Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 29, 1848, Image 3

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    1 b -v J . at
Loroform A day or to i;o we published
aragraph staling lhat young dentist, in New
lc, had been arretted for throwing vitriol
r tho clothes of females in th ttrvet ; tnd
terdsy e announced the melancholy fact
t tfc person was Horace Well, well known
be discoverer of the application of ether in
(h-al operation , and that head committed
ide in consequent of the publicity that had
n given to hi arrest. The ' tetters hat he
Wished previous to hit death,' givesstrong
on to doubt the sanity of the . unfortunate
i, and induces a belief that he was a victim
i eiTecta of hit own discovery! He had been
bt constant habit of inhaling chloroform for
exhilarating effect it produced, 1 and on the
ling ol his arrest bad taken a greater quanti
ban . usual, which had produced a powerful
t.i It it evident, form hit' account, that in
ing into the street, and perpetrating the out
fie did, that he was not in hit senses ; and
ict of self rjeitiuctibii, which followed so
ly upon hit arreit, it another proof of the
cable condition of bis mind. This mel-
3ly rase should induce caution in the use ol
Powerful agent, until at least its mysterous
ingerous effects upon the human system are
t . understood. t'Ailit. ledger. . .. , , .
m I lore: or Aasrsititir The farmers end
allies have a In rye preponderance in the
e of Assembly of the Suite Legislature,
ding to a table in thit Telepraph, of Har
g-. A thewe iiitrrcfl embrace the lar
iniount of constituents, they should be the
t rcprosftntrd. The ennmpratitm w a
: "farmers 44, . lawyers 10, printer 6,
invito 9, hlaoksniilhe 2, watchmaker 1, tan-,
brustiaiaker 1, artiste 2, puhliaiicr l.c bi
lkers 2,' tinsmith 2, surveyors 2, atone
I, engineer 1, carpenter 3, teacher 1,
1, curriers 2, gentlemen 2. Total 100.
Wo or Dkothkk Hon William D
in, . 'recently eb?cied Secretary of this
inwreatth, i a brother ol Hon. Charles
n, Secretary of the Senate ol Massachu
nd ol lion. John H. Callinun, Secretary
Senate of New York all Whigs, A
brother, Ja Calbttin, was ' a loeofoeo
te for the 7th (the only Why) OWtrict
ie. where lie hold highly lucrative
Clerk of the Courts. Another brother
In Cincinnati, another in New York,
chants, c belie vl-, and. still onnthcr, i
npn II. ("alhiitin, is tho eminent and de-
sioiiary tuSyrjs.. Springjit-U ( Mass
r- - . . . ...
J; ' . ' '' ' : 1 " ''
loi.nit . A new process has just been
ind brought into use in this city, by
might and cast iron and ateel can be
oldeivd at tin', en that in a abort time
lave men 'rambling' round after the
r the, travelling linkers, bearing in
small furnaces, and making the air
itli "any iron ware to mend.'" Nvw
rest. r ,,;
girl seven year of age, daughter of
Hook, of Philadelphia, died ol hydro'
jv days ago. She was bitten by a 'dog
ait,' supposed at the time to he rabid,
al remedies were then retorted to,
Chests Countt Thit btnk givet
it has issued new notes, differing
I ones in tbit respect they are all do.
ind the 5's 10's and 20'a have the
issue," printed in red hik on the
higher denominations are all printed
... .-, ' . , ,
latiou of Tbicnixville it stated by tbe
3,337. This it a great figure for
porated town. It it still increasing
', os in fart oil the townt and villa
illey of the Schuylkill.'',,, '',
n Bams The assets of thit broken
unt to f 156,000 which pitted against
how iu uotet to be almost worth-
Indian Ykgktablb Tills Tbit
I medic isa ia founded on the prtncl
hnman frame it subject to BUT
,SF., vir. : corrupt humors, which,
; iu the general mast of :be circuit
earn f all kinds of Fever, and
in the various parti of the body;
very malady incident to man.
member ed,, tbat the humaai body
idapted to each other, and that by
id and corrupt humors (the, cause
entirely removed, and tbit in an
el manner. ' 1 . ' 1 . "
To avoid couuteift its, purchase froaa
i fin abow a rr.rtifiiate of. ggrpry..
vs landing nf Willlam-Penn fand
rla on the boi with (he Ut timi'let
to. To be genuine, they must be
t nntsre and all. Beware of eoun-
llrtH., ( ' '. .;;',.,,,'(
uine fr tale by, Utsav MAstaa,
ii nbury, and other ageota, publish
art of this paper. ",
"oiii), .....
b of Northumberland, on the ilth
rife of Mr. Daniel Voorbit, aged
place,' on tba 10th init , Misa E
1S, aged about 38 yeart. , . ,
place, about two weeka ago, JO
e Ut Joseph Everett. Esq dee'd,
plara, oo the 10tb init., MAIIV,
a Foutt, aged n.t yean.
Iae. on tn ?0tb lnst.,'FXl.EN
of tbt late Ueorc Smith, dee'd
place, On Monday last, JAMES
the lata George Smith, dee'd, a
ars. .
lace, on Tuesday last, Mr. W1L
(V, tbvUl 75 yeH.
5 1 IT' fiinir (itiitirl. t ( 1
; ..Ct'3 i Vi i ': Mukbav, 24, 1918.
Grair. Wheat i' inactive light sale a!
$131" a II 40. Corn Is worth CSc per .? lbs.
for yellow.. Rye It nominal at 60c. Oatt are
scarce, and readily command 48c. ' 1 ii
Cloverseed is steady at 4 a J.
Whiskey it more active ; a private tale in
bbla. at 35c. . i r ,r
CimtrUd weekly by Henry Stamr.
