard," giving the present muster-roll, and a detailed account ef those who have fallen victim of tha war. It doe not, however, ma eriatly differ from the one we published aome time since. The only alteration we find ia, that Samuel Burnt ia still a member of the "Guards," nd not transferred to Company A ; that Samuel Huntingdon, wa left eick at Perot and it now reported to be in Puebla ; that 7oAi G. Maion and Richard H. M Kean, were left akk at Pueb la, and are reported to have gone to Jala pa ; that Mn H Strattoniitd in tha city of Mexico on the 26th ef December, and that William H. Swa neg waa diarharged at the city of Mexico on the 25th of November. Danville Democrat ' HoMicing At Ir.dianapolia, on tha 10th of February, Kleaiar Lose, an apprentice to H. St E. Gaaton, coarhmakera, wa killed by Hiram Gaaton, one of tha firm. The apprentice wa trying to fit a plate of iron to a carriage, and not making a good Job ef it, Mr. Gaaton told him to leave it that ba would do it himself. The young man refused, and Gaaton laid bold ef tb iron to take it from him. A ecuffle eneued, in tb heat of which Gaaton caught np a hammer and (truck Lua on tha neck. Tha blow wa la ta! in a few minute. Mr Gaaton waa held to bail on a charge ol manIaghter. Hi distress at tha fatal result waa painful to behold. So much fot flying in a passion. Cast or HrnaornoBU Wa learned yester day that a man residing on the extreme northern boundary ef onr county, died yeaterday or the day before ef hydrophobia, and that a son of bia i now exhibiting aymptom of the same terri ble malady, and expected to share a similar fata with the father. The ar borribl circumstan ces, lh mere mention of which make u thud der. It i feared that wa shall be pained to bear ef other rasea in tha aurronnding country, a ma ny rabid dog bav been for the peat two month prowling all around aa. 'At'. Ledger. Singula. OocvaaKNca. Cpt Lund, ef New Or lean, watt lo Mexico about eighteen month ago, on a trading expedition, and waa taken prisoner, and lor long time kept in eon. flnemeot ' Hi family and frienda not hearing from him and taking it for granted he waa dead, had bia property all aotd, and the proceed paid over to bia wife, who waa again married about ais month ago, to young lawyer of New Or leana. A few day ainee, Capt. Land, to the aatoniehmenl of all ha ode, arrived bora eat and aoundl w"a"-w-wwass" '. iiEi HarRunDM,-lt it aa'ni that brewer'a dog at Malmsbory,(Eng )ia regeJarly drtok ais daya Id the week, by licking the drop pinp from the variov Una, and eely gate ee ber oa Sunday, when b ie tied jp by bie ma ter, whe, ia torn, ia frank aatil Monday, when tha Car ) agala fttatf. ' Wow nasnptafclre Mystery. ' ' The remarkable hietory wa ara about tore "a occurred within our recollection, and near a eertain locality in New Hampshire, the ex. citing event will he recognixed and remember ed. About two mile from a amall town in the State we have mentioned, the mad croeeea a hill of considerable eminence, beyond which a alley of a mile broad, called by the people an intervale, lay extended. Thia piece of land, from over tillage, wai wont out, and belonged to a man who kept a tavern by tha roadaide. Near the top of the hill, on the aide nearest the valley, wa a deep pond a strange place, it ia true, for such a thing to exist, but the nature of the ground made a permanent lodgment of wa ter on the hill perfectly natural. Near Ihie pond there atood a rude tenement, in which there lived a woman, looked upon in the neigh borhood with preat diatrnet and euspicion. She hd a little girl with her, a child of five yeara of age, whom ahe called her daughter, and who waa her only companion in the hut in which he lived. . : A farmer who resided in the outskirts of the town, upon opening the door one morning, die covered thia poor ae irl. barefooted and ragged, crouched beneath the eavea of the houe, and eemingly very much terrified. When he que, tinned, ht-r, the m id ahe had come to tell him something dreadful, but aha feared her mother would kilt her for doing eo. Oh, good air, I think it ia right that t ehould tell you for it ia something- very bad, but my mother will kill me il you tell her. The farmer quieted the child' team, ind then herd from her the hnrrid relation that her mother had last night murdered and robbed a traveller, who had etnpped at herhoiiee. It had atnrmed dreadfully during the night, and a strange man ahe eaid bad come to the lonely hut looking for shelter. lie had gone to aleep. trctched upon the 'floor before the fire, and hearing a groan in the night the woke up, and aaw