Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 19, 1848, Image 4

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    ' 53fr'"
.,: thi or !n.yterlnnsA "iTaroaa. Vrolssa i
t Dentxt.
Thn Utica Herald (rivet the particular of a
ft r ripe afiiir which haa jusl come to light tn
Oneida county, New York. About ait weak
ago a German named Anthony Himes, rpiJin-
in Conatableville, Lewis . county, married a
younj woman reatdino; at freerfield Corner, in
Oneida county. H took her to hie home at
Conatableville, and eomednys after the marriage
wee heard to declare that they would not live
together six week. About one week ago Hime
appeared, somewhat intogicatrrt, at the House
of hia wife' parents, in Deerfield, and reported
that hia wife had perished of cold, So the wood
on tbo 10 h, and had been buried. HimeV ac
count of hi wife' deMb wae in tobstanre aa
follows; He Mid t hoy had been together at
church on tho afternoon of Sunday, the lOtli
ult. Tiiey were returning home in company
with two men, and had reached within forty
roda and in eight oflheir own house, when
Himes and two men slopped to talk whit come
other men in relation to building achool house
leaving Mr. Ilimea walking toward home,
lie soon followed on, but could get no eight of
hia wife. On reaching home he prepared his
own supper, and rnade inquiries ot the neigh
bors, but none had ttwn hia wife. She did nut
return during the night, and the next day a
ecarch wo made for ber, which was t.ot
successful till near nightlall, when tho waa
found in a dense piece of forest about iix miles
in direct lino from the house dead and froleo
stiff. Though within so fow miles of home, it
oppesred her track in the enow that she
had wandered about forty miles through the
The body waa buried without the knowledge
of any of the woman' friend or parents, though
In the neighborhood ; and other circumstances
seemed to render the whole affair aupiciou.
On disinterring the corpse, appearances sus
tained '.he story of the husbsnd. The case
caused a pood deal of excitement.
The Liberty Press says : 'A correspondent
sends us a painful account too long lor our
columnsof the death by freezing of a Airs.
Himef', of Leyden, Lewis county. Mr. and Mr
II. went on Sunday, on foot, five milea to meet
inn;. On their return home, Mr. II. stopped for
a few moments at the house of an acquaintance,
and Mr, H. passed on, but the country being
new and the wood-paths indistinct, she became
bewildered, oi.d wandered about until overcome
with fatigue and cold, she sunk down and died."
Our correspondent saya :
"On Friday the men who were in eearch,
uccidently crossed her track, which they rapid,
iy traced until they found her a corpse. It
seems that the poor woman continued to travel
about, never making, during all thia instance
of suffering, but one bed. Thia bed made with
-o much care, she no doubt, designed ai her
death couch and such it waa. It ia supposed
that she waa conscious that she waa falling, aa
along the last part of her wearisome journey,
he had employed herself in tearing her cravat
in pieces, and occasionally suspending the frag
ments on the bushes, as she passed along, in
order no doubt, that her body might be found.
Her bonk wae found but a abort distance from
where she mule her final bed. It is presumed
that she had walked until herlimbe were either
frozen or quite benumbed ; and that trying to
(jet over a log, or root, she had fallen, and find
ing hcr-elt unable tn rise, had deliberately ad
jutted her clothing, and had laid down to die.
It is prohibit that the wss considerably fro
zen before the finally tank under her rufleringa
a several pounds of ice were frozen to her
clu't.incr in such a manner aa to render it cer
lain tlmt it must have accumUted while the wis
travelling. Of course, any opinion as to when
the poor Miflt-rer died, must be mere conjecture.
Cons'deriiig the weather, she probably could
not have survived the suffering of Tuesday
night. She hid travelled a good many mile,
and crossed severs! riresdtol swamps. She had
a p.tirnf new shoe, one of which had became
ntirely uselese, having no outrvde, and the in
Mile being turned back, and a hole being worn
hrough a thick woollen stocking, leaving a
nortion of the foot bare.
Da Not a Attkndiho Pe-Ktotioi-a Develop
ment. There can be no doubt that many a
i.hild haa been sacrificed in early youth to the
.ride ol parents, who, delighted with the intel
lectual activity of thir children, have striven
'o make them predigiea of learning. Dut in
these cases of early and undue employment of
he brain, inflammation of the hemispherical
anf-lion, or of the lining membrane of the ven
tricle, with seriiiua eflurion, haa usually been
he rause of either a fatal iue or of subsequent
rental imbecility. The Iste Mr. Deville rela
ted to nie an interesting esse of thia kind. An
extremely intelligent boy, of shout twelve years
.f use. waa brought to him for phrenological
examination by a prnl who ws very proud of
lie intellectual endowments of the child.
Mr. Deville gttve hia opinion of the boy 'a
character, at the same time cautioning the fa
i tier ol the dangerous course he wis pursuing.
