OF Till! MAMCRICAK." H EISELy. 5 PaomiaTosa. "tnir Alley, in the rear , It, Ma see's Sorr.) ' -''.- -" VMfiVf CAN" It bubtfaheJ every Satur "WO! DOLLARS 'per annum to be wHr in advance. ', No paper dlaeontie t arrearages ate paid. , , , , . -T , :rii.Uon received for a lea period than in.' 'Ad communications or letters on dating te the office, to Insure attention, 08T,PAID.vs .ii.li C."B. MASSES., - ORNEY AT LAW, aTOlYBUBY, PA. attemleJ to in the Counties of Nor id, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. Refer tot A A. RuTOBIIT," wan & Bakrow. nana & 8onAS, rsoi.ns, McFatm & Ca :sts,Ooon 8c Co.,' fcVffCTXOlT STORE, . 31 North Third itroct, , . (mil TB C.ITT HOTf.l.) ,.:, Hit ADELrHIA. ' A C K E Y, Al'CTIOltEER. OIJNTRY STORE KEEPER'''. ' INO 8AI.ES of Hard watt, t'utlery, lery. Whip. Bnota, Shoes, Hals, r . . pa. Gun. Pistol. Clothing, .... , Watchr and Fancy Good, iry'e Auction Ktore, 81 North Third the City Hotel. mion of Country M'Ti-henle i invited, will he a -Id in lota lo auit purehaerrs, d offered will bp wsranted equal to the mm (hat may be made of them. 1 large assortment of Goods at Private Jan. In. 1847 ly SAP WATCHES. tnest Gold and Silvnr Watches N lMMLADELPIIIA. 45 00 S3 on . 30 00 . . 16 00 10 00 ": ' 15 00 I 76 .sou 4 0 Lever, full Jewelled, do. do. es, Jewelled,- O. : ; ' .-. do., ' liera, fine qUiiliiy, ., , ire. plain, aclr, .1. hand, a large aMortmcnt of Gold and ti, fineer ring, bret pin,' hoop ear in, itver eponn. sugar tone;, thim eck. erh and fob rhhif guard key r of eeiy demripiinn, at equally low I want i a call to convioce cuato of Waichea and Clocks repaired and kerp good time for one year l old bought of taken in exchange. . ight day and thirty hour bran clock, LEWIS LADOYtCS' lo-k and Jewellery Store. No. 413) t, shove Eleventh, north aide, Phila- 1 aome Gold and 8ilvei Lever, atill than the above price. . m, Dec Zf$, IS4B. ly file iro."or of. . t K. D. STOKE S, . rers of Premium Odd Fel " lows' Regalia, " ' - ' 'arket Street, PHILADELPHIA, othing Store below 6th Buret. ., ;ril.ers having taken the premium at Institute, at the laat rshibitinn. fot lia, thev invite the attention of me eUhlUhmenl, wbe.n they will find a iment i.f P. O, and Enrampmrnt Re lo make to order for Lode;ra and , Rega'ia. Cashra. ' Cmturne ' and rninh every thing requisite for the foew iKidgeaor Enan.mrni. . , J. VV. XTOKE, E- D.8TKK8. i,D-e, 19. IM6. ly WETa-7" iTION STORE. . th 3d tn third door abovo . Market Street, ILASBLFBIA. EKY EVENING of a, general of Forricn and Dnmeattc Hardware, Porket Cutlery. Trui.ka, Lock, ltolia. 8w, Saildlery, Whip. Shore, Hat. Caua, Guua, . l, TrimroinB, Clotbing r , . t and Fancy Good. n of city and country dealer U in- node are freah. and will be warranted repn'sMtlatiena tint may be made of YLl$dc BKOOKEK, Auetumem, No. 6 North Third at haceia can have itirtr Good packed, r of Gooda have brea received to be -tale. ; v t. Dec. 19th, 184fl. ly Hi-fi .!.' r'-. 1..- ;"(. y o n-. J , v 1 i AND ' SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. - . . - - - t rNTTTlXT n TrTnT.' 1 -a i '.-o . .... t ..AT 1 . . A "ifTViX TO? TTP. ' A :1J ' - -T-.:- : Aioluta MfaaiMM 1m tlMwacMettt'ef the majority, the vital pintffitott RepUDHea, from Wbfch ere U "no kppraf tu W .forces tii vftal prinftple and lmmediat parent of deepotiam jarvaaaoa. ' vt ?f Djr Ijfaaaer EfseU. Satnkur jr NrUiiuuBrlaJMl ) PrmtrJmy felw lr 148.