her mother killing the atranger with a knife. She ly atill in great terror, and aaw her mother take money from the man' pocket, and. hide jt,. dragged the body in a narrow pace behind the chimney, and cover it with bruehwnod need for fuel, after which the mise nbte murderee crept into bed by the child' aide. The poor girl could not aleep. and at first peep of morning, sti saw her mother riee again. dreg- the body from the chimney to the pond, at the back of the hnnee, tie atone to it, and with a long pole forced it down into the thick mud at the bottom. Terrified, pale, almost eoeech- leea with fear, the little girl fled Irotn her mo- ther'a habitation, and ran a mile to a farmer' houee, to relate thee horrid detail. Or course the alarm waa instantly given, and terrible excitement flew through the town and among the neighbor for mile around. An early hour in tha morning found conatible and a large crowd amwmbled at the woman' dwelling. The unhappy wretch ine'tantlv tur- ned pale, and exhibited every xtgn of guilt firat rehjeing the officer admission then fa cing herself between them and the chimney, aa if anirer to retard investigation, but atill vocife roualy asserting her innocence. An officer got behind the chimney, and picked up a large knife, which together with the floor around, waa newly clotted with blond; but tha woman continued insolently to deny her guilt, and ac cneed her child of lying in revenge, for having been whipped the night before. Thia rnh a a aertion inatantly confirmed ber guilt, Cr it i evident a ehi'd of five yeara old could never invent aucha etory, and a buret of indignation again! the mother for her unnatural charge, told the atrong feeling that waa already awake ned against her. Tha girl waa atill overcome with terror, and kept in awe by the mother' frown o that it required long persuaainn and promiacaof protection before ahe would tell where the money waa hidden. At last ahe pointed to the a pot, and theaum of thirty dollara waa dug up, tha miserable amount for which a female demon bad launched human beiog into eternity. , . , Tha iaveatigation waa continued; the wo man waa placed in custody, and tha pond, abmt a quarter of a mil wide, waa dragged with grapling irona ia every direction, yet no body waa discovered. Tha next day, the search went on with like auccesa, and at length when all other ellorte aeemed useleaa, it waa tugged, ed that tha pond might be drained dry, and by ihia procrae, the body moat inevitably coma to light. Thia plan (after noma further aearch, in which tha pole mentioned by tha child waa foond, aiainedwith blood, and with aom rem nant of apparel attached to it,) waa adopted by tha authorities, and a aluica waa dug lo let tha water down tha bill aide. The operation occu pied eome time, and when at length a vent waa opened, tha iropetuoua rwab of water awept a way nearly tha whole bank of the poad oa the hillside, letting off tha flood at aaa bound, W ktwaal by a hmmm at pitch blank mud, aWad luge, freak water teniae, net fen, paddock, aele, wa-ler-eaakee, and all the atraage tetania at tha pool. Still tna kod did not appear, and after a thorongh examination of tha black bottom of the pond, vgne ruap-cirne of eome other kind of rof oery began to be entertained by the crowd. The child waa again examined, the pond again craped, and the intervale over which the dark sediment and filth of the pond now lay foot deep, waa carefully inspected In all direc tion, and atill the dreadful mystery waa not un ravelled. The evidence of the child, the pole, the mo ney, the blood, the woman' atrong appearance of guilt, all proved that a heartleae and horrid human butchery bad been perpetrated, and the fruitless search after the body aeemed but to add new terror to thn excitement Who wa the unfortunate rlrangerl Evidently aome travel ler from a distance, for nobody in the neighbor hood waa mieerd. Why could not the body be fmd f Ten lhouend conjecturea flew around, each of which added to the perplexing mya'ery. A strange uncertainty forced itself upon the minds of the people. By all appearances, it ap peared certain that the murdered man had ne ver been thrown into the pond at al! ; yet that the bloody deed had been perpetrated was, from the evidence, conclusively established. . Thue the affair continued, enveloped In dark neas, and all hope was abandoned ofdircovriog the body. The woman could not be convicted upon the evidence of the child, and that evi dence itself could not be substantiated without finding the body. So while every person was eatitfied of her guilt, it waa clear nothing but her