3'it the father' reply wa, 'All that other boys
considered labor and hard study are mere child's
lay to him ; that hia atudiea could not be hurt
ing him, he enjoyed them so much.' Again
Mr. Deville endeavored to save the child, but
he lather would not attend to the warning
Two yearefrom that time the father again cal
don Mr. Deville, and in reply to his inqui
ies afier his child, the father burst icto tears:
.a child was an idiot. Solly on th Drain.
"Overcome evil with good," aa the gentleman
aid when ho knocked burglar down with ihs
- The fnUoavine shows the evrrent value of all
ennsylvania Bank N.-a. The most Implicit .re
liance may be placed upon St. as it Is eefry uek
ArefuUy compared with ard corrected fom BLX
ncll's Reporter.
Ranks In Philadelphia.
. Nana. Locat.oa.
Bank of North America . , par
Bank of the Northern Liberties . par
Commercial of Penn'a . . par
Farmers and Mechanics Bank . par
Kensington flank . . par
Philadelphia Flunk . . par
Srhuvlkill Dank ... par
Southwsrk Bank par
Western Bank . par
Mechanics flunk . par
Manufacturer & Mechanics Hank" par
6ank of Penn Township . . par
GirarJ Bank . pa
Hunk of Commerce. I to Moyarrn nsing psr
Bsnk of Pennsylvania . , par
Country Rank.
Rank of Theater County1 Wecheter
Bsnk of Delaware County Cheater
Rank of Germntnwn (lermtntown
Hank of Montgomery Co. Norrisinwn
Doylrstown Banl. D.iyleafftwn
Ession Bsnk Raston
Fsrmers' Bank of Burks co Bristol
Batik of Northumberland Northumberland
Columbia Bank A tiridpe rn.Oolumbia
Farmers' Bunk of Lancaster I.ancistei
Lancaster County Bunk
Lancaster Bank
Farmers' Bunk of Ren-ling
Office of Bmik of Perm's.
Office do do
OfT.ce do do
Office do do
Harrisburg" These
Lincnster I ofTices
Heading f do not
Easton J issue o.
rank of the United Sutes
Miners' Bank of Poltsvllie
Bank of I.ewi-tuwn
Bank of Middlrtown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Harrishurg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' & Mnnuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
Weal Branch B ,nk
Wyoming; Bank
Northampton Bsnk
Berk County Bunk
Office of Bank of V. 3.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chamlrsburg
Bonk of Gettysburg
Bunk of Surquehanna Co.
Brie Bank
F turner' & Diovrrs' Bank
Franklin Bunk
Honesdale Bank
Moiinngnlicl Bank of B.
York Bank
Philadelphia S3
Potisville i
Middleiown i
Pitt-ihurff i
Hitrrislurg j
Lelianon i
Putsliurg i
Piitabuig i
Wtlliamsport l
WilkeiLan It
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
Ne Brighton do
Chamkersbitrg 1
Eri lAslJ
Wayneshurg -i)
Washington I J
IfoneaJdle I J
Brownsville ti
Yo.k lil
N. B, 1 he notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the
sxception of those which have letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sa. (its.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ina.
KeiiMiiclou Suv, Ins. A
Penn Township Suv. Ins,
Manunl I.almr Bank (T. W Dv.itt. prop.) fulled
I'owand Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa,
Bank of Heater
Bank of Switara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' & MethVa' Bunk
Farmers' & Mech'c' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New llojie Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhumt.'d Union Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office ol Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Hank
Silver Lake Bank
L'niixi Bank of IVnn'a.
V rHimoielaml Bank
Fayette c.
no sale
no tale
no sale
HuiitingJon no sale
l,evitown no sale
New Hope
M ilton
Port Carbon
no sale
no sale
Wilketharr Bridge Co,
Wilkcslurre no sale
Q3" All note puriortiriR to he on any Pnnyt
tsnia Dank nut given in the above lut, nisy be set
Jowu as frauds.
xuw ji:usi;y.
Bank of New Biuuaw ivk
Uelvideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Sommrrcial Bank
wUinlvrUnd Bank
farmers' Bnk
rarno ra' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk
Franklin Bank of i.J.
Perth AmlHty
Bridget on
Mount Holly
N. Biunawick
Mlddletown I'U I
Jersey City failed
Hohoken Bkg & tiiazmg Co lloboken
lersey City Br.nk
Jersey City
Jersey City
Mechanic' Bank
Msnufaclurers' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N.J.