- . Vol. St. SlI vVbole Ko, 3H 't ,,.v : ,iPIwl)ep.';V, V-,:;' 1 Plow deep to Arid the'gold. my bovlJ : 6 Plow drep to find trie gold,1 The earth ha treasnrt In her brraat UnmeaurJ and untold. "' "" ' ' '' Clothe the mountain topa with treea, . The aidra with waving grain! " Why bring over ttormy area . What here we may obtain ? . Ob, Britain need, not bring her bread, , From countriee uew or old, Would ane give her plowihare tpeed, And depth to find the gold ! Plow deep to find the gold, my bnya ! Plow dep to find the gold ! The earth bath treasure in her brraat Unmeasured and untold ! May yon field of atatrly atoeke Rife on an Autumn day ;! Lusty Labor jocund look . Amidat their thick array. . ,. Mark the Barn) ard't ample pace, . . How grateful to behold ! , Tower of richra fill the place l . r . Plow deep and find the gold ! Plow deep to find the gold; my boya 1 Plow di f to And the gold :' 11 The earth baa treaaure in her breaat ' Tjnmeaaured and untold. " " F.artb ja grateful to her aona ( ; j , . For all their, care and toil ;. Nothing yielda auch large return . A drained and drepened aoil. Science lend theif kindly aid, , Her richea to unfold ; Moved by plow and moved by apade, Stir up to find the gold ! Dig deep to find the gold, my boya ! Dig deep to find the gold ! The earth baa treaiuiet in her breaat Unmeasured and untold. ' ' J it i CoHiilerrellera)' TH BLOW, iil plraaa ol.ee e that no Brandieth enuiiie, unleae the Ihi' h three la the top, the aii'e and the bottom) It a ftcaimilcaignatur) of my hand B. BaauaaTH, M. U. Theae la. ved on steel, lautifi.lly deaiRned, eipenee of over $.t00. Therefore that the only thing neeeery to w iue in it parity, U to oheerve lhea4 he top, the aide, and the bottom, respeetivo peraitaa are dulv authnri . . . i . rzoATss or aojoxtct ( BrandreiA'i Vegetable Ihtiverta, rule: land eountv Milton Mackey 4t unbury - 11-B.Maaaer. M Evene k Meisell. Northumlierland Wm. rgetown J. & J. Walla. ' aty r New Berlm Bogar Wia ove George Guodium. Midtlla tuilh, Beavertowo David Uuplee. Wm-J. May. Mifflinaborf Merwcb, tfijton Daniel Long. Freefcurg wv. ' Lawiebuvf Walla aV Gnwn. tuniy DanvlUawE. :TL Rayoolda bgmao Jfc .R.Uaahouaa, 4Ca, . Brobta. Bloomaburj John K. y Town Ivi Bleat Waatloton I.iroe.tone BalM ft KoNinatu' t aaeh Agent hae an Bagraved Cer ney, containing rJraenttion 4 ETH'8 Manufactory at 8iog 8ing, h will alao be aaMTaiad eepiea of i aieur aiasd upom tks BumJrtlk Pi& ' i ' ' ; 1 : f.- T , j I i, ofica No, t. North nib at rent. B BRANDRTTH.M.rj. 1843. ' The Brlh Bey. ' " ' AH iKiaittTaio. r"' Am, I'm the boy for btvtitch'-ng 'em WmT, ye divil. now can't you be aiay, . Like a rat when abe'a licking the crame,.. And I'll aing you aaong juet to plaaeyoiH , ., About anyaelf, Dermot Macahane. VouMI own, wbW I've tould ye my atory, And the janiua adorning my race, Although I've no bra in my pocket, , Muihagra! I've got lota in my face.. . For in rainy or aunhiny weather, . , , i I'm full of good whUkey aitd joy ; And take me in parte altogether. By the pow'r I'm a broth of a boy. My anclatera, who were all famoua At Donny brook, got a great name : My aunt ahe aould famoua good whiikey I'm (amoua for drinking that aame. And I'm (amoua like Mastrr Adoni, ' ' With hi bratTfull of nothing but curia, ' -For breaking the beada of the boya, lira, And breaking' the heart of the giria. For in rainy, &e.! 1 " '" - - " Though I'd acorn to be rude to a lady, Mitf Fortune and I can't agree ; 1 ' So I flew without winga fiom green Erin " ; I there any thing green a beat me t ' While bleat with tbi atock of fine apirita, "At care, faith my fingera I'll anap; . I'm aaTich ara man without money, And freaaa a mouae in a trap. . ,, For iaioy,&- Wik6T0.N Moaunast The Board of Ma nagrra of the Washington National Monument Society, finding it impoaaibla to make lb a crisary preparatioua for