, WmtAT... ... .. , , , ., J0
. Rta, , ',' Y ... . ; . '
Coan, . . . . . ; . ; . . 60,
Oats. . ' ,', ... , fl - . 40
BoTTta, t , : . 10
V'.IIOS, I , , . . , . 10
FLARSfttll, .(. .. . : . '
Tallow, . .. 10-
BtatwAt, 'o
FLAl, ..' . .. ' -1.8,
HitcKian Flat, ; ... . , . 10
. Dai hi Aepuc, ).,; r ' T5 ,
. Do. . Prachks, . .. . - , , IB0
. No. 40,',
Soi th Fot'RTii Street, A dove Ciiktnit.
Philadelphia, Jan. S9ih, 1848 '
Orplmiis sl'ourl Sale. :
TN pursuance of an order of ihe Otphnna' 0 i-1
of Nnrihomleiland coun'f, will le dd at pub
lie rata, on Tuesday the 22d day of Felruarv m it,
at Kan cV. U. ruf rea ei'n t4iie, in Petersburg, viz.!
a rriiain'tr rt of lai'd situate in 8hamkin town,
ehip, in said rounty, containing 1 8 acre more or
1e, on wlili h are eiertei a on aAd a half flnrv
log dweDing bou e, a. log statde. and a fruit or
chard; adj lining land of Solomon Fecely and J.iS.
Vaiihnui Late the estate of Catharine Lancif
cus, dec.M. ' ' ' ' ' '' '
Sale to commence at I oVock, P. f.. of snij
day, when the terma of nte will he mule known
by "" .-..... ' HB.XRT KELLER.'
By order of i he Court. Admr.
. r, t EDWAHD OYSTER, Cl'k.
J n Sad, IK48. St
.'Executor 8 JVoticc.
NO t'ICE i hereby piven. that le'ter testnmen
isry have lieen granted to the aulwcrihcr.
on lUo eslai of E'.ienrzer (rreenouch, dec'J., bile
f Mnrihumlerland county, l y Ihe Keglnler of ukl
county. All person h iving claims gainl said
estate sre hereby warrird to exhibit the Mine, ii
their vouchers, lo the nubantibers ( and all indclH
ed to aaid extate am ontified to py audi debit.
The tiusiitrii of xaid estate will be attended to
at the oIice formerly ofsnid E. (Sreenough, dee'd.
A. (. (iREENOUtJH, Eveculrix,
W.I (iKEEjNOCGH, Executor.
Sun' wry, Jon. 15th, 1848. Ct ...
X Good Tenant ;
IN Union t'ouny, miles west of New Berlin,
nn Per.ns Creak, 1 About 90 acres are cleared.
Tiinlier Land niilTirient. Tho ptnmitf will be
rented three or four yraro, on shares, t.i a suitable
temnt. Insoire of , r HUGH BELLA?...
. Snnbury, January 8. H48.3t - - -
rilHE Mlnwing letter just comedo hind, and
A' will he-read with interest.' Ths patient softer
etl intolerably,' and could find no relief until be
need Dr. 8wtr' Cnjsronrn Sxare or Wm
Crirsv. It is e-nainly tho most wonderful fcure
on rrcord ! Read i. " ' ' ' ' : '
Wilmington. N C. Jan. 2lh. 1817. '
D. Swts Dear Sin Having been stmost
niirsculously cured by your valuable medicine, I
think it not more than common grstltude In me to
make one addition to the long list of certific ilea
which yo have received of remsikab'g cures by
your medicine. During the two years preredirif
last Aueual. I was very much distressed bv s ery
laid ndd and racVing enneh, arid during the 'atter
pirl of the time it continue I to glow w rse, and
indeed, in July n,y friends gave me over. haing
tried all kinds of inediclne. said to be good for such
dineise. wliluml the ' leant good ' i fleet. ' I wa re
duced slrnosl to jierfect corpue, ond had scarcely
any fleh upon my and for a long time ne
ver thnucht to rise fiom my bed attain . A friend
nned.ey asked me' If I had Irird Dr. Swmi'i
Compound Syrup" of ' Wnn CHtaar.and advi-ed
me to do so at once, aabe heard that it had worked
a great many Wonderful cures. I tA'dt hi advice,
and after using up several hn'ttr of it, I grew so
much lirHer th it I wss ennbted to leave my bed,
and afirrwaida ti walk atout the house, and co
out mro the street' t Was encouraged by this, and
continued the use ofyour medicine, tnd now,, by
'means of ha wonderful curative powers, t am per
fectly well, and enjoy the use rf all my facullie,
jusi ss much ss if I had never been afflicted in tbe
way I deaciibed to you. I have, written this not
thinking that it wdl st sll intercut yiu, but humbly
hoping tbai ii will bsve its mite of inBuenee in cau
sing your valuable medicine lo l a spread am mg
mankind, sud in assisting to raise you to thut sta
tion which you richly deeive, fir your peiacrr.r ing i
Resuccifily your friehd and admirer, ,,:
...Comment on such rvnlunce as the sb vs is un.
nrt-eiM.'irv. A single trial will place Dr. Kwni' ;
iornirsp ericrjr, nn iir.aai nejonu ine
reach of roinpetition iu jbe rsirsA'ion of rvr p
tient. Rut lis healing virtus will be its best re-
commendation., , ;u. t U ..!..'.'
. entire J l-fHWrn -.a .lernp-. nsv o.ten
bee,, mU l y unprine pled P !
upon tbe eommtviity a souskiUs aKicls. tsialtn t
... .... .
neurl, the whole of tbe name of my preynrslKM,,,
t f.,11- . ,j . . . w i.... .n.i i. i j
neuriy the whole ol tbe nsme oi any preyraraiKan.-i
T fully guard asainst such lss and palpabls Im-j
position, tbs public should shun sll preparation t
pui porting to rontsin Wild Cherry, exespt that i
. , - . . e i. , i-
liearing the signature of Da. II. H wavbb on ecb
b.ttle. Ths nsme of Dr. Swaths, in enweiion
with ths ('osnpooiid Hyrup of Wild Ohrrry, bis
never et hnen counterfeited. Ko if persons woukl
bear in mind Uie name of Da. Bwavss. ikey may
bs rur of obtaining the oiiginsl and genuine arti
cle. . . .. I 1 Vi ,l"
. Beware of the worthier BslsAms,' Hittrs.