Mechanics' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morns Canal and Bkg Co
Post Notea
Newark Bkg (V In Co
New Ho Del Bridge Co
N. J. Manutac. and Bkg Co
1)0 sale
N J Proierton &. l.oiuuafJ bk Jersey City
Orange Bunk Oraui
Palron Bank Pslerson
People' Bank do
Priuceion Bank Priucvtoa
baloin Banking Co tisleui
Slate Bsnk Newark
Stale Bank ElizabetbtowD
Siat Bank Camden
State Bank of Morris Morrutown
Slat Bank 1 reniou
Salem and I'hilod Manuf Co Salem
Suaaex Bank Newion
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. llackenck
Bk of Wilm it Brandy wuifc Wilmington
Bank ofDvlsware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Mdlord
Farmers' Bk of Slat of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Caoigetowa
. Do branch Newcsatl
Uuion Bank Wilnnngtoo
ay Under 6'
cry On all banks ntsikrd thus () I her srs i.
tber counterfeit or slured uout of the VsUtuu ds
I fionuakUofie, ia cumulation.
O3 rv &? CS9 OS k
T 813 Medicine H .wartsntei.'nn iatk, not to
contsln' rmrilei of Calomel, Corrosive Sub-
limste, Arsrnlc, Chloride of Oold, or any delete
roo mineral
The principle upon which this Medicine ect. la
be aaaittlne and barmooLlng with nature It
drives out all foul acrtmontooe humor from the
Mood and body, arid by easimilating with and
strengthening tbe isstric juice or tbe stomach, it
anWts dices-ion t to short there Is not a vein, an- '
ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, that Is
not strengthened by th PANACEA, and it slo
pneea the remarkable property of removing
mercury from the hone and joints.
Scurvy. Scorhmk A flections. Tumors, (Scrofula or
Kings' Ei , White Swelling. EryiH. Ulcere.
Canceis. Running Sores, Scabs and Bites time
and a determined ereveranee tn D . SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect aeur.
Rej.'crton of fooJ. Nauea, Vomitings, Nervous f
f f tinns, Billiou eomplalnt, Hsd et e, Pa'enees,
or Female Irregularities. D'. 8 WEETSEIt'S PA
NACEA will soon effect a cure ; but if nhstlnele,
or attended with griping, living pains, the doae
should be increased, and the cure will soon be ef
fected. Let not the patients frig'iten themselves
with the ides that thry are ton wt..k to take much
medi-'ine; tut bear In mind that this mi'illy opera
ting Died cine put not weakn into the frame, but
mod certainly draw wakn out, leave strengih
in its pUce, sn-1 by giving composed s'eep at nig' t,
and an appetite to relNh any f.iod, re-anims'es the
who'c from? wi b vigorou EC ion, clearing th
mind and improving the tight.
TIONS. Scrofula is siid to be heriditary, the inf.nt re
crivlng from Its parents ihe seeds of this disaa.
which increases with its vests, if neglected and
not submit ed to frequent purification with Dr.
SWEF.TSER'S PANACEA. Theglandaar pis.
eed in the corner of the body, and out of the wsy
of direct communicat ion ; thiir real u-e i subject
on which of opinion prevails; it
suffves us to know th .t when in s diseased slate
they are capaMe of being l-ur fied and cleansed by
a long cour of Dr. S WtfE TSER'9 PANA
CEA, which res'Ores them to sound snd pioper
action. Scrofut u persons can never pav too much
sttentinn to their blood, its pnr-hValion shou'd 1st
their first thought, for after a long course .f pi-r.
veranc, ihey will ever curt hereditary diasaae.
SWEF.TSER'S PANACEA cannot be loo high
ly (tolled ; it tenches out the very too) of the
disease, an I j removing it from the Blood makea
a cure ceitiin and permmeni.
For discnes of the BlnJiler and KiJneyt, Stric
tures. Gravel. Stone. Pilr. Fittula. Udnnri Ob
ttructinnt and Extreme Cusliveiutt Dr.8W.ET
SRH'S PANCEA is th twst remedy ever trel;
it removes all lho acrimonious humo- fr.on the
Uloo.1 which give rise lo 'he sluivs diseaaes. and
by keeping ih blood iu a pur conJitiou, inur
linpurittt of Ihe Mood, Mercurial Taint. Wrak
net of the Spine Flutnof Blood to the Head G d
d ue. Singing and Razzing Soite in ihe Head
and Eart, Dr. WE ETSKK'S P AN ACEA will
give ccrt iin relief; in all oee snd chron-e ce,
th psiienls cannot be too ofi. n reminded that tar
qer uW and piet severance will ff.-ct a cuie.
Li Chitlt and Feveri. fiJiom Frveri, AJfectiom
of the F.iet mid Ears, Spongy and
Gums Brnnth t 'l ami Cough and Cold;
Dr. SWEEISER'S PANACEA will be found
eifectly sure and certain in its effect.
Thoe romp'sin' are generally attended with
the most fital i ons, quencea, and si seldom or ne.
ver cured by Ihe present nvnl of trestmenl ; thry
uu l y accompany th pitient I Ihe grave, after
riilleriiig the most eicruciating pain and torture.