own confession would ever bring the mtir dereaa within the power of the law. She, with unflinching obstinacy, continued to deny al knowledge of the murder, and at length she wa actually released from confinement, no poa aibility appearing of ever being able to secure her conviction. A few month passed on, and tha 'intervale,' upon which the pond had been emptied, and which before had almost been worthless, nnw grew to be a flourishing peace of land, and peo ple would remark that the draining of the b g pond had at least proved a good thing to the Yankee tavern keeper, who owned the land be low. Now for the development of thia mysterious tragedy. A quarrel occurred between the he roine of ihia story and the innkeeper of the in tervale. In her exoeperation, aha came for ward aad threw a blag of light upon thia blood- chilling mystery, which at once openedall eye with astonishment. A scheme waa laid npen the cunningly devised wheels of which could never have been set in motion but by a genuine bred and born and thoroughly educated, son of Yankee land. The tavern keeper wanted hi land improved; he wanted the pond turned on. lo it, and soon hit upon a plan tn have the j b done free of expense. He laid awake three nights, matured hia plan, contracted with the poor woman for fifty dollars, to put it ia opera tion, and aha with the assistance of a consum mately artful child, carried it out. She killed pig, smeared a knife and pole, taught her child the etory to tell, and acted out the same worthy of the best living representative of Jjidy Macbeth. The tavern keeper had furniahed the thirty dollara of tha murdered man'a money but when hia object wan gained, he relueed to pay the fifty, not cxii;ig a pin whether the wo mao would expre hia plan or not. Thia led lo a grand development, and thua our thrilling nar rative of a New Hampshire Myatery, gentle reader, turn out to ba no more nor esa than a super excellent and surpassingly executed Yan- Beatrice. Ma. Adams' Eably Lasaoita. John Quincy Adam, in early life, received leasons in moral and religious dutiea from hia parent, which were never effaced from hi mind. HI excel lent mother, in 1778, wrote to him ll.eae word: "Great learning and auperior abilities, should you ever posses them, will be of little value and ot amall eatiination, unless virtue, honor, integrity, and truth, ere cheriahed by you. Ad here to the rules and principlea early instilled in your mind, and remember that you are re. eponaible to your God. Dear aa you are to me I would preler that you would find a grave in the ocean which you have crossed, thin to see you an immoral, graceless child. In the last conversation, Mr. Adams expressed hi ai-tun- iahinentat the insensibi'ity of men holding pub lic Nation to the great trutha of Chriatianity, and the indifference with which they viewed the worship of the high God and tha institution ol religion. ' Spccbmsion or PnaaiPBirra Tha Union fur nishes some interesting facta in regard to the succession of Presidents. Tha constitution has been ia operation from the 3d of March, 1789, being a period of fitty-nine yeara; in ike course of which wa have had eleven Presidents. Of these, eight have sunk iota tha tomb, and only ona of Ihem leaves a son behind him. The last three Presidents survive, vis t Mr, Vsn Bur en, Mr. Tyler, and tha acting President, Mr. Polk. These fill ap a period ot eleven yeara, com mencing with Mr. Vaa Buren, who ascended tha chair aa tha 4tboi March, 1837. There have baea eleven Vice PreaidenU,ef whom five ara atill livinf. .. A Fciart-t, Lear a no Nabbow Eacari On of the most extraordinary instancea of preserva tion nnder elrf umetancea of imminent peril, e. enrreda few day tines in thi vicinity. On Friday morning last, at the (ilk factory of the Northampton Association a building four t. rie in height, Georg Washington Sullivan, a yonng man, connected with the' Association, went out on the roof for the purpose of picking op a mineral whirh ha had accidentally dropped there while atanding in the belfry. To aeenr himeelf fro-n falling, he took off hit shoes. Not withstsnding this pretention, after ftVeeending thvroof a few atepa, finding himself slipping, ha took off one of his storkinrs. bat whilst attempt ing to take off the other, his motion V-cama so much sreelerated, that a fearful fall waa una. voidable. ITe then, with remarkable presence of mind, rolled himself over upon the roof whilst he wsa eliding, in nrder to prevent falling npon the platform, and when he reached the eaves, ba vins first drawn in and held hia breath, clenched hia teeth and handa