'Syrups,' Ae, ss they contain none of ths virtue
of lbs original preparation, i; i'. '' -
The (uriginal snd only) grflnine wrtiele la ire
pared by DR. 8WAYNE. corner of Eighth and
Rsee streets, Philadelphia, and for sals by sgents
In sll pans uf tbe United Hiaiea, and some parti of
Europe. v
Only Agent In BunbQ7."B'a: "7 ,
' ' . ' '.. fJEOROE BRIGHT.
Dr. J. A. Moore, Psnvillsj T. H. Mackey sV
Ron, Milton , . M. D- d 1. Wejls,' Munry ; C, A.
Wystl, 1-es.lst'Uig; Davis ft, tfchnui', t liingrorc;
John ". Kenn, Line Mounlsin P. O.
i'taUdJjihi ja-SiU. IC-ly
Improved Hydraulic Iump, '
'o Wcllt, Rolling Mitts,' Furnace, other
' " Purpmt. ... - . " ,
THE subscriber rrrpvtfulty announces ti the
public that he ia now prepared to eupply or
der to any extent for bis Patent Double action
Huetion and Force Pumps. These - pump, ars
md of cant iron, and the water ia sucked or for
ced through load pijie.' Fur simplicity of construc
tion and durability of action, they are vattly tape-rim-
to any now in oe. They have roary advwn
tauea over the common pump, among which are
the Mt,)lng :
They are s.l constructed that mischievous per
sons cinntpni! their action by. introducing nail
or spike or any other nhi(anco emiing the valves,
as i often dons with other pumps, thereby render
ing ihcm ua.-lcss till overhauled. They me war
ranted to be peifcctly secure from frost. , Tliry gre
so arrinpo.d a to attord ample proteci ion airaiiist
Fire about the p emi'set on which they are enrlfld,
by imp'v Httaching a "piece of hose, ihro' which
ey win lorce water to any part nt, or ovnr, a
thres story hoese, Tey'ase paniculfirly adapted
tor vt iy deep v lle, as the levetape can be mi re
guliiti'd thrit a rhi'd of tix yeart old run with Ihe
greatest raae draw water villi ihem from Ihe dee
pest wt.llf. . 'I he objection so justly urged by ma
ny, thai w ter is opoidd by stHiiding in pump lq.
is entirely nbviiled in this pump, and waler
can always be as aurely obtained as when drawn
with a bucket, la situationa where it ia ner.aa
rv to r.iise or force larse uumti ie of waler to area!
J ili-iance for supplying boile.r in mills, furnaces.
eve.. Ibeae pumpn are invaluable, ..a they can be
made if any ze, and cnpnble of throwing from
IS til 10110 g illons pi r niiuutn. , . v ,
And to crowu all, they can be sold as cheap as
the clicnpesl. ..,;,,..-.!..
The eiibuCTiber has spent the last year in axp
limi ni nu upon and perfecting his pnni and now
brines them tbe publ e with the fulbut con
fidence that they i he found to anawrr, hi 'e
scripiinn. , He lakea p'ea-u.e in rcfeirtng to the
follow ng roinpimiea and individualis Upon whose
pri mise. hi uinp hava been erected, sud who
have exposed their satisfaction iu the highest
terms : . -.
'I he Montour Iron ("ompany. Danville, H. Bro
voort. rnirnl; the Blnnniabsrg Railroad Iron Com
pany. Bloninsburt-. Col. Paxton. agent j the It.iuch
and Ready Iron Work", Danvilte, H.ilinick. Foley
t Co., proi'iielor ; the town ('iOincI nf Berwick t
imnn P, Kii'f Esq., and John L. W aim hi, Esq ,
Danville. ,. ,
He could refer to msny 4lbers, ho have tested
tbeii qual ties, but the aUivr lespeclable tirnn and
imtividuals are deemed sulTicicnt.
fXj- An nxonment of J.EAD PIPES constant
ly on hand, which will he sold on ihe most reason
able temis. All ordo mldisnaed lo the su!icri!er,
st Moore iV Biddle'a Foundry buildings, or Mon
lour Houao, Danville, will meet with promnt st
lention. . HOMER PARMELEE.
Jan. 1. 1848. tf. ., l; . , ... . ;..
'Pence with Mexico !
Q2J vT ST S3 L LSjCd
I! FORMS the public thst In order lo bring o
bout a peace with Mexico, he manuf irturea all
kinda of Kifb-s, Double and Single Barrelled Shot
Ouns, and Double Barrelled Revolving RifliS, at
hi- manufactory st ILdtowine' Run,, Lower Au
gusts township, Northumlr,ind county, all of
which he will warrant for sig months. Those
who want a first rate article in his line, can be ac
commodated at the shortcut notice and on the ni.inf
reiisnnable term'. Lovers nf sport, give hiui s call.
Lower Augusta, Jan. R. 1818 fun.'
;. , lTrlfflit' Indian Vegetable EMIIm.
Henry Mssser. tunbuy. .' ,,
E. Sl J. KaulWin Augusta tnwnahip.'
lohn H. Vinci nt, Chillisquaque.
Kane St Beigstreeeer, Elysburg.
tjunwl Herb, Little Mahonoy, , ' ' '
William Deppen.
Ireltnd and Haynes, McEwenaville,
William Heinen Si Brother, Milt. n.
Fouythe, Wilson & Co., Noithuuiberland
.lames Reed, Potlsgrove.
O. V. Scott. R.i-hville. ' '
W. cV It Fegely, Shsmokintnwn,
Rhodes cV. Farrow. Snyderatown,
Amos T.,UeiaeU,TurhuUvilic.