laying the, corner-stone on the 22d of February, a intvudvd, have fixed upon the 4tb of July for that purpose. The pe tition eelected for the monument ta Washington, it ia atated, will render it viaible at a great die tanee down the Potomac, aad from every part of the city, and, if elevated aix hundred feet, aa coa teaiplated, will be seen Irom the Bay. A RaaBLB Caaa or Somn4mbuu occur, red at Eaiton. Pa., on Monday night. A lad of 18, who had. been medically treated for a (old. roae from hi brd.wentj through, erveral apart-, menta Jp (he atreet, an ,thf .round, of aevrral atrct. iq. a jteltin rain,. with only a abirt on, into a Me, where be aw a.ligiit, and being re- cogniaed, wa fqed.r, Ue had been frightened, by a dream JbaJ wo peisori lleening in lb aame room wr njudrre4.,Strtif 170 y, hi health, wii improved by tae eienraton., J( n , r f Panrmawrm Hoan Ukvm Pacha -A orraa pundeat af tna Journal of Cammtren, writing from Oimatanimopl 'aayathat 'a t1eoratio in diamofula of Torkiah Order of Hnnavautn aa it fivan lo Paehaaof two tail, Uactually In the handa of 'oor Lejration, for Profeatnt Moreer, fromfha Su'ianMn return lur tha tirte of bif Telegraph It will arrive Id Aeitrlea with a aoyai o'piouw ns vawv i( XiCT K'retb4 Matxiro. Attempted tnrnr'rectron at Vera Cnit Propo eifinna for Peace bj! the)' tfitiean CimJa aionrr Capture of Arista and Valencia bv CI. Wynknop. Expedition ajfainet Tolnea. Tair upon the Federal Oietrict Cnllected . befrit" ol Americans at .Laparre and Sin Je Dent ruction nl the Towns Torr jon. 1 nd Minon Captured. , ,,, mv,,,)1( .' . PitTffo.. Feb 4 . , T" Kxprew Jhis morning brings Now Or. leans datfs of the 29'b ult. . . , . r The steamship Rdilh.frcm Vera Crux, brine If tier from that, city, to the 20h, .euotaining rumors f peace and other vury tntirelin; in tellipence, including a few particulars of an at. tempted ineurrection there, which proved futile. The Mexican Coinntineinners had submitted a plan of a treaty ol peace baaed upon i Mr. Triet'e proportion while at Tacuhaya. The proffer has brcn transmitted to Washington city lor theenn sid.'ralirin of the Government. The World' of Gtiadala xara, under date of the 17th of January, elates that news hsd rea rhed Mxit'.an that, five hundred California Ringer tod attack, d the American pneeesainns at I.npsrre ami San J'e, def. eted . the forces alat'oiicd there and. burned the building. On the 2l January three American vcseels were to prHceed tlntlwr and reader att-tiwlano. i C-diHtel Withers and the train uuder hie com uinnd had arrived in taffty at Reel del Monte. Cnl. -Wynknop, with a detachment, whilu to piireuit ot Father Jarauta and Gen. Res, captu red GHtierals Valencia and Aricta, together with the aid Of the formr-f. This took plaice on' the 1st of Jsnoary. Valencia and Aritta had been admitted to parole.'' ' ' - - Colonels Tiirrrjnn, Minon and their guard were captured near Amanuca by Cul. Domin gu.'l. ot tne Mf-xicao spy regiment. Genrnl Cadwalader had lett the Capital for Tuluca. The troops under his command were in fine spirits, sod had reached Serine uniiiter rupted. , , , . , , Mijor Tailiaferro had arrived at the city of M. xico trom Heal del Monie, in charge of ail v.r bar, to the vakie ol $150,000, being part of the asseesinent levied on the Federal D strict. General Roller's regiment is reported to be sufT.-rinr greatly from sickness.- The Edith hmiieht forty sick and dieeharged soldiers to New Orleans.