and contracted hit mnsclea. he leaped to the ground, a distance of 40 or 4.1 feet, and came down on hia feet ! The concna ainn wai ao great aa temporarily to deprive him of the power of standing. He wat carried into the house, placed in bed, and anon after exami ned by a surgeon, who decided that no bonea were broken, and no joints dislocated, althoush there waa reaon to apprehend serious injury to the muscles about the spine, where there appea red to be great soreness The young man'a frienda then wrapped him in aheets wet in cold water, after the manner dreserihed by the water-cure" system, which soon produced perspira tion. A cold bath was afterwards administered. In the afternoon of the same day, he walked out without aasistance ; and the next day was run ning about with his usual hilarity, complaining of no unpleasant eflVcta from his fall, except a slight Ismeness in one of hia feet ! A remarka ble fact, connected with Ihia occurrence, is, tbst symptoms of serioue diaeaae which he was pre viously suffering, have since, in a great meaaore disappeared. It aeems ss if the chsnge of action whirh was produced in to unusual a manner, baa been salutary, and that inatead of so frigbtio! an accident being fatal in it effects, as might b expected, it hss been the means of restoring him to health. Northampton Democrat. : Thi Si'FPoacn Mirderck or IIklkr Jaw. nr. A letter from Florida, in the Tribune, contains the following . "Richard P. Robinson, of Helen Jewett me mory, I am convinced in my own mind has cho sen a last resting place here, in county, V st Florida. A young man bearing hit name died there not long since. Ho kept a small drug store, and waa very recluse in hia habits, studiously avoiding all mention of hia home or frienda. After bia decease, bia little stock of medicines was divided among the country peo ple, aa there waa no claimant for them. I am satisfied front some letters which were left, that, poor Robinson had Bought to escape from that relentless persecutions of sn uncharitable and unforgiving world, and that, buried here in the most humble obscurity, he waa atriving to live down the bitter past, by an even and exemplary life.' The country people speak kindly of hie virtues, end warmly cherish hia memory. There ia a bare possibility of my being mistaken, but the similitude seems loo striking, both in the name and varioua incident connected with the misfortune of Robinson, which are aMuded to rather guardedly in the le.lere, but with which I waa familiar." Tcrhisq in Aoain A very considerable portion of the opera tivra in the mills in this place, who turned out a few weeks since, be cause of the reduction of the wagee, have ainca returned to work, and moat of tha mills ara ia full operation, or nearly ao. Many of those who refuse to work under the reduced wsgee have left the town, and the places are fi led by othera. Fall Rier Monitor. CrRiora CiaccaisTANci Wben tha cholera waa in England, aixteen yeara ajo, there was not a single thunder storm dnriiig the whole visita tion, although it was a bot summer. BosaraBTB shd Lsuitun When bs signed the treaty ceiling Louisiana te tba Unitsd Statea, Napelvon, rubbing bia banda, exclaimed: "There, I bave given to England a rival that in fifty years will mastsr ber." Rev. J. N Msffir, tba eloquent, ia preaching away in Little Rock, Arkansas. The tnsa whom I call deserving the name, ia one whose thoughts snd exert iona are for others rsthsr than himself' whose high purpose ia adopted on just principles, and never abandoned while heaven and earth a fiord meana of acconv pliahing it. He ia ona who will neither aeek an indirect sdvantaga by a rpectoue road, nor take aa evil path to secure a really good par pose. Sir Waller Seott.) Tha total loss of reason is lees deplorable than tha total depravation ol it Wisdom aad vlrtnt naa tit rtcb hoiiBjtt- r. mn, n iioars I Insertion, .' . . , W I da do . . ' I 09 Every subseqaentinesrtlof), . . . a tt , ? Ad vertlsenaents I one column, ft 5 hst column.fg . thraaaquaras, tlx , IWrJ aqusres, pa i one aqua,., 5 Halfaarl, , on. column, 118 half Column, l . three sqrares, ta , two squareaf S I one square, 3 60. Advertisements left without directions a to tb lenetn of time they are lo bs published, will bs continusd until ordered out, and charged aceord rtfly. fTfSitteen lines or less make a sqnare. ' 1 RtAt Estati tn CAtiroBini A latter pub lished in tha New York Express says "Some of tha new comers have taken from the Alcalde, (Cotton,) town lots ot 50 vsraa rquare. on hondred and filly feet, at $13; th deed being void if there is no house