Bmneville HoUbue, Upper Mshonoy. (
J.hnli'Renn.' do " do., '
E. L. Pijer, Watfontown. '"
Who'.esidi'i at the office ard general depot, tf!9
Rarest.. Philadelphia. Dec. 18, 18'7. ly
. 1 Anotlior Farm v :
. :" EL-X-IXi ,SS3
FlHE heirs of John Yocum, dee'd.. nflir for ssle
JL all bat Fiirni of tjieir situate in Riiainokin
tuivimbip, Noitbumbi rbmd county, nar Snufl".
town, and adj. lining Ihe old Stanibach tand ,in
said (ownship. cotltaining shout two hundred acrra
more or lei, in a good i.i's .f cuitiv.ii ion. ..Tho
Rail Road from 8unbury to bhamokiutown passes
through it. For pariii-ulMt enquire nf ,
HCCH H. TEAtS. Snuff'nwn.
orlnHX FAK.SWfirrH,tui.bury,
Dee. 11, 1847. or sny nf tbe heiri
31 crclia ii t Ta ilori n. .
RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends sod
the puldio that be has just rvtbaird from
1'hiljdelpt is. wiih s grnersl sssnrtmen of g ml,
suitVda fv awfl an J children's wsr, which will he up la order, t sold u lbs most rssMinable
lerms, conitiii(r, in pari, of .' i. in1
t'mrltwb,' Fiencb, and A mr Heart Oolbs, m It
da do- 'e do''' ''esniniers,' !' '.
T . rl . L. 1 V 1. 1 f - e . I I'll
f Vtlmn., . . ,,,.,
t;hme. S.Ik VeUel.H.iin & Val.neis Vesungs,
. ., . ,. , .,:,, i L:.
iriTRI 1,1 KB. . IHrStlll UWI K1S. ......
". H'" fZZZZEki, V II iilUCl'-il
Lsniliswoi4 soil Mins blurts aini)iwaea,w
r . j
oTok 7ieT
p. Hf, I '
""I"'' "'
a getierdi saiio1
lira' Cloaks. Sa.. i
lenerdl asnriinent ol I runmutgs, Arc, ate.
..... . ' 1 - m
Cutting will be done, free nf fbrg. Jor. persons
purchasing goods of bun whicW They-w rah to uiaku
P themselves, snd persona inding tlldl own goods
will be srcommtulatrt a hec;iC rsj IJefiarrs
his arknowlrdge'rpi nia tp bia frirnda for f'tmsr
luinage, and. lesjectfully solicits a poiiiiuuaocs of
theoanse. , ...,, ... t. . , , ,.
Hs slsn informs the public.', thit he, hat taken
Mr. JOHN U. BRICIiT. iulo co-ptrtosrabip, snd
bat ths businraa will hereafter Iw conducted under
ihe firm of a At Bbisut, . , t. . .
fXj- All kind of Country Pivdnoe laVitv'
highest msikiil prices., , , . , . , , .
Hunbury. Novcrji'itr I3ib, 1847--74m .. .
-Tf L'ST received, himlsjme lot of Clutkt, Cat
9Jr ii'mert, Cartes, Cg; of all kinds, Cum
Shuet, for men, women and children, (irocerie;
Quetntware, and vaikly of ether articles, chea
r lhan evrr, by HENRY MA8SER.
buwburv, Nov. SVtb, 1847.
Indinn VcffolalMc Ianntra.
''; STiLL'ANoritER CuiiE. ;
Mxtssa. RowAnn it Waltos Gentle nert,
It is wiih plejiurs thnt I eivs you ihe
following history of my case, which, from ii -eve.
tity and long coutitiuutice under the lie! medicid
sitcndsnce I could procure, a IT r la s strikiisg iltoi
tralion nf ihe wonderful auperinrity of vour Ur.
CE over all tbe p ipular remedies nf the day.- ,
It was my misfortune to inherit Scrofula, which
mide its sppesrance (as my mother tnf urm d nn )
when I waa but a few month old, but wna ool ro
ry iroiibl.B ime until my 85tti year, when it at link
ed niv rinhl etb iw. and stiffened ihe ioinl. A' out
eiHl .year, after thia, it. appearance on !
my srm again, almost rovmlng it wrtt ulcen..- . At I
the s.i me lime it attacked my ihioat aUo, (I linn it
with ulcer
My tongue bersnm fnulilfu lv wn.
Ii'it, and a!ino-t as h nd as a piece of wood.
J applied t i nrw of the most skilful physiri in in
Norrixlown, P.S., where t resided at the lime, but
tbe ii incase seemed beyond his lejch. . lie ndviwj
me in come lo I'biUJelphis and consult the I ,te
lr. Parrlsh. I did so, and was under his cue fur
s short lime, when he sdviaed ine lo mum home,
ss my ptiy licinn could do as much for me as ha
conl I, This was coittinly not very encouraning
I returned, and was for foul or five years nit of
Ihe time under neatmenl, when the D tor inform
ed me that bis reaourcr were exhausted, and I was
at liberty to try any thing I thought wouid do ine
good- , . ,
I then to .k O.ikb y's Saraanarill i. which sl first
re, in. d lo do me uood.bui mi nt lo t iin power, an. I
was discontinued. I have t- ki n 9wauii' Pji-'ce.i,
M.irsh ill's. Houck's. Leidy'si "rid oilier pr- pulia
tion nf Sarsiparilla, wiih.ul efT ct. My throat was
still ulceintrd, nn palate entirely carried aw.iv, my
f.iea and nose, much swollen, sud exceedingly pain
ful. ... i ' .,'
Thus ma't'-rs t.od in Jmorry hat, whsn I con
meoced with Dr. Ca LLka's Imiian VkoitAStK
I'ar ACS, and I frankly eouf-si, if your medicine
h il r quiird Faith lo ensure s cure, it would have
failed in; my esse; for . I hud tried so much Irish
that my coiitideuc in medicine was gone ; sud il
was only s drowning man will .grasp s t-lrsw.