-"-Two of the soldiers died during thpaeage. ' This steamship also had on board the remains of several deceased rfficerV Tnt SalI! or this SATt'DAV Coratra.. All newepaperdnm flocked to the Exchange yester day, to witness the sale of ihie' much talked of journal. At ti o'clork, Mr. Wolbert, the atic tinner, mounted the stand, and read the terms o sile. lie nxt read the valuation of the sp prsiser. and the statement of the receipts, ex nenditutes, profits, and I he pumhrr ol ruhscrj hers to the paper in 1616. H staled the pro fits in t! at year, were 9,141, and that the numbered subscribers were then 60,000.,. He did not slate the profits since 1846, bit said the number of paper iu-d last week waa47,HJO, which shows that the Cmirier has lost nearly 1:1.000 subscribers, or almost one-forth of the circulation within two years. -' After eJwelliwjr upon the character i. the property,' it waa put up mr sale. ' Mr. Wolbert inquired if sny one was willing to give $100000 lor it, hut meet in no response, he ruri down to 15.000, at winch ram V bid was made.' The euctioneer dwelt at that' sum for a considerable time, but there ere' no other bidder, lie offered to take ri00 advance, $100. or any thing, still no one answered, lie then explained ful'y the terms of sale, so I hit there should be no tniaun Herctanding but no one bid snd finally, ater wai ing some time, and trying to coax another bid, it waa knocked down at $15,000, the fir.t and only um ottered. The purchaser was Aiv- drew McM'kin. . Thu rnda this long agony. It may be pioper for ua tostatethst Mr. McMa kin will (i(4 get the prper for that sum. - II gave bond lo the Court el Common Pleas that it would bring at leal 30000. and he mod account for it to the Receiver, at that sum This will, perhaps, account for the circumstance that thera were no bids for the paper on' the part of Mrs. tlolden, and the fact that Mr. Mc Makiii issued a pmspectiis for' another snd cheaper (t per, ho doubt had tha' ellect to deter other purchasers." Mra.' Ilolrien, beaides the $15000, has already received a considerable a mount on the account of back subcriptions', snd is also entitled to receive one half of the profits of the concern up to this time, allowing Mr, rrlvwf tse AaIH.,' v - nrot.y txtaautiso 'rM si'sos. McMakm a compensation for bis services. I Waa believed at the time it waa to have been f rat so(d, that it would bare brought from $40, 00Q: to MO.OOp, snd tha administrators gave no tie at, one of the recent hearings, that if, in Consequence of the proapecUts lor tit new pa ar, tha sale waa injured, and the Courier brought Use than It would have done, they would commence an action against Mr. McMa I kin to recover ds mages; whether this will be J dona remains to b aeeo. Ltigtr, " Ti steameliip Asadia C-p's.a S.one, ar- rived in Nantucket Road at 12 o'oli-ek' on Monday night; Snd aftrhored. '1; ' ' ' ' , : The advices from Ix'xvlon are to the lllh, and Irom Liverp.Mil to the, J5lh of January. There had been a decline in cotton,. -.. The-4er aecwuwta trmrr Turin atate rhatthe Kngof Sar'ini has be-omS some w list st-ti oin.tyladispoera'. 'XTheduolrt's ofHsvhy, hsre. ditary prmeessv.it- in such an. alarming etste. thatji bus heesr ontdrre) necessary te offh1 tip special public prayers In her behalf. The Patria o' Florence o the 5thi announcs that Pontremoli has been fimaUy delivered, up to the Duke or Pro.a. hv the Ttrean dmimie sioners, and that Ihrt peace of the town had r.ot been dietmbed . ; . i The winter has at laat fairlr begun at 81. Pet.rbureh, s the ce has ctnd the nari lion otthe Neva snd interrupted Ihe common!. ration between St. Pelereburglt and Croowta.lt, though Ihe river i not )et completely t'uipn over. Furihor sceMints from Nsples confirm the re poit of Ihe Swins in the service of the King I1.1v ing duclarrd that they will never cune-nl to act against the people, and add that intelligence had bi-eri received of anotlrrr popular detnons tration at Pulmermo. .. . The Itrititdi atesm IriffBte Avenger has ben totally lost. We dreply regret to say that ihe worst forebodings have been rfslied. .The sa crifice of life hash en immense , only four out of ihe crew of 2T0, have ben re sctirrd 'toai watery grave. , ; . 