on it with, in twelve months, and within the year sold them for $200 or 300. Lota in San Fr, f 50 varas, granted by tha alcalde in 1M4. for $15, are now worth $100. the huildinctosavn the lot, being worth $50 or $100 : water lots of 50 vans, that conld have been rdvainrd of tba Governor of California, up to July MfV bv Baking for it and paying $2 or $:) for the stnmp paper, sold in Joly of this year, for $1200 at auction. The alcalde of San Franri. nn tk. bay of Francisco, by oublic sale, Ut J,t. er.M 200 water lota, each 43 feet by 139, frcm 50 to $500 i a few sold less, some even hieher. Lots near the beach, In Monterey, worth, the day before Commodore S oat hoisted our Aug in that town. $500 have since been quartered, snd the quarter sold at that price. Rsnchos wort'i in June. 1948. $300 a league of nine mi lor. in June, 1SI7, sold at that sum the single You may suppose, in this esse, for those who ere lo come, there will neither be cheap farms nor town lota Such is not the cse; places that sre nnw too far offto think of, will, when the all powrul ateamer spout in California, be nigh er a market thin some far.rere now are, who eend Ua r h-avy, clumsy cart, only ten rr fif teen leegoe tntown. Places that are now one thousand or two thousand dollars a lea cue, that st present nonnedresms of, will ere lone be laid off in towns, selling their 50 vara house lots at $100 to $1000 each." Diamonds. The largest diamond' la rfle world is in the possession of the Emperr,r of Sra nl. It is atill uncut, and if :t be a gema some however are disposed lo doubt, is wmiIk. according to the rule of the lapidarits, tW en ormous sum of twenty-eight millions ofaltatj. It weighs 3 ounces snd 10 grains. Tha celebrated Pitt diamond, no w one of tha crown jewels of France, was purchased in In dia by Mr. Thomas Pitt, an sneesror of the Chatham family, when Governor of Madras, in 1701. In consequence of aa recusation that he had obtained it unfairly, Mr, Pitt detailed the mode in which ha came by it. lie atatea that eminent diamond merchant, came to him and nfldred for aala a large rough stone, of about 305 mmgelins, for 200.000 pepadas, nr about $334,000, bat for which he bid $144, 000. Alter repeated haggtinga at subeiqnent visits, he bought it for 49.000 pegadas or about $90,000. Thia diamond ia admitted to approach very nearly tovneof the first water and weigha 136 carats, or about 109 grains Troy. It was sold in 1717 to tba Regent Duke of Orleans for $648000. Tha diamond which studs tha sceptre of tha Emperor of Russia is said to have been stolen by an Irish soldier, front sn Indian id (Jug gernaut) In Bengal, whose eye it had long b' en The soldier parted with it for a tnflf, and after passing through several hands, it waa final 'y sold to the Empress Catharine, in 1773, for $432,000 and a patent of nobility. RcsstAN NoetUTT. An Englit-h entlvman, dining with a Russian nobleman at M during Paul's reign, after watching the of hia ("OiJ snuffbox round the table, waa horri fied to see it disappear finally into the packet nf a bettarred and beribbnned individual at tins oppoite end. However surprised at thi pS' nomenrm, he yet awaited the breaking np of the party, in the hope of seeing his box reap, pear; but observing no symptoms of its return , he whiapered the lact to his hot, together will t his intention of compelling restitution forlhwi'd . 'My dear air, replied hia Amphitryon (who hv I listened without any aigna of astonishment ) "your loss sfjQ ett ma extremely ; yet I can b f nn mesas counsel the course you propose, whie, t may possibly lesd you to S.beria or the knout r ft our friesd, the epprnpriator o' your properi ,y (we don't rail it stealing) ia a grandee of gr it wealth and influence, which he would no' ha -i-late tn uae against you.' And am I then. re joined the Englishman, 'to submit quietly to ba robbed of my hundred guinea box f 'By no means, my friend,' replied the Russian, Hrat wa manage these things differently in tt.'j count ry. All you have to do ia to watch your opsorti ini ty and appropriate your property again ; or fail, ing in this, to follow our friend' example, and' compensate yourself with the snufl box. third party SnockrM. It is currently reported, art 4 ge nerally believed ef tba whole, female era , that they da not acraplf 0 Irk each otherf dree. "J' r0i marry, said father to hia daughter,. ' ett will da well i , if yon do not marry, yon wilt ' .. .. .. I ' J W. J u do better, It wave tna ease, reptasa vw usugn- tar, gal mm a huabsod as aeoa yoa can; I ball aa aoaual aa sto well V. I'll Watt it t others todo brteT.