IhHt 1 eoiniiienceil w III t.u rauarea,
But strange as it may ani-cir. the infinnimntion I
and sorems wore slrnost rnlirely rem ved in 30 I
hour, satisly inc mo that I h.d not hold of a med
cine wbiib I bad not urd lief s. itd which would I
ru:e ine Mv autli'ipaii.iu have to a'l npi e.irnn-e
b-en rral ycd, for am hrsitbier than I bav been
for sevrnteen years. My skin ha a-sniiie-l s bel
tby iipre iraiice. My head, which had iroiibleit me
for so many )ens, i now tree from all dts.icr e ib'e
sensations , my lliroat is sound ; and so far as I
rsn . jvnUe, the dlsea ia c. mi pb Ii ly eraJicaled
froin mv system, . , . , .
I shall be happy to give any furtber iuf.fmaiion
o any who chooe n call UMin me at my re'.le;K.-e
in Poplar sireei, first hou-e eai of KlubtU slreot,
north side. , JOSEPH UARBOLK.
Pbiladi lpbia, June S I, IH4G.
Certificates of curea, in pnrophlet foioi, may be
had ('ratis, st the nfliers of the agent.
. Tl is meiliciue ia prepared and sold by ihi
proprietor, Row and. V Walton, fio. 376 Mailer
street, I'hildelp'iia. ',. ,
rW W Danriihuwer. No I Murray rt. N Y.
c j J W Danenhower, No I O F Hall, Ciu.O.
.f T Jenkins, No 58 Canal st, N Orlesns.
N Robinson, cor Cv 4 rs flogs its. Halt.
Agent: II. M AS3EU. Ciuubury. ,.
i it m;ii..... i ,i.i a: , it....
lin; Mr. Musscr, Mdilietni, Sharps D. Lewis. I
Hold also by Druggists lUronchout the United
tMtte. Dec. 4. IS17. Uiu. I6v
ITftl" T & FT TP j
GREAT JJARfJAINS may yet hehaJ at Pre-,
' ox's Stubs, He still his a large anor ruent
nl litKxle. which be will sell at Jrl cot, lining d
terrnined to dicnt'ioi ihe bnine, h will sell
vi ry low. . A saving of 25 ur 30 per cool, can be
mails by puchiug sl bis store. Cll and Diam
ine fur yoursslves. Ait kinds of cxtinlry pr.i
duce liken, sl ihe. bigtiea ina.ket pries,
fuuhury, Dccf mher 4lti, 1817 tf .
IMII.K t:ilMI'm.,.AtJ. f.r fie cue of
A-c. This Medicine i. off red to the public under !
the siStirance (hat there is no article in existenre f
listing stronger claims to their Conidernli n He.
ing compounded by a tegular flradiitite i" Ji tier- I
son College, I' Ln I a lilph a. and a praitiaing phi. i
ciiin of twenty years ttandii g in I'liit .dolplu i.bis
Injur rxrwrienee has confirmed him in tbe inornon I a rnmpound medicine was required to prevent i
ami remetiy iub in nnnaiinn pr uucrii ny n snniig
in low, miasmatic climules, an I to counter irt tbe
pro trsting mrliienm t of many riervona eisonlers
with which the human family are afflicted. '
DK.'ALLKN is s well known pl.tsiiim, and
hat used tbs sbsvs medicine in bi praclhe for 8
yeara with the most astonishing effect, having tes
ted its qusliib'B in shoe. ; c .-. i .
No medieine rvor teeeived morn fluttering re
commsiidationi from physicians of eminent t Hid
ing than hss been best owed on this, '
rtN I'livrfiirtRMi'i.-s: a ui,,.,ri 1t...(...
sor say.-. i chielly srise in who lead 1
either a very sodenter'y or ireegular l.fe. Althoueh
not regard, d as a disse; yet if neglect, d er
imnronetW tresred. may bring 'nn iiaeunbls M.
l.inehnlyi aundire, ' Madness, or Vettlgo, Pa'sv f
and Aneolexy. A sr. at amgulariiy attendant a r
il in, itint it may s sd ofien doiai ruiilmue a crest
length of trine without sny remission of thesymp
oros.- -' ' ' '
,, CAUSE. ftrlef snd oneaslsrss of rn'nd, ins
trnj study, profu'S evacuations, excess in venrry,
Cicesslvs use of spirituous liquors, t , tobacco; o
piuin. snd other vrarCotica, ' lintnmlesate repletion,
over diietiiHi o the Hivmirh, deficiency of the
secret inn of ihe bde or gistrte 'juice, expomue is
eutd and d imp sir, srs ihe chief causes of this dis
ease. 1 .. ' : '' "'.. .i s .1
S V MPTOMtt. Loss of tppelits, nausea, heart
bum, seiitvy,'nd fesUd eriicuisshs,' gnawing of
Ihe atomseh Whn emy, Mnessiness in the lliroal,
pai in tbe aide, coliveni s,- chilluen,' lunguor,
lownesa cl spirits, p-ilptlatloirs, snd' disturbed
sleep'-na t a !i V i., no i n .. ' . i . . i a ! (i
TAOLIf OUmrOUM) his never failed in at
ding immedists relief, tnd a radical cute for I hit
dtaeaas. 1 : ...i .j ... : -.'. .f '
' rXj" This Medicine esn be had of H. D Mas er,
Runhuryt J. C Murtin, P.ut.vtll ,, Med sr Si
Bicksl, Orwlgsburg and of Druggists gensnlly.
- V " ALLEN &. WARD, Proprietors.
Phila-lelplils, Nov. 27, t(M7. q ly i u ' '
For Sale.
THE BRICK HOUSE in Sunbuiy. itfihosub.
aciiber, uow occupied by Mis Morris. ' For
iSToi apply to W, 1 Dewsit, E q., or lo nivwlf.
W. it. K.MITH.
Northututieiliiid, Otlolet 9, 1817. U
, " '-;- !-!t-iC13
P H I T; Af R IP ff A
EiinbUtied lo yeart ag, by Ur. KINKEUN.