The csua-.- of ihi-se c-niplaiua are the asm as sit
i thrrs the dioss nt the blood tecomi s eurrusied on
the tinrst imiow passage, whence sr s1 morbid
ei let oin and stoppagisof uiioe. You will find
the most p.'weiful d urrliea of no they only
increase the qu unity of urin and do not puiify
rid vtrencll" it th pun. Bv purifying th bio, d
with Dr. SWEETSER 8 PANACEA. ou r
move the oue ol the ilisie, consequently it can
not eiial any longer, afnr sufficient perseverance
in its use has deprived the blood and body of l
acriinoniou, huiuora and iurrusiation.
Thia ia a erv prevalent snd fatal di-ea-e ; it re
sobs ii.imIv fruin neglected cough, cold and br.n
chili, aUo from im.unper trestmenl in msny ot'ier
csi-rs, such as measles, fevers. infjammaii n and
msl' pos.and a hoM of other bally treated disesses;
wh r the cause, insteid of having been ihnronghty
removed from the blood and body, have only hen
palliated or remova l from on pirt to out in
another. By dives ing your bodies of all fool hu
in .rs. ihrough th medium of Dr. 8WEETSER 8
PAN ACEA. the cure ia at onre rendered certain
and erinanent. l collect, while ther ia acrimo
nious humors II isiing in the ciicu''ion, it i as apt
lo ret tie on the lungs any ott er part of th hotly ;
thia i the us son thjt consunipiion is so prevalent.
Which ynu tee on Ihe ei'eri-r, come from and
have their source in, the inieiior, and might jut as
well have rented on your lungs, live', or any other
psit; which w know they frequently do, and pro
due moat violent uifiamrnaioij disorders. The
liurnor which oecaviona these cores is of highly
acrimonious burning naluie. W know it from
the paiu it gis In lor.iung, snd aftenaatda it ra
pidly ulcers ing and eorr.'dmg ihe flssh and kin
of lh put wher it breaks out. This shows th
neces:ty of fiequently puiifyiiig th blood with Dr.
SWEF.I'SEK'S PANACKA, and keeping such
inslignanl humors in so' j clion. Should you have
b le or ulcsr, b thankful Ihsl nsiue has taken
iriiuhla to warn you of lbs danger your life snd bo
ily is in, for ii i a warning t' at the blood i- fu.
Had ibia time acrimony Ue'rd h lungs in lead
i f the aurfac of your body for it seat, consump
tion of ihe lungs wou'd bsve been th'conrquriii e.
D. Isy not then, lo puiify snd cleanse with Dr.
Swestser's Panscea.
Spinal afft'Ciioris, , nlargement of the bores and
joints, white swellinaa, hip joint complaint, rup
tuief, falling of the bowels und worn disea,. will
find speedy nui in Dr. SIl'E ETHER'S PA
MACE A. Whr th dueas I s. besn of lug
standing, lh tun rrquirsd lo mak a cur will I
longer ( but th ps'ient msy rest aa.ured Ibal a
de'-armiued perseverance wdl effect it.
The ilUesse. proceed from lbs seriosity or
corrupt humors of the blood, having l'ld itself on
th ihr.Mi end lungs, snd stopped them up, ao that
Ihey cannot draw sufficient sir in for respiration.
Dr. 8WEEI SER' PANACEA will give imm.
dhjte relief, tod to mak i)e eyre perfect aflj or-
I .-J..
teln, it ehoeM tw eotMlnviad eotna Mere alter, to
free the aya'em of all bad he).
Pint) e eaf end speedy cure In Dr. SVTEET
SEffS PANACEA, It enree by sesrehlng every
blood veet end artery, and driving nnr all irnpn
ritlee and foal bumore ccu mutate-1 therein, wbieb
e the eauee .f rheumatism, g ut and welllngs of
th joittr. The de'etcrott erTevt of calomel and
other mineral poion, readily yield to ita sovereign
Influence i Indeed, when It val-jshl properties'!
Some fully known, the use of all miner 1 p-dson will
I consigned to 'the tomb of all the Cspuleis,' end
only Ire thought of s a by-gone custom of the dar
ker age. Dr. Sweetser' Panacea Is nlso a sure
cure for dyspepsia, piles, fostivetiess, vertigo, hea J
ache, paiu In tbe breast and liver complaint.
Fever is alavs cause.) by a disorderly move
ment of th blood, struggling to fiee iiyelf of some
thing that encumbers it j in fact, every kind of f.
ver is nothing more than a atruggl btwen the
bio. J md corrupt humors, and aa soon as the cor
rupt humors are expel ed, you have no more fever.
When a patient with fever submits to he MrJ, or
have his bio. d poisoned with mercury, it weskens
hi frame to such a degree that if he survives the
preees, it always leaves him subject t distressing
chills, when 9 times nut of 10 be resort to aaue
pill, powders, or tonic mixtures; this is going from
t0 .T?"V . ,hM " V P P'm . 1 1 '
are n-'thing hut mercury and quinine in disguise,
which may for a tim drive th disease so far into
the body a not lo be perceptible, but very on it
will bre k out agtin with fearful violence To cure
ago and fever, tbe cause of the disee-e must be re
moved out of th blood and body, which can be ef
f.cttislly done by using Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA, which purifies, cleanses and strengthens.