1. The Pupil government hns euhjMcted puliti- ral journal, hitherto free tr.mi duty, to a tx ..' to b j -ccl.i (a little mors than a pc ny) on each number. :' " '" ' Sin John FnatiKLiVs Expkoitioji The Plover, fined at Sheeroee, lo proceed in search of the aSov.- expeditis.n, under the command of Lieutenant M.mre, leftSheernesaootho lit innt tor Plymouth, where she will receive letter snd despatchee, snd her final order fur he. voyage. ; Dr. Richardson is prepuring f.r In overland journey ; and orders have been onl nut to the Herald. 20, surveying vesael, tJ.pi. Kellet, C B. to proceed to Retiring Htraits. in search of the Arctic voyagers. It w exiweted that these expeditions will coat shove OtXl I a bland. The sogel of terror has ai length stayed his avenging hand in Ireland. The an count ainee the beginning of the yeer have eer. tainly not been so terming with horror a pre viously. Ou rage cimtinue- to I more or lesw perpeirsted nl cold hasled, deliberate murder reems to have b en checked by the vi.oroue prH:eeding8 of thv executive. Following up is firrl proclauiation, placing certain disiurbe l iatricts under the dominion of the i.e w , law. the Lord Lieuti-iinnt has issued a oi.d, pro claiming ihe barony of Iiongtord, and fivo pi riies in Lielriio, the barony of Clamwlry, in Fermanagh, Tullynow, ie Dntmlane, and lw er IMighlee, in Cavan, under ihe new aet. Or era have bIhi hern issued tod .rni the poop' in several ditlrict. and the strictest refill t'i i re enforced reep'Cting Ihe licensea 10 p.eH arui unxler the recent law. In s-ti.e. p'aceaa Cuirmpl fur the proclamation ha been exlub't ed by tearing down the , ducuuieut Irmn the walla ; bl we have sews this often prsctiard in civilised lmrton, and yl the spirit of anaro'iy has been pretty effectually check . We cannot expect that by nou. y cwrceive nea.ures, Ihe fsni'ihed peop'e or IrvUnd will be filled with good things; sfl that we hope from the late measure, is that the demon ol mischief may be arrested in his exterminatin career, und breathing time may be afforded to he lovera of freedom and e1"' order to carr out auch measures aa mav b- devised to repai he snrial eviU of the COililtrv. I lie repea party pr r0-r parlirr, teem f-iillv einhroiU and at vnrinnee with each other ; and the week ly rent of the elder eMtablUliuient, not v, ilht mil ing the rff rte made to recruit its funds, i n v. ry fl wrihhmg Th general dMrexe of the Country has doubles, contributed not a I tile to limimsh ilsatrei,gth and resource. The spe cial eom.niNsinn, iasoedto try the prie.toerec.vti- milted for murder and agrarian ootrace in the southern counties, nes opened si I.Mnerick oil the4hint. Several capital conviction hive already taken place, and there can be no luuht thai punishment will inevitably to low. Mturr -1 tvssrooL Conn 1'aaBM. Jan. 14 h, P. M. There has been a limited domand fitr most articles of the trade". On the4'h Ihe general runs of foreign and Irish Wheat ween at aboot the rales last quoted. - A eery choir ssmple of white Dji it, owing- In Ihe senreity of fine qualities, - realized, so highju 10 per 70 lb4. Western Canal barrel, and Irish supea fine sack flour was sa leaa active deumod, snd without change in price. Indian Corn and In dian Corn Meal were but. lulls inquired fur. tod to effect sales lower prices should have Veeo taken.' Ia other articles there 'wss'ik change. On thsTih tost, the beat runs of Wheat and choice super fine Flour, both harrcuj and sacks, maintained ' previous rates. Alt other articles were the torn in Isvor of the buyer. "' Having hnl fewscfuil country buyers in st- ten 'snceorf the 11th, all sorts of old wheat; vihether ' Rritit-h or foreign.