I'ht nldeM, anrsat and best hand 1 1 cure all forms
of seen t disease., iliatnisiM of the skin and
, solit.iry balnts of.ynnili, i :
I K J N K K I,!
X. IV. hirnert,f "J ,lnj ', tf, Iwu-rtn fiurnee
VOtNO MEN! if ou value your if or your
he ilth, rrmember, Ihe d. iV of a inomli, r,
even a week, may prove yimr ruin, both of body
and mind. II mice lei no fdl.e nio,leeiy detei ou
from m.iMnit your rase known lo one who. fron,
edbcaimn nnd reieclnliility, c m atone h-friend otu
H who placet liiinsrlf under Dr KINKF.Lf.VS
tresimcnt, rimy irliBi nislv confide in his honor a
s cen lemin, and in whn e booin will lm forrvnr
in" "r",c! 'P .
' ",' m"'y ,,l,,"k ""7 "8
luraed the secret nf the patient
' I i many think tbny will hits the s.-crel to tJirt.r
own hearty and cure lliirrwlv', AU! how ul
ton is ttiisa ftal di lnsj,,u. and how ni iny ,s pro
mi4iinr youiig man, who 'might tuve iH-en an orua
metil to society, hna fnded f'nm Ibo eiirthi '"
finding it ii conr. jiterir lo nuke pn'inat apfdlea
ii il, can, bv alutinc Iheir ciae explicitly t liiee'her
with all Ibclr tyinpioms. (per b fee post paiil,") Imvo
forwiirded lo ihcm a ebeet comainir.g Dr. K' me
dicities sppr pri fed rrnrdiulv. .
Package of Mi diuines forwarded to sny psrt of
the United Nintea at .a momentV notice.. I ;
35" Post run lsttf sa, add eased to Pi' Kits
nr. i.t a, Philndrlpl ij. will Iw promptly a'tended io.
,Ort. 30lh. 1847 ly , ... t i i. , .,
"Secure the Shadow tre the Subslanec
Fader . ; ', , .
' C (H,MS ( KLntUATLII ,
121 12 o Ola LI OS UCC
TWO KILVi'.R MEDALS mrnr.lrd nt the Fair
. cf llic. Franklin ami Atneriran IniU'hifiufnr the
bent orirf mutt srtiatical yMeirHC;is nf ' Jhtgirtrrro
tife 1'urtrniti ' ' '
""IHE rcul Mnpmveineiits made by the SubKri
M. ber. and which i- peculiar In their etHblih
inii i alone, vial llftrr l.-'ght,B rnreived the
highest reconimendHil.iiis from ihe Pre4, and also
iilen leamn'MmW fron I lie first artists in the
country, a lo ita nieriority 'ov ihe usual
Side Light, The peculiar sdv.uiinae of this l.ieht
is tbat the Natcbav KxpHr.sius or -rns Eta
can benb'Hined inure perlec Iv thuti heretofore.
Cj ''' sens sod stninjers are respectrully iui.
ted, whettirr desiring I'or nil or tint, lo visit our
sp iei oi c iHeiti s, probably the lnrcet and most
exien-ue in iImi I'mted Siuly, - and examine for
tlifiiiselws '.bo asloiiisbi.ig nnprovemenla rnmte by
tbe suliH'rdH'rs in this w.iinlerlul r.n. ' '
Proprietors of the tliiy D.inui rrran Entnhlish'
oient. No. 100 I'l.ttnnii sired., two do its above
Third. oull si.le. "
Phi adilphia. Oil. 0. l17 4m row ' :
" " y iia: Qi: 7."ii ...
Wat c I irs cV,sl c vq I o ry.
. Full Ji welled (iuil Ltrrrs jr fir), H'ttrriencif
AV. Stfl. jtf.frrrf iwl. FHILAILLI'H IA ,
AS coc atan'ty on )ind a Uie h.ortnn'nt of
tio'd and Silver the following
low pnrr -
Full Jewelled Co'd Lev. rs, ' ; ! f 10 00
' - ISitver do ' 20 P0
Hold Lepinee, full Jewelled, ' ' '80 00
Silver Lepinea, ) i 00
,,, V. , .
00 and 10 0(1
of Fix Jrwinmr.
such as ear rinijs, finger rinus lir-ast pins, brace
let sold and silver neilriU. .-old c!lMinS. A-e ' Han
slso on bund seomidete asoitrnerii Lunette, patent
ami plain Watch irtssse, Mun fprine. Verges,
and II .ndfl of evrrv denrrilitioo : ami hi f ,er
' t . ... . l M ' . . I . .. .1 . . .1 I
M rilOlfW i!nillr ,., Uli lJIII.STl lU'liq BflO
W.itch Materials to which he w uld e:ill the at
tention of the eonntry ir ide in geneial. " '
" 0 J Tbne wishing Hiiyibing in the shove line,
would find it to their advantage to ca'l and eij.
mine hie stork hefoie purr'iasing elsewhere.
' ' No.S41 Market ih et. below 8th
Ph la'eljdii., H pt.S6, 1817. fim "
' . s tii at ; ' '
... - - stHitnrrt i .1 ' - -
,i ! t' emu. s ! tjs i '' a
. ' ,. , L! ARK IV : t
,. , litl, THS WOMR ur Til i -'.
v , riKSTHOvss Ma bikv tiers, ..
-, ths. colon or riiMinfTKis ' hats; 1
. f it a sooss r iuu.
UK Vol' MOrilElil YiMirdsilingrhit.1,
' jf,,,",
your idol and eurlhly j v, ii now perhaps
lo her rhaofber by a dan our oils' c.dd her
pale cheeks, b or ism sbiunkvn fingers, tell the
li dj idi ease has already gained upon ber tho
sound nf her sepulchral couuh pieirrs your soul.