It coi.t-ou Outbing that can pos-iUy injure, and its
use is always a safeguard againt chilis and fevers.
In tt Cs or Purs, Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA will elf.ct a very apredy cur. It re
moves from ihe blood, stomach and bowels, ell
thoae foul acrid burning humors, which are th
caue of I'ih a and Coativenec, snd by strengthen
ing tbe digestive organs, improves every part of the
entli bodv.
The e diseases cau ed by the slomsch and
howet leing choked up with vicid slimy mstter,
the air whit h enters thm c iunot c -pe until forced
by some ronltactinn of th a omach to expel it;
hei ce he eaus of pain. A few J ne of Dr.
SWEETSER' PANACEA will con vine the
luffcier that relief i attained.
Psr.nts will find the PAN CE A vslu.hle
meiliiinefn their children, keeping their bodies in-
heal.hy c, thereby aisitting their g owih;
children or grown pel sons, after taking it, are not
liat l lo be attacked with an epidemic as before, aa
it alwaya leaves the blood in a pure condition, and
the i ntire syMem in a strengthened state ; it drives
nut I kinds of weaknria from th b.idv and leavra
4.11 heal by within.
Wdlfind Dr. SWETSEU S PANACEA smedi
c ne purely ad tpletl tn their use. M ladies du
ring ihe peri.-d of pregnancy aie afflicted w ith pile.
Dr. Sweet ser's Panacea, by regulating the howeU,
will entirety obviate this, and lis purifying proper
ties nn ib Mood and fluids, injures lo ihem heal
thy otT-pring. No one who is a mother should be
without it, and those who are nursing will find it
of g est txmfit to the health oflheir infants.
For harienne-s and sll diseases of the womb, it
is without a rival in the entire histoiy and catalogue
of medicines; by its extraordinary strengthening
posier, it stimulates and strengthens the womb, a
weakness of which is the caue of failure to have
Under this head mav le classed Patpi'ation r.f
the Heart, Tc Doloresux or Feccache, Neuralgia,
tndigrs i.m, Toothache, Melanchoij , Hy sierics. Slid
in fact, every disease caused by lb aharp, biting,
acrimonious humors irritating lh nerve ; tbe
nerve receive the morbid impieion fiom the to
rn ach, or rather from the blood through the agency
of th stomach and dig tive organs, and although
oilier parts of the body are apparently the teat of
ihe disease, still it is caused by the morhid impres
si in conveyed from the blood bv ihe nerve, lo that
part A lew dose of Dr. SWEE IEK'S PA
NACEA will soon ssaur the patient that ha has
the cure in hi poeaior,
Tliia is an inflammatory di'Oider, alw ys at end
ed with nvire or less pain. It proceeds from the
foul, acrimonious buniors lodged in the blood and
fluid, settling on th .ml s and face, causing ex
treme pain snd fevers; all application on the sur
face are wors than useless, sa they only l nd to
throw t'.e disea in some other part, and prihsps
raooe death. Bleeding is likewise improper. To
cur the dt-ease you mu-t get rid of the caus ; on
ly manage t get ih foul humor out nf y uir blood,
nd SOU will lie well in a day. Dr. SWEET
SKR'8 PANACEA, a thorough purifier of th
hl.Mxl, w ill ssrch out every impurily in lh mm
remote pirts of ih body and expi l il through the
medium of th bowel. There is not a vein, arte
ry, mnsel or organ of the entire framewoik of
man, that Dr. Sweelser'a Panacea does not im
prose. To take it when you r well I to keep
w I ; snd when ick lo I" com wIL
posed only ol a vegetal. le matter, or ma.licai neibs,
nd wairtnled. on oath, (a ronlainii g not nn par
Pcle of mercurial, mineral, or chiaiical substances,
ia found lo be perfectly harmless to the miH lender
g, or the weakest frame, under any st.ig of hu
man suA'aiiug; th mo.i pleaa. nl and benign in it
oieralioo that was er olf. red to tbv world; snd
st the same lim th moat certain in aear. hing out
tb root of any e unpla nt, however deep, ai.d of
perform. ng a c re.
Price f I per bottle, or six hot i Irs for $i. For
ssle, wholesale and rstsil, at lh corner of
CHARLES snd PRATT Street. Ualiiroor.-. ao I
No. 6 1847. y Sunhury.
05 North Sd t., bel. Arch & Race sts.,
Phil a tie I ph in.
BRADY V PARKER respectfully inform their
friends snd Ihe public Ihst ihey have taken
th sbova nsmed house, recently kept by J. S.
Adams, anJ ar pie pa rod to accommodate cuato
men in Ih moat satisfactory manner and at rea
sonable prices.