- were further 'de presaed iri value, making Ihe decline I I to2 l nd that upon every description of English and nh riew. 2l 3d per 70 Ih from the currency f that dsy se'oniitht. Superior brands of Ame rican merely -smisioed 20J 6 1 to 30 per bir rel, and Irirh was the turn rheapor Indian corn snd corn meal declined further in value o-day, placing our quotation 2- per qr. and la r bl below tho terms of this day a week. Yes terday January 14. wheat was 2.1 to 3l per 70 , flour 61 per .brl ;. Indian corn Is to2 per r, snd tudisn meal Is per bit chesper than on the Huh. , ...... T11 a Lot'isMN I.ar.isr.AlrkK ta a Tsohslb We have alrrady informed our readers ol tbe iaaennon among the Whig in tbe Legislature of Louisiana, by which a Democratic fj. S. Sens or and State Printer of the same pohtica have been choeen. This atate of thin has also led o the election of Gen. Joseph Walker, Demo- rat, aa State Trraaurer. Gen Wm. De Buy, he caucus candidate a( the Whins, wi with drawn in Convention for some rrason not men- nnt-d The following ia the written atatement aid before tbe lower house of the Legislature by one of it member on the day following the Senatorial election : The Hon. Nac A Myles, in a conversation with me last Saturday evening, stated that four nrgroea had been offered him not to vote for a Whig Uniti-d Slatea Senator. The genlleman in the conversation was speaking of the election by hr legislature of a Senator 011 the following Monday. :: He did not atate by whom the offer was made, lie further atated in the aame con-vr-rsntion that he was old that he bad two ne gro boy and a woman, which waa aufficiei.t for him and that he wished lo preserve his con science pure, a a good conscience waa worth more than property Thia atatement, we bave already mentioned, led to the appoiuttrerit of a Committee of laves fixation. . , ,. 4 Tttr. Cocht or lirinv m Grit. rVxm-'a Cask Ry the lollowmy nrd'r. s manuecript roiy of which was turniehed lo the New Or leans Delta, we learn that the Court of 1 1 qui ry. upon which there ha been so much specu IuIhhi is to sit st Perot, on the IH t, tnl. The order explains ileetf, snd ih Iho firet sothentic infortiiatl'in we hve reeiM-rtiosf the Court. Wa Ds-eaNTHKNT. Jin 18.1N4S By directum of ih Preeidoni nf the United Slate a Court of Inquiry. In cnni.t of Brevet Brig. Gen. N. Towenn, Payntter General ; On. Gen Caleb Cosh inc. - snd Col. E G. W, Duller, 31 Dragoon, tneinbere, will assemble in Mexico, In inquire snd examine into tbe charges and allegations preferred by Major G-n. Winfieh! S-ott againht Major Geo G dHn J Pillow and Brevet Lieut. Col . Junea Dun can. Captain of Ihe 2l Kejrimrnt of artillery, and the charge or maltere of complaint presen led by way nf apneal by - Brevet Msjor General ; PniCM OF ADTKRTIfilXCI. ", I aqua re I iusertisa, . . . . l 50 1 ' do 1 do . . 4 T 0 75 I "-do' -3-- do - ' ' 1 0 Evryaulwqentinaertkn, ,. Tft Yesrly Adrerlissmsnlsi one column, $J5 t half column, f 18, three squares, git; two squsrea, f 9 1 one square, f A. ' Half-yearly t ons column, I8 ; half column, fit t three sqnarea, f-t two squares, 5; one squsre, $3 00. -Advertisements left without directions as to tha length nf time they ara to he published, wilt V " continued until ordered out, and charged seoord irmly. . . . . 7-81 1 teen lira or less make a square. Gen. Piescc'a Sfebch Printer the tnott efficient Soldier in tht Jicld. At General . Pierce's reception by the citizens of Concord, N. II. on the 27th January, he roada an e'o quent address in reply lo Gi-nersl Low's re. mirks, welcoming the hero home. The follow ing in sn extract : New llamwhire had no occasion for any other feeling than that pride ia regard to her sons who belonged to the rommani. They ht,d proved themselves brave, devoted self racrificS ing spirits. And Concord,' too, was well repre sented among them. There was Henry Cald well one of the brsvest and determined sol diersio the army. Thera was Sergeant Stv well, who was shot, plump through tho heart. st Churgbo-eo. As his last bresih Cowed, he whispered to me "Du tho hoy say I behaved well! If I have, write home to my peop'e." Then there was Sergeant Fike, who hod a lo shot ofl in sdvancingalong on s cntHO-viy swept by three batteries. Two ampoiut lone, whicit did not snewer the purpose, were perhmied, snd a third was deemed hopelees. Die he inut it was Ihouht. "I know bt tter than tiny i'o," he said, "I'll try another, and when they cut it aothnt it will etay cut." A third arnptiUtinn waa performed, and ho lived t li r ugh it. He soil the others named were oriole's. I i ti e new Icvi's, the printers exceed by i.iity p -r cent, those nf sny o'her vocation : and 1 ti a. c 'U:it of their iutelligenco nnd hiuh spnitt!i-y have proved the must rffk'ient w.tdier- in . t'"n field. Another CaiHe of the rUC"erd 0' -ur troop, new snd old, was tint cor.t.uci ol the . fli cers, who, from tho highest to. the lores', leil snd cheered on their columns. Hence the dis proportion in lliu lose of officer? and nr?, Ili nea Ihe los of that most brave and accomiiHsbed ot" Iho officers of the ten nw reg;ino--C"!orie Rinsom. Hrt kept preseinrr ;- !-. he was hlint dead at the heat r I f ' ' The same was true of Colonel v ' firat shot in ihe army a. . . ' shire. He raied himself ah -v ' of a wnll. A brother ofGcr b '' . " exoose h'm'lf unnecesaril) . : -'.- "Martin Scott has never yet t-t. op. i.ext moment s shot pised throoc'i He fell upon hi back, t'eliwrntety placed his cap iip. n hi br as', and du d. Co'nnel Graham, after receivircr mx severe woundf", continued on at the head ofhistnvu. sod upon receiving s seventh through thr ho.rt s owly dropped frmn his horse, and as he fvll upon tbe ground, said "F.wrd, my mer, my word is always forwarJ." And so saying, ho died. Hsving referred to Lieutenants Foster snd Daniels, snd to several i fficers of the of,! army, General Pierce proceeded to asy he had to retract opinions ho had formerly entertained and expressed in relation to the military acsda my at West Point. He was now of opinion, that the city of Mexico could not hava been entered in the way it was, but for the scieneu nd intelligence in military affairs u the c ftker of the old army, mostly from West Point Ser. vices were rendered by the officers of the topo- .1 " Tl... hi- lieurt W. J. W-iih. (.lonel f ihe 8lh Kegimentof grsphicsl engineers and ordnance, which coufj liifuitry, aguinst Major Gen. Winfield Scotl ; and also into any matters connected with the eainr, 11a welt as S c) 1 ther Irsuwctioi a as may be subrr.itted to the consideration of the Court ; aod stlrr having inveatiirated Ihe same, the Court will report the facts in each case, to gether with ihe opinion thereon, fur the infor mation of the President. ' ' The Court will convene nn Ihe 16 h day of February next, or as soon thereafter ss prac ticable, in' the Cai-tle ol Terote, in Mexico, wfere it will continu io hold its silting. First Lieut.' Richard P. Hammond, 3 1 Anil lery, is appointed to act as Judge Advocate and Recorder ol the Court. ; ' W. L MRrv, See. of War. By order : (S gne.l) R Jon. Aj Gen. Cnxoftostoiv and ScRorav One of the most piiii'ul operatioua in surgery waa per for mo. I laat week, in which thebaeof the chloro form waa reenrted lo with romplete success. Il waa theextirpation by incision and trttrin f ot a tioriton nf an ioflimed treat toe nail. The ooeratmn was kilTully perhirnied by Dr. J. Ilrysn, 'astsed by Irs Smith,' of M line,' and Harrs', of Delaware. The patient, on being at-ked what hie aenaaliona were, remarkeil Ifiat it apoeared like a dream, 111 shirh he thought une one'preed nrxe h' le. ' We under- Mand ihsi ihi ia not of a niimher of prraimna P'torined hy Or. It. of this k nex, in which he has uied the chloroform with like success, lie prefers it to tha ether.'! : ...,. - t , ' la Tax Naoanvs o'Yon hain't 'none, of you seen nothing of no hat no whereabout her upon aone of these seats, hain't you V enq-urrd a Yan kee. "We hsin't eons on u seen nothing of no bat nor iiotbing ol no kind now her on none of these seats, nor no where elas, ss w knows on!" not hsve been rendered but by men who had received the most complete mili'sry education. The torceof Ihe Americana had be-n overrated. Over 75110 effective men left 1'uehla, to attack a oily of 250,000 inhabitant, defended by .lj,: OltO of thu best troops ever raised in Mexico, 100 pieces of cannon, and the hnest t..ii:tiesiiona ever raised, in addition to the natural defence! ot marshes and Is kea. t Prefer solid ane to wit otver study to be diverting, without being useful; let no jesK in trude upon good maooera, nor say soy thing that I ana offend modesty. ' Ths Rxv.Ciasaa OjwaT, in his recently pub lished paper on "The Intellectui'l'y of Dome, tic Animala,"give the following anedote, whic h is by far too good not to receive the benefit of a wider circulation : At the flour mil's of luh. bero keens, bear Cloumel, while in thpors sioo of th late Mr. New bold, there w as a aM which, by aoms accident, was led soliu.y, v 'ti ou! mats or offspring, gander ami go.l.nf. No 1. it happened, sa is common. O at th - nrllei's u i' Idkd set a number of duck en uiul -r a h-1 1 which ill Ius tims were ii.c.ha:d ; a- .1 ofcours the ducklings, as soon a they came forth, ran with natural instinct to tbe water, and Ibe hen was in a sad purkvr her maternity uryirg her to fallow tbe biood, and her selfishness dispoti n ber to keep'on dry land. In tha meanwhile up sailed the loose, and with a noisy gabble, wbi-rh certainly (being Interpreted) meant, leave them to my care, abs swam up and down with tht duckling ; and when they were tired with tha ir aquatic excursion, ahe conaigned them to care of the hen. The next morning down same again thediirli:ne.ioihe pond, snd ih-r wa t he gooae waiting for them, and there alood the hen in her ereat flaetretion. Oa this oeeasioa we are rial at all sure tbst the oos ms'sJ the hen -barving ber maternal trouble but it is feet tbst she, being near tbe shore, the hen jum ped on he back, and there sst, the sWkli ngs swimniisg, aud ths gooss and bea alter Ibena , up and dowa lb pood- . And this waa not a so'Atary event t day after day lbs ben was san an hoard Ihe goote, attending ths ''ucV.intts sp aej down, in perfect eonteotedepj glloi humor; i.um ber of psople eo.oing ta wifnrM tha circwon. stsace.' which continued until ths ducklings. fining to -iay, cf d.wrsliou, rsq"" 00 tkoin;uardiMhf fM goes ana asn.