Y'Ol'NtJ MAN, when just about to enter life,
JiseatiS abriU a heart rrU-hmg I li!lt over the fair
prospect of the future your beetle cough and fee
ble limb tell of your loss and hope, but you used
not tkupsir.H There 1 a balm which will heal the
wuumled lungail U .. ' V. r ' , i". n
S II K 11 5I A xs - -i
Ai.L-iiKAiaiNc; hai.sam;
,. ..Mrs: ATI'ltEE, thewif.i of Wm." H. Attree,'
Esq. wss given op by Dr. ShwhII of Wsfbington',
D a. Itoe and Mrt;ietlan of i'hiladtphta. Dr.' Roe
""1 l,r- M',;t of Nw , . Hef. ""'lend all
' he must die. She had every apHMirince
'f-'"-nig in consumption, and was so pronrtur ccJ
her pin si. i ins KtiertniiiV Balsam wit givcrt
id it rured ber; 1 '- ' ' - ' '
Mrs. HARUABU V.NTZ, of Hull's Fctry, was
a!ai cured of consumption bv thil Vilsam when
all rtttwr remedies fa-led to gue relisf s'ie was re:
duced to a skeleton. Dr. A.' O. Cistle, 1. nti.t
2sl llroadjuy, ba witness J its effects In Several
ci-4'S where no other medicine siT.udcJ relief but
lbs Balsam operated like a rbaiin. Dr. P. also
wilneisi-d ita wonderful ell. ct III curing Asthma,
which Mjirvei fjils of doifig. Spilling Uoo!,'alar-
niins a lit mav he. i effectually cured by tbl B!
Isam. .It heal lite ruptureJ or woimdeJ Vl.ioJ
easel, and mate ths lung touiitl again. ,,
1 Rev. H EN RV JO.NE8, 10S Eighth ivnrroe,
wat cun d of cough and cataubnf lT.c"inni el 50
twn s'snding. Ths first dose gsvs hirn m ra rw
lif than sll the other medicine he tiad ever takrii.
Dr. L.t J. ll 'iln, 19 IV'smy lrel. gavs it to a
sirier-m-law who wss (shoring un.fer iompi!in,
and In snotber surety sftl ct d wiih lha Asthma.
In both rssts.its rlfia-t were Imbwdiats, ''soen-ytv
storing thi m to coinf.ifltibht-'beslkh.t t!
. Mr. LUC RE II i WKLLba 6 Christia stia
AUtd red (10m Asibm 4'J. yssr. r-heiwi' JWV
iii reaVyed her at oorsi, snd she is coJipratiefy
well, teitlg enabled : lo swtdue every attm k by
timely -ii of Ibis mtalu-rne. This indas-d is that
gretl rainedy (ul Cuttgbs.' Colds, tjpaUmg,
Liver .'prnpliiuis, slid ssll lie 10 ctioo of the
throat, and even Aatlims and t'oiuotp i-ni.
, . Price SS cents and (t tx r botil.
Dr. Sherman Cough and W onn LbSfAigos, snd '
Poor Man's 1' lasts r tolj aa klras.
Dr. Sberrasn's uJW-s ia at H' Nsasas t. N. Y.
Agent, JOHN YOUNU.uobury. . ,
M A. MC AY. N.rtbuniberl.inJ,
Ssjuniei llsU, U17. ly
rilME Hitldr-n hefau in try for Shermsn'a Lis
JL gi nee. Tbe name was not a loud sl tbat
time, hui it la kept increasing ever sl'ire, and n r
haa become so grat thst ihe mouths id" the linbi
ones rsn sores, hw sioppod. Dr. Sherman ymps.
th tes with ihe little sutfi-rera, snd an ry much 'e
ere thst sny of tnem should be dissppninted
Knowing the vasi benefit which has been cor fer
red upon the couioiuaily by the introduction uf
his inlalbbtn
he haa entered into srrangemenrs for emaigina hi
Manufactory, by moans of which he think he will
be able t supply the demand. , And Ihe same fains
and care will be taken, lhat these celebrnled Lo.
l. L
,,Km n ma. if bs mey navs always ncen, in or
der lhat thoae who depend upon jhem, may not bit
disappointed in their hopes. Ha knew when ln
comiiienred ths manufacture or the Worm Losrn
get, that ihy would supersede ihe use of evirv
other vermifuge, s (he Lozenge is very ienn,t,t
to ihetaHte,.frriin its efTed. ns well as- certain,
and the qu nunv teqnired to effect a perfitt eur;
is very smill. Theae propritirs, in connexion wi It
the f ct thst they are fid f,.r 25 cents per box. thus
pl iring them in ths reach of the poorest man in
the land, hi not only caused them to tnl.r- the
place of every other vermifuge ever hliVted, 'but ul
so rendered them popular lo tbe community.
Ur. Mtiernioti'a
continue to cure Cough. 1 iKls, t.onruinpt ori,
Asthma, shnrtneaa and difficultv of Breathing and
other ilisca et of the Ltini, wfth the suno f.ici:i'y
they did on their first introduction, and the pnpb
have uow become persuaded by actual ep. lieoce, on the of a l ght cold, tliey .
only to Step to either the Dr's. r.fTtce, or one.of Ihe
Agents, and obtain a box of his Comh 1. -serge,
wh'ch sro very a:oiivi iiint to carry in tl e porket,
and lo lake a few.lluuugh the d.iy. By pursuing
this course a cure is often eflecteJ in 2t hours, and
the patient about hi busin ss. So great tiie ce
lebrity nf the Ler.enges, that thousanda if persons
who have used them,. and become eoo.n.iinted with,
their tIT. ct, will never be without them.
Sll 1'll-tl A V
hascuied more cases of Hheumatism, Pij 1 in tho
Back, Side snd Chest, Lumbago and W.ikru.
than any application thai has evrr been made. Aa
the celebrity of the Plaster has Incteasnd, hundred
of unprincipled rsculs have attempted In counter
feit it, snd pilin it T upon the community a- tint
genuine. rj" Beware of Deception. Keniwii-ln-r
lhat the true and genuine Plaaler ia spread ui
on reddish paper ninde expressly for the purpose,
and in every care the signature of Dr. thotman ia
print, d upon the back of the FUoter, snd ths wlmlo
seemed by Copy Right. Nono others ar genuine.