Their table will be supplied with th beat vari.
ely '.h msrksl sffoida their parlor and sleeping
spirtments will he in Ihe best order. Th house
ha been thoroughly repaired and furnished with
a view lo th comfort of trsvellers end strangers.
Having had several year experience in Ihe
buwnea, ihey hope lo give geneial satisfaction,
end respectfully invite traveller and etrsngartto
give tbm e calL BRADY V rARKJSJL
I Phlladlbra, January 10, 14T it
. Tecetable Vntrcnal P1IU,
7t cnJy knrnv Mediate that at the lame lime
purge prflc ond ttrtnftktnt the tyttem.
Lo6os, July 7, 1MB.
DR. LE ROY'S Pill ere new medicine
which haa juet appeared, and Is fast taking
the place of all other of the Tt elaas. These
pill are composed of many ingredients, but the
two prineial pnee are Sarsspardls and Wild Cher
ry, so united that Ihey act together; the one,
through ita admittare with other submitters, pu
rifying sml purging, wnue the otner is strengthen
ing the system. Thus thnsa pill ire at the same
time toiiie and opening; a desideratum long and
eagerly aought for by medical men, but never be
fore discovered. In other words they do Ihe work
cf twa medicines, end do it much better than any
two wo know of; for Ihey remove nothing fnm
thesyitem but the impurttit'; so thit while they
purge they strengthen; anil hence they cause no
debilitation, and are follow, d by no re-actn.n. Dr.
Le R.iy'a pilla have a wonderful induenee on liin
blood; they not only purify without weakening it,
but they remove ill b-ixiou particles from the i hvl I
e e - t I a .: 1 I . I l. - i' !
oeiots H is c.invrrivu iiiiu uuu. nnu tuna niase iui
pure blond an utter impos-ibility. As there is no
debilitation, ro thets is no nnues or aickness at
tending the operations of this most eice'l-nt ofme
dii ine, which never trains or torture the diges
tive (unctions, but cau es them to work in s t er.
natural manner; and hence r.,.on . t.king
'ham do no. become pale and em .ci.ted. hut the
rontrary ; fur while It ia the property of thn Saras
psnlls, united as it is with other ingredients, to
remove all that is foreign and impure, it is equally
the properly of the Wild Cherry to retain all that
ia natural snd sound; snJ bene s r.ihust state of
heal h is the certain result of their united operations-
q3" Price 2!i cents per BOX.
Agents for Le Roy's S'dls,
J. W. FR1LINO, 5.. .
JOHN Y01T(J.$Su"l,,"y
M. A. McCAY, Northuinbsrl'd.
Angust list, IS47. Iy
Wale hen, Jew? Ilry anil Sil
ver Ware,
Guaranteed better fir the price than at any other
Store in Philade'phia. may Le hud.
Wholesale and Rela I. nt
(Lute NICHOLAS Lelll'll lY'S)
No. 72 North 2J street, above Arcli,
WATCHES, all kind, fair, low and imdium
no-iliiiea. ainons which are.
quilities, among which are,
Gold Lever, full jewell'd,
l.eplne, i!o
Silver Levers, 'to
', Jo
(juartirrs, fine,
Ijuaitierj, iiintsti io,
Jiwsli v. UiamonJs, (iold
10 (o 1 100
S5 t 40
50 t ?0
12 to IS
9 to 10
Chains, Gold
Pens wi'h Gold and Silver hulders. Pencils UieaM
, .. .
Pins, ringer and tar Rings, Bracelet', -neos
.r - U -1 1 . f ...1 t.HA m,;,k . .1 K . . I ... 1 nf
f ahell. coral and Isvs. with every other article of
Jeweltry of lh richest ud most fashionable pat
Suvxa Wsar Platea, Foiks, Spoon, Cops,
i'C nf Standard Silver.
PtiTvn Ws Cattors, Cske B kels Far.s.
Vases. Card Caje, .nd ether Rich Fancy Gjc J
in great varii ty.
VVholesale Buyer will ,ve m-mry by railing
here bi f .re purchasini.
(Jj Keep thin advirti-cirt-'n'. and call at No.
You will be aatisfied the Good are really cheaper
and better than are offered in the city. For aair,
low, a handeonie pur of Show ( iea, uila'nie for
Jewallry or Fancy atore. Apply aa ibtive.
Sept SAlhjJr.47 ty
i i c iz s To n & " c 6 . .
No. SO Market Street, five doors below
Third. South side;.
Impnrtorn A. liolertale Urulers Ih
WA'I'CHES. Watch Gla ss.-and Materials.
Jewelry of all ilecii li .n, qualitie and
s'ylea, cnmpiiiug all Ihe articles conn -cte d
with the Trade.
Dixsun A Son' Briiannh, German Silver arid Sll
ver-l'lateJ Ware.
ShelTi.-ld and Birmingham Dated Fsnry Article.