Theiefore wlen you want a real good Sln rma.11'
Poor Man's Piaster, end ot the office, 10G Nassau
street, sr.d you wi; not be diaappninted. '
Remember tho numbt r, 106 Nn m w.. wbe e
all Dr. iShermatiYLozangea are seld. Hi Agrn w
are Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton s'reet, U mklv n ;
Hincfcon, Williamsburg; and Red.lirg Sc Co.,
Boston, sud JOHN VOCNO, Hunbiiry.
M. A. McCA Y, Northunduilun 1.
Keptember 1 1 th. 1817. Iv. ,
1 t's. x mills vk 'Jiisi: rn'
Hums, Scalds, and all kind oj rJ.iJiuinr-i
Snrrs Cnred.
' I. the most romp'e e Burn Amidoleeaer known .
It inslan'lv, (mid as if by .Magic) stops patiM if tb q
tno-t drstwrato Burns an. I iSc.ilJ-. I'or old f -.-f ,
ttiu ar. Cots Sprain, Ac, on man or l east, ii j
the bent appbrvitinn cm be' made. Tivnisuic's
hive tried and ihotisvruU prM-e it.- r i tho ni .-t
ptif Ct master 'i f utiu vr discovered. All w'no
lise recommend it. Every family nh u'd bo
dedwit'iit. None can ta ll how io:iii some 1 f tbe
family may need it.
dj' Olwerve km ii box of ihe genuicf Oim mora
haa ihe name ol S. Torsrt writtm on thy o ilsiJ
hibel. To iniitite thit is forgery.
" Bout men. Livery Men, Farmei. and all vhrts
Hortes, will find this Ointment the very i-r iking
they cm uc for Collar C.ilU, Scrati lies, K ic'
Ac, on Ihrir animals. Surely evcrv nie'eiftd
would ke-p bi animals sa free fiom puni 1 possible-
- 'l'ouey' Universal Ointment u all iku is re
quired. Try it.
UlTES OF INSECTS. For the sims p, b i?
of poisonous Insects, 1 ouary's Oirilirvtil ia unrl
va'lej. Hundred hv Ined it an I found it good
. PILES CURED ! For tbe Pi'. Toussy's li
riiverfcal Oin'mcnt is one of lle West lleiiiid ey thil
can be spidied. All whobavo tried it foi the Piles
recommend it.
OLD bORES CURED. For old olalmaia
8ora, lliere is no'hing njual to Touse', Oujis .
ment. A person. 5n Mantiu hsd. for a number of
yers, a sor leg that balfie.1 the skill of Ihe iloetor.i. 1
Tossey' Ointment wm recooiniended by -os vt'
ihe visiting p'.iysicians, (who knew itagieal virtu-.)
and two boxes produced mora benefit than the pa- 1
Item hud reciavcd froiu any slid a I pieviou lemea
dies, lt sll try it.
of Case nf Barns snd A-alds,- in oil pirta of the
country, Uave sen cur.d by Tousey't I'litamsal -Ointment.
I Vrtifirate enough could be had lo fill. ,
the whole nf this shre'.
as (-n liinioniastan favor of Tnus.-)' tl.ntnwnt
for curing Uisise. have been, oft" red tb pnirN
titra. Huudredi in H) rscu-e will certify to it great
merit in relieving the pain cf the most severe Ilrui.e
AH person should try it.
' (SCALD . HEAD CURED. Sores of r.Msef
Scald Head have been curej by Tou.-ey's Onij,
m,cnt. ' Try it It seldom fails.
' 8ALT 8HEUM CURED. Of sll the remedlea' '
ever diacoverrd f ar this most souipWinU
TOutey' .'i'vergl Ointment is the niosi complete.
It never was kn w n to fail. '
Tbusey's L'nivera! Ointment will always eu a id st ,
Wor-I cases of Chaj -pod Hauda, Staul uf jrni ,
will stale this. "
I 'VORB I.ll tnict.ii
For the tors of ft 01 a
l.tpa, ibere wss evarr sny thing raids etjual to 'J'ou-
aey's Ointnient. It is sure 10 curs ihem. liy it.
11 It is s scientific comound,'warraiiled not I.t ci n-.
sir sn prepealPrt of Msrrury. Q Piir
Cent par bos. 1 Co lurlliur ptmrruUt eonce m'tag
tins relly va'ujbls Oiutojeut. ths public ..4e-
red to Pamphlet, to lie hid gratis, uf resjiac i1 Ii
Uiyggtstt and Mcrthsiil througnuut tbs UntsJ
flstes.'i' .- aju.isi 1 .--
Prr,rsJ by ELLIQT ii,T0U$E.Y, Drajgajw-s,
Syracuse. For sale by 1 , , . ,
JOHN YOUNO, Kr nbiirv,
'1 ' ' ' M. A. McCA Y; Acribrnnbasiartd.
Sept llth, Ut7. ly cow . . . ' "
Trom 10 J fit 45r'fnls per Fuund. Cheap fur
fuift. H'Aofefufe J Retail.
.vukiVkhick. gfhasf.r,
I'pliulstercr r Cacikertal 1'timlejlier,
). 415 Markel fcit., nl)ov HtU .turlli
iJtf, opposite Giranl Uow, . ,
PlllLADni ptn.v
-7IEKE snay . ...(
fa-re '-
.1'inent 1 f
i IVitl,. if.
t !iin. '
d v:
a, foitoJi
'd-ae. , I
1t' 1
li kil.g tusJ.,ioj.tUsi writ . t I eioe 'ti-l- r lr
(be liisu of Uusiui , si th Urreat cssli bt
sa. .
N. D
odt watrttitfd ts g;., tit'uftuin
,l.35iU. 1M7. am