Kodgei at Son's and Woat n holm's Cutlery, Ra
zors. K- More, Era-eia, Drtk Knives, fiC.
Lory II mdied Table Cutlery, nf the fin st, medium
ud common qualities,
A hirge iiSKOrlraenl of Gold Pens.
Pcrifical Speeisclis.
Papier Mscb and J ipanned Tray, variousehse
i J qu ilmes, a ttMurr.J rate
Gold Wacb Cases, Dials and Silver-Ware, of all
di script ions, manufactured to order.
DICKSON &. CO., having recently removed
into th l.rge and rommodiou warehouse form, rly
occupied by Messrs. 11. Asbhvst Sc Soxs, and
more recently by Aeaacna-r 4 RsMinnTo, log
leavr to inform Watch Dealers, Country Merchants
and others, that Ihey design having at a'l times s
larg a-onment of Roods, of their own import
tion, which they ar determined to tell at the lowest
rte a.
Every attention will be paid lo th Packing
of GoihU, and in ih execution of Order, lb qu ill
lira endpiicr will be fully guarsnlisd sgaioal sll
Philadelphia. June I9ih, 1847. ty
First rreniiiim lVrilin? Ink.
No. b7 North Third Street,
-ax-) DltW T. U .L. .l..k...J D. V. .w Kfl
Chemistry in the University ol Penn'a
Pbilsdelphia, Oct. 11,1843.
'Dear Sir Having Itied your Ink, I will thank
ynu lo send me another bottle, ss I find il to h
excellent. I am yours, truly,
RdT. Haa."
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished
fur hia numerous scientific resraiches.
"Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati,
January 17, tail.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I sm
sstisAe.l that it ia th bent which has ever come to
my knowledge, snd esiecislly il excellent for th
use .f Sleet Pens, and will not corrode them, even
in long umt.
Joe Lack. Prof, of Chemistry.
From a well known scientific gentleman.
Philadelphia, Feb. ST. IMS.
Mr, Joseph E. Hover Sir: A uss of your Ge
nu nt, and aoro practical teste of ita superiority,
baa induced m to recommend it lo other ss an
invaluable article for encoding China, Glass, or
Cabinet Wsrs. Canraait Moarir,
Analytic Chemist."
For sal at tb Manufactory, Whole! and Re
tail. No. 07 Nave Taiae Ktbsit, opposite
Chirry street, Philadelphia, by
May 3J. IM7.j30ty, , Manufciurr.
fRRSONd travelling thi rout ere ksreby
inlormrd that they csn procer 'threagh
la, by naking applicalioai el the Reiel esf
Okai lee Weaver, Buobory. A. E. atAJfr.'
I5tkuaib!BJ, Jtj l$i, UVrwHf
H. B lsC1.3SSA
Bueine attended to in the Conntie of Nor
thumlerland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
ReCsr tat
P. dt A. RavornT,
Lowaa aV Bsaaoa,
Sovjssa Sl Reoneassa, Vi'Ai'W,
KatrroLns, Mcraaiinn eV Co.
Hriatva, 'loon eV. Co.,
The Grand Purgative
ron tub
Headache, (Giddiness,
Rheumatism, Pile,
Dyspep ia, Hcurvv,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
Pains in th Bj. k,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of Ihe Heart,
Rising in the Thr',
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevera of all kind,
Female Complaints,
Measles, Sail Rheom,
Heart Burn. Worm,
Cholera Morbus, .
Coughs, Q.iin-ey,
Whooping Gouh,
('.iniumption, Fit,
Liver Complaint,
Lriaipela, Deaf ess, fa of the Skin,
Cilds, Gout, Grav. l,
Nervou Complaint", !
onim MSKssF.s saiatae
aB a viaic-rr or
raim iMprniTtra or Tns moon, awn oa
Experience has proved that near'v every Din
esse originate, from Impurities of the Blood or de
rangements of lh Digestive Orgsns ; snd to secure
Health, we must remove those obstruction or re
store th Blood lo it natural stsje.
The sversion o taking meilicio is most elfec
tur.lly removed hv Cuckji r.n's Vf.aKTaBLs Pea
QtTin Pm.s, being enmphtely enveloped wilh a
r(,ntirt vf pure u-tiite Sugar, (which i a dietinct
from the interna) ingredient a nut shell from
the kernel) rn Have vo tti or Msnirtaa,
But ar as ess;ly swallowed as bits nf candy.
Moreover they neither na-ue.ite nr gripe in the
aligh'est degree, but operate tqnally nn all ihe dia-ess:-d
parte of thei svs'em. ioaiead of confining
them-elves to, ard racking any particular region.
Thu. if II e Liver be affected, one ingiedient will
operate on that particular org in, and, by cleansing
it nf an Excess of Bile restore il lo its naturil
state. Another will opente nn the B'ood. snd
remov alt lmpuiilie in it circulation; while
thiid wiil etfeclually expel whatever impuritie.
may have been discharged into the stomch. and
hnc they araiat T ths boot or nisat-x, re
move all Impur Humors from the body t opt-r
the p..res externally end in'ernslly ; epiret sl
fore gn snd obi oxious paiticle fro n the chyle, st
that the Mood m.iy be thorough'y pure thua seen
ring a fee and healthy action to the Heart. Lung
snd Liver; and thereby ihey sthi niTit
ri wins ai.L nrnrn ar.i urt num.
The entire truth of the above ran be aaeertaine
bv the trial of single box ; snd their virtues ar
' s.i positive
. .
' ' '
and certain in rea'or ng Health, thi
tiinr himlj himuelf Ia return the mtnr
j . , , lh , . hfr, .he do
ur.ivrifl tt iti'CiLn.
Rrtnll Price. ci, per Box.
, Princip il office No. 66 Veey st., N. Yoi
SolJ ly JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Nortbumlieilau
tf'V n.-rnem'ier Vf. C. V Clirkener ia thei
v. n .ir f the Sti inr ('oate l Pi la, and that nothi
.if l!ie -rt waa ever I . f uniil he introduc
ihein in June, lHt.1. Purchasers ah.-uld, theref.i
alwayv ask fir C'i-kenerV ur Coate-J Pills, a
take hi othcra, or they will be made th victims
a fraud. Sept. 18'h, 1947 ly eow
I'tHE Suhscribera hsvn lh' exclusive right
. vending J. M.THATCHER'S
Hot niant Hot Air Cook In;
in the counties of Northumbrian I, Cnluml'is a
Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met w
already, they expect lo do a large buaineas. T
stove is constructed on an entnely new prireii
nitd on the only principle that c in make hot
gnd wood and coi.l rtove. The inventor haa o
com all the .lilTirult es that so frequency beloni
other toes. He has by his arrangement, c
aliuclej a broiling (7 O CU III front wh
in broiling, roasting, frying nr baking may be di
and all the smell that arises ihsrefrom must
into th eombustihl chamber, an I is riot ai
thrown out into Ihe room Bes'des this, l(
i- an oven only two inches less thsn the whole
of the stove, wherein b..kinf or rossting msy
d me as we'l as it can be in the common brick n
This oven is slwsys fit fir u when the siov
hested, s '.he whole drsuht of hot sir paaeei
round it c.:i atfii ily.
Public allenl'ion is particularly called to
stoe. It c -n be sen a1 our Store and Tin E
liahineot in North Danville, at ths ign of Ihe
lunihia Tin shop, and at the 1 ound y of Rohrl
&. Clement in Sunbury, where it particular qi
ties will re fully hown snJ rxp'aiued to any pe
wishing to examine it.
The suhacri'.iers continue to h ive en hsm
kinds of parlor stovia. such as radiators, cylen.
fancy and plain, suitable for all who msy fsvo
wiih a call; also common sheet and Russia 1
which can be msde in any desirable shape; I
ther with a gem rl assortment nf tin and japar
ware, wholeaale and retail. Country merch
are invited to call arid examine our slock, ss
work cannot be surpassed, and prices raodoers
N . B. We csn ssfely recommend the above I
i tioned stove to peraona who wia'i lo embark
ood business. I h patenie will sell either e
ty or state rights, to suit purchaser, and on
sonalde lernia. He or his agen's may be four
Danville, Ps. J. it J. ARTE
The undersign.!, l aving seen in eperatior
bnt biaat hot air cooking atove. invented and
tentsd by J. M. Tbaicher, certify that w be!
from th manner of it cnnstiuction snd opera
that it is ihe best one ever offered to the public
I arrangement iaso cnmplet and tb constructs
I judicious, tbst there is saving ol one half lh
snd tim. in doing sny given amount ot s.-i
over other celebrated stoves. In short we re
ment it in preference lo all others, for th si
reason that it embraces every branch of econ
Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. David (
Held, W F Kiich. o.John M Giay, E Thorn
Smith Thnmiison, J D Hehn, John Oak, H
h User. Elisa F Cooper, Gee M Rithsrl, C
HurTmsn, Hsnry H Risssl, F H Csivsr, I
Dreisbach, Joseph Vankuk. Broods Epley.
Daovills, March 6, 1847 ty
George J. Weaver,
No. 1 S Xortk Water Ssreel, PhUadetpttim
ITIf A8 eoaaianlly en hand, general
1 U nent ef Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac.
Tard Rope, Fwbing Rope, Whit Ropea, P
le Ropea, Tow Lin for Canal Boaia. A
complete aaortment Of Seine Twinee, site, t
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beet Paten
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine.
Threads, Vc dec- Also, Bed Cord, Ptooeh '
H altera, Tracws, Cotton and Linen Carpol G
Yav,U ef wtiicg; be